DesertMagazine 1952 March

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MARCH, 1952 . .

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Y CALEXICO and Mexicali

on the California border the
townspeople of the two com-
munities, one on the American and
the other on the Mexican side of the
fence, are making plans for the pre-
sentation March 21 and 22 of the 13th
annual showing of the International
Descr: Cavalcade, a historical pageant
which each year has brought increas-
ing numbers of visitors to the outdoor
stadium in Calexico.
On two successive evenings specta-
tors v/ill witness, in a rugged natural
setting, the pageant of history as it
was enacted from Captain Juan Bau-
tista de Anza's first expedition across
the Colorado desert until the ultimate
conquest of the unharnessed Colorado
River in 1907.
It happened that Calexico and Mexi-
cali were built near the route followed
by the trail-blazers and frontiersmen
of the pioneering period — De Anza
and the Padres Font and Garces, the
California gold-seekers from Mexico.
Kearny's Army and the Mormon Bat- Ernest Cole of Calexico playing the role of one of the wagon train drivers in
talion, the Butterfield stage — and Desert Cavalcade. Photograph by Padilla Studio.
eventually the engineers and developers
who converted the arid Imperial des-
ert into a productive agricultural em- program is to be a chuckwagon break- tista de Anza, Fathers Font and Gar-
pire. fast at 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning ces, Lieut. Moraga, Chief Palma of
The Cavalcade was conceived or- at the pageant grounds. This event is the Yumas, Gen. Kearny and Lieut.
iginally by Calcxieo people, the script open to the public. Emory; Dr. Oliver Wozencraft. who
prepared by a committee of local Mexican civic groups are planning first saw the agricultural possibilities
women, and for 12 years the spectacle several special daylight progrrms for of Imperial Valley; Capt. St. George
has been presented entirely by a east the entertainment of visitors o:i Sun- Cooke of the Mormon battalion;
of 35(1 persons selected from Calexico day, March 23, in M:\ica'•. Charles R. Rockwood, who engineered
and Mexicali—with no paid profes- The local organization which sp~~- the bringing of Colorado River water
sional talent. sors the annual pageant is a non-profit to the valley; C. N. Perry. Dr. W. T.
Much of the music and the costum- corporation, and while sdmiss'on is Heffernan, Anthony H. Hcbcr arc!
ing is in Spanish, for it was the Span- charged to the pageant grounds. ?1! George Chaffey, all associated with
iards who first trekked across this funds go into expenses, and to the the early development of the Imperial
desert region. purchase of additional equipment and Irrigation district.
costumes, and toward the imrrovc- A span of 175 years is covered by
On Friday, preceding the first show- ment of the natural stadium which w~s
ing of the pageant, 2000 school chil- the historical pageant, and the pro-
purchrs^d two years ago alon« the gram, starting at eight in the evening,
dren of Calexico and Mexicali will take ""cat New River canyon which the
part in an international parade, and lasts for two hours. The Winter Fes-
Colorado carved across Imperial val- tival Association of Calexico, organ-
on Saturday afternoon a Desert Pa- ley in 1905-6-7 when Salton Sea was
rade v/ill feature the participants and ized 14 years ago to stage the Caval-
formed. cade, suggests that those planning to
vehicles which take part in the spec- Playing le^d'ng roles in the pageant
tacle. remain overnight in Imperial Valley
are loc°l P'^n'e. both Mexican and make tVJr reservations for lodging
One of the special features of the None Americaros, c?st as Juan Bau- well in advanco.

February 23-March 2 — California
Mid-Winter Fair of Imperial Val-
ley. H;)llville, California.
March I—Indian Tour, Tucson, Ari-
March 1 -2 — Sierra Club, Southern
California chapter, trip to Bear
Creek Oasis, near La Quinta, Cali-
March 1-9 — Maricopa County Fair
and Horse Show. Civic Center.
Mesa, Arizona. Volume 15 MARCH, 1352 Numbsr 3
March 1-31—Special Exhibit, sand-
paintings of the Hopi and Navajo
Indians made by David ViaScnor. COVER Spring in Petrified Forest. (Sego Lily) Photograph
Southv/est Museum, Highland Park, by Josel Muench, Santa Barbara, California
Los Angeles, California.
PAGEANTRY Pageant of Desert History 2
March 2 - - Round-up Club tour of
Vullur.: Mine, Wickenburg. Ari- CALENDAR March events on the desert 3
PHOTOGRAPHY Pictures of the Month 4
March 8 9 — Sierra Club, Southern
California chapter, hike up Murray LOST MINE Goler's Lost Gold
Cunyo l, near Palm Springs, Cali- By ADA GiDDINGS 5
GHOST TOWN When Lead Was Mined at the Cerro Gordo
March 9 — Dons Club trek to Lost By A. LA VIELLE LAWBAUGH 9
Dutchman Mine in Superstition
Mountains, from Phoenix. Arizona. CONTEST Prizes for Camera Pictures 12
March 9—Bandollero tour to Laguna BOTANY Saguaro Family in Arizona
Dam. from Yuma, Arizona.
March 9—Desert Sun Rancher Rodeo ADVENTURE Boat Trip on the San Juan
at Rimtida Ranch. Wickenburg.
Arizona. By WALTER H. KOCH 14
March 0-16 — Seventeenth Annual A test of your desert knowledge 16
Palm Springs Invitational Golf POETRY
Tournament, O'Donnell Golf Club, Death Valley—in 1849, and other poems . . . 17
Palm Springs, California. FIELD TRIP
Puzzle Rocks of the Badlands
March 14-16—Gila Bend Rodeo. Gila By HAROLD O. WEIGHT 18
Bend, Arizona. LETTERS
Comment from Desert's readers 23
March 15 — Border Conference Ski WILDFLOWERS
Meet, Flagstaff. Arizona. Desert's forecast for March 25
March 15-16—Western Match Races, Current news of desert mines 26
Wickenburg, Arizona. NEWS
March 20-23 — International Descrl From here and there on the desert 27
Cavalcade. Calexico. California. Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 34
March 21-23—Phoenix World Cham- HOBBY
pionship Rodeo. Phoenix, Arizona. Gems and minerals 35
March 21-23—Coachella Valley Min- Amateur Gem Cutter
eral Society Gem and Mineral Show. By LELANDE QUICK 41
Rivers de County Fairgrounds, In- COMMENT
dio, California. Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . . 42
March 2 3—Dons Club Trek to San Reviews of Southwestern literature 43
Carlos Indian Reservation, from CLOSE-UPS
Phoen x. Arizona. About those who write for Desert 43
March :>7-29 — Jaycees Rawhide
Roundup. Mesa. Arizona. The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc.. Palm Desert,
California. Re-entered as second class matter Juiy 17, 1948. at the post office ai Palm Desert,
March 28-30 - Tucson Livestock California, under the Act of March 3, 1S79. Title registered No. 358865 in fj. s. Patent Office.
Show, Rodeo Grounds, Tucson, and contents copyrighted 1952 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
Arizona. must be secured from the editor in writing.

March 29-30—Agua Piedra Ski Car- RANDALL HENDERSON. Editor MARCARET GERKE, Associate Editor
nival. Laos. New Mexico. HI'.SS STACY, Business Manager MARTIN MORAN, Circulation Manager
E. II. VAN NOSTP.AND, Advertising
March 29-30 — Don's Club Trek to
Grand Canyon, from Phoenix, Ari- Los Angeles Office (Advertising Only): 2(;;J,r> Adelbert Ave., Phone NOrmandy 3-1509
zona. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert .Magazine assumes no responsibility for
March 29-30—Sierra Club, Southern damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
California chapter, natural science scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding Issue.
trip to Red Rock Canyon, Califor- SUBSCRIPTION BATES
nia. One Year S3.50 Two Years. ... Sfi.dll
March 30-31 — Saddle Club Horse Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign .">(ic Extra
Show. Wickenburg, Arizona. Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside L\ S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
P. 0. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Descrl, California

M A R C H , 1 9 5 2
Salton Sea Sunset. .
Just before the sun disappeared
beyond the Salton Sea, N. N. Koz-
loff of San Bernardino, California,
took this picture, a first prize winner
in Desert Magazine's photo contest.
It was taken with a 4x5 Graphic
camera, K-2 filter and Super XX film,
1/25 second at f. 16.

Prairie dog.
Richard Van Nostrand of San Di-
ego, California, was waiting when
this inquisitive fellow ventured from
his hole. The picture won second
prize for Van Nostrand, who used a
3lAxAlA Graflex camera, Plus X film,
1/100 second at f. 11.

Finley Buhn, old-time freighter and present day miner who lives in Goler Heights
Much of the information contained in the accompanying story was supplied by him.
Everett Morris photo.

Goler's Lost Gold...

So certain was Prospector Goler that he could return to the spring where mounting with a whoop Will called to
he had found nuggeis of gold that he stuck his gun on the top of a knoll as a his mother: "Look, mother! Goler's
marker. The gun was not found until 50 years later—and in the meantime gun!"
others had re-discovered and taken a million dollars in wealth from the
placer field which Goler had found—and then lost again. "Why, the land of the living! Goler's
gun! As sure as fate!" she exclaimed.
By ADA GIDDINGS "Many's the time your father and I
Map by Norton Allen have listened to Will Cuddeback tell
about his father and Goler. Those two
THE mouth of Red Rock At the age of 64 Rhoda could still men were partners in mining, you
Canyon, about 20 miles north mount her cow pony with ease and know. Will Cuddeback would say:
of Mojave, California, lies the ride the range all day. One morning 'Now remember, Goler left his gun on
Lazy-M cattle ranch, the old home of she and Will saddled their ponies and a little hill somewhere out in this val-
the Munsey family. Seven miles south rode off to the southeast where a herd ley and he never found it when he
of the L:izy-M my husband and I of their cattle was feeding. came back later. Watch for it when
were homesteading a half section of you ride.' And here it is—lock, stock,
As they rode along in the crisp air
land in 1917. We frequently enjoyed and barrel."
they felt the exhilaration that only a
the western hospitality at the Lazy-M. desert morning can give. Anything Carefully picking up the gun, Will
We listened by the cozy fire of the might happen. To gain a view of the said: "This is it, all right! What a
ranch house to many stories of the country and their cattle they edged find! All intact, too. Look at the
early days, for the Munseys were old toward the east rim of the valley. Be- seamy side of the stock! Weather-
timers in California—Rhoda, the wid- yond the dunes and mesquites which beaten for 50 years!"
owed mother, and Will, her son. They sprawled at the foot of the rise they They examined the gun together.
told us the story of Goler's gun and topped a low hill and drew rein. The stamp read: "Spencer Repeating
how they found it. Then something did happen! Dis- Rifle Co., Boston. Pat'd March 6
MARCH, 1952
it! Gold! After a careful examination
of the nuggets he made a quick survey
of the immediate surroundings and
then hurried on his way. He feared
unfriendly Indians.
Goler tried to take a short cut to
Los Angeles where idle miners gath-
ered in those days. Ignorant of the
lay of the country, he hastily turned
across the valley to the east. He should
have followed the old road which ran
along the spur of the Sierra Nevadas
to the west of the valley. The moun-
• ; - : : -

tains here ran northeasterly. This was

new country to Goler. Wishing to
travel light he decided to hurry ahead
unarmed, but glacing backward he
must have asked himself: "Can 1 find
that spring again?"
Afterward he related to his partner
that he climbed to the top of a little
hill near the east side of the valley and
roughly sketched the ridge he had
passed coming into the valley on the
west side. His map indicated the little
canyon which he wished to find again.
For further check on the location, he
planted his gun upright in the sand for
a marker. Then he hurried on. He
showed his nuggets to Hefner, a Ger-
man who ran a stage station at Eliza-
beth Lake at that time.
It took him many days to reach Los
Angeles. He hoped to find someone
who had money to back a mining ven-
ture. The streets were thronged with
miners who came down from the fabu-
lous hills of the Kern River country.
Goler accosted all who would listen
to him, showing his nuggets. Most of
the miners were skeptical. Among
them were some who had turned to
agriculture within the last decade. One
day Goler met one of these men.
: " ^ , •
V''"*•*. "My name is Goler," he began, "und
I hear der men call you Cuddeback
vich I say may be good German name,
too. Vill you look at my gold, Mr.
Cuddeback? It is so good nobody vill
belief me ven I say I find it. I know
Top—Goler Heights on the east side of Goler Canyon. Finley Buhris ver it come from but I cannot go alone
cabin is at the left. Everett Morris photo. und I got not enough money. But I
Middle—Street in Gar lock, near Goler's placer field, in the late 1890's. left my gun standing in der sand to
show der vay und I haf dis map ov
Photo courtesy Frank Latta of Kern County Museum.
der hills." He produced his rough
Bottom—Cabin at the mouth of Goler Canyon. The richest gravel was sketch.
found to the left above the roof of the cabin. Everett Morris photo. "I am a rancher. Goler," stated
Cuddeback casually, "but I have
18 0." The missing figure was 6, no we all wanted to see this old relic of panned a little gold in the north. Let's
doubt, as I860 was the year the Spen- Kern County gold rush days. We ex- see your nuggets."
cer company began to manufacture the amined the gun and cartridges care- Displaying them Golder explained:
guns in quantities for use of the troops fully, listening all the while to the "I put my head over a little spring to
in the Union Army. This and many story of Goler and Cuddeback. drink und den I see der cold spots near
other facts about the gun the Munseys Goler, a German prospector whose my eyes." He added eagerly: "I can
found out later. WilMiandled the gun first name or initials no one seems to take you to der place. I left my gun
gingerly as he mounted. "Let's head know, came down from Death Valley on a little hill to show der vay."
the ponies for home/' he said. "We in 1867 making his way south by way "These nuggets are the real thing.
can look at the cattle some other time." of a little canyon about 40 miles north I'd like to find a few pockets of these,"
During the next few days the Lazy- of Mojave and on the west side of the nvsed Cuddeback.
M was a center of interest to friends valley. Kneeling to drink at a spring "Veil. I can show you ver it is,"
and neighbors, ourselves among them. his eyes widened like his mouth. urced Goler. "You get more men und
News of the find soon spread and Nuggets! He could scarcely believe grub und ve go right avay."

Cuddeback was qualified for lead-
ership. According to historical ac-
counts he v\as known as a man of haz-
ardous adventures. His full name was
Grant Price Cuddeback.
Cuddeback and Goler with a well-
equipped ojtfit topped the mountains
at Elizabeth Lake and crossed Ante-
lope Valley as far as Willow Springs,
50 miles short of the spring which they
were seeking. The men prospected
little canyons to the west with no more
reward for their efforts than Goler
had in searching for his gun planted
somewhere on a little hill. The men
ridiculed Goler. Their distrust grew
and there were mutterings that boded
ill for him.
Cuddeba;;k knew how to retreat as
well as advance. He decided to lead
the outfit back to Los Angeles and
disband, at least for the time being.
There was little to tell of the second
attempt which some time later took
Cuddeback and Goler as far as Muroc Goler's gun—left as the marker for his new gold discovery and not found
Dry Lake v/ith a new outfit. Here they until 50 years later. Photo by Amundsen Studio, Bakersfield.
prospected about 40 miles short of
their goal and the waiting gun. Baffled Undaunted by two failures, the be heard of again. His old map, in
again they lurned back to Los Angeles. partners organized the third outfit the hands of others, determined the
Goler held tenaciously to his dream which took them to the west side of identity of the canyon where he found
—a gold mine near the spring in the the valley north of Mojave and on to the nuggets and which later was to
canyon. His map seemed to fit every Red Rock Canyon. Here they struck bear his name—Goler Canyon.
valley—bul a certain little hill with gold, though the spot that they were In 1917, 50 years after Goler found
an upright gun would be the marker. seeking lay hidden 15 miles farther his gold at the spring and lost his gun
His gun would be the key to the can- to the northeast in another canyon, on the desert, the gun lay in the cau-
yon! His trusty old Spencer! One and the gun lay in the desert sun near tious hands of admirers. The blunt
cartridge in the chamber and three in the eastern rim of the valley. cartridges had been pounded out of
the magazi le! Would the Indians find Cuddeback and Goler worked their shape. Probably they had been car-
it? Would the wind blow it over in diggings for several years until Goler ried a long time on horseback. There
the shifting sand? left that part of the country never to was one perfect bullet—the one in the

MARCH , 1952
cartridge^ which was found in the cham- timers Goler's return to his bonanza of their gold dust. His freighting gave
ber—th<; other three were in the maga- at the spring. Freighter stories traveled Finley a close connection with Goler
zine. They were blunted by bouncing fast and tar in those days. Also the Canyon and its history. Finley saw a
up and down against the bases of the story of the lost gun had probably been nugget worth almost a thousand dol-
cartridges ahead of them. heard over and over at trie camps and lars which was found in Reed Gulch
On the right side at the butt-plate, bars. on "Dynamite" Miller's property which
the wocd was worn down so far that In Kern County annals the name had been leased to another miner.
the metal of the tube containing the Goler became official following an- ''Dynamite" couldn't cash in on the
magazine was exposed. The left side other discovery 26 years after Goler's find. Happy Hogan found a nugget in
of the butt showed the dry-rot that had find. This occurred in 1893—called Benson Gulch which weighed 23 oun-
developed. It was an interesting old the year of the big discovery. Two ces. There were many four, five, and
firearm. Will Munsey gave it to his men, Reed and Benson, were prospect- ten ounce nuggets recovered.
friend Fred E. Borton, an attorney in ing the Red Rock Canyon region and For a time, Ed Maginnis (later
Bakersficld, who, before his death, found gold near the mouth of Goler Judge Maginnis of Randsburg) was
presented his whole gun collection to Canyon. The news spread. Claims Wells-Fargo agent at Garlock which
his son, Paul R. Borton of Bakersfield. were staked in the main canyon and is now a ghost town. Ed stated that
Both Will and Rhoda Munsey have near its mouth by C. F. Mecham, Frank $350,000 worth of gold went through
gone from the fast-thinning ranks of Yeager, a man named Crumpy, who his office. He estimated that more than
the old timers, Rhoda at the age of 97. was one of the most successful miners a million dollars in gold came from the
The story of the gun, as told to the there, and Charley Shellman whose Goler District. Today, Finley Buhn
writer when visiting the Lazy-M ranch, cabin still stands in the canyon. When works several of the claims profitably.
spanned the years from 1867 to 1917. the gold rush at this section began, the No one will ever know how much
Between those dates the writer has miners met, as was customary at times of this wealth, if any, was recovered
found similar names in the lists of old of discovery, to form boundaries of by the man who first found the placer
settlers recorded in the histories but the area and make the rules govern- field—but the finding of his gun in
no mention of the Golcr of this story, ing same. According to one reliable 1917 confirms beyond all doubt that
who convinced Grant Price Cuddcback historian the area was named Goler Goler was the real discoverer of this
that he tiad found a bonanza at a little Mining District. Later, in reports of million dollar jackpot.
spring in a canyon. Just what Goler the State of California Division of
• • a
was doing in those years after he left Mines on this part of eastern Kern
Cuddeback and Red Rock Canyon is County, the area is referred to as the SCIENTISTS PRODUCE NEW,
not altogether certain. However one Goler Canyon Placer District which BETTER TORTILLA FLOUR
old timer remains who can add a word really establishes the name given to the Science has found a new way to
to the story of Goler's lost gold. canyon by the early mine developers, make tortillas, one of the oldest forms
cattle men and other old timers. of food in the world.
Finlcy Buhn, who lives in a neat
little cabin on Golcr Heights, was born The site of the little spring, which At the request of the Mexican gov-
in the Oak Creek country between Mo- is now inactive, is a mile and a half ernment, nutrition experts in this coun-
jave and Tehachapi. He knows the up the canyon just above the Narrows. try have successfully milled an inex-
mountains and the Mojave desert and Mormon Gulch comes in at the Nar- pensive, dry and stable tortilla flour
remembers many of the old timers well. rows from the left. Further up on the from which Mexico's flat, unsaltcd,
Older men told Finley that a few pros- right is Red Gulch and last, on the left, unleavened corn cakes can be made
pectors came to the canyon in the '60s, is Colorado Gulch. Below the Nar- with greater ease.
and it was believed that Goler himself rows toward the mouth of the canyon Corn dough cakes have been the
returnee. A hand-made pick and fry- is Slate Gulch on the east side and basic food of Indian civilizations as far
ing-pan were found there which indi- Sand Gulch on the west. These canyon back as history records, and tortillas
cated his return. The pan was half gulches which are subsidiary to the are the staff of life today for millions
rusted away leaving the part next to main canyon, together with Reed and of people from the Southwest United
the handle. This meager evidence was Benson and Eagle Gulches close to States through the Isthmus of Panama.
probably strengthened by the fact that the mouth of the canyon, yielded rich In some remote sections women still
Finley Eiuhn's uncle, Jack Kurlitz (bet- deposits. grind corn meal on flat slabs of rock
ter known as Slate Range Jack) told In 1894 during a strike on the called "mctates." And, since the soapy-
young Finley he saw Goler in the Southern Pacific railroad, Finley Buhn tasting dough will spoil in less than six
1870's while freighting with teams and joined the line of freighters which still hours without refrigeration, the entire
big wagons for Remi Nadeau from crawled up and down the desert valleys. mixing and cooking process must be
Wilmington to the Modoc Mine in He hauled the first load of lumber to repeated for each day's meals. Either
Inyo County — a 10-day trip. Slate build Van Brieson's store in Eagle the housewife does it, or as is more
Range Jack related that as he drove Gulch. Goler never was a town. It common in most of Mexico today, she
along tie El Paso Mountains near was a mining district. Finley hauled buys it in the moist state from a local
what WE.S later named the Goler Min- supplies to Van Brieson's store and masa shop or even ready-baked in
ing District, he saw Goler several to many of the miners, whose gold he small tortillerias.
times with two burros. At other times delivered in Tehachapi to H. M. Ja-
he picked Goler up, once near Mes- cobs who shipped the metal to the To provide a more stable, storable
quite Springs at the foot of the moun- mint in San Francisco. Sometimes form of the basic tortilla, which could
tains and not far from Goler Canyon. Finley had as much as two thousand be enriched by vitamins, minerals or
When Goler displayed some gold Slate dollars worth of gold lying on the floor protein to fortify the national diet on
Range Jack asked where it came from. of his wagon on the trip to Tehachapi. a wholesale basis, the Bank of Mexico
Goler pointed to the largest canyon in It lay in buckskin bags or barrel-shaped asked the Armour Research Founda-
the area which later was named Goler mustard jars labeled with the owners' tion of Illinois Institute of Technology
Canyon. The recounting of this ges- names. The containers were returned to develop a new way of processing
ture on the part of Goler no doubt when Finley delivered to the owners and marketing tortilla mix. — Eddy
confirmed in the minds of the old the supplies he had bought with part County News.



