THE NICE GIRL - Christian S. Galope CW 10 WFX - Ms. Lissa Gene Mata Final Short Story The Nice Girl

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THE NICE GIRL Christian S.

CW 10 WFX Ms. Lissa Gene Mata
It was 10 oclock in this very calm morning of Friday, October 12, 2012, when I finally
decided to go to the hospital. Today, the results of my examination will come out. Am I
positive or negative? I dont know yet but I must know. In the first place, I was the one who
made this big decision, the decision that Ive thought so deeply, the decision that can
change not only my life but the lives of those who were around me.
I immediately got into my car and drove all the way to the hospital. Im nervous and I know
it myself yet I have to do this so that people around me will not be hurt again because of me.
As I arrived there, I talked to Mr. Chan, my attending physician, and he said that I just wait
for a while. While waiting, I sat on this soft blue bench at the front of the laboratory room
where the examination took place a week ago.
As I am sitting here, I tried to remember why I am here in the first place and as I close my
eyes, I have remembered the moment where I returned home from school one day when I
was 14 years old and have experienced the most depressing moment of my life.
Mom, Dad, Im home. I shouted as I enter in our mansion.
No one answered but I hear there are loud voices coming from the 2
floor. I found my father
walking down the stairs carrying a large suitcase as he approached the door. I stopped him.
Dad, what is the meaning of this? What is this suitcase for? I asked my father.
Victoria, your Mom doesnt want me here now. Even you, if you found the reason why your
mother hates me now youll also hate me. Im sorry, Victoria. Dont forget that I love you very
much. My father said.
Dad! You are saying you love me yet youre still going to leave. I need you here, Dad! Please
dont leave us. I screamed.
Let your father go Victoria. Your father does not deserve the love of us. He had done big
mistakes that Im sure will make you also angry. And Miguel, I ask you to leave now. My
mother said while she was approaching us. My father hesitated a little and remains to stand.
I said leave! my mother screamed. Dont make it hard for us. Leave now and dont let us see
you again!
Mom, whats going on? Why all of a sudden I asked my mom but Dad held my hand making
me to stop talking.
Its all right. I understand your mom. Be kind to your mother. I trust you Victoria. My father
said then he finally leaves the house.
Victoria, change your clothes now. Im just going to do something. My mother said. She was
about to leave when I asked something to her making her to stop.
Why? Why did you make Daddy to leave this house? I thought we were good all this time. But
today is different and all of a sudden you pushed Daddy to leave. I said as I look into my
Moms eyes directly. Why? Tell me why?
Its not yet the right time Victoria. Im sorry. My mother immediately went upstairs leaving
me alone crying.
Mom had always known that I want to have a sibling. She promised me that but now, how it
will happen if they are separated? From that time I began to have agony towards my
mother and father that lead to me changing my character from a nice girl to a bitch one. Yet,
it was stopped for a while because a special person came to my life, the person who I loved
the most. I closed my eyes again and remember one of my high school days when we first
I remember that we have a transferee in our school when I was a 2
Year High School student.
But, I dont have the chance to know his name. One day after the incident between me and my
family, I began to be lonely and I almost stopped communicating with others, but I found out
in myself that it will not help my situation right now. So I approached my old circle of friends
and talked to Agatha, my closest friend in the circle.
Hi, girls! Its been a while. Can I join again? Im sorry that I was not able to be with you, girls,
for some time I said but I was interrupted by what Agatha replied to me.
Youre not welcome here anymore. You know why? It is because we dont need imperfections
here in our group. In the past we were composed of 6 girls, including you, who have high
social status and perfect FAMILY. According to our sources, your dad has already left you and
your mom, and according to the rules of this group Agatha explained.
I will be out of the group. I ended.
Yes. So get out of our sight now. Lets go girls. She said as she left with my other friends.
I felt alone that time and I cant help but to cry. I was already at the playing ground that time.
I sat on a swing and cry a lot. But I was stopped when someone gave me a handkerchief. As I
look on the face of the giver, I was mesmerized to see this very handsome boy smiling to me.
