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Experimental study of the effects of Transmission Power

Control and Blacklisting in Wireless Sensor Networks
Dongjin Son1,2, Bhaskar Krishnamachari1,2 and John Heidemann2
{dongjins, bkrishna},
Department of Electrical Engineering-Systems, 2Information Sciences Institute
Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

communication links can often produce results different from

Abstract— We experimentally investigate the impact of our intuition and inconsistent with idealized approximations.
variable transmission power on link quality, and propose variable The central thesis of this work is that efficient control of the
power link quality control techniques to enhance the performance link quality is possible by combining transmission power
of data delivery in wireless sensor networks. This study extends management with link blacklisting strategies. There has been
the state of the art in two key respects: first, while there are a
extensive research on transmission power control in wireless
number of previous results on power control techniques for
wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, to our knowledge nearly all networks [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,19,20,21,22]. However, to
of them have been simulation or analytical studies that assume our knowledge, all of these studies are based on theoretical
idealized link conditions; second, while there are several recent analysis or simulations with idealized radio models. In this
experimental studies that have shown the prevalence of non-ideal paper we instead take an experimental approach, thus capturing
unreliable communication links in sensor networks, these have the full complexities of radio propagation in our testbed. In
not thoroughly investigated the impact of variable transmission addition, the primary focuses of prior studies have been on the
power. We perform a systematic set of experiments to analyze energy consumption and the network capacity gains from
how transmission power changes affect the quality of low power transmission power control; we primarily consider the
RF wireless links between nodes. These experiments show how
reliability of the resulting system.
significant variation in link qualities occur in real-world
deployments and how these effects strongly influence the Our contribution in this work is twofold; First, we provide a
effectiveness of transmission power control. We then present a thorough experimental study of how low-power wireless
packet-based transmission power control mechanism that communication links behave with respect to variable
incorporates blacklisting to enhance link reliability while transmission power under different settings. Second, we
minimizing interference. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme propose a transmission power control scheme with blacklisting
is demonstrated via testbed experiments. and evaluate its effectiveness in link quality control under
multi-hop packet delivery scenarios.
Index Terms—Transmission Power Control, Wireless Sensor Our experiments investigate the possible reasons of link
Networks, Blacklisting quality variation and identify transmission power ranges where
link quality shows high variation (named as “unreliable
I. INTRODUCTION transmission power range”). Our observations show that the
The instability and unpredictability of low power wireless impact of transmission power on quality of a given link is quite
channels due to fading and interference makes it extremely sensitive to many factors such as node positions, surrounding
challenging to provide efficient, reliable routing in wireless environment, and individual hardware differences. We also
sensor networks. However, early research in the context of find that the quality of each link with respect to transmission
mobile ad hoc network and wireless sensor networks has often power can change over time, and the dynamics of the variable
been based on idealized simulation approximations. Although power link quality are different for distinct links.
such approximations can be valuable at establishing bounds on Based on our observations, we propose and evaluate a
performance and exploring algorithms at a high level, they can new transmission power control scheme. The distinguishing
provide misleading results if not used carefully [1,2,3]. The characteristic of this scheme is its consideration of empirically
most common approximation incorporated in prior wireless determined link quality when adjusting transmission power. It
multi-hop networking studies has been the distance-based incorporates the following key elements: 1) packet-based
binary link quality estimation (perfect reception within a fixed power control (considering both packet type and destination)
communication range). Recent empirical studies [4,5,6,7] have 2) metric-based link quality estimation 3) unreliable link
shown the limitations of such idealized approximations and removal (per link or per packet-based blacklisting). The
identified several important characteristics to consider when effectiveness of the transmission power control scheme is
we develop new protocols and when we analyze the evaluated via realistic experiments that show reliable and
performance of proposed schemes. Unstable and dynamic
This work was supported in part by NSF grants 0347621 and 0325875.

energy efficient communication both in single and multiple

flow scenarios.
Our experiments are performed on a PC104 testbed [23]
with Mica2 motes. Directed Diffusion [24,25] routing and the
S-MAC MAC protocol [26] in fully active mode [26] are used
for our multi-hop experiments with transmission power control
scheme. The Emstar [27] software platform and diffusion
visualization tool [23] are used for protocol development and
performance evaluation.


