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Visualization of Climate

and Climate Change Data: An Overview

and Markus ROBEL
!isuali"a#ion is a ke$ #echnolo%$ &or anal$"in% and 'resen#in% clima#e simula#ions and
o(ser)a#ions as *ell as rela#ed social and ecolo%ical da#a+ ,ur#hermore, media#in% research
resul#s #o decision makers and #o #he %eneral 'u(lic in an easil$-unders#anda(le *a$ is o&
%ro*in% im'or#ance+ This 'a'er 'ro)ides #he resul#s o& a .ues#ionnaire *i#h clima#e im'ac#
researchers usin% )isuali"a#ion and a o)er)ie* o& #he s#a#e-o&-#he-ar# in clima#e
)isuali"a#ion, incor'ora#in% s#andard )isuali"a#ion #echni.ues, #ools and s$s#ems as *ell as
al#erna#i)e a''roaches &rom )isuali"a#ion li#era#ure+ ,ur#hermore, s'eci&ic as'ec#s such as
#he sim'li&ied usa%e o& com'le/ )isuali"a#ion s$s#ems, clima#e model and da#a .uali#$ and
#he in#e%ra#ion o& s#a#is#ics and )isuali"a#ion *ill (e (rie&l$ discussed+
1 Introduction
i#h increasin% com'u#in% 'o*er, clima#e modellers %enera#e increasin%l$ lar%e simula#ion
da#a se#s+ Enhanced o(ser)a#ion #echni.ues such as sa#elli#e o'era#ions con#ri(u#e #o #he
%ro*#h o& clima#e rela#ed da#a+ hen #r$in% #o iden#i&$ #he underl$in% 'ro'er#ies in #he da#a
0 such as 'a##erns and s#a#is#ical rela#ions (e#*een #he )aria(les 0 anal$sis increasin%l$
(ecomes #he (o##leneck+ ,ur#hermore, #here is a risin% demand &or me#hods *hich su''or#
#he e)alua#ion o& #he relia(ili#$ o& conclusions (ased on simula#ion da#a+
1esi%nin% in#ui#i)e and meanin%&ul
)isual re'resen#a#ions in clima#e con#e/#
&aces a )arie#$ o& challen%es+ ,irs#, #he
he#ero%enei#$ o& clima#e rela#ed da#a
2s'a#ial, #em'oral, mul#i-)aria#e3
%ridded, re%ion-(ased, s#a#ion-(ased3 +++4
re.uires a )arie#$ o& s#andard
)isuali"a#ions 2e+%+ 5d-ma's, 61-%lo(es
2see &i%+ 74, #ime char#s and sca##er'lo#s4+
,ur#hermore, al#erna#i)e $e# in#ui#i)e
)isuali"a#ion #echni.ues are re.uired &or
anal$"in% lar%e #ime-de'enden# 61 or
lon% #ime series da#a mul#i-)aria#el$ and
in#erac#i)el$+ Second, clima#e da#a )isuali"a#ion &aces he#ero%eneous user %rou's, includin%
users *i#h di&&eren# skills, .uali&ica#ion %rades, in#eres#s, and &rom di&&eren# disci'lines,
*ho are con&ron#ed *i#h numerous #asks+ Third, a''l$in% )isuali"a#ion #o scien#i&ic da#a is
no# s#rai%h#&or*ard+ This is due #o a )arie#$ o& a)aila(le #ools, #echni.ues and 'arame#ers+
So'his#ica#ed #echnolo%ies 2%ra'hical user in#er&aces, )isuali"a#ion desi%n, +++4 are essen#ial
Figure 1: Temperature change for 2080-2099 in
comparison to 1980-1999 (IPCC AR4)
T+ Nocke, T+ S#er"el, M+ B8##in%er and M+ ro(el
&or (rid%in% #he %a' (e#*een such s$s#ems and users+ 9# (es#, #he$ reduce #he o(s#acles &or
a''l$in% #he &ull &unc#ionali#$ o& ad)anced, in#erac#i)e da#a )isuali"a#ion s$s#ems+