When Lead Was Mined

at the Cerro Gordo
By A. LA VIELLE LAWBAUGH the complete story of Cerro Gordo
Map anci photos by the author Rich galena ore was found had only begun. Before the story was
nearly a century ago high up all recorded in our note books we had
N MARCH last year Neva and I in the lnyo Mountains of Cali- searched Owens Lake for rotting steam-
followed the steep trail which fornia. But before it could be boats, the shore lines for charcoal kilns
zigzag:, up the rugged west slope milled and transported to mar- —and then a 6000-foot climb to search
of California's lnyo Mountains to the ket the mining men of that day out an old sawmill high in the moun-
ghost of what was once the fabulous had to overcome tremendous tain range which rims Owens Valley.
lead mine of Cerro Gordo. obstacles. Here is the story of The mine is on the western slope
Our interest in the Cerro Gordo how those obstacles were met near the summit of the lnyo Range.
had been aroused during a previous —and overcome. The "fat hill"—Cerro Gordo, in Span-
trip into that region when we saw at ish—is a distinctive landmark just to
Keeler the lower terminus of the old the north of the mine. A Mexican,
tramway which once brought the rich even in low gear. There was an eighth Pablo Flores, and two companions first
ore from the mine down the side of of a mile where the one-way trail is discovered the rich outcrops in the
the mountain. poised precariously along the top of a 1860's. The ore occurred as lenticular
The road to Cerro Gordo is a hard sheer cliff. masses of massive cerussite, 5 or 6 feet
one for mam and car. There were two And when finally we reached the across, in the limestone. These masses
grades which almost stopped the car, mine we learned that our quest for were concentrically banded and usu-

MARCH, 1952
ally contained a small core of unaltered
galena. To smelt this rich ore, Flores
employed vesos, which were crude
rock furnaces. As in the case of all
bonanza strikes, word leaked out and
soon the Mexicans had company and
before long were shunted aside. The
rush was on. Claims were staked,
bought and sold, and blood was spilled.
Almost overnight, Cerro Gordo boasted
a population of 700 and within a few
years had climbed to over 2000! Build-
ings mushroomed, despite the high
cost of lumber. Gambling and dance
hall girls provided the lusty night life
portrayed in western movies.
Today, only a few buildings are
clustered on the steep slopes. We
pulled our over-worked car to a hall
in front of the building which formerly
served as a recreation room for the
miners. Most of the furnishings arc
gone, but the overhead wires, with
counter heads for snooker pool arc
still there. The caretaker greeted us
hospitably and gave us water for the
car and coffee for our own refresh-
We learned that the present owners
of the mine employ a crew of 12 in an
effort to locate an elusive rich vein.
Sons of the owners, Steven Wasscrman
and Christopher Reynolds, were the
two unfortunate lads who later in the
year lost their lives trying to scale the
treacherous east face of Mt. Whitney.
Our host told us of handmade digging
tools, relics of another day, which" had
been found in the 27 miles of under-
ground tunnels and stopes. Some of
the levels go down to 900 feet. We
saw an old candle end of sheep's tallow
which had come from a ledge far below
the surface.
The building which houses the mine
end of the tramway is still standing.
This spectacular ore conveyor was
built in 1911 by Louis D. Gordon who
found large deposits of zinc which
earlier miners had ignored in their
quest for silver. The tram is about six
miles long and is said to have cost
$250,000. It is operated by gravity,
with ore buckets hanging from steel
cables. As the loaded buckets dropped
down to Kecler, the empties were
drawn back up to the mine. A huge
brake wheel is at the mine terminal
of the tramway.
The steep slopes around the mine
are dotted with little leveled plots
where houses once stood. Foundation
rocks, old iron bedsteads and scraps
of weathered wood are all that remain.
Top—These adobe kilns were built to make charcoal for the old Cerro For more than an hour we walked the
indistinct old streets and foot-paths of
Gordo mine. Cerro Gordo. A mile distant, at the
Center—All that remains of the saw mill from which came Cerro Gordo's old Chinese cemetery, we recalled the
lumber and charcoal. China Stope incident. A Chinese crew
Bottom—Neva Lawbaugh rests on the tongue of one of the ancient logging was working below the 200 foot level,
wagons high up in Horseshoe Meadow, when a cave-in buried a number of
Fire bricks were brought in to line these adobe kilns for Tramway of the old Cerro Gordo mine at Keeler. Inyo
Cerro Gordo's charcoal. Mountains in the background.

them alive. They had neglected to struggle up the grade. Twilight was Gordo was producing so many 80-
timber-up oroperly. approaching. The dry bed of Owens pound bullion bars, shaped like loaves
There are structures still standing Lake seemed to cover the whole valley of bread, that they began to pile up.
at the mine: which ante-date the Gor- floor. At one place, where the tram To speed their shipment, the Bessie
don era. A tall chimney affair built of soars high above the road, we paused Brady and the Mollie Stevens were
native stone attracted our attention. to watch a bighorn sheep. He was high built to haul the bullion from Keeler
Upon examination, it proved to be a on the ridge next to the out-stretched across the lake to Cartago. The steam-
smelter. Our host told us that it was stanchions which hold the tram cables. ers were shallow draft, clam-shell bot-
one of those built by M. W. Belshaw I focused the field glasses on him and tom, ferry-type boats. They lugged
who was one of the first white men to he was watching us. After a minute, tons daily and still the stacks of silver
move in after the discovery by the he casually turned and dropped from mounted. Late-comers, beset by the
Mexicans. A silver smelter required sight beyond the ridge. We camped shortage of living quarters resided for
charcoal in those days and lots of it. on a bench above Keeler and enjoyed a time in hutches made by stacking the
Neva and I had seen where many to the fullest a cool, quiet desert night ingots as walls and covering over the
buildings had stood but didn't give and gazed at at least a million more top with canvas or boards. On return
much thought to the wood from which stars than we ever see when at home trips the boats carried equipment, char-
they had been constructed. Now here in Los Angeles. coal and lumber from the west shore
was a place: which had consumed pro- The next day was full of surprises. of Owens Lake.
digious amounts of charcoal. Charcoal In running down the origin of the tim- The old east shore landing which
must be reduced from wood in special ber which had been used for charcoal the steamers used is about half a
ovens or kilns. Where did the old production and lumber we talked to mile north of Keeler. We searched all
miners get their wood, their lumber? several of the older residents of Keeler. the day for evidence of old hulls,
In all the Inyos there is nothing larger The first woman we questioned wasn't boilers, anything which might prove
than scrub growth, for they are a des- sure about the timber but was eager to the story. One old-timer led us to a
ert mountain range. The caretaker tell us about the steamboats! There spot on the north shore where the
could not answer the question, but told actually were steamboats which sailed Bessie had grounded after a hard blow
us of some old timers at Keeler and the coffee-colored water of Owens on the lake. We found nothing but
Cartago who might know the answer. Lake's nearly saturated solution of drifted sand, a horned toad, two leop-
The eight-mile drive back to Keeler salt and alkali! Belshaw's outfit which ard lizards and lots of creosote bushes.
was in sharp contrast to the difficult operated the Union Mine at Cerro Another informant, William Isbester,
MARCH, 1952 11
recalls that when he first visited Keeler, came from the very ground upon which Hows down the canyon until it is lost
the Bessie Brady was a burned out they stand. A perfect camouflage. As in the desert sands. We camped by
hulk, still at the old wharf. This old 1 stooped to go inside one of the kilns, the little stream that night, after ar-
ship was launched in 1872, was 85 a gridiron-tailed lizard darted from ranging for two horses lor the mor-
feet long, 16 feet in beam and powered its sunning position in the entrance- row's climb. The raucous cries of
by a 20-horsepower engine. Her cost way. blue-jays awakened us. By the time
was reputed to be $10,000. Records While sitting on the slope of the we had breakfast and cleaned up camp,
show that Belshaw also was in the ridge behind the kilns we saw a most Leo was there with the horses. The
steamer business for he launched the curious thing. Neva was first aware climb from the pack station to the
Mollie Stevens in 1877. Her engine of it and quietly motioned to me. Two mill is about 6000 feet. Along the
was supposed to have come from the gridiron-tailed lizards were moving way we saw remnants of the old Hume.
U.S.S. Pensacola. Since our search, a back and forth towards each other in It was a V-shaped trough, with sides
Lone Pine lad found one of the old a graceful circling motion. It must about two feet high.
anchors. It was hand-forged, about have been a sort of courtship, for they I had expected to find some timber
five feet long and weighed 400 pounds. continued the odd dance for some at the mill site. Actually, the logging
Further excavation is planned for the time, back and forth with a weird was done three miles further up the
recovery of other parts of the old rhythm. They scampered swiftly to canyon. A stream which flowed down
steamer. This digging may be done cover when a red-tailed hawk swooped the canyon had been dammed and a
with enthusiasm for one of the boats low overhead. 30-inch pipe from the headstock under
was reported to have sunk with a load The cord wood which went into the a 20-foot pressure head furnished
of bullion aboard. kilns, and the lumber used for con- power to drive the large circular saw.
The next day on the west shore of struction came from high up in Cot- One of the old logging wagons stood
the lak.: we found the old bee-hive tonwood Canyon. A sawmill was built near the mill—a ponderous affair with
shaped charcoal kilns. The enterpris- at the east end of Horseshoe Meadows thick cross-cut sections of logs for
ing Belshaw also built the kilns. Fire at the 10,000 foot level. Beams as wheels.
brick was hauled in and laid. The large as 4x12 inches and cord wood Our story was now complete. We
exterior was covered with adobe, which of varying sizes were cut and dropped had explored the desert floor and the
during the ensuing years has eroded into a flume for the rip-roaring ride to mountain rims to verify the facts about
away. There arc two of them, each the edge of Owens Lake, 14 miles a limniy productive mining venture of
about 20 feet high and 20 feet in away. nearly a century ago. The Cerro Gordo
diameter. We discovered them after Dusk found us at Leo Rogers' pack is said to have produced millions in
some difficulty, for their adobe finish station in Cotton wood Canyon. Water lead and silver and zinc—but back of
that fortune were stalwart men who
overcame tremendous obstacles to mine

Prizes forCamera Pictures... and market the ores which Nature had
created there.

During the next two months many parts of the desert will be ablaze
with wildflowers- there is the promise of the most colorful floral display DINOSAUR QUARRY WORLD'S
on the dunes and mesas since 1949. This will be a rare opportuni1y for LARGEST FOSSIL DEPOSIT
the camera fans, not only to secure flower pictures but also to secure In northeastern Utah, where the
landscapes, human interest, ghost towns, sunsets, wildlife and other Green River emerges from the slashed
photographic subjects for Dssert Magazine's Picture-of-the-Month gorges of Split Canyon, a 200,000-acre
contest. area contains the stone mausoleum of
Desert Magazine's Picture-of-the-Month contest is designed to se- some of Utah's earliest residents.
cure for publication the best of the pictures taken in the desert country Dinosaur National Monument con-
each month by both amateur and professional photographers. All tains one of the largest deposits of pre-
Desert readers are invited to enter their best work in this contest. historic animals in the world. Fossil
bones of the .giant lizards that once
Entries for the March contest must be in the Desert Magazine roamed the Uintah Basin lie exposed
office. Palm Dosert, California, by March 20, and the winning prints in the upturned rocks or buried in the
will appear in the May issue. Pictures which arrive too late for one massive strata.
contest aro held over for tli3 next month. First prize is $10; second The National Park Service has an-
prize $5.00. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3.00 nounced plans to expose partially sev-
each will b s paid. eral of these skeletons just as they are
HERE ARE THE RULES found in their rocky burial ground.
1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed
This work, however, is tedious and
on flossy peper. expensive and will require painstaking
2—Each ph-tograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and cleaning and scraping with dental tools
place. Also technical drria: camera, shutter sreod. hour of day, etc. in hard sandstone.
4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest
month. saurs' lack of intelligence which
5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert brought about their disappearance.
Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures. Their brains weighed not more than
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the three or four ounces, and of this only
desert So'.iihwest.
7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made one-third was the cerebrum, or think-
immediately aiier the close of the contest each month. ing portion. When, after an estimated
120.000.000 years on earth, the pre-
Address All Entries to Photo Editor historic lizards were trapped in the
PALM DESERT. CALIFORNIA quicksands of ancient rivers, they were
unaware of their danger and died in
the swirling eddies of "tieter sands."

Photograph taken by Moulton B. Smith.

Saguaro Family in Arizona


N A SECLUDED little valley on the northwest side Observing the rugged thorn-protected trunk of a mature
of the Estrella Mountains in Arizona, my wife and I saguaro one would never suspect that during the first few
discovered a rare grouping of saguaro cactus. In a years of its life it is a delicate sensitive little plant. Not
space twelve feet long and four feet wide there are 30 wholly unlike a human baby, in order to survive those
healthy saguaros. The tallest of the group is nine feet first years of life, it must have careful nursing and sheltered
high; the smallest 14 inches. environment.
Dr. W. Taylor Marshall, director of the Desert Botan- At one year of age a baby saguaro is no larger than
ical Garden at Tcmpe, tells us that he has never before a small marble and has no spines. Many hundreds of
known of so many cacti of this species growing in one them sprout to life on the open desert, but when the
group. scorching summer sun beats down upon them, their deli-
As we were able to construct the story, it appears that cate bodies shrivel and die. Only the babies that are
originally there had been a large Palo Christo tree growing fortunate enough to be born under a Creosote bush, a
on the spot. Birds, eating the saguaro fruit, roosted in the Palo Christo, Palo Verde, Ironwood or some other hardy
Palo Christo and dropped the seeds. In time baby sa- desert tree, can hope to survive the rigors of life to which
guaros sprouted in the leaf mold under the tree and sent all desert plants are subjected.
forth their wandering roots in search of all possible mois- At one foot in height a saguaro is approximately 25
ture and plant food. The mother tree, deprived of its years old; at nine feet, about 125 years.
life-giving moisture and food, eventually gave up the Originally there were 32 living saguaros in this group
struggle and died. but two died after reaching 24 inches in height.

MARCH, 195 13
..., • •'•• •• ' V

*»> •• . , . " " . : . .

Norman Nevills, on the right, and Jack Kuehn, cameraman jor 20th Century Fox,
on the river trip described in the accompanying story.

Boat Trip on the San Juan

Navigation of the San Juan River to its junction with the Colorado River is
never a dull experience, and here are the highlights of a boat trip which
involved more than the usual adventures. This story by Walter Koch is one
of the prize-winning experiences entered in Desert Magazine's Life on the
Desert contest in 1951.

URING THE last 15 years, many timers preferred to the heavier pan, is Darrock, editor of Fox Movietone
boats have run the San Juan a rare find nowadays. When 1 asked News; Jack Kuchn, cameraman for
River below Mexican Hat, Utah, him about roads leading to this place, Twentieth Century-Fox; Ray Ziess, his
and have conquered its boiling sand- he answered: assistant; Al Buranek, Utah state ge-
waves and treacherous rapids. Seldom, "Walt, why do you want to fight all ologist; Frank O'Brien, publicity di-
however, did a trip meet with such that sand on the Navajo Indian Reser- rector of Utah; Lynn Lyman, boatman
obstacles and excitement as the one vation when you can reach these dig- from Blanding, Utah; and myself, a
Norman Nevills and I were planning gings by boat so much easier? In Sep- mining engineer for the United States
that parching day in July, 1944. We tember, I am taking a moving picture Bureau of Land Management.
were sitting in his rustic living room party down the San Juan and Colo- Norman was telling us about the
at Mexican Hat, talking about old gold rado Rivers as far as Lee's Ferry, Ari- Stanton Expedition which, before the
placer diggings along the San Juan zona, and there will be room for an- turn of the century, surveyed a railroad
River. other passenger. How about it?" grade down the Colorado River, and
He showed me a prospector's gold So, here I was back at Mexican Hat of other early explorers who had lost
pan—one-half the size of the standard on September 17 listening to an illus- their boats and even their lives in the
pan — which he had picked up at trated lecture Norman was giving our rapids of that river. He went on to
Zahn's Camp. My curiosity was aroused party on the evening before the take- say that Piute and Thirteen and One
as this type of pan, which many old- off. This group was made up of Jack Half-Foot Rapids on the San Juan

River were: as tough as any of the
feared cataracts on the Colorado, par-
ticularly at the low water stage that we
would have to contend with. After the
show, I remarked to Al, "Norm is
promising us an exciting trip. He is a
good salesman, but judging from what
1 have seen of the San Juan, I doubt
whether he can deliver the goods."
The nexl morning, our three boats,
all built by Norman, were gliding
through the famed Goosenecks of the
San Juan. The scene was one of com-
plete serenity. About noon, we reached
our first set of rapids. An assortment ' * -1 :_
of camera:-,, moving and still, were
shooting the passage of the boats
through the foaming and churning
waters. Thanks to Norman's explicit
instructions, even Al, who had never
run a rapid before this one, came
through in the Rainbow Trail without
even scratching its paint. Thus, my
confidence in his seamanship—I was
a passenger in this boat—rose percep-
Later that day we hit a bit of river
studded with many rocks. They were
barely visible above the surface of the
water. A lew were totally submerged,
and one of these proved to be a tem-
porary obstacle in the path of the
Rainbow Trail. While Jack Darrock
and I were frantically pushing with
arms and legs against the rock and
Al was thrashing the water with his
oars, the San Juan, skippered by Lynn,
passed us in a majestic glide. His pas-
sengers, Jack Kuchn and Ray, were
giving us their friendly and not so
friendly advice on how to get out of
our predicament, but their glee was
of short duration. For we had just
succeeded in freeing our boat when
we saw them in trouble about a quarter
of a mile downstream. Their boat had
slid up a ramp-like submerged rock
and was pinned against it cross-wise
by the swift current. The San Juan
had a considerable list with the up- Above—Nevills running one of the boats through the rapids oj the San Juan.
stream gunwale submerged. Soon bed-
rolls and clothing were floating down Below—Salvaging grub and equipment from the San Juan when it became
the river. stranded on a submerged rock.
Before we could think of a rescue
plan, the current had swept us by, but those of the legendary Popeye, Norm While dinner was cooking, Norman
we were able to land our boat on the inched his boat forward against the and Al went back up the river and, by
north bank just below. A rope was mighty current and, after a tense quar- feeling along its bottom, located the
thrown to the stranded San Juan, and ter of an hour, made contact with the missing tripod. Their triumphant rer
Jack Darrock attempted to wade and marooned boat. After its cargo had turn somewhat raised the spirits of
swim across by holding to the rope. been transferred to the Rainbow Trail, the gloomy crowd.
The current, however, was so strong the men succeeded in refloating the Along the river's edge, there was
he had to give up this plan. In the San Juan and bringing it ashore. insuflkient room for all of us to spread
meantime, Norman, whose boat, the By that time everybody was willing our beds, so Frank and Ray decided
Hidden Passage, was in the lead, had to call it a day, so we made camp a to sleep on a level spot among the
picked up most of the floating debris half mile below the scene of the acci- rocks higher up the bank in spite of
and had landed on the north bank. He dent and took stock of the losses. One Norman's warning against rattlesnakes.
dashed up the shore to where we were of the moving picture cameras and a Most of us had already dozed off, when
standing, jumped into the Rainbow tripod were unaccounted for, a con- suddenly the peace of the desert night
Trail, and began rowing upstream siderable footage of film had been was disturbed by a yell, followed by
towards the helpless San Juan. With spoiled by seepage, and it seemed that language typical of an irate Brooklyn-
the oars bent almost to the breaking Ray's shoes would probably reach ite. We soon learned that Frank had
point and his arm muscles bulging like Lee's Ferry long before their owner. let out some surplus air from his rub-

MARCH, 1952 15
ber matt ress and Ray had mistaken the of a blue heron, the traditional omen Approaching the Navajo Mountain
hiss for an unfriendly greeting by a of bad luck for river men, which ac- region, we found that several tributar-
snake! Then he decided that his bunk companied us for several days, there ies break into the canyon of the San
among the rocks might not be so safe were no more mishaps. Nevertheless, Juan from the south. The debris they
after all and spent the rest of the night our passage through the so-called "Pi- carry during summer cloudbursts has
bedded down in one of the boats where ute Farms" was not easy. Here the been deposited at their mouths thereby
only a water snake could have shared river spread out over a mile-wide bed, creating formidable rapids in the river.
the warmth of his bedroll. and for many arduous hours we pushed Piute Rapid, the first of these, was
This lirst day proved to be the most and dragged our boats over sand bars negotiated without difficulty, although
exciting one of the whole trip. In spite barely covered with water. Norman decided to take all three boats
through it, himself. At Thirteen and
One Half-Foot Rapid, lying at the
Here's another "quiz expedition" into the
Desert Quiz Great American Desert. In this list of ques-
tions you will find considerable geography,
some history, a bit of botany and mineralogy, and some of the lore of the
mouth of Beaver Creek, we were
forced by low water to portage all our
gear and equipment around it. With
great skill, Norman guided the three
desert country. Regular readers of Desert Magazine should make a high empty boats between jagged rocks,
score for all the answers have appeared in these pages at one time or down rushing chutes, and through boil-
another. A score of 12 to 14 is fair, 15 to 17 is good, 18 or over is ing eddies. Here is his own descrip-
excellent. The answers are on page 40. tion as entered into the log of the
1—A chuckawalla lizard has — Two feet Four feet... .. Six trip: "It's a wild ride, necessitating a
feet Crawls on its belly sharp bank at one point to get around
2—A mano was used by the Indians to—Kill game Offer prayers a big rock. All goes well, I land last
to the gods Grind seeds Heal the sick boat safely and join others in carrying
3—In locating a mining claim the notice of location should be placed— the equipment."
At point of discovery At all four comers In the center Then the junction of the San Juan
of the claim On the nearest mountain peak with the mighty Colorado! The follow-
4—The wild century plant that grows in the desert is—Yucca ing three days of our journey, we
Cactus Palm Agave floated lazily through Glen Canyon
5—Magnus Colorado was a chief of the—Apaches . Navajos.._ ..... past Sentinel Rock and Outlaw Cave,
Yumas Utes landmarks named by the early river
6—Going from Kingman, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada, by the most explorers. We noted a few stakes set
direct paved route you would cross the Colorado River on—Davis by the Stanton Expedition which had
Dam Hoover Dam Parker Dam Bridge at Topoc survived more than 60 years of expo-
7—"The Goosenecks" are in the — Colorado River Green sure to the elements. The Utah-Ari-
River San Juan River Little Colorado River zona state line was crossed soon after
8—Betatakin is the name of—A Hopi chief Ceremonial god of we passed the Crossing of the Fathers,
the Navajos A river in Nevada An ancient Indian cliff where Father Escalante and his in-
dwelling trepid companions had found a way
9—Bill Williams River in Arizona was named for a famous—Colorado to get across the river on their return
River steamboat pilot Stage driver Army officer in the trip to Santa Fe in 1776.
Apache wars Mountain man and trapper At Lee's Ferry, we were rewarded
10—Gran Quivira National Monument is in—New Mexico Ari- for the hard work which the low stage
zona Utah California of the San Juan had caused us at the
11—According to legend the Lost Dutchman mine in Arizona is located Piute Farms. For here, the low level
in—The Harqua Hala Mountains Camelback Mountains of the Colorado had exposed a rare
Superstition Mountains Chiricahua Mountains... .... sight—the remains of the steamboat
12—Going south from Tucson into Sonora, Mexico, you would cross the which once plied between Lee's Ferry
international border at—Douglas Nogales ....... El Paso and a coal mine located in Warm
San Luis Spring Canyon, a small upstream trib-
13—The Indian Inter-Tribal Ceremonial is held annually at—Holbrook, utary of the Colorado. Gold placering
Arizona . Gallup, New Mexico . _ . Window Rock, Ari- was carried on near the ferry around
zona Flagstaff, Arizona 1910, and fuel for running the ma-
14—The blossom of the Saguaro cactus is—Crimson Brown chinery had to be brought in by wagons
Creamy white Purple from the mines near Cedar City, Utah,
15—Wayne Wonderland is a scenic area in—Utah Nevada more than 100 miles distant. Thus,
Arizona New Mexico when a coal seam was discovered in
16—The Tribal lands of the Cocopah Indians were located—On the Warm Springs Canyon, someone de-
shores of Pyramid Lake in Nevada In Death Valley In cided to utilize this coal. The parts
northwestern New Mexico . At the mouth of the Colorado for a small steamboat were freighted
River in overland and assembled at Lee's
17—Most of the wealth found in the mines at Tombstone was—Silver Ferry. The boat, however, made only
Gold Copper Tin two round-trips. It developed that
18—William Lewis Manly crossed the desert as a member of—The most of the coal carried downstream
Donner Party The Jayhawker Party The Mormon Bat- to the ferry was consumed on the re-
talion Beal's Camel Caravan turn trip to the mine against the strong
19—The state capitol of Utah is in—Provo Salt Lake City river current. So, here she was rotting
Ogden Logan along the river bank; but it was a real
20—One of the following Passes does not lead into Death Valley—Day- thrill for us rowboat men to walk on
light Pass Jubilee Pass Towne's Pass San Gor- the deckplanks of a genuine steamship
gonio Pass . with boiler, sternwheel, and pilot

Photograph by Josef Muench
El Paso, Texas
Los Angeles, California The desert is a place of beauty!
Over it a grey-green mantle's spread
Sun—silence--sand, and dreary solitude! While here and there the ocotilla spreads. So restful to the eye.
Vast stretc.ies—white—beneath a glaring And waters glimmer from a phantom
sky, stream! Even winter leaves it there untouched.
Where only those stout-hearted may intrude. When in your land the green leaves sere
With Death to harrass them and terrify! Like withering blasts from furnaces white- and grasses die,
A vast expanse of endless, treeless plain, hot, The desert lies unchanged.
Where sluggish rattlers crawl, and brown The noon-day sun glares pitilessly down When winter rains descend upon her dunes,
swifts ru:i, Upon a land the hand of God forgot— They leave behind a multitude of flowers.
Where all the parched earth gasps and pants Scorched, lifeless, shriveled, arid, bare The yucca holds her silver torch on high.
for rain. and brown!
The cactus lifts its orange chalice to the sky.
And overhead a maddening, molten sun!
Spiny swifts dart toward their prey,
Only the awful stillness day by day
Dry. powder/ sagebrush seas, and cactus- O'er wastes swept by the hot sun's burn- And now and then a hare leaps into view.
beds, ing breath! It is a place of magic.
And yucca;; — snow-white sentinels that A treacherous, deceptive Great White Way! The desert dead, you say!
gleam, A land of desolation—and of death! It is not true!

concretions often are found in groups, and the groups often are quite similar
to one another, while those a short distance off are entirely different "models."

