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By FREDERICK H. POUGH, Former Curator of Minerals, American Museum of Natural History

YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS BOOK — has ever been printed for the rockhound and gem
Contains 234 photographs, 72 in full color, and a hunter. Available now. Order your copy today. If
simplified Field Guide to identification. Every min- you are interested in rocks, gems or minerals, this
eral the Rockhound is likely to encounter is described book is a must for your library shelf.
in detail. This is the most important new book that $3.75 POSTAGE PREPAID

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shopping will be made easy — order by mail or visit Gems, Jewelry Making, Prospecting, Uranium, etc.
our shop to select your gifts. This catalog lists Gem Fluorescent Lamps, Fluorescent Minerals, Geiger Count-
Cutting Equipment, Grinding Wheels, Diamond Blades, ers, Uranium Samples, Magnifiers, Scales, Templates, etc.
Sanding Cloth, and Polishing Powders, Jewelry Making Services Offered to You Are: Expert Gem Stone Cutting,
Tools, Sterling Silver Sheet and Wire, Blank Ring Custom Jewelry Making and Repair.
Mountings, Jewelry Findings such as Earwires, Dealers please ask for wholesale discount sheets
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1—POLY D12 Arbor $19.95 1—Dresser Rest 2.25
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1—100 Grit Wheel VWA" 7.50 DRESSER 10.90
1—200 Grit Wheel VxlVi" . 8.25 2—Galvanized Splash Pans 6.00
When you wear jewelry set with TITANIA. Gems of synthetic
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With the purchase of cabochon or facet cutting equipment j |
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Model R-10 Gem Stone Cutter—$139.75 F.O.B. Pasadena
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Allow 3 lbs. Shipping weight Cornelian, and black Brazilian Agates, etc.



June 21-July 2—Fourth Annual Con-
ference of Southwestern Writers
and Writers' Workshop. Arizona
State College, Flagstaff.
July 1-31—Special Exhibit, new ac-
quisitions of Indian pottery, pre-
dominantly from Mexico. South-
west Museum, Los Angeles, Calif.
July 2-4 — Southwestern All-Indian
Pow-Wow, Flagstaff, Arizona.
July 2-4—Apache Fiesta and Devil
Dance, Mescalero Reservation, New Volume 17 JULY, 1954 Number 7
COVER Kofa Palm Canyon, Arizona. Color photo by
July 2-5—Rodeo, Orem, Utah.
CHUCK ABBOTT of Tucson, Arizona
July 2-5—21st Annual Hopi Crafts- CALENDAR July events on the desert 3
men Exhibition. Pottery, basketry,
weaving, embroidery and silver DESERT LIVING We Built for Summer Comfort
work. Indian demonstrators. Mu- By RANDALL HENDERSON 4
seum of Northern Arizona, Flag-
staff. DESERT QUIZ A True-False test of your desert knowledge . . 8

July 3, 4—Annual Damboree, Boulder PERSONALITY Indians' Choice in Washington

City, Nevada. By DAMA LANGLEY 9
CLOSE-UPS About those who write for Desert 12
July 3-5—Fiesta and Santa Fe Rail-
road Pageant, Las Vegas, New NATURE On Desert Trails with a Naturalist: IV—Clark
Mexico. Mountain Wonderland
July 3-5—Fiesta and Gadsden Pur- By EDMUND C. JAEGER 13
chase Centennial Celebration, La INDIANS Indian Pow-Wow at Flagstaff 15
Mesilla, New Mexico.
WINNERS Bird Contest awards announced 15
July 3-5—Frontier Days Rodeo. Pres-
cott, Arizona. DESERT LORE The 'Other People' Who Come to the Waterholes
July 3-5—Fourth of July Celebration By EDNA PRICE 16
and Rodeo. Tooele. Utah. FIELD TRIP Jasper in Limestone Gulch
July 3-5 — Desert Peaks Section, By FENTON TAYLOR 18
Southern California Chapter Sierra POETRY Desert Fort, and other poems 22
Club climb of Mt. DuBois (13,545
feet), Montgomery Peak, California PHOTOGRAPHY Pictures of the Month 23
(13,442 feet), and Boundary Peak,
Nevada (13,145 feet). Rendezvous HUMOR 120" in the S h a d e , b y H A R R Y O L I V E R . . . . 2 4
at Dyer, Nevada. EXPERIENCE Life o n the Desert, b y C A R I T A SELVAS . . .2 5
July 3-5—Rodeo, Reno, Nevada. LETTERS Comment from Desert readers 27
July 4—Fireworks at White Sands MINING Current news of desert mines 28
National Monument, near Alamo-
gordo, New Mexico. NEWS From Here and There on the Desert 29
July 4 — Rodeo, Silver City, New CONTEST Prizes for Photographers 29
FICTION Hard Rock Shorty of Death Valley 31
July 4—Rodeo, Cimarron, New Mex-
ico. LAPIDARY Amateur Gem Cutter, b y LELANDE QUICK . . 34
July 8-10 — Ute Stampede, Nephi, HOBBY Gems and Minerals 35
COMMENT J u s t B e t w e e n Y o u a n d M e , b y t h e E d i t o r . . .4 2
July 8-11—Rodeo de Santa Fe, Santa BOOKS Reviews of Southwestern literature 43
Fe, New Mexico.
July 10-31 — "The Navajo Today," The Desert Magazine is published monthly by the Desert Press, Inc., Palm Desert,
California. Re-entered as second class matter July 17, 1948, at the postoffice at Palm Desert,
craft exhibition and outline of his California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office,
way of life and history. Museum and contents copyrighted 1954 by the Desert Press, Inc. Permission to reproduce contents
must be secured from the editor in writing.
of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff.
July 20-24—"Days of '47" Pioneer BESS STACY, Business Manager EVONNE RIDDELL, Circulation Manager
Celebration and Rodeo. Salt Lake
City, Utah. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs submitted cannot be returned or acknowledged
unless full return postage is enclosed. Desert Magazine assumes no responsibility for
damage or loss of manuscripts or photographs although due care will be exercised. Sub-
July 24—Pioneer Day, Mesa, Arizona. scribers should send notice of change of address by the first of the month preceding issue.

July 24—Pioneer Days Celebration, SUBSCRIPTION RATES

Tooele, Utah. One Year $3.50 Two Years $6.00
Canadian Subscriptions 25c Extra, Foreign 50c Extra
July 25-26—Corn Dance, Taos Pue-
blo, New Mexico. Subscriptions to Army Personnel Outside U. S. A. Must Be Mailed in Conformity With
P. O. D. Order No. 19687
Address Correspondence to Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, California

ULY, 1954
We Built for Summer Comfort
One can enjoy the desert sum- We built for summer comfort, and ferent types of planning. Some of our
mers, even when the temperatures we believe now that we have attained neighbors down the street are retired
go to 115 degrees or higher, if the what we wanted—a light, airy home folks who spend only their winters on
home-builder plans well and takes where, through the torrid months of the desert. When summer comes they
advantage of the most effective July, August and September we can go to the beaches or mountains. They
insulating and air-cooling devices work and study and play indoors, un- want big glass windows which will let
now available. And it can be done harassed by the 110 to 116-degrcc in a generous share of winter sunshine.
without excessive cost. Cyria and heat waves outside our walls. Insulation and cooling are not impor-
Randall Henderson spent two Ours is an unpretentious two bed- tant because they are away when the
years planning their home for room home built on the sandy floor of summer sun is pouring in through the
summer comfort—and back of that the Coachella Valley in California on highly-conductive glass of those ex-
were many years of desert living. a site 350 feet above sea level. The pansive windows.
Here are some of the answers for extra bedroom will serve most of the The kind of home that serves them
those who are planning to buy or best would be unbearable to us—be-
time as a studio and library.
build on the desert. cause with the exception of a short
In general, we followed a modified
rancho type of architecture. We summer vacation, we spend the entire
By RANDALL HENDERSON year in our desert home. Our problem
Floor plan sketch by Margaret Gerke omitted all the modernistic architec-
tural frills. Its arrangement follows is to keep the summer sunshine out.
conventional patterns. We built with It is more important to us to keep the

7 HIS IS the first week in June,

and Cyria and I have been liv-
ing in our new desert home
nearly six months. Already this season
summer comfort as the primary objec-
tive. Style was secondary. But, heated
with panel ray units, we have found it
direct and reflected rays of the sun out

we have seen the outside thermometer also very comfortable in winter.

rise to 104 degrees — and we were Before going into the details of con-
comfortable, even with our cooling struction, I should make clear that
system operating at only half capacity. desert living calls for two radically dif-

High ceilings and good air circulation are two

important factors in this home—built for sum-
mer comfort on the desert. Floor space, figuring
outside slab work at one-half footage, is 1777
square feet, and the cost within a few cents of
$10 a square foot.






. * ..
Front view, from the northwest, looking toward the Santa Rosa Mountains in the
background. The young shade trees were spaced to protect windows from the late
afternoon sun. The power pole doesn't add to the view in that direction—but it
is not a total loss, for a mocking bird sits on the cross-arms and gives us a concert
nearly every morning.
during the summer than to let them other season, we had to arrive at some were occupying, sketching and eras-
in during the winter—and since no one kind of a compromise. ing, observing the shadows at different
has yet perfected a type of glass which We gave the problem a great deal seasons and at varying times of day.
will absorb the sun's rays at one sea- of study. For two years we kept a We noted the direction and velocity
son of the year and deflect them at an- drawing board in the apartment we of the winds. We observed that through
Rear view, from the southeast, with patio (in process of landscaping) and porch
which will serve as an outdoor dining room. The three cooling units may be seen
in this picture. On the east wall is the evaporative cooler under the cornice, and
the refrigeration unit in the studio wall lower down. The second evaporative unit
on the porch is not visible from the front of the house.

JULY, 1954
the summer months a gentle northeast There is a current fad among archi- cooling, high ceilings are better than
breeze would cool our bedroom at tects for bedroom windows that are low ceilings. With this in mind we
night if provided the proper outlets for shoulder high. It makes for privacy, specified a beam ceiling for the living
circulation. Also, that our sandstorms they say. What they say is true—it room, and 8 foot 6 inch ceilings else-
generally blew in from a westerly di- does make for privacy, but the price where with plaster finish. The plas-
rection. you pay, as a summer dweller on the tered rooms have a double layer of
The obvious conclusion was to put desert, is too high. You either swelter aluminum foil between the ceiling
the bedrooms on the east side of the in a breathless room, or keep the joists. I am not sure this is more effec-
house with windows at bed level and coolers going all night, which is worse, tive than rock wool or some of the
doors where the best movement of the from the standpoint of your health. other composition insulating material,
air would be insured; and, since both You can get all the privacy you but 1 have had considerable experience
the sand and the most potent sunshine want with drapes and window shades. with aluminum and know it does its
come from the west, to erect as effec- If you want to sleep in comfort, then job well. The cost is approximately
tive a barrier as was practicable against insist that the windows be at bed level. the same.
these invaders. After you turn out the lights at night To provide roof insulation in the
1 am sure that the building of a you can roll back the drapes and open living room we specified 2-inch tongue
home calls for at least 10,000 decisions. the windows wide and let the night air and groove sheathing, with a half inch
One of the most important in the early surge in and through your bedroom. of composition board on top of that
days of planning is whether to employ and a white composition paper and
Our home is on a corner lot with
an architect or a draftsman. The an- gravel roof over the entire house.
streets on the north and west sides of
swer to that depends very largely on us. The house faces north, with a 15- It is possible to secure more effec-
how many of those decisions you are degree swing to the west. We had it tive roof insulation than we specified,
willing to make yourself, and how well turned at an angle because our most either by putting on a double roof or
qualified you are to make them. attractive view for eight months of the by using perlite or some of the thick
year is the snow-capped peaks of San composition shingles of insulating ma-
There is considerable economy in
retaining a draftsman to make your Jacinto and San Gorgonio to the north- terial. But the formula we chose is
plans—but don't do it unless you know west. effective enough and it serves well for
exactly what you want, and are adept In these days when it is the accepted folks of moderate income.
enough at reading plans and specifica- procedure to build at any angle you We built on a plain slab floor and
tions to know what you are getting wish, and the backyard may be a pret- then applied acid stain to get the color-
when the sheets are spread out before tier landscape than the frontyard, it ing we wanted. For our desert climate,
you. Structural changes and extras doesn't make much difference which reinforced concrete is economical and
after work has been started will add way your lot fronts. But it is very im- effective, and is good insurance against
up to more than an architect's fee, if portant that you keep the sun and termites.
there are many of them. wind directions always in mind in Volumes could be written about air-
planning both the house and the patio
An architect will make most of the cooling. Building for summer comfort,
that go on the lot.
decisions for you—but do not assume the owner has to make a choice be-
that because he has a fine reputation We had a problem of drainage tween two, or possibly three cooling
in his profession he knows how to to consider before construction was systems. He may select evaporative,
build a home for summer living on the started on the house. Our location is refrigeration, or radiant cooling from
desert. Planning for comfort in a 115- a desert cove with mountains close by pipes laid in the cement slab. Very little
degree desert with 350 days of sun- on three sides. Twice in the last 30 of the radiant cooling has been done
shine a year is a highly specialized job, years I have seen cloudburst storms to my knowledge, and I am not quali-
and I can show you hundreds of homes send a sheet of water down over the fied to comment except to say that it
in the Coachella Valley resort area— floor of the cove—water that would is the most costly of the three methods
planned by reputable architects — do serious damage to a structure if for it involves a central water cooling
which are glowing examples of how proper drainage had not been provided. plant.
NOT to build a desert home for sum- Our solution was simple. We built a
mer occupancy. 3-foot wall of native stone along the I resided on the desert many years
south or uphill side of our site. when our only cooling was the blast
My main criticism of the architects from a floor, table or ceiling fan. In
is that, like the engineers and designers For wall construction we selected 1922 one of my neighbors in Calexico
of some of today's automobiles, they pumice blocks, 4x8x16. They are a was experimenting with a homemade
too often are so eager to achieve some- little more expensive than cement, and contraption in which he mounted a
thing new and different—they call it our contractor estimated he could have fan to blow through a screen of wet
modernism — they lose sight of the saved $800 by using frame and stucco. burlap. That was one of the fore-
basic functional purposes of the home But we wanted insulation, and pumice runners of today's evaporative cooling
as a place for comfortable and con- seemed the simplest and most effective systems. I have had one in my home
venient living. way to get it. The walls were left un- since they first came on the market.
plastered, but two coats of oyster- During the last six years I have worked
For real summer comfort, no one white waterproofing were applied to in an office with refrigeration. Thus
has yet made much improvement on the outside. I have had an opportunity to compare
the basic ideas of California's first the strong and weak points of both
white settlers, the padres from Spain We provided eaves and cornices all evaporation and refrigeration.
and Mexico, and the Pueblo Indians around the house three feet wide. Ob-
who were designing desert homes be- viously, the wider they are the better Most of the time I prefer evapora-
fore the padres came. They had only protection there is for the walls. 1 be- tive cooling, although it has its disad-
mud for insulation, but they used it lieve three feet is the minimum that vantages. According to generally ac-
generously both in the walls and roof, should be used for desert construction cepted engineering standards an evap-
and they achieved a remarkable de- in this type of home. orative cooler should change the air
gree of comfort in their dwellings. From the standpoint of interior in a room every two minutes. On that

basis, a house with 12,000 cubic feet
of interior space should have an evap-
orative unit of 6,000 CFMs (cubic
feet per minute.)
When we contracted with Cliff
Gentry of Indio to engineer and install
our cooling system we told him to
make it over-size. Actually, he put in
two 3500 CFM units, with over-size
ducts and grills. Theoretically that is
cooling capacity for a house of 14,000
cubic feet.
Since our interior measures only
10,500 cubic feet we are getting a
change of air every IVi minutes. Our
units operate independently and are
wired to operate on fan only, or at low
and high speeds, with convenient push
buttons inside for control. Most units
these days are equipped with circulat-
ing pumps so very little water is re-
Cliff did a good job for us. Already
this season we have had several days
over 100 degrees and so far we have Fireplace of native quartz rock, with waterfall that provides refreshing
used only one of the units, and much music indoors when the thermometer outside is I15 degrees.
of the time on low speed. We like the gentle movement of the fine, but when summer comes those
One unit, located on the back porch fresh air which comes from the evap- big panes of glass, exposed to the di-
roof, serves the kitchen and dining orative units. With refrigeration, the rect rays of the sun or the reflected
room with round diffusion grills in the windows and doors are kept closed, rays from veranda or patio paving,
ceilings and a wall register high up in and while enough new air is brought bring in all the heat of hades. Drapes
one end of the living room. The other in through the unit to make a complete may protect persons inside from the
unit, located under the east cornice, change every 10 minutes, we prefer the sun's rays—but they don't keep the
serves bedroom and bath and also has air that changes every Wz minutes, heat out of the room. Once it seeps
a wall register in the living room. Thus even though it gets a little sticky on through the glass you have to live with
both units bring cool air to our living humid days. it—or over-work your cooling system
room, and our home has some degree to neutralize it.
of insurance against those occasional Although I have been living with
failures which occur in evaporative evaporative cooling units for many Cyria and I carried on a friendly
coolers. years, I always shut them down before feud for many months before we ar-
As long as the atmosphere is dry I go to sleep at night. If I failed to do rived at a compromise as to the width
the evaporative coolers serve well. But so I found myself chilled and uncom- of the verandas which protect our south
those desert dwellers whose homes are fortable before morning. On hot nights and northwest view windows from di-
in or near large irrigation projects have we keep the coolers running until bed- rect sun glare. I wanted windows that
some days of humid weather, especi- time, so the room is well cooled when would never be touched by the sun.
ally in the late summer. When humid- we turn in. She said that would make our living
ity is high the evaporative units bring Over most of the desert area there room too gloomy in the wintertime
in excessive moisture—too much mois- is a cooling breeze after nine in the when the sunshine is a welcome visitor
ture for comfort. evening. If the bedrooms are situated inside as well as outside.
Cyria and I have made provision for to get the benefit of this breeze, with Our compromise was a 5-foot ver-
those humid days by installing in our low windows and ample circulation anda on both the north and the south
studio a three-quarter ton one-room through windows and doors, night exposures of our living room, with an
refrigeration unit. It is built into the cooling is unnecessary and actually additional foot of roof overhang. In
wall and probably will be used only harmful from the standpoint of health. winter, we get a bit of early morning
occasionally because normally we find An alternative is to have a sleeping sun in the room, and in summer the
that by opening the right windows and deck on the roof. It is surprising how late afternoon sun seeps in from the
doors we can divert a comfortable air much cooler the night air is at 12 to northwest. We have planted a shade
current into the room from our evapo- 15 feet above the ground level. The tree which eventually will keep out
rative coolers. But it is there, and when only drawback is that unless there is that afternoon sun.
the barometer mounts too high we will protection from sun and early morn-
retreat to the comfort of refrigerated We have only two windows on the
ing insects one's day starts at four or west exposure of the house. In April,
air—which is always dry air. five in the morning. Cyria and I dis- we covered these, on the outside, with
Under normal atmospheric condi- cussed the sleeping deck idea for our Koolshade screens. These screens are
tions we find that we are just as com- home, and passed it up because of the one of the blessings that the inventive
fortable in 80 to 84 degrees of evap- limits on our building budget. genius of America has created for des-
orative cooling as we are at 72 to 74 The exposure of glass—doors and ert dwellers. The composition of these
degrees of refrigerated cooling. The windows—to the direct rays of the is somewhat similar to that of ordinary
movement of the air makes the differ- sun is a factor of tremendous impor- fine wire screening. One can see
ence—more rapid evaporation of per- tance in planning a home on the desert. through them. But instead of fine wire,
spiration. For winter living the big windows are the horizontal threads are tiny flat

JULY, 1954
louvers set at an angle to deflect the sand blizzards which every housewife room. With a hostess cart and no
sun's rays. Until late afternoon when dreads. Since they are usually from a threshhold under the door, it is just
the sun is low the Koolshade screens westerly direction we insured ourselves as easy to serve meals on the porch as
cast as black a shadow in the room as against dust seepage on that side of in the dining room inside. We solved
if the window was boarded up. About the house by sealing the windows in. the problem of insect pests by install-
four in the afternoon the sun drops be- Also, we put our service porch, store- ing a two-speed ceiling fan in the
low the angle of the louvers and sun- room and carport on the west side. porch.
light begins to filter in. It is another We have an effective barrier against Our fireplace is of quartz rock which
hour before enough sunshine comes our two enemies from the west—the Cyria and I have gathered from the
through to affect the temperature in- sun and the sand. desert at various times. We brought
side the room. In the fall we will take The desert is a place for outdoor in enough for both the fireplace and
the Koolshades off and let in the living—both summer and winter. A a barbecue in the patio, and also for
warmth that is welcome in winter patio is a delightful retreat for sum- a little waterfall adjoining the fireplace.
months. mer evenings — and equally pleasant We built the waterfall ourselves after
Our desert sandstorms come from for winter days. We even went so far the masons had completed their con-
the west. Between April and Febru- in our construction as to roof over tract.
ary we may have one or two and, in part of the patio — just outside the The sound of running water is
exceptional years, four or five of those kitchen door—as an outdoor dining pleasing music to most people, and this
is especially true on the desert where
water is at a premium. The little cas-
«H||pi AD FA I OF " •you know the answers to 14 cade with two 10-inch drops into a
H I I" I I I f | IlLot of these questions and are lucky couple of miniature pools adds a bit
• ••wfc WI1 • »••%#•• enough to guess four more, you of refreshment to our living room. It
will have an exceedingly good score. The average person, not versed in doesn't require much water to create
the history and geography and lore of the desert will do well to get 12 a merry tinkle in one corner of the
of them right. Regular readers of Desert Magazine will do much better room—and the water drains off to ir-
because all the answers have appeared in this magazine at one time or rigate the flowers in the patio.
another. Twelve to 14 is fair, 15 to 17 is good, 18 or better is exceptional. We were fortunate in our selection
The answers are on page 31. of a contractor. Henry Colglazier and
1—If you were at Furnace Creek Inn in Death Valley you would see his son, Walter, of Cathedral City,
the sun go down behind the Funeral Mountains. True . False California, make a very efficient team.
2—A Gila Monster has fangs like a rattlesnake. True False Henry does the buying and keeps the
work of the sub-contractors coordin-
3—Casa Grande is the name of an old Indian pueblo ruin in Arizona. ated while Walter is working foreman
True False on the job. Good workmanship and
4—Director of the National Park Service is Conrad Wirth. True complete integrity saved us many of
False the headaches which sometimes ac-
5—Tinajas Altas is the name of a historic waterhole in Southern Arizona. company the building of a new home.
True False This is one house built without extras.
We made a few changes as we went
6—Ganado Mission school on the Navajo reservation is a Presbyterian along but the credits offset the extra
institution. True False charges.
7—Ripe fruit of the Saguaro cactus is red. True . False Our plans added up to a total of
8—Tahquitz is one of the gods of the Papago Indians. True 1494 square feet of interior floor space,
False plus 566 feet of outside slab—porch,
verandas and carport. By the rule-cf-
9—Only male members of the tribe dance with snakes in the Hopi Snake thumb used by builders, outside slab
Ceremonial. True False is figured at one-half the cost of in-
10—The plumes of the Salt Cedar are yellow. True . False .... terior construction. On this basis our
11—Mining is forbidden in the Death Valley National Monument. house totals 1777 square feet, and the
cost was within a few cents of $10.00
True . False a square foot.
12—The roadrunner is a songbird. True False
For vines and additional shade we
13—The Indians living in Monument Valley are mostly Paiutes. True built 414 square feet of lattice work
False —and Cyria and I did this job our-
14—Screwbean mesquite derives its name from the spiral form of its selves.
trunk. True False Hardly was the stain dry on the
15—The famous Bird Cage Theater is located at Virginia City, Nevada. overhead vegas of our back veranda
True False when a pair of California linnets moved
16—Date palm trees were growing wild on the Southern California desert in and began building their nest among
when the white men first came to this region. True False the rafters. They've hatched one brood
17—Cochiti is the name of an Indian Pueblo in New Mexico. True of baby linnets, and we suspect from
False the chirping that is going on around
the back yard another brood is in
18—Prescott was once the territorial capital of Arizona. True prospect.
False And so, the four of us—Cyria and
19—Talcum powder originally comes from mines. True False I and Mr. and Mrs. Linnet have found
20—The junction of the Green and Colorado Rivers is in Utah. True our summer home on the desert a very
False convenient and comfortable place in
which to live.