2 Results from a user uestionnaire
To %ain an o)er)ie* on #he re.uiremen#s in #he he#ero%eneous &ield o& clima#e and clima#e
im'ac# research, *e 'er&ormed a .ues#ionnaire 2oral in#er)ie*s *i#h :; researchers a#
<o#sdam Ins#i#u#e &or Clima#e Im'ac# Research= 5> me#eorolo%is#s, clima#olo%is#s,
oceano%ra'hers ? h$drolo%is#s, 6@ economis#s ? sociolo%is#s, 5: ecolo%is#s ? (iolo%is#s,
7> 'h$sicis#s, 7> %eo-s#a#is#icians ? %eo%ra'hers, and o#hers 2mul#i'le disci'lines *ere
'ossi(le44+ A scien#is#s in#er)ie*ed do no# use )isuali"a#ion a# all+ Im'or#an# resul#s normed
#o #he researchers 'er&ormin% )isuali"a#ion 2:74 are #he &ollo*in%=
s#andard 51 'resen#a#ion #echni.ues are mos# &re.uen#l$ used 2B@C #ime char#s, ::C
(ar char#s, ;;C 51 ma's, A;C sca##er'lo#s4 and 5+A1 and 61 )isuali"a#ion
#echni.ues are o& minor im'or#ance onl$ 27DC hei%h# &ields, 6:C 61 )isuali"a#ion
maEor #asks )isuali"a#ion is used &or= B6C 'resen# resul#s in a scien#i&ic con#e/#, :;C
use )isuali"a#ion &or model e)alua#ion and :@C #o )eri&$ h$'o#heses, ;BC e/'lore
unkno*n 'a##erns and s#ruc#ures and ADC make scien#i&ic resul#s com'rehensi(le #o
decision makers, s#akeholders ? media
)isuali"a#ion #echni.ue &ea#ures rela#ed #o #he 2s'a#ial4 re&erence o& #he da#a are o&
im'or#ance or o& hi%h im'or#ance 2D7C a/is la(ellin%, A;C su''or# o& %eo%ra'hic
'roEec#ions4, and in#erac#i)i#$ is o& minor im'or#ance onl$ 27>C4
s$s#ems ? #ools used &or )isuali"a#ion 2&rom #ime #o #ime andFor &re.uen#l$4= :AC use
o&&ice so&#*are 2E/cel, <o*er'oin#4, >>C scri'#-(ased s$s#ems 2R, ,erre#, Grads and
GMT4, >>C commercial ma#hema#ical 'acka%es 2Ma#la(, Ma#hema#ica4, 6DC GIS
29rcGis4 and 5@C use s'ecial 'ur'ose s$s#ems 2,erre#, Grads, GMT, O1!, !isA143
so'his#ica#ed scien#i&ic )isuali"a#ion s$s#ems 2O'en1G, 9!SFE/'ress, I1L, S'o#&ire,
In&o!is TK4 are onl$ mar%inall$ used 2:C4 or e)en unkno*n+
! Visualization techniues
!isuali"a#ion is #he 'rocess o& %enera#in% ima%es ($ &il#erin%, ma''in% and renderin% o&
da#a+ !isuali"a#ion #echni.ues e/is# &or di&&eren# da#a classes, e+%+ &lo*, )olume and
mul#i)aria#e )isuali"a#ions 2&or o)er)ie*s see Brodlie ? ood 25@@74, Laramee e# al+
25@@>4, BHr%er ? Iauser 25@@:44+ In #he recen# #*o decades, ne* ad)ances ha)e (een made
in es#a(lishin% )isuali"a#ion as a &le/i(le, eas$-#o-use da#a e/'lora#ion #ool 2e+%+
Shneiderman, 7BB;4, in#erac#in% direc#l$ *i#h #he ima%e and linkin% se)eral )ie*s #o #he
da#a+ !isual 9nal$#ics is a ne* a''roach #o cou'le human 'erce'#ion a(ili#ies *i#h
au#oma#ic com'u#a#ional me#hods, allo*in% ne* insi%h#s in#o hu%e amoun#s o& da#a se#s
2e+%+ Thomas 25@@:44+
On #he o#her hand, )isuali"a#ion has a lon% #radi#ion &or me#eorolo%$ and clima#olo%$ 2e+%+
