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Talking about

- Describe different jobs.
- Learn vocabulary about everyday
1. Vocabulary building: Everyday expressions,
Nouns, and verbs. Construccin de vocabulario:
expresiones diarias, sustantivos y verbos.
2. Video: Do you like your job? Te gusta tu trabajo?)
3. Video script. Transcripcin del video.
4. What do these people do? A que se dedican estas
5. Answers (Respuestas)
Vocabulary building
Everyday expressions Nouns (sustantivos) Verbs
May I sit here?
(Me puedo sentar aqu?)

Yeah, sure! (S, seguro)

What a lovely (Que

That sounds great (Eso
suena estupendo)

Im having a break (Estoy
tomando un descanso)

What do you do for a
living? (Qu haces para
ganarte la vida?)

A break (Un descanso
/receso )

Working conditions
(Condiciones laborales)

Salary (Salario)

Tube (En ingls britnico

Get together (reunirse)

Reach you
(comunicarse contigo)

Book a table (reservar una

Cook (cocinar)

Serve (servir, atender)

Install (instalar)

Answer the phone
(responder el telfono)

Take care of (cuidar de)
Vocabulary building
Everyday expressions Nouns (sustantivos) Verbs
All walks of life (de toda

Shes going crazy (Se est

Hope to see you again
(Espero verte de nuevo)

On a flight (en un vuelo)
Watch the video and
What does Linda do?
Does Linda like her job?
What does Archie do?
Where does Linda have to take Miss
Find the answers in the last slide!
Encuentra las respuestas en la ltima diapositiva

Man: Excuse me, may I sit here?
Woman: Yeah, sure.
Man: My name is Archie.
Woman: I'm Linda.
A: Linda, what a lovely name. What are you doing here all by yourself?
L: I'm having a break.
A: What do you do for a living, may I ask?
L: I'm the personal assistant to a lawyer.
A: Do you like your job?
L: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
A: Are your working conditions good?
L: Yes, the salary is good. I work from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and I have two days off every week. And the office is very comfortable.
A: Do you have any promotions prospects?
L: No, I don't think so.
A: Do you attend training courses?
L: Yeah, sometimes. What do you do?
A: I'm a photographer for travel magazines.
L: Wow! That sounds great! Do you know a lot of people?
A: I meet people from all walks of life. I can show you my portfolio and maybe we could get together...
MAN: Oh, Linda. Excuse me. You left your mobile in the office and Miranda didn't know how to reach you. She's going crazy.
L: What's the matter?
MAN: It's a priority. Miss Adams is in London and someone must scort her. Unfortunately I'm busy. So, you should take her out to dinner.
I've already booked a table for two at the Japanese restaurant in Charlotte street, you know? Tottenham Court Road, Good Street Tube
L: Sorry, I have to do this. Hope to see you again.
What do these people do?
(Job) (action) (place)
1. A salesperson sells clothes in a department store.
Find the rest of the answers in the last slide. (Encuentra el resto de
respuestas en la ltima diapsitiva)
Slide 5 (Diapositiva 5)
What does Linda do? Shes the personal assistant to
a lawyer.
Does Linda like her job? Sometimes she does,
sometimes she doesnt.
What does Archie do? Hes a travel magazine
Where does Linda have to take Miss Adams? She
has to take Miss Adams to the Japanese restaurant.
Slide 7 (Diapositiva 7) Otras respuestas pueden
ser posibles.
2. A chef cooks food in a restaurant.
3. A flight attendant serves passengers on a flight.
4. An electrician installs electricity in houses.
5. A secretary answers the phone in an office.
6. A doctor takes care of patients.

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