I n d i a n s 'C h o i c e
in Washington
The Indians are a patient people, but they are
weary of living on reservations, of seeing their chil-
dren go unschooled, of subsisting on the barest econ-
omy. So when the time came for the Eisenhower
administraticn to select a new Commissioner of Indian
Affairs, tribesmen throughout the country — and
particularly the Navajos—demanded to be heard.
They named Glenn L. Emmons of New Mexico as the
man who best could aid them in the slow journey
toward full fellowship with their white American
brothers, and it was largely upon their recommenda-
tion to Washington that he was appointed. Dama
Langley introduces the new commissioner to Desert
Magazine readers and outlines some of the plans he
has for solving the Indian problem.

Photos courtesy U. S. Indian Service

WANT Glenn Emmons of by Mr. Emmons were turquoise inlay Glenn L. Emmons of New Mexico,
New Mexico!" made by Zuni silversmiths. My ap- Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
The cry spread from tribe pointment with the Commissioner had
to tribe, from the Southwest's Hopis been made through a charming and and clerked in a bookstore before he
and Apaches, Navajos and Utes to alert secretary, an Indian girl. was high school age. During his four
reservations in Florida and Minnesota, "I'm very happy to see you in this years in high school he played a little
in South Dakota and Alaska. office, Mr. Emmons, but you doubt- football but spent most of his week-
"He knows Indian needs and knows less know it's a thankless job. I'm ends and vacations working as a ranch
what to do about them," explained wondering why you left your bank, and hand or riding the Santa Fe passenger
Navajos in New Mexico and Arizona. the lovely home and friends you and trains as a "news butcher."
With full-page newspaper statements Mrs. Emmons had in the Southwest." He entered the University of New
they campaigned for the quiet-spoken Mexico in Albuquerque and was
The new Commissioner is a big elected president of the freshman class.
Gallup banker. The powerful 78-mem- quiet man, and he carefully weighed
ber Navajo Tribal Council sent peti- His second year he played football and
his answer. "I accepted this respon- was elected president of the sophomore
tions to Congress and to President sibility because it is a challenge. I
Eisenhower saying their 60,000 people class. The third year he was business
feel that someone has to bring this manager of the college annual The
would be satisfied with no other com- 'ward of the government' business to
missioner. Educators and business Mirage and was elected president of
a successful close, and when I say suc- the junior class. He declined the latter
leaders throughout the country added cessful, I mean from both the govern-
their voices to the plea. honor because all his spare time was
ment and Indian viewpoint!" Then taken up by an extra-curricular job.
So it was that Glenn L. Emmons be- and there I decided that if dogged The American Lumber Company was
came the 38th Commissioner of the determination and integrity count, the logging the big yellow pines in Zuni
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, the right man is in the right job. Reservation forests, and it was Glenn
choice of the 400,000 Indians in the Glenn L. Emmons was born in who fired the log train locomotive. Be-
United States and Alaska whose des- Alabama almost 60 years ago of pio- fore finishing his senior year in college,
tiny he will help direct. neer American stock. His forefathers a call came from Uncle Sam. After
I had often seen Glenn Emmons in were English dissenters who settled in army service in World War I, Glenn
the Gallup State Bank, but when I America in 1666. Glenn grew up in a came back to New Mexico with the
called on him recently, it was in the household where education and whole- rank of lieutenant, and without a job.
Bureau of Indian Affairs office in the some Christian living were stressed.
Department of Interior in Washington. The family moved to Albuquerque The Gallup State Bank offered him
The decor of the Bureau's offices is when he was a child, and his entire a position as transit clerk. He ac-
definitely Indian. Navajo rugs brighten schooling was in that growing western cepted it, and took up residence in the
the floors and Southwestern baskets town. little city known as The Indian Capital.
and pottery are on display. The walls Young Glenn was a practical lad, Fifteen years after Glenn started to
are decorated with paintings by gifted and while he attended grade school work at the bank he was its president,
Indian artists and here and there are he d ; dn't pass up any chances to gain a position he has held ever since. He
carved ivory pieces from Alaskan experience and add to his bank ac- worked his way methodically to the
craftsmen. Even the cuff-links worn count. He operated a hotel elevator top—teller, assistant cashier, cashier,

JULY, 1954
acquired have you developed any
plan to end the Indian problem?"
Mr. Emmons laughed. "You are as
bad as somebody knowing nothing
about Indians. The Indian problem
can't be rolled up in one package and
labeled as such. There are as many
sets of troubles as there are tribes.
What concerns drouth stricken Plains
Indians doesn't worry the Seminoles
in their Everglade swamps; and the
Alaskans depending on fish, furs and
seals are not troubled by boll weevil
destruction of Pima cotton.
"There are a few basic needs of all—
education, health and economic secur-
ity. These we must provide and with-
out forgetting the vital thing, the hu-
man equation. You asked me a while
ago what I consider the most impor-
tant thing lacking in our efforts to
place the Indian population on a par
with white citizens. I would say with-
out qualification, education. Health,
social and religious development, in-
dustrial training, everything depends
upon the ability to know what is going
on. And how can one know when
words spoken are in a strange tongue,
if a printed page reveals nothing and
if thoughts and desires cannot be ex-
"I never quite so fully realized how
helpless a non-educated Indian is un-
til I served as chairman of the McKin-
ley County Selective Service Board in
New Mexico. Our Indian draftees had
no idea what was required of them.
' Most of them didn't even know there
had been any war since Kit Carson
Navajo farmer and his wife pose with Navajo Service agriculture expert in rounded up the Navajos 90 years ago.
a bumper wheat crop at Rock Point Irrigation Project, 1939. The govern- We were sending Indians to fight and
ment has had good success with agricultural relocation projects, but there perhaps to die in countries they didn't
isn't enough farming land to go around. Glenn Emmons believes the answer know existed."
to the Indians' economic problem lies in industry, not agriculture.
It was after a hard day's work trying
vice-president, then president. He is print. But no matter what odd day of to untangle Navajo grunts and hisses
National Treasurer of the American the week or month the note was due, that Mr. Emmons made the wry re-
Bankers Association. the Indian was there to take care of it. mark, "If the War Department just
"I know your bank has loaned 1 have found Navajos waiting at the used Navajos in the Signal Corps
thousands of dollars to Indians in time bank door with the money early on there'd be no leaks. Nobody, not even
of need. Did you find them good the morning they promised to pay. a Jap could decode their lingo!" A
risks, and ready to repay their debts?" "The Indian brain is just as flexible few weeks later there came a call for
I asked. and intelligent as that of white business 50 Navajo draftees to serve with the
"Yes, an Indian's word means some- men, and I have complete faith that Signal Corps.
thing. When the Navajos had big Indians will eventually take their place Perhaps more Navajos will learn
flocks of sheep they lived almost en- along with whites in everyday Ameri- English if recommendations of a sur-
tirely on wool and lamb sales. They can life. Both races will benefit from vey team appointed last October are
only had cash in the spring after shear- the association." carried out. Secretary of Interior Mc-
ing time and again in the fall when "Have you spent much time with Kay asked a group of business and
the lambs were shipped. Between other than Southwestern Indian industrial men to study organization
times they always needed money for Tribes?" I wondered. and operation of the Bureau of Indian
operating expenses. "Yes. President Eisenhower asked Affairs and report on their findings.
"We extended credit over and over me to visit all the major Indian areas Among other things, the team suggested
during the year and had no trouble and stay long enough to get together that the building of high-priced board-
about repayment. It's something I've with the tribal leaders and the local ing schools on the Navajo Reservation
never been able to figure out, just how business and educational men. I have be suspended, temporarily at least. In-
a Navajo knew the day his note was made two such tours, and visited and stead of such schools built and oper-
due. Only about two percent of the studied many of the 200 tribes and ated at a cost of $6,000 per pupil, they
Navajos can read or write English, and recognized Indian groups under the suggested that more small schools be
only five percent can speak it. Most Indian Bureau administration." located all over the reservation, thus
of the notes were signed with a thumb "With the first hand knowledge you giving opportunity for all 28,000

school age children to secure school-
ing instead of the 14,000 now pro-
vided for. This newer system would
cost about $600 per child.
We talked of over-population on the
Navajo Reservation, where 60,000
people are trying to live on land insuf-
ficient for half that number, and of
decline in sale of Indian handicrafts.
"It has been proved that factory
imitations have about killed the market
for genuine Indian crafts," Glenn Em-
mons told me, "and outside of such
tribes as the Florida Seminoles and
maybe the Cherokees in the Great
Smoky National Park area, few fam-
ilies now are supported by that means.
A few Indians in skilled trades find
employment near their home reserva-
tion, of course, but that's only a drop
in the bucket. Laborers' jobs give em-
ployment to some men along irriga-
tion projects and on railroads, but their
families must either remain on the
reservations or live in slum areas on
account of social and financial limita-
tions. A Navajo boy registers for the Selective Service Act at Fort Defiance,
"The relocation projects developed Arizona, in 1942. Navajos have proved their ability as fighters in the Army
within the past decades are excellent and Marine Corps. U. S. Indian Service photo by Milton Snow.
for those lucky enough to be chosen. the solution to Indian employment time teaching the children to grow up
Unfortunately, there just isn't enough and readjustment." equipped for economic security. Those
suitable land to accommodate all of "What do you mean?" I asked. possessing outstanding talents in pro-
the Indians wanting to farm. And "I believe the future of the Indian fessional lines will find their own goal.
those who raise cattle need all avail- people depends upon training every "In general, there is a defeatist at-
able rangeland for grazing purposes. able bodied adult to fit into the titude toward assimilation of Indians
It is imperative that industry furnish industrial picture, and at the same into white life. However, I have found
The Bureau of Indian Affairs is responsible not only for the Indians of the South-
west but for tribes throughout the country and in Alaska. The problems of these
Seminole school children, for instance, and their families in the swamplands of
Florida are quite different from those of their Hopi brothers in arid Arizona.

JULY, 1954 11
are Indians who have lived and dealt
with their white neighbors over a long
period of time. California tribes fall
in this category, and a few others. But
arbitrarily to close down reservations
and push the Indians out to shift for
themselves without the proper train-
ing to compete would be criminal neg-
ligence. No, I am afraid the govern-
ment will be in the Indian business
for a long time yet.
"I think they should be conditioned
to live and work the same as other
men. It does something to a human
being's pride to know he is not allowed
to sell his land, or buy a glass of beer
or vote without special permission. I
want Indians to be full free citizens."
I was convinced that the Indians
had chosen wisely in their search for
a champion.

Young Indian priest, Pueblo tie Taos, New Mexico. One of the problems
of assimilating the Indians into white culture is that their religious beliefs
and way of life are so different from those of other Americans. A young man who has scuffed his
shoes on desert rocks and left foot
that many research groups and foun- or paper cups and towels, maybe prints in desert sand through most of
dations are intensely interested in plastic baby pants. Nearly everything his 28 years, recently joined the edi-
minority groups and are anxious to we use is manufactured, and if a suit- torial staff of Desert Magazine-
delve into Indian possibilities. Stan- able location is offered where Indian He is Robert P. (Bob) Crompton,
ford Research Institute, for instance, labor is plentiful, the government could who has hung his hat at Mina and
proposes thoroughly to study one par- well offer inducements to the producer. Tenabo, Nevada and Tremonton and
ticular Indian Reservation in respect "It is my hope and belief that when Brigham City, Utah long enough to
to its industrial possibilities. They will we can go before Congress with tan- call them home.
check the population, birth and death gible plans backed by accredited re-
rate, health conditions and average age search, the government will furnish Crompton is a graduate of Utah
of the tribal members. They will even money for roads and power and water State College, Logan, Utah, where he
go into such matters as religious cere- development essential to industry. majored in journalism. Since complet-
monies and social taboos. There will "Industrial plants which locate near ing school in 1949 he has been asso-
be soil and water analyses and checks Indian communities will be obligated ciated with the Box Elder News and
of weather conditions — extremes of to employ Indians for every job they Journal, Brigham City, Utah, and the
heat and cold, rainfall, sand storms, can fill and to carry on full time in- Orange Daily News, Orange, Califor-
winter snows, etc. nia, as managing editor on both papers.
struction, teaching them to become
"Availability of construction ma- skilled workers in all trades involved He spent his first years in the mining
terial will be considered and the source in the factory. Safety and health rules town of Mina, Nevada, where his
and volume of water supply. Distances and working conditions will come un- father was active in trucking and min-
from railroads or trucking highways der industrial law. ing circles.
will be computed and surveys made of "Accompanying this means of elim- In 1939 he moved with the family
raw materials available for any pro- inating poverty on the reservations will to Tenabo, Nevada, where a large
posed manufacturing plant. Marketing be a stepped-up program of education placer dredge and scores of individu-
experts will follow studies of supply and health improvement. Between the als were turning a pair of gold-rich
and demand and marketing oppor- industrial interests and the government gulches into heaps of tailings.
tunities for the output of the industrial would be an agreement whereby both During his teens Crompton was
concern located in that area. We hope would share in development of higher something of a mine operator himself
to have a number of research and standards of living and in saving or in Tenabo—with help from his father
foundation groups making such inves- investing money earned. The Indians and friendly miners—when he staked
tigations at no cost to the government. must learn not only how to earn off a plot of pay-dirt for lease. Finan-
"With all that information collected money, they must know how to spend cial remuneration for his efforts with
and weighed, the investigators could it to good advantage." a dry washer were small, but they left
decide what type of business should "I assume that you favor abolish- delightful memories.
be invited to locate at any indicated ment of the reservations just as quickly Crompton was a member of the U.
Fndian reservation. One locality might as possible?" I said. S. Air Force during World War II and
be favorable to tanning operations and "Just as quickly as is compatible is still a member of the reserve.
saddle and harness manufacture; an- with Indian welfare," the commissioner He and his wife, Erma, native of
other to food processing either by can- answered. "There are a few tribes Ogden, Utah, have a 21-month-old
ning or freezing. There would be a prepared right now to take their right- son, Kim. They are now making their
need for plants producing cotton goods ful place in white communities. These home in Palm Desert, California.


Clark Mountain Wonderland

On his first trip to Clark Moun-
tain, in 1922, Edmund Jaeger dis-
covered two plants unknown to
botanists until then, and a new
species of land snail. There are KINGSTON
other wonders on this rarely-ex- NTS.
plored limestone peak in the
Mojave Desert—broad-tailed hum-
mingbirds with bell-like song, pyg-
my century plants and fragrant
pentstemon gardens. Desert read-
ers are invited on another trek on
desert trails with a naturalist.
Photos courtesy Rancho Santa Ana
Botanic Garden
Map by the Author
AWAY toward the Mojave
Desert's northeastern borders
lies a picturesque steep-sided through a canyon that seemed to go But what a rewarding climb it was!
mountain of somber gray, banded almost straight up. It abounded in And how wonderful was the superb
limestone. Clark Mountain rises ma- high, dry water falls and rock-choked view our summit position afforded of
jestically almost a mile above the des- channels. I took two husky students the broad, shrub-dotted, mysterious
ert floor and in winter sometimes car- with me, and we struggled on foot and surrounding desert; how rich in glean-
ries on its summit a cap of whitest at times on all fours like bears, some- ings of flora and fauna new to the
snow. Until a few years ago it was times on hands and knees, for four world of science.
known intimately only to the few sur- long hours before we reached the sum- The top-most point of Clark Moun-
veyors, miners and prospectors who mit. The climb was made more diffi- tain is a small pile of rough rocks; yet
climbed up the bottoms of its tortuous, cult because we had to carry cameras in that limited area of not more than
precipitous canyons or probed its rough and botanical collecting cans and press a hundred square feet at the crest, 1
rocky sides for minerals—gold, copper, in addition to water and food. collected that day in a matter of a few
zinc and tungsten.
This massive mountain rising so Clark Mountain rises above the Mojave Desert northeast of Baker, Cali-
precipitously from the desert floor and fornia—a challenge to climbers and a wonderland of strange plants and
crowned with a forest of dwarf coni- animals for the student of Nature.
fers intrigued me the very first time I
saw it. A search of records convinced
me that it must be practically unknown
to botanists and zoologists; its very
isolation pointed to its being a place
where all sorts of interesting natural
history discoveries might be made.
Mountains of limestone almost always
harbor peculiar species of both plants
and animals; that I had learned by first
hand experience when in 1912 I bot-
anized and hunted birds and mollusks
in the high, picturesque Spring Moun-
tain Range, 25 miles northwest of Las
Vegas, Nevada. I longed to be the
first naturalist who should explore and
bring home plant and animal treasures
from Clark Mountain.
I made my first ascent in the late
spring of 1922. Not knowing a better
way of attack I approached this strange
desert highland from Pachalka Spring
(5000 feet elevation) on its steep west
side. I learned later that there is a
better way to go up on the eastern
slope. It was a long tough climb

JULY, 1954 13
A day of wonders it had truly been.
After my successes in collecting be-
came known other naturalists soon be-
gan to explore this mountain so rich
in natural history. Dr. Alden Miller
and students of the University of Cali-
fornia Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
studied it and made a report on ib
bird, mammal and reptile fauna. Dr,
Philip Munz, now of Rancho Santa
Ana Botanic Gardens, and others
eagerly examined further its variec
Horn, and today other botanists as
well as students of zoology and his-
torical geology are climbing over Clark
Mountain's rough terrain of carbonif-
erous limestones to learn new things
about this grand old mountain of the
still largely unspoiled, lonely Mojave
To Clark Mountain's top there are
no roads and on its steep juniper-
dotted sides there are few trails. It is
no place for the novice or for him who
seeks easy holiday ramblings; a gooc
mountain it is for those who like stren-
uous climbing and the chance to be
far away from the haunts and works
of man.
While there is no direct proof, there:
is every reason to believe that Clark
Mountain was named for the Clark
Mining District and this in turn after
Senator William Andrew Clark of
Montana, famed for his copper mines
and well known in eastern Nevada dur-
ing the years between 1900-1915 as
builder, not only of the San Pedro,
Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad
(now the Union Pacific) but also of
the Clark Line, which once carried ore
Beautiful specimens of the rare pygmy century plant, Agave utahensis between Tonopah, Goldfield, Beatty
nevadensis, grow on Clark Mountain's slopes. and waypoints to Las Vegas and Salt
Lake City. The official title of this
minutes two never - before - described The two new plants I found were rail line was the Las Vegas and Tono-
plants and a new land mollusk. The later described and named by Dr. pah Railroad. Clark County in nearby
finding of the land snail was the most Philip A. Munz of Pomona College.
Nevada was also named after Senator
exciting experience. 1 had predicted We saw other interesting things that Clark.
to my snail-specialist friend, Dr. S. day. Feeding on wine-colored flowers
Stillman Berry of Redlands, that if I was the broad-tailed hummingbird On maps published in the Death
could find fir trees growing on lime- heretofore unknown in southeastern Valley Report of 1891, Clark Moun-
stone atop Clark Mountain I would California. It is a hummingbird pe- tain is called "Clark Peak." Clark
bring him a brand new snail to de- culiar because of its large size, broad Mining District is first mentioned on
scribe and name. This fir tree-lime- tail and tinkling, bell-like notes. We page 180 in the "Second Report of
stone partnership was a good-luck com- saw beautiful specimens of the rare, the State Mineralogist" published by
bination I had learned while collecting locally distributed pygmy century plant the California State Mining Bureau.
in the mountains of southern Nevada. (Agave utahensis var. nevadensis) and December 1, 1880.
beautiful gardens of Palmer's penste-
As I neared the crest I found my mon, celebrated for its delicate shades The gray face of Clark Mountain
firs—and they were growing on lime- of lavender pinks and sweet apple-blos- is scarred with numerous prospectors'
stone! I was elated! The trees were som-like fragrance. diggings. At a few places may be
small and there were but a few of them, found actual mine shafts and tunnels.
but under the bed of fallen needles was We observed where the yellow bel- Some mines long ago were worked out
my long-hoped-for snail. This mollusk lied porcupine, little known, seldom and abandoned, others are new work-
proved to be of unusual interest for seen in desert California, had left its ings where loads of pay ore are now
it was the first of its genus ever to be sign in bark girdled trees. On our way being taken out. It is my guess that
found on the mainland of California. down the mountain we discovered the there are 20 "doodle-bug holes" to
The specimens I took that day now only specimen of a hackberry tree every opening that shows signs of any
repose in collections under the eupho- known to the Mojave Desert. By what active mining.
nious scientific name of Helmintho- means the seed was brought there no- Most of the mines are on the south
glypta calijornica. body knows. end near the Barstow-Las Vegas road

and on the mountain's northeast ex-
tremity where the Coliseum Mine once
flourished. This was one of the largest
mines opened and operated. Although
now abandoned, there is plenty of evi-
dence of past large-scale promotion.
All about the properties are seen many
weathered half-wrecked miner's shacks,
a collapsed commissary, pump house,
blacksmith shop and ball mill and
numerous radiating roads — a ghost
town in miniature. The country all
around has been denuded of pinyon
trees, curl-leaf mahoganys and junipers
to furnish fuel for winter heat for
miners' cabins and boilers.
The general barrenness and litter of
camp refuse at the mine headquarters
has a depressing effect on the mind of
persons who are pained to see the de-
struction of natural beauty.


At Gold Rock Ranch in California's
Cargo Muchacho Mountains, Dad and
Margaret Walker are constantly enter-
taining. Their banquet board is per-
petually spread with food and drink
for guests who drop in at any hour of
the day or night.
The Walkers' guests are birds. And
they number many, for winged visitors
know that at Gold Rock they will find
refreshment and kindness. Some stop
briefly to eat and run; other have be-
come permanent residents, constantly
entertaining their hosts with antics and
song. They know their welcome will
never wear out.
Desert readers will learn more of —Photo by Valdis Avots
the Walkers and their feathered friends
in the August issue of Desert Magazine.
Cap and Olga Smith of Des Moines,
Iowa, tell the story, first prize winner
in Desert's recent writing contest ask-
Indians from tribes throughout the Southwest, from Oklahoma and South
ing entrants' experiences attracting des- Dakota, home of the smiling Sioux above, will travel to Flagstaff, Arizona,
ert birds. again this year for the annual All-Indian Pow-Wow July 2 to 4. Nearly 10,000
The Smiths received a cash prize of Indians, representing a score or more tribes, and thousands of white spectators
$25. Desert readers will agree the are expected at the 1954 fete.
selection was a good one, although a The colorful celebration features daily street parades, afternoon rodeos—
number of acceptable stories were re- the rough-and-tumble Indian variety is completely different from the average
ceived among the 23 entries in the Western show—and evening programs in which tribesmen, garbed in ceremonial
contest. finery, perform ancient dances and rituals by the light of huge council fires. The
Second prize and a cash award of program is held at the Pow-Wow grounds in Flagstaff City Park and is followed
$15 went to Myriam and Elsie Toles by midnight-to-dawn squaw dances which white visitors are invited to join.
of Portal, Arizona, for their story of The squaw dance, now the outstanding Indian social affair, originated as a war
the birds which enjoy the hospitality dance and has religious significance. Whites who take part are asked to behave
of their ranch deep in the Chiricahua with propriety. Only Indians may participate in the competitive Pow-Wow
Mountains of Arizona. activities.
Winners of honorable mention were Indians have been coming to Flagstaff for Fourth of July celebrations since
Cecelia Foulkes of Mecca, California, 1886 when a band of California-bound pioneers celebrated the nation's cen-
L. W. Morgan of Tucson and Florence tennial by lopping off the branches of a tall pine tree and nailing the stars and
E. Cain of Glendale, California. Their stripes to its top. Indians, attracted by the noise, joined the celebration. The
stories will appear in future months, pine flagpole gave the city its name.
offering good reading as well as sug- The Pow-Wow offers an unusual opportunity to photographers, both
gestions to others who would attract amateur and professional, and visitors are urged to bring their cameras and
desert birds to their homes and gardens. ample film supplies.