Gal#on 27D;644+ Recen# com'u#er (ased clima#e )isuali"a#ions can (e su(di)ided in#o #*o
maEor a''roaches= clima#e and clima#e im'ac# researchers a''l$in% s#andard )isuali"a#ion
#ools and )isuali"a#ion researchers a''l$in% #echni.ues F #ools under de)elo'men# &or
)isuali"in% *ea#her and clima#e da#a+ Treinish 27BBB4 classi&ies )isuali"a#ion #echni.ues
!isuali"a#ion o& Clima#e and Clima#e Chan%e 1a#a= 9n O)er)ie*
re'resen#in% me#eorolo%ical da#a in > classes due #o #heir dimensionali#$ and in#erac#i)i#$+
,ur#hermore, #here is a )arie#$ o& im'lici# con)en#ions and %uidelines &or #he )isuali"a#ion
o& me#eorolo%ical and clima#e da#a, includin% colour ma''in%, iconic *ind )ec#or ma''in%,
a/es la(ellin% and %eo%ra'hic 'roEec#ions 29merican Me#eorolo%ical Socie#$ 27BB64,
Treinish 27BB>4, Baker ? Bushell 27BBA4, Treinish 27BBB4, Ko##ek ? Ru(el 25@@644+
Mos# &re.uen#l$, clima#e da#a is )isuali"ed in #heir #em'oral re&erence #o iden#i&$ #em'oral
#rends direc#l$ usin% #ime char#s+ ,or #he re'resen#a#ion o& a%%re%a#ed da#a )alues,
in#er'ola#ed s#acked (ar char#s are &re.uen#l$ used &or mul#i-)aria#e #rend anal$sis 2e+%+
Nocke e# al+ 5@@>4+ 9n al#erna#i)e a''roach is 5-#one colour ma''in% 2Sai#o e# al+, 5@@64
*hich com'ac#l$ re'resen#s lon%er clima#e #ime series+ O#her #em'oral )isuali"a#ion
#echni.ues such as 'i/el-orien#ed )isuali"a#ions are rarel$ used+
Bein% o& similar im'or#ance, me#eorolo%ical and clima#e da#a are re'resen#ed in #heir
s'a#ial re&erence, *i#h anima#ion #o dis'la$ #he #ime a/is+ Ta(le 7 summari"es *ork done in
s'a#ial )isuali"a#ion due #o #he s'a#ial da#a dimensionali#$, #he da#a %rid and #he da#a #$'e+
51 da#a
sca##ered da#a re%ular %rid
61 da#a
scalar triangle"mesh"based:
Treinish 27BB>4
uni" and multi"variate
icons: Scanlon 27BB>4,
Nocke e# al+ 25@@:4, S#ier
e# al+ 25@@A4
iconic time diagrams:
Sai#o u+ a+ 25@@A4
standard color #
isoline images: Ko##ek
? Ru(el 25@@64, S#ier e#
al+ 25@@A4
height re$resentation:
Treinish 27BBB4
globe re$resentation:
Chen 27BB64, ,i%+ 7
isosurfaces= Treinish 27BB>4, Baker
? Bushell 27BBA4
decom$osition methods= Treinish
direct volume rendering= Rile$ e# al+
25@@64, Ri(arsk$ e# al+ 25@@54
realistic rendering= Baker ? Bushell
27BBA4, Marchesin e# al+ 25@@>4
arrows or wind barbs=
Treinish 27BBB4,
Ko##ek ? Ru(el 25@@64
to$olog% based
methods= on% a# al+
25@@@4, 1oleisch e# al+
icons= Chen 27BB64
field lines= Chen 27BB64, Treinish
27BB>4, Grie(el e# al+ 25@@>4
decom$osition methods= 1oleisch e#
al+ 25@@>4
te&ture based ' direct volume
rendering= Grie(el e# al+ 25@@>4
Ta(le 7= Summer$ o& li#era#ure &or s'a#ial clima#e )isuali"a#ion
In man$ cases, #he mul#i-)aria#e 'ro'er#ies o& clima#e da#a are o& in#eres#, #$'icall$ in
