MPP Questions

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1. What are social responsibilities of modern industry?
2. Describe the factors responsible for slow development of management thought.
3. What are the different managerial functions performed at different at different organizational
4. What are the different managerial roles identified by Mintzberg? Explain.
5. Discuss Taylors contribution to scientific management.
6. Specify the thrust area of management to act globally and withstand the competition.
7. What you understand by scientific management?
8. What are the contributions of Chester Bernard?
9. Explain the contributions of Elton Mayo.
10. Business ethics is the basic functions of management. Discuss.
11. Examine the distinction between administration and management.
12. What do you understand by social responsibility in business?
13. What do you meant by divergence between principles and practice of management?
14. How the society is linked with society? Explain.
15. Explain the scientific principles of management
16. Describe qualities of good supervisor.
17. Explain the contribution to management thought by Elton Mayo
18. What is morale? Explain the factors that contribute to the employee morale.
19. Management of change is a complex process. Comment.
20. Define management and discuss its characteristics.
21. Comment on the true nature of management is science or art?
22. Describe and evaluate Henry Fayols contribution to the management theory.
23. Bring out the significance of Top and Middle level managers relationship.

1. What is meant by global and comparative management? Discuss briefly the basis of global
2. Identify the various approaches to management analysis. Discuss their contributions and their
3. Discuss the social responsibilities of organisation and their need for being ethical.
4. Describe the salient features of Taylors Scheme of Scientific management and discuss their
validity today.
5. Enumerate the contributions of Peter Drucker to management.
6. Management is a half hearted profession Do you agree? Analyze the positive and negative
aspects of the management profession.
7. What are the contributions of F W Taylor towards management?
8. Write a critical note on the contribution of Henry Fayol.
9. Explain the concept of social responsibility of business with example.
10. Describe the contribution of F W Taylor and Peter Drucker to the development of management
11. Have Explain Taylors principles of scientific management. Do they have relevancy and
application today?
12. Management is the development of people not the direction of the thing. Elucidate.

1. Discuss the role of planning in management.
2. What types of factors involved in the decision making process?
3. Explain how the logical steps in planning are essentially a rational approach to setting objectives
and selecting the means of reaching them.
4. Decision making is the primary task of management. Think of any two problems and commend
programmed or non programmed.
5. Discuss the various types of policies.
6. Explain planning, policies, and strategies with example.
7. Discuss the various types of policies.
8. Explain planning, policies, and strategies with example.
9. List the advantages of planning.
10. What is global planning? Give an example.
11. What are planning premises? What are their major types?
12. Discuss the policies in management.
13. Distinguish between objective and policies.
14. Explain the steps involved in policy formulation and administration.
15. Explain the important role of staffing.
16. What do you understand about planning premises? Discuss.
17. Decision making is the primary task of the manager comment.
18. Bring out the necessity for global planning.
19. Describe the various methods of planning.
20. What is current state of affairs as regards management theory and practices?
21. Effective management is Management by Objective Explain.
22. Planning is essentials of management Elucidate.

1. Why is it necessary to weigh the alternative course of action?
2. How can you distinguish strategies and policies? How can strategies be implemented?
3. Proper planning is half of the work done. Discuss.
4. What are the different types of plans? Explain the various steps in the process of planning.
5. Discuss the need and importance of planning what are the various types of plans? Explain.
6. Forecasting is the heart of planning process comment. Describe briefly the various techniques
of forecasting.
7. Explain the importance of planning. What are the types of plans? Explain them in detail.
8. Identify the various steps involved in planning. How can planning be made effective?
9. Discuss the various steps involved in decision making process.
10. Describe some of the forecasting techniques with which you are familiar.

1. Explain the concept of organisation. Narrate the steps in organizing.
2. Delegation of authority is the key to organisation- explain.
3. Explain how the logical steps in planning are essentially a rational approach to setting objectives
and selecting the means of reaching them.
4. Decision making is the primary task of management. Think of any two problems and commend
programmed or non programmed.
5. Explain the importance of obtaining balance between centralization and decentralization of
6. Explain the patterns of Departmentation.
7. What do you mean by span of control and discuss the factors deciding the size?
8. Specify the reason for line and staff conflict.
9. What are the benefits of sound organisation structure?
10. Explain informal organisation. Give an example of each step.
11. Define Departmentation. What are the different types of Departmentation?
12. Compare and contrast centralization and decentralization.
13. Outline the steps in staffing process.
14. Is it possible to have uniform organizational structure for all organisation? Explain.
15. Distinguish between delegation of authority and decentralization.
16. Describe the various types of organization.
17. What do you mean by span of control?
18. Explain the important role of staffing.
19. Explain the process of delegation.
20. Draw a chart of matrix organization.
21. What is Departmentation? Explain the various factors influencing Departmentation process.
22. What are the leadership qualities that you would look for a manager? Explain.
23. Define organization and bring out its different elements.
24. What are the components of formal organization?
25. Explain the term Departmentation.
26. How authority is different from responsibility?


