Desert Magazine 1951 August

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They Like the Sandy Terrain

Photography by GEORGE BRADT

Here are two of the Speckled Earless Lizards (Holbrookia approximans)

whose habitat is the sandy floor of the desert in New Mexico, Arizona and
eastern Texas. Like most of the other American species of lizards they are quite
harmless. They are unique in lacking an external ear opening—hence the common

August 3-6—State Little League Play-
offs, Prescott, Arizona.

August 4—Annual Smoki Ceremoni-

als at Prescott, Arizona.

August 8-10—Unitah Basin Industrial

Convention, Roosevelt, Utah.

August 9-12—Cowboy Camp Meet-

ing, R. E. Perkins ranch, Prescott,
Arizona. Volume 14 AUGUST, 1951 Number 10

August 9-12 — Annual Inter-tribal COVER HOPI BUTTERFLY DANCERS. Photo by Andre d e
Indian Ceremonial, Gallup, New Dienes of Phoenix
NATURE They Like the Sandy Terrain
August 10-11—Annual Square Dance By GEORGE BRADT 2
Festival, Flagstaff, Arizona.
August events on the desert 3
August 10-11—Junior State A.A.U. HISTORY
Swimming Meet, Tempe, Arizona. So They Built Fort Bowie

August 14-19 — National Convention INDIAN LIFE
Military Order of Purple Heart Mescal Roast. By RANDALL HENDERSON . . 8
and auxiliary, Phoenix, Arizona. FIELD TRIP
Where Turquoise W a s Mined by the Ancients
August 15-17—Future Farmers Asso- CONTEST By A. LA VIELLE LAWBAUGH 9
ciation Leadership Conference, Pres-
cott, Arizona. LOST MINE Prizes for Photographs 12

August 16-18—Senior State A.A.U. Cave of the Golden Sands

Swimming Meet, Phoenix, Arizona. POETRY
August 17-19—Quay County Sheriff's Ode to a Smoke Tree, and other poems . . . 15
Posse Rodeo, Tucumcari, New
Mexico. QUIZ Wanted: A Desert Thermometer


August 20-29—American Numismatic
Association Convention, Phoenix, EXPLORATION A test of your desert knowledge 18
Comment from Desert's readers 19
August 20-30—Rocky Mountain Re- NEWS We Climbed Avawatz
gional Softball Tournament, Phoe-
MINING From here and there on the desert 25
August 31-September 3 — Annual
Santa Fe Fiesta, Santa Fe, New LAPIDARY Hard Roas Shorty of Death Valley 28
HOBBY Current News of desert mines 31
Fiesta of San Lorenzo, Picuris Pueblo, Gems and minerals 33
27 miles from Taos, New Mexico. CLOSE-UPS
Reviews of Southwest literature 37
Taos Indian dances in town plaza Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . . 38
every Monday and Friday, 8:15 The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Degert,
California. Re-entered asAbout those
second class, whoJuly
matter write for Desert
17, 1948, 39
at the post office at Palm Desert,
p.m., and Spanish-Colonial folk California, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Title "registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
dances every Wednesday. 8:15 p.m.. and contents copyrighted 19S1 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
Taos, New Mexico. must be secured from the editor in writing.
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AUGUST, 1951
General view of old Fort Bowie as it looks today. The author believes the large
ruin in the foreground was the mess hall. Stone breastworks still may be seen on
the hillside in the center of the picture.

So They Built Fort Bowie . . .

Apache warriors under the wily chieftain Cochise were collecting For two years I talked of making an
too many white scalps at Apache Pass. Something had to be done to excursion to see the ruins of old Fort
protect this main travel route across southern Arizona if the road to Bowie. Work and excuses delayed the
California was to be kept open. So the War Department built Fort trip. Finally, during the 1950 Christ-
Bowie—and here is the story back of the crumbling adobe v/alls which mas vacation, I announced firmly,
the occasional visitor finds near Apache Pass today. "Tomorrow we're going to pay that
visit to Fort Bowie." The family was
By FENTON TAYLOR delighted, and everyone began making
preparations almost at once.
Map by Norton Allen
Next morning we drove to Bowie,
the railroad town on Highway 86.
O OTHER eight-mile stretch of "Bloody Apache Pass" it was called Here we turned south toward Apache
road in the United States has in the brochure published a few years Pass on a road designed to carry mod-
witnessed a more sanguinary ago by the Willcox Chamber of Com- ern tourists peacefully through the
history than the winding defile in merce. The few old-timers to whom pass and on to Chiricahua National
southeastern A r i z o n a known as I've talked confirm this name. Monument.
Apache Pass. Located in Cochise's Because of the slaughter in the pass, Four months' drouth and the work
Apache empire, this rocky way was an Fort Bowie was built. For thirty-five of a highway grader had laid a powdery
ideal spot for savage ambushes of years this soldier outpost stood as a mulch over the road that our tires
stages, wagon trains, travelers, and desert sentinel for all who had occa- churned up into a yellow billow
troops of U. S. cavalry. sion to travel this route, against the blue December sky.

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Eleven miles south of Bowie, we soldierly fashion. They were scattered Tucson. Apache Pass, ideal for Indian
branched to the left on a ranch road over an area as large as three good- ambushes, was the bloody spot along
which dropped through a wash and sized city blocks. Old Fort Bowie was this route.
wound around bulging hills toward a much larger than I expected it to be. The first Butterneld Stage from St.
neat white house situated on a low hill Spread out in a sweeping panorama, Louis to San Francisco wound through
ahead. Just about the time I began to 30 or more ruins were in various stages Apache Pass. It left St. Louis on
wonder if I'd missed the next fork, of disintegration. The walls that had September 15, 1858, and arrived in
this time to the right, I saw the turn been reinforced with blocks of rock San Francisco on October 10, cover-
ahead. A mile on this right-hand stood highest. Plain adobe walls, for ing 2535 miles in 25 days, a record
branch elevated us into a narrowing the most part, had almost rounded off for stage travel at that time.
canyon and finally brought us to a stop into piles of rubble. Apache Pass was the setting for
before a wire gate. Lieutenant George Bascom's meeting
I stood looking over the mute re-
The fence to the north of the road mains, so forlorn in the solitude. I with Cochise in 1860. After Cochise
also boasted a gate through which an had read much of the history of Fort had been persuaded to come into Bas-
old road angled on up the canyon. On Bowie, and I recalled the thrilling com's camp under a flag of truce, the
a fence post we saw a dark wooden days when it was garrisoned with lieutenant attempted to take the In-
arrow. The faded words "Fort Bowie" troops. dian chief prisoner. Cochise escaped,
pointed to the old road. About 100 years ago this story be- but a few of the warriors accompany-
We left the car at this junction and gan. At that time Apache Pass, the ing him were seized by the soldiers.
proceeded on foot. After hiking a few narrow defile that winds between the Striking back, Cochise captured some
hundred feet of this rocky way, we Chiricahua Mountains on the south white prospectors and a stage station
were glad that we hadn't attempted to and the Dos Cabezas Mountains on attendant. He offered to exchange
drive. the north, was the route followed by them for the Indian prisoners. When
Up ahead loomed what appeared to persons crossing the southern desert Bascom refused, Cochise had the
white prisoners put to death in sight of
be an old windmill. Climbing nearer, to California.
the soldiers. In retaliation, the soldiers
I saw that it was the headframe of an For the earliest travelers, this road selected the sturdy limb of an oak tree
old graphite mine which ceased opera- ran through Mexican territory. The and hanged the Indian captives.
tions about 10 years ago. Gadsden Purchase in 1853 turned it
We didn't stop here, though, for the into a United States road. After this incident, Cochise declared
summit of the climb was just ahead Securing water on this desert cross- war on the whites. For 12 years this
and we could discern through the ing was the problem of the traveler war was waged with great cruelty. To
leafless mesquite the yellow adobe of of that time. Along this route the wa- make matters worse, the Civil War,
the first ruins. This sight gave an im- ter holes seemed to be spaced about which broke out the following year,
petus to our hiking that soon brought a day's journey apart. This road pro- caused removal of all United States
us out in view of the level area on vided water at Stein's Pass, San Simon troops from the territory, virtually
which Fort Bowie was located. Cienaga, A p a c h e Pass, Sulphur leaving the Apaches in full control.
My first impression was of rows of Springs, Dragoon Spring, the San Pe- Shortly after the outbreak of the
broken adobe walls standing in straight dro River, Rillito Creek, and finally. war between the states, Lincoln's ap-

AUGUST, 195 1
Cochise's worst, for he lost over 60
braves. Two soldiers were killed and
three wounded in this fighting.
General James Henry Carleton of
the Column realized the necessity for
a strategic fort in this area. He gave
the order for its construction. Build-
ings were erected without delay.
Fort Bowie didn't diminish the In-
dian menace at once. Mail was sched-
uled to arrive at the fort from Tucson
once a week. In a period of 16 months
the Indians killed 22 mail carriers.
Stage drivers and mail carriers were
offered a pay bonus for risking the
dangers of Apache Pass.
After the Civil War, regular soldiers
replaced the volunteer troops. Many
of the Californians remained in the
surrounding country as ranchers and
During the years that followed. Fort
Bowie saw many historical characters
and events. It played its part in the
peace that lasted until the great chief-
tain's death in June, 1874.
Major Sumner, son of the famous
Civil War general, commanded for a
brief term at Fort Bowie. General
George Crook, for whom the Crook
National Forest is named, made the
fort his headquarters during the time
he persuaded many fugitive Indians
to return from Mexico to the reserva-
tion at San Carlos.
Geronimo was held at Fort Bowie
after his surrender in 1886 until the
Water was hauled to the fort in wagons and stored in these rock cisterns. army was ready to transport him by
train to Pickens, Florida, where he
was held until he was re-united with
peal for volunteers sounded through- In the meantime, Cochise had been his family two years later and removed
out the nation. In California the his- preparing a surprise for the oncoming to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
toric "California Column" was organ- troops. Under his direction his war- In 1897 the government finally
ized in answer to the call. This group riors had blended rock redoubts with abandoned Fort Bowie in favor of
hoped to be sent East as combat the natural outcroppings of the hill- fewer and bigger posts. Travelers were
troops. However, there was some sides in such a way as to block the using Apache Pass less frequently, too.
question as to the loyalty of some of path to the water supply. Mangas When the Southern Pacific Railroad
the men. Rather than risk having any Coloradas and his braves joined Co- crossed Arizona in 1881, it followed
of them desert to the Confederacy, chise there. the easier grade around the Dos Ca-
the army gave the Californians the bezas and through Railroad Pass. The
task of defending Arizona and New As the Californians neared the pass,
the scouts scented danger. But the two overland route followed the railroad.
Mexico against Indian depredations.
howitzers which they had along gave With the abandonment of Fort
In 1862, therefore, the California them additional strength, ancf they Bowie, any part of the buildings worth
Volunteers occupied some of the aban- were ready for anything the Indians salvaging was sold at auction. The
doned army posts and built new ones, wanted to give them. roofs were torn off for the lumber.
of which Fort Bowie was one, named When the hidden Apiaches opened The ice plant was sold and carried to
in honor of Col. George W. Bowie of fire, the troops wheeled the howitzers Thatcher, Arizona, where it was put
the Volunteers. around into position and started plop- into operation for that community.
Fort Bowie had a bloody beginning. ping shells onto the hillsides. The ex- Loss of the roofs laid the walls open
In July, 1862, according to one ac- ploding shells were too much for the to the forces of erosion and the attack
count, three companies of infantry and Indians and they fled in panic. One was begun without delay. Foundation
one of cavalry left Tucson for New Indian later reported that the soldiers rocks are all that remain to mark the
Mexico, following the Apache Pass had shot wagonwheels into the Apache location of a few of the buildings. I
route. defenses. found myself wishing as I looked
Indians harassed them at many This battle occurred on July 14. A around that some means could be
places, particularly between water second attack was attempted by Co- found to preserve these ruins from
holes. The soldiers filled their can- chise when the wagon train carrying further disintegration. They should be
teens at Sulphur Springs and began supplies came into the pass. Again kept as a monument to the fortitude of
the hot dry trek to the pass. the Indians suffered defeat, probably the builders of the Southwest.

Excited voices of the children
turned my attention in their direction
for a moment. They were finding
something interesting for the souvenir
shelf. Purple glass was eagerly sought,
but large pieces were scarce. Old nails
from the walls made additions to the
relic bag. The discovery of some but-
tons caused excitement.
Leaving the children to their hunt-
ing, I started prowling among the va-
rious ruins. Up the hill to the south-
west yawned the uncovered rock cis-
terns. No water there now; just an
accumulation of rocks, dirt, leaves,
and a struggling mesquite or two. The
plaster finish on the interior of the
tanks is clinging with astonishing ten-
acity after so many idle years.
South of the cisterns is the old can-
teen. Brown glass of broken beer bot-
tles littered this ruin. Whiskey was
not allowed in the fort area. For this
reason, most of the glass scattered
about is brown.
Empty shells, I was told, were abun- , ^.„?**>**>* , .:.
dant. Perhaps they used to be, but I
hunted diligently to find two corroded,
gray-green rifle shells and one .45 cal-
iber shell. Fragments of cannon balls
are often discovered, too. 1 wasn't for-
tunate enough to find one.
Initials cover every standing wall.
I rounded one corner and was aston-
ished to read the name, Curly Bill,
1871, on the wall. A second look re-
vealed that the name and date had
been scratched into the wall just re-
cently. But I couldn't help wonder-
ing if the Galeyville outlaw might
have left his initials there, and some
modern visitor, noting that time was
obliterating them, had obligingly
gouged them deeper for the benefit
of future visitors.
Over to the east side an old rock-
walled ruin reared up higher than any
of the others. Two high openings on Above—Looking from the ruins toward Apache Pass. The old cemetery
the east and west sides could have is in the valley, hidden by the trees.
been loopholes, but they seemed too
high for that. When I found the door Below—Souvenir hunters still comb the area around the fort seeking relics
and looked in, I decided that they of the past.
were narrow windows and that this
was undoubtedly the remains of the
guard house. I wasn't certain, but it cer's wife. Captured by the Indians, Close to the cemetery is the spring,
was just the type of building for a jail. she was carried to the top of this peak source of Fort Bowie's water supply.
and put to death. This sad incident Water was hauled from here in tank
From the Fort Bowie site you have gave the landmark its name. wagons and stored in the cistern
a beautiful landscape view northward above the fort.
toward Apache Pass. To the east you To the southeast is Bowie Peak.
This mountain top was once the busi- Two hours in such a spot pass far
can look down the trail we followed
est heliograph station in the West. too rapidly. Before it should be time,
up to the fort and into the shimmering
brown vastness of San Simon Valley. Down the wash to the right of the it seemed to me, the sun was dipping
old road from Apache Pass are the toward the western peaks, signalling
A high conical peak rears to the remains of the cemetery. Wooden time to go home. And so we left Old
south, an unmistakable landmark. crosses at one time marked many of Fort Bowie, now a desert sentinel in
One record labels it Helen's Dome, the graves. Souvenir hunters, showing a vast, peaceful silence, but ever
but an old-timer assures me that this no reverence for such a spot, have ready to reveal fascinating stories of
name is wrong. It should be Helen's stripped the cemetery of these mark- the past to any sympathetic visitor
Doom. Helen was the name of an offi- ers. Only faint mounds are visible. who will enter the ruined portals.

AUGUST, 195 1
VAi. i
MESCAL ROAST The Indians used a sharpened stick, as demonstrated
by Hector Borquez of the Pai-Pai tribe, to gouge the bud
out of its roseate of thorn-rimmed blades. It is a laborious
process. When extracted from the plant and prepared for
One of the important items of food for desert Indians roasting the lower part of the bud, the edible part, re-
far back into prehistoric days has been the mescal roast. sembled a big pineapple.
On a recent trip into Baja California, I found the Pai-Pai Preparatory to the roast, a pit about 2Vi feet deep
Indians in Arroyo Agua Caliente still preparing the young and 3 feet wide was excavated and lined with rocks. Then
mescal buds for food as did their ancestors. a wood fire was built in the hole and fed with fuel until the
Botanically classified as Agave deserti, the plant is rocks were well heated. Below on the left, Victor is toss-
known in Mexico as maguey or mescal, and among Anglo- ing the mescal bud into the bed of coals. Then more hot
Americans as wild century plant. It grows in the Upper rocks were heaped on top, and the roast covered with
Sonoran and transitional zones, between 1500 and 5000 several inches of earth.
feet, and flowers only once in its long life. Twelve hours later the pit was opened, and the charred
In April or May, depending on altitude, the plant bud removed. Benita Arvalla of the Pai-Pais is shown
which is nearing the end of its life span sends up a huge with the roasted bud after its charred husks had been re-
bud as shown in the upper left picture. This bud becomes moved and the heart split open. Well cooked, its color
a flower stock from 6 to 10 feet in height, with yellow and consistency is about that of southern cooked yams—
blossoms. After flowering, the plant dies. and it has much the same flavor.
Looking up the slope toward the old Toltec workings. The ancients left their marks in the basaltic rocks.