Stop crying. Dont mind those girls you approached a while ago. They were not your real
friends because as I looked on you, you have problems you want to share with them yet, they
still left you alone. You dont deserve them. The stranger guy said.
I took the handkerchief and wiped my tears. I asked, Thank you. But may I know what your
name is? I think I have not seen you here in the past.
It is because Im a transferee. By the way Im Andrew Pelaez. May I also know what your
name is Ms. Beautiful? he asked.
I blushed. I think youre a playboy. You really know how to get girls attention. Anyway Im
Victoria Madrigal.
And from that time we became friends and enjoyed company with each other.
*7 years later, June 11, 2012, Monday
Good morning Madam. Everyone at the ground floor greeted me as I enter the building of
our company. As everybody knew, I am the heiress of this company, the Madrigal Clothing
Company, owned by my mother Beatriz. I was about to take my ride on the elevator when
somebody bumped me.
Ms. Victoria, Im very sorry. I was not able to see you. Althea, one of my high school
classmates, said.
Gosh Althea, are you blind? Youre such a stupid being. Always remember that you just beg
me to accept you here in this company. In the first place, I really dont want you here so you
better do your work perfectly, did you understand? I yelled to her.
Yes, Madam. Im very sorry. She replied.
I left Althea there alone. After my work for that day, I decided to prepare my things for
returning home when my phone rang.
Andrew was calling me.
Hello. I said in low voice.
Victoria, Ive heard you put Althea again on shame. Youre always doing this can you tell me
why? Althea has said sorry to you earlier yet you still make a mess with her. Andrew asked
me in an obvious angry tone.
So Althea has already let you know. That stupid girl! Anyway I did not do anything wrong.
Shes the one who bumped me and if we are going to argue again regarding Althea we better
stop this conversation! I yelled on the phone and hanged up.
The next day, as I was having photo shoot for the new products of our company, my secretary
signaled me that I have a call to answer. I picked it up and found out that it was Agatha.
Hello. Why did you call? I asked directly.
Victoria, are you still mad at me? Anyway, its not the issue here anymore. I just want you to
inform about something.
Whats that? I dont have time for unnecessary talks now. I said.
Andrew Pelaez was your fianc, right?
Yes, whats about him?
I saw him a while ago at the Heavenly Cafeteria and shes with Althea, the poor girl back
when we were in high school.
Are you sure about that? All right, thank you for the information. I said then I hanged up.
I immediately cancelled the photo shoot and decided to go to the cafeteria. While driving, I
remember the day when my mother told me that I will be engaged with Andrew and how
Althea has ruined our relationship.
I started to develop feelings with Andrew when I was 15 years old. He was the
one who comforted me when I have problems with my family and other stuff.
One day, when I was already 20 years old, my mother informed me that I will be
engaged to Andrew because my mother and his parents did have agreement. If
Andrew will marry me, my mother will save the company of Andrews parents
from bankruptcy. I was so happy that time. I talked to Andrew about our plans
but I was shocked on what he replied to me.
Im sorry Victoria but I dont have feelings for you. I love you, Victoria but only
as a friend. You know how much I have cared for you for the past 6 years and I
dont want to hurt you. Im sorry but I will not do the engagement. This is also
for you, Victoria.
I felt I was going to cry that time but I held my tears for a while.
Why? Am I not beautiful? Am I not sexy? Am I not kind and lovely in your eyes?
Tell me why, Andrew! I dont understand! I cried as I said it to him.
Im sorry, Victoria. I didnt mean to hurt you. He said.
Is it because of Althea? Tell me. Do you love her? I asked him as I look into his
Yes, I love her. Im sorry, Victoria.
It hurts, but I know I have to be strong that is why I chose to smile. Its all right.
I was about to leave him when he said something to me.
I love you, Victoria. Always remember that. There are still other men who
deserve your love and it is not me.
Again, its all right. But the engagement will still be held even you like it or not.
You are mine, Andrew. I will make sure it will happen. I replied then afterwards,
I finally left.