1. Describe the principles and steps that constitute the organizing process.
2. Construct a diagram depicting the formal organization of an enterprise which you are familiar
with. How does this organization chart help or hinder the establishment of an environment foe
3. Explain the organisational culture and how does organisation structure plays a role in developing
good organisational culture.
4. What is Departmentation? How departments are organized?
5. What do you understand by the term delegation of authority? Examine the factors determine the
extent of delegation.
6. Departmentation by simple numbers is gradually disappearing now a days why?
7. Explain the contributing variables of organizational culture climate.
8. Analyze the factors determining degree of decentralization.
9. Explain line and staff authority. What are the causes for conflict between line and staff? How will
you overcome?
10. Explain how organization structure leads to human relations problems.
1. Describe the factors which make coordination necessaty.
2. Write an essay on the importance of communication.
3. What are the ingredients of leadership? Explain.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of committees especially in decision making?
5. Discuss the components of communication.
6. What are the merits and demerits of committee form of organisation?
7. What are the principles of coordination?
8. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of committees.
9. Explain the process of communication.
10. Define coordination. Briefly discuss the approaches to achieve effective coordination.
11. Explain Maslows theory of motivation.
12. Discuss the types of communication.
13. Explain the process of human motivation.
14. Distinguish between goal directed activity and goal activity.
15. Differentiate formal and informal groups.
16.Describe the process of communication
17.Differentiate between leadership and management.
18. Define co ordination. Briefly explain the approaches to achieve effective coordination.
19. Explain the types of committees. Explain their pros and cons.
20. What are the leadership qualities that you would look for a manager? Explain.
21. Discuss the barriers involved in effective communication.


1. Enumerate the importance of communication in management. Describe the basis of
organizational structure.
2. Distinguish between a committee, a team and a group. What are the reasons for using a
committee? Why are committees criticized so often?
3. Vrooms model assumes that managers need to be flexible in styles. Discuss the feasibility of this
model among Indian Managers.
4. What are the various styles of leadership? Which style would ideally suit to Indian condition?
5. There is no one best way of leadership style suitable to all organizations. Do you accept or not?
Justify your stand.
6. Explain the theory X and theory Y and state its assumptions.
7. Explain the following:
a. Reddins three dimensional model of leadership.
b. Paul Hersely and Ken Blands situational leadership.
8. Distinguish between theory X and Theory Y.
9. Explain the different types of communication network with examples.
10. Is there any ideal leadership style? Which of the various leadership theories and approaches is the
most applicable in the real world?
11. Discuss the communication process in detail with a sketch.
12. Magic power of liquid cash is still important motivator Comment.

1. Discuss the concept and process of control.
2. Budgetary control is tool of planning coordination and control. Explain.
3. Examine the requirements of an effective control system.
4. Give examples of how IT has enhanced the control process.
5. How do you adopt IT for making control techniques more effective?
6. What is social audit? State its merits?
7. Emphasize the importance of preventive control. Explain the technique used as preventive control
8. Identify the five basic steps in the control process and provide an example of each step.
9. Give examples of how information technology has enhanced the control process.
10. Distinguish between controlling and --------------- with their similarities and dissimilarities.
11. Distinguish productivity from
a. Production
b. Efficiency and
c. Quality
12. What is IT and its uses and its limitations.
13. What is budgetary control?
14. Explain the process of controlling.
15. Define control and explain the process of control
16. What are the problems of control in an organization? Suggest steps should be taken to make
control effective.
17. What do you mean by global control? Explain with suitable example.
18. What are the basic elements of control system?

1. Bring out the importance of control as a function of management. Write a brief note on various
types of controls exercised at different levels of management.
2. What is feed forward control? Why is it important to managers? Why is real time information not
good enough for effective control?
3. Explain some of the financial controlling techniques used and their merits and demerits.
4. What is feed forward control? Why is it important to managers? Why is real time information not
good enough for effective control?
5. Identify the essentials of effective control system. Enumerate the various techniques used in an

6. Suggest measures to improve productivity of a manufacturing organization.
7. Explain the challenges of global business and its impact in India
8. just as planning, controlling should also be dominantly forward looking function. To what
extent is it possible?
9. Elaborate the process of control. Write a note on global controlling and global challenges.
10. Explain the role of IT in management with respect to control techniques.
11. Discuss the benefits and limitations of the management control techniques.

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