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Digital Image Processing

Introduction, Advantages, and Applications

Syed Muhammad Munavvar Hussain
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
University College of Engineering and Technology
Bahauddin Zakariya University, ultan
Table of Contents
Chapter No.
Introduction to Digital Image Processing 3
Chapter No. "
Origins of Digital Image Processing
Chapter No. #
!"e Basics of Digital Image Processing #ystems 12
Chapter No. $
$%%lications of Digital Image Processing 1
Chapter No. %
&itations 27
&ist of Illustrations
'igure 1: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()
'igure 2: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((*
'igure 3: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((10
'igure 4: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((13
'igure ): (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((14
'igure +: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1)
'igure 7: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1)
'igure : (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1+
'igure *: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((17
'igure 10: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,,1*
'igure 11: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,,20
'igure 12: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,,21
'igure 13: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,,21
'igure 14: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,,22
'igure 1): ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,,22
'igure 1+: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((,,24
&"a%ter -o,
!ne picture is "orth #ore than ten thousand "ords.
Introduction of Digital Image
'hat is the Digital Image Processing(
It .ill /e /etter to start /y dictionary definitions of t"e .ords:
Digital) o%erating /y t"e use of discrete signals to re%resent data in t"e
form of num/ers, 021
Image) an image 2from 3atin imago4 or %icture is an artifact5 usually t.o-
dimensional5 t"at "as a similar a%%earance to some su/6ect--usually a
%"ysical o/6ect or a %erson, 011

Processing) to %erform o%erations on data according to %rogrammed
instructions, [2]
!"us t".e definition of t"e digital image %rocessing may /e gi7en as:
$%igital i#age processing is the use of co#puter algorith#s to perfor# i#age
processing on digital i#ages.&
Digital image %rocessing is electronic data %rocessing on a 2-D array of num/ers,
!"e array is a numeric re%resentation of an i#age, 0+1
It is a su/field of digital signal %rocessing5 and digital image %rocessing "as many
ad7antages o7er analog image %rocessing8 it allo.s a muc" .ider range of
algorit"ms to /e a%%lied to t"e in%ut data5 and can a7oid %ro/lems suc" as t"e
/uild-u% of noise and signal distortion during %rocessing, 031
Image %rocessing o%erations can /e roug"ly di7ided into t"ree ma6or categories:
1, Image &om%ression
2, Image En"ancement and 9estoration
3, :easurement E;traction
Image com%ression is familiar to most %eo%le, It in7ol7es reducing t"e amount of
memory needed to store a digital image, 041
Interest in digital image %rocessing stems from t.o %rinci%al a%%lications areas:
1. Im%ro7ement of %ictorial information for "uman inter%retation
2. Processing of image data for storage5 transmission5 and re%resentation for
autonomous mac"ine %erce%tion 0)1
$n image nay /e defined as a t.o-dimensional function5 f2;5 y45 ."ere ; and y are
s%atial 2%lane4 coordinates5 and t"e am%litude of f at any %air of coordinates 2;5 y4
is called t"e intensity or gray le7el of t"e image at t"at %oint, <"en ;5 y and t"e
am%litude 7alues of f are all finite5 discrete =uantities5 .e call t"e image a digital
image, !"e field of digital image %rocessing refers to %rocessing digital images /y
means of a digital com%uter, $ digital image is com%osed of a finite num/er of
elements5 eac" of ."ic" "as a %articular location and 7alue, !"ese elements are
referred to as %icture elements5 image elements5 %els5 and %i;els, Pi;el is t"e term
most .idely used to denote t"e elements of a digital image, 0)1
>ision is t"e most ad7anced of our senses5 so it is not sur%rising t"at t"e images
%lay t"e single most im%ortant role in "uman %erce%tion, ?o.e7er5 unli@e
"umans5 ."o are limited to t"e 7isual /and of t"e electromagnetic 2E:4
s%ectrum5 imaging mac"ines co7er almost t"e entire E: s%ectrum5 ranging from
gamma to radio .a7es, !"ey can o%erate on t"e images generated /y sources t"at