Puzzle Rocks of the Badlands

]flo one knows what prompted Nature to create the fields of weirdly
shaped sandstone concretions in the erosion-fretted Borrego Badlands
—nor can anyone say for certain just how they were formed. Indians By HAROLD O. WEIGHT
who lived along the shores of prehistoric Lake Cahuilla gathered the
mor€i regular ol these rock oddities and used them to build foundations Photographs by the Author
for their brush shelters. These house-rings still can be seen—evidences Map by Norton Allen
of an ancient community. This story will direct you on a field trip
fascinating to archeologist, geologist and rockhunter alike.

THE; C o l o r a d o River mice, rats and other small table deli- Naturally, a primitive people would
transferred its outlet from the cacies. Larger game which came to be interested in rocks that looked like
Gulf of California to the Sal- drink sometimes could be killed. And distorted editions of animals, humans
ton Sink and created prehistoric Lake always there were the makings of a and inanimate objects as well as the
Cahuilla, about a thousand years ago, fish-fry right at the front door. materializations of the outlandish cre-
primitive tribesmen in surrounding ter- The Indians found something else, ations that might have haunted their
ritory moved in and found choice too, which I am certain held great dreams. In some parts of the South-
homesites along the lakeshore. Un- interest for them. Scattered over that west, concretions were looked upon
doubtedly they felt that the Happy great erosion-fretted bajada west of the as sacred things or personal fetishes.
Hunting Ground had materialized. lake, which we call the Borrego Bad- Many have been dug from the ruins of
First there was an unlimited quan- lands, were millions of sandstone con- old Casa Grande in Arizona, and they
tity of fresh water—a novelty for any cretions. These fantastically shaped have been found among the hidden
desert dweller. Abundant vegetation geological curiosities were so numerous paraphernalia of dead Pima medicine-
sprouted along the beachline—willows, in fact, that the house-rings of some men.
palms, mesquites, tules, and other of the shoreline villages were made al- If some of the Lake Cahuilla resi-
plants which must have attracted birds, most entirely of them. dents had only realized it, they had
. ...•.""•••:;.;•••:;:. ••• -;i- • . • • _ » ; . ; • - . • • , • • • • , ; . • • • • • • ; ; » . •

y Laudermilk wonders just how and why such fantastic shapes as these
sandstone concretions came into existence.
MARCH, 1952 19
Some persons still insist that con-
cretions are fossil somethings. One
suggested a certain type might be pet-
rified gopher holes.
The trouble with most of the ex-
planations 1 have heard is that each
TolNDIO has to make an exception of a type
that doesn't follow the rules—and that
makes the whole theory questionable.
There is no doubt that the concretions
in the badlands do have some connec-
tion with the bodies of water that filled
the Salton basin long before the Indi-
ans came. Possibly they go back to
the time when the area was an ex-
tended arm of the Gulf of California.
Also, there is no doubt that they
are formed of sandstone and some ce-
menting agent—usually calcium car-
bonate—and that they often had some
sort of nucleus. They must have been
formed after the sand and clay were
deposited, since the bedding layers
continue through many of them, and
they frequently weather to pieces along
these layers.
These are facts. Going beyond
them, I am inclined to fall back on
the primitive explanation, even if it is
presently out of favor. Some of the
more fantastic shapes could only have
resulted from a mud pie party held by
the Spirits of Geology.
However they may have origin-
ated, concretions continue to fascinate
most people. Many who have no in-
terest in rockhounding delight in haul-
ing a sandstone pup or whale or hat-
rack home for the garden. On the
other extreme, even uppercrust rock-
hounds who hunt only for cutting ma-
terial sneak home a few specially fan-
tastic concretions now and then. And
though many tons have been hauled
away, it still is not difficult to find con-
cretions almost anywhere in the bad-
lands west of the Salton Sea.
There are all sorts of concretions.
Each area seems to have its own pe-
culiarities and types — and quality.
The Borrego Badlands are a favorite
desert spot for Lucile and me, and we
the equivalent of a gold mine there in Today, anyone who sees one of the have driven up most of the great
their back yards. A trader who took more fantastic concretionary forms is washes and hiked over much of the
a carefu lly selected load of those weird just as curious about its how and why land between them. In that area we
sandstone figurines through Indianland as were the Indians. Some very plausi- have one concretion hunting ground
probably could have made his million ble explanations as to their origin have where we have found a number of
in bead;;, pots, baskets and other con- been advanced. prizes which compare favorably with
temporary forms of wealth. Perhaps John Hilton gave a good background the best in modern sculpture. That
one of them did. isn't just our notion. When an ac-
to the whole matter in Desert Magazine
Whether they traded concretions or (March, 1939). His own interesting quaintance, a sculptor who teaches
not, there is little doubt they did bring theory was that the concretions were art in one of the state colleges, saw
the unusual ones home, that the Ca- formed when lime in solution in the some of these concretions, he at first
huilla children liked to play with them water was precipitated out on various refused to believe that Nature had been
as modern youngsters do, and that the bits of organic matter which formed the artist. Then he became excited
elders probably had more than one de- the nucleus around which the sand about them and brought some of his
bate over just what they were—and and lime "grew." Different nuclei students over, pointing out to them
whv. evolved into different final shapes. rhinas like beautv of line and dvnamic

Petrified rattlesnake? No—this is one of the sandstone concretions from the
Indian Wash area. Actual size, about 17 by 8 inches.

symmetry. Then he wanted to know April, 1945), and there are times in more than 2Vi miles to where it
how he and his pupils could locate the the year when it and the other great branches. The right branch can be
field. washes in the badlands can be navi- taken for only a short distance before
We cane upon this particular area gated for considerable distance by the it is badly washed. From this point
while exploring the tributary washes ordinary passenger car with little or the collector must hike toward the
of Arroyo Salada by jeep and on foot. no trouble. But there are other times Santa Rosas, north of west, for a
The field lies largely to the south of when such an expedition can result in little less than a mile before the edge
a lower left branch of Arroyo Salada; extreme discomfort and even tragedy. of the concretion area is reached.
a branch we call Indian Wash because In summer, the heat concentrated On our trip last winter, Jerry picked
of the village site with numerous house- in these washes can kill, and even ex- up an astonishing aggregate of lumps
rings which lies close beside it. Cir- perienced sand skimmers can drop to and curves which looked like a cross
cling on foot through the area around the hubs in soft, dry sand. After rains, between a monkey with a cap on and
the village site, we discovered a colony seeps arise in the arroyo bottoms, form- a large cat. He looked at it for a
of sandstone turtles of bulky propor- ing soft slippery clay traps in which moment and then exploded: "Well I'll
tions. Then we found a group of con- cars can bog. Undermined clay walls be . . . " And that's the most positive
cretions the size and general shape of collapse, hurling tons of debris into statement on the concretions that we've
bull fiddles. Farther to the south we the "road." Flood runoff lowers wash gotten from Jerry so far. He is work-
collected i'rom patches of small circu- bottoms exposing rock barriers which ing on the matter, however, as time
lar sandstone balls centered in discs can be hurtled only by agile jeeps. permits. Last time we saw him he
—miniature Saturns. There were con- So, each time we decided it would advanced the tentative theory that at
cretion medallions, grotesque semi- not be a safe trip for many drivers. least some of the forms might have
human figurines like African images The expedition with Jerry and Helen resulted from colonies of algae, with
and imaginative abstractions which Laudermilk proved this point again. the gelatinous mass acting as a nucleus
would pul any futurist artist to shame. We were accompanied by two friends, for the sandstone forms.
So puzzling were some of the con- Bill Reiter and Martha Berry, who Besides the problem of finding a safe
cretions in this field, so different from tried the trail up the wash in a passen- road into the general area of the con-
any we had seen "explained," that we ger car and became mired right at the cretions, Lucile and I have hesitated
decided 1:0 bring our friend, Jerry entrance of Indian Wash, in a cienega about publicizing it for another rea-
Laudermilk, down to see what he which forms there after any rain. With son. We would hate to see the old
could tell us about them. Jerry, a re- the jeep truck, it was a simple matter
search associate in geo-chemistry at to pull them back to dry land. With- Cahuilla village site disturbed by van-
Pomona College, seems to have the out it, a lot of hard work would have dals. However, the last time we were
knack of getting answers to trouble- been necessary. in we found increasing evidence of
some problems of this nature. So, on jeepsters in the area and one vehicle
This past summer, however, we
a brisk winter morning, we drove had driven right through and over one
traced another route into the concre-
down frcm Claremont to the point tion area which should be safe for any of the old rings. So it would seem, as
where Highway 99 crosses Arroyo collector during the cool dry seasons we have found at other localities, that
Salada. in the desert. The remains of a World simply keeping silent about something
Lucile :md I often had discussed the War II army road cuts west from does not protect it. And we still are
possibility of mapping this particular Highway 99 exactly one mile south of the belief that most of those who
concretion field for collectors, but at of Arroyo Salada bridge (.7 of a mile follow our Desert Magazine field trips
that time the only route we knew to south of Squeaky Springs station.) will help to preserve the wonders of
it was the one up Arroyo Salada and Though this road is being cut to pieces the desert, not destroy them.
then up Indian Wash. It is a wonderful by runoff it can be followed with com- We hope we are not wrong in this
trip up this arroyo {Desert Magazine, paratively little trouble for the little case. The Indian Wash village site is

MARCH, 1952,
a spot we would like to visit again. Standing in this ghost village, look- There is evidence that Lake Cahuilla
The first time we stumbled upon those ing across the clay and sandstone des- existed for hundreds of years. When
house-rings in the lonely badlands we ert to the salt sea below, it seemed the Colorado sent in an extra head
were bewildered. We did not connect quite unbelievable that this once had of water, the Indian villagers moved to
them with the ancient times of Lake been an Indian paradise. Yet those higher ground. When it shifted to the
Cahuilla. The rude semicircles of stone who have studied the matter declare Gulf, they followed the retreating
did not look that old, and among them that it was. Lake Cahuilla—water in shoreline.
we saw charcoal and ash and half- the desert—had made all the differ- Then the Colorado went back to its
charred bone which told of primitive ence. How had the lake come into old channel—and stayed there. The
feasting. But why should there—how existence? lake dried up and vanished, and the
could there—have been an Indian vil- The old Red River of the West Indians went back to work. Final
lage here in this waterless, foodless, gave a very good example of the prob- disappearance of Lake Cahuilla has
shadeless alkaline wasteland? able course of events back in 1905 been placed at approximately 1500
When we looked closer at the cook- when a flood stage took out the gates A.D.
ing-fire debris, we understood. Most on the early Imperial Valley irriga- But, though the lake is gone and the
of the bone remnants were parts of the tion canal, and the Colorado River Indians long vanished, the house-rings
skeletons of fish. That meant that this poured into the below-sea-level Salton have survived—concretions piled care-
was one of the villages which once had Sink. It took engineers more than two lessly about the bases of brush shel-
stood upon the shores of vanished Lake years, and it cost millions of dollars ters. These primitive foundations and
Cahuilla; that when it had been occu- to convince the big river it should re- the odd rock-fields from which they
pied there had been water and food turn to the Gulf. were gathered are links with an in-
and probably shade for its inhabitants. There were no engineers when the credible desert past.
It also meant that the winds and rains river changed its course a thousand And, until Jerry Laudcrmilk or some
of centuries had swept this lost en- years ago. The Colorado poured into other modern scientist finds the answer,
campment without destroying the evi- the Salton Sink until it created a lake we will wonder—as did our Indian
dence of feasting, though the last of the with a 250-mile shoreline. When it predecessors — about the origin of
feasters had departed at least half a returned to its old channel, it did so these strange puzzle rocks of the Bor-
milleniuin ago. of its own accord. rego Badlands.

House-rings built of concretions, evidence of an Indian village from 500 to 1000

years old, which once stood on the shores of prehistoric Lake Cahuilla.

- • • J

learned to spot places in sand hills or Joshua-Bound Yearbooks . . .
on dry lake bottoms where the wind Auburn, California
blows the sand and uncovers the arti- Desert:
facts. Evalyn Gist's "Forgotten Mill of the
We find many in perfect condition, Joshuas" (January Desert) made me
made of different materials. The work- remember something which may inter-
manship is excellent. How careful must est your readers.
Desert Converted Them . . . For one of the Los Angeles High
have been the Indian craftsman, prob-
Williams, Oregon ably working with crude tools with the School yearbooks — either 1897 or
Desert: delicate material, so easily spoiled by 1898, possibly '99—Joshua wood was
Now you've gone and done it! Here a misplaced chip. used for the cover. I valued my old
were we—my husband and 1—living numbers very highly and often ad-
on a small mountain ranch supposedly I would appreciate knowing more
about arrowheads and the methods mired the strange porous wood cover
content with our way of life. Then a and wondered about it. I suppose one
very thoughtful friend gave us a sub- used by the Indians in producing them.
Can Desert Magazine answer some of of the Joshua wood concerns of which
scription to Desert for Christmas last Mrs. Gist speaks sold the idea to the
year. my questions?
staff. It is the only time I ever saw
Ever since we have been decidedly Incidentally, Lovelock is in an area it so used.
»ncontent, and our feet itch to try a containing a variety of minerals and
rocks which would delight any rock- My old copies, and in fact all my
new life en the desert you write of. books, were destroyed in the Berkeley
Both of us have spent a little time on hound.
JAMES F. COOPER lire of 1925.
the desert, but we didn't see it then as MRS. GENEVIEVE K. SULLY
you have since shown it to us. M. R. Harrington, curator of
archeology at Southwest Museum, • • •
My husband is a prospector by Los Angeles, wrote a comprehen- Rockhounds Answered Call. . .
choice and, given a chance, I'd be the sive article on arrowheads for Tucson, Arizona
most enthusiastic of rockhounds. Desert Magazine. Entitled "There's Desert:
Thanks for the most interesting No Mystery About Arrowheads," We at the Veterans Administration
magazine I've ever read. it appeared in the December 1941 Hospital in Tucson wish to thank Des-
V1RS. CLEVE WILSON issue. In this article, Dr. Harring- ert Magazine for publishing the letter
ton lists the steps taken and the written by Mrs. Ruth Hurd and telling
tools used by the Indian to pro- of the need for cutting materials for
Salt for Desert Dwellers . . . dace arrowheads. There are two the hospital's lapidary program.
Battle Creek, Michigan main processes: "percussion" or We have received many donations
Desert: the used of a hammer, and "pres- and wish to express our appreciation
We have had much controversy as sure" or the use of a flaking tool. to all who have contributed.
to the value of salt tablets on the des- After selecting a piece of flinty J. E. GAINES, M.D.
ert. Are they worth the trouble? As a rock—obsidian, chert or the like • • •
long-distance bicycle rider I spend —the craftsman employed per- Invitation to Rock Lovers . . .
much time on the desert and would cussion, hitting the original chunk Earp, California
appreciate your advice. with a stone to get a thin flake. Desert:
A. B. RUSSELL Percussion again—this time hit- My wife and I arc a pair of old
Salt tablets are not beneficial to ting the head with a deer antler folks in our 70's. We are readers of
everyone, although I found them mallet — accomplished a rough Desert Magazine and have been for
helpful when serving in the Sa- shaping of the blade. Pressure the past four years. We go to Blythe
hara Desert region during the followed, small chips being flaked each month, and Desert is the first
war. Pei sons who do not perspire away. A bone point shaped the thing we buy.
freely likely will not get any bene- stem of the arrowhead, the crafts- We have spent the last five winters
fit from them, and to others they man scraping it across the flint. at Earp, in the meantime gathering
cause stomach discomfort. Since Finishing touches were added by gem rocks in the Arizona and Califor-
the war, instead of taking salt tab- holding the head on a stone and nia desert. We have many kinds, some
lets, 1 put extra salt in my lunch chiseling with a deer-antler "pitch- of which rockhounds say they have
at the noon meal. / find this keeps ing-tool" hammered with a stone. never seen before.
my energy at higher gear during —R. H. We would be very pleased for any-
the afternoon.—R.H. • as one interested in gem rocks to visit
Rockhound Accommodations ., . our place. We arc 50 yards west of
Los Angeles, California the post office in Earp, California.
Arrowheads His Hobby . . . Desert: MR. AND MRS. D. E. HUGHES
San Leandro, California No doubt many Desert Magazine • • •
Desert: readers have visited Horse Canyon, 15 Color and Inflation . . .
How did the Indians make their miles west of Moiave, California, in Anaheim, California
arrowheads, and where did they get search of horse canyon agate. The Or- Desert:
the rocks they used? Can modern man ganic Living Foundation of California Being a constant reader of your
duplicate the heads? These questions has purchased the 620-acre ranch at excellent magazine for a number of
arise in my mind each time 1 come the head of the canyon and intends to years, I want to tell you how much I
across anorher of the ancient weapon build cabins there so rockhounds will enjoy it. But, regarding the new color
tips. have a place to stay when they take covers, I wish to say that I don't
I am a postal transportation clerk, field trips in the area. think they add a cent of value to your
running into Lovelock, Nevada. Some The road into the canyon has been publication.
of my spar;; time in Lovelock is spent repaired, and it is now quite easy to Please take the August. September
hunting arrowheads with a friend of set in and out. and October issues and lay them down
mine there. My friend, George, has FRANK C. MURRAY by any one or all of your recent color

MARCH, 195 2
covers. Then ask yourself whether you the powder they were exploding in the
would give one cent more for a maga- "Roosin-Japong" war.
zine with a full color cover than for I didn't know Death Valley as well
one with the single tint block. then as I do now and merely thought
If this color business costs you the "Dad" a fancy liar. But 1 changed my
least bit more than the old method, mind some time later when I went to
please discontinue it; because if it is the lower end of the canyon and, from
expensive you will have to raise the a considerable elevation, looked down
subscription price; and I couldn't af- on the awe-inspiring view of the val-
ford that. It costs too much to keep ley.
eating nowadays. I told the miner whose property we
I am an 80-year-old machinist with were examining Dad Youngcr's story,
no job and consequently very little and he told me of a narrow escape he
income, so you can understand why 1 had from a cloud burst about the time
am concerned about the inflated cost Dad had lost the mules.
of living. Please don't do anything to

He was living in a stone cabin the
increase the price of your already ex- old timers had built near the bottom
cellent Desert Magazine. of a gulch. He was awakened one
JOHN M. THOMAS night by a terrific storm and got up
• • a to look out just in time to see a vivid
Sandspikes Once Snails? . . . flash of lightning reveal a white wall of
water tearing down toward his cabin.
Bloomington, Indiana He ran up the hill just in time to es-
Desert: cape the flood. He said he never would
In a letter in the December issue of forget the roaring sound of rushing
Desert, C. S. Knowlton mentions find- water and grinding rocks which gave
ing spiral "sand spikes." His descrip- off sparks as they pounded together,
tion sounds to me like the internal everything illuminated by the almost
molds of fossil snail shells of the turi- continuous flashes of lightning.
on the Santa Fe tella type. Snail shells are often filled
by sand which subsequently becomes
cemented and forms sandstone. Later
I saw the high water mark on what
was left of the cabin, and then I be-
lieved Dad Younger's story.
the calcium carbonate of the shells is
dissolved away by groundwater, leav- Congratulations to Desert Magazine
ing the loosely coiled internal molds of on the gorgeous color cover of the
sandstone. December issue. What a wonderful
photographer that man Mucnch is. and
Snail shells are described as sinistral how well your new presses have dupli-
or dextral, depending on whether their cated his picture!
spiralling is right- or left-handed. Mr.
Knowlton probably could have my HENRY CURTIS MORRIS
^ Room to suspicions confirmed or refuted by • • •
Roam, too! conferring with any paleontologist. Si, Si—SEE-bo-la . . .
Wichita. Kansas
These conclusions are not offered Desert:
It';; a private world of your as an explanation for the other forms I read Harold Weight's article.
own-your room on one of of "sand spikes." "Opalite on the Road to Cibola," in
Santa Fe's great trains, whether JACK PICKERING the December issue. He states Coro-
it's a deluxe suite or econom- • • • nado's cities of Cibola were pro-
ical roomette. Flood in Death Valley . . . nounced "SEE-bo-la." Where?
When you feel like roam- Pacific Palisades, California We have lived all our lives at the
ing, there's a lounge car for Desert: virtual end of Coronado's trail, and
friendly relaxation . . . and at Nell Murbarger's fascinating story we have always read and heard of his
mealtime, you choose from a of Tule Canyon (December Desert) "seven cities of Si-BO-la." I have
Fred Harvey menu and eat reminds me of an interesting experi- never heard it pronounced otherwise.
from a table, instead of a one- ence I had in the early 1900's when I We thoroughly enjoy Desert Maga-
choice tray. was a mine manager in Goldfield, Ne- zine and head for New Mexico and
You board the Santa Fe vada, and staked some prospectors. Arizona every chance we get.
downtown. You leave on One of them, Dan Younger, was a WINIFRED JENSON
schedule in any weather. . . ar- sturdy old chap. I outfitted him with The name Cibola is properly
rive safely, relaxed, refreshed. four pack mules—not jacks—and he spelled with the accent over the
headed for the west side of Death i. According to our Spanish ex-
Yes, figure it out. You'll go pert, this means the correct pro-
Valley. Months later he returned with
Sar.ta Yt-all the way! no equipment but telling weird tales nunciation is SEE-bo-la. How-
C. C. Thompson
of a bed of huge clam shells filled with ever, few words survive intact the
Pass. Traffic Mgr. pyrite on top of a mesa. He said his journey from a foreign language
Los Angeles mules had been lost in a sea of mud into our own. Pronunciation, ac-
California at the extreme upper end of Death Val- cent, spelling — one usually is
SakaFe ley where Lida canyon drops an oc- changed. So, as Harold Weight
mm casional cloudburst into the valley. He
opined that the bad storms he had
experienced might be the result of all
points out, Cibola, is known to
Ariz.onans, and to most Ameri-
cans, as Si-BO-la.—R. H.


