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Publications (in peer reviewed journals)

1. Field induced by an axial magnetic dipole in the presence of two fused

superconducting spheres: Analytic solution, J. Appl. Phys., 105, Art. 07D534,
2009 .
2. agnetic interaction force and a couple on a superconducting sphere in an
arbitrary dipole field, J. Supercond Nov. Magn. , 2009 !in press".
#. Analytic $olutions for $ome %asic &roblems in 'lectricity (n)ol)ing
(ntersecting $phere and *ylinder &airs, lectr!cal ng!neer!ng, Spr!nger, 2009
+. *on)ection in heated fluid layers sub,ected to time periodic hori-ontal
accelerations, J. "lu!d Mech., 596, #1#.##2, 200/ !with 0. &esch, 1. 2ao and
F. 3. %usse".
4. (mage treatment of a 25 )apor.li6uid compound droplet (n a linearised steady
)iscous flow, #rans. ASM$ J. "lu!ds ngg., 130 %7&, Art. 7o.081#04, 200/.
9. :n the general solutions of unsteady sto;es e6uations, 'nt. J. Pure and Appl.
Math., 200/ !Accepted"
8. *omment on <=ondon model for the le)itation force between a hori-ontally
oriented magnetic dipole and superconducting sphere, Phys. (ev. ), 75 %*&, Art.
7o. 019402 , 2008.
/. *lassical image treatment of a geometry composed of a circular conductor
partially merged in a dielectric cylinder and related problems in electrostatics,
Journal o+ Phys!cs A$ Math. , -eneral, 38 !28", 924#.9299, 2004.
9. Axisymmetric creeping flows in and around a )apor.li6uid compound droplet.
Phys!ca A , 346 !#.+", 218.2+9, 2004 !with &. 5aripa".
10. A drag formula re)isited, 'nt. J. ngg. Sc!., 43 !19.20", 1+9/.1401, 2004 !with 3.
11. *entered shear flow past a partially encapsulated two.dimensional droplet,
Phys!ca A, 332 89.//, 200+.
12. An 'xtension of 7igam and 7igam?s &artially erged 2win *ircles 2heorem to
2wo 5issimilar :)erlapping *ylinders in 'lectrostatics, Marath.ada
Mathe/at!cal Soc!ety )ullet!n, Spec!al !ssue, !(n)ited *ontribution", 200+.
1#. 'lectrostatics of two intersecting conducting cylinders, Mathe/at!cal and
0o/puter Modell!ng, 36 !8./", /21./#0, 2002.
1+. 'xterior $to;es flows with stic;.slip boundary conditions, J. Appl. Math. Phys.
%1AMP", 53 !2", 2/1.#08, 2002 !with &. 5aripa".
14. @enerali-ed circle and sphere theorems for in)iscid and )iscous flows, S'AM J.
Appl. Math., 62 !2" 41+.4+0, 2001 !with &. 5aripa".
19. $ingularity induced exterior and interior $to;es flows, Phys. "lu!ds, 13 !11" #1#+.
#14+, 2001 !with &. 5aripa".
18. (nterior $to;es flows with stic;.slip boundary conditions. Phys!ca A, 297, #8.9#,
2001 !with &. 5aripa".
1/. *reeping flows in and around a compound multiphase droplet, 0o/putat!onal
Methods !n Mult!phase "lo., Advances !n "lu!d Mechan!cs, 'ditors: 3. &ower A
*. A. %rebbia, 99.10/, 2001 !with &. 5aripa"
19. .Biscous Flows (n)ol)ing a =i6uid.Bapor *ompound 5roplet, ASM
'nternat!onal Mechan!cal ng!neer!ng 0ongress and 2pos!t!on !2echnical
&aper", 2001.
20. *ompound droplet in extensional and paraboloidal flows, Phys. "lu!ds A, 12, !10"
2#88.2#/4, 2000 !with &. 5aripa".
21. @eneral slow )iscous flows in a two.fluid system, Acta Mechan!ca, 139, 1.1#,
22. =ongitudinal and 2rans)erse polari-ability of the conducting double sphere, J.
Appl. Phys., 88 !9", +9+8.+942, 2000 !with %. C. Felderhof".
2#. 'lectrostatic capacitance of two une6ual o)erlapping spheres and the rate of
diffusion.controlled absorption. J. Appl. Phys., 86 !11", 9401.9409, 1999 !with
%.C. Felderhof".
2+. 'lectrostatics of a conducting double sphere, J. Appl. Phys., 86 !9" #+1/.#+22,
1999 !with %. C. Felderhof".
24. 'ffect of radiation on natural con)ection in a )ertical permeable channel, Ass.
Adv. Mod. S!/. #ech. nt.%AMS&, 57 (2), 35-50, 1998 (with J. C.
29. Analytic solutions for $to;es flow past a partially encapsulated droplet, Phys.
"lu!ds A, 9 !4", 121/.1221, 1998 !with $angtae Dim".
28. $low )iscous flow about a permeable cylinder, Arch. Mech., 49, !1", 188.1/8,
1998 !with $. D. Dhan".
2/. 2wo dimensional creeping flows with permeable cylinders. J. Appl. Math. Mech.,
%1AMM&, 77 !10", 891.899, 1998 !with $. D. Dhan and ;. Archana".
29. >egular and chaotic flows in paraboloidal basins and eddies, 0haos, Sol!tons ,
"ractals, 7, !#", #/#.+0/, 1999 !with &. =. $achde) and >. $arathy".
#0. $ boundary in $to;es flow, 'nt. Jl. Math., Math. Sc!., 19, 1+4.140,
1999 !with $.5. 7igam and 2. Amaranath".
#1. otion inside a li6uid sphere: (nternal singularities, "lu!d Dyn. (es., 15, 198.
18+, 1994 !with %.$. &adma)athi, 2. Amaranath".
#2. A theorem for a fluid sphere in $to;es flow, J. Aust. Math. Soc. Ser. ), 35 !#",
##4.#+8, 199+ !with $. 5. 7igam and 2. Amaranath".
##. *reeping flow about a slightly deformed sphere, J. Appl. Math. Phys. !1AMP",
45, /#2./#/, 199+.
#+. $to;es flow past a permeable surface !7on.axisymmetric problem", J. Appl.
Math. Mech.%1AMM", 74, !8", 290.292, 199+ !with %. $. &adma)athi and 2.
#4. $to;es flow about a spherical particle, Arch. Mech., 46, 191.199, 199+ !with %. $.
&adma)athi and 2. Amaranath".
#9. Arbitrary $to;es flow past a porous sphere, ech. >es. *omm., 20, #09.#1/,
#8. =amb?s solution of $to;es e6uations: A sphere theorem, Euart. 1l. ech. App.
ath., +4, +8.49, 1992 !with $.5. 7igam, 2. Amaranath and >. Csha".
#/. A theorem for in)iscid flow past two orthogonally intersecting une6ual spheres,
1. ath. A &hy. $ci., 2+, 2/9.294, 1990 !with $. 5. 7igam and 2. Amaranath".
#9. A theorem for a sphere in $to;es flow, ech. >es. *omm., 18, +29.
+#4, 1990 !with $.5. 7igam, 2. Amaranath and >. Csha".
+0. $phere theorem for $to;es flow. ech. >es. *omm., 18, 18#.18+, 1990 !with
>.Csha, $.5. 7igam and 2. Amaranath".
oo! c"apters and ot"er re#ereed publications
1. @eneral $olution >epresentations for Fluid Flows at =ow.>eynolds 7umbers.
3Methods !n 0reep!ng "lo.4, 'dited by Francois F'C(=='%:($ A Antoine
$'==('>, 2009 !to appear".
2. Stokeslet induced flows in the vicinity of a hybrid compound droplet, Proceedings of the 22
ICTAM conference, Adelaide, Australia, 2008.
#. 'xtensional Flows &ast a Bapor.=i6uid *ompound 5roplet. Proceed!ngs o+ the
5S Natl. 0ongress on Appl!ed Mechan!cs, %oulder, *olorado 2009.
+. $low >otation of a double sphere in a )iscous fluid, Proceed!ngs o+ the 6*