JULY, 1954 15
The 'Other People' Who
Come to the Waterholes
By EDNA PRICE man no need much," he explained.
An old Indian, will seldom camp "Save 'em for young man so he get
at a spring, but packs his water EARLY every visitor to Death strong."
some distance before stopping for
Valley has seen Johnny Sho- To Johnny, the world's harvest was,
the night. For at night the "Other
People"—wild creatures small and shone, the aged Indian who like his own crop of mesquite beans
large—come to drink, and the des- loitered about Furnace Creek Ranch and pine nuts—barely enough for the
ert's rare waterholes belong to them. and accepted gratuities for having his young and strong, none to spare for
Idna Price's Death Valley story of picture taken. Johnny died last Octo- the old and weak. Times had always
the compassion shown by Shoshone ber 20. been lean for Johnny. As a little boy
Johnny, Shorty Harris and other old- Twenty-two years ago Johnny was he had learned to trap wood rats and
timers for the animals of dune, can- our neighbor. My husband, Bill, and field mice and to set dead-falls for
yon and mountain slope carries a I were making our home in a cabin coyotes.
lesson for all desert travelers. perched on a cliff at Wild Rose Spring
"Pretty tough," he commented, "but
on the western slope of the Panamints.
you eat if you get hungry."
Johnny and his family had a wickiup
of tin and boards on the spot where Mountain sheep were difficult to
the Park Service now has its summer stalk on the craggy peaks at close
quarters. enough range for the three-foot juniper
Every day Johnny came riding down bow and greasewood tipped arrows of
the canyon on his bony old horse with the Panamint Indians. In years of
the gargoyle face, and he and Bill drouth when grass seeds failed, and in
would squat on their heels in the sand the off years of the pine nut harvest,
and wait for me to cook lunch. Johnny's people found little to eat. Then
they gathered grass, weeds, anything
It wasn't food that drew Johnny to green. "Boil 'em three times, throw
our place. He ate very little. "Old away water, they no hurt you then,"
Tohnny said. He claimed he could
Johnny Shoshone, late pa- nnd many such edible plants in the
triarch of Death Valley In- Death Valley barrens.
dians, told Edna and Bill In 1930 Johnny had a rifle, but he
Price the legend of the was too old to climb the ragged crests
waterholes — how the Big where Tucki, the sheep, lived. He was
One had created springs in the poorest of all the Death Valley
a dry desert land so The Indians. On his ancestral domain
People could drink. there was left no tillable patch of land
at any waterhole. White men had taken
up water claims for their mines, and
the ancient wintering place of his peo-
ple had become the property of the
Pacific Coast Borax company.
To the north, John Hunter had an
isolated garden in Cottonwood Can-
yon. To the south lay Hungry Bill's
ranch, accessible only by rough pack
trail. Johnny's waterholes had been too
easy to reach, too close to valuable ore
Because he was the only man in his
camp of women and children, Johnny
liked to spend long hours with Bill,
sometimes talking, sometimes just si-
lently sitting. It was on one of these
visits that he told us the legend of the
waterholes — those precious little
springs, often hidden in rugged can-
yons, to which Death Valley Indians
had migrated each winter and summer
for countless generations.
"Like this," the old man reflected,

squatting a little more comfortably and in a brush wickiup like the Indians,
tracing a stick through the sand. "Long and like them we lived largely from
time ago, my people, my old people's the land—we bought only flour and
people all dying. No water. My old grease and honey.
people's people call a big pow-wow, The clumps of sacatori grass around
ask fastest runners how soon can they Bennett's Well housed hundreds of cot-
go to Big Water at edge of Setting Sun tontail rabbits. Wild ducks came to
and bring back water? the marshes of Eagle Borax. Droves
"Runners all shake heads—no can of wild burros ran at will, and small
do. Everybody die before they get bands of mountain sheep wintered low
back. Then they ask the Big One— in Hanapaugh Canyon.
how soon can he go? He say yes, he Another Indian was now our neigh-
can do. So the Big One take water bor. Tom Wilson came almost daily
basket, tie around head. He go very afoot from his camp at Eagle Borax
fast to Big Water at edge of Setting mill, two and one-half miles away. He,
Sun. He fill basket, put 'em on head. too, spent long hours with Bill, ex-
He take big steps, from top of one changing stories, beliefs, opinions.
mountain to top of next mountain. Once Bill asked, "Tom, why do Indians
"When the Big One get to Argus so often camp a mile or two from a
Range, he very tired. He sit down on waterhole, and pack their water sup-
rock to rest. He loaded heavy, so he ply?"
leave big print where he sit, and hole Tom gave Bill a long searching look,
where he rest elbow. When he get up, as if to explore a mind which must be
he tired, not walk so steady. Some- told an obvious truth. Then he an-
time he spill a little drop. Every time swered, simply: "At night the Other
drop fall, water come up through People come to water." Like Johnny
ground there. Ever since are springs Shoshone, Tom was referring to the
in this country." wildlife of the region.
Johnny's voice trailed into a silence Then, in the early 'thirties, after
broken only by the gurgle of Wild Death Valley had been made a Na-
Rose spring in its cement-walled prison. tional Monument, the CCC boys came
His expressive brown hand went out in to build roads and trails, and houses
in a slight gesture toward the sound. for the Park Service men and the In-
"See," he repeated quietly, "always dians. They enclosed the waterholes
water now for all the People." with rocks and equipped the cemented
By the People, Johnny did not mean cisterns with pumps. This was more
just the humans of his world. He sanitary for humans—but it robbed
meant every living creature, from Liz- the wildlife of its watering places.
ard, Wood Rat, Mesquite Bug (whom On our return last winter we found
no one must ever harm), to Wolf, first the animal-proof wells at Surveyor's,
of all the People, his brother Coyote, Stovepipe, Bennett's, Mesquite, and
and Tucki, the sheep. He meant the Shorty's Wells. That desert wonder,
ants, the birds and Water-Bug, who Hole-in-the-Rock Springs, was gone, Shorty Harris, beloved Death Valley
once carried Wolf on his back over as though lost in a blasting effort. prospector, always dug his water-
the waters. holes at an angle, so the smallest
No bold desert foxes came to our
To the Indians and all those who camp last winter. Even the rat dunes creature could crawl to water with-
live close to nature, all creatures are looked deserted. Around Bennett's out danger of falling in. He once
important. Old-time prospectors often Well, we found no coyote tracks, no used his last cupful of flour to make
dug their waterholes at an angle, so the prints of wild burro hooves, no tracks a pancake for a hungry stray burro.
smallest of bugs could crawl to water of the cottontails which once burrowed
without falling in. They filled con- beneath the sheltering sacetone. We "He's old and his teeth are gone—
tainers, as Shorty Harris, the "short asked one of the younger Indians, like me," Shorty twinkled.
man" of the bandy legs and compas- "What has happened to all the animals
sionate heart, did once on a trip that used to be here?" Shorty knew hunger and thirst as
through Death Valley with us. few men today have known them. It
"Died," he said. "No water now.
At Bradbury Well, Shorty filled a Just roads." taught him to remember that wild crea-
tub and several tin cans with water, tures have those same needs. Shorty
Shorty Harris, who lies buried in would turn in his rocky crypt today,
after carefully writing on them in his the "single blanket" climate of Death
aged hand, "Water. Keep filled for to know that his old waterholes are
Valley, loved that land, not for its
birds and animals, please." At Ben- harshness, but for its life-saving water- sealed against them. The knowledge
nett's Well, we found two dead rats in holes, unfenced, free to every living of the disappearance of Hole-in-the-
the water. "Some one dug the hole too thing. We never saw Shorty eat with- Rock spring, would surely cause him
straight," muttered Shorty. "But just out putting out something for the ani- to pick up his single blanket and walk
strain it through your teeth." He mals, birds and insects that he knew forth again, to demand what some of
chuckled. "That's what God give you would visit the water after him. Once us only meekly ask—that desert water-
teeth for, to strain your drinkin' water." we watched him make his last cupful holes never be sealed up without ade-
Later, in 1933, Bill and I were of flour into a pancake for a hungry quate provision being made for the
camped at Bennett's Well. We lived stray burro. needs of desert birds and animals.

JULY, 1954 17
Beyond the near rise, Limestone Gulch cuts its way to the San Francisco River,
flowing south to join the Gila. Agate and jasper are found along its slopes.

Jasper in Limestone Gulch

Blood-red and deep purple jasper delicately veined with white or
splotched with yellow flowers and swirls—there is good cutting material suggested. "We'll drive up to Morenci
in Arizona's Limestone Gulch. Fenton Taylor explored this tributary first and see the open pit mine." Hs
canyon of the San Francisco River last fall, after enroute stops at the referred to the multi-million dollar
giant Morenci open pit copper mine near Clifton and the adjacent copper project of the Phelps Dodge
ghost town of Metcalf. Here is a one-day field trip combining mineral- Corporation six miles west of Cliftor.
ogy, mining and Western history.
"Why not visit the site of old Met-
calf, too?" I added. "I've heard that
By FENTON TAYLOR the ore dumps still yield occasional
Photos by the Author malachite and azurite specimens."
Map by Norton Allen So it was agreed, and an early fall
morning found us in Rex's station
A MILE above Clifton, Ari- jasper with him up this gorge. We wagon traveling Highway 666 toward
zona, a canyon slashes its way easerly accepted the invitation. Phelps Dodge's tall smelter chimney
westward from a jumble of hills Once before I had hiked up the overlooking the entire Clifton-Morenri
ind purple mountains to join the San boulder-strewn course of Limestone territory. Its white smoke plume purled
Francisco River, flowing south toward Gulch and had carried out blood-red and spread in the clear blue sky.
<ts confluence with the Gila. Some jasper beautifully patterned with The paved ribbon of road bridged
'oiks call it Limestone Gulch; more streaks of white agate. I remembered the steep twisting chasms, gulches and
I'ormally, it is Limestone Canyon. how impressed I was by the vastness of washes of a multitude of sedimentary
Rex Layton, rockhound, lapidary the hunting area. Rex's proposal was hills. We tried to identify the larger
ind silversmith hobbyist of Thatcher, the opportunity to take the return trip cuts on our map and found "Rattle-
Arizona, asked my son Terrell and me I long had promised myself. snake Canyon" "Gold Canyon" and
if we would like to hunt agate and "Let's make a full day of it," he other descriptive names. This broken

region made early travel to Clifton
tortuously difficult. Early-day ship-
ping costs and supply prices were sky-
At last we rounded the final steep
cut and coasted down into the canyon
of the San Francisco River. Old min-
ing equipment and ruins of buildings
scarred the landscape to our left.
Ahead, light green tailing dumps
stretched down from the hills. The
town of Clifton snuggled between the
red rhyolite walls, occupying all avail-
able space on both sides of the river.
We drove through Clifton, follow-
ing the paved way up the mountain-
side past the rows of modern homes
built by Phelps Dodge for miners and
their families. We passed the smelter
and climbed toward the heart of Mor-
enci, a cluster of houses clinging pre-
cariously to the steep slopes.
Not many years ago, paths angled
steeply to the mountainside residences,
making many of them difficult to reach.
Morenci was known then as "the town
without a wheeled vehicle." Deliveries
were made to the homes on foot or by
muleback. But modern development Morenci open pit copf^i mine, giant Phelps-Dodge Corporation project six
and automobile transportation eventu- miles west oj Clijton. It is the largest operation of its kind in Arizona.
ally made a system of roads imperative
—and possible. Narrow streets now warriors into the area a short time of the claims and renamed the camp
lace the town. later. Morenci in honor of a mining town in
Reports say that Henry Clifton, a Robert Metcalf, an army scout, dis- his native state of Michigan.
covered rich ouicroppings on what is The early miners drove tunnels
mine recorder, first noted the mineral now Chase Creek. Joy's Camp was
without regard tor safety. Cave-ins
resources of this region. His findings the name he chose for the small set- touk more lives than the few attacks
were further substantiated by members tlement which sprang up soon after b) roving Apache bands. Since muscle
of Colonel Carleton's California Vol- the strike. This label remained until power was the only kind available to
unteers who followed renegade Apache William Church purchased a number move ore and accidents took a heavy





TO SAFFORD via U.S. HWY. 6 6 6

JULY, 1 9 5 4
trains occupying the benches of the made us realize we had overstayed
pit. Immediately below us were the our budgeted time at the pit. On the
repair shops, neat piles of supplies, road again, we wound back down to
tracks, ore cars and, off to one side, Chase Creek, turning left on the Cor-
a power plant. onado for a brief visit to Metcalf.
Plans for this vast operation were Chase Creek was a rusty stream, its
begun immediately after Phelps Dodge trickle of water staining the banks and
Corporation acquired virtually the en- rocks a dirty brown. We later learned
tire Morenci district in 1921, including the color was caused by leaching plants
the town and public utilities. located farther up the creek. Piles of
Miners long had known of the ex- tin cans are placed in the water to
istence of this deposit of low-grade capture the copper it carries through a
copper ore. Someone called it the process of replacement. Above the
Clay Orebody. A few years of inves- plants the stream became a beautiful
tigation and research convinced the clear brook flowing between blue rock
company that open pit mining would banks.
prove the most economical recovery Waste rock from the open pit is
method over a long period of years. pushed down the western slopes of
For such an undertaking, they de- the creek, in some places filling it. Blue
cided everything would have to be faces reflected from so much of the
built anew — the ore crushing plant, rock that we decided to investigate.
the mill, smelter and power plant. We found thin veneers of chrysocolla
Housing units were erected south of to be responsible for the color.
Morenci in a district named Stargo to Soon we saw the foundation lines of
provide homes for hundreds of added Metcalf. The buildings themselves had
employes. been carried away a few years ago.
Work on the pit began with the The solidly built bank vault still stands
stripping of 50,000,000 tons of over- by the side of the road, a symbol of
burden rock from the orebody, creat- strength even though its steel door is
ing the huge amphitheater and making missing.
accessible 275,000,000 tons of ore. Metcalf mushroomed following a
At this point in the project, World gold strike in Gold Gulch, a mile north
~ War II broke out, creating an urgent of the town site, in 1872. Arizona's
demand for copper. The government first railroad was built between Met-
Bruce Farley and Terrell Taylor requested Phelps Dodge to enlarge the calf and Clifton, nine miles of narrow
examine the stout block that once entire project. The company went to gauge track to carry ore to the smelter.
served as vault in Metcalj's bank. work, and in a short time the plant At first mules provided the power to
was producing 1,000,000 pounds of move the cars. Later a lightweight
toll, jobs were always open. Many of copper a day. locomotive — four men could lift it
the laborers were Chinese. By the end of the war, Phelps Dodge back on the tracks if it jumped—re-
Scarcity of water constantly ham- had spent $42,000,000, supplemented placed the mules. This engine is now
pered operations. Peddlers sold cook- by $26,000,000 from the government's on display at the Arizona Museum in
ing and drinking water to housewives, Department of Defense, in the cre- Phoenix.
hauling it in earthen jars on muleback ation of this tremendous mining effort. A group of mine dumps to the north
up the steep path we now were easily invited our inspection, but our watches
negotiating in our automobile. Activity is almost continuous at the told us it was time to get on to Lime-
mine these days. Every evening as the stone Gulch if we intended to gather
We passed the new high school sun sinks behind the mountains, the
building and entered the business heart any agate today.
pit has lost 50,000 tons of waste ma-
of Morenci. On the other side of terial, and 50,000 tons of ore have We drove back to Clifton, crossed
town, we paused at a lookout point been sent to the crusher to yield 20 the San Francisco River on the bridge
and had our first view of Arizona's pounds of metal per ton. north of the depot and passed along
largest open pit mine. the narrow street with houses so close
Electric locomotives haul eight ore
Huge terraces 50 feet wide and we could almost touch them.
cars along the terraces after a round
about as deep form giant steps from of blasting. The huge cups of the Limestone Gulch was easily identi-
the bottom of the pit to the top, about shovels spill more than seven tons of fied. It is the first large canyon to the
1800 feet above. They follow the con- material into the cars at each bite. right, about a mile out of town. Its
tour of the mountain in a great curve The broken rock is carried to the pri- rock-strewn mouth widens to meet the
more than a mile long. mary crushing plant where a car dumps river. An attractive cottage and stock
Silver gray and olive green colors 80 tons of ore into the chute every corral are built on the south bank.
mark the richer ore in the center of 62'/2 seconds. Parking close to the north side of
tlie operation. These light tints shade This first process ends with the the gulch, we secured our canteens to
off to the brownish-red rock above drawing off of copper-laden froth our belts, slung knapsacks over our
and to the sides, low grade ore and which is thickened and dried. Addi- shoulders. Immediately behind the
barren rock stained by iron oxide. A tion of fluxing agents prepare this for corral a trail winds up the slope lead-
mixture of these two ores is made to the smelter, from which copper emerges ing to the base of the conical land-
keep the richer ore to the correct low in 700-pound plates called anodes. mark known as Mulligan Peak. This
percentage mark for which the plant These are shipped to the El Paso re- was our first hunting site.
was designed. fining plant for final removal of im- I had been told that those who have
Distance dwarfed to the size of purities. ignored the trail and prowled the hills
children's toys the huge shovels and One glance at the rapidly rising sun and gullies have found fine fortifica-
tion agate. However, as we wanted
to reach the upper hunting region as
quickly as possible, we stayed with
the trail.
Up the hill a short way I observed
an outcropping of chocolate brown
rhyolite with seams of chalcedony
weathering out. I stopped long enough
to pick loose a chalcedony rose with
smooth yellowish green swirls.
A hot sun beat on us relentlessly
that afternoon, making the hike more
tiring than it would have been on a
cooler day. We began to wish we had
done our collecting first and our sight-
seeing afterward. But the distance of
the hike was only about two miles, and
in an hour we were approaching the
top of the climb.
Along the way straggly mesquite and
catsclaw held firm roots in the white
soil. Greasewood added its pungent
odor to the air. An occasional be-
draggled Spanish Dagger and Yucca
bristled with protective green blades.
Suddenly one of the boys yelled,
"Gold!" and excitedly held up a rock.
From its face the sun glanced in a
yellow flash. He indicated a tiny yel-
low fleck which I examined under the
magnifying glass. It was a perfect six-
sided plate that could be nothing but
a tiny crystal of muscovite mica. From
then on, rocks along the trail kept
shooting provocative flashes at us as
though trying to distract us from our
Seams of calcite showed across the
trail. I took some fragments along to
test for fluorescence under the short
wave light and was rewarded when
they exhibited a pale pink glow.
Near the top we came upon a scrub
cedar that offered enough shade to
justify a few minutes' rest. Far to the
west Morenci's open pit was a small
white scar. Buildings of the ghost town of Metcalf were carried away a few years ago,
We had only about 200 yards far- and only the foundations remain. Huge tailing clump in the background.
ther to go, and the trail leveled out,
making walking easy for a change. It is a steep drop into the gulch, but showed a crystalline center of quartz
We came to a claim sign marked "No on the north side is the red jasper lo- and calcite.
Trespassing." Although there was no cation. Here is material for brilliantly On the return hike to the car, we
evidence of recent working in the area, colored bookends and large showy noticed a large jasper boulder protrud-
we passed it by for the hillsides beyond. cabochons. I found one deep purple ing from the bank. Molten magma,
Both jasper and agate were scattered specimen veined with red and white. as thick as tar, must have oozed from
among the dark rocks. Color varied Another piece was deep brown ac- a crevice in the hillside and hardened
from lavender to red in the jasper, and cented by yellow "flowers." A slab into the brownish mass. We passed
from one rock contained an almost two manganese workings with their
some of it contained some swirls and
perfect picture of a jackrabbit. Slab- dark-mouthed tunnels extending into
lines of agate. It was undoubtedly vein the bank.
material, but we did not try to locate bing another small agate revealed
the source as we were not prepared to brown tree-like moss caused, a collec- When we reached the car, the sun
tor later told me, by a small gold was almost gone. Fatigue quieted the
dig. wish that it would rise again another
Ahead of us reared Mulligan Peak. content.
thirty degrees and afford a few hours
We hunted along its north side, then Gray rhyolite outcrops often con- more of daylight collecting time. This
descended toward a water course that tained agate. 1 noticed one as big as was a good gem area, the afternoon
led northward to Limestone Gulch. a softball half imbedded in the rock. had assured us, and another day soon
Small agates were widely scattered Careful picking loosened it, and I would find us again tapping Nature's
along the way. plucked it from its bed. When cut, it buried treasures in Limestone Gulch.

ULY 954 21
Denver, Colorado
Old adobe fort,
Built of the very earth on which you stand,
Like a solid monument to the land
You fought for and hold dear.
Your rafters still are staunch and straight,
As was the man who built you
A hundred years ago,
To serve the men and officers
And derelicts of fate,
Who followed new wagon trails
And were not content to go
Over the beaten paths that were secure,
Where danger did not lurk
And food was sure.

