Desert Magazine 1952 November

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Riverside, California
1 must go now to the places where the
Throws shadows on the high red walls of
Where starlight falls upon those silent hills.
And sun and moon are calendar and
I will see the giant cactus spear a passing
And rift its fleecy vapor into shreds.
And catch the glint of copper-rock and
From their place in empty river beds.
I will walk into some long forgotten town.
See lizards run beneath the stones when
I draw near.
And close my eyes to see a cavalcade of
Pueblo Bonita Ruins in Chaco Canyon. Photo courtesy Charles S. Webber. That vanished in some ageless bygone
By PHYLLIS W. HEALD By HELEN BAHSON I will hold communion with these empty
Portal, Arizona Los Angeles, California rooms.
To him who keeps his soul so small These crumbling walls, this broken shard.
It takes Western eyes to understand And trade my soul's confusion now
The color in our desert land. It cannot see above the wall For rest within this sun baked Indian
That bounds his selfhood's narrow cell, yard.
Eyes that are calm and willing to spare The desert is a cursed land,
Time, for absorbing the beauty there. Its endless miles of sunburnt sand • • •
The soft grey hue of cactus green. Will seem like searing fires of hell. VALIANT MOUNTAIN
The wind-blown sand with its golden sheen. By ELSIE MCKINNON STRACHAN
But him who dares to free his soul Santa Ana, California
The coppery red of mineralized earth To seek the meaning of the whole
Of life, whatever its extremes, With roots embedded deep in centuries past,
That forms a background for the birth Baboquivari, silent, granite-cast.
Of sagebrush, tinted a silvery blue The desert draws to her embrace
And spreads her miles of purple space Towers skyward. Time and wind and rain,
And seen for miles in endless view. In collusion with the sun, in vain
To make a highway for his dreams.
Have lashed and beaten; graven and proud
The desert willow, the clean mesquite she stands
With lacy branches, standing neat DESERT OCTOBER Unmoved, star-high above the desert sands.
And holding, as by royal command, By MAXINE F. MCNEIL At times a lei of snow, flung 'round her
The restless, ever-moving sand. Alamogordo, New Mexico throat.
A haze is on the mesa; Adorns her age-long, ever-changing coat—
The graceful yucca, creamy white. A drowse is on the hill. Now grey, now dusty-rose, now purple hued,
Silhouetted against the night. The wind forgets its calling. Depending on the hour, and on her moot..
Its slender flower, like a rod. Baboquivari, silent, granite-cast.
Pointing upward straight to God. And the tamarisk is still.
Keeping from you and me, secrets of the
The thunderhead of summer past.
Everyone sees the blue of the skies, Fades out upon the peak. • 1 9
But Desert colors are for Western eyes. The cottonwood turns paler
Where the rivers softer speak. REFLECTION
By LORNA DAWSON The noon's a sunny mocker Kansas City, Missouri
Los Angeles. California Of morning's promised frost. Oh, remember the desert as it looks at night
Vast desolation stretching unending; The horse corral's a daydream. Warm and soft in the lunar light;
Oven-hot wastes, mountains unbending. And the cattle all seem lost. A transparent robe over its thin-spun hair
Part of the world, yet lone No-Man's Land; With clips of s'.ars to hold it there.
Weirdly attractive pilings of sand. The canyon trail is bluer;
Color bespattered, craggy the heights; The rimrock stars are pure.
The skyline's an enchantress. No moon is pale in the desert sky
Sun-baked the noontime, moon-drenched
And the road's a dusty lure. Bright, ice sharp, it mirrors the Arctic ey_.
the nights.
Stars for the plucking; after the sun There's glow instead of glaring; In its path of reflected light—
Fades o'er the crests, his thirsty work done. There's fool's gold on the plains. Cottontails nose about, in spite—of wander-
Life, day's heat shunning, nocturnally wakes, For October's in the desert. ing coyotes
Lizards and insects, kit-fox and snakes. And the desert's in my veins. And puma paws!
Black now the mountains, contours cut clear. Stealthily the weasel twists to the sheltered
Detailed no longer, awesome and sheer. nest.
At the sun's rising rainbow tints glow; Robbing eggs and young from the bird's
Peaks stand majestic, capped high with warm breast—
snow. By TANYA SOUTH Awakened by its shaft of dazzling white
Eerie, inspiring, deathly serene. Count not the cost and risk you take. The skunk goes forth into the night.
Ageless as time, fantastic as dream. Count but the strides that you can Deer bob down from the lower slope
It will go on, man's span to mock. make! To vie with the "Hash" of the antelope—
This desert eternal, this valley of rock; Count but the height that you can While grey shadows discourage their ene-
But deep in the clefts will re-echo man's climb. mies
cries Step over step toward the Sublime! The pack rats barter for treasures as they
Along through the ages, his hopes and his please.
sighs. Attainment is the thing that counts.
And though seeming lifeless 'neath heaven's And as each one attains and mounts. And MAN alone lies down upon his hard-
are'd bowl. He views the cost and risks he sees ened bed
The hards-hips of man will have given it a As Opportunities. And pulls the patchwork quilt up over his
soul. head!

October 31 — Nevada Day, Carson
City. Nevada.
October 31-November 2—Helldorado,
historical pageant, Tombstone, Ari-
November 1—All Saints' Procession,
Taos Pueblo, Taos, New Mexico.
At sunrise.
November 1—Working Cattle Ranch
Tour, from Tucson, Arizona. Volume 15 NOVEMBER. 1952 Number 11
November 1-2 — Desert Peaks Sec-
tion, Southern California Chapter,
Sierra Club, hike to Eagle Crags COVER Yucca, Sun and Sand
and Pilot Knob, Mojave Desert By CHUCK ABBOTT of Tucson, Arizona
Deserted Pueblo, and other poems 2
November 1-2—Southern California
Chapter, Sierra Club rock climb CALENDAR
November events on the desert 3
near Joshua Tree, California. GHOST TOWN
Ghost of Baxter Mountain
November 1-30—Special Exhibit of
Indian portraits and scenes by By NELL MURBARGER 4
Artist Clarence Ellsworth. Con- FICTION
tinuation of Special Exhibit of Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 8
American Indian handicraft from
collection of the late Kathryn W. Cabot Yerxa's Crazy House
Leighton and examples of Mrs. LOST MINE By GEORGE M. ROY 9
Leighton's Indian portraits. South- Lost Silver Ledge of Santa Catarina
west Museum. Highland Park, Los
Angeles, California. CONTEST By RANDALL HENDERSON 11

November 2—Mesilla Valley Pecan PIONEERING Prizes for camera pictures 12

Festival, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Desert Trek in 1904, by E. A. BRININSTOOL . 13
November 6-8—First Annual Min-
eral Conference (International Min- EXPERIENCE A Pinyon is Born, by RUTH COOLEY CATER . 18
ing Days), Albuquerque, New Life on the Desert, by RUFAS D. JOHNSON . . 19
A test of your desert knowledge 20
November 7-16—Arizona State Fair, LETTERS
Phoenix, Arizona. Comment from Desert's readers 21
November 8-9 — Colorado River Pictures of the Month 23
Roundup, Parker, Arizona. MINING
Current news of desert mines 24
November 10-11 — Annual Cattle PROGRESS
show and sale, Raton, New Mexico. For Death Valley--A Museum 25
November 14-16—Goodwill tour to About those who write for Desert .26
Guaymas, Mexico, from Tucson, NEWS
Arizona. From Here and There en the desert 27
November 15-19 — Livestock show, Gems and Minerals 35
Ogden, Utah. FIELD TRIP
Gems, Minerals and Mines Along Southwestern
November 21-23—Riverside Chapter,
Sierra Club of Southern California LAPIDARY Trails, by CLAUDE A. CONLIN, Jr. . . . 38
trip to San Felipe, Baja California.
COMMENT Amateur Gem Cutter, by LELANDE QUICK . . 41
November 27-30—Southern Califor-
nia Chapter, Sierra Club trip to BOOKS Just Between You and Me, by the Editor . . . 42
Death Valley.
Reviews of Southwestern Literature
The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
November 27-30—Desert Peaks Sec- California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the post office at Palm Desert,
tion, Southern California Chapter. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
Sierra Club exploratory trip to Cox- and contents copyrighted 1952 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
must be secured from the editor in writing.
comb Mountains, California.
November 29-30—Old Tucson Daze, BESS STACY, Business Manager MARTIN MORAN, Circulation Manager
Tucson Mountain Park, Tucson, Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned ,cr acknowledged
Arizona. unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.
November 29-30—Riverside Chapter.
Sierra Club of Southern California
One Year $3.50 Two Years 86.(10
trip to Corn Springs, Chuckawalla
Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
Mountains, California.
Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
P. O. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California
White Oaks cemetery, with a few buildings of the old ghost town visible in the

Ghost of Baxter Mountain

By NELL MURBARGER Nell Murbarger met Dave Jackson in a ghost town cemetery, by
Photographs by the Author the weed-choked graves of some of New Mexico's most colorful early
inhabitants, Dave is one of the few remaining residents of White Oaks,
Map by Norton Allen nsar Baxter Mountain in central New Mexico, and he remembers when
F IT hadn't been for Susan Mac- the town was a bustling mining camp producing rich values in gold.
Sween, this story might never Pieced together from Dave's memory, his files of old newspapers, letters,
have been written. mining reports and maps, here is the story of a town which couldn't
It all started in the Ruidoso country survive without the railroad that no one would build.
of New Mexico, when Mother and
Dad and 1 were collecting notes on frosty nights of a week past; but the of a deep V-shaped canyon in the dark
the Lincoln County War which had tawny dry hills, rolling back from the range of the Sacramentos.
ravaged that section 75 years earlier. road, lay warm and sleepy under the The road became rougher and rock-
Talking with old timers, we heard fre- bright sun of mid-morning. ier, the canyon deeper. Scrub oak
quent mention of Susan's name, and Thirty-three miles of upland desert and pinyon pines appeared among the
we gathered that she had been the and juniper-capped ridges brought us junipers, and flanking hills began
heroine of that local conflict. to Carrizozo, at the eastern edge of showing the scars of abandoned mine
When we learned that Susan had the tnalpais. Turning northward, we dumps and prospect holes. It was
survived the war by half a century, began skirting the fringe of this sullen, about eight miles from the turn-off
had lived to become famous as the barren waste, and it was easy to under- that we topped a rise and found spread
cattle queen of New Mexico and had stand why early Spanish explorers had before us a huge old cemetery. Half
passed her declining years in the ghost termed it "bad country." Eons before, a mile farther up the road, we could
town of White Oaks, we resolved to this high desert valley had been flooded glimpse the gaunt stone buildings of
visit this lonely old mining camp in by a fiery, liquid torrent, 50 miles in White Oaks.
the mountains of Lincoln county. Pos- length—and now, every wavelet and
sibly we could find someone who had For all its former fame and opu-
whirlpool of that molten flow is for- lence, the White Oaks cemetery might
known her; or, at least, we thought, ever preserved in coal black stone that
we might visit her grave. serve as a type specimen for all the
envelops the earth like a heavy shawl. ghost town graveyards of Creation—
Leaving the little town of Lincoln,
where Billy the Kid and his hard-rid- Three miles out of Carrizozo. we a few family plots, encircled by grim
ing contemporaries still seem real and turned oft' the highway and. leaving iron fences; a few engraved slabs of
close, we headed out the canyon road the malpais behind, headed east on a marble and granite; lonely mounds
leading to the west. It was early Oc- primitive desert road. Crossing a heaped with broken stone, splintered
tober. Wild walnut trees, hanging over yucca-grown flat, at an elevation of palings fallen in the weeds, graves
the thin trickle of the Rio Bonito. more than a mile above sea-level, we without markers, markers without
were already flecked with cold bv the soon were climbine toward the mouth names—and thistles without end.

Pausing to scan every inscription,
however faint, we picked our way
through the old burial ground. It
never occurred to us that we might not
be alone in the cemetery until we
were startled by the snapping of a
twig. Glancing up, we saw approach-
ing us a small man, sun-tarnished and
"Huntin' somebody?" His face
crinkled in an impish grin.
Dad said we had hoped to find the
grave of Susan MacSween—"if she's
buried here."
"Indeed, now, she is!" exclaimed
the old man. "Right over yonder a
little piece. You kinfolks of hers?"
When we explained that our inter-
est in the late Susan was purely aca-
demic, and that we were chiefly on
the prowl for Desert Magazine stories,
our host introduced himself as Dave
Jackson. He said he had followed
mining in this vicinity for 55 years,
having located at White Oaks in 1897
when the place was booming. He had
remained to see it decline and die

Above—Copy of the Old Abe Eagle,

March 9, 1893, from Dave Jackson's
files of early White Oaks newspapers.
The editorial "ear" to the right of
the masthead reads: "Keep Your
Eye on White Oaks, the objective
point of all future railways to New
Mexico." But the railroads snubbed
the booming mine camp, and after
20 years of inadequate transporta-
tion, the town became a ghost.
Left—Dave Jackson, one of the few
remaining residents of White Oaks,
at the grave of Susan MacSween
Barber, heroine of the Lincoln
County War and later the cattle
queen of New Mexico.
until he was left as one of the last
survivors of the old ghost town. Now,
in addition to his mining, he does
what he can to take care of the ceme-
"No money in it," he admitted, "but
thunderation! 'Most all the folks
planted here were personal friends of
mine . . . and somebody has to look

after "em! Come on. I'll show you In the surrounding hills there was an the samples in Baxter's hand. Baxter
Susan's grave." abundance of game, including bear. let out a whoop. This was it! The
After we had made proper inspec- deer and wild turkeys, and the climate richest ore in New Mexico! The first
tion of the last resting place of Susan was good. For a man with no great lode gold in the district!
MacSween Barber—she had remarried, passion for riches, it was a pleasant Although by then it was pitch dark,
explained Dave, after her first husband place to camp—so long as he did not Baxter insisted upon staking the claim
was killed in the Lincoln County War become involved in the Lincoln County that night. With a coal oil lantern to
—we wandered back to the entrance War, then swinging into stride on the light their way, the men started back
of the cemetery and sat down on the other side of the range. up the mountain to the rich outcrop-
rocky ground. With October's sun Concerning the discovery which was ping. Accompanying the pair on tnis
warm and comfortable on our backs, to put White Oaks on the mining map expedition was one Jack Winters. Ac-
this man who had been a part of of the world, there are several con- counts differ as to whether he was a
White Oaks for more than half a cen- flicting stories. The most publicized partner of Baxter, a friend of Wilson,
tury sketched for us the biography of version follows: or just a kibitzing passer-by. What-
the town—its conception and birth, Into Baxter's camp, in the late sum- ever his connection, he proceeded to
its fabulous riches, the heartbreaking mer of 1879, there wandered a trav- deal himself in.
wait for a railroad that never came, eler known as Tom Wilson, assertedly
and finally, the Exodus. a fugitive from the law of Texas. When it came to staking the claim
Hoping to sight a feasible route for he had discovered, Wilson refused to
The original discovery of gold in take any part of it, declaring that he
the White Oaks district was made by his next day's travel through the inal-
pais, Wilson started up Baxter Moun- had no use for gold. Incredible as
John J. Baxter, a Missouri prospector this must have seemed to Baxter and
who had arrived in Lincoln county tain about sundown, leaving camp with
the jocular remark that he might "find Winters, they acceded to his wishes.
with a pair of burros in 1878. The When Wilson took his departure the
mountain on which his discovery was a gold mine."
following morning, he was richer by
made became known as Baxter Moun- Part way to the summit, so the story nine dollars in cash and a good pistol
tain, and the cluster of miners' tents goes, Wilson paused for a moment to given him by the two miners as token
which gradually accumulated in the catch his breath. As he sat resting, payment for services rendered. It was
canyon was designated "White Oaks he pecked idly at an exposed ledge, small enough reward for a discovery
Camp." and upon rising to resume his climb, which assertedly developed into the
At first, White Oaks was only a dropped a few of the rock slivers into North and South Homestakes, two of
mediocre placer operation. Water re- his pocket. the greatest producers in the history
quired for "rocking out" the gold had Anyone familiar with the traditional of White Oaks.
to be carried into the gulches on burro talc of famous mines discovered by
back, and a miner whose clean-up accident should be able to take the Close on the heels of Wilson's
yielded three dollars a day considered story from there. Upon Wilson's re- strike came discovery of the fabulous
that he was doing as well as anybody. turn to camp, Baxter asked if he had Old Abe—a mine slated to yield more
Of course there were compensations. found his gold mine. Wilson dropped than $3,000,000 in its day—and with
that development the stampede to
White Oaks was officially launched.
Author examining lava swirls in the malpais or bad country west of Not only was the rush marked by the
White Oaks. usual excitement, free and easy money,
frontier exuberance and hard char-
acters common to all boom camps, but
here in White Oaks were the additional
pot-boilers of political upheaval and
geographical immensity.
Lincoln county in those days was
a wild and lawless realm, its 27,000
square miles of territory being slightly
less than the state of New York. With
an almost total lack of transportation,
communication facilities, roads and
law enforcement officers, it formed
perfect sanctuary for gunmen fleeing
the bullets of Texas lawmen and Mexi-
can rnrales, and many such despcr-
odoes had come to dwell within its
borders. It is easy to understand how
the Lincoln County War started. On
every side of White Oaks, hard riding,
fast shooting men were exterminating
one another in bitter civil strife.
And. as if this were not enough,
to the seething devil's brew was added
a gold stampede with ore running
thousands of dollars to the ton!
One of the first effects of the gold
rush was wild speculation in real es-
tate, with fantastic prices demanded
—and paid—for building lots in the
business section of the newlv-surveved

townsite. But in spite of the premium all its local value, their product might enough sawed by this time to supply
on land, the town grew rapidly. as well have been the black rock of the the road with fuel for a year or two
Daily mail service was inaugurated malpais. Every lump of coal shipped —when they get it in operation."
between White Oaks and Socorro in to an outside market, every pound of Morris R. Locke and associates, in
October, 1880. Two months later, the ore taken from White Oaks' mines 1889, had begun actual construction
first inkwet copies of the White Oaks faced the almost prohibitive expense of a railroad from El Paso to White
Golden Era were snatched from the of being wagon-freighted to El Paso, Oaks. After laying ten miles of track,
press by a news-hungry crowd. With 140 miles to the south, or across the grading the roadbed for another ten
the opening of Starr's Opera House, malpais to the Santa Fe connection miles and investing $170,000 in the
all miners in the district declared a near Socorro, 100 miles to the west. venture, the company had given a last
holiday, and Mitchell's Dramatic Hundreds of tons of supplies, and futile gasp and slid into bankruptcy.
Troupe played the opening engage- building materials almost without end When George Jay Gould, greatest
ment to a capacity house. Names of had been freighted from Las Vegas, railroad financier of his day, purchased
doctors and of lawyers—among them 150 miles to the north. assets of the defunct company for
Bill McDonald, first governor of New Even as early as 1881 the Santa Fe $50,000, all White Oaks rejoiced.
Mexico, and Emerson Hough, later Railroad had considered the construc- With Gould's millions backing the
the author of many western novels— tion of a branch line from San An- road, it was declared, construction
appeared on second floor windows; tonio, New Mexico, to White Oaks, would be rushed to completion; and
lodges were organized, a school estab- but had discarded the idea as imprac- given the accessibility afforded by a
lished. Money flowed like water tical. With every new proposal, every railroad, nothing could stay the prog-
through the banks, and important rumor of a projected railroad, hopes ress of the town!
mining tycoons and glib-talking pro- would bloom anew and stockpiling of But even multi-millionaires make
moters thronged the hotel lobbies. ore would be vigorously pushed. Of mistakes. After thorough investiga-
In short, White Oaks had all the all the grandiloquent plans that mo- tion of the property, Jay Gould de-
appurtenances of an up-to-date city— mentarily buoyed the hopes of White clared the road infeasible, washed his
with one exception: Accessibility. Oaks, few progressed beyond the point hands of the whole affair and wrote
It did not matter that this was the of franchises and optimistic editorials off his loss as a bad guess.
heydey of the empire builders, that in local newspapers. And then came Charles B. Eddy.
titans of transportation were growing There was the White Oaks & Kan- Fine man, Eddy, said White Oaks.
opulent, and pine ties and steel rails sas City railroad, the Clayton, White Wonderful connections. Plenty of
were spider-webbing across the land Oaks & Pacific railroad and half a Eastern capital. If Charles B. Eddy
in every direction. White Oaks still dozen more, until the Old Abe Eagle, undertook to build a railroad to White
was dependent upon saddlehorses and in its issue of March 19, 1893, took Oaks—he would build it!
stage coaches, upon buckboards and occasion to remark: "Quite a number Incorporated in 1897 as the El
mule-drawn freight wagons and ox of new railroads are being built into Paso and Northeastern, work began
teams. White Oaks just now—on paper . . . at once. Hundreds of men and teams
Coincident with her gold develop- They say the Denver managers of the soon were grading and laying track.
ment, important coal deposits had D. & E. P. Ry. are 'saying nothing, By the summer of 1899, Eddy's road
been discovered at The Oaks; but for but are sawing wood.' Must have had been completed to White Oaks

Junction — only an hour's travel by schoolhousc. but its play yard was there was Big Talk of a railroad soon
team and wagon from the mining camp choked with weeds, and many a year to come, and even the lowliest miner
farther up the canyon—and the city had passed since its bell had sum- trod the sidewalks with gold in his
fathers were perfecting plans to wel- moned classes. pocket and his head in the clouds.
come the road's arrival with stirring In the entire town there was not
band music and patriotic oratory. one operative business house, save a
There was only one fly in the oint- little fourth-class postoffice that still
ment — an annoying and persistent
rumor that the road would never be
continued on to White Oaks, but would
served the few remaining residents
and nearby ranchers.
Somewhere along this deserted street
MardKock Shorty
veer off toward Capitan, where Eddy once had stood the Little Casino where
was heavily interested in the Salado "Madame Varnish" had dealt faro and of
coal field. practiced the slick ways that inspired
Seeking to forestall any such digres-
sion, White Oaks' 2000 citizens prof-
her nickname. Here Billy the Kid had
swaggered. The lanky sheriff, Pat Gar-
fered a juicy subsidy. Were the line
completed to White Oaks, as originally
rett, had pursued criminals and made
campaign speeches, and all the griefs Valley
scheduled, the town agreed to give the and triumphs of life had been experi-
company 40 acres of land for termin- enced.
als, nine miles of cost-free right-of-way, And now, only emptiness and lone- "Nope! I ain't never heerd of
and an outright payment of $50,000 liness and a great and abiding peace no pizen springs in Death Val-
in cash. remained. ley," Hard Rock Shorty was tell-
But Charles B. Eddy was no longer Our introduction to White Oaks ing the visitor who had stopped
interested in White Oaks, its poten- had taken place in the autumn of 1950. for gas at Inferno store, "but
tialities, or its subsidies. The line One year later, in October, 1951. we they s some mineral springs down
never came any closer. were again in Carrizozo; and because in the south end o' the valley.
After fighting for 20 years for a we felt a strange sort of pull toward "One o' them springs has soda
railroad, only to have it snatched from the old ghost town in the mountains, water jes like you buy in bottles,
their grasp when five or six miles from we once more set forth on the rocky only it don't have none o' that
the heart of town, the people of White road to White Oaks. fancy flavorin'. Then they's an-
Oaks beizan to wonder. Why had We found Dave Jackson still busy other spring that smells like am-
Eddy deserted White Oaks? Could it enough for any two men. He appeared monia, and it freezes everything
be that the camp was through, washed not a day older; his infectious grin yu put in it. They's some salt
up. and Eddy knew it? It was not a still was as good as a tonic, and the springs where the water tastes
reassuring thought; but try as a man little cabin where he and Mrs. Jack- like it cum from the ocean, an'
would to put it out of his mind, it still son have lived for so many years, was hot springs where yu can boil
nagged. Maybe it would be better to still spotlessly clean and welling with eggs.
take a small loss and "get out from hospitality. All this was the way we
under" than to hang on and wait for had remembered it; the way we had "But the spring yu want to
the bust-up. hoped to find it. keep away from is that alum
And so the exodus began. Mines Elsewhere in the town, however, spring over in the Panamints.
began closing. Merchants sold their big changes were taking place. Where That water really is bad. None
stores and shops. Laboring men and the handsome Hewitt Block had stood o" the wild animals'll drink ii.
their families moved to more promis- a year before, now remained only I lost a good team o' mules on
ing districts. Buildings fell into disre- shattered stone and broken plaster. account o' that spring. That was
pair. The wrecking crew was already eying back in '96 when I wuz freightin'
The town deteriorated rapidly — its next target, a short distance down fer one of the borax outfits.
although not nearly so fast as it had the street. "Work got a little slack so T
grown, 20 years before. Soon all that All building stone and brick and took one o' my teams and drove
remained was a handful of its staunch- salvagable timbers were being taken my buckboard up into the Pana-
est supporters — among them, our to a ranch near Tularosa for re-use, mints fer a few days o' prospec-
chance-met friend of the cemetery, explained our friend Dave. tin'. Camped by a little sprina
Dave Jackson. "Yep," he said, "they're pulling the an" watered my mules that night.
"I don't know," he reminisced. foundations right out from under us An' the next morning all I had
"Maybe we expected the old camp to —but there are a few of us who'll stick in place o' them mules wuz a
come back—maybe we just liked it as to White Oaks as long as there's a couple of shriveled up jugheads
a place to live." foot of ground for us to stand on!" about the size o' burros.
Leaving the cemetery, we proceeded Heading back toward Carrizozo in "I wuz sittin' there on a rock
on up town, there to wander through the late afternoon, we left Dave Jack- tryin' to figger out how them
the deserted streets and try to recap- son standing in the yard of his little moth-eaten burros got substi-
ture the scene as Dave pictured it for home, his gaze fixed on the street above tuted fer my good team o' mules
us. Our way took us past the Hewitt where a stout old stone wall was re- when another prospector come
block, a splendid structure of beauti- luctantly yielding to the battering of along and warned me: 'Don't
fully-dressed stone. Not far distant human termites. At least, he appeared drink none o' that water." he sez.
stood another two-story building which to be looking at the wall—but I'm in- 'It's alum water — shrivels up
formerly had housed the postoffice. clined to believe that he was looking everything what drinks it. Few
Elsewhere over the townsite were scat- a long way beyond it; beyond even the drinks o" that water an' them
tered a number of smaller stone struc- wrecking crew. burros yu got over there'd be no
tures, a few crumbling adobes, some I'd like to think that once again he bigger'n jaekrabbits.'"
frame buildings with false fronts. was seeing that street when its build-
Across the ravine stood a fine large ings were new and splendid; when

Cabot Yerxa's Old Indian Pueblo in Desert Hot Springs, California. The sprawling
many-tiered structure is naturally air conditioned by a unique system of vents and
shafts built into the walls.

