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PRAFUL KUMAR VAISHNAV Email: vaishnav.mnit@gmail.

Phone: +91-8130266519 A-1110, Gokulam Apartments
Kanakpura, Bangalore. 560029


Looking for a challenging role in a dynamic organization where my skills and experience in
application programming help in selecting and creating effective IT solutions.


Adobe India (Member of Technical Staff) June 2013 - Present

Project: Web Application for Automating Build Process

Description: Designed and developed Web Application for managing the build process
which is extensively used by many products of Adobe for security purposes. Build process
is automated and handled through triggers like code check-in. We mainly used driver-
worker architecture to process the jobs based on messages. Followed various web
application security practices.

Environment and Technologies: J ava, J SP, J avaScript, J Query, HQL, Handlebars,
HTML, CSS, Servlets, Perforce.

Frameworks and Tools: Spring, Oracle SQL Developer, Hibernate, J PA, Tibco, J MS

Project: Dreamweaver (a web design and HTML editor software)

Description: Developed features for providing J SON file support in the Dreamweaver
application. Implemented different code coloring schemes for J SON files. Currently working
on the latest feature in Dreamweaver which provides rendering of PSD (Photoshop
Document) file, extracting its features like css, font, color, etc., and using them directly in
web development. Various activities carried out by user is logged to understand its
behavior and requirement.

Environment and Technologies: C++, Backbone.js, J avaScript, Perforce

Frameworks and Tools: Visual Studio


Languages: C, C++, J ava, J avaScript, PHP
Web Technologies: Servlets, J SP, Handlebars, BackboneJ s, Twitter Bootstrap, J QueryUI,
Enterprise Technology Frameworks: J PA
Database Technologies: Oracle SQL Developer, MySQL
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows XP/Vista/7



Client Server Applications

Designed client server model for various operations like file transfer between peers,
transaction processing methods in centralized as well as distributed systems, chat
application between server to client and client to client using various techniques like multi-
threading, different encryption algorithms for security, etc. providing the insight of web
server and application server management.

Programming Language Independent Source Code Plagiarism Detection

Developing language independent source-code plagiarism detection software that can
detect more advanced forms of source code plagiarism across different programming
languages than currently available token-based tools like J Plag, CodeMatch and MOSS.
Along with typical Karp-Rabin string matching based plagiarism detection approach, it
captures actual flow using control flow and data flow graphs to detect if there are
similarities in programs and differing only in constructs or programming languages. It would
handle the problem of renaming, synonymy and polysemy.

Pseudo Code to C Source Code Generator

Designed and developed a translator that can convert pseudo-code to runnable optimized
source code currently in C, C++, and J ava language using compiler design semantics. The
translator leverages Lex & Yacc tool and left recursive context-free grammar for
generating an LALR parser. Pseudo-code is parsed and converted to abstract syntax tree
as an intermediate language which is then converted into source code. The translator is
capable to convert all standard algorithms.

Online Event Management

Designed and developed a database management system that allow customer(s) to search
for the events based on their preferences, calculate the fees which is dynamic depending
on seasons, availability, upload their queries, book for the events. The system also
provides companies with an interface to identify customers interesting in bookings.
Institute Year CGPA/%
Malaviya National Institute of
Technology, J aipur
2009-2013 7.64
(On scale of 10)
Saint Soldier Public School ,
J aipur
2008-2009 84.2%
Saint Soldier Public School ,
J aipur
2006-2007 87.6%

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