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Werwolf pennant
Werwolf (German for "werewolf", sometimes spelled "Wehrwolf",
playing on the homophonous verb "(sich) wehren" for "to defend
(oneself)") was the name given to a Nazi plan, which began
development in 1944,
to create a commando force which would
operate behind enemy lines as the Allies advanced through
Germany itself. Werwolf remained entirely ineffectual as a combat
force, however, and in practical terms, its value as propaganda far
outweighed its actual achievements. It did cause the Allies to
overestimate the threat of a Nazi insurgency, leading to greater
hardship and deaths for the German population, which in turn
aided the survival of Nazi ideals into the post-war period.
After it became clear, by March 1945, that the remaining German forces had no chance of stopping the Allied
advance, Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels seized upon the idea of Werwolf, and began to foster the notion,
primarily through Nazi radio broadcasts, that Werwolf was a clandestine guerrilla organization comprising irregular
German partisans, similar to the many insurgency groups which the Germans had encountered in the nations they
occupied during the war. Despite such propaganda, however, this was never the actual nature of Werwolf, which in
reality was always intended to be a commando unit comprising uniformed troops. Another popular myth about
Werwolf is that it was intended to continue fighting underground even after the surrender of the Nazi government
and the German military. In fact, no effort was ever made by the Nazi leadership to develop an insurgency to
continue fighting in the event of defeat, in large measure because Adolf Hitler, as well as other Nazi leaders, refused
to believe that a German defeat was possible, and they regarded anyone who even discussed the possibility as
defeatists and traitors. As a result, no contingency plans to deal with defeat were ever authorized. However, as a
result of Goebbels' efforts, Werwolf had, and in many cases continues to have, a mythological reputation as having
been an underground Nazi resistance movement, with some even claiming that Werwolf attacks continued for
months, or even years, after the end of the war. Its perceived influence went far beyond its actual operations,
especially after the dissolution of the Nazi regime.
Historian Perry Biddiscombe has also asserted that Werwolf represented a re-emergence of a genuinely radical,
social-revolutionary current within National Socialism, something which had been present in the movement in its
early days but which had been suppressed following the Nazi assumption of power in 1933.
The name was chosen after the title of Hermann Lns' novel, Der Wehrwolf (1910).
Set in the Celle region, Lower
Saxony, during the Thirty Years' War (161848), the novel concerns a peasant, Harm Wulf, who after his family is
killed by marauding soldiers, organises his neighbours into a militia who pursue the soldiers mercilessly and execute
any they capture, referring to themselves as Wehrwlfe. Lns said that the title was a dual reference to the fact that
the peasants put up a fighting defence (sich wehren, see "Bundeswehr" - Federal Defense) and to the protagonist's
surname of Wulf, but it also had obvious connotations with the word Werwlfe in that Wulf's men came to enjoy
While not himself a Nazi (he died in 1914) Lns' work was also popular with the German far right, and the
Nazis celebrated his work. Indeed, Celle's local newspaper began serialising Der Wehrwolf in January 1945.
It may also be of relevance to the naming of the organisation that in 1942 OKW and OKH's field headquarters at
Vinnitsa in Ukraine were christened "Werwolf" by Adolf Hitler,
and Hitler on a number of occasions had used
"Wolf" as a pseudonym for himself. The etymology of the name Adolf itself is Noble (adal; Mod. German Adel)
Wolf, while Hitler's first World War II Eastern Front military headquarters were labeled Wolfsschanze, commonly
rendered in English as "Wolf's Lair", though the literal translation would be "Wolf's Sconce".
In late summer/early autumn 1944, Heinrich Himmler initiated Unternehmen Werwolf (Operation Werwolf),
ordering SS Obergruppenfhrer Hans-Adolf Prtzmann to begin organising an elite troop of volunteer forces to
operate secretly behind enemy lines. As originally conceived, these Werwolf units were intended to be legitimate
uniformed military formations trained to engage in clandestine operations behind enemy lines in the same manner as
Allied Special Forces such as Commandos.
