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... through Bertha Dudde

Thought currents ....
Prerequisites for easy acceptance
of spiritual no!ledge ....
"n order to percei#e the thought currents clearly and distinctly$
the e%ternal hu&an 'eing &ust 'e co&pletely go#erned 'y the
spirit( the separation fro& the earth &ust ha#e taen place and
the union !ith the 'eyond &ust ha#e 'een esta'lished$ only then
!ill the hu&an 'eing)s thoughts 'e a'le to &o#e in spiritual
spheres$ and the #oice fro& the spiritual !orld !ill sound
distinctly and audi'ly in the person)s heart.
*o!e#er$ as long as the 'ody is held capti#e 'y earthly fetters
!hich pre#ent the soul)s escape fro& the 'ody into spiritual
spheres$ the spirit in the person cannot 'eco&e acti#e.
Therefore$ a long struggle &ust precede first in order to achie#e
this detached state .... in order for the 'ody to achie#e a state of
'eing gentle and patient and of allo!ing the soul)s e#ery flight
into higher spheres. Thus$ the first condition in order to 'e a'le
to accept spiritual no!ledge easily and !ithout effort is that the
spirit &ust not feel i&peded 'y anything.
"t certainly requires considera'le self+denial in order to
acco&plish$ yet the pleasure of the re!ard !ill 'e accordingly
,ll opportunities !ill re&ain unused if the e%pansion of the di#ine
spirit in the hu&an 'eing is not taen care of first. People)s spirit
!ill fore#er re&ain gagged if they tae no action to li'erate their
soul for good ....
,s yet the soul is still constrained and therefore cannot grasp the
spiritual deeply enough$ thus it requires all your !ill to desire
receipt fro& a'o#e so that your !ill can 'e co&plied !ith(
ne#ertheless$ the soul can li'erate itself &uch sooner !here lo#e
for the di#ine Redee&er flares up in a heart$ for that is !here the
spirit clearly stri#es for unity !ith the eternal Deity.
But !here the !riter or recipient is sei-ed 'y a certain spiritual
lethargy it !ill 'e difficult for hi& to esta'lish contact and it
&ust$ in a &anner of speaing$ 'e la'oriously achie#ed through
perse#erance$ other!ise it can ne#er lead to the goal !hich$
ho!e#er$ should 'e all people)s ulti&ate stri#ing. ,nd the spirit
!ill understanda'ly 'e in serious difficulties$ for it !ill 'e
pre#ented fro& reigning and taing effect according to its
purpose ....
Pu'lished 'y friends of ne! re#elations of God . "nfor&ation$
do!nload of all translated re#elations$ the&e+'oolets at/

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