Cabot Yerxa's Crazy House

By GEORGE M. ROY tain ranges, temporary shacks were
Photos by Field Studios, Riverside Salvage, hard work and erected to house the workmen. All
dreams—those are the ingredi- the re-useable material from these
IS sharply divided as to ents of Cabot Yerxa's Old In- found its way—board by board and
the merits of his project, but dian Pueblo at Desert Hot load by load in an ancient Model T
upon one point everyone is fully Springs, California. The pueblo Ford — to the Yerxa project. Tele-
agreed: Cabot Yerxa's Old Indian is a fantastic accumulation of graph poles from the old Los Angeles
Pueblo is like nothing else ever seen old railroad ties, discarded tele- to Yuma line, railroad ties from the
in the desert country. graph poles, planks from de- route abandoned when the Salton Sea
This four-story, 31-room Hopi style serted homestead shacks and flooded and inundated portions of the
structure — with no two rooms on logs retrieved from flooded roadbed or from more recent replace-
quite the same floor level—lies at the canyon streams—held together ment projects along the line, logs
mouth of a little desert canyon, bridg- with cement, adobe and thou- washed down from the slopes of Mt.
ing the dry streambed and sprawling sands of straightened out sec- San Jacinto in summer cloudbursts—
up both sides of the canyon walls. It ond-hand nails. Here is the all these and innumerable other sal-
is located on the extreme outskirts of story of a unique construction vage activities contributed richly to
Desert Hot Springs, a small health project and of the man who Operation Pueblo. Thousands of bent
resort on the Colorado Desert a few made a dream come true. nails from demolished shacks were
miles north of Palm Springs, Califor- carefully straightened to hold boards
nia. together.
The first reaction upon viewing the health, has abundant energy, keeps
startling accumulation of rooms, wings physically and mentally busy for long Wherever possible, Cabot found old,
and stories is one of utter amazement. hours each day and knows the thrill well-aged lumber for his building.
It is an incredible structure. "Now of achievement. When it was necessary to use new
I've seen everything!" is the usual A large part of the ground portion lumber, he stained it to make it ap-
comment. of the Pueblo is of adobe—solid, sub- pear old and seasoned. With tele-
stantial, blending into the desert land- graph poles for rafters and floor joists
Its creator, Cabot Yerxa, smiles scape with admirable grace. He has
tolerantly at unkind remarks frequently and railroad ties for wall studs, the
made skillful use of outside plaster to structure will stand a long while, and
overheard, and his face lights up with give the 'dobe walls an ancient look.
pleasure when someone shows an in- it is reasonably earthquake proof.
But by far the greater portion of his Outside walls have been stuccoed,
terest in his self-appointed project. structure is of frame stucco construc-
Nearing 70, he has devoted the past some with only a preliminary coat,
tion. others with two coats, an occasional
ten years to building his Pueblo, and For ten years Cabot has been scour-
he estimates it will require another ten the desert for aged timbers and boards. one is smoothly finished. The total
years to complete it. He plans with When the Metropolitan Aqueduct was outside impression suggests that a
the zest of youth, enjoys tolerable tunneled through the adjacent moun- hundred or more plasterers suddenly

stopped work to retire to their dinner little trading post was the only build- fornia, under appointment of Theo-
pails. ing in an endless expanse of prairie dore Roosevelt, was a deputy sheriff in
But the huge ungainly structure's 16 miles south of the Canadian border.Idaho and a reporter on a California
really unique and notable feature is As a small child, Cabot used to see newspaper.
its wholly natural air conditioning. No and talk to Sitting Bull, Short Bull, With his family, Yerxa settled in
unsightly desert coolers swarm about American Horse and other famous California in 1902. He took a posi-
the various roofs. No expensive re- chiefs. Cabot never forgot the Indians.tion as under-secretary to Henry Hunt-
frigeration units are required. By a When he was 16 years old. Cabot ington, the railroad tycoon, but soon
unique system of vents and shafts ran away from home. He became in- tired of clerical work and decided to
built into the walls—and looking like volved in the Alaska gold rush and for become a painter. In 1905 he was
unfinished corners or missing boards two years drove a dog team at Cape studying art in Los Angeles' first art
—there is maintained throughout the Nome, later a four-horse stage from school—with Hanson Putoff, Anthony
Pueblo a constant, even temperature. Cape Nome to Teller. For several Anderson and others in a class of five.
There isn't a single cubicle in all that months he lived among the Eskimos Then he went to Europe for a year.
sturdy pile that isn't delightfully cool and learned to speak their language. With a 20-pound pack on his back,
even on the hottest desert day. Like the Indians, he ate seal blubber he walked across England. Ireland and
Wales, the Isles of Guernsey and Jer-
That Yerxa should have turned to to survive. sey. He studied art in Paris at the
the Indian motif for his private castle In 1895. he spent three magic days Julienne Art School.
is understandable. He was born in in the famed castle of Chapultepec In 1912, the Yerxa family bought
Sioux country, the first white child in as the guest of Mexico's President a California orange ranch at Arling-
all that part of North Dakota. His Porfirio Diaz. He served for a time ton, near Riverside. That winter, one
father was an Indian trader, and the as postmaster of Sierra Madre. Cali- of the most severe in Southern Cali-
fornia, the oranges were wiped out by
Cabot Yerxa has been ten years building his pueblo castle in a desert can- frost, and with them the Yerxa for-
yon near Paint Springs, California. He estimates it will be another decade tune of approximately $80,000. Cabot
before it is finished. went to work digging ditches with
Mexican and Negro laborers for 25
cents an hour. Finding no satisfaction
in this job, he drifted to the desert
country and, in October 1913. filed on
160 acres of raw desert land near what
later was to become Desert Hot
Springs. In 100.000 acres of arid
country there were perhaps a dozen
families at that time.
Cabot chose a low desert hill for
his home. He built a 10x12 foot stone
house which he dubbed "Eagle's Nest."
It still is standing—the first permanent
house north of the railroad.
The hill he named "Miracle Hill,"
for it contained both desert sand and
fine agricultural soil and red and blue
clay. Later it was discovered that on
one side of the hill was hot water, on
the other side, cold water.
At first Cabot hauled water from
Garnet, seven miles away. Cement
and other building materials he also
carried by back pack and then on a
burro named "Merry Christmas." With
one round trip a day. seven miles each
way. it took him all winter to build
his home. Fired of hauling water, he
dug a well near his place, and when
he brought it in he found the water to
be 127 degrees. He named it Dis-
covery Well, and it was the beginning
of what now is the health resort of
Desert Hot Springs.
Visiting one day in Palm Springs
with Carl Eytel. early desert painter,
Yerxa was told by an Indian where
to find good water close to his cabin.
He went home and discovered an old
Indian well at the foot of the hill. Its
depression still is visible beside the
road. The Cahuilla Indians, instead
of digging a shaft and lowering a

bucket to water, built a ramp so they
might walk down with their ollas and
fill them at the water's edge. This is
the only known authentic Indian well
on the north side of Coachella valley.
Lost Silver Ledge
of Santa Catarina
World War I came and he enlisted
in the army. Upon his discharge, he
returned to the desert country and
bought a store and postoffice at Fer-
tilla, a little town on the Palo Verde
mesa northwest of Blythe, California. By RANDALL HENDERSON
In 1941 Cabot returned to Desert
Hot Springs and commenced the build- HEN THE sun shines di- padres will be found on the sidewall
ing of his pueblo. He planned some- rectly through the east por- of a narrow canyon directly beneath
tal of the mission courtyard, where the sun rests in the sky, about
thing that would attract the tourists
then the silver mine of the Dominican six leagues from the mission."
who were flocking to the desert in
increasing numbers. He had sold his
original homestead and had purchased
some acreage nearby. He decided on
the Hopi architectural style and began
foraging for building materials. The
occasional sale of a painting bought
nails and cement.
With the exception of one old friend
who occasionally lends a hand to help
with the heavy work, Cabot has built
his Pueblo by himself. In it he has a
small gallery where hang his canvases
and those of other artists. There also
is a small room where picture post-
cards and other souvenirs are for sale
and where visitors may register. For
a small fee, Yerxa personally conducts
his visitors through the unique struc-
The old homesteader is getting a
kick out of life. He is happy and con-
tented. Life is full. Strangers flock
to his Pueblo, and he delights in spin-
ning yarns for their entertainment.
Whether they deride or envy him, all
are welcome. By his side is his gra-
cious wife. Mrs. Yerxa is an accom-
plished musician who won acclaim on
concert stage and lecture platform
before coming to the desert.
Together the Yerxas face the future.
They have found serenity and peace,
two vital ingredients of life sorely
needed in a restless world. And now
the tourists are providing a comfortable


U. S. Government surveyors dis-
covered in 1934 that maps gave two
names for the valley in Pima County,
Arizona, which the Papagos called
Avra, or "Big Plain." Avra was used
on some maps, and Altar on others.
It was decided to keep the old In-
dian name for the Arizona valley that
drains to the north. Waters from this
area eventually flow into the Gila
River. Altar Valley now describes the
southern part of the area, from which
waters drain southwest, eventually Eugene Albanes, Diegueno Indian who married a Pai Pai woman and
reaching the Gulf of California.—Ari- became a member of the latter tribe. He believes that somewhere to the
zona Republic. east of the old mission is a rich silver vein—but he is too old to look for it.

NOVEMBER, 1952 11
This directive, originally translated country," he remarked, as he looked age of metal, and it is believed that
from the language of the Pai Pai In- across toward the rugged eastern rim some of it was smelted by crude meth-
dians in Baja California, is very ex- of the Sierra Juarez. ods at the brick kiln near the mission.
plicit as to the location of one of the "One time," he went on, "a Mexi- Some of the plate and candlesticks
most baffling of the lost mines on the can boy herding cows saw through the used at the altar were said to have
Lower California peninsula. But de- brush the opening of a cave. But been made of it, and at least two
spite this and other clues to the loca- when he tried to enter he found the burro-loads were shipped across the
tion of the mine, said to have been opening closed with mucho madero— gulf to be forwarded to Spain.
worked in the early 1800s by Indian thick timbers. He could not enter. While considerable gold was mined
neophytes under the direction of Cath- "Later he told me about this ex- at Alamo, 16 miles away from Santa
olic fathers at Santa Catarina mission, perience, and I asked him to take me Catarina to the west, the legendary
the rich silver mine today remains a to the place. But we could not find it, silver deposit is the only important
lost treasure. and later he moved away with his strike of silver ever reported in this
It was Eugene Albanes, 70-year-old parents. No one has ever found the area.
Diegucno Indian, who first told me silver mine." Eugene Albanes believes the silver
about the lost silver of Santa Catarina. The last of the Santa Catarina mis- is there, a fabulous amount of it. But
Eugene married a Pai Pai woman sionaries were driven away and the he is too old to look for it, and the
many years ago, and has lived so long church destroyed by the Indians in other Indians in the little settlement
at the little thatched Indian village at 1840. The story which the Indian either are skeptical or they do not feel
Santa Catarina he is now regarded as tribesmen have passed down from gen- that they have much need for it. After
a Pai Pai. eration to generation is that the silver all, one eats corn and squash and beef
The mission, or what is left of it, ledge was discovered by one of the —not silver. And generally there is an
is located on the rolling plateau-like Mexican soldiers stationed here as an ample supply of food in this remote
top of the Sierra Juarez 115 miles escort for the padres on their trips to desert community.
south of the California border. outlying settlements of the natives. ONLY BUILDING'DESTROYED
Eugene and I were upon the hill This Mexican had worked in the mines Fire has destroyed virtually the only
where the mission had been con- in other parts of Mexico and when he building ever owned by the primitive
structed. All that remains of it today was sent to Santa Catarina he spent Seri Indians of Mexico. The tribe's
are the low ridges of earth and de- all his leisure time prospecting over fish cooperative building, erected in
the hills in that area. 1940, was razed this summer when a
composed bricks which mark the lines
where the walls once stood. In exca- The silver deposit which he dis- gas stove exploded. American Quakers
vating near this site recently, the In- covered showed a very high percent- are collecting funds to replace it.
dians uncovered the remains of an old
kiln where it is believed that the Domi-
nican frailes Tomas Caldellon and
Jose Llorentc, who established this
mission in 1797, had fired the bricks
CasifPmes for Photographs
used in their construction. With fluffy clouds marching across the sky, and the proper filter,
"Maybe also, they brought silver almost any subject can be made glamorous by a photographer who
here from the mine," said Eugene knows the elementary rules of good composition. While the desert is
Albanes. As he mentioned the mine noted for its sunshine, it also has many days in the fall and winter
he nodded toward the rim of the moun- season when the clouds are just right for exceptional pictures in both
tains several miles to the east.
black and white, and color. All photographers, both amateur and
professional, are invited to submit their best black and white prints in
Eugene spoke better Spanish than the Picture-of-the-Month contest conducted by the staff of Desert
English, and with my companion, Magazine.
Aries Adams, as interpreter, I ques- Entries for the November contest must be in the Desert Magazine
tioned the Indian more closely regard- office. Palm Desert, California, by November 20, and the winning prints
ing the silver mine. It was then that will appear in the January issue. Pictures which arrive too late for
he walked to the site of the mission one contest are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; second
enclosure and indicated the point prize $5.00. For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3.00
where it is believed the eastern portal each will be paid.
of the courtyard was located. Aged HERE ARE THE RULES
Indians of the tribe remember when 1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white, 5x7 or larger, printed
some of the walls were still standing, on glossy paper.
and I have every reason to believe 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and
Eugene was telling the truth when he place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour of day. etc.
stepped through an imaginary door- 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest
way, and turned facing the east and month.
said: 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert
Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures.
"When the sun came here, then the 6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the
mine was over there," and he extended desert Southwest.
his arm toward the east to the position 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made
immediately after the close of the contest each month.
where the sun would have been to
cast its rays through the doorway Address All Entries to Photo Editor
which once stood where he indicated.
Eugene was sure the mine was there,
but he explained that he was too
old to look for it. "Malpais, bad

Maud, the burro, balked when the load was too heavy, so members of the party
carried part of the camp outfit on their backs. Photo taken near Mountain Springs,
on the grade below Jacumba.

Desert Trek in 1904

There are many old-timers in Southern California who have a vivid breakneck gallop, rounding sharp turns
recollection of the Colorado desert in 1904. and of the rocky Devil's along the edge of dizzy precipices
Canyon road by which Imperial Valley was reached from San Diego where the least misstep would have
at that time. One of these desert veterans is E. A. Brininstool, who is now plunged the whole outfit hundreds of
living in Los Angeles. Recently he gave the Desert Magazine permis- feet into the deep canyon below. For-
sion to reprint the following narrative which he wrote for Outdoor Life tunately we met with no mishaps en
magazine for one of its 1908 editions. route, and enjoyed the hair-raising ex-
By E. A. BRININSTOOL perience, which, according to our
Map by Norton Allen driver, was "to his likin', as there
Photographs from C. C. Pierce collection wasn't any skeery wimmen along to
screech an' raise thunder at his keer-
T WAS November 30, 1904, that fired our ambition to seek for that par- less drivin'!" We were continually
the writer, in company with Ar- ticular spot in the desert where these flushing immense coveys of quail
thur J. Burdick, the well-known wonderful stone formations abounded. which would merely rise and fly a short
author; C. C. Pierce, an expert pho- Incidentally, we sought for and found distance, then settle to the ground and
tographer, and two other companions, it—but of that later. scuttle for the sagebrush within easy
all of Los Angeles, made a ten days' Our stage ride from San Diego to gunshot.
tramp upon the Colorado desert, start- Campo was full of interest. Day was It was long after dark when Campo
ing from Campo, 60 miles east of San just beginning to break when the four- was reached. A store and an excellent
Diego along the Mexican border (to horse stage-coach rattled up to the hotel (for a mountain region) are
which point we journeyed by stage) hotel and "All aboard!" from the about all there is to Campo proper.
to Imperial, thence back to Los Ange- driver brought us out with our packs, We had expected to find pack bur-
les over the Southern Pacific railroad. rifles, cameras and a big box of pro- ros at Campo, but there was not an
At San Diego we had been told visions. Stowing ourselves away, we animal in the whole settlement, and
some wonderful stories of a volcanic were off on our all-day's ride up over it looked as if we would have to play
region in the desert where we could the mountains. pack animal ourselves.
find some remarkable specimens. "A Three changes of horses were made
mountain of petrified oyster shells," on the drive. The country is so moun- "Wait till morning," suggested the
one newspaper man told us, "and a tainous and the roads so rough that storekeeper. "They's a band of those
place near it where you can pick up an ordinary horse would go to pieces Mission Indians camped up the road
stone dumbbells and cannon-balls from on the trip, but the sure-footed horses a piece. They've got some burros and
the size of your fist to specimens as driven by our skillful ribbon-handler you'll probably be able to make a
large as a water-bucket, all as round took us over the road at a lively clip, dicker with them for one."
as a dollar." We were shown some going down some of the grades on the Around the big fireplace in Land-
specimens of the oyster shells. This other side of the numerous divides at lord Davis' living room, after a most

NOVEMBER, 1952 13
eastward for the desert country nearly
25 miles beyond Campo. It was a
beautiful day. cool and pleasant, the
walking was excellent and we were all
in high spirits. Noon found us three
miles on our way. when, coming to an
abandoned cabin near the trail, vve
stopped for our first meal over a
campfire, which was made outside,
using some Hat stones for a fireplace.
"Maud" (the name given to our burro
by Burdick, although "she" was a
gentleman burro) was turned loose
to browse on the stubby sagebrush
while we were eating.
As we were about to pack up and
move on, we heard a hail from ihe
roadside: "Guess you fellers left a
couple o' canteens behind ye at Campo.
Campo store in December, 1904. Storekeeper said I'd prob'ly overtake
ye!" The stranger grinned good-na-
bountiful supper, we were regaled with As none of us was conversant with turedly. He was tall, spare, a typical
stories of the early days in Campo Spanish we were glad of Agard's offer, westerner, and had done us a good
when it was one of the wildest and and three of us went along, leaving service. With two canteens short we
vvooliest settlements along the border. the others to take photographs of should have indeed been in trouble
Within but a mile or so of the Mexican Campo and its surroundings. when we entered the desert region.
line, it was a rendezvous for desperate We were just in time. From a little The stranger informed us that his
characters, white as well as Indian bunch of live oaks a couple of bucks name was Johnson—"Nephy of ol'
and Mexican. The old stone store were leading two burros. One of the President Andy Johnson"—and that
shown in the illustration was the hang- Indians was a weazen-faced, mummi- he was en route from Otay to Imperial.
ing-out place for all. Twenty years fied-looking old chap whose feet were Mr. Johnson hinted that he would
ago, when Old Man Gaskell was the bare, and whose clothing consisted of like to camp with us along the route.
proprietor, there was many a lively a pair of tattered overalls and a dirty He had but a single horse with a
gun fight within its walls. Gaskell was shirt open at the breast. Notwithstand- heavy load and could travel no faster
a terror in a scrap, and behind his ing the fact that the weather was so than we were going. We informed Mr.
counters, in handy places, he kept a cool that we shivered beneath our Johnson that his company would be
score or more revolvers, loaded and heavy clothing, the aged son of the most agreeable, and the old fellow
ready for any emergency. The walls desert appeared comfortable in his never lost sight of us until we bade
of the building, four feet thick, made scant attire. him good-bye on the banks of New
of the boulders which cover the moun- River near Silsbee several days later.
Agard picked out the likeliest-look- But about 5 o'clock in the morning
tain sides about Campo, were loop- ing burro. He pointed toward it and
holed so as to command views from a heavy fog enveloped us and began
asked "Quanta?" to drizzle down. Daylight found things
all sides. We had expected to pay about $5 in no better condition, and our blank-
As our long ride had tired us, we for a burro and pack saddle, and were ets were soaked completely through by
soon sought the comfortable beds rather abashed when the Indian, after the heavy mist. Wet and shivering, we
which Landlord Davis provided for his a moment of silence, replied, "Ocho cowered under the rocks and ate break-
guests, and the last sounds we heard pesos" ($8). fast off Burdick's waterproof canvas
were the strains of music ground out Of course Agard expostulated with blanket-covering, in which little pools
by a sleepy-eyed Mexican in the dance great vehemence at such fancy figures of water would gather and trickle over
hall over the store. for a burro, whose commercial value bread, butter and all other eatables.
We were astir at daylight, the prime on the Campo market is about one- The fog grew more dense and was
movement of the day being the solu- fourth that figure, but expostulation soon so thick that objects a hundred
tion of the burro problem. At the was in vain. The Indian saw that we yards away could not be distinguished.
stone store we were introduced to one wanted a burro, and "tacked it on" and we could only guess at the num-
of the government Chinese inspectors accordingly. Agard offered $5, $6 and ber of miles away that our burro might
or line riders, Agard by name. These $7 at brief intervals, in vain. It was be. There was only one thing to do
riders patrol the border, watching for ocho pesos or no burro, and finally in and that was for all hands to turn out
Chinese who attempt to enter the state disgust Agard paid over the money, and scour the country for the animal,
illegally from Mexico. They ride fleet and the burro was our property. which might be within a stone's throw
horses, go heavily armed and arc alert, It was after 1 1 o'clock when we of the camp or hitting the trail back
active, cool and courageous fellows. shook hands with Agard and the toward Campo. We scattered through
A few weeks previously Agard had ar- storekeeper, both of whom had proved the sagebrush, heavy with the light
rested in the mountains two gangs of friends in a time of need. rain, and soon were wet to the skin.
Chinese who were attempting to "Let me give you one pointer," said Up and down we tramped, and at last,
smuggle themselves across the line. Agard, as he said good-bye: "When after an hour's search, Burdick found
There were eleven in one gang and you get to Jacumba, look out for Mrs. the little beast, half a mile up the trail,
fourteen in the other. Foster. She'll be so glad to see you comfortably ensconced beneath a big
"Those Indians are still up the that she'll hold you all day while she oak tree, hobnobbing with several
road," said Agard, "and if you fellows talks." head of cattle which had sought shel-
want a burro I'll go along up and help Then turning our backs on the last ter under the same friendly branches.
you make the dicker." signs of real civilization we started


Members of the party gathered these sandstone concretions in the Yuha basin
during the hour they stopped there for lunch.
It was long past the noon hour Standing in the ranch house door we fresh, hot bread to sell, only 10 cents
when we came in sight of Jacumba discerned a woman of portly appear- a loaf. Come in! Come in!" She rat-
and Foster's ranch. The house itself ance who, upon catching sight of us, tled off the words like a lawn-mower
is a low stone structure with a straw- hastened out to meet us, with "How cutting grass.
thatched roof and an arrow-weed are you, gentlemen? Where you from? There was no need to ask if this
ramada extending across the front. Where you going? I've got some nice, was Mrs. Foster. She answered Ag-
Oyster shells in Yuha basin. Desert Magazine issue of May, 1940, carried more
complete story about the Yuha fossil beds.