As noted above, there are two strands of research in the Fig. 1. PC104 Testbed at USC/ISI and a snapshot of weak, asymmetric, and
literature that are related to our work: (a) some recent good links
experimental studies of wireless links and (b) a larger literature Researchers in [12,13,16,17,19,20,21] study the relationship
on transmission power control in wireless ad hoc and sensor between the level of transmission power and wireless channel
networks. utilization. The number of hops in packet delivery and the level
of interference in packet transmission are closely related to the
A. Experimental Studies
transmission power level. ElBatt et al [12] proposed a power
In [5], Ganesan et al. present a large scale (about 150 nodes) management protocol to improve throughput in wireless
empirical study a mote-based sensor network; identifying the network which has some similarities to the packet-based
presence of weak links, link asymmetry etc., and studying their transmission power control described in our work; however we
impact on the performance of simple flooding. Zhao and use more sophisticated link quality statistics and link
Govindan [4] perform a detailed study of wireless links with blacklisting, and make a distinction between unicast and
motes under different environments, distances, modulation broadcast packets. MAC protocols with a transmission power
schemes etc. and identify the existence of a large gray region control functionality are explained in [15,16,17]. Minimum
in distance between connected and disconnected regions where transmission power selection with RTS and CTS packet
links are highly variant and unreliable. Lal et al. [7] study exchange are proposed to improve the channel reuse ratio of
study the impact of link quality metrics such as RSSI and SNR the network. An optimal transmission power selection scheme
on packet reception rates. The transitional region is observed based on the load condition in the network is presented in [18].
also in [29] by Woo et al. who focus on the problem of Similarly, transmission power control schemes to increase the
neighborhood table management and propose mechanisms to network throughput by controlling the number of hops in
blacklist unreliable neighbors in order to provide reliable multi-hop packet delivery are also discussed in [19,20,21].
delivery. De Couto et al. [30] introduce the ETX (expected Main differences between the related work and our study in
number of transmissions) metric to improve the delivery the effect of transmission power control are as follows. First of
performance of routing. None of these studies [4, 5, 7, 29, 30] all, our study is based on the testbed experiments rather than
primarily focus on link quality control using variable based on theoretical study or simulations. Secondly, the focus
transmission power. of our research is primarily on link quality control (which as
B. Transmission Power Control Studies we show leads to important benefits in terms of energy
consumption and delivery rates).
The literature on topology control, though quite vast, has
hitherto focused on slightly different concerns and objectives.
Two main research interests of the related work on power
control are topology control and channel utilization.
The research on topology control with transmission power In this section, we will identify the aspects of low power RF
[8,9,10,11,14,31] are primarily concerned about the energy- wireless links that make many previously proposed power
efficient network connectivity and the network lifetime issues. control schemes difficult to implement in practice. We perform
Kubisch et al [8] proposed two distributed algorithms which systematic experiments varying several key parameters under
ensures the network connectivity and increases the lifetime of different transmission power levels.
the network. A topology control scheme based on the A. The Effects of Unreliable Wireless Links
directional information is discussed in [9], where transmission
power is increased until at least one neighbor node is found in Figure 1 shows the topology of the PC104 testbed [23]
each direction. Multiple routing daemons are used in deployed and used for our experiments and contains the
CLUSTERPOW [31] protocol to build up separate routing snapshot information of the link quality in packet reception
tables at each power level to improve network capacity. Power rate (PRR) for every link in the testbed. We define two types of
control mechanisms based on location information are also unreliable links with PRR metric. The communication link
presented in [10,11,14] to ensure connectivity while between two nodes is defined as a weak link when the qualities
minimizing energy consumption. of the links in both directions are below the given PRR