com(ina#ion *i#h s'a#ial andFor #em'oral re&erence o& #he da#a+ Beside s#a#ic re'resen#a#ions
o& sca##er'lo#s 2S#ier e# al+, 5@@A4, sca##er'lo#s are used #o in#erac#i)el$ selec# cer#ain
&ea#ures and anal$se #heir s'a#ial and #em'oral (eha)iour 2Macedo e# al+ 25@@@4, 1oleisch e#
al+ 25@@>44+ O#her #echni.ues re'resen#in% hi%h dimensional clima#e da#a, such as sca##er'lo#
ma#rices, 'arallel coordina#es, %ra'hical #a(les or usin% mul#i-dimensional scalin% are less
&re.uen#l$ used 2e+%+ Nocke e# al+ 25@@:4, JKnicke e# al+ 25@@Da44+
( )%stems and *ools
9 )arie#$ o& #ools ? s$s#ems, ran%in% &rom %eneral 'ur'ose solu#ions #o s'ecial 'ur'ose
solu#ions &or clima#e da#a, 'ro)idin% di&&eren# le)els o& in#erac#i)i#$ ha)e (een de)elo'ed+
T+ Nocke, T+ S#er"el, M+ B8##in%er and M+ ro(el
T$'icall$, #he$ 'ro)ide onl$ a small su(se# o& #he #echni.ues discussed in sec#ion 6+ Ta(le
5 lis#s an e/cer# o& s$s#ems F #ools a''lied in clima#e research+
#$'e name loca#ion 'ro'er#ies
NC9R Gra'hics
51 scri'#-(ased
51 scri'#-(ased
61 in#erac#i)e
51 scri'#-(ased
51 scri'#-(ased
61 in#erac#i)e
51 scri'#-(ased
'ur'ose )is+
clima#e &ea#ures
o'en source
clima#e &ea#ures
51F61 Scri'#
Ta(le 5= Selec#ed )isuali"a#ion #ools F s$s#ems a''lied &or clima#e da#a )isuali"a#ion
!er$ im'or#an# 'rac#ical as'ec#s &or #he )isual anal$sis o& clima#e model resul#s are #he &ile
&orma#s and #he &ile si"es o& #he da#a+ 9 .uasi s#andard used in #he clima#e communi#$ is
Ne#C1, 2in #he C,-7+@ 2MClima#e ,orecas#N4 con)en#ion4, a sel& descri(in% &ile &orma#
sui#a(le &or %eore&erenced scien#i&ic da#a *hich is su''or#ed ($ mos# s'ecial 'ur'ose
s$s#ems+ hile #hese s'ecial 'ur'ose s$s#ems are mos#l$ de)elo'ed ($ domain researchers
*i#h s'eci&ic re.uiremen#s, %eneral 'ur'ose #ools ha)e #o &ace da#a &rom a )arie#$ o&
scien#i&ic disci'lines and *ere de)elo'ed ($ com'u#er scien#is#s *ho are no# &amiliar *i#h
#he s'ecial re.uiremen#s o& clima#e researchers+ In conse.uence, %eneral 'ur'ose s$s#ems
ma$ lack su''or# &or some o& #he #$'ical domain s'eci&ic re.uiremen#s such as su''or# &or
na#i)e &ile &oma#s, and me#ada#a, di&&eren# %rid #$'es and ma''in%+
,ur#hermore, %eo%ra'hic in&orma#ion s$s#ems 2GIS4 )isuali"in% are &re.uen#l$ re%ularl$
a''lied &or s#orin%, 'rocessin%, and )isuali"in% clima#e da#a+ Moreo)er, in #he las# &e*
$ears, a )arie#$ o& *e(-(ased-ser)ices and 'la#&orms ha)e (een de)elo'ed and s'read -
used &or clima#e da#a re'resen#a#ion - 'ar#icularl$ &acili#a#ed ($ maEor ad)ancemen#s in
car#o%ra'h$ #hrou%h *e(-(ased, u(i.ui#ous #echnolo%ies 2e+%+ Goo%le Ma's ? Ear#h4+
+ Discussion
Brid%in% #he %a' (e#*een com'le/ )isuali"a#ion s$s#ems on #he one hand and clima#e
scien#is#s and decision makers on #he o#her hand, me#hods &rom human-com'u#er
