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Annex B Full Grant Application Instructions and Form

B.1 Purpose
The Project Full Grant Application provides a standardized format for review of the major elements of the applicants
proposed activity. The review and appraisal of the information presented on the application will determine if a grant is
approved or disapproved.
B.2. Full Grant Application Form

Full Grant Application

Note: The total number of pages for sections I, II, III, and IV may not exceed 30 pages, not including any annexes,
resumes, and Section V.

Section I Basic Information
1. Organizations legal name:
2. Official address:
3. Telephone: Fax: E-mail:
4. Contact person and position in the organization:
5. Legal status of the organization:
Date and number of registration:
Tax Information Number (PIB):

Section II Program Description
Applicant is advised to submit the full application in a provided format and include the following:

6. Grant activity title: Increasing public and Civil Society cooperation in decision making process in IMCA Kraljevo,
aak, Gornji Milanovac, Vrnjaka Banja, and Raka.
7. Problem analysis and statement:
In Serbia, the current system which operates both on local and central level is the representative system of
government. In such system powerful and rich have much greater opportunities than those who lack information,
resources, knowledge and abilities, thus personal interests of the group can outweigh the interests of the community.
In Inter-Municipal Cooperation Area (IMCA) - Kraljevo with aak, Gornji Milanovac, Vrnjaka Banja and Raka
there is a number of Civil Society Organizations but the level of their involvement can be characterized as inadequate
to the needs of the region. Number of CSOs are sports, religious or political organizations, or are under the guidance
of the local officials who use this type of organization for political and personal purposes. Although there are several
CSOs with high expertise in their field they operate in and whose main priorities are truly those listed in their statutes,
their management capacities and knowledge are, in most cases, weak.
Observed by individual cities/municipalities there are significant differences. Vrnjacka Banja with a population of
over 27000, has 30 officially registered CSOs. In the last four years local government held 0 press conferences, has no
department or person responsible for information of and communication with citizens. The participation of citizens in
the functioning of local government is closer determined by Articles 84 to 94 of the Statute of the Municipality.
According to these articles citizens participate directly in the affairs of municipalities through referendums, citizens'
initiatives and citizen corps. In the past ten years, there were no such events. Although the importance of citizen
participation in decision-making process has been highly recognized in Vrnjaka Banja, inability to influence has led
to the passivity of citizens. The Municipality is faced with various problems, primarily caused by discouragement of
citizens to participate and by acceptance of the thought that they cannot change decisions made by local authorities.
As an example Vrnjaka Banja, until several years ago the most developed and most visited spa in Serbia, reduced its
tourism potential to the narrow city center due to the urban plan adopted by local government. Despite high awareness
of citizens about the problems that such situation led to (losing the architectural status of the spa, problems with water
supply in summer season, etc) passivity, as a result of discouragement, leads to further, deeper passivity.
Circumstances in IMCA cannot be much different.
In order to reach modern democratic society, participative democracy must be reinforced. According to
, there are four forms of civic participation (adapted to the situation in Serbia): (a) Informing - which
relates to informing citizens about the work, plans and intentions of representative bodies and providing other
information of public importance; (b) Consulting - which includes various forms of citizen participation in
determining priorities of local communities such as panels, public debates, consultations through electronic media and
the Internet, etc.; (c) Proposing - which includes various forms of citizens participation in giving suggestions and
expressing criticism of the work of representative bodies such as the gatherings of citizens, petitions, individual
suggestions, complaints, forms of public criticism, protests, peaceful assembly, demonstration, etc. (d) Decision-
making - forms of direct democracy and direct participation of citizens in decisions. This includes the assembly of all
citizens, referendums, citizen initiatives, etc.
Main characteristics of the citizens informing in Serbia are high rates of information through television and the
dynamic growth of information over the Internet (social networks, websites, etc.). Studies conducted by Mihailovi