Where Turquoise Was

Mined by the Ancients
By A. LA VIELLE LAWBAUGH land of the Desert People in search of
From distant lands, perhaps precious stones. They made friends
Photos and map by the author with the natives and began to work
even from the Montezumas in
Mexico, came trusted men to many mines. For centuries great quan-
mine with crude tools the beau- a and I once befriended an tities of the beautiful blue stone were
tiful blue stone found on the old-timer on a California desert taken from the area and transported
Mojave desert of what is now trail. He had lost a section of ra- annually to their far off country.
California. The old Indian diator hose and luckily the spare length The new-comers to the turquoise
workings have all but disap- which we always have with us was of country were unlike other Indians,
peared— but in more recent correct diameter. After installing the with lighter complexions and hair.
years the white men also found new radiator hose and while sharing They were possessed of many arts and
it profitable to work the tur- our lunch he told a story which later were very industrious. It was they who
quoise claims in the Shadow led us on several trips to the old Tol- made the rock carvings and who taught
Mountains. Today the mines tec Mine in the Shadow Mountains of the ancestors of the desert Mojaves
have been abandoned, but La northeastern San Bernardino county. the same things. A powerful neighbor-
Vielle and Neva Lawbaugh He recounted an interesting tale of ing tribe distrusted these "new things"
found it an intriguing place for turquoise; of primitive miners in our and resolved on a war of extermina-
exploration. own great American Desert, who, tion. After a long conflict, most of the
many centuries ago, came into the strangers were slain, and the mines

AUGUST, 195 1
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escarpment of basalt are caves which are believed to have been used
by the prehistoric miners for shelter.

were abandoned until some of the old strewn with large and small basalt Club marker we stopped to move a
workings were rediscovered in 1897 blocks. Nearing them we; came upon desert tortoise which blocked our path.
by T. C. Bassett. He had observed in an old black top road at the Edison It was a good excuse to stretch our
this neighborhood a small hill where power line. It served us for only a legs and to observe at close hand the
the float rock was seamed and stained short distance before we turned left wind poppys and buttercups which
with blue. Digging down a few feet, he onto another desert trail, formed splashes of color on both
found a vein of turquoise—a white A huge vulture lumbered into the sides of the trail.
talcose material inclosing nodules and air as we approached Halloran Just past the cut-off to the Wander
small masses of the mineral. At a depth Springs. A raven had been swooping Mine we took a still fainter trail to the
of 20 feet he found fine gem color as savagely groundward at the vulture. right toward another group of hills.
well as two aboriginal stone hammers, The attack was continued until the two Creosote bushes, sage and desert tea
similar to those found at the Los Cer- were lost to sight. scraped the sides of the car as we
illo Turquoise mine just above the So- Here, at this ancient haunt of man, rocked along. A little antelope ground
noran border. it was easy to turn back in time and squirrel scurried along the side of the
At the first opportunity Neva and I visualize this idyllic spot as it was trail and then dashed abruptly out of
with our good friends Ruth and Merle when the climate of late Pleistocene sight behind a group of Engelman's
Coger were headed for the Shadow age supported a greener, more pro- cereus. Cholla, niggerhead, barrel, and
Mountains. We traced the Arrowhead fuse cover than is now evident. To- fishhook are other beautiful cacti
highway through the ancient lake beds day, only a few dying rnesquites are which make up the varied ground cov-
at Manix; through beautiful Cronise there; trees which hospitably furnished er. The deserted shack descibed by
Valley, the valley of the cat. Many the more recent aborigines with food Kohlars was nestled in the lee of a
travelers driving west discern the huge and shelter. The spring has been cov- hill at the mouth of a canyon. A color-
sitting figure of a cat which nature has ered over, for protection, with one ful group of Joshua trees lined the
formed through the medium of a slide drain pipe feeding an open tank for terrace in front of the cabin. The hill-
and drifted sand on the steep slope of stock and another at a higher level side was dotted with the delicate col-
the granite mountains which form the which would drain off any excess flow ors of Mojave asters.
western shore of East Cronise dry lake. of water. We climbed the ridge to the north
After leaving Baker we paused at At the fork beyond the spring we following the old burro trail which
Halloran Springs service station where turned left and dropped clown a sandy undulates sharply and traverses four
we met M. H. Kohlars and talked with slope past a large outcrop of brown ridges and three canyons. At the sec-
him about the country to the north stone and on across a wash. A beaver- ond ridge Neva found an old glory hole
of the highway. We found him a like- tail cactus flaunted its rich blooms at which had been run into the ground
able and interesting person whose hob- the side of the trail. Off to the right under the trail. It is quite near the rug-
by is model railroading. were two magnificent Joshua trees. ged, reddish brown outcrop of rock
Checking the speedometer just a Near one was a huge pile of rusting which the local people call the glass
few hundred feet west of the service tins and in the clearing a rusting stove mountain. While crossing the bottom
station we took a trail to the right and other litter. Between an old Zero- of the third canyon we found a flower
towards some hills, through an area lene advertisement and the first Auto which always thrills us with its vivid

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reds—Indian paintbrush. As the sum- feet deep, is quite impressive, with mines. What little was used came from
mit of the fourth ridge was reached, drifts leading back into a rocky interi- a locality 10 miles from the diggings.
the old mine, with its extensive dumps, or at various levels. A tunnel on the At the nearby Himalaya turquoise
was just below us. down slope side leads from the lower mine, owned by L. Tannenbaum of
Beyond the immediate terrain a level and emerges farther down hill, New York, water of an inferior quality
breath-taking panorama unfolded in opening onto the immense dumps. It but safe for drinking was found at 85
the clear, sparkling air. The power provides ready access to the main feet. There was no machinery on the
line where it crosses the north tip of working. Another, and quite danger- property. All work (screening and
Silver dry lake was visible, as was a ous open shaft goes straight down, washing) was done by hand. The mine
dry lake further north, the Soda through one of the old dumps, into the was last worked in 1903, when six
Mountains, the Avawatz Mountains rocky slope and is about 60 feet deep. men were employed at $2.50 a day.
and the bright, white workings of a This exploratory shaft was sunk to When the first signs of ancient peo-
distant talc mine. determine the depths of the turquoise ple who worked the Toltec Mine site
We had believed that no road led veins. Ladders are visible 15 feet were observed in 1897 there were still
into the Toltec mine; that all material down the shaft but the upper section many open pits there. These aboriginal
and ore must have been borne in and has been removed. There are minor quarry workings were not large but
out on burros. Yet a faint road lead- pits and tunnels all around the vicinity. were extensive in their number. Until
ing down a ridge to the west was dis- Pieces of ore with turquoise inclusions the large recent dumps crept westward,
cernable. It had been built up on may be picked up at most any spot there was still one of the old pits not
slopes where the angle was so great around the dumps. One noteworthy more than 100 feet from the entrance
that a loaded vehicle might roll over, piece, a beautiful pale blue gem stone to the Toltec Mine.
but it followed the natural terrain and which cut into a perfect oval measur-
ing 32 x 45 millimeters and weighing Here at the Toltec, in the canyon
in places was indistinct. A tremen- and on the ridge we found no positive
dous amount of digging has been done 203 carats was taken from the Toltec.
Shipments as given by Wells-Fargo evidence remaining of the ancient
at the old mine. The expense of this miners. A small overhang shelter was
mining was high—about $20.00 per (Jan.-Feb. 1903) amounted to 431
pounds of matrix and ordinary tur- observed where the rock appeared
foot. Giant powder was used exclusive- smoke-blackened. We noted no other
ly and required lO1/^ pounds per foot. quoise and 49 pounds of picked ma-
terial. signs of occupancy. Modern man and
The main rectangular shaft at the erosion have erased all vestiges of their
Toltec, 100 by 60 feet and about 70 Timber was non-existent at the coming and going. Yet in other places,

AUGUST, 195 1 11
signs still remain. Pieces of pottery, In the canyons and on the sides of same rock that have fallen and lie on
and many petroglyphs are to be found. the hills are the old mines,, which ap- the sides of the valleys.
During that peaceful and delightful pear as saucer-like pits, from 15 to Today, the demand for turquoise
time when the sun had abruptly 30 feet across and half that depth. far exceeds the supply. A splendid op-
dropped behind the Soda Mountains They are scattered about everywhere, portunity exists for the man who can
and as dusk approached we talked of but time and mining activity since the discover a new producer of high grade
turquoise; its age-old history and its turn of the century have obliterated material. As in the old days, turquoise
place in modern economy. The wail most of them. Stone tools were abun- has always held a high place among
of a coyote brought us back to the dant in the old workings and the indi- man's treasures. Excavations in Egypt
Toltec. The desert night came swiftly cations were that the locality had been show its use prior to the first dynasty.
upon us. A full moon mounting the exploited on a great scale and over a In ancient Greece, Aristotle was cred-
vault of a star-studded sky clearly long period. For here was an impor- ited with the statement that turquoise
lighted the trail back to the car. tant source of the turquoise used by prevented death by accident and that
those early people, some of whom it-was beneficial for scorpion and rep-
Neva and I have made several such lived in the many caverns which pock-
trips into the turquoise district and tile stings. However, the literal trans-
mark the canyon walls. Smoke-black- lation here may mistakenly use tur-
have found the principal area to occu- ened roofs and rudely sculptured walls
py 15 miles by 3 or 4 in width. The quoise for lapis-lazuli. In book 37 of
indicated that they were occupied for his Natural History (first published in
region is volcanic in aspect, being a long period by those early miners. In
largely covered with flows of basaltic A. D. 77), Pliny tells of callais, which
the blown sand and debris which cov- from his description must of a cer-
rock reaching outward from a group ered the floors, stone implements and
of extinct craters. These flows extend tainty have been turquoise. Another
pottery shards have been found. Some Greek, a physician named Alexander
for miles and appear as long low of the cave openings had been partially
ridges, separated by valleys and rough Trallianos (6th century A. D.) men-
closed with rough walls of trap blocks tions the wearing of turquoise on the
irregular canyons. Among these basal- piled one upon the other.
tic rocks and in the valleys are found finger as a cure for epilepsy. An Ara-
smaller areas of low rounded hills of Another impressive feature is the bian manuscript, penned between
decomposed sandstones and porphy- abundance of petroglyphs in the whole 1300 and 1400 and entitled Nozhat
ries, traversed at times by ledges of region. They are numbered by thou- al Colub deals with firuzdje (tur-
harder crystalline rocks, quartzites, sands, incised in the hard basalt of quoise). As late as 1776 some men
and schists. the cliffs, or on large blocks of the still believed that turquoise was an ar-
tificial product formed by the action
of fire upon fossil teeth.

Photo Prizes in August... A notable physical characteristic of

turquoise is that once it is removed
from the earth and ground and pol-
Every month is picture month on the desert—in the wintertime at
the lower levels, and during summer in the higher elevations of the ished, it is very likely to change from
mountain ranges which cross and crisscross the desert Southwest. its usual rich light blue color to a
In order to have the best of these pictures available for publication, greenish shade. This fading of the
Desert Magazine offers cash prizes for the finest of the photographic stone has given concern to many a
art secured by our readers. There is a wide range of subjects—land- purchaser. Persian traders were wont
scapes, wildlife, strange rock formations, sunsets, desert people, bot- to decamp as soon as possible after a
any, mineralogy—the field is unlimited, but the pictures must have sale was consummated to avoid
been taken on the desert. trouble on that score. Unlike the old
The next Picture-of-the-Month contest will close August 20, and Persian traders, modern Americans at
all members of the photographic fraternity are invited to suomit their the turn of the century marked all
prints. their finished stones with an individual
Entries for the August contest must be in the Desert Magazine letter or a symbol and guaranteed the
office. Palm Desert, California, by August 20, and the winning prints color for six months. If the stone no-
will appear in the October issue. Pictures which arrive too late for one ticeably changed color within the
contest are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; second guaranty period, it was replaced with-
prize $5.00. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3.00 out charge. The companies who fol-
each will be paid. lowed this system cut their trademark
on the back of the stone, an A for the
HERE ARE THE RULES American Turquoise Company, a cir-
1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed cle for the Azure Company, a cross
on glossy paper.
2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and for the American Turquoise and Cop-
place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day, etc. per Company, a T for the Toltec and
4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest
month. Although turquoise is known to ev-
5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert ery continent, it occurs at compara-
Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures.
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the tively few places on the globe and is
desert Southwest. confined almost exclusively to regions
7—judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made of barrenness and aridity. Noteworthy
immediately after the close of the contest each month.
is the fact that with few unimportant
Address All Entries to Photo Editor exceptions, no occurrence is now
known near which traces of prehis-
"Detent 7J£af<Xfi«te PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA toric mining have not been discov-

Here is a lost gold story that
reads like fiction—and yet John
Mitchell, who perhaps knows
more about the lost treasures of
the Southwest than any other
living person, has related the
story just as it was told to him
50 years ago.

C a v eof
the Golden
Sands... DON

By JOHN D. MITCHELL The bottom seemed to drop out

of the cave and the water rushed
Illustration by Don Percival out with a roar like thunder.

ifty years ago, about the time the

Salt Lake railroad was being
built from Salt Lake City to San
Pedro, California, many small mining spite the buildup we old-timers had we headed our two pack outfits in the
camps were springing up all along the given it while sitting around the camp- direction of Crescent Peak 14 miles
line and the hills were full of prospec- fire. west.
tors. An old man with long white The old man broke camp shortly About noon we stopped for lunch
whiskers, mounted on a burro and after breakfast the next morning and and to give the burros a chance to
driving four others ahead of him, by sunup was headed out over the browse. While the bacon was sizzling
showed up at the little mining camp trail in the direction of Searchlight. and the coffee pot was sputtering the
of Crescent, Nevada. After watering Two days later the writer happened old man told me he had discovered
his burros at the water trough near the to be in Searchlight to pick up mail four pounds of gold nuggets in a black
windmill he pulled off to one side and and provisions and met the prospec- sand deposit near the Clark Moun-
made camp. By the time his burros tor at Jack Wheatley's boarding house. tains northeast of Nippeno (now
were unpacked and hobbled and the After dinner I joined the old man called Nipton.) He invited me to go
campfire going, Winfield Sherman, Ike on the front porch for a smoke and a with him as he did not like to be out
Reynolds, Bert Cavanaugh, Jim Wil- little chat. During the conversation he in the desert alone.
son and the writer had gathered around told me he had some placer gold for
to pass the time of day with the new- He said that one day while camped
sale and asked me if I knew anyone just below Clark Peak, he climbed a
comer. who would buy it. I referred him to short way up the mountainside and
During the conversation, which was the assay offiice at either the Duplex saw off to the east a dry lake bed that
carried on mostly by Winfield Sher- or Quartette mine. Later that after- suddenly filled with water. It looked
man, a typical long-haired, bewhis- noon he told me he had sold the gold so real he could see trees along the
kered desert rat, the old prospector at the Duplex assay office. He reached shore and their reflection in the water.
volunteered the information that his into his pocket and pulled out five or
six of the most beautiful gold nuggets The route he was following to Cres-
name was Riley Hatfield, that he cent and Searchlight was in that gener-
hailed from Raleigh, North Carolina, I had ever seen. He said he was send-
ing them to a friend. al direction so he decided to investi-
and that he had come out west on the gate the lake or whatever it was. As
advice of the family doctor. He said I saw the prospector several times he approached the lake later it had
he was headed for Searchlight, Neva- the following day and late that after- entirely disappeared, and he then rea-
da, to purchase provisions and to see noon he told me he had purchased lized that it was only a beautiful mi-
a doctor about a heart ailment that his supplies and had seen a doctor rage. Fortunately he had brought a
had been troubling him. and would be ready to pull out early good supply of water along. About
The old man was very polite, had a the next day. He asked me to accom- noon while skirting the western edge
good outfit and looked prosperous. pany him as far as Crescent where I of the dry lake bed he saw what
However, he did not seem to be much had my own camp. seemed to be the entrance to a cave
interested in the Crescent camp, de- After breakfast the next morning on the east side of a small limestone

AUGUST, 195 1 13
hill about 50 feet above the level of cannonading is heard coming from was prospecting for a Dr. John Hor-
the dry lake bed. the dark interior and then suddenly sky, of Helena, Montana.
There is something interesting the pile of black sand that chokes the The old prospector never returned
about a cave. It may contain anything tube-like chimney, is seen to rise up, and to this date no word has ever
—an ironbound chest full of gold and and a dark column of water 18 feet come out of the desert as to his fate.
silver and precious gems, bandit loot, in diameter bulges up from the center I have since learned that an old man
old guns, saddles, artifacts, bones of and reaches a height of 45 or 50 feet. with long white whiskers was found
man or long extinct animals. I some- This dome of water and sand spreads dead on the dry lake bed near Ivan-
times think this love of the cave has out into waves and breaks into white pah. He and his burros were shot to
been handed down to us by ancient spray as it dashes against the terraces. death. I do not know if this was the
ancestors who lived in caves. When The play or intense agitation keeps up same man or not.
one of those old-timers headed for for several hours and then the pool
his cave two jumps ahead of a three- settles down and is as quiet as a mill- The old man had told me that there
toed whangdoodle the cave looked pond. was from three to six feet of this heavy
good to him. black sand on the dry lake bed, which
If the old man told the truth about is now covered by a shroud of snow
Likewise this cave looked good to the sand in the lake bed and in the white sand.
the old prospector and he decided to cavern, it would be difficult to com-
make camp and explore it. At least it Naturally I do not know the exact
pute the value of the gold that could location of this million dollar cave. If
offered shelter from desert sand be taken from this cave. Then, too,
storms. I did I would locate it myself instead
every time the tide comes it brings up of writing this story which will, no
The entrance was a long tunnel. He more gold. How far the: black sand
had not gone far inside when he heard doubt stir interest in that part of the
reaches down the underground stream, desert. This cave should not be con-
the sound of running water. Returning I am unable to say.
to the mouth of the cave for a lantern, fused with one that recently was dis-
Our dinner was over by the time covered out on Highway 91 east of
he made his way back along the nar- the old man had finished his story, and
row entrance and soon came to a San Bernardino, California, which is
we began to break camp. said to extend for a distance of eight
great dome-shaped chamber resem-
bling an amphitheatre full of churning He invited me to go along with him miles and to contain a fortune in gold.
water. As he stood there a small to his cave and work with him. This Some old prospector or desert rat
whirlpool appeared in the center and I readily agreed to do as soon as I with a magic lamp to transport him to
suddenly the water rushed out with a could sell my mining claims in the this hole in the ground, could live like
roar like thunder. The bottom seemed Crescent camp. The old nan promised a king, if he had enough money to buy
to have dropped out of the cave. The to be back in about thres weeks with a small electric light plant, some rails
floor was shaped like a large basin more gold at which time I hoped to be and an ore car. He could live in a
with bench-like terraces or steps that ready to accompany him. fairy palace with nothing to do but
led down to the dark center. The ter- I sold my claim to an old French wait for the tide to come in with more
races were piled high with black sand Canadian named Joe Semenec, who gold.
that trickled down with the receding
Hanging from the ceiling were thou- WouU THafo 'Deficit
sands of beautiful stalactites while Proper methods of desert agricul- in the production of essential foods or
other thousands of stalagmites stood ture could turn millions of square miles of materials valuable to medicine, agri-
up from the floor of the cave. In of unproductive, desolate land into a culture or industry. He points to St.
places they formed massive columns. supplementary area for man's use. This John's bread or the locust tree as an
Around the interior of the cavern is the opinion of Dr. Raymond S. example of food-producing plants. This
were many grottos sparkling with Cowles, professor of zoology at the tree has a high food yield per acre of
crystals. The walls were plastered with University of California at Los Ange- nutritious pods which are eaten by
lime carbonate like tapestries studded les, who specializes in research with animals and sometimes by man.
with diamonds. Never in his life had the flora and fauna of the southwest- The jojoba, or goat nut, is another
he seen anything like it. Above the ern deserts. He recommends selective plant whose nut is readily eaten by
top terrace was a human skeleton and breeding and harvesting of native plants livestock. It is hardy and drought-
in a nearby grotto were the bones of already adapted to the drying winds, resistant and grows wild in a large
some extinct animal, probably a burning sands and infrequent rainfall, area in the Southwest. The nut con-
ground sloth. rather than further efforts at irrigation, tains a high percentage of an oily wax,
The center of the basin-shaped bot- as the answer to wide-spread desert which has been found to be useful in
tom of the cave was now filled with agriculture. making candles which have a high
black sand that had slid down from "The possibility of reclaiming desert melting point. The jojoba oil has an-
the surrounding terraces. On the way land through irrigation seems to be other unusual quality—it does not be-
out he gathered a few handfulls of the nearing its limits," the UCLA scientist come rancid.
sand which later was found to be points out. "But there are a great many Another interesting plant is the na-
sprinkled with yellow nuggets that plants which require no water except tive tobacco, which has a delicate
gleamed in the desert sunlight. That the small amount they are accustomed fragrance somewhat similar to Turkish
night the old prospector sat by his to in their desert homes. In fact, a varieties. There are also many kinds
campfire smoking and reveling in the desert agriculture based on such plants of bunch grasses which feed grazing
dreams of a Monte Cristo. Was he not would have failures only in the years stock. Dr. Cowles readily admits that
rich? when there was too much rainfall." many problems remain to be solved in
According to his story the water in Dr. Cowles suggests that a scientific the field of desert agriculture. But he
the cavern rises and falls with the ebb analysis of all desert plants would suggests that since the many plants
and flow of the tides in the Pacific and reveal hundreds of specimens of poten- living there now have come to terms
is active twice every 24 hours. First tial commercial value. with their environment, man should
a rumbling sound like a subterranean These plants would either be useful be able to match their adjustment.

Ode ta a Snto&e *7*ee
Palm Desert, California
A smoke tree is a filmy wisp
Of wind-blown spray;
Gossamer as silken web, wherein
The errant night winds play.
Argent glory down arroyos
Where blue-veined mountains drain,
Pouring down in tumbling cadence
Desert's golden wine of rain.
,:., A smoke tree is a silver urn
Placed near a dune
Where hoarded treasure spills
And overflows in June.
Blossoms, deep as midnight,
Form pools of shadowed blue;
An angel artist breathed upon her work
When she was through.
A smoke tree is a magic loom, whereon.
With mystic thread,
The sunlight spins dark, shadowed lace
To lay across the white sand bed.
And up the wash, like silver ribbons
Shimmering in the sun,
The magic of the trail unwinds. 1 follow
Where wild quail and coyotes run.