Prtzmann was named Generalinspekteur fr Spezialabwehr (General
Inspector of Special Defence) and assigned the task of setting up the force's headquarters in Berlin and organising
and instructing the force. Prutzmann had studied the guerrilla tactics used by Soviet partisans while stationed in the
occupied territories of Ukraine and the idea was to teach these tactics to the members of Operation Werwolf.
Gauleiters were to suggest suitable recruits, who would then be trained at secret locations in the Rhineland and
Berlin. The chief training centre in the West was at Hlchrath Castle near Erkelenz, which by early 1945 was
training around 200 recruits mostly drawn from the Hitler Youth.
The tactics available to the organisation included sniping attacks, arson, sabotage, and assassination. Training was to
include such topics as the production of home-made explosives, manufacturing detonators from common articles
such as pencils and "a can of soup", and every member was to be trained in how to jump into a guard tower and
strangle the sentry in one swift movement, using only a metre of string. Werwolf agents were supposed to have at
their disposal a vast assortment of weapons, from fire-proof coats to silenced Walther pistols but in reality this was
merely on paper; the Werwolf never actually had the necessary equipment, organisation, morale or coordination.
Given the dire supply situation German forces were facing in 1945, the commanding officers of existing Wehrmacht
and SS units were unwilling to turn over what little equipment they still had for the sake of an organization whose
actual strategic value was doubtful.
Werwolf originally had about five thousand members recruited from the "SS" (Schutzstaffel) and the Hitler Youth
(Hitler-Jugend). These recruits were specially trained in guerrilla tactics. Operation Werwolf went so far as to
establish front companies to ensure continued fighting in those areas of Germany which were occupied (all of the
"front companies" were discovered and shut down within eight months). However, as it became increasingly clear
that the reputedly impregnable Alpine Redoubt, from which their operations were to be directed by the Nazi
leadership in the event that the rest of Germany had been occupied, was yet another grandiose delusion, Werwolf
was converted into a terrorist organisation and in the last few weeks of the war, Operation Werwolf was largely
dismantled by Heinrich Himmler and Wilhelm Keitel.
Disorganised attempts were made to bury explosives, ammunition and weapons in different locations around the
country (mainly in the pre-1939 GermanPolish border region) to be used by the Werwolf in their terrorist acts after
the defeat of Germany, but not only were the amounts of material to be "buried" prohibitively low, by that point the
movement itself was so disorganised that few actual members or leaders knew where the materials were, how to use
them, or what to do with them. A large portion of these "depots" were found by the Russians and virtually none of
the materials were actually used by the Werwolf.
On March 23, 1945, Joseph Goebbels gave a speech, known as the "Werwolf speech", in which he urged every
German to fight to the death. The partial dismantling of the organised Werwolf, combined with the effects of the
"Werwolf" speech, caused considerable confusion about which subsequent attacks were actually carried out by
Werwolf members, as opposed to solo acts by fanatical Nazis or small groups of SS.
Antony Beevor and Earl F. Ziemke have argued that Werwolf never amounted to a serious threat, in fact they are
regarded by them as barely having existed. This view is supported by the RAND Corporation, which surveyed the
history of US occupations with an eye to advising on Iraq. According to a study by former Ambassador James
Dobbins and a team of RAND researchers, the total number of post-conflict American combat casualties in Germany
was zero.
German historian Golo Mann, in his The History of Germany Since 1789 (1984) also states that "The [Germans']
readiness to work with the victors, to carry out their orders, to accept their advice and their help was genuine; of the
resistance which the Allies had expected in the way of 'werwolf' units and nocturnal guerrilla activities, there was no
Perry Biddiscombe is the only historian to have presented a somewhat different view. In his books Werwolf!: The
History of the National Socialist Guerrilla Movement, 19441946 (1998)
and The Last Nazis: SS Werwolf
Guerrilla Resistance in Europe, 1944-1947 (2000), Biddiscombe asserts that after retreating to the Black Forest and
the Harz mountains, the Werwolf continued resisting the occupation until at least 1947, possibly until 194950.
However, he characterises German post-surrender resistance as "minor",
and calls the post-war Werwolfs
and "fanatics living in forest huts".