and Milosavljevi
in 2006 have shown that the main source of information for citizens about municipal decisions is
the media, especially television. Even 56% of citizens said that television is their main source of information. Talk
with friends and neighbors is the second most common source of information (1/4 of respondents). There is only one
television station in Municipality of Vrnjaka Banja, and it is owned by local government. According to the Internet
World Stat News data rate of Internet penetration in Serbia has increased over the last five years from 14.3% to
56.2%. Although relatively low, and below the Europe average rate, growth recorded in the past five years and further
growth potential indicate the importance of this aspect of communication mechanism. High growth of level of
electronic literacy and use of internet as a primary mechanism of information, communication, exchange of ideas, and
active engagement indicates the importance of internet communication in civil society development. Municipality of
Vrnjaka Banja although obligated by the Statute and number of laws to inform citizens about the activities and the

Mihailovi, S. et al. (2006): Korak ka graanima: vodi kroz mesnu samoupravu u Srbiji, Beograd: Centar za slobodne izbore i demokratiju CESID.
Milosavljevi B., Popadi, D., Logar, S. (2006): Uee graana na lokalnom nivou Analiza pravnog okvira i politike u Srbiji i drugim
evropskim zemljama, Beograd: Stalna konferencija gradova i optina
decisions only a certain number of documents are located on the website of the Municipality, in addition links to most
of them are broken. Engaging in Internet search of Municipality website is very confusing and discouraging due to the
fact that two official sites can be found, and
In order to create sustainable local community under these circumstances overall approach must be based on solid and
strong civil sector. Projects that do not involve citizens participation tend to be short-breathed which is especially
evident in regional projects where political and personal interests are confronted and intertwined. In these situations
the project activities achieve their maximum efficiency in times of media and international donors attention. In the
next step, when watchdog activities should be transferred to the civil sector project, benefits, in most cases, start to
decline. Majority of examples of good practice of international donor projects exist only if a short time period after
the implementation of the project is perceived, after that many of them transform to unsustainable local organizations,
government bodies, and memorandums without concrete results. The only way that these projects can continuously
generate the predicted effects is for them to be essential for local governments of all participating
cities/municipalities. This can only be done through constant monitoring from the voters citizens. In other words
bottom-up approach must be undertaken.
8. Statement of grant objective:
The overall aim of this project is to strengthen public participation in decision making processes in Inter-Municipal
Cooperation Area Kraljevo with aak, Gornji Milanovac, Vrnjaka Banja, and Raka (IMCA7), by creating
mechanisms that will improve transparency of local governments and accountability off local officials, and enable
IMCA7 CSOs and citizens to take active part in the decision making processes at local level.
LFVB bases its project on high awareness of problems of citizens in the region, especially in Municipality of
Vrnjaka Banja, and approaches to tackle them. Though the project does not cover all SLD objectives LFVB strongly
believes that the participation of citizens is not only required but also necessary for sustainable local development, and
can be achieved only through systematic project activities based on knowledge of local community, research, strong
media promotion and direct communication with citizens.
Through this project the LFVB, will create communication mechanisms that will ensure constant, two-way,
communication with all targeted groups (interested and affected) primarily using internet technology as a means of
communication that is dynamically gaining importance and where a significant percentage of citizens' participation in
various activities can be noticed. Through other communication mechanisms LFVB will pay special attention to
vulnerable groups. Bearing in mind that the Internet is almost inaccessible to the Roma population, which is largely
affected by the activities and decisions of the local government LFVB will, in their case, use direct form of
communication. One-day training will be held to Roma population, training will empower their representatives to
communicate via the project website. In addition they will be encouraged to submit their initiatives in writing to the
representatives of the LFVB, which will further promote them on the project website. The possibility of written
communication will be also enabled to the elderly population and the concept of civil participation will be presented
to the Pensioners Association of Vrnjaka Banja.
This overall goal will be met by fulfilling the following specific objectives:
Creation of the website that will have several categories:
1. Virtual local assemblies this part of the website will show local assemblies with pictures and names of
elected officials. Every official will be linked with information regarding his education, position in the
assemblies and political party. Mainly, every official will be linked with his votes on decisions proposed by
local government, and documents related to those decisions. This will improve transparency and
accountability of locally elected officials and local assembly.
2. Documents this section will contain all relevant documents proposed by local government, as well as the
section for documents regarding citizen and CSOs initiatives.
3. Blog - will enable citizens and CSOs to raise questions, concerns and needs of specific user groups or of the
general public. Blog will provide a good input for constant and dynamic analysis of relevant needs and
problems, avoiding their assumption. Focus on problems and issues that directly affect people will contribute
to the activation of the population. Topics with the highest support will be transferred to the Poll section of
the website.
4. Poll - In Serbia there are no precise legal regulations of petition initiatives, and the petition is seen as the non-
binding addressing of citizens. Consequently, people do not initiate, or sign petitions to the extent they would
in case there should be more confidence in the positive outcome of this activity. LFVB in cooperation with
other CSOs in the IMCA7 will encourage and offer organizational support to the initiators of polls topics
with the higher support to organize petitions and lobby for the renewal of politics by pointing limitations or
side effects of the current policy in order to meet the needs of customers or citizens. Local government
response to initiatives that reach the voting process will be visible in the Virtual local assemblies section of
the website.
5. CSOs Network Reserved for Network members but will be transparent in order for citizens to be able to
monitor Network activities.
6. FAQ this section will give citizens relevant information about citizen participation, ways that they can
influence development of their society, literature regarding citizen participation, relevant Laws (Law on
Local Self-Government, Law on Access to Information of Public Importance), examples of good practice,
The LFVB will create individual websites for all cities/municipalities in the IMCA. The LF will actively manage
website for the municipality of Vrnjaka Banja and monitor managing of all other sites in IMCA. In the process
of creation of CSO Network and in cooperation with USAID Sustainable Local Development Project the LFVB
will try to find CSOs that will manage websites for IMCA7 cities/municipalities in which they operate. Created
website will be framework for other interested CSOs in Serbia, and with slight moderations it will be possible for
use in other cities/municipalities outside of IMCA7.
Creation of CSO Network LFVB will establish tighter cooperation between CSOs in IMCA7 region by
organizing CSO Network. Created network in the district will contribute to the creation of partnerships and
cooperation within the CSO sector. Three iterations of Workshops will lead to the identification of interested CSOs,
their goals, capabilities and capacities. Conducted analysis will contribute to a better organizational structure of the
Network which will not be merely a list of CSOs. Although LFVB has more than 30 young, highly educated external
associates from different scientific fields (architects, lawyers, economists, designers, IT experts, etc), most of them
unemployed, LFVB appreciates the fact that IMCA7 region has several CSOs specialized in different fields. Those
CSOs will be invited to actively involve not only in activities of administration of their local website (if they chose
so), but also in regional activities regarding involvement in areas they are specialized in.
1. First workshop will present the overall project to the CSOs, training to the interested representatives of CSOs
about ways they can influence local government, relevant laws and decisions about civil participation, etc.,
will be provided. Pincer Model for Effective Advocacy, on which the cooperation will be based, will be
presented, and participating CSOs will be encouraged to think about the ways and level of their engagement
in the Network (partners, connections and users).
2. Second workshop will be organized with CSOs interested in network cooperation. Main issues and problems
will be discussed, interested CSOs will present their work, ideas and main problems which they face, and
propose level of their participation in the network. CSOs will propose moderators of their municipality
3. CSO Network will be organized. Website will be presented to the CSOs. Training will be provided to selected
moderators of local governments websites. Memorandum of understanding between CSOs will be signed,
and Network will be formally created.
Citizen panel - interested citizens will be informed about the project followed by a discussion phase in which the
ordinary citizens views and suggestions will be gathered. Minimum two panels will be held.
Promotion and information dissemination.