Calico, in the vivid Mojave Des-
ert hills, was a silver boom camp
in 1882. It demanded a news-
paper to tell the world—and it-
self—what a wonder it was. And
what better name than the PRINT
—the CALICO PRINT! . . . Type
Under i:he sunny, clear blue skies of after the main Death Valley travel cases arrived pied. The press was
late February and early March, splashes season is over, and comparatively few a week late. Rut Editor Over-
of color will appear on the desert land- summer visitors will see this display." shiner drafted citizens as type-
scape as v/ildflowers begin to blossom. setters and pressmen and the first
Casa Grande National Monument— issue appeared July 12. The
Each spring Nature's floral carpet is Unusually good flowering for annual PRINT'S career was brief and
different in color and design, and each plants, bushes and cacti is predicted tumultuous as it followed Calico's
spring thousands of persons flock to by A. T. Bicknell, park superintendent. boom and bust. It suffered fire
the desert to see the display. What and flood, and when collapsing
Mesa, Arizona—"Conditions in the silver prices foretold the camp's
can they expect this season? beautiful Superstition Mountains area end CALICO PRINT became a
On the whole, observants promise are more favorable than at any time ghost.
the most colorful floral display since since 1941," writes Julian M. King of Ghost bones rattled when CAL-
1949. Snows and unusual amounts of ICO PRINT was revived in 1950.
Apache Junction, Arizona. "In 1951 Our first issue, November l!)50,
rain in the desert areas, combined we enjoyed 15V2 inches of rain, twice sought to tell the talcs and pic-
with prospects of an early spring, as- as much as in any of the past five ture the trails of the Desert West
sure better than normal flowering in years. In January of this year, .88 in a newsprint magazine which
retained the atmosphere and fla-
all areas except Death Valley. inches had fallen in three rains, and vor of boomday CALICO PRINT.
Reports from Southwest sources de- the weather was warm and sunny be- Each issue centers around some
scribe local conditions as follows: tween times. Scarlet Buglers already place, person or event in Desert
West history, with stories told in
Saguaro National Monument — As are blooming in Hieroglyphics Canyon; the woi'ds of men and women who
early as late January, several species these, desert marigolds and desert hya- were there (many never before
of perennials were blossoming in the cinths should all be blossoming in Feb- printed), or by accounts in old
ruary. newspapers, rare and out of print
Tucson and Yuma areas of Arizona. books, illustrated with oldtime
Hedgehog cactus and possibly the Joshua Tree National Monument— and new photos and old maps.
prickly pear are expected to flower in Lupine, chia, desert dandelion, chu- The Story of the Desert West is
rounded out in each issue with
early March. Although too early to parosa, encelia, phacelia and sand tall tales, lost mine legends, fron-
set a date, Samuel A. King, monument blazing star are among wildflowers ex- tier folklore, features on Indians,
superintendent, forecasts a good dis- pected to blossom in late February and animals, plants, geology.
play of verbenas and California pop- early March at lower elevations, par- We think you'll really like our
pics in the vicinity of Picacho Peak. ticularly around Cottonwood Spring current — February 1952 — issue,
Small buds are beginning to appear on and Pinto Basin. Frank R. Givens, focused on GOLD. GUNS AND
the Pentstemons, and blossoms should park superintendent, suggests visitors FIESTAS IN OLD PICACHO.
with tape-recorded stories from
appear by the first of March. "At this bring small magnifying glasses through those who knew the gold cam]) on
writing, all types of perennials and which to study the very small flowers the Colorado River in its glamor-
succulents have a more lush appear of some plants. ous days, 1.'! oldtime and eight
ance than at any time during the past present-day photos, data on the
Lake Mead Recreational Area — mines and a reproduction of the
several years," reports King. Barring unforseen complications, a original Picacho townsite map of
Mojave Desert—The Randsburg re- colorful display is expected beginning 1805. ALSO: Hilarious real es-
tate troubles in boomcamp Raw-
gion, between Randsburg and Inyo- in late February and early March and hide, Nevada; Oldtimer Pill Rei-
kern on Highway 395, probably will continuing to late spring. Russell K. ser's story of lost gold near
ofTer the greatest variety of blossoms Grater, park naturalist, reports the Quartzsite, Arizona; fantastic facts
ground is thoroughly soaked for a con- about Stick and Hoop lizards, wild
in this area, according to Clark W. burros vs. bighorn problems, un-
Mills of Trona, California. Desert siderable depth. "Masses of small an- published California Gold Rush
candles, thistle and sand verbena will nuals began to appear late in January, letter—and MORE!
be found along the slopes of the Argus and there already are good displays of You'll receive this issue and II
Range, both in Searles and Panamint wild heliotrope and lupine at lower more treasure-packed, pleasure-
Valleys, as well as on the foothills of elevations." Indications are that vis- packed CALICO PRINTS lor only
the Panamints. Reports from Wildrosc itors can expect good displays also of $1.50! If you wish, we'll start
your subscription with January,
Canyon indicate the Panamint daisy al- yellow evening primrose, sand verbena featuring the amazing story of
ready is sprouting with promise of a and desert chicory; desert marigolds. ancient Casa Grande, Next month
very beautiful display. desert dandelions, mallow and dwarf (March) we're going to tell stories
monkey-flower. of frontier hero Pauline Weaver
Death Valley National Monument— and the ghost town of Weaver-
Superintendent T. R. Goodwin is pes- Mojave Desert—Young plants may ville, Arizona. We hope you'll be
simistic over 1952 wildflower pros- be seen in almost all areas of the cen- with us as we explore the byways
pects for Death Valley. "Prior to the tral and east Mojave Desert, accord- of Desert West history and legend.
big January storm, there was no ger- ing to Mary Beal, desert botanist. But, HAROLD & LUCILE WEIGHT
P.S.: Only 54 complete sets of CALICO
mination. If the .6 inches of rain Miss Beal adds, "How fast they de- PRINT'S first ten issues (advertised in
which has fallen proves sufficient to velop and come into bloom depends Desert Magazine, November 1951) remain
for sale. THE PRICE IS NOW $2.50 FOR
start growth, it will be well toward on the weather. Continued warmth EACH SET OF TEN. All issues—except
April, 1951—are still available separately.
Easter before there will be any flowers. will bring them on rapidly and give Write for prices.
In the mountains the snow pack is us flowers in March; during cold CALICO PRINT
heavy, but flowering at hich elevations weather, the plants will hug the ground Edited by Harold and Lucile Weight
never occurs until late Mav or Tune and do nothing in 1he wav of growth." TWENTYNINE PALMS, CALIFORNIA

MARCH, 1952 25
Reno, Nevada . . .
First Uranium Corporation, cur-
rently producing 200 daily tons of tin-
copper ore from its mine in Pershing
County, is processing that ore in the
company's recently completed $400,-
000 mill, which is believed to be unique
in the mineral field. The milling proc-
Tonopah, Nevada . . . Monticello, Utah . . . ess was evolved by American Cyana-
George Lippincott, president of Lip- According to G. R. Kennedy of the mid Company over a two-year period.
pincott Lead Company, has announced Navajo Uranium Company, the $95,- It consists of gravity separation of the
a new mine, mill and smelter operation 000 uranium testing plant at Shiprock tin, followed by flotation recovery of
in Nye County at Bonnie Clare, about has been turned over to the Atomic copper, gold and silver minerals. Un-
30 miles south of Goldfield. Construc- Energy Commission and already placed derground development at the mine
tion of the proposed plant will call for in operation. The plant was built by consists of nearly 3000 feet of drifts
an initial expenditure of $250,000, Navajo Uranium and is being operated and crosscuts and 450 feet of shrink-
Lippincott staled, and will include a for the AEC by the American Refining age raises. —Mining Record.
modern selective flotation mill process and Smelting Company. The commis- © • m
and a smelter to reduce lead-silver sion will also take over all ore-buying
flotation concentrates and lead ore into stations on the reservation. Operation Henderson, Nevada . . .
bullion form. Also planned is construc- of the plant will eliminate the long- Arthur J. Kcrbecck, Jr., a young
tion of modern housing facilities at distance haul from uranium and vana- chemical engineer at Columbia Uni-
Bonnie Clare.—Mining Record. dium mines in that area to mills at versity, apparently has found a solu-
• i> •
Monticello and Durango.—San Juan tion to obtaining the corrosion-resist-
Las Vegas, Nevada . . . ant metal t i t a n i u m . Kcrbecek
The Colorado River Commission Record.
• o •
announced in November that he had
set March 1 as the date on which les- discovered a new way to obtain the
sees at Basic Magnesium plant will Baker, California . . .
Molybdenum C o r p o r a t i o n of metal which may be useful for produc-
take over the joint facilities and com- tion of titanium in large quantities. All
plete the: sale of the gigantic industrial America has started digging into its
23 square miles of "rare earth" deposits the details of his method have not yet
property, thus discharging Nevada's been revealed, but it involves running
obligation of $24,000,000 to the fed- at Mountain Pass, 30 miles northwest
of Baker. The deposit is the largest an electric current through a compound
eral government. Under terms of sale, of the metal in an electric cell. This
(he commission will dispose of Basic lode of the industrially important ores
in the world. The "rare earths" include method is similar to the present method
Magnesium, Inc., for a price somewhat of refining magnesium. A good deal
in excess of $5,000,000. The actual metals valued at more than 1000 times
their weight in gold—up to $5000 an further testing will be done before it
figure is the difference between the will be placed in commercial use. Fed-
$24,000,000 purchase price and the ounce. Among them are metals used
in high-temperature alloys for jet en- eral government authorities have stated
amount already paid plus the value of that there is need for at least ten times
all sales contracts now in effect. Di- gines, in hardening steel and in metal-
lurgy, optical glass, waterproofing and as much titanium as this country now
rectors of the Las Vegas water district produces. Most immediate need for
and the Basic plant lessees agreed on mildew-proofing fabrics, searchlights,
heat lamps, tracer bullets and flash the lightweight, heat- and corrosion-
a contract under which the district resistant metal is in the construction of
would b:: able to purchase a minimum powder.—Bar stow Printer-Review.
o • «
high speed jet and rocket aircraft.—
of 3,650,000,000 gallons of water per Pioche Record.
year at cost for 30 years from the Kanab, Utah . . .
corporation, which is expected to take King Manganese Corporation has
over the Lake Mead pipeline March 1. begun manganese mining operation in Boulder City- Nevada . . .
—Pioche Record. Kane County, Utah, at the old Black- First section of the United States
• o • bird Mine. The mine has had limited Bureau of Mines Artillery Peak man-
Santa Fs, New Mexico . . . development in the past by under- ganese pilot plant at Boulder City has
Zinc and lead are causing new ac- ground-tunneling methods. King Man- started operations. The plant has a
tivity at Los Ccrrillos, the "Little ganese will employ open pit mining, capacity of 50 tons of ore per day and.
Hills," an old mining area 18 miles and a simple beneficiation plant will when completed, will represent an in-
south and west of Santa Fe. Two mines be used to separate the manganese vestment of $600,000 in new equip-
are operating in the Cerrillos district, from the clays and shales in which it ment and in renovating and remodel-
and expansions are planned for 1952. is deposited. Present plans call for ing the original manganese plant
The Torn Payne Mine and the Penn- beneficiation of approximately 200 constructed in 1941. It is designed for
sylvania Mine are producing and ship- tons of heads per day. This is calcu- research, development and demonstra-
ping ore v/ith a content of approxi- lated to produce approximately 20 tion of processes for the treatment of
mately 16 percent lead and 25 percent tons of high grade ore having a man- ore from the Artillery Peak deposits.
zinc. In the spring both companies ganese content of at least 40 percent. one of the largest manganese deposits
plan to step up production and to re- The corporation is considering future in the United States. As the ore is
open other long-closed mines. Los construction of a large plant in south- complex and low grade, it cannot be
Cerrillos is near the location of the central Utah for the beneficiation of used without extensive processing. The
fabulous Mina del Tiro, a silver and low grade manganese ores. It also is pilot plant tests will provide technical
lead mine which was known to the conducting an extensive investigation and economic comparisons of the va-
Spanish prior to the Pueblo Revolt of of the tungsten possibilities of South- rious possible methods for making
1680, and the Indian turquoise mine ern Utah, and it is anticipated that ferromanganesc from Artillery Peak
of Chalchihuitl. said to be the oldest some geophysical surveys will be made ore. Ferromanganese, indispensible for
mine in the United States and prob- this summer specifically in connection the production of steel, is an alloy
ably in North America.—Mining Rec- with oil and gas possibilities in the prepared by smelting high grade man-
ord. area.—Kane County Standard. ganese.— Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Grand Vacations
Into a Land of Great Beauty
Gila Reaches Flood Stage . . . Journeys by Boat — Wyoming,
Victory fcr Conservation . . . HOLBROOK —Mixed rain and Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada.
GRAND CANYON—Kaibab Na- snow storms in mid-January poured Rendezvous: Richiield, Utah
tional Forest officials were worried thousands of acre feet of water into 162 miles of Colorado River
over increasing numbers of people reservoirs in the Salt River and Gila NO RAPIDS
who staked out mining claims along Valleys and caused some damage to HITE, Utah to LEE'S FERRY, Arizona
the entrance highway to Grand Can- highways and other installations. While Schedule:
yon National Park. They couldn't pre- the amount of rainfall and snow varied April 27 to May 3
vent such filing of claims, although greatly in northeastern Arizona, all May 11 to May 17
the "mineral" was often only building sections were well soaked and heavy May 25 to May 31
stone or volcanic cinder and the real run-off was reported from the higher June 8 to June 14
goal a service station or hot-dog stand. altitudes south of the Little Colorado $125.00 Fare on above
But now a new law, introduced in River. Flood waters nine feet deep
Congress by Congressman Patton of were reported in the Gila River, and Rendezvous: For fast water run. CLIFF
several families in the Duncan area DWELLERS LODGE, Arizona. Through
Arizona, assures that only legitimate Monument Valley by cars, a 230 mile
claims based on real mineral showings were forced to leave their homes.— overland trip.
can be filed, thus protecting the high- Holhrook Tribune-News.
Down San Juan-Colorado Rivers, BLUFF,
way from undesirable developments. • • • Utah to LEE'S FERRY, Arizona. 225 miles
The law, although recognizing proper by water in row boats.
actual mineral deposits, restricts devel- Plaque Honors Norman Nevills • . .
opment to mining operations and vests CLIFF DWELLERS LODGE—On Schedule:
control of the surface developments in September 19, 1949, Norman Nevills June 22 to June 30
the Secretaries of Agriculture and In- and his wife, Doris, were killed in the $175.00 Fare for 9-days
terior.—Sierra Club Bulletin. crash of their airplane at Mexican Hat, Above trips visit RAINBOW BRIDGE
• e •
Utah. For many years Nevills had been
recognized as the peer of all Colorado Announcing: GRAND CANYON TRAVERSE
Mission Outpost to Reopen . . . River boatmen. Late in December July 15 to August 14
CAN ADO — Tselani Presbyterian John P. Rigg of Grand Junction, Colo- LEE'S FERRY to BOULDER CITY
mission outpost at Ganado, known as rado, and Art Greene of Cliff Dwellers Announcing: GREEN-COLORADO RUN
the Fannie G. Childs community Lodge mounted a Nevills memorial August 24 to September 30
health ccrtcr, opened January 1 after plaque on the canyon wall of the Colo-
being closed since 1945. During the Launch: GREEN RIVER, Wyoming
rado underneath and a little to the
last six years, only a weekly clinic has north of Navajo bridge. The plaque Land: LEE'S FERRY, Arizona.
been held at the post by medical and was financed by former boatman as-
evangelic personnel of Ganado Mis- LARABEE AND ALESON
sociates and companions of Nevills on
sion. No«- the outpost will be oper- WESTERN RIVER TOURS
his river trips, and was designed by
ated as a health center for the Navajo RICHFIELD, UTAH
Mary Abbott. A dedication ceremony
people or a full-time basis.—Gallup is to be held at the site next July 11
Independent. when those who navigated the Grand
• • • Canyon and San Juan rivers with Ne-
Judge Ac/ain After 46 Years . . . vills will gather from all over the na-
SALOME — Judge Ernest Hall, tion for a reunion at Cliff Dwellers
well-known Arizona figure and brother Lode,c.
of the late desert humorist, Dick Wick
Hall, recently was appointed Justice of LOST DESERT GOLD
the Peace of Salome Township, which A 72 pp. science-fiction booklet on the
is centered by the community of Sa- Colorado Desert and Pegleg's gold
lome. Judge Hall first occupied this Postpaid $1.10
Palm Desert
position 46 years ago, when the job
P. O. Box 17162. Foy Sta.
was created in 1906. He is one of the
pioneer newspaper publishers of Ari-
Los Angeles, California VIEW LOTS
zona, he and Dick Wick having started
a newspaper in Wickenburg after
landing in Arizona in 1899. In 1921 THIS SEASON IN BORREGO VALLEY
Just above Art Gallery
Ernie was the first Republican Secre- VISIT
East of Shadow Mountain Club
tary of State in Arizona. He was Ter-
ritorial Librarian even before Arizona TUB CANYON Near School, Church, Shops
was a state, and was the first official Paved Streets, Water, Electricity,
to move into the new capitol in Phoe- GUEST RANCH Gas. Many homes already built.
nix in 1900. Later he was known to For Reservations Write Overlooking Coachella
thousands of motorists for his years of NOEL AND RUTH CRICKMER Valley Date Gardens
service at the Ehrenburg Quarantine the Pioneer Resort Operators of the for Information write
station at the eastern end of the bridge Borrego Desert, Address:
over the Colorado River on the Ari- Box C, Borrego Springs P. O.
zona-Caliornia boundary.—Los An- California Pioneer Realtor
geles Times. No Telephone PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA

