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Chap 1 - By Nicks description, Amy is a difficult person with a really strong personality.

So far I
dont like her, at all.
Nick losing is 11 year job describes todays economy and how the internet has ruined paper
Amy is a bitch. If she has no job why cant she just support her husband. Nicks mother is dying,
so is his father, and he needs to move there and she is always complaining about it. Shes a
spoiled and rude New Yorker. Also, she doesnt care about his family at all (see quote p.7)
The town has lines marking the height of the rivers water on the building during floods exactly
like Rgua!
Chap 2 - Amy is insane. She might be bipolar in my opinion. Her diarys entry is crazy! She just
rambles and rambles.
Chap 3 - I didnt know that weddings anniversaries had a gift theme! Interesting.
Go, Nicks sister is awesome. Crude but awesome. (see quote p.27)
Okay, and Amy is gone! I think it's obvious this is the game. Come on... But that way it'd
extremely predictable so Nick might have killed her. He was in a bad mood when he reached
The Bar because of Amy that morning. There might have been a fight. Theres a space in time
that needs to be filled by Amys POV.
Chap 4 - Finally, Amy says it all about marriages! (p.39-40)
Chap 5 WHAT THE FUCK NICK? (see quote p.51) Now I have to guess the other fucking lies.
Chap 7 - ohh nick, yoou said Amy had, not has 11
lie??????? So now Amy is an angry
woman who makes you want to hurt her?? And angry woman bring something out of you that
is unsavory?? Incriminating statement!!! (see quote p.71)
Chap 8 Now Nick is the SoB. He should have showed up to the dinner. Fuck the dancing
monkeys theory. If your wife needs you YOU GO TO HER fucker.
Chap 9 So you told her fuck you after you bailed on her on your freaking 3
and WENT TO A FUCKING STRIP CLUB? AMY please tell him to go fuck himself and leave that
piece of shit. Im sorry? Bulshit! Amy, dont forgive him, he went to not one but two strip clubs,
wasting YOUR money. Leave him.
Chap 10 I actually googled hate the word panties. Now I really dont know wether Nick
killed Amy or if this is her way to show him what a sick bastard he is, the same as his father,
and shes going to make him suffer, with the towns help and, hopefully, divorce him in the
end. Yup, thatd be the perfect ending. AH SO HE REALLY WAS THE KILLER. Fucking nick
planned the murder! (see quote p.108) He has a disposable phone he needs to get rid off and
someone is calling him there? Ah, funny.
Chap 11 and now her parents need all her money. Great. Also, nick is a jerk.
Chap 12
Chap 13- OMG NICK YOU SOB. Amy leave him, he cannot talk to you like that! Fuck him! I
honestly dont know whos right now, each POV is so different.
Chap 14 So Nick knows the answer to a clue and is going there and just starts thinking about
he is used to getting angry with his wife since marriage and how he finds it enjoyable?? WTF?
(see quote p.146) Amy was actually nice to the neighbors and Nick didnt know about it? He
is pretty adamant about her not liking them at all.
Chap 15 Nick, just shut the fuck up (see quote p.164)
Chap 16 Incest maybe?
I quit, no more notes on this book. This is a total mind fuck. I seriously give up.

Gone Girl Quotes
Page 7 Amy didnt care to know my family, didnt want to know my birthplace
Page 10 the Internet But theres no app for a bourbon buzz on a warm day in a cool, dark
bar. The worl will always want a drink. This is so true
Page 27 Go home, fuck her brains out, then smack her with your penis and scream, theres
some wood for you, bitch!
Page 51 - It was my fifth lie to the police. I was just starting.
Page 71 Go: hit her on the head and Nick: Why did you say hit her on the head, what
the fuck is that?
Page 108 I had no reservations and I had no gift. Because if I planned on killing Amy that day,
I wouldnt have needed reservations for that night or a gift Id never need to give her.
Page 146 because at this point in our marriage, I was so used to being angry with her, it
felt almost enjoyable.
Page 164 Be friendly, Amy. Nick spits in my ear


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