9. Statement of verifiable results linked to approach and methodology of proposed solution:
The Project will increase awareness of society about the activities and decisions of local governments and
the opportunities to affect them and encourage citizens to take active part in decision-making process through
channeling information from municipality to citizens and backwards. On the other hand direct participation of citizens
in decision-making process will give legitimacy to the political decisions and the regime, which will contribute to the
stability of the system of government.
The Project will provide these information channels:
1. CSO Network and Website (Virtual local assemblies, Documents, CSO Network) will provide effective and
efficient information dissemination, among CSOs and to CSOs from municipal government, on relevant
developments, decision-making and strategic processes on local and inter-municipal level. These channels
will also provide and effective and efficient mechanism for soliciting input from CSOs related to relevant
developments, decision-making and strategic processes on local and inter-municipal level;
2. Website (Virtual local assemblies, Documents, Blog and Pool) will provide effective and efficient
information dissemination to citizens on relevant developments, decision-making and strategic processes on
local and inter-municipal level and effective and efficient soliciting input of citizens related to relevant
developments, decision-making and strategic processes on local and inter-municipal level;
3. Signed memorandum with municipality of Vrnjaka Banja and USAID SLD Project will enable efficient
exchange of information on relevant developments, decision-making and strategic processes on local and
inter-municipal level, regular and coordinated CSO participation in the work of local bodies that enables
timely and relevant input from CSOs/citizens as well as monitoring impact of this input;
LFVB, with help of USAID Sustainable Local Development Project, will sign memorandum of
understanding with municipality of Vrnjaka Banja based on the Law on Local Government, Law on Access
to Information of Public Importance and Memorandum signed between USAID Sustainable Local
Development Project and municipality of Vrnjaka Banja. Memorandum will determine conditions in which
the Municipality will inform LFVB about all activities, provide relevant documents, provide all information
about voting process, etc.
4. SECO mechanism will provide two-way communication and information exchange between the CSO
Network and IPA programing process in order to provide relevant input for best allocation of these funds.
LFVB is in the process of joining SECO sector of civil society, media and culture. Through its Project
Manager LFVB is, indirectly, already involved in sector for competitiveness. The idea is to elect
representatives from the CSO Network members to join other SECO sectors, depending on the relevance of
their activities and remaining six sectors. In this way Network will be able to advocate the views of civil
society in IMCA7 in a process whose results will have an impact on them, directly through approved projects
and indirectly through projects that were not proposed.
10. Methodology for measuring results:
Monitoring of project results will be able in real time through complete transparency and visibility of all activities.
Clear and simple design of the project will enable to participate, monitor and asses achievements at the same time and
in any time. Through different sections of the website all communication mechanisms will show results. Activities on
Blog, initiatives in the process of advocating, accepted initiatives, the activity of citizens, activities of CSO Network,
calls for public action and participation by the municipality, etc.

11. Identification of beneficiaries, including women and youth (how many there are and how they will benefit from
Direct beneficiaries of this project will be citizens of Municipality of Vrnjaka Banja (27.000), while benefits of
citizens of Kraljevo (124.500), aak (114.800), Gornji Milanovac (44.400) and Raka (24.000) will depend on the
level of involvement of CSOs from those cities/municipalities. Due to the chosen communication mechanism vast
majority of beneficiaries will be from population of young, but due to the other communication mechanism (with
Roma, population of Elderly, citizens and other CSOs) almost every citizen from IMCA7 will benefit from the
project. Project will have strong promotional activities, mostly relied on already existing ones. Trough those activities
CSOs from cities/municipalities from outside of the IMCA7 will be invited to use adjusted website in their
region/city/municipality. Thus they are potential beneficiaries of the project.
12. Grant outputs and plan for disseminating deliverable(s) to general public:
Completion of the project will result in CSO Network in IMCA7, website created and adjusted for citizen
participation in accordance with the actual state of society, and created mechanism for involvement in IPA
programing process. Dissemination will be achieved through workshops, panels and all promotional activities of
LFVB already mentioned above.
Section III Implementation Plan
13. Grant activity implementation plan:
a. List of proposed personnel, including those who are Key Personnel.
Position/Function Name of Proposed Staff Part-time or
Full-time (if part
time indicate %
of time)
Salary rate
1. Project Manager
2. Program Manager
3. Art director

