Questions Yes No Alcohol Use

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I agree to be a subject in this study and I understand that:

My role as a subject is voluntary.

I may withdraw anytime without penalty.
All information obtained will be treated with the strictest confidence.
My name will not be used.
I will not be identifiable in any written reports about the study.


Type of school: Year level: Date:
Age: Sex: Weight (kilograms): Height (meters):

Alcohol Use
1 I have never had a drink of alcohol other than a few sips.
I had my first drink of alcohol other than a few sips at or before age

3 During the past 30 days, I drank atleast 1 drink containing alcohol.
During the past 30 days, I drank atleast 1 drink containing alcohol in
three or more separate days.

During the past 30 days, I drank 2 or more drinks per day on the days
that I drank alcohol.

During the past 30 days, how did you usually get the alcohol you

a. I do not drink alcohol
b. I bought it in a store, shop, or from a street vendor
c. I gave someone else money to buy it for me
d. I got it from my friends
e. I got it from my family
f. I stole it or got it without permission
g. I got it some other way

Staggering when walking, not being able to speak right, and
throwing up are some signs of being really drunk.

7 I have been drunk atleast once in my life.
8 I drank so much alcohol that I got drunk at or before age 13.

During your life, how many times did you drink so much alcohol that
you were really drunk?
a. 0 times
b. 3 to 9 times
c. 10 or more times
During the past 30 days, I got into trouble with my family or friends,
missed school, or got into fights as a result of drinking alcohol.

Dietary Behavior
During the past 30 days, I get hungry most of the time because there
was not enough food at home,

2 During the past 30 days, I did not eat fruits
3 During the past 30 days, I usually ate fruits one or more times per day
4 During the past 30 days, I did not eat vegetables
During the past 30 days, I usually ate vegetables one or more times
per day

During the past 30 days, I usually drank carbonated soft drinks up to
two or more times/day

7 During the past 7 days, I ate or ordered from a fast-food restaurant
Physical Activity
I have been physically active all seven days for a total of at least 60
minutes per day during the past seven days.

During a typical or usual week, I am physically active seven days for a
total of at least 60 minutes per day.

I went to physical education class 4 or more days each week during
this school year.

I spend three or more hours per day during a typical day sitting and
watching television or doing sitting activities such as reading a novel.

Tobacco Use
How old were you when you first tried a cigarette?
a. I have never smoked a cigarette
b. 9 years or younger
c. 10 years or older
2 I smoked cigarettes on one or more days during the past 30 days.
I have used other forms of tobacco, such as tobacco roll, snuff, or
chew tobacco on one or more days during the past 30 days
During the past 12 months, have you ever tried to stop smoking

a. I have never smoked a cigarette
b. Yes
c. No
One or both of my parents / guardians smoke cigarettes or use any
form of tobacco

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