Mco 01

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of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-01

Term-End Examination
-7 1 4
June, 201 1
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Answer any five questions.
1 . Critically examine the scientific management 20
theory propounded by F.W. Taylor.
2. How is individual behaviour determined ? 5+1 5
Discuss the major factors influencing individual
difference in behavioural pattern.
3. (a) "Pre-inforcement plays an important role in
strengthening or weakening of the
behaviour." Examine this statement.
1 0+1 0
(b) How is schedule of reinforcement helpful
for manager to select a reward for enhancing
the performance of his subordinates ?
4. " Personality attributes of employees are used in 20
understanding the behaviour and design suitable
strategies to deal with their behaviour." Discuss
with the help of various personality attributes.
MCO-01 1 P.T.O.
5. (a) Describe Herzberg's two factors theory of
motivation .
Distinguish between Maslow's and
Herzberg's theory of motivation.
6. What do you mean by Job design ? Explain
various models of Job design.
5+1 5'
7. (a) How can you develop an organisational
culture ? 1 0+1 0
(b) Explain the dimensions of organisational
8. Write short notes on any two of the following
(a) Managing Multinational Organisation
(b) Theory of Attribution
(c) Job Enrichment
(d) Contingency Theory of Organisation
1 0+1 0

MCO-01 2
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4 51ezi ti q arg&i ct)+1 mem{ tizieictf cbtcil t?
MCO-01 3 P.T.O.
4. "c t, 11 ,1**c x.ic iwQ- T r r r iT 4* r 1 fir di mi t 20
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cgrcti cci WI fttfErdraff*Tgq R4 cens qi Vf.- A- 1
5. (a) 7A-4 4 * afiT Our *t.wr W i*fuz iuw-f-4-4wff
W r-- 41

(b) -kM. * -00* afid-T ur fir * mil atd1
6. .11- 4 6,- Ti i 4 1 A am qzs TT li grej4 t ? 14 SAI*1 *
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7. (a) tvi dli cli chTtlzfrff i 31111 ralti 5i chi { ci ch ti cf
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(b) tvi cs i i ci i ch qi ci i ci tui talFITI4 W aTTUEIT ct) %71 I
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(a) 4 ETTLITzr ti gai W
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(b) "TTIR)trff T i i i .s i ci
(c ) 7'14 ilatk
(d) ti 4 i cs 1 W mi ti f lchaf ffi T thata
MCO- 0 1 4

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