Old photo showing jort at Camp Cady, California. I stand on your old threshold with a smile,
There is deep respect within me,
But no reverence or guile.
I know from whence this groove was worn
By KAYE JONES By LOLA BEALL GRAHAM The polished boots of soldiers,
Fontana, California Santa Cruz, California Ranchers' heels and spurs,
The soft soles of Indians
I watch the evening sun go down Monument to progress— And trappers with their furs.
While standing by the door; "Lost in action"—bare 1 add my own foot prints to the time worn
And gaze as the purple shadows creep Trail of bones lies bleaching, wood
Across the desert floor, Marking miles out where And stand here with a smile of pride
At the eerie shapes Wagons in slow motion Where the others stood.
Each shrub then takes Struggled, westward bound.
As the light fades more and more. Drawn by beasts of bur Jen.
Now bones on the ground; LITTLE JEFF
The Yucca is a warrior bold. Trail that led ambition By PAUL WILHELM
In his eyes a savage glow. To her golden quest, Thousand Palms, California
I dare not make a single move Bones that led to Glory
Lest the arrow leave his bow. Conquering the West! Upon a blanket next to earth I lie,
What fearful shapes A cricket sings, around me sails a bee,
Silly fancv makes In blue above I see the clouds pass by
Of things I so well know! SECRETS And wonde:: has mother forgitten me?
By SARAH PHILLIPS SALINGER Now lightning strikes the sand from one
Ah there, the moon is rising high, Santa Barbara, California black cloud,
Its light the darkness chases. Wise Nature holds her secrets Afraid i close my eyes; I want to cry
The desert floor has changed again Close to her Mother's heart; But tl under shakes the earth and roars
As the shadows trade their places. So close, :ach bud is destined aloud;
The warrior is gone To live its mystic part, I'd not be heard if mother was close by.
To the land Beyond True to the age old pattern, I roll; I crawl upon my hands and feet
And leaves behind no traces. True to the life force urge, To safer places beneath a cottonwood tree;
When sap and life are ready The thunder drums, and march of rain is
From winter's sleep to surge. fleet
RAINBOW'S END As chi..kens running from the fox. I see
By HELEN BURBANK Each has its sacred mission The kitchen screen dooi open; mother comes
San Bernardino, California To fulfill the mystery And picks me up ind carries me into
Of how an oak remains an oak, My crib, and as .'he lays me down she hums
1 lived in city canyons And how a Joshua tree And sings, "The rain will make the world
With walls so gray and sleep. So gaunt and bare, yet Joshua-wise, anew."
My soul was starved for beauty Redeems the barren ground
As I played in the city street. By >vearing a halo of beauty
Like a glorified flower crown. DESERT SANDS
In the depths of those dark canyons, • • • By KATE ROCKWELL VAN DUREN
All the glory that I knew Sweet Home, Oregon
Was the ribbon of blue at the canyon rim SONNETT OF THE SOUTHWEST
Where the stars c&T>e peeping through. The sands of the desert are drifting,
Tucson, Arizona I see them again in my dreams,
Above for one short glist'ning hour They cover the trail that you followed,
The sun swept by at noon. Do patio walls hold special charm for you? Through the same golden sunset beams,
I watched in breathless wonder Where cool green shadows vie with fragrant And I hear your dear voice in the distance
For the tiny crescent moon. flowers, As you rode and you sang, soft and low,
Where sun and stars gleam from your patch As you followed the path that led, dear,
[ longed for purple vistas of blue, From your homestead to mine—long ago!
With arching dome of blue. Do you rejoice in quiet lazy hours?
I dreamed of painted canyons Or does the plaza with its teeming life Like the ghost of a memory from dreamland
Aflame with rainbow hues. Where sundry wares are bartered in the heat, You came once again to my side,
Call you on fleetest sandals to the strife And the smell of the sagebrush is mingling
Out west I've found God's canyons Where all the world is jostling on one street? With the sweat of the pony you ride.
Far flung on desert sands. The low of the cattle I'm hearing,
All purple gold and crimson Which do you choose? Seclusion's peaceful On the bunch grass they graze, fat and sleek
Untouched by mortal hands. way, When the roundup is over, you'll come, dear,
Without resistance surely growing old, To me where I wait by the creek.
A big wide world of flaming hues, Or, on the plaza tread the world's highway Life's sand and the sands of the desert
Of vistas without end. And bargain gaily for your share of gold? Drift on, and I wake with a start.
Each tinted from the pot of gold Men of all creeds and colors elbow there, And all that's left to me now, dear,
That T found at the rainbow's end. But youth and joy dwell on the thoroughfare. Is the memory of you, in my heart.

of the

Ckuckawalla PaL.
Clinton L. Hoffman of Arcadia, Cali-
fornia, hated to part with this friendly
chuckawalla after taking his picture
near Whitewater, California. The lizard
would have made an interesting pet.
Hoffman's photograph, taken with a
4x5 Speed Graphic camera, 1/200 sec-
ond at f. 32 with flash fill, won first
prize in Desert Magazine's May Picture-
of-the-Month contest.

Great White Zkrone

Second prize in the May photo con-
test went to Willard Luce of Provo,
its,., Utah, for this landscape showing the
Great White Throne landmark in Zion
Canyon National Park. He used a 4x5
Speed Graphic camera, 127 mm. Ektar
lens, Infrared film and red filter, 1 sec-
ond at f. 22.

JULY, 1 9 5 4
120° in the MB ... By HARRY OLIVER

(and there ain't no shade)

The summer sun is beating down these days on old Fort Oliver at
Thousand Palms, California, where Harry Oliver publishes his 5-page news-
paper, the Desert Rat Scrap Book. Harry sits in the breeze of a wheezy old
fan and pecks at his ancient typewriter—and this is what he has been writing:

f§ This summer Harry Marrel of Rancho Vaquero got <J Some people don't like our desert. I saw an old-timer
so mad at the heat he turned the face of his thermometer loading everything he had on an old jalopy that was headed
to the wall. east. "This would be a fine country if we just had water,"
* * * I said. "Yes, and so would hell," he answered.
•I Outside the lizards are hanging by their tails on the * * *
shady side of the cacti to keep their tummies from getting <J They tell a story about Dry Camp Blackie. He's been
blistered on the ground. prospecting around here for years. One day a drop of
rainwater hit him on the forehead and they had to throw
<J Got so dry one summer the fish in Salton Sea began two buckets of sand in his face to bring him to.
kicking up dust. Had to call out the Mecca fire depart- * * *
ment to wet the place down.
* * * f^ Sometimes it doesn't rain out here for years. 1 remem-
ber an old homesteader over in Borrego Valley. He had
<J Too hot to go any place and not much to do so for a his family with him and he told me: "I hope it'll rain
month I have been trying to teach my dog Whiskers to before the kids grow up. They ain't never seen none."
play checkers. He will make about two moves, then lie :•; ijt ;•:

down on the cool floor. Slows up the game somethin'

awful, so I locked him up in the room with a double jump (^ Yesterday two city real estate men in blue serge suits
right in front of him and told him it was his move. After called at the Fort. They got into a jeep and started across
a while I peeked through the keyhole and there he was the sand dunes. When the jeep finally reached the other
sittin' on my desk usin' the checkerboard to fan himself. side the two blue serge suits got out and started off across
"Hot doe." he exclaimed. the desert. The men had melted out of 'em.

4J Last year about this time a rain came- -but it all turned C| Here at old Fort Oliver I can look farther and see
to steam before it hit the ground. less than anywhere else on earth. Just picked up my old
telescope to take a look over Boiling Flats way—an'
<J Did you know the Mojave lizards travel in pairs dur- believe it or not, even the jumpin' cactus are trying to
ing the summer. One rides the other piggy-back 'til he get into the shade of the big rocks. But they've lost their
gets his feet cooled off. Then they trade off. jump—they are just wiggling along on the ground.
* * * * * *
^ My dog Whiskers' nose is so hot he burned a hole in 1§ Needles, California, and Yuma, Arizona, have been
the back door. feudin' for years over the question of which place is
* * * hottest. The Needles chamber of commerce sent out word
<J Old-timer McRae who lives west of Fort Oliver always that their flagpole had just melted to the ground. The
carries a saucer when he goes to the faucet to get a drink Yuma secretary answered: "That's nothing, when our
—has to blow on the water a spell before it's cool enough flagpole melted down three months ago it burned a hole
to swallow. in the ground all the way down to hades—and when that
* * * first blast of air from hell came up out of that hole we all
had to wear overcoats."
<J Something ought to be done about thermometers. At
least about the ones they make for the desert. Louise
Eaton says hers only register up to 120 degrees—and <I Gets so hot over in Arizona the woodpeckers drilling
when she got home from her mid-summer vacation they holes in those big cactuses carry umbrellas so they can
were floating in the air up next to the ceiling. Got so hot work in the shade.
the mercury just shoved the whole thermometer up there * * *
and she had to get a step ladder to bring 'em down.
•J Ol' Blue Mountain Hard Rock says: When you see a
# : | : :•;:

dog running around over the burning desert sand holding

<J Time for my bath. I've had the electric fan setting up one paw, you know it's pretty warm—but when you
in the bathroom window trying to suck in that mirage see him running around with two paws up to keep them
out there to fill the bathtub. Only trouble is I've never from getting burnt you know it's gosh-awful hot.
known a mirage to bring soap and towel.
<J And Dry Camp Blackie is in a bad humor today
<J Yes, we had a six-inch rain one year in August at old because his breakfast eggs was hard-boiled. He likes
Fort Oliver—only a six-inch rain here means drops six 'em soft. But I can't help it—the hens laid 'em that way.
inches apart. This heat does some awful things.

The author's staid New England parents worried at first
about the "evil influences" their children would encounter


in the rough mining camp of Calico, Caliiornia. But evil
hadn't much chance in the great outdoor playground of
the Mojave Desert—and a family life filled with love,
learning and a never-ending curiosity about Nature.

, A Dartmouth graduate studying their geology. Some day I looked as if she had reached the limit
and product of many genera- may uncover a gold or silver mine!" of her endurance. But Dad and we
tions of stern New England And he would laugh as though gold children were thrilled beyond expres-
training, had left a theological semin- and silver didn't mean very much to sion. Never before had we seen such
ary to become a teacher in California. him — and I don't believe they did. unlimited space in which to exercise
A rigid code of ethics demanded that "On the cold rainy nights, what do our unbounded high spirits.
he preach morality and denounce the you do, Daddy?" my sister asked. We also enthusiastically approved
evils of drink and tobacco to his pu- "Well . . . " Father hesitated. "Well of the house to which Father proudly
pils, and we wondered how he would —there is no place to go at night, and led us—a large old adobe with a wide
weather the new teaching job in the one can't sleep forever, nor be cooped veranda and a row of cottonwoods
rough and ready mining camp of up in the little room where 1 live. So shading it on two sides.
Calico. I often wander into the saloons and After a few days on the desert,
Previously Father had held the prin- dance halls and watch the crowds." Mother lost her woe-begone look and
cipalship of a large school, where his "Oh no, Charles, not you!" Mother seemed happier than ever. We fre-
sound education and strict moral atti- exclaimed horrified. "Not you—loaf- quently saw her sniff the delightful air
tudes were appreciated, when he ing in a saloon?" and gratefully fill her lungs with it.
was struck by a near-fatal attack of "It's warm and bright in there and She spoke often of the clear blue des-
typhoid pneumonia. "He must have 1 am learning much that will help me ert sky and the gorgeous colors of the
absolute rest and a change of climate," to teach the California boys and girls Calico Hills. As for us children, our
the doctor told mother when the crisis right living. Isn't that a worthwhile delight in this new land was un-
was past. "Health is more important goal?" he countered. bounded.
than your salary," he added when And then he told us, as he did so
many times afterward that it became Gradually we met our nearest neigh-
Father wondered how he and his fam- bors and found them interesting and
ily would manage. a standard family joke, about the
rough old Calico miner who would charming people. On our left was the
Mother determined to help. She come into the saloon each night and small unpainted house of an official of
passed a California teacher's examina- order a large glass of the strongest the borax company. Farther down
tion and secured a position in a little whiskey. lived the superintendent of the borax
country school. Father compromised mine, and beyond was the fine home
with the doctor's prescription and ac- "Then, stepping up to the bar," of a wealthy official who, we heard,
cepted a teaching job in the wide open Father would say slowly and impres- had once attempted unsuccessfully to
mining town of Calico, on the Mojave sively, while we waited in high glee, lay wooden tracks across the desert.
Desert. After several months in the "he would stir into it three or four
heaping teaspoonsful of cayenne pep- Then there were the station agent,
hot dry air of the desert, he seemed the express agent and other people of
completely cured. per. Could anything better illustrate
how strong drink will eventually burn importance in the town. They were
He returned home looking strong out the stomach and produce death?" wonderful friends and neighbors. Like
and hearty again, with wondrous tales At last he sprang his great surprise our little family, they loved the free-
to tell of the vast Mojave—the gor- upon us all. He had secured the little dom of this new land and hoped to
geous purple, red and gold tints of the school at Daggett for Mother if she prosper here.
ore-rich Calico Mountains, the multi- would only accept it. It would be So Father, strong, carefree, and
colored carpets of spring wildflowers, much easier for her and we could all happy again, taught his rather large
the glorious sunshine and pure dry air. be together again, he argued. classes at Calico, and Mother, her little
Even the occasional rain storms were one-room school at Daggett.
more refreshing than any he had ex- "But Charles," Mother protested,
perienced before. It was a rough life, "how can we take these children into Highlight of our week was Friday
he admitted, but more satisfying than a place where there are no churches night when Father returned by stage
any he had ever known. He had cast and so many evil influences?" to spend Saturday and Sunday with
off many New England inhibitions and "There are evil influences every- us. He knew so many ways of enter-
fairly glowed with health and enthusi- where," defended Father, "and I be- taining us for which Mother rarely had
asm. lieve if we do our part at home, evil the time. He played croquet with us
influences will never touch our chil- on the ground, which he had labori-
Mother sighed at those Calico tales dren." ously leveled and tamped. He sang
and said sadly, "I'm afraid you have Thus prevailed upon by the whole his rollicking college songs and romped
strayed far from the things you used family, to whom Father had presented with us until it was time to come in at
to believe." such a glowing account of life on the night.
"No, Mary Ellen, I have not changed desert, but with many misgivings, Dinner over, we all would gather
one iota," Father assured her. "Life Mother consented to go. around the coal oil lamps while he
is just different in Calico." How dif- As the Santa Fe train climbed read us stories which were too old for
ferent he did not say. slowly over Cajon Pass and out into us but which we thoroughly enjoyed—
"What do you do on Saturday?" 1 the open desert we could all sense, Dickens, Scott, Thackery's Vanity Fair
asked eagerly, for Saturday had always though she said nothing about it, that and some of Cooper's Leatherstocking
been our big day with him. Mother's courage was sinking lower tales.
"I take my prospector's hammer and lower. When the train finally In those after-dinner evenings on
and wander over the Calico Hills, stopped at the Daggett depot, she the desert, Father gave us a love for
JULY, 1954
great literature which has persisted cholla, the hedgehog, the barrel, the cross the railroad and the wide sandy
throughout our lives. lady fingers and the prickly pear—and street for the groceries we needed for
Later, Mother played her organ we knew how to treat them gently and the evening meal. We children could
and we all sang the hymns they both respectfully. We learned to love their not stand up against the heavy blasts
loved so well. Father, who sang by beautiful blossoms and their fruit. of wind and sand.
note, was very meticulous about the On other Sabbath afternoons, Father She started out bravely enough, pro-
rhythm of the music and beat time taught us about the different minerals pelled by the fierce gale, and was soon
constantly to keep us all on the right which abound on the Mojave. We lost to our view behind the thick veil
track. learned to distinguish silver, copper, of sand and dust.
And the "evil influences" which lead, iron, gold, fool's gold, borax, Much later she returned, firmly
Mother had so feared did not seem mica and many others. He helped us grasping her cherished provisions but
to touch our lives. With a father and to gather and label collections of these with a look of deepest humiliation
mother like ours, the unbounded des- minerals. upon her face.
ert in which to play and new wonders We had our lessons too, about the "Oh, what will people think?" she
to be discovered daily, they didn't have poisonous insects and reptiles and how gasped, when she could catch her
a chance. to be on guard against them. We were breath. "I could not see a thing! I
Father resolved that we should keep allowed to bring home the harmless thought I was opening the grocery
the Sabbath as he and his stern fore- little sand colored horned toads, which door. But I walked right into the sa-
bears had done for generations in far we staked out by long cords in a box loon next door! It was full of men
away New England. So on Sundays, of sand on the window ledge. We drinking and carousing. What will
our swings, croquet balls and mallets, watched them catch flies and gnats as people think of me, the school
even our dolls, were put away for the they crawled over the window screen, teacher?"
day. But Father also understood the and they became our cherished pets.
danger that such rigid rules could cre- Her discomforture was as great as
ate in us a hatred for the Sabbath. So Then there were the birds. Our had been her struggle with the violent
on Sunday afternoons he compensated favorites were the comical road run- elements. For in those days no re-
for all the strict measures by taking us ners. Unbirdlike, they seemed to en- spectable woman in DaggeU would
for long walks, usually along the Santa joy running far better than flying. Their have entered a saloon, much less a
Fe Railroad toward Barstow, nine exceedingly long legs and tails balanced staid New England school teacher.
miles to the west. It would not hurt their bodies perfectly, and how they We were not to remain forever in
us, he reasoned, to ltarn about the could cover the ground! Joking, Father this vast alluring playground. Father
world that God had created. said we might catch one if we could had always been an exponent of Duty
put salt on its tail. Perseveringly, we with a capital D. "Always do what is
Walks with my father were wonder- pursued them down the rough, sandy expected of you. Daughter," he would
ful lessons in Nature. Someone once wagon road which ran beside the gravely admonish me. He practiced
had laughingly dubbed him the Ani- tracks, always expecting to bag one, what he preached.
mated Encyclopedia, a cognomen but never quite succeeding.
which he rather resented, but a fitting His owr, father was growing old and
one. We shuddered when we saw the evil needed care and companionship, and
looking turkey buzzards, circling low Father felt he must return to New
As we walked beside him down the about the sky. Although we hated England. Mother agreed, although ;he
railroad track, he taught us many them, we remembered the time the also had grown to love the desert and
things we never forgot. He demon- thirst-crazed old prospector was lost on our home there.
strated that law of physics which states the desert and was discovered and res-
that cold contracts and heat expands We did not remain long in Daggett
cued just in time because of these after Father left. I can still see the
by calling our attention to the space
hideous circling creatures, and we look on Mother's face as, heavy-
allowed when the rails had been riv-
eted to the ties. If thii were not done, grudgingly gave them some credit. hearted, we stood on the rear platform
he explained, the rails would expand Then there were the desert animals of the Pullman, sadly bidding goodbye
in the desert heat until they would —the pack rat, the jack rabbits, the to all these desert wonders
buckle up and wreck the trains. tiny cottontails, the cunning coyotes Poor old yellow dog Prince, our
and patient tortoises. The names and guardian friend and companion, fol-
He told us why our desert was so habits of all these strange creatures
hot and drv, and how the Coast Range lowed the train until he no longer could
Father painstakingly taught us. match its speed. We waved until he
which we could see in the western dis-
tance held back from us most of the There was always something new became a small yellow spot and then
moisture from the Pacific, spreading to see and learn. The Mojave Desert faded from our sight.
it instead along the California Coast. was never tiresome and dull. "Won't we ever come back to the
We learned why desert plants, like However, life on the Mojave had desert, Mother?" we asked, tears
the greasewood and sage, had such its hardships too. One afternoon of a streaming down our faces.
small leaves and how cactus leaves cold windy winter, the first desert sand "I hope so," Mother answered. "I've
had thickened through the ages so as storm we had ever experienced de- never before had so little and yet been
to retain more moisture. He did not scended in fury upon Daggett. The so carefree and contented."
call this transpiration but we got the wind blew "as would blawn its last," We never did return to the desert.
idea. as Bobby Burns would say it, and Our paths, later divided, led to far
Sometimes we would look for and there was an icy chill in the air. The different and far tamer places. Father
study the different cactus forms we blood red sun nearing the western continued to stand on his principles
found along the railroad. He never horizon was almost completely ob- wherever he lived and worked, and
attempted to teach their botanical scured. Flying sand and pebbles cut Mother, while she sometimes doubted
names, but gave them names we could our faces if we dared venture forth. the wisdom of some of his moves, pa-
remember. We knew them all—the It was again brave Mother who must tiently followed him.

Oddity No Rarity . . . Rattlesnake Markets . . .
Vista, California Blackwell, Oklahoma
Desert: Desert:
It was of great interest to me to read In reply to Gilman Taylor's letter
in the May issue of Desert Magazine in the May issue of Desert, I would
Golden Ghost of Nevada . . . (p. 31) of Raymond Barnes of Blythe suggest that he write to the Interna-
catching and Game Warden George tional Association of Rattlesnake Hunt-
San Bernardino, California Warden identifying the bony tail as a
Desert: ers, Okeene, Oklahoma. Joe Durham,
rare specimen. "Chief Rattler" of the organization,
Nell Murbarger's story, 'Golden When my brothers and I were kids
Ghost of the Nevada Hills," in the will gladly give him all the information
in Needles, California, around 1910, he requires about selling rattlesnakes.
January issue of Desert Magazine, was we used to fish the Colorado River
read and enjoyed with special interest. The association maintains an interna-
and have caught hundreds of these tional market for zoos and drug houses.
The tailings from the Bamberger Mine same "rare" fish. They were edible
in DeLamar were obtained by my In April, the annual Rattlesnake
but were full of what seemed like Roundup was held at Okeene, and
grandfather, M. D. Painter, through a thousands of tiny bones, and it was
trade many years ago. Upon his death, 1,576 rattlers were captured alive.
quite a feat to eat one. Russell Strayhorn, who lives near Wa-
my father was appointed administrator
It was about this same time that 1 tonga, snared the largest snake of the
of the estate. The family considered
remember the last of the paddlewheel- hunt—75 Vi inches of buzzing, deadly
the tailings a white elephant until the
ers on the river. The old smelter was reptile. Strayhorn pocketed $51.50
price of gold was raised in 1933.
then in operation and run by a man auction proceeds for his champion.
During the early '30s, I made nu- named Godshall.
merous trips with my dad to visit the It is quite a tame river now, com- These Rattlesnake Roundups in Ok-
property and talked with mining en- pared to what it was then. We used lahoma are billed as the world's most
gineers who wanted to work the tail- to watch it in terror as it undercut its unusual sporting event. This year's
ings, which had been assayed at all banks and swallowed house after house hunt attracted an estimated 20,000
the way from 30 cents to $1.25 a ton. in swollen fury. sportsmen from 26 states.
The tailings eventually were worked at The snakes captured in the Gyp
a good profit by a mining engineer from ROBERT N. DOYLE Hills of Northwestern Oklahoma are
the San Francisco area who I believe • • • diamondback rattlers. 'Tis said that
was named Hazen. Beware the Rattler . . . even Texans come up here for their
San Clemente, California big ones!
At the time of our visits to the prop- Desert:
erty, we had the privilege of visiting MARIE KENNEDY
I have been following with interest • • •
with Mrs. Horn {Desert, October '51, the various comments Desert readers
p. 32) and her sons who were doing have made regarding rattlesnakes on With a Mouthful of Snake . . .
some development work in the area. the desert. Miami, Arizona
It was my impression at the time that Desert:
I am not retired, but for nearly 40
Mrs. Horn had resided in the area
years 1 traveled desert areas for the I feel some comment should be
from the time DeLamar was first de-
Land Department of Southern Pacific made in reference to a letter in the
Company. S.P. had been granted al- May issue of Desert, signed by Arthur
I regret that I did not have the in- most every odd-numbered section. I S. Drake. The writer quoted a Hopi
terest in the Southwest 20 or 25 years don't believe I encountered more than friend as follows: "He told me that
age that 1 have today. Little do we 20 rattlers in 300,000 miles of driv- before the snake dance each partici-
realize that what is commonplace to- ing, and probably not more than a pant is given a preparation which he
day may be history tomorrow. dozen in the brush. holds in his mouth during the dance."
DEAN A. PAINTER It is in the springtime that the snakes As one who has seen the snake
come out, looking for food after a ceremony 17 times, I think there was
The Long-Lost Arch . . . long winter's hiberation. Another rep- a misunderstanding in this quotation.
tile, the desert tortoise, also ventures It is highly improbable that a snake
Whittier, California forth in the spring, seeking his favorite
Desert: dancer can hold a "preparation" either
dish, the thick juicy leaves of the solid or liquid in his mouth while danc-
I enjoyed reading Randall Hender- squaw cabbage.
son's story of the Sierra Club ascent ing around the plaza with a three or
of Mopah Peak (May Desert), but I Many times I have noticed rattle- four foot snake in his jaws.
find in it one serious error. The author snakes in the brush adjoining a trail, VAL H. SHERMAN
intimates (p. 15) that the Lost Arch near fresh livestock droppings. Old- • • •
Mine is in the Turtle Mountains. timers tell me that field mice and other
rodents are attracted by the manure, No Monotony Here . . .
Actually, the Lost Arch is in the and the snake lies quietly awaiting a Little Rock, California
Whipples. I know where. There are victim. Twice I have found a snake Desert:
arches all over the desert, but none on each side of the trail. Once this A mile or so beyond the "Ain't
like the one that gave this lost placer
happened in Vermilion Valley on Mono This Monotonous" sign pictured on
ground its name.
Creek, California; the second time, by page 28 of the January issue, is an-
PAUL J. LINSLEY odd coincidence, in an area of the other which answers the first: "Or is
There is a wide difference of opin- upper San Gabriel River called Ver- it the Peace that Passeth Understand-
ion as to whether the Lost Arch milion Bluffs. On this last experience, ing?"
placer was in the Turtles, the Old I never knew what happened to the To a desert lover like myself, there
Woman Mountains or the Whipples snakes, as I jumped so high and so is no such thing as "barren" or "mo-
— and until someone locates the far that I landed plumb in the middle notonous" desert — just peace, rest,
mine, one man's guess is as good as of the creek. quiet, beauty.

