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Colors of the Fairies

This is a reiki manual to initiate you into the energies of
colors and the fairies. They prefer to be called other
words than fairies since that meant originally their
enchantments. Thus, fairy land means Enchanted Land.
They are properly, the fays.

Before you begin to work with the fairy energies you
should be able to relax and sense the outdoors, the
feel of a place. Why dont you try? Find a tree and sit
down nearby and breathe slowly and let your thoughts
just go quiet. Let your eyes fill with the shapes of leaves
and the rough textures of bark; your fingers brush the
prickling of grasses, and your ears hear the gentle
murmur of the wind.
Sense yourself. Rub your hands and sense the tingling of
your skin. Gently raise and lower your arms and notice
the suppleness that dances through your whole body. It
is this awareness that will sense the fay.

If you wish to close your eyes, you will hear sounds all
around. Now with your eyes still closed, imagine closing
them again, so your inner fairy sight opens all around.
Rainbows sparkle around the edges of your awareness.
This is color magic. And youre doing it beautifully.

Breathe in deliberately asking to take in natural energy,
and let it breathe out again. Now I will ask you to
imagine it as a glowing light. To gather that light in your
mouth and gently blow it out. Thats right.

Now we will cup our hands and blow into them, and let
the light well up like a spring, and merrily bubble over.
There is always an abundance of Light available to us.

Okay, open your eyes. Your fairy sight is still working, you
just will be overwhelmed by normal vision. Allow your
inner senses to add to the scene. Notice how the tree
could be outlined with a glow. See where sparkles or
drops of light could be hanging in the leaves. Where
would they choose to be? Do they stay still, or slowly
float away like thistledown?

This is seeing with both ordinary and fairy sight and a
healer can use this. You can watch reiki running and
pooling around blocks, draw with it to make symbols in
the air, wash a room or patient clean with it.

Color Yellow

This is a cheerful color, and
resonates with the sun and
health and laughter.

Fairies of this color include Joan
of the Wad who guides humans
across moors and wild places.
Her mischievous cousin is the Will
o Wisp who appears as a
glowing ball that floats above the ground at night.

The Lios Alfar are the elves of light. They are friendly and
good. Frey and Freyja, the fertility Lord and Lady of the
Northern gods, watch over them. Elves live in open
woodlands and meadows, especially in small mounds.
At certain times of the year elves make processions
with horses and lanterns and ride to another home.
Humans have heard the jingling of their silver bells, and
their merry singing. Elves can be as tall as humans and
can take lovers, and share hunts and feasts and
dances with us.

Other yellow or orange energy fays include the
kornbocke who is a goatish man who watches the
ripening wheat harvest, and hobs who like the hearth in
your home and help with the chores.

English marigold, or calendula, is a powerful fairy flower
for healing and protection and the Sight.
Color Blue

Three special flowers should be
mentioned here. Bluebells can
make you drowsy and fall under
fairy influence. Blue Vervain will
protect you. Blue forget-me-nots
help you find lost treasure.

Water fays include mermaids of
course, with their scaly fish bodies
from the waist down, and human tops. They are seen
by sailors and people looking for things on beaches.
Often good-looking, they may be a wee bit vain, but
can love deeply and passionately, and do care about
the life in the ocean.

Inland you will meet Guardians at wells. These ladies
are motherly and have healing and great power. Some
were the goddesses of olden times. People make
wishes at wells and tie wishing-ribbons on trees nearby.
Fays can bless water for curing, just ask.

A very important water fay is the Lady of the Lake in
the legends concerning King Arthur of Britain. She gave
him the magic sword Excalibur when she deemed him
worthy, and fostered the knight Lancelot. She knows
how to part the misty gates to reach the secret island
of Avalon in fairy land which is located near the Tor of
Glastonbury in our world.

Color Red

Red is a special color for the Celts
who did not eat red foods such as
apples without giving some to the

Red berries mark the magic of the
rowan tree which protects us, and
the holly tree which battles with the
summer oak for the company of the
goddess of the earth.

It is said that by watching the ruddy
glow of the setting sun on the ocean, you may see fairy
islands in its glittering path.

Fire fays include dragons who enjoy
sunlight and bonfires. They are wise
and may be helpful but are a little
proud. They may test your resolve.
They do like riddles.

The dirne-wiebl appears in forests in Bavaria. She wears
a serving-maids apron and hands out apples. These
bring prosperity. She wears a red hood. She may be the
origin of Little Red Riding Hood.

Salamanders are odd fairy creatures who resemble little
lizards and enjoy burning fire-places. They can help
with divination, treasure, and good health. Maybe they
will teach you to light candles by snapping your fingers.
Color Green

This is a gentle and earthy
color and resonates with
growth and plants and

Irish leprechauns are the most
famous green fays. If you see
one, he will be mending one
shoe. He will likely wear a
green jerkin and shoes with
buckles, and carries a small
hammer which tap-tap-taps.
He does have a secret pot of
gold but he loves tricks and
you wont be able to steal it. If you ask politely, he may
help you with your own prosperity and workmanship.

Ghillie Dhu is a forest man who guards trees from harm
and is wary of humans. Approach with a sincere wish to
help ecology and he may assist you.

The Green Man is found carved on churches and you
will recognize him by the leaves which form his face. He
is connected with forests, fertility and allowing hunters
good luck. His image is sometimes found at
pantomimes and morris dances.


Trees have their own wisdom. You can relate to the
strong oaks, flowing willows, mighty beeches, humble

Abandoned hill-forts called raths are said to be the
haunt of fairies. They are usually circled by bushes and
small trees.