He further cites U.S. Army intelligence reports that
characterised partisans as "nomad bands"
and judged them as less serious threats than attacks by foreign slave
and considered their sabotage and subversive activities to be insignificant.
He also notes that: "The
Americans and British concluded, even in the summer of 1945, that, as a nationwide network, the original Werwolf
was irrevocably destroyed, and that it no longer posed a threat to the occupation."
Biddiscombe also says that Werwolf violence failed to mobilise a spirit of popular national resistance, that the group
was poorly led, armed, and organised, and that it was doomed to failure given the war-weariness of the populace and
the hesitancy of young Germans to sacrifice themselves on the funeral pyre of the former Nazi regime. He concludes
that the only significant achievement of the Werwolves was to spark distrust of the German populace in the Allies as
they occupied Germany, which caused them in some cases to act more repressively than they might have done
otherwise, which in turn fostered resentments that helped to enable far right ideas to survive in Germany, at least in
pockets, into the post-war era.
Alleged Werwolf actions
A number of instances of post-war violence have been attributed to Werwolf activity, but none have been proven.
It has been claimed that the destruction of the United States Military Government police headquarters in Bremen
on June 5, 1945 by two explosions which resulted in 44 deaths
was a Werwolf-related attack. There is,
however, no proof that it was due to Werwolf actions rather than to unexploded bombs or delayed-action
Dr. Franz Oppenhoff, the newly appointed mayor of Aachen, was murdered outside his home in March 1945,
allegedly by Werwolfs, but was in fact assassinated by an SS unit which was composed of Werwolf trainees from
Hlchrath Castle. They were flown in at the order of Heinrich Himmler.
Major John Poston, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery's liaison officer was ambushed and killed a few
days before Germany's surrender by unidentified assailants; in reality Poston died in an ambush by regular
Colonel-General Nikolai Berzarin, Soviet commandant of Berlin is often claimed to have been assassinated by
Werwolfs, but actually died in a motorcycle accident on June 16, 1945.
The Werwolf propaganda station "Radio Werwolf" (which actually broadcast from Nauen near Berlin during
April 1945), also claimed responsibility for the assassination of Major General Maurice Rose, commander of the
US 3rd Armored Division on 30 March 1945,
who was in reality killed in action by regular troops on 31
On 31 July 1945 an ammunition dump in st nad Labem (Aussig an der Elbe), a largely ethnic German city in
northern Bohemia ("Sudetenland"), exploded, killing 26 or 27 people and injuring dozens. The explosion resulted
in the "st massacre" of ethnic Germans and was blamed on the Werwolf organization. A book published
following the 1989 Velvet Revolution states that the explosion and massacre was perpetrated by Communists
within the Czechoslovak secret services, specifically Bedich Pokorn, leader of the Ministry of Interior's
Defensive Intelligence (Obrann zpravodajstv) department, as a pretext for the expulsion of Germans from
Allied reprisals
According to Biddiscombe "the threat of Nazi partisan warfare had a generally unhealthy effect on broad issues of
policy among the occupying powers. As well, it prompted the development of Draconian reprisal measures that
resulted in the destruction of much German property and the deaths of thousands of civilians and soldiers".
In the Soviet occupation zone, thousands of youths were arrested as "Werwolfs".

Evidently, arrests were
arbitrary and in part based on denunciations.
The arrested boys were either "shot at dawn" or interned in NKVD
special camps.
On 22 June 1945, Deputy Commissar of the NKVD Ivan Serov reported to the head of the NKVD
Lavrentiy Beria the arrest of "more than 600" alleged Werwolf members,
mostly aged 15 to 17 years.
report, though referring to incidents where Soviet units came under fire from the woods,
asserts that most of the
arrested had not been involved in any action against the Soviets, which Serov explained with interrogation results
allegedly showing that the boys had been "waiting" for the right moment and in the meantime focussed on attracting
new members.
In October 1945, Beria reported to Joseph Stalin the "liquidation" of 359 alleged Werwolf
Of those, 92 groups with 1.192 members were "liquidated" in Saxony alone.
