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Service Manual

TDS 620A, 640A & 644A
Digitizing Oscilloscope
The servicing instructions are for use by qualified
personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not
perform any servicing unless you are qualified to
do so. Refer to all safety summaries prior to
performing service.
Copyright Tektronix, Inc. 1993. All rights reserved.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supercedes
that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
Printed in the U. S. A.
Tektronix, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Wilsonville, OR 97070- 1000
TEKTRONI X and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Tektronix warrants that the products that it manufact ures and sells will be free from defects in materials and
workmanshi p for a period of three (3) years from the date of shipment. If a product proves defective during this
warranty period, Tektronix, at its option, either will repair the defective product without charge for parts and labor,
or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product.
In order to obtain service under this warranty, Cust omer must notify Tektronix of the defect before the expiration
of the warranty period and make suitable arrangements for the performance of service. Cust omer shall be
responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the service center designated by Tektronix, with
shipping charges prepaid. Tektronix shall pay for the return of the product to Cust omer if the shipment is to a
location within the country in whi ch the Tektronix service center is located. Cust omer shall be responsible for
paying all shipping charges, duties, taxes, and any other charges for products returned to any other locations.
This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate
maintenance and care. Tektronix shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage
resulting from attempts by personnel other than Tektronix representatives to install, repair or service the product;
b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equi pment ; c) to repair any
damage or malfunction caused by the use of non-Tektronix supplies; or d) to service a product that has been
modified or integrated with other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time
or difficulty of servicing the product.
Table of Contents
List of Figures vii
List of Tables xi
Safety Summary xiii
Specifications 1-1
General Product Description 1-1
User Interface 1-2
Menus 1-2
Indicators 1-2
General Purpose Knob 1-2
GUI 1-2
Signal Acquisition System 1-3
Horizontal System 1-3
Trigger System 1-4
Acquisition Control 1-4
On-Board User Assistance 1-5
Help 1-5
Autoset 1-5
Measurement Assistance 1-5
Cursor 1-5
Measure 1-5
Digital Signal Processi ng (DSP) 1-6
Storage and I/O 1-6
Display 1-7
Zoom 1-7
Nominal Traits 1-9
Warranted Characteristics 1-13
Typical Characteristics 1-19
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual v
Table of Contents
Operating Information
Using this Manual 2-1
Before Servicing 2-1
Strategy for Servicing 2-1
Manual Structure 2-2
Manual Conventions 2-3
Modul es 2-3
Safety 2-3
Symbol s 2-3
Tektronix Service 2-4
Warranty Repair Service 2-4
Repair or Cal i brati on Service 2-4
Self Service 2-5
Finding Other Information 2-5
General Information 2-7
Supplying Operating Power 2-7
Power Cord Informati on 2-8
Operati ng Vol tage 2-9
Memory Backup Power 2-9
Operating Environment 2-9
Operati ng Temperature 2-9
Ventilation Requi rements 2-9
Applying and Interrupting Power 2-10
Power On 2-10
Power Off 2-10
Repackaging Instructions 2-11
Installed Options 2-11
General Operating Instructions 2-13
Screen Layout 2-13
Basic Procedures 2-13
How t o Power On 2-13
How t o Use Hel p 2-14
How t o Use the Status Menu 2-14
How t o Set Functi ons 2-15
How t o Set Compl ex Functi ons 2-18
Theory of Operation
Circuit Description 3-1
Logic Conventions 3-1
Module Overview 3-1
ii Contents
Table of Contents
Performance Verification
Brief Procedures 4-1
General Instructions 4-1
Conventions 4-2
Self Tests 4-4
Verify Internal Adj ustment, Self Compensat i on,
and Di agnosti cs 4-4
Functional Tests 4-6
Verify All Input Channel s 4-7
Verify the Ti me Base 4-8
Verify the Main and Del ayed Trigger Systems 4-9
Verify the File System (Opti onal on TDS 620A and 640A) . . . 4-11
Performance Tests 4-13
Prerequisites 4-13
Equi pment Requi red 4-14
Test Record 4-17
Signal Acquisition System Checks 4-21
Check Accuracy of Offset (Zero Setting) 4-21
Check DC Gain and Vol tage Measurement Accuracy 4-23
Check Anal og Bandwi dt h 4-29
Check Delay Between Channel s 4-33
Time Base System Checks 4-37
Check Accuracy for Long-Term Sampl e Rate, Delay Ti me,
and Delta Ti me Measurements 4-37
Trigger System Checks 4-40
Check Accuracy (Time) for Pulse-Glitch or Pulse-Width
Tri ggeri ng 4-40
Check Accuracy, Trigger-Level or Threshol d, DC Coupl ed . . 4-43
Sensitivity, Edge Trigger, DC Coupl ed 4-46
Output Signal Checks 4-51
Check Out put sAUX1 (for TDS 620A) or CH 3 (for
TDS 640A or 644A), Main and Del ayed Trigger 4-51
Check Probe Compensat or Output 4-54
Option 05 Video Trigger Checks 4-59
Check Vi deo Trigger 4-59
Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures 5-1
Requirements for Performance 5-1
Personnel 5-1
Warm-Up Period 5-1
Access 5-2
System 5-2
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual iii
Table of Contents
Opti onal Peripherals 5-2
Test Equi pment 5-2
Usage 5-2
Performi ng the Adj ust ment s 5-3
Compl et e Adj ust ment 5-3
Individual Adj ust ment s 5-3
Partial Adj ust ment 5-4
Adj ust ment After Repair 5-4
Adj ust ment Dependenci es 5-4
Equipment Required 5-5
Adjustment Instructions 5-6
Hardware Installation 5-6
Software Installation 5-7
Software-Based Adj ust ment s 5-7
Probe Adjustment for the P6139A Probe 5-10
Compensat e the Probe 5-10
Measure Probe Bandwi dt h 5-12
Adj ust the Probe Hi gh Frequency Response 5-14
Display Assembly Adjustment 5-18
Bri ghtness and Contrast Adj ust ment
(TDS 620A and 640A - Monochrome - Only) 5-18
Rotation, Bri ghtness, and Contrast Adj ust ment
(TDS 644A - Col or - Only) 5-21
Maintenance Information 6-1
Procedures Not In This Section 6-1
Preventing ESD 6-2
Precauti ons 6-2
Suscepti bi l i ty t o ESD 6-2
Inspection and Cleaning 6-5
General Care 6-5
Inspection and Cleaning Procedures 6-5
Inspecti on Exterior 6-6
Cl eani ng Procedure Exterior 6-6
Inspecti on Interior 6-7
Cl eani ng Procedure Interior 6-8
Lubri cati on 6-8
Removal and Installation Procedures 6-9
Preparation Please Read 6-9
List of Modul es 6-10
General Instructions 6-10
Summary of Procedures 6-10
iv Contents
Table of Contents
Access Procedure 6-16
Procedures for External Modul es 6-17
Front-Panel Knobs 6-17
Line Fuse and Line Cord 6-18
EMI Gaskets 6-19
Rear Cover and Cabi net 6-20
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel 6-23
A12 Front-Panel Assembl y 6-25
Display-Frame Assembl y 6-28
Cabi net Modul es 6-29
Procedures for Outer-Chassis Modules 6-31
A15 Attenuator Assembl y 6-31
Fan 6-32
A14 D1 Bus and Anal og-Power and Digital-Power Cabl es . . 6-33
A23 SerPar Board RS232/Centroni cs Hardcopy Interface 6-35
A29 Vi deo Trigger Board 6-37
A11 Processor/Di spl ay Board 6-42
Top Cover and Board Brackets 6-44
Rear-Panel Cabl es 6-45
A10 Acqui si ti on Board 6-46
Fl oppy Disk 6-48
Rear Chassi s 6-50
Procedures for Inner-Chassis Modul es 6-52
A16 Low Vol tage Power Suppl y 6-52
A20 or A30 Display Assembl y and Suppl y Fuse 6-53
Front Subpanel 6-58
Main Chassi s 6-59
Disassembly for Cleaning 6-60
Troubleshooting 6-63
Diagnostics 6-63
Firmware Updates 6-64
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual ix
Table of Contents
Electrical Parts List
Mechanical Parts List
vi Contents
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Power-Cord Plug Identification 2-8
Figure 2-2: Map of Display Functi ons 2-14
Figure 4-1: Map of Display Functi ons 4-3
Figure 4-2: Verifying Adj ust ment s and Signal-Path Compensat i on . . 4-5
Figure 4-3: Universal Test Hookup for Functi onal Tests 4-7
Figure 4-4: Measurement of DC Offset Accuracy at Zero Setting . . . 4-23
Figure 4-5: Initial Test Hookup 4-24
Figure 4-6: Measurement of the DC Accuracy for Delta
Measurements 4-25
Figure 4-7: Measurement of DC Accuracy at Maxi mum Offset
and Position 4-28
Figure 4-8: Initial Test Hookup 4-29
Figure 4-9: Measurement of Anal og Bandwi dt h 4-32
Figure 4-10: Initial Test Hookup 4-34
Figure 4-11: Measurement of Channel Delay 4-35
Figure 4-12: Initial Test Hookup 4-37
Figure 4-13: Measurement of Accuracy Long-Term and
Delay Ti me 4-38
Figure 4-14: Initial Test Hookup 4-40
Figure 4-15: Measurement of Ti me Accuracy for Pulse and
Glitch Tri ggeri ng 4-42
Figure 4-16: Initial Test Hookup 4-43
Figure 4-17: Measurement of Trigger-Level Accuracy 4-45
Figure 4-18: Initial Test Hookup 4-47
Figure 4-19: Measurement of Trigger Sensitivity 4-48
Figure 4-20: Initial Test Hookup 4-51
Figure 4-21: Measurement of Main Trigger Out Limits 4-52
Figure 4-22: Initial Test Hookup 4-54
Figure 4-23: Measurement of Probe Compensat or Frequency 4-56
Figure 4-24: Subsequent Test Hookup 4-57
Figure 4-25: Measurement of Probe Compensat or Ampl i t ude 4-58
Figure 4-26: Jitter Test Hookup 4-60
Figure 4-27: Jitter Test Di spl ayed Waveform 4-60
Figure 4-28: Jitter Test When Compl et ed 4-62
Figure 4-29: Tri ggered Signal Range Test 300 mV 4-63
Figure 4-30: Tri ggered Signal Range Test 75 mV 4-64
Figure 4-31: 60 Hz Rejection Test Hookup 4-65
Figure 4-32: 60 Hz Rejection Test Setup Signal 4-65
Figure 4-33: Subsequent 60 Hz Rejection Test Hookup 4-66
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual vii
List of Figures
Figure 4-34: 60 Hz Rejection Test Result 4-67
Figure 4-35: Line Count Accuracy Test Hookup 4-68
Figure 4-36: Line Count Accuracy Test Setup Waveform 4-68
Figure 4-37: Line Count Accuracy Correct Result Waveform 4-69
Figure 4-38: PG502 Setup for Sync Duty Cycl e Test 4-71
Figure 4-39: Sync Duty Cycl e Test: One-Div Neg Pulse Waveform . . 4-72
Figure 4-40: Sync Duty Cycl e Test: Critically Adj usted Pulse 4-73
Figure 5-1: Accessi ng the Protecti on Swi tch 5-8
Figure 5-2: Hookup for Probe Compensat i on 5-10
Figure 5-3: Performi ng Probe Compensat i on 5-11
Figure 5-4: Proper and Improper Probe Compensat i on 5-11
Figure 5-5: Exposi ng the Inner Probe Tip 5-12
Figure 5-6: Initial Test Hookup 5-12
Figure 5-7: Exposi ng the Probe Body 5-14
Figure 5-8: Initial Test Hookup 5-15
Figure 5-9: Locati ons of P6139A Probe Adj ust ment s 5-17
Figure 5-10: Adj ust ment s versus Front-Corner Response 5-17
Figure 5-11: TDS 620A/640A Five and Ten Percent Lumi nance
Patches 5-19
Figure 5-12: TDS 644A Five and Ten Percent Lumi nance Patches . . 5-22
Figure 6-1: External Modul es 6-12
Figure 6-2: Outer-Chassis Modul es 6-13
Figure 6-3: Inner-Chassis Modul es - TDS 620A or 640A wi th
A20 Display Assembl y 6-14
Figure 6-4: Inner-Chassis Modul es - TDS 644A wi th A30
Display Assembl y 6-15
Figure 6-5: Knob Removal 6-18
Figure 6-6: Line Fuse and Line Cord Removal 6-19
Figure 6-7: Rear Cover and Cabi net Removal 6-22
Figure 6-8: Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator
Panel Removal (Front Cover not Shown) 6-23
Figure 6-9: A12 Front-Panel Assembl y Removal 6-26
Figure 6-10: Di sassembl y of Front-Panel Assembl y 6-27
Figure 6-11: Cabi net Modul es Removal 6-30
Figure 6-12: Attenuator Interconnect Cabl e Routi ng and
Jack Locati ons 6-32
Figure 6-13: A14 D1 Bus and Anal og-Power and Digital-Power
Cabl es Removal 6-33
Figure 6-14: Remove Circuit Board Assembl y From Osci l l oscope . . 6-35
Figure 6-15: Remove Circuit Board From Assembl y 6-36
Figure 6-16: Circuit Board Installed 6-38
Figure 6-17: Proper Routi ng of the Vi deo Cabl e 6-39
Figure 6-18: Circuit Board Removal 6-40
Figure 6-19: A11 Processor/Di spl ay Removal 6-43
viii Contents
List of Figures
Figure 6-20: Board Bracket Removal 6-44
Figure 6-21: A10 Acqui si ti on Board Removal 6-47
Figure 6-22: Fl oppy Disk Removal 6-49
Figure 6-23: Rear Chassis Removal 6-51
Figure 6-24: A16 Low Voltage Power Suppl y Removal 6-53
Figure 6-25: Display Assembl y Removal - TDS 644A 6-55
Figure 6-26: Display Assembl y Removal - TDS 620A and 640A . . . 6-56
Figure 6-27: Display Driver Board Removal 6-57
Figure 6-28: Front Subpanel Removal 6-59
Figure 6-29: Accessi ng the Protecti on Swi tch 6-64
Figure 6-30: Primary Troubl eshooti ng Procedure 6-65
Figure 6-31: Modul e Isolation Troubl eshooti ng Procedure 6-67
Figure 6-32: A16 Low Voltage Power Suppl y Modul e Isolation
Troubl eshooti ng Procedure 6-68
Figure 6-33: Power Suppl y Voltage Measurement Locati ons 6-70
Figure 6-34: Col or (TDS 644A) Display Troubl eshooti ng Procedure . 6-71
Figure 6-35: Hori zontal and Vertical Sync Signals - Color Display . 6-72
Figure 6-36: A Vi deo Si gnal wi th Whi te, Black, and Bl anki ng
Levels - Col or Di spl ay 6-72
Figure 6-37: Monochrome (TDS 620Aand 640A) Display
Troubl eshooti ng Procedure 6-73
Figure 6-38: Hori zontal and Vertical Sync Si gnal s - Monochr ome
Di spl ay 6-74
Figure 6-39: A Vi deo Si gnal wi th Whi te, Black, and Bl anki ng
Levels - Monochrome Di spl ay 6-74
Figure 6-40: Processor/Acqui si ti on Troubl eshooti ng Procedure . . . . 6-75
Figure 6-41: Processor/Front Panel Troubl eshooti ng Procedure . . . . 6-76
Figure 6-42: Attenuator/Acqui si ti on Troubl eshooti ng Procedure . . . . 6-77
Figure 6-43: A11 DRAM Processor/Di spl ay Modul e (View of
Right Side) 6-78
Figure 6-44: A11 DRAM Processor/Di spl ay Modul e (View of
Upper Left Corner) 6-79
Figure 6-45: A11 DRAM Processor/Di spl ay Modul e (View of
Lower Left Corner) 6-79
Figure 6-46: A10 Acqui si ti on Modul e (View of Lower Left Corner) . . 6-80
Figure 9-1: Bl ock Di agram 9-2
Figure 9-2: Interconnecti ons 9-4
Figure 10-1: External Modul es 10-5
Figure 10-2: Outer-Chassis Modul es 10-7
Figure 10-3: Inner-Chassis Modul es - A30 Di spl ay Shown 10-9
Figure 10-4: Cabl es 10-11
Figure 10- 5: Fl oppy Disk 10-13
Figure 10-6: Accessori es 10-14
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual ix
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Record Length versus Divisions per Record, Sampl es
per Division, and Sec/Di v Sequence 1-3
Table 1-2: Nomi nal Traits Signal Acqui si ti on System 1-9
Tabl e1-3: Nomi nal Traits Ti me Base System 1-10
Tabl e1-4: Nomi nal Traits Tri ggeri ng System 1-10
Tabl e1-5: Nomi nal Traits Display System 1-11
Table 1-6: Nomi nal Traits GPIB Interface, Output Ports, and
Power Fuse 1-11
Table 1-7: Nomi nal Traits Mechani cal 1-12
Table 1-8: Warranted Characteristics Signal Acqui si ti on System . 1-13
Table 1-9: Warranted Characteristics Ti me Base System 1-14
Table 1-10: Warranted Characteristics Tri ggeri ng System 1-15
Table 1-11: Warranted Characteristics Out put Ports, Probe
Compensator, and Power Requi rements 1-15
Table 1-12: Warranted Characteristics Envi ronmental 1-16
Table 1-13: Typical Characteristics Signal Acqui si ti on System . . . 1-19
Table 1-14: Typical Characteristics Ti me Base System 1-20
Table 1-15: Typical Characteristics Tri ggeri ng System 1-20
Table 1-16: Typical Characteristics Data Handl i ng and Reliability 1-22
Table 2-1: Power-Cord Conduct or Identification 2-8
Table 2-2: Effects of Corrupt ed Data 2-10
Table 4-1: Test Equi pment 4-14
Table 4-2: DC Offset Accuracy (Zero Setting) 4-22
Table 4-3: DC Accuracy 4-27
Table 4-4: Anal og Bandwi dth 4-30
Table 5-1: Cal i brati on Tests 5-3
Table 5-2: Adj ust ment s Requi red for Modul e Repl aced 5-4
Table 5-3: Adj ust ment s and Dependenci es 5-4
Table 5-4: Test Equi pment, Fixtures, and Suppl i es 5-5
Table 5-5: GPIB Board Conf i gur at i on 5-7
Table 6-1: Relative Suscepti bi l i ty t o Stati c-Di scharge Damage 6-3
Table 6-2: External Inspecti on Check List 6-6
Table 6-3: Internal Inspecti on Check List 6-7
Table 6-4: Tools Requi red for Modul e Removal 6-11
Table 6-5: Normal Suppl y Voltages (Measured on J26 and J27
on the A11 DRAM Processor/Di spl ay Modul e) 6-69
Table 6-6: No-Load Suppl y Vol tages (Measured on J5 and J6
on the A17 Main LV Power Suppl y Modul e) 6-69
Table 7-1: International Power Cords 7-1
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual xi
List of Tables
Table 7-2: Standard Accessori es 7-3
Table 7-3: Opti onal Accessori es 7-4
Table 7-4: Accessory Software 7-5
xii Contents
Safety Summary
Please take a moment t o review these safety precauti ons. They are provi ded
for your protecti on and to prevent damage t o the Digitizing Osci l l oscopes.
