End The Siege of Gaza: Stop Zim Action Committee Oakland 9/27/14

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End the Siege of Gaza!

Picket the Zim Shanghai Starting

September 27 at the Port of Oakland!
Israel and Hamas agreed to a set of conditions for a ceasefire on August 26th, after Israel had killed
more than 2,100 Palestinians in Gaza - mostly ciilians, more than a !uarter children - and destroyed much
of Gaza"s infrastructure, housing, hos#itals, schools and $ater su##ly%
Israel claims it does not &occu#y' Gaza, yet it has com#lete control of Gaza"s land crossings,
seacoast and air s#ace% Israel seerely restricts Palestinians" moement and their access to food, medical
su##lies, and construction materials%
In 1()*, #rotesting against +outh African A#artheid, the ,ay Area longshore $orkers union, I-./
-ocal 10, $ent on strike for 11 days against the Nedlloyd Kimberley, a shi# carrying +outh African cargo%
In 2010, res#onding to the deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza 0reedom 0lotilla, -ocal 10 honored a
#icket of an Israeli-o$ned 1I2 shi# 3y 1,200 community and la3or actiists, refusing to unload the shi# for 2*
hours% In August 201*, Palestinian, community and la3or actiists, in an historic ictory, 3locked the Zim
Piraeus for fie days and forced it to leae the ,ay $ith most of its cargo still on 3oard%
.e ask the I-./ to carry on its long historical tradition of o##osing in4ustice and honoring community
#icket lines% -et5s kee# the #ressure on and continue this tradition of la3or 3lockades against o##ression%
Please come to a sustained community and labor activist picket beginning on September 27th
to sto# the Zim Shanghai from unloading or loading any cargo - from $hen it arries in 6akland until it
leaes% 7his $ill also send a message to steedoring com#anies such as +teedore +erices of America
8++A9 $ho are #ushing for concessions right no$ against longshore $orkers $ho are $orking $ithout a
Picket Lines Mean on!t "ross!
#n $n%&r' to One is an $n%&r' to #ll!
Solidarit' (ith the Palestinian people!
Stop ZIM Action Committee

/nions around the $orld, including the Palestinian General 0ederation of 7rade /nions
8Gaza9 and the :ongress of +outh African 7rade /nions 8:6+A7/9 hae called for action against
Israeli A#artheid%
.e are asking that longshore $orkers honor this #icket line as they hae done 3efore for the
Zim Piraeus, and other shi#s such as the Nedlloyd Kimberley $hich carried cargo for the
o##ressie and discriminatory A#artheid regime of +outh Africa in the 1()0s%
.e understand the I-./ is currently in contract negotiations $ith the Pacific 2aritime
Association 8P2A9 and that there is no contract in effect at this time% 0urther, ++A is one of the
most aggressie steedoring em#loyers in the P2A going after the I-./ on $ork rules and
concessions% I-./ longshore $orkers in the Pacific ;orth$est hae 3een fired for $ork sto##ages
oer health and safety iolations des#ite the fact that there is no contract in effect% .orking no$
under no contract as negotiations continue, there is more o##ortunity and reason to take action on
3ehalf of $orkers and the community%
7here is no ar3itration #rocedure $ithout a contract and longshore $orkers cannot 3e
com#elled to cross a la3or and community #icket line to com#ly $ith a contract% Honoring a #icket
line of the Israeli shi##ing line 1I2 actiely su##orts the Palestinian #eo#le, and sho$s that union
mem3ers care a3out $hat ha##ens to others $ho suffer discrimination and o##ression% +u##orting
the community in this struggle further strengthens community su##ort for the I-./ in fighting to
kee# the hiring hall, $ork rules, and other 3enefits union mem3ers hae%
I-./ mem3ers should 3e a$are that Israeli unions actiely discriminate against Palestinians
- $ho make u# a significant #ortion of the la3or force $ithin Israel% As many of you are $ell a$are,
longshore $orkers in +an 0rancisco and the entire .est :oast esta3lished the hiring hall after the
strike in 1(<* to end discrimination in hiring 3ased on union mem3ershi# and race%
8-a3or =onated9
Text !oin" to ##2$2 %or alerts on ship location and picket status
T&itter' (StopZIM)ak *acebook' snurl+com,stop-ims27
A sustained picket" means $e $ill #icket the Zim Shanghai from $hen it arries until it leaes
the ,ay%

Morning assembly' .am/ 0est )akland 1A2T 3starting September 27
A%ternoon assembly' 5'6$pm/ 0est )akland 1A2T

:ar#ools $ill 3e aaila3le% 7he shi# is e>#ected at the ++A terminal at the Port of 6akland%

7y#ically, each #icket $ill last only a fe$ hours until longshore $orkers decide not to cross the
#icket% It may last longer de#ending on the situation% ?olunteers are need for all shifts, 3ut
es#ecially morning shifts and the first day 8morning of +e#tem3er 2@

Please check your #honeA7$itterA0, for u#dates on the shi# location and #icket status,
#articularly the day 3efore% 1I2 may delay the shi#"s arrial to aoid #icketers%

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