Dumas, Texas
Star-studded sky and desert calm,
And silhouette of waving palm,
And sleepy flowers on the hill
And stately cactus standing still
Against the night!
These things can calm the weary soul.
And teach us Heaven is our goal,
And help our hearts to understand
That God is here on every hand
To guide us right.
Oh, weary soul, forsake thy quest.
Renounce the city's raw behest.
"Take up thy bed" and seek the hills
Far from the scene of clashing wills.
And win the fight.

Greybull, Wyoming
Polished by the shifting sands,
Black as desert nights that hide it.
' ;
• ' • " • •

Chipped by copper-colored hands,

Used but once . . . a Red man tried it,
Photograph by George M. Roy Sent it speeding toward its mark.
An instant . . . then its work was done.
AUTUMN'S TOUCH THE DESERT Now it rests through still and dark.
By MARGARET FOX BALLOUGH By RUTH A. MooRii And shimmers 'neath the desert sun.
Albion, Michigan Healdsburg, California
Autumn . . . hesitating Sometimes the desert is cool and calm
To make known her visit here . . . Sometimes it's harsh and cruel.
Though longing to be noticed When wind and heat and blowing sand
Stands trembling . . . as in fear. Begin their endless duel.
'Tis now she must be subtle
And task with quiet grace Sometimes the desert's a devilish fiend Sleep then, nor dream of mighty
To weave her spell . . . and yet Who likes to taunt and fool splendors.
Not change in character, this place. The lost and dying thirsty man Nor envy them when you awake.
With mirage of waters cool. Those august greatnesses and
In other lands, left far behind. grandeurs
Her handiwork is* known Sometimes this beast is like a lamb Work and determination take.
By crimson trees . . . and fallen leaves So gentle, meek and kind.
By Autumn's breath are blown! It's then I like to search her out The heights and conquests each must
Encircled by her arms, the world's And all her beauties find. earn,
Held firm in Autumn's clutch . . . Carved on his inmost soul, in blood.
Though desert sands and arid lands Sometimes the desert's a fairy land And he who sleeps, though he may
Yield slowly to her touch. When bathed with pale moonlight. yearn.
As Autumn trails her fingers through the And starry sequins overhead Cannot attain the Great or Good.
sand. Lend their magic to the night.

AUGUST, 1951 15
Wanted: A Desert Thermometer
this place is hotter than Needles was
The desert's summer heat is greatly over-rated—mostly because yesterday." (It had reached a maxi-
science has not yet devised a thermometer which will register tempera- mum of 110 degrees there.)
tures in terms of bodily comfort. The Fahrenheit thermometer now in
use not only is an inadequate instrument but it is a downright prevari- My wife made the usual remark
cator. In the meantime folks go on "suffering" from heat which may about Los Angeles' unusual weather,
be 20 degrees imagination. and I wondered aloud what the tem-
perature actually was. In a few min-
utes we had our answer. A large ther-
mometer in the shade of a doorway
By GEORGE FITZPATRICK showed the temperature to be 85 de-
grees. As far as comfort is concerned
Editor of New Mexico Magazine that thermometer was a barefaced pre-
Art by Raymond McCoy varicator. We were more uncomfort-
able at 85 in Los Angeles on an exces-
sively humid day than we were in
WIFE and I were walking shopping, I shed the coat which I had Needles under the full force of the
along Wilshire Boulevard in put on for custom's sake. My shirt desert sun that had sent mid-afternoon
Los Angeles after driving in was sticking to my skin. My forehead temperatures to a high of 110.
from New Mexico across the Mojave oozed perspiration. So the thermometer doesn't really tell
desert. Sauntering casually, window "Either I've got a fever,"' I said, "or you the temperature insofar as your
body reacts to that temperature. And
'We were more uncomfortable at 85 degrees in actually 85 in Los Angeles on a humid
Los Angeles on an excessively humid day . . . day is not the same temperature as 85
in Los Angeles on a dry day. The
human skin registers these two 85-
degree readings differently.
I have been so hot in Chicago when
the temperature registered 95 that I
spent the few hours between trains in
an air-conditioned movie instead of
sight-seeing as I would have preferred.
I have really sweltered many a time
back east in Erie, Pa., when the tem-
perature reached only 83 degrees. Yet
83 or 93 or even 103 in any of a
dozen places in the Southwest, Albu-
querque, Tucson, Palm Desert, or any
other you name, is so pleasant that
we southwesterners wonder how people
can live any place else.
The explanation, of course, is in the
trite old saying, "It isn't the heat; it's
the humidity."
Using myself as a guinea pig, I have
been keeping a weather eye on the
thermometer and have come to this
conclusion: The recorded temperature
seldom agrees with my skin's reaction
to various types of heat and cold.
The high temperatures reported from
southwestern points during the sum-
mer frighten easterners who begin to
get faint when they think of tempera-
tures over 90.
Yet as far as skin comfort is con-
cerned a temperature of 100 in the
Southwest actually is about 80.
A meteorologist friend explained it
for me by saying that the body has
a very efficient cooling process, and
that the evaporation of a single ounce
of moisture removes more than 1800
calories of heat from the body. The
difficulty is that the rate at which this
evaporational cooling takes place de-
pends upon the relative humidity. If

the humidity is high, the rate of evapo- fortable and why temperatures up to eter is frequently more accurate in
ration of the skin's moisture is slow. 120 degrees are not unbearable. The summer in approximating the tempera-
If the percentage of humidity in the body actually feels a temperature con- ture the skin feels, the Weather Bur-
air is low, the rate of evaporation is siderably lower than the dry-bulb eau experts say it is not the solution
rapid. thermometer registers. to the problem, since other factors—
Direct rays of the sun, of course, are speed of air movement, barometric
Thus in dry Needles or Phoenix or
hot—and we feel hot. But move over pressure, muscular activity, clothing—
Albuquerque, the rate of evaporation
into the shade. There the wet bulb influence the temperature we feel.
in the middle of summer is rapid, while
in New York or Baltimore or Phila- reading might be as much as 30 de- F. W. Reichelderfer, chief of the
delphia on a usual summer day, the grees lower than the hundred that the Weather Bureau, Washington, declares
rate of evaporation is slow, due to the dry-bulb thermometer registers. that "the problem of determining an
high percentage of humidity in the air. A thermometer that more accurately index of human comfort (involving
So the skin is actually more comfort- measures the temperature in terms of the four factors of temperature, rela-
able in higher temperatures in the skin comfort would have a tremendous tive humidity, air movement and radi-
desert than in temperatures 15 to 25 psychological effect on southwestern ation) has been a matter of concern
degrees lower in the damper East! visitors. People who are frightened for some time." He goes on to say,
away from the desert by temperatures however, that an index suitable for
It boils down to the fact that com- one set of conditions may not be suit-
parative temperature readings for va- of 100, and 110, would feel no dis-
comfort if those temperatures were able for another.
rious parts of the United States have
little or no significance. They may be more accurately recorded at 85 and "For example," the Weather Bur-
as much as 15 to 20 degrees off in 90. eau chief says, "a person exposed to
relation to the reading your skin would Even though the wet-bulb thermom- a strong wind may experience wind
So the true measure of temperature
should be the degree of hot or cold " . . . than we were in Needles under the full
that we feel. force of the desert sun at 110 degrees.
At present there is no measuring de-
vice to approximate the reading the
skin would give to the temperature,
although some climatologists believe
that the wet-bulb temperature more
closely approximates the reading than
does the dry-bulb. Wet bulb record-
ings are made daily by the Weather
Bureau to compute humidity, but these
readings are seldom published.
To obtain wet-bulb readings and
to determine relative humidity, the
Weather Bureau uses what is called a
sling psychrometer. Two identical ther-
mometers are mounted together on a
strip of metal. To this are attached
three or four links of chain and a
handle that can be grasped in the fist.
One of the thermometers is covered
with muslin. This is then dipped in
water to wet the cloth thoroughly.
Holding the sling, the operator whirls
the thermometers rapidly in the air.
Evaporation of water from the muslin
causes a lower reading on the wet bulb
than on the dry-bulb thermometer. In
dry air, water evaporates faster, and
the rapid cooling therefore gives a
lower reading. The difference in read-
ings provides a measure of moisture
by which relative humidity is com-
In the dry climate areas of the West
and Southwest, the difference between
these wet and dry-bulb readings will
vary as much, on a summer day, as
25 or 30 degrees. The wet-bulb tem-
perature, of course, is the lower one—
and this more closely approximates
the temperature that the skin actually
This explains why a temperature of
100 degrees in Tucson is not uncom-

AUGUST, 1951 17
chill, but a person in a sheltered place
does not suffer similar effects."
The Quiz is a monthly test for those who
The American Society of Heating
and Ventilating Engineers years ago
recognized the inadequacy of the dry-
Desert Quiz want to learn more about the geography, the
botany, the history, the wildlife and person-
alities, past and present, and the lore of the desert country. The questions
bulb thermometer as an index of com-
fort. It has evolved what it calls "ef- cover a wide range cf subjects about people and places and things of
fective temperature." This is defined interest to those who travel. 12 to 14 is a fair score, 15 to 17 is good, 18
as "that index which expresses the or better is exception. The answers are on page 30.
composite effect of air temperature,
relative humidity, and air motion on 1—When frost comes in the fall the foliage of Juniper trees turns—
the human body." "Effective" refers White . Red . Yellow . Remain green
to physiological effects on the body.
While this "effective temperature" 2—Arizona's famous Camelback Mountain is seen from—Flagstaff
would hardly be applicable to the Phoenix . Tucson . Nogales
desert outdoors, it is interesting in
3—A balsa was used by the Indians—To kill game . As a magic
pointing up the problem of finding a
proper index of human comfort. prayer stick . As a funeral pyre for the cremation of the
dead . Raft used by Colorado river Indians to cross the
By a series of research tests the So- stream
ciety developed a formula by which
the known dry and wet-bulb tempera- 4—The ripples on desert sand dunes are caused by — Heat
tures and other factors can be read in Wind . Rain . Earth tremors
terms of "effective temperature." Un-
der certain conditions the dry-bulb 5—The cactus skeletons used by wood-workers to make lampstands and
thermometer might register 76 and other novelties come from a species of—Cholla . Hedgehog
the wet-bulb thermometer give a read- Prickly pear . Night-blooming cereus
ing of 63. According to the Society's 6—Old Indian trails generally followed—The bottoms of the arroyos
formula, the "effective temperature"
would be 70 if the movement of air Ridges . Mesas or slopes of the foothills . The sand dunes
is slow, 67 if moderate and 65 if rapid. 7—Amethyst is violet colored—Calcite . Quartz . Feldspar
A printed scale makes rapid compu- Obsidian
tation possible when the wet and dry-
bulb temperatures are known. 8—Harqua Hala is the name of a mountain range in—Arizona
Under the formula, with wet-bulb New Mexico ___.. Utah Nevada
temperature at 60 and dry-bulb tem- 9—John Hance was a famous story-teller at—Tombstone . Grand
perature of 90 the "effective tempera- Canyon .__.. . Death Valley . Santa Fe
ture" would be 75.9 degrees. This is
the nearest thing to what the skin 10—The famous Goosenecks are in the—San Juan River . Colorado
would register as has yet been devised. River Green River . Gila River
But it still would hardly be suitable for 11—Correct spelling of the range of mountains overlooking Death Valley
general outdoor use. is—Pannamint . Panimint . Panamintt Panamint
The scale was designed for indoor
use, and in their research before World 12—Clifton, Arizona, is famous for its—Silver mines Gold
War II they determined that people mines ___. Copper mines . Lead deposits
should not work in non-air conditioned
buildings when the "effective tempera- 13—The Comstoek lode is generally associated with the mining camp of—
ture" reaches 84 degrees. Rhyolite .__ . Tonopah . Goldfield . Virginia City
As to the outdoors, the problem is 14—The structure known as The Hopi House is in — Zion National
still unsolved. Weather Bureau Chief Park . Petrified Forest National Monument . Bandelier
Reichelderfer points out: "There is National Monument Grand Canyon National Park
no well established comfort index
known to us suitable to cover the en- 15—The Earps of Tombstone had their famous gunfight with—Billy the
tire range from the extremes of winter Kid ..... Geronimo's Apache warriors _ . The Clanton Gang
to those of summer, valid under all Butch Cassidy's outlaws
conditions out-of-doors." 16—The Shivwits Indian reservation is in—Utah . Nevada
So science still has to catch up with California . New Mexico
itself on a simple little thing like a
thermometer that actually registers the 17—The Smoke tree generally blossoms in—February . June
temperature the body feels. The field March Throughout the year
is wide open.
As to the prospects of solving the 18—The epic story of Imperial Valley's reclamation, The Winning of
problem, we have only this nof-too- Barbara Worth, was written by—Edwin Code . Harold Bell
hopeful statement from the Weather Wright . Zane Grey .___. J. Frank Dobie
Bureau chief: 19—The Spanish word Cienaga, commonly used in the Southwest,
"Several organizations are working means—Small mountain Marsh or miry place . Flowing
on this complex biological-environ- spring . High level plateau
mental problem, and when a comfort
index suitable for general meteorologi- 20—Window Rock in Arizona is the agency headquarters for the—Apache
cal application is produced, we shall Indians . Mojaves . Navajos . Papagos........
give serious consideration to its use for
local dissemination to the public."

Apache Chief, rode at the head of his Ancient Spanish Mines . . .
little band of Apache warriors. The Santa Fe, New Mexico
name Geronimo is Spanish and means Desert:
Jerome in English. Many Indians of Noting Glenn Holmes' letter con-
the Southwest and Mexico were given cerning Spanish mining in the South-
Spanish and American names by the west in the May issue of Desert Maga-
Geronimo, Apache or Greek . . . pioneers as their Indian names were zine, a brief historical item may not
Phoenix, Arizona very difficult to pronounce. As an be amiss.
Desert: example — the American government
I, too, have seen the Spanish relics
When I bought your June issue and sent a number of scholars into the West at Santa Rita, New Mexico, in fact
began looking through the pages, one to rename a small tribe of Indians. have been present when some were
of your stories was quite surprising— Knowing the Indian superstition, they discovered. They are typical of relics
"Geronimo, Apache or Greek." gave instructions to make the new
found wherever ancient Spanish mines
Eleanor Hodgson quotes most of names sound as much like the old ones exist and are similar to those described
her material from Angelo Doxa, a as it was possible to do. Coming to in my article about the "Mina del
Greek writer who suggested that the a buck whose name was "Bobtail Coy- Tiro" in the March issue of Desert.
name, Geronimo, came from the Greek ote." they renamed him "Robert T. There was essentially no change in
name Heronimos, and that the famous Wolf." mining methods as used by the early
Apache chief may in reality have been I have seen several of these old-time Spaniards until the advent of the
a Greek. silver lockets among the Indians around Americans a few years prior to the
This assumption is quite unlikely. Taos and Isleta, New Mexico, and they American occupation in 1846.
Geronimo's name, before he broke all contained a lithographed picture of The relics at Santa Rita were all
away from Cochise's Apaches, was the Virgin Mary, with the inscription recovered from the early Spanish work-
Goyathlay. He then changed it to —"Virgin of Taos," not Tenos. as the ings opened there by modern mining
Geronimo which is the Mexican ver- Aegean Island is spelled. It is there- operations. The copper deposits at
sion of Jerome. fore just possible that the author could Santa Rita were discovered in 1800
Angelo Doxa also suggests that have been mistaken in distinguishing and actual mining operations began
Geronimo had the features of a Greek. between the words Taos and Tenos as about 1804. Thus the Santa Rita relics
Actually, he was a perfect example of it was said to have been very dim at are from mining operations of the
the Apache—high cheekbones, hooked the time she tried to read it. early 19th century
nose and thin lips. He was short and I happen to know that Geronimo's CHARLES L. KNAUS
had a broad chest. father was a pure-blood Apache mar- • • •
The locket which the writer offers ried to an Apache squaw. Let us hope
No Water at Corn Springs . . .
as proof, could easily have been stolen that she was beautiful. They were
by the Apaches from a foreigner trav- of the wild pagan tribes of the hills Desert Center, California
eling through their country. Desert:
and probably never heard of the Island Motorists who may be going to Corn
Although there is no proof, it is of Tenos in the far away Aegean Sea.
believed Geronimo's p a r e n t s were If the notorious Apache chief was a Springs oasis to camp should be in-
killed by Mexicans when he was very Greek I am a Chinaman. formed there is no water at the present
young. time. The spring ceased to flow sev-
JOHN D. MITCHELL eral years ago, and some prospectors
After looking up all the available
from Aztec Well helped me put down
records, I am convinced Angelo Doxa Who Gets the Treasure? . . .
a well among the palms. But the
is mistaken—and that Geronimo was
Silver City, New Mexico water is not up to standard for drink-
a full-blooded Apache.
Desert: ing, and should not be used, even if it
DON PALMER can be gotten out of the hole.
Can you inform me as to the proper
procedure necessary to establish own- WILL LEWIS
Corona del Mar, California ership if a person finds a cache of lost Desert Magazine has written to
Desert: or buried treasure? Who should be Riverside County authorities urg-
The Greek writer, Angelo Doxa, notified, and does the government ing that the well be re-conditioned,
who is quoted in your June issue, was claim a percentage of the wealth? as Corn Springs has been one of
mistaken about Geronimo being a Where can I get this information? the historic watering places on the
Greek. I was captured by the Apaches EDWIN P. PATCHFORD desert—dating back to a time long
in New Mexico in 1885. I put in 18 Desert Magazine referred this before the white men came to the
years in the Apache country and knew inquiry to the California Division desert, as evidenced by petro-
Geronimo. He was a full-blooded of Mines, and was advised that glyphs on the rocks there.—R.H.
Apache. "Disposition of buried treasure • • •
SGT. FRED F. VEDDER found on public domain and on Let's Leave It Alone . . .
• • • private property depends on many San Francisco, California
Chandler, Arizona legal factors. Ordinarily, buried Desert:
Desert: treasure found on privately owned Is there any chance to get a piece of
Referring to the article by Eleanor land belongs to the owner of the that big petrified tree trunk in Nevada
Hodgson, in the June issue of the property, but in some cases, by which Nell Murbarger wrote about in
Desert Magazine calling attention to court decision, such rights have your July issue?
the book "The Charming Tropics," been given to the finder." TIM TIMOTHY
written by Angelo Doxa, a native of The American Antiquities Act No one will ever get a piece of
the Island of Keofalonia, Greece. of 1906 appears to apply in some that grand old petrified veteran
It is a long cry from the Island of instances, but the conditions are of a prehistoric forest without
Tenos, in the Aegean Sea, to the hills so diverse as to make it impossible using dynamite—and no one with
and valleys of the Great Southwest to quote a general rule which will the heart of a true rockhound
where the notorious Geronimo, the apply.—R. H. would ever do that.—R. H.