NOVEMBER, 1952 15
get in out of the rain for the night."
We had barely time to reach the
old shack which Burdick had chosen
before the rain was coming down in a
fairly respectable shower (for a desert
O N COYOTE. SUPERSTITION ADO 5I6NAL MTS., country). The shanty Burdick had
SAME YUHA OVSTER 8E0S OCCUR. \ selected had no fireplace, but cur
friend Johnson had a portable camp-
stove in his wagon, which was carried
inside, and we felt that we were ready
13.6 M ILES to bid defiance to even a Kansas bliz-
U.S. HV. 80 ui 3.5/ii. TO EL C ENTRO zard. But the crazy old shanty had not
S.D. & A. R.R. / ~ been battened, and there were great
cracks in the floor and sides through
SIT SPEEDOMETER which the keen wind whistled in a most
AT ZERO uncomfortable manner. The only wood
available was the green sagebrush, with
a few pieces of pine which we found
inside the shanty, and it was no small
1.0 trick to keep the fire going with the
wet sagebrush. However, we man-
V u ti A 1.2. aged to get supper and tried to dry
our blankets a little, but with poor
success, and we finally gave it up and
A spread them out on the floor, to snatch
what rest we could. I was appointed
fireman for the night, and although 1
slept wrapped in a heavy ulster and
two blankets, with my back fairly
against the stove door, and kept the
little sheet-iron affair crammed with
wood, I shivered all night long. It was
° YUHA DRILL HOLE about the most uncomfortable night
0.4 (FROM DHIU HOLE) I passed on the whole trip. The rain
ceased before morning, and at day-
ROCK CAIRN light the sun shed its genial warmth
over the earth and we traveled that
%OCE OF OYSTERS day in comfort.
TO COYOTE II - W - •- . , We were now on the last stretch of
DWELLS :^Ji c.yz\..\A-Xu mountain travel before crossing the
divide and descending into the desert.
v u.. Mountain Springs, the next watering
DE ANZA'S CAMP place beyond Foster's ranch, was pur-
ported to be nine miles from the cabin
in which we had passed the night, and
the trail from the cabin was a gradual
rise. Up, up, we clambered, through
a wilderness of rocks and giant boul-
ders, cacti and sagebrush, and about
10 o'clock the divide was reached—
and the broad expanse of the great
The Yuha plain is below sea level in Imperial Valley. Juan Bautista de Colorado desert lay spread before us,
Anza and his expedition camped at Yuha spring in the winter of 1775. a boundless, seemingly endless stretch
of barren desolation, upon which for
ard's description perfectly, and while load and had lain down in the trail 150 miles to the right and left we could
we rested under the ramada, waiting repeatedly, necessitating several halts gaze without discerning a single sign
for the others of the party to appear, for breathing spells. Old Man John- of civilization, although we knew that
she bustled about asking more ques- son had long since arrived, eaten his Imperial, Brawley, Silsbee and other
tions and bringing out hot bread and lunch and was waiting to see what we recently-started desert towns were
syrup. intended to do about camping for the within its borders but too far away to
Foster's ranch is within a quarter night. It was a cheerless outlook. The be seen with the naked eye. The
of a mile of the Mexican line. One heavy mist had now turned into a Superstition Mountains, one of our
section of barbed wire fence runs drizzling rain and steadily increased objective points, we easily picked out.
within forty feet of Mexico, and Mrs. in volume, while the wind was blow- from the descriptions furnished us. by
Foster took pains to inform us that ing a small-sized gale, and it looked as their long, low appearance and the
when we came to that particular piece if we were doomed to spend a most sand dunes surrounding them.
of fence to walk "out around it so's uncomfortable night. Mountain Spriims was reached
to say you've been in Mexico." Finally Mrs. Foster remarked: shortly after I 1 o'clock and a rest of
It was 3 o'clock when Maud and "There's a couple of old abandoned an hour and a half taken to prepare
our companions appeared. The burro shacks down the trail about four miles. us for the tedious pull down through
had stubbornly refused to carry the You'd better hike for one of them and Devil's Canyon and its twelve miles of
Maud and the author. Superstition Mountains of California in the background.

sand. ''You'll get all you want, going canic neighborhood one of the party raced to the spot and stood with
throug;h Devil's Canyon!" we had been picked up a small stone nearly as clear mouths agape at the sight. There were
told. as glass. A lapidary at Los Angeles the oyster shells, plainly enough, a
Travel was slow through the canyon, who later examined it pronounced it large mound of them. The hill, which
as it was a hard pull for both man and a white topaz, worth when polished was strewn with nothing else, was
beast, and darkness found us several not less than $60. There are doubt- perhaps 20 feet in height and 50 in
miles from Coyote Wells. A hasty less gems of considerable value to be circumference, and shells from the
lunch was swallowed, the packs were found here by a careful and system- size of a dollar to those the size of a
loosened and a liberal allowance of atic search. man's two hands covered the mound.
grain given the burro, after which the A mile's travel over the trail brought All were petrified, and, of course, de-
march was resumed. us in sight of the oil well. Work had posited there centuries before when the
Coyote Wells is well named. Hardly been suspended in drilling, but an old waters of the ocean covered the des-
had we unpacked before the coyotes grizzled chap who solemnly informed ert. There were undoubtedly other
began to serenade us from the sur- us that his name was Billy, kept guard, mounds of them, but we did not dis-
rounding sand dunes. Their screechy, with two fierce dogs, over the prop- cover the particular mountain of which
melancholy wail resounded until it erty. we had heard at San Diego, purported
seemed as if all the clans of the des- When asked regarding the oyster to be 300 feet high, although the ex-
ert had assembled to give us an eve- shell mountain the old man shook his istence of this smaller mound proves
ning concert. head. He had never heard of any such that the story is not without founda-
spot; but as the country was full of tion.
The sagebrush had been grubbed
off by former travelers for a radius of interesting geological formations an We were loath to leave the section,
500 yards, and the only wood obtain- oyster shell mountain was not improb- as strange sights were visible every-
able was found by digging in the sand able. We ate a hasty dinner and then where, but we were limited in time
dunes for the roots of dead mesquite. while one drove the burro along the and reluctantly turned our faces to-
It was only after the most laborious trail the others scattered out to search ward New River. The volcanic region
work that we obtained enough of the for the oyster shell mountain. The was soon left behind, and we were
roots to boil our coffee. A hard bed country here took on a different aspect once again traveling through sagebrush
on the sand came next, and we were from that a mile or two back. The and sand. About 4 o'clock we could
lulled to sleep by the wailing notes of work of erosion was here displayed on observe a long row of mesquites in the
the coyotes. every hand; the action of wind and distance, indicating that New River
The much-talked-of Oyster Shell sand forming some of the oddest and was close at hand, and the cheery light
Mountain was the next important point most fantastic shapes of the rocks that of the campfire in a grove of mesquites
of interest we intended searching for. can be conceived. Indeed one cannot on the river bank was a welcome sight
The only directions we had to go by by words picture the scene. Stone an hour later.
were that the phenomenon was situ- dumb-bells, perfect in shape; stone New River* is merely the overflow
ated between Coyote Wells and New cannon-balls of all sizes; rocks as of the great Colorado and was the
River, about a mile and a half off the round as a dollar, where with a hatchet source from which Imperial Valley
main road near the Yuha oil well. one can chip off regular dinner plates settlers got most of their water before
Two hours' travel brought us to a a quarter of an inch thick and fifteen their canal to the river was completed.
trail leading off the main one, and inches in diameter; rocks which at a The stream is muddy, yet the water is
which, we discovered by consulting distance resemble a cabbage patch; not bad for cooking and drinking if
our road map, was the trail to the others the shape of deer's horns and allowed to settle before using.
Yuha oil well. Accordingly we struck branches of coral; queer cup-shaped
and bowl-shaped formations; others Imperial Valley was our destina-
off in this direction, and soon were tion, and after a brief excursion to the
entering a region which was clearly like fantastic hanging baskets; forma-
tions so grotesque and unique as to Superstition Mountains on the west,
volcanic. Not a shrub or bush of any we gave our faithful Maud to a rancher
kind was growing in this section, and defy description. One could tarry a
the nature of the ground showed that week in this fascinating spot and pick in payment for a buggy ride to the
centuries before the spouting of some up enough curios to stock a house town of Imperial where we caught the
great volcano had thrown about the from cellar to garret. Southern Pacific train for Los Angeles.
place the lava and stones which were Presently a shout from two of the *A year after this was written the Colorado
strewn there. The ground was covered party attracted the attention of the River broke through and for nearly three
with vari-colored stones, most of them years the entire stream followed the New
others. "Here's your oyster shell River and Alamo channels to form Saiton
smaller than one's fist and in this vol- mountain!" they fairly shrieked. We Sea.

NOVEMBER, 1952 17

As the embryo sends out its first green shoot and the seed leaves appear they lift
with them the shell in which they nestled. Several weeks later, after lite foliage
leaves begin to appear the shell is dropped.

A Pinyon is Born . . . .

stem about one inch long and one-eighth inch thick.

7 HOSE PIN YON trees which add so much beauty
to the arid hills of the Southwest, have you ever
wondered how they were born?
There were eight seed leaves, their tips imprisoned within
the uplifted shell.
It took two more days for the stem, struggling under
The best way to observe the birth of a tree is to plant
seeds where you can keep close watch on them—and its burden of seed leaves and nearly empty shell, to stand
Pinyon lends itself especially well to an observation proj- about vertical. Then a new stem with foliage leaves
ect of this kind. The size of the embryo makes it possible pushed up from between two of the seed leaves.
to see without a magnifying glass what a Pinyon tree The new stem, bluegreen like the foliage, grew to a
looks like before it is born. height of one inch, and more leaves came out. The stem
below the seed leaves turned brown; the seed leaves drijd
To see the tiny germ of life as Nature created it. re- up. The rudimentary plant which had begun its life within
move the seed's shell and then carefully cut lengthwise the seed had passed through various stages of birth and
into the fleshy tissue until you can break it open and lift was now a baby tree nearly three inches tall. It was many
out the embryo. At the upper end of this tiny rudimentary weeks before the shell dropped off.
plant are the seed leaves, which may be counted. The
large part below the seed leaves is the hypocotyl. At its And here is one of the intriguing things about tie
tip, surrounded by the bases of the seed leaves, is the bud Pinyons. Each of the four species bears its own typical
or growing point from which the first foliage comes. number of leaves in a bundle: the Single-leaf Pinycn.
Pinus monophylla, one in a "bundle"; the Rocky Moun-
The difficulties confronting the embryo plant in emerg- tain Pinyon, Pinus edidis, two in a bundle; the Mexican
ing from the shell often make the birth process very hard. Pinyon, Pinus cembroides, three in a bundle; the Parry
One of my Single-leaf Pinyon seeds was planted August Pinyon, Pinus parryana, four in a bundle. However, this
17 in a box which I kept in the house, but it was not until rule of "One, two, three, four" is not rigidly kept, so look
the 19th of September that I saw a speck of green above for some variation.
the earth. The next day a small arch, formed by the Just as interesting, though not so easily observed, are
elongating of the embryo's hypocotyl. appeared. Two tree births in the forest, so go out among the Pinyons in
days later this arch was a little larger and the bases of the the spring when trees are being born and note some of
seed leaves could be seen. the difficulties they have to overcome in their natural
During the next five days the arch continued to grow habitat. Then visit the baby trees from time to time.
higher and I watched eagerly to see whether the shell Better yet, keep track of them from year to year, for t le
would be lifted up with the seed leaves. In five more days Pinyon tree is a fascinating study throimh all the years of
the arch had become a partly-straightened grayish-green its life.

Even the old-timers sometimes get lost on the desert—
and here is the experience of two who were rescued
just when they had given up hope. This was one of
the winning stories in Desert Magazine's Liie-on-the-
By RUFUS D. JOHNSON Desert contest.
1 was a youngster in the of St. George and the road at that We finally reached the shoulder of
early '90s I would climb to time was a thing to try a man's soul. Mt. Dellenbaugh, then climbed the
the top of Sugar Loaf Moun- On one stretch Ellis noted that we steep slope to the top. The distance
tain overlooking St. George and the crossed one deep wash 31 times and was not great but it seemed to be quite
Virgin River of Utah, and gaze won- the going was slow all the way. The a chore in the intense heat. Ben was
denngly across the vast distances that flora of the region proved disappoint- bothered by a heart condition and I
extended southward to the Colorado ing. The plant cover was profuse in had recently been in a hospital with
River. general but there were too many of an ulcer so both of us were in poor
To me it was a land of mystery, the same things, not the variety we shape for strenuous exercise.
tinged with a suggestion of the sinister. had anticipated. As we climbed onto We rested at the summit on what
For it was from out in that region — the plateau from the valley of the Vir- was undoubtedly a man-made fortifi-
known today as the Arizona "strip"— gin, a species of Escholtzia was ob- cation of some sort, rocks set into
that raiding Indians had on more than served, the first time I had ever seen wall-like positions that seemed to in-
one occasion threatened the security the California poppy growing wild. In dicate purposes of defense. Interest-
of our southern Utah communities. that dry country the plants were only ing plants were few but the view out
Indeed, I could look down and see the a few inches high, but the corollas, across the Grand Canyon area was
black volcanic ridge where a posse though small, were perfect. Patches of magnificent. Although we were but
from St. George had intercepted a verbenas brightened the gray land- a few miles from Mokiak there was
raiding party after a foray on Pine scape and a gay little Gaillardia that I no sign of the ranch house as we
Valley settlement to the north and had had never seen before, flourished. On looked back in the direction whence
killed 11 of the redskins and recovered Poverty Mountain we found penste- we had come, over the corrugated ter-
the cattle which the Indians were en- mons of the fir-leaf type, probably P. rain verdant with the fresh green of
deavoring to drive across the Colo- coloradoensis. countless junipers.
rado River. The only human habitation we met As it was close to midday we ate
At another time the warring tribes- in all that vast expanse was a single our sandwiches and had a drink from
men had killed Dr. Whitmore and house at Wolfhole, tenanted by a lone our meagre water supply which we had
Brother Mclntyre at Pipe Springs. woman who had the most frightened refrained from using until we were
Also, that hazy distant region was the eyes I have ever looked into. Her ready to return to camp. About four
home of old Toab (Toe-ab) the Shiv- husband was out on the range. Here ounces remained of the quart and this
wits Indian whose periodic appear- the road divides, one branch heading by the law of share alike was mine.
ances in the streets of St. George would eastward to the Trumbull country, the
cause us children to scamper back to Also I retained the cracker box with
other southward toward Grand Wash. its bright red cover, for possible use
the safety of our own back yards. It We turned left from the latter road to
was said that Toab had been the leader in holding any plants I might wish to
reach Mokiak Ranch which we found
of the band which killed three mem- dig. Descending to the shoulder we
nestling in an arroyo on the fringe of
bers of Major Powell's Colorado River the ponderosa pine belt and surrounded plunged into the bush again, heading
expedition after they had climbed out by an incredible number of junipers. in the direction we supposed the ranch
of the gorge at the place known later These are known locally as "cedars." to be. After a couple of hours trudg-
as Separation Rapids. (/. utahensis) We pitched our tent ing up and down the ridges in the
under a tall ponderosa and we elders afternoon heat we became painfully
I longed for the time when I would
had a good rest while Ellis enjoyed aware that we had missed our bearings.
grow up, and could join the cowboys
who were constantly riding in from himself riding a cowpony which one The scant landmarks we thought we
the "strip," and become better ac- of the hands had provided. had noted utterly failed us. Nothing
quainted with the region which was looked the same. Endless miles of ar-
Early next morning Ben and I set royo and ridge, pines, cedars and
their home—a region with such allur- out on a botanical ramble, taking along
ing place names as Trumbull, Para- a few sandwiches in a soda cracker brush. We were so deeply embowered
shaunt, Wolfhole, Canaan and Toro- box. Since we intended to return by that we could rarely see the horizon.
weap. mid-afternoon we carried but a single By now we realized that we were lost.
quart canteen of water. All afternoon we tramped, hoping
Later, circumstances took me away
from Southern Utah and it was not each rise would show us the welcome
Mt. Dellenbaugh is not high from signs of camp. Now we were extremely
until June, 1927, that I had a chance the plateau side and we decided to go
to realize my boyhood dreams. My thirsty and infinitely tired. At one
to the summit. As we progressed to- point I climbed high up in a dead
brother, the late Judge Ben Johnson ward the base we found the brush and
of Salt Lake City, whose hobby was Ponderosa from whence I could see
juniper covered terrain a continuous
botany, wished to make a trip into my the mountain and far to what I took to
succession of arroyos like a gigantic
land of mystery to look over the plant washboard. All up and down, in and be north I could see the gleam of one
life there. When he received an invi- out, over and across were cattle trails, of those muddy dammed up stock
tation from John Stutznegger of St. some faint, others quite prominent until watering holes. That was a bit cheer-
George to visit him at the Mokiak they slowly petered out among the ing, but there was no sign of the
Ranch near the base of Mt. Dellen- rocks. When we were on the ridges ranch.
baugh on the Shivwits Plateau he we could look around the country to We had followed many cattle trails
accepted it at once. I offered the use far distances, then as we went down during the day, but each would invari-
of my Model T and accompanied him the view would be blotted out until ably fade out into many faint trails
with my 16-year-old son Ellis. we topped the next divide. Unutter- leading nowhere. Late in the after-
Mokiak Ranch lies 80 miles south able sameness, all very confusing. noon we struck one that was much

NOVEMBER, 1952 19
larger than any we had seen and Ben cook had a big pot of hot tea ready, could be lost. Around midnight Ellis,
said he was sure that was the one we and before dawn we were in our beds restless and worried, had climbed up
had come out on. "Now you can dead to the world in sleep. on the ridge above the camp and was
finish up that water," he said," we'll We learned later that we were less able to see our flaming juniper pyre.
soon be in camp."' I tried to get him than four miles from the ranch and Later Ben told me that he had
to take part of it but he refused, so I had probably wandered in the pro- cherished the same intentions I had
dribbled it into my tight throat. verbial circle. At the house as night with regard to the remaining cracker
His prediction did not work out. approached Ellis had suggested to the box label. He said he had watched all
After much plodding, we built a fire boss that someone be sent to look for along that I did not throw the box
and sent up a smoke signal, using us. but John scouted the idea that Ben away.
green juniper branches to produce the
murk. We hoped it might suggest to Maybe you won't answer them all correctly—
anyone who saw it that we were in
trouble. In case riders might come to
the spot 1 left a note on the back of
Desert Quiz but they can't send you to jail for that, so
get your pencil and let's find out how much
you really know about this desert country. It will be good brain exercise,
some of the red cracker box label and you will gain some new information about the most fascinating region
stating that we had gone back toward in the United States—the Great American Desert. Twelve to 14 is a fair
the shoulder of Mt. Dellenbaugh. score; 15 to 17 is good, 18 or over is super. Take your time and study
When we finally dragged ourselves each question carefully. The answers are on page 28.
up on the rocks about dusk we were 1—One of the following ranges of mountains is not on the California
utterly exhausted. I seemed to have desert—Panamint Mountains . Wasatch Mountains . Chuck-
no throat and my lips felt like a pair awalla Mountains . Sangre de Cristo
of inflated inner tubes. We lay down 2—San Gorgonio Pass is located in — California . Nevada
on the ground until we could summon Arizona . New Mexico
energy enough to begin to gather dry 3—The species of fish for which an island in Salton Sea was named is—
wood. Selecting a couple of tall cedars Shad . Mullet . Catfish . Bass
that stood apart from the brush, we 4—Principal industry at McNary, Arizona, is — Lumbering
piled the wood in between the branches Mining . Sheep raising . Weaving
until each was a mass of fuel. As 5—Stopping at Peach Springs, Arizona, the Indians you would see
darkness fell we touched off the first loitering around the vicinity most likely would be—Papagos
one. It made a thrilling beacon, the Hopis . Hualpais . Zunis
flames shooting nigh into the starry 6—The old territorial prison at Yuma, Arizona, now used as a museum,
night. After it died down we laid is built of—Stone . Logs . Adobe . Cement blocks
down again and waited. No answering 7- -Azurite most often is found in formation with — Garnets
fire appeared. About midnight we ig- Opal . Zinc . Malachite
nited the second tree, again settling 8- -Fairy duster is the common name for a desert — Lizard
down to wait as the flames died low. Bird . Flower . Mineral
We didn't talk much. Speech was 9—Jacob Hamblin was a—Mormon pioneer . Scout for Kearny's
rather difficult. A small eternity passed army . Boatman for Major John Wesley Powell . Butter-
by during which I mentally composed field stage driver
a letter for Ellis to be written on the 10—Callville was once—An outpost on the Colorado River . Place
white side of the remaining cracker where Geronimo surrendered . Scene of a famous Indian bat-
box label. 1 felt that unless someone tic . Stage station on the Butterficld overland route
picked us up we were finished. 1 1—The poem "Mornin" on the Desert" was written by Marsha
South . George Wharton James . Sharlot Hall
Suddenly Ben raised up saying. "I Author unknown
heard a whistle."
12- -Salt Cedar is most likely found growing on- -Sand dunes . Rocky
"It's only one of those birds we have mesas . Desert seeps and water courses . Dry lake beds
been hearing all day" I said. "You 13 -Iceberg Canyon is most easily reached by - Motorboat on Lake
know we commented on how like a Mead . Pack trip from BlufT. Utah . Following the trail to
human whistle their note sounded." Telescope Peak in Death Valley Monument . Taking the boat
"Birds don't whistle at night," he trip from Mexican Hat to Lee's Ferry
insisted. 14—The most direct paved route from Los Angeles to Phoenix crosses
We strained our ears for a repeti- the Colorado River at—Yuma . Needles . Ehrenberg
tion. None came. We settled back and Parker
waited. Again he sat up quickly. 15—The cactus preferred by certain species of woodpecker for drilling
"There it is again. That was no their holes is — Cholla . Beavertail . Prickly pear
bird!" My interest now aroused, I Saguaro
stood up and moved over to where I 16—If you wanted to visit Harry Goulding's trading post you would go
could look down the slope. There, way to—Canyon de Chelly __ . Tuba City . Monument Valley
out on a distant ridge was the most San Carlos Indian reservation
beautiful light I had ever seen—the 17—Most conspicuous mountains to be seen from Flagstaff, Arizona,
tiny gleam of a bobbing flashlight! are — Superstition Mountains of Arizona . San Francisco
Soon we could hear the scrunch of Peaks . Catalina Mountains . Henry Mountains
hoofs in contact with rocks and then 18—The ghost mining camp of Calico is located in—Nevada . Cali-
the blessed silhouettes of men and fornia . New Mexico . Arizona
horses. Quickly we were hoisted into 19—Before the white men brought soap to their country, the Indians of
saddles and were being led by cowboys the Southwest washed their hair with suds made from—Mesquite
who miraculously could pick their way twigs . Yucca roots . Purple sage leaves . Milkweed
in the darkness straight over the ar- 20—Chalcedony roses are a form of—Calcite . Quartz . Hema-
royos and ridges to the spot we had tite . Scheelite
slogged so painfully to find. The ranch