A tale concerns two boys out plowing. One drew a
circle around a fairy thorn to mark its borders. When
they were done, a cloth with cheese and beer and
honey and bread appeared. The boy who ate it
became wise and prosperous. The other boy fled. It
seems that fairy food eaten outside of fairyland as a
reward, is safe.
Color Brown

Brown fairy magic relates to
autumn and harvest fairs, to
storing food for the winter and
to the earth itself.

Fallen colored leaves are the
best plants to use in this
magic. Brown mushrooms in
rings on the grass are said to
be the dance places of small

Yarthkins or gnomes as they
were dubbed, are little earth
fays who live under the roots of big trees and gather
nuts and roots and feed animals. They resemble
cheerful old men with pointed caps and long beards,
and wear earthen colors. They are very friendly to
humans, but are rather shy and may watch you without
saying anything. Hikers sometimes spot them.

At times the fays who actually work on farms bring their
animals and vegetables and crafted trinkets to secret
fairy markets. Humans can see these from a distance
away but all vanishes up close. There are fairy gypsy
caravans which wander from fair to fair and you may
meet them, at least in your dreams. (Read my Ethereal
Thief Reiki for an example of this.)


Giants are very tall and large fay folk who can quickly
become boulders scattered on a hillside. They range
from friendly and gentle, to cranky and dangerous, but
they are worth knowing. They may be an ancient
memory of the Neanderthal humans who were bigger
than us, and stronger.

An important fay is the Irish god Daghda. He wears a
brown cloak, and a short tunic that flashes his buttocks,
is big and plump and boisterous and lusty, eats huge
meals of porridge and honey-cakes, and ale, chases
the ladies, and has a dangerous club which brings
death or life. His magic harp can sing you to sleep, to
joy, or to tears. He is a protective fay of the Tuatha De
Danaan, irish fairy folk who have retreated to the hills.
But where they are usually tall and pale and beautiful,
he is swarthy and short, and yet he is the all-knowing
Father, good at every skill, afraid of nothing, bound by
Color Black

The fairy grim is a black dog who has glowing eyes and
is as big as a pony. It will follow you along deserted
roads and in church cemeteries. It may be warning you
to take care of yourself. Or to watch your back.

The dock alfar are the Dark elves. In our times they
would be called dwarves. They are clever in metal
work and crafting mighty tools. They are lusty and so
are connected with fertility. Sunlight may turn them to
stone. They look short and sturdy and have long beards
and are about three to four feet tall. They like the
mountains and caves. Not giants.


The Leanan Sidhe may
be male or female
and is a seductive fay
who definitely adores
humans. She knows
the magic of love
potions and false
appearances, which is
called glamourie. She
can drink a lovers
strength away, so is
not to be trifled with.

Invisibility is another
power of the fays. It is
said they got it from the god of the sea, Manannan
Mac Lir. He taught them to shift their shapes into those
of beasts, as well.

If you wish to experiment with shape-changing, it is best
to do so in your imagination. With the Sight pull in some
glowing light and surround yourself with a blanket of
the stuff. Then shape it into some animal. Imagine
looking out its eyes, walking with its legs or flying with its
wings. You can still walk around normally, holding this
other-ness in part of your thoughts. Be sure to release
this shaped energy body afterwards into the grass.

If you wish to be invisible, just surround yourself with a
blanket of dark light that washes you out of vision and
then walk where you will. Drivers of cars wont notice
you so be wary of them.
Color White

White is a very sacred
and powerful color in the
fairy world.

Fairy godmothers come
in white and bring
wisdom, power and
healing. They test us to
see if we are respectful.

The white doe leads
knights in the legends of
King Arthur. White dogs
assist the Wild Hunt and
chase evil souls across
the sky. White pigs come
from the fairy lands
hidden under the earth
in Wales. White rabbits
bring changes and good

White flowers would be elderblossom, hawthorn
blossom, meadowwort, and others.

The Welsh imagined their powerful Weaving Goddess
as Arianrhod, Lady of the Silver Wheel, or Spiral Castle
floating in the sky. And Stonehenge honors the moon.

Color Pink

This color relates to children
and the home, to innocence
and enthusiasm and family

Pink or violet flowers of magic
are the dog-rose, foxglove,
lavender, and thyme.

Berchte is a young maiden in
springtime, with long blond
hair and a hawthorn in her
hand. She is a mother of the
barley and wheatfields in
summer and protects the house. In winter she has an
old face with a big nose and white hair, and brings gifts
at Yule. She was known all over the German lands.
Befana is her equivalent in Italy. They both love children
and protect them.

This odd aspect of maiden mother crone is found in
many cultures. She usually has a handsome male
companion who dies and is reborn. The earth goddess
in Britain was a lover of the oak in summer and the holly
in winter, and Christmas pantomimes told this story.

Fays like this also represent the right to rule the land
and marry ceremonially at least the new king, if he
seems worthy.

How to heal with this attunement

Just say aloud (name of system) once and let the energy flow
through your hands and heal as you usually do.

How to take down this attunement

Just say aloud I am now accepting the attunement to (name of
system) from (name of teacher) in a way that is good for my
health and spirit. So be it.

And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in
your hands or warmth, or if you close your eyes and let your mind
drift away, you may see unusual pictures. It really doesnt matter.
It works even if nothing is sensed at all.

How to give this attunement

Just say aloud I now attune (name of student) to the energies of
(name of system) in a way that is good for both of us, in health
and spirit. So be it.

Or you can put the attunement in a chi ball of imagined energy
and let the student pull it down when convenient.

Best wishes and love and light,

Disclaimer: This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and
spiritual growth, but people with medical problems should of course
continue to see their doctors and get medical advice from a professional

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