AUGUST, 1951 19
man leading and Marge Henderson Gradually it became light enough to Smith, Georgie White, Larry Ames,
bringing up the rear as assistant lead- see who had come. Fritz Sloman, Peggy Fredricks, Bert Baldwin, Ralph
er. The elevation at the Smith cabin Marge and Bill Henderson, Bernice Harlow, Elgin Pierce, Louise and
is 1800 feet. The highest point in the and Walter Heninger, were all veter- Niles Werner. James Bonner had
range is 6200 feet, so we had about ans of previous attempts and were brought two guests: Rosamond Ba-
4400 feet to gain, within a distance of especially eager to make the top this ker, a prospective club member, and
about nine miles. time. Three members of the San Diego Adele Millerd, from Sydney, Austra-
Adelina Smith had decided to make Chapter of the Sierra Club were with lia. Adele is an International Educa-
the climb with us. "In the 16 years us: Barbara Lilley, Frances Pierson tion student this year at the California
we've lived here, I've been all the way and Eugene Vinson. From the Los Institute of Technology. We asked her
up the canyon only once," she said. Angeles Chapter: Muriel Pope, Glen about the Australian deserts. She said
The wash was wide open at first. Warner, Dorothy Campbell, Eleanor they are very much less accessible
than our deserts.
Above—Some of the climbers along the route. It took seven hours to ascend The wash narrowed between smooth
4400 feet to the top. walls of white, pre-cambrian marble.
Now and then we encountered a little
Below—The bald summit of A vawatz. Joshua trees are seen growing nearly rock scramble up dry falls. As the sun
rose higher we welcomed the shade
to the top—with a sprinkling of pinyon and juniper.
of the canyon walls.
About four miles above the Smith
cabin, Mrs. Smith pointed out the
Upper Spring, running water from a
pipe. Clumps of desert willow grew
at this spot and fresh droppings of
mountain sheep were all around.
"We estimate we have six or eight
mountain sheep back in here," Mrs.
Smith told us. "We'd have more if the
mountain lions didn't get the lambs.
One old ram is quite friendly with Mr.
Smith. Allows him to come almost
within petting distance. Two years ago
the Los Angeles County Museum sent
a group in here to get a sheep for
mounting. Mr. Smith showed them
where to find the sheep. They took an
ewe and their taxidermist prepared it
right in front of our house. It was
lambing time and they took a perfect
little lamb out of the ewe and stuffed
it too. I understand they're both on
display in the American animals ex-
hibit at the Museum at Exposition
The girls wanted to know how Mrs.
Smith kept her skin so soft and white
living on the desert.
"It's natural," she said. "I never use
creams. I guess I'm lucky."
We rested at the Upper Spring, giv-
ing everyone a chance to catch up. For
most of us the breakfast hour had
been too early to enjoy much food.
Lunch bags came out of knapsacks
and out of lunchbags came oranges,
apples, carrots, celery and sandwiches.
Sounds like a vegetarian picnic. These
foods we especially enjoy in desert
lunches, because of their moisture
content. Everyone carried at least a
quart canteen of water and many car-
ried canned fruit juice besides. Sea-
soned climbers usually carry, on one-
day trips: a sweater or parka, flash-
light, dark glasses, matches. The lead-
er is required to carry a standard first
aid kit. Niles Werner always carries
a pair of pliers for two reasons: to
pull out boot nails that give trouble,

and to pull out cactus spines from back halfway every time they took a Fritz and Niles started up the right
victims' hides. step. But the scree slope wasn't long ridge with Barbara Lilley and Eugene
At the Upper Spring we took the left and they soon reached a ridge, which Vinson following. Bernice and Walter
fork which is narrow for a short dis- climbed in an arc, toward the top of Heninger decided to wait until it was
tance. Here grow clumps of real wil- the yellow cliff. Most of the cliff party certain which was the true summit.
low. Then the canyon widens to a made it easily, but a few found the Larry Ames and Muriel Pope went up
wash again, its sides rising gently to last 10 or 15 feet steep and the footing a draw between the two summits and
red-brown volcanic-like ridges. This poor. Fritz ran up the ridge to assist the rest straggled out behind.
gentle rise is generously dotted with them. Pinyon Pines decorate the slopes
Joshua trees, smaller varieties of yuc- We could see by now that we were above the scree, and fine large juni-
ca, and beavertail cactus. still a long way from the summit. We pers are all over the hills.
Around a bend the formations in- couldn't even be sure which ridge led Fritz and Niles disappeared over
dicated we were coming to the end of to the highest point. what looked like the top. After a little
the canyon, and to the foot of some
steeper climbing. The lead group had Above—On the trail to Avawatz. Peak. Proper dress for such a mountain
already paused there to consider the
routes. Yellow cliffs to the left were climb is—whatever you want to wear.
deeply furrowed with steep gullies and
topped by a craggy summit. Beyond Below—This is the canyon up which the party came. The going was rough
this summit, we suspected, was the in some places.
peak. To the right was a scree slope.
Above the scree slope the ridge ran, in
a short arc, toward the top of the yel-
low cliff.
While the leaders pondered the
question of which way to go, the rest
of us whiled away the time resting,
talking and laughing. Someone won-
dered where the name 'Avawatz' came
"We have always assumed it was
Indian," Mrs. Smith said, "but we
have never been certain as to the ori-
gin." Later in Erwin A. Gude's Calif-
ornia Place Names, I found the fol-
lowing information:
"The name appears on the map of
the Merriam expedition (1891) as
Ivawatch, a name doubtless supplied
by the Indians. It is derived from
Southern Paiute na-hu-watz, 'moun-
tain sheep.' The use of the prefix iva-
'white, clear' in place of na-hu may
imply that the word referred to 'white
sheep' (O. J. Fisk). The name was
commonly pronounced a-va-watz by
the settlers . . . "
There is always a great deal of
laughter on such trips. We laugh at
many things that don't seem funny
when one tries to put them on paper
afterward. Whether the joke is good
or not, doesn't seem important. Peo-
ple in high spirits will laugh at the
slightest excuse.
"That must be the old gate we're
supposed to pass through," said Bill
Henderson, pointing to an old post
with a cross-piece sagging from it.
That way lay the scree slope.
"The cliff is more direct," was Lar-
ry Ames' opinion.
"That may be so, but it's no place
to take a large party without ropes,"
judged Fritz Sloman, the leader. And
he started up the scree slope. Half a
dozen others liked the looks of the
cliff and decided to try it. The rest
followed Fritz up the scree, sliding

AUGUST, 195 1


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they appeared again and signalled us label from the can and passed the pa- ISSUE OF SPECIAL STAMPS
to come on. We relayed the news back. per label around to get everybody's ENDS FISHING CONTROVERSY
Later Fritz reported that, according signature. That was the record we left
Distribution of 10,000 special use
to the map, the elevations of the two on top, in the cairn placed there by
stamps for fishing on waters of the
summits differed by only 24 feet. the Geological Survey. In the cairn we
Colorado river was slated to begin June
found only one record. It had been
By ones, twos and threes they came 28 with Las Vegas sporting goods deal-
placed there that very morning, by
up. Everybody made it. It took seven ers, who are authorized to handle Ne-
Don Rappolee, of the San Diego Na- vada fishing licenses, getting priority
hours. We estimate the distance at val Base. He had made a solo ascent
nine miles. Bill Henderson passed on delivery, according to Helen Scott
by moonlight and reported seeing two Reed, county clerk. Delivery of the
around his binoculars. Off to the east rams.
the Silurian Hills seemed to be bury- stamps, issued by Arizona, to outlying
ing themselves in their own alluvial Going down was like payday. The points at Nelson, Overton and Boulder
fans. Far beyond them, in Nevada, places that had taken the longest going City was expected to be completed
rose the Charleston Mountains. Silver up, were the fastest going down. Es- before the fishing permits become ef-
Lake and Soda Lake lay dry and white pecially did we coast on the scree. In fective, July 1. The stamp distribution
to the southeast. To the southwest, the the canyon again, the party broke into brings to a peaceful conclusion a fish-
Tiefort Mountains loomed close, with groups; some wanted to hurry down; ing license controversy that has raged
Bicycle Lake at their feet. In the im- some wanted to saunter. Fritz stayed over use of waters of the Colorado
mediate foreground to the northwest, in the rear to see that everyone got river between the states of Arizona
the other high summits of the Ava- down safely. and Nevada. Under the special use
watz range cut off most of the view plan local anglers and non-resident
We passed a group lingering to take fishermen will pay one dollar for the
toward Death Valley. From the crown a last look at the yellow cliffs. Down stamp for the privilege of fishing on
of the Avawatz, one can see almost the wash, we stopped to share the waters that form a boundary line be-
all the features characteristic of our peanuts and hard candy Glen Warner tween the two states. This stamp will
California deserts. and Dorothy Campbell passed us. La- be good until December 30. The fee
We enjoyed the top for a couple of ter we passed up a couple taping up for the full year of 1952 will be two
hours. Some wanted nothing more blistered toes. And so on down the dollars. Nevada has delivered 20,000
than a good drink of water and a good wash and back to canrp. And at the stamps to Arizona officials for distribu-
rest. Most of us enjoyed our apples, end of the day there was a general tion. The Nevada stamps are to be
oranges, fruit juice and candy. Camera good feeling that the climb to the attached to valid Arizona licenses,
fans were busy. Fritz emptied a No. crown of the Avawatz was a stimula- either resident or non-resident.—Las
10 can of tomato juice, removed the ting and rewarding experience. Vegas Review-Journal.

Hidden Canyon Goal oi Trek . . .
PHOENIX—Included in the vaca-
tion plans of six Arizona youths is a
o*t t&e 400-mile trek into some of the wildest
country in Mexico. The group hopes
ARIZONA northeast of Yuma, and is carried to explore the fabulous Hidden can-
through the Ail-American Canal for yon, supposedly larger than the Grand
Arizona to Improve Roads . . . canyon and containing newly discov-
14Vi miles to Siphon Drop where it
TUCSON—Highway budget figures is turned through the Siphon Drop ered species of tropical animals. A
released in Arizona include $1,039,- power plant into the Yuma main canal. 150-mile hike with burros from Ala-
600 ear-marked for improvement of —Yuma Sun. mos, a Mexican town 500 miles south
Highway 66. The moneys will be used of the border, to the edge of the can-
for completion of the Yucca cutoff yon is planned. Two members of the
between Kingman and Topock, grad- Peyote-Eating Defended . . . group are from Phoenix college, two
ing and draining 12 miles between are from the University of Arizona,
Topock and Franconia, 35 miles of FLAGSTAFF — Eating of peyote one has just graduated from North
resurfacing between Topock and Kas- buttons is not "debauchery" but a Phoenix high school and one attends
ter, 19 miles of grading and draining harmless and valuable religious sacra- the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
between Topock and Kingman, three ment as practiced by the Native Ameri- nology.—Tucson Citizen.
miles of grading and an overpass near can Church, it is claimed by a Navajo • • •
Yucca, and four miles grading, drain- group. Peyote or mescal buttons are Arizona Wins Water Vote . . .
ing and surface work east and west the dried, disc-like tops of the small WASHINGTON—Senate approval,
spineless Mexican cactus, resembling a 50-28 of the Hayden-McFarland bill
of McConnico.—Desert Star. potato chip covered on one side with authorizing the $788,000,000 Central
• • • a tuft of down-like cotton. Recent Arizona Reclamation Project marks the
Well Drilling Banned . . . statements protesting the use of peyote second successive Arizona victory over
PHOENIX — W. W. Lane, state as harmful and habit-forming are the California in the quarter century-long
land commissioner, has declared 400,- result of misinformation, the Navajo fight over Colorado River water. The
000 acres of Pinal county lands as a group advised. K. F. Parker, curator margin was five votes closer than in
"critical area." The declaration calls of the herbarium at the University of February, 1950, when a similar pro-
for restrictions against drilling water Arizona has recently indicated that posal passed 55-28. The Congressional
wells for new land development. Des- most scientific investigation has shown future of the proposal is still in doubt,
ignation of the area as critical was the peyote plant to be non-habit form- however, since the House Interior-In-
made under provisions of the State ing and harmless.—Coconino Sun. sular Affairs committee some months
Groundwater act of 1948. The Pinal
area is the third and largest section to
be placed under state water control.
Only one small segment of the county,
north of Red Rock, remains free of
state water jurisdiction.—Tucson Citi- don't forget...
• • •
Travel Increase Noted . . .
GRAND CANYON — Travel to
Grand Canyon national park is 8.2
percent above last year's total to June CHIEF
1, park service officials have disclosed.
So far this travel year, which started the world's
Oct. 1, 228,688 visitors have been
checked into the park, compared with most famous gas
211,261 for the same period last year.
May of this year, however, has shown
a slight decline with 49,726 visitors
coming into the park, as compared
with 50,109 for May of 1950. This
year's visitors have included travelers
from all 48 states and many foreign
lands.—Coconino Sun. Get Fire Chief today
• • •
Water Users Get Project . . . from your Texaco Dealer-
YUMA — Valley division of the "The best friend
Yuma project—oldest Bureau of Rec- your car ever had
lamation development on the Colorado
river—was slated to be turned over
July 1 for operation and maintenance
to the Yuma County Water Users as-
sociation. The transfer was to be made THE TEXAS COMPANY
in accordance with a recently executed
contract between the Bureau and water Texaco Dealers in all 48 States
users. The Valley division contains TEXACO PRODUCTS ALSO DISTRIBUTED IN CANADA

approximately 50,000 acres. Water is

diverted at Imperial Dam, 18 miles

AUGUST, 195 1 25
ago voted to postpone further con-
sideration of a counterpart bill until
THE D€S€RT TRADING POST the water row is settled by binding
agreement between the states or a court
ruling.—Los Angeles Times.
Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 8c a Word, $1.00 Minimum Per Issue
• • •
Indian Service Men Promoted . . .
SAN CARLOS—Commissioner of
$1.00. 2 large arrowheads $1.00; extra fine
TRADING POST, Hiway 80, Rox and Indian
Goods. 1 acre, 3 houses, soft water well.
Indian Affairs Dillon S. Meyer has
stone tomahawk $2.00; 4 beautiful bird ar-
rowheads $1.00; 2 flint knives $1.00; fine
Healthy, good living for couple. Reason old announced appointment of Thomas H.
age. $8500. Trading Post, Boulevard, Calif.
effigy peace pipe $8.00; bone fish hook $2.00; Dodge as superintendent of the San
6" or over spearhead $5.00, thin and perfect.
List Free. Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas.
FABULOUS EARNINGS — Fascinating pastime.
Growing Genuine, living miniature (Ming)
Carlos Indian agency. Dodge, a Na-
WE SEARCH UNCEASINGLY for old and rare Trees. New Sensational Business or Hobby. vajo Indian and former chairman of
Astounding information FREE. Dwarf Gar-
Indian Artifacts, but seldom accumulate a
large assortment. Collectors seem as eager to dens, Box 355N, Briggs Station, Los Angeles the Navajo Tribal council, succeeds
possess them as their original owners. To 48, California. Arthur E. Stover who retired May 31
those who like real Indian things, a hearty
welcome. You too may find here something after 18 years in the Indian Service.
you have long desired. We are continually
increasing our stock with the finest in Navajo MISCELLANEOUS Dodge's former position as head of
rugs, Indian baskets, and hand-made jewelry. the Truxton agency at Valentine will
Daniels Trading Post, 401 W. Foothill Blvd., FRED AND JESSIE PORTER welcome you to
Fontana. California. "Pow-Wow" Rock and Gift Shop. East end be filled by Austin F. Ladd. Ladd has
COLLECTORS ITEMS in Indian Handicraft. Old
of Yermo, Calif. Hi-way 91. You are assured
of an interesting stop here; whether it be
been finance officer at the Colorado
baskets from 20 tribes, buckskin garments, rocks, gifts, information or a souvenir. River agency for the past two years.
war bonnets, beadwork, Navajo and Zuni What's your hobby? Ours in rocks. Come in
Pawn silver jewelry, peace pipes, headbreak- and "Pow-Wow" with us. He was chief clerk of that agency for
ers, old bows and arrows, handmade Indian
saddle, beaded saddle blankets, bone breast
10 years, from 1939 to 1949.—Bur-
LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier."
plates, Navajo yea rugs. Pat Read, Indian For women who wish to become beautiful, for eau of Indian Affairs.
Trader, Lawrence, Kansas. women who wrish to reman beautiful. An
outstanding desert cream. For information, • • •
write or call Lola Barnes, 363 No. Oakland,
Pasadena 6, Calif, or phone SYcamore 4-2378. Davis Dam Play Area Planned . . .
COLOR SLIDES—Travel, Nature, Geology, etc.
DAVIS DAM—Residents of Ari-
BOOKS FOUND: Any subject, any author. Fast
service. Send wants—no obligation. Interna- Free list (with sample 30c, three for dollar). zona and Nevada have a vast new
tional Bookfinders. Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills,
Kelly D. Choda, Box 5, Los Alamos, New
water playground they hardly know
PANNING GOLD — Another hobby for Rock
exists. It is 67-mile-long Lake Mo-
GEIGER COUNTER — Nucleus, $1(i, Postpaid.
Hounds and Desert Roamers. A new booklet,
You add battery and phones to make a reli- jave, behind the Colorado's Davis
"What the Beginner Needs to Know," 36 pages
of instructions; also catalogue of mining books able, sensitive, beta-gamma detector at low-
est possible cost. Free informative literature.
Dam. Lake Mojave is somewhat
and prospectors' supplies, maps of where to go
and blue prints of hand machines you can Westcoast Products, Dept. D-M, 8227 Grove, smaller than Lake Mead to the north,
Sunland, California.
build. Mailed postpaid 25c, coin or stamps. but National Park Service officials
Old Prospector, Box 729, Desk 5, Lodi, Calif.
DESERT TEA. One pound on? dollar postpaid. have drafted a plan for joint recrea-
door hobby. Beginners' big illustrated instruc-
Greasewood Greenhouses, Lenwood, Barstow,
tional development of the two areas.
tion book—$1.00. Miners' gold pans, $2.00. Principal recreation site to be built on
Prospectors' powerful magnifying glass, $1.00.
Desert Jim, 627 Lillian, Stockton, California.
each postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses, Len-
the Arizona side of Lake Mojave will
wood, Barstow, California. be at Katherine, just north of the dam.
WE WILL PAY 50 cents each for good copies
of the Desert Magazine issue of September, COLOR SLIDES: Photomicrographs of rare According to Park officials the biggest
October, November, 1945, and January. Feb-
ruary, 1946. Desert Magazine, Palm Desert,
types of Agate. World Travelogs; Grand
Canyon, Petrified Forest, Yosemite, Carlsbad
attraction at the lake during the next
California. Caverns, White Rands, Indian Ruins, Big Bend. five years will be fishing.—Desert Star.
Brice, Zion, Wild Flowers, cacti, reptiles.
FOR SALE: Western Americana, limited selec- Four samples 2x2 or stereo and literature,
$1.00. Dave Harris, 2401 Pittsburg, El Paso,
tion; Covers Ghost mine and railroad items,
glass. Write your particular interest, I may Texas. CALIFORNIA
have it. Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada.
FOR SALE: Under $10,000, n ce modern home
Navy Uses Salton Sea . . .
in mountains. Wi acres, 216 feet on Highway EL CENTRO — U. S. Navy sea-
SO. Good business location. Oak and fruit,
planes plan to use the north end of
KEEP VOUR IMPS . . . trees, berries & garden. Plenty flowing water.
Location: Manzanita, Calif. Address Harvey
K. Deeds, Star Rt. Pine Valley, California. Salton Sea as an emergency landing
Every month Desert Magazine place. On request of the Eleventh
carries two or three maps especi- To join the newly incorporated United Pros- Naval District, the Imperial Irrigation
ally prepared for readers who pectors Organization. If yoi. are experienced
or beginners the articles in our magazine are
Board of Directors recently gave per-
come to the desert for recreation bound to help you enjoy your hobby and the mission for such use. The permit, it
outdoors. Send your name for our new bro-
or field trips. chure and literature. United Prospectors, Box was disclosed, protects land leases on
These maps are best retained
729, Lodi, California. the marginal area of the sea. The Navy
for permanent reference by filing FISHER LIGHT WEIGHT economy Model M- explained in its request that the new
your copy of Desert Magazine
Scope type ME metal locator, cost $137.50.
Also small Geiger counter, cost $37.50. Perfect
landing place would be used in case of
each month in one of the loose- condition. $85.00 for both. .1. A. Stiles, 10930 unfavorable weather conditions at San
Mines Ave., Whittier, California.
leaf binders supplied by the Diego.—Imperial Valley Weekly.
magazine publishers. FOR SALE: 1941 Dodge army ambulance, 4
wheel drive, 5 new 9:00x16 tires and tubes in
o • •
Covered with imitation leather addition to 4 on truck. New Dodge 120 h.p.
motor installed in 1948. Hive been getting
Huge Land Sale Announced . . .
and gold embossed, each binder 14-16 miles per gallon. Inside of body re-
modeled for camping; will s eep 2 adults and
CALEXICO — Imperial Valley's
holds 12 copies. They are easy 2 children. $650. Paul Crockett, 750 E. Al- largest farm land deal, a cash sale at
varado, Pomona, California.
to insert and they lay flat when a figure reportedly in excess of $800,-
open. SAVE 50 7c On New Binoculars! Free catalog. 000, has been announced. W. Lee
MAILED POSTPAID FOR Free book, "flow to Select Binoculars." Write Johnson, Harold H. Johnson, Ole C.
$2.00 today! Bushnell's 43-D-00 Green, Pasadena 1,
California. Johnson, and Rex T. Drysdale pur-
THE mflGRZME TWO-BDRM. HOME — furnished, on half-acre chased the entire capital stock of
walled-in lot. 6-in. walls, poured concrete.
Plenty of cheap water. Gorgeous view. Only
Martin C. Wahl, Inc., including 1280
$8600. Located seven miles NE of Palm acres of farm land about three miles
Springs. R. H. McDonald, Desert Hot Springs,
California. east of Calexico. All improvements