in#erac#ion and )isuali"a#ion desi%n ha)e (een a''lied #o clima#e da#a )isuali"a#ion,
'ro)idin% eas$-#o-use %ra'hical user in#er&aces e)en &or com'le/ da#a se#s and a mul#i#ude
o& 'ossi(le )isual re'resen#a#ions 2Nocke 25@@:4, ro(el e# al+ 25@@D4, Nocke e# al+ 25@@D44+
In #his con#e/#, #he )isual re'resen#a#ion o& #he model and da#a .uali#$ (ecomes o&
increasin% im'or#ance &or #he communica#ion o& clima#e kno*led%e #o decision makers,
)isuali"in% uncer#ain#ies in one ima%e 2e+%+ usin% #e/#ures I<CC 25@@:4, ''+ :;4,
re'resen#in% di&&erences (e#*een selec#ed models, scenarios and im'ac#s in an in#erac#i)e
#ool 2Nocke e# al+ 25@@D44 or re'resen#in% and )isuall$ anal$"in% lar%e ensem(les
simula#ions 2Nocke e# al+ 25@@:44+
!isuali"a#ion o& Clima#e and Clima#e Chan%e 1a#a= 9n O)er)ie*
Mos# &re.uen#l$, considerin% &or ins#ance clima#e 2im'ac#4 model ensem(le simula#ions,
clima#e da#a is 'rocessed usin% s#a#is#ical me#hods, and )isuali"a#ion is used in #he manner
o& a &inal M'os#-'rocessin%N+ Io*e)er, #his does no# e/'loi# #he 'ossi(ili#ies usin%
)isuali"a#ion &or selec#ion and 'arame#eri"a#ion o& s#a#is#ical &il#ers and #he e)alua#ion F
com'arison o& s#a#is#ics resul#s+ ,irs# s#e's #o*ards such an in-de'#h clima#e da#a anal$sis 0
#i%h#l$ cou'lin% s#a#is#ics and )isuali"a#ion 0 has (een done &or clus#er and 'rinci'al
com'onen# anal$sis 2Nocke e# al+ 25@@>4, Nocke 25@@:44+
,ur#hermore, %oin% (e$ond #he %enera#ion o& s#a#ic ima%es, lookin% &rom a #echnical 'oin#
o& )ie*, #he in#erac#i)e )isual anal$sis o& #he )er$ lar%e clima#e da#a se#s re.uires #ailored
solu#ions includin% o'#imisa#ions in re%ard #o (o#h hard- and so&#*are such as
'arallelisa#ion and ou#-o&-core-#echni.ues 2see e+%+ B8##in%er, 5@@:4+
, Conclusion
!isuali"a#ion as a #ool has (een es#a(lished in clima#e and clima#e im'ac# research,
communica#in% resul#s (e#*een clima#e scien#is#s and con)e$in% resul#s (e$ond #he
scien#i&ic communi#$ 2e+%+ 'ro)idin% *e(-(ased ser)ices and 'or#als4+ The )isuali"a#ion
#echni.ues, #ools and s$s#ems used ran%e &rom %eneral 'ur'ose o&&ice s$s#ems,
ma#hema#ical 'acka%es and GIS #o s'ecial 'ur'ose clima#e )isuali"a#ion #ools+
Io*e)er, recen# de)elo'men#s in in#erac#i)e )isuali"a#ion usin% al#erna#i)e )isual
me#a'hors are no# *ide-s'read in #he clima#e communi#$+ Thus, a maEor #ask &or &u#ure
de)elo'men#s is #o &ur#her (rid%e #he %a' (e#*een clima#e and )isuali"a#ion e/'er#ise,
e/'loi#in% #he chances arisin% &rom so'his#ica#ed )isuali"a#ion a''roaches, smoo#hl$
su''or#in% and in#e%ra#in% #he al#erna#i)e )isuali"a#ion #echni.ues in#o #he usersO on%oin%
research 'rocesses+ 9n e/am'le o& a 'romisin% #echnolo%$ are &ea#ure e/#rac#ion me#hods,
semi-au#oma#icall$ e/#rac#in% unkno*n (u# in#eres#in% 2e+%+ mul#i-)aria#e4 'a##erns &rom