by the leader, to be resumed at his Pleistocene Lake Mohave," and "The
command. Pinto Basin Site."
While pondering this strange per- A topographical map more than a
formance, the lights of an approaching hundred miles in extent was made
vehicle shone upon the highway. A under skilled workers from California
large truck came into view and passed. Institute of Technology. Their scien-
The chanting ceased abruptly, and the tists conducted studies of minerals,
Mud-Pack Serenade . . . choir was no more. The explanation fossil bones, geology, etc., both on the
was sealed within the mystery of the shores of ancient Lake Mohave and
Los Angeles, California at the Pinto Basin site. One expedi-
Desert: desert.
In seeking to learn the origin of the tion after another was led by William
Driving across country from Louisi- H. Campbell to both places, while
ana to California, my two traveling sounds, 1 have spoken with many
people who have traveled that section. thousands of artifacts were gathered
companions — both women — and I and described in the published reports
shared a strange experience on the Some have wondered if they might
have emanated from giant-type desert from both stations. Dr. Ernst Antevs
fringe of desert land. carried on studies of past geology and
It was June, and already the heat lizards. In great numbers they thought
these might have achieved the effect climatology in connection with the old
of summer was upon us. We planned lake, and many conferences were held
our schedule accordingly — traveling which I heard.
ELBA ST. CLAIRE among top ranking scientists in an
from late afternoon to early morning effort to solve the problems presented
and resting by day in the comfort of What Reader St. Claire heard was by both regions.
air-conditioned motor courts. The full one of the very rare coyote seren-
responsibility of driving fell upon the ades. Twice in my 40 years on the For 20 years my husband and I led
owner of the car, as I had not driven desert I have listened to one oj these expeditions into the deserts of South-
for years and had no license. The eerie concerts. Once was while I ern California and elsewhere, and a
other member of our party was quite was working on the U. S. Land field laboratory of the Southwest Mu-
elderly. Office Survey on the Colorado River seum was maintained at Twentynine
While on a desolate stretch in Ari- Indian reservation at Parker, Ari- Palms for the study of the archeology
zona, our driver reached a state of zona. Lying in my sleeping bag of the area. Thousands of sites in the
night fatigue and drowsiness, a dan- among the mesquite trees, I was able Mohave and Colorado deserts, as well
gerous condition requiring immediate to get a fairly close idea as to how as along the entire Mohave River
rest. I consulted our road-map. We many coyotes took part in the mid- drainage, were found, plotted and
could not reach the next town for night serenade. I don't believe there studied and often described in scien-
some time, so my friend pulled eight were more than half a dozen, al- tific publications. A detailed study
or 10 feet off the highway for a. brief though it sounded like hundreds. was made of nearly 90 dry lakes and
nap. I was to remain "on guard" and Archer B. Gilfillan, reporting in J. playas of the region, and extinct
awaken her in 20 minutes. Soon she Frank Dobie's book, "Voice of the streams in the California deserts and
was lost in slumber, and I was alone Coyote," offers an explanation of elsewhere were plotted.
with the desert. It was 2:15 a.m. this illusion of numbers a few coy- We trust the Lawbaughs and all
We had been there no longer than otes can create. According to Gil- other amateur archeologists obtain
10 minutes when upon the still night fillan, "when two coyotes are singing Federal Permits from the Department
air, from behind a huge boulder, came a duet, they do not bark haphazardly Archeologist and the Secretary of the
a most unusual sound, low and gut- or in unison, but they catch each Interior at Washington, D. C , before
tural, of animal-like quality. This first other up with lightning-like quick- they remove archeological material
call apparently was a signal, followed ness, so that two coyotes will produce from the public domain. Failure to do
by three or four successive ones. Then such a torrent of barks that the unin- so is punishable by fine or imprison-
an answering incantation—voiced by itiated would swear there was a large ment under the Antiquity Act.
not one but seemingly hundreds of pack of them." Dobie's book also ELIZABETH W. C. CAMPBELL
fellow creatures—joined in, with per- includes other descriptions of the • • •
fect timing, in a higher key. The coyote's weird song.—R. H. By the Wheelbarrow-load . . .
leader maintained the same deep call, • • • Arroyo Grande, California
the others canting their response in First at Lake Mohave . . . Desert:
sharp staccato-like notes. The com- Carson City, Nevada I wish the beer industry could be
bined utterances had the ludicrous Desert: urged to present their product to the
sound of the words "Mud-Pack — I take exception to the statement public in containers requiring a de-
Mud-Pack — Mud-Pack — Mud- prefacing A. La Vielle Lawbaugh's posit upon purchase, to be refunded
Pack —" article, "When Ancients Dwelt on the with the empty's return. I have to
Never was a choir more perfect in Shores of Old Lake Mohave," in Des- take a wheelbarrow to clean up the
its timing, swelling to heights of great ert Magazine for September 1952, debris which accumulates along our
crescendo. Then, at a given signal by wherein the Lawbaughs are credited frontage on Highway 1, and your esti-
the leader, all stopped precisely at the with having conducted the most ex- mate that three-fourths of the offen-
very same time. Not a single erring haustive study in the region to date. sive litter originates in the breweries is
or over-zealous member in this unseen Ancient Lake Mohave was discov- low — practically all of my weekly
choir—not one "Mud-Pack" over. I ered by William H. Campbell, Eliza- pickup is comprised of beercans.
was both charmed and amazed by the beth W. Crozer Campbell and Charles I should think the breweries would
strange collaboration. A. Amsden in the fall of 1934. For be willing to help cope with this prob-
After a few seconds' silence, they years joint studies were conducted lem. It would provide good publicity
began all over again. First the pro- about its shores by Southwest Museum for them and certainly would do a
logue, then all together in one great and California Institute of Technology public service. With a little good lead-
swelling volume, "Mud-Pack — Mud- prior to the report being published in ership, we might be able to coax them
Pack — Mud-Pack — ," faster and Numbers 9 and 11 of the Southwest into the anti-beercan-litter campaign.
faster. Each rendition was cut sharply Museum Papers: "The Archeology of RUTH M. LANE

NOVEMBER, 1952 21
Clean Up Kleenex, Too . . . called modernists are permitting to From an Old-Timer . . .
Lomita, California creep into the art galleries under the Ontario, California
Desert: name of art. What these modernists Desert:
That is a good suggestion—to charge need is to get out on the desert where I found your May "In Memory"
the breweries for clearing the litter, they are confronted with the clean feature very interesting—particularly
largely beer cans, from along our high- harsh beauty and truth of the good because I am one of the old-timers
ways. If the breweries couldn't be earth as God made it. myself. I first came to Nevada in
taxed for the mess their product cre- If some person with plenty of money 1904, at the age of 17, and in my day
ates, they might at least print a notice would like to do something worth I prospected, mined, skinned mules,
on their cans, asking beer drinkers to while 1 would suggest that he set up punched cattle and drove freight teams
refrain from tossing their empties just a foundation to employ competent over a lot of desert from Cioldfield
anyplace and to throw them instead psychiatrists to visit the art galleries to Tucson.
into garbage cans and boxes provided and list the names of artists whose There arc two graves not pictured
for such trash. work indicates mental illness — and in your May layout which may inter-
While we're at it, we might suggest then provide for these people to come est your readers. One is between Cave
that kleencx and other tissue manu- to a quiet place on the desert where, Spring and Garlic Spring on one ol
facturers design a disposal unit for in contact with the realities of life, the old immigrant trails from Las
each pack of their product, so that our they can regain their sense of values. Vegas via Goodsprings, Horse Thief
landscapes wouldn't be cluttered up JOHN HILTON Spring. China Ranch. Cave and Garlic
with unsightly kleenex roses. • • • Springs and Coyote Well to Barstow.
" HAROLD L. MONROE Shalako Too Early . . . Today the road is sandy, rough and
• • • Albuquerque, New Mexico washed out in several places, but it
Desert Peaks Fans . . . Desert: still can be traveled with four-wheel
Salem. Oregon I was pleased to note in Desert that drive. I drove a herd of horses through
Desert: the Hopi Indians issued a public re- that country in 1908, enroute to San
We enjoy those mountain climbing quest asking white Americans who at- Bernardino, and I don't think the trail
articles by Louise Werner. Hope in tend their ceremonial dances "please has been used much since.
future issues of Desert to see more to dress decently and bring no liquor/' The other grave lies in a group of
stories on this exhilarating desert rec- I hope the request was honored, for greasewood bushes at the foot of a
reation. reasons pointed out in September's small hill northwest of Coyote Well.
CARROLL AND "Just Between You and Me." It was marked with a board on which
RANDALL HAMLIN But the August ceremony to which was written: "Pardner respect this
Desert soon will carry a story on Desert referred could not have been Grave." There was no name or date.
backpacking in which Weldon Heald the Shalako. The Shalako is not a I was told in Barstow that this was
tells how to plan overnight hikes in Hopi dance, but one peculiar to the the grave of a bandit who held up the
desert ranges, giving equipment sug- Zuni. It always is held the last of stage which ran from Daggett to the
gestions, hiking tips and food pack November or first of December, the mines at Calico. He escaped with
ideas. It will introduce many more exact date being announced a week or some silver bars, taking out across the
desert lovers to the exciting outdoor so before the dance. desert. A posse overtook him at Coy-
sport already discovered by Readers The Hopis have their Snake dances, ote Well, shot him and buried him
Hamlin.—R. H. Antelope dances and the Flute Cere- at the foot of the small hill.
mony in Au«ust. T. W. MF.SCHHR
• • • MRS. W. W. TURNER • • •
Bring 'em to the Desert . . . Mrs. Turner is right. Desert was Invitation for Rockhounds . . .
Twcntynine Palms, California thinking of another Hopi dance given Fresno, Californ a
Desert: in August at Shtmgopovi on the Sec- Desert:
Recently I have completed a tour ond Mesa in Northern Arizona, and I was very interested in "Amateur
of many of the art galleries along the got its terms mixed. Rut the editors Gem Cutter" in the August issue of
coast, and 1 cannot refrain from com- hope tourist visitors will dress and Desert Magazine, in which Lelancle
menting on some of the water colors conduct themselves properly at all Quick suggests rockhounds and lapi-
I have seen. Indian religious rites.—R. H. daries learn more about the "lost art"
Modernistic art is bad enough when • • • of stone masonry.
done in oils — but when the artists Quizzes Desert Quizzer . . . I am in the general contracting busi-
turn to water colors in an effort to Los Angeles, California ness in Fresno, and we recently opened
secure their bizarre effects, the results Desert: a slate quarry near Mariposa, at Mt.
often are completely beyond the realm In Question No. 7 of the September Boullion, under the name of Yosemile
of comprehension. Desert Quiz, you ask the location of Flagstone Quarry. The site produces
I was interested in the reaction of "Jacob's" Lake. Shouldn't that be a highly colored slate which we ship
visitors when they were confronted Jacob Lake—without the possessive? throughout California for use as dec-
with the works of the modernists. The CARL ROMIG orative and structural stone.
reactions ranged from shock and self- Yes. Although early geographers Please extend to Mr. Quick and to
doubt in those who claim no knowl- often disagreed (The University of all members of lapidary and gem and
edge of art, to plain nausea in the Arizona's "Arizona Place Names," mineral clubs a cordial invitation to
more sensitive students of true art. 1935, spelled it "Jacobs Lake"; other visit our quarry at any time. I am sure
The tragedy of all this is that people mans and gazetteers used "Jacob's they will find it interesting, and the
qualified to wield an effective influence Lake"), cartographers now agree al- area is rich in other minerals and
too often arc afraid to make any pro- most unanimously with reader Romig stones as well. They might even pan
test for fear of being called "old — and call the body of water on a little gold.
fogies." Northern Arizona's Kaibab Plateau The quarry is seven miles oil Yo-
[ would like to sec Desert Magazine "Jacob Lake." Whippie, during the semite Highway 140 and very easy
do some crusading against the distor- expedition of 1854, referred to it as to reach.
tions of form and color which the so- "Jacob's Well."—R.H. GORDON FLEISHFR

Pictures of
The Month
Shadows cast by a late afternoon sun
create dramatic black-and-white designs
on sand dunes in Death Valley, California.
Arthur W. Allsop of La Crescenta, Cali-
fornia, was awarded first prize in Desert
Magazine's September photo contest for
this study, taken with a 4x5 Speed Graphic
camera, Super Panchromatic Press film,
K2 filter, 1/100 second at fl8.

The desert lily's pale complexion so

nearly matches the coloring of its sandy
surroundings that it is difficult to capture
its beauty on film. Norman A. Moore of
Inglewood, California, succeeded with
this picture of lilies in the Borrego Bad-
lands near California's Salton Sea,
awarded second prize by Desert's contest
judges. Moore solved the problem of
contrast by shooting from the shadowed
side of the plants, underexposing his film,
then overdeveloping the negative. He
used a 4x5 B&D Press camera, 1/25 sec-
ond at f32.
Henderson, Nevada . . .
Titanium Metals Corporation of
America has announced successful pro-
duction of its first titanium ingots. Ti-
tanium sponge has been produced at
Henderson since October. 1951, but
until recently the sponge was shipped
to New York for melting into ingots.
Silver Peak, Nevada . . . Wenden, Arizona . . . Now the sponge is melted at Hender-
Anaconda Copper Company has Ground was broken in September son facilities and the ingots sent east
purchased more operating properties for a $150,000 government manganese for finishing.—'Territorial Enterprise.
in the Silver Peak. Argentite, Palmetto ore crushing plant at Wenden. The
and L.ida camps. Bruhi Enterprises, plant, to be ready for operation De- Tonopah, Nevada . . .
headed by A very Brundage of Chicago, cember 1, is being built by the govern- Construction of the first new mining
received a reported $3,500,000 from ment to serve numerous small mines shaft in the Tonopah area in 35 years
Anaconda for its several holdings in in the Wenden area, encouraging in- is being considered as the result of the
the rich silver-gold-lead region. Ana- creased production of the vital mineral. recent ore strike at the old Summit
conda operates the Argentite, Mohawk —Arizona Republic. King Mine. A mill also will be con-
and Nivloc silver-gold properties in • • • structed at the site if operations yield
the Silver Peak district, recently pur- Prescott, Arizona . . . enough commercial grade silver-gold
chased the McNamara lead-silver mine An $18,000,000 expansion program ore to justify full-scale production. Al-
in the Palmetto area and has leased has been started for the Eureka min- though the vein narrowed to three feet
the Wisconsin gold-lead-silvcr property ing district of Western Yavapai county. after about 20 feet of drifting, values
at Lida.—Pioche Record. Ernest B. Dickey, manager of the Bag- of about $50 a ton held in the typical
• • • dad Copper Corporation, said the Tonopah ratio of 100 parts silver to
Boulder City, Nevada . . . value of copper, zinc and tungsten one part gold.—Hiimbolclt Star.
Government officials and profes- from Bagdad mines will be increased a • •
sional mining men watched with inter- from $6,200,000 durin« the past year Moab, Utah . . .
est as the first flotation concentrates to $23,000,000 by 1954. — Arizona To stimulate production of uranium
were produced in September by the Republic. ores in southeastern Utah, the Atomic
1200-ton manganese mill of Mangan- • • • Energy Commission will build a ur-
ese, Inc. The mill—only one of its Monticello, Utah . . . anium ore buying and sampling plant
kind in the world—employs a flotation Charles A. Steen. 32-year-old pros- at Elgin in Grand county, on the east
process developed by Manganese Inc. pector, has reported discovery of a bank of the Green River. "The plant
and Southwest Engineering Company rich belt of pitchblende—a source of will have a 200-ton daily capacity. The
of Los Angeles. Pilot plant work was both uranium and radium—in the bar- site is served by the Rio Grande rail-
done at the U. S. Bureau of Mines sta- ren southwestern section of Utah. His road and is at the junction of U. S.
tion in Boulder City and the process find, he said, was made only 72 feet Highway 50 and State Highway 24.—
proved successful before construction underground, nine miles south of La Mining Record.
of the multi-million dollar plant was Sal, Utah, in uranium-rich San Juan
county. Drilling a canyon rim for a Austin, Nevada . . .
started in May, 1951. After being
ground, floated, calcined and nodu- previously-discovered deposit of car- Allen Russell, who for a number of
lized to a metallurgical grade of 45 notite, the prospector said he suddenly years has been conducting mining op-
percent manganese or better, the prod- hit pitchblende. He reported the ore erations in Mill Canyon, has leased
uct is being stockpiled near Henderson belt was eight feet deep and measured the turquoise mine of George Mc-
for eventual disposition by the General "better than .34 percent uranium ox- Ginness. The property, located be-
Services Administration. — Hiimbolclt ide," with a core as rich as two percent tween Austin and Grass Valley, Tas
uranium oxide. Pitchblende in com- been idle the past five years.—Reese
Star. River Reveille.
• • • mercial quantities has heretofore been
Reno, Nevada . . . found only in Canada and Africa, al- Globe, Arizona . . .
Copper Butte Mining Company has though scientists have suspected its Hewitt Wolfe and associates of
been cleaning out tunnels and making presence on the Colorado Plateau.— Globe have started a development pro-
repairs on the Buckskin Mine in Mason San Juan Record. gram at the Starlight Mine in the
• • •
Valley. N. L. Brown of Wabuska. Elko, Nevada . . . Stanley Butte district of Graham
manager of the project, reports 300,- Discovery of a deposit of commer- county. Shipments of lead-zinc ore.
000 tons of copper sulphide have been cial sulphur near Beowawe has been about five tons weekly, are being made
blocked out, with assay running from announced by Oscar J. Streeter and to the El Paso smelter.—Humholdt
two to 10 percent. A 50-ton mill is Pete Peterson of Elko. They already Star.
planned at the site.—Territorial Enter- have uncovered about 400 tons of the • • •
prise. mineral, and estimate the field contains Fallon, Nevada . . .
• • • 100,000 tons in all.—Territorial En- Although minor installations and
Austin, Nevada . . . terprise. some finishing work remained, the Fal-
Big Creek Mining and Milling Com- • • • lon fluorspar flotation mill of Kaiser
pany, which has been operating anti- Aluminum and Chemical Corporation
San Bernardino, California . . .
mony property in the Austin area for began operation in September. The
The old United Tungsten mine in
17 years, has purchased the old Clif- mill will handle about 100 tons a day,
the Morongo mining district—last op-
ton mill to process ore from its Big crushing and grinding the ore and
erated during World War I—has been
Creek Mine. The mill, which played separating ore from rock by flotation.
reactivated by the Shooting Star Tung-
an important part in Austin's activities It is located about a mile west of Fal-
sten Company. Scheelite occurs in a
many years ago, has not been operated lon on the west bank of the river and
contact zone between granite country
for more than 15 years.—Reese River along the north side of the Southern
rock and marbelized limestone. —•
Reveille. Pacific branch line.—Fallon Standard.
Pioche Record.
Death Valley's proposed museum. This sketch made by Norton Allen from pre-
liminary plans drawn by the architectural office of the National Park Service.
Building is estimated to cost more than $100,000, using native materials as far as

It is a thrilling opportunity
that is presented to all of us to
For Death Valley
share in building a Death Val-
ley Museum. This project is
unique and inspiring. Here
will be preserved relics and
artifacts of a region and of his-
tory's pages which have no
parallel. If sense of obligation
5 PEAKING FOR the Death Valley
49ers, Ardis Walker, chairman
of the organization, has an-
5—Art exhibit at Furnace Creek
Inn, John Hilton, chairman.
6—Author's breakfast on Sunday
to the pioneers is converted into nounced that a wide open invitation morning and Artist's breakfast on
tangible support, our state and is given this year to all persons who Monday morning at the golf course.
nation will have a Museum that will find it possible to be in Death 7—Square dancing contests daily.
will be an inspiration to all the Valley during any part of the 4-day
8—Sunrise services on Sunday
generations yet to come. Edu- annual encampment scheduled for the
morning, Dr. Albin Haag of the Uni-
cation will join hands with rec- Armistice Day weekend, November 8
versity of Redlands, pastor.
reation in this project. to I I .
The Desert Magazine is to be 9—Burro Beauty Contest at Stove-
This will be the fourth annual en- pipe Wells, Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
commended for furthering this campment program of the 49ers, and
project. The Death Valley '49ers the events tentatively scheduled in- 10—Special Armistice Day events
are likewise to be praised. If clude: on Tuesday, Legion posts participating.
we can make a substantial be- II—Boy Scout Jamboree.
ginning with private funds I am I—Campfire programs each eve-
ning, mostly musical. This year's Death Valley Encamp-
certain the U. S. Park Service ment will have a double goal:
cannot long deny us federal 2 — Firearm exhibit at Furnace
Creek ranch, Bob Ellithorpe, chair- ( I ) To provide an interesting pro-
assistance. Promises of sup- man. gram of entertainment and ample
port should be sent to Mr. camping facilities for the many thou-
Arthur Walker, 2396 "D" Street, 3—Kodachrome exhibit, Floyd Ev-
ans, chairman. sands of visitors who are expected to
San Bernardino, California. attend the Encampment.
4—Gem and mineral exhibit, Jim
JOHN ANSON FORD Nosser, chairman. {Continued on next page)

NOVEMBER, 1952 25
suit was Tree Trails and Hobbies, pub- youngster, was "crazy about Indians,
lished in 1950. guns and shooting." One of his first
Her husband, George, has been a jobs was as inspector and tester of
rockhound for years, and together arms in an Eastern gun factory. He
they have followed hundreds of de- fired hundreds of shots daily, target-
lightful trails—especially in California ing each gun until it was pronounced
and Nevada — seeking desert rocks, perfect.
"I came to California in 1928, and trees, shrubs and flowers. Brininstool joined the stall of the
all I needed as inspiration to make • • • Los Angeles Times in June. 1900, as
tree study my hobby was a trip to Big
Johnson is a name which occurs editorial paragrapher and special
Bear Lake and the discovery of my
frequently in Utah history books. Ru- writer. Later he transferred to tie
first Sugar Pine," writes Ruth Cooley
fas D. Johnson, author of this month's Examiner, again doing special writing.
Cater, author of "A Pinyon is Born,"
prize-winning Life on the Desert story, then accepted an offer to do a special
botany feature in this issue of Desert
was his father's 27th child. Many of column of verse and paragraphs for
his brothers, uncles and cousins played the Los Angeles Express. He stayed
Mrs. Cater learned to love trees as with the Express for 1 I years.
a child in Trinidad, Colorado. The important roles in the early develop-
hills about Trinidad are covered with ment of the Southwest. Meanwhile, he was writing histori-
pinyons and junipers, and small trees "My father crossed the plains from cal articles about the West and t \e
always were finding their way into the Omaha as early as 1851," Johnson Indian wars for HitiUer-Trader-Trap-
Cooley yard. "Ours was a home of writes. "That first reconnaissance trip per magazine. Scores of these stories
trees, shrubs and flowers planted by resulted, in 1860, in the migration of later were incorporated by the maga-
my father, who was never too tired his entire family, bag and baggage, to zine into two books. A Trooper with
to drive a horse and buggy many miles the open plains of Utah. My mother, C uster and lighting Red Cloud's War-
into the mountains to bring down a then about 19, walked most of the riors. Both books, now long out of
young pine or fir or spruce," she ex- way carrying a baby in her arms. print, had large and steady sales.
plains. Reaching Southern Utah in the early Dr. Ciraee Raymond Hebard of
After 20 years of observation and '60s, Father became nurseryman, drug- Wyoming University knew Brininstool's
study of trees and the publication of gist, botanist and farmer at St. George historical writings and invited him to
numerous magazine articles, Mrs. Cater and at the same time published a paper collaborate with her on a history of
decided to write a book about trees and maintained a store, lumber yard the Bozeman Trail. After three yenrs
for the amateur nature lover. The re- and boarding house at Silver Reef. of research and writing, the book was
"In 1882 my father and his brother published in 1921 in two large vol-
were called by Brigham Young to umes.
(2) To start the fund which is de- found a colony in northern Mexico.
But when they arrived in Phoenix, In 1926, Gen. E. S. Godfrey of
signed eventually to provide a museum Custer's old 7th Cavalry appointed
for Death Valley. It is believed that they learned that the Yaquis and the
Mexican government were at war, and Brininstool a member of the national
if a substantial amount is raised committee sponsoring the 50th anni-
through private channels, the National the colony scheme collapsed.
versary celebration of the Custer fight.
Park Service will be able to budget "My father settled temporarily in The event was held on the original
sufficient money to complete the proj- Tempe, Arizona, and there I was born battlefield, and more than 60,000 per-
ect. in October, only a short while after sons attended. Since then, the Custer
The 49ers have named John Anson my mother had made that harrowing story has become one of the most con-
Ford, Los Angeles county supervisor, desert journey. Father died in De- troversial in history, mainly because
to be chairman of a special committee cember, and the family returned to St. there were no survivors except the
to sponsor the museum project. Mem- George. horse Comanche, ridden by Capt.
berships in the Death Valley 49ers are "For 25 years I was in charge of Miles Keogh. Though wounded in
available to the public on the follow- the street shade tree system in Salt seven places, Comanche recovered
ing basis: Participating member $ 1.00; Lake City. Now I have been retired, and lived to 28 years of age—a "ripe
Associate $5.00; Patron $10.00; Spon- and the call of the desert land is too old age" for a horse.
sor $25.00; Life Member $100.00. strong to resist. 1 am again back
In making contributions members Author Brininstool is of a "ripe old
among the red hills of southern Utah, age" himself. At 82, he still plans "to
may specify that their money be ear- the dust of which 1 never really got
marked for museum purposes. keep right on hitting the typewriter
from behind my ears. I have a tiny for another bunch of years."
Superintendent T. R. Goodwin has adobe pioneer house overlooking the
stated that the Park Service already • • o
valley of the Rio Virgen, with blue
has collected a line range of exhibits Pine Valley mountains on the north, J. Wilson McKenney. one of the
for the museum, the exhibition now the Shivwits plateau to the south and founders of Desert Magazine, and
being stored in the old CCC buildings some of the peaks of Zion Canyon more recently a newspaper publisher
near the Park headquarters. visible from my yard. A 90-year-old and free lance writer, in September
Visitors planning to make the Death male mulberry tree with an 80-foot became editor of the C I A Journal,
Valley motor trek this year should re- spread stands shady vigil over the the monthly magazine of the California
alize that the limited accommodations little house. Here among my grapes Teachers' Association, with offices in
within the Monument will have been and figs and flowers I find it beyond San Francisco.
reserved long in advance, and that compare to have a spot in the desert Earlier this year Wilson assumed
camping will be the only alternative land that I hope will be mine until the the position of Director of Publica-
for those who wish to remain in the end." tions and Press Relations for the CTA,
valley overnight. Chairman Walker • • •
suggested that campers should bring and his elevation to the top editorial
E. A. Brininstool, author of "Desert position on the magazine was a pro-
their own wood and water, although Trek in 1904," came to Los Angeles
water will be available at various places motion to a post for which "Mac" is
from New York in 1895—and stayed. well qualified.
in the Monument. He was born in 1870 and, as a
for ceremonial use at their tribal fair,
they decided they'd have to do with-
out the symbolic beasts. These same
animals which once roamed wild in
the West just cost too much. Then
Phillips Petroleum Company came to
ARIZONA favorable reports—the dam not only the rescue and shipped two of the buf-
Papago Leader Honored . . . will solve Phelps Dodge's water prob- falos free from their private herd to
SELLS — Thomas Segundo, chair- lem but also will create a cold water Window Rock. At the end of the fair,
man of the Papago Tribal Council, lake which probably will be developed the buffalos—strong medicine to the
has been named winner of the 1952 into a fishing and recreational area for Navajo—were slaughtered, and medi-
Indian achievement award annually Arizona sportsmen.—Arizona Repub- cine men bid briskly for the hide and
presented by the Indian Council Fire. lic. organs.—New Mexican.
The Council Fire is a non-profit or- • • •
ganization dedicated to improving the Bilingual Road Signs . . .
living conditions of the American In- TUCSON—Anticipating greatly in-
dians. Segundo has organized athletic creased travel to Mexico with the open-
and other recreational activities v/ithin ing in about 18 months of the new
the tribe, with a resultant decrease in West Coast route from Nogales to
juvenile delinquency, and, with other Mexico City, the Arizona State High-
tribal leaders, has worked out a plan way Department is installing bilingual
of rehabilitation for the drouth-stricken road signs on the highway between
and poverty-ridden reservation.—Ari- Phoenix and Nogales. They are de-
zona Republic. signed as a convenience and a safety
e • • factor both for Americans en route to
Show Low Dam a Gamble . . . Mexico and for Mexicans entering this
SHOW LOW—In an unprecedented country. There will be about 12 types WOOD AND WEEDS
plan to switch water from one water- of the signs including escuela, school; Fun with dried things
shed to another, work has begun on alto, stop, and speed limits measured Illustrated guide to help you create your
a million-dollar dam across Show Low in kilometers.—Arizona Republic. own home decorations practically without
cost postpaid $1.50
Creek. Phelps Dodge Corporation is • • • The above guide together with materials
paying the bill on the project in hopes Navajos Given Buffalo . . . for one arrangement $2.95
of gaining 5000 acre-feet of water an- WINDOW ROCK—When Navajo Free catalog of unusual gifts
nually for its mine works at Morenci. tribal leaders discovered they would FRANCES BOSTWICK
If precedent be the judge, the project have to pay $500 a piece for buffalos Box 892 Palm Springs. California
is a million-dollar gamble. Less than
10 miles down Show Low Creek is the
empty Lone Pine Dam, built in the
'30s by the W.P.A., a stark monument
to man's failure to put the creek to
beneficial use. Lone Pine Dam filled
just once before fissures in its bottom
opened up allowing the water to es-
cape. Innumerable efforts have since
been made to plug the holes, but with- Everett Ruess dreamed of a wild carefree life in the far places of the
out success, and the dam is only good earth where, unfettered by the petty restrictions of civilization, he could
as a stock watering tank. If the new explore the unknown wilderness and paint and write as he roamed.
dam is successful — and engineering He lived with the Indians, he explored ancient cliff dwellings, dis-
firms have staked their reputations on appeared in the desert wilderness for weeks at a time, and each time
he returned to the haunts of men he wrote of his experiences.
In the Rarer Minerals
Find war minerals! Here are a few of the In November, 1934, he and his burros headed off into the red sand-
40 or more strategic rarer minerals which
you may be overlooking in the hills or in stone country of Southern Utah—and he has never been seen since
that mine or prospect hole: columbium, tan- then, and although there has been a widespread search for him, no
talum, uranium, vanadium, tungsten, nickel, clue has ever been unearthed to reveal his fate.
cobalt, bismuth, palladium, indium, osmi-
um, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, titan- But in his diary, and the letters he wrote, he left a rich legacy for
ium, tin, molybdenum, selenium, germanium, those who would find the peace and beauty in Ills.
manganese, cadmium, thallium, antimony,
mercury, chromium, etc. Prices booming; All this material together with many of his block prints and sketches
many much more valuable than a gold are included in ON DESERT TRAILS WITH EVERETT RUESS.
mine: cassiterite now S10Q0 a ton; bismuth
S1500 a ton; columbite $2500 a ton; tanta- THIS IS A LIMITED EDITION
lite or microlite S5000 a ton; tungsten $3
pound; platinum S90 ounce, etc. Now you Mailed postpaid in U.S.A. for $2.75—California buyers add 8c sales tax
can learn what they are, how to find, iden-
tify and cash in upon them. Send for free Published by
copy "overlooked fortunes"—it may lead
to knowledge which may make you rich!
A postcard will do. THE

