Armatura: Basic Commands

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Ad Signa (Fall In): Take position to left of Signifier or right markers (in position) in two ranks. Dress right.
Intente (Attention): Head up, eyes front, chin in. Move right foot net to left at !"#$"% angle. &ock knees.
'ack straight, chest out. 'ring ( hold pilum vertical.
Dirige Frontem (Dress ranks). )ight markers stand fast (don*t move). +ll others turn head right ,"%, raise
right arm, move into straight line position with arm fully etended ( knuckles touching net man-s shoulder.
Alternatiel!: .f given while marching it means to straighten the lines.
Redi (Read!" Front): /nly give after Dirige 0rontem Smartly drop right arm to side, return to .ntente.
Silete (Silen#e).
Ut F$istis (As %o$ &ere).
Insiste (Stand Still)
Mandata Ca'tate (O(sere Orders).
)*'e#tate (&ait For It).
Re'itate (Do It Again). 1very centurion*s favorite command.
+a*ate (Stand at )ase (Rest)): )elaed position. 0eet 2 !"cm (3 ft) apart, left foot 34cm (5 in) forward of
right. &eft knee slightly 6ent. Scutum on ground facing front, in front of left foot with left hand on top middle.
)ight hand without pilum lightly held on pommel /) pilum 6utt on ground 2 4cm (7 in) from right toes, right
arm out, holding shaft at 2 waist height, shaft at 2 5"8 angle.
Otiose (Stand )as!): 9ery relaed position. +ny 6ody part ecept feet may 6e moved. .ntente and &aate
are the only commands that may 6e given to men at /tiose.
Sal$tate (Sal$te): 1tend right arm forwards ( up at $4% angle. &ine gladius with arm. :etend right arm
forwards ( up at $4% angle, holding pilum vertically.; .f no weapons are carried, palm is vertical ( fingers are
straight. Turn head towards person 6eing saluted. Hold salute for one <uick time pace (normal pace, 5"
&)A,ON -AND+IN.:
,orro Arma/ (To Arms): >sually given as a preperatory command to falling in, .1 get on your gear. +lso
used as an alarm call. ?@e are under attack, gra6 your armsAAB
,ila ,ortate (,i#k $' ,ila)C Move right foot 6ack, 6end knees ( move right hand down pilum shaft to grasp
it 2 $4cm (3.4 ft) from 6utt, return to .ntente with pilum resting in el6ow crook, at slight angle, with 6utt a6out
!"cm (3 ft) a6ove ground. Alternatiel!: .f given while the soldier is at Dila 9ollite (preparing to throw) the
command Dila Dortate will return the pila to the carry position without a throw.
,ila 0ollite (,re'are To T1ro2 ,ila): )everse grip on pilum, raise to throwing position.
,ila Ia#e (T1ro2 ,ila): >sually throw pilum from dou6le time. .n 6attle, this command as implicit Eladios
Stringite. Throw with normal Favelin motion, follow through with right hand onto gladius hilt. Draw gladius
forward ( swing it round until in straight line with arm. Simultaneously 6ring scutum to front of 6ody. Tuck
right hand into side of right hip with gladius horiGontal ( pointing forward. Heep gladius 6ehind scutum until
making contact with enemy.
,ila In3ige (,lant ,ila ($'rig1t in gro$nd)).
,ila Demittite (+o2er 'ila): &ower pilum to ground ( hold at .ntente.
,ila In Terram (.ro$nd ,ila)C Move right foot 6ack, then 6end knees. &ay pilum on
ground, pause ( return to .ntente.
S#$ta ,ortate (,i#k U' S#$ta): Move right foot 6ack, 6end knees ( pick up scutum with left hand, return to
S#$ta Tollite (Raise S1ields (Battle ,osition)) Dlace scutum directly in front of 6ody, lower head, prepare
to draw swords.
S#$ta Demittite (+o2er S#$ta).
,ila S#$ta ,ortate (,i#k $' ,ila 4 S#$ta): Move right foot 6ack, 6end knees to pick up scutum with left
hand ( slide right hand down shaft of pilum grasping it 2 $4cm (3.4 ft) from 6utt, return to .ntente with pilum
resting in crook of el6ow at slight angle with 6utt 2 !"cm (3 ft) a6ove ground.
.ladios Stringate (Dra2 .ladi$s): Erasp pommel with right hand (6ack of hand facing 6ody) on
penultimate sylla6le. /n last sylla6le IT1I, draw gladius forward ( swing it round until in straight line with
arm, pause 6riefly. Simultaneously 6ring scutum to front of 6ody. Tuck right hand into side of right hip with
gladius horiGontal ( pointing forward. .f stationary ( at attention 6ring left leg forward to 6race scutum.
.ladios Re#ondite (S1eat1 .ladi$s): /n penultimate sylla6le, position gladius so only point is inserted
into sca66ard ( move hand to pommel. (This may take time, so there is a longer pause to ensure all men
are ready). /n last sylla6le IT1I, thrust gladius into sca66ard ( lightly rest right hand on pommel.
Ad Agmine (Form Mar#1ing Col$mn). Determined 6y unit siGe, usually a minimum of two lines.
Ad A#iem (Form Battle5+ine). Determined 6y unit siGe, usually a minimum of two ranks. Taller soldiers to
the rear. 0all in on Signifir or standard, or in emergency facing the enemy.
Test$dinem Fa#ite (Form Test$do). 0orm the tortoise. 0ront rank comes to Scuta Tollite, Side ranks move
scuta to appropriate side, rear ranks place scuta overhead. Jenturio and Signifir move to rear of formation.