threshold value. The threshold value (THg) contains the transmission power. The extra energy consumption of
minimum PRR requirement for a good link decision. The links converting unreliable link to reliable link is often very small
with quality better than THg in only one direction are defined especially when the link quality is near the THg value at default
as asymmetric links. When we evaluate the qualities of the transmission power and when the links are reactive to the
links based on the THg of 90%, five links are considered as transmission power change (reactive links are explained in D-6
unreliable links in our testbed (shown in figure 1): four weak of this section), and the benefits from the converted reliable
links and one asymmetric link. links surpass the increased energy consumption. The
In our testbed, every pair of PC104 nodes are connected experiment results in section IV-D present the benefits of
through a good communication route in which every link is converted, reliable wireless links with proposed transmission
classified as a good link (i.e., with higher than THg PRR in
power control scheme and discuss the relationship between the
both directions). However, these five identified unreliable links
link reliability and energy consumption.
are often utilized instead of good communication links and the
When the transmission power control is involved in the link
throughput of the network is badly affected in our testbed
experiments with two variants of the directed diffusion [24,25] quality management, the meaning of asymmetric links and
routing protocol. The end-to-end packet delivery rates with weak links should be redefined because the classifications
single data flow (at the same experiment setting as IV-D) range made at default power may not be valid at other transmission
between 43 to 58 % with one phase pull diffusion and 72 to powers. All of the five unreliable links identified in figure 1
83% with two phase pull diffusion experiments without any are converted to good links at increased transmission power
link quality control scheme. One phase pull diffusion routing levels in our testbed measurements. Links are classified as
shows lower PRR due to its symmetric link quality assumption. asymmetric links only when they have asymmetric link
As the experiment results show, having unreliable links is qualities even with transmission power control, and the similar
worse than having no links at all when bi-directional extended definition is used for the weak link.
communication is required and there is a good communication Even though the amplified transmission power elevates the
route to use between two nodes: Unreliable links need to be quality of wireless links, it comes with some side effects. First,
either converted to good links or prevented from the use. increased transmission power may generate new weak links
B. The Effects of Transmission Power Control with increased signal strength that is not yet enough to build
new reliable links. A blacklisting approach is merged together
The wireless link quality is closely related to the received
with our proposed transmission power control scheme to
signal strength and the transmission power control can be used
address this problem.
to adjust the quality of the communication links to avoid
Secondly, increased transmission power uses up more
asymmetric or weak links.
network capacity. There is a trade-off between the improved
Pwr link quality and reduced network capacity. Our transmission
0 1 2 4 6 8 10
power control scheme is proposed considering these two side
11->31 54.3 86.3 92.4 100 100 100 100 effects as well as the benefits of transmission power control.
31->11 0 27.2 83 85.7 96.8 100 100 C. Experiment Methodology
Table. 1. Packet Reception Rate for the links between node 11 and node 31 at The link quality measurements in our testbed show varying
increased Transmission Power levels (dBm). link qualities for the links within the transmission range. To
Table 1 shows the effect of transmission power increase on identify the cause of this discrepancy and the effects of
the quality of links between node 11 and 31. The transmission transmission power change on the wireless link, we perform
power values in the table represent the output powers of packet systematic experiments varying some key parameters
transmitters in dBm. Supported output power range for the presumably related to the wireless link quality: hardware
transceiver [28] of mica2 motes ranges from -20 to 10 dBm. difference, distance between the transmitter and receiver,
The PRR values in both directions are lower than THg value of locations of the nodes, and time (i.e., surrounding environment
90% at default transmission power 0 dBm. The PRR of the change).
LINK11->31 cross over THg at the transmission power 2 dBm Other than the results that show snapshot type information,
and the PRR of the LINK31->11 exceeds THg at the transmission the results represent mean PRR over multiple link quality
power 6 dBm. The symmetric and weak links can become measurements (5 times over ~120 packets) between PC104
good quality with transmission power control as the example nodes and the error bars show standard deviations of the means.
shown in table 1. Thirteen different transmission power levels ranged from -13
Not only unreliable links can be converted to a good, to 10 dBm are tested in indoor environments (figure 1):
reliable links with increased transmission power, new Between nodes placed either in the hallway or in office rooms.
communication links can be discovered and used for packet For some experiments, the link distance between the
delivery. Disconnected nodes in the sparse node area of the transmitter and receiver is varied between 9m to 26 m distance
network and in the harsh communication environment might at 3m intervals, and only distances which show interesting
be able to build its connection back to the network at increased results are presented in the paper.

Fig. 2. Packet Reception Rate from different Transmitters to the same Fig. 3. Packet Reception Rate from different Transmitters to the same
Receiver at 14 m distance. Receiver at 23 m distance.

