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Integrated Core Training

Part One
A functional and integrated core program ill addre!! !ta"ili#ation and !trengt$ening in
all t$ree plane! of mo%ement and t$e com"ined pattern!& Mo!t at$lete! emp$a!i#e
mo%ement! in t$e !aggital plane t$roug$ !it up!' leg rai!e!' crunc$e!' etc& and indeed t$e
fir!t part of our a"dominal training program follo! t$i! line of t$oug$t& (e are loo)ing
for !omet$ing more t$an t$e i!olated mu!cle !*!tem t$at i! de%eloped t$roug$ crunc$e!&
T$i! program ill utili#e mo%ement! and modalitie! $ic$ ill $elp u! ac$ie%e poer
and !trengt$ it$ t$e a"ilit* to ac$ie%e midline !ta"ili#ation and integration of t$e upper
and loer core unit! i! our goal&
+or our purpo!e! e ill di%ide t$e core into upper and loer unit! and anterior and
po!terior c$ain!& T$e fir!t core training !c$edule i! de!igned to c$allenge t$e upper and
loer unit! a! ell a! de%elop i!ometric !trengt$&
Schedule A
Day One
(eig$ted , -p!
, up i! performed from t$e !upine po!ition $ile $olding a plate o%er$ead&
Hand! and feet !$ould come toget$er it$ t$e upper "ac) lea%ing t$e ground
Begin it$ a lig$t or no eig$t and increa!e t$e re!i!tance it$ eac$ !ucce!!i%e !et&
Perform !i. !et!& Repetition !e/uence ill "e 01' 21' 23'23' 21 '01&
E.ample4 Set 2 5 01 l"! . 01 rep!
Set 0 5 61 l"! . 21 rep!
Set 6 5 71 l"! . 23 rep!
Set 7 8 71 l"! . 23 rep!
Set 1 8 61 l"! . 21 rep!
Set 9 8 01 l"! . 01 rep!
Day Two
:nee! to El"o!
Perform t$e acti%it* $ile $anging from a pull up "ar ;grip i! a per!onal preference& M*
preferred grip i! parallel a! I am a"le to furt$er reduce an* !ing<& Curl t$e "od* up
"ringing t$e )nee! into contact it$ t$e el"o!& Maintain acti%ation of t$e lat!' !erratu!'
and interco!tal! a! t$e leg! loer in order to reduce !ing and de%elop poer for t$e
remaining rep!&
Perform 1 !et! of 03 rep!
T$e %ariation u!ed in order to de%elop rotational !trengt$ i! performed "* "ringing t$e
)nee to t$e oppo!ite el"o a! t$e top of t$e mo%ement i! reac$ed& T$e!e are %er*
c$allenging& T$e!e can "e performed during t$e la!t to !et! or performed e.clu!i%el* on
rotation emp$a!i! da*!&
Day Three
Timed Sit -p!
Perform t$e !it up it$ t$e feet anc$ored& Hand! ma*"e placed "e$ind t$e $ead or
cro!!ed in front to oppo!ite !$oulder!& El"o! ill touc$ t$e )nee! and t$e !$oulder
"lade! ill touc$ t$e floor in order to perform a full !it up&
Perform 233 rep! for time
Special +orce! !tandard i! 0 minute!&
Day Four
M+T A"e Clu!ter
Perform t$e i!ometric e.erci!e! for t$e !pecified time it$out re!t "eteen e.erci!e!&
Perform to to t$ree round! it$ one minute re!t "eteen round!&
2& , Hold
, up po!ition it$ feet at or a"o%e !$oulder $eig$t
0& Sta"ilit* Ball or Ring Pu!$ -p Hold
Maintain po!ition it$out lum"ar !ag& Hand! !$ould "e "elo foot le%el ;place feet on
"o. or "enc$<&
6& Hanging :nee! A"o%e Hip!
Hanging from eit$er a pull up "ar or ring! maintain t$e )nee! a"o%e $ip!
=c$air> po!ition& Do not allo lum"ar !pine to arc$ or =$ollo>&
7& +ront Plan) or Pillar
On el"o! and toe!
1& Side Pillar or Plan) Rig$t
9& Side Pillar or Plan) ?eft
Perform eac$ e.erci!e for one minute
Day Five
+loor (iper!
Supine on floor $old 261 l" ;an Ol*mpic "ar plu! 71 l" plate!< a"o%e c$e!t it$ arm!
!traig$t ;Benc$ pre!! po!ition<& Grip !$ould "e !$oulder idt$ or ider& Bring leg! up to
%ertical po!ition& E.erci!e i! performed "* loering leg! to t$e rig$t and t$en to t$e left
maintaining t$e =?> po!ition&
Perform four !et! of ten rep! to eac$ !ide Tent* total rep! per !et&
Day Six
Standing Plate Rotation or Ca"le Rotation
In a !tanding po!ition it$ )nee! !lig$tl* fle.ed into an at$letic po!ition' gra!p a 71 l"
plate& Mo%e t$e plate %igorou!l* from rig$t to left ti!ting at t$e a"dominal!&
Perform for time ;@.03!ec on it$ 23 !ec re!t< or repetition! ;7 . 63 8 73 rep!<
T$i! !i. da* program !$ould "e performed for to ee)!& During t$e t$ird ee) t$e
order of acti%itie! ill c$ange and rotational e.erci!e! ill "e incorporated&
Schedule B
Day One
Timed Sit up! a! pre%iou!
+loor iper! a! pre%iou!
Day Two
:nee! to Oppo!ite El"o 1.27
:nee! to El"o! 0.21
Day Three
, up! a! pre%iou!
Plate Rotation a! pre%iou!

Day Four
I!ometric Sta"ili#ation Circuit
Increa!e time of $old! and or add one circuit
T$i! four da* program i! performed for to ee)!&
After t$e four ee) c*cle t$e training !c$edule! ill alternate a! follo!4
Sc$edule A for to ee)!' Sc$edule B for one ee)' Sc$edule A for one ee)' and
!c$edule B for to ee)!' and repeat&
Incorporation of Core Training During Weight Training Activities
Integration of t$e core during eig$t training can "e accompli!$ed "* performing
!ingle arm lift! or alternating arm lift!& T$e!e lift! !$ould "e incorporated into t$e lifting
!c$edule on a rotating "a!i! e%er* to to t$ree ee)!& It i! important to de%elop i!ometric
and d*namic core !trengt$ $ile u!ing moderate to $ea%* load!&
Single arm DB "enc$ pre!!
Single arm DB incline pre!!
Single arm DB !$oulder pre!! in !tanding po!ition
Single arm DB Bent ro without $and or )nee on "enc$
Alternating DB "enc$ pre!!
Alternating DB incline pre!!
Alternating DB !$oulder pre!!
Alternating DB ro in pu!$ up po!ition ;al!o referred to a! =man5ma)er ro!><
Rotational tricep! e.ten!ion ;u!e a rope attac$ment to a ca"leApulle*
One "ar dip!
T$i! program focu!e! on t$e frontal and o"li/ue C$ain& T$e Po!terior C$ain of t$e core
and $o to train it ill "e di!cu!!ed in t$e ne.t C$apter&

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