JULY, 1954 27
Vernal, Utah . . .


Moab. Utah . . . Mojave, California . . .
Thirty patented lode mining clairrs
on the Dragon-Rainbow-Pride of the
West lodes in the Watson-Dragon area
were sold this spring by C. J. Neal of
Vernal for $200,000. Purchaser of the
Utex Exploration Company has an- Minard Mining Company was gilsonite property is the American Gil-
nounced an agreement with Salt Lake formed and incorporated following the sonite Company, producers and mar-
City interests, including Combined recent tungsten discovery of Bruce keters of gilsonite and gilsonite prod-
Metals Reduction Company, to build Minard and Sam Cuddeback one mile ucts.— Vernal Express
a $4 million uranium mill at Moab. west of Cinco. The scheelite outcrop • • •
The mill would employ between 300 is about 1000 feet wide and two miles Battle Mountain, Nevada . . .
and 400 persons. "Negotiations with long. The ore is spread over a granite Magnet Cove Company of Houston,
the Atomic Energy Commission will schist and runs as high as 10 percent Texas, has leased the Greystone group
start immediately," Utex President tungsten in some places. Assays are of barite claims 35 miles south of here.
Charles A. Steen announced at a re- being made to determine whether the The property has been held for the
cent stockholders' meeting, and added deposit could be worked profitably as past few years by George Dyer of
that he anticipated no difficulty in ob- an open quarry.—Mojave Desert News Tonopah, Lee Hand and Alvin Lay-
taining AEC approval of the project. • • • ton of Battle Mountain. It is located
The newly-formed Uranium Reduc- about three air miles from Mill Creek
Fallen, Nevada . . . summit. The company is operating a
tion Company, a Nevada firm, will Nevada Scheelite Mine has a better
construct the concentrator across the treatment plant at Beowawe and is in
reserve of tungsten ore now than it the process of building a road from
river from the town of Moab and ad- had three years ago when it became
jacent to an ore-sampling operation of Beowawe to the Greystone site. The
a division of Kennametal, Inc., be- plant is running about 20 tons per
the AEC, Steen said. — Caliente lieves E. M. Colwell, general manager hour from two other Magnet proper-
Herald of the mine and mill. Mining is at the ties nearby, and operations will be
• • • 400-foot level now, and diamond drill stepped up when the Greystone be-
Lovelock, Nevada . . . exploration has shown substantial de- gins to produce.—Mining Record
Discovery of what may be a major posits at 500 feet. "We have raised
production from about 2500 units a • • •
deposit of uranium at Lincoln Hill in Pioche, Nevada . . .
the Rochester area has been an- month to 3000," said Colwell. "The
mill, which was handling 90 tons, now Atlanta Gold and Uranium Com-
nounced in Lovelock. The discovery pany is shipping 100 to 150 tons of
of autunite ore was made by Ed Bot- takes up to 120 tons a day." The mine
and mill are located 54 miles south- ore a day from its Atlanta Mine 40
tomley of Lovelock. He said he came miles northeast of Pioche in Lincoln
across the uranium by chance while east of Fallon in northern Mineral
County.—Fallon Standard County. According to C. E. Collins,
prospecting for silver. Samples of the chief engineer, the ore is running in
ore have been sent to the Atomic • • • the neighborhood of $12 to $15 a ton
Energy Commission for analysis, and Winnemucca, Nevada . . . in gold. In addition to the gold, the
Bottomley hopes a government loan Winnemucca Mountain Mines Com- ore contains a considerable amount of
can be obtained for development of pany, which has been developing its uranium oxide, he said, present assays
the property.—Humboldt Star gold property near here, recently ex- estimating it at $ 1 1 to $15 a ton. —
• • • panded its operations into the tungsten Mining Record
Moab, Utah . . . field through the purchase of the Star
tungsten mining property in El Do- • • •
Walter Gramlich of Moab is be- Carlsbad, New Mexico . . .
lieved to have marketed the highest rado Canyon, Pershing County. The
company has revamped its gold mill Two oil drillers who prospected
priced ton of uranium yet to come off with a geiger counter in their spare
the Colorado Plateau. Gramlich re- into a 50-ton tungsten plant and by
adding more tables will be able to time may be credited with the first
ceived $4,021 for ore he delivered in uranium strike in Eddy County. A.
May to the Climax Uranium Company. mill 75 tons of tungsten a day. —
Pioche Record A. Pitts and Bert Price, Jr., have filed
It came from the Blue Jay Mine in 85 mining claims on a narrow strip of
Southwestern Utah. The assay sheet • • •
government land running along Rocky
showed it was 24.14 percent uranium Pioche, Nevada . . .
Arroyo, approximately 25 miles north-
and 14.53 percent vanadium. Pay- Bristol Silver Mines has announced west of Carlsbad. Although a few as-
ment included an Atomic Energy Com- discovery of highgrade ore on the 500- says have been made, it has not yet
mission bonus which is paid until 10,- foot level of its mine 25 miles south- been determined if the ore is of com-
000 pounds of uranium has been pro- west of here. According to assay re- mercial value. To be eligible for AEC
duced from a new mine. Gramlich has ports, the new ore body shows a con- bonus, the ore must assay . 1 percent
been operating the Blue Jay a little tent of 19 ounces in silver, 13 lead, 14 uranium on the first five tons mined.
over a year.—Phoenix Gazette percent zinc and three percent copper. —Eddy County News
• • 9 The vein is 12 feet wide, but the exact • • •
Lovelock, Nevada . . . extent of the ore will not be known Kingman, Arizona . . .
Desert Queen mining district near until blocking out operations are com- A lease of ten years' duration with
Brady's Hot Springs has come back pleted. Early estimates evaluate the option to purchase has been granted
to life. Joe Lang and Jess Robinson, find at $55 to $60 per ton, high enough by Triumph Mines, Fnc, on their
San Francisco mining men, have leased to make shipping profitable. The Bris- White Chief Mine at Oatman to two
the Desert Queen Mine and already tol Mine has been in operation con- Los Angeles mining engineers, R. S.
have shipped eight carloads of gold tinuously, except for depression years, Douglas and John P. Farquahar. The
ore to Parrin. Owners of the mine are since 1875. It is considered one of property consists of six unpatented
Karl Olfers and Herman Marker. — the richest in the state. — Territorial
mining claims located IV2 miles south-
Pioche Record Enterprise
west of Oatman.—Mining Record

New Grand Canyon Chief . . .

Hete and There on the Desert... GRAND CANYON — Preston P.

Patraw has taken over duties as super-
intendent of Grand Canyon National
ARIZONA Grand Canyon Museum . . . Park, succeeding Dr. Harold C. Bry-
Considers Navajo Diet . . . WASHINGTON — Senator Carl ant. Patraw was transferred from a
Hayden (D-Ariz.) has revived the oft- position as assistant director for the
GANADO — The answer to the National Park Service at Santa Fe, New
mystery of cancer may lie with the discussed proposal for a museum at
Grand Canyon National Park with a Mexico. He had previously been as-
Navajo Indians, believes Dr. Clarence
Salsbury, commissioner of the Arizona request to Conrad Wirth, director of sistant superintendent here.—Coconino
State Department of Public Health. He the National Park Service, to submit Sun
believes the reason for the low inci- an estimate of how much money would • • •
dence of cancer among Navajos may be needed for the project. Wirth told Hopis Protest Liquor Bill . . .
lie partly in their diet. "It is low in Hayden the museum "is very high on HOTEVILLA—"We have lived a
leafy green vegetables, heavy in meat, our priorities" and estimated it would long time without the white man's evil.
and their bread comes from corn cost about $500,000 to build the kind Without 'crazy water' our religious and
ground mostly by hand," he pointed of museum-administration headquar- traditional way of life has been good,"
out. Routine blood tests performed on ters unit the park service wants. No Hotevilla leaders said in a statement
patients at Sage Memorial Hospital on funds for the museum were included issued recently in protest against pro-
the reservation here show that Navajo in the park service's 1955 budget re- posals to be submitted to Arizona
blood sugars consistently run 20 to 25 quests.—Phoenix Gazette voters in November. If passed, they
points below those of white persons. • • • would make it legal for Indians to
Does diet cause this difference, and Bridge Plans Okay . . . purchase liquor in the state. The Hote-
does this in turn affect the incidence YUMA — With Arizona Highway villa Hopis cling to the ancient tribal
of cancer? Dr. Salsbury wonders. He Commission approval granted in May, way of life which has no place for
plans further investigation and experi- the new Colorado River bridge at intoxicants and which sets a pattern
mentation in an attempt to find the Yuma seems assured. The State of of behavior emphasizing kindness,
answer.—Phoenix Gazette Arizona's contribution to the project helpfulness and friendliness with strong
• • • will amount to nearly a half million stress on religion. "We cannot have
Passing of "Supai Mary" • • • dollars. The bridge will be built as peace and harmony on our homeland
an extension of Fourth Avenue. — if this bill becomes law in Arizona,"
GRAND CANYON—"Supai Mary" the Hopis contended.—Coconino Sun
Wescogame, oldest member and un- Yuma Morning Sun
crowned queen of the small Havasupai
Indian tribe that resides in the bottom

Ptkes Fot Shuttetbup . . .

of the Grand Canyon, is dead. She
was buried at Drift Fence, Supai grave-
yard located at the top of beautiful
Havasu Canyon in late April. Records The low desert in July is too hot for most amateur photographers
in the Indians Affairs office show that —but you don't have to suffer heat prostration to get a suitable summer
she was born in 1866, but her children entry for Desert Magazine's July photo contest. Camera subjects also
insist she was 97 "summers" old at abound in the cool higher altitudes—Oak Creek Canyon, Indians near
her death. She was the daughter of Taos, shadow studies at Grand Canyon, wildlife high in California's
Captain Burro, old-time chief of the Santa Rosa Mountains, a ghost town ruin in Nevada. Any subject is
tribe under whose direction the Hava- acceptable to Desert's judges, as long as it comes from the desert
supais withstood attacks of the war- Southwest.
ring Apache tribes.—Coconino Sun
• • • Entries for the July contest must be in the Desert Magazine office.
Ceremony to Remain Secret . . . Palm Desert, California, by July 20, and the winning prints will appear
WINDOWROCK — Chances are in the September issue. Pictures which arrive too late for one contest
slim that the Navajo Tribal Council are held over for the next month. First prize is $10; second prize $5.00.
will publish aged Father Berard Haile's For non-winning pictures accepted for publication $3.00 each will be
monumental work on the sacred Nav- paid.
ajo religious ceremony, the "Blessing HERE ARE THE RULES
Way." Sam Ahkeah, tribal chairman, 1—Prints for monthly contests must be black and white. 5x7 or larger, printed
said the Indian Bureau had vetoed the on glossy paper.
council's former decision to appropri- 2—Each photograph submitted should be fully labeled as to subject, time and
ate $30,000 for publication of the place. Also technical data: camera, shutter speed, hour ol day, etc.
had hoped not only to use the book as 4—All entries must be in the Desert Magazine office by the 20th of the contest
a written record of previously unre- month.
corded religious ceremonies, but also 5—Contests are open to both amateur and professional photographers. Desert
Magazine requires first publication rights only of prize winning pictures.
to use it in claims before the Indian
6—Time and place of photograph are immaterial, except that it must be from the
Claims Commission. He said certain desert Southwest.
material in it concerning original land 7—Judges will be selected from Desert's editorial staff, and awards will be made
boundaries was thought to be useful in immediately after the close of the contest each month.
the tribe's case. However, he admitted
that the tribe's lawyer — and Father Address All Entries to Photo Editor
Berard himself—had advised the book
would make no real difference in the 'Decent PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA
claims.—New Mexican

JULY, 1 9 5 4 29
Shrine of Ages Chapel . . .


Classified Advertising in This Section Costs 10c a Word, $1.50 Minimum Per Issue
GRAND CANYON—Design of the
Shrine of the Ages Chapel at Grand
Canyon has been given final approval
by the National Park Service and the
Arizona corporation which will direct
INDIAN GOODS BOOKS FOUND—Any title! Free world- its financing, building and operation.
wide book search service. Any book, The native stone, steel and glass struc-
6 PERFECT ANCIENT FLINT arrowheads new or old. Western Americana a spe- ture is expected to become one of the
$2.00. Fine double bladed tomahawk cialty. Lowest price. Send wants today! country's foremost religious shrines. It
$3.00. Grooved granite war club $2.00. International Bookfinders. Box 3003-D,
Perfect peace pipe $5.00. 6 fine bird ar- Beverly Hills, California. will be built on the South Rim at the
rows $2.00. 2 flint knives $1.00 6" to 7" site of the annual Easter Sunrise Serv-
Perfect spearhead $7.00. All offers BOOKS ON GEMS — Rare, old, out-of- ices.— Yuina Daily Sun
$20.00. List -Free. Lear's, Glenwood, print books in many languages. Stamp • • o
Arkansas. for list. Willems, Box 1515, Chicago 90.
Seek Saguaro Vandals . . .
on high fidelity phonograph records. Re--
corded by well known tribal singers — weekly Dispatch has offered a $50 re-
GHOST TOWN ITEMS: Sun-colored glass,
Natay, Pop Chalee, Chief Spotted Back • amethyst to royal purple; ghost railroads ward for information leading to the
Hamilton, H. Lomawaima, J. Gachupin materials, tickets; limited odd items from arrest and conviction of the person or
and others. For catalogue write Canyon camps of the '60s. Write your interest— persons who chopped down several
Records, 834 North 7th Avenue, Phoenix, Box 64-D, Smith, Nevada. saguaros in Casa Grande Mountain
FREE CATALOGUE: Make profitable Park recently. Its editors pointed out
INDIAN STORE — Large stock of fine costume jewelry. Quality findings, lowest that it is against local law to destroy
handmade jewelry, baskets, pottery, rugs, prices, rhinestone, supplies. Box 552. property in any city park and also
blankets, gifts. Long-established business EE, Pasadena, California.
— profitable and interesting. Price of against state law to destroy saguaro
$25,000 includes all fixtures and is less GOLD PROSPECTING CATALOG—List- cactus, so the vandals are subject to
than inventory value of stock alone. ing, placer and lode maps, steel gold pans, double prosecution. — Casa Grande
Thompson's Indian Store, 141 No. First mining and mineral books, books on lost
Street, Phoenix, Arizona. mines, pocket magnifying glasses, min- Dispatch
CLOSING OUT: We still have many fine eral collection sets, blueprints of dry • • •
genuine Indian handmade things, but they washers and wet washers you can build Rainmakers. Take Note . . .
are going fast at present reduced prices. yourself. Catalog and Gold Panning Les- TUCSON — A "new method" of
There is still time to get that Indian rug, son — Free. Old Prospector, Box 729,
Desk 5, Lodi. California. producing rain—and not artificially,
basket or turquoise jewelry you have long
wished for. Hereafter we will close Wed- either — has apparently been discov-
nesdays. Hope to see you soon. Daniels PAN GOLD: $1 for 75 placer gold spots ered by Dr. Charles DiPeso and Bar-
Indian Trading Post, 16299 Foothill Blvd.. in California to pan gold. Geological for- ton Wright, Amerind Foundation ar-
(Highway 66) Fontana, California. mations, elevations, other notes. $2.75
or $2.25 for gold pans. Poke for nuggets cheologists now working on an ancient
REAL ESTATE and dust $1. Tweezer $1. Fred Mark, Indian townsite near Tumacacori Mis-
Box 42132, Los Angeles, California. sion south of Tucson. They have
south of Indio, 26 miles SE of Palm GET BIG MAILS: Money-making offers, noted that every time they dig in a
Springs. Home built by reputable con- opportunities, catalogs, magazines, sam- grave area it rains. Five times since
tractor with his own crew for his own ples, etc., by listing your name in our September they have worked on burial
use, located top of magnificent sand dune Directory. One issue 15c, three issue 30c. c

planted to mesquite and flowering desert Results guaranteed. Tommy's Mail Serv- grounds, and five timc it has rained.
shrubs. All surrounded by ten acres ice, Box 4383, San Francisco, California. —A rizona Daily Star
young Ruby Blush grapefruit trees. Owner DESERT TEA. One pound one dollar
now forced to leave valley will sell at JEROME—J. \V. Brewer, Jr., di-
postpaid. Greasewood Greenhouses. Len- rector of the Jerome Historical Society,
cost. $47,000. Write Ronald L. Johnson, wood, Barstow, California.
Thermal, California. has been given the "superior accom-
ROCK HUNTER'S paradise—40 acres near NEW CALIFORNIA State Topographic
Map 64x90" $2.50. Lost mines of 10
plishment" award of the National Park
fabulous Shadow Mts. Not flat but dog- Service. Brewer, now superintendent
gone cheap at $625 (full price). Only Southwestern states, with map $1.75.
Sectionized County maps: San Bernar- of Wupatki National Monument, was
$25 down, $18 month. Pon & Co., Box dino, Riverside $1.00 each, Inyo, Mono, cited for his work developing the Mine
546 DM, Azusa, California. Kern, Los Angeles 75c each. Imperial, Museum sponsored by the society.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES San Diego 50c each. New series of Ne-
vada County maps $1.00 each. Joshua
Tree-Twentynine Palms area $1.56. Town- GET YOUR SAMPLE COPY of Gritzner's
IMPORT-EXPORT! Opportunity profitable, Geode "The friendly little mineral pub-
world-wide, mail-order business from ship blanks, all sizes. Lode or Placer
location notice forms 5c each. Topo- lication" including our latest price list of
home, without capital, or travel abroad. graphical maps in California, Nevada, quality minerals, books, magazines, min-
Established World Trader ships instruc- Utah, Arizona and all other Western eralights, Geiger Counters, Rockhound
tions for no-risk examination. Experience states. Westwide Maps Co., 114Vi W. Specials and lapidary equipment — 2.5c
unnecessary. Free details. Mellinger, A Third St., Los Angeles, California. please. Gritzner's Minerals, Mesa 3, Ariz.
987, Los Angeles, 24 California.
YOUNG, SINGLE MAN with modern LUCKYUCCA PIN CUSHIONS. Made of Carryall—Dodge Vi ton. Chrysler engine,
prospecting ideas, seeking financial part- colorfully hand painted yucca. Choice big steering gear, air-foam upholstery, 20"
ner in lost treasures hunt and prospecting designs—yucca, pear cactus, saguaro, des- wheels, unusual clearance, winch. Excel-
venture in Arizona. Howard Hines, Star ert rose, sleeping Mexican, adobe, burro. lent condition. Howard L. Miller, 210
Route, Arlington, Arizona. Personalized. 60c postpaid, no stamps. No. Central Ave., Glendale, California.
Galland Art Products, Box 505, Redlands,
BOOKS — MAGAZINES California. AVAILABLE: four 8x10 glossy photos
showing over 100 dried plant decorations
SOUTHWEST BOOKS — Large stock of DOLLAR-MAKER TIPS, a Gold Mine of for home use. With list $1.00. Palm
new and out of print books on the Des- knowledge, information. Over 1,000 dol- Valley Ranch, Box 70, Palm Springs,
ert, Arizona, Nevada, Baja California, lar saving tips. Sources of supply at California.
Sonora, etc. Open 9:30 to 5:00, Monday wholesale, etc. Only $2 postpaid. Your
to Saturday. Catalogue 277 on request. money cheerfully refunded if not satisfied SILVERY DESERT HOLLY PLANTS:
Dawson's Book Shop, 550 South Figu- within 5 days. Tom Keegan, Box 4383, One dollar each postpaid. Greasewood
eroa St., Los Angeles 17, California. San Francisco, California. Greenhouses, Lenwood, Barstow, Calif.