MARCH, 19 5 2 27
Would Trim Down Mountains . . .
FLAGSTAFF — A coast scientist
THE DESERT TRfiDMQ POST visiting in Arizona has figured out how
to bring untold rainfall to the state.
Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 8c a Word, $1.00 Minimum Per Issue Bevan Thomas of Bell, California, be-
lieves "cloud channels" can be created
by slicing the tops off mountain ranges.
INDIAN GOODS MISCELLANEOUS In his studies of coastal mountains
FOUR PERFECT AND FINE Indian Arrowheads CALIFORNIA WILD FLOWER seeds. 20 kinds and passes, Thomas discovered that
$1.00. 2 large arrowheads $1.00; extra fine mixed, 25c pkt. 5 pkts. $1.00. Ivan Settles.
stone tomahawk $2.00; 4 beautiful bird ar- Rt. 1, Elsinore, California. rainfall was determined a great deal
rowheads $1.00; 2 flint knives $1.00; fine by elevation. He cited the fact that
effigy peace pipe $8.00; bone fish hook $2.00; COLOR SLIDES—Travel, Nature, Geology, etc.
6" or over spearhead $5.00, thin and perfect. Free list (with sample 30c, three for dollar) Imperial Valley in California is cut off
List Free. Lear's, Glen wood, Arkansas. Kelly D. Choda, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
and clouds pass overhead to dump
BINOCULARS FOR SALE: 16x50 Naval sixteen
WE SEARCH UNCEASINGLY for old and rare
Indian Artifacts, but seldom accumulate a power precision prism binoculars. Practically water on areas eastward where the
large assortment. Collectors seem as eager to brand new. Finest leather case, coated lenses, clouds managed to get through San
possess 1 hem as their1 original owners. To achromatic, tremendous power. See for miles
those who like real Indian things, a hearty with them. Originally cost $250. Sacrifice for Gorgonio Pass. Thomas' theory is that
quick sale at $85.00. Will send C.O.D. express
welcome. You too may find here something
you have long desired. We are continually with examination privilege if you pay postage. if these mountain passes can be cre-
increasing our stock with the finest in Navajo Ed Priest, Box 251, Rt. 1, Evanston, Illinois. ated through the removal of the tops
rugs. Indian baskets, and hand-made jewelry. DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar postpaid.
Daniels Trading Post, 401 W. Foothill Blvd., Greasewood Greenhouses, Lenwood, Barstow, of mountain ranges the rain clouds
Fontana, California. California could get through and water the arid
PAT READ, Indian Trader—Lawrence, Kansas, SILVERY DESERT HOLLY PLANTS: One dollar lands of Arizona. "There is an unlim-
1000 items have been added to my stock, each postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses, Len-
largest in the midwest. Pipes, pipe bags, wood, Barstow, California. ited supply of water from the Pacific,"
moccasin- beaded saddle bags, beaded saddle COLOR SLIDES: Photomicrographs of rare said Thomas, "and the more we open
blankets, war shirts with human hair trim, types of Agate. World Travelogs: Grand
seal]) loc •; hair ornament, Souix saddle from Canyon, Petrified Forest, Yosemite, Carlsbad
up those passes the more rain we will
Battle of Little Big Horn, beaded shirt from Caverns, White Sands, Indian Ruins, llig Bend, get in Arizona. It is cheaper than any
Battle Wounded Knee, bow, arrows and quiver Brice, Zion, Wild Flowers, cacti, reptiles.
from Arickaree, beaded squaw leggings, Four samples 2x2 or stereo and literature, other form of water."—Coconino Sun.
beaded vests, beaded coat, rattles, drums, $1.00. Dave Harris, 2401 Pittsburg, El Paso,
roaches, war bonnets—Dakota winter count Texas.
on buffalo robe — very rare. No lists — No
Catalogue. Photographs furnished to serious DESERT TEA: Picked fresh from the Mohave
collectors. Member United Indian Traders Desert natural lea gardens. Healthful, in-
Association, vigorating. $1.00 per 11). postpaid. Desert River Bed Rising Near Yuma . . .
Tea Co., 125 Erin Drive, Needles, California.
YXJMA—The Colorado River bed
BOOKS — MAGAZINES PROSPECTORS AND ROCKHOUNDS WANTED. has risen nearly two feet between La-
To join the newly incorporated United Pros-
HOOKS FOUND: Any subject, any author. Fast
service, f^end wants—no obligation. Interna-
pectors Organization. If you are experienced
or beginners the articles in our magazine are
guna Dam and Yuma since 1947.
tional Bookfinders. Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, bound to help you enjoy your hobby and the Average elevation of the river bed in
California. outdoors. Send your name for our new bro-
chure and literature. United Prospectors, Box the eight-mile stretch between Yuma
TANNING GOLD — Another hobby for Rock 729, Lodi, California. and Morelos Dam also has shown a
Hounds End Desert Roamers. A new booklet,
"What the Beginner Needs to Know," 36 pages
FIND YOUR OWN beautiful Gold nuggets! It's
fun! Beginners illustrated instruction book
rise of about one foot in the past five
of instructions; also catalogue of mining books
and prospectors' supplies, maps of where to go
$1.00. Gold pan, $2.00. Where to go? Gold years. Another two-foot rise has been
placer maps, Southern California, Nevada, charted for a distance of 20 miles
and blue prints of hand machines you can Arizona, SI.00 each state. All three maps
build. Mailed postpaid 25c, coin or stamps.
Old Prospector, Box 729, Desk 5, Lodi, Calif.
$2.00. Desert Jim, Box 604 Stockton, Calif. below the new Mexican dam. It is
LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest Beautifier." feared that the anticipated rising of
For women who wish to become beautiful, for
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES women who wish to remain beautiful. An the river bed and the accompanying
outstanding desert cream. For Information rise in the river stage will seriously af-
FABULOUS EARNINGS — Fascinating pastime. write or call Lola Barnes, 963 No. Oakland.
Growing Genuine, living miniature (Ming)
Trees. New Sensational Business or Hobby.
Pasadena 6. Calif, or phone SYcamore 4-2378. fect seepage of irrigated lands border-
Astounding information FREE. Dwarf Gar-
dens, Bo;; 355N, Briggs Station, Los Angeles
RETIRING? Vacationing this summer? "A ing the river in both this country and
Handbook for Trailer People." The product
48, California. of 15 years experience. $1.00 prepaid. Marion Mexico.— Yuma Daily Sun.
B. and Eyalyn Slack Gist. Route 1, Box 89,
Indio, California.
SAVE 50% On New Binoculars! Free catalog.
FOR SALE—33 1/3 Acres Ideal Date Growing
Land near Indian Wells in SEV4 of NEVi, Sec.
Free book. "How to Select Binoculars." Write
today! Bushnell's 43-D33, 43 E. Green Street,
TEMPli — Since starting a cam-
24 Twsp 5 S R 6 E SBB&M excepting Pasadena 1, California. paign for gathering scorpions for use
WANTED TO BUY—Watches, any condition. in manufacturing serum, Dr. Herbert
Highest prices paid. Also broken jewelry,
good water supply. Write
Star Rte. Magalia, California. spectacles, dental gold, diamonds, silver. Mail L. Stahnke of Arizona State College
articles today or write for free information. has received 13,000 of the poisonous
Lowe's, 120 Holland Bldg., St. Louis 1, Mo.
BEAUTIFUL DESERT LOTS—100 ft. by 100 ft. insects. Dr. Stahnke and his assistants
—Located, in hot mineral water area only ;) CRAFTSMEN — HOBBYISTS — COLLECTORS:
miles NU of Palm Spr ngs. Enjoy swimming Desert Woods for sale. Different from any have accumulated venom from 10,000
pool hea.ed by nature, U'ee to lot owners, oilier. Ironwood, Screwbean and Honey Bean,
$850. Five acres on paved road, with hot Mesquite, Catalpa, Western Sumac Burl, Man- scorpions. The insects can be "milked"
water well only $1500. Imagine your own zanita, Cholla & Saguaro cactus. In log form of the venom more than once.—Tuc-
hot mineral water swimming pool, heated by or cut to your specifications. Excellent for
nature. Doctors and arthritics should investi- use as veneer, inlays, lamps, bookends, bowls son Daily Citizen.
gate. R. H. McDonald, Desert Hot Springs. or almost anything. Make your own gift items,
California. Instructions and suggestions included with
each order. Ironwood, Mesquite, Catalpa $1.00
LOVELY OLD desert home located on beautiful II). cut, 25c log form. Sumac logs & Burls
date ranch. Handy to Palm Springs or Indio. (scarce) $2.00 11). cut, $1.00 log form. Cholla CALIFORNIA
If you w-mt to retire to the desert, but still cactus 50c to $1.50 per foot rough, sawed in
keep a little bit busy on a not too big place veneer strips $2.00 sq. ft. Saguaro cactus logs
$1.50 to $4.00 per foot. Postage. Write for
Judge Ends Desert Career . . .
this is it. Price $75,000. Write Box 162,
Thermal, California, Ronald L. Johnson. your needs. Lower prices on special orders. DAGGETT—Judge Dix Van Dyke,
David R. Jones, The Woodologist, Box 1028,
Palm Springs, California. 70-year-old dean of San Bernardino
ALL-WOOL, HAND-LOOMED TIES County justices of the peace, is out of
Genuine, all-wool hand-loomed ties a job. Belleville township, the 92-year-
— specially woven by the New DESERT GRAPEFRUIT old political subdivision over which the
Mexico Indians. Beautiful Scotch
plaids, plain colors and designs.
Elach different — exclusive. Write
30-lb. bag delivered in California judge presided, was abolished the first
today for free folder. Other fine, express prepaid for $2.00. of this year under the reorganization
unusual gift items also available of desert area townships, and Judge
at savings! G. W. CUTSHAW, Grower
Ties $1.65 or 3 for $4.50 postpaid. Brawley, California Lucian Bell, justice of the peace for
CALIFORNIA CO., Box D1405, Santa Ana, Calif.
Yermo township, has taken over Judge

Van Dyke's duties. The retiring judge's
father, T. S. Van Dyke, was appointed
to the Dag;;ett judgeship in 1903, and
when he retired in 1923, his son was
named to the office. Since 1916 the
Belleville Township Justice Court has
been conducted at the Van Dyke ranch
home place. There Dix Van Dyke has
moved his historic jail and collected
hundreds of items of historic interest.
Most of hi:; lifetime he has been a stu-
dent of desert history.—Los Angeles

Consider Park Additions . . .

INDIO—Box Canyon may be in-
cluded as a branch of the Salton Sea
Park, establishment of which is virtu-
ally assured. Representatives of the
State Division of Beaches and Parks
inspected the canyon on a recent tour
and were enthusiastic about it as an
auxiliary to the Salton Sea Park. Main-
tenance of the canyon site could be
done by ttie same crew operating at
the sea. Nearby Painted Canyon,
which usually is considered even more
spectacular because of its coloring and
steeper walls, would doubtless be in-
tion be approved.—Date Palm.

Traffic Summary Given . . .

NEEDLES—Summary of traffic en-
tries into California through state bor-
der quarantine stations shows a total of
196,891 t.utomobiles, 22,633 trucks It is obvious that the better your car's engine performance the safer you are on
and 4,084 buses entered the state in the road. Yet today, thousands of motorists are driving America's highways
the month of December, 1951. Fig- completely unaware that their car is not delivering all the performance it could.
ures, released by the State Department The reason is simple: Present-day cars are so fine they perform well even at
of Agriculture, indicate Blythe was the 75% to 80'/? of their capability. Since the 100'/ performance you paid for
largest portal of entry, with 40,313 ve- means satisfaction as well as greater safety, why not gel it? Just follow the two
hicles and 1 f4,359 passengers regis- simple rules demonstrated below.
tering. Total number of passengers for
the month was 613,531.—Bureau oj
Plant Quarantine Bulletin.

Speed Rock Weir Repairs . . .

B L Y T H E — Heavy rock-moving
equipment was moved to the Colorado
River at Blythe late in January to
speed repair of a 150-foot section of
the 600 - foot gravity weir which
washed out during heavy storms, per-
iling the (iliversion of water into the RULE NO. 1 for 1007" engine per- RULE NO. 2: Use the finest motor oil
Palo Verde Valley. It was hoped the formance: Take your car to your car money can buy. Leading car manufac-
repair project could be completed by dealer's for frequent checkups—at least turers specify heavy-duty type oils.
the end of February. C. P. Vetter, every 2,000 miles. His mechanics are The finest of these heavy-duty oils is
Reclamation Bureau officer in charge factory-trained experts. Royal Triton —the famous purple oil
of river control, said the government recommended by leading car dealers.
has $25,000 in a standing fund which Royal Triton is available at leading car
will be used to start repair operations. dealers1 in many areas throughout the
He estimated the cost will be between United States.
$40,000 and $50,000. The Palo Verde
Irrigation District agreed to finance all UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA
repairs in excess of the $25,000. De- Los ANGELES, Union Oil Bldg. • NEW YORK,
spite the irrigation emergency, all 4904 RCA Bldg. • CHICAGO, 16]2 Bankers
water orders have been filled. — Los Bldg. • NEW ORLEANS, 917 National Bank
An«eles Times. of Commerce Bldg.

MARCH, 1952
Water System Control Won . . . animals, insects, birds and micro-or-
INDIO—Control of the All-Amer- ganisms that live in the environment
ican Canal, the Imperial Dam and the of desert plants; and to make the
Pilot Knob power site will be turned knowledge gained from this study
over by the Department of Interior to available to the public in literature to
the Imperial Irrigation District, Cali- be published on three levels: for the
fornia Attorney General Edmund G. amateur, for the student and for the
Brown has announced. Brown said he scientist." Three main divisions are
was told by Secretary of the Interior planned: biology, chemistry and art
Oscar Chapman that "agreement in and literature. - - Calexico Chronicle.
principle" had been reached and that • • a
the department was now drafting the NEVADA
written agreement.—Date Palm. Storms Assure Water Supply . . .
• so
BOULDER CITY—As a result of
Reach Fish License P a c t . . . mountain snowfall this winter, bureau
BLYTHE — Reciprocal agreement of reclamation officials expect the
concerning fishing licenses on the heaviest run-off of water in the Colo-
Colorado River has been reached by rado River since measurement started
v rvEST. 40ii M
mi5"iSi| members of the Arizona and Califor-
nia fish and game commissions. Under
in 1922. Tabulations of snowpack fig-
ures indicate an April-July run-off of
the arrangement, anglers will be re- 15,000,000 acre feet this year—almost
jfei'T.»":"•«•'«'''SBI"«"'<° " H I « " " V ^ ' - V V " W B I ™ T.I'CPIS ••i"'
quired to buy a $2 stamp to fish the half the entire capacity of Lake Mead.
river in boats. It is expected that the This indicates a maximum lake level
agreement will be placed into effect next summer, and also assures plenty
around March 1. In the past, fisher- of storage water for power production
Genuine Navajo Rugs men were required to purchase licenses and irrigation. Following a run-off of
from both states.—Palo Verde Valley only 6,300,000 acre feet last year—
Ideal for Desert, Beach and Times. the smallest since 1946 — the 1952
• • • water supply estimate, if it holds true,
Mountain Homes Organize for Desert Study . . . will surpass the 30-year measured rec-
CALEX1CO — The Sonoran Life ord of 12,500,000 acre feet in 1912,
Full Line of Lapidary Zone Society, a scientific society for before the dam was built. The 39-year
Equipment and Supplies the study of desert regions of the average April-July run-off is 9,600,000
United States and Mexico, held organ- acre feet.—Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Open House Tuesday Evening ization meetings in February at Seclcy, e • e
California, under the leadership of Power Search Continues . . .
Till 10:00 P.M. Austin Wilkinson, organic chemist. At LAS VEGAS—Nevada, hoping to
the same time, meetings were held in obtain short term power to meet a
COIMPTON HOCK SHOP Mexicali under the sponsorship of
Chemists L. Arias and O. Chao. Pur-
growing power shortage, has turned to
Arizona for help. According to Gov-
1409 S. Long Beach Blvd. pose of the group, according to Wil- ernor Charles Russell of Nevada, the
Compton, Calif. kinson, is "to study the biology, chem- Colorado River Commission has been
istry and economic uses of plants that informed that substantial amounts of
grow under desert conditions, and the off-peak power might be available from
the Arizona Power Authority and the
Central Arizona Power Company. Rus-
ASK YOUR CONTRACTOR ABOUT "PRECISION BUILT" sell said this source of power appeared
at the moment to be the state's best bet
RED CINDER BLOCKS to meet a 300,000,000 kilowatt hour
shortage anticipated in the Las Vegas-
Henderson area during 1952. The
You'll have year commission also has applied for Shasta
Dam power in northern California, but
around comfort prospects in this direction are dim.—
with Pioche Record.
"Precision Built"
2-Day W< , • 1 , i . i i . i i Economy Tours
PUMICE BLOCKS 4-Day Expc use Paid Luxurious Tours
See your Tnivi 1 Agent — Write for Folder
Homes off Distinction A. L. "AL"RIDDLE
opftratoi —Riddle Scenic Tours
Mionc Y/ V :S2<>1
are built with Mezzanine —Haywa (1 H o l d , T J . V . 14

Your 3464 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena 8 i w i t T i m i n g . . . g o l f . . . tQnmS . . . e x p l o r i n g . ConTa

Money RYAN 1-6329 or Corona Phone 1340 'el a g e n l s o r Death V a l l e y H o t e l C o . , L t d . , 6 3 0 S, Shal

:e, Los Angeles 5, D U n k i r k 7 - 5 1 5 1 .

350,549 See Dam Exhibit . . . NEW MEXICO Find Ancient Medicine K i t . . .
BOULDER CITY —More persons Navajo Buy Trading P o s t . . . SANTA FE—A prehistoric medi-
visited the Bureau of Reclamation's GALLUP—The Navajo tribe has cine bag, made of muskrat skin and
exhibit building at Hoover Dam this purchased the stock at the Pine Springs filled with herbs, eagle and lion claws,
year than in any year since the build- Trading Post and has begun operation curiously shaped minerals and mineral
ina was opened to the public in late of the post as a tribal activity. Sammy ore, was found during the Chicago
I1 The exhibits were viewed by a Day will manage the store. The tribe Natural History Museum's most re-
total of 350,549 persons. Visitors to has owned the improvements at Pine cent expedition to New Mexico. It and
the dam itself numbered 403,908, this Springs for a number of years and has other archeological findings, among the
total being surpassed only by those of leased them to private traders. Now oldest ever recovered on this continent,
424,175 and 407,980, set in 1947 and they control the entire operation.— were found in "Cordova" cave in New
1948 respectively when the guide serv- Gallup Independent. Mexico near the Arizona border. After
ice was operating on a 14-hour day.— examining the medicine bag, Dr. Paul
Las Vegas Review-Journal. S. Martin of the museum concluded
the prehistoric "doctor" treated his pa-
Oldest Nevadan Dies . . . Kit Carson Park Okayed . . . tients by applying the appropriate
ELKO—So old he could remember TAOS—Kit Carson Memorial Park medicine to the sick one. Then, pulling
"when Salt Lake City was only a log became a reality early this year with the treatment away from the affected
cabin." Bil ic Mose, a Lite Indian be- the exchange of final legal papers and area, the medicine man would tell his
lieved to be at least 1 12, died in Elko signatures between officials of the state patient that the illness was now in the
December 25. Indian authorities be- of New Mexico and of the Taos Foun- medicine. Dr. Martin estimates the
lieved he was Nevada's oldest resident. dation. Nineteen acres of land owned medicine kit is about 4500 years old.
They said he could remember Salt Lake by the foundation have been trans- It is remarkably preserved.—Los An-
City when its population was 10 per- ferred to the state for the sum of geles Times.
sons, all living in a single cabin. Born $40,000. Establishment of the park • • •
before Nevada became a state, he was culminates a three-year fight to gain
present at Promontory Point when the recognition for the famous scout. Pub- Navajo Seek Water Rights . . .
golden spke was driven, connecting lic interest first was aroused when a GALLUP—"Prior and preferential"
the eastern part of the United States Colorado magazine suggested that, rights to 610,000 acre-feet annually
with the west. He also was on hand since Kit Carson was "unappreciated" of San Juan River waters were claimed
when the Ruby Valley Indians signed in Taos, his remains be removed to by the Navajo tribe in a resolution
a peace treaty with the federal govern- Colorado, where a suitable monument unanimously approved by the Navajo
ment.—Salt Lake Tribune. would be arranged.—El Crepusculo. council at a meeting at Window Rock,


IT'S a wonderful "Sunset"-a $15,000,000 custom- pletely enclosed private washrooms); new, spacious
built hotel on wheels... flashing East-by-South to bedrooms single or en suite. Reserved seat chair cars;
New Orleans ... setting new standards for travel low-cost luxury in big, foam-rubber reclining chairs.
luxury, new records for speed. Running time to New Orleans: just 42 hours.
Magnificent cars styled in the spirit of the ro- Leave Los Angeles any evening at 8 p.m. —speed
mantic route they serve. Beautiful decorations ... along via El Paso, San Antonio, Houston —be in
unique, new-as-tomorrow facilities and comforts ... New Orleans 4 p.m. second afternoon following.
"pressurized" dust-free, draft-free air conditioning. Through Dallas Pullman, too —and connections at
All-room sleeping cars; roomettes; (all with com- New Orleans with crack trains East and North.

Next time, go East by South!

Next time-try



MARCH, 1952 3]
Arizona. The Navajo want the 610,- the world while discriminations of the
000 acre-feet at the point of storage type we denounce are set forth in our
and diversion. It would be used for own laws."—Alamogordo News.
SLEEPING BAGS irrigation of 122,000 acres of reser- • • •
vation land which would provide a Indian Paid $400 an Hour . . .
AIR MATTRESSES living for approximately 20,000 Na-
vajo, or almost one-third of the tribe. GRANTS — Paddy Martinez, an
SMALL TENTS elderly Navajo sheepherder, is Santa
It is estimated that 305,000 acre-feet
and many other items of water will be required by the project Fe Railroad's highest paid employe.
itself, which lies 94 miles northeast of After Martinez found a rich uranium
the water source. Seepage, evaporation lode on Haystack Mountain in the
VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT Zuni range of Western New Mexico,
717 West Seventh Street and other loss factors were said by
councilmcn to account for the differ- the railroad put him on its payroll as
LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA a "'uranium scout" at a salary of $200
ence.—Gallup Independent.
a month plus a credit account at Grants
General Store. But Martinez doesn't
HAVE YOUR NAME LETTERED scout for uranium. He still herds sheep
in oil cylor on Beautiful California Redwood Urge End of Discrimination . . . in the Zuni Mountains and picks up
3/4" x 11" x 24" long SANTA FE—New Mexico and 16 his Santa Fe paycheck every two weeks,
Distinctive! Different!—No two alike! other states will ask Congress next a task which takes an estimated 30
2 lines of 3" letters — 1 line 5" year to lift burdens of legal discrimi- minutes each month. "That pays him
Choice of viul design —carved by hand
$14.73 F.O.B. Ventura
nation from America's Indian popula- a rate of $400 an hour and makes him
tion. At a meeting of the Governors' the railroad's highest paid employe,"
Interstate Indian Council, the 17 mem- a spokesman said. - Los Angeles
ber states voted to urge adoption of Times.
three new Indian policies by the fed- • • •
eral government. They are: ( 1 ) trans- Albuquerque Leads in Growth . . .
fer of the Indian health and medical ALBUQUERQUE—In an advance
program from the U.S. Indian Service study of 1950 population, the United
r i 1 • i > s qu 0ted on I arger sizes to the U.S. Public Health Service and States Census Bureau listed Albuquer-
to private hospitals and doctors; (2) que, New Mexico, as the fastest grow-
transfer of all Indian education from ing metropolitan area in the nation.
VACATION the Indian Service to public schools in The bureau defines a metropolitan area
i11 the various states, and (3) abolishment as a county or group of contiguous
WAYNE WONDERLAND of statutory provisions which are dis- counties which contain at least one
with criminatory against Indians. The law city of 50,000 inhabitants. Albuquer-
JACKSON'S SCENIC TOURS against sale of liquor to Indians is in- que gained 109.9 percent between
Sightseeing, picture taking, rock hunting, eluded in this last category. Members 1940 and 1950, the number of resi-
cam pint* and deer hunt hiK in October. of the council feel that "it puts the dents jumping from 69,381 to 145,673
Regular weekly tours over T h o u s a n d Lake
Mi. to Cathedral Valley, I'aimed Desert, United States in a foolish position to in that period of time.—Gallup Inde-
Pinto 1 ills. Dirty Devil R., Land of t h e
Goblins, and San Rafael Swell or Capitol
be broadcasting 'freedom' throughout pendent.
Kpl Tours—Standing Rock Basin, Colo.
1 a n y w h e r e In Scenic S o u t h e r n Utah.
n formation or reservations write to:
T&atev 'Predicted
F r e m o n t , Utah
Hidden Springs Ranch Greater than normal flood run-off
from most of the tributaries of the
Price River. On the upper Green in
Wyoming a flow of 80 to 85 percent
Club — Pool — Cottages — Snackbar Colorado is expected late in the spring is indicated if the remainder of the
$10.00 per day (2) European Plan as a result of snow-pack reports com- season is normal. Elsewhere in the
Emphc.sis on simplicity with good
taste, good plain food, and congenial piled by the Weather Bureau for the basin the run-off expectation exceeds
company. first of January. Reports from the normal.
THIS 1500 ACRES various upper Colorado drainage sheds San Juan River basin: Streamflow in
of unspoiled desert on the sunny side are given as follows:
of the valley with full circle view of the San Juan is expected to be slightly
the mountains is owned by Mr. Chas. Colorado River above Cisco: The below the 10-year average if the re-
V. Doyle, originator and former water supply outlook for the Taylor mainder of the season is normal.
owner of famed Smoke Tree Ranch,
Palm Springs. as well as the Colorado River and its Little Colorado basin: Outlook is
Sites 114 acres CL65'x308') for tributaries above Glenwood Springs is much brighter than for the two pre-
.SI 450.00 excellent, with 120 to 140 percent of
(Mi h Membership Application vious drouth years. Main stream flow
the 10-year average run-off expected, at Winslow is forecast to be much
Available upon request
Seasonal Ones $42 assuming precipitation for the re- above normal.
Morning meal .SI.25—Luncheon SI.00 mainder of the year is normal. Less
Sunday 110011 bullet SI.50 favorable is the outlook for the Dolores Gila River basin: Run-off for Tonto
Evening meal S2.25 and Uncompahgre basins where less Creek and the Salt and Verde Rivers
Located on East Ramon Road, 11M; is expected to be slightly above the
miles from Palm Springs. 2Y2 miles than average run-off is expected.
east of Thousand Palms. Green River basin: Current out- 10-year average if precipitation for the
CHas. W. Dials & G. A. Chapman look for Utah tributaries is excellent. remainder of the season is normal.
Exclusive Agents For the Gila about 75 percent of nor-
Box 7, [Thousand Palms, Calif. — Phone: .'145 Streamflow of from 130 to 180 per-
Pleas* mention Desert Magazine when cent of the 10-year average may be mal, which is a decided improvement
making reservation
expected for the upper Uintah and over the last two years.