"umans are not accustomed to associating .it" images, !"us5 digital image
%rocessing encom%asses a .ide and 7aried field of a%%lications, 0)1
*igure )
Electromagnetic s%ectrum arranged according to energy %er %"oton 0)1
!"ere is no general agreement among aut"ors regarding ."ere image %rocessing
sto%s and ot"er related areas5 suc" as image analysis and com%uter 7ision5 start,
#ometimes a distinction is made /y defining image %rocessing as a disci%line in
."ic" /ot" t"e in%ut and out%ut of a %rocess are images, !"is is /elie7ed to /e a
limiting and some."at artificial /oundary, 'or e;am%le5 under t"is definition5
e7en t"e tri7ial tas@ of com%uting t"e a7erage intensity of an image 2."ic" yields
a single num/er4 .ould not /e considered an image %rocessing o%eration, On t"e
ot"er "and5 t"ere are fields suc" as com%uter 7ision5 including learning and /eing
a/le to ma@e inferences and ta@e actions /ased on 7isual in%uts, !"is area itself is
a /ranc" of artificial intelligence 2$I4 ."ose o/6ecti7e is to emulate "uman
intelligence, !"e field of $I is in its earliest stages of infancy in terms of
de7elo%ment5 .it" %rogress "a7ing /een muc" t"an originally antici%ated,
!"e area of image analysis 2also called image understanding4 is in /et.een image
%rocessing and com%uter 7ision, 0)1
!"ere are no clear-cut /oundaries in t"e continuum from image %rocessing at one
end to com%uter 7ision at t"e ot"er, ?o.e7er5 one useful %aradigm is to consider
t"ree ty%es of com%uteriAed %rocesses in t"is continuum: lo.-5 mid-5 and "ig"-
le7el %rocesses, !"e logical %lace /et.een image %rocessing and image analysis is
t"e area of recognition of indi7idual regions or o/6ects in an image, !"us5 ."at is
called t"e digital image %rocessing encom%asses %rocesses ."ose in%uts and
out%uts are images and5 in addition5 encom%asses %rocesses t"at e;tract
attri/utes from images5 u% to and including t"e recognition of indi7idual o/6ects5
as a sim%le illustration to clarify t"ese conce%ts5 consider t"e area of automated
analysis of te;t, !"e %rocess of ac=uiring an image of t"e area containing t"e te;t5
%re%rocessing t"at image5 e;tracting 2segmenting4 t"e indi7idual c"aracters5
descri/ing t"e indi7idual c"aracters in a form suita/le for com%uter %rocessing5
and recogniAing t"ose indi7idual c"aracters are in t"e sco%e of ."at is called
digital image %rocessing in t"is re%ort, 0)1
The *uture of Digital Image Processing
!"e digital Image Processing is no. finding .ide range of uses in differenrt
modern a%%lications, 'e. of t"em 2in ."ic" researc"er are trying de7elo%ments 4
E;%ert #ystems
Parallel Processing
-eural -et.or@s 071
$nd many more(
&"a%ter -o, "
Things "hich "e see are not 'y the#selves "hat "e see (..
It re#ains co#pletely unkno"n to u
"hat the o')ects #ay 'e 'y the#selves and
apart fro# the receptivity of our senses.
*e kno" nothing 'ut our #anner of perceiving the#.
Immanual Bant
!"e Origins of Digital Image
+rief history
One of t"e first a%%lications of digital images .as in t"e ne.s%a%er industry5
."en %ictures .ere first sent /y su/marine ca/le /et.een 3ondon and -e. Cor@,
Introduction of t"e Bart-lane ca/le %icture transmission system in t"e early
1*20s reduced t"e time re=uired to trans%ort a %icture across t"e $tlantic from
more t"an a .ee@ to less t"an t"ree "ours, #%ecialiAed %rinting e=ui%ment coded
%ictures for ca/le transmission and t"en reconstructed t"em at t"e recei7ing end,
!"e first digital %icture .as %roduced in 1*21 from a coded ta%e /y a telegra%"
%rinter .it" s%ecial ty%e faces, 01
*igure ")
$ digital %icture %roduced in 1*21 from a coded ta%e /y a telegra%" %rinter 0)1
$fter 1*215 t"e ca%a/ility of coding images .as im%ro7ed ra%idly, ?o.e7er5 t"e
/asis for ."at .e call a modern digital signal %rocessing is due to t"e
re7olutionary in7ention of t"e digital com%uter, 011
!"e formal esta/lis"ing of t"e De%artment of Image Processing 2DIP4 at t"e
$stronomical O/ser7atory of B"ar@o7 -ational Dni7ersity s"ould /e referred to
t"e middle of t"e 70-t"s ."ile its origin can /e traced u% to t"e +0-t"s ."en t"e
first attem%ts to correct t"e errors of %"otometry of %lanetary discs for t"e effects
of atmos%"eric /lurring "ad /een underta@en at t"e $O B"-D, Eust at t"at time
t"e %ro/lem of seeing t"roug" t"e tur/ulent atmos%"ere /ecame of great
im%ortance for astronomical studies5 as .ell as for some a%%lied tas@s connected
.it" t"e international safety monitoring, $s a result5 a great num/er of ne.