CALIFORNIA in both states, allow boat fishing in months in jail. The deer is a wild
Resurrecting a Ghost . . . Colorado River waters on either side animal, the Department points out,
of the state line. In addition, sports- and it never can be completely tamed,
VICTOR VILLE—The famous old men will need a regular angling license even with the wisest care. And the
Hesperia Hotel—36 rooms and three from their home state. Non-resident wobbly fawns that soft-hearted people
stories of memories dating back to angling licenses and a special use per-
"save" in the woods are usually not
1883—will come to life again. Jack mit will be required of anglers from
Dempsey, former world's heavyweight states other than California and Ari- orphans at all. If not carried away
boxing champion, M. Penn Phillips zona. Sportsmen fishing from the by some well-meaning vacationist,
and associates have purchased 20,000 banks of the river will need a license their mothers soon will come back to
acres in Hesperia township and prom- from the state owning the shoreline, raise them into the strong free crea-
ise to restore the red brick hotel and but will not need a special use permit. tures of the forest that Nature intended.
make it into a desert museum. They • • • — Victor Press
also plan to move Hesperia's oldest General Patton Memorial . . .
pioneer home to a lot adjoining the INDIO—High school students from
hotel.— Victor Press
• • •
World's Largest Jeffrey . . .
art classes of Riverside County schools
are busy working on designs for a
General George Patton Memorial fol-
Hatd Rock Shorty
INYO—For some time, personnel lowing selection of a 25-acre site near
of Inyo National Forest have believed Shaver's Summit. At a meeting in
that somewhere in the Inyo-Mono area Indio in May, the memorial commis-
there existed a larger Jeffrey pine than sion accepted a sub-committee recom-
the 7-foot diameter champion in the mendation that the memorial be located
San Bernardino Mountains. This spring on a section along Highway 60-70 near
they found the record-breaker — a Box Canyon road. The land had been VALLEY
large pine along Highway 395 and offered by the state highway depart-
Rock Creek, two miles south of Tom's ment. The Metropolitan Water District
Place. It measures 23 feet 2 inches promised to provide water for the site. "Sure it gits hot out here in
around at chest height, giving it an A $100 prize will be awarded the high Death Valley," Hard Rock Shorty
average diameter of 7 feet 4V2 inches. school student who submits the best was saying. "That's the reason
Officially recognized by the American and most practical design for the me- oP Pisgah Bill always let his
Forestry Association as the champion morial.—Date Palm whiskers grow in summer — to
of its species, the tree is vigorous, 0 • •
keep the sun from blisterin' his
sound and fast-growing. Forest Serv- Leave Nature Its Own . . . face.
ice rangers state it eventually will at- BISHOP—With one swift plunging "Remember one summer when
tain much greater size.—Inyo Register we had to put all the tools in the
blow of its sharp hooves, a deer can
• • • kill a coyote or a hunting dog. It can mine tunnel to keep 'em from
Fresh Water from the Sea . . . also kill a child or seriously injure a meltin'. Then the tin roof melted
grown man. For this reason alone, off the shack an' when the sun
WASHINGTON — Scientists work- hit the cook stove inside it melted
ing on the interior department's saline advises the California Department of too.
water program have announced they Fish and Game, it is foolhardy to take
know how to convert sea water into a fawn home from the woods to make "Bill said that wuzn't no great
fresh water economically on a mass a pet of it. Another good reason is calamity cause we could do our
production basis. Estimated costs range the possible fine of $500 and six cookin' on a hot rock. So he
from 30 cents to $1.00 for each 1000 found a nice flat rock an' sure
gallons of converted water. The TRUE OR FALSE ANSWERS enough the beans an' bacon
cheaper method utilizes high tempera- Questions are on page 8 tasted jest as gocd cooked on that
tures and pressures; the more expen- 1—False. The sun would go down r~ck as they did on the old stove
sive is based on solar energy. Using over the Panamints. which wuz melted.
these desalting methods, W. B. Ben- 2—False. The Gila Monster has "Grub got low that summer—
nett of the Bureau of Reclamation has teeth jut no fangs.
too hot to go down to Barstow
compiled a report showing how 21,- 3—True. 4—True. 5—True.
6—True. 7—True.
fer more. All we had left was a
000,000 acre-feet of water from the lot o' flapjack flour. Worked all
sea could be employed in California 8—False. Tahquitz is a god of the
Cahuilla Indians. right fer breakfast, but when
and Texas, thereby freeing inland noon came an Bill poured the
water for use by other Southwestern 9—True.
10—False. The plumes of Salt Cedar batter on that rock it burnt them
states.—Phoenix Gazette are lavender. cakes to a crisp quicker'n yu
• • • 1 !—False. Mining may be done in could say Jack Robinson.
Solves Fishers' Dilemma . . . Death Valley Monument.
12—False. The c;.ll of the roadrun- "So Bill went to the spring and
BLYTHE—With the Arizona-Cali- ner is anyth:'ng but musical. got a waterbag full o' that cool
fornia border dependent upon the 13—False. The Monument Valley water an' when he poured it on
meanderings of the Colorado River, Indians are Navajos. the rock to cool it off the rock
it has long been a problem to deter- 14—False. Screwbean gets its name blew all to smithereens and a
mine from which state a fisherman from the shape of the bean. piece of it set fire to the box with
should purchase a license to angle in 15—False. The Bird Cage theater is the flapjack flour. An' if there
river waters. A solution came finally at Tombstone. hadn't been a lot of jackrabbits
with the announcement of two-dollar 16—False. Date palms arc not a hidin' in the tunnel to keep cool
nitive of U.S.A.
special use fishing permits following that summer we'd a starved to
17—True. 18—True. 19—True.
an interstate agreement May 1. The 20—True.
new permits, on sale at license agencies

JULY, 1954
NEVADA water elevation had returned well up Status Quo for Caves . . .
Churchill County Historians . . . on the swimming beaches. The beaches WASHINGTON—Secretary of In-
FALLON—In the interest of pre- are not considered safe for public terior Douglas McKay has announced
serving historical landmarks in Chur- swimming until the water elevation that the Interior Department has de-
chill County, the Lahontan Survey and reaches the areas where the beaches cided against any move to return Leh-
Research Club has been organized have been graded and rocks, brush and man Caves in White Pine County,
here. President is Rev. Ed Watson of other obstructions removed. — Las Nevada's only national monument, to
I loly Trinity Church, who with Mrs. Vegas Review-Journal the state. Lehman Caves had been on
Wendell Wheat was instrumental in • • • the list of national monuments pro-
forming the society. Vacationists Like Lake Mojave . . . posed to be returned to state control
• • • BOULDER CITY—It hasn't taken for economy reasons and because many
Lake at Lowest Ebb . . . America's touring millions long to dis- are considered to be purely local in
BOULDER CITY — Opening of cover Lake Mojave. More and more interest. "The department has studied
swimming beaches at Lake Mead was sightseers and fishermen are visiting the qualifications of Lehman Caves
delayed this summer as the lake new resorts on the lake behind Davis National Monument and has concluded
I1 ached a record low level of 1129 Dam. One of the most popular areas that there is no reason to question the
feet in mid-May, approximately seven is Katherine Wash, according to Rob- significance and value of the area,"
feet below the lowest edge of the ap- ert Burns, National Park Service dis- Secretary McKay said.—Pioche Rec-
proved swimming beach areas. Pre- trict ranger there, and facilities are ord
\ ious low was in 1952 when the water always crowded. Unlike Lake Mead,
was drawn down to 1133; but this which fluctuates nearly 80 feet some NEW MEXICO
occurred in April, and by the opening years and this year is the lowest it has 3 Rs for Navajos . . .
of the swimming season in May, the been since it was filled, Lake Mojave's WASHINGTON — Glenn L. Em-
maximum difference in water levels is mons, commissioner of Indian affairs,
SAN JUAN a n d COLORADO about 10 feet. — Las Vegas Review- has developed a program designed to
RIVER EXPEDITIONS Journal place an additional 7000 Navajo chil-
Enjoy exploration, safe adventure and • • • dren in schools by next September.
scenic beauty in the gorgeous canyons of Paiutes Ask Compensation . . . "There are nearly 14,000 school-age
Utah and Arizona. Staunch boats, experi- WASHINGTON — Walter Vorhees Navajo children who are now not in
enced rivermen. For 1954 summer schedule school," he told the senate interior
or charter trips anytime write to— of Shurz, Nevada, chairman of the Su-
I. FRANK WRIGHT preme Council of the Paiute Nation, appropriations committee to which he
is seeking government compensation submitted a request for $4,535,425
MEXICAN HAT EXPEDITIONS for 6000 fellow Paiute Indians for 50 for Navajo education during the 12
Blanding, Utah million acres of land they contend the months beginning July 1. He hopes
government took from them illegally. to get half of these currently un-
Acreage involved is in four states— schooled youngsters in school by Sep-
1000 TRAVEL SCENES Nevada, California, Idaho and Oregon. tember, and the remainder by the fol-
The Paiutes claim that land occupied lowing September.—Phoenix Gazette
by them "from time immemorial" was • • •
taken without their consent by rail- Ask More Shooting Space . . .
roads and settlers, and that the govern- SANTA FE — The New Mexico
ment was negligent in its guardian role Cattle Growers Association and stale
'Co introduce readers of DESERT to our
2"x2" COLOR SLIDES for home projec-
by failing to protect the Indians' fish- officials are protesting a government
ts n, we are offering a FREE 20 page ing and mineral rights. — Humboldt plan to purchase approximately 500,-
catalog and a FREE sample color slide.
Travel, Science, Nature, National Parks Star 000 acres of southwestern New Mex-
and the southwest. Write today to •—
ico to enlarge the Ft. Bliss McGregor
KELLY D. C H O D A firing range. A delay in the acquisi-
BOX 588 STANFORD, CALIF. KEEP VOUR fllflPS... tion has been granted, and public hear-
Every month Desert Magazine ings will be held. A Ft. Bliss spokes-
carries two or three maps especi- man said Congress already has ap-
ally prepared for readers who proved the planned purchase and that
come to the desert for recreation the government has the land under
or field trips. lease. The area in question is north-
These maps are best retained east of Newman, east of Highway 54.
for permanent reference by filing —New Mexican
your copy of Desert Magazine • • •
each month in one of the loose- Fewer Goats Lose Coats . . .
leaf binders supplied by the ALAMOGORDO — Clipping of
magazine publishers. fewer New Mexico goats and a lower
Covered with imitation leather average weight per clip have resulted
and gold embossed, each binder in a decrease in mohair production in
holds 12 copies. They are easy the state in 1953. Production in the
Heated swimming pool to insert and they lie flat when seven principal mohair states in 1953
exclusively for giif-sts...
ample parking... fine food
open. is estimated at 12,572,000 pounds—
modestly priced... only MAILED POSTPAID FOR four percent larger than the 1952 clip,
2 blocks from Staller Center. $2.00 but 29 percent smaller than the 10-

year average. California and New
Mexico were the only states to show
a decrease in production in 1952 and
1953.—A lamogordo News
Famed Indian Potter Honored . . . Error Aids Dam Opponents . . . Camping on the Yampa . . .
SANTA FE — Maria Martinez, WASHINGTON—An error in cal- VERNAL — Facilities for three
lamed Indian potter of San Ildefonso culating water evaporation losses for campsites along the Yampa River were
Pueblo, has been named 1954 winner a high Glen Canyon Dam could pos- installed in May by the National Park
of the gold medal for outstanding sibly weaken the case for Echo Park Service. Rest rooms, fireplaces, gar-
craftsmanship awarded annually by the Dam and postpone final congressional bage pits, incinerators and picnic tables
American Institute of Architects. decision on the proposed $1 billion were placed at Anderson's Hole, Hard-
Maria's black-on-black pottery is dis- Upper Colorado Storage Project. Un- ings Hole and Boxelder Beach. The
played in many museums and galleries dersecretary of Interior Ralph Tudor, camp units were hauled down the river
throughout the country. It was through in reporting the error, said he had or- by veteran river runner Bus Hatch of
the late Dr. Edgar L. Hewitt of the dered a recalculation of the evapora- Vernal and set up under the super-
Museum of New Mexico that she per- tion factors of all reservoirs proposed vision of Park Service Superintendent
fected the unusual ceramic process. under the Upper Colorado program. Jess Lombard. Facilities also have
Dr. Hewitt asked Maria if she could The error admittedly strengthened the been added to make Split Mountain a
duplicate the black ware of an ancient case for a high Glen Canyon Dam, ten-unit campsite and Pat's Hole a six-
civilization which once lived at Bande- but Tudor said the change in water unit camp, Lombard announced, and
lier. After long hours of study and losses by evaporation was not sufficient picnic tables have been placed at two
trial-and-error experiments, she and to warrant substituting a high Glen locations along the Harpers Corner
her husband, the late Julian Martinez, Canyon Dam for his recommended road in time for summer use.—Vernal
discovered the ancients' secret. Follow-
low Glen Canyon, Echo Park and Split Express
ing Pueblo custom, they later shared Mountain dams.—Salt Lake Tribune.
their knowledge with other craftsmen • • •
at San Ildefonso. Maria and her son, Urge Dam Study Board . . .
Popovi Da, planned to attend the June WASHINGTON — Appointment of If You Wear
17 AIA luncheon in Boston at which an "impartial, non-federal board of SPECS
formal presentation of the medal was review" to study construction of dams You Need

to be made.—New Mexican in Dinosaur National Monument is

• • •
United Pueblos Head . . .
among suggestions put before a Hoover
Commission task force on natural re- SPBCTO
sources and power. The commission
ALBUQUERQUE — Secretary of is holding hearings to receive from the
Interior Douglas McKay has an- public suggestions and reactions to the
nounced the appointment of Guy C. proposed Echo Park dam, controver-
Williams as superintendent of the sial unit of the giant Upper Colorado
United Pueblos Indian Agency at Al- River Storage Project. ANTI-GLARE PROTECTION
buquerque. The appointment became for work, play, reading, driving, sports, tele-
vision. Just snap them on your glasses and see
effective April 1. Since 1950, Williams WASHINGTON—Robert J. New- better, feel safer when driving in the sunlight
has been assistant director of the re- ell, Boise, Idaho, reclamation engineer, or toward glaring headlights at night.
cently discontinued Albuquerque Area has been named chairman of the Upper Opaque or transparent styles—$1.00
Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Colorado River Commission. He suc- BALBOA ENTERPRISES
The Pueblo Agency serves the 19 In- ceeds Harry Bashore who retired last 507 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa, California
dian pueblos of the Rio Grande Valley. December. Newell was for many years
• • • the director of the Boise regional office
ZUNI — Elbert J. Floyd has been of the Bureau of Reclamation and is
designated administrative officer in well acquainted with inter-state water
charge of a new area field office to be operations.—5a// Lake Tribune Pinon Incense...
established by the Bureau of Indian Bring the delightful fragrance
Affairs at Zuni. He will be responsible of the Pinyon Forest into your
for the Bureau's work on the Zuni 'EVERYTHING FOR THE HIKER" home or office. The burner is a
reservation and will be under the su- miniature model of the outdoor
pervision of Area Director William SLEEPING BAGS baking ovens used by prehis-
Wade Head at Gallup. Floyd has been toric Indians, and still in use in
with the Bureau since 1925. AIR MATTRESSES
New Mexico pueblos. When
• • • SMALL TENTS the little cones of genuine pin-
UTAH yon pine are burned in this tiny
Nothing Left But the Hole . . . and many other items oven the aroma is a breath of
LOGAN—"It must have been a the outdoor Southwest.
whopper," Dr. Lincoln La Paz, director VAN DEGRIFT'S HIKE HUT Kills kitchen and bathroom
of the University of New Mexico's In- 717 West Seventh Street odors and removes the smell of
stitute of Meteorites, commented upon LOS ANGELES 14. CALIFORNIA stale tobacco. Pueblo Indians
viewing the giant hole two miles west burn pinyon for nasal and
of here. Scientists believe the huge bronchial ailments.
depression might have been caused by
a meteorite, although so far jet drill- Looking for a PUBLISHER? Burner and 15 cones $1.75
ing has failed to find evidence of it.
Do you have a book-length manuscript you
would like to have published? Learn about
Burner and 54 cones ... 3.00
A "streak of light" was observed in our unusual plan whereby your book can be Extra cones, 36 for...... 1.50
published, promoted and distributed on a
the sky May 1, lending credence to . I'Ofessional b;is;s. We consider all types of Postpaid to You
work -fiction, biography, poetry, scholarly
the meteorite theory. Dr. La Paz rec- and religious books, etc. New authors wel-
ommended continuing drilling and ex- come. For more information, write for valu-
able booklet D. It's free. D6S6RT CROFTS SHOP
cavation until the geologists find out VANTAGE PRESS, INC.
<i:s.-)(i Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Palm Desert, California
what made the hole.—Salt Lake Trib- Slain Office: New York 1, N. Y.
JULY, 1 9 5 4 33
elf to the best

rself to the best"

Super Standard
Charged Charged
By LELANDE QUICK, Editor of The Lapidary Journal
$ 0.03 $ 7.98
11.50 10.44 and leave it in a case with a fair chance of
15.23 14.02 It is Fair time. In California it is
22.20 IS.53 always Fair time. They begin in February winning enough prize money to pay for his
29.40 25.67 with the opening of the Riverside County specimen.
32.76 29.08
43.20 36.12 Fair and National Date Festival. From A study of the fair premium lists that
51.97 39.84 June on most of the counties in California cross our desk certainly indicates that they
65.73 51.40 hold a Fair, the largest one anywhere being
125.73 all need revision and that the officials need
188.05 the Los Angeles County Fair in September. some competent advice from authorities,
Arbor Size
in California This year will mark the 100th anniversary advice which they would no doubt welcome
of the California State Fair and Exposition if it were offered. Perhaps a movement can
Allow for Postage and Insurance to be held at Sacramento, September 2 be initiated at the club level and county
Covington Ball Bearing Grinder through 12. And it is important to the min- level to cooperate with officials to remove
and shields nre eral and gem minded hobbyist to know that these inconsistencies.
furnished in 3 since the very first fair held in 1854, miner- The reason minerals have been stressed
sizes and price* als, mining and gems have been exhibited. in California is because the state has always
ranges Io s u i i Although commercial mining has been been a mining state. People are inclined to
your require, stressed, provision always is made for ex- think that our mining wealth came mostly in
inents. Water and hibitors of gems and jewelers' materials. the "old days" but the greatest mining year
grii proof. Among the classifications are cut and pol- California ever had was in 1951 when our
ished gem materials manufactured in the mineral wealth for one year totaled almost
COVINGTON 8" TRIM SAW exhibiting county but found anywhere in 1!4 billion dollars, of which petroleum
California; uncut gem materials mined in products accounted for about two-thirds of
iind motor are com* the exhibiting county; petrified wood found
>;n't ;nnl do not the total. San Francisco County is the only
Hplash. Save blades anywhere in California but polished in the county in the state in which minerals are
;in<) clothing with county exhibiting. not found in commercial quantities.
I his saw.
Lapidaries planning to exhibit at the State Two thousand minerals are found through-
Fair should contact the officials of the out the world but only about 10%, or 200,
BUILD YOUR OWN LAP county in which they live, for their exhibit are of economic importance. Five hundred
and SAVE with a COV- must be a part of the county exhibit. In sixteen identified minerals have been found
INGTON 12" or lfi" Lap most cases, the County Agricultural Com- in California, 39 of which have never been
Kit. We furnish every- missioner is charged with the responsibility found at any other place.
thing you need. Send of the county exhibit. If you wish to show
ree lapidary your lapidary work or mineral specimens, Readers not living in California who are
see your local County Agricultural Com- interested in gems and minerals should make
missioner now at your county seat and ar- inquiry of their state officials about exhibit-
^ COVINGTON range for your participation in the 100th ing at their own state fairs. All officials
^Multi-Feature consulted report that mineral and gem ex-
1(J" Lapidary Anniversary Exhibit in September. Perhaps
Unit Does your local gem and mineral club may wish hibits lead in popularity. San Diego County
everything to dress up your county exhibit by partici- particularly emphasizes gems and gem cut-
for you. ting at their Fair in July. They always have
pation in this plan. You will have to supply
your own cases, but provisions for the pro- a full lapidary shop in continuous operation,
COVINGTON manned by the members of the local min-
12" 14" tection of your display are made by the
or 16" State Fair. eral and gem clubs. Their premiums are
Power Feed highest but are confined to residents of San
Diamond Premiums are paid by the Fair for vari- Diego County—as they should be.
Slab Saws ous other minerals and mining classifica-
tions such as precious metals, California A great deal of the money for the opera-
SAVE tion of our California fairs comes from the
BLADES metals and ores, California non-metallic
minerals, California salines, petroleum and state's share of money bet at race tracks.
Used by lite U. S. Government petroleum products, California building ma- In 1952 the total wagered was $356,194,815.
Send for New Catalog, IT'S FREE terials and gems and jewelers' materials. A Of this amount 86VA cents of every dollar
total of $10,000 is offered in premium was returned to winning ticket holders while
Covington Lapidary Eng. money, the largest allocations being made 5.62 cents of every dollar went to the state.
REDLANDS D, CALIFORNIA to precious metals and building materials. Almost half of this amount went to the
support of fairs and expositions (43.4%).
We believe that the State should revise In other words every time a bettor goes up
its entire program of awards and give more to the window and places a $2.00 bet in
BLANK MOUNTINGS financial recognition to the gem material California he hands about 6 cents through
for classes, for it is the rockhound who is un- the wicket for state fairs.
AGATE JEWELRY covering the increasingly rich supplies of
gem materials and not the commercial gem If your local club decides to try to do
WHOLESALE miners. It is the rockhound who has found anything about the prize situation at your
Rings — Ear Wires — Tie Chains jade in a half dozen places in California. local or state fair, we hope you will support
It is the rockhound who has made gem a project we have had in mind for a long
Cuff Links — Neck Chains hunting areas, particularly those in the time and which we have under correspond-
Bezel — Clevices — Shanks southern counties, meccas for thousands of ence now with the state officials. We think
Solder — Findings tourists from all over America. that our great number of California gem
carvers and sculptors should be encouraged
Send stamp for price list No. 3 It seems to us that here is a problem for to carve in California materials, and we are
O. R. JUNKINS & SON the California Federation of Mineralogical urging the state to offer substantial prizes
Societies to work on. With the vast amount every year to California artists for carvings
440 N.W. Beach St. of money allotted to prizes in the mineral in native gem materials. This could become
NEWPORT, OREGON and gem classifications at the great Los one of the most popular exhibits, and it
Angeles County Fair, for instance, why would encourage a great many hobbyists to
should there be a first class prize for a gem venture beyond the confining effort of being
FAMOUS TEXAS PLUMES exhibit of only $10.00 while $100 is offered just cabochon artists. Let them decide later
Ked Plume, Pom Pom and many other types for a single gold ore specimen? It takes whether the exhibit should be in the art
ik if agate. Slabs on approval. Rough agate. hundreds of hours of preparation in hunt- department, the craft department or the
; Ib. mixture postpaid, $5.00. Price list on ing, polishing, grinding, toting and arrang- mineral department. We are inclined to
ing to take an exhibit to Pomona to risk think at this time that it should be under
winning only a $10.00 bill while a mineral the art classification and that it should be
17 miles So. on Hwy 118 collector can go out and spend $100 for a
Box 453, Alpine, Texas statewide and not at the level of the county
nice gold specimen, stick it in his pocket exhibit.

ing on their land, and most, assured by a

GEMS ^ MINERALS society representative of considerate use,

would allow an organized group to plan a
field trip there. In the April, 1953, issue of
Desert Magazine, E. C. Thoroman described
and Norton Allen's map located 20 Arizona
placer sites which might be visited by indi-
viduals or society parties.
Most of the gold taken from streams is
in the form of "colors," minute particles
of gold so small that many of them are not
discrete to the unaided eye. Colors range
in size from a very fine powder to particles
coarse enough to be retained on a screen of
20 mesh to the inch, and in value from
1/1000 of a cent apiece to \Vi cents each.
Particles so large as to be retained on a
10-mesh screen may qualify as nuggets,
small ones being worth 5 to 10 cents. Of
course, there is always the possibility—now
statistically remote — that a large nugget
may be found. It is this possibility that
adds the zest and suspense to placer mining.
Basic tools for the placer miner are few.
A long-handled, round-pointed shovel for
digging, a gold pan, a hand magnifying
glass for inspecting tiny gold particles, a
prospecting pick and full-sized pick are
Main tool for the amateur is the gold pan.
It is a shallow pan 15 inches to 18 inches
in diameter at the top and 2 to 2'/2 inches
in depth, the sides having a slope of about
30 degrees. It weighs from 2 to 3 pounds,
being made of a heavy gauge steel with the
Old print showing three primitive gold recovery methods—pan, rocker and arrastre. rim turned back over a heavy wire for
Used by the '49ers, the gold pun and rocker are still employed today and are easily stiffening. A skilled operator can wash half
adapted by the amateur. Ruins of arrastres or drag-stone mills may he found through- a yard to a yard of detritus in 10 hours, but
out the Southwest. Photo courtesy California State Division of Mines. skill requires years of practice.
The object of panning is to concentrate
the heavier materials by washing away the
lighter. To do this most efficiently, all
material should be of as even a size as
possible. The pan is filled about three-
quarters full of gravel to be washed, then
Is your mineralogical society looking for a "different" type of field is submerged in water. The large gravel is
first picked out by hand, then the clay is
trip? Here is a good idea, endorsed by many groups which have tried it. broken up. The operator raises the pan to
the edge of the water, inclining it slightly
THE Depression of the 1930s, be obtained from the owner. Most are away from him and moving it with a circu-
hundreds of persons, many with their agreeable to an occasional amateur pros- lar motion combined with a slight jerk, thus
families, camped along streams or on pector spending a few hours or a day work- {Continued on page 37)
the desert and earned a meager living pan-
ning or dry-washing for gold. By long
hours of hard work, the average depression
prospector recovered 50 cents to one dollar Felker DI-MET
a day in gold.
Many families today also try their luck
with gold pan or home-constructed recovery
gadgets at placer locations throughout the
Southwest. But today it is a weekend or Diamond Blades • Core Drills • Machines
vacation pastime—an outdoor hobby rather
than a struggle for existence. Felker DI-MET
Gold prospecting as a hobby has become Accepted for years as the
popular for several reasons: economically, standard for fast, smooth
one may start with little equipment and cuts, long life, low cost!
Finish requires a m i n i -
almost no capital; psychologically, there is mum of polishing. Wheel
great satisfaction in recovering from the bodies are mode of cop-
earth actual gold particles; health-wise, it per or steel. Diameters
from 3 " through 3 6 " .
brings families away from the cities for a Felker DI-MET UNILAP-A u ersal lopidary machine
few days in the great outdoors. designed for multiple operation grinding, sanding, pof-
tshing and Zapping.' Spindle opera
Gem and mineral societies have turned Felker DI-MET Continuous horizontal position for maximum
to gold panning for a "different" type of —Although more expensive in
ciency. Accessories quickly interch geable.
field trip. Some visit streams on their own; o r i g i n a l cost,- DI-MET Metol
Felker DI-MET Model
others ask the cooperation of mine care- Bonded . Blades repay in /
DH-1—Operates like a
takers who, for a small fee, guide the group longer ultimate life and un-
Usually fast cutting. Usually
circular saw, but blade
over the placer ground and explain and preferred in production cut-
dips into coolant stored
demonstrate the gold panning technique. t i n g . Diameters from 2 "
B l a d e can't r u n dry*
Last summer, Santa Barbara Mineral So- through 1 2 "
Uses 6 " or 3 " Di-Me)
ciety even brought gold panning entertain- R i m l o c k or M e t a l
Bonded Blades. Includes
ment to a picnic meeting. Pans, water and Felker DI-MET Diamond rip and angle fences.
gold-bearing gravel were provided, and Abrasive CORE DRILLS —Drills
members took turns trying their luck. It is rock samples in a few seconds.
Other machines available —Writs for circulars
Produces exceptionally smooth,
a good idea for societies to practice panning straight holes and removable
on all Oi-Met equipment!
in this manner before planning a field trip cores. Drill diameters from }/B" FELKER MANUFACTURING CO.
to a placer site. fo2l/2".
Torrance, California
Much of the potential placer ground in World's largest and Oldest Manufacturer of Diamond Abrasive
the Southwest is on private property, and 1924-1954 Cut-off Wheels and Machines. Celebrating 30th Anniversary!
permission to mine or prospect on it must