went with the land, including feed lots Highway 91 Dangerous Road . . . the Immigration Service, the flights
for 6000 cattle. The land sold for $500 BARSTOW — Highway 91, from were instigated recently in an effort
an acre—a record price for large tracts. Barstow to the Nevada state line, is to relieve pressure on immigration
Known in the Valley as the old Cudahy the most dangerous stretch of road in forces along the international border.
ranch, the land has been farmed al- California, according to a recent state- Heretofore, illegal entrants were taken
most exclusively to row crops such as ment by Chief of Police Floyd W. to the border in buses and allowed to
vegetables and sugar beets. Under the Howard of Barstow. Chief Howard walk back into Mexico. In many cases
new ownership the operation is to be pointed out that Barstow is the inter- these men waited until the immigration
changed. Nothing but field crops are section of two trans-continental high- officers left and then stepped back
planned. Purchase of the Wahl land ways, 91 and 66, and that it takes con- across the border.—Indio News.
brings total holdings of the buyers to stant patroling to keep accidents down
more than 6000 acres of Valley land. within the city. He attributed much NEVADA
—Imperial Valley Weekly. of the danger to the fact that tourists Brothers Set Boating Record . . .
coming in off the desert roads are used BOULDER CITY —Two brothers
Refuge Opening Opposed . . . to speed and light traffic conditions set a record when they navigated the
LA QUINTA—Edmund C. Jaeger, and when they reach the Barstow area 285 miles of treacherous Colorado
dean of desert naturalists, warns that they fail to reduce speed. He also cited river rapids in a flat-bottom rowboat
the greatest concentration of desert trouble encountered by the highway down the twisting, roaring stream in 52
bighorn sheep in southern California patrol with drivers who are tired and
is threatened with extinction if the sleepy after a weekend in Las Vegas.
Santa Rosa State Bighorn Sheep refuge Chief Howard estimated 2,500,000 "EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER"
is opened to deer hunters. Jaeger dis- cars pass through the city each year.
counted statements made by O. T. —Las Vegas Review-Journal. SLEEPING BAGS
Harvey, Riverside County Conserva- AIR MATTRESSES
tion Commission member, that sheep Land Sales Reported . . .
have made little progress in the refuge, SMALL TENTS
INDIO—Sale of a ranch, date gar-
hence no justification for maintaining den and city property, representing and many other items
the closed area. Those who really $130,000, was reported in the Coa-
know the refuge have learned that chella valley recently. V. C. Smith
there are many bighorn wandering VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT
sold his Jackson street ranch, with 125 717 West Seventh Street
over the rough terrain there, Jaeger acres in cotton, to Dr. William G.
contended. He proposed a four-point LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA
Durnin of Long Beach. Other trans-
program to preserve the Santa Rosa actions included the sale of Center
sheep consisting of retention or en- street property by Jack Milam to J. R.
largement of the existing refuge area, Griswold of Los Angeles, and Paul
better sign posting, assignment of more Preston's disposal of his 20-acre date FOR GOOD HEALTH
wardens, and increased conservation garden on Avenue 58 to James. Arm- Find out about BERRY BRAND
Genuine Brewery Yeast.
education.—Date Palm. strong, Valley rancher.—Date Palm. Write for free literature. $1.00 per
pound plus postage. Quantity dis-
counts available.
Scotty Castle Road Opened . . . "Wetbacks" Flown Home . . . "Proper selection of food today gives
DEATH VALLEY—Scotty Castle EL CENTRO—Flying Tiger airline you HEALTH tomorrow!"

road, 21-mile stretch of new highway flights from El Centra are carrying 240 H. B. BERRY LABORATORIES
officially designated as Route 72, is "wet" Mexicans daily to points in the Box 188, Montcbello, California
Telephone Union 1-0084
now open following recent dedication interior of Mexico. Under contract to
ceremonies. The dedication took place
where the road crosses the California-
Nevada state line with Governor Rus- ASK YOUR CONTRACTOR ABOUT "PRECISION BUILT"
sell of Nevada and other state officials
present. It was followed by open house
at Death Valley Scotty's castle with a
luncheon for the official guests. Scotty
You'll have year
recalled that he had first travelled the
course of the present highway in 1883
with his burros.—Times Herald.
T around comfort
. - " • • > • " • • : • • •

Warren Signs Tramway Bill . . . L|7-: • fwr "Precision Built"

PALM SPRINGS—Last legal bar- JliJife
rier to building a $6,000,000 tramway ,;•>• - . . . . ; • , '
in Mt. San Jacinto State park was PUMICE BLOCKS
cleared recently when Governor War-
ren of California signed legislation Homes of Distinction
changing the territorial limits of the are built with
Winter Park Authority. The bill fa-
cilitates acquisition of the right of way PLANS AVAILABLE
for the projected lift up the slope of DESERT CINDER BLOCKS FOR
Mt. San Jacinto in southern California. DESERT HOMES
The tramway is contemplated as the
largest aerial cable car in the world. Transit Mixed Concrete Co.
It would be used as a lift for winter 3464 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena 8
skiers and summer tourists.—Los An- RYAN 1-6329 or Corona Phone 1340
geles Times.

AUGUST, 1951 27
hours and 41 minutes. The pair are their fast time, reported they halted to Alfred Merritt Smith, Carson City,
Jim Rigg, 28, one of the owners of a survey only one falls, Lava Falls. They were named to the commission. The
tourist resort at Mexican Hat, Utah, said they went over other major rapids two appointees will serve with State
and Bob Rigg, 22, a student at the without stopping, bailing out their boat Engineer Hugh Shamberger and will
University of Colorado. Their voyage on the fly.—Los Angeles Times. receive $15 a day plus expenses when
started the night of June 8 at Lee's • • • in session.—Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Ferry at the head of the precipitous New Plant at Full Capacity . . . • • •
Grand Canyon and wound up the GABBS — Quantity production of Protest Mead Changes . . .
morning of June 11 at Pierce Ferry on basic magnesite began recently at the LAS VEGAS—Notice filed in the
Lake Mead. The Rigg boys, explaining new Gabbs plant, it was announced Federal Register May 18 under which
recently by H. P. Eells, Jr., president prospecting and mining in national
of Basic Refractories, Inc. The new recreational areas could be curtailed
plant, located 150 miles from Reno in by directive of the Secretary of the
MardKock Shorty Nye county, is on the site of one of
the two largest deposits of magnesite
in the United States. It is expected to
Interior has been protested by the
Southern Nevada chapter of the Ne-
vada Society of Professional Engineers,
ease the shortage in refractories now according to J. Ray Coulter, president.
of being experienced by steel companies The protest, sent to Secretary of the
producing at record levels under im- Interior, Oscar L. Chapman, expressed
Death pact of defense orders. One of the
world's largest single rotary kilns for
opposition to any change in the gen-
eral mining laws that would abridge
"deadbuming" magnesia refractories the rights of any citizen to prospect for,
Valley forms a part of the plant facilities. — locate and exploit natural resources
Tonopah Times-Bonanza. within the Lake Mead Recreational
• • • area, or on any other federal land.
"So you wanta write a story Reservoir at High Level . . . Attention was called to the fact that
for the papers about me an' Pis- CARSON CITY—June 4 found the the Lake Mead area contains vast de-
gah Bill?" Lahontan Reservoir at its highest level posits of minerals, the exploitation of
Hard Rock Shorty, seated on of the 1951 spring runoff season, hit- which would add to the national wealth
the bench under the lean-to ting a peak of 267,916 acre feet. The and augment the inadequate supply of
porch in front of Inferno store, high level is only a few inches short of sorely needed ores and minerals. —
was having a new experience. He topping the natural crest of Lahontan Las Vegas Review-Journal.
was being interviewed by an dam, and is backed up by the highest • • •
eager young lady who had come storage in Lake Tahoe since 1943 and
all the way from Los Angeles to Atom Tests to Continue . . .
overflowing water for irrigation at
get material for a magazine arti- LAS VEGAS—Further atomic tests
Boca, Donner and Independence lakes
cle she hoped to sell. in Nevada were forecast by the Atomic
in the eastern Sierra foothills west of
"Ain't much to tell about me," Energy Commission's recent announce-
Reno. A higher level is not antici-
Hard Rock assured her. "Wuz ment of plans to expand camp facili-
pated, unless as the result of unex-
born in a minin' camp in Nevada, ties at Frenchman's flat. Sixty-five
pected storms.—Fallon Standard.
an' been at it ever since. miles northwest of Las Vegas, French-
o • •
"Pisgah Bill's th' feller you man's flat was the scene of a series of
Reunion Gets Approval . . .
really oughta write a story about. atomic test explosions in January and
BOULDER CITY—Immediate ap-
Pisgah's been everywhere. He's February. The AEC estimated the new
proval has greeted the proposed Boul-
made millions—an' lost 'em all. facilities will cost about $1,500,000.
der dam reunion this fall which would
"Bill's the inventin'est cuss yu Construction will consist of barracks
attract former workmen on the huge
ever seen. He's the prospector for both men and women employees,
project. Clem Malone, former rigger
who brought in a bunch o' them and will be capable of housing 400
on the dam and an ex-county com-
Arizony woodpeckers an' trained when tests are underway. Disclosure
missioner said he thought the idea an
'em to drill holes in his mine fer that the AEC intends to keep a per-
excellent one because it would bring
blastin! Wuz a good idea, only manent force of at least 60 at the test-
a lot of old-timers back to this area to
the woodpeckers finally drilled ing site is an apparent indication that
see what their work on the Colorado
their way out o' the tunnel and it plans to use the Nevada location for
river has brought about. It is hoped,
flew back to Arizony." an indefinite time.—Tonopah Times-
according to sponsors of the project,
"Please, Mr. Hard Rock, tell that a meeting of former Boulder dam
me more about this Mr. Pisgah. employees who still reside in this sec- • • •
Where did he come from and tion can be called soon at which com- Water Shortage Looms . . .
how long has he lived in Death mittees can be appointed to work out LAS VEGAS—Reports that springs
Valley?" plans for the reunion. It was just 20 in the Mt. Charleston section were
"Wai," said Shorty," that's years ago that work on the dam was drying up forecast a dire water short-
sorta pryin' into a feller's private started. — Las Vegas Review-Journal. age in the city of Las Vegas this sum-
business, but I can tell yu this • • • mer. Forest Ranger H. C. Hoffman
much. Pisgah cum from Texas, Columbia Group Appointed . . . made the report of the lack of water
an' he left there 40 odd years CARSON CITY—Appointment of in the springs and said the fire hazard
ago, as he explains it, tu cum out a Columbia basin interstate compact in the mountains was the worst in the
to this country where a man can commission was announced recently by history of the section. Meanwhile,
live according to his own beliefs Governor Charles Russell. The com- water experts said such conditions
without the law i n t e r f e r i n ' . mission was established by the 1951 would certainly mean a curtailment in
Trouble wuz that Bill believed legislature to represent the state in the Las Vegas water supply, and only
all the horses in Texas belonged future negotiations among Columbia time would tell how serious the situa-
to him." basin states involving water and power tion would become.—Las Vegas Re-
matters. Mel Lundberg, Elko, and view-Journal.

NEW MEXICO continue into early September with thousand-acre campus nearly 500 miles
Water Situation Serious . . . journeys to Zuni, El Morro National from the reservation and offers firm
monument, movie locations, Kit Car- grounding in English, arithmetic, trade
LAS CRUCES—Water shortage in son's cave, Canyon de Chelly monu- subjects, home economics and other
the Elephant Butte Water Users dis- ment and Chaco Canyon monument. basic subjects. The completely mod-
trict is serious and without precedent A free narrated color movie is run each ern school boasts a swimming pool,
in the history of the development, John evening except Sunday at 8 p.m. show- dormitories, dining rooms, shops, and
Gregg of the Reclamation bureau has ing the wonders of the surrounding classroom facilities equal to that to be
announced. An increase of six inches country.—Gallup Independent. found anywhere. Dr. George A. Boyce,
per acre-foot recently made available superintendent, believes the school will
to project farmers brings the allotment • • •
Lake to be Sold . . . turn out graduates capable of compet-
up to only 50% of normal, which is ing for jobs in fields never before open
more than three acre-feet, Gregg said. CARRIZOZO—Interest in the pro-
posed sale of Bonita lake and 7000 to Navajos, enabling a great number
There has been no inflow this spring, to leave the reservation where 65,000
and no gain has been made in water acres surrounding it was heightened
by the recent announcement that bids now live at meager subsistence levels.
storage since water was turned on —Aztec Independent.
March 1. The use of ground water to for such a sale may be accepted soon.
supplement irrigation has relieved the Paul Harris, land and tax agent for • • •
situation somewhat, but wells are going the Southern Pacific railroad, has as- Water Funds Sought . . .
down at such a rapid rate it has not sured officials that Carrizozo would be OGDEN CITY — Mayor W. R.
been possible to keep abreast of the given particulars of the proposal. Bo- White of this city recently appeared
situation. Included in Gregg's an- nita lake supplies water to Carrizozo, before the Senate Appropriations sub-
nouncement was the information that Vaughn, Corona, Ancho, Duran and committee to urge approval of $1,225,-
water-right owners of less than two Pastura. The lake has been used for 000 to begin construction of the Weber
acres will be given water once every years to supply water for locomotives basin project. White said Ogden City
three weeks for the next irrigation and but has lost much of its usefulness as
once in two weeks thereafter. — Las a result of installation of diesel engines.
Cruces Citizen. —Santa Rosa News.
• • • • • • The
Depot Expansion Planned . . . Advertising Contract Let . . .
WINGATE—Expansion at Wingate SANTA FE—Recently formed New Oregon'
ordnance depot to the tune of $15 Mexico Advertising council has won
A completely new, powerful and modern
million seems assured, according to a $206,000 contract to publicize the line of Geiger Counters. No earphones—uses
Land of Enchantment. Ralph Jones, loud speaker. (You can listen for rattlers,
information released by Senator Cha- rolling rocks, slides, etc.) You can wear
vez (D-N.M.). Chazez said that Army highway commission chairman, said it your hat!
(Prevents sunstroke—protect your health.)
Secretary Frank Pace has formally re- is estimated the money will be budgeted Your hands are free—hooks to belt!
for national advertising over the 18 For climbing, rock picking, fishing, riding,
quested transfer of 2,439.97 acres of etc.
land from the Department of Interior months beginning July 1. The adver- Weight 7 or.. Price $69.50
in preparation for construction of new tising council was organized by Lewis WHITE'S ELECTRONICS
A. Thompson, president, Patrick H. 1218 M. St. Sweet Home. Oregon
ammunition magazines. The land,
which adjoins the east boundary of the Hill, H. Duke Kerstein and Robert
depot, is administered by the Bureau Stevens, all of Albuquerque.—Gallup
of Indian Affairs as a part of the Fort Independent. LOWER CALIFORNIA
Wingate vocational high school and • e •
the sheep breeding laboratories.—Gal-
lup Independent.
Baker Dam Dedicated . . . Most complete map yet pub-
• • •
Swamp Draining Begins . . . CENTRAL—More than 200 people lished of Baja California, con-
gathered at the Baker dam near Cen- taining hundreds of the original
ALBUQUERQUE—Work has be- place names. 28x42 inches, in
tral June 9 for the dedication service
gun on the San Marcial swamp drain- two colors. Published by Arey-
celebrating the completion of the dam.
ing project in southern New Mexico. Jones of San Diego.
The service was conducted by Bishop
Estimates of the amount of water the Postpaid, including tax, $1.00
W. Vaughn Jones of Veyo. Present
swamp wastes each year have run into
from Salt Lake City for the ceremony DESERT CRAFTS SHOP
the hundreds of thousands of acre feet.
were W. R. Wallis, chairman of the Palm Desert, California
It has been using up more than 1000
Utah power and water board, Tom
acre feet a day. Hubert Ball, engineer
Jensen, a member of the Utah Water
for the Middle Rio Conservancy dis-
association, and Mark Gardner, chief
trict at Albuquerque, said a pilot chan-
engineer for the Utah power and water
nel will be dug in cooperation with the
board. Messages of congratulations
state engineer, the El Paso and Las
were read from Governor J. Bracken
Cruces Irrigation districts, and the
Lee and Joseph Tracy, state engineer,
Reclamation bureau. — Gallup Inde-
who were unable to attend.—Washing-
ton County News.
• • • • • •
Tours Well Received . . . Navajo Education Fostered . . „
GALLUP — Free guided tours to BRIGHAM CITY—Navajo Indian
points of interest in this area are being youngsters, 1288 of them, are currently Guaranteed to give you more and
save you money on every popular model
well received, according to written enrolled in a year-old institution here Don't overpay! Compare BUSHNELL'S before
comments addressed to the Gallup that promises relief to a much-debated Tktt you buy. Dealers Invited. Write Today!

