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Prepared By,
Sujitha . B
B. Ed. Mathematics
Reg no. : 13352021

The opportunities of the century changed through new technological
approaches in every field. One and the most important of these fields are
education and instructional systems. Through the technological changes
students of this century need to understand the opportunities and advantages of
the new approaches. The effective use of technological opportunities by
students and teachers on education is the requirement of new technological
world. The use of Internet technologies to deliver a broad array of solutions that
enhance knowledge and performance
In the past, learning and education simply meant face-to-face
lectures, reading books or printed handouts, taking notes and completing
assignments generally in the form of answering questions or writing essays. In
short; education, learning and teaching were considered impossible without a
teacher, books and chalkboards. Today, education and training have taken on a
whole new meaning. Computers are an essential part of every classroom and
teachers are using DVDs, CD-ROMs and videos to show students how things
work and operate. Students can interact with the subject matters through the use
of such web based tools and CD-ROMs. Moreover, each student can progress at
his/her own pace.
A website is a term that describes a collection of web pages, media
files and other digital assets that are all combined in the URL. Its usually a
single web server that hosts a website and can be accessed via the Internet. In
the present days, most businesses, educational establishment and just ordinary
people create a website to showcase and manage their activities over the
web.The enormous popularity of the internet as a social networking, business
and education tool paved its way for the rise of web pages that make it possible
to strengthen their brand and professional positions in the industry. It is a
collection of web pages, media files and other digital assets that are all
combined in the URL. Its usually a single web server that hosts a website and
can be accessed via the Internet. In the present days, most businesses,
educational establishment and just ordinary people create a website to showcase
and manage their activities over the web.
Now-a-days the need for education institution to have a reliable, effective and
attractive web presence is increasing as online technology is becoming an
important part of the educational process.The higher education institutions play
a vital role in the development of a society while higher education websites
have a lot of roles to fill. They need to provide information for prospective
students, current students, parents of students , faculty and alumni. They often
need to include reams of information in a way that makes everything easy to
explore and its agreat challenge.

Importance of a website
An effective website help with attracting new students as well as
for serving the needs of current students. Higher education institutes needs to
make a website to globally in print theopportunities provided by their institute
so it can be accessed world widely.Higher education institutions and programs
can elect to go through a peer reviews process that is coordinated by private and
state accredits organizations.These organizations are made up of higher
education professionals who evaluate quality based on the organization's
established standards.Higher education web sites provide all the information
about the coursesthat could boost a student's career prospects and earning
potential, whilegiving them the chance to immerse themselves in a subject that
really of their interests.

In this technology era, the passion of internet is boosting among the students.
For any search they usually like to use the Google to collect the information.
Similarly in the case of education, it is often helpful to use education websites
as a means of collecting the relevant information about the concerned subject.
Well, it has become very necessary for any new business to promote over the
web.The concept of education websites is still new in India but owing to its
growing need, it is gaining popularity at a fast pace. Students have become
more conscious about their career so that picking right course is necessary as it
is the merely way that ensures their good professional life. In this regard, they
visit education websites and openly discuss their areas of interest and seek all
significant info. Students also visit these education websites to get the
information about the various college or institute; they want to take
admission in like medical colleges in India.
These education websites are especially best for those students who live
in the remote areas and don't able to reach the colleges. They can add their
request by mailing these education websites and fetch the instant responses. It is
always advisable to visit education websites as this can help you make sensible
decision concerning your career.