Navajo Consider Land Purchase . . . Land Management. Fencing protects River at approximately where the Mor-
WINDOW ROCK — Purchase of newly seeded acres from grazing live- mon Ferry was operated in 1846-47
56,000 acres of land near Zuni is stock. The crested wheat thus sown and later.—Salt Lake Tribune.
being considered by the Navajo tribal and protected for a reasonable period
council. The land, now owned by the will choke out the livestock killer
Picuris and Pojoaque pueblos, would weed which has alarmed western stock- 30-Year Dream Realized . . .
be bought for grazing use by Navajo men by its rapid spread from a meager BLANDING—"Uncle" Walter Ly-
living near Ramah. The land is now beginning in Nevada. Experience man's dream came true when Blanding
being leased.—Gallup Independent. gleaned from the current program has Tunnel through Blue Mountain was
• e 9 indicated late summer and early fall completed in late December. Lyman
months are the best time to plant the was in charge when work on the tun-
UTAH crested wheat.—Salt Lake Tribune.
Weather Halts Weed War . . . nel was begun in August, 1921. He
a o • still had faith in the project after it
SALT LAKE CITY—Heavy snows
and freezing temperatures in Utah re- Marker Will Identify Bridge . . . was discontinued later that year be-
gions where an extensive halogeton SALT LAKE CITY—The familiar cause of the lack of equipment and a
program hed been in progress for sev- Mormon Pioneer Trails Marker—in- shortage of funds. In 1939 a group of
eral weeks forced shutdown of the cluding the buffalo skull—will identify Blanding citizens decided to try again.
work. Approximately 1500 acres of approaches to the Mormon Pioneer But soon work began to lag, contract
an ultimate 25,000 acres have been Memorial Bridge under construction after unfulfilled contract was let, and
leseeded, aid about 14 miles of a pro- at the old Winter Quarters settlement. it looked as though the tunnel might
grammed 60 miles of fencing have The bridge, which may be opened in never be completed. Then the Blanding
been completed, reported the Salt Lake September if construction continues at Irrigation Company secured a $75,000
City regional ollice. U. S. Bureau of the present pace, crosses th; Missouri loan from the Utah Power and Water


. . . we do want our money to go as far as it can.

Look at it this way.
Suppose you put your money in the bank.
Inflation pushes prices UP
down goes the value of your dollar.
But put that same money in property
(And naturally we mean BORREGO SPRINGS,
the land with a future for you)
Then old man inflation can take its value right
up with him.
And you can still buy
Insure a secure, happy future of inexpensive luxury.
Where nature is kindest . . . in beautiful BORREGO
SPRINGS. For a colorful folder that tells ALL about
BORREGO, Write or phone—



MARCH, 1 9 5 2 33
Board. Under the new contract taken Discover "Missing Link" . . .
by Lyman and Vet Bradford, con- VERNAL — Discovery of the re-
struction was resumed in 1947, al-
though with rising prices it began to
be apparent that the loan would not
mains of an Indian culture that existed
from 20,000 B.C. to 500 A.D. in
Dinosaur National Monument in the
MardKock Shorty
be sufficient to complete the job. Two northeastern corner of Utah has filled
extensions of time had to be secured in the gap between Folsom Man and
from the Power and Water Board. But the Pueblo Indians. Colorado University
finally, on December 27, the tunnel anthropologists have announced. It
holed through. It measures 5370 feet. formerly was believed that no humans
—San Juan Record. lived in the area from the time of Fol-
som Man, who roamed the plains in
20,000 B.C., until the Pueblo Indians,
EXPLORATION! dated about the time of the birth of
Christ. But excavations in Hells Mid-
"Nope! They ain't no rattle-
SAFE ADVENTURE! den, a rubbish heap near the Yampa
River in the monument area, yielded
snakes in Death Valley!"
SCENIC BEAUTY! evidence of a primitive tribe which
turned to farming and pottery making
Hard Rock Shorty was talking
to a bus-load of school teachers
from its early hunting and fishing ex- who had stopped at Inferno store
istence. "In the lower levels we found during their Easter-vacation tour
only stone and bone tools," said Rob- of the Valley.
ert H. Lister, assistant professor of "NuthirT here fer snakes to
anthropology. "There were knives, live on," Shorty went on. "A
stone scrapers, bone tools for sewing grown rattler needs three gophers,
hides and stone grinding tools. Then eleven lizards an' a couple of
in the top levels—about 500 A.D.— young rabbits a week fer food—
we found corn cobs, kernels of corn and there ain't that many animals
and pottery. This shows they definitely within 20 miles of Inferno.
were part of the great society of the "If yu want to find snakes yu
southwest."—Vernal Express. oughta go up in Buzzard Canyon.
• • • Place is full o! big diamondbacks.
Bury Uintah Indian Chief. . . That's the place where Pisgah
SALT LAKE CITY—One of the Bill has his tin mine. Bill always
wears heavy boots when he goes
SAN JUAN and COLORADO last of the great chiefs of the Ule
tribe, Chief Andrew Frank, leader of in there to do his assessment work
RIVER EXPEDITIONS the Uintah Band on Uintah and Ouray on account o' them rattlers.
Seven-day voyage through the scenic Reservation, died Dec. 11 at the age "Fine spring up there, only
canyon wonderland ol Utah and Arizona. of 73. they's millions of skeeters there,
Boats leaving Mexican Hat, Utah, May 1,
"One year Bill took his dog,
May ]] May 26, June 4, June 16, June 26.
Trips end at Lee's Ferry. One post-season
run between Mile, Utah and Lee's Ferry,
SAVE 50Z Skimpy, in with him when he
went to do his assessment work.
Skimpy was a pointer, an' Bill'd
taught him to point whenever he
Fare: $200 for one person, S175 each for BINOCU1AR saw a rattlesnake.
See Mlt/eS
two. L:irger group prices, also rates for BUSHNELL'S 3 3
Models "Only trouble was the dog
other trips given on request. NEW FREE $1^95 couldn't see in the dark, an' one
" . . . /I fli.^'lit on the magic carpet of night a rattler struck 'im on the
adventure into a canyon wilderness of
Guaranteed to give you more and
save you money on every popular model
nose. Bill heard the dog a whin-
indescribable beauty and grandeur." Oon I overpay! Compare BUSHNELL'S before
you buy Send for FREE CATALOG and
in' an' rushed out tu see what the
wrote Randall Henderson in the Desert trouble wuz. The snake wuz just
tree BoolCHow To Select Binoculars disappearing down a hole.
Fo:- detailed information write to— "Bill had one o' them snake-
bite kits in his outfit, but he
J. Frank Wright, Blanding, Utah, or
"OEM OP THE GRAND CANYON" couldn't figger out any way to
Land of the Havasupai Indians—the natural wil- use it on the dog's nose. Then
Mexican Hat Expeditions derness beauty of an enchanting land—off the
beaten track. Mixed parties being organized
now for Spring.
he got another idea. He wrapped
(Successors to Nevills Expeditions, world- Minimum Trip, 8 days, Including Transportation Skimpy up in a blanket with only
From $115 his nose a showin' and tied him
famous River exploration trips) Write for literature, details & reservations
WAMPLEH TRAIL TRIPS over by the snring where them
P. O. BLUFF, UTAH 1940 Hearst Ave. Berkeley !), California skeeters wuz Ihickcr'n raindrops
in a cloudburst.
"Them skeeters went to work
Rest and play in on Skimpy. An' they did the job
THE VALLEY OF SKY-HI all right. Next morning the
ENCHANTMENT ground wuz covered with dead
Write direct to any of C BAR H skeeters, an' Skimpy wuz a fcelin'
the Fou:- Guest Ranches DOUBLE FREE LIST
for Information. [SAMPLES 30c WRITE TODAY purt as ever."
Illusi rated folders EL SUENO KELLY D. CHODA
Ad-dress: Lucerne Valley, California BOX 5 LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEX.



A crystalline substance is one having At the January meeting of the Mojave mond saw, 1%-in. 100-grit and 220-
an orderly internal unit of structure. These Desert Gem and Mineral Society, Bruce grit grinding wheels, leather covered
units of structure may be ions, atoms or Baker was elected president. He succeeds buff, sanding disc and vise with
molecules. They have a definite size, shape Jack Klein. Other officers on the new board 1%-in. cross-feed.
and charge. are Les Denny, first vice-president and field Complete (without motor) ...$135.00
The discovery of X-rays in 1895 and the trip chairman; Mrs. L, M. Glendening, sec- 1/3 h.p. motor 18.54
discovery of X-ray detraction in 1912 first ond vice-president and publicity chairman; Crating charge 3.00
made possib c the study of the internal Jack Klein, secretary and treasurer. New Shipping weight about 120 pounds.
structure of these substances and gave birth directors are Clyde Compton, Les Glenden-
to a new science, crystal chemistry. Arthur ing, Walter Dewey, Ethel Wills and Glenn This is perfect economy machine
Still of Southwestern Geological Service dis- Armstrong. for sawing, grinding, sanding and
cussed aims and methods of crystal chemis- polishing. Built for long trouble free
• • » service.
try at a meeling of the Yavapai Gem and
Mineral Society. Still is chairman of the ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE
Yavapai Council of the Arizona Small Mine OF VOLCANOES DISCUSSED
Operators Association.
• • » Jerry Laudermilk of Pomona College
chose "Rocks from Hades" as the title of
GEM, MINERAL QUIZ his talk on volcanoes, delivered to members
HELD ROUND TABLE STYLE of the Pomona Valley Mineral Club, Po-
Members participated in a quiz and mona, California. Graphically annotating
round-table discussion at a recent meeting his theory with chalk sketches, Laudermilk
of Dona Ana County Rockhound Club, Las discussed the earth's interior and the origin
Cruces, Nev. Mexico. Individuals jotted and structure of volcanoes.
down questions and answers pertaining to • • •
rocks and lapidary work and submitted VICTOR VALLEY CLUB
them to the group for discussion.
Presiding at 1952 meetings of the club ELECTS 1952 OFFICERS
will be S. F. Sanders, elected at the Janu- Sherman Marquand was chosen president
ary meeting. Assisting President Sanders at an election meeting of Victor Valley
will be the nev/ board: S. T. Smith, vice- Gem and Mineral Club. He succeeds Walter
president: Mrs. G. T. McQuillen. treasurer; Pilkington. A. D. McCain is new vice-presi-
Mrs. S. T. Smith, recording secretary; Mrs. dent, Virginia Love will serve as secretary, E-12 — STAND MODEL
A. G. Bard.vell, corresponding secretary; and Alma Marquand is treasurer. Outgoing Same specifications as E-10, but
J. T. Kilgorc, historian, and Mildred San- board members were honored at a Christ- with steel 34-inch high stand. Price
ders, bulletin editor. mas dinner and party. The replica of a complete with all accessories, stand
• • 0 mining town in winter centered table deco- and motor, ready to plug in $179.00
rations, which were arranged by Helen Crating charge 5.00
SPEAKER DESCRIBES Pratt. Shipping weight about 220 pounds.
Mrs. Therun Wasson, who was the first Robert White will lead activities of the
woman naturalist ranger in Yellowstone Northern California Mineral Society in
Park, led "A Conducted Tour Back to the 1952. Other newly elected officers who will
Coal Forest" when she appeared as guest assist President White are Alden Clark,
speaker of the Chicago Rocks and Minerals vice-president; David Friedman, treasurer;
Society. Members were asked to bring speci- Bertha Sanders, secretary; Wilhelm Haedler,
mens of coal plants (fern fossils) to display curator; Mrs. C. N. Edmonslon, librarian,
at the meeting. Mrs. Wasson took her audi- and Mrs. Harold Jewell, hostess. Directors
ence through the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and are Dr. George Bates, Miss Louise Barton, MODEL E-20
Paleozoic cycles. Charles N. Edmonston and Ivor Welch. Designed for the lapidary artist
who wants an economical, easy-to-
operate unit — compact, quiet run-
ning and sturdy. Will give years of
satisfactory service.
Complete with 6-in. Felker Dia-
mond Saw, 1-in. 100-grit and 220-grit
grinding wheels, sanding disc and
Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla leather-covered buff.
Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry Complete (without motor) . . . .$85.00
1/3 h.p. motor 18.54
Shipping weight about 90 pounds.
Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings All above prices are f.o.b. South Pasadena
and Brooches California
Write for free literature
SPECIALLY SELECTED STONES WITH (And mention Desert Magazine)
Write for Folder With Prices HIGHLAND PARK
235 East Seaside Blvd. LONG BEACH 2. CALIF. 1009 Mission Street
Across from West End of Municipal South Pasadena, California
Auditorium Grounds
PY 1-2022
Hours 10 A. M. tc 9 P. M. Daily Except Monday

MARCH, 1952 35
8c a Word . . . Minimum $1.00
Specimens gathered on a year-long trip
STOP—LOOK—BUY—Specimens, slabs — rough, WANTED: Plume and Sagenite Agate slabs or to the mines and collecting areas of Africa
from A. L. Jarvis, Route 2, Box 125, Watson- chunks. Will buy or trade Jade, Rhodonite,
ville, California. On Salinas Highway State Jasper, Agate and Biconoids. Write Ken C. were shown at a meeting in Los Angeles
No. 1, ! miles South of Watsonville. Huff, Creston Rt., Paso Robles, California. of Ihe Pacific Mineral Society. George Bum-
PEANUT PITCHSTONE (Alamasile)—Mexico's
ham spoke to the group about his African
MINERAL, SPECIMENS and cutting material of trip and showed colored slides to illustrate
all kinds. Gold and Silver jewelry made to oddest semi-precious stone, for polishing or
order. Your stones or ours. 5 lbs. good cut- collecting, 3-lb. chunk $5 postpaid. Or. Rock- his remarks.
ting material $4.00 or $1.00 per lb. J. L. hound special, 1-lb. fragments $1. Also Flor
James, Battle Mountain, Nevada. de Amapa (pink crystalized edidote) rare-
Same prices. Alberto E. Maas, Alamos, Sonora,
Mexico. Send checks only. Two films on the telephone industry.
McSHAN'S GEM SHOP—open part time, or find
us by directions on door. Cholla Cactus Wood FLUORESCENT AND Phosphorescent Nodules: "Crystal Clear" and "Voice Sentinel," were
a specialty, write for prices. 1 mile west on Beautiful variety of colors. Matched halves projected at a meeting of San Antonio Rock
U. S. 66 Needles, California, Box 22. $1.50 to $3.00, halves $1.00, parts 60c. Post-
paid. B. P. Lehmann, 2831 Stadium, Wichita,
and Lapidary Society. They showed how
DESERT GEM AND MINERAL SHOP: Set of Kansas. substitutes for natural quartz were grown
16% to 1" Specimens in box, $1.00 and post- in laboratory "gardens" to provide enough
age. Many larger specimens 25e up. Wyom- TITANIA GEMS $5.00 per carat for stones over of the vital elements for telephone parts.
ing Jade, olive green 7.5c per sq. in. Nodules 3 carats. Also mounted in 14K gold rings.
from Oregon, New Mexico and California. All precious gents at lowest prices. Ace The quartz crystal is the controlling heart
Our shop is 2 miles West of Salome (where Lapidary Co., Box 67, Jamaica, New York. of the nation's telephone and radio net-
she darced) Arizona. L. C. Hockett, Box 276.
Salome, Arizona. FIFTY MINERAL SPECIMENS, %-in. or over,
boxed, identified, described, mounted. Post-
WANTED old mining and oil stock certificates. paid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 72!) Lodi,
Hooks, letters, papers, pictures of the West California. A special silent auction for junior rock-
and Southwest, Exploration, mining, survey- hounds was held during the January meet-
ing, etc. Will trade Franklin, N. J. fluores- ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It will pay
cent minerals, or pay cash. Send description you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock Roost. We buy, ing of Colorado Mineral Society. Senior
and price. Fred W. Morris, 200 Red Maple sell, or exchange mineral specimens. Visitors members had their own separate auction.
Drive, Lcvittown, New York. are always welcome. Ken-Dor Rock Roosl,
419 Slitter, Modesto, California
20 ASSORTED COLORFUL 2x3 cabinet speci- BLACK ONYX blanks 25c each. Red Onyx Helpful hints on lapidary machinery were
mens. Good for a beginner or to add to your blanks 35c each. Green Onyx blanks 35c
present collection. This beautiful selection each. Prompt service given to mail order given by Lawrence Jensen in a chalk talk to
only $8 00 postpaid. L. M. Jones, General De- jobs. All kinds of fine cutting. Juchem Bros.. members of Minnesota Mineral Club.
livery, [Sell Gardens, California. 315 W. 5th St., Los Angeles 13, California.
Hazen Perry showed motion pictures on
BEAUTIFUL PETRIFIED palm root boulder FOR SALE: Beautiful purple Petrified Wood the main topic of the evening. "The Growth
from Tehachapi Canyon, California, 198 lb with Uranium, Pyrolusite. Manganite. Nice of Crystals in the Earth."
SG5.00. Come and get it. R. Knaus, 10550 sample SI.00. Postage. Maggie Baker, Wen-
Shoshone Ave., Granada Hills, San Fernando den, Arizona. e a •
Valley, California.
BERYL CRYSTALS. Columnite, Tantalite, I'ur- Demand for fluorite is increasing every
purite, Andalusite Crystals, Rose Quartz, Hell's day, in the opinion of Roy L. Cornell of the
Canyon Agates. Mac-Mich Minerals Co.. Clus- California Testing laboratory. War time
Lapidary Journal. Tells how to cut and polish ter, So. Dakota.
rocks, gives news of all mineral-gem groups. developments have increased the use of flu-
Tells how to make jewelry, carries ads of orine gas tenfold in the chemical field.
dealers in supplies, equipment, gems, minerals "TUNGSTEN PROSPECTORS," Fluorescent Col-
from a 1 over the world. Well illustrated, lectors. Mineralights at Superior Gems & Fluorine, he said, is the most active and
beautifi Lly printed. Subscription S2.00 a year Minerals, 4665 Park Blvd., San Diego 16, Calif.
Write for free literature. vicious of the elements. It has such an
—back numbers 50c. Sample Copy 25c if you
have rover subscribed or been sampled. affinity for hydrogen that it burns on con-
LELANDE QUICK, Editor, Palm Desert, MINERAL SETS: 24 Colorful Minerals (iden- tact with water by decomposing the water
C'ali foi'n ia. tified) in lxl compartments, $3.00 postpaid. and uniting with the hydrogen. A stream
PROSPECTOR'S SET — 50 minerals (identi-
fied) in 1x1 compartments in cloth reinforced of water injected into fluorine gas will burn
CABOCHONS: genuine imported Agates, Carne- sturdy cartons, $5.00 postpaid. Elliott Gem like ordinary fuel. Steel, asbestos, glass and
lians, Hose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger Eye, Shop, 235 East Seaside Blvd. Long Beach 2.
etc., beautifully cut and polished. Oval stones California.
quartz also will burn in fluorine gas.
in sizes from 10 mm. to 10 mm. 25c each.
Minimu ii order $1.00. Pacific Gem Cutters,
•121 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, California. ROCK COLLECTORS ATTENTION! Hack in
desert for winter—new rocks—new Trailer Desert Gem and Mineral Society of the
Rock Store, The Rockologist, BON 181, Cathe- Palo Verde Valley, California, is planning
FLUORESCENT MINERALS: Complete line of dral City, California.
the fluorescent and rare minerals from the a show in early spring.
famous Franklin, N. J. mines. Complete line
of Mineralights, $12.50 up. Set of 10 fluores- PETRIFIED WOOD CABOCHONS — Arizona,
cent minerals, mounted in Styrofoam, labeled Beautifully multi-colored with mirror finish.
R[ng size 50c brooch size $1.00. Minimum SLABS—5c pci- square inch. Consists of a
Specify wave length, .52.50. SPECIAL: 5 bril- mixed lot of 10 or more different types, a
liant specimens of Willemite and Calcite (2x2) $1.00 please. George Angel, 410 W. Colorado,
$4.00. Fred W. Morris, 200 Red Maple Drive. Glendale, California. few of which are Jade, Tigereye, Lapis, Palm,
Levittov.n, New York. Sagenite, Wood, Agate, Jasper and others.
Minimum order—40 inches $2.00 plus 20%
YES I HAVE MORE of those pretty specimens. Fed. Tax if not a dealer. The larger the
"DON'T MISS" Fine rough gems, Minerals, Sil- Just say, "Jack here is $5.00. Send me a flock order the larger lite variety. Please add
ver and Lapidary supplies at Superior Gems & of dandies." Also ask for list of many fine postage. Mixed Cutting Material, 25c per lb.
Minerals, 4G(!5 Park Blvd. San Diego 16, specimens; of crystals, cutting materials and Coast Gems & Minerals, 11(16!) Ferris Road,
fluorescenls. Jack The Rock Hound, P. O. El Monte, California.
California. (Sorry, no lists.) Box 86, Carbondale, Colorado.
ARIZONA PERIDOTS—The August birthstono.
RADIOACTIVE ORE COLLECTION: 6 wonder- DESERT TEA: Picked fresh from the Mohave Facet grade, cutting up to 4 carats $3.00 an
ful different specimens in neat Redwood chest Desert natural tea gardens. Healthful, in- ounce postpaid and tax included. Also cut
$2.00. Pretty Gold nugget, $1.00, four nug- vigorating. $1.00 per lb. postpaid. Desert stones, inquiries invited. Luther L. Martin,
gets, $2.00, choice collection 12 nuggets, $5.00. Tea Co., 125 Erin Drive, Needles, California. Box 1922. Globe, Arizona.
Uranium Prospectors, Box 004, Stockton, Calif.
FANCY PALM ROOT 25c to $1.00 per sq. inch. NEW SUPPLY of Beautiful Montana Sapphires.
THANKS TO ALL who have praised my Ari- In slabs, prices vary according to quality. .Just got in another lot of those beautiful
zona agates their bright beautiful colors and Uncut root from $1.00 to $3.00 per lb. Also Montana Sapphires and if you faceteers
unusual designs, we hope to open agate mines some fancy Lavic Agate. Edw. Lang. 2110 haven't taken advantage of ihe offer that I
soon. Charles E. Hill of The Arizona Agate Walnut Ave., Venice, California. EXbrk 66622. have had in the past you are missing some-
Mines, Cave Creek, Arizona. thing. Orders and repeat orders are coming
in daily from faceteers, minerologists and
INTRODUCTORY OFFER: 6 highly polished TEXAS AGATE—Selected slabs sent on appro- collectors who arc; well pleased with the Sap-
Baker Ranch colorful nodules, assorted pat- val. Just returned from a big south Texas phires and report good results witli finished
terns, $.i.00 postpaid. Write for free lists of agate hunt. Got some good agate this time, sets. This new supply of Sapphires seems to
New Mexico minerals and cutting materials. mixed lots of yellow, red & green moss, lie a little better than those I had before, but
Van Sant's, Box 187, Truth or Consequences, banded & variegated $1.00 pound. 10 pounds the price is the same, only $1.50 per large
New Mexico. for $8.00. Postage please. B. & H. Gem Shop. glass vial of at least 25 beautiful stones, and
2005 N. Big Spring St., Midland, Texas. as a New Year's gift I will send you free a
large nodule of beautiful Oregon Red Moss
WRITE FOR DESCRIPTION—Rocks and Peri- WANTED: Please send close description and Agate, or a vial of pretty green gem Arizona
dots. Hex 101, Pima, Arizona. wholesale quotation on 25 to 100 lbs. any Per (lot or a solid gold nugget, or a vial of
rock or mineral specimen suitable for resale. beautiful Arizona Ruby Red Garnets. Take
SULPHUR: very nice yellow crystal groups, More interested in form and color than in your choice. K. O. Otoupalik, Sr.. The Big
only 25c and 50c postpaid. Frey, Box 0350, cutting material. Niangua Gift Shop, Cam- Timber Agate Shop, 640 River St., Missoula,
Reno, Nevada. denton, Mo. Montana.