'0#AM con+erence, 0arsaw, &oland, 200+
4. @eneral $olutions of the Cnsteady $to;es e6uations, )ullet!n o+ the A/er!can
Phys!cal Soc!ety, 2004.
9. *omputation of 'lectrostatic Fields Around :)erlapping $pheres and *ylinders
*4th 5S Natl 0ongress. on Appl!ed Mechan!cs, 2002.
8. $ome electrostatic problems for o)erlapping spheres and cylinders, Proceed!ngs
o+ the SA7'J Jo!nt Sy/pos!u/ on lectrostat!cs, 1. . *rowley, ar; Farets;y,
@haffar Da-;a-, eds., 2002.
/. Fluid flows in)ol)ing a compound multiphase droplet., '0M" 600* Proceed!ngs,
'dited by '. '. ichaelides, 2001, !with &. 5aripa".
9. Flow past an imper)ious sphere embedded in a porous medium based on 7on.
5arcy model. Proc. As!an 0ong. "lu!d Mech., 1998 !with 7. >udraiah, (.$.
$hi)a;umara and 5.B. *handrashe;har".
Preprints$wor! in pro%ress
1. A general solution of e6uations of e6uilibrium in linear elasticity, 200/
!submitted to Appl!ed Mathe/at!cs 8etters".
2. agneto.static images of axi.symmetric fields in a superconducting double
sphere 2009 !in preparation".
#. @aler;in structure of the general solutions of e6uilibrium e6uations in linear
elasticity 2009 !in preparation".
+. >otation of a double sphere in a )iscous fluid at low >eynolds numbers 2009 !in

&on#erence Presentations (last fi)e years)
1. (mage 2reatment of an Axial agnetic 5ipole in the &resence of 2wo Fused
$uperconducting $pheres. 53rd Annual 0on+erence on Magnet!s/ and Magnet!c
Mater!als, MMM6009, 7o). 10.1+, Austin, 2exas
2. $to;eslet induced flows in the )icinity of a hybrid compound droplet
66nd '0#AM 6009, Aug. 2+.#0, 200/, Adelaide, Australia
#. 'xtensional Flows &ast a Bapor.=i6uid *ompound 5roplet. *5th 5.S. Nat!onal
0ongress on #heoret!cal and Appl!ed Mechan!cs, 1une 24.#0, 2009, Cni)ersity of
*olorado at %oulder, C$A.
+. @eneral $olutions of the Cnsteady $to;es e6uations. A/er!can Phys!cal
Soc!ety D!v!s!on o+ "lu!d Dyna/!cs 0on+erence, 7o). 20.22, 2004, *hicago,
4. $low >otation of a 5ouble $phere in a Biscous Fluid. 6*
'0#AM 6004, Aug.
14.21, 200+, 0arsaw, &oland.
9. Biscous Flows &ast &orous $pheres 0ith (nfiltrated *ores. S!2th 0ar!::ean
0ongress o+ "lu!d Dyna/!cs, 1an.22.2#, 200+, 2rinidad, 0est (ndies.

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