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Chemistry Project
Chemical Garden


Chemical Garden
Introduction: The chemical garden is a fascinating phenomenon which was first observed by
Johann Rudolf Glauber a scientist that historians have accredited with being one of the first
chemical engineers. In 1646, Johann had observed the effect of FeCl
Crystals in a solution of
. Upon adding the crystals to this solution, he observed the growth of a tall, plant like
precipitate which grew within a few hours.
40g Sodium Hydroxide Pellets
60g Silica Gel
500 ml of Distilled Water
Bunsen Burner
Glass Rod
A variety of Transition Metal Salts
600ml Beaker
A funnel
Measuring Cylinder
Filter Paper

1. A solution of NaOH is prepared by adding 40g of NaOH to 100ml of Distilled water. The
glass rod is used to stir and dissolve the NaOH to form the solution.
2. The Bunsen burner is setup with the tripod. The beaker is placed on top of the gauze
and is allowed to heat the beaker. Small amounts of silica gel are added and stirred into
the solution between cooling periods, eventually dissolving all 60g of the silica into the
3. The solution is removed from the Bunsen burner, and is now allowed to cool. Once
cooled, it is diluted to 250ml and then is filtered to obtain a pure solution lacking in
4. The clear solution is finally diluted to 550ml within a 600ml beaker.
5. Small pellets of transition salts are added to the solution, one at a time, but not in
6. The mixture is now allowed to sit in an undisturbed location to form the precipitates.


Within two to three hours of adding the pellets, a fibrous colored tower forms
depending on the salt pellet added. This tower is approximately is as tall as the distance
from the bottom of the beaker to the surface of the sodium silicate solution.

Name of Crystal Color Observed
Cobalt (II) Chloride Purple
Copper (II) Sulphate Blue
Iron (III) Chloride Orange
Nickel (II) Sulphate Green
Alum White

Explanation of the phenomenon:

Adding a pellet of a soluble metal salt to the water glass solution initiates a
morphogenic reaction where a hydrous metal silicate gel forms around the crystal, due
to anion metathesis. The formation of this colloidal gel acts as a semi-permeable
membrane through which water and excess hydroxide ions enter due to the osmotic
pressure. Under the entering water and hydroxide ions the crystal begins to dissolve. As
a result the dissolved crystal causes the gel to stretch until it ruptures, forming a small
tear through which a jet of the dissolved fluid is ejected. At these points of ejection, a
tubular fiber forms, and this process repeats, forming a large tower in due time. Thus,
this phenomenon follows Hoffs law of osmotic pressure.

Practical uses of the Chemical Garden:
Currently the principles of this experiment are used to as a mechanism for the
setting of Portland Cement. Solid Calcium Silicates are immersed in water; a
membrane of calcium silicate hydrate is forms around the calcium silicate.
Following this, osmotic pressure draws in hydroxide and water into the
membrane, eventually rupturing the membrane to eject several tubular filaments
of the calcium silicate hydrate. As a result cement consists of a thick intermesh of
these filaments.
It can be used to understand the corrosion of metals which maybe colloidal in
In Lead Acid battery technology, a battery paste which is colloidal in nature,
following this membrane osmosis model can be implemented to function.

Works Cited
"Chemical Garden." Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.
Collins, Craig. "The Silica Garden: A Hierarcharical Nanostructure." Chemical Physics Letters: n.
pag. Print.

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