D. Experimental Study of Varying Transmission Power on

a Single Wireless Link
1) Different Transmitters and a Same Receiver
To see the effect of the difference in the hardware (i.e.
sensor nodes) on the wireless link quality, we measure the link
quality from three different transmitters to the same receiver in
these experiments. The same kind of PC104 nodes are used
with same software settings, and every transmitter sends
packets from the exactly same location to the same static
receiver. Link qualities from different transmitters are
measured varying the transmission power and the distance
between the transmitters and the receiver. Fig. 4. Packet Reception Rate from the same Transmitter to different
Performance difference from using different transmitters is Receivers at 23 m distance.
not so obvious at close distance: no difference is recognized
from the closer than 14m distance experiments. The difference The observed discrepancies in link qualities can be
between node 27 and the other two transmitters are observed attributed to the different level of noise at the receiver and at
from 17m distances and the difference between node 20 and the transmitter. When the experiment results at 23m are
node 31 appears from the experiment at 23m distance (figure 2 compared between the experiments with different transmitters
and 3). and the experiments with different receivers (shown in figure 3
From the experiment results, we can see that the inherent and 4), both experiments rank the link qualities of three
difference in sensor nodes (hardware variations) can cause a involved nodes in the same order: node27, node 20, node 31.
difference in the link quality, and this difference is more The inherent noise level at each node has a similar influence on
conspicuous in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) situation. the link quality when it is used as a transmitter and also as a
Obviously, there is no clear difference when the signal strength receiver as these experiment results show.
is too high at close distance or when that is too low at long In figure 4, the area in the transmission power range
distance. The PRR differences in transitional (or gray) area between -3 and 6 are shown in shade. The quality of each link
identified in prior studies [4,5,6] are related to this hardware is different at the same transmission power level (indicated
calibration issue because this can be the factor that with a vertical arrow) and the different transmission power is
distinguishes link qualities at low SNR situation as figure 3 required for each link to reach the same PRR level (indicated
shows. The level of link quality difference is closely related to with a horizontal arrow). The range of transmission power that
the transmission power level. generates this kind of variation is named as unreliable
transmission power range.
2) Different Receivers and a Same Transmitter The link quality difference observed in unreliable
We also investigate the effects on the link quality when transmission power range can be avoided by transmission
different nodes are placed as packet receivers. Exactly same power control in two ways. First, by assigning the same
positions are used for each pair of transmitter and receiver. transmission power to every node that is high enough for every
Similar results as previous experiments are attained in these link to be outside of the unreliable transmission power range.
experiments: The link quality distinctions from using different Second, by assigning a distinct transmission power for each
receivers become obvious at long distance, 23m in our link to provides the desired link quality level.
experiment (figure 4), while relatively minor or no differences
are observed in other experiments at closer distance.

repositioned as follows: on the desk (pos1), on the pc monitor

(pos2), on the small table in the middle of the room (pos3), on
the chair (pos4), under the desk (pos5), at the same coordinate
of pos3 on the floor removing the table (pos6). Links to the
positions on the floor and to the position on the chair where
more signals are blocked by chair components show worse link
qualities in general. All six positions are in the same office
room and the link distance difference among these six
positions are less than 2m, but the variation in the link quality
is very significant with minor location change as shown in
figure 6. We can realize from these results that (1) The multi-
path and interference effects are severe in indoor where direct
Fig. 5. Packet Reception Rate at different distance between node 34 signal is weak (2) severe link quality variation can be expected
(transmitter) and node 27 (receiver). with small movement of sensor nodes with low-power
transceiver as well as small change in transmission power.

