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Na#$ % An"& '(&na)an S(*an*o
+o!!$g$ % S$,(!(h No,$#-$& In.**(*$ o/ T$0hno!og1
Na*ona!*1 % In"on$.a
a2 3ha* . 1o(& $n4.on$" 0a&$$& ,a*h5 6270 )o&".2
After graduated from college, I plan to continue my studies and take the Master Degree
abroad through scholarships program. I would like to improve my knowledge again
through Master's Degree, because it can support my work as a researcher at future. After
that, I want to work as a researcher at Indonesia Institute of Science and do many
researchs a lot about chemistry, especially on alternative energy sources. In addition, I
want to make my research not only useful for myself, but I want the results of my
research can also be useful for others, because I think success not only for myself, but
other people come to feel the impact as well. urthermore, I want to e!pand my career in
another field, namely entrepreneurship, such as opening a mini restaurant with a menu of
food made from organic. In addition, I also want to set aside part of my income to help
children who drop out of school, so that they can continue their education to a higher
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SEAMEO L$a"$&.h, Fo&(#5 3ha* "o 1o( *hnk
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*h$ Fo&(#5 6270 )o&".2
"ne of the advantage I can get from this forum is I get the course on #eam $eadership
and #eam Dynamics. I will apply the course in my final pro%ect, because in the research
I&ll do for my final pro%ect now is in the form of a team, %ust differentiated only a few
variations, but the same methodology. In this team, there is often a difference between the
perception of one member to the other which can lead to misunderstandings and thus
inhibit the pro%ect. 'ecogni(ing on this, the #eam $eadership and #eam Dynamics are
very useful for me to apply in my final pro%ect to minimi(e misunderstandings within the
team. In addition, the twenty first century skills such as problem solving and critical
thinking as well I will apply in my final pro%ect, because, surely I will encounter many
une!pected problems, and it will take me to think critically and use problem solving
skills I get from this forum, so that the problem in my final pro%ect can be solved.
02 3h1 1o( .ho(!" -$ 0ho.$n *o ,a&*0,a*$ n *h$ Fo&(#5 6270 )o&".2
)ollege is a time for new and e!citing e!periences as well as a time to e!plore diverse
and innovative ideas. *hat could be better than traveling to a foreign country to learn
about their ideas, history, and culture+. I believe study abroad is something that every
college student should do to help avoid ethnocentrism, to e!pand their hori(ons, and to
appreciate everything the world has to offer. I am interested in new thing that I&ve never
learned before. I am grateful to find opportunities like your program that provide students
like me who are constantly fighting for the right to receive a chance to be a leader. I
believe I deserve to be selected for one of your program because as a hard working
student I commit myself to effectively take advantage of the opportunity of the program.
Additionally, I have interest and effort towards internationali(ation, it has been proved I
have signed up leadership programs held on overseas and no one of them has succeeded.
,owever, I will not give up. I will keep trying and I hope that through this program, I
will be able to apply my new-found knowledge to my entire life and the way I look at the
world around me.

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