clima#e da#a 2e+%+ 1oleisch e# al+ 25@@>4, JKnicke e# al+ 25@@D(44+
9merican Me#eorolo%ical Socie#$ 27BB64, Guidelines &or usin% Color #o 1e'ic# Me#eorolo%ical
In&orma#ion= II<S Su(commi##ee &or Color Guidelines+
Baker, M+ <+ ? Bushell, C+ 27BBA4, 9&#er #he S#orm= Considera#ions &or In&orma#ion !isuali"a#ion,
IEEE Com'u#+ Gra'h+ 9''l+ )ol+ 7A, no+ 6, ''+ 7507A
B8##in%er, M+ 25@@:4 KlimaKnderun% im Bild 0 Simula#ion und !isualisierun% in der
Erds$s#em&orschun%+ GIS 0 Zei#schri&# &Hr Geoin&orma#ik, : 2in German4
Brodlie, K+ ? ood, J+ 25@@74, Recen# 9d)ances in !olume !isuali"a#ion+ In= Com'u#er Gra'hics
,orum 5@, June, no+ 5, ''+ ::A0:B5
BHr%er, R+ ? Iauser, I+ 25@@:4+ !isuali"a#ion o& mul#i-)aria#e scien#i&ic da#a 2s#a#e-o&-#he-ar# re'or#4+
In <roceedin%s Euro%ra'hicsO@: +
Chen, <+C+ 27BB64, 9 Clima#e Simula#ion S#ud$+ In= <roceedin%s IEEE !isuali"a#ionOB6, PS9, ''+
1oleisch, I+, Mui%%, <+ ? Iauser, I+ 25@@>4, In#erac#i)e !isual 9nal$sis o& Iurricane Isa(el *i#h
Sim!is+ IEEE !isuali"a#ion 2!isO@>4 Con#es#, h##'=FF)is+com'u#er+or%F)is5@@>con#es#F )r)is
Gal#on, ,+ 27D;64, Me#eo%ra'hics, or, Me#hods o& Ma''in% #he ea#her, Macmillan, London+ Bri#ish
Li(rar$, London= Ma's+A6+(+65+
I<CC, 5@@:= Clima#e Chan%e 5@@:= The <h$sical Science Basis+ Con#ri(u#ion o& orkin% Grou' I #o
#he >#h 9ssessmen# Re'or# o& #he In#er%o)ernmen#al <anel on Clima#e Chan%e QSolomon, S+, e# al+
T+ Nocke, T+ S#er"el, M+ B8##in%er and M+ ro(el
JKnicke, I+, B8##in%er, M+, ? Scheuermann, G+ 25@@Da4, Brushin% o& 9##ri(u#e Clouds &or #he
!isuali"a#ion o& Mul#i)aria#e 1a#a, acce'#ed a# IEEE !isuali"a#ionS@D
JKnicke, I+, B8##in%er, M+, Tricoche, G+ ? Scheuermann, G+ 25@@D(4, 9u#oma#ic 1e#ec#ion and
!isuali"a#ion o& 1is#inc#i)e S#ruc#ures in 61 Pns#ead$ Mul#i-Telds, Euro%ra'hicsF IEEE-!GTC
S$m'osium on !isuali"a#ion 5@@D, )ol+ 5:, no+ 6
Ko##ek, M+ ? Ru(el, ,+ 25@@64, Glo(ale Klimada#en in s#andardisier#er 1ars#ellun%+ iener
Me#eorolo%ische Schri&#en Ie&# 7 2in German4
Laramee, S+R+, Iauser, I+, 1oleisch, I+, !roliEk, B+, <os#, ,+I+, ? eisko'&, 1+ 25@@>4, The S#a#e o&
#he 9r# in ,lo* !isuali"a#ion= 1ense and Te/#ure-Based Techni.ues, Com'u#er Gra'hics ,orum,
!ol+ 56, No+ 5, ''+ 5@6-557
Nocke, T+ 25@@:4, !isuelles 1a#a Minin% und !isualisierun%sdesi%n &Hr die Klima&orschun%, 'hd
#hesis, Pni)ersi#$ o& Ros#ock 2in German4
Nocke, T+, Ie$der, P+, <e#ri, S+, !ohland, K+, ro(el, M+, Luch#, + 25@@D4, !isuali"a#ion o&
Bios'here Chan%es in #he Con#e/# o& Clima#e Chan%e, acce'#ed a# Con&erence on In&orma#ion
Technolo%$ and Clima#e Chan%e, Berlin, Se'#em(er
Nocke, T+, ,lechsi%, M+ ? B8hm, P+ 25@@:4 !isual E/'lora#ion and E)alua#ion o& Clima#e-Rela#ed
Simula#ion 1a#a,in#er Simula#ion Con&erence 2SCS@:4, ashin%#on 1+C+, 5@@:
Nocke, T+, Schumann, I+ ? B8hm,P+ 25@@>4, Me#hods &or #he !isuali"a#ion o& Clus#ered Clima#e
1a#a+ In= Com'u#a#ional S#a#is#ics 7B274, ''+ :A-B>
Macedo, M+, Cook, 1+, Bro*n, T+ J+ 25@@@4, !isual 1a#a Minin% In 9#mos'heric Science 1a#a+ In=
1a#a Minin% and Kno*led%e 1isco)er$ >, no+ 7, ''+ ;B0D@
Marchesin, S+, 1ischler, S+, ? Mon%ene#, C+ 25@@>4, 61 RO9M &or Scala(le !olume !isuali"a#ion+
In= <roceedin%s o& IEEEFSIGGR9<I, S$m'osium on !olume !isuali"a#ion
Ri(arsk$, + 3 ,aus#, N+ 3 ar#ell, Z+ 3 Sha*, C+ 3 Jan%, J+= !isual Uuer$ O& Time-1e'enden# 61
ea#her In 9 Glo(al Geos'a#ial En)ironmen#+ In= Ladner, R+, Sha*, K+ ? 9(del%uer&i, M+ 2eds+4=
Minin% S'a#io-Tem'oral In&orma#ion S$s#ems+ Klu*er, 9ms#erdam, 5@@5
Rile$, K+, E(er#, 1+, Iansen, C+ ? Le)i#, J+ 25@@64, !isuall$ 9ccura#e Mul#i-,ield ea#her
!isuali"a#ion, <roceedin%s IEEE Visualization 2003 2Oc#+ 20034, ''+ 5:BV5D;
Sai#o, T+, Mi$amura, I+N+, Wamamo#o, M+, Sai#o, I+ ? Ioshi$a, W+ 25@@A4= T*o-Tone <seudo
Colorin% - Com'ac# !isuali"a#ion &or One-1imensional 1a#a+ <roceedin%s IEEE S$m'osium on
In&orma#ion !isuali"a#ion+ Minea'olis, PS9, ''+ 7:607D@
Scanlon, C+I+ 27BB>4, Cock'i# %ra'hical *ea#her in&orma#ion sho*n #o enhance e&&icienc$, sa&e#$,
and si#ua#ional a*areness+ In= <roceedin%s o& #he 6B#h 9nnual Cor'ora#e 9)ia#ion Sa&e#$ Seminar
2C9SS4, ,li%h# Sa&e#$ ,ounda#ion, ''+ D60B>
Shneiderman, B+ 27BB;4= The E$es Ia)e I#= 9 Task ($ 1a#a T$'e Ta/onom$ &or In&orma#ion
!isuali"a#ion+ In= <roceedin%s IEEE S$m'osium on !isual Lan%ua%es OB;, IEEE, Los 9lamos
S#ier, <+ e# al 25@@A4, The aerosol-clima#e model ECI9MA-I9M+ 9#mosheric Chemis#r$ and
<h$sics, Euro'ean Geosciences Pnion A, ''+ 775A077A;
Thomas, J+ 25@@:4, !isual anal$#ics= a %rand challen%e in science= #urnin% in&orma#ion o)erload in#o
#he o''or#uni#$ o& #he decade+ J+ Com'u#+ Small Coll+ 56, 5 21ec+ 5@@:4, ''+ A-;+
Treinish, L+ 9+ 27BB>4, Se)ere Rain&all E)en#s in Nor#h*es#ern <eru= !isuali"a#ion o& Sca##ered
Me#eorolo%ical 1a#a+ <roceedin%s o& !isuali"a#ionOB>
Treinish, L+9+ 27BBB4, Task-S'eciTc !isuali"a#ion 1esi%n+ In= IEEE Com'u#er Gra'hics and
9''lica#ions, Se'#em(erFOc#o(er, )ol+ 7B , issue A, '+ :50::
on%, <+C+, ,oo#e, I+, Leun%, R+ ? Jurrus, E+, 9dams, 1+, Thomas, J+ 25@@@4, !ec#or ,ields
Sim'li&ica#ion - 9 Case S#ud$ o& !isuali"in% Clima#e Modelin% and Simula#ion 1a#a Se#s+ In=
<roceedin%s o& #he IEEE !isuali"a#ion 2!isO@@4, ''+ >DA0>DD, AB;
ro(el, M+, Nocke, T+, ,lechsi%, M+ ? Glauer, 9+ 25@@D4, Gra'hical Pser In#er&ace 1esi%n &or
Clima#e Im'ac# Research 1a#a Re#rie)al, <roceedin%s o& #he iEMSs ,our#h Biennial Mee#in%=
In#erna#ional Con%ress on En)ironmen#al Modellin% and So&#*are 2iEMSs 5@@D4, ''+ 7;;B-7;:;

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