met"ods to o/tain information a/out t"e fine s%atial structure of astronomical
o/6ects "ad a%%eared ."ic" stimulated de7elo%ment of t"e o/ser7ing and
%rocessing tec"ni=ue5 and5 t"at is e7en more im%ortant5 a noticea/le %rogress in
understanding t"e %ro/lem "as /een ac"ie7ed,
*igure #)
!"e first %icture of t"e :oon /y a D,#, spacecraft +anger, ta@en in 1*+4
In7estigation of statistical %arameters of t"e atmos%"ere res%onsi/le for t"e
image degradation .as fulfilled /y t"e DIP staff in 1*74-05 ."ic" "ad "el%ed
t"em to formulate t"e general strategy to reac" t"e "ig" angular resolution in
ground-/ased o/ser7ations 0*1,
$%%lication of interferometeric tec"ni=ue to telesco%ic o/ser7ations /ecame an
im%ortant ste% in o7ercoming t"e natural limit of resolution %osed /y t"e
atmos%"ere, ?o.e7er5 all t"ese met"ods needed a rat"er %o.erful image
%rocessing tec"ni=ue, But at t"at time a digital %rocessing tec"ni=ue could not
%ro7ide %rocessing of "ig"-informati7e astronomical images in a reasona/le time,
In addition5 no digital lig"t detectors e;isted at t"at time, !"at is ."y a co"erent
o%tical %rocessor /ecame t"e most natural instrument to fulfill image %rocessing
in t"e +0-t"s5 ."en t"e first industrial lasers a%%eared,
!"e first attem%t to a%%ly a co"erent o%tical de7ice for %rocessing astronomical
images .as underta@en at t"e $O B"-D in 1*70, By 1*73 a co"erent o%tical
%rocessor .it" t"e e;cellent tec"nical %arameters "ad /een created /y t"e efforts
of t"e DIP staff5 035415 and for long /ecame t"e main instrument for sol7ing a
.ide range of %ro/lems connected .it" image %rocessing, 0*1
:any of t"e tec"ni=ues of digital image %rocessing5 or digital %icture %rocessing
as it .as often called5 .ere de7elo%ed in t"e 1*+0s at t"e Eet Pro%ulsion
3a/oratory5 :I!5 Bell 3a/s5 Dni7ersity of :aryland5 and a fe. ot"er %laces5 .it"
a%%lication to satellite imagery5 .ire%"oto standards con7ersion5 medical
imaging5 7ideo%"one5 c"aracter recognition5 and %"oto en"ancement,
But t"e
cost of %rocessing .as fairly "ig" .it" t"e com%uting e=ui%ment of t"at era, In
t"e 1*70s5 digital image %rocessing %roliferated5 ."en c"ea%er com%uters and
dedicated "ard.are /ecame a7aila/le, Images could t"en /e %rocessed in real
time5 for some dedicated %ro/lems suc" as tele7ision standards con7ersion, $s
general-%ur%ose com%uters /ecame faster5 t"ey started to ta@e o7er t"e role of
dedicated "ard.are for all /ut t"e most s%ecialiAed and com%ute-intensi7e
<it" t"e fast com%uters and signal %rocessors a7aila/le in t"e 2000s5 digital
image %rocessing "as /ecome t"e most common form of image %rocessing5 and is
generally used /ecause it is not only t"e most 7ersatile met"od5 /ut also t"e
c"ea%est, 0101
&"a%ter -o, #
There-s #ore to it than #eets the eye.