JULY, 1 9 5 4 35
GEfll fllflRT A D V ERT IS
10c a word . .
Minimum $ 1 . 5 0
SANDING PLATES —Ideal for polishing MINERAL SPECIMENS, cabochons and A series of colored slides selected from
stones, sMetal, Wood, or Plastics. 6-8-10" cutting materials of all kinds, western those taken by members of Coachella Val-
plates— /s" plywood with rubber sponge jewelry. Beautiful travertine for book- ley Mineral Society were shown at a meet-
and duro 220 grit sanding disc. This ends, paper weights, spheres etc. Write ing in Indio, California. The pictures showed
excellent rubber sponge will give you a for prices. Eighteen miles south of Battle desert wildlife and mineral locations and
better polish on irregular pieces. 6 inch Mountain at Copper Canyon, John L. places of interest visited by the amateur
$1.00. 8 inch $1.25. 12 inch $1.50. James, Box 495, Battle Mountain, Ncv. photographers.
Hastings Typewriter Co., Hastings, Neb. • » •
GENUINE TURQUOISE: Natural color, If your canteen bothers you by swinging
ROCKHOUND PARADISE. Stop and see blue and bluish green, cut and polished in front of you whenever you lean over to
our display. Agate rough and slabs. No cabochons — 25 carats (5 to 10 stones examine a specimen, try a suggestion from
junk. Minerals, fluorescent minerals. Sat- to size) $3.50 including tax, Henry Hart of Compton Gem and Mineral
isfaction guaranteed. Write for prices. postpaid in U.S.A. Package 50 carats (10 Club, Compton, California. "Instead of
P. G. Nichols, Prop., Sun Valley Trailer to 20 cabochons) $6.15 including tax, one loop at the top. pull an equal loop from
Park, 3922 No. Oracle Road, Tucson. postpaid in U.S.A. Elliott Gem & Mineral each side of the canteen," he advises. "Slip
Arizona. Shop, 235 E. Seaside Blvd., Long Beach into these loops as though putting on a
2, California. coat and you will find the canteen riding
GET YOUR COPY of "A Mineral Collec- securely in the middle of your back like
tor's Guide to Wonderful Wyoming." 25c. FOR SALE: Beautiful purple petrified
wood with uranium, pyrolusite, manga- a small knapsack—out of your way but
Gritzner's, Mesa 3, Arizona. nite. Nice sample $1.00. Postage. Maggie there when you need it."
McSHAN's GEM SHOP—open part time, Baker, Kingman, Arizona.
AUSTRALIAN cutting fire opal, specimens,
or find us by directions on door. Cholla TONOPAH, Nevada, is where C. C. Boak cutting material. H. A. Ivers, 1400 Ha-
cactus wood a specialty, write for prices. lives, with his outstanding scientific, cienda Blvd.. La Habra. California.
1 mile west on U. S. 66. Needles, Cali- world-wide collection of Mineral, Gem
fornia, Box 22. and semi-Gemstone species — spectacular SPECIAL TUMBLERS—assortment of Pet-
crystal groups, etc. Visitors welcome. C. rified wood, agate, rose quartz, obsidian,
DENDRITIC OPAL, Kansas, good polish- C. Boak, 511 Ellis St., Tonopah, Nevada. etc., broken to size for tumbling. Beau-
ing stone, only $1.25 a pound. Hastings tiful colors, five pounds prepaid for $8.50.
Typewriter Co.. Hastings, Nebraska. ONYX BLANKS, unpolished, black 25c Ten pounds $15.00 or will include
each; red, green, blue 35c each. Perfect enough of our special abrasive for the
BEAUTIFUL FREE GOLD — Specimens cut titanium. Fine cutting and polishing first run if you pay express charges. Send
$1.00 each. Return if not satisfied. Prices at reasonable prices. Prompt attention to 25 cents for a sample baroque gem or
to dealers. I. N. Reed, Box 102 Cabazon, mail orders. Juchem Bros., 315 West 5th five for $1.00 and you be the judge.
California. St.. Los Angeles 13. California. Instructions with each order for tumbling
materials. Willis Brown, Flagstaff, Ariz.
from Australia. Cutting opal, 1 ounce
$5, $10, $20, $30 and $60. Blue sap-

PERSEVERANCE phires, 1 ounce $10, $30, and $60. Star

sapphires, 12 stones $10, $20, and $30,
etc. Post free and insured. Send inter-
national money order, bank draft. Aus-
tralian Gem Trading Co., 49 Elizabeth

WINS... St., Melbourne, Australia. Free list of

all Australian stones rough and cut, 16 pp.
closed to the public. Gate locked and
Remember how old Mr. Tortoise beat fleet Jimmy Jackrabbit in range cattle thereon. No trespassers. V.
W. Phillips. Tehachapi, California.
their celebrated race? It was a case of perseverance on the part of
Mr. Tortoise—the steady plodding along to accomplishment. 10 POUNDS of beautiful mineral speci-
Although we do them because they're fun, hobbies take a lot mens, selected $6.00. Ask for list. Jack
The Rockhound, P.O. Box 245, Carbon-
of perseverance too. Take gem cutting, for instance. You can't whiz dale, Colorado.
along jackrabbit-style cutting your first cabochon and expect results
you can be proud of. It takes practice—and good old tortoise stick- URANIUM SAMPLES in quartz, agatized
to-itiveness. jasper, petrified wood, onyx, opalite,
wonder rock, high grade gold, galena,
Here are books which will make the learning easier. They will beautiful copper, complete set $1.50, 5 lb.
teach you the intricacies of lapidary techniques, the proper use of bags. J. S. Wisdom, Dyer, Nevada.
materials and equipment, the handy tricks which make the job less PRIVATE COLLECTION for sale. Over
tedious, the hours of practice and work more fun, the final sense of 250 fine specimens. See this at 548 Ne-
accomplishment more complete. vada Hwy, Boulder City, Nevada. Lewis
Gem Cutting, J. Daniel Willems $3.50 M. Jones.
Jewelry, Gem Cutting and Metalcraft, William T. Baxter $4.50 FIFTY MINERAL Specimens, %-in. or
The Art of the Lapidary, Francis J. Sperisen $6.50 over, boxed, identified, described, mounted.
Cabochon Jewelry Making, Arthur and Lucille Sanger $3.50 Postpaid $4.00. Old Prospector, Box 729,
The Art of Gem Cutting, Dr. H. C. Dake $2.00 Lodi, California.
The Diamond.Saw and Its Operation, Wilfred C. Eyles $1.20
GEMS A-PLENTY: Beautiful baroque
All books sent postpaid • California buyers add 3% sales tax gems, large variety, tumble polished all
over, $10.00 for one pound (about 100
stones). 10 lbs. of top grade gemstone
'Deceit prepaid for $7.00. Wholesale price to
dealers on baroque gems and gemstone
Palm Desert, California in the rough. Satisfaction guaranteed on
every sale. San Fernando Valley Rock
Shop, 6329 Lindley Ave., Reseda, Calif.

The "Surprise Tree" is one of the feature invites you to its FIFTH ANNUAL
(Continued from page 35) attractions planned at the fifth annual show
stirring up the mud and light sand and
allowing it to float off.
of Compton Gem and Mineral Club, to be
held July 17 and 18 in the Compton, Cali- GEM & MINERAL SHOW
This is continued until only the heavier fornia, Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall. The
materials remain, such as gold, black sand "tree" will be decorated with "surprise" JULY 17-18
and other substances having a high specific packages containing knick-knacks, kitchen
10 a.m.—9 p.m. Saturday
gravity. These heavier materials, called gadgets, slabs, rocks, jewelry, cabochons
concentrates, are saved until a large quan- and other items, explains Sal Strohmeyer. 10 a.m.—7 p.m. Sunday
tity accumulates. The large particles of chairman. Lida Wilson is planning a snack
gold may be extracted by hand, the smaller bar. There will be guest displays, working V.F.W. Hall • 118 E. Magnolia St.
amalgamated with quicksilver, preferably in exhibits, junior exhibits and collection of Compton, California
a copper-bottomed pan. gems and flowers of the months. Veryle Free Admission • Public Invited
Panning may best be learned by watch- and Jim Carnahan are arranging for spe-
ing an old-timer or experienced operator at cial displays; Bob Bird is handling mem-
work, learning certain tricks of the trade bers' displays, and Jim and Irene Arnold
from him. A clean 6- or 8-inch frying pan are in charge of dealer space. TURQUOISE
makes an excellent prospecting or clean-up Cabochon a n d baroque cut stones in all sizes
pan. GEM AND JEWELRY *SHOW and grades, d r i l l e d , t u m b l e d nuggets matched
More elaborate than the gold pan are Hollywood Lapidary and Mineral Society for necklaces a n d earrings.
the rocker, sluice-box and dip-box which will hold its seventh annual Gem and Jew- Approval selections
are more effective but which also require elry Show October 9 and 10 in Plummer MARYOTT'S
time, effort and some expense to construct. Park, 7377 Santa Monica Boulevard, Holly-
However, a society may want to undertake, wood. California. Claypool, Arizona
as a group project prior to a placer mining
field trip, the construction of one or two
pieces of more complex equipment. These
machines are easily built on the general
principle of a declining trough or sluice
with riffles—obstacles like slats, iron screen,
poles or metal strips or rough materials '?<n{
like burlap, blanket, carpet, rubber mat, etc.
—placed along its bottom to catch the gold. Petrified Wood, Moss Agate, Chrysocolla
Directions for the construction of several Turquoise, Jade and Jasper Jewelry
models are given in the Mineral Informa-
tion Service bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 8, August HAND MADE IN STERLING SILVER
1, 1953, of the California Division of Mines.
The bulletin is distributed free of charge by Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, Earrings
the Division of Mines, Ferry Building, San and Brooches
Francisco 1 1, California.
AMONG SPECIAL EXHIBITS Write for Folder With Prices
A complete display of high-grade uranium
ores is being sent by the Atomic Energy
Commission for the Lapidary Association's
235 East Seaside Blvd. LONG BEACH 2, CALIF.
gem show August 13 to 15 in Los Angeles' Across from West End of Municipal
Shrine Convention Hall. Other feature ex-
hibits will be rare gems owned by the Ka- Auditorium Grounds
zanjian Brothers of Los Angeles; Hugh Hours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily Except Monday
Barnes' collection of oriental carvings and
Raymond Addison's cameo carvings.
Jewelry designed by Willy Petersen-Fag-
erstam for the motion pictures "Anna and SAWS! GRINDS!
the King of Siam," "Cleopatra" and "Eliza- SANDS! BUFFS! 12" bench model, $72
Everything in- 1 16" floor model, $ 1 1 "
beth the Queen," the latter exact replicas 20" floor model, $155
eluded except I
of England's crown jewels, also will be motor. Uses all I Real rockhounds saws
shown. Loren Rogers will exhibit outstand- Hillquist acces-1 favored for their big
ing stones, including a flawless 386-carat series. Ideal <or I HILLQUIST DIAMOND SAWS capacity and lifetime
construction. "Magic-
blue topaz, a 150-carat white topaz, 125- beginners. Only 1 Cut Faster—Last Longer—Cost Brain" automatic feed
carat smoky quartz round brilliant cut and $42.50 complete. I Less. Available in all sires. for above $46.35
other stones of exceptional quality. HILLQUIST TRIM SAW You'll swear by 'em, not at 'em!
Two hundred amateur exhibits are ex- The "Cadillac" of trim saws. Exclu-1
pected from members of the 11 clubs in the i e "up-and-down" I Before you buy any lapidary
Lapidary Association. Working exhibits will irbor. "No-splash" I
plastic guards. I equipment-send for our big
operate continuously. Precision rock I


Sawed, untrimmed pieces, none smaller
clamp and guide. [
Complete with 8" I
blade, $62.501
than half inch; sampler of one piece each INFORMATION-SendNOWTo
of Arizona Jasper, cbrysocolla, moss agate, HILLQUIST GEM DRILL-HOLE SAW •HILLQUIST DRUM SANDER
Shattuckite, petrified wood, Norwegian
moonstone, verdite, sodalite, green quartz:
I Drills finest holes LAPIDARY EQUIP. CO. I The most popular drum
lot high 1545 W. 49 St. SEATTLE 7, W N .
All nine pieces, identified, postpaid I speed and saws I sander made. Patented
guaranteed $1.00 I discs up to 1 Vi". I "quick-lock' screw makes '
LOST MOUNTAIN GEMS I it easy to change sanding
I Exclusive ramrod
P.O. Box 5012, Phoenix, Arizona I cloth. 3 " x 7 " - $9.50
• action prevents
I core plugging.
Bigger than the Gem-Master. Handles
J O I N THE THOUSANDS w h o ' s h o b b y is g e m
c u t t i n g , j e w e l r y m a k i n g , mineral collecting.
HILLQUIST. COMPLETE FACETER up to a 10" saw. Saws, grinds,
Only $62.50 complete with 31 sands, polishes, laps, facets,^
Send o n l y $3.00 today—for 12 m o n t h l y is- index plates. You can cut anyl jllUSSalU'•'" Q o iet! Takes • cuts spheres — does ever7
sues o f national how-to-do-it magazine. Sam- faceted form quickly and I I Big! R"99J d ! . F a V ( ; U j a ble for pro-lining and does it better.
ple copy 25c. easily. The eq^ual I 2" x 1 T w " « ' s - V ° ' won ,-,ng ««t, I Thouands in use.
of faceters I \ fessionals or a n y ^ ^ ^ ^ . s o l Everything included
GEMS & MINERALS costing twice I
Dept. J-6, Palmdale, California the price.

JULY, 1954 37
"Lapidary in Action" is the theme chosen W. D. Kelley, amateur paleontologist
GEIGER COUNTERS and METAL DETECTORS by Whittier Gem and Mineral Society of member of the Earth Science Club of North-
by Whittier, California, for its fifth annual ern Illinois, calls himself a "bonehound."
Detectron, Fisher, Goldak and show. Committees are already at work on In the Club's May bulletin he describes one
Precision Radiation Instruments plans for the fall show, which will be held of his recent field trips to a gravel pit on the
Also MINERALIGHTS October 23 and 24 in the city's Smith east b ink of the Fox River.
Memorial Hall. In the side of the pit. he relates, about
Write us
for specific information—
• • • eight fee; down from the top. he and his
HUMBOLDT SHOW IN FALL companion1, noticed a bone protrusion.
Working with picks, trowels and brushes,
Humboldt Gem and Mineral Society. they worked to free the specimen, and large
135 N. Sirrine Street Eureka. California, will h Id its 1954 show hindleg bones, pelvis and vertebrae soon
Mesa 3, Arizona October 2 and 3 in the Cars, n Memorial were laid out in order on the quarry floor.
Prompt Delivery Building. Harris and .1 streets. Eureka. The vertebrae had large spines that in-
Hours will be from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. creased in heigh! as the diggers worked for-
Saturday and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. ward. "This mint be a bison that roamed
Does Everything • • •
Elmer Peck, instructor in earth science at
the area thousands of years ago." they
Riverside Junior College, spoke at a meet- The group worked as c.u ckly ?.s they
ing of Riverside County Chamber of Mines. dared, hoping to reach the head and identify
He discussed meteors and meteorites, their the find before dark. Identification, how-
appearance, occurrence and how and where ever, was finally made by the foot. Ex-
to look for them. amined by flashlight, careful scrutiny re-
• • • vealed attached to the hoof an iron object
Opal deposits at Black Canyon, Calif- in advanced state of oxidation.
ornia, were visited recently by rockhounds "1 had placed all the hones carefully in
from San Fernando Valley Mineral and the back seat of the ear." Kelly recalls. "On
Gem Society. North Hollywood. California. further thought, however. 1 decided not to
• • • lug a carload of bones back home, and kept
the horseshoe alone as a souvenir."
George Montrose, Frank Glass and Bill
Winters of Fresno, California, Gem and
Mineral Society are feeding small gem "In early times, jade was a common name
chunks and slabs to tumbling mills built given to most stones that would cut and
after Emil Mueller's designs, published in polish; later only jadeite and nephrite re-
the March issue of Desert Magazine. Mont- tained the label." Jessie Hardman told Del-
rose wants to run his machine overtime vers Gem and Mineral Society at a meeting
without affecting his electricity bill and plans in Downey. California. She displayed some
to power it by harnessing a four-foot jade-like materials which often are sold as
waterfall in one of the irrigation ditches on jade—fluoritc. quartz, serpentine and ala-
his property. baster.

HILLQUIST" without motor.

9 Put the Hillquist Gemmaster beside any lapidary
machine — cheaper, flimsy "gadgets" or units that A super-sensitive instrument unaffected by desert
sell at twice the price. Compare construction! Com- heat, excellent for making "grid-map" surveys, for
pare ease of operation! Compare how much you
get for your money and you'll say, "I'll take the
uranium deposits, and locating distant ore bodies.
Gemmaster!" Tested and proven to be the most sensitive and
Here is a worthy companion for our larger and
efficient portable • radiation detector made. It is
more expensive Hillquist Compact Lapidary Unit. rugged, stable, with a three scale sensitivity, cali-
Tho smaller in size, the Hillquist Gemmaster has brated in counts-per-second, low operation cost.
many of the same features. It's all-metal with spun Priced ;it only $545.00 F.O.B. Conipton, California
aluminum tub. You get a rugged, double-action rock
clamp, not a puny little pebble pincher. You get a New Model DS-234 ScintUlatron—The latest scin-
full 3" babbitt sleeve bearing and ball thrust bear- tillation counter on the market. Superior sensitivity
ing. You get a big 7" Super Speed diamond saw performance and calibration. Low Price... $467.00
and all the equipment you need to go right to work.
F.O.B. Compton, California
USES ALL ACCESSORIES Geiger Counters—The Prospectors Pal Model DG-2
You can use all the regular Hillquist accessories
with the Gemmaster: The Hillquist Facetor, Sphere
with three scale sensitivity meter $98.50
Cutters, Laps, Drum and Disc Sanders, etc. The only low cost counter calibrated on all three scales Model 27
WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG Model DG-7—same as above with separate, detached probe $135.00
METAL DETECTORS—The Model 27 Deluxe (with meter) for prospecting
I COMPLETE, READy TO USE.' YOU GET ALL T///S- for metallic minerals, gold and silver included (Depth range maximum
7 ft.) $110.00
Model 711. Metal case, light weight, easy to carry (depth range 21 ft.) $138.50
All priced F.O.B. Compton, California
Mortars and Pestles — Gold Pans, 2 lb. — Miner Picks, 4 11).
BIG 7" Diamond Saw . 6" x 1 " Grinding Drift Picks — Chemical Kits
Wheel • 6" Fell Buff . 6" Backing Wheel
6" Disc Sander • Double-action Rock We stock a complete line of Ultra-Violet
Clamp • Oil Feed Cup • Water Feed
Hose & Clamp • Dop Slicks £ Dop W a x -
Mineralights, also Gem cutting and polish-
Polish, Compound, Etc. ing equipment, and supplies.