This safety i nformati on appl i es t o all operators and service personnel .
Symbols and Terms These t wo terms appear in manual s:
!?!L1 statements identify condi ti ons or practi ces that coul d result in
damage t o the equi pment or other property.
i j ^ statements identify condi ti ons or practi ces that coul d result in
personal injury or loss of life.
These t wo terms appear on equi pment :
CAUTION indicates a personal injury hazard not i mmedi atel y accessi bl e
as one reads the marki ng, or a hazard to property i ncl udi ng the equi p-
ment itself.
DANGER indicates a personal injury hazard i mmedi atel y accessi bl e as
one reads the marki ng.
This symbol appears in manual s:

Static-Sensitive Devices
These symbol s appear on equi pment :
High Voltage
ground (earth)
Refer to
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual xiii
Safety Summary
Specific Precautions Observe all of the fol l owi ng precauti ons to ensure your personal safety and
t o prevent damage t o either the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A or equi pment
connect ed t o it.
Do Not Perform Service While Alone
Do not perform internal service or adj ustment of this product unless another
person capabl e of renderi ng first aid and resuscitation is present.
Use Care When Servicing With Power On
Dangerous vol tages exist at several poi nts in this product. To avoi d personal
injury, do not t ouch exposed connect i ons or component s whi l e power is on.
Di sconnect power before removi ng protective panels, sol deri ng, or repl aci ng
component s.
Power Source
The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A is i ntended to operate f rom a power source
that will not appl y more than 250 V
s between the suppl y conduct ors or
between either suppl y conduct or and ground. A protective ground connec-
ti on, t hrough the groundi ng conduct or in the power cord, is essential for safe
system operati on.
Grounding the Digitizing Oscilloscopes
The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A are each grounded t hrough the power cord. To
avoi d electric shock, pl ug the power cord into a properl y wi red receptacl e
where earth ground has been verified by a qualified service person. Do this
before maki ng connect i ons t o the i nput or output termi nal s of the TDS 620A,
640A, & 644A.
Wi thout the protecti ve ground connecti on, all parts of the TDS 620A, 640A, &
644A are potential shock hazards. This i ncl udes knobs and control s that may
appear t o be insulators.
Use the Proper Power Cord
Use onl y the power cord and connector speci fi ed for your product. Use onl y
a power cord that is in good condi ti on.
Use the Proper Fuse
To avoi d fire hazard, use onl y the fuse speci fi ed in the parts list for your
product, and whi ch is identical in type, vol tage rating, and current rating.
xiv Safety
Safety Summary
Do Not Remove Covers or Panels
To avoi d personal injury, do not operate the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A wi thout
the panels or covers.
Do Not Operate in Explosive Atmospheres
The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A provi des no expl osi on protecti on f rom static
di scharges or arci ng component s. Do not operate the TDS 620A, 640A, &
644A in an at mosphere of explosive gasses.
Electric Overload
Never appl y a vol tage t o a connector on the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A that is
outsi de the range speci fi ed for that connector.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual XV
Safety Summary
xvi Safety
This subsecti on begi ns wi th a general descri pti on of the traits of the
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes. Three subsecti ons follow,
one for each of three classes of traits: nominal traits, warranted characteris-
tics, and typical characteristics.
General Product The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A are portabl e, four-channel di gi ti zi ng oscillo-
Description scopes sui tabl e for use in a variety of test and measurement appl i cati ons
and systems. Key features i ncl ude:
A maxi mum di gi ti zi ng rate of 2 GS/s on each of the full-featured chan-
nels (four on the TDS 640A and 644A, t wo on the TDS 620A) simulta-
neousl y wi th an anal og bandwi dt h of 500 MHz.
Four input channel s, each wi th 8-bit vertical resolution, and each wi th a
record length of 2,000 sampl es and 8-bit vertical resolution.
Extensive tri ggeri ng capabilities: such as edge, logic, and glitch. Vi deo
tri gger (Opti on 05) is al so available. The vi deo tri gger modes are NTSC,
SECAM, PAL, HDTV, and Fl exFormat (user defi nabl e format).
Acqui si ti on modes such as sampl e, envel ope, and average.
A full compl ement of advanced functi ons, like cont i nuousl y-updat ed
measurements, results and local pass/fail deci si on maki ng.
Speci al i zed di spl ay modes, such as vari abl e persi stence wi th col or
gradi ng, dot or vector mode, sin(x)/x or linear di spl ay filters, and user
sel ectabl e col or pallettes. The "Fit t o Screen" features compresses the
entire wavef orm record t o fit on the screen.
A uni que graphi cal user interface (GUI), an on-board help mode, and a
l ogi cal front-panel layout whi ch combi ne t o deliver a new standard in
Full GPIB software programmabi l i ty. Hardcopy out put usi ng GPIB,
RS-232, or Centroni cs ports. RS-232 and Centroni cs are standard on
the TDS 644A and opti onal , as opti on 13, on the TDS 620A and 640A.
VGA output for driving remote moni tors.
A 1.44 Mbyte, DOS 3.3 or later-compatible, f l oppy disk drive (opti on 1F
on the TDS 620A and 640A) and NVRAM mass storage for savi ng
waveforms, hardcopi es, and osci l l oscope setups.
On the TDS 644A, a col or di spl ay for di sti ngui shi ng among waveforms,
their measurements, and associ ated text.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-1
U s e r I n t e r f a c e Use
combi nat i on of front-panel buttons, knobs, and on-screen menus t o
control the osci l l oscope' s many functi ons. The front-panel control s are
grouped accordi ng to functi on: vertical, horizontal, trigger, and speci al . Set a
functi on you adj ust often, such as vertical posi ti oni ng or the ti me base
setting, directly by its own front-panel knob. Set functi ons whi ch you change
less often, such as vertical coupl i ng and horizontal mode, indirectly usi ng
sel ected menus.
Pressing one (someti mes two) front-panel button(s), such as vertical menu,
di spl ays a main menu of related functi ons, such as coupl i ng, bandwi dt h,
etc., at the bot t om of the screen. Pressing a mai n-menu button, such as
coupl i ng, di spl ays a side menu of setti ngs for that functi on, such as AC, DC,
or GND (ground) coupl i ng, at the right si de of the screen. Pressing a side-
menu button selects a setting such as DC.
On-screen readouts help you keep track of the settings for vari ous functi ons,
such as vertical and hori zontal scal e and tri gger level. Some readouts use
the cursors or the automati c parameter extraction feature (called measure)
to di spl ay the results of measurements made or the status of the i nstrument.
General Purpose Knob
Assi gn the general purpose knob to adj ust a sel ected parameter functi on.
More qui ckl y change parameters by t oggl i ng the SHI FT button. Use the
same met hod as for selecting a functi on, except the final si de-menu selec-
ti on assi gns the general purpose knob t o adjust some functi on, such as the
posi ti on of measurement cursors on screen, or the setti ng for a channel ' s
fine gain.
I ^ The user interface al so makes use of a GUI, or Graphi cal User Interface, t o
make setti ng functi ons and i nterpreti ng the di spl ay more intuitive. Some
J < menus and status are di spl ayed usi ng iconic representati ons of functi on
settings such as t hose shown here for full, 100 MHz, and 20 MHz band-
J \ wi dth. Such i cons al l ow you to more readily determi ne status or the available
7-2 Specifications
Signal Acquisition
The si gnal acqui si ti on system provi des full-featured vertical channel s (four
on the TDS 640A and 644A, t wo on the TDS 620A) wi th cal i brated vertical
scale factors f rom 1 mV t o 10 V per division. All four channel s can be ac-
qui red si mul taneousl y.
Each of the four channel s can be di spl ayed, vertically posi ti oned, and offset,
can have their bandwi dt h limited (100 MHz or 20 MHz) and their vertical
coupl i ng speci fi ed. Fine gai n can also be adj usted.
Besides these channel s, up t o three math waveforms and four reference
waveforms are available for display. (A math wavef orm results when you
speci fy dual waveform operati ons, such as add, on any t wo channel s. A
reference wavef orm results when you save a live wavef orm in a reference
Horizontal Svstem There are three hori zontal di spl ay modes: mai n only, mai n intensified, and
del ayed only. You can select among vari ous hori zontal record l ength set-
ti ngs.
A feature cal l ed "Fit to Screen" al l ows you t o vi ew entire waveform records
wi thi n the 10 di vi si on screen area. In other words, wavef orms are com-
pressd t o fit on the screen. (see Table 1-1)
Table 1-1: Record Length versus Divisions per Record, Samples
per Division, and Sec/Div Sequence
Divisions per Record
Record Length
Sample/Division (Sec/Div Sequence)
Record Length
Fit to Screen OFF Fit to Screen ON
50 ( 1 - 2 . 5 - 5 ) 50 ( 1 - 2 . 5 - 5 )
500 10 divs 10 divs
1000 20 divs 10 divs
2000 40di vs 10di vs
Both the del ayed onl y di spl ay and the intensified zone on the main intensi-
fied di spl ay may be del ayed by ti me wi th respect t o the mai n trigger. Both
can be set to di spl ay i mmedi atel y after the del ay (del ayed runs after main
mode). The del ayed di spl ay can al so be set t o di spl ay at the first valid
tri gger after the del ay (del ayed-tri ggerabl e mode).
The del ayed di spl ay (or the intensified zone) may al so be del ayed by a
sel ected number of events. In this case, the events source is the del ayed-
tri gger source. The del ayed tri gger can also be set t o occur after a number
of events plus an amount of ti me.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-3
Trigger System The tri ggeri ng system support s a vari ed set of features for tri ggeri ng the
si gnal -acqui si ti on system. Trigger si gnal s recogni zed include:
Edge (main- and del ayed-tri gger systems): This familiar t ype of tri gger-
ing is fully confi gurabl e for source, sl ope, coupl i ng, mode (auto or
normal ), and holdoff.
Logic (main-trigger system): This t ype of tri ggeri ng can be based on
pattern (asynchronous) or state (synchronous). In either case, logic
tri ggeri ng is confi gurabl e for sources, for bool ean operators to appl y t o
t hose sources, for l ogi c pattern or state on whi ch to trigger, for mode
(auto or normal), and for holdoff. Ti me qualification may be sel ected in
pattern mode.
Pulse (main-trigger system): Pulse tri ggeri ng is confi gurabl e for tri gger-
ing on runt or glitch pulses, or on pulse wi dt hs or peri ods inside or
outsi de limits that you specify. It is also confi gurabl e for source, polarity,
mode, and holdoff.
Video (with opti on 05: Vi deo Trigger): Vi deo tri ggeri ng is compat i bl e wi th
standard NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and HDTV formats. An addi ti onal feature
cal l ed Fl exFormat (flexible format) al l ows the user t o define the vi deo
format on whi ch t o trigger.
You can choose where the tri gger poi nt is l ocated wi thi n the acqui red wave-
f orm record by sel ecti ng the amount of pretri gger data di spl ayed. Presets of
20%, 50%, and 80% of pretri gger data can be sel ected in the horizontal
menu, or the general purpose knob can be assi gned t o set pretri gger data
to any val ue wi thi n the 20% t o 80% limits.
Acquisition Control You can speci fy a mode and manner t o acqui re and process si gnal s that
matches your measurement requi rements.
Select the mode for i nterpol ati on of poi nts sampl ed on non-repetitive
si gnal s (linear or sin (x)/x. This can increase the apparent sampl e rate
on the wavef orm when maxi mum real-time rates are reached.
Use sampl e, envel ope, and average modes t o acqui re signals.
Set the acqui si ti on t o stop after a si ngl e acqui si ti on (or sequence of
acqui si ti ons if acqui ri ng in average or envel ope modes), or after a limit
condi ti on has been met.
Select channel sources for compl i ance wi th limit tests. You can direct
the TDS t o si gnal you or generate hard copy output either t o a printer or
t o a f l oppy disk (with opti on 1F) based on the results. Al so, you can
create templ ates for use in limit tests.
7-4 Specifications
On-Board User Help and autoset
c a n
assist you in setti ng up the Digitizing Osci l l oscope t o
Assistance make your measurements.
Help di spl ays operati onal i nformati on about any front-panel control . When
help mode is in effect, mani pul ati ng any front-panel control causes the
Digitizing Osci l l oscope t o di spl ay i nformati on about that control . When help
is first i nvoked, an i ntroducti on to help is di spl ayed on screen.
Autoset automati cal l y sets up the Digitizing Osci l l oscope for a vi ewabl e
di spl ay based on the i nput signal.
Measurement Once you have set up to make your measurements, the cursor and measure
Assistance features can help you qui ckl y make those measurements.
Three t ypes of cursors are provi ded for maki ng parametri c measurements
on the di spl ayed waveforms. Hori zontal bar cursors (H Bar) measure vertical
parameters (typically volts). Vertical bar cursors (V Bar) measure horizontal
parameters (typically ti me or frequency) and now extend t o the t op and
bot t om of the screen. Paired cursors measure both ampl i t ude and ti me
simultaneously. These are del ta measurements; that is, measurements
based on the di fference between t wo cursors.
Both H Bar and V Bar cursors can also be used t o make absol ute measure-
ments; that is measurements relative t o a defi ned level or event. For the
H Bars, either cursor can be sel ected to read out its vol tage wi th respect to
any channel s gr ound reference level. For the V Bars, it's ti me wi th respect t o
the tri gger poi nt (event) of the acqui si ti on and the cursors can control the
porti on of the wavef orm on whi ch automati c measurements are made.
For ti me measurements, units can be either seconds or Hertz (for 1/time).
When the vi deo tri gger opti on installed (Opti on 05), you can measure the
vi deo line number usi ng the vertical cursors. You can measure IRE ampl i -
t ude (NTSC) usi ng the horizontal cursors wi th or wi thout the vi deo tri gger
opti on installed.
Measure can automati cal l y extract parameters f rom the si gnal i nput t o the
Digitizing Osci l l oscope. Any four out of the more than 25 parameters avail-
able can be di spl ayed t o the screen. The waveform parameters are mea-
sured conti nuousl y wi th the results updat ed on-screen as the Digitizing
Osci l l oscope conti nues t o acqui re waveforms.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-5
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
An i mportant component of the mul ti processor archi tecture of this Digitizing
Osci l l oscope is Tektronix' s propri etary digital si gnal processor, the DSF! This
dedi cated processor support s advanced analysis of your wavef orms when
doi ng such compute-i ntensi ve tasks as interpolation, wavef orm math, and
si gnal averagi ng. It al so t eams wi th a cust om di spl ay system t o deliver
speci al i zed di spl ay modes (See Display, later in this description.)
a n d I / O Acqui red wavef orms may be saved in any of four nonvolatile REF (reference)
memori es or on a 3.5 inch, DOS 3.3-or-later compat i bl e disk. Any or all of
the saved waveforms may be di spl ayed for compari son wi th the waveforms
bei ng currentl y acqui red.
The source and desti nati on of waveforms t o be saved may be chosen. You
can save any of the four channel s t o any REF memory or t o move a stored
reference f rom one REF memory t o another. Reference wavef orms may also
be wri tten into a REF memory l ocati on via the GFIB interface.
The Digitizing Osci l l oscope is fully control l abl e and capabl e of sendi ng and
receiving waveforms over the GFIB interface (IEEE Std 488. 1- 1987/ I EEE
Std 488. 2- 1987 standard). This feature makes the i nstrument ideal for
maki ng aut omat ed measurements in a product i on or research and devel op-
ment envi ronment that calls for repetitive data taki ng. Sel f-compensati on
and sel f-di agnosti c features built into the Digitizing Osci l l oscope t o ai d in
fault detecti on and servi ci ng are al so accessi bl e usi ng commands sent f rom
a GFIB controller.
Another standard feature is hardcopy. This feature al l ows you t o output
waveforms and other on-screen i nformati on t o a variety of graphi c printers
and plotters f rom the TDS front panel, provi di ng hard copi es wi thout requir-
ing you t o put the TDS into a system-control l er envi ronment. You can make
hardcopi es in a variety of popul ar output formats, such as FCX, TIFF, BMF!
RLE, EFS, Interleaf, and EFS mono or color. You can al so save hardcopi es
in a di sk file in any of the formats above. The hardcopi es obtai ned are based
on what is di spl ayed on-screen at the ti me hardcopy is i nvoked. The hardco-
pies can be st amped wi th date and ti me and spool ed t o a queue for pri nti ng
at a later ti me. You can output screen i nformati on vi a GFIB, RS-232C, or
Centroni cs interfaces.