On 5 August 1946,
Soviet minister for internal affairs Sergei Nikiforovich Kruglov reported that in the Soviet occupation zone, 332
"terrorist diversion groups and underground organizations" had been disclosed and "liquidated".
A total of about
10,000 minors was interned in NKVD special camps, half of whom did not return.
Parents as well as the East
German administration and political parties, installed by the Soviets, were denied any information on the
whereabouts of the arrested youths.
The Red Army's torching of Demmin, which resulted in the suicide of
hundreds of people, was blamed on alleged preceding Werwolf activities by the East German regime.
Eisenhower believed he would be faced with extensive guerrilla warfare, based on the Alpine Redoubt.
The fear
of Werwolf activity believed to be mustering around Berchtesgarden in the Alps also led to the switch in U.S.
operational targets in the middle of March 1945 away from the drive towards Berlin and instead shifted the thrust
towards the south and on linking up with the Russians first.
An intelligence report stated "We
prepared to undertake operations in Southern Germany in order to overcome rapidly any organised resistance by the
German Armed Forces or by guerrilla movements which may have retreated to the inner zone and to this redoubt"
On March 31 Eisenhower told Roosevelt, "I am hopeful of launching operations that should partially prevent a
guerrilla control of any large area such as the southern mountain bastions".
Eisenhower had previously also requested that the occupation directive JCS 1067 not make him responsible for
maintaining living conditions in Germany under the expected circumstances; "..probably guerrilla fighting and
possibly even civil war in certain districts... If conditions in Germany turn out as described, it will be utterly
impossible effectively to control or save the economic structure of the country .. and we feel we should not assume
the responsibility for its support and control."
The British were "mortified by such a suggestion", but the War
Department took considerable account of Eisenhower's wishes.
In April 1945 Churchill announced that the Allies would hold all captured German officer incarcerated for as long as
a guerrilla threat existed.
Hundreds of thousands of German last ditch troops were kept in the makeshift
Rheinwiesenlager for months, "mainly to prevent Werwolf activity".
In addition to these captives the civilian
detainees held by the U.S. alone climbed from 1000 in late March, 30,000 late June, more than 100,000 end of
Also in the camps for civilians were the conditions often poor.
Prior to the occupation SHAEF investigated the retaliation techniques the Germans had used in order to maintain
control over occupied territories since they felt the Germans had had good success.
Directives were loosely
defined and implementation of retaliation was largely left to the preferences of the various armies, with the British
seeming uncomfortable with those involving bloodshed.
Rear-Admiral H.T. Baillie Grohman for example stated
that killing hostages was "not in accordance with our usual methods".
Thanks to feelings such as this, and relative
light guerrilla activity in their area, relatively few reprisals took place in the UK zone of operations.
In April 1945
General Eisenhower ordered that all partisans were to be shot.
As a consequence, some war crimes (summary
executions without trial and the like) followed. Contrary to Section IV of the Hague Convention of 1907, "The Laws
and Customs of War on Land", the SHAEF "counter insurgency manual" included provisions for forced labour and
hostage taking.
At Seedorf UK forces randomly selected and burned 2 cottages on April 21.
At the town of Sogel the Canadian First Army evacuated the civilians from the city center whereupon it was
systematically demolished.
In 1945, it is believed that Canadian forces set civilian houses and a church on fire in reprisal for the death of the
unit's commanding officer in battle. Maj.-Gen. Christopher Vokes, commanding the 4th Canadian (Armoured)
Division ordered the town to be destroyed. "We used the rubble to make traversable roads for our tanks," Vokes
wrote later.
Unless the citizens of the city of Stuppach within 3 hours produced the German officer that the U.S. forces
believed was hiding there they were informed that: all male inhabitants would be shot, women and children
expelled to the surrounding wilderness and the city razed.
U.S. combat troops destroyed the town of Bruchsal in retaliation for SS activities.
At the city of Constance in the French occupation zone in mid-May 400 hostages were taken, two persons who
resisted French orders had been shot, part of the city evacuated and threats were made to burn the evacuated part
French forces expelled more than 25,000 civilians from their homes. Some of them were then forced to clear
minefields in Alsace.
Killing of hostages by the French took place amongst others in Markdorf and Reutlingen.
