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Week 50, Day 1: Monday, 14 December 2009

Amos 3, 4

Does God hold his children to a different standard? (3:2)

Do relationships require mutual commitment? (3:3)

To whom does God reveal His plans? (3:7)

What does hoarding wealth say about your heart, character, and relationship with the Lord? (3:10)

How would you describe the spirituality of the Israelites? (4:1, 4,5)

Who do you not want to dishonor? (4:13)

Proverbs 14

Who fears the Lord, and who doesn’t? (14:2)

To whom does knowledge come easily? (14:6)

Who should you avoid? (14:7)

What is prudence? (14:8)

What is one trait of the upright? (14:9)

Revelation 8

How terrible is the calamity being described by John? (8:13)

Week 50, Day 2: Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Amos 5, 6

What is the Lord’s message to Israel? (5:4, 6, 14, 15)

What are some of the traits of the wicked? (5:10-12)

What false assumption were the Israelites making about the Day of the Lord’s judgment? (5:18)

How does God feel about worship from the unrepentant? (5:21-23)

What is the warning to the complacent? (6:1)


What happens when you fail to confront evil at hand? (6:3)

How often is pride condemned in the Bible? (6:8)

Are there inevitable consequences for actions? (6:12)

Proverbs 15

Is God fully aware of your circumstances? (15:3)

Compare 15:8 with Amos 5:21-23.

How does 15:10 relate to what you are reading in Amos?

How does godly joy change your perspective on life? (15:15, 16)

What is one reward for obtaining strong Biblical knowledge? (15:23)

Compare 15:29 with Amos 5:21-23.

Compare 15:32 with Amos 4:6-12.

Revelation 9

Who were the locusts not allowed to harm? (9:4)

Who was king of the locusts? (9:11)

Why do you think John reconfirms the number of two hundred million troops? (9:16)

How does 9:20, 21 relate to what Proverbs has to say about the unrepentant sinner?

Week 50, Day 3: Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Amos 7-9

How do moral laws compare to natural laws? (7:8)

Does God often require His servants to journey on completely unanticipated paths in life? (7:14, 15)

How quickly and un-expectantly does the Lord’s wrath come? (8:3)

What sort of famine is more terrible than a famine of food? (8:11)

Will Israel be restored to never again be uprooted? (9:15)


Proverbs 16

What becomes of the plans of men? (16:1-4, 9, 25, 33)

How often does the Bible condemn pride? (16:5, 18)

How is sin atoned for? (16:6)

What does your prosperity depend on? (16:7)

Revelation 10

Was John allowed to reveal everything he observed? (10:4)

Why do you suppose the scroll was sweet to taste but sour in the stomach? (10:9, 10)

Week 50, Day 4: Thursday, 17 December 2009

Jonah 1, 2

How foolish is it to run from the Lord? (1:1-3)

How hopeless is it to seek protection from anything other than God? (1:5)

Are there many seeking God? (1:5, 6)

Was Jonah in great despair and depression, knowing that he was defying the Lord? (1:5, 6, 12)

Compare 1:7 with Proverbs 16:33.

Did the unbelievers on the boat have the requirements of the law written on their hearts? (1:14, Romans

What do those who reject the Lord lose? (2:8)

Where is the one place to find salvation? (2:9)

Proverbs 17

Who cares about the poor? (17:5)

How can you promote love? (17:9)

How much more painful is the life of a fool than the life of a discerning person? (17:10)

How does the Lord feel about injustice? (17:15)


How does God feel about the foolishness of His children? (17:21)

Revelation 11

What do you think is the significance of excluding the outer court of the temple? (11:2)

Who do you suppose are the two witnesses? (11:1-14)

Week 50, Day 5: Friday, 18 December 2009

Jonah 3, 4

Were there two possible outcomes for Nineveh? (3:4-10)

How deep was Jonah’s hatred of the Ninevites? (4:1-3)

What did God reveal to Jonah about His heart and about the heart of the Lord? (4:10, 11)

Proverbs 18

How destructive is a poor work ethic? (18:9)

How often does the Bible condemn pride? (18:12)

Revelation 12

Who is the woman, who is the child, and who is the dragon? (12)

Who is the rest of the woman’s offspring? (12:17)

Week 50, Day 6: Saturday, 19 December 2009

Micah 1-3

Why did calamity befall the Israelites? (1:5)

What sins might you commit if you were given the opportunity? (1:1)

Do the rebellious often surround themselves with religious leaders who will falsely validate their sinful
behavior? (2:6)

Why did the prophets and leaders stop hearing from God? (3:5-11)

Proverbs 19

How does 19:9 relate to Micah 1-3?

What is in store for the proud and arrogant? (19:29)

Psalm 145

Do you praise the Lord every day? (145:2)

Are you passing your faith on to the next generation? (145:4)

Why do we proclaim the works of the Lord to the world? (145:12)

The Lord is near to who? (145:18)

Week 50, Day 7: Sunday, 20 December 2009

Michah 4, 5

What will happen in the last days? (4)

Whose birth is spoken of in Micah 5:3? (5:3-5; see also Matthew 2:5, 6).

Proverbs 20

What speaks far louder than your words? (20:11)

How can you make yourself instantly invaluable? (20:15, 6)

How do Proverbs 20:27 and 20:30 relate to each other?

Psalms 146

Who should we not put our trust in? (146:3)

Who is blessed? (146:5)

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