b. Description of grant activities (for each program component provide the following information)
Task 1 Title: Desk research
1. Task description: Literature overview, best practice, methodology for active involvement, deeper analysis of
the municipality documents and regulations, etc. Creation of FAQ section of the Website.
2. Responsible party(s):
3. Grant-financed resource required & detailed explanation of use: 57.640 RSD
(4 working days plus Social and Health contributions)
4. Non-grant-financed resources required: /
5. Start and end dates: March 30, 2012 to April 9, 2012
6. Milestone of achievement: Milestone I

Task 2 Title: Project Website
1. Task description: Design of the best technical solution for the website, visual design of the website, creation
of the website.
2. Responsible party(s):
3. Grant-financed resource required & detailed explanation of use:
Website 330.000 RSD; (2 working days plus Social and Health contributions); (4 working days plus Social and
Health contributions)
4. Non-grant-financed resources required: /
5. Start and end dates: March 30, 2012 to July 30, 2012
6. Milestone of achievement: Milestone I, Milestone II, Milestone III

Task 3 Title: CSO Network
1. Task description: Gathering data on CSOs from IMCA, contacting CSOs, organizing and conducting
Workshops, creation of CSO Network.
2. Responsible party(s):
3. Grant-financed resource required & detailed explanation of use: 273.920 RSD
4. Non-grant-financed resources required: /
5. Start and end dates: March 30, 2012 to August 15, 2012
6. Milestone of achievement: Milestone I, Milestone II, Milestone III

Task 4 Title: Citizens panels
1. Task description: Conducting of citizen panels
2. Responsible party(s):
3. Grant-financed resource required & detailed explanation of use: 147.280 RSD
4. Non-grant-financed resources required: /
5. Start and end dates: March 30, 2012 to June 30, 2012
6. Milestone of achievement: Milestone I, Milestone II

Task 5 Title: Memorandum with Municipality of Vrnjaka Banja
1. Task description: Preparation and signing of Memorandum
2. Responsible party(s):
3. Grant-financed resource required & detailed explanation of use: 57.640 RSD
4. Non-grant-financed resources required: /
5. Start and end dates: March 30, 2012 to July 30, 2012
6. Milestone of achievement: Milestone I

Task 6 Title: Contact with vulnerable groups
1. Task description: Promotion of the project idea. Providing training on how to use project website and
communicate with the LFVB.
2. Responsible party(s):
3. Grant-financed resource required & detailed explanation of use: 28.820 RSD
4. Non-grant-financed resources required: /
5. Start and end dates: March 30, 2012 to July 30, 2012
6. Milestone of achievement: Milestone II

Task 7 Title: Presentation and dissemination
1. Task description: Presentation of the Project and dissemination off all relevant information through different
2. Responsible party(s):
3. Grant-financed resource required & detailed explanation of use: 431.244 RSD
4. Non-grant-financed resources required: 138.000 RSD
Roll up; Backdrop; 30000 Flayers and 5000 Posters; Final conference.
5. Start and end dates: April 15, 2012 to August 15, 2012
6. Milestone of achievement: Milestone I, Milestone II, Milestone III
Note: All implementation plans must be supported by a chart per the example in B.4. that shows all identified tasks over
the duration of the activity.
14. Estimated date the grant-funded activity will start: May 30, 2012
15. Estimated date the grant-funded activity will end: August 30, 2012
16. List all relevant material assumptions made and/or contingencies regarding third-party actions that are required for the
successful achievement of the Grant objective: /