BOOK "How To Select Binoculars'

Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of issue. The government's Intermoun- Dept. -2B Bushnell Building
the trips. The plan is scheduled to tain Indian school is located on a - Pasodeno 1, Calif,

AUGUST, 1951 29
had reached the absolute end of its Clear Lake Work Begins . . . their potentialities as American citi-
known water supply and the Weber FILLMORE — Director J. Perry zens."
project was needed to supply water Egan, Utah Fish and Game commis- Approximately 80,000 individual In-
for four defense plants which the gov- sion, has announced the beginning of dian money accounts are affected by
ernment intends to further activate. E. work on the Clear lake project near the new regulations, with an average
J. Fjelsted, secretary-manager of the Fillmore, Utah. Four and one-half amount of about $700. Most of the
Weber Basin Water Conservancy dis- miles of new dikes are to be built. accounts are extremely small. Indian
trict also backed the project as neces- This will control the level of water on funds have been under the control of
sary to national defense. He said large 1200 acres of land. The total project the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the
population increases had put a tre- is to be handled over a three-year past half century.
mendous burden on the. city's water period and cost approximately $100,- Indians who choose to leave their
supply.—Las Vegas Review-Journal. 000. Completion of the project is accounts in the local Indian Bureau
• • • expected to enhance the importance agency offices will be permitted to do
Pipe Line Contracts Awarded . . . of Clear lake as a migratory waterfowl so, Commissioner Myer explained, as
SALT LAKE CITY — Salt Lake nesting place and as a hunting ground. a form of banking service. It is ex-
Pipe Line company has awarded con- —MiUard County Chronicle. pected, however, that those taking ad-
tracts in a million dollar expansion of • • • vantage of this provision will be mainly
its petroleum products transmission elderly Indians and those living in re-
MAN-MADE CHANNEL SOLVES mote localities. The majority will be
line from Salt Lake City to Pasco, NEEDLES FLOOD PROBLEM
Washington. C. E. Finney, Jr., presi- encouraged to use normal banking
dent of the subsidiary of the Standard For this first time since 1944 the facilities.
Oil Company of California, said con- community of Needles, California, is The Bureau of Indian Affairs is
tracts for building two pumping sta- free from the threat of floods by the working on similar liberalization for
tions at Juniper, Idaho and Baker, roaring Colorado river. The river was the Osage Indians.
Oregon had been let to Humiston- scheduled to begin flowing through the Under the old regulations, repealed
Rosendahl, Inc., Los Angeles. The new 12-mile man-made channel be- by this action, much of the income
pumping facilities will permit the pipe tween Needles and Topock, Arizona, from restricted property could not be
line company to almost double its flow June 25. The channel is 200 feet wide expended without the supervision of
of gasoline, fuel, stove, heating and and approximately 17 feet deep and agency superintendents or disbursing
diesel oils. Chicago Bridge and Iron was created by the Bureau of Recla- agents. With some exceptions, requests
company, which maintains a branch mation's hydraulic suction dredge. It by Indians to spend their own money,
plant here, got a contract for construc- will restore the meandering river to a regardless of the object, had to be
tion of four tanks, and the Salt Lake defined route, lessening the flood dan- referred to Washington for approval.
Refining company will also build a ger to Needles and reducing water • • •
storage tank here.—Salt Lake Tribune. losses caused by evaporation and trans- San Francisco, California . . .
piration. Nearly nine million cubic Olaf P. Jenkins, chief of the division
• • •
Livestock Show Planned . . . yards of silt and debris were excavated of mines, has announced that Special
CEDAR CITY—Preparations have by the dredge and deposited along the Report 6, "Geology of the Bitterwater
begun for the annual livestock show new channel's banks to form a pro- creek area, Kern county, California"
scheduled September 6-8 at the show tective levee since operations began in is now ready for distribution. The re-
barns on the Branch Agricultural col- February, 1949.—Las Vegas Review- port is based upon mapping by the
Journal. two authors, Henry Heikkila and
lege campus. The Southern Utah Live- George M. MacLeod, during the sum-
stock Show association was reorgan- • • •
mer of 1947. It presents the results
ized recently, with Carlos Jones elected RULING FREES INDIANS of a stratigraphic and structural study
president and Alex Williams named TO SPEND OWN MONEY of 40 square miles in the Temblor
manager. They succeed Heber M. Liberalized regulations governing in- range, in the heart of the major petro-
Sevy and Dr. John Beal respectively. dividual Indian money accounts have leum producing province. — Division
V. R. Magleby was named assistant been announced by Dillon S. Myer, of Mines.
manager, and C. L. Ewing and E. S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Gardner were elected as vice-presi- Under the new rules all Indians,
dents. Neil K. Boyter was held over except the Osages of Oklahoma and ANSWERS TO DESERT QUIZ
as secretary-treasurer of the associa- minors and mental incompetents, may
Questions are on Page 18
tion. New directors have been selected, receive and spend all moneys received
and three committees appointed to by them without supervision of the 1—Remain green.
complete plans for the show.—Iron Bureau of Indian Affairs. Where the 2—Phoenix.
3—Raft used by the Colorado River
County Record. funds have been encumbered for loans Indians.
• • • or other contractual obligations, how- 4—Wind.
Tourist Inquiries Increase • . . ever, these obligations will be pro- 5—Cholla.
tected. 6—Mesas or slopes of the foothills.
VERNAL — Inquiries from pros- 7—Quartz.
pective tourists reached a peak of 75 "These new regulations on individ- 8—Arizona.
a day here recently, leading the Cham- ual Indian moneys," Commissioner 9-—Grand Canyon.
ber of Commerce to expect a sharp Myer pointed out, "are an important 10—San Juan River.
step in the direction of greater inde- 11-—Panamint.
increase in the number of visitors to 12—Copper mines.
the Unitah basin this vacation season. pendence for the American Indian. 13—Virginia City.
Most of the letters asked for informa- They are part of the Bureau's general 14—Grand Canyon National Park.
tion about Unitah basin primitive area program of transferring to the Indians 15—The Clanton Gang.
a constantly growing responsibility for 16—Utah.
and Dinosaur National monument. 17—June.
Each inquirer is receiving a descriptive the management of their own affairs. 18—Harold Bell Wright.
folder on the monument and a map of I am confident that the regulations will 19—Marsh or miry place.
Red Cloud loop, Utah's newest scenic prove beneficial to the Indians and 20—Navajos.
drive.—Vernal Express. will help them to realize more fully

sion with representatives of Utah's iron
mining industry in an attempt to reach
an agreement on the value of iron ore.
Company representatives offered to
compromise on an assessment figure
Washington, D. C. . . . Henderson, Nevada . . . of $3.75 per net ton—compared to a
It would be well for mining claim Rhenium, a rare metal which sells 1949 valuation of $1.55. The com-
holders to be prepared to perform as- at more than $900 a pound, has been mission's original assessment was
sessment work for the present and found in the flue dust of certain copper nearly $11 a ton. Patrick Healy, Jr.,
succeeding assessment years, according smelters, according to word received commission chairman, said the com-
to Delegate E. L. Bartlett of Alaska. by Frank Radis, local chapter chair- mission was anxious to arrive at a fair
His advice was given following a can- man of the American Chemical society. valuation, and that the $4.53 figure
vass of both House and Senate in an The metal is a gray to black powder, adopted was as low as was felt justified.
effort to ascertain prospects for a mor- and is of great value because of its —Salt Lake Tribune.
atorium. Bartlett and Senator Ecton high melting point of approximately
of Montana had introduced legislation 5000 degrees, and because it has an Indio, California . . .
to waive assessment work on mining even greater electron emission than Iron Age mine, northeast of Pinto
claims in the U. S. and Alaska during tungsten. Rhenium has been shown basin, has begun operations. First
the national emergency. It soon be- to have a longer life than tungsten shipments total 600,000 tons of high-
came apparent that a sizable portion when used in electronic applications grade iron ore. Sixteen 25-ton dump
of the mining industry itself opposed operating at high temperatures. A trucks are hauling the 70 per cent pure
such a waiver, and Bartlett advised process has been discovered to recover ore from the mine to the railhead at
that prospects for enactment of any the metal from smelter dust. — Las Amboy, to be transhipped to Los An-
kind of a moratorium bill were very Vegas Review-Journal. geles harbor where the ore will be sent
slight.—Humboldt Star. • • • to Japan, according to George A.
• • • Battle Mountain, Nevada . . . McDonald, representative of the mine-
Gold dredging was scheduled to be owning Fero corporation, Los Angeles.
Indio, California . . . Future plans include the hiring of 100
Reduction in size of the Joshua Tree resumed at the Greenan placers in the
Copper Canyon district by Natomas miners and other workers, and the
National Monument, cutting the mine- construction of a smelter at the mine
dotted Pinto mountains from federal company of California. The powerful
bucket-line dredge was shut down site.—Date Palm.
restrictions against mineral exploration,
has stirred hope that the historic Pinto early this year for repairs after being
basin and Dale district region will re- damaged in operation. Natomas com- Bishop, California . . .
gain its place as one of southern Cali- pany reports the Greenan operation
netted a small profit for 1950 after Discovery of a sizable deposit of
fornia's richest mining centers. Min- uranium ore near here was reported
erals located there include gold, iron, royalty payments and depreciation,
and that the dredge recovered good recently by officials of the Natural Re-
tungsten, lead, copper and that new sources Developing company of Los
source of mining fever—uranium. Earl values under severe operating condi-
tions. Equipped with 120 buckets, Gatos, California. Exact location of
Geiger, former Arizona copper miner, the site was withheld, pending tests
is typifying new activity in the district. each with a capacity of 11 cubic feet,
the dredger displaces 2600 tons, is to determine the extent of the deposit.
He has reopened the Duplex and de- The company has located other mineral
veloped three new mines, all showing about 400 feet long and handles more
than 350,000 cubic yards of material deposits in the Bishop area, and is
excellent possibilities in gold produc- known to be carrying on an extensive
tion.—Indio News. a month. It is the lone bucket-line
dredge in Nevada.—Pioche Record. program of exploration in the Inyo-
• • • Mono area. While this is the first de-
• • • posit of commercial grade uranium ore
Banning, California . . . reported in this district, local prospec-
Extensive exploration and develop- Las Vegas, Nevada . . .
Manganese Incorporated's two mil- tors have reported finds in the high
ment of the newly-discovered Banning desert areas in eastern Inyo and Mono
tungsten district was recommended re- lion dollar project near Henderson, in
Clark county will be started soon, H. counties.—Mining Journal.
cently by O. R. Mont-Eton, geologist
and mining engineer, after an investi- S. West, president of the New York
gation of several months. Mont-Eton firm, has announced. Part of the old Searchlight, Nevada . . .
warned, however, that considerable Hanna plant, which operated unsuc- Title has been cleared by Search-
financial support, beyond the average cessfully during World War II is to be light Consolidated Mining company
small investment, will be needed to utilized. The company also plans to for resumption of production on the
develop the district. Lying between operate the Three Kids mine, as well Blossom high-grade gold and silver
the Banning airport and the south end as other manganese deposits owned by mine here, the company recently an-
of the Twin Pines county property, the firm. It is estimated that 200 men nounced. The property has been vir-
the district has an average width of will be on the job at the peak of con- tually idle for four years due to a con-
approximately \Vi miles. Limited in- struction work, and the project is ex- troversy over title which has now been
vestigation reveals no continuous vein pected to take eight or nine months to settled, according to Homer C. Mills,
or veins, but a great number of indi- complete.—Las Vegas Review-Journal. company president. Early production
vidual outcrops. Mont-Eton has also • • • from this mine is reported to have been
found two deposits of corundum in Salt Lake City, Utah . . . about one million dollars in high-grade
the district. Corundum is used as an Utah tax commissioners recently ore. In 1937 a new ore chute was
abrasive, and is the next hardest rock, pegged the price of iron ore at $4.53 discovered and until the second World
or crystal to diamonds. Red crystals per net ton for property tax purposes War ended gold mining, it produced
of corundum are rubies and the white —an increase of nearly 300 per cent nearly $750,000 in ores having an
and blue are sapphires. — Banning over valuations set last year. Com- average assay value of $110 a ton.—
Record. mission action was taken after a ses- Humoldt Star.

AUGUST, 1951 31
• By LELANBE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal-
A Complete Lapidary Shop
Only $43.50 As we drove away from the Oakland but no place for a big meeting. There are
convention more than 50 cars were in line 57 member societies in the Federation and
• Ideal for apartment house dwel- for the big three-day field trip planned for if each society sends but one person to the
ers. the visitors. It was the wind-up of a busy meeting there are not 57 beds for hire in
time and a highly successful show. The the town. When the news gets back to the
• Polish rocks into beautiful gems. number attending was a big disappointment societies we feel sure that the grass roots
• Anyone can learn. and surprise, for we confidently expected that of the hobby will alter this decision.
between 30 and 40 thousand people would
• Instructions included. come to see the greatest collection of gem
Write for Catalog, 25c and mineral materials ever gathered under While we were away a new group was
one roof. But the last report we had was organized in our town of Palm Desert. It
ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT that the paid attendance had passed the eight adopted the name of Shadow Mountain
COMPANY — Dept. D thousand mark a few hours before closing Gem and Mineral Society, after the name
time. This gave a profit in excess of $1,000 of the mountain that sits friendly at our
3632 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles 43. Cal. and $850 to the Federation from sale of back door. George Merrill Roy was made
Phone Axminister 2-6206 grab bags. President and as we go to press the mem-
bership has already passed the eighty mark.
Note that we said "paid" attendance. Since
admission was charged this was probably the Of all the communities in America this
item. DIAMOND BLADES first big convention at which anything like seems to be the one spot for an experimental
an accurate count was made. However, if workshop in the lapidary arts: The popula-
more had come we don't know how the tion is predominantly a retired one. The
Heavy-Buty Sur- Standard folks are along in years and they are in a
Super-CM- charged Charged dealers could have taken care of the business,
6' $ $ 8.60 $ 7.60 for the people who did come spent more financial position to get any equipment
8' 10.95 9.95 money than at any other show in history their whims dictate and they have plenty
10' 14.50 13.35 of room to play with it. They are in the
12' 21.20 17.65
and the dealers, who subsidize the shows,
M' 27.95 24.45 went home with a little money. It is doubt- heart of one of the greatest collecting areas
16' 31.20 27.70 ful if any dealer ever makes much more in the world . . . and they live in the pub-
IS' 62.50 41.25 34.40 lishing center of the hobby. For the files
20' 74.25 49.50 than bare expenses in these deals when it is
37.95 and libraries of the Desert Magazine and
24' 88.80 62.60 48.95 considered that he has to close his shop and
30 1 142.50 119.75
State leave home for a week in order to attend. Lapidary Journal are available to them and
Hi' 215.30 179.10 they can draw upon a wealth of experience
sales t a x in California. Size Outside of the big borrowed displays of and knowledge for their programs.
Allow for Postage and Insurance diamonds, colored stones and jade, the
general run of the lapidary arts was not as Plans are already afoot for a show next
Covington Ball Bearing Grinder fine as at some previous shows. If the winter and this should be an interesting
splendid display of the non-member San show indeed for at present no more than
and shields are
'urnished in 4 Jose Lapidary society had not been there 10 percent of the members have ever cut a
sizes and price the lack would have been more noticeable. rock. A good show should be evidence of
•iinges to snit We examined the displays for new ideas good teaching and accomplishment of a
your r e q u i r e - and for cover material for the Lapidary study program: a program in which Presi-
ments. Water and Journal but we found only one item that dent Roy is a great believer.
grit proof. filled the bill and we don't care to discuss Plans call for two study groups. Begin-
that at this time. ners will be placed in a group called the
However the mineral display was the Agateers. Here fundamentals will be taught
COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW finest we have ever seen, for the Northern and class work held in cutting cabs, flats
and motor are com California folks are great collectors and and specimen pieces. When evidence is
pact and do no they have some impressive mineral collec- shown of accomplishment and knowledge
splash. Save blades tions. We augmented our own crystal col- the member will graduate to the Faceteer
and clothing with lection with several fine pieces from the group in which faceting and jewelry making
this saw. will be taught with a program of advanced
dealers' stocks; stocks that were the most
BUILD YOUR OWN LAP complete we have ever examined. study in crystallography. This method gets
the horse before the cart in its proper posi-
and SAVE with a COV- Robert Roots of Denver had a case for tion.
INGTON 12" or 16" Lap kids that attracted our attention again and
Kit. We furnish every- again, although at no time did we see a kid We envy these folks who have joined the
thing you need. Send looking at it. Bob displayed many animals new organization. Each new thing is a thrill
for free catalog. carved from fluorite and he had clever little to the novice and we wish we could recap-
stories accompanying each item. It was an ture those thrills we first knew—although
outstanding display and we hope to see it our enthusiasm has not dimmed very much.
COVINGTON offered at other shows in the future. We just hope that this new enthusiasm does
16" Lap Unit not become dulled too quickly by politics and
Does Harold and Nathalie Mahoney, co-chair- vacation pictures instead of the supplying
everything men of the affair, did a highly exacting task of gem, mineral and craft knowledge for
for you. very successfully indeed—with the help of which the group was founded. So many of
COVINGTON a hard working committee. And no one will these people have retired from something
12" 14" ever know how much the: fine work of and now they are happy to find that they
or IB"
Power Feed Thomas Warren, president of the American can retire to something. If they don't wish
Diamond Gem and Mineral Suppliers association, to call it a hobby (a word to which some
Saws contributed to the success of the affair. The people are allergic) let them use the best
show would probably never have been held synonym for hobby. Let them call it a new
SAVE without the help of this organization. It is
interest . . . and keep it interesting. A grave
too bad the accumulated experience of a responsibility rests upon the officers of this
committee cannot be passed along but a new organization to supply the thing for
new group takes up the task each year—a which these new people hope . . . a main-
Send for New Catalog, IT'S FREE group that has to start from scratch. tained interest in a new happiness. They
have every incentive to become a leading
COVINGTON LAPIDARY SUPPLY It was decided to hold next year's Cali- group in the Second Stone Age—and we
fornia Federation meeting at Angels Camp, hope they do and we shall work with them
Redkmds, California a town of 1167, in the Moiher Lode coun- to that end.
try. This is a marvelous location for a trip;