F1*t" century %ro7er/
!"e Basics of Digital Image
Processing #ystems
*undamental Steps in Digital Image Processing
!"ere are se7eral different ste%s in7olc7ed 7in t"e image %rocessing8 listed a fe.
of t"em are:

*igure $)
'undamental ste%s in digital8 image %rocessing
*igure %)
Im%ortant ste%s in7ol7ed in digital image %rocessing
Image ,nhancement
Image defects ."ic" could /e caused /y t"e digitiAation %rocess or /y faults in t"e
imaging set-u% 2for e;am%le5 /ad lig"ting4 can /e corrected using Image
En"ancement tec"ni=ues, 0111
*igure -)
Image En"ancement and 9estoration
!"e image at t"e left of 'igure ) "as /een corru%ted /y noise during t"e
digitiAation %rocess, !"e GcleanG image at t"e rig"t of 'igure ) .as o/tained /y
a%%lying a median filter to t"e image,
*igure .)
$d6usting t"e image "istogram to im%ro7e image contrast
$n image .it" %oor contrast5 suc" as t"e one at t"e left of 'igure +5 can /e
im%ro7ed /y ad6usting t"e image "istogram to %roduce t"e image s"o.n at t"e
rig"t of 'igure +,
*igure /)
&orrecting for a /ac@ground gradient
Components of an Image Processing System
$s recently as t"e mid-1*0s5 numerous models of image %rocessing systems
/eing sold t"roug"out t"e .orld .ere rat"er su/stantial %eri%"eral de7ices t"at
attac"ed to e=ually su/stantial "ost com%uters, 3ate in t"e 1*0s and early in t"e
1**0s5 t"e mar@et s"ifted to image, 011
*igure 0)
&om%onents of a digital image %rocessing sytem
&"a%ter -o, $
.or a long ti#e, I li#ited #yself to one color////
as a for#of discipline.
Pa/lo Picasso
$%%lications of Digital Image
Processing #ystems
There is a 2ide range of applications of the digital image processing3
all of 2hich may not be discussed in this short report. That is 2hy 2e
shall enlist them and discuss only a fe2 in detail in this section later.
1. &om%uter 7ision
2. 'ace detection
3. 'eature detection
4. 3ane de%arture .arning system
5. -on-%"otorealistic rendering
6. :edical image %rocessing
7. :icrosco%e image %rocessing
8. :or%"ological image %rocessing
9. 9emote sensing 0131
Images from 4arious 1pplications
. ,ngineering
*igure 5)
Engineering a%%lication
". Medicine 6M7 Image8
*igure )
$ :edical a%%lication---:agnetic resonance imaging
$ magnetic resonance imaging instrument 2:9I scanner4 uses %o.erful magnets
to %olarise and e;cite "ydrogen nuclei 2single %roton4 in .ater molecules in
"uman tissue5 %roducing a detecta/le signal ."ic" is s%atially encoded resulting
in images of t"e /ody, In /rief5 :9I in7ol7es t"e use of t"ree @inds of
electromagnetic field: a 7ery strong 2of t"e order of units of teslas4 static magnetic
field to %olariAe t"e "ydrogen nuclei5 called t"e static field8 a .ea@er time-7arying
2of t"e order of 1 @?A4 for s%atial encoding5 called t"e gradient field2s48 and a
.ea@ radio-fre=uency 29'4 field for mani%ulation of t"e "ydrogen nuclei to
%roduce measura/le signals5 collected t"roug" an 9' antenna,
*igure ")
P"otogra%"y and Digital Image Processing
*igure #)
Digital Image Processing in $stronomy
*igure $)
'ingure Prints Detection
*igure %)
3icense Plate 9eaders
Digital camera images
Digital cameras generally include dedicated digital image %rocessing c"i%s to
con7ert t"e ra. data from t"e image sensor into a color-corrected image in a
standard image file format, Images from digital cameras often recei7e furt"er
%rocessing to im%ro7e t"eir =uality5 a distinct ad7antage digital cameras "a7e
o7er film cameras, !"e digital image %rocessing is ty%ically done /y s%ecial