The city of Lichtental was pillaged by the French.
Jarmin was demolished by Soviet troops.
At the town of Schivelbein all men were shot and all women and girls raped by Soviet troops.

The German resistance movement was successfully suppressed in 1945.
However, collective punishment for acts
of resistance, such as fines and curfews, was still being imposed as late as 1948.
Biddiscombe estimates the total death toll as a direct result of Werewolf actions and the resulting reprisals as
Similar organizations
Within Germany
From 1946 onward Allied intelligence officials noted resistance activities by an organisation which had appropriated
the name of the anti-Nazi resistance group, the Edelweiss Piraten (Edelweiss Pirates). The group was reported to be
composed mainly of former members and officers of Hitler Youth units, ex-soldiers and drifters, and was described
by an intelligence report as "a sentimental, adventurous, and romantically anti-social [movement]". It was regarded
as a more serious menace to order than the Werwolf by US officials.
A raid in March 1946 captured 80 former German officers who were members, and who possessed a list of 400
persons to be liquidated, including Wilhelm Hoegner, the prime minister of Bavaria. Further members of the group
were seized with caches of ammunition and even anti-tank rockets. In late 1946 reports of activities gradually died
Outside Germany
Although not connected with Werwolf in any way, there was some sporadic armed resistance and sabotage in the
years immediately after the war carried out by ethnic Germans in the Soviet-controlled territories of western Poland,
Czechoslovakia and Romania. These activities were virtually unknown to the Western Allies, primarily because they
were kept out of the official news channels by Soviet censors. These actions, however, are more correctly to be
understood as resistance to the brutality of Soviet occupation and reprisals (for example, many ethnic Germans in
eastern Europe were forcibly deported to Siberia as slave laborers, from where few would ever return alive), rather
than as an effort to resurrect the aims of the Nazi regime.
Also similar to Werwolf were the Forest Brothers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, who continued to wage armed
guerrilla resistance against the Soviet occupation of their nations from the end of the Second World War until as late
as 1957. Although few Forest Brothers were of German ethnicity, many of them had originally served in military
units which had been allied with the Third Reich. As with the resistance movement among ethnic Germans in eastern
Europe, however, the Forest Brothers were only interested in the liberation of their lands from Soviet rule, rather
than any kind of attempted resurrection of Nazi war aims.
In recent politics
The history of Werwolf was compared to the Iraqi insurgency by the Bush Administration and other Iraq War

In speeches given on August 25, 2003 to the Veterans of Foreign Wars by National Security
Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld parallels were drawn between the problems
faced by the coalition's occupation forces in Iraq to those encountered by occupation forces in post-World War II
Germany, asserting that the Iraqi insurgency would ultimately prove to be as futile in realizing its objectives as had
the Werwolves.
Former National Security Council staffer Daniel Benjamin published a riposte in Slate magazine on August 29,
2003, entitled "Condis Phony History: Sorry, Dr. Rice, postwar Germany was nothing like Iraq"
in which he took
Rice and Rumsfeld to task for mentioning the Werwolf, writing that the reality of postwar Germany bore no
resemblance to the occupation of Iraq, and made reference to Anthony Beevor's The Fall of Berlin 1945 and the US
Army's official history, The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany 1944-1946,
where the Werwolf were only
mentioned twice in passing.
This did not prevent his political opponents from disagreeing with him, using
Biddiscombe's book as a source.
Given the events that came to pass after the Bush Administration's comparison, the most striking difference is the
fact that in Iraq, many more (over twenty times as many) coalition soldiers were killed in combat after victory had
been declared by President Bush on 1 May 2003 than had been killed during the initial invasion.
In Germany, not
a single Allied soldier was ever proven to have been killed as a result of hostile action after the German surrender on
8 May 1945.
Another is that Biddiscombe maintains that what little resistance to the occupation there was in
Germany had evaporated within two to four years after the end of the war, while widespread violent opposition to
the occupation of Iraq and its new government has continued (as of this writing) for more than seven years after the
In popular culture
In the manga Hellsing, a secret British organisation fights against a Nazi battalion based in Brazil. It moved there
during the last months of the war and some of its officers are referred as being Werwlfe. They fight to overthrow
Britain using a battalion of artificially created vampires.