After I remembered that moment of my life, I just felt that tears were already coming out from
my eyes. Finally, I arrived at the cafeteria and saw the two of them, Althea and Andrew
holding each others hand. I admit that I am hurting right now, but again I have to be strong. I
approached them and they seem to be surprised.
What is this? Is this a celebration? Of what? Why I was not invited? I asked sarcastically.
Wait, let me explain Victoria. Andrew begged as he stands from his seat.
Whats the meaning of this? Are you cheating on me? I asked Andrew as if I didnt know it.
Then I look to Althea who was now standing at this time.
I slapped her. A little bruise was formed in her face.
Im sorry Madam. She said before she walked out. Andrew was about to follow her when I
held his wrist.
Where are you going? Are you going to leave me here? I asked.
Youre such a bad woman, Victoria. It seems I dont know you anymore. He removes my hand
from his wrist and leaves me standing. Tears began to flow again from my eyes.
The next day, I told my mother what had happened between me and Andrew yesterday. My
mother was very angry and called an urgent meeting with the parents of Andrew. After two
hours, Andrews parents arrived. The parents are sitting in front of my mother and I was
standing beside her.
I thought it was clear to your son that she must marry my daughter in order to save your
company. But my daughter said that Andrew is dating with another woman. Can you tell me
the reason why he is behaving like this? my Mom angrily exclaimed.
Im sorry for that Beatriz. We are going to talk to with our son so dont worry. The wedding
will still be held. I promise you that. Mrs. Pelaez said.
My wife is right Beatriz. Well talk to Andrew about it. Mr. Pelaez said to my mom. After that
he looked at me and said, Victoria, Im sorry for what had happened between you and my son.
But dont worry youll get married with him no matter what.
Auntie, Uncle, its all right. I know you have been doing your part properly. I guess I should
also do something for this not to happen again. Dont worry about me. I replied.
All right I am giving you both another chance to fix this matter or else, I will not help your
company. My mother warned them.
The meeting has already ended. I was now currently thinking on what to do tomorrow when I
confront with Althea. As I was lying on the bed, I keep on thinking about it and about Andrew
and I found myself already sleeping.
When I woke up, I prepare myself in going to the squatters area in Tondo, Manila. According
to my sources, Althea was living there. As I am walking on the streets of this very filthy place,
people are looking on me with both awe and curiosity. I think they were surprised to see a
social elite like me, being in this place. Anyway, I have already found Altheas house. At first, I
hesitated on knocking on the door but I still insisted. After I knock for the 3
time, a 40 year
old beautiful woman opened the door.
Good morning. I said. Is this Althea Garcias house?
Yes, Im her mother. May I know your name? she asked while smiling to me.
Im Victoria Madrigal, her high school classmate. Is she here? If yes, may I talk to her for a
The woman was about to answer when someone approached the door from inside. It was
What are you doing here, Madam? Get inside and have a seat. Althea told me.
I just want to talk with you in a private place. Will you allow it? I said.
Altheas mom was still puzzled. Ms. Madrigal, are you the boss of Althea?
Yes, I am. May I talk with your daughter for a while?
Nice to meet you, Madam. Yes, it is okay with me. The mother said then she looked on Althea.
Althea, take care.
Althea also didnt hesitate to go with me. While I am driving, no one was talking or have the
courage to start the conversation. As we arrived in a remote place in Quezon City, I started the
When did you start to have feelings for Andrew? Answer me honestly. I asked.
Since we were in High School, I have already loved Andrew. But I kept it in myself because
were on a different world. Hes rich and Im only poor thats why I kept it secret from
everyone. She replied.
All right, I see. Im just going to ask you a question. When I say that you must break your
relationship with Andrew, will you obey me?
I will let Andrew to decide it for us. I love him with all of my heart and I care for him very
much. If I know that he was not happy with me anymore, Ill set him free even if it hurts me. As
long as Andrew wants me to be with him and we love each other, Ill stay with him no matter
Even if you know that his company will be bankrupt when he will not marry me, youre still
going to be with him?
What did you say? Althea asked.
You heard it correctly. The reason why we are engaged now is because their company is
about to be bankrupt and the only way for our company save their company is for Andrew to
marry me. Are you still going to stay with him, even if you know that Andrew and his family
will be poor?