7-6 Specifications
The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes offers flexible di spl ay
opti ons. You can customi ze the fol l owi ng attributes of your di spl ay:
Col or (on the TDS 644A): waveforms, readouts, graticule, and vari abl e
persi stence wi th col or codi ng;
Intensity: waveforms, readouts, and graticule;
Style of wavef orm display(s): vectors or dots, intensified or non-intensi-
fi ed sampl es, infinite persistence, and vari abl e persi stence wi th col or
codi ng;
Interpolation met hod: Sin(x)/x or Linear;
Di spl ay format: xy or yt wi th vari ous graticule sel ecti ons i ncl udi ng NTSC
and PAL t o be used wi th vi deo tri gger (opti on 05).
This osci l l oscope al so provi des an easy way t o f ocus in on those wavef orm
features you wi sh to exami ne up close. By i nvoki ng zoom, you can magni fy
the wavef orm parameter usi ng the vertical and hori zontal control s to expand
(or contract) and posi ti on it for vi ewi ng.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-7
7-8 Specifications
Nominal Traits
This subsecti on contai ns a col l ecti on of tabl es that list the vari ous nominal
traits that descri be the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscope.
Electrical and mechani cal traits are i ncl uded.
Nomi nal traits are descri bed usi ng si mpl e statements of fact such as "Four,
all identical" for the trait "Input Channel s, Number of," rather than in t erms of
limits that are performance requi rements.
Table 1-2: Nominal Traits Signal Acquisition System
Name Description
Bandwi dt h Sel ecti ons 20 MHz, 100 MHz, and FULL (500 MHz)
Sampl ers, Number of Four, si mul taneous
Digitized Bits, Number of 8 bits
Input Channel s, Number of Four, all identical (TDS 640A/644A)
Two, all identical (TDS 620A)
Input Coupl i ng DC, AC, or GND
Input I mpedance Selections
1 MO or 50 O
Ranges, Offset Volts/Div Setting Offset Range
1 mV/ di v- 99. 5 mV/di v 1 V
100 mV/ di v- 995 mV/di v 10 V
1 V/ di v- 10 V/di v 100 V
Range, Position 5 divisions
Range, Sensitivity,
CH 1 - C H 4 on the TDS 640A, 644A;
CH1, CH2, AUX1, and AUX2 on the
TDS 620A
1 mV/di v t o 10 V/di v
1 Displayed vertically with 25 digitization levels (DLs) per division and 10.24 divisions dynamic range with zoom off. A DL is the
smallest voltage level change that can be resolved by the 8-bit A-D Converter, with the input scaled to the volts/division setting of
the channel used. Expressed as a voltage, a DL is equal to 1/25 of a division times the volts/division setting.
2 The sensitivity ranges from 1 mV/div to 10 V/div in a 1 - 2 - 5 sequence of coarse settings. Between a pair of adjacent coarse set-
tings, the sensitivity can be finely adjusted. The resolution of such a fine adjustment is 1% of the more sensitive of the pair. For
example, between 5o mV/div and 1o0 mV/div, the volts/division can be set with 0.5 mV resolution.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-9
Nominal Traits
Table 1-3: Nominal Traits Time Base System
Name Description
Range, Sampl e-Rat e
10 Sampl es/sec to 2 GSampl es/ sec on four (TDS 640A/644A) or t wo
(TDS 620A) channel s si mul taneousl y.
Range, Interpol ated Waveform Rate
5 GSampl es/ sec to 100 GSampl es/ sec
(200 ps/Sampl e t o 10 ps/Sampl e)
Range, Seconds/Di vi si on 500 ps/di v t o 5 s/di v
Record Length Sel ecti on 500 sampl es, 1000 sampl es, 2000 sampl es.
1 The range of real-time rates, expressed in samples/second, at which a digitizer samples signals at its inputs and stores the sam-
ples in memory to produce a record of time-sequential samples.
2 The range of waveform rates for interpolated waveform records.
3 The Waveform Rate (WR) is the equivalent sample rate of a waveform record. For a waveform record acquired by real-time sam-
pling of a single acquisition, the waveform rate is the same as the real-time sample rate; for a waveform created by interpolation of
real-time samples from a single acquisition, the waveform rate is faster than the real time sample rate. For both cases, the wave-
form rate is 1/(Waveform Interval) for the waveform record, where the waveform interval (Wl) is the time between the samples in the
waveform record.
Table 1-4: Nominal Traits Triggering System
Name Description
Range, Del ayed Trigger Ti me Delay 16 ns t o 250 s
Range, Events Delay 2 t o 10,000,000
Range (Time) for Pulse-Glitch or Pulse-
Wi dt h Tri ggeri ng
2 ns t o 1 s
Ranges, Trigger Level or Threshol d Source Range
Any Channel 12 divisions f rom center of screen
Auxiliary 8 V
Line 300 V
Vi deo Trigger Modes of Operati on
(Opti on 05 Vi deo Trigger)
Support s the fol l owi ng vi deo standards:
NTSC (525/60) - 2 field mono or 8 field
PAL (625/50) - 2 field mono, 8 field, or SECAM
Fl exFormat (user defi nabl e standards)
User can speci fy: field rate, number of lines, sync pul se wi dt h
and polarity, line rate, and vertical interval ti mi ng.
1-10 Specifications
Nominal Traits
Table 1-5: Nominal Traits Display System
Name Description
Vi deo Display Color (on the TDS 644A) or monochr ome (on the TDS 620A, 640A)
display, 7 inch di agonal , wi th a di spl ay area of 5.04 i nches horizon-
tally by 3.78 inches vertically
Vi deo Di spl ay Resol uti on 640 pixels horizontally by 480 pixels vertically
Waveform Display Graticule Single Graticule: 401 x 501 pixels, 8 x10 divisions, where di vi si ons
are 1 cm by 1 cm
Waveform Display Col ors Scale TDS 644A: Sixteen col ors in infinite-persistence or variable persis-
tence di spl ay wi th color codi ng.
TDS 620Aand 640A: Sixteen levels in infinite-persistence or varia-
bl e-persi stence di spl ay styles.
Table 1-6: Nominal Traits GPI B Interface, Output Ports, and Power Fuse
Name Description
Interface, GPIB GPIB interface compl i es wi th IEEE Std 488-1987
Interface, RS-232 RS-232 interface compl i es wi th EIA/TIA 574 (talk only)
Interface, Centroni cs Centroni cs interface compl i es wi th Centroni cs interface standard
C332-44 Feb 1977, REV A
Interface, Vi deo VGA vi deo output wi th levels that compl y wi th ANSI R5343A stan-
dard. DB-15 connector.
Logi c Polarity for Main- and Delayed- Negative TRUE. Hi gh t o low transi ti on indicates the tri gger occurred.
Trigger Outputs
Fuse Rating Either of t wo fuses
may be used: a .25" x 1.25" (UL 198.6, 3AG):
6 A FAST, 250 V, or a 5 mm x 20 mm, (IEC 127): 5 A (T), 250 V.
1 Each fuse type requires its own fuse cap.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-11
Nominal Traits
Table 1-7: Nominal Traits Mechanical
Name Description
Cool i ng Met hod Forced-air ci rcul ati on wi th no air filter
Constructi on Material Chassis parts constructed of al umi num alloy; front panel con-
structed of plastic laminate; circuit boards constructed of glass lami-
nate. Cabi net is al umi num and is cl ad in Tektronix Blue vinyl materi-
Finish Type Tektronix Blue vi nyl -cl ad al umi num cabi net
Wei ght Standard TDS 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscope
13.7 kg (30 lbs), wi th front cover.
25.1 kg (55 lbs), when packaged for domest i c shi pment.
Standard TDS 620A and 640A Digitizing Osci l l oscope
12.3 kg (29 lbs), wi th front cover.
20.0 kg (44 lbs), when packaged for domest i c shi pment.
Rackmount TDS 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscope
13.7 kg (30 lbs) plus wei ght of rackmount parts, for the rack-
mount ed Digitizing Osci l l oscope (Opti on 1R).
Rackmount TDS 620A and 640A Digitizing Osci l l oscope
12.3 kg (27 lbs) plus wei ght of rackmount parts, for the rack-
mount ed Digitizing Osci l l oscope (Opti on 1R).
Rackmount conversi on kit
2.3 kg (5 lbs), for the rackmount conversi on kit only; 3.6 kg
(8 lbs), when the kit is packaged for domest i c shi ppi ng.
Overall Di mensi ons Standard Digitizing Osci l l oscope
Height: 193 mm (7.6 in), wi th the feet installed.
Wi dth: 445 mm (17.5 in), wi th the handl e.
Depth: 434 mm (17.1 in), wi th the front cover installed.
Rackmount Digitizing Osci l l oscope
Height: 178 mm (7.0 in).
Wi dth: 483 mm (19.0 in).
Depth: 558.8 mm (22.0 in).
1-33 Specifications
Warranted Characteristics
This subsect i on lists the vari ous warranted characteristics that descri be the
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes. Electrical and
envi ronmental characteristics are i ncl uded.
Warranted characteristics are descri bed in terms of quanti fi abl e performance
limits whi ch are warranted.
In these tables, those warranted characteristics that are checked in
the procedure Performance Verification, found in Section 1, appear
in boldface type under the column Name.
As stated above, this subsecti on lists onl y warranted characteristics. A list of
typical characteristics starts on page 1-19.
The electrical characteristics f ound in these tabl es of warranted characteris-
tics appl y when the osci l l oscope has been adj usted at an ambi ent tempera-
ture between +20 C and +30 C, has had a warm-up peri od of at least 20
minutes, and is operati ng at an ambi ent temperature between 0 C and
+50 C (unless otherwi se noted).
Table 1-8: Warranted Characteristics Signal Acquisition System
Name Description
Accuracy, DC Gain
1. 5%.
(For all sensitivities f rom 2 mV/di v t o 10 V/di v and offsets f rom 0 t o
100 V)
At 1 mV/di v 2.0%
Accuracy, Offset
Volts/Div Setting Offset Accuracy
1 mV/di v - 99.5 mV/di v ( 0. 2% x Net Offset
+ 1.5 mV + 0.6 div)
100 mV/div - 995 mV/di v ( 0. 35% x Net Offset
+ 15mV + 0.6 div)
1 V/di v - 10 V/di v ( 0. 35% x Net Offset
+ 150 mV + 0.6 div)
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-13
Warranted Characteristics
Table 1-8: Warranted Characteristics Signal Acquisition System (Cont.)
Name Description
Analog Bandwidth, DC-50 O
Coupled, or DC-1 MO Coupl ed with
P6139A Probe
Volts/Div Bandwidth
5 mV/di v - 10 V/di v DC - 500 MHz
2 mV/di v - 4.98 mV/div DC - 300 MHz
1 mV/di v - 1.99 mV/div DC - 200 MHz
Cross Talk (Channel Isolation) >100: 1 at 100 MHz and >30: 1 at the rated bandwi dt h for the chan-
nel' s sensitivity rating, for any t wo channel s having equal volts/divi-
si on settings
Input Impedance, DC- 1 MO Coupl ed 1 MO 0. 5% in parallel wi th 10 pF 2 pF
Input Impedance, DC- 5 0 O Coupl ed 50 O 1% wi th VSWR < 1.3:1 f rom DC - 500 MHz
Input Voltage, Maxi mum, DC- 1 MO,
A C- 1 MO, or GND Coupl ed
400 V (DC + peak AC); derate at 20 dB/ decade above 1 MHz
Input Voltage, Maxi mum, DC-50 O or
AC- 5 0 O Coupl ed
5 V
, wi th peaks less than or equal t o 30 V
Lower Frequency Limit, AC Coupl ed <10 Hz when A C- 1 MO Coupl ed; <200 kHz when AC- 5 0 O
Coupl ed
1 To ensure the most accurate measurements possible, run an SPC calibration first. When using the Digitizing Oscilloscope at a
Volts/Div setting of <5 mV/div, an SPC calibration should be run once per week to ensure that instrument performance levels meet
2 Net Offset = Offset - (Position x Volts/Div). Net Offset is the voltage level at the center of the A-D converter's dynamic range. Offset
Accuracy is the accuracy of this Voltage level.
3 The limits given are for the ambient temperature range of 0C to +30C. Reduce the upper bandwidth frequencies by 2.5 MHz for
each C above +30C.
4 The AC Coupled Lower Frequency Limits are reduced by a factor of 10, when 10X passive probes are used.
Table 1-9: Warranted Characteristics Time Base System
Name Description
Accuracy, Long Term Sampl e Rate 100 ppm over any > 1 ms interval
and Delay Time
1-14 Specifications
Warranted Characteristics
Table 1-10: Warranted Characteristics Triggering System
Name Description
Accuracy (Time) for Pulse-Glitch or
Pulse-Width Triggering
Time Range
2 ns t o 1 |is
( 20% x | Setting | + 0.5 ns)
1.02 |is t o 1 s ( 100 ns + 0.01% x | Setting | )
Sensitivity, Edge-Type Trigger, DC Trigger Source Sensitivity
Coupl ed
Any Channel 0.35 di vi si on f rom DC t o 50 MHz, i ncreasi ng t o
1 di vi si on at 500 MHz
Auxiliary 0.25 vol ts f rom DC to 50 MHz
Wi dth, Mi ni mum Pulse and Rearm, for
Pulse Tri ggeri ng
Pulse Class Minimum
Pulse Width
Minimum Rearm Width
Glitch 2 ns
2 ns + 5% of Glitch Wi dth
Runt 2.5 ns 2.5 ns
Wi dth 2 ns
2 ns + 5% of Wi dt h Upper Limit
Jitter (Option 05 Video Trigger) 17 ns
_p on HDTV si gnal ; 60 ns
on NTSC or PAL si gnal
Input Signal Sync Amplitude for 0.6 division t o 4 divisions wi th (1 t o 4 divisions in numeri c field)
Stable Triggering (Option 05 Video
1 The minimum sensitivity for obtaining a stable trigger. A stable trigger results in a uniform, regular display triggered on the se-
lected slope. The trigger point must not switch between opposite slopes on the waveform, and the display must not "roll" across
the screen on successive acquisitions. The TRIG'D LED stays constantly lighted when the SEC/DIV setting is 2 ms or faster but
may flash when the SEC/DIV setting is 10 ms or slower.
Table 1-11: Warranted Characteristics Output Ports, Probe Compensator, and
Power Requirements
Name Description
Logic Levels, Main- and Delayed- Characteristic Limits
Trigger Outputs
Vout (HI) >2. 5 V open circuit; > 1.0 V into a 50 O load to
Vout (LO) < 0.7 V into a load of < 4 mA; < 0.25 V into a Vout (LO)
50 O load t o ground
Output Voltage and Frequency, Characteristic Limits
Probe Compensator
Voltage 0.5 V (base-top) 1% into a load of >50 O
Frequency 1 kHz 5%
Output Voltage, Signal Out (CH 3
) 20 mV/di vi si on 20% into a 1 MO load; 10 mV/di vi si on 20% into a
50 O load
Source Vol tage 90 to 250 VAC
, cont i nuous range
Source Frequency 47 Hz t o 63 Hz
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-15
Warranted Characteristics
Table 1-11: Warranted Characteristics Output Ports, Probe Compensator, and
Power Requirements (Cont.)
Name Description
Power Consumpt i on <300 W (450 VA)
1 CH 3 signal out is only present at the rear panel if CH 3 is selected as the trigger source for the main and/or delayed trigger sys-
Table 1-12: Warranted Characteristics Environmental
Name Description
At mospheri cs Temperature wi th f l oppy disk:
Operati ng: +4 Ct o +50 C;
Non-operati ng: - 2 2 Ct o +60 C
Temperature wi thout f l oppy disk:
Operati ng: 0 Ct o +50 C;
Non-operati ng: - 4 0 Ct o +60 C
Relative humi di ty wi th f l oppy disk:
Operati ng: To 80%, at or bel ow +29 C;
Operati ng: To 20%, at or bel ow +50 C
Non-operati ng: To 90%, at or bel ow +40 C;
Non-operati ng: To 5%, at or bel ow +50 C
Relative humi di ty wi thout f l oppy disk:
To 95%, at or bel ow +40 C;
To 75%, f rom +41 C t o +55 C
To 4570 m (15,000 ft.), operati ng;
To 12190 m (40,000 ft.), non-operati ng
Dynami cs Random vi brati on wi thout f l oppy di sk installed:
0.31 g rms, f rom 5 to 500 Hz, 10 mi nutes each axis, operati ng;
3.07 g rms, f rom 5 t o 500 Hz, 10 mi nutes each axis, non-operat-
Emi ssi ons Meets or exceeds the requi rements of the fol l owi ng standards:
Vfg. 243/1991 Amended per Vfg. 46/1992
FCC Code of Federal Regulations, 47 CFR, Part 15, Subpart B,
Class A
User-Misuse Si mul ati on Electrostatic Di scharge Susceptibility: Up t o 8 kV wi th no change t o
control settings or i mpai rment of normal operati on; up t o 15 kVwi t h
no damage that prevents recovery of normal operati on
1-16 Specifications
Warranted Characteristics
Table 1-12: Warranted Characteristics Environmental (Cont.)
Name Description
Thi rd Party Certification Conf orms to and is certified where appropri ate to:
CSA- C22 No. 231
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-17
Warranted Characteristics
1-18 Specifications
Typical Characteristics
This subsecti on contai ns tabl es that list the vari ous typical characteristics
whi ch descri be TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscope.
Typical characteristics are descri bed in t erms of typi cal or average
performance. Typical characteristics are not warranted.