Fig. 6. Packet Reception Rates at five different receiver positions (pos 1-6)
inside the same room at distance around 16m between node 12 (transmitter) a) Daytime link quality change (in PRR) for the LINK11->31
and node 34 (receiver)
3) Wireless Link Distance (Path Loss)
We present the effects of the wireless link distance and
transmission power on the link quality in these experiments.
Experiments are performed in the hallway of the building
where a clear line of sight is available between the transmitter
and receiver. As figure 5 shows, PRRs are different at different
distances and at different transmission power levels. The order
of link distance that shows better PRR at the same transmission
power level is 17m, 14m, 23m, 20m. The effect of path-loss
can be found at a relatively coarse granularity even thought the
order is not linear to the link distance: closer distance (17m,
14m) has better link quality than longer distance (23m, 20m).
The non-linear link quality order in our experiment results can b) Nighttime link quality change (in PRR) for the LINK11->31
be attributed to the severe indoor multi-path effect. Experiment
results also show that new reliable, communication links that Fig. 7. Packet Reception Rate variation comparison at different times
are not available at long distance at default transmission power 5) Time (Surrounding Environment Change)
(0 dBm) can be generated with transmission power control. The variations of link qualities are observed at different time
Disconnected nodes (at default transmission power) in a from our link quality measurements in the testbed. Figure 7
sparsely deployed area and in harsh environments can build shows five link quality snapshots of the same link (LINK11->31)
their connections to the network with transmission power in the daytime and nighttime respectively. These clearly
control. exhibit high variations in the link quality in the daytime while
4) Node Location (Multi-Path & Interference) there is very minor difference in link quality among the five
To see the effects of different node positions, we measured link quality measurements in the nighttime.
link quality varying node locations at relatively long distance. The changes in surrounding office environment during the
In our experiments, both transmitter and receiver are located daytime are the causes of this difference. The variation of link
inside two offices located about 21m distance (there is no clear quality over time is also significant, but the difference in link
line of sight between the two nodes), and the receiver is quality is found only between the transmission power range -7

A. Key Characteristics of Proposed Approach

We propose a transmission power control scheme with
following characteristics.
(1) Transmission power control for link quality control: the
primary purpose of transmission power control is to convert
unreliable links (i.e., asymmetric and weak links) to reliable
(2) Packet-based transmission power control: a proper 1
transmission power is assigned to each packet based on the
destination and type of the packet considering link quality
requirement (i.e., link quality control threshold: THLQ).
Fig. 8. Packet Reception Rate for three different links.
(3) Metric-based link quality estimation: link quality is
to 2 dBm (i.e., in the unreliable transmission power range). empirically measured based on the packet reception rate (PRR)
This means that LINK11->31 can be converted to a good link at metric rather than distance based link quality approximation to
transmission power level of 2 dBm or higher regardless of time reflect the diverse link qualities within the transmission range.
(4) Blacklisting at adjusted transmission power level: Not
6) Reaction to the Transmission Power Change every link can be converted to a good link with transmission
From the experiments with different parameter settings power control (i.e., even at maximum transmission power
varying transmission power level, different links or the same level) and new weak or asymmetric links can be generated at
link at different setting shows different reaction to the adjusted transmission power level. Blacklisting approach is
transmission power change. Each link requires different combined together with transmission power control scheme to
amount of power increase to reach the same level of link remove remaining unreliable links after the transmission power
quality. Some reactive links show very sharp change in PRR control. Both link-based and packet-based blacklisting
with small transmission power change, and other links show schemes are discussed.
relatively slow change in link quality to transmission power
change. B. Algorithms
The link quality of reactive links can be controlled with The basic steps of implementing our proposed transmission
small transmission power change and easily converted to a power control with blacklisting scheme (PCBL) are introduced.
good link with small increase in transmission power. The link Two different approaches are introduced based on the
quality of this type of reactive links, however, shows high transmission power and link quality optimization points.
variation to the small environmental change at the same time.
On the contrary, the links that show slow link quality change to 1) PCBL algorithm (Optimization Prior to Routing)
the transmission power change exhibit reverse characteristics.
Step 1) Collect Link Statistics in PRR metric
They require more energy consumption to control their link
qualities, but have less variation in link quality to the Each node measures the qualities of the links in PRR
environmental change. However, the level of variation is only metric at different transmission power level (Pi : where i
important within or near the unreliable transmission power is the transmission power in dBm). PRRs at pre-selected
range. transmission power levels (PRRPi) are collected.
From the figure 8, we can identify asymmetrical reaction to Step 2) Select a Unicast Tx Power for each link
the power change for the links between node 11 and 31. A link quality control threshold value in PRR (THLQ) is
LINK11->31 is more reactive than the other direction and this selected according to the required level of link reliability.
difference can be the reason of asymmetric links within the An optimal transmission power for each link (Ui->j:
unreliable transmission power range. Figure 8 also shows the unicast transmission power for the LINKi->j) is assigned
different reactions to the transmission power change of with minimum transmission power that meets link quality
different transmitters: LINK31->11 and LINK12->11 requirement : Ui->j = P where PRRPi > THLQ and P = min
Each link requires different level of transmission power pi. Otherwise, Ui->j is set to the maximum transmission
change to reach the same link quality and even the same link power (Pmax).
shows different level of reactivity for different level of link
quality requirements. Step 3) Blacklist Unreliable links
The links that cannot be converted to good links based
IV. TRANSMISSION POWER CONTROL WITH BLACKLISTING on the blacklist threshold (THBL) are blacklisted and not
used for any packet transmission or reception.
Based on the above experimental observations, we now
develop a new power control mechanism.
Proper transmission power means a setting that is as low power as
possible while providing the desired PRR.