In the 1991 Lars von Trier film, Europa (released in North America as Zentropa), Werwolf terrorist plots months
after the end of the war play a prominent role in the story. Here, Werwolf is shown as not only surviving the war,
but of having been a genuine threat to the occupation. One of their attacks is a highly fictionalized version of the
assassination of Dr. Franz Oppenhoff (named Ravenstein in the film), although his death is depicted as taking
place in late 1945, when in fact it had occurred in March 1945, while the war was still going on.
The 1958 film When Hell Broke Loose depicts a Werwolf group stopped by Charles Bronson.
Samuel Fuller directed the 1959 film Verboten! about the love between a GI (James Best) and a German woman
(Susan Cummings) whose brother is active in the Werewolves.
In the French comic book "Anton Six" (Jos Louis Bocquet/Arno) the U.S Secret Service sent an agent to meet
Werwolf soldiers in Ukraine which possessed information about Stalin and the Red Army.
Operation Werwolf is referred to in passing in the both the book and movie The Odessa File.
In the James Bond novel Moonraker, the villain Hugo Drax is described as having been part of a Werwolf
operation behind Allied lines during World War II.
The 2008 alternate history novel The Man with the Iron Heart by Harry Turtledove is premised on the idea of a
successful Werwolf insurgency led by Reinhard Heydrich.
In the 1947 novel 'Gimlet Mops Up' by W.E. Johns, Gimlet uncovers a werwolf cell operating in Britain,
attempting to assassinate high profile members of the British Armed forces for 'War Crimes'. In this story the
Nazis wear werewolf masks to hide their identity.
True Blood Season 3 - episode 2, there is a reference to Operation Werewolf
[1] Mark Mazower, Hitler's Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe, at 546 (The Penguin Press 2008)
[2] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.464)
[3] Beevor, Antony (2002). The Fall of Berlin 1945. Penguin. p.173. ISBN0142002801.
[4] Watt, Roderick H. (October 1992). "Wehrwolf or Werwolf? Literature, Legend, or Lexical Error into Nazi Propaganda?" (http:/ / jstor. org/
stable/ 3731426). The Modern Language Review (The Modern Language Review, Vol. 87, No. 4) 87 (4): 879895. doi:10.2307/3731426. .
[5] Neumann, Klaus (2000). Shifting Memories: The Nazi Past in the New Germany. University of Michigan Press. p.50. ISBN047208710X.
[6] Warlimont, Walter (1964). Inside Hitler's Headquarters, 193945. F.A. Praeger. p.246.
[7] Klemperer, Victor; Roderick H. Watt (1997). An Annotated Edition of Victor Klemperer's LTI, Notizbuch eines Philologen. E. Mellen Press.
p.305. ISBN077348681X.
[8] Dearn, Alan; Elizabeth Sharp (2006). The Hitler Youth 193345. Osprey Publishing. p.16. ISBN184176874X.
[9] Beevor, Antony (2002). The Fall of Berlin 1945. Viking. p.490. ISBN978-0670030415.
[10] Dobbins, James; McGinn, John G.; Crane, Keith; Jones, Seth G.; Lal, Rollie; Rathmell, Andrew; Swanger, Rachel M.; Timilsina, Anga
(PDF). America's Role in Nation-Building From Germany to Iraq (http:/ / www. rand. org/ pubs/ monograph_reports/ MR1753/ index. html).
RAND Corporation. . Retrieved 2007-08-03
[11] Mann, Golo (1984). The History of Germany Since 1789. Vintage/Ebury. p.560. ISBN978-0701113469.
[12] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.275)
[13] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.151)
[14] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.80)
[15] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.197)
[16] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.152)
[17] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.115)
[18] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.51)
[19] Roehner, Bertrand M.. "Relations between allied forces and the population of germany" (http:/ / www. lpthe. jussieu. fr/ ~roehner/ ocg. pdf)
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[20] Rempel, Gerhard (1989). Hitler's Children: The Hitler Youth and the SS. UNC Press. p.244. ISBN0807842990.