Duke's Research Laboratory

Box 666, Dept. B, Hot Springs, New Mexico Palm Desert, California

NOVEMBER, 1952 27
FIND YOUR OWN beautiful Gold nug-
gets! It's fun! Beginners' illustrated in-

THE DESERT TRRDII1G POST struction book $1.00. Gold pan, $2.00.
Where to go? Gold placer maps. South-
ern California, Nevada, Arizona, $1.00
Classified Adveitisiny in This Section Costs 8c a Word, $1.00 Minimum Per Issue each state. All three maps $2.00. Desert
Jim, Box 604 Stockton, California.
LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest
INDIAN GOODS DESERT REIIRESTATES: 300 x 600 Beautifier." For women who wish to
feet, on paved highway four miles south become beautiful, for women who wish
WE SEARCH unceasingly for old and rare of Victorville; $1,000, $10 down, $10
Indian Artifacts, but seldom accumulate to remain beautiful. An outstanding des-
month. Matt Roy Thompson, 226 S. ert cream. For information, write or
a large assortment. Collectors seem as Madison, Pasadena. SY 6-2424 Owner.
eager to possess them as their original call Lola Barnes. 963 N. Oakland, Pasa-
owners. To those who like real Indian dena 6. Calif., or phone SYcamore 4-2378.
FOR SALE: Five acres in foothills be-
things, a hearty welcome. You too may tween Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree.
find here something you have long de- PAN GOLD: 75 spots in 25 California
3700 elevation. Large 2 bedroom house. counties for placer gold, township ; nd
sired. We are continually increasing our Propane gas, 1200 gal. water tank, plumb-
stock with the finest in Navajo rugs, In- range, elevation, geological formation,
ing in, need septic tank. Large garage, near town. Pertinent remarks. $1.00.
dian baskets, and hand-made jewelry. storeroom, dust proof closet, no electricity.
Daniels Trading Post, 401 W. Foothill Box 42037, Los Angeles 42, California.
$5000, $2500 down. Bessie Lieuallen,
Blvd., Fontana, California. 8124 Quoit St., Downey, California. MAKE GREEN Dyed Lycopodium Christ-
mas Wreaths. Bleach Cactus wood. Make
THE STONE POINT: A comprehensive, IDEAL HOMESITE, or small farm or Novelties. Fascinating production course.
illustrated booklet on the Indian Arrow- highway business site. 20 Acres flat, fer- Supplies. Enclose 25c for sample corsage
head. Includes process of manufacture, tile, virgin land on U.S. 466—91, 25 Lycopodium Foundation, St. Paul (8).
types and purposes. Invaluable to the miles N.F. of Barstow. Just $1500, only Minnesota.
collector or student of anthropology. 50c. $30.00 down and $20.00 per month. Buy
Adrian Atwater, Box 210, Carson City, it today! Pon & Co., 71 1 No. Azusa Ave.. CRUCIBLES, used in testing silver ore in
Nevada. Azusa, California. Fleetwood 4-2991. the famous Calico Mts. silver mines from
which approximately $80,000,000 in sil-
APACHE BOW, original string, one steel DUE TO the recent death of my husband ver was taken in 1870. Made in England,
tipped arrow from old collection, $10.00. the Desert Oasis Gem House is for sale. came around the Horn in a sailing ship.
Moccasins, full beaded, too old to wear. On Highways 60-70-89. 37 miles north Bear the maker's mark. Fine Collection
Fine museum items. Sioux, Crow, Ule, of Phoenix, 16 miles south of Wicken- item. 50 cents plus postage. Eldon E.
$7.00. Baskets all over 50 years old. all burg. Well established mineral specimen Soper, 433 So. Central Avenue, Glendale
sizes, types $5.00 to $750.00. Beaded and gift business. Complete lapidary shop 4, California.
dresses, beaded vests, saddle bags, saddle and living quarters. 152A. For particu-
blankets, buffalo robe with winter count, BEAUTIFUL DESERT DIORAMA—three
head breakers, pipes. The largest stock lars write Mrs. Theo. M. Eddy, Box 626, dimension cactus framed desert land-
in nation at reduced prices to lower in- Wickenburg, Arizona. scape. 7x13x2", $5.00. IOx2()x2l/2". $10.00.
ventory. I need the room. All items Saguaro cactus frames made to order.
shipped subject to your approval. Photos HOT MINERAL WATER: Own your own Color Parade boxed minerals $4.00 up.
on request. No lists. Pat Read. Indian hot mineral water swimming pool. Heated Retail-wholesale. Diorama Studios 1225
by Nature. Temperature 150 degrees. N. Anita, Tucson, Arizona.
trader, Lawrence, Kansas. Located 10 miles Northeast of Palm
Springs on Dillon Road. Only $7500 for SILVERY DESERT HOLLY PLANTS:
6 PERFECT ANCIENT FLINT arrowheads 5 acres—including well. R. H. McDonald,
$2.00. Ancient grooved stone war club One dollar each postpaid. Greasewood
Broker. Corner Palm and Dillon. Box 21, Greenhouses. I.enwood, Barstow, C.ilif.
$2.00. Grooved stone tomahawks $2.00 Desert Hot Springs, California.
and $3.00 each. Perfect peace pipe $5.00. SAVE! SAVE! New Binoculars! Free Cat-
6 tiny perfect bird arrowheads $2.00. 2 alog. Free book, "How to Select Binocu-
Hint knives $1.00. Ancient clay water MISCELLANEOUS lars." Write today! Bushnell's. 43-D41
bottle $8.00. List Free. Lear's, Glenwood, Green, Pasadena 1, California.
Arkansas. WHEN TOURING Colorado visit Hillside
Handcraft Shop at Nederland — fifty PROSPECTORS AND ROCKHOUNDS
miles from Denver, fifteen from Boulder. wanted. To join the newly incorporated
BOOKS — MAGAZINES Open every day of year. Souvenirs made United Prospectors Organization. If you
BOOKS FOUND—Any title! Free world- in Nederland. Indian Handcraft, Post- are experienced or beginners the articles
wide book search service. Any book, cards. Novelties, etc. A sincere welcome in our magazine are bound to help you
new or old. Western Americana a spe- awaits you. Mrs. K. M. Flarty, Owner. enjoy your hobby and the outdoors. Send
cialty. Lowest price. Send wants today! your name for our new brochure and
International Bookfinders. Box 3003-D. DOWSERS—Water, Oil, Mineral Locaters, literature. United Prospectors, Box 729,
Beverly Hills, California. Radiesthesists, if interested in helping Lodi, California.
establish quarterly magazine devoted to
STORY OF the desert in word and picture. your art. send name, address, ideas to
History, legends, etc. $1 postpaid. Palm Gaston Burridge, 10406 S. Downey Ave.. DESERT QUIZ ANSWERS
Springs Pictorial, 465 No. Palm Canyon Downey, California. Questions are on page 20
Drive, Palm Springs. California.
I—Wasatch Mountains are in Utah.
CHOICE MONTANA Christmas Trees. Ap- 2—California.
REAL ESTATE proximate 4 ft. size $2.50 postpaid. Ap- 3—Mullet.
proximate 6 ft. size $3.00 postpaid. 10 lb. 4—Lumbering.
WILL SELL 5-acre patented Jackrabbit bundle evergreen boughs $3.00 postpaid.
Homestead 15 miles from Palm Springs. 5—Hualpais.
M. M. Mansfield. Box 907, Libby, Mont. 6—Stone.
4 miles from Palm Desert, 2 miles from
Palms-to-Pines Highway in Section 36. 7—Malachite.
Elevation about 1000 feet. Has good DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar 8—Flower.
22-foot house trailer on cement block- postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses. Len- 9—Mormon pioneer.
foundation. Two double beds. On hill- wood, Barstow, California. 10—Outpost on the Colorado River.
side overlooking lower Cat canyon. No 1 1—Author unknown.
electricity, necessary to haul water. $1600 PANNING GOLD — Another hobby for 12—Desert seeps and water courses.
terms. Discount for cash. Address Owner. Rockhounds and Desert Roamers. A 13—Motorboat on Lake Mead.
Box HR. c/o Desert Magazine. Palm new booklet, "What the Beginner Needs 14—Ehrenberg.
Desert. California. to Know," 36 pages of instructions; also 15—Saguaro.
catalogue of mining books and prospec- 16— Monument Valley.
IF YOU LIKE the Desert you'll love New- tors' supplies, maps of where to go and 17—San Francisco Peaks.
berry. Great opportunities for all year blue prints of hand machines you can 18—California.
income. Build modern housekeeping build. Mailed postpaid 25c. coin or 19—Yucca roots.
rentals. Write Chamber of Commerce, stamps. Old Prospector. Box 729. Desk 20—Quartz.
Newberry, California. 5, Lodi, California.

Plan Crater Access Paving . . .
W1NSL0W—Visitors who want to
see Meteor Crater soon won't have to
travel a rough, dusty road. The state
highway department has announced
plans for paving the five miles of ap-
proach road leading to the crater from
the point where it branches off U. S.
Highway 66 about 20 miles west of
Winslow.—Arizona Republic.
• • •
Biggest Kaibab Hunt . . .
GRAND CANYON — The entire
Grand Canyon National Game Pre-
serve will be open during parts of Oc-
tober and November for the biggest
Kaibab North deer hunt in history.
The first section hunt was scheduled
October 10 through 19; the second will
begin October 24 and continue through
November 9. Seven thousand hunters
were expected to participate.—Chand-
ler Arizonan.
• • •
Road Nears Completion . . .
YUMA—Paving of the 128-mile
road between San Luis and Sonoyta,
Sonora, Mexico, should be completed
within the next two years, according
to reports received by the Yuma Cham-
ber of Commerce. Although some
work has been done on all sections, the
road still is not a tourist road and is
dangerous to travel now. When com-
pleted, the route will shorten by 46
miles the distance between Yuma and
Rocky Point, an excellent fishing spot
on the eastern side of the Gulf of Cali-
fornia, and will bring the Pinacates,
huge craters of extinct volcanoes a few
miles below the border, within driving
reach of American tourists.—Arizona
• • •
No Shooting on Reservation . . .
YUMA—As a result of several near
tragedies involving hunters, the Que-
chan Tribal Council has announced The amazing purple motor oil
that the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation
is closed to hunting and shooting. All
permits have been recalled.—Arizona
Republic. Royal Triton motor oil was developed to give all-inclusive lubricant
• • • protection for today's automotive engines. This amazing purple oil
Navajos Now Accept Medicine . . .
GANADO — The Navajo people keeps hydraulic valve lifters and other precision engine parts in
now accept medicine instead of the perfect operating condition.
medicine man, Dr. W. D. Spining, Royal Triton got its distinctive purple color from the unique
director of Sage Memorial Hospital, combination of fortifying compounds it contains. These compounds,
told members of the board of national combined with its high quality, make Royal Triton America's finest
missions of the Presbyterian Church.
"Reservation residents are vitally in- heavy-duty motor oil.
terested in the vaccination program,"
said Dr. Spining, "and they participate HOW TO GET 100% PERFORMANCE FROM YOUR CAR
in the blood donor campaigns spon- 1. Take your car to your car dealer's for frequent
sored by the state department and checkups-at least every 2,000 miles.
other agencies." He lauded coopera- 2. Use the finest motor oil money can buy—Royal
tion among government, mission and
Triton—45^ per quart.
private doctors in providing special-
ized treatment at the hospital, but Available at all Union Oil Minute Man stations and at leading
added that the shortage of nurses has car dealers' throughout the West and Western Canada.
cut down the hospital's capacitv for LOOK FOR UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA
innoculations and treatment of the THIS SIGN
sick.—Arizona Republic.
NOVEMBER, 1952 29
CALIFORNIA Cost of Desert Farms . . .
Fewer Dates This Year . . . THERMAL—Transforming an acre
IND1O — The multi-million dollar of Coachella Valley desert into tillable
Coachella Valley date harvest began land with irrigation facilities can cost
in mid-September, about two weeks as little as SI79.25—or as much as
later than normal, with growers ex- $613.13. This is the finding of the
pecting to reach the harvest peak about Agricultural Extension Service after
October 20. The 1952 crop, estimated studying 1 1 land leveling operations
at 35,000,000 pounds total field run, involving 387 acres. Undeveloped des-
will be less than normal. Some grow- ert costs from $100 to 300 an acre.
ers thinned their crops considerably this Brush removal, surveying and engi-
year and other gardens did not pollin- neering, rough leveling and planning
ate their dates because of low prices. cost from $55.25 to $319.32 an acre".
Coachella Valley supplies about 95 Adding from $124 to $249.81 for irri-
percent of the dates produced in the gation facilities rounded out the total
United States. Small plantings in Im- cost.—Riverside Enterprise.
perial Valley and near Phoenix, Ari- • • •
2nd 1.1. zona, account for the remainder. — Plan Bigger Jeep Cavalcade . . .
CALEXICO—The 1953 De Anza
Riverside Enterprise.
Joseph C.Rodriguez • • •
Sea Holding Its Own . . .
Jeep Cavalcade will be greatly enlarged
in scope than those of the past three
I. S. Army INDIO—The Salton Sea is "hold- years and will follow a route from
ing its own," reported Hugh Galaher Hemet to Calexico instead of termin-
Medal of I fonor at a meeting of the Coachella Valley
County Water District board. Galaher
ating at Borrego Springs. Plans for
the annual trek were to be discussed
c said there had been some recession in at an October meeting in Calexico of
OIVI'Y YARDS TO GO. the sea's level and that it now stands the Hemet and Calexico chambers of
From atop the hill, at 238.4 feet below sea level, com- commerce and other sponsoring or-
near Munye-ri. Korea, ganizations.—Riverside Enterprise.
pared to a high level this year of 237.8 » • •
the enenn suddenly below. "There has been a gradual in-
opened up a withering crease in the sea level for a number of Meat Restrictions Lifted . . .
barrage. The squad was caught: years," he pointed out. "but this in- CALEXICO - - Governmental im-
Red mortars began zero-ing for crease has been consistent although portation restrictions on fresh meat
the kill. Lieutenant Rodriguez there was an abnormal rise last fall." have been partially lifted, allowing resi-
broke loose and (lashed up the fire- That sudden rise resulted in $492,500 dent adults of the United States to
swept slope, throwing grenades, in claims being filed against the board bring up to five pounds of fresh meat
lie wiped out three foxholes and and the Imperial Irrigation district for into the country, duty free, for their
two gun emplacements. Alone, he damages to shore properties. Claim- personal use.— Calexico Chronicle.
accounted lor 1.) enemy dead, led ants held that the rise was due to the • • •
the rout ol the enemy, and saved irrigation districts emptying waste Tribe Improves Palm Canyon . . .
the lives of his squad. water into the sea.—Date Palm. PALM SPRINGS-—The Agua Cali-
'"When you have to take chances ente Tribal Council expected to com-
to reach an objective, that's O.K.," plete improvements in Palm and An-
says Lieutenant Rodriguez. "But dreas canyons by October 23. when
when you can find a surer way, so
much the better.
Pinon Incense... the parks will be open for the tourist
season, seven days a week from 9 a.m.
''That's win I was glad when 1 Bring the delightful fragrance to 6 p.m. Road improvement and new
heard that people like you own of the Pinyon Forest into your public rest rooms, benches and tables
nearly 50 billion dollars in Defense. home or office. The burner is a were planned. Admission price to the
Bonds. I believe a strong, peaceful miniature model of the outdoor canyons will be increased this year to
America is our objective. And the baking ovens used by prehis- 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for
sure ua\ to reach it is through toric Indians, and still in use in children over six years of age.—Desert
hacking our strength with your New Mexico pueblos. When Sun.
strength by investing in Bonds the little cones of genuine pin- • • •
now!" yon pine are burned in this tiny Million Wetbacks Cross Line . . .
oven the aroma is a breath of F.I. CHNTRO—Federal immigration
the outdoor Southwest. agents estimate more than 1.000.000
Now E Bonds earn more! 1) All Series E Mexicans crossed the border illegally
Bonds bought after May 1, 1952 average 3 % Kills kitchen and bathroom
in the past 12 months. During that
interest. enmpmincied scmiannually! Interesl odors and removes the smell of
now starts after n months and is higher in the period. 530.000 wetbacks were ar-
stale tobacco. Pueblo Indians
early years. 2) All maturing V. Bonds auto- rested. 275.000 of them in California
burn pinyon for nasal and
matically go on earning after maturity- and Health officials say the presence of
at (he new higher interest! Today, start bronchial ailments.
investing in better-paying Series K Bonds
the Mexican nationals is a serious
through I he Payroll Savings Plan! Burner and 15 cones $1.50 threat to the health of the state's pop-
Burner and 54 cones 2.70 ulation. The death rate for diarrhea,
Peace is for the strong! Extra cones. 38 for 1.25 enteritis pnd dysentery in the state is
For peace and prosperity save Postpaid to You 1.8 ner thousand; in Imperial countv
with U. S. Defense Bonds! on the border it is 12.9 nor thousand.
77,,. U.S. Government does not ,,,n jar this
advertisement. It is donated by tiiis publi-
DESERT GRAFTS SHOP California's death rate for babies under
;i year old is 28.6 per thousand: in
cation in cooperation with the Advertising Palm Desert, California Imperial county it is 56 2. Wetbacks
America '""' ""' ""e"-"'"'' ''"blish"s "I also often are carriers of narcotics.—
Indio News.
Delay Eviction Action. . . .
CARSON CITY—At a meeting of
Fish Lake Valley settlers and govern-
ment officials involved in the land con-
troversy concerning them, the Bureau extra, -Wendly service—
of Land Management indicated it did
not intend to press eviction notices Important extra services — such as checking
filed with the 27 valley families, "at
least for the time being." The settlers windshield wiper blades to be sure they're
—who have no legal right to the un- ready for winter work —are just part of
surveyed land — had been told they
must leave their farms so that million- the job when your Mobilgas Dealer
aire rancher E. L. Cord could exercise lubricates your car, drains and refills
a 10-year government grazing lease on with really heavy duty Mobiloil.
the land.
Luther Hoffman, regional director Depend on him to help make your
of the B.L.M., said his office was will- car run better — last longer.
ing "to try to work this matter out
amicably by agreement." But he made
it plain that the government regards
the settlers as trespassers upon unsur-
veyed desert land and will not recon-
sider its eviction action — although
actual serving of the notices has been
delayed. Hoffman pointed out that the
bureau had by every method at its dis-
posal informed the settlers they could
not gain possession of the 8000 acres
of land they farm in the valley. He
suggested they move to the upper end
of the valley which has been opened
to settlement; but spokesmen for the
settlers replied that they considered
the land they now occupy more suit-
able for farming and do not intend to
leave it.
Studies of the valley's watershed
area have indicated there is not suffi-
cient water to irrigate the land occu-
pied by the squatters in addition to
land at the upper end of the valley
which has already been opened to set-
tlement.—Battle Mountain Scout.
• • •
Daily Average Tops 1000 . . .
BOULDER CITY—Boosted by ex-
ceptionally heavy traffic during the
summer months, the all-time daily av-
erage of visitors going through Hoover
Dam on guided tours jumped over the
1000-per-day figure during August for
the first time in history. Although the
August total of 57,721 persons was
below the July record of 58,927, it was
enough to raise the all-time daily aver-
age from 995 last month to 1001 by
September 1. — Las Vegas Review-
• • •
who retired as regional director of the
Bureau of Reclamation September 1,
will continue as that agency's represen-
tative on the city advisory council.
Moritz' familiarity with municipal af-
fairs in the dam community were con- GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION — converting nature's gift for better living.
sidered too valuable to replace him on
the board, E. G. Nielsen, new regional
director, explained. — Las Vegas Re-
NOVEMBER, 1952 31
Scotty Marks 80th Birthday . . . 1904 he met the late Albert M. John- Highway 6 Now Coast to Coast . . .
DEATH VALLEY — His health son, Chicago multi-millionaire, and AUSTIN—Highway 6—the short-
greatly improved over a year ago. the two came to Death Valley to build est route from bast to West — was
Death Valley Scotty observed his 80th with Johnson's money the fabulous opened for travel early in September
castle which now bears Scotty's name. when barricades between Delta, Utah,
birthday September 20 at his famous and Ely, Nevada, were removed. With
—Tonopah Times-Bonanza.
castle retreat in Grapevine Canyon. the completion of the last link in the
Born Walter Perry Scott in Cynthiana, • • •
Cape Cod-to-California arterial, resi-
Kentucky in 1872, Scotty first came Mapping Is Long, Costly Job . . . dents of Austin were looking forward
to Death Valley in the "80s as water ELY—"Nevada is one of the two to increased tourist trade. The new
boy for a group of United States sur- states which do not have state-wide route bypasses Sail Lake City, making
veyors. As a young man, he joined geological maps," Dr. Vernon E. a shortcut from Delta to Ely, thence
Buffalo Bill's Wild West show and be- Scheid, dean of the Mackay School of over Highway 50 through Austin to
came one of the troupe's star cowboy Mines, told a group of Ely mining men. San Francisco.—Reese River Reveille,
To remedy the situation, the state
performers, traveling all over the
mining bureau, in cooperation with the NEW MEXICO
United States, Canada and Europe. In United States Geological Survey, is Indian Vote Discounted . . .
charting Nevada topography and sur- SANTA FE—Just how widely will
face geology in a series of county maps. New Mexico Indians take part in the
When finished 10 or 12 years from coming election? Secretaiy of State
now. these county units, produced at Beatrice \i. Roach, whose office is the

