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Summer Research Internship Record

Name Nishant Kumar
Date 07 / 06 / 10
Current Registration B-Tech (Mechanical Engg)
Mode of study Summer Research Fellowship
Principal supervisor (Name/School) Dr. Vinod N/ IIT-GN

Weekly Report:
1. Navier Stokes equation (NSE)
Derivation in Cartesian and Cylindrical coordinates
The NSE, along with the continuity equation and well formulated boundary conditions, is used to
determine the flow field. The NSE is basically a statement of conservation of momentum. For
incompressible flow of Newtonian fluids, the NSE in vector form may be represented as
Here f represents "other" body forces (forces per unit volume)
Cartesian coordinates
Writing the vector equation explicitly,

Here, gravity has been accounted for as a body force.
Cylindrical coordinates
Our problem deals with the axisymmetric flow over a paraboloid and thus, transforming the NSE in
cylindrical coordinates helps in simplifying the solution to the problem.
A change of variables on the Cartesian equations will yield the following momentum equations for r, ,

Here, use following vector transformations

2. Hydrodynamic Stability
Amplification of disturbances
The flow may consist of disturbances caused due to free stream condition or surface roughness.
Disturbances of a certain band of frequencies get damped by the fluid viscosity and some
frequencies get amplified, which may cause turbulence downstream of the flow.
Orr-Sommerfeld equations (OSE)
The OSE is an eigenvalue equation describing the linear two-dimensional modes of disturbance
to a viscous parallel flow. The perturbed velocity field is

where perturbed velocity component is determined from

In non-dimensional form, OSE can be obtained from the linearized version of NSE.

Solution of OSE
For the OSE to give non-trivial solution, we must have
f (,c,Re)=0
It is assumed that the disturbances are temporally
growing. Thus, depending on the value of c, the -Re
plane can be divided into following domains
c<0, flow is stable (i.e., disturbances decay)
c=0, flow is neutraally stable
c>0, flow is unstable (i.e., disturbances grow)

Squires theorem
To each unstable three dimensional disturbance there corresponds a more unstable two-
dimensional one.

3. Boundary layer flow
Order of magnitude analysis

Thus, we write, u = Uf'().
Blasius profile
This equation is used to analyse flow over a flat plate at zero angle of attack. We
convert the NSE which is a PDE into an ODE which can be solved easily using
numerical methods.

This equation is solved by employing Runge Kutta method (RK4).
Falkner-Skan equation
Here, we generalize the Blasius boundary layer by considering a wedge at an
angle of attack from some uniform velocity field


4. Finite Difference Methods
The mesh is generated over the flow domain to evaluate flow variables. The FDM
delivers the solution at a finite number of discrete mesh points of a domain.
Explicit methods
In this scheme, the solution at a node point is obtained from the known values at
previous node points.
Implicit methods
In this method, the solution at each node point is obtained from the boundary
conditions or assumed values at neighboring points.
Finite Difference Scheme for Heat Conduction Equation
The heat conduction equation across a thin long bar is described by the equation

Here, the temperature distribution is represented by u(x,t)
FTCS Scheme
Here the time derivative is replaced by forward difference representation and the
space derivative by three-point central difference.
Crank Nicholson Implicit Schemes
The CrankNicolson method is often applied to diffusion problems.

whose CrankNicolson discretization is then:

Thomas Algorithm for Tridiagonal Systems
A tridiagonal system for n unknowns may be written as

In matrix form, this system is written as

We express x
in terms of x
in the first equation. This value of x
is then substituted in
second equation which reduces the number of variables in the second equation. This
process of substitution is continued till the final equation, where the number of variables
reduces to two. The value of x
can be obtained here and by back substitution, the values
of x at preceding levels can be obtained.

5. FORTRAN Programmes
We learnt programming in FORTRAN to employ numerical methods to solve the
governing equations of fluid flow and plot the subsequent results.

6. Stability Analysis
Chebyshevs Spectral Collocation (CSC) Method
We use the CSC method to solve the stability based OSE equations as it provides more
accurate results than finite difference numerical scheme. Its efficiency is due to the fast
convergence rates of O(e
) for problems with smooth solutions. In this method, the
exact derivatives in the differential equation are replaced by derivatives of interpolating
polynomials at the Chebyshev points by using matrix-vector multiplication technique
Derivation of Orr Sommerfeld equation in cylindrical coordinates with
consideration of 3D turbulence and its analysis
1) Write NSE for mean flow and perturbed flow in cylindrical coordinates by considering

2) Subtract the NSE for the mean flow from the equation for perturbed flow to get
equation in terms of the perturbed belocity components (u,v,w) in (r,,z) directions.
3) Eliminate the pressure terms from above equations to get 2 equations in form of r-z
and z- combinations.
4) Insert the values of 3-D perturbations into the each of the equations.

5) Evaluate the derivatives considering the above relation.
6) Use continuity equation to evaluate u in terms v and w and substitute it in the above
equation to get 2 equations with 2 unknown variables.
7) Form the Eigenvalue problem in the form
8) Solve the matrix by employing FORTRAN programming and analyze the result.

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