Section IV Experience & Capacity
17. General Applicant background information:

18. Experience implementing similar activities:
Past projects


Section V Cost
A fully completed and certified Grant Application Budget with budget notes must support all applications.
19. Total cost of project: 1.570.240,00 RSD
20. Definition and amount of Applicant contributions in terms of cash or in-kind: Communication costs and material
assumptions of promotional activities. 163.000 RSD
21. Definition and amount of contributions of third party(s) to activity: /
22. List all other U.S. Government funding by award (grant, cooperative agreement, or contract) and amount currently
being received or anticipated within the duration of the grant activity.
There is no such funding.
23. Long-term recurrent commitments resulting from this activity and plan for sustainable coverage:
Recurrent commitments resulting from this project are fully in line with LF strategic work plan and general
objectives. Although the results of this project will be significant, resulting commitments will be minimum and related
to the maintenance of the project website and CSOs Network. These commitments LF will be pleased to take on.

Submitted by legal representative of the organization:
On behalf of the Applicant identified in Section I, Basic Information, of this Grant Application, I hereby certify that to
the best of my knowledge, this application in its entirety contains only true and current information:
Title: Director
Signature _______________________________________

Date received ________________________ SLD Grant Reference No. ____________________
The undersigned hereby certifies that: (a) official delivery receipt for the Full Grant Application has
been sent to the applicant, (b) a copy of that receipt has been filed, (c) a reference number has been
assigned, and (d) a grant application file has been opened. In addition, the Applicant has been advised as
to the review and appraisal process, and its primary project point of contact.

Grants and Subcontracts Manager __________________ Date ___________________

B.4 Implementation Plan Timeline

List each activity. Please be as
specific as possible. Use
additional pages if necessary.

Target Audience
(if applicable)
Who is the
targeted for the
12 Month Timeline
Place an X in the appropriate box to
indicate the first and last month of the

Person(s) Responsible
Who is responsible for
implementing the activity?

Evaluation Indicators
How will you measure the
success of the activity?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

Literature overview, best
practice, methodology for active
involvement, deeper analysis of
the municipality documents and
regulations, etc. Creation of FAQ
section of the Website.
X FAQ section of the Website
Creation of project Website.
Web site will be created if first
four months of the project
timeline. Depending of the
outcome of local elections, and
time needed for election of local
representatives creation of the
website will be extended on fifth
month. This extension will be
Citizens of
municipality of
Vrnjaka Banja, and
all IMCA. In case of
interest from other
from outside the
IMCA, citizens form
these cities
x x x x x At any time progress in
creation of the Website will
be available on request
form USAID.
needed only for detail
adjustments of Virtual Assembly
Creation of CSOs Network
Workshop 1.
Workshop 2.
Workshop 3.
CSOs and citizens
from IMCA7.



Individual Workshops
organized. CSOs Network
Citizens panels will be
conducted informing interested
citizens and gathering of ideas,
views and suggestions from
Citizens of Vrnjaka
Banja Municipality.
x x Citizens panels conducted.
Preparation and signing of
memorandum of understanding
between Municipality of
Vrnjaka Banja, USAID and The
Citizens of Vrnjaka
Banja Municipality.
X X Signed Memorandum of
One day training on use of the
project Website held to Roma
Presentation of the idea and
communication mechanisms
with the LF to Roma population
and population of elders.
Vulnerable groups. x Conducted training.
Number of citizens
contacted from vulnerable
groups. Initiatives, and
relevant information
gathered from citizens of
these groups.
Presentation and promotion of
the project. Special promotion
activities will follow election
Citizens of Vrnjaka
. Citizens of Serbia
x x x x Open air press conference
with representatives of
media and USAID. Number
of citizens interested in
project idea
Intentionally blank for Implementation Timeline expanding

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