D an approximate cost of $20,000 each,
will be combined by the U.S.G.S.,
and the first complete geological map
of Nevada will be printed.—Territorial
states clearing house on election in-
formation, is no! inclined to think i.he
Indians will vote in any large numbers.
Although registration forms give no
160 Enterprise. information as to the voter's race. Sec-
ROOMS • • • retary Roach estimates "less than
WITH BATH 1500'" Indians now are registered, 'it
Another Landmark Goes . . . is said the older Indians will not con-
from * 2 OAT
MOST ECONOMICAL AUSTIN—Another historical land-
and most pleasant way
of living in Los Angeles.
$m5° mark passed from the Austin scene
sider such action for themselves and
try to discourage it on the part of he
IU WEEK when the last remains of the old wagon younger, more educated Indians." she
Beautiful, comfortably
furnished Outside Guest
shop were removed by wrecking crews. explained. "On their reservations they
R o o m s . . . Delicious AMERICAN The old building, one of the first still are not subject to property taxes
meals, prepared by ex- ROOMS erected in the mining camp, had fallen and still not directly subject to state
pert chefs. Free parking WITH MEALS into serious disrepair several years ago, laws. They are said to fear that wide
—T.V. For reservation or and there was no hope of bracing up
information write to $•350 acceptance of the privilege of voting
A. G. Chermely Mgr. or repairing the bulging walls. Last might result in their being saddled with
$|750 winter heavy snows crushed the roof,
WEEKLY more of the responsibilities of citizen-
making complete removal necessary. ship than they now have." The 1950
LOS ANGELES Many of the relics from the wagon
shop and the blacksmith shop formerly
operated in the front part of the build-
census listed New Mexico's Indian
population at 41,901.—New Mexican.
• • •
ing will be preserved for display. — Chukar Partridge Gaining . . .
Reese River Reveille. WASHINGTON —Fish and Wild-
life Service officials are encouraged by
the headway the chukar partridge lias
ASK YOUR CONTRACTOR ABOUT "PRECISION BUILT" made since 700 of the Turkish birds
were planted last spring in Utah. Ari-
zona and New Mexico. Nesting birds
RED CINDER BLOCKS already have been reported in Utah.
However, it will be another two years
before it is known whether the birds
You'll have year will take hold and, even with success,
around comfort it may be 15 or 20 years before sports-
with men can hunt them. It took Nevada
almost 25 years before it built up its
"Precision Built1 population of Asiatic chukar enough to
RED CINDER OR permit hunting. Additional plantings
of the Turkish birds are planned in the
PUMICE BLOCKS same states next spring.—New Mexi-
Homes of Distinction can.
are built with
3464 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena 8
RYAN 1-6329 or Corona Phone 1340 BOX 5 LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEX.

Apaches $288,600 Richer . . . UTAH Pony Express Memorial . . .
ALBUQUERQUE — Nearly ]000 CEDAR CITY—Funds for the erec-
Jicarilla Apaches, living on the tribal Water Wastage Cited . . . tion of a Pony Express Memorial in
reservation just east of the gas and SALT LAKE CITY—Utah is wast- Washington, D. C , were collected in
petroleum rich San Juan Basin of ing more currently-available water than a state-wide campaign in Utah in Sep-
northwest New Mexico, recently re- it stands to gain from the Colorado tember. The memorial, a bronze sta-
ceived $300 apiece for land leases. River and other reclamation develop- tue by Dr. Avard Fairbanks, will be a
Charles L. Graves, area director for ments, Dr. Louis L. Madsen, presi- gift to the nation from the people of
the U. S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, dent of Utah State Agricultural College, Utah in honor of the American post-
said the money — $288,600 — came told members of the Utah Water Users man. During the drive, horsemen sim-
from oil and gas drilling firms which Association. Dr. Madsen said Utah's ulating pony express riders were sta-
had taken leases on the reservation in total potential water supply is another tioned in strategic spots throughout the
hopes of developing new fields in the 2,500,000 acre feet in addition to state to deliver collected funds to cam-
area.—New Mexican. about 1,000,000 acre feet now being paign headquarters in several larger
• • • effectively used. With canal linings cities—Iron County Record.
Rio Grande Improvement Begun . . . and better farm management, he be-
SOCORRO — Second major con- lieves Utah could add about 750,000
tract in the program to provide an acres of irrigated land to the present
increased water supply for the drouth- 1,200,000 acres, permitting the state
stricken Middle Rio Grande Valley to support an ultimate population of
was let in September. The contract 1,700,000 persons. "About 4,000,000
calls for work to be performed along acre feet of water now is being di-
a stretch of the river extending north verted for irrigation," he said, "but
from San Marcial. Dikes, levees, half of it never reaches the farms and
drains, culverts and other works to the other half is used at only 50 per-
control the stream flow will be con- cent efficiency."—Salt Lake Tribune. CALIFORNIA CAB BED—Front seat folds
to level double bed.
structed. When the $18,000,000 pro- e • • CUSTOM CRUISING SEAT—Luxurious twin
gram is completed, the water will be Indian Wars Vets Disband . . . front seats. Reclining; automatic bed level-
ing features. Transferable to next car.
withdrawn from the ponds and lagoons, SALT LAKE CITY—United Indian Come in for Demonstration by
thus reducing heavy evaporation losses; War Veterans held their last conven-
ground water will drain into the chan- tion September 12-13 in Long Beach, O. R. REUTER
2801 W. SLAUSON AX. 0888
nel instead of being consumed by California. Past National Commander LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
plants; and the normal and low flows Herman E. Willmering, 67-year-old
of the river will be directed into Ele- veteran who fought the Utes in 1906,
phant Butte reservoir instead of me- said the organization had met since
andering through the salt cedars and 1928 but "we have decided to disband Looking for a PUBLISHER?
cottonwoods.—New Mexican. because our members are dying too Do you have a book-length manuscript you
would like to have published? Learn about
• • • fast." Men who fought the Comanches, our unusual plan whereby your book can be
published, promoted and distributed on a
To Import Mexican Beef . . . Kiowa, Pawnee, Cheyennes, Apaches, professional basis. We consider all types of
Utes and Sioux, Crows and Modocs work—fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly
DEM1NG — About 500,000 head and religious books, etc. New authors wel-
of Mexican cattle may be imported in nevertheless will elect national officers come. For more information, write for valu-
able booklet D. It's free.
the first 12 months after September 1, who will conduct business for the vet- VANTAGE PRESS, INC.
according to livestock economists from erans until the last member dies. •— 6356 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.
Main Office: New York 1, N. Y.
the United States Department of Agri- Salt Lake Tribune.
culture. The quarantine against foot-
and-mouth disease in Mexico was lifted
September 1. Normally a large share
of Mexican cattle move into the border
states of Texas, New Mexico and Ari-
zona. Most of New Mexico has re-
ceived rains in mid-July, and pastures TRADITIONAL NAVAJO M0«A$lN$
are improving. Arizona ranges are in
good condition.—Pioche Record.
FURNACE CREEK INN A"/""N for men and women
the original White rawhide sole—Navajo rust buckskin top
other colors available — write for descriptive
U DEATH VALLEY literature
Luxurious desert ootii. Sunny days . . . cool nights. Riding

travel agenti or Death Valley Hotel Co. in Death Valley. Or

phone Furnace Creek Inn at Death Volley. $13.50 postpaid
Moneyback Guarantee

M A P S . . . . for supreme comfort and thrilling pleas-

San Bernardino County, $1.00; River- ure . . . . ideal for casual wear . . . . outdoors
side County, $1.00; San Diego County, . . . . indoors . . . . square dances etc
50c; Imperial Countv, 50c; other FOR A PERFECT FIT SEND OUTLINE OF
counties $1.00 each; " (add 10c for
postage). We carry all topographic FOOT WITH ORDER . . . NO C.O.D
quadrangle maps in California and
other western states and Alaska. If
it's maps, write or see Westwide KAIBAB BUCKSKIN-old pueblo station-P. 0. Box 5156
Maps Co., 1141/2 W. 3rd St., Los TUCSON, ARIZONA
Angeles 13, California.

NOVEMBER, 1952 33
For Army-Bound Indians . . .
MONTICELLO—Selective Service
registration posts have been established
at several places on the Navajo reser-
vation in southeastern Utah for the
convenience of 18-year-old Indians de-
siring to sign for army duty. Within
the past two years, there has been a
noticeable decline in registration, both
on the reservation and outside in San
Juan county. One reason for the de-
cline is that few Navajo boys have the
means of transportation to Monticello,
where Selective Service headquarters
are located. This new arrangement is
intended to make registration more
According to A. .1. Redd, chairman
of the Monticello board, a tentative

I t e t for Christmas plan now is being worked out between

the local board and state headquarters
to take Indians into the army even
though they speak no English or feign
Your friends will love this magazine of the Outdoor West—with
ignorance of English. According to
its new cover in the natural colors of the desert country. this plan, they would be sent to an
They'll laugh at the yarns of Hard Rock Shorty . . . they'll thrill army training camp where Navajo
at the adventures of desert pioneers . . . for a few hours each month servicemen who do understand the
English language and the ways of army
Desert will take them on an exploring trip into a land where there is life will be retained to help in orienting
peace and beauty and the simplicity of natural things. the new inductees.—San Juan Record.
Desert is published for those who are interested in - • • •
Utes Collect Judgment Funds . . .
• Motor trips to odd and interesting places VERNAL—Dust swirled high on
reservation roads one evening in Sep-
• History and legends of the Southwest tember as Ute Indians returned home
with new cars and trucks loaded with
• Life and customs of those who live on the desert bicycles for the children and mattresses
and appliances for the home. Earlier
• Traditions and crafts of the Indian tribesmen that day, each Ute had received a $545
• Wildlife and botany of the desert country government check—an average family
totaling about $2500—as interest on
• Lost mines and treasures of the Southwest the $32,000,000 judgment awarded
the tribe for land seized by the govern-
• How folks make a living on the desert ment in 1880. Checks went to 1724
men, women and children. — Venial
• Colorful personalities of the desert frontier Express.
• Landmarks and oases of the desert • • •
Utah's Ducks Stricken . . .
• Exploration in the desert wilderness OGDEN—Utah Fish and Game De-
partment workers, aided by volunteer
• Semi-precious gems and minerals sportsmen, in September battled the
• Homesteads and ranches in arid America most serious botulism epidemic to hit
Great Salt Lakes marshland ducks in
DESERT IS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY many years. Harmless botulism bac-
teria are present in virtually all soils,
but when certain stagnant water con-
A colorful desert gift card is sent with
ditions exist, they give oil' a toxin which
all gift subscriptions when requested is deadly to waterfowl. Sick birds are
Send your gift list today to cured either by injections of antitoxin
or by transporting them to fresh water.
Since the game department's supply
THE of antitoxin was exhausted almost im-
mediately and none of the drug was
PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA available anywhere in the United
States, the volunteer workers organ-
The cost of DESERT is still $3.50 for 12 months ized to carry the sick ducks to fresh
Two gift subscriptions $6.00 water pools and burn the thousands
Add $3.00 for each additional gift in the same order. already dead of the disease. — Salt
Lake Tribune.

In western United States, gold occurs in
many places where there is no water, and
samples must be tested by winnowing. Ac-
cording to the Georgia Mineral Society
News Letter, C. T. Baroch of the U. S.
Bureau of Mines at Boulder City, Nevada,
has a unique method of dry panning. The
ANOTHER TEXAS SHOW— FIELD TRIPS, EXHIBITS gold-bearing sand is put in an ox horn,
and the processor blows the lighter material
AT AUSTIN IN NOVEMBER PROMISED SHOW VISITORS out of the horn by blowing into the larger
Second annual show of Austin Gem and Two field trips are promised visitors to end.
Mineral Society will be held November 22 the Clark County Gem Collectors' show Another procedure, used by Dr. Walter
and 23 at the Baker School, 39th and Ave- November 8 and 9 in the War Memorial S. Palmer of the Mackay School of Mines.
nue B, Austin, Texas. Committees are and City Hall Building, Fifth and Stewart Reno, Nevada, consists of placing the
headed by W. L. Darnall, exhibits; W. N. Streets, Las Vegas, Nevada. One will take sample on a piece of paper on a table. The
Alexander, posters; Mrs. Emil E. Spillmann, gem and mineral collectors to the Dr. Park prospector shakes the paper as he gently
publicity; and W. B. Helton, club exhibits. onyx beds; the other will lead amateur blows across it. The lighter material is
• • • paleontologists to the Charleston Mountain
marine fossil beds. In addition, an all-day wafted away.
JADE REALLY TWO MINERALS, picnic outing is planned for November 10
CHINESE SPEAKER EXPLAINS —a no-collecting-allowed tour through Ne-
"Jade is really two minerals—jadeite and vada's Valley of Fire.
nephrite," Chang Wen Ti pointed out to This year's show is being dedicated to
members of Hollywood Lapidary Society the memory of the late Dora E. Tucker,
at a recent meeting. According to Chang, charter member of the group. Mrs. Tucker,
nephrite first was discovered 5000 or 6000 an authority on desert wildflowers, was a
years ago in Chinese Turkistan, now Sin- Desert Magazine wildflower correspondent
kiang Province. Found in water-worn boul- for several years. Her collection, including
ders, it was used in fashioning weapons and Indian artifacts, mineral specimens, gem
other implements. Jadeite, a later discovery, stones and petrified woods, will be on dis- ALLEN
is found in good quality only in Burma. play. JUNIOR GEM CUTTER
"Nephrite, an amphibole, contains mag- Other exhibit features include a collection
nesium," explained the speaker, "whereas of diamonds colored in the Cyclotron; the A Complete Lapidary Shop
jadeite, which is a pyroxene, contains alu- Barns collection of dinnerware made of Only $43.50
minum. The minerals differ in hardness Death Valley onyx; and fossils from Ne- • Ideal for apartment house dwellers.
and specific gravity, nephrite being lighter vada, Wyoming and the Dakotas. • Polish rocks into beautiful gems.
but tougher." He showed samples of both • Anyone can learn.
types. • Instructions included.
Explaining how to determine the cutting FAMOUS TEXAS PLUMES
quality of jade, Chang demonstrated how Red Plume, Pom Pom and many other types Write for Catalog. 25c
of agate. Slabs on approval. Rough agate,
a slab may be struck to determine its tone, 8 ll>. mixture postpaid. $5.00. Price list on ALLEN LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT
a good musical sound indicating a solid request.
stone. The "mutton fat" white of nephrite WOODWARD RANCH COMPANY — Dept. D
is considered the best color of that mineral, 17 miles So. on Hwy 118 3632 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles 43. Cal.
whereas jadeite used for jewelry should be Box 453. Alpine. Texas Phone Axminster 2-6206
solid green. When carving, the cutter must
study the changes in color and plan his
design accordingly. One of the finished
pieces displayed by Chang showed a green
jadeite egg, open, inside which the artist
had utilized a darker portion of the stone
to carve the figure of a chicken.
SL2537 Sihc4e it
In a past issue of the Pick and Dop Stick,
bulletin of Chicago Rocks and Minerals
All purpose lamp, operates on
110V AC, weighs only 1 lb., $39.50 MINERALIGHT!
MINERALIGHT instantly locates, identifies vital
Society. Stevens T. Norvell tells how to minerals, saves hours of fruitless search.
handle and look at gem and mineral speci- FIELD CASE
Invaluable for prospectors, miners, engineers and
mens. "You do not have to drop a specimen NO. 404
hobbyists, MINERALIGftT helps you find tungsten,
to abuse it," he points out, and gives three
rules to follow when inspecting a friend's uranium, mercury, zirconium—many other minerals
Contains now being sought for use in vital preparedness work.
collection or handling your own specimens: special battery
"1—Never handle a specimen without its circuit for LEARN TO RECOGNIZE VALUABLE MINERALS!
owner's permission. It will readily be SL 2537. Mineral sets, packaged in varied assortments, help you. Ultra-
granted when the owner sees that you are Case holds violet MINERALIGHT rays show them in all their exciting colors.
considerate enough to make the request. lamp,
batteries. Only $2.50 per set of 10 specimens, carefully packaged in
"2—When permission has been granted, built-in daylight viewer . SI9.50 foam plastic.
hold the specimen by its edges and never, (Plus Bats. .$4.50) Special MINERALIGHT models for crime detec-
never run your fingers over the polished Complete: SL 2537. 40-4CASE,
BATS. $63.50 tion, entertainment, mineralogy and mining, and
faces or the natural prismatic and pyra- laboratory research. Bulletins available describing
midal faces. Not only do fingers leave an ultra-violet MINERALIGHT use in many fields and
oil smear which collects dust, thus necessi- telling you how you can make extra money, enjoy
tating an extra cleaning operation, but dust an exciting hobby at the same time. See Your
sticking to the fingertips is an efficient abra- Mineralight Dealer or Write Dept. is. 2-21
sive causing irreparable damage.
"3—Use extreme care to avoid dropping Completely
a specimen or knocking it against some ob-
ject. When you pick up a specimen by its
battery operated,
weighs only 3^4 lbs.
edges with the fingers of one hand, hold •S34.50 plus battery (80f» 145 Pasadena Avenue, South Pasadena, Calif.
the other hand immediately beneath it to
form a cup to catch the specimen if it EXTRA SPECIAL: Trinitite—the new mineral fused by the first atomic bomb blast at
should drop. Of course, you don't expect Alamogordo, New Mexico. Mounted in foam plastic and beautifully packaged. Still slightly
to drop it, but it might slip. A little care
will prevent such a slip from causing re- radio-active but guaranteed harmless. Terrific collector's item at 25c. See your dealer.
grettable damage." Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., South Pasadena, California

NOVEMBER, 1952 35
G E 111 fllART A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E
8c a Word . . . Minimum $1.00
ATTENTION ROCK COLLECTORS. It RADIOACTIVE ORE Collection: 6 won- First fall trip of Fresno Gem and Mineral
will pay you to visit the Ken-Dor Rock derful different specimens in neat Red- Society was taken in late September to the
Roost. We buy, sell, or exchange min- wood chest, $2.00. Pretty Gold nugget. Nipomo agate field. Nipomo is famous for
eral specimens. Visitors are always wel- $1.00, four nuggets, $2.00. choice col- its beautiful sagenite agate specimens.
come. Ken-Dor Rock Roost, 419 Sut- lection 12 nuggets, $5.00. Uranium • • •
ter, Modesto. California. Prospectors. Box 604, Stockton. Calif. Kenneth Russell, president of the Mar-
qtiette Geologists' Association, spoke on
MINERAL SETS: 24 Colorful Minerals FIFTY MINERAL Specimens, %-in. or "The Geology of the Grand Coulee Region.
(identified) in lxl compartments. $3.25 over, boxed, identified, described, mounted. Washington." at the fust fall session of
postpaid. Prospector's set—50 minerals Postpaid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 729 Chicago Rocks and Minerals Society. No
(identified) in lxl compartments in cloth Lodi, California. formal exhibit was planned for the meeting,
reinforced, sturdy cartons, $5.50 postpaid. but members were invited to bring excep-
Elliott Gem Shop, 235 East Seaside Blvd. JUST GOT BACK from a 7000 mile rock tional summer field trip finds.
Long Beach 2, California. trip from Mexico to the Canadian border. • • •
Hundreds of pounds of choice gem cut- Annual trading post picnic of Colorado
PEANUT P1TCHSTONE (Alamasite) - ting material. Agate, jasper, jasp agate, Mineral Society was scheduled for Septem-
Mexico's oddest semi-precious stone, for crystals, thundereggs, geodes, onyx, traver- ber at Sloans Lake Park in Denver. Picnic
polishing or collecting, 3-lb. chunk $5 tine and howlite. Any of the above gem lunch and afternoon games were plarned
postpaid. Or, Rockhound special, 1-lb. rock 75c, $1.00 and $1.75 per lb., accord- in addition to the swap tables.
fragments $1. Also Flor de Amapa ing to grade. Also slabs from 1 inch to • • •
(pink crystallized edidote) rare. Same 35 inches, tops, no junk 35c to $1.00 per
prices. Alberto E. Maas, Alamos So- sq. inch. Pie-forms in book ends from Geology, mineralogy, Mora and fauna of
nora, Mexico. Send checks only. howlite, travertine, onyx, geodes and the Mojave Desert-Death Valley region of
petrified wood $5.50 to $10.00 per set California were described by Dr. P. A.
MINERAL SPECIMENS and cutting ma- according to grade and color. A. Hugh Foster at a meeting of the Long Beach
terial of all kinds. Gold and Silver jew- Dial. San Fernando Valley Studio of Mineral and Gem Society. He illustrated
elry made to order. Your stones or ours. Lapidary Arts, 7417 Jamieson Ave., his talk with colored slides.
5 lbs. good cutting material $4.00 or Reseda, California. • • •
$1.00 per 1b. I. L. James, Battle Moun- Jade, opal and petrified wood were fea-
tain. Nevada. FALL SPECIALS: 1. Mexico Agate nod- tured in September by the Tacoma Agate
ules, vivid colors, mostly fortification and Club, Tacoma, Washington. Jade and opal
CABOCHONS: genuine imported Agates, banded varieties. Pecan to walnut size specimens were displayed at the month's
Carnelians, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, 50c per lb. Fair medium size $1.00 per first meeting, and petrified wood covered
Tiger Eye, etc., beautifully cut and pol- lb. Thousands of rare and colorful slabs exhibit tables at the September 18 session.
ished. Oval stones in sizes from 10 mm. with complete patterns at reasonable • • •
to 16 mm. 25c each. Minimum order prices. Tubs of slightly imperfect slabs Growing from 39 charter members in
$1.00. Pacific Gem Cutters, 424 So. suitable for gemstones available on the 1949, Compton Gem and Mineral Club now
Broadway, Los Angeles, California. premises only at 10c per slab. 2. Garnet, is near its constitutional limit of 150 mem-
Madagascar, Pyrope variety, bright red bers. The club celebrated its third birthday
McSHAN'S GEM SHOP—open part time, material for cutting gems of good quality September 29.
or find us by directions on door. Cholla and fine color. 30c per gram. 3. Apatite, • • •
Cactus Wood a specialty, write for prices. Mexico, golden terminated crystals. Small Although few specimens were foind,
1 mile west on U. S. 66. Needles, Cali- specimen crystals 5c each. Faceting grade members of Delvers Gem and Mineral So-
fornia, Box 22. 10c each. 4. Turquoise, Nevada. $1.00 ciety, Downey, California, enjoyed a field
BRAZILIAN AGATE MARBLES $1.00 per oz. 5. Mexico cutting opal, mixed trip outing to the beach near Palo V:rde
each. Onyx blanks, unpolished, black assortment, mostly cherry banded, includ- Estates in Southern California.
25c each, red, green, blue, 35c each. ing reddish opalized wood and opal in • • •
Perfect cut Titanium. Eine cutting and matrix. $3.00 per lb. 6. Emeralds, gen- "Oddities of California Geology" was
polishing at reasonable prices. Prompt uine Uralian cabochons, many sizes. $1.00 York Mandra's topic when he spoke at the
attention to mail orders. Juchem Bros., to $3.00 per carat, according to size and Northern California Mineral Society in San
315 West 5th St., Los Angeles 13. Cali- color. 7. Rare and interesting specimens Francisco. California.
fornia. of ruby sphalerite, amethyst, botryoidal • • •
Mexico opal, wulfenite and quartz crys- A "Rockhounds' Liars Contest" was
STOP—LOOK—BUY—Specimens, s l a b s - tal groups. Prices range from $1.00 to planned as feature entertainment at the
rough, from A. L. Jarvis, 1051 Salinas $35.00, according to size and rarity of annual picnic of Dona Ana County Rock-
Road, Watsonville, California. On Sa- specimen. 8. Will trade: carborundum hound Club, Las Cnices, New Mexico.
linas Highway, State No. 1, 3 miles South grits and 6" and 8" grinding wheels of Each member toltl of some fabulous -ock
of WatsonviNe. No. 100 grit for interesting mineral spe- he had found, then passed the specimen
cimens and cutting materials. We have a around the group for inspection. Winner
105 DIFFERENT Mineral Specimens $4.50. complete stock of high quality gems, gem was Mrs. Bernicc Sandell, whose "whopper"
Carefully selected. Makes a valuable aid materials, mineral specimens and lapidary concerned a "petrified hummingbird egg."
in helping identify and classify your find- supplies at most reasonable prices. No The specimen, suspiciously like an agate
ings or makes a wonderful gift. Boxed lists but specific inquiries are answered nodule, showed a yellow yolk in a half eng
and labeled. 70 different $3.00, 35 dif- promptly. Minimum order $5.00 plus shell.
ferent $1.50. Add postage. Coast Gems postage. Satisfaction or money promptly ROCKHOUNDS. ARCHEOLOGISTS and
and Minerals, 11669 Ferris Road, El refunded. When gems or gem materials collectors of Indian relics are discover-
Monte, California. are not for resale, please add 20% tax. ing that Southern Utah is a rewarding
Southern Gem & Mineral Company, 2307 section to visit. Write for free folder.
AUSTRALIAN OPAL CABS: $5.00 and North Mesa. F.I Paso. Texas. Phone Ranch Lodge Motel, Kanab, Utah.
$10.00 each. Small but beautiful, every 2-2160.
stone a gem. A beautiful cultured pearl FOR SALE: Beautiful purple Petrified
for your collection $5.00. Ace Lapidary, Wood with Uranium, Pyrolusite, Man-
Box 67D, Jamaica, New York. AUSTRALIAN CUTTING FIRE OPAL: ganite. Nice sample $1.00. Postage.
We stock this lovely fire opal in all grades. Maggie Baker. Rt. I, Box 2X4, Blythe.
BERYL CRYSTALS. Columbite, Tantalite, We import from the mines. Low grades California.
Purpurite. Andalusite Crystals, Rose for student cutters $1.00, $2.00, $4.00 &
Quartz, Hell's Canyon Agates. Mac- $6.00 per ounce. Better grades for ex- OREGON THUNDER EGGS, mixture of
Mich Minerals Co.. Custer, So. Dakota. perienced cutters $10.00 to $20.00 per Crook County, Harney County and Wasco
ounce. Gem grades $25.00 and up per County. Reds, greens, blues, good matrix.
"DON'T MISS" Fine rough gems. Minerals, ounce. We also stock fine cutting and Our first year's selling after seven y;ars'
Silver and Lapidary supplies at Superior faceting material, and the best in speci- mining. 10 lbs. $7.50 post paid. Ruth's
Gems & Minerals, "4665 Park Blvd. San mens. H. A. Ivers. 1400 Hacienda Blvd. Agate Mining, 10344 S.F.. Sherman Ave-
Diego 16, California. (Sorry, no lists.) (Highway 39) La Habra. California. nue, Milwaukie, Oregon.