Table 1-13: Typical Characteristics Signal Acquisition System
Name Description
Accuracy, Delta Time Measurement For si ngl e-shot acqui si ti ons usi ng si ngl e-shoot sampl e acqui si ti on
Ti me Measurement Error < .15 x Si + (100 ppm x | Readi ng| ) + (Time
Per Div ^ 1000)
Add 50 ps (typical) Channel Skew for 2 channel measurements.
Sampl e cal cul ati on:
To measure the wi dt h of a 65.5 ns pulse at 2 GS/sec sampl i ng,
Ti me Measurement Error
< (0.15 x 0.5 ns) + (1 x 10
- 4
) ( 65. 5 ns) + (25 ns/div. ^ 1000)
< 0.075 ns + 0.007 ns + 0.025 ns
< 107 ps
Frequency Limit, Upper, 100 MHz
Bandwi dt h Limited
100 MHz
Frequency Limit, Upper, 20 MHz
Bandwi dt h Limited
20 MHz
Cal cul ated Rise Ti me
Volts/Div Setting Rise Time
5 mV/di v - 10 V/di v 800 ps
2 mV/di v - 4.98 mV/div 1.3 ns
1 mV/di v - 1.99 mV/div 2.0 ns
Delay Between Channels, Full
<50 ps for any t wo channel s wi th equal vol ts/di vi si on and coupl i ng
Step Response Settling Errors Volts/Div Setting Step Settling Error (%)
20 ns 100 ns 20 ms
1 mV/di v - 99.5 mV/div < 2 V <0. 5 <0. 2 <0. 1
100 mV/div - 995 mV/di v <20 V <1. 0 <0. 5 <0. 2
1 V/di v - 10 V/di v <200 V <1. 0 <0. 5 <0. 2
1 The limits are given for signals having pulse height > 5 div, reference level = 50% mid-point, filter set to Sin (x) /x acquired at
>5 mV/div, 1.4 <
< 5, where S
is the hardware sample interval and t
is the signal rise time.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-19
Typical Characteristics
The numbers given are valid 0C to +30C and will increase as the temperature increases due to the degradation in bandwidth.
Rise time is calculated from the bandwidth. It is defined by the following formula:
Rise Time (ns) =
4 0 0
BW (MHz)
Note that if you measure rise time, you must take into account the rise time of the test equipment (signal source, etc.) that you use
to provide the test signal. That is, the measured risetime (RT
) is determined by the instrument risetime (RT
) and the risetime of
the test signal source (RTgen) according to the following formula:
The values given are the maximum absolute difference between the value at the end of a specified time interval after the mid-level
crossing of the step, and the value one second after the mid-level crossing of the step, expressed as a percentage of the step am-
Table 1-14: Typical Characteristics Ti me Base System
Name Description
Aperture Uncertai nty < 5 ps @ <250 ns/div
<50 ps @ >500 ns/div
Table 1-15: Typical Characteristics Triggering System
Name Description
Accuracy, Trigger Level or Threshold,
DC Coupl ed
Trigger Accuracy
S o u r c e
( 2% x | Setting - Net Offset| + 0.2 div x
Any Channel | Volts/div Setting | + Offset Accuracy)

:(6% x | Setti ng | + 8% of p-p si gnal +
100 mV)
Input, Auxiliary Trigger The input resistance is >1 . 5 kO; the maxi mum safe input vol tage
is 20 V (DC + peak AC).
Trigger Marker Position, Edge
Tri ggeri ng
Acquisition Mode
Sampl e, Average
Trigger-Position Error
( 1 WI + 1 ns)
Envel ope ( 2 WI + 1 ns)
Holdoff, Variable, Main Trigger Mi ni mum: For any horizontal scal e setting, the minimum hol doff for
a 1x or 5x setti ng is 10t i mes that setting, but is never shorter than
1 ps or longer t han 5 s. The minimum holdoff for a 2.5x setti ng is 8
ti mes that setting.
Maxi mum: For any hori zontal scal e setting, the maximum holdoff is
at least 2 ti mes the mi ni mum holdoff for that setting, but is never
longer than 10 ti mes the mi ni mum hol doff for that setting.
Lowest Frequency for Successful Op-
eration of "Set Level t o 50%" Functi on
50 Hz
1-20 Specifications
Typical Characteristics
Table 1-15: Typical Characteristics Triggering System (Cont.)
Name Description
Sensitivity, Edge Trigger, Not DC
Coupl ed
Trigger Source Typical Signal Level for
Stable Triggering
AC Same as the DC-coupl ed limits for fre-
quenci es above 60 Hz. Attenuates sig-
nals bel ow 60 Hz.
Noise Reject Three and one-half ti mes the DC-coupl ed
Hi gh Frequency Reject One and one-half ti mes the DC-coupl ed
limits f rom DC t o 30 kHz. Attenuates sig-
nals above 30 kHz.
Low Frequency Reject One and one-half ti mes the DC-coupl ed
limits for frequenci es above 80 kHz. At-
tenuates si gnal s bel ow 80 kHz.
Sensitivities, Logi c Tri gger/Pul se Trig-
ger/Events Delay, DC Coupl ed
1.0 division, f rom DC to 100 MHz wi th a mi ni mum sl ew rate of
25 di vs/|i s at the tri gger level or the threshol d crossi ng.
Sensitivities, Pulse-Type Runt Tri gger
1.0 division, f rom DC to 200 MHz wi th a mi ni mum sl ew rate of
25 di vs/|i s at the tri gger level or the threshol d crossi ng.
Sensitivities, Pulse-Type Trigger Wi dth
and Gl i tch
1.0 division, wi th a mi ni mum slew rate of 25 di vs/|i s at the tri gger
level or the threshol d crossi ng. For <5 nsec pul se wi dt h or rearm
ti me, 2 divisions are requi red.
Wi dth, Mi ni mum Pulse and Rearm, for
Logi c Tri ggeri ng or Events Del ay
5 ns
Sync Width (Option 05 Video Trigger) min. 400 ns for HDTV si gnal s
Sync Duty Cycle
(Option 05 Video Trigger)
min. 50 t o 1
Hum Rejection
(Option 05 Video Trigger)
NTSC and PAL: - 2 0 dB wi thout any tri gger spec deterioration.
Tri ggeri ng will conti nue down t o 0 dB wi th some performance dete-
1 The trigger position errors are typically less than the values given here. These values are for triggering signals having a slew rate
at the trigger point of > 2 division/ns.
2 The waveform interval (Wl) is the time between the samples in the waveform record. Also, see the footnote for the characteristics
Sample Rate Range or Interpolated Waveform Rates in Table 1-3, on page 1-10.
3 The minimum sensitivity for obtaining a stable trigger. A stable trigger results in a uniform, regular display triggered on the se-
lected slope. The trigger point must not switch between opposite slopes on the waveform, and the display must not "roll" across
the screen on successive acquisitions. The TRIG'D LED stays constantly lighted when the SEC/DIV setting is 2 ms or faster but
may flash when the SEC/DIV setting is 10 ms or slower.
4 The minimum signal levels required for stable logic or pulse triggering of an acquisition, or for stable counting of a DC-coupled,
events-delay signal. Also, see the footnote for Sensitivity, Edge-Type Trigger, DC Coupled in this table. (Stable counting of events is
counting that misses no events.)
5 The minimum signal levels required for stable runt pulse triggering of an acquisition. Also, see the footnote for Sensitivity, Edge-
Type Trigger, DC Coupled in this table. (Stable counting of events is counting that misses no events.)
6 The minimum signal levels required for stable pulse width or glitch triggering of an acquisition. Also, see the footnote for Sensitiv-
ity, Edge-Type Trigger, DC Coupled in this table. (Stable counting of events is counting that misses no events.)
7 The minimum pulse width and rearm width required for logic-type triggering or events delaying to occur.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-21
Typical Characteristics
Table 1-16: Typical Characteristics Data Handling and Reliability
Name Description
Ti me, Data-Retention, Nonvolatile 5 years
Fl oppy di sk 3.5 inch, 720 K or 1.44 Mbyte, DOS 3.3-or-later compat i bl e
1 The times that reference waveforms, stored setups, and calibration constants are retained when there is no power to the oscillo-
2 Data is maintained by small lithium-thionyl-chloride batteries internal to the memory ICs. The amount of lithium is so small in these
ICs that they can typically be safely disposed of with ordinary garbage in a sanitary landfill.
1-22 Specifications
Using this Manual
This secti on contai ns i nformati on needed t o properl y use this manual to
service the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes, as wel l as
general i nformati on critical t o safe and effective servi ci ng of this oscillo-
Before Servicing This manual is for servi ci ng the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing
Osci l l oscopes. To prevent injury to yourself or damage t o the osci l l oscope,
do the fol l owi ng before you attempt service:
Be sure you are a qualified service person;
Read the Safety Summary f ound at the begi nni ng of this manual ;
Read Strategy for Servicing and Supplying Operating Power in this
secti on.
When usi ng this manual for servi ci ng, be sure t o heed all warni ngs, cau-
tions, and notes.
Strategy for
Throughout this manual , any fi el d-repl aceabl e component , assem-
bly, or part of this osci l l oscope is referred to generi cal l y as a modul e.
This manual contai ns all the i nformati on needed for peri odi c mai ntenance of
the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes. (Exampl es of such
i nformati on are procedures for checki ng performance and for readjustment.)
Further, it contai ns all i nformati on for correcti ve mai ntenance down to the
modul e level. This means that the procedures, di agrams, and other troubl e-
shoot i ng aids help isolate failures to a speci fi c modul e, rather than to com-
ponents of t hat modul e. Once a failure is isolated, replace the modul e wi th a
fresh unit obtai ned f rom the factory.
All modul es are listed in Secti on 10, Mechanical Parts List. To isolate a failure
to a modul e, use the fault isolation procedures f ound in Secti on 6, Mainte-
nance Information. To remove and repl ace any failed modul e, fol l ow the
instructions in Removal and Installation Procedures, al so f ound in Secti on 6.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-45
Using this Manual
Manual Structure This manual is di vi ded into secti ons, such as Specification and Theory of
Operation. Further, it is di vi ded into subsecti ons, such as Product Descrip-
tion and Removal and Installation Procedures.
Secti ons contai ni ng procedures also contai n i ntroducti ons t o those proce-
dures. Be sure to read these i ntroducti ons because they provi de i nformati on
needed t o do the service correctl y and efficiently. The fol l owi ng is a brief
descri pti on of each manual secti on.
Specification contai ns a product descri pti on of the TDS 620A, 640A,
& 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes and tabl es of the characteristics and
descri pti ons that appl y t o it.
Operating Information is this secti on. It i ncl udes a descri pti on of how
this manual is structured, as well as general i nformati on and operati ng
i nstructi ons at the level needed t o safely power on and service this
osci l l oscope. A statement of the service strategy that this manual sup-
ports, and instructions for shi pment of the Digitizing Osci l l oscopes are
f ound in this secti on.
Theory of Operation contai ns circuit descri pti ons that support general
service and fault isolation.
Performance Verification contai ns a col l ecti on of procedures for
confi rmi ng that this Digitizing Osci l l oscopes functi ons properl y and
meets warranted limits.
Adjustment Procedures contai ns a col l ecti on of procedures for adj ust-
ing these Digitizing Osci l l oscopes to meet warranted limits.
Maintenance contai ns i nformati on and procedures for doi ng preven-
tive and corrective mai ntenance of these Digitizing Osci l l oscopes. In-
structi ons for cl eani ng, for modul e removal and installation, and for fault
isolation to a modul e are f ound here.
Options contai ns i nformati on on servi ci ng any of the factory-installed
opti ons that may be present in your osci l l oscope.
Electrical Parts List contai ns a statement referring you t o Replaceable
Parts, where both electrical and mechani cal modul es are listed. See
Diagrams contai ns a bl ock di agram and an i nterconnecti on di agram
useful for isolating failed modul es.
Mechanical Parts List i ncl udes a tabl e of all repl aceabl e modul es,
their descri pti ons, and their Tektronix part numbers.
2-2 Operating Information
Using this Manual
Manual Conventions This manual uses certain conventi ons whi ch you shoul d become familiar
wi th before doi ng service.
Throughout this manual , any repl aceabl e component , assembl y, or part of
this Digitizing Osci l l oscopes is referred to generi cal l y as a modul e. In gener-
al, a modul e is an assembl y, like a circuit board, rather than a component ,
like a resistor or an i ntegrated circuit. Somet i mes a single component is a
modul e; for exampl e, each chassi s part of the osci l l oscope is a modul e.
Symbol s and terms related t o safety appear in the Safety Summary f ound at
the begi nni ng of this manual .
Besides the symbol s related t o safety, this manual uses the fol l owi ng sym-
The "stop si gn" icon labels i nformati on whi ch must be read in order
to correctl y do service and t o avoi d incorrectly usi ng or appl yi ng
service procedures.
The cl ock icon labels procedure steps whi ch require a pause t o wait
for the osci l l oscope to compl et e some operati on before you can
conti nue.
Various i cons such as the exampl e icon at the left are used in proce-
dures t o help identify certain readouts and menu functi ons on

TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-3
Using this Manual
Tektronix Service Tektronix provi des service t o cover repair under warranty as well as other
services that may provi de a cost-effective answer to your service needs.
Whether provi di ng warranty repair service or any of the other services listed
below, Tektronix service techni ci ans, trai ned on Tektronix products, are best
equi pped t o service your TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes.
Tektronix techni ci ans are apprai sed of the latest i nformati on on i mprove-
ments t o the product as wel l as the latest new opti ons t o the product.
Warranty Repair Service
Tektronix warrants this product for three years f rom date of purchase, ex-
cl udi ng probes for whi ch the warranty is one year. (The warranty appears on
the back of the title page in this manual.) Tektronix techni ci ans provi de
warranty service at most Tektronix service l ocati ons worl dwi de. Your Tektro-
nix product catal og lists all service l ocati ons worl dwi de.
Repair or Calibration Service
The fol l owi ng services may be purchased to tailor repair and/or cal i brati on of
your TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes t o fit your require-
Opt i on 95 Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps a calibration data report wi th
the i nstrument.
Opt i on 96 Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps a Certificate of Calibration.
This certificate states the i nstrument meets or exceeds all warranted specifi-
cati ons and has been cal i brated usi ng standards and i nstruments whose
accuraci es are traceabl e t o the National Institute of Standards and Technolo-
gy, an accept ed val ue of a natural physi cal constant, or a ratio-calibration
techni que. The calibration is in compl i ance wi th US MIL-STD-45662A. This
opti on i ncl udes a test data report for the osci l l oscope.
At - Depot Ser vi ce Tektronix offers several standard-pri ced adj ust ment
(calibration) and repair services:
A si ngl e repair and/or adj ustment.
Cal i brati ons usi ng equi pment and procedures that meet the traceability
standards specific t o the local area.
Annual mai ntenance agreement s that provi de for either calibration and
repair or cal i brati on onl y of the osci l l oscope.
Of these services, the annual mai ntenance agreement offers a particularly
cost-effective approach to service for many owners of the TDS 620A, 640A,
& 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes. Such agreement s can be purchased to
span several years.
2-2 Operating Information
Using this Manual
Self Service
Tektronix support s repair t o the modul e level by provi di ng Module Exchange
and Module Repair and Return.
Modul e Exchange This service reduces down ti me for repair by allow-
ing you t o exchange most modul es for remanufactured ones. Tektronix shi ps
you an updat ed and tested exchange modul e f rom the Beaverton, Oregon
service center, typi cal l y wi thi n 24 hours. Each modul e comes wi th a 90-day
service warranty.
Modul e Repai r and Ret ur n This service returns to you wi thi n 10 days
the same modul e that you shi pped t o Tektronix. The modul e shi pped is
repaired, tested, and returned t o you f rom the Beaverton, Oregon service
center. It is not updat ed t o match current modul es of the same type. Agai n,
each modul e comes wi th a 90-day service warranty.
For Mor e I nf or mat i on Contact your local Tektronix service center or
sales engineer for more i nformati on on any of the repair or adj ust ment
services j ust descri bed.
Finding Other
Each of the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes comes wi th
the fol l owi ng manual s:
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A User Manual contai ns a tutorial to qui ckl y show you
how to operate the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes and an
in dept h di scussi on of how t o more compl et el y use their features. Appl i ca-
ti ons are al so di scussed.
TDS 500A and TDS 600A Reference contai ns a brief overview of osci l l oscope
operati on.
TDS 500A and TDS 600A Programmer Manual contai ns i nformati on for pro-
gr ammed operati on via the GPIB interface. Incl uded is the compl et e com-
mand set, set up i nformati on, and programmi ng exampl es.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-3
Using this Manual
2-2 Operating Information
General Information
Supplying Operating ^ ^ ^ Read all i nformati on and heed all warni ngs in this subsect i on before
connect i ng the TDS 620ni 640ni & 644n Digitizing Osci l l oscobes t o
a bower source.
644n Digitizing Osci l l oscobes operate from a single-phase power
source. It has a three-wire power cord and two-pole, three-terminal
grounding type plug. The voltage to ground (earth) from either pole
of the power source must not exceed the maximum rated operating
voltage, 250 volts.
Before making connection to the power source, be sure the
digitizing oscilloscope has a suitable two-pole, three-terminal
grounding-type plug.
GROUNDING. This instrument is safety Class 1 equipment (IEC
designation). All accessible conductive parts are directly
connected through the grounding conductor of the power cord to
the grounded (earthing) contact of the power plug.
The power input plug must be inserted only in a mating receptacle
with a grounding contact where earth ground has been verified by a
qualified service person. Do not defeat the grounding connection.
Any interruption of the grounding connection can create an electric
shock hazard.