[21] Whiting, Charles (2002). Monty's Greatest Victory. Leo Cooper. p.83.
[22] "Voice of Russia: Commandant of Berlin" (http:/ / www. ruvr. ru/ main. php?lng=eng& q=10888& cid=114& p=08. 05. 2007). . Retrieved
[23] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.139)
[24] Miller, Edward G. (2007). Nothing Less Than Full Victory. Naval Institute Press. p.254. ISBN1591144949.
[25] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.252)
[26] Weber, Petra (2000). Justiz und Diktatur: Justizverwaltung und politische Strafjustiz in Thringen 1945-1961. Verffentlichungen zur
SBZ-/DDR -Forschung im Institut fr Zeitgeschichte. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. p.99. ISBN3486564633.
[27] Fruth, Pia (7 May 2010). "Die Lge vom Werwolf. Warum Tausende Jugendliche in sowjetischen Lagern landeten" (http:/ / www. swr. de/
swr2/ programm/ sendungen/ wissen/ -/ id=6163770/ property=download/ nid=660374/ 1dqc2hs/ swr2-wissen-20100507. pdf) (in German).
Sdwestdeutscher Rundfunk 2. . Retrieved 16 May 2010.
[28] Reif-Spirek, Peter; Ritscher, Bodo (1999) (in German). Speziallager in der SBZ. Ch. Links Verlag. p.138. ISBN3861531933.
[29] Reif-Spirek, Peter; Ritscher, Bodo (1999) (in German). Speziallager in der SBZ. Ch. Links Verlag. p.139. ISBN3861531933.
[30] Vernier, Robert (1995-05-08). "Tragdie an der Peene" (http:/ / www. focus. de/ politik/ deutschland/
die-letzten-kriegstage-tragoedie-an-der-peene_aid_151639. html) (in German). Focus. . Retrieved 2010-08-20.
[31] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.267)
[32] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.253)
[33] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.254)
[34] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.257)
[35] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.256)
[36] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.258)
[37] [[Canadian Legion (http:/ / features/ memoirspilgrimages/ 05-05. asp)] The End Of Darkness]
[38] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.259)
[39] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.261)
[40] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.263). In the footnote further referred to Hillel, "L'Occupation Francaise en Allemagne", p.85
[41] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.270)
[42] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.263)
[43] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.265)
[44] (Biddiscombe 1998, p.276)
[45] Fritz, Stephen G. (2004). Endkampf: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Death of the Third Reich. University Press of Kentucky. pp.218 219.
[46] Rumsfeld, Donald H (2006-07-19). "DefenseLink Speech: Veterans of Foreign Wars" (http:/ / www. defenselink. mil/ speeches/ speech.
aspx?speechid=513). Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defence. US Department of Defence. . Retrieved 2008-08-12.
[47] Rice, Condoleezza (2003-08-25). "National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Remarks to Veterans of Foreign Wars" (http:/ /
georgewbush-whitehouse. archives. gov/ news/ releases/ 2003/ 08/ 20030825-1. html). Office of the Press Secretary. White House. . Retrieved
[48] Carafano, James (September 23, 2003). "A Phony "Phony History"" (http:/ / www. heritage. org/ Press/ Commentary/ ed092303d. cfm).
Heritage Foundation. . Retrieved 2008-07-08.
[49] Benjamin, Daniel (2003-08-29). "Condi Rice's phony history" (http:/ / slate. com/ id/ 2087768/ ). Slate Magazine. . Retrieved 2008-08-12.
[50] Earl F. Ziemke (1990). " Army Historical Series: The U.S. Army in the Occupation of Germany (http:/ / www. history. army. mil/ books/
wwii/ Occ-GY/ index. htm)," United States Army Center of Military History, CMH Pub 30-6.
[51] Benjamin, Daniel (2003-08-29). "Condi's Phony History" (http:/ / www. slate. com/ id/ 2087768/ ). Slate magazine. . Retrieved 2008-07-08.