After visiting Horse Canyon, California, Gem section members of the Georgia
where members found good specimens of Mineral Society visited the State Museum
plume, red and green moss agate, a field in Atlanta and heard Capt. Garland Pey-
trip party from San Diego Lapidary Soci- ton speak on gold coins and Gilbert W.
Coast Gems and Minerals
ety stopped at Boron to search for petrified Withers tell about Georgia gemstone lo-
wood. calities. FACETING MATERIAL
• • « • • • Almandite Garnet, Mex per gram S .60
Pink Topaz, Mex per gram .50
Mrs. Robert Boyler, in charge of the Cedar City Rock Club invited the Salt Golden Topaz, Mex per gram 1.00
September lesson for the Thumb-nail group Lake Mineralogy Society to join them on White Topaz. Mex. per gram .25
of Orange Belt Mineralogica] Society, dis- a week-end field trip. The clubs visited Citrine, Brazil (good color), per gram
Apatite Xls., Mex per gram
played copper sulphate crystal groups of the Utah Construction Company blowout Green & Blue Tourmaline, Brazil, per gm. .36
different sizes. She explained how she had pile west of Cedar City, a nearby geode Peridot, Arizona - per gram .25
made them by suspending small particles of field and the mineral •
range near Milford.
• •
Kunzite, Pala, Calif
Sunstone, Idaho
per gram 1.00
per gram .20
copper sulphate (bluestone) in a saturated Bytownite, Penna - per gram .25
solution of copper sulphate disolved in was"What Makes Gem Stones Valuable,"
the question answered for Wasatch
Amethyst, Mex
Amethyst, Four Peaks, Top grade
per gram .25
water, and gave each attending member a Gem Society when Dea Erickson appeared Per gram 1.00
sample for his collection. as guest speaker. Amethyst, Four Peaks, 2nd grade
Per gram - 50
• • • c • • Honey & Cherry Opal (clear) per gram .10
Recent earthquake activity in California Pasadena Lapidary held its fourth annual Titania (Newest White) per carat 1.00
was discussed by Dr. Wright at a general show during September and October at the Hematite Preforms Each .30
meeting of San Fernando Valley Mineral public library in Pasadena, California. CABOCHON MATERIAL
G a r n e t , Mex per gram .25
and Gem Society. Afterwards, Mr. Lille- • • • Citrine Qtz., Rio G r a n d e p e r grain .05
berg spoke on the theme stone of the month, Complete statistics on garnet are given in Citrine Qtz., Brazil (some faceting)
petrified wood. one of the recent Dona Ana County Rock- Per gram
A q u a m a r i n e . Brazil per gram
• • • hound Club Bulletin's lesson outlines. A Blue Topaz, Brazil per gram .05
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Quinn showed colored different gem is studied each month. A m e t h y s t , Mex per gram .05
A m e t h y s t , Mex. (Cloudy) per gram .02
motion pictures of a vacation trip through • • • T u r q u o i s e , Miami, Ariz. (Large pieces,
New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah A huge, 229-carat diamond reportedly top blue color, very h a r d ) , p e r g r a m .08
when they were hosts to a supper meeting of was found this summer near Rewa, central T u r q u o i s e , Nevada (Nugget formjper g m . .04
F i r e Opal in Matrix, Mex p e r piece .25
El Paso Mineral and Gem Society. India. About the size of a pigeon's egg, Clear Opal in Matrix, Mex. ..per piece .15
• • • the gem is believed to be the largest mined Clear Opal, n o Matrix per gram .06
The Ecuador earthquake of 1949 was in India this century. The largest diamond Sunstone, I d a h o
Bytownite, Penna
- per gram
described for members of the Southwest ever found was the Cullinan which weighed A p a t i t e , Mex per gram .10
Mineralogists by that country's honorary 3025 carats when it was discovered in Golden Tigereye p e r inch .25
consul, Henry Troya. Mr. Troya showed South Africa. It was cut into smaller dia- Blue T i g e r e y e p e r inch .1)0
Belgian Congo Malachite p e r inch .U0
colored films of the quake, narrating scenes monds. The Star of the South, found in B a r o q u e N u g g e t Gems (polished)..3 for 1.00
of interest. Brazil, is said to be the largest single dia- (A g r a m e q u a l s 5 c a r a t s , 28.35 g r a i n s p e r oz.)
• • • mond now in existence. It weighed 261.88 CHUNK MATERIAL
carats uncut. All types (Minimum order) 8 lbs. $2.00
September issue of Rockhounds Call, • • • Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Money Refunded
bulletin of Complon Gem and Mineral A two-day trip to San Benito County SEND FOR CIRCULAR TODAY
Club, suggested a cool summer field trip as was mapped for September by the field trip
Please add postage to all orders
relief from city heat. A mimeographed chairman of East Bay Mineral Society, Oak- Add 20% Fed. tax—3% Sales Tax in Calif.
map directed members north from Comp- land, California. Campers hoped to find llfiK!) P e n i s Road Kl Monte, California
ton, California, along the coast to Gaviota specimens of actinolite, jasper, opal and
Beach, 30 miles west of Santa Barbara. "A fossil clams, oysters and sharks' teeth.
walk along the beach will reward the • • •
searcher with large pieces of petrified whale Monterey Bay Mineral Society was host PANCHO THE ROCKHOUND
bone. Black, gray, brown and red have been at this year's inter-society Swap Day Picnic says, "Write for our list of
located, some in the whole vertebrae and sponsored annually by the Mother Lode Gems, Minerals, and Cutting
some with the marrow showing. Smaller Mineralogical Society of Modesto, Califor- Materials. Also books on lapi-
pieces can be found right on the beach and nia. The event was held at the American dary and equipment."
along the small creek that joins the ocean Legion Park in Modesto. East Bay Min- LAS PALMAS ANTIQUE SHOP
here," promised the bulletin's editor. eral Society will be host for the 1953 picnic. 818 Ft. Stockton Dr.
• • • • • • San Diego 3, California
Robert Brewer visited the Canadian The San Diego Mineral and Gem Society
Rockies on a vacation trip this summer. resumed its lapidary and gemology classes
He described his visits to the base metal early in September. The schools, taught • Specializing in •
mines in Canada at a meeting of the Min- by members, offer introductory instruction
eralogical Society of Southern California. in gem cutting and polishing, and in min- FINE FOREIGN GEMS
Members were asked to bring Canadian eral and gem identification. AND MINERALS
mineral specimens to the meeting in Pasa-
dena, California. NEW CATALOGS AVAILABLE Lapidary Equipment and Supplies
Gem drills—Jewelry tools—Sterling
• • • If you want Choice Cutting Material, Fine &
Jewelry Mountings—Books—Mineralights
"Glaciation in the High Sierra" was Dr. Rare Materials, Geiger Counters, Miner-
alights, Books, Trim Saws, Fluorescents,
Gordon Oakeshott's scheduled talk for the Ores, Gems, Ring Mounts, or advice, write SUPERIOR GEMS & MINERALS
August meeting of the Gem and Mineral to . . . 4665 Park Blvd., San Diego 16, California
Society of San Mateo County, California; MINERALS UNLIMITED Open 10:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
but in view of the recent severe earth 1724 University Are., Berkeley 3, California Closed Sundays
disturbances in Southern California, he
devoted the main part of his talk to earth-
quakes, tracing causes and effects and out-
lining the history of major California
tremors. The latter part of Dr. Oakeshott's
talk pointed out that sharp peaks and U-
shaped valleys are characteristic results of
glaciation. A good example is Yosemite
Valley, which was partially formed by water BBFOP.c YOU BUY
before the ice age. Slides illustrated both
parts of the scientist's talk. SEND FOR OUR BIG FREE CATALOG
• • • The world-famous HILLQUIST LINE of lapidary equipment
Fritz Wart will read from the Arizona
Bureau of Mines Bulletins and Field Tests L A P I D A R Y E Q U I P . C O . ISAS w. 4? ST., SEATTU 7, W
at monthly meetings of the mineral re-
sources division of San Diego Mineral and
Gem Society. The bulletins are written in
as simple and non-technical language as
the subject permits. Helen Wart discussed
lead and its uses at the division's August
NOVEMBER, 1952 37
Put the Hillquist Gemmaster beside any lapidary
machine — cheaper, flimsy "gadgets" or units that "We gathered obsidian nodules and Apache tears on Mineral Mountain, then paused
sell at twice the price. Compare construction! Com- to look across the desert valley at the panorama of Superior, Arizona, nestled at the
pare ease of operation! Compare how much you base of the mountains a mile or so away."
get for your money and you'll say, "I'll take the
Here is a worthy companion for our larger and
more expensive Hillquts! Compact Lapidary Unit.
Tho smaller in size, the Hillquist Gemmaster has
many of the same features. It's all-metal with spun
aluminum tub. You get a rugged, double-action rock
clamp, not a puny little pebble pincher. You get a
full 3 " babbitt sleeve bearing and ball thrust bear-
ing. You get a big 7 " Super Speed diamond saw
and all the equipment you need to go right to work. Claude A. Conlin, Jr., captain of photography and publicity in the Los Angeles Fi::e
Department, and Charles Crosby, a fellow rockhound, covered 2006 miles of Southwest
USES ALL ACCESSORIES mineral country on a 14-day vacation trip last fall. This is the last in a series of three
You can use all the regular Hillquist accessories stories describing the roads Conlin and Crosby traveled, the places they visited, the
with the Gemmaster: The Hillquist Facetor, Sphere
mineral specimens and gem material they found.
Cutters, Laps, Drum and Disc Sanders, etc.
Photograph by the Author
AND 1 left Crystal Cave with on which drifts to avoid due to lack of
a feeling of satisfaction. We had ex- limbering in potential cave-in areas. The
plored a fascinating underground cav- half-day we spent at the mine produced
ern which few other people have seen or some excellent vanadinite crystals.
will see. Cilobe. Arizona, boasts many mineral
On the road again, we headed back to collectors, but in our opinion two of the
BIG 7" Diamond Saw • 6" x 1 " Grinding Winkleman, north through Christmas and most enthusiastic are Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wheel • 6 " Felt Buff • 6 ' Backing Wheel
6" Disc Sander • Double-action Rock up to Dripping Springs Wash and the ranch Jones of 245 Hill Street. The Joneses have
Clamp • Oil Feed Cup • Water Feed of Cal Bywater, who operates a small gold one of the finest mineral collections we've
Hose & Clamp • Dop Sticks & Dop Wax- mine in the Pinal Mountains. seen, including those on exhibit in muse-
Polish, Compound, Etc.
Bywater was friendly and helpful in sug- ums. Crosby found Jones a trader after
BUILT FOR LONG SERVICE! gesting locations for us to visit. We decided his own heart. My partner's facets won a
No other low-cost lap unit to explore an abandoned vanadium mine quantity of fine chrysocolla, most of which
gives you lull 3" sleeve
bearing, bell thrust bearing
within sight of his ranch. He provided us comes from the Inspiration Mine at Miami.
and pressure lubrication. with carbide lamps and detailed instructions We decided to follow Fred Jones' sug-
gestion and backtrack to Superior, Arizona,
/ aj for Apache tears. A dirt road along the
east side of the Superior airport leads south
Agate Jewelry to Mineral Mountain. Within a mile of the
airport great outcroppings of perlite can be
Wholesale seen. Scattered in the region are hundreds
Rings — Pendants — Tie Chains of obsidian nodules varying from the size
JASPER JUNCTION LAPIDARY Brooches — Ear Rings of a pea lo three inches in diameter.
4909^ Eagle Rock Blvd. — CIJ. 6-2021 Bracelets — Matched Sets We gathered 15(1 pounds of nodules in
Los Angeles 41, California —Send stamp for price list No. 1— an hour and carefully picked out some
choice pieces of perlite with inclusions of
WORK SHOP Blank Mountings Apache tears. There is evidence of the
1112 Neola St. — CL. 6-7197 perlite having been mined on a small scale.
TJOS Angeles 41, California Rings — Ear Wires—Tie Chains We later learned a mining attempt had oeen
Cuif Links — Neck Chains made, but the operation proved unsuccess-
Custom sawing and polishing—24" saw ful. The perlite is of excellent commercial
Slabs, bulk stone, Mineral Specimens Solder — Findings quality, but processing fuses the volcanic-
Polished Specimens & Cabochons —Send s'amp for price list No. 2— glass nodules and renders it useless.
Machinery &. Supplies
We gave many of these nodules ; way
We rent polishing machinery by the hour O. R. JUNKINS & SON during the rest of our journey. It always
INSTRUCTION AT NO EXTRA COST 440 N.W. Beach St. pleased us to see the interest people dis-
Call CL. 6-7197 for Appointment Newport, Oregon played when told what they were.
We started on the road again, heading

east toward St. John, Arizona, where we suddenly I felt a little sick as I realized the
haped to find petrified wood. The eenter next day would put me back in Los Angeles,
of information in St. John is Walt's Cafe, back in the wild scramble for civilization. item. DIAMOND BLADES
and the proprietor, Walter Pulsifer, can I found myself comparing the existence of
supply accurate information on where the city dwellers with that of all the wonderful toy-Duty Snper- Stirfart
best petrified wood sites are. folks we had met on our desert journey. Siytr-Ckit. Chargcd CkineJ
Following Walt's directions, we drove The comparison made me shudder, and 1 6" $ $ 8.60 $ 7.60
north out of St. John 4.8 miles, turned took a silent oath to break away from the 8"
10.95 9.95
right on a dirt road and traveled .3 mile city and really live on the desert. 14.50
12" 21.20 17.65
to a gate in a barbed wire fence, then con- As a point of interest to other amateurs: 14" 27.95 24.45
tinued for another 3.1 miles to the top of a Crosby and I drove 2006 miles in 14 days. 10" 31.20 27.70
18" 62.50 41.25 34.40
yellow hill. Total expense for gas, oil, food and enter- 20" 74.25 49.50 37.95
Looking southwest we surveyed a broad tainment was exactly $106.86. 21" 88.80 62.60 48.95
area of low blue and gray hills absolutely • • • 80" 142.50 119.75 State
36" 215.30 179.10 Arbor
devoid of vegetation. We parked and Every member of Everett Rock and Gem t a x in California. Size
started over and around the base of these Club, Everett, Washington, was asked to Allow for Postage and Insurance
hills. Bits of wood were in abundance, but bring to the September meeting prize spe-
they were badly broken up. After an hour- cimens he had found on summer rockhunt-
long search we stumbled upon a bonanza ing trips. A swap table was planned for Covington Ball Bearing Grinder
—a fallen tree limb approximately 8 inches the trading of duplicates, and a Dutch auc- and shields are
in diameter and 20 feet long. It was broken tion was held for the benefit of the club furnished in
into sections nearly 18 inches long. The treasury. sizes and price
bark was well defined, and the hard agatized • • • ranges to suit
interior has since yielded some handsome Raymond Addison of San Jose Lapidary
your require-
polished pieces strong in blood red and Society ments. Water and
yellow. We packed it carefully in the car, ton Gemdisplayed his cameos at the Comp-
and Mineral Club show in Comp-
grit proof.
then headed back to St. John, Concho and ton, California.
on to Flagstaff via Winslow. COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW
That night, under a full moon, we slept • • •
in the Navajo Bridge observation shelter Norman Dawson discussed "Gems and and motor are com-
pact and do not
on the north bank of the Colorado River. their Formation" at a recent meeting of splash. Save blades
We were up at dawn for the drive to San Diego Mineral and Gem Society. Daw- and clothing with
this saw.
Kanab, Utah—dinosaur country. But, after son told about pegmatite dikes which con-
11 days of perfect weather, thunder clouds tain gems and explained that their brilliant
were gathering, and a rising wind warned coloring often is caused by metals like cop- BUILD YOUR OWN LAP
a storm was on its way. We continued as per, aluminum and magnesium. Kunzite and SAVE with a COV-
far as Mt. Carmel, Utah, but the weather slabs, tourmaline and quartz crystals, va- INGTON 12" or 16" Lap
became more discouraging, and we finally rieties of beryl and specimens of copper in Kit. AVe furnish every-
stopped one mile north of Mt. Carmel at its many forms were displayed to illustrate thing yon need. Send
Tom Blackburn's, the first ranch house on specific points. for free catalog.
the left. Mrs. Blackburn cast an experienced • • •
eye upward and shook her head. She ad- A technicolor tour of Europe and the
vised against our plan to make for Esca- Middle East was taken by members of COVINGTON
lante and the surrounding country—which Santa Monica Gemological Society when Multi-Feature
16" Lap Unit
is rated just about tops for dinosaur bone W. R. B. Osterholt, professor of geology Does
specimens. Grudgingly we ceded to her at Santa Monica City College, showed everything
judgment and decided to save that locale colored slides at an evening meeting. Spe- lor you.
for another trip. cimens of minerals used by skilled foreign
After an hour's visit with the Blackburns, stonemasons in constructing some of the COVINGTON
commercial rock and mineral collectors, we finest of the world's buildings were on dis- 12" 14" 4
did a little trading for Utah geodes and play. or 16" W
wood, then pushed south and drove through Power Feed
• • • Diamond
Zion Canyon in the late afternoon. We Buzz Shields told members of Fresno Saws
hiked to the Narrows to stretch our legs Gem and Mineral Society about the revo-
and improve our view of this fairy wonder- lutionary electric watch, designed in France SAVE
land. and soon to be available in the United BLADES
After stopping in St. George, we made States. The watch is no larger than the
camp 12 miles beyond Overton in Valley conventional type; the main spring and Send for New Catalog, IT'S FREE
of the Fire. We spent the next day explor- balance wheel are eliminated, and the
ing the valley. Petrified wood is abundant, workings are powered by a battery unit COVINGTON LAPIDARY SUPPLY
but it lacks color and is extremely cherty. weighing 1.8 grams. The watches are priced Redlands, California
We couldn't rock hunt here; the area is up to $75, and each battery lasts about two
part of Boulder State Park, and the removal years.
of wood is prohibited—a good law designed
to protect the pleasures of everyone.
By 9 p.m. we were camped out of Jean,
Nevada, for our last night under the stars. BLACK LIGHT KITS
I watched them twinkle a long while, and 110 VOLT LONG WAVE
FIRE OPAL - MEXICO NOW . . . you can build your own black light equip-
Fine minerals, Aztec agate and other ment at a new low cost with these easy-to-assemble
CHOICE cutting materials. components. Geologists, mineral prospectors and hob-
REQUEST FREE PRICE LIST byists can easily make laboratory black lights for
RALPH E. MUELLER & SON mineral identification. Signs, posters, pictures, fabrics, house numbers'™, anything
1000 E. Camelback Phoenix, Arizona painted with fluorescent paint glows with eye-appealing fluorescence under black light.
Kit contains: Ultra-Violet tube, brackets, ballast, starter, wire, plug and wiring diagram.
4 W a t t Ki
«-(5'/4" tube) _ $3.00
ALT A INDUSTRIES 8 Watt Kit—(12" tube) _ $4.00
New Address:
Box 19, Laveen Stage, Phoenix, Arizona
New Location: Enclose full amount with order Equipment shipped postpaid
South 10th \ve., Vt Mile North of Base Line
Lapidary Equipment Manufacture & Design
16-18 inch Power Feed Slabbing Saw C & H SALES COMPANY
Belt Sanders & Trim Saws
(Send Postal for free literature) 2176 EAST COLORADO STREET PASADENA. CALIFORNIA