For electric shock protection, the grounding connection must be
made before making connection to the instrument's input or output
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-51
General Information
Power Cord Information
A power cord wi th appropri ate pl ug confi gurati on is suppl i ed wi th each
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes. Table 2-1 gives the
col or-codi ng of the conduct ors in the power cord. If you require a power
cord other than the one suppl i ed, refer t o Figure 2-1, Power Cord Plug
Table 2-1: Power-Cord Conductor Identification
Conductor Color Alternate Color
Ungrounded (Line) Brown Black
Grounded (Neutral) Light Blue Whi te
Grounded (Earthing) Green/Yellow Green
Option A4*
North American
Option A5
Option 1A*
North American
115V/High Power
Option 1B
North American
* Canadian Standards Association certification
includes these power plugs for use in the
North American power network
Figure 2-1: Power-Cord Plug Identification
2-10 Operating Information
General Information
Operating Voltage
This osci l l oscope operates wi th any line vol tage f rom 9 0 - 2 5 0 VACRMS wi th
any line f requency f rom 4 7 - 6 3 Hz. There are t wo fuses, either of whi ch may
be used t hroughout the line vol tage and f requency ranges. (The t wo fuses
are not totally i nterchangeabl e as each requires a different fuse cap.)
Memory Backup Power
Memory modul es wi th on-board batteries al l ow the TDS 620A, 640A, &
644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes to retain some types of data upon loss of the
AC power source. The stored adj ust ment constants, saved front-panel
settings, current front-panel setti ngs (i nstrument status), and wavef orms
saved in memory are retained.
The on-board batteries of the memory modul es have a shelf life of about five
years. Partial or total loss of stored setti ngs upon power on may indicate that
the memory modul es need t o be repl aced.
O p e r a t i n g The fol l owi ng envi ronmental requi rements are provi ded to ensure proper
E n v i r o n m e n t operati on and l ong i nstrument life.
Operating Temperature
The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes can be operated
where the ambi ent air temperature is between 0 C and +50 C and can be
stored in ambi ent temperatures f rom - 4 0 C t o +75 C. After storage at
temperatures outsi de the operati ng limits, al l ow the chassi s t o stabilize at a
safe operati ng temperature before appl yi ng power.
Ventilation Requirements
The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes are cool ed by air
drawn in and exhausted t hrough its cabi net side panel s by an internal fan.
To ensure proper cool i ng of the instrument, al l ow at least t wo inches
cl earance on both si des and 3/4 inch on the bot t om of the Digitizing
Osci l l oscopes. (The feet on the bot t om of the osci l l oscope provi de the
requi red cl earance when set on flat surfaces.) The t op of the osci l l oscope
does not require ventilation clearance.
If air flow is restricted, the Digitizing Oscilloscopes's power supply
may temporarily shut down.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-11
General Information
Applying and
Interrupting Power
Consi der the fol l owi ng i nformati on when you power on or power off the
instrument, or when power is i nterrupted due t o an external power failure.
Power On
Upon power on, the osci l l oscope runs its power-on self check. If it passes,
the osci l l oscope di spl ays a "passed" status message and a prompt t o press
CLEAR MENU t o conti nue. If it fails, the osci l l oscope di spl ays a di agnosti c
log that identifies the area(s) that failed and a prompt t o press CLEAR MENU
to conti nue. See Secti on 6, Maintenance, for i nformati on on di agnosti cs and
fault isolation.
DO NOT power off the oscilloscope when either running a signal
path compensation or when doing any of the adjustments de-
scribed in Section 5, Adj ust ment Procedures. To do so might result
in the loss of internally stored adjustment constants.
In general, do not power off the i nstrument when doi ng operati ons that
affect the data types listed in Table 2-2. Wait for the i nstrument t o finish the
operati on when doi ng adj ustments, savi ng waveforms, or savi ng setups.
Improper power off or unexpected loss of power t o the osci l l oscope can
result in the fol l owi ng corrupti ons of non-volatile RAM (NVRAM). The
fol l owi ng tabl e descri bes the messages di spl ayed when power is restored
after an abnormal power off.
Table 2-2: Effects of Corrupted Data
Corrupted Data Type Results
Adjustment Constants:
Si gnal Path Compensat i on A si gnal path compensat i on is requi red.
Vol tage Reference A vol tage reference adj ust ment is re-
qui red (Section 5).
Frequency Response A f requency response adj ustment is
requi red (Section 5).
Error Log Errors l ogged are lost.
Reference Waveforms Waveform Lost.
Saved Setups Setup Lost.
2- 10 Operating Information
General Information
Use a corrugated cardboard shi ppi ng carton havi ng a test strength of at
least 275 pounds and wi th an inside di mensi on at least six inches greater
than the i nstrument di mensi ons.
If the i nstrument is bei ng shi pped t o a Tektronix Service Center, encl ose the
fol l owi ng i nformati on: the owner' s address, name and phone number of a
contact person, t ype and serial number of the i nstrument, reason for
returning, and a compl et e descri pti on of the service requi red.
Seal the shi ppi ng carton wi th an industrial stapler or strappi ng tape.
Mark the address of the Tektronix Service Center and al so your own return
address on the shi ppi ng carton in t wo promi nent locations.
Installed Options ^our i nstrument may be equi pped wi th one or more i nstrument opti ons.
Except for the line-cord opti ons descri bed by Table 2-1 (on page 2-8 of this
secti on), all opti ons and opti onal accessori es are listed and descri bed in
Secti on 7, Options. For further i nformati on and prices of i nstrument opti ons,
see your Tektronix Products catal og or contact your Tektronix Field Office.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-11
General Information
2-10 Operating Information
General Operating Instructions
Before doi ng service, read the fol l owi ng operati ng instructions. These in-
structi ons are at the level appropri ate for servi ci ng this Digitizing
Osci l l oscopes. The compl et e operator' s instructions are f ound in the User
Addi ti onal instructions are i ntegrated into the service procedures f ound in
later secti ons of this manual . For instance, the procedures f ound in the
secti on Performance Verification contai n instructions for maki ng the front-pa-
nel setti ngs requi red to check each i nstrument characteristic i ncl uded there.
Also, the general i nstructi ons for operati ng this Digitizing Osci l l oscopes' s
internal di agnosti c routines are f ound in Secti on 6, Maintenance. You may
also fi nd the Product Description in Secti on 1 useful for understandi ng how
the osci l l oscope functi ons.
Screen Layout
The screen layout is illustrated in Figure 2-2 on page 2-14. Note that the
figure illustrates a full graticule; you may also select a gri d, crosshair, or
frame grati cul e f rom the di spl ay menu.
Basic Procedures
How to Power On
Push the pri nci pal power swi tch f ound on the rear panel of the Digitizing
Osci l l oscopes, then push the ON/STBY (standby) swi tch t o t oggl e the
Digitizing Osci l l oscopes into operati on. The swi tch at the rear panel is the
true power di sconnect swi tch. The ON/STBY(standby) swi tch si mpl y t oggl es
operati on on and off.
The principal power switch at the rear panel is the true power
disconnect switch. The ON/STBY (standby) switch simply toggles
operation on and off. When connected to a power source and when
the principal power switch is on, the internal power supplies and
much of the other circuitry of this Digitizing Oscilloscopes are
energized regardless of the setting of the ON/STBY switch.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 1-57
General Operating Instructions
Brief status
Graticule and waveforms
Waveform reference
symbols: ground levels
and waveform sources.
Vertical scale,
horizontal scale, and
trigger level readouts.
Pop-up menu
Side menu area. Readouts
for measurements move
here when CLEAR MENU
is pressed.
Sl ope
Position of waveform
record relative to General purpose
the screen and display. knob readout.
Main menu display area. Readouts in
lower graticule area move here when
CLEAR MENU is pressed.
c a
Set to TTL
Set t o ECL
Figure 2-2: Map of Display Functions
How to Use Help
Push the HELP front-panel button to enter help mode. Front-panel knobs
and buttons now di spl ay i nformati on about their functi on when t urned or
pushed. Push HELP agai n t o exit help mode.
To get help i nformati on on a menu item, di spl ay the menu desi red (if you are
in help mode, exit help first). Push HELP Now the menu buttons di spl ay
i nformati on about their functi on when pushed.
How to Use the Status Menu
Push the SHIFT, then the STATUS front-panel buttons t o di spl ay the status
menu. You will fi nd messages reflecting the state of the acqui si ti on system,
whether it is runni ng or st opped (and if it is st opped, why), as well as setup-
related i nformati on.
2-14 Operating Information
General Operating Instructions
How to Set Functions
Most functi ons can be set either by usi ng one (or two) front-panel button(s)
or knob(s), or by pushi ng a front-panel button to use a mai n menu, and then
a si de-menu button t o set the functi on. The fol l owi ng steps illustrate both
1. Locate the bl ock that contai ns the functi on t o be set.
Special Function Controls:
Access all functions except
vertical, horizontal, and
trigger functions from this
front-panel control block.
Vertical Function Controls:
Access all vertical functions
and inputs from this front-panel
control block.
Horizontal Function
Controls: Access all
horizontal functions from
this front-panel block.
Trigger Function Controls:
Access all trigger functions
from this front-panel block.
( >
I a i V >
M k m
E l c d CD
CD ()
a () CD
( 3
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-19
General Operating Instructions
2. Select the wavef orm source(s). Position, scale, and set tri gger level for
wavef orm source(s) directly f rom the front-panel. (Examples of possi bl e
control sel ecti ons are gi ven in the steps that follow.)
1 2 3 4
a. Input waveforms into these channel s (7). Exampl e: CH 1.
b. Push any channel ' s button (8) t o di spl ay its waveform. The last
channel t urned on determi nes whi ch wavef orm is posi ti oned and
scal ed. The indicator above the channel last sel ected is lighted.
Exampl e: Push CH 1; t hen CH 2.
c. Vertically (1) and horizontally (2) scal e and posi ti on the waveform(s)
sel ected. Exampl e: Set the scale t o 100 mV/di v and center the
waveform on screen.
d. Stop and start acqui ri ng waveforms (3). Exampl e: Push RUN/ STOP
if not acqui ri ng.
e. Adj ust tri gger level (6) to tri gger the waveform(s) sel ected or use
these buttons (5) to either set a tri gger level at the mi d-ampl i tude
level of the sel ected wavef orm or to force a si ngl e trigger. Exampl e:
Push SET LEVEL TO 50%.
2-14 Operating Information
General Operating Instructions
3. Set all other functi ons usi ng menus.
a. Choose the wavef orm source (8) first if setti ng a vertical functi on;
else ski p to step b. Exampl e: Push CH 2.
b. Push SHI FT (4) if the functi on t o be set is hi ghl i ghted in blue; else
ski p t o step c.
c. Push the front-panel button that corresponds t o the menu contai n-
ing the functi on. A main menu (14) for sel ecti ng among related
functi ons appears. Exampl e: Push VERTI CAL MENU.
Note the t wo labels: the t op label is a functi on t o choose from; the
bot t om label tells you the current setti ng for that functi on. Offset is
currently set t o OV.
d. Select a functi on f rom the mai n menu usi ng the mai n-menu but-
tons (12). A si de menu for sel ecti ng among that the available set-
ti ngs for that functi on appears. Exampl e: Push Coupling (13).
e. Select the setti ng for the functi on f rom the side menu (9) usi ng the
si de-menu buttons (11). Exampl e: Push AC (10).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-19
General Operating Instructions
How to Set Complex Functions
A few functi ons require more than j ust t wo levels (main and side) of menus
to compl et el y speci fy their settings. In such cases, either the mai n menu, the
side menu, or both are modi fi ed to suppl y addi ti onal choi ces. The proce-
dures that fol l ow show both schemes.
1. Set up a functi on usi ng pop-up menus:
a. For some sel ecti ons, pushi ng a mai n-menu button pops up a menu
(18) of subfuncti ons. Example: Push Type (17).
Note the pop-up menu for Type is set to Edge. All the mai n-menu
buttons t o the right of the pop-up menu are l abel ed wi th subfunc-
ti ons of Edge.
b. Pushi ng the button that popped up the menu (17) t oggl es t hrough
the pop-up menu choi ces. Exampl e: Repeatedl y push Type t o
t oggl e t hrough the pop-up menu. Notice the other mai n-menu
button labels change accordi ngl y. Toggle back t o Edge.
c. Compl et e the setti ng of the desi red mode by sel ecti ng f rom the
main menu and the si de menu that results. Exampl e: Push Mode &
Holdoff (16), and then push Normal (15).
2-14 Operating Information
General Operating Instructions
2. Set up a functi on usi ng the general purpose knob (20). (The exampl es
of possi bl e menu sel ecti ons in the subst eps that fol l ow assume you' ve
pushed TRI GGER MENU.)
a. Pushi ng some mai n-menu buttons di spl ays a si de menu wi th labels
contai ni ng readouts that can be vari ed. Exampl e: Push Level (21).
b. Pushi ng the si de-menu button Level assi gns the general purpose
knob t o control the readout appeari ng in the button label. It al so
copi es the readout t o the general purpose knob readout area in the
right corner of the screen. Exampl e: Push Level (19).
c. Use the general purpose knob (20) to adj ust the tri gger level to the
setting desi red. Exampl e: Turn the knob t o - 2 0 mV.
More About the General Purpose Knob As you've just seen, the
general purpose knob can be used t o extend the number of choi ces avail-
able t o a si de menu button. The general purpose knob can also be as-
si gned t o control the fol l owi ng functi ons:
Cursor posi ti oni ng
Di spl ay intensities
Delay ti me
Gated measurements
Number of events
Template generati on
Sour ce Coupl i ng Sl ope
St opped: 29898 Ac qui s i t i ons Tr i gger Level :
M 5 . 0 0 MS Chi I 20mV Will ^ Oil 111 V
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-19
General Operating Instructions
Trigger posi ti on
Hol doff
Variable persi stence
In all cases, the menus are used t o select the functi on to whi ch the general
purpose knob is assi gned. The fol l owi ng attri butes appl y t o this knob:
Dependi ng on the functi on it is assi gned t o control , the general purpose
knob may vary numeri cal readouts, posi ti on obj ects (cursors) on screen,
or select between i con-l abel setti ngs that show up in si de-menu labels.
The general purpose knob has a readout area at the upper right corner
of the screen. (See Figure 2-2.) This readout al ways reflects the name
and value of the functi on that the general purpose knob is currentl y
control l i ng.
Whenever the general purpose knob assi gnment is changed, a knob
i con appears i mmedi atel y to the left of the general purpose knob read-
out t o notify you of the assi gnment change. The icon is removed as
soon as you use the general purpose knob t o change the val ue of the
functi on it is assi gned to.
To assi gn the general purpose knob t o control a functi on, di spl ay the
menu contai ni ng the functi on; t hen select the functi on. (Note that not all
functi ons can be control l ed by the general purpose knob.)
Whenever the menu is removed, the general purpose knob is not as-
si gned and doesn' t control any functi on. (An excepti on is the cursor
functi on. If cursors are t urned on, removi ng the menu leaves the knob
assi gned to control the cursors until reassi gned by sel ecti ng another
menu and functi on that uses the knob.)
When the SHIFT button is lit, the general purpose knob becomes a
coarse adj ustment. When the SHIFT button is not lit, the general pur-
pose knob becomes a fine adj ustment.
The general purpose knob al so has a SELECT button. This button is
used t o t oggl e the knob between the control of either of the t wo cursors
di spl ayed when H-bar or V-bar cursors are t urned on in the cursor
Di spl ay and Utility Menus Usi ng the t echni ques descri bed for usi ng
menus, you can access and change functi ons in the di spl ay menu and
utilities menu. In the Display menu, you can set the fol l owi ng functi ons:
Col or: waveforms, readouts, graticule.
Intensity: waveforms, readouts, graticule, etc.
Style of wavef orm display(s): vectors or dots, intensified or non-intensi-
fi ed sampl es, and infinite or variable persistence.
Di spl ay format: XY or YT.
2-14 Operating Information
General Operating Instructions
Graticule format: type.
Waveform i nterpol ati on filter and readout opti ons.
From the Utility menu, you can confi gure the GPIB port (talk/listen, address,
etc.) and access internal routines for self di agnosti cs and self compensat i on.
Instructions for setti ng up communi cat i on over the GPIB are f ound in Sec-
t i on5, Adjustment Procedures.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 2-21
General Operating Instructions
2- 22 Operating Information
Circuit Description
This secti on descri bes the electrical operati on of TDS 620A, 640A, &
644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes usi ng the major circuit bl ocks or modul es.
This secti on has t wo mai n parts:
Logic Conventions descri bes how l ogi c functi ons are di scussed and
represented in this manual.
Modul e Overview descri bes circuit operati on f rom a functi onal -ci rcui t
bl ock perspective.
L o g i c C o n v e n t i o n s TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes contai n many digital l ogi c
circuits. This manual refers t o these circuits wi th standard logic symbol s and
terms. Unless otherwi se stated, all l ogi c functi ons are descri bed usi ng the
positive-logic conventi on: the more positive of the t wo l ogi c levels is the hi gh
(1) state, and the more negative level is the low (0) state. Si gnal states may
also be descri bed as "true" meani ng their active state or "false" meani ng
their non-active state. The specific vol tages that consti tute a hi gh or low
state vary among the el ectroni c devices.
Active-low si gnal s are i ndi cated by a tilde prefixed to the si gnal name
(PRESET). Signal names are consi dered t o be either acti ve-hi gh, active-low,
or to have both acti ve-hi gh and active-low states.
Module Overview This modul e overview descri bes the basic operati on of each functi onal
circuit bl ock as shown in Figure 9-1 on page 9-2.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes have four-channel s. Each
channel provi des a cal i brated vertical scal e factor. All of the four channel s
can be si mul taneousl y acqui red at the maxi mum di gi ti zi ng rate of 2 GSam-
Input Signal Path
A si gnal enters the osci l l oscope t hrough a probe connect ed to a BNC on the
A15 Attenuator board.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-1
Circuit Description
At t enuat or s Circuitry in the attenuator sel ects the input coupl i ng, termi-
nation, and the attenuati on factor. The processor system, by way of the
acqui si ti on system, control s the attenuators. For exampl e, if 50 Q input
termi nati on is sel ected and the input is overl oaded, the processor system
swi tches the input to the 1 MQ posi ti on.