Compton Rock Shop

No other low-cost lap unit
gives you full 3 " sleeve
bearing, ball thrust bearing
and pressure lubrication. 140!) South Long Beach Blvd.
Compton, California
/ aA EQUIPMENT CO., Model DR-290 Open house every Tuesday evening
Nucliometer Telephone XEwmark 2-9096

Dr. Charles Riley of the geology depart- W. Walter Wells described and explained
ment of the University of Nebraska spoke pegmatite occurrences, their locations in
to members of Nebraska Gem and Mineral the United States, particularly in Arizona,
Club on "Crystals." He demonstrated crys- and their value to industry on an evening
tal growth by dropping certain crystal for- program of the Mineralogiail Society of
mations into chemical solutions and showing Arizona.
his audience how quickly they multiplied. • • •
• • • President Vera Archer of Dona Ana
County Rockhound Club, Mesilla Park,
Steve Ridgley related "The Story of
Chrome" for members of the Gem and
Mineral Society of San Mateo County, Cali-
New Mexico, named new committees to
serve during the coming year: Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Patty and Lesla Markley. library
fornia. Ridgley reported that 81 percent Supcrsensitive and powerful Geiger count-
of the previous month's supply of chrome case; Newt Jones and Hugh Derham, field
trip; Louise Taggart and Mrs. Roy Winslcr, ers, for quick detection of radio-active min-
shipped to Grants Pass, Oregon, western hospitality; Selma Jones and Cleta Noles, erais, from greater distance and depth.
chrome depot, came from California. hostesses.
• • • The radiation from the ore is heard instantly
• • • on the powerful built-in speaker. No ear-
"Cordilieran Horizons," the colored movie Martin L. Ehrmann, graduate mineralo-
chronicle of their trip through the western phones are used and you need not watch
gist of the University of Hamburg, Ger- the instrument while prospecting. Just listen
United States, was show at a Chicago Rocks many, was invited to speak at the May
and Minerals Society meeting by Mr. and to the speaker. Ore master will tell you in-
meeting of Montebello, California, Mineral stantly if you are near or over a radio-active
Mrs. E. Goff Cooke. Cooke is president of and Lapidary Society.
the society. deposit.
• • •
o • • Talc, mica, granite, marble, limestone, Ore masters are built nor only TO find ur-
A picnic supper at Evansville, Indiana's barite, flagstone, kaolin and other industrial anium, but also gold, silver, lead, copper,
McClure Park was enjoyed by members of minerals of the state of Georgia are de- titanium, cobalt, nickle, etc., whenever they
Evansville Lapidary Society at a Sunday scribed and different quarries pictured in contain an ore associated with the hundreds
meeting. the spring issue of the Georgia Mineral of radio-active minerals, which they frequently
• • • News Letter,, organ of the Georgia Geo- are.
Dr. Albert Heimlich was invited to speak logical Survey. Another article describes
at the May meeting of Santa Barbara, Cali- Thousands of acres of radio-active minerals
the research activities of the Georgia Min- have been found by Ore master, and found
fornia, Mineral and Gem Society. He eral Laboratory.
elected to tell of his jeep explorations of quickly. Send for free folder, "Prospecting
• * • by Radiation Detection."
Southern Utah and Northeastern Arizona, Field trips to the selenite fields near Bon-
showing colored slides of the areas he nelli Landing on Lake Mead; green jasper Radio-active mineral samples from our own
visited. fields in Vegas Wash; Valley of Fire; Park mines $1.00 each.
• • • onyx field near the Spearhead Mine, Hender-
Searles Lake Gem and Mineral Society, Model MTS-54 Oremaster $159 prepaid.
son; and the flower agate field across the Terms if desired, $80 down and $10 a month.
Trona, California, was forced to cancel its lake in Arizona were enjoyed by visitors to
planned field trip to Horse Canyon upon Fully guaranteed.
Clark County Gem Collectors Rockhound
learning that the site had been purchased Pow-wow at Boulder Beach, Nevada.
by individuals who have closed it to the • • • WHITE'S ELECTRONICS
public. May field trip of Santa Fe Gem and 1218 M ST. • SWEET HOME, OREGON
• • • Mineral Club was to Hondo Canyon, New
Members of the Earth Science Club of Mexico, for staurolite.
Northern Illinois learned about botany at
a recent meeting. Dr. Barbara Palser, asso-
ciate professor of botany at the University
of Chicago, spoke on "Rocky Mountain
Why Search for
Flora." She showed colored slides.
• • •
"Rockhunting in Old Mexico" was Louis
Vance's topic when he spoke to the Glen-
dale Lapidary Society, Glendale, California.
Vance told of visits to Queretaro for fire
opal, Guanajato for amethyst, to Mexican
iron and copper mines for crystals and
with a Horse and Buggy?
mineral specimens.
New 10-12 inch powerfeed slabbing
saw unit.
16-18 inch powerfeed slabbing saw
unit. Is more sensitive than any other
Scintillator or Geiger Counter
New 10 inch trim saw unit. Easily detects deeply buried Uranium
8 inch trim .saw unit. deposits from ground or air
Plain and ball bearing belt sanders. * Produces results never before possible
Send postal for free literature. Can be used for oil field surveys
Made by the manufacturers of the
famous "Scintillator"
• Specializing in •
Lapidary Equipment and Supplies
for free complete catalog I 2235 "SR S o l a Brea Ave., Los Angeles 16, California
Gem drills—Jewelry tools—Sterling
Jewelry Mountings—Books—Mineralights of Geiger Counters, Scintillators | Please send Free Catalog.
and metal locators including the j NAME TITLE
SUPERIOR GEMS 0 MINERALS new "Special Scintillator" priced
4665 Park Blvd., San Diego 16, California I ADDRESS_
at only $299.50
Open 10:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Closed Sundays W O R L D ' S LARGEST M A N U F A C T U R E R S O FP O R T A B L E R A D I A T I O N I N S T R U M E N T S

JULY, 1 9 5 4 39
Ruth Lodewick won first prize in a writ- "Let's go 'diamond' hunting," field trip Motion pictures showing the El Paso
ing contest sponsored by the editors of The leaders of East Bay Mineral Society, Oak- Natural Gas Company project, bringing
Puget Sounder, bulletin of Tacoma Agate land, California, urged fellow members. A natural gas from Farmington, New Mexico,
Club, Tacoma, Washington. Her winning May trip was planned to Napa County. to San Francisco, California, were projected
essay, telling how she became a rockhound, The "diamonds'" actually are shattered by Frank Mangan, company official, at a
was published in the April issue. A second quartz crystals. meeting of F.I Paso Mineral and Gem
contest was announced for May. • • • Society.
• • • Ben Humphreys led members of the Min- • • •
"The earth is not a true mathematical eralogical Society of Arizona on an April A Memorial Day weekend field trip to
sphere," Dr. Ben Hur Wilson told members field trip to the prehistoric pipestone quarry Western Utah was scheduled by Colorado
of the Chicago Rocks and Minerals Society, in Chino Valley. Arizona, northwest of Mineral Society, Denver. Members hoped
explaining, "if it were, everything would be Prescott. Material from the ancient quarry to find agate and gastroliths. Other summer
covered by water." Dr. Wilson's illustrated was used in jewelry made by Indians in the field trips will be to the marcasite beds
lecture was titled, "The Earth as a Planet." vicinity in approximately 700 A.D. northwest of Ft. Collins, and to Del Norte
• • • • • • and Creede for agates and amethyst.
Almost 1100 persons visited the recent Rear Trunk, bulletin of Nebraska Min- • • •
show of Central Illinois Rockhounds Club, eral Club, reports that Henry Reider of Pyrite crystals, galena, copper specimens,
President George M. Davis announced. Nebraska State Museum has a "bonophone" chrysocolla, clear and mottled calcite, lime
Thirty-five collections of minerals, gems —a musical instrument made of 25 petrified minerals, copper, silver and lead were among
and jewelry comprised exhibits. rhinoceros ribs. specimens members of Long Beach Mineral
and Gem Society hoped to find on a field
trip to Lone Pine, California.
• • •
First field trip of spring for Minnesota
Mineral Club was to the Cayuna Iron Range
at Crosby-Ironton. Members found various
iron specimens and cayunite of good cut-
ting and polishing grade.
• • •
May meeting of Shadow Mountain Gem
and Mineral Society, Palm Desert, Cali-
fornia, was "Braggin' Rock Night." Prizes
were awarded for the most beautiful, the
oddest and the rarest specimen.

minerals for fun... but

FOUND A FORTUNE! From Our lewJLocation
NOTICE: All of our prices now Include
t;i\ and postage.

Australian Firo Opal—1st grade, oz. $24.00
editions ot MINING 2nd grade, oz. 8.00
RECORD...refers Hearts 25 mm. (polished and drilled)—Jade,
Malachite, Blue agate, Carnelian, ea. $2.45
to a find made Chrysoprase, tigereye, rose quartz, etc.
with a Mineralight Carved fish, frogs, turtles, bees etc., in
Ultra-Violet tigereye, amethyst, hematite & opal,ea.$2.5(1
40 to 50 sq. inches assorted slabs .$2.50
8 lbs. assorted chunk mtl. for cutting..53.75
Bloodstone (India), per lb .$3.25
Slabs, per inch .50
Moss Agate (India), per lb. . 4.60
Slabs, per inch . .45
Red Plume Agate, per lb .12.00
Slabs, per inch . 1.30
"This is irithout doubt one Mexican Agate, per lb . 3.50
"Yes, we had with us one of the world's major de- Slabs, per inch .30
of your lights, which we "We use the Mineralight posits of Scheelite...would Rose Quartz (very good color), per lb... 1.25
used. Without the light we in all our prospecting. It probably never have been Slabs, per inch .30
Jade (Alaska), per Vi lb . 6.25
would have never located has been very valuable in discovered without a Min~ Slabs, per inch . .90
the tungsten." locuting uranium." < ralight." Ilurnite (top grade), per lb . 7.40
—Ira C. Lambert. -n'm. II. Baldwin. —11'. //. Hooper. Slabs, per inch . .50
Templates (sizes marked for standard
cuts) 2.10
Vi-lb. Sunstone . $1 70
Vi-lb. Kunzite 2.60
Many a Mineralight user will tell you that what started as a hobby produced a •A-lb. Topaz (Mexican) 2.80
Vi-lb. Peridot .... 6.10
bonanza. For in addition to providing added pleasure and excitement for collectors all Vi-lb. Amethyst 6.70
Vi-lb. Smoky quartz 7.60
over the world, this magic black-light lamp has often located hidden values by the ton! !4-lb. Apatite 6.70
Vi-lb. Garnet (very good) 8.40
Tungsten, uranium, mercury, zirconium and many other valuable minerals are readily Corundum preforms 9 to 10 mm. avg. 5 ct.
identified with Mineralight. You do not have to be an expert to make these identifica- to 7 ct.. ea $2.85
Specimen boxes, 35 different minerals $1.90
tions. Anyone can do it quickly and easily. 70 different minerals 3.90
Cat's eye shells, sup. quality, small, ea... .25
Mineralight will make your mineral collecting more interesting-more thrilling-more large, ea... .60
Synthetic Turquoise, per gram 15
exciting. And there's always the possibility that the magic of Mineralight may light your Turquoise nuggets, medium, ea 15
way to a it has done for so many others. large, ea 25
Try our approvals on loose stones—SI 0.00
deposit or $20.00 shipment on initial order.
ULTRA-VIOLET PRODUCTS, INC. Store hours—Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Sat.
Fill out and mall 9 a.m. to (i p.m.
Dept. D South Pasadena, California Wed. and Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
coupon today, for free
catalog, prospecting Pleast send me complt tt Information on your Mint ralighi prospt ding Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded
instructions and illus- lamps, and nmne of tb ah i nt art st me
trations of minerals
in glowing colors.
8911 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, Calif.
CITY STATE Atlantic 7-8244

"Mineral Guide No. 1" was published as Colored slides — not pictures, but thin
a supplement to the May issue of the Min- slabs of rock mounted in 35 mm. slide hold- LAPIDARY SUPPLIES — MINERALIGHTS
eralogical Society of Southern California ers—were shown to members of San An- Send for FREE price list
bulletin. Jack Van Amringe told about min- tonio, Texas, Rock and Lapidary Society.
eral locations near Goodsprings, Nevada. Represented were petrified wood, agate, CALIFORNIA HOUSE OF ROCKS
Other guides are planned by the bulletin palm, obsidian and galena. 16208 S. Clark Ave.. Bellilower, California
editors. The special sheets are punched for • • • Open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wed. till 9 p.m.
filing in a loose leaf binder. A Memorial Day weekend trek into the Closed Sunday
• • • Bullion Mountains of California was
San Francisco Gem and Mineral Society
is conducting a contest to select a name for planned by San Diego Lapidary Society.
its monthly bulletin. The winning entry will Gem hunters hoped to find jasper and ame- WHEN IN SAN DIEGO
be selected by popular vole of the member- thyst. Y ui win enjoy stopping to sec our d splay
ship. • • • oi fine crystals and mineral specimens from
• • • Mrs. Lester Sparks won the-contest spon- al 1 over the world.
Molly Maley told of her trip down the sored by Indiana Geology and Gem Society MINERAL GEMS
Colorado River, Bright Angel to Lake Mead, to find a name for the club bulletin. Her o. A. Newhouse, •mia l 'ark Hlvd.
at a general meeting of San Diego Mineral winning suggestion, "Gcologem." now graces C truer Adams Ave, — Sati Diego <i, Calif.
and Gem Society. Members of the mineral the masthead.
resources division viewed a film. "Survival
on the Desert," and the mineralogy division
discussed San Diego County pegmatite min-
• • •
Wesley Maurie told members of Holly-
wood Lapidary and Mineral Society about If you buy $5 worth of Basic Lapidary Supplies from the following list.
fluorescence at a recent meeting. A $10 purchase entitles you to buy 2 lbs. Tin Oxide at $1.50 per 1b.
• • • A $25 purchase entitles you to buy 5 lbs. of Tin Oxide.
A complete cabochon unit, including
trimmer, 8-inch slabbing saw, grinder,
sander and polisher, was set up at a Pasa-
Size 6x>/2" 6x1" 8x1" 8x1'/z" lOxlVi"
dena Lapidary Society meeting. Demonstra-
tions provided the program for the evening. 80 grit $7.50
100 grit $2.65 $3.60 $5.35 7.50 $11.35
T REA S U R E H U N T E R S 220 grit 2.95 3.95 5.90 8.25 12.50
New type metals detector. Distinguishes 320 grit 3.35 4.50 6.70 9.40 14.20
metals from b lack magnetic sands. Ideal for
locating gold nuggets, placer deposits. De- Shipping weight 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 5 lbs. 6 lbs. 9 lbs.
tects metals under salt water. Locates Crystolon Wheel Dressing Brick 6"x2"xl" 95c
coins, jewelry
on b e a c h e s .
Free f r o m
false d e t e c -
t i o n s . Each Grit Size 1 Pound 5 Lb. Lots 10 Lb. Lots 25 Lb. Lots
^2*3*:**^. &~jr*H | u n j t supplied 80. 100. 120. 18. 220. $ .83 $ .52 $ .39 $ .30
with two dif-
ferent search 2F (320), 3F (400). .. .38 .57 .41 .32
•** "
•-1J • •
- .
coils. Ask for
free li t e r a -
Graded 400
Graded 600
.. 1.09
. 1.35
••••" ' ' " • — ^m '*'
2 0 ) 8 N. DAYTON
^WMMgP-' PHOENIX, ARIZ. Available in 120. 150. 180. 220. 330 grits
Dry Bolls
2" wide, 25 ft. long—$2.00; 150-foot roll—$ 9.00
THE PKOSPECTOR'S CATALOG 3" wide, 15 ft. long— 2.00; 150-foot roll— 13.25
We are pleased to announce the advent of
a new Minerals Unlimited Catalog, specifi- 10" wide, 5 ft. long— 2.00; 150-foot roll— 39.77
cally designed for the amateur or profes-
sional prospector. If you are interested in 12" wide, 5 ft. long— 2.25; 150-foot roll— 47.70
Geiger Counters, Miiu'rulights, Kloivpipe Sets, Wet Rolls
Gold Pans or any of the other equipment
necessary to a field or prospecting trip, 3" wide, 10 ft. long—$2.00; 150-foot roll—$21.60
send 5c in stamps or coin for your copy.
MINERALS UNLIMITED, Dept. 1) 10" wide, 40 in. long— 2.60; 150-foot roll— 71.25
1724 University Ave., Berkeley, California
DURITE SANDING CLOTH in round disks . . .
Available in 120. 220. 320 grits
Wet Dry
6" 5 for $1.00; 25 for $ 3.90 8 for $1.00; 25 for $ 2.25
8" 3 for 1.10; 25 for 7.00 5 for 1.00; 25 for 4.10
10" 2 for 1.15; 25 for 11.00 3 for 1.00; 25 for 6.45
12" 2 for 1.65; 25 for 16.00 2 for 1.00; 25 for 9.45
4" diameter by .205" thick $ 7.80 10' diameter by .040" thick $14.80
ALLEN diameter by .040" thick 18.20
6" diameter by .205" thick 7.80 12'
JUNIOR GEM CUTTER diameter by .050" thick 25.20
6" diameter by .032" thick 7.80
A Complete Lapidary Shop 16' diameter by .050" thick 28.60
8" diameter by .032" thick 10.40 20' diameter by .060" thick 39.20
Only $43.50 8" diameter by .040" thick 11.40 24' diameter by .060" thick 50.60
• Ideal for apartment house dwellers. When ordering please state arbor hole size
• Polish rocks into beautiful gems.
• Anyone can learn. ALL PRICES F.O.B. PASADENA
• Instructions included. ADD 3% SALES TAX IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA
Write for Catalog, 25c Member of American Gem and Mineral Suppliers Association
3632 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles 43, Cal.
1633 E. WALNUT ST.
Phone Axminstei 2-6206

ULY, 1 9 5 4 41
Hetween Ifou and Ma

HAVE BEEN reading some of the entries in the their leisure time with profit to themselves and without
bird contest which Desert Magazine announced three injury to society. Moreover, the need for this sort of
months ago—and have been amazed at the wide- institution becomes more pressing every day.
spread interest in bird-watching and bird-feeding in the "The world of native forests, prairie, marsh, and
desert Southwest. stream—the world of native flowers and trees and grasses,
If anyone imagines that because this is a desert, we do of native mammals and birds and fish and reptiles and
not have many birds, they are far wrong. I doubt if any insects—is contracting every day; the world of pavements
part of the United States has birds in greater variety or and factories, apartment houses and plowed fields and
numbers than the desert country. polluted streams is expanding every day; and, as a result
of technical inventions, leisure is becoming more and
We have some migratory birds, but there probably are more abundant every day.
150 species that remain here the year around because of
the mild winters. They find an abundant supply of food "Museums of natural history cannot halt the advance
here—seeds, insects and worms. Their main problem is of 'civilization'; but a good museum of this type can
water—and increasing numbers of desert residents are preserve for many thousands of people, living among the
helping them solve that problem by installing backyard tenements and the sky-scrapers and the housing projects
bird fountains and baths. It is a fascinating hobby — and the gasoline fumes and the tabloids, that contact with
attracting birds to your home and cultivating their con- nature which can bring so much pleasure, so much under-
fidence. standing, and so much mental and spiritual uplift."
* * *
Our radio never produces such pleasing music as the One of these days, when they get around to it, 1 hope
serenade which comes nearly every morning from the some of the civic organizations in Blythc, California, will
mocking bird that perches outside our window. And take up seriously the matter of protecting those rare
there are no commercials in the repertoire of the mocking Giant Pictographs found on the desert mesa along the
bird. Colorado River just north of the Palo Verde Valley. I
* * * have had a story about those amazing rock figures in
Some folks have strange ideas about this desert. For the editorial files for years—reluctant to publish it be-
instance, Val Peterson, federal civil defense administrator, cause visitors would be dismayed when they discovered
is quoted by a reporter as suggesting that in the event of that pre-historic landmarks of such unusual interest had
an atomic bomb attack the five million people in the Los been allowed to deteriorate so badly.
Angeles metropolitan area could be evacuated to the * * *
desert. The FCD administrator failed to explain just where I have on my desk a letter from a scientist for whom
the five million would get their drinking water—especially I have a very high regard. He wrote at some length to
if it happened in summer when a person exposed to the prove it is improper to refer to Creosote Bush—Larrea
sun would need a gallon of water a day to offset dehydra- Divaricata—as "greasewood." He proved his case with-
tion. out a doubt. My answer to him:
Fortunately, the chances of Los Angeles being bombed "Fortunately, language is a living, changing thing—
are very very remote. I wish folks had more faith in the and I rather think that applies to scientific language as
ultimate survival of that which is true and right. More well as the words spoken by the layman. I know, botan-
faith and less fear would be good for all of us. I regard ists are stubborn about such things, and it probably is
Gandhi as the greatest teacher of our times. fortunate they are. In this instance I suspect the odds
against them are so great that sooner or later they will
have to bow to common usage.
George Williams, writing in the Southwest Review of "I don't like the word greasewood as applied to Creo-
Dallas, Texas, believes that every community should work
sote. I've grown very fond of the shrub during the 40-
toward the building of a Natural History Museum. Wrote
Williams: odd years I have lived with it. I don't like to see the
word 'rat5 applied to some of our desert rodents. But I
"Under a management that had vision and was not am sure these terms are here to stay for a long time. You
bound to the thought-patterns of the nineteenth century, and I cannot change that, and there is no serious reason
a museum of natural history could be one of the most why we should try to do so. There are more important
useful, educational, and popular assets of any commun- things for us to worry about. For my part I am going
ity. It would do more than any other institution to help along with the greasewood fraternity—and love the hardy
solve what has become one of the most serious cultural little neighbor nonetheless because it acquired an ugly
problems of our age—how to help intelligent people spend name."

that of a lovable, uneducated, worldly-
wise old prospector, Jake Feeley.
They found very rich copper ore
and named it the Blue Chip. Taking
in a third partner, Bow Miller, a banker
NEW DEATH VALLEY from San Francisco, they launched the
Cobrc Valley Mining and Smelting
AMATEUR AND SCIENTIST Company. Sprawling along the walls
Of interest to botanists, both ama- From William Lewis Manly and the of the canyon in typically Arizona
teur and professional, is the new edi- Jayhawkers to Shorty Harris, the story style, the mine grew into the mining
tion The Trees and Shrubs of the of Death Valley's colorful and tragic town of Jericho. Jericho might be
Southwestern Deserts by Lyman Ben- place in western history is told in con- Globe or Miami or Bisbec or Clifton
son, professor of botany at Pomona densed form in a 56-page pictorial —or a composite of all of them.
College, and Robert A. Darrow, pro- edition published this year by 5 Asso-
fessor of range management at A. and ciates of San Francisco. The title is Published by Harper and Brothers,
Death Valley. New York. 307 pp. $3.50.
M. College, Texas. • • •
This book is a revised and more The photographs, including eight
permanent edition of a Manual of pages in full color were taken by An- UTAH GUIDE BOOK
Southwestern Desert Trees and Shrubs, sel Adams, famous western photog- IS IN PRINT AGAIN
written by the same authors and pub- rapher. The history is written by After being out of print for several
lished by the University of Arizona Nancy Newhall. A guide to points of years, a new edition—the third print-
Press several years ago and now out interest and a descriptive check list of ing—of the Utah book in the Ameri-
of print. the more common species of flora and can Guide Series, is again available.
The volume covers the entire range fauna are the work of Ruth Kirk, and Originally prepared in 1941 by the
of perennial vegetation in the arid a map of the Valley by Edith Hamlin Utah "Writers' Project, the 596-page
Southwest, from the below-sea-level provides the reader with a graphic pre- book is the most exhaustive work ever
elevations at Salton Sea and in Death sentation of California's most famous done on the history, geography, re-
Valley, to the 5000-foot level. An desert, both past and present, in brief sources, industry and agriculture of
index that lists the common names of form. the state.
the species and families as well as the Published in 9x12 format with paper Published by Hastings House with
scientific classifications, makes the cover, the book is for those who would appendices, index, maps and halftone
highly informative text readily accessi- cover the span of Death Valley's his- illustrations. $5.50.
ble to the learner as well as to the tory and scenic wonders in two hours'
advanced student of desert botany. reading time. Fine photography, thor-
Books reviewed on this pane are available at
Some types of desert plants, like ough research, and authentic guide Desert Crafts Shop, Palm Desert
the cacti and agaves withstand drouth information arc combined to make the
by methods of water storage. Others, booklet an excellent handbook for the
such as ephedra and creosote bush Death Valley visitor. $2.50.
have various devices for reducing the
loss of water, generally by reduction BOTH FICTION AND HISTOEY
of the leaf area. Some of the trees and IN ARIZONA MINE STORY
• • •
Rain ot Shine?
Have you ever wondered what
shrubs, such as palo verde and oco- The Blue Chip, written by Ysabel
tilllo leaf out during rainy periods, and Rennie, is a fiction book that contains makes clouds so many different
shapes, why the desert is hot and
shed their leaves with the advent of much Arizona history—a book that the North Pole freezing cold?
drouth. Have you been puzzled by the
breathes the spirit of a phase of a West weathercaster's talk of "pressure
All of them have adapted them- at the close of the 1890s that has areas" and "air masses" and "cold
selves in one way or another to the almost been forgotten. There arc in fronts"? Have you wished you
peculiar conditions of their habitat, it no thundering herds, no love-lorn could forecast rain or shine for
but in doing so they have acquired lassies, no shootin' cowboys. your picnic or field trip?
highly complex characteristics which The Blue Chip is the story of the LEARN ABOUT WEATHER
make the study of desert botany a perpetually hopeful prospector who is in another of the Fentons' easy-
fascinating field of interest. eternally just about to strike it rich. to-understand books about the
Geographically, the creosote-bush Having lived for some years in the earth and natural phenomena —
deserts arc in one of three general des- Globe - Miami - Superior district, the
ert categories: The Mojave Desert, author knew her mines and miners.
the Sonoran Desert which includes the And in her dynamic descriptions you OUR
Salton Sea Basin, the Colorado Basin can smell the manzanitas in spring, see
and the western portion of Arizona, the summer heat waves dancing along
and the Chihuahuan Desert which is the canyon walls, and feel the wait-a-
approximately the lower basin of the minute tug of the catsclaw, and the
Rio Grande and eastern Arizona. slippery mat of pine needles as you
By Carroll and Mildred Penton
Including lessons in flower, leaf and climb up to the Pinal Mountains.
fruit structure, and key identification, The story is told almost entirely in A book for everyone interested
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