[52] Marek, Ed (September 1, 2003). "The occupation of Germany, the occupation of Iraq, many parallels" (http:/ / www. talkingproud. us/
International090103. html). Talking Proud!. . Retrieved 2008-07-08.
[53] Iraq Coalition Casualty Count: Coalition Deaths by Country (http:/ / icasualties. org/ Iraq/ DeathsByCountry. aspx)
Further reading
Hellmuth Auerbach, 'Die Organisation des "Werwolf"'
Arno Rose, Werwolf, 19441945
Klaus-Dietmar Henke, Die amerikanische Besetzung Deutschlands
Charles Whiting, Hitler's Werewolves
James Lucas, Kommando (part 4)
Biddiscombe, Perry (1998). Werwolf!: The History of the National Socialist Guerrilla Movement, 19441946.
University of Toronto Press. p.464. ISBN978-0802008626
External links
Review of Werwolf! The History of the National Socialist Guerrilla Movement, 19441946 (http:/ / findarticles.
com/ p/ articles/ mi_qa3686/ is_199912/ ai_n8868472) Canadian Journal of History, Dec 1999 by Lawrence D
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
Werwolf Source: Contributors: .:Ajvol:., 7, 790, AdamChirnside, Adoniscik, Alex43223, AndreasPraefcke, Angel ivanov angelov,
Antinazi, Apeloverage, Arco de Rayne, Art LaPella, Arthena, Aurigas, Axeman89, Barticus88, Beta m, Biederman, Bryan Derksen, Bzuk, Calloffaerie, Chwyatt, Ckatz, Cmdrjameson,
Courtjester555, Curps, DJ Silverfish, DagosNavy, Danny, Danvolodar, Dawkeye, DeadlyAssassin, Delirium, Desertsky85451, DocWatson42, Duke Wellington14, E Wing, Ed Fitzgerald,
Equata32, Esperant, Fartherred, Fifelfoo, Filll, Foofbun, Fredrick day, GCarty, Giraffedata, Gmandler, Greg Kuperberg, Henrikhenrik, Heqs, Homer slips., Hoserjoe, Huon, Ja 62, Jbmorgan4,
Jeffrey Henning, Jeronimo, JoDonHo, John F. T. Cashin, John Lunney, John Nevard, JohnyDog, Jon Jonasson, Joseph Solis in Australia, Josve05a, Jovianeye, Jtuba, Kevin Rector,
Kintetsubuffalo, KnightRider, Kuralyov, Lacrimosus, Lapsed Pacifist, Leoni2, Lepeu1999, Liastnir, LibertyHiller, Litalex, Lontano, Lysy, Mabuse, MaeseLeon, Markus Becker02, Matthew
Barnett, MattieTK, Mboverload, Mcwatson, Meelar, Mentatus, MetaManFromTomorrow, Miami33139, Michal Nebyla, Mike Rosoft, Mklobas, Mkpumphrey, Mozzerati, Msgrjosh, Muddle49,
NEMT, Nedrutland, Nick Number, Nsaa, Nuwewsco, O RLY?, ONEder Boy, OberRanks, Obersachse, Oneiros, Ours, Pearle, Peregrine981, PhJ, Piercetp, Puddlepirate, Quantum666, R.purkiss,
Rama, ResidentAlien, Rich Farmbrough, RickK, Rjwilmsi, Rklawton, Rorybowman, Sadads, Salmanazar, Scientz, Scooter, Securiger, Semper-Fi 2006, Sickharvest, Simonxag, Skpperd,
Stefanomione, StillTrill, Stor stark7, Sundevilesq, Surv1v4l1st, Tassedethe, Tavrian, Tazmaniacs, Tchernobog, That Guy, From That Show!, The Anome, The Cunctator, The Gnome,
ThierryVignaud, Tierlieb, Time for action, Timwi, Tomas62, Trigaranus, Ttwaring, TubularWorld, Ulrich in austin, VGPenelope, Vanished User 03, Versus22, W313g, Wally, Woohookitty,
Wurdnurd, Xufanc, Yaik9a, YeshuaDavid, Yoctobarryc, Yopie, 175 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image:Werwolfwimpel.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Jovianeye, User:Xufanc
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

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