History and geology of a desert lake now Glendale Lapidary and Gem Society in-
dry and the economic deposits contained in stalled its 1952 slate of officers at a recent
it arc the subjects of a report recently issued meeting. Earl Endell took office as presi-
by the California Division of Mines. dent. Gene Neuschwander is new first vice-
Hoyt S. Gayle, a former member of the president; Mella Diller, second vice-presi-
staff of Ihe U, S. Geological Survey, is the dent; Winifred Strong, secretary; and Roy ihan Hw Diamond I
author of Special Report No. 13, Geology Beirdman, treasurer.
of the Saline Deposits, Bristol Dry Lake, Orma Foote and Dan White, who are
San Bernardino Comity, California. His re- directing the society's annual show to be FACETED ROUND GEMS
searches in the area have occupied him in- presented in Glendale Civic Auditorium
termittently since 1916: this report is a OF SYNTHETIC
May 17 and 18, have announced feature
condensed presentation of his results.
Among the minerals commercially pro-
attractions will be the 1318-carat Lincoln
Sapphire and the 733-carat Star of Queens- TITANIA
duced from Bristol Dry Lake deposits are land. The former is the head of Lincoln have five times more ability than the
gypsum, sodium chloride and calcium chlor- carved from a single large gem. Diamond to break light into its component
ide. Considerable reserves of celestite colors producing a magnificent rainbow
(strontium sulfatc) are available in the effect.
lake if the commercial demand should war-
rant mining.
In addition to a map of the Bristol Dry

Lake area, the report contains an appendix Titania Rainbow Jewelry

consisting of 19 drillers' logs of holes bored
in the lake. Ihe entire report, including 21 OTHER SERVICES OFFERED
pages, 2 figures and one plate, is available JEWELRY REPAIR SERVICE
at 35 cents from the California Division of
Mines. Ferry Building, San Francisco I I , GEM STONE CUTTING
California. California residents should add GEM CUTTING EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS
three percent -ales tax to the purchase price. AND SUPPLIES
To increase its library of colored slides. MINERAL SPECIMENS
the Gem Cutters Guild of Los Angeles held FLUORESCENT LAMPS, GEIGER COUNTERS
a party and auction. The slides aid in the URANIUM SAMPLES, FLUORESCENT MINERALS
identification ;if gems.
Feather River Gem and Mineral Society. ROUGH AUSTRALIAN OPALS
Oroville. California, will be led through
this year by new officers: Pearl Parker,
president; Eva Niemeyer, first vice-presi- GRIEGER'S
dent; Rose Churchman, second vice-presi- 1633 EAST WALNUT STREET
dent; Iva Foster, secretary, and George Fos- PASADENA 4, CALIFORNIA
ter, treasurer. Don Parker. Lloyd Niemeyer PHONE SYCAMORE 6-6423
and Celenia riowlden are directors.
Ideal for field work or shop use.
Seeking tourmaline, anthophyllite, talc. Equipped with excellent wide field
andalusite and topaz, members of Whiltier optics equivalent in quality lo those NPN-Sensational! GEIGER COUNTER
provided in pedestal type microscopes.
Gem and Mineral Society look a field trip Has very high light efficiency and
to the Winchester magnesite quarry at gives no chromatic aberration. Oilers "The SNOOPER'
Hemet. California. Willis Bell served as adjustable magnification for any LOW PRICE
power between 20X and (»0.\. All
parts are made from brass or steel ONLY $2495
» e e plated. Has dulite finish. Instrument COMPLETE
comes complete with genuine grained Find a fortune in uranium with thi<
Myor Wolienson spoke on ihe "Art of cowhide leal her case. An excellent new, super-sensitive Geiger Counter.
Lost Wax Casting," a process for making value at this price—£12.75 net. Get one for atom bomb defense. So small it fits in the palm of
the hand or in the hip pocket, and yet more sensitive than many
jewelry, al a general meeting of Pasadena large, expensive instruments. Weighs only I y4 lbs. Uses flash-
Lapidary Society. Mrs. Jessie Chittenden light battery. Low price includes earphone, radio active sample,

instructions. Sold with ironclad moneyback guarantee.
distributed another of her field trip maps. ORDER YOURS TODAY-Scnd $5.00 with order or payment in
full to save C.O.D. Write for free catalog on treasure finders for
gold, silver, etc. and larger, more elaborate Geiger Counters.
"Experiences in Gold and Silver Mining
in Colorado" ivere told lo the San Fernando
Valley Mineral and Gem Society at a
meeting in North Hollywood. The speaker
INVITED 4 1 i 3 D, W. JEFFERSON, L. A. 1 6 , CALIF.

was Marion A. Speer of Western Trails

Museum, who also related some of his
collecting experiences.
• • •
Necessary papers have been signed and BLACK LIGHT KITS
sent to the California Secretary of State, 110 VOLT LONG WAVE
and Coachella Valley Mineral Society will
soon be an incorporated organization. FOR ULTRA-VIOLET FLUORESCENCE
• as
N O W . . . you can build your own black light equip-
Upon learning that the o n y x mine near
Deming, New Mexico, had been bought by ment at a new low cost with these easy-to-assemble
a promotion company and closed to collec- components. Geologists, mineral prospectors and hob-
tors. El Paso Rockhounds took under con- byists can easily make laboratory black lights for
sideration pu chase of one share in the mineral identification. Signs, posters, pictures, fabrics, house numbers . . anything
company, providing permission was given painted with fluorescent paint glows with eye-appealing fluorescence under black light.
for club members to collect from the area Kit contains: Ultra-Violet tube, brackets, ballast, starter, wire, plug and wiring diagram.
all the onyx they wanted. The new company
announced Ih it millions of small pieces of 4 Watt K
the onyx will be used by a large lighter ' M 5 1 / < " t u b e) $3.00
company. 8 Watt Kit—(12" tube) _ ...$4.00
• • •
Enclose full amount with order Equipment shipped postpaid
Mineralogical Society of Arizona cele-
brated ils I6li anniversary with a birthday
party complete with a 3x4-foot cake. After
the anniversary ceremonies an auction was

MARCH, 195 2
Taking office January 11 were new offi- East Bay Mineral Society, Oakland, Cali- IRON MOUNTAIN DISTRICT IS
cers of San Diego Gem and Mineral Soci- fornia, hoped for sunny skies for their
ety, San Diego, California: Paul M. Brown, SUBJECT OF MINES BULLETIN
January field trip to the Selenite location at
president; Jeanne Martin, vice-president; San Francisco Beach. After a morning Gold, silver, copper, zinc and sulphur
Leslie Burns, treasurer; Violet Dawson, re- hunting specimens there, they planned to have been the chief products of the Iron
cording secretary. Lyell Hunt, past presi- proceed to Pescadero Beach to look for Mountain mine, the subject of a new report
dent, spoke on "Rivers of Western United agate, petrified bone, shells and jasper peb- released by the California Division of Mines.
States" at a recent club meeting. Hunt bles. Geology of the Massive Sulfide Deposits at
made particular reference to the Colorado • • • Iron Mountain, Shasta County, California,
River and its canyons. was written by A. R. Kinkel, Jr., and J. P.
Colored slides of Hollywood Lapidary Albers, both members of the staff of the
Society's Fourth Annual Lapidary and Gem
Exhibit were shown by Tom Roach at a U. S. Geological Survey.
Claims on the Iron Mountain mine lo-
GEIIGER COUNTERS recent meeting. All cases in the exhibit were
photographed as well as some of the floral cated in the Klamath Mountains 15 miles
northwest of Redding, were first staked in
arrangements, oil paintings and large hook-
• • •
the early 186()'s and held for the future
value of the iron. In 1879, silver was dis-
covered and in 1895, copper. Since then,
MINERALIGHTS L. J. Bergsten of Oakland, California,
this summer made a field trip to the Wyo-
ore has been mined intermittently for its
metal and sulfur content. The report sum-
Detectron carries a complete ming jade fields near Lander. He spoke marizes the history and production record
line of these and other fine about his trip and the specimens he col- of the mine as well as the general geology
elec:ronic detecting instruments. lected before members of the Gem and of the area and presents a complete dis-
Mineral Society of San Mateo County at a cussion of the geology of the mine itself.
We have a quality model to fit meeting in Burlingame, California. Six figures and six plates, including a
your pocketbeok. The famous • • • geologic map of the Iron Mountain mine
Mocel DG-2 Geiger Counter is Indians of North America believed that area, illustrate the 19-page text. The report
widely used by prospectors and moonstones were washed up on the shore may be had by writing to the California
by She U. S. Atomic Energy when the sun and the moon reached a cer- Division of Mines, Ferry Building, San
tain position in relation to each other, a Francisco 11, California. California pur-
Commission. chasers should add three percent tax to the
position occurring about every 21 years.
Write Dept. 21 for full details Thus arose the saying "once in a blue price of 75 cents.
moon." • • •
The DETECTRON Co. The American Federation of Mineralogical
Mfgs. of Electronic Detectors societies has accepted an invitation to join
5G31 Cahuenga Boulevard TIMBER! the Rocky Mountain Federation in conven-
North Hollywood, California Petrified wood from sliced cabochon ma- tion at Canon City, Colorado, June 26-29,
terial, book-ends, penholders or chunks. 1952.
Specializing in Eden Valley limbs, polished
or unpolished.
"Pink Taffy" rhodochrosite, Patagonia 60c Redwood Gem and Mineral Society,
ALLEN a sq. inch, $4.50 a pound in small chunks, Santa Rosa, California, will hold its third
JUNIOR includes 20% Federal tax. annual show March 15-16 at the Barnctt
GEM A striking new fluorescent nodule Chalce- Motor Company showrooms, 955 Santa
dony in a beautiful "white "snow ball" Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa.
CUTTER matrix, 50c rough, 60c polished.
Allen. Frantom and Highland Park
A Complete Lapidary Shop lapidary equipment Officers of Albuquerque Gem and Min-
Only $43.50 Poly arbors •. Lapidary supplies eral Club for 1952 are Daniel W. Gill,
ELDON E. SOPER president; D. B. Miller, vice-president; Cath-
• Ideal for apartment house dwel- 433 So. Central Ave.. Glendale 4. California erine Lewis, recording secretary; Lois Heis-
ter, treasurer, and Camille Whiting, corre-
lers. sponding secretary.
• Polish rocks into beautiful gems.
• Anyone can learn. Beryl and amethyst were the transparent
• Instructions included. stones favored by ancient Egyptians for
amulets carved in the shape of animal
Write for Catalog, 25c heads. During the eighteenth dynasty trans-
lucent or opaque carnelian, malachite, lapis
ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT or turquoise in conventionalized designs or
MERCURY scarabs, became more popular.
3632 W. Slauson Ave.. Los Angeles 43, Cal. TUNGSTEN — URANIUM
Phone Axminister 2-6206
Agate Jewelry with Ultra-Violet Mineralight MEXICO
MINERALIGHT instantly identifies mercury,
Wholesale tungsten and many other valuable minerals
10 Small Pieces Average Vz"....-
5 Larger Pieces Average % " — 1 "
flings — Pendants — Tie Chains now in demand for rearmament. 12 Nice Pieces Cherry & Honey Opal 1.00
Brooches — Ear Rings 1 Small Vial Clear Fire Opal 1.50
5 MINERALIGHT models for every require-
Bracelets — Matched Sets 1 Large Vial Clear Fire Opal 3.00
—Send stamp for price list No. 1— ment. Money-back guarantee.
Blank Mountings Send for free brochure on Entire Lot Postpaid for $5.00
Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains "Prospecting for Scheelite EXCHANGE: Agate or other cutting
Cuff Links — Neck Chains (tungsten) with Ultra Violet." material, rough or polished, for good
Bezel — devices — Shanks 4 postage stamps.
Solder — Findings
—Send stamp for price list No. 2— WRITE DEPT. SL-21
Satisfaction Guaranteed


ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, Inc. 1000 E. Cameiback Road
440 N.W. Beach St.
Newport, Oregon 145 Pasadena Avenue, South Pasadena, Calif. Phoenix, Arizona

STATE ISSUES REPORT New president of Everett Rock and Gem ALTA INDUSTRIES
ON INYO TALC MINES Club, Everett, Washington, is Charles New Address:
Krogh. Bob Hagglund is vice-president; Box lit, Laveen stage t riiucnix, Arizona
Special Report No. 8, issued by the Bur- Charles Cowan, secretary, and George New Location:
eau of Mines concerns Talc Deposits of South 19th Ave., Vi Mile North of Base Lino
Frost, past president. The 1952 board of LAI'IDAKY EQUIPMENT
Steatite Grade in lnyo County, California. directors is composed of A. R. Kinney, pro- Lapidary Equipment Manufacture & Design
It is compiled by Ben M. Page and pre- gram; Loleta Jones, display; Ray Erickson, lfl-18 inch Power Feed Slabbing Saw
pared in cooperation with the United States Relt Sanders & Trim Saws
caravan; Harry Small, Jr., ways and means; (Send Postal for free literature)
Geological Surrey, for the State Department William DeFeyter, federation director.
of Natural Resources. Steatite is excep- Marie Hagglund is editor of Pebbles, the
tionally pure ale suitable for the manu- club bulletin. ' itbn. DIAMOND BLADES
facture of high-frequency insulators and for
further exacting uses. It was a critical
mineral during World War II. At the be- At its annual election meeting, Drivers Hcavy-Duty Saper- Standard
ginning of the war there was a single major Gem and Mineral Society of Downey, Cali- Soper-Ched. Chitpd Chined
domestic source, the Talc City mine, lnyo fornia, chose Woody Ballon, president; 6" $ !5 b.tiO $ 7 .1)0
County, California. During the war several J. W. McDaniel, vice-president, and Owen 10" 14.50 13.35
other mines i:i California, Nevada, New Kent, secretary. Ashley Mine, just east of 12" 21.20 17.65
Mexico and Montana were utilized as stea- Pala, California, was the recent field trip 14" 27.95 24.45
tite. California continues to lead in the destination of the club. Owner Ashley ex- 16" 31.20 27.70
18" 62.50 41.25 34.40
production of domestic steatite. All known plained workings of the mine and conducted 20" 74.25 49.50 37.95
deposits of steatite grade in the state arc in a guided tour through it. 24" 88.80 62.00 48.95
lnyo County. 30" 142.50 119.75 State
• • e 36" 215.30 179.10 Arbor
Special Report No. 8 may be had by sales tax in Cal ifornia. Size
writing to the California Division of Mines, W. T. Rogers is new president of the Allow for Postage and Insurance
Ferrv Building, San Francisco. 85 cents. Mineralogical Society of Utah. Other offi-
cers are Junius J. Hayes, first vice-president; Covington Ball Bearing Grinder
Mrs. Charles W. Lockerbie, second vice-
Norman Perdleton of the San Jose (Cali- president; Mrs. Ora Alt, secretary; Mary and shields are
fornia) Lapidary Society asked each mem- Moorhead, treasurer. furnished in 4
ber who had colored slides to bring not sizes and price
• • • ranges to s u i t
more than 10 of his best pictures for view-
ing at the February club meeting. Raymond When a crystal is broken into two pieces your require-
Addison projected the slides. it will cement together again if the proper ments. Water and
• • • liquid or vapor is present. Should a crystal, grit proof.
by means of erosion, lose its form or wear
A wide variety of gem and mineral ex- away to a mere pebble, it will again grow
hibits is expected by the Castro Valley Min- into its original form. Time has no effect COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW
eral and Gem Society for its third annual on it and it never seems to die, yet it has and motor are com-
show March 2 9 and 30 at the high school no life. It exists but does not reproduce. pact and do no)
in Hayward, California. Judging of entries There is no known limit to the ability of splash. Save blades
will take place Saturday morning from 10 a crystal to repair itself and resume its and clothing with
a.m. to 12 noon. The exhibit will remain growth.—The Voice of the El Paso Rock- this saw.
open until 10 p.m. that evening, and from hound.
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. BUILD YOUR OWN LAP
• o o and SAVE with a COV-
A. R. Albee is new president of the Gem INGTON )2" or 10" Lap
County Rock and Mineral Society, Emmett, Kit. We furnish every-
Idaho. He was elected at the group's De- thing you need. Send
cember meeting, presided over by retiring for frpf catalog.
president, E. C. Brookins. Other new offi-
cers are Verri Davis, vice-president; Mrs.
A. R. Albee, secretary-treasurer; and Rob- COVINGTON
ert Skinner, publicity director. Alfred Perry 16" Lap Unit
was appointed field marshall and Brookins is Does
program chairman. everything
for you.
Midwest Federation of Mineralogical So- 12" 14"
cieties has set July 1 through 3 as dates for or 16"
its 1952 convention and exhibition at Mac- Power Feed
Mother Lode Map — Plus Gold Nuggets Diamond
Alester College, St. Paul, Minnesota. Co- Gold nuggets panned from streams in Cali- Saws
hosts will be the Minnesota Mineral Club fornia and Old Hank's colorful, unusual story
and the Minnesota Geological Society. Wil- map — "The Golden Trail of the Mother SAVE
Lode." Stories of the '49ers, ghost towns,
liam .1. Binghiim is chairman. over 45 pictures and illustrations. Explore BLADES
this amazing trail taken by the early gold
seekers in their search for treasure. The
Les Benson of the Gemological Institute map is $1.00. One gold nugget and map,
$2.00; four gold nuggets and map, $3.00. Send for New Catalog, IT'S FREE
lectured on diamond mining to the Face- Postpaid prices. A "different" gift from the
teers group of Los Angeles Lapidary Soci- West. Send order to—
etv. He illustrated his talk with slides. COVINGTON LAPIDARY SUPPLY
P. O. Box 2462, San Francisco 26, California Redlands, California
If you want Choice Cutting Material, Fine &
Hare Materials, Geigfer Counters, Miner-
alights, ISoolis, Trim Saws, Fluorescents.
Ores, tk'nis. Ring Mounts, or advice, write

1724 University Avc, Berkeley 3, California

— Pure, genuine recon- The world-famous HILLOUIST LINE of lapidary equipment
structed turquoise! Zuni
Indian motifs. Delicate!
Feminine! Special offer— LAPIDARY E Q U I P . CO. 1545 w. 4* ST., SEATTIE J. WASH
sterling b r a c e l e t w i t h
matching earrings—both
only $5.00 plus $1.00 fed.
tax. Calif, buyers add loc
state tax. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
back Order today. CALIFORNIA COMPANY
1' O. Box 1405-D, Santa Ana, California

MARCH 1952 39
Coast Gems and Minerals IN OIL GAS EXPLORATION
What good are fossils? Dr. L. L. Sloss Monterey Bay Mineral Society will again
be host at the Mother Lode Mineralogical
SPECIALS of Northwestern University answered this
MEXICAN OPAL question when he spoke to members of the Society Annual Swap Day Picnic to be held
A-Yb. Honey & Cherry—no fire $1.00 Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois on May 18 at Modesto American Legion Park.
Vi-lb. Honey & Cherry—with fire 4.00 the value of paleontology. All rockhunters are invited, and everyone
'/4-lb. Opal in matrix—with fire 1.00
is urged to bring his best trading material.
Besides "cluttering up display rooms and Co-chairmen of the annual affair are Louis
PRECIOUS HOUGH basements," according to Dr. Sloss, fossils Braun and Hubert Mclntosh.
V4-lb. Precious Topaz, mine run serve four important functions in geologic
(Durango, Mex.) 1.25 work: (1) They provide the only informa- The Monterey Society's annual non-com-
Vi-lb. Amethyst (for cabs.) tion on the very earliest organisms; (2) petitive mineral and gem show was sched-
(Guerrero, Mex.) 1.00 They are the best means geologists have uled February 23 and 24 at the Y.M.C.A.
'/4-lb. Amethyst (for faceting) for determining the ages of various strata; building in Salinas, California. Several new
(Guerrero, Mex.) 5.00 (3) They provide means of recognizing the features were planned.
1/4-lb. Peridot, mine run (Ariz.) 3.00 position of groups of rocks. (This is especi-
Vi-lb. Kunsite, mine run (Pala, Calif.) 1.50 ally important in cases where the original DESERT SOCI*ETY TO HOLD
PRECIOUS CUT STONES (all shapes) lay of the strata has been disturbed by later S H O W IN BLYTHE NEXT MONTH
(Genuine) per ct. earth movements as quakes and overthrusts); Desert Gem and Mineral Society has ex-
Tourmaline (Pala, Calif.) deep rose and (4) They provide identification and lo- tended invitation to all rockhunters to at-
and other colors 5.00 cation of associated depositions. tend its third bi-annual show, April 19
Amethyst (Guerrero, Mex.) 1.50 and 20 at St. Joan of Arc Parish Hall in
Golden Topaz (Durango, Mex.) 4.00 The latter two uses are extremely useful Blythe, California. All amateur mineral
Garnet Cabs 1.00 in commerce and industry, primarily in lo- collectors are urged to exhibit. Displays
(Synthetic) cating oil and gas locations, coal deposits must be in the hall by 8 a.m. April 19.
Titania, (best quality) 10.00 and the like. In 1951, millions of dollars The show is open to the public, and hours
Alexandrite 2.00 were spent in exploration by the oil industry; are from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. both days.
(write for prices of other stones) more than 30,000 wells were drilled. In
105 DIFFERENT MINERAL SPECIMENS the ground work for this great development,
Carefully selected. Is a valuable aid
in helping identify and classify your fossils were the best index to guide explora- ZOOLOGIST LOOKING FOR
findings or makes a wonderful gift. tion, since the character of the rock alone FISH FOSSIL SPECIMENS
"Boxed and labeled. 70 different 3.00 was not a sufficient indication. Robert R. Miller, associate curator of fish
35 different 1.50
SLABS—5c per Square Inch at the University of Michigan Museum of
Consists of a mixed lot of 10 or more Zoology, has sent out an S.O.S. to amateur
different types, a few of which are fossil collectors. According to Miller, the
.lade, Tigereye, Lapis, Palm, Sagenite,
Wood, Agate, Jasper and others. Mini-
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" lack of fossil fish specimens from the Pleis-
mum order—40 sq. inches 2.00 In the Rarer Minerals tocene deposits of western North America
MIXED CUTTING MATERIAL Find war minerals! Here are a few of the has greatly hampered study of fish fauna
Good usable chunk material, per lb. .25
(Send for Our Circular Today) 40 or more strategic rarer minerals "which of the area. All specimens prove significant
Terms: Cash or check with order. If not you may be overlooking in the hills or in in interpreting past distributions and ancient
a dealer add 20% Fed. Tax. to cut stones,
precious rough, and slabs. 3% sales tax in
that mine or prospect hole: columbium, tan- drainages.
California. Please include postage with all talum, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, nickel, Miller urges rockhunters to look for fos-
orders. cobalt, bismuth, palladium, iridium, osmi- sil fish when on field trips in the Basin and
11669 Ferris Road. El Monte. California um, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, titan- Range Province, which extends roughly
ium, tin, molybdenum, selenium, germanium, from the edge of the Colorado Plateau to
manganese, cadmium, thallium, antimony, the Sierra Nevada. Information and speci-
mercury, chromium, etc. Prices booming; mens should be sent to him, care of the
many much more valuable than a gold Museum of Zoology, University of Michi-
mine: cassiterite now $1000 a ton; bismuth gan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
FAST $1500 a ton; columbite $2500 a ton; tanta- • • •
ACCURATE lite or microlite $5000 a ton; tungsten $3 In the February issue of Earth Science
pound; platinum $90 ounce, etc. Now you News, monthly publication of the Earth
can learn what they are, how to find, iden- Science Club of Northern Illinois, appears
tify and cash in upon them. Send for free a "Table of Certain Radiocarbon Dates,"
copy "overlooked fortunes"—it may lead compiled by Stanley E. Heggland, Jr. The
to knowledge which may make you rich! table includes data on 21 samples, giving
A penny postcard will do. a description of the specimen, its. source
Duke's Research Laboratory and collector and approximate age. By
using such comparative tables an evaluation
of ideas, things or methods can be made;
but, Heggland warns, more than one specific
table or example is needed to make a fair
the antiquated way 18,000 ACRES MINERAL RIGHTS
Go MODERN Get on to In beautifully timbered area Taos Co., N. M.
Many minerals known in region, including ANSWERS TO DESERT QUIZ
The Metal Dopping Disks radio-active. Definitely priced to sell for
health reasons. Questions are on page 16
Here's 6 good reasons why 2—Grind seeds.
3—At point of discovery.
1. You can dop from 5-10 times as fast.
"You'll love" 4—Agave.
2. You need not preheat stone separately. 5—Apaches.
3. Stone is trued on dop—it can't tilt. CONLEY MOUNTINGS 6—Hoover Dam.
4. Job is tidy no excessive wax anywhere. Beautiful, enduring, easy setting 7—San Juan River.
5. Ideal In cold dopping—disks lay flat. Write for FREE catalog 8—An ancient Indian Cliff Dwelling.
6. Introductory Set only $1.00 postpaid. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS 9—Mountain Man and trapper.
You may NOW order this New, Efficient, 4665 Park Blvd. San Diego 16, California 11—Superstition Mountains.
Convenient and Accurate Lapidary Tool, to- 12—Nogales.
gether with printed technique for its proper 13—Gallup, New Mexico.
use, from its inventor. 14—Creamy white.
Red Plume, Pom Pom and many other types 15—Utah.
of agate. Slabs on approval. Rough agate, 16—Mouth of the Colorado River.
EUGENE A. BACCHI 8 lb. mixture postpaid, $5.00. Price list on
request. •
18—The Jayhawker Party.
3345 Fillmore Street WOODWARD RANCH
17 miles So. on Hwy 118 19—Salt Lake City.
Box 453. Alpine, Texas 20—San Gorgonio Pass.