Getns and Minerals

San Diego Mineral and Gem society's
14th annual show at its home in the Span-
ish Village, Balboa Park, is set for Sep-
tember 29-30. A demonstration is planned
by the society's Lapidary school. For the
first time in several years a display by
commercial dealers in minerals, gems and
equipment is scheduled, with special em-
NEW SHADOW MOUNTAIN GEM ALBUQUERQUE CLUB MAKES. phasis on San Diego county items. Exhibits
ONE SPRING FIELD TRIP in minerals and work of the lapidary arts
SOCIETY HAS 80 MEMBERS pertaining to the three divisions of the so-
Newly-formed Shadow Mountain Gem Unfavorable weather this spring has lim- ciety, mineralogy, mineral resources and
and Mineral society, Palm Desert, Cali- ited the Albuquerque Gem and Mineral lapidary are on the program.
fornia, signed up 80 members at a potluck club to one field trip. Up Highway 66 to
supper June 22. The new group chose the the Rio Puerco and about 10 miles off the
following officers and executive board mem- highway some good selenite crystals with
bers: George Merrill Roy, Palm Desert, twins and penetrations were found. Some
president; Don Butterworth, Coachella, vice- delicate hair-like specimens of selenite were
president; Susie Kieffer, Palm Desert, secre- also found in an old coal mine nearby.
The club has had a series of interesting
tary; and Byron Phillips, Indio, treasurer.
Board members are Clarence Black, Mar- meetings recently at which Dr. Eglan Har- (Dote 'J'tte -
garet Ward and Randall Henderson, Palm rington talked on the geology of Sandia
mountains and Tijeras canyon, and Charles than iho Diamond I
Desert; Omar Kerschner, Indio; Paul Wil-
helm, 1000 Palms; and John Harnish, Palm Maxwell spoke on the precious stones of
Springs. Other board members will be New Mexico. Lorimer Ratliff and Mrs. Lois
chosen from Desert Hot Springs, Rancho Heister shared in giving talks on lead and FACETED ROUND GEMS
Mirage and Coachella. Membership in the zinc minerals. They presented specimens
showing the different forms the same min- OF SYNTHETIC
new society will be divided into two groups
eral may take.
for instruction purposes. Beginners will con-
stitute the Agateers, and advanced lapidaries
will make up the Faceteers. Omar Kersch- NEWLY FOUND CAVERNS MAY have live times more ability than the
ner was named field trip chairman and Lois Diamond to break light into its component
BECOME TOURIST ATTRACTION colors producing a magniiicent rainbow
Elder Roy is membership chairman. Newly discovered caverns, 20 miles north effect.
• • • of Adelanto, California, may become a
ORANGE COAST GEM SHOW tourist attraction when opened to the pub- SEND FOR A FREE PRICE LIST describing
lic, Nicholas Baxter, co-owner and discov-
SCHEDULED FOR AUG. 15-19 erer of the caves, told members and guests Titania Rainbow Jewelry
Orange Coast Mineral and Lapidary so- at the Victor Valley Gem and Mineral club's
ciety members are planning their 4th an- June 12 meeting. The caves are 100 feet OTHER SERVICES OFFERED
nual show which is scheduled to be held in below the surface at Silver Peak mountain,
conjunction with the Orange County Fair, JEWELRY REPAIR SERVICE
and extend approximately 150 feet in
August 15-19. Last year the show attracted length, are 50 feet in width, and 50 feet GEM STONE CUTTING
much attention and aided in swelling the high, according to Mr. Baxter. GEM CUTTING EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS
membership of the society. Recently the Under the beams of a flashlight, he said, AND SUPPLIES
group has heard Jerry Laudermilk of Po- the formation of icicle-like stalactites and JEWELRY MAKING TOOLS AND MATERIALS
mona college speak on "Modern Links with stalagmites become dazzling and silvery. MINERAL SPECIMENS
the Paleolithic," Mrs. Erna Clark of Red- The dozens of passageways which present
lands on "A Rockhound Abroad," and Jack FLUORESCENT LAMPS, GEIGER COUNTERS
many different and striking scenes of beauty
Cadmon, criminologist from the Orange have been given names, such as Silver Smith, URANIUM SAMPLES, FLUORESCENT MINERALS
County Sheriff's office, speaking on the and Cathedral Room. FIELD TRIP GUIDE BOOKS
"Use of Fluorescent Light in Criminal De- • • • ROUGH AUSTRALIAN OPALS
Regular meetings of the recently founded
• • •
St. Louis Mineral and Gem club are held
on the first Friday of each month at the GRIEGER'S
St. Louis University Chouteau house. A
FEDERATION CONVENTION number of field trips have been scheduled,
American Federation of Mineralogical PASADENA 4, CALIFORNIA
and visitors may join in, according :o Ann PHONE SYCAMORE 6-6423
societies' 1951 convention has been sched- Biffie, publicity chairman.
uled for September 1-3 at the Masonic tem-
ple, Tacoma, Washington. There will be
more than 5000 square feet of floor space
for exhibits, and a like amount for the com-
mercial displays. The Tacoma Agate club
will be hosts. Northwest Federation mem-
bers will hold their annual meeting in con- tyou've IBeea ^oo/Uuy, 'pott
junction with the convention. A field trip,
under the guidance of Sheldon Glover, state Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla
geologist, will circle the Olympian penin- Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry
sula prior to the convention, August 29-31.
The trip will extend the total activities of HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER
the meeting to six days.
• • • Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings
and Brooches
Glenn Vargas was elected president of
the Coachella Valley Mineral society at a SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH
recent dinner meeting at Coachella Valley CHOICE COLORS AND PICTURES
Water District auditorium. Vargas has been Write for Folder With Prices
at San Jose State college this summer doing
advance research for a master's degree.
Other officers elected were Hugh Proctor,
vice-president; Leah Hambly, secretary; and
Irving Jorstad, treasurer. Jessie Hamner, 235 East Seaside Blvd. LONG BEACH 2. CALIF.
Clifton W. Carney and Jack Lizer were Across from West End of Municipal
named to the executive committee. Plans Auditorium Grounds
for a series of summer picnic meetings were Hours 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily Except Monday

AUGUST, 195 1 33
GEfll mflRT A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E
8c a Word . . . Minimum $1.00
MINERAL SETS: 24 Colorful Minerals (iden- IF YOU ARE A ROCKHOUND you need the Joan Markwell, 12-year-old daughter of
tified) in l x l compartments, $3.00 postpaid. Lapidary Journal. Tells how to cut and polish Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Markwell, gave a talk,
PROSPECTOR'S SET — 50 minerals (identi- rocks, gives news of all mineral-gem groups.
fied) in l x l compartments in cloth reinforced, Tells how to make jewelry, carries ads of "My Hobby—Rocks," at the May meeting
sturdy cartons, $5.00 postpaid. ELLIOTT dealers in supplies, equipment, gems, minerals of the Oklahoma Mineral and Gem society
GEM SHOP, 235 East Seaside Blvd. Long from all over the world. Well illustrated,
Beach 2, California. beautifully printed. Subscription $2.00 a year in Oklahoma City. The same discourse re-
—back numbers 50c. Sample Copy 25c if you cently won Joan a blue ribbon at the Okla-
TITANIA GEMS $5.00 per carat for stones over have never subscribed or been sampled. homa county 4-H club annual contest.
3 carats. Also mounted in 14K gold rings. LELANDE QUICK, Editor, Palm Desert,
All precious gems at lowest prices. Ace California. Plans for the June meeting included a talk
Lapidary Co., Box 67, Jamaica, N. Y. by Alan Gordon on his recent trip to the
FOR SALE: Beautiful purple Petrified Wood diamond cutting centers of Europe.
ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It will pay with Uranium, Pyrolusite, Manganite. Nice
you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock Roost. We buy, sample $1.00. Postage. Maggie Baker, Wen- o • •
sell, or exchange mineral specimens. Visitors den, Arizona.
are always welcome. Ken-Dor Rock Roost, Six trophies and 65 ribbons were pre-
419 Sutter, Modesto, California. BLACK ONYX blanks 25c each. Red Onyx
blanks 35c each. Green Onyx blanks 35c sented among 200 entries of 48 exhibitors
MINERAL SPECIMENS, slabs or material by each. Prompt service given to mail order at the first annual Amateur Handcrafted
the pound for cutting and polishing, Carbo- jobs. All kinds of fine cutting. Juchem Bros., Gem and Jewelry Competitive Exhibition,
rundum wheels Cerium Oxide. Mountings. 315 W. 5th St., Los Angeles 13, California.
Approval selection sent upon request. You May 19-20, at Grand Crossing Park Field
are welcome. A. L. Jarvis, Route 2, Box 125, DIAMONDS: Save 40% —Wholesale prices, $85 house, 76th and Ingleside. The exhibition
Watsonville, California, on Salinas Highway. to $2200. Loose brilliants. Resale. For price
list Airmail Joachim Goldenstein, Export was sponsored by the Chicago Lapidary
MINERAL SPECIMENS and cutting material of Dept. 6. Antwerp, Belgium. club. More than a thousand visitors at-
all kinds. Gold and Silver jewelry made to
order. Your stones or ours. 5 lbs. good cut- tended.
ting material $4.00 or $1.00 per lb. J. L. BERYL CRYSTALS, Columbite, Tantalite, Pur- • • •
James, Battle Mountain, Nevada. purite, Andalucite Crystals, Rose Quartz, Hell's
Canyon Agates. Mac-Mich Minerals Co., Cus- Orange Belt Mineralogical society mem-
DESERT GEM SHOP under new management. ter, So. Dakota.
Lots of cabs., slab cutting material and min- bers held the first of a series of summer
erals. Order by mail or stop two miles west FIFTY MINERAL SPECIMENS, 3/i-in. or over, picnic meetings in Perris Hill park, San
of Salome. L. C. Hockett, Box 276, Salome, boxed, identified, described, mounted. Post-
paid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 729 Lodi, Bernardino, June 3. Plans were readied
Arizona. California. for the California State Federation of Min-
RADIOACTIVE ORE COLLECTION. Six won- THE GOOD LORD made the rocks beautiful. I eralogical Societies convention scheduled
derful specimens of Euxenite & Monazite, love to cut and polish those rocks and find for June 22-23 in Oakland. The society has
Autunite, Uranophane, Carnotite, Samaraskite that beauty. Ken Stewart's Gem Shop. Cus-
and Lambertite in neat redwood chest, only tom cutting and polishing, Lapidary Equip- scheduled its fifth annual show in San Ber-
$2.00 Postpaid! Supply limited—Order now! ment and Supplies. 37 South West Temple, % nardino at the National Orange show's in-
URANIUM PROSPECTORS, Box 604, Stockton, block from Temple Square, Salt Lake City, dustrial building November 3-4. Thousands
California. Utah. have attended this event in the past.
MING MOSS: One pound $1.00 postpaid. Box BRING ARIZONA DESERT into your home
221, Big Bear Lake, California. with beautiful colored fluorescent Chalcedony • • •
MEXICAN FIRE OPAI A real buy, $1.00 to paper weights. Small size 50c, large $1.00. San Jacinto - Hemet Rockhounds held
$5.00 per lb. 40 grams (mixed) approximately Satisfaction Guaranteed. Delia Hubbard, King- their June meeting at the home of Mr. and
25 pieces $1.00. Coast Gems & Minerals, 11669 man, Arizona.
Ferris Road, El Monte, California. Mrs. A. Pool in Riverside, California. Plans
VANADINITE XLS, Apache Tears, specimen were formulated for a San Marcus creek field
TITANIA-RUTILE. New synthetic Gem, more Chrysocolla & Feather Malachite. Exchange
brilliant than a diamond — man's newest for cut cabachons. Don Jackson, Box 1826, trip. Members hope to find moonstones
achievement. Beautiful round, full diamond Globe, Arizona. there. Len Harvey displayed rock specimens
cut gems, $5.00 per carat for stones over 3 FREE CUTTING MATERIAL: to amateurs. You from Horse canyon and Susanville.
carats; $6.00 per carat for 1—3 carat stones; cut, polish and return some finished pieces.
also mounted in 14 K gold rings, earrings. • a •
Write today for illustrated literature. Titania You keep the balance. Bill Henneberger, 903
Grand Ave., Grand Junction, Colorado. Aaron Otto, manufacturer of precision
Lapidary Service, Box 9749-D, Los Angeles optics, was a recent speaker at the meeting
5, California. BLACK TOURMALINE CRYSTALS in matrix of
red and white quartz, with mica and Lepido- of the Gem Cutters Guild, Los Angeles.
lite. Sizes $2.00, $3.00. $5.00. Ask for list of He discussed polishing compounds and
specimens, cutting materials and fluorescent technical processes of polishing glass to
types. Jack The Rockhound, P. O. box 86, an optical finish.
Carbondale, Colorado.
ARIZONA AGATE MINES will go under new • • •
management this fall. We will have more Scientific talks, field trips, and demon-
help, more stock, newly mined Arizona Agates strations of lapidary equipment were to
in the brightest colors, faster service, expert
gem cutting and finest hand made solid sterl- feature the All Rockhound Pow-Wower's
ing silver mountings. (7) seven mixed slices convention scheduled for July 4-7 at Van-
of Arizona Agates $5.00 post paid. Sample tage, Washington. Last year 404 attended,
MERCURY slices $1.00 each. New listings should be representing nine states and Washington,
printed by October. Arizona Agate Mines,
Cave Creek, Arizona. D. C.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Because of the increasing
FIND VITAL need for more space, our main office has been Pasadena City college has recently
moved to 2307 North Mesa Street, El Paso, named Edwin V. Van Amringe chairman
Texas (Highways 80 and 85). Please visit us
WAR M E T A L S ! and inspect the finest stock of gem materials of the Department of Physical Sciences at
in the Southwest. Southern Gem & Mineral that California institution. Van Amringe
with Ultra-Violet Mineralight Co. (The Barrons) Phone 2-2160. founded the geology curriculum at the
105 DIFFERENT MINERAL SPECIMENS—$4.50. college 25 years ago.
MINERALIGHT instantly identifies mercury, Carefully selected; makes a valuable aid in • • •
tungsten and many other valuable minerals helping identify and classify your findings or
makes a wonderful gift. Boxed & labeled. Thirty-six members of the Minnesota
now in demand for rearmament. 70 different $3.00, 35 different $1.50. Coast Mineral club, St. Paul, visited Louise mine
Gems & Minerals 11669 Ferris Rd., El Monte, on a field trip May 19. Cedric Erickson
S MINERALIGHT models ior every require- California.
found the prize of the day, a large geode
ment. Money-back guarantee. 6 BEAUTIFUL CRYSTALIZED SPECIMENS $5. filled with calcite and quartz crystals. Bill
Ask for list of many items now in stock, cut-
ting or fluorescent types. Jack The Rock- Gingham also had a good find of calcite
hound, P.O. Box 86, Carbondale, Colo. crystals. The trip also included a tour of
Send for free brochure on Armour mine No. 1 where the group went
"Prospecting for Scheelite 600 feet underground to watch mining
(tungsten) with Ultra Violet." FAMOUS TEXAS PLUMES operations.
Red Plume, Pom Pom and many other types • • •
of agate. Slabs on approval. Rough agate. Members of the Riverton Geological so-
WRITE DEPT. SL-31 8 lb. mixture postpaid, $5.00. Price list on
request. ciety were slated to act as hosts at the
WOODWARD RANCH annual Wyoming Mineral convention sched-
ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, Inc. 17 miles So. on Hwy 118 uled for June 15-17 in Riverton. Near the
145 Pasadena Avenue. South Pasadena, Calif. Box 453. Alpine, Texas convention site are noted jade and moss
agate fields.

Rockhounds from nine western states Two sound color movies were scheduled
were scheduled to gather in Phoenix June
8-10 for the convention of the Rocky Moun-
to be shown by the Standard Oil company
of California at the June 8 meeting of the FIRE OPAL
tain Federation of Mineral societies. The San Diego Mineral and Gem society. One,
Mineralogical society of Arizona was to be titled "Water—Fountain of Life," portrays MEXICO
host. Exhibits of rock and mineral collec- the processes of evaporation and transpira-
tions were to be on display at Phoenix col- tion in the eternal water cycle. The other 10 Small Pieces Average Vi" $1.00
lege during the convention. A special film, "Arizona—Land of Color and Con- 5 Larger Pieces Average 3 /4"—1".... 1.00
exhibit was to deal with Arizona's Meteor trast," displays the beauties of western to- 12 Nice Pieces Cherry & Honey Opal 1.00
Crater, with meteorites, silica sand, and pography. It was hoped that a third film (Suitable lor Cabochons)
other minerals of interest from the crater showing one of Norman Nevill's trips down 1 Small Vial Clear Fire Opal 1.50
area near Winslow. the Colorado River would aiso be available 1 Large Vial Clear Fire Opal 3.00
• • • for the meeting.
Gene Wilhelmy, field trip chairman of • • • S7.50
the Hollywood Lapidary society, reported Papers dealing with prospecting, map-
reading, field trips, and methods of building Entire Lot Postpaid for $5.00
at the group's May 10 meeting that quan-
tities of good rainbow stones are to be up collections are to be prepared by mem- Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
found at Travertine Point. The society's bers of the Evergreen Rock club of Seattle,
in line with the planned preparation of a Cheerfully Refunded
next meeting was scheduled for June 14.
Eldon E. Soper was to be the speaker at guide book by the club. Prompt Shipment on all Sizes
the June meeting. • • •
Male members of the Kern County Min- Felker Diamond Saw Blades
• • • eral society, Oildale, California, provided
New members are wanted by the recent- refreshments at the organization's May 14 RALPH E. MUELLER & SON
ly founded Rocks and Minerals society of meeting by bringing cakes. It is reported
Southeastern Iowa. The organization has 307 Admiral Blvd. • Kansas City 6. Mo.
that some of the men even baked them,
32 charter members, and has established and part of the meeting was taken up with
headquarters at New London. Some beau- exchanges of recipes.
tiful and unusual geodes are to be found
in Iowa State Geode park near New Lon- • o •
don. Jewelry and Design was to be the topic Agate Jewelry
of a talk by Jessie Chittenden at the meet-
• • •
June 23 was the 20th anniversary of the
ing of the Pasadena Lapidary society sched-
uled June 19, at the Odd Fellows hall, 175
founding of the Mineralogical Society of N. Los Robles Ave. Rings — Pendants — Tie Chains
Southern California at Pasadena. The club • • • Brooches — Ear Rings
is the pioneer earth science organization on Thirty-five persons were present at the Bracelets — Matched Sets
the Pacific Coast. May 24 meeting of the El Paso Rock- —Send stamp for price list No. 1—
• • • hounds held in the Museum building at
Plans are being made by the Whittier Texas Western college. A schedule for Blank Mountings
Gem and Mineral society for its second future meetings was drawn up including Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains
annual show at the York Riding Clubhouse, six dates: June 14 and 28, July 12 and 26, Cuff Links — Neck Chains
one mile south of Whittier boulevard on and August 9 and 23. Bezel — devices — Shanks
Santa Fe Spring road. The show is sched- • • o Solder — Findings
uled for October 20-21. Dr. Charles N. Beard, professor of geo- —Send stamp for price list No. 2—
• • • logy at Fresno State college, was the speak-
Six members and a guest of the Dona er at the May 24 meeting of the Fresno O. R. JUNKINS & SON
Ana County Rockhound club of Las Cru- Gem and Mineral society. He spoke on the
minerals found in the central coast moun- 440 N.W. Beach St.
ces, New Mexico, found abundant supplies Newport. Oregon
of ricolite and wild flowers on a May field tains of California. Two films were shown,
trip to the ricolite mines in the foothills of one on copper and silver jewelry making
the Mogollon mountains. Much material by Indians in Mexico and the other a na-
was found in a variety of shades from the ture study of the desert in bloom. Sixty- Minerals for the student and the class room
palest gray-green to the deepest forest two of the 98 members were present for 4S pieces, one from each state $4.50; 50 pieces
green. Lavender sand verbenas, California the meeting. for study S2.50; 100 pieces for study $5.00;
Broken pieces for tests 50c bottle.
poppies, Indian paint brush, white thistle MINERALS EXCHANGED
poppies, and many unidentified varieties
dotted the sandy washes. A. RICH
Box 11781, Wagner Station
• • • 8311 So. Western Ave., Los Angeles, 47
Demonstrations, displays and free litera-
ture for beginners are promised visitors to COMPLETE
the Oregon Agate and Mineral society's Find a fortune in uranium with this
Agate show scheduled July 28-30 at Ore- new, super-sensitive Geiger Counter.
Get one for atom bomb defense. So small it fits in the palm of MINERAL SPECIMENS
gonian Hostess house, Portland. Admission the hand or in the hip pocket, and yet more sensitive than many
large, expensive instruments. Weighs only 1 ]/\ lbs. Uses flash- Lapidary & Jeweler's Supplies
is free. light battery. Low price includes earphone, radio active sample, I. C. FILER & SON
• • • instructions. Sold with ironclad moneyback guarantee, 1344 Hiway 99, San Bernardino. California
ORDER YOURS TODAY-Send $5.00 with order or payment in
Orange Belt Mineralogical society mem- full to save C.O.D. Write for free catalog on treasure finders for Midway between Redlands and
gold, silver, etc. and larger, more elaborate Geiger Counters. San Bernardino
bers gathered at the Fontana Woman's club Open Every Day
May 1 for their annual banquet. Dinner Invited 4 1 1 3 DM W. JEFFERSON, L.A. 1 6 , CALIF.
was served at gaily decorated tables and
a variety program of music and dancing
was presented. Arrangements for a field
trip to have been made May 19-20 to
Horse canyon were completed. New offi-
cers for 1951-1952 are Adolph Dosse, pres-
ident; I. V. Graham, vice-presidena; Mrs.
D. H. Clark, recording secretary; Fred-
erick Gros, corresponding secretary; How- BEFORE YOU BUY
ard Fletcher, treasurer; and A. B. Cyrog, SEND FOR OUR BIG
federation director.
• • • The world-famous HILLQUIST LINE of lapidary equipment

New officers of the Gem and Mineral LAPIDARY E Q U I P . CO* IS4S W. 4* n., SEATTLE 7. WASH
society of San Mateo county were to be in-
stalled at a June 19 meeting in Burlingame,
California. They are Francis Marshall,
president; Walter Reinhardt, vice-president;
Alice Sharp, secretary; and Dale Atwood,