Pr obe Codi ng I nt er f ace Probe codi ng interface si gnal s pass t hrough
the A15 Attenuator t o the acqui si ti on system, where t hey are sensed and
control l ed.
Acqui si t i on Syst em The acqui si ti on system ampl i fi es the input signals,
sampl es t hem, converts t hem t o digital signals, and control s the acqui si ti on
process under di recti on of the processor system. The acqui si ti on system
i ncl udes the trigger, acqui si ti on ti mi ng, and acqui si ti on mode generati on and
control circuitry.
D1 Bus The acqui si ti on system passes the digital values representi ng
the acqui red wavef orm t hrough the A14 D1 Bus t o the A11 DRAM Proces-
sor/Di spl ay board. This happens after a wavef orm acqui si ti on is compl et e if
the digital si gnal processor in the processor system requests the waveform.
Pr ocessor Syst em Th e processor system contai ns a 68020 mi cropro-
cessor that control s the entire i nstrument. It i ncl udes the fi rmware. It al so
i ncl udes a GPIB interface. You can reprogram the fi rmware f rom a remote
controller usi ng the GPIB and an external software package.
The processor also i ncl udes a digital si gnal processor. This si gnal processor
processes each wavef orm as di rected by the system processor. Waveforms
and any text to be di spl ayed are passed on t o the di spl ay system. The A11
DRAM Processor/Di spl ay board contai ns both the processor and di spl ay
Di spl ay Syst em Text and waveforms are processed by different parts of
the di spl ay circuitry. The di spl ay system sends the text and wavef orm infor-
mati on t o the t ube assembl y as a vi deo si gnal . The di spl ay system al so
generates and sends vertical (VSYNC) and hori zontal (HSYNC) sync si gnal s
to the t ube assembl y. A VGA-compati bl e vi deo output is at the rear of the
TDS 644A.
Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
Master cl ocks for the acqui si ti on system are generated by the circuitry on
the A10 Acqui si ti on board. The circuitry makes up a phased l ocked loop.
The master cl ock is di vi ded down by the A10 Acqui si ti on circuitry under
control of the processor system.
3-2 Theory of Operation
Circuit Description
Tube Assembly
All i nformati on (waveforms, text, graticules, and pi ctographs) is di spl ayed by
the A30/31/32 Display system. The A30 generates the hi gh vol tages neces-
sary t o drive the di spl ay tube. It al so contai ns the vi deo amplifier, hori zontal
oscillator, and the vertical and hori zontal yoke driver circuitry.
Front Panel
The processor system sends instructions to and receives i nformati on f rom
the Front Panel Processor on the A12 Front Panel board. The Front Panel
Processor reads the front-panel swi tches and potenti ometers. Any changes
in their settings are reported t o the processor system. The Front Panel
Processor al so turns the LEDs on and off and generates the bell signal.
Front-panel menu swi tches are al so read by the Front Panel Processor. The
processor sends any changes in menu sel ecti ons t o the processor system.
The ON/STBY swi tch is one of the menu swi tches. However, it is not read by
the Front Panel Processor, but passes t hrough the A12 Front Panel board
and the A11 DRAM Processor/Di spl ay board to the low vol tage power sup-
The front panel al so generates the probe compensat i on si gnal s SI GNAL
and GND.
Rear Panel
The GPI B connector provi des access t o stored waveforms, and al l ows
external control of the osci l l oscope.
You can make hardcopi es on the GPIB, RS-232 and Centroni cs ports.
Low Voltage Power Supply
The low vol tage power suppl y is a swi tchi ng power converter wi th active
power factor control . It suppl i es power t o all of the circuitry in the oscillo-
The pri nci pal POWER swi tch, l ocated on the rear panel, control s all power
to the osci l l oscope i ncl udi ng the Low Vol tage Power Suppl y. The ON/STBY
swi tch, l ocated on the front panel, al so control s all of the power t o the oscil-
l oscope except for part of the circuitry in the Low Voltage Power Suppl y.
The power suppl y sends a power fail ( ~PF) warni ng t o the processor sys-
t em if the power is goi ng down.
The fan provi des f orced air cool i ng for the osci l l oscope. It connect s t o +25 V
f rom the Low Vol tage Power Suppl y by way of the A11 DRAM Processor/Di s-
play modul e.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 3-3
Circuit Description
3-4 Theory of Operation
Brief Procedures
The Self Tests use internal routines t o confi rm basi c functi onal i ty and proper
adj ustment. No test equi pment is requi red t o do these test procedures.
The Functional Tests utilize the probe-compensat i on output at the front panel
as a test-signal source for further veri fyi ng that the osci l l oscope functi ons
properly. A standard-accessory probe, i ncl uded wi th this osci l l oscope, is the
onl y equi pment required.
General Instructions Besides the Brief Procedures, the set of procedures that can be used to
verify osci l l oscope performance i ncl udes the Performance Tests, f ound later
in this secti on. You may not need to perform all of these procedures, de-
pendi ng on what you want t o accompl i sh:
To rapi dl y confi rm that the osci l l oscope functi ons and was adj usted
properly, j ust do the procedures under Self Tests, whi ch begi n on
page 4-4.
Advantages: These procedures are qui ck t o do, require no external
equi pment or si gnal sources, and perform extensive functi onal and
accuracy testi ng t o provi de high confi dence that the osci l l oscope will
perform properly. They can be used as a qui ck check before maki ng a
series of i mportant measurements.
To further check functionality, first do the Self Tests j ust menti oned; then
do the procedures under Functional Tests that begi n on page 4-6.
Advantages: These procedures require mi ni mal addi ti onal ti me t o
perform, require no addi ti onal equi pment other than a standard-acces-
sory probe, and more compl et el y test the internal hardware of the oscil-
l oscope. They can be used to qui ckl y determi ne if the osci l l oscope is
sui tabl e for putti ng into service, such as when it is first received.
If more extensive confi rmati on of performance is desi red, do the Per-
formance Tests, begi nni ng on page 4-13, after doi ng the Functional and
Self Tests j ust referenced.
Advantages: These procedures add direct checki ng of warranted
speci fi cati ons. They require more ti me t o perform and sui tabl e test
equi pment is required. (See Equipment Required begi nni ng on
page 4-14.)
If you are not familiar wi th operati ng this osci l l oscope, read the TDS 500A &
TDS 600A Reference or the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A User manual . These
contai n instructions that will acquai nt you wi th the use of the front-panel
control s and the menu system.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-1
Brief Procedures
Conventions Throughout these procedures the fol l owi ng conventi ons appl y:
Each test procedure uses the fol l owi ng general format:
Title of Test
Equi pment Requi red
Each procedure consi sts of as many steps, substeps, and subparts as
requi red t o do the test. Steps, substeps, and subparts are sequenced
as fol l ows:
1. First Step
a. First Subst ep
First Subpart
Second Subpart
b. Second Substep
2. Second Step
In steps and substeps, the lead-in statement in italics instructs you what
t o do, whi l e the instructions that fol l ow tell you how t o do it, as in the
exampl e step below, "Initialize the oscilloscope" by doi ng "Press save/
recall SETUP! Now, press the mai n-menu button...".
Initialize the oscilloscope: Press save/recall SETUP. Now, press the
mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup; t hen the si de-menu
button OK Confirm Factory Init.
Where i nstructed to use a front-panel button or knob, or select f rom a
mai n or si de menu, or verify a readout or status message, the name of
the button or knob appears in bol dface type: "press SHIFT; then UTIL-
ITY", "press the mai n-menu button System" until Cal is hi ghl i ghted in
the pop-up menu. Verify that the status message is Pass in the mai n
menu under the Voltage Reference label.
The symbol at the left is accompani ed by i nformati on you must read
to do the procedure properly.
4-2 Performance Verification
Brief Procedures
Refer t o Figure 4-1: "Mai n menu" refers to the menu that labels the
seven menu buttons under the display; "side menu" refers t o the menu
that labels the five buttons t o the right of the display. "Pop-up menu"
refers t o a menu that pops up when a mai n-menu button is pressed.
Brief Status
Graticule and Waveforms
Waveform Reference
Symbols: Ground Levels
and Waveform Sources
Vertical Scale, Horizontal
Scale, and Trigger Level
Pop-up Menu
Main menu display area. Readouts in
lower graticule area move here when
CLEAR MENU is pressed.
Figure 4-1: Map of Display Functions
Side menu area.
Readouts for
move here when
Position of Waveform
Record Relative to
the Screen and Display
General Purpose
Knob Readout
set t o L
Set to ECL
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-3
Brief Procedures
Self Tests ^hi s procedure uses internal routines t o verify that the osci l l oscope functi ons
and was adj usted properly. No test equi pment or hookups are requi red.
Verify Internal Adjustment, Self Compensation, and
Equipment Required: None.
Prerequisites: Power on the Digitizing Osci l l oscope and al l ow a 20 mi nute
warm-up before doi ng this procedure.
1. Verify that internal diagnostics pass: Do the fol l owi ng subst eps to verify
passi ng of internal di agnosti cs.
a. Display the System diagnostics menu:
Press SHIFT; then press UTILITY.
Repeatedl y press the mai n-menu button System until Diag/Err
is hi ghl i ghted in the pop-up menu.
b. Run the System Diagnostics:
First di sconnect any i nput si gnal s f rom all four channel s.
Press the mai n-menu button Execute; then press the si de-menu
button OK Confirm Run Test.
( J ) c. Wait: The internal di agnosti cs do an exhaustive verification of proper
osci l l oscope functi on. This verification will take up t o t wo minutes. At
some ti me duri ng the wait, a "cl ock" i con (shown at left) will appear
on-screen. When the verification is fi ni shed, the resulting status will
appear on the screen.
d. Confirm no failures are found: Verify that no failures are f ound and
reported on-screen.
e. Confirm the three adjustment sections have passed status:
Press SHIFT; then press UTILITY
Press the mai n-menu button System until Cal is hi ghl i ghted in
the pop-up menu.
Verify that the wor d Pass appears in the main menu under the
fol l owi ng menu labels: Voltage Reference, Frequency Re-
sponse, and Pulse Trigger. (See Figure 4-2.)
4-4 Performance Verification
Brief Procedures
First, the CAL menu is displayed.
Second, the adjustment
sections are verified.
Third, a signal path
compensation is run and is
Figure 4-2: Verifying Adjustments and Signal-Path Compensation
f. Run the signal-path compensation: Press the mai n-menu button
Signal Path; then press the si de-menu button OK Compensate
Signal Paths.
g. Wait: Si gnal -path compensat i on runs in about one t o t wo minutes.
Whi l e it progresses, a "cl ock" icon (shown at left) is di spl ayed on-
screen. When compensat i on compl etes, the status message will be
updat ed t o Pass or Fail in the main menu (see step h).
h. Confirm signal-path compensation returns passed status: Verify that
the wor d Pass appears under Signal Path in the main menu. (See
Figure 4-2.)
2. Return to regular service: Press CLEAR MENU to exit the system me-
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-5
Brief Procedures
Functional Tests The P
u r
o s e
of these procedures is t o confi rm that the osci l l oscope func-
ti ons properly. The onl y equi pment requi red is one of the standard-accesso-
ry probes and, t o check the file system, a 3.5 inch, 720 K or 1.44 Mbyte
f l oppy disk.
The P6205 probes provide an extremely low loading capacitance
(<2 pF) to ensure the best possible signal reproduction. These
probes should not be used to measure signals exceeding 10
volts, or errors in signal measurement will be observed. Above 40
volts, damage to the probe may result. To make measurements
beyond 10 volts, use either the P6139A probe (good to 500 volts),
or refer to the catalog for a recommended probe.
These procedures verify functi ons; that is, they verify that the oscillo-
scope features operate. They do not verify that t hey operate wi thi n
Therefore, when the instructions in the functi onal tests that fol l ow
call for you t o verify that a si gnal appears on-screen "that is about
five divisions in ampl i tude" or "has a peri od of about six horizontal
divisions," etc., do NOT interpret the quantities gi ven as limits.
Operati on wi thi n limits is checked in Performance Tests, whi ch begi n
on page 4-13.
DO NOT make changes t o the front-panel settings that are not
cal l ed out in the procedures. Each verification procedure will require
you to set the osci l l oscope t o certain default settings before veri fyi ng
functi ons. If you make changes to these settings, other than those
cal l ed out in the procedure, you may obtai n invalid results. In this
case, j ust redo the procedure f rom step 1.
When you are i nstructed to press a menu button, the button may
al ready be sel ected (its label will be hi ghl i ghted). If this is the case, it
is not necessary to press the button.
4-6 Performance Verification
Brief Procedures
Verify All Input Channels
Equipment Required: One P6139Aor P6205 probe.
Prerequisites: None.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
Figure 4-3: Universal Test Hookup for Functional Tests
a. Hook up the signal source: Install the probe on CH1 . Connect the
probe ti p t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON SI GNAL on the front panel;
connect the probe ground t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON GND.
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
Verify that all input channels operate: Do the fol l owi ng subst eps test
CH 1 first, skipping substep a since CH 1 is already set up for verification
from step 1.
a. Select an unverified channel:
Press WAVEFORM OFF to remove the channel j ust verified f rom
Press the front-panel button that corresponds t o the channel
you are t o verify.
Move the probe to the channel you sel ected.
b. Set up the selected channel:
Press AUTOSET t o obtai n a vi ewabl e, tri ggered di spl ay in the
sel ected channel .
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 250 |is. Press CLEAR MENU t o
remove any menu that may be on the screen.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-7
Brief Procedures
c. Verify that the channel is operational: Confi rm that the fol l owi ng
statements are true.
The vertical scal e readout for the channel under test shows a
setti ng of 200 mV, and a square-wave probe-compensat i on
si gnal about 2.5 di vi si ons in ampl i t ude is on-screen. (See Fig-
ure 4-1 on page 4-3 t o locate the readout.)
The vertical POSI TI ON knob moves the si gnal up and down the
screen when rotated.
Turning the vertical SCALE knob countercl ockwi se decreases
the ampl i t ude of the waveform on-screen, turni ng the knob
cl ockwi se increases the ampl i tude, and returning the knob t o
200 mV returns the ampl i t ude t o about 2.5 divisions.
d. Verify that the channel acquires in all acquisition modes: Press
SHIFT; t hen press ACQUI RE MENU. Use the side menu t o select, in
turn, each of the three hardware acqui re modes and confi rm that the
fol l owi ng statements are true. Refer t o the i cons at the left of each
statement as you confi rm those statements.
X X Sampl e mode di spl ays an actively acqui ri ng waveform on-
screen. (Note that there is noise present on the peaks of the
square wave.)
JljL Envelope mode di spl ays an actively acqui ri ng wavef orm on-
screen wi th the noise di spl ayed.
Average mode di spl ays an actively acqui ri ng wavef orm on-
_TL screen wi th the noise reduced.
e. Test all channels: Repeat subst eps a t hrough d until all four i nput
channel s are verified.
3. Remove the test hookup: Di sconnect the probe f rom the channel i nput
and the probe-compensat i on termi nal s.
Verify the Time Base
Equipment Required: One P6139Aor P6205 probe.
Prerequisites: None.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
a. Hook up the signal source: Install the probe on CH1 . Connect the
probe ti p t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON SI GNAL on the front panel;
connect the probe ground t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON GND. (See
Figure 4-3 on page 4-7.)
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup; then press
the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
4-8 Performance Verification
Brief Procedures
c. Modify default settings:
Press AUTOSET t o obtai n a vi ewabl e, tri ggered display.
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 250 | s.
Press CLEAR MENU t o remove the menus f rom the screen.
2. Verify that the time base operates: Confi rm the fol l owi ng statements.
a. One peri od of the square-wave probe-compensat i on si gnal is about
four horizontal divisions on-screen for the 250 |is horizontal scale
setting (set in step 1c).
b. Rotating the hori zontal SCALE knob cl ockwi se expands the wave-
f orm on-screen (more horizontal divisions per wavef orm peri od),
countercl ockwi se rotation contracts it, and returni ng the hori zontal
scale t o 250 |is returns the peri od t o about four divisions.
c. The horizontal POSI TI ON knob posi ti ons the si gnal left and right
on-screen when rotated.
3. Remove the test hookup: Di sconnect the probe f rom the channel i nput
and the probe-compensat i on termi nal s.
Verify the Main and Delayed Trigger Systems
Equipment Required: One P6139Aor P6205 probe.
Prerequisites: None.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
a. Hook up the signal source: Install the probe on CH 1. Connect the
probe ti p t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON SI GNAL on the front panel;
connect the probe ground t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON GND. (See
Figure 4-3 on page 4-7.)
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
c. Modify default settings:
Press AUTOSET t o obtai n a vi ewabl e, tri ggered display.
Set the hori zontal SCALE for the M (main) ti me base to 250 |is.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode & Holdoff.
Press the si de-menu button Normal.
Press CLEAR MENU t o remove the menus f rom the screen.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-9
Brief Procedures
2. Verify that the main trigger system operates: Confi rm that the fol l owi ng
statements are true.
The tri gger level readout for the main tri gger system changes wi th
the tri gger-LEVEL knob.
The trigger-level knob can tri gger and untrigger the square-wave
si gnal as you rotate it. (Leave the si gnal untri ggered, whi ch is indi-
cated by the di spl ay not updati ng.)
Pressing SET LEVEL TO 50% tri ggers the si gnal that you j ust left
untri ggered. (Leave the si gnal tri ggered.)
3. Verify that the delayed trigger system operates:
a. Select the delayed time base:
Press the mai n-menu button Time Base.
Press the si de-menu button Delayed Triggerable; then press
the si de-menu button Delayed Only.
Set the hori zontal SCALE for the D (delayed) ti me base t o
250 Ms.
b. Select the delayed trigger level menu:
Press SHIFT; then press DELAYED TRIG.