March is at a half step and must 6e in time. &eft foot always forward, 6ring right foot to 6ack of left at ,"
degree angle in a shuffle step. This keeps the strongest stance at all time. March is to )/#M+ cadence.
&eft foot on )/, right foot up on M+.
C$ne$m Fa#ite (Form &edge). Middle Man or men step forward designated num6er of paces 6ased on
siGe of the formation. Men to their immediate left and right fall in one step 6ehind each other down the line.
Jenturio and Signifir to rear of formation.
Ad .ladi$m" Clina (Rig1t 3lank6Rig1t 3a#ing moement): Divot ,"% on right heel ( left toes, place left foot
net to right. .f marching, an immediate turn 'K TH1 1LT.)1 0/)M+T./L to the right (a ?0lankB
Ad S#$t$m" Clina (+e3t Flank6le3t 3a#ing moement): Divot ,"% on left heel ( right toes, place right foot
net to left. .f marching, an immediate turn 'K TH1 1LT.)1 0/)M+T./L to the left (a ?0lankB command)
Trans3orma (A(o$t Fa#e): Dlace right foot toes 6ehind left heel, pivot 3M"% on left heel ( right toes, end
with left foot net to right at !"#$"% angle. .f marching, and immediate turn to the left to change the direction
of the entire formation.
Moe (For2ard Mar#1): Jommand of 1ecution for forward marsh, also used as the sole command
(preparatory and eecution) in small formations.
,ro#edite (Mar#1): Heep pace with cadence of ?SinB (left) ?DeB (right). Dreperatory Jommand 6ased on
unit siGe, ie Milites, Jontu6ernium, Jenturi, 9eillatio, etc.
,ro#edite Ite Intente" Moe (For2ard Mar#1 at Attention): 0ormal command for ?march at attentionB. &eft
foot first. March at <uick time. Swing scutum from front to left side on first step. 1yes straight ahead. )ight
arm, if not holding pilum, swings to pace ( as high as waist, el6ows straight, fingers curled ( thum6s to
front. Move is command of eecution.
,ro#edite Ite +a*ate" Moe (For2ard Mar#1 at )ase): 0ormal command for ?March at easeB &eft foot first.
March at <uick time. Swing scutum from front to left side on first step. Heep pace with cadence of ?SinB
?DeB. )ight arm, if not holding pilum, swings to pace ( as high as waist. Lo talking. 'ody more relaed
than at .ntente, head may 6e turned to side. Move is command of eecution.
,ro#edite Ite Otiose" Moe (For2ard Mar#1 Ro$te Ste'): 0ormal command for ?0orward march at a
route stepB +s
&aate, 6ut <uiet conversation is allowed. Move is command of eecution.
Signo Se7$$te (Follo2 Standard6+eader). >sed to guide around turns or unusual 6ends in the
Ad .ladi$m 0ertite (Rig1t Col$mn T$rn): Eive order on right foot. Take check pace with left foot. Turn
right foot to right ( 6ring to ground immediately net to left foot. (Slam right foot down to 6reak forward
motion ( avoid falling forward.) 'ody is turned to right as left foot is lifted. 0irst man in line turn immediately,
others follow as they reach that spot. 9ertite is the command of eecution.
Ad S#$ta 0ertite (+e3t Col$mn T$rn): +s +d Eladium, 9ertite 6ut right foot is turned to left ( is 6rought to
ground in front of left foot. 0irst man in line turn immediately, others follow as they reach that spot. 9ertite is
the command of eecution.
Trans3orma 0ertite (A(o$t T$rn): The entire formation turns at the march. Eive order on right foot, give
check pace with left foot. Turn right foot to right ( slam down, heel to heel at ,"%. &ift left foot, turn ( place
6eside right foot, comforta6ly turn 6ody with movement. &ift right foot, turn ( place heel to heel at ,"%, 6ody
following ( now facing 3M"% from original line of march. Jontinue 6y stepping off with left foot. 9ertite is the
command of eecution.
Ad S#$ta Fle#tite (+e3t In#line): Moves entire formation to the left at a $4 degree angle. &eftmost milites is
the guide. 0lectite is the command of eecution.
Ad .ladi$mFle#tite (Rig1t In#line) Moves entire formation to the )ight at a $4 degree angle. )ight most
milites is the guide. 0lectite is the command of eecution.
Ad .ladi$m De'one (Rig1t &1eel): 0ront rank marches around ,"% arc centered on right marker, looking
right to maintain dressing. &eft man increases pace, while pivot man marks time.
Ad S#$ta De'one (+e3t &1eel): +s +d Eladium Depone, 6ut to left.
.rad$m Serate (&at#1 T1e Ste') .1, Eet 6ack in step.
A##elera (S'eed U' t1e ,a#e).
Tarda (Slo2 Do2n t1e ,a#e).
,arati/ (.et Read! (To #1arge" et#.)).
,orro/ (C1arge/)
,$ls$m ,edi($s" Date (Mark Time" Mar#1): Eive order on right foot. Take check pace with left foot, 6ring
right foot to ground 6eside left. @ithout 6reaking pace, continue marching on spot. +void tendency to
increase pace. )arely used.
Consiste6State (-alt): Eive order on right foot. Take check pace with left foot, 6ring right foot to ground
6eside left. >susally has a preparatory command 6ased on unit siGe, .1 Miites, Jontu6ernium, Jenturi,
9eallatio etc.
Dimitto (Dismissed 3rom 3ormation). Stack shield pila and helm.

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