The extent to which e-learning assists o replaces other learning and
teaching approaches is variable.Now a days CDs play an important role in the
educational field. Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) refers to a
technology in which a range of data types, such as text, graphics, audio,
photographs, and video can all be stored in digital form and accessed by
conventional Personal Computers. In the past, learning and simply meant face
to face lectures, reading books or printed handouts, taking notes and
completing assignments generally in the form of answering questions or writing
essays. In short, education, learning and teaching were considered impossible
without a teacher, books and chalkboards. Today education and training have
taken on a whole new meaning. Computers are an essential part of every
classroom and teachers are using DVDs CD-ROMs and videos to show students
things work and operate. Student can interact with the subject matters
through the use of such web based tools and CD-ROMs. Moreover,
each student can progress at his/her own pace.
Students can become active participants as opposed to passive ones where
they simply receive instructions or information. Trust is another factor that
enhances the learning ability of students. Teachers can establish credibility in
what they are teaching. Web based tools can be used for providing
demonstrations and examples that can help students credence in what they are
learning. The role of educational cds in the field of education is four fold: it is
included as a part of curriculum, as an instructional delivery systems, as a
means of aiding instructions and also as a tool to enhance the entire learning
process. Education has gone from passive and reactive to interactive and
aggressive. It is geared towards creating curiosity in the minds of students. It
helps students to understand and retain concepts better.CD allows distant
learning which literally means that it deliver a classroom in the homes.
Teacher can establish credibility in what they are teaching. Web based tools like
cd can be used for providing demonstrations and examples that can help
students establish credence in what they are learning. It provide distance
learners with online communities, live chat rooms and bulletin boards. It allows
students to collaborate and communicate even though they are isolated in their
own space.CD-ROM based training have helped eliminate the need for an
instructor based lesson plans. Students can grasp concepts faster, proceed and
move along, without being held back by ones who need more time and help for
learning. Such individual pacing is beneficial to all. It allows students to put
into practice information quickly and with better results. Students can save time
and increase their productivity. Educational cds can include demos, feedbacks
that can help the students to reflect on what they have learned. In all these ways
educational cds plays a major role in a students life.
Learning Module is a tool that provides course materials in a
logical, sequential, order, guiding students through the content and assessments
in the order specified by the instructor. Instructors can insert formatted text,
files, weblinks. Discussion Topics, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, and soon,
Assessments. Content can be structured in such a way as to require students to
complete content before they are allowed to proceed to the next content. It is
also possible for instructors to set up a place for students to add content to the
Learning Module. Learning modules are made by educators.
Learning Modules are used to package and present content and allow
instructors to organize related course materials in a Table of Contents. All types
of content, such as items, Assignments, and Tests can be included in a Learning
Module. Learning Modules are edited like any other item in a Content Area.
Content within a Learning Module is added and managed just like content in a
folder or Content Area. The Learning Module is a shell to which other types of
content, such as files, are added..
Instructors can add folders and subfolders to a Learning Module to
impose a hierarchical structure over the content. This hierarchy is an outline
view that appears in the Table of Contents Depending on how an instructor sets
up a Learning Module, students can view content in one of two ways:
o Sequentially: material is viewed in a specific order.
o Non-sequentially: material is viewed in any order.
Learning Modules can be viewed sequentially or non-sequentially. If sequential
viewing is enforced, Students view the Learning Module in the order listed.
Students cannot advance to a page within the unit without having viewed the
previous page. If sequential viewing is not enforced, items in the Learning
Module can be viewed in any order. Sequential viewing is set in the options for
the Learning Module and can be changed at any time.
A Learning Module is a logically structured collection of course content.
Conceptually, it is similar to a chapter in a textbook. A Learning Module may
consist of several sections and activities. Faculty members can add folders and
sub-folders to a Learning Module and impose a hierarchical structure over the
content. The Table of Contents displays the hierarchy in an outline view and
enables students to easily comprehend the scope and structure of a lesson.
Its a packet of teaching materials consisting of behavioral objectives , a
sequence of learning activities , and provisions for evaluation.
1) The objective are written in behavioral terms are specific.
2) Sequence of learning activities is designed to :
a) Provide instant feedback to the learner on his achievement.
b) Proceed from lower to higher cognitive levels.
c) Contain materials with intrinsic interest for the learner.
d) Provide optional and recycling paths to achieve the objective.
e) Be self continuative to the conclusion of the module.
f) Equip the learner to achieve the stated behavioral objective.
3) The evaluation procedure focuses on the stated behavioral objective. It
enables the instructor to determine whether the learner has achieved the

1) To individualize (or to permit use of teams of learners in) instruction.
2) Less stress on verbalized instruction
3) To provide a conceptual model for learning that minimizes the need for
conventional, verbalized, instructional techniques.
4) To enable (or require) teachers to analyze the learning process.
5) To improve instruction through improved evaluation, resulting from the
formulation and measurement of learning outcomes expressed in
measurable terms.
6) To maximize the effective use of instructional media and group exercises.
7) To permit learning to occur outside the presence of the teacher.
8) Increased skills of teacher in analyzing the learner process.

Modules help to individualize instruction by
a) Providing mediated (teacher free ) activities for one or more learners
b) Permitting students to work at their own rate of learning .
c) Providing immediate feedback to the learner and educator.
d) Using intrinsic interest materials (relevant materials)
e) Enhancing learners chance of successful achievement.

The ideal instructional model (using modules ) would make each course
or program of study a collection of concepts to be internalized through
performance or competency-based activities by learners. Responsibility for
achievement of preset goals is placed on the learner .The instructor in such a
system coordinates, evaluates, help in logistic requirements, counsels, and
guides . Such activities are assumed to enhance the professional status of the
teaching role.

Effective use and choose of interactive learning tools engages
students to use new and emerging information and communication technologies.
Teachers may use films, slides, overhead projectors, and the latest technology in
teaching, including computers, telecommunication systems, and video discs.
The use of computer resources, such as educational software, internet and other
devices exposes students to a vast range of experiences and promotes interactive
learning. Education is essential in corporate and academic settings. In the
former, education or training is used to help workers do things differently than
they did before. In the latter; education is geared towards creating curiosity in
the minds of students. In either case, the use of technology can help students
understand and retain concepts better.

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