NOVEMBER, 1952 39
C. L. Farrar used a Baloptican opaque ONLY CLEAN ROCKS Techniques of manufacturing dishes on
projector to show geological slides to mem- the lapidary wheel were discussed by Guest
FLUORESCE PROPERLY Speaker Dr. Helsey at a general meeting of
bers of East Bay Mineral Society, Oakland, "When examining various minerals, in-
California. He took the pictures on a num- San Jose Lapidary Society. San Jose. Cali-
ber of collecting trips to Colorado. New cluding scheelite, for possible fluorescence, fornia.
Mexico and Utah and explained the unus- make certain that the specimen is not coated • • 0
ual rock formations they depicted. After with some material which might be opaque All rockhounds probably are familiar
Farrar's talk, several cabochons and slabs to ultraviolet light," warns George Roy in with the fact that fossil imprints of plants
were projected on the machine. the September issue of Desert Hobbyist, and animals may be found in rock. Per-
• • • bulletin of Shadow Mountain Gem and haps not so common is the knowledge that
"Gems of the Bible" was the topic J. P.. Mineral Society. Scheelite specimens some- seaweeds make rock. Many seaweeds have
Fair, president of the Earth Science Club times are coated with limonite. calcite or a great capacity for extracting limestone
of Northern Illinois, chose for his talk be- other minerals which prevent fluorescence. from seawater. points out the Earth Science
fore members of Marquette Geologists For best results, test a freshly fractured News, and depositing it as a shell-like crust
Association, Chicago. Fair has made an surface. If still in doubt, acid treatment or encasing the plant. Such seaweed rocks are.
extensive study of the use of precious stones mechanical cleaning is a good idea. A spe- in some eases, so much like coral as to be
chosen for sacred purposes, especially by cimen long exposed on the surface may he mistaken for that substance. Paleontologists
the ancient Hebrews. He displayed his col- heavily coated with a fine growth of moss have advanced the opinion that many of
lection of cut and uncut specimens of the or lichens which might interfere with nor- the massive recks in the older strata of
12 gems which were set in the breastplate mal fluorescence. Soaking in water and North America are of seaweed origin.
of the High Priest of Israel. These gems, vigorous scrubbing will remove the organic « • •
described in Exodus XXVIII, 15-30, repre- matter. Dr. Lauren A. Wright, senior mining
sented the 12 tribes of Israel and were em- • • • geologist with the California State Division
blematic of many things. of Mines, recently appeared as guest speaker
Art ferry identifies gem materials by a
unique method. He photographs specimens for Glendale Lapidary and Gem Soc ety.
NtVf-Sensational! GEIGER COUNTER through a magnifying glass, then studies He discussed the geology of California as
the colored slides for tell-tale inclusions. related to the occurrence of earthquakes.
"The SNOOPER" Terry showed his magnified photographs • e •
at a general meeting of I.os Angeles Lapi- Santa Fe Gem and Mineral Soc ety.
ONLY Z 4 " dary Society. By high magnification he was Santa Fe, New Mexico, held its first rock
COMPLETE able to point out the three-phase inclusions and mineral show in September.
Find a fortune in uranium with this identifying the emerald; and the tiny square • e •
new, super-sensitive Geiger Counter. crystal inclusions which differentiate the
Get one for atom bomb defense. So small it fits in the palm of Beryl was featured at the September
the hand or in the hip pocket, and yet more sensitive than many Columbian emerald from the tiny diamond- meeting of the Gem Cutters Guild of Los
large, expensive instruments. Weighs only 1lA lbs. Uses flash- shaped inclusions of the Russian emerald.
light battery. Low price includes earphone, radio active sample, Angeles. Arthur Terry showed colored
instructions. Sold with ironclad moneyback guarantee. Magnification brought out the elongated slides of the mineral and displayed his
ORDER YOURS TODAY—Send S5.00 with order
clusters of gas bubbles which identify syn- personal collection of beryl specimens. A.
or payment in full to save C.O.I). Write for thetic crystals. The slides illustrated the C. Gustafson discussed the polishing of
free catalog on larger, more elaborate Geiger fact that natural corundum always contains beryl and emeralds.
Counters, metal locaters and our ScintHlator inclusions and "silk" — needle-like curved
Counter. • • •
lines—while synthetics have no liquid in-
clusions but small tadpole-shaped bubbles Learn Spanish if you plan to rockhunt
INVITED 2235 D S. LA BHEA, LOS ANGELES 16, CAL. instead. in Mexico. This is the advice of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ci. Schnizlein, who told fellow
CASH PAID members of the Earth Science Club of
Northern Illinois about their trip below the
for top grade cutting and 'EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER' border.
faceting material • so
Wholesale At a late summer meeting of the Minera-
Send samples and prices SLEEPING BAGS logical Society of Arizona, Fred B tner
H. A. IVERS AIR MATTRESSES showed colored slides taken by his son
U00 Hacienda Blvd. — Habra, Calif. Barclay on a tour through the Grand Te-
SMALL TENTS tons, Yellowstone and Glacier Parks. Floyd
Getsinger then projected a nature film
TURQUOISE SPECIMENS and many other items recording the battle between a roadrunner
[Domestic and Foreign and a rattlesnake. Finally, a cartoon was
One from each of si\ differpni mines shown for the youngsters present.
identified SI.00 postpaid. VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT
Satisfaci ion guaranteed 717 West Seventh Street
122 \V. Washington Phoenix, Arizona
Copies of Desert
for Quick Reference
Attractive loose-leaf binders
in Spanish grain leather, gold-
embossed, are available fen
Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla those Desert readers who want
# 4 Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry to keep their back copies for the
HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER maps and travel information
they contain. Each binder holds
Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings 12 issues. Easy to insert, and
and Brooches
they open flat.
Write for Folder With Prices
235 East Seaside Blvd. LONG BEACH 2, CALIF.
Across from West End of Municipal
Auditorium Grounds
Hours 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily Except Monday

By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal
A provocative letter comes from Mildred amount of misinformation from the man
Sanders of Mesilla Park, New Mexico. behind the display case. These ears have
She writes: "I believe you can give your heard some fantastic answers to the ques-
readers an answer to a question which 1 tions of the public at some of the shows
would like very much to see discussed. we have attended. Another fault is that
When is it costume jewelry and when is it synthetic stones are always labeled as such ABOVE ILLUSTRATION SHOWS
jewelry? It burns me to have someone call in our shows but no one labels the true 1—Poly D-12 Arbor $19.95
my topaz, sapphires, emeralds, peridots, gems as genuine. Last year we attended a 2—Cast Splash Shields 15.00
garnets, etc. 'costume jewelry' in much the show where there was a magnificent case
same tone of voice one would use in dis- of faceted synthetic gems, so labeled, at 1—100 Grit Wheel, 8"xl>/2" 7.25
cussing something picked up at the 5 and which two elderly ladies were spending 1—220 Grit Wheel. 8"xVA" 8.25
10 cent store. Any cutter has a healthy considerable time. We passed them a little 1—Dresser Rest 2.25
respect for a real gemstone of any sort. He later as they stood before another case. 1—Jig Block Diamond Dresser 9.50
knows the workmanship it represents, aside One of them became very excited and said,
from the original value of the stone; the "Now look here Martha, this man has cut 2—Galvanized Splash Pans 5.50
many hours of skilled, tedious, patient, a real stone. See, it says 'genuine garnet
careful labor. Is the product less valuable from San Diego County.' Why, do you S67.70
than the same stones displayed in the down- suppose they find real garnets in America?" ALL ABOVE ITEMS—S59.95
town jewelry shops? Almost any rockhound could have given
'The public needs to be instructed. For those ladies a liberal education in five VISIT OUR STORE

example: while in a place of business one minutes and they would have loved it. You T O SEE AND BUY

day I noticed a saleslady admiring a pin I should see the attention and interest we get HIGHLAND PARK E-10. E-12. E-20
wore containing a stone 1 had cut myself. when we appear before women's clubs. We GEM CUTTING UNITS
Having heard 1 was a rockhound she was have a talk entitled "Fascinating Facts
About Gems" we keep just for women's ALL MINERALITE FLUORESCENT LAMPS
unable to make up her mind about the
brooch. She asked, 'is that a real gemstone clubs. It's a subject that usually brings out GEMMASTER UNITS
in your pin or is it just a rock you have a record attendance and it makes an easy BY LAP. EQUIPMENT CO
cut?' For the first time in my life I was talk because it is impossible to say any-
completely at a loss for words. thing in a talk to women about gems that Heavy 18" Rhodium Plated Sterling Silver
is not fascinating to them. Henceforth the Neck Chains—2 ior $1.00. $4.50 per dozen
"I have wondered if the attitude on the lecture will be at least five minutes longer plus 20% Federal Tax and Postage.
part of the public might be caused from for we have a hunch the ladies will all want
our habit of placing our gems in cheap to know more about the term "costume NEW FREE 12 PAGE MINERAL CATALOG
mountings. We have so many that we would jewelry"; and thanks for the tip, Mrs. Sent free on Request
like to wear and most of us cannot afford Sanders.
the kind of mountings our stones deserve, This catalog lists good quality mineral
so we just stick them in any old thing in -.- * * specimens selling at 25c to 35c each. It
order that we may wear them and display We took a dozen pieces of the "costume does not list minerals ior the advanced
our work. However, a good gemstone is jewelry" of Willy Petersen-Fagerstam, Hol- collector. Beginners, students, and pros-
lovely if only it is drilled and hung by a lywood designer, on our eastern trip so pectors will iind this very useful. It will be
chain around the neck. In my opinion it is that we could show the folks at the big sent only when specifically requested with
still a gem—not a costume piece." rockhound gathering at Newark, New Jer- name of magazine in which ad appears.
sey, just how lovely and original some of
Costume jewelry, in the trade, Mrs. these agate pieces are. On Thursday night, Faceted Round Gems
Sanders, is generally considered those pieces October 16, Desert Magazine readers who
made of plated silver or gold in which are live in the Atlanta area had an opportunity of Synthetic
mounted imitation stones, the pieces re- to see them too and we displayed our big TITANIA
tailing at prices from a dollar to as much half-pound opal.
as fifty dollars. They could be the identical have five times more ability than the
Unfortunately this announcement is Diamond to break light into its component
pattern but if they were sterling silver or printed too late for many who probably
gold and contained genuine gems they would would have come to hear our lecture at colors producing a magnificent rainbow
be sold as jewelry. Emory University. The meeting was a effect.
We think a lot of the confusion in the special session called by the Gem Section SEND FOR FREE PRICE LIST describing
minds of the public could be eliminated if of the Georgia Mineral Society. This soci- TITANIA RAINBOW JEWELRY
the rockhounds themselves quit calling their ety is one of the oldest mineral groups in
gemstones rocks and referred to them always America, having been founded February 11, OTHER SERVICES OFFERED
as precious stones, always remembering 1935. It also is probably the largest club JEWELRY REPAIR SERVICE
that there are no semi-precious stones. How as its membership is over 300. When the
lapidary interest became high the club was GEM STONE CUTTING
can a stone be half precious? If a stone is
valuable enough to be set in jewelry it is a wise enough not to permit its membership GEM CUTTING EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS
precious stone. The term semi-precious is to become depleted by the organization of AND SUPPLIES
rapidly disappearing and it is now the cus- another club sympathetic only to lapidary JEWELRY MAKING TOOLS AND MATERIALS
tom in the jewelry trade to class all stones programs. Under the leadership of E. E.
Joachim, long time Atlanta gem collector, MINERAL SPECIMENS
in two groups — diamonds and colored
stones, all of them precious. Colored stones the Gem Section was organized in 1948. FLUORESCENT LAMPS, GEIGER COUNTERS
include all white stones other than dia- It now has 125 members and is part of the URANIUM SAMPLES, FLUORESCENT
monds, and the diamond classification in- Georgia Mineral Society. The Gem Sec-
tion meets on the fourth Monday and the MINERALS
cludes all colors of diamonds. FIELD TRIP GUIDE BOOKS
Another wrong impression rockhounds Mineral Section on the second Monday of
often give the public is the loose use of the each month in the Geology Building of Send for Free 56-page
words gem and jewel. A gem is a precious Emory University. The society has long
stone until it is set in a mounting—then it
been noted for its professional rather than Fall Catalog
its amateur qualities. Its programs have
is a jewel. always leaned to the scientific side and its
A great deal of the lack of appreciation
of the public for the lapidary art and the
jewelcraft of the hobbyists comes from the
crude presentation of their work in some
officers have mainly been professors and
mine operators. We feel highly complimented
that this great group called a special meet-
ing to hear our message on America's fastest 1633 East Walnut Street
of their shows and by a severe lack of in- growing hobby.
formation in the exhibits, or a generous Pasadena 4, Calif.—Phone Sycamore 6-6423

NOVEMBER, 1952 41
between Ifou and Me


7 HE MAIL bag which conies to my office every day

brings some strange ideas. For instance, l" just
opened a letter from a concern which manufactures
a liquid polish to put on the leaves of plants to make
ing the thrill of a first class chase, the wild burro's succu-
lent flesh ranks with that of the better game animals."
It is true, as pointed out by the commission, that the
wild burros are increasing in numbers. Eventually, they
them shine. may become a threat to other forms of wildlife. But I
Maybe that is a new idea which a desert editor wouldn't cannot go along with the idea that shooting and eating
know about—having a house full of flowers with shiny them is the answer to the problem.
leaves. But I guess it is all right, for folks who like 'em Burros are easily domesticated, and they thrive in the
that way. As far as I am concerned I'll take my flowers, service of man. Hardly a week passes that I do not get
leaves and all, the way Nature made them. But I won't a letter from somewhere in the West asking if it is poss ble
argue about it—at least not until some smart salesman to obtain a burro as a pet for the children.
comes along and tries to sell me a box of watercolors for If the California commission insists on having an
giving a new tint to the blossoms of the verbena and the open season for burros. I would like to suggest that the
encelia. Yes. I am a bit old-fashioned about such things. hunter's equipment be limited to a saddle horse and a
lariat. If it is true that burros have become a nuisance on
Another item in the day's mail is a newspaper clipping the range. I will guarantee through the columns of Desert
in which a writer for the Hearst publications expressed Magazine to find homes for many hundreds of them—
great indignation because 300,000 Indians in the United homes where they will have the best of care, and will
States will not vote at the election this year. pay for their board by rendering faithful service as beasts
This writer blames the Indian Bureau in Washington of burden and as pets.
for not advising the Indians regarding their rights in such Actually, the wild burro on the range is a cagey ani-
states as Arizona and New Mexico where a supreme court mal and it will take a good hand with the rope to capture
decision has affirmed the right of the tribesman to vote. him. As a witness to such a contest I'll confess I would
What the writer fails to explain—perhaps because he be rooting for the burro.
does not know—is that on many of the reservations in :•: :[: :•:

the Southwest the tribal leaders have advised their people During the second week in November, Cyria and I
against exercising the citizenship rights to which they are will be among the thousands of motorists who will attend
entitled. What these leaders fear is that if the Indian the 4th annual encampment of the Death Valley 49ers
assumes the role of a full-fledged American citizen he will in the Death Valley National Monument.
also have to assume the tax obligations which go with The program this year will extend over four days.
citizenship. November 8-11, with many exhibits and entertainment
Probably the tribal leaders are wise. If the Navajo features to interest those who make the annual trek. For
reservation were parceled out to the families of the Nav- the information of those who have not been in Death Val-
ajo nation and placed on the state and county tax roles ley, I should mention the fact that lodging facilities arc
of Arizona and New Mexico, it is very likely that within very limited, and such quarters as are available will have
a few years most of the reservation lands would have to been reserved long before the dates of the encampment.
be sold for delinquent taxes. But there is unlimited space on the floor of Death Valley
With some exceptions, the Indians are not ready yet for those who like to spread their bedrolls under the
to assume the obligations of citizenship. And until that stars—and normally, the early November weather is
time comes it is not to be expected that the tribesmen will favorable for camping out.
have all the rights of citizenship—for in a democracy, The Death Valley 49ers is a very informal organiza-
citizenship involves obligations as well as rights. tion. If you attend the annual encampment you may be-
* :|: :;: come a member by paying a fee of $ 1.00 to the women
The mail bag has brought many letters of protest who will have a little booth for that purpose at the Furnace
against the action of the California department of fish Creek Ranch. If you subscribe to the idea that there
and game in stating that there is no closed season on should be a regional museum in Death Valley, then you
wild burros. The California commission sent out a news will have a opportunity to contribute to that also.
release which reads: It was gratifying to me to learn that John Anson Ford,
"The offspring of the dusty pack animals which helped supervisor in Los Angeles county, has accepted the chair-
the old-time prospectors write some of the most colorful manship of the committee which will sponsor the must urn
pages of Western history are today providing rugged sport in behalf of the 49er organization. For John Anson gen-
and good eating for a few venturesome hunters on the erally makes a success of whatever he undertakes. And
desert ranges of Southern California. . . . Besides provid- Death Valley does need a museum.

Dub Evans' hounds play a large
part in running down the killer animals
— bears, bobcats, mountain lions,
wolves—which endanger livestock and
game. "There are dogs, and there are
hounds; but at the very top of dogdom
are those lion- and bear-hunting Evans
hounds, down on the Slash."
SOUTH OF THE BORDER WITH WITS AND HOUNDS Here is the miracle of hound sagac-
From the press of the Union-Trib- Slash Ranch, center of the Dub ity as pitted against the mystery of
une Publishing company in San Diego Evans cattle interests, is in the heart scent, told by a master hunter and a
has come Mexican Vistas, newest and of some of the best lion- and bear- master observer. Dub Evans' Slash
one of the most informative books yet hunting country in the Southwest. Bor- Ranch Hounds is a book which should
written about Mexico and its people. dered on three sides by the great Gila be read by every hunter and dog lover;
James Clifford Safley, the author, wilderness and touching such wild, and for the student of the Southwest,
is editor of the San Diego Union, and rugged country as the Mongolian it describes a wilderness area unex-
the book represents many years of Mountains, the Black Range and the celled for grandeur and scenic beauty.
close contact with the people of Mex- east and middle forks of the Gila River, Published by the University of New
ico, both the high officials in govern- it is the home of many predators whose Mexico Press. 244 pages, halftone
ment and the working people of the removal requires skillful hunting. illustrations. $4.50.
towns and farms.
While the author has given accurate
glimpses of many phases of Mexican
life, past and present, he has devoted
extra detail to Baja California and the
West Coast of Mexico, with which he
is especially familiar.
Just as we were ready to leave, we took off our hats, and overlooking the
Introduction to the book was writ- scene of so much trial, suffering and death, spoke the thought uppermost,
ten by Gen. Abelardo Rodriguez., for- saying, "Goodbye Death Valley."
mer president of the Republic of William Lewis Manly could never forget that scene in 1849 when the survivors of the
Mexico. 206 pp. Map and halftone Manly-Bennett-Arcane party bade bitter farewell to the terrible Valley of Death.
illustrations. $3.75. Thirteen comrades remained behind in lonely desert graves.
Death Valley it still is called today. But now, in spite of the grim
AUTHOR PROVES WESTERN name, thousands of visitors flock each winter to this curious, beau-
FACT STRANGER THAN FICTION tiful land of sand dunes, history and wonderful landscapes.
According to Oren Arnold, the facts For those who have never seen Death Valley, here are books which will open a vast
of Western history are wilder than any new country to visit someday. For those who already have traveled this incredible
yarns the fictioneers can concoct. He land, they will reveal new facts and legends about its history, its characters, its climate,
proves it in his latest book, Thunder geology, mineralogy, botany and animal life.
in the Southwest.
This is a collection of true stories
PIONEERS O F' 4 9 . . .
DEATH VALLEY IN '49. William Lewis Manly's ac-
about the early West. Some of the count of the Manly-Bennett-Arcane party's tragic trek.
episodes are told in a few short para- A vivid description—in plain, unvarnished words—of
graphs; others—like "The Stolen Sis- wagon-train life and of the desperate bravery and high
courage of those immigrants who first blazed the Death
ters," the story of the Oatman mas- Valley trail. 524 pages, illus., endmap, i n d e x . . . . $6.50
sacre; "We Remember Pancho," about
the notorious bandit, Pancho Villa, THE OLD-TIMERS . . .
and "Doc and Kate, the First Stage LOAFING ALONG DEATH VALLEY TRAILS. William
Robbers"—comprise chapters. Draw- Caruthers. Here is much information never before
published about Death Valley Scotty, Shorty Harris,
ings by Nick Eggenhofer illustrate Indian George, Jacob Breyfogle and scores of other
many thrilling scenes. old-timers, prospectors, mule skinners and frontiers-
In the harried times of the Western men who played leading roles in the early day drama
of Death Valley. 184 pages, illustrations, index. .$3.85
frontier, people could not pause to
set down much about the events taking TOURISTS TODAY . . .
place around them, so many of the DEATH VALLEY, American Guide Series $2.50
stories can never be documented. But DEATH VALLEY AND ITS COUNTRY,
the Southwest still is young, as Author George Palmer Putnam $2.75
Arnold found. "Since I began these DEATH VALLEY, The Facts, W. A. Chalfant $2.75
tales in 1920," he reports, "I have
These three guide books will tell the Death Valley
talked to many of the actual partici- visitor about the history, geography, climate and water,
pants. From them and from eyewit- mining, industry, geology, mineralogy, botany and ani-
nesses I have obtained the wealth of mal life of the Death Valley country and its development
detail, then put it together the way as one of the most popular of America's winter play-
grounds. The first two books listed include travel notes
they liked to do." and logged motor tours; all three have maps.
The resulting anthology of anec-
dotes is highly dramatic, sometimes Books mailed postpaid California buyers add 3% tax
sensational and always good reading
—an excellent blend of Western fact
and folklore.
Published by the University of Ok- Palm Desert, California
lahoma Press.'237 pages, $3.75.

NOVEMBER, 1952 43
C M I M I I ' I MWU totChristmas ping
It's time to begin thinking about Christmas gifts vast, mysterious reaches of the American Southwest.
again. And here are some suggestions for the chil- So why not make Christmas shopping easy this
dren on your list—books which will tell your favorite year? Browse through this list of books and check
youngsters about the fascinating desert land. In those which should be on the shelf of your child or of
simple texts and pictures or in delightful, imaginative some small friend or relative. The Desert Crafts Shop
stories, they answer questions about the Indians, will mail your order to you—ready and waiting for
about desert plants, animals and minerals. These gay paper and ribbon the minute the yuletide spirit
books will teach children to love and understand the strikes you. Or we'll wrap them for you, if you like.

tde ^l/eny ay /tloud

ington wrote this book of desert plants and animals Herndon. After children have become acquainted
to answer the questions of her own two children. with creatures of the desert, they like to hear
The scientific Tacts are well organized, accurately stories about them and to learn more of their
written and pictured to entertain as well as to habits. Here is a book of charming stories touched
instruct. And the short sentences and simple with whimsey — excellent for bedtime reading
words make it. possible for the youngest readers aloud or for family groups around a winter fire.
to read to themselves. 00 pp. 45 photographs. $2.75 1(>!) pages, pen-and-ink illustrations $3.00

• \ / COCKY, Loyd Tireman. Saucy, strutting Cocky, V LITTLE NAVA.IO BLUEBIRD, Ann Nolan
rollicking little roadrunner, first frightens his Clark. Small girls especially will love Doli. their
neighbors with his long bill and queer running little Indian cousin from Southwest .Mesaland.
gait, then makes them laugh. But they learn to From the opening paragraph, when she peeps
love and respect him after he kills the enemy rat- timidly from behind the folds of her mother's
tlesnake in an exciting fight to the finish. Draw- skirt, to the end, when she walks between her
ings by Ralph Douglass $1.25 father and mother, proud in the knowledge of
being a true Daughter of the People. Doli is a
very real little girl. That her trail is the trail of
• \ / ONE LITTLE INDIAN', Grace and Carl Moon. thousands of her People in a new world gives this
This lovely story for very small children takes book its particular distinction. 143 pages, illus-
Ah-di, a Southwest Indian boy. from the early trations by Paul Lanz .$2.50
morning of his fourth birthday all through a won-
derful day of surprises and presents. Simple sen- V PECOS BILL, Dr. James Cloyd Bowman. Pecos
tences, large type and striking illustrations.. .$2.00 Bill, fabled hero of the cattle country, is one of the
best-loved legendary figures of American folk lore.
•y 3 TOES, Loyd Tireman. "Yip, Yippj Yip. Here is a delightfully illustrated volume of his
Yippy Yay, I'm a clever fellow, they say. sings marvelous exploits and deeds of daring. Drawings
Three-Toes the cunning coyote. Quiet as the by Laura Bannon. 2!)(! pages $2.50
shadow of a floating cloud, he gets around to gob-
bling Rancher Brown's dinner, t ricking Towser \ / T H E TRADER'S C H I L D R E N . While telling
the dog and sending Hop-A-Long jumping for shel- a good lively story. Laura Adams Armer presents
ter on his long jackrabbit legs. He'll keep young an authentic picture of life in a desert country
readers on pins and needles as he pops in and out where sheep raising is almost the only occupation.
of mischief in sunny Mesaland. Illustrated by The children who are the chief characters are real
Ralph Douglass $1.25 children, and the 15 photographs which illustrate
the book were taken of them and of their Xavajo
friends. A delightful story told with warmth and
IRead, and understanding. 211 pages $2.50


ing directions and an easy-to-read text direct young
artists' crayons in these full-page drawings depict-
ing phases of Southwest Indian life. Drawing by \ / THE FIRST HOOK OF STONES, M B. Cor-
Eugene Bischoff, text by Kay Bischoff. Four mack. pictures by M. K. Scott. Written by an
booklets, si 2x11 inches: "Hopi and Zuni," expert and full of good picture's which help to
"Pueblo," "Xavajo." "Apache" Each 50c keep things clear, this book makes stone collecting
easy for junior rockhounds. In a simple, step-by-
V CUT AND COLOR. "Learn while doing" is the step approach, it shows how to start a mineral
theory behind Eugene and Kay Bischoff's two Cut collection, how to identify specimens through
and Color booklets. "American Indian Dances" simple tests, how to arrange display boxes and
and "Kachina Dolls" invite children to color out- labels, how to plan field trips. Fundamentals of
lined figures, then cut them out and fold bases for geology and mineralogy are explained in non-
stand-up illustrations of Indian life. Color notes technical language, and individual minerals are
are given as well as general information on indi- described in simple terms. 93 pages, index, pro-
vidual dancers and dolls. Paper-bound booklets. fuse illustrations SI.75
S1 2x11 inches Each 50c
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