49091/z Eagle Rock Blvd. — CL. 6-2021
Los Angeles 41, California

1112 Neola St. — CL. 6-7197
Los Angeles 41, California
By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal
Custom sawing and polishing—24" saw
Slabs, bulk stone, Mineral Specimens
Several years ago a good friend of ours are grinding and casting in their professional Polished Specimens & Cabochons
Machinery & Supplies
wrote us that he believed the gem cutting activities daily. They adapt their hobby to
hobby had run its course. We said at the their existing laboratory machinery or vice We rent polishing machinery by the hour
time that it had not been running anywhere; versa. It was a dentist who first got us inter- INSTRUCTION AT NO EXTRA COST
that it was still in the toddling stage. Since ested in lapidary work by showing us what Call CL. 6-7197 for Appointment
that time it has become America's third he did in his spare time in his laboratory
largest "doing" hobby and the fastest grow- with opal. He sold us five huge pieces from
ing hobby of any kind; all of which we have his private stock for only 25c each. It was
attempted to prove by figures in these col- a dentist (Dr. Henry Dake of Portland,
umns on several occasions . . . figures that Oregon) who started 20 years ago, and
have been accepted and quoted by several still publishes, The Mineralogist magazine.
large magazines in articles about the hobby. Almost every mineral and gem society in
America numbers at least one dentist in its
But you must sit at a desk such as ours membership. Dr. Hudson, a dentist of Day-
and edit a magazine about it to realize for ton, Ohio, is one of the nation's top faceters
sure that gem cutting and rockhounding and best known amateur gemologists.
are coming to the fore faster in every
quarter of America. Peep over our shoulder We open another letter from which falls
while we open one day's pile of mail arid a clipping from a New York newspaper
see what we find besides the business side dated January 10. It is an account of the
of publishing. success of the New York Lapidary Society
and we take pardonable pride in quoting a
First comes a letter from Robert E. Coin, paragraph—"the group of hobbyists formed
Oakridge, Tennessee. He sends along a copy two years ago when Lelande Quick, editor
of The News, a publication of the employes of the Lapidary Journal, gave a lecture at
of the Carbide and Chemicals Co. and the the American Museum of Natural History.
Union Carbide and Carbon Corp. at you- After his talk he found 100 of his audience
know-where. The paper features Mr. Coin's crowding around him eager to establish a
lapidary hobby and has a nice picture of his club such as he advocated."
work. The article states that Mr. Coin is
anxious to form a gem and mineral club at The paper goes on to state that gem
Oak Ridge, among the firm's employes. An cutting and mineral collecting is the fastest
accompanying letter advises that he made growing hobby and it tells of the organiza-
a 30-minute radio talk January 20 about tion of a youth group within the New York
gem cutting. The talk was transcribed and
then re-broadcast several times. This pro-
club. The society maintains its own quar- HILLQUIST
ters in which is established their own lapi-
gram followed the enthusiastic response, 10 dary shop, open to the members seven days
days earlier, of the 60 employes who came a week. • Put the Hillquist Gemmaster beside any lapidary
to hear Dr. Stockdale of the University of machine — cheaper, flimsy "gadgets" or units that
Tennessee talk about the minerals of that Next we come to an account of the or- sell at twice the price. Compare construction! Com-
state. The group then organized the Oak ganization of a new group among the em- pare ease of operation! Compare how much you
Ridge Mineral Society. It will meet in the ployes of the Hughes Aircraft Co. at Cul- get for your money and you'll say, "I'll take the
Atomic Museum on the second Thursday ver City, California. Large rockhound Gemmaster!"
of each month but it is unique in that it groups have existed for years at the plants Here is a worthy companion for our larger and
cannot report "Visitors Welcome." Mr. of the Consolidated Aircraft Co. at San more expensive Hillquist Compact Lapidary Unit.
Coin (the new president) further advises Diego and at the Lockheed plant in Bur- Tho smaller in size, the Hillquist Gemmaster has
bank, California. The Industrial Sports many of the same features. It's all-metal with spun
that, because of the broadcasts, groups of aluminum tub. You get a rugged, double-action rock
citizens are now organizing clubs in Knox- Journal, which goes to most personnel clamp, not a puny little pebble pincher. You get a
ville and Chattanooga. managers around the nation, regularly fea- full 3" babbitt sleeve bearing and ball thrust bear-
tures a lapidary section for industrial or- ing. You get a big 7" Super Speed diamond saw
This information particularly interests us, ganizations. and all the equipment you need to go right to work.
for just four years ago we ran an advertise- USES ALL ACCESSORIES
ment for our Lapidary Journal that stated If any reader happens to be a lapidary You can use all the regular Hillquist accessories
—"Wanted: A subscriber in Tennessee . . . and works in a large organization he will with the Gemmaster: The Hillquist Facetor, Sphere
the only state not represented in our sub- find that the response to his hobby among Cutters, Laps, Drum and Disc Sanders, etc.
scribers' files." We did not wait long. his fellow employes will be beyond his
Now we find an interesting letter from comprehension. Try it out and see. Get WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG
Dr. William F. Tolar of Berwyn, Illinois, a permission from your department head to
display a tray of your work in the company I COMPUTE, REAPy TO USE! YOU GET ALL THlf-
dentist. He tells us that he and another
dentist (Dr. Bayne of Henry, Illinois) are cafeteria or library or any place where a
writing by request a series of articles on large group can come and see it. Then post
jewelcraft and gem cutting for their state a notice on the bulletin board, or run an
dental journal because these two hobbies article in your house organ, to the effect that
lead among dentists' hobby activities. In you will cooperate in the organization of a
other words — they pull strong with the company hobby group. The response which BIG 7" Diamond Saw . 6 x 1 " Grinding
dentists. follows will place you in a position to ask Wheel • 6 Felt Buff . 6 Backing Wheel
your company to supply the space and 6 " Disc Sander • Double-action Rock
Dentists quite naturally gravitate into equipment for a shop. Try it and see—and Clamp • Oil Feed Cup • Water Feed
Hose & Clamp • Dop Sticks & Dop W a x *
gem cutting and silver casting because they let us know the results. Polish, Compound, Etc.


No other low-cost lap unit
gives you full 3" sleeve
bearing, ball thrust bearing
This page of Desert Magazine is for those who have, or aspire to have, their own gem and pressure lubrication.
cutting and polishing equipment. Lelande Quick, who edits "The Lapidary Journal," will be
glad to answer all questions in connection with your lapidary work. And he would like details / aj
about new short cuts or devices which lapidary workers have discovered, to pass on to readers.
Queries and information should be addressed to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California.

MARCH, 1952 41
HHetween If on and. Ma


7 HEi RAIN GODS were generous to much of the

desert country this winter. And as this is written,
early in February, billions of little green sprouts
are coming up through the sand and in the crevices be-
made it a game refuge. Under this protection, the wild
sheep slowly have been gaining until today there are
estimated to be between 50 and 60 of them on the range.

tween the rocks. There is moisture in the ground to Recently some of the deer hunters asked that the refuge
provide the most colorful wildflower display we have seen be abolished insofar as deer are concerned—so they could
since 1949, when the dunes were covered with verbena go in there with firearms. The Fish and Game commission
and evening primrose. held a public hearing at which many of my neighbors
protested against the re-opening of the refuge.
Unless freezing temperatures or excessive winds inter-
vene the blossoms will be quite generally in blossom on I am glad to report that the commission has ruled
the desert lowlands by the first of March, and at various against the hunters. The north slope of the Santa Rosas
elevations will reach their peak during that month. Above will remain a refuge for wildlife. At the present rate of
3000 feet the most gorgeous flowering will come a little gain it will not be many years before motorists will get
later—during April and early May. an occasional glimpse of those magnificent bighorns from
the Palms-to-Pines highway.
Th:; rains were heavy enough this winter over the
Colorado desert to seep down to the desert lily bulbs many The problem of game for hunters is becoming in-
inches below the surface. I hope that among the many creasingly difficult, especially in California. Mainly, the
pictures of the lily taken this year there will be at least trouble stems from rapidly increasing population. The
one beautiful 4x5 color transparency that will be available hunters tend to increase in number while the areas avail-
for a future Desert Magazine cover. able to them shrink—due to road construction and the
extension of populated resort areas.
I do not know the answer—but I suspect that in a
social order where it is no longer necessary to kill in order
Th;; rains have done something else for the desert. They to live, that the killer instinct which we humans inherited
have filled the great under-the-surface fractures in the from our primitive ancestors eventually will give way to
earth's crust of rock with water—and these fractures or the ideal of live and let live.
faults are the reservoirs which feed the springs.
Many of the springs and tinajas that dried up during
the prolonged years of drouth are again filled with water—
and that will give added pleasure and security to those of One of the letters which came to me recently was from
us who are looking forward to March and April as the W. M. (Casey) Jones whose cabin is along one of the
ideal months for exploring remote ranges and mesas. tributary arroyos of the Hassayampa River seven miles
from Morristown, Arizona. He is an old-time railroad
telegrapher who was forced by ill health to retire four
years ago and is now living on a meager pension.
From the window of my office 1 can see the rugged
north slope of the Santa Rosa mountains less than 10 I've never met Casey, but I would like to know him,
miles away. From this distance it appears to be a moun- for he wrote me one of the most stimulating letters I have
tain terrain without water or life in any form. ever received. He is endowed with more courage and
understanding than most of us humans have. He has to
Bui like most desert mountains, the distant view is
remain 70 percent of his time in bed, but despite his
deceiving. Actually the mountain slope is drained by a
handicaps he has set up a little laboratory where he
half cozen canyons where there are springs for the wild-
spends his active hours experimenting with chemistry and
life, and luxurious vegetation, including many majestic
members of the wild palm family.
Casey wrote: "Sixty summers are soon going to pass
It was in one of these canyons that George Roy made
me by, and how many winters I know not, but I hope
the acquaintance of a little band of bighorn sheep and
many of them, for life started four years ago to be a glori-
wrote about them for Desert Magazine (March '51.)
ous adventure. I went broke in the deluge of 1930, and
Thirty years ago the bighorns in the Santa Rosas had still am, but am now wealthy without any coin. Such is life,
almost been exterminated by ruthless hunters. Then the and oh how beautiful when one is reconciled to accepting
Califcrnia Fish and Game commission stepped in and things as they are—and really starts living at 60."

him to many of the primitive regions
of the west, often to the desert country
of southeastern Utah, and have pro-
vided him many opportunities to fol-
low his hobbies of photography and
mineral collecting.
o o ~

is a rich and human book for all who When asked about herself Ada Gid-
love outdoor life. dings usually replies, "My parents were
More than 32,000,000 persons vis- Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.. poor, but Quakers." and lets it go at
ited the National Park system in 1950. 195!. 326 pages, halftone illustrations, that.
bibliography, index. $4.00. Mrs. Giddings was born in West
By well-paved highways they gained Branch, iowa, and taught school in
ready access to the scenic grandeur that midwestern state before accepting
thus preserved for them. Within the
confines of the 28 national parks and Caiexico Cavalcade association has a teaching assignment which took her
many national monuments, they found prepared a beautiful program in con- to New Mexico. After their marriage,
comfortable lodges, restaurants, camp nection with the 13th presentation of she and her husband, a native Cali-
sites and picnic areas to make their the Desert Cavalcade March 21-22. fornian and enthusiastic member of
stay pleasant. Park rangers guided Many pages of the brochure are de- the rockhound fraternity, moved to
them on tours, explaining geology, voted to historical data revealing the California and filed for homestead land
botany, archeology, wild life and nat- background of the pageantry to be 13 miles north of Mojave. They called
ural phencmena of the area. presented by the community. Copies this desert acreage home for five years.
of the program may be obtained for Mrs. Giddings became a member of the
Few of those 32,000,000 persons 25c either by addressing the Desert first board of the E^ed Rock School
ever hear:! the name, Stephen T. Cavalcade at Caiexico. or Desert Mag- District.
Mather. "Yet their national park vaca- azine at Palm Desert. Author Giddings now lives and
tion might not have been so enjoyable writes in Laguna Beach. California.
but for th.s one man's efforts for the She especially enjoys the research
conservation of natural beauty. As a teacher of art in Bishop Union which precedes a story such as "Gol-
In 1914, Steve Mather—philanthro- High School, Bishop, California, .1. E. er's Lost Gold," appearing in this is-
pist. California mountain climber, in- Morhardt finds himself with many free sue. She has had many poems pub-
dustrialist-—was 47 years old. He had hours. When not out mining or pros- lished, a number of them in Desert millions out of "Twenty-Mule- pecting, he spends this time writing Magazine.
Team" Be rax and had time to follow poetry and painting water color scenes o o
his hobbies of riding, hiking and moun- of the desert. His Death Valley Poems, When the winter rains come to
tain climbing. He spent weeks at a recently published in an inexpensive Southern California, Norton Alien and
time in the natural wonderland of Yo- edition by Chalfant Press. Bishop, is his father take off in their trailer for
semite National Park, several times the result of many desert years. The Gila Bend. Arizona, where they camp
meeting the venerable naturalist. John 38 poems reflect the life of the miner, and spend their spare hours exploring
Muir. the prospector (Morhardt knows well all Indian ruins. Norton, who has been
When Mather complained that year, this life) and the desert wanderer, and drawing maps for Desert Magazine
in a letter to the Secretary of the In- they paint a convincing picture of the readers since 1938, is an amateur ar-
terior, that the national parks were desert scene. Illustrated with photo- cheologist with a line collection of arti-
underfinanced and mismanaged, with- graphs and ink sketches by the author. facts brought together over a period of
out decenl roads and accommodations Paper bound. $1.00. 20 years. The Allen home is on the
—"a disgrace to the federal govern- li'll overlooking La Mesa, California.
ment." he was answered: "If you don't
like the way the parks are being run, A must on the Desert Lover's Book Shelf
come on down to Washington and
run them yourself."
Mather came. He stayed 14 years LOAFING ALONG
as assistant secretary of the interior,
under three presidents and five secre- Walter H. Koch, author of this
taries. Before you visit the Biy Sink ui (lie
month's story of adventure on the San Bottom of America, b y all m e a n s ieod Ibis
In Steve Mather of the National Juan and Colorado Rivers, was born book.
Parks, biographer Robert Shankland in Germany but spent 10 years of his IT'S A MAN'S EOOX
chronicles Mather's achievements in boyhood on the Malay Peninsula, in BUT WOMEN BUY MCH^ COTI^S
gaining establishment of the National London and South England. A min- Authentic, factual, human interesl stories
Park Service in August, 1916, and in ing geologist, he is a graduate of the of colorful characters who lived, loved a::d
defining the policies under which its Mining College of Freiberg, Germany. lied one day at a lime.
areas should be developed and con- For many years he practiced his pro- Stories of fortunes made 01 lost over-
served. Shankland offers penetrating fession in mining camps scattered night. Darinq men. Girls "beautiful but
insight into Mather's love of nature throughout this hemisphere, from New- damned." Romance and revelry. Ghost
and his desire to preserve its more awe- towns. Lost mines. Delightful rascals and
foundland to Mexico and from Cali- the tall tales of far horizons.
inspiring phases for the delight of fu- fornia to Cuba.
ture generations of Americans. He Since 1931, Koch has been a resi- AN OUTSTANDING GIFT DOOX
tells, too, the story of the parks them- dent of Salt Lake City, Utah, and has A! better book stores everywhere. S3.8b.
selves anc of the fight against corrup- California buyeis add 11 cents sales tax.
been employed as a mineral examiner Published by
tion, coirmercialization and destruc- for the U. S. General Land Office and
tive private interests. THE DESERT MAGAZINE PRESS
Bureau of Land Management. Palm Desert, California
Steve Mather oj the National Parks Flis work assiar.ments have taken

MARCH, 19 5 2 43
Here is one great American hobby in which there purposes by the skilled hands of the lapidary.
will never be a shortage of raw materials. Far and wide Here is a list of books, both for the beginner and
iver the landscape, wherever there are rocks, will be for the advanced collector—books that will tell you
ound hard semi-precious gem material waiting to be about prospecting, about field trips, about the identifi-
urned Into beautiful settings for jewelry, for bookends, cation of minerals—and how to learn the art of cutting
ampstctnds and ci hundred other ornamental or useful and polishing the rough stones.
Ml ART OP GEM CUTTING, Dake & Pearl. How M16 MINERALOGY MANUAL, F. B. Roseveau,
to saw, grind, sand, dop and polish cabochons Ed. Handy. Simple manual of geology, chem-
and facets; optics, chemical and physical properties istry, crystallography, blowpipe and chemical tests,
of gems; testing gems; instruments and equipment; physical properties, descriptive mineralogy, gems,
special lapidary techniques. Illus., paper $2.00 building a collection, 133 experiments for identifi-
cation. Photos, drawings, paper $1.00
series. For collecting, identification. 144 pages on John Adair. First full authoritative account
minerals, 0G on rocks. Minerals in which color is of Navajo, Zuni, Hopi and other Pueblo Indian
important for identification are illustrated in color. jewelry. History, names and localities of crafts-
Many photos, drawings. Geologic time chart, biblio., men, methods and techniques. Photos, map, chart,
index, 352 pp $3.95 tables, appen., biblio., index $4.00
!II5 GEM CUTTING, J. Daniel Willems. A book
as revolutionary in its field as the faceting M19 POPULAR GEMOLOGY, Richard M. Pearl.
device invented by the author. Instruction method Presents in understandable language an ac-
is designed to be so accurate and clear that any curate guide to gems, their localities, production
enthusiastic beginner can follow step-by-step draw- and scientific and industrial uses. Illus., index,
ings of facet planning and cutting and become a 316 pp $4.0!)
fine craftsman in a relatively short time. How to
recognize good quality stones in the rough, making M20 PROSPECTING FOR GOLD AND SILVER,
of simple equipment, description and distribution E. M. Savage. Practical guide for novice
of precious and semiprecious stones. Photos and prospectors. Types of mining, mining law, survey-
drawings, 1 color page $3.!)5 ing, explosives, sampling, buying and selling pros-
1116 GEMS AND GEM MATERIALS, Kraus & pects, first aid, etc. Many photos, drawings, 307
Slawson. Description and occurrence of gems, pages $4.00
cutting and polishing, manufactured gems, mount-
ings. Tables classifying gems. Profusely illus- M22 REVISED LAPIDARY HANDBOOK, J. II
trated, index. 1947 revised edition '.. .$0.00 Howard. Practical instruction in gem cutting
1118 GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH MINER- for beginner and advanced amateur. Sawing, cabo-
ALS, G. L. English. Simple, interesting, ac- chon cutting, bead making, faceting, carving and
curate introduction to rocks and minerals. How to engraving, bracelets and rings, diamond cutting,
collect and identify them. Descriptions, identifica- sources of supplies. Illus., index $3.00
tion tables, pronouncing vocabulary, index, 258 M24 TEXTBOOK OF MINERALOGY, Edw. S. Dana
illus, 324 pp $4.50 (Ford 4th edition). Abbreviation of classic-
M9 GOLD IN PLACER, .lack Douglas. Desert lore System of Mineralogy. Crystallography, Physical
and prospecting experiences written for be- Mineralogy, Chemical Mineralogy, Origin, Mode of
ginner men and women prospectors. Equipment, Occurrence and Association of Minerals, Descrip-
methods, where to prospect. New edition. . . .82.50 tive Mineralogy. Illus., index, 851 pp $(5.50
von Eernewitz. Complete guide for pros- M27 THE ART OF THE LAPIDARY, Francis J.
pectors and operators of small mines, including Sperisen. One of the most informative books
equipment, mining laws, mineralogy and geology, published on this subject. Practical instructions
sampling and assaying, field tests and measure- on identification, classification, cutting, polishing
ments, markets and prices. Glossary, index, 547 and faceting plus chapters on engraving, carving
pp. Limp leatherette binding $5.00 and sculpturing. Over 400 illustrations, index, 382
pp $6.50
DeMent & Dake. World occunences, pros- M28 NORTHWEST GEM TRAILS, 11. C. Dake
pecting and detecting uranium minerals, carnotite Guide for gem hunters, mineral collectors and
;=ind pitchblende, catalog of uranium and thorium tourists. It covers Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
minerals, biblio. on radioactive minerals. Index. Montana and Wyoming. Gem trail maps, 80 pp.
paper. New, enlarged edition $2.0!) —paper cover $2.00
CRAFT, Win. T. Baxter. 3rd edition revised M29 THE FIRST BOOK OF STONES, M. B. Cor-
and enlarged. Handbook for student and crafts- mack. For Children. Makes stone collecting
man. Metalcraft, jewelry making, gemstone cut- easy and exciting for beginners. Large type and
Ling, identification of gemstones and minerals. plenty of simple illustrations. 90 pp., index.. .$1.75
Photos, drawings, index $4.50 M30 THE DIAMOND SAW AND ITS OPERA-
MIS MINERAL COLLECTORS HANDBOOK., TION, Wilfred C. Eyles. This book has been
Richard M. Pearl. How to build and care for eagerly awaited by every rockhound in America
a collection; gems, crystals and meteorites, fluor- who owns a saw. Here is information on every
escence, chemistry, tests; definitions and origin of phase of diamond saw operation by the man who
mineral names, reading lists, staking a mining built the first commercial saw for the amateur
claim, list of mineral societies—and many other gem cutter. It answers every question that could
helps for the collector "...$3.75 possibly arise about saw troubles $1.20
All Books Mailed Postpaid • California Buyers Add 3% Sales Tax


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