A Link-based blacklisting, which predefines network Step 2) Blacklist Unreliable Links before using a
topology for every application, is applied in this step. Routing Protocol (link-based blacklisting)
However, a packet-based blacklisting is necessary for This ensures routing protocols that use broadcast
better utilization of the network when the requirements packets for route discovery construct a delivery path with
for the link qualities are not constant for different only reliable links.
applications and for different type of packets. A packet-
Step 3) Find a Delivery Path with a Routing Protocol
based blacklisting rather than a link-based blacklisting
can be also used with adaptive THBL values. Step 4) Identify Unicast Transmission powers to use
THLQ is used to control the quality of each link and only for the Links in the Delivery Path
THBL (<THLQ) is employed to ensure the required Link statistics for each transmission power level are
reliability of the network. The gap between THLQ and collected between the nodes in the delivery path and close
THBL reduces the variation of the link availability and to optimal transmission power is selected for each packet
avoid frequent transmission power adjustments. transmission.
Step 4) Select a Broadcast Tx Power for each node
Broadcast transmission power of node i (Bi) is selected
with the maximum unicast transmission power assigned C. Optimization in Proposed Schemes
in step 2: Bi = max Ui->j: This make sure a node transmits Optimized schemes to find an optimal transmission power
broadcast packets with enough transmission power to and to adjust this value according to link quality changes can
reach every node with a good wireless link. be developed based on the proposed algorithms. Other options
* To deal with dynamics, these steps can be repeated at include converging to an optimal transmission power based on
pre-selected intervals the number of packet retransmissions and the RSSI (Received
Signal Strength Information) change during the data delivery
rather than based on the link statistics collection. We plan to
Our goal in transmission power control is to assign a close to
develop and analyze such optimized algorithms and the trade-
optimal transmission power for each packet transmission and
offs from the optimization in our future work.
remove the negative effects of unreliable links. Proper
The two proposed algorithms and the definition of unreliable
transmission power setting can be identified for each link
links assume that the link user requires bi-directional links and
(unicast) and for each node (broadcast) based on the collected
use a link-based blacklisting. However, if the purpose of
link statistics information at different power levels. Selected
broadcast is to inform something to the network without any
transmission powers satisfy the required link quality and also
link level acknowledgement or future communication in
cause minimum interference to the network, New
reverse direction, asymmetric links can be utilized and weak
communication links that are not exposed at default
links do not need to be blacklisted. Therefore, the meaning of
transmission power level can be also discovered. The
unreliable link need to be interpreted differently for each
unreliable links that cannot be converted to good links with
communication purpose, and packet-based blacklisting rather
transmission power control and newly generated weak and
than link-based is more appropriate in multi-purpose
asymmetric links from the new level of transmission power are
communication situations.
prevented from the use with incorporated blacklisting scheme.
There are many parameter values that can affect the
The proposed algorithm is used to maintain required network
performance of transmission power control scheme:
link quality all the time (i.e., prior to any packet transmission).
granularity of transmission power change, maximum
A different transmission power control approach can be
transmission power (Pmax), threshold values (THLQ, THBL), link
taken to reduce the overhead of collecting link statistics for
statistics collection time interval. There are trade-offs for these
some specific communication patterns. We can collect link
parameter value selection. However, the link quality control
statistics only for the nodes participating a packet delivery and
threshold value (THLQ) is better to be set with a value outside
converge to proper transmission power levels after a reliable
the unreliable transmission power range to reduce the variation
routing path is found by a routing protocol (with small prior
of link quality. (i.e., close to 100% PRR). A pure blacklisting
link statistics collection efforts) for long-lived communications.
approach without transmission power control scheme often use
2) On-demand Optimization for Long-lived Routing 80% or 90% PRR as a threshold value and it is not reasonable
to use a higher threshold value. However, higher link quality
Step 1) Collect Link Statistics only at the Maximum can be achieved and therefore higher blacklisting threshold
Transmission Power Level (Pmax) value can be used with transmission power control scheme.
Minimum link statistics to identify every available
reliable links based on THLQ are collected at Pmax.