Press the mai n-menu button Level; then press the si de-menu
button Level.
c. Confirm that the following statements are true:
The trigger-level readout for the del ayed tri gger system changes
as you turn the general purpose knob.
The general purpose knob can tri gger and untri gger the square-
wave probe-compensat i on si gnal as you rotate it. (Leave the
si gnal untri ggered, whi ch is i ndi cated by the di spl ay not updat-
Pressing the si de-menu button Set to 50% tri ggers the probe-
compensat i on si gnal that you j ust left untri ggered. (Leave the
si gnal tri ggered.)
d. Verify the delayed trigger counter:
Press the mai n-menu button Delay by Time.
Use the keypad to enter a del ay ti me of 1 second. Press 1, then
press ENTER.
Verify that the tri gger READY indicator on the front panel flashes
about once every second as the waveform is updat ed on-
4. Remove the test hookup: Di sconnect the standard-accessory probe f rom
the channel i nput and the probe-compensat i on termi nal s.
4- 10 Performance Verification
Brief Procedures
Verify the File System (Optional on TDS 620A and 640A)
Equipment Required: One P6139A or P6205 probe and one 720 K or
1.44 Mbyte, 3.5 inch DOS compat i bl e disk. You can use a di sk of your own
or you can use the Programmi ng Exampl es Software 3.5 inch disk (Tektronix
part number 063-1134-XX) contai ned in the TDS Family Programmer Manual
(Tektronix part number 070-8709-XX).
Prerequisites: None.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
a. Hook up the signal source: Install the probe on CH1 . Connect the
probe ti p t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON SI GNAL on the front panel;
connect the probe ground t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON GND. (See
Figure 4-3 on page 4-7.)
b. Insert the test disk: Insert the disk in the di sk drive t o the left of the
Position the di sk so the metal shutter faces the drive.
Position the di sk so the st amped arrow is on the t op right side.
In other words, place the angl ed corner in the front bot t om
Push the di sk into the drive until it goes all the way in and clicks
into place.
c. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
d. Modify default settings:
Press AUTOSET t o obtai n a vi ewabl e, tri ggered display.
Set the hori zontal SCALE for the M (main) ti me base to 250 ps
(one click cl ockwi se). Notice the waveform on the di spl ay now
shows t wo and a half cycl es instead of five.
Press CLEAR MENU t o remove the menus f rom the screen.
e. Save the settings:
Press the mai n-menu button Save Current Setup; then press
the si de-menu button To File.
Turn the general purpose knob to select the file t o save. Choose
T E K ? ? ? ? ? . S E T (or f d o : ) . Wi th this choi ce, you' l l save a file
starting wi th TEK, t hen contai ni ng 5-numbers, and a . S E T
extension. For exampl e, the first ti me you run this on a blank,
formatted di sk or on the Exampl e Programs Disk, the TDS will
assi gn the name T E K 0 0 0 0 0 . S E T t o your file. If you ran the
procedure agai n, the TDS woul d i ncrement the name and call
the file TEK0 0 0 0 1 . S E T .
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-11
Brief Procedures
Press the si de-menu button Save To Selected File.
2. Verify the file system works:
Press AUTOSET t o restore the 500 | s ti me base and the five cycl e
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Saved Setup; then press the
si de-menu button From File.
Turn the general purpose knob t o select the file t o recall. For exam-
ple, if you fol l owed the i nstructi ons above and used a blank disk,
you had the TDS assi gn the name TEK00000 . SET t o your file.
Press the si de-menu button Recall From Selected File.
Verify that Digitizing Osci l l oscope retrieved the saved setup f rom the
disk. Do this by noti ci ng the horizontal SCALE for the M (main) ti me
base is agai n 250 |is and the wavef orm shows onl y t wo and a half
cycl es j ust as it was when you saved the setup.
3. Remove the test hookup:
Di sconnect the standard-accessory probe f rom the channel input
and the probe-compensat i on termi nal s.
Remove the di sk f rom the disk drive. Do this by pushi ng in the t ab at
the bot t om of the di sk drive.
4-12 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
This subsect i on contai ns a col l ecti on of procedures for checki ng that the
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes perform as warranted.
Since the procedures cover model s wi th both t wo full-featured channel s
(TDS 620A) and four full-featured model s (TDS 640A and 644A), i nstructi ons
that appl y onl y t o one of the model t ypes are clearly identified. Otherwi se, all
test i nstructi ons appl y t o both the t wo and four channel model s.
The procedures are arranged in four logical groupi ngs: Signal Acquisition
System Checks, Time Base System Checks, Triggering System Checks, and
Output Ports Checks. They check all the characteristics that are desi gnated
as checked in Secti on 1, Specifications. (The characteristics that are
checked appear in boldface type under Warranted Characteristics in
Secti on 1.)
These procedures extend the confi dence level provi ded by the basic
procedures descri bed on page 4-1. The basic procedures shoul d be
done first, t hen these procedures performed if desi red.
The tests in this subsect i on compri se an extensive, val i d confi rmati on of
performance and functi onal i ty when the fol l owi ng requi rements are met:
The cabi net must be installed on the Digitizing Osci l l oscope.
You must have performed and passed the procedures under Self Tests,
f ound on page 4-4, and those under Functional Tests, f ound on
page 4-6.
A si gnal -path compensat i on must have been done wi thi n the recom-
mended cal i brati on interval and at a temperature wi thi n 5 C of the
present operati ng temperature. (If at the ti me you di d the prerequisite
Self Tests, the temperature was wi thi n the limits j ust stated, consi der this
prerequi si te met.)
The Digitizing Osci l l oscope must have been last adj usted at an ambi ent
temperature between +20 C and +30 C, must have been operati ng
for a warm-up peri od of at least 20 mi nutes, and must be operati ng at an
ambi ent temperature between +4 C and +50 C. (The warm-up re-
qui rement is usually met in the course of meeti ng the first prerequisite
listed above.)
Rel at ed I nf or mat i on Read General Instructions and Conventions that
start on page 4-1.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-13
Performance Tests
Equipment Required
These procedures use external, traceabl e si gnal sources t o directly check
warranted characteristics. The requi red equi pment list fol l ows this i ntroduc-
Tabl e4-1: Test Equipment
Item Number and
Mi ni mum Requirements Example Purpose
1. Attenuator,10X
(three required)
Ratio: 10X; i mpedance 50 0;
connectors: femal e BNC in-
put, male BNC output
Tektronix part number
Signal Attenuati on
2. Attenuator, 5X Ratio: 5X; i mpedance 50 0;
connectors: femal e BNC in-
put, male BNC output
Tektronix part number
Signal Attenuati on
3. Adapter, BNC
femal e to Clip
BNC femal e t o Clip Leads Tektronix part number
Signal Coupl i ng for
Probe Compensat or
Output Check
4. Terminator, 50 0 I mpedance 50 0; connectors:
femal e BNC input, male BNC
Tektronix part number
Signal Termination
for Channel Delay
5. Cabl e, Precision
50 0 Coaxial
(two required)
50 0, 36 in, male t o male BNC
connect ors
Tektronix part number
Signal Interconnec-
ti on
6. Connector, Du-
al -Banana (two
Female BNC t o dual banana Tektronix part number
Various Accuracy
7. Connector, BNC
Male BNC t o dual femal e BNC Tektronix part number
Checki ng Trigger
8. Coupler, Dual-
Female BNC t o dual male
Tektronix part number
Checki ng Delay
Between Channel s
9. Generator, DC
Cal i brati on
Variable ampl i t ude t o 104 V;
accuracy t o 0.1%
Data Precision 8200 Checki ng DC Offset,
Gain, and Measure-
ment Accuracy
10. Generator, Cali-
brati on
500 mV square wave calibra-
tor ampl i tude; accuracy t o
Tektronix PG 506A
To check accuracy
of the CH 3 Signal
11. Generator, Lev-
eled Sine Wave,
Medi um-Fre-
200 kHz t o 250 MHz; Variable
ampl i t ude f rom 5 mV t o 4 Vp_p
into 50 0
Tektronix SG 503 Leveled Sine
Wave Generator
Checki ng Trigger
Sensitivity at low
frequenci es
12. Generator, Lev-
eled Sine Wave,
Hi gh-Frequency
250 MHz t o 500 MHz; Variable
ampl i t ude f rom 500 mV t o
4 V
p - p
into 50 0; 6 MHz
Tektronix SG 504 Leveled Sine
Wave Generator
wi th a TM 500
Series Power Modul e wi th SG
504 Output Head
Checki ng Anal og
Bandwi dt h and Trig-
ger Sensitivity at
hi gh frequenci es
4-14 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Tabl e4-1: Test Equipment (Cont.)
Item Number and
Mi ni mum Requirements Example Purpose
13. Generator, Ti me
Variable marker f requency
f rom 10 ms to 10 ns; accura-
cy wi thi n 2 ppm
Tektronix TG 501ATi me
Mark Generator
Checki ng Sampl e-
Rate and Delay-time
14. Probe, 10X, in-
cl uded wi th this
i nstrument
A P6205 or P6139A probe
Tektronix part number P6205 or
Signal Interconnec-
ti on
15. Generator,
Vi deo Signal
Provides PAL compat i bl e
Tektronix TSG 121 Used t o Test Vi deo
Opti on 05 Equi pped
Instruments Onl y
16. Oscillator, Lev-
eled Si newave
60 Hz. Sine Wave Tektronix part number SG 502 Used t o Test Vi deo
Opti on 05 Equi pped
Instruments Onl y
17. Pulse Generator Tektronix part number PG 502 Used t o Test Vi deo
Opti on 05 Equi pped
Instruments Onl y
18. Cabl e, Coaxial 75 O, 36 in, male t o male BNC
connect ors
Tektronix part number
Used t o Test Vi deo
Opti on 05 Equi pped
Instruments Onl y
19. Termination,
75 O
I mpedance 75 O; connectors:
femal e BNC input, male BNC
Tektronix part number
Used t o Test Vi deo
Opti on 05 Equi pped
Instruments Onl y
1 Requires a TM 500 or TM 5000 Series Power Module Mainframe.
2 Warning: The P6205 probe provides an extremely low loading capacitance ( <2 pF) to ensure the best possible signal reproduction.
This probe should not be used to measure signals exceeding 10V, or errors in signal measurement will be observed. Above 40 V,
damage to the probe may result. To make measurements beyond 10V, use either the P6139A probe (good to 500 V), or refer to
the catalog for a recommended probe.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-15
Performance Tests
4- 16 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Test Record
Phot ocopy the next four pages and use t hem t o record the performance test
results for your i nstrument.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Test Record
Instrument Serial Number
Certificate Number
nat e of Cal i brat i on
Performance Test Minimum Incoming Outgoing Maximum
Offset Accuracy
CH1 Offset +1 mV
+ 100 mV
+1 V
- 1.45 mV
- 68.5 mV
- 685 mV
+ 1.45 mV
+ 68.5 mV
+ 685 mV
CH2 Offset +1 mV
+ 100 mV
+1 V
- 1.45 mV
- 68.5 mV
- 685 mV
+ 1.45 mV
+ 68.5 mV
+ 685 mV
CH3 Offset +1 mV
+ 100 mV
+1 V
- 1.45 mV
- 68.5 mV
- 685 mV
+ 1.45 mV
+ 68.5 mV
+ 685 mV
CH4 Offset +1 mV
+ 100 mV
+1 V
- 1.45 mV
- 68.5 mV
- 685 mV
+ 1.45 mV
+ 68.5 mV
+ 685 mV
DC Voltage Measurement Accuracy (Averaged)
CH1 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
+ 1.0329 V + 1.0471 V
CH1 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
- 1.0471 V - 1.0329 V
CH1 200 mV Vert scale setting,
- 5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
+ 11.405 V + 11.795 V
CH1 200 mV Vert scale setting,
+5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
- 11.795 V - 11.405 V
CH1 1 V Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
+ 98.81 V + 101.19 V
CH1 1 V Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
- 101.19 V - 98.81 V
CH2 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
+ 1.0329 V + 1.0471 V
CH2 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v posi ti on setti ng
- 1.0471 V - 1.0329 V
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4- 17
Performance Tests
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Test Record (Cont.)
Instrument Serial Number Certificate Numher:
Temperature: RH
nat e nf Cal i hrati nn:
Performance Test Minimum Incoming Outgoing Maximum
CH2 200 mV Vert scale setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 11.405 V + 11.795 V
CH2 200 mV Vert scale setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 11.795 V - 11.405 V
CH2 1 V Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 98.81 V + 101.19 V
CH2 1 V Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 101.19 V - 98.81 V
CH3 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 1.0329 V + 1.0471 V
CH3 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 1.0471 V - 1.0329 V
CH3 200 mV Vert scale setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 11.405 V + 11.795 V
CH3 200 mV Vert scale setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 11.795 V - 11.405 V
CH3 1 V Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 98.81 V + 101.19 V
CH3 1 V Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 101.19 V - 98.81 V
CH4 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 1.0329 V + 1.0471 V
CH4 5 mV Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 1.0471 V - 1.0329 V
CH4 200 mV Vert scale setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 11.405 V + 11.795 V
CH4 200 mV Vert scale setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 11.795 V - 11.405 V
CH4 1 V Vert scal e setting,
- 5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
+ 98.81 V + 101.19 V
CH4 1 V Vert scal e setting,
+5 ni v pnsi ti nn setti ng
- 101.19 V - 98.81 V
4-18 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Test Record (Cont.)
Instrument Serial Numher Certificate Numher
Temper at ur RH
nat e nf Cal i hrat i nn
Performance Test Minimum Incoming Outgoing Maximum
Analog Bandwidth
CH1 100 mV 424 mV N/A
CH2 100 mV 424 mV N/A
CH3 100 mV 424 mV N/A
CH4 100 mV 424 mV N/A
Delay Between Channels
nel ay Between Channel s N/A 250 ps
Ti me Base System
Lnng Term Sampl e Rate/
nel ay Ti me @ 500 ns/10 ms - 4 . 0 ni v +4. 0 ni v
nel t a Ti me @ 5 ns (100 MHz) 19.760 ns 20.240 ns
Trigger System Accuracy
Pulse-Glitch nr Pulse-WIdth,
Hnr. scale < 1 ms
Lnwer Limit
Upper Limit
Pulse-Glitch nr Pulse-WIdth,
Hnr. scale > 1 ms
Lnwer Limit
Upper Limit
2.5 ns
2.5 ns
1 MS
1 ms
7.5 ns
7.5 ns
3 Ms
3 Ms
Main Trigger, nC Cnupl ed)
nel ayed Trigger, nC Cnupl ed)
9.863 V
9.863 V
10.137 V
10.137 V
Main Trigger, nC Cnupl ed)
nel ayed Trigger, nC Cnupl ed)
Output Signal Checks
MAIN TRIGGER OUTPUT, 1 M O Hi gh > 2.5 V Lnw < 0.7 V
MAIN TRIGGER OUTPUT, 50 O Hi gh > 1.0 V Lnw < 0.25 V
nELAYEn TRIGGER OUTPUT, 50 O Hi gh > 1.0 V Lnw < 0.25 V
nELAYEn TRIGGER OUTPUT, 1 M O Hi gh > 2.5 V Lnw < 0.7 V
CH 3 SIGNAL OUTPUT, 1 M O Pk-Pk > 80 mV Pk-Pk < 120 mV
CH 3 SIGNAL OUTPUT, 50 O Pk-Pk > 40 mV Pk-Pk < 60 mV
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-19
Performance Tests
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Test Record (Cont.)
Instrument Serial Number: Certificate Number
Temperature: RH
nat e nf Cal i brat i on Technician:
Performance Test Minimum Incoming Outgoing Maximum
Probe Compensator Output Signal
Frequency (CH1 Freq.) 950 Hz 1050 Hz
Vnl tage (difference) 495 mV 505 mV
4- 20 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Signal Acquisition These procedures check those characteristics that relate to the si gnal -acqui -
Svstem Checks sition system and are listed as checked under Warranted Characteristics in
Secti on 1, Specifications.
Check Accuracv of Offset (Zero Setting)
Equipment Required: None.
Prerequisites: The osci l l oscope must meet the prerequisites listed on
page 4-13.
1. Preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factorv Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factorv Init.
Press CLEAR MENU t o remove the menus f rom the screen.
b. Modify the default settings:
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 1 ms.
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode; then press the si de-menu
button Average 16.
Press the mai n-menu button Graticule; then press the side-
menu button Frame.
Press the mai n-menu button Function; then press the side-
menu button H Bars.
Be sure t o di sconnect any input si gnal s f rom all four channel s.
2. Confirm input channels are within limits for offset accuracy at zero offset:
Do the fol l owi ng subst eps test CH 1 first, skipping substep a since
CH 1 is already set up to be checked from step 1.
a. Select an unchecked channel: Press WAVEFORM OFF t o remove
the channel j ust conf i rmed f rom the display. Then, press the front-
panel button that corresponds to the channel you are t o confi rm.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-21
Performance Tests
Table 4-2: DC Offset Accuracy (Zero Setting)
Vertical Scale Setting Vertical Position and Offset Accuracy
Offset Setting
1 mV 0 1. 45 mV
100 mV 0 68. 5 mV
1 V 0 685 mV
1 Vertical position is set to 0 divisions and vertical offset to 0 V when the oscilloscope is
initialized in step 1.
b. Set the vertical scale: Set the vertical SCALE t o one of the setti ngs
listed in Table 4-2 that is not yet checked. (Start wi th the first setting
c. Display the test signal: The baseline DC test level was initialized for
all channel s in step 1 and is di spl ayed as you select each channel
and its vertical scale. Be sure not t o use the vertical POSI TI ON knob
whi l e checki ng any channel for accuracy of offset, si nce varyi ng the
posi ti on invalidates the check.
d. Measure the test signal: Rotate the general purpose knob t o super-
i mpose the active cursor over the baseline DC test level. (Ignore the
other cursor.)
e. Read the measurement results at the absol ute (@:) cursor readout,
not the delta (A:) readout on screen (see Figure 4-4).
f. Check against limits: Do the fol l owi ng subparts in the order listed.