soft.are %rograms t"at can mani%ulate t"e images in many .ays, 0121
Computer vision
Computer vision is t"e science and tec"nology of mac"ines t"at see, $s a
scientific disci%line5 com%uter 7ision is concerned .it" t"e t"eory for /uilding
artificial systems t"at o/tain information from images, !"e image data can ta@e
many forms5 suc" as a 7ideo se=uence5 7ie.s from multi%le cameras5 or multi-
dimensional data from a medical scanner,
$s a tec"nological disci%line5 com%uter 7ision see@s to a%%ly t"e t"eories and
models of com%uter 7ision to t"e construction of com%uter 7ision systems,
E;am%les of a%%lications of com%uter 7ision systems include systems for:
&ontrolling %rocesses 2e,g, an industrial ro/ot or an autonomous 7e"icle4,
Detecting e7ents 2e,g, for 7isual sur7eillance or %eo%le counting4,
OrganiAing information 2e,g, for inde;ing data/ases of images and image
:odeling o/6ects or en7ironments 2e,g, industrial ins%ection5 medical
image analysis or to%ogra%"ical modeling4,
Interaction 2e,g, as t"e in%ut to a de7ice for com%uter-"uman interaction4,
1nimal Trac9ing
In order to collect s%atial information a/out an animalGs mo7ement /y means of
digital image %rocessing tec"ni=ues t"e information "as to /e collected
se=uentially, !"is can /e ac"ie7ed /y analyAing su/se=uent image frames of a
digitiAed 7ideo, By means of e;tracting t"e H- and C- coordinates re%resenting
t"e %osition of a mouse for eac" indi7idual image frame5 t"e %at" can /e
measured, Ideally5 time as an additional information5 s"ould /e included, If t"e
images are ca%tured and analyAed at a constant framerate or5 alternati7ely5 t"e
e;act time for eac" coordinate %air is e;tracted simultaneously5 7alua/le
information li@e s%eed5 sto%s5 etc, can /e calculated from t"e data, !al@ing a/out
timelines5 it "as to /e noted t"at de%ending u%on t"e framerate 2time resolution4
t"e total %at"lengt" may 7ary to a great e;tend,
*igure -)
$ mouse is digitiAed to c"ec@ its mo7ements 0131
Medical imaging
:edical imaging refers to t"e tec"ni=ues and %rocesses used to create images of
t"e "uman /ody 2or %arts t"ereof4 for clinical %ur%oses 2medical %rocedures
see@ing to re7eal5 diagnose or e;amine disease4 or medical science 2including t"e
study of normal anatomy and %"ysiology4,
$s a disci%line and in its .idest sense5 it is %art of /iological imaging and
incor%orates radiology 2in t"e .ider sense45 radiological sciences5 endosco%y5
2medical4 t"ermogra%"y5 medical %"otogra%"y and microsco%y 2e,g, for "uman
%at"ological in7estigations4,
:easurement and recording tec"ni=ues ."ic" are not %rimarily designed to
%roduce images5 suc" as electroence%"alogra%"y 2EEI4 and
magnetoence%"alogra%"y 2:EI4 and ot"ers5 /ut ."ic" %roduce data susce%ti/le
to /e re%resented as ma%s 2i,e, containing %ositional information45 can /e seen as
forms of medical imaging, 0141
,lectron microscopy
!"e electron microsco%e is a microsco%e t"at can magnify 7ery small details .it"
"ig" resol7ing due to t"e use of electrons as t"e source of illumination5
magnifying at le7els u% to 250005000 times,
Electron microsco%y is em%loyed in anatomic %at"ology to identify organelles
.it"in t"e cells, Its usefulness "as /een greatly reduced /y immun"istoc"emistry
/ut it is still irre%lacea/le for t"e diagnosis of @idney disease5 identification of
immotile cilia syndrome and many ot"er tas@s
'luorosco%y %roduces real-time images of internal structures of t"e /ody in a