(a) without transmission power control (b) with M-BL scheme (c) with PCBL scheme
Fig. 9. Topology change with different schemes. Each link shows (transmission power , PRR) pair information.

PRR 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 90-95 95-98 98-99 99-100 deployment may generate even more weak and asymmetric
links and 2) larger testbeds increase the probability of having
STDEV 40.5 23 18.8 3.4 19.8 10.8 2.2 0.89 unreliable links in the delivery path.
Table. 2. Standard deviations for the links with different levels of PRR .
Two nodes located farthest in the testbed are selected as a
packet sender (node 21) and a receiver (node 26). Directed
As table 2 shows, the link with over 90% PRR still shows diffusion [24] is used as a routing protocol and fully active
high variation in our seven day measurements in the testbed. It mode S-MAC [26] is used as a medium access control protocol.
is because the value is still within the unreliable transmission The following five schemes are compared in our experiments:
power range where a small change can significantly affect the (1) TPP-P0: Two Phase Pull diffusion at default transmission
link quality. Fluctuation in link quality around the blacklist power 0 dBm (2) TPP-P5: TPP at increased transmission
threshold value (THBL) may result in severe variation in the power 5 dBm (3) TPP-P10: TPP at increased transmission
link availability that normally cause unnecessary packet drops. power 10 dBm (4) TPP with M-BL: TPP with Blacklisting
However, the links with close to 100% PRR, which show very alone at Maximum transmission power (10 dBm) and finally,
minor variation, can be achieved with link quality control (5) TPP with PCBL: TPP with our proposed transmission
ability in PCBL. Reduced variation with transmission power Power Control with Blacklisting. The experiment results show
control and the use of two different threshold values, for link averaged end-to-end packet delivery rate (PDR) value over
quality control (THLQ) and blacklisting (THBL), prevent a five ~1200 seconds experiments.
hysterical effect in pure blacklisting approach and provide Figure 10 presents PDRs for five different schemes from the
more reliable and stable links. testbed experiments. The effects of increased default
transmission power for every node are shown at transmission
power 0, 5, 10 dBm. The PDR of TPP dropped at 5 dBm and
also does not show much improvement at 10 dBm. The PDR in
directed diffusion is highly dependent on how reliable delivery
route is reinforced for packet delivery. Increasing the default
transmission power for every node may solve some weak and
asymmetric link problem and also useful to find a new route
and save disconnected nodes. However, the increment in
default transmission power is not a good way to increase PDR
in most cases because (1) it cannot remove every unreliable
link and may generate new lossy links, and (2) it uses up more
Fig. 10. Packet Delivery Rate from the experiments with five different network capacity at increased transmission power level.
D. Experiment Results (with Single Data Flow)
PDR 77.5% 63.6% 79.5% 99.2% 98.7%
The performance of proposed transmission power control
Table. 3. Packet Reception Rate for each scheme
with blacklisting scheme is evaluated in the 11 node pc104
testbed shown in figure 1. Even though we used relatively TPP with M-BL and TPP with PCBL result in close to 100%
small, manageable number of nodes for our experiments, this packet delivery rate: 99.2% and 98.7% respectively. Both
testbed satisfies our experiment condition as it has a number of schemes provide comparable link qualities at adjusted
unreliable links. Larger and denser testbed experiments are transmission power levels. Therefore, the same links are
expected to carry even more unreliable links and show further blacklisted and most likely generate the same network
performance drop in packet delivery because 1) denser topology. Figure 9 shows a simplified four node example from