I dont want. Tell me, what I can do for Andrew.
You know the solution Althea. You will just going to break your relationship with him and
disappear like bubbles. Did you understand?
I was about to leave her thinking about it when she suddenly answered me back.
Fine, Ill do it. For Andrew and his family, I will do it. Then I finally left her alone. I was
happy that time. Very happy.
Tomorrow morning, when I woke up, my phone rang. Andrew was calling me.
Hello Andrew. Why did you call?
Victoria, can we meet today here in my condo? I just need to talk to somebody. I dont know
what to do right now. He cried over the phone.
Okay, Ill be there in a few minutes.
I immediately hanged up the phone and went to his condo. As I arrived there, I saw him
drinking alcohol and I stopped him.
Whats the problem Andrew? I want to know.
Althea.. Althea.. Althea broke up with me. I dont know her reason of breaking up with me.
But she just said that shes not happy with me anymore. He cried.
See! I told you! Shes not worth it! That girt will only hurt you. Look at me Andrew. Im not
going to hurt you. Lets start again. I promise I will not hurt you. Is it okay with you? I
He was silent for a minute. He looks like he was thinking of my suggestion. I hope he allow me.
I wish he will give another chance for this relationship.
All right, lets do it that way. He answered as he smiled to me. I also smiled to him.
Three months have passed and were really happy together. Weve done whats best for our
relationship. We have our first official date; he tried to give me what I want. I know he still
love Althea but I also tried to erase that girl from her mind. I made him happy with my jokes
every time we travel. We also talked to our wedding planner about our upcoming wedding.
One day, we were talking sincerely and I asked him?
Do you still love her? Do you still love Althea? I asked him.
Im sorry Victoria. You know I still love her, but dont worry. Im still trying. One day, I
promise Ill get over her. He said to me.
I hug him, very tightly. I also felt that he hug me too. And we shared our first kiss that night.
*October 2, 2012, Tuesday
Andrew and I were at the mall at this time when someone called him. He answered it.
What? Is she okay? Im coming in a few minutes. He hanged up the phone.
What is that? Did something happen? I asked him.
Im sorry, Victoria but I have to go. Something came up.
Is it Althea? What happened to her? I asked him.
How did you know it was about her? he asked me.
I can see the thoughtfulness in your face. I only see that when I do something bad to Althea.
Thats why, Im sure something happened to Althea. What is it?
Althea is ill. She had Leukemia and I have to be beside her. She fainted when she was working
a while ago. I have to go to know her condition.
He was about to go when I stopped him. If you leave me here now, I swear, were going to
break up now. You know what the consequence is if we break up. Now, I asked you to choose,
me or Althea?
Im sorry, Victoria. But Im choosing Althea. After he said it, he finally left.
I was left there dumbfounded. Althea has Leukemia? Is that the reason why she easily get
bruised and fainted since we were in high school? But thats not the issue right now. Why did
he choose Althea over me? These are the questions that were running in my mind at that
I returned home silently sobbing. I went directly to my Moms bedroom.
Victoria, why are you here today? Whats the matter, my dear daughter? my mother asked
Mom as I said it, I hugged my mom and eventually cried.
What is it my daughter? Im here to listen. My mother said.
I have said what happened to me and Andrew for the past months and the reason why he left
me. I thought she would be angry to know it, but she just hugged me again and said
something to me.
I think its now the right time I say this to you. In fact, you are already 21 years old. Did you
know why I let your father to leave this house 7 years ago? It is because of another woman,
like what youre experiencing now. The difference is just that your father and I are married.
I remain silent.
That time, I happened to discover your fathers lies to me. Miguel has another woman and
whats surprising the most is that, he has a child with that woman. My mother said.
I looked into my mom, puzzled and confused about what I heard. Have you forgiven father
now? How about his woman, have you forgiven her?
Yes, Victoria. I have already forgiven them. Your dad, before he died, let me see him and ask
for my forgiveness. Your fathers another woman; I have already forgiven her because I was
not able to forget our past relationship as best friends.
