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Student Bulletin

Friday 16
August 2013
Week B

Student Payments & Excursion Notices
There has been a letterbox placed on the bench near the student microwaves (canteen) for students to
submit all payments and permission slips.
All envelopes MUST have; Student Name, Home Group, Permission Form enclosed (if applicable)
Reason for Payment
Students are asked to use this letterbox for all future payments or permission forms. Please do not
send payments or permission forms in your home group folder. Payments must be made by the day
indicated on the notice. No payments after 4.00 pm will be accepted.

Excursion Permission Notices
Permission forms are now available on eWorkspace.

Melbourne Writers Festival Co Curricular Mon 26
Aug Thurs 22
Year 10 Formal Fri 13
Sept Mon 26
Year 9 Geography Excursion Fri 6
& Mon 9
Sept Wed 4
Ernst & Young Accounting Excursion Tues 10
Sept Fri 6
Unit 2 Biology Camp Thurs 17
& Fri 18
Oct Mon 16
WMR Intermediate Boys & Girls Hockey Tues 29
Oct Fri 25

Knitting Club
The knitting club will be on Friday lunchtime in G1. Everyone is welcomed to come and have a try. Nina

Intermediate Hockey Training
The next hockey trainings are lunchtime Monday 19th August and Tuesday 20th August. Only students
who come to training receive tournament permission forms! A big thank you to senior players Kritik and
Zoe for helping run intermediate training

Year 10 Formal
Year 10 students are reminded to return their permission and payment to the General Office as soon as
possible if they are attending the Year 10 Formal.

Unit 3/4 LOTE Enrolments for 2014
All students currently enrolled in Unit 1/2 Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Indonesian Second language
who intend to continue to unit 3/4 level next year need to complete an eligibility form and provide
supporting documents to show their eligibility. This is normally a copy of their passport (photo page, first
entry stamp to Australia, Visa) and their birth certificate. Forms will be distributed via rolls or via your
Chinese teacher if you take this in school. All supporting documents and forms must be returned to Ms
Goodridge-Kelly by Friday 13th September.

Unit 3/4 EAL Year 12 students
All students who have selected unit 3/4 English Additional Language will have received an eligibility
form in their rolls today. These forms must be returned with all supporting documents to Ms Goodridge-
Kelly by Friday 13th September.

Year 9 Students Who Have Applied for Maths Methods
In preparation for the assessment on Wednesday 21
August, this is a reminder that the revision
materials, including Extension sheets for the most recent topics, are available on Student Share at
S:\Maths\year_9\methods_entry_exam. The cover of the Revision Booklet lists all of the details of the
assessment, including how to prepare and when it will be.

In addition to the assessment, entry into Maths Methods will also take into account your Maths results
to date as well as your general application to learning across all subject areas. If you would like support
outside of class times refer to the Maths staff room windows for teacher availabilities.

40 Hour Famine
As part of the 40 Hour Famine weeks, there is a lolly in the jar competition being held for the entire
week. Please come to the Agora at recess or lunchtime to lodge your guess. 50 cents per guess or
$1.00 for three guesses

Use of the Auditorium
Reminder: Students are not permitted to use the auditorium without permission. There is no movement
through the auditorium to classes; use the stairs and move through the Agora if youre headed to and
from T-wing.

Students are reminded not to use the space or equipment in T8 or take equipment from the storerooms,
without permission from the Music Teachers. If they require use of equipment they need to seek
permission for this in advance. If they have been given permission to use the space or equipment,
students are responsible for ensuring that the room is returned to its original state before they leave.

Lockers without locks on them or with the wrong locks will be emptied this week.
Students must not go to their lockers during class time without a note, nor may they stop in at
lockers on their way to their next class between lessons. Use your time before Home Group and
after recess and lunch to plan and prepare all the items you need to bring to lessons.

Laptop damage
If your laptop is damaged or malfunctioning you must report this to the iCentre immediately. Do
not delay in having this seen to as this may affect other aspects of the computer, it may be a
hazard to your safety, and it may ultimately increase any costs incurred for repair. As soon as
there is an issue with your laptop, take it to the iCentre.
Students who have been issued with laptop cases must use those cases to prevent damage to

Science Week
Calling all boffins! ITS SCIENCE WEEK! A celebration of all things bubbly, gassy, slimy and explosive!
Throughout this week we will be running lots of activities during recess and lunchtimes: experiments,
demonstrations, guest speakers, films, competitions and more! Listen to the bulletin each day for a
description of whats happening, or check the bright yellow lists around the school.

Calling all boffins! ITS SCIENCE WEEK! A celebration of all things bubbly, gassy, slimy and explosive!
Science Trivia in the Study Centre show what you know!
Chemical Light and Sound Spectacular in S1 crazy milk, elephant toothpaste and more!
Movies in the Study Centre Houston, we have a problem!
Guest Speakers in S3 Emily Nicholls (Monash Uni) and Michael ONeill (Melbourne Uni).
Emily has degrees in Science (Honours in Pathology), and also majors in History and Philosophy of
Science. She will detail her present studies in cancer research and her experiences from her school life
at Macrob, and her tertiary studies at both Melbourne and Monash Universities. She has some gory
pictures to show you of bone marrow form kneecaps, hip-bones and shoulder bones.
Michael has worked in the Genetics Department at Melbourne University, and completed research into
Schizophrenia. He will talk about VCE, then about how he completed his Bachelor of Science. He will
cover study load, gap year, and the opportunities while doing the course. He will also talk about his
Schizophrenia research, and about working in the Genetics Department.

Wyndham Division Athletics
A list of students who have qualified for the Wyndham Division Athletics Competition to be held on
August 27
is on eWorkSpace. Trainings will be held after school on Friday 16
, Tuesday 20
Friday 23
of August. Permission forms will be made available soon.

Year nine Home Group Captains have been and are continuing to collect your spare change and
donations in the Agora during recess and lunchtime. Donations will be counted on a House basis to see
who can raise the most funds.

As of today you may make a pledge in support of those who are making the full 40 Hour sacrifice . On
the walls outside T8 you will find a House Banner where you may make a 12 Hour, 24 hour or 40 Hour
pledge to give up something that you value. It may be food, (or a specific food eg no energy drinks,
coffee or chocolate) texting, furniture, TV. You cannot pledge to give up school work or homework
unless you are prepared to have it done beforehand. In making the pledge you are asked to make a
donation to your House collection tin.

The Hunger Town Challenge is an app. on your iphone and replicates the challenge our student
leaders took at the convention. We will run a challenge for each House in the week 12
and then the four winners will play off for the title of Hunger Town Champion. Sign up for your House on
the sheets near the canteen.

On Friday the 16
of August there will be a movie(title to be announced) in the auditorium at 3:30 you
are asked for a gold coin donation and popcorn will be available for purchase. Students will require a
permission form to attend as it is outside of school hours. These will be available soon.

Also on Friday the 16
we are running a PYJAMA Day. Students are able to wear their pyjamas for a
gold coin donation. This is not an out of uniform day it is pyjamas or uniform. It is recommended that
students wear suitable clothing on public transport and change into their pyjamas at school. Also be
mindful of what is suitable as PUBLIC sleeping attire.
We hope you will support your House but more importantly the starving children in Malawi. Remember
every $40 will feed a family of 6 for a month.
Thank You, 40 Hour Famine Team

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