similar fas"ion to radiogra%"y5 /ut em%loys a constant in%ut of ; rays5 at a
dose rate, &ontrast media5 suc" as /arium5 iodine5 and air are used to 7isualiAe
internal organs as t"ey .or@, 'luorosco%y is also used in image-guided
%rocedures ."en constant feed/ac@ during a %rocedure is re=uired, $n image
rece%tor is re=uired to con7ert t"e radiation into an image after it "as %assed
t"roug" t"e area of interest, Early on t"is .as a fluorescing screen5 ."ic" ga7e
.ay to an Image $m%lifier 2I$4 ."ic" .as a large 7acuum tu/e t"at "ad t"e
recei7ing end coated .it" cesium iodide5 and a mirror at t"e o%%osite end,
E7entually t"e mirror .as re%laced .it" a !> camera,
Nuclear medicine
Images from gamma cameras are used in nuclear medicine to detect regions of
/iological acti7ity t"at are often associated .it" diseases, $ s"ort li7ed isoto%e5
suc" as
I is administered to t"e %atient, !"ese isoto%es are more readily
a/sor/ed /y /iologically acti7e regions of t"e /ody5 suc" as tumors or fracture
%oints in /ones,
Pro:ection radiography
9adiogra%"s5 more commonly @no.n as ;-rays5 are often used to determine t"e
ty%e and e;tent of a fracture as .ell as for detecting %at"ological c"anges in t"e
lungs, <it" t"e use of radio-o%a=ue contrast media5 suc" as /arium5 t"ey can also
/e used to 7isualiAe t"e structure of t"e stomac" and intestines - t"is can "el%
diagnose ulcers or certain ty%es of colon cancer,
:edical ultrasonogra%"y uses "ig" fre=uency /road/and sound .a7es in t"e
mega"ertA range t"at are reflected /y tissue to 7arying degrees to %roduce 2u% to
3D4 images, !"is is often used to 7isualiAe t"e fetus in %regnant .omen, Ot"er
im%ortant uses include imaging t"e a/dominal organs5 "eart5 male genitalia5 and
t"e 7eins of t"e leg, <"ile it may %ro7ide less anatomical detail t"an tec"ni=ues
suc" as &! or :9I5 it "as se7eral ad7antages ."ic" ma@e it ideal in numerous
situations5 in %articular t"at it studies t"e function of mo7ing structures in real-
time5 emits no ioniAing radiation5 and contains s%ec@le t"at can /e used in
elastogra%"y, It is 7ery safe to use and does not a%%ear to cause any ad7erse
effects5 alt"oug" information on t"is is not .ell documented, It is also relati7ely
ine;%ensi7e and =uic@ to %erform, Dltrasound scanners can /e ta@en to critically
ill %atients in intensi7e care units5 a7oiding t"e danger caused ."ile mo7ing t"e
%atient to t"e radiology de%artment, !"e real time mo7ing image o/tained can /e
used to guide drainage and /io%sy %rocedures, Do%%ler ca%a/ilities on modern
scanners allo. t"e /lood flo. in arteries and 7eins to /e assessed, 0171
&"a%ter -o, %
*hen so#ething can 'e read "ithout effort,
0reat effort has gone into its "riting.
Enri1ue 2ardiel 3oncela
1. en,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJImage
2. "tt%:JJ...,/ores,comJcoursesJintroJ/asicsJ1K."atis,"tm
3. en,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJDigital image %rocessing
4. "tt%:JJ.e/,uct,ac,AaJde%tsJ%"ysicsJlaserJ"an/uryJintroKi%,"tml
5. R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods. Digital !age "#o$essing. "ea#son
Ed%$ation.Ele&ent' ndian Re(#int) 2005.
6. "tt%:JJs"o.,doc6a7a,com:0+J/oo@Ji%i6Jc")J"tmlJc")Kt,"tm
7. "tt%:JJ...,r-s-c-c,orgJrsccJ73,"tml
, :c'arlane
9. "tt%:JJ...,astron,@"ar@o7,uaJdi%J/rief,"tm
10. "tt%:JJen,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJDigitalKimageK%rocessing
11. "tt%:JJ.e/,uct,ac,AaJde%tsJ%"ysicsJlaserJ"an/uryJintroKi%,"tml
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