Best friend? So do you have news about her and her child? I inquired.
I dont have news about them anymore. But I have some pictures of her when were still best
friends. Do you want to see it? Wait, Im just going to get it. My mother said.
My mother got those pictures from her small drawer and let me see it. As I looked on the
pictures, the woman in the pictures seems familiar to me. I have seen this woman but I dont
remember when and where. But as I keep on thinking about it, I have successfully
remembered it.
It was Altheas mother.
The next day, I went to the hospital to know about the condition of my sister, Althea. Even if
Im angry with her, shes still my sister that is why Im here today. According to her attending
physician, it is confirmed that she has Leukemia. She needs a bone marrow transplant but her
mother was incapable of doing it.
Me, I want to be tested if Im capable of having the transplant or not. Is it okay with you,
Yes. He answered.
*Present Day, October 12, 2012
I opened again my eyes. Mr. Chan has already done with the results and he was summoning
me to enter into the laboratory room. He said that Im positive. Im capable of giving Althea
a bone marrow but I said to the doctor that he should keep it a secret for a while. Mr. Chan
permitted it.
After that, I went to the ward where Althea was confined. I looked on her face and I can see
the likeness she has with my father. Shes indeed beautiful thats why she captured
Andrews heart. I stayed there for an hour and after that, I decided to talk with Andrew.
Im right. He was at the hospitals chapel. He was alone there. I guess hes here to pray for
Altheas condition to be better. As I approached him, I can see he was crying silently. I
interrupted him.
So youre here. Youre praying for Althea, right? I asked him.
I sat beside him.
I dont want to fight with you today, Victoria. Can you please just leave me alone? he said
in a high tone.
Im not here to fight with you. I have something to tell you.
What is that? he asked.
I know that Althea needs to have a bone marrow transplant. But unfortunately, her mother
who was the only relative she has is incapable of giving her a bone marrow. It looks like;
shes going to die soon. I said.
She will not die. I will not allow it to happen. He said to me.
But unfortunately for me, shes still has a chance to be saved. I.. I.. I discovered that shes
my younger sibling. We have the same father but different mothers. Whats funny is that I
was capable of giving her a bone marrow according to his attending physician. Sounds good,
right? I looked into his eyes. I can see he was surprised. But I will not help her, never.
Youll be mine if she dies, so she better die helpless.
Andrew remain silent but I was shocked that he bended his knees in front of me.
Victoria, I know I have hurt you all this time. I know Ive been selfish to say in front of you
that I dont love you. But please, I beg you to save Althea. I promise that well get married.
Ill be yours. Just save her please. He cried as he held both my hands.
I just smiled to him and removed his hand from my hands.
I know youre going to this. Youll beg for Altheas salvation. You know, how I wish that I
was Althea. How I wish I was the reason why you are crying now. But it is impossible. Im
Victoria and shes Althea. We are totally different. I said while crying. He remained silent.
Youre free now. Im setting you free. Im going to do the transplant and about the
company, Im just going to persuade my mom to help your parents without the need for our
wedding. After I said it, I stood up and was about to leave when he uttered something.
Thank you, Victoria. Thank you. Im sorry. Im very sorry.
I looked again at his face from a distant and said, Dont be sorry. Its my decision after all.
I smiled to him and left the chapel. I know its going to end now. While driving, I decided to
go to the playground where I and Andrew first met. I sat on a swing and eventually cried.
Even if Im crying today, I feel relieved. Im happy with my decision and I must be happy.
As I was crying, somebody has offered me a handkerchief. I thought it was Andrew but it
seems to be another person.
Hello! I dont know why youre crying today, but heres my handkerchief. Stop crying. Its
ugly for a beautiful woman like you to cry. The stranger said. By the way, my name is
Francis Martinez, may I know your name?
This was the first time I saw this person. He appears to have the same age as me. I accepted
his handshake. Im Victoria Madrigal, nice to meet you. I said.
He smiled to me and I remembered the time when I first met Andrew. I also smiled to him. I
hope this person will help me to forget and to face the new life God has given me.
I wish. I hope. I want to be a nice girl again.

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