the testbed that visually compares the links under three

different schemes. The main differences between PCBL and
M-BL are found in (1) the amount of energy consumption and
(2) the level of interference in packet transmission.
Difference Unicast Broadcast Total Per Packet
M-BL + 75.4% + 53.2% + 67% + 66.2%
TPP-P0 + 3.5% - 40.3% - 13 % + 10.8%
Table. 4. The difference in energy consumption for packet transmission
from our PCBL scheme
The amount of energy consumed for packet transmission in
three different power control approaches are compared to see
the effect of transmission power control on energy Fig. 11. Packet Delivery Rate from the experiments with three data flows
consumption2 in table 4. Energy consumed for every broadcast
packet (control packets from the directed diffusion) and unicast links are saturated, the interference reduces the network
packet (data packets) transmissions are summed and compared capacity and causes packet drops from buffer overflows.
against our PCBL scheme. Control packets used by MAC layer Figure 11 shows the PDR for flow 1&2 and flow 3 under
protocol (i.e., RTS, CTS, DATA, ACK) are excluded from the different power-control schemes. PDR in flow 3 are similar for
calculation. both schemes: 97.9% for TPP with M-BL and 97.6% for TPP
In our testbed experiments with single data flow, M-BL with PCBL. The PDR for flow1&2, however, shows 21%
scheme shows ~67% more current consumption than PCBL difference in favor of TPP with PCBL: 95.5% for PCBL and
and both unicast and broadcast packets used up much more 74.5% for M-BL. Packets from node 17 and 38 are all
energy than PCBL because it transmits every packet at delivered through node 11 and the wireless channels around
maximum transmission power. Original TPP scheme (TPP-P0), node 11 involves four times more traffic than the traffic
which transmits packets at default power of 0 dBm, consumes between node 20 and 12. The interference from over-amplified
~13% less energy than PCBL scheme. transmission power in M-BL saturates the wireless channel
Even though TPP-P0 scheme generates ~56% more unicast around node 11 and cause more packet drops with M-BL in
packets than PCBL on average, the energy saving in unicast flow 1 & 2 while flow 3 could still get enough channel access
packet is not significant due to several links with highly with both schemes.
increased transmission power in our PCBL experiments. PCBL Experiment results prove that over-amplified transmission
most likely transmits broadcast packets at higher transmission power from M-BL uses up more network capacity with
power than TPP-P0 and consumes more energy for broadcast increased level of interference and deteriorates network
packets. The ratio between unicast and broadcast packet (i.e., throughput by saturating wireless channels. Thus, our proposed
frequency of packet flooding) affects the performance of each PCBL scheme shows better performance.
scheme in energy consumption. When we compare energy
consumption for each successful packet delivery, however, V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
PCBL saves ~10.8% transmission power compared to TPP-P0. In this paper, we have presented an experimental study of
This proves the possible compensation from the increased the effects of transmission power control on the wireless link
network reliability that exceeds the extra energy consumed for quality. The causes of high variance in link quality for each
some packet transmission. link and under different conditions are discussed and the
transmission power range that is responsible for this
E. Experiment Results (with Multiple Data Flows) divergence (i.e., unreliable transmission power range) is
To see the effect of over-amplified transmission signal identified. Packet based link quality control scheme is
with blacklisting at maximized transmission power (M-BL) proposed to convert unreliable asymmetric and weak links to
scheme, we performed experiments with multiple data flows. reliable wireless links with consistent link quality. A
Three flows are involved in these experiments: Node 17 and 38 blacklisting approach is incorporated together to handle
are sending packets to node 33 (flow 1&2) and Node 20 is remaining unreliable links at adjusted transmission power level
sending packets to node 12 (flow 3) at 1 packet /sec send rate. and link-based and packet-based blacklisting approaches are
The carrier sense sequence of RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK in S- introduced. The proposed transmission power control with
MAC [26] prevents unicast packet collisions and the blacklisting scheme provides energy-efficient link quality
interference from different flows only cause a slight delay in control with minimal channel interference, and generates new
packet delivery and does not affect end-to-end packet delivery network topologies with more consistent and reliable wireless
rate (PDR) in low-traffic scenarios. When the communication links.
Optimized ways to find an optimal transmission power level
Calculation is based on the specification sheet in [28]. for each link and converge to new optimal transmission power

on link quality changes will be studied in our future work [15] J.P. Monks, V. Bharghavan, W.-M.W. Hwu,
together with further details on related parameter value settings “Transmission power control for multiple access wireless
and related trade-offs. packet networks,” Local Computer Networks (LCN),
November 2000.
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