A U G U S T , 1951
Construction and use of various instru- GEM CONSULTANT TALKS
ments, including the gem refractometer was TO SANTA MONICA GROUP
H«JEWEI.RY MOUNTINGS explained by Milton E. Gray of Gray and James Coote, speaking at the June meet-
ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AVAILABLE Erb Scientific Instruments at :he May meet- ing of the Santa Monica Gemological so-
The superb finish and fine ing of the Pacific Mineral society. Questions ciety, estimated 194,000 carats of gem dia-
craftsmanship of CONLEY'S concerning the use of polarized light, action monds with a value of $13,000,000 came
ELKHEAD L I F E T I M E PAT- of prisms, and use of nickel, calcite and into the United States in February. The Los
TERN in 3-tone gold filled en- various types of illumination were an-
ables you to create exquisite Angeles gem consultant revealed many prob-
jewelry equal to the finest pro- swered by Mr. Gray. Plans for the society's lems of the gem appraiser, and discussed
fessional shop. Other CONLEY mountings next field trip to the garnet location of the
in Gold—Filled—Silver and Plate.
Tejon ranch were discussed. the composition and peculiarities of orna-
Lowest Possible Prices Consistent with Qual- mental stones from diamond to coral. He
ity — Insist on Conley Quality. • • • predicted a new mineral like spinel but with
or write us Members of the Earth Science Club of double refraction from Ceylon would be an-
AV. 715 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash. Northern Illinois were to hear a talk on the nounced soon, and expressed the opinion
production of synthetic gems by Dr. Henry that the rapidly developing synthetic gem-
L. Cox of Corn Products Refining company stone industry will not be harmful to the
at their June meeting in Downers Grove, natural stone market.
Illinois. The next meeting of the club was • • •
Black Spider Web Turquoise scheduled for the second Friday of Sep- Stories of Inca and Aztec superstitions
tember. about the use of emeralds to ward off dis-
Domestic and Asiatic • • •
• eases were told by Ruth Weatherbie at the
Members of the Wasatch Gem society May meeting of the San Diego Lapidary
Cut stones in all sizes of Salt Lake City were anticipating an il- society. She also told of other green stones
• lustrated lecture on the quartz family of sometimes called emeralds, such as tour-
minerals, including opals, at a meeting maline, hiddenite, and demantoid. Colored
Wholesale only scheduled for June 15. movies of field trips to the San Gorgonio
MARYOTT'S • • • mountains, Mesa Grande, Ramona, Coon
Twenty-eight members of the Columbian Hollow, and Picacho were shown by Mrs.
40 Oak Street Miami, Arizona Geological society enjoyed ;m all-day ex- Pegram. There were also some pictures of
cursion to the Molybdenum mine, about a fishing trip to Mexico.
70 miles north of Spokane, May 13. The
group had perfect weather for the trip. • • •
as* Color slides of field trips and a discus-
ALTA INDUSTRIES Exhibits of gadgets and hand-made jew- sion of opals by Dr. William Lanphere
Ijapidary Equipment highlighted the May meeting of the Hum-
Manufacture and Design elry featured the May meeting of the Col-
16-18 inch power feed slabbing saw orado Mineral society, Denver. Calvin Sim- boldt Gem and Mineral society. Paul Mac-
Belt sanders, including ball bearing mons displayed most of the gadgets. Among Millan gave a report on a field trip to Ca-
Drill press them were a slabbing saw, a sphere cutting velho where jade, jasper and agate were
Grinding arbor and trim saw found.
Send postal for free literature device and a rotating disc coated with flu-
AI/TA INDUSTRIES orescent-phosphorescent materials. Mr. Sim- • • •
4613 So. Central Ave. Phoenix, Arizona mons also gave a talk on the minerals of Rough and cut gems are in short supply
Visitors Welcome throughout the world, according to Ernest
the Franklin, New Jersey, area, which he
visited recently while attending the Air Force Meier, New York gem dealer who has re-
Radiotronics school in Philadelphia. New offi- cently returned from a worldwide gem-
cers of the society, who are to be installed buying tour.
at the next meeting in October, are James
If you want Choice Cutting Material, Fine & Hurlbut, president; Ernest E. Parshall, 1st J. F. Underwood, mineralogist, was
Rare Minerals, Geiger Counters, Miner-
alights, Books, Trim Saws, Fluorescents, vice-president; and Calvin B. Simmons, scheduled as speaker for the June meeting
Ores, Gems, Ring Mounts, or advice, write 2nd vice-president. of the Delvers Gem and Mineral society of
to . . . Downey, California. He was to have spok-
• • •
MINERALS UNLIMITED New officers of the Mineralogical Society en on mineral collecting in Montana.
1724 University Ave., Berkeley 3, California of Arizona for 1951-1952 are E. R. Blake- • • •
ly, president; and Floyd Getsinger, vice- Members and guests of the Chicago
president. George H. Steiner, C. E. Van Rocks and Minerals society heard a lecture
Hook, John Houzenga, and John Weber on "Thumbprints of Nature" by Dr. Robert
are new members of the beard of govern- Witfield at their last meeting. Dr. Witfield
DON'T ASK US pointed out that the collecting of fossil ferns
How we do it; just be glad we are doing it. ers.
MIXED SLABS—5c PER SQUARE INCH. • • • is different from other types of collecting in
Agates, Jade, Tigereye, Lapis, Palm, Bone, Forty-one charter members attended the the paleontological fields since these are
Sagenite, Wood, Jasper, etc. Minimum order fossil imprints with all organic material
S2.00 plus 20% Federal Tax. first meeting of the newly organized Sho-
shone Rock club at Powell, Wyoming. gone. Through slides it was shown how
COAST GEMS & MINERALS Wayne Breitweiser will serve as first pres- these fossils of the Mazon Creek area are
llfifi!) Ferris R(l. El Monte, California
ident of the club. Meetings are scheduled uncovered by immense shovels taking the
to be held in the local library. overlay, then the shale down to the coal
seams. It is in the shale above and below
that the fossil bearing rocks are found.
FOR ULTRA-VIOLET FLUORESCENCE If you are in or around the Los An-
NOW . . . you can build your own black light equip-' geles area plan to spend one Tuesday
evening at the
ment at a new low cost with these easy-to-assemble
components. Geologists, mineral prospectors and hob- COMPTON ROCK SHOP
byists can easily make laboratory black lights for Open house every Tuesday evening
mineral identification. Signs, posters, pictures, fabrics, house numbers . . . anything from 7 P.M. to 10:30 P.M.
painted with fluorescent paint glows with eye-appealing fluorescence under black light. Lapidary equipment — Supplies
Kit contains: Ultra-Violet tube, brackets, ballast, starter, wire, plug and wiring diagram.
Mountings — Silver Tools
4 Watt Kit—(5'/4" tube) $3.00
Special/ 8 Watt Kit—(12" tube) $4.00
Specimens — Cutting material
Enclose full amount with order Equipment shipped postpaid-
1409 S. Long Beach Blvd.
Compton, California
C & H SALES COMPANY Tel. Newmark 29096


OF THE SOUTHWEST .. newspaperman's tenacity finally found
the missing files safe in the University
of California Library at Berkeley and
the library of the Arizona Pioneer His-
torical Society at Tucson.
OF THE RIO GRANDE RIVER WESTERN BOOM TOWN For more than 70 years the Epitaph
The Rio Grande, River of Destiny, Tombstone, Arizona, "The Town has reported the day by day story of
is essentially a book of photography Too Tough to Die," was one of the Tombstone—its battle against lawless-
portraying the river, with sequences of most fabulous of western mining camps ness and disaster, its social events, its
related subjects. From the once fabu- during the last 20 years of the 19th business development, the ups and
lous town of Creede, Colorado, where century. Silver, discovered in 1877 by downs of its mining enterprises—its
springs and melting snow are the birth- Ed Schieffelen, who ironically named hopes for the future.
place of the Rio Grande, Laura Gilpin, his first claim Tombstone, was a lure
the author, takes the reader through Douglas Martin has written a vol-
that attracted men and women of many ume, authentic, spicy and rich in detail.
New Mexico, Mexico and Texas to nationalities and various creeds. Some
the Gulf of Mexico, where the great It is a fine contribution to the lore of
of them came here to escape the law the West—an excellent historical record
river of history and legend spends it- in other communities.
self and is lost forever. of a roaring boom-town at the height
"A river seems a magic thing. A John P. Clum, a former Tucson of its glory, and of its transition to a
magic, moving, living part of the very newspaper publisher, brought a Wash- stable American community with the
earth itself—lor it is from the soil, ington hand press into the new camp hopes and problems of other western
both from its depth and from its sur- in May, 1880, and started a daily news- communities.
face, that a river has its being." paper and named it the Tombstone Published by the University of New
Thus Laura Gilpin introduces the Epitaph. Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 272 pp.
reader to a book filled with the poetry The Epitaph has survived through $4.50.
of delightful pictures and word descrip- Tombstone's early years of phenom-
tions. enal prosperity, its fires, earthquake,
We see not only the river but those lawlessness, lavish prodigality in suc- STORY OF THE DESERT'S
who live beside it, unconsciously ab- cess and stubborn battle to survive NATIVE PALM TREES
sorbing a part into their daily lives; when the delirious boom broke. It is
the mountain sheriff who prided him- still published in a town dreaming in Just off the press at the Desert
self on never wearing a badge or car- the hot Arizona sun of some glorious Magazine publication plant in Palm
rying a gun, the prospector roaming future which may compare with its Desert is a 32-page book titled Wild
the hills seeking with constant hope colorful, though lurid past. Palms of the California Desert. Writ-
the location of a new strike, the Pueblo ten by Randall Henderson, the book
Pulitzer Prize Winner Douglas Mar- contains much information regarding
Indians, the dark eyed Mexicans, the tin, former managing editor of the
men of the border patrol. the native palm tree, of which the
Detroit Free Press and now head of
Through painted deserts and land Journalism at the University of Ari- author estimates there are approxi-
where three civilizations meet and try mately 11,000 growing in their native
zona, has compiled Tombstone's Epi-
to mingle, past enormous irrigation desert habitats. The book also includes
projects, past America's oldest civili- taph from the files of that newspaper,
correlating them into a graphic history stories of Palm Canyon, Andreas,
zation to sections modern science has Eagle and Fern Canyons, material
turned from desert to rich agricultural of Tombstone. The files covering the
years 1880, 1881 and 1882 had been which has appeared in past issues of
development, Laura Gilpin takes us. Desert Magazine. Halftone cuts are
In following the word and picture thought destroyed. It was during these
years that Tombstone earned much used to illustrate the book, and there
story of the Rio Grande, one's imagi-
of its wild reputation—when the Earps is a map showing the location of all
nation is stirred by the historical se-
quences; the Indians, the Conquista- and Clantons shot out their historic the canyons in the Palm Springs area.
dores with their lust for gold, the feud. Douglas Martin with the true 50 cents.
Spanish Colonists and ourselves, tak-
ing much of the land along the river
through strife and purchase.
It is a book to interest the historian
as well as those who read for pleasure
alone. Written in non-technical language by the director of the Desert Botanical Garden
Published by Duell, Sloan and of Arizona, W. Taylor Marshall, this book describes and pictures in photos and drawings
Pearce, Inc., New York, New York. 60 members of the cactus family.
Over 200 photographs. Maps. 243 $1.00 postpaid
pages. $6.00. California buyers add 3c tax
• as
Book Notes . . .
Grosset & Dunlap, publishers of tUe Sauthw-eit
New York, have announced the publi- Many of the most common or spectacular desert plants are pictured in drawings and
cation of a new edition of John Myers' described for easy identification in this book by Natt N. Dodge for the layman with an
The Tombstone Story, the original edi- interest in desert flowers,
tion of which was printed some years
ago by the E. P. Dutton company. $1.00 postpaid
The new edition is to sell at $1.49. California buyers add 3c tax
• • • Palm Desert, California
Books mentioned on this page are
available from Desert Crafts Shop,
Palm Desert, California.

AUGUST, 195 1 37
Hetu/een jfou and Ate

By RANDALL HENDERSON a smile" totters dejectedly beyond the brilliance of the

neoned Standard Oil Station. The old store across the
Salome, where she danced on the red hot sands! tracks, where Dick Wick bought his groceries is unoccu-
Who hasn't heard of this little town on the Arizona pied and falling apart.
desert? Dick Wick Hall lived there many years ago. Dick This is the way Salome today is honoring the memory
Wick died in April, 1926. But Salome is still there—just of the man who wrote: I have lived for considerable
as hot as ever. periods in such large towns as New York, Pittsburgh,
When you stop in Salome today, you'll see on the Omaha, Fort Worth, Los Angeles, and even Phoenix—
lawn beside Salome's biggest eating house a large replica and I have made considerable money at times. But I
of a frog—the frog about which Dick Wick wrote: weary of it after a time and always come back to Salome,
I'm seven years old and I cannot swim to the mind-resting quiet, the soul-satisfying peace and
So don't blame me for looking grim the vibrant mysteriousness of the desert. The average
When a frog has to carry a big canteen person in a big town gives up so much and gets so little
And water his back to keep it green out of life. What does it lead to in the end—this money-
A nd prime himself if he wants to cry chasing, jazz-crazy, luxurious civilization the world is
When his belly gets burned with alkali; drifting into? I wonder—and the desert is a wonderful
Where grass grows brown instead of green, place to do a lot of wondering?"
A frog can't help but feeling mean. • • •
I'm an old bull frog—and dang my hide Next month—in September—I presume the Salome
I cannot swim because I never tried. Lions Club will be holding its annual Dick Wick Hall
Salome was virtually a one-man town when Dick Wick Barbecue and Jamboree. 1 have attended these programs
Hall lived there. But his imagination and humor made it in past year, and have listened to many eulogies of the
one of the best known little towns in Arizona. He adver- man who brought fame to Salome.
tised his "Laughing Gas Station" with original sign boards: I hope they'll hold another Dick Wick Hall Day this
We are here to fill your tank, year. But before they invite out-of-town guests to meet
And get your money in our bank. with them in honoring the memory of Dick Wick Hall, I
So stop and see us as you pass, hope they'll spend much time and whatever funds are
And fill your tank with laughing gas. needed to restore the little cabin and the Laughing Gas
He wrote about Salome in a little mimeographed Station—so that these may be preserved as a fitting monu-
newspaper that traveled far and wide. It was so clever ment to the memory of a man who was a great teacher
the editors of Saturday Evening Post bought the rights to because he mixed humor with his philosophy of sane
many columns of Dick Wick's humor and published them living. I hope the tribute to Dick Wick Hall this year will
serially. be something more than meaningless words.
• • •
When Dick Wick died the folks who knew him made A scientist suggests that great areas of the desert may
a great fuss over his passing. They erected a nice tomb- be: converted to productive use without additional water
stone—made of the Arizona rocks he loved so well. Some- supply by finding useful purposes for many of the plants
one cast a fine bronze tablet with his likeness and ce- and shrubs native to this arid region.
mented it into the monument. It is near the little cabin Maybe they will—but not while you and I are still
where he banged out his humor on an old typewriter. living. And if you wonder why I am so certain of this I
When you go to Salome they'll sell you Dick Wick will remind you of the fortune spent by Uncle Sam during
Hall postcards, menus, frog souvenirs. And around the World War II in an effort to produce rubber from the
town you'll see many of the quaint signs with which Dick desert's guayule plant.
Wick once advertised his laughing gas. The experiments failed because most of the desert's
Salome is still cashing in on Dick Wick Hall! perennials are shrubs of slow growth. And when their
But over on the back street where Dick Wick lived, growth is artificially stimulated by irrigation the extra
his cabin is falling apart with disrepair. The large palm water creates a different kind of fibre—a different chem-
tree which he watered so carefully has been permitted to ical structure.
die. Broken windows and a sagging door are open to Man's inventiveness has changed the character of the
trespassers despite the faded "Keep Out" sign. landscape in many directions. But when he tampers with
Inside the cabin is utter ruin. The floor is cluttered the processes of Nature—that is something else. Miracles
with yellowed Saturday Evening Posts—strewn with other may be accomplished by using Nature's laws—but those
rubble. The Laughing Gas Station over near the highway, laws cannot be altered except by processes which are still
where "we sell gasoline and ile and take your money with beyond the ken of human beings.
described in Fenton's story, was a COVER CONTEST WINNERS . . .
mfiGflZine great adventure for the youngsters. Winner of first place in Desert Mag-
THE azine's annual photographic cover con-
In school Taylor teaches English,
dramatics and journalism. test in June was Mel Lewis of Salt
New member of Desert's editorial
Lake City. The first prize photograph,
taken with a 2lAx2lA Rolleiflex cam-
staff this month is Alan Salisbury, who era, was a vivid portrayal titled "Trag-
It is not often that the editor of one was graduated from the U.S.C. school edy in the Dunes"—a broken wagon
magazine contributes to the pages of of journalism in June. Alan was a wheel and the skull of an ox partly
another, and yet that happened this tank combat officer in World War II, buried in the sand.
month when George Fitzpatrick, edi- and took advantage of the GI training Second place winner was Nicholas
tor for many years of New Mexico opportunity to enroll for university Kozloff of San Bernardino, California.
Magazine, wrote for Desert the feature training as a journalist. Mrs. Salisbury His photograph, taken with a 4x6
titled "Wanted—a Desert Thermom- is a registered nurse, and they recently Graphic View camera in Death Valley,
eter." have established their home at Palm was titled "Badwater Sunset."
George Fitzpatrick resides in Santa Desert. The Desert Magazine staff wishes
Fe and his editorial offices are in the • • • to express its appreciation to the many
New Mexico State Capitol building. Evalyn Gist, until recently a mem- photographers who entered pictures in
New Mexico Magazine is published ber of Desert's editorial staff, lately has this contest. The regular Picture-of-
at Santa Fe, and for 16 years has devoted her time entirely to free lance the-Month contest conducted by Des-
presented in text and excellent photo- journalism. Mrs. Gist and her hus- ert will be resumed, the announcement
graphs a graphic cross-section of the band, Marion, have completed a guide of the next awards appearing on an-
diverse cultural and commercial activi- book of motor tours in the Coachella other page of this issue.
ties of one of America's most fascin- Valley area of California. The book The prize-winning cover pictures will
ating states. is being printed on the Desert Maga- appear on future issues of Desert
George not only edits the magazine, zine's presses and will be ready for Magazine.
but he finds time to do considerable distribution early in the fall.
writing about New Mexico subjects.
He is the editor of This Is New Mexico,
a 328-page book which includes con-
tributions by some of the best known
western writers of the past and present,
including Ernie Pyle, J. Frank Dobie
and Stanley Vestal. He also edited
New Mexico Home Plan Book, Poems
of New Mexico, and Pictorial New
He came to New Mexico for his
health 25 years ago and for the next
nine years was a reporter and feature
writer for the Albuquerque Tribune.
In his spare time he has contributed
to such periodicals as Whiz Bang,
Master Detective and Rotary Maga-
He was 20 when he sold his first
magazine story, and was so proud he
carried the check around in his pocket
so long it bounced when he finally
cashed it.
• • •
Much of the information in this
month's story about Old Fort Bowie
in southern Arizona, came from Oscar
G. Layton, who carried mail to the
old fort in the years 1886 to 1888, and
who retains a vivid memory of that
period. Layton gave the information
to Fenton Taylor who already had
done considerable research on the sub-
ject—and the manuscript, "So They
Built Fort Bowie . . . " is the result.
Taylor is a school teacher at That-
cher, Arizona, who does free lance
writing as a hobby. He also has other
hobbies, for he is president of the
Gila Valley Gem and Mineral society
and has taken up both the lapidary
and the silversmithing crafts.
The Taylors have two daughters and
two sons, and the visit to the old fort

AUGUST, 1951 39










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