CHECK that the measurement results are wi thi n the limits listed
for the current vertical scal e setting.
Repeat subst eps b t hrough f until all vertical scal e setti ngs listed
in Table 4-2, are checked for the channel under test.
4-22 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Ignore the
inactive cursor.
Align the active
cursor to the DC
baseline (no input).
Then read the
offset relative to
ground reference.
Run: SO.OkS/s Aver age
ami vn. OOms Ch1 1 .OOmv
O V 9 Feb 1 9 9 3
1 2 : 3 0 : 2 8
c z > a a a a
Figure 4-4: Measurement of DC Offset Accuracy at Zero Setting
g. Test all channels: Repeat subst eps a t hrough f for all input channel s.
3. Disconnect the hookup: No hookup was required.
Check DC Gain and Voltage Measurement Accuracy
Performance of this procedure requires input voltages up to
92 VDC. Be sure to set the DC calibration generator to 0 volts
before connecting, disconnecting, and/or moving the test hookup
during the performance of this procedure.
Equipment Required: Two dual -banana connect ors (Item 6), one BNC T
connector (Item 7), one DC cal i brati on generator (Item 9), and t wo preci si on
coaxial cabl es (Item 5).
Prerequisites: The osci l l oscope must meet the prerequisites listed on
page 4-13.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Hook up the test-signal source:
Set the output of a DC cal i brati on generator to 0 volts.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-23
Performance Tests
Dual Banana to
BNC Adapters
Connect the output of a DC calibration generator t hrough a
dual -banana connector f ol l owed by a 50 O preci si on coaxial
cabl e t o one si de of a BNC T connector. See Figure 4-5.
Connect the Sense output of the generator t hrough a second
dual -banana connector f ol l owed by a 50 O preci si on coaxial
cabl e t o the other si de of the BNC T connector. Now connect the
BNC T connector to CH1 . See Figure 4-5.
DC Calibrator
/ " " N
o o
o o
cz> cz> cz>
o o
a o o
o <=>
<=> C=> CD
a o o
a c d
a o o
9 9
^ a o o a o a a
, I
500 Coaxial Cables
Figure 4-5: Initial Test Hookup
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP!
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
Modify the default settings:
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode; then press the si de-menu
button Average 16.
Press the mai n-menu button Function; then press the side-
menu button H Bars.
Press the mai n-menu button Graticule; then press the side-
menu button Frame.
2. Confirm input channels are within limits for DC delta voltage accuracy:
Do the fol l owi ng subst eps test CH 1 first, skipping substep 2a since
CH 1 is already selected from step 1.
a. Select an unchecked channel:
Set the generator output to 0 V.
4-24 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Press WAVEFORM OFF to remove the channel j ust confi rmed
f rom the display.
Press the front-panel button that corresponds t o the next chan-
nel you are to confi rm.
Move the test hook up t o the channel you select.
b. Display the test signal:
Press VERTI CAL MENU. Press the mai n-menu button Position.
Use the keypad to set vertical posi ti on t o - 2 . 5 divisions (press
- 2 . 5 , then ENTER, on the keypad).
c. Measure the test signal:
Press CLEAR MENU. Use the general purpose knob t o precise-
ly al i gn the active cursor to the DC baseline level on screen.
Set the generator output to 500 mV.
Press SELECT. Use the general purpose knob t o preci sel y al i gn
the alternate cursor t o the 500 mV DC test level on screen.
Press CLEAR MENU. Read the measurement results f rom the
delta (A:) readout, not the absol ute (@:) readout. See Fig-
ure 4-6.
First align a cursor to the
DC baseline (no input).
Second align the second
cursor to the DC test level
that you input.
Third read the results
of the ADC
measurement here.
a a a .
Run: 100kS/s
BI B TomV M 500(JS Chi I 0 V 9 Feb 1993
1 4 : 1 4 :
Figure 4-6: Measurement of the DC Accuracy for Delta Measurements
d. Check against limits: CHECK that the A: readout on screen is wi thi n
482 mV t o 518 mV.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-25
Performance Tests
e. Test all channels: Repeat subst eps a t hrough d for all four channel s.
Reestablish the initial test hookup setup:
a. Hook up the test-signal source:
Set the output of the DC cal i brati on generator t o 0 volts.
Move the BNC T connector back t o CH 1.
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP!
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
c. Modify the default settings:
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode; then press the si de-menu
button Average 16.
Press the mai n-menu button Graticule; then press the side-
menu button Frame.
Confirm input channels are within limits for DC accuracy at maximum
offset and position: Do the fol l owi ng subst eps test CH 1 first, skipping
substep 4a since CH 1 is already selected from step 3.
a. Select an unchecked channel:
Press WAVEFORM OFF to remove the channel just confi rmed
f rom the display.
Press the front-panel button that corresponds t o the channel
you are t o confi rm.
Set the generator output to OV.
Move the test hookup t o the channel you sel ected.
b. Turn on the measurement Mean for the channel:
Press MEASURE, then press the mai n-menu button Select
Measrmnt for CHx.
Press the si de-menu button more until the menu label Mean
appears in the si de menu (its i con is shown at the left). Press the
si de-menu button Mean.
c. Set the vertical scale: Set the vertical SCALE t o one of the setti ngs
listed in Table 4-3 that is not yet checked. (Start wi th the first setti ng
4-26 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Table 4-3: DC Accuracy
5 mV - 5 + 1 V + 1.040 V + 1.0329 V t o +1. 0471 V
+5 - 1 V - 1. 040 V - 1. 0329 V t o - 1. 0471 V
200 mV - 5 + 10 V + 11.6 V + 11.405 V t o +11. 795 V
+5 - 1 0 V - 11. 6 V - 11. 405 V t o - 11. 795 V
1 V - 5 +92 V + 100 V +98. 81 V t o +101. 19 V
+5 - 9 2 V - 1 0 0 V - 98. 81 V t o - 101. 19 V
d. Display the test signal:
Press VERTI CAL MENU. Press the mai n-menu button Position.
Use the keypad to set vertical posi ti on t o - 5 di vi si ons (press
- 5 , then ENTER, on the keypad). The baseline level will move
of f screen.
Press the mai n-menu button Offset.
Use the keypad t o set vertical offset t o the positive-polarity
setti ng listed in the tabl e for the current vertical scal e setting.
The baseline level will remain off screen.
Set the generator t o the level and polarity i ndi cated in the tabl e
for the vertical scale, posi ti on, and offset setti ngs you have
made. The DC test level shoul d appear on screen. (If it doesn' t
return, the DC accuracy check is failed for the current vertical
scale setti ng of the current channel.)
e. Measure the test signal: Press CLEAR MENU. Read the measure-
ment results at the Mean measurement readout. See Figure 4-7.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4- 27
Performance Tests
First set vertical position and offsets
to maximum (no input). Note gnd ref
indicator bounded on-screen for the
offset baseline below screen.
Second, input a DC
level equal to the offset
plus 3 divisions.
Third, turn on the
Measurement called
mean and read the
results here.
Figure 4-7: Measurement of DC Accuracy at Maximum Offset and Position
f. Check against limits:
CHECK that the readout for the measurement Mean readout on
screen is wi thi n the limits listed for the current vertical scale and
posi ti on/offset/generator settings.
Repeat subst ep d, reversing the polarity of the position, offset,
and generator setti ngs as is listed in the tabl e.
CHECK that the Mean measurement readout on screen is wi thi n
the limits listed for the current vertical scal e setti ng and posi ti on/
offset/generator settings.
Repeat subst eps c t hrough f until all vertical scale settings, listed
in Table 4-3, are checked for the channel under test.
g. Test all channels: Repeat subst eps a t hrough f for all four channel s.
5. Disconnect the hookup:
a. Set the generator output to OV.
b. Di sconnect the cabl e f rom the generator output at the input connec-
tor of the channel last tested.
4-28 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Check Analog Bandwidth
Equipment Required: One hi gh-frequency leveled sine wave generator and
its leveling head (Item 12), one medi um-f requency leveled sine wave gener-
ator and its leveling head (Item 11), and t wo 10X attenuators (Item 1).
Prerequisites: See page 4-13.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP Press the mai n-menu button Recall
Factory Setup; then press the si de-menu button OK Confirm
Factory Init.
b. Modify the default settings:
Press TRI GGER MENU. Press the mai n-menu button Coupling.
Press the si de-menu button Noise Rej. (When checki ng 1 mV,
press the si de-menu button LF Rej.)
Turn the horizontal SCALE knob t o 50 ns. (When checki ng 1 mV
set the horizontal SCALE t o 10 |is.) Press SHIFT; then press
Press the mai n-menu button Mode; then press the si de-menu
button Average 16.
Press MEASURE. Press the mai n-menu button Hi gh- Low
Setup; then press the si de-menu button Mi n- Max.
c. Hook up the test-signal source: Connect, t hrough its leveling head,
the sine wave output of a hi gh-frequency leveled sine wave genera-
tor to CH 1. Set the out put of the generator t o a reference f requency
of 6 MHz. (When checki ng 1 mV use a medi um-f requency leveled
sine wave generator, Item 11, and set the output of the generator t o
a reference f requency of 50 kHz.) See Figure 4-8.
Figure 4-8: Initial Test Hookup
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-29
Performance Tests
2. Confirm the input channels are within limits for analog bandwidth: Do the
fol l owi ng subst eps test CH 1 first, skipping substeps a and b since
CH 1 is already set up for testing from step 1.
a. Select an unchecked channel:
Press WAVEFORM OFF t o remove the channel j ust confi rmed
f rom display.
Press the front-panel button that corresponds t o the channel
you are to confi rm.
Move the leveling head t o the channel you sel ected.
b. Match the trigger source to the channel selected:
Press TRI GGER MENU. Press the mai n-menu button Source;
then press the si de-menu button that corresponds t o the chan-
nel sel ected.
c. Set its input impedance:
Press VERTI CAL MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Press the si de-menu fi button t o t oggl e it t o the 50 fi setting.
d. Set the vertical scale: Set the vertical SCALE t o one of the setti ngs
listed in Table 4-4 not yet checked. (Start wi th the 100 mV setting.)
Table 4-4: Analog Bandwidth
Reference Amplitude
(at 6 MHz -
except 50 kHz for 1mV)
Frequency Limits
100 mV none 600 mV (6 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz >424 mV
1 V none 5 V (5 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz > 3.535 V
500 mV none 3 V (6 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz >2. 121 V
200 mV none 1.2 V (6 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz >848 mV
50 mV 1 300 mV (6 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz >212 mV
20 mV 1 120 mV (6 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz >84. 8 mV
10 mV 1 60 mV (6 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz >42. 4 mV
5 mV 2 30 mV (6 divisions) 1 ns 500 MHz >21. 2 mV
2 mV 2 12 mV (6 divisions) 1 ns 300 MHz >8. 48 mV
1 mV 2 6 mV (6 divisions) 1 ns 200 MHz >4. 24 mV
4- 30 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
e. Display the test signal: Do the fol l owi ng subparts t o first di spl ay the
reference si gnal and t hen the test si gnal .
Press MEASURE; t hen press the mai n-menu button Select
Measrmnt for CHx.
Press the si de-menu button more until the menu label Pk-Pk
appears in the si de menu (its icon is shown at the left). Press the
si de-menu button Pk-Pk.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until Frequen-
cy appears in the si de menu (its icon is shown at the left). Press
the si de-menu button Frequency.
Set the generator output so the CHx Pk-Pk readout equal s the
reference ampl i t ude in Table 4-4 that corresponds to the vertical
scale set in subst ep d.
Press the front-panel button SET LEVEL TO 50% as necessary
to tri gger a stabl e display.
f. Measure the test signal:
Set the f requency of the generator, as shown on screen, t o the
test f requency in Table 4-4 that corresponds t o the vertical scal e
set in subst ep d.
Set the hori zontal SCALE t o the hori zontal scal e setti ng in
Table 4-4 that corresponds t o the vertical scale set in subst ep d.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50% as necessary t o tri gger the si gnal .
Read the results at the CHx Pk-Pk readout, whi ch will automati -
cally measure the ampl i t ude of the test signal. See Figure 4-9.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-31
Performance Tests
First, increase the reference
frequency to the test
frequency; then decrease the
horizontal scale.
Second, read the results from
the readout of measurement
Figure 4-9: Measurement of Analog Bandwidth
g. Check against limits:
CHECK that the Pk-Pk readout on screen is wi thi n the limits
listed in Table 4-4 for the current vertical scal e setting.
When fi ni shed checki ng, set the hori zontal SCALE back t o the
50 ns setting.
Checki ng each channel ' s bandwi dt h at all vertical scale setti ngs is
ti me consumi ng and unnecessary. You may ski p checki ng the
remai ni ng vertical scale settings in Table 4-4 (that is, ski p the fol l ow-
ing substep, h) if this di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope has performed as
fol l ows:
Passed the 100 mV vertical scal e setti ng j ust checked in this
Passed the Verify Internal Adjustment, Self Compensation, and
Diagnostics procedure f ound under Self Tests, on page 4-4.
Passing the signal path compensation confirms the signal path for
all vertical scale settings for all channels. Passing the internal
diagnostics ensures that the factory-set adjustment constants that
control the bandwidth for each vertical scale setting have not
4-32 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
h. Check remaining vertical scale settings against limits (optional):
If desi red, finish checki ng the remai ni ng vertical scal e setti ngs
for the channel under test by repeati ng subst eps d t hrough g for
each of the remai ni ng scale settings setti ngs listed in Table 4-4
for the channel under test.
When doi ng subst ep e, ski p the subparts that turn on the CHx
Pk-Pk measurement until you check a new channel .
Install/remove 10X attenuators between the generator leveling
head and the channel i nput as is needed to obtai n the six divi-
si on reference si gnal s listed in the tabl e.
i. Test all channels: Repeat subst eps a t hrough g for all four channel s.
3. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the test hook up f rom the input
connect or of the channel last tested.
Check Delay Between Channels
Equipment Required: One medi um-f requency leveled sine wave generator
(Item 11), one preci si on coaxial cabl e (Item 5), one 50 Q termi nator (Item 4),
and a dual -i nput coupl er (Item 8).
Prerequisites: See page 4-13.
DO NOT use the vertical posi ti on knob t o reposi ti on any channel
whi l e doi ng this check. To do so invalidates the test.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the front panel:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
b. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Do not adj ust the vertical posi ti on of any channel duri ng this
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 500 ps.
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode, and then press the side-
menu button Average 16.
c. Hook up the test-signal source:
Connect, t hrough a 50 Q preci si on coaxial cabl e fol l owed by a
50 Q termi nati on, the sine wave output of a medi um-f requency
sine wave generator t o a dual -i nput coupler. See Figure 4-10.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-33
Performance Tests
Connect the coupl er to both CH 1 and CH 2. See Figure 4-10.
Figure 4-10: Initial Test Hookup
2. Confirm CH 1 through CH 4 are within limits for channel delay:
a. Set up the generator: Set the generator f requency t o 250 MHz and
the ampl i t ude for about six divisions in CH 1.
Hint: as you are adj usti ng the generator ampl i tude, push SET LEV-
EL TO 50% frequentl y t o speed up the updat i ng of the wavef orm
ampl i t ude on screen.
b. Save aCH2 waveform: Press CH 2; then press save/recall WAVE-
FORM. Now, press the mai n-menu button Save Waveform; then
press the si de-menu button To Ref 2.
c. Save CH 3 (for the TDS 640A or 644A) or AUX1 (for the TDS 620A)
waveform: Move the coupl er f rom CH 2 t o CH 3, so that CH 1 and
CH 3 are driven. Press WAVEFORM OFF. Press CH 3; then press
the si de-menu button To Ref 3.
TDS 620A: Move the coupl er f rom CH 2 t o AUX1, so that CH 1
and AUX1 are driven. Press WAVEFORM OFF. Press AUX 1;
then press the si de-menu button To Ref 3.
TDS 640A or 644A: Move the coupl er f rom CH 2 to CH 3, so that
CH 1 and CH 3 are driven. Press WAVEFORM OFF. Press
CH 3; t hen press the si de-menu button To Ref 3.
d. Display all test signals:
TDS 620A: Press WAVEFORM OFF t o remove AUX 1 f rom the
TDS 640A or TDS 644A: Press WAVEFORM OFF t o remove
CH 3 f rom the display.
TDS 620A: Move the coupl er f rom AUX1 t o AUX2, so that CH 1
and AUX2 are driven. Press AUX2 t o display.
4-34 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
TDS 640A or TDS 644A: Move the coupl er f rom CH 3 t o CH 4,
so that CH 1 and CH 4 are driven. Press CH 4 t o display.
Now, press the front-panel button MORE. Press the mai n-menu
buttons Ref 2 and Ref 3.
e. Measure the test signal:
Locate the poi nt on the rising edge of the left-most waveform
where it crosses the center horizontal grati cul e line. This is the
time reference point for this waveform. Note the correspondi ng
time reference point for the ri ght-most waveform. See Fig-
ure 4-11.
Press the mai n-menu button Function; then press the side-
menu button V Bars.
Rotate the General Purpose knob t o al i gn one cursor to the time
reference point of the left-most wavef orm edge and the other
cursor t o the time reference point of the ri ght-most wavef orm
edge. (Press SELECT t o swi tch between the t wo cursors.) See
Figure 4-11.
Read the measurement results at the A: cursor readout, not the
@: readout on screen.
First, display the livelreference
waveforms for channels. Note their
overlapping ground reference
Second, identify the time reference
points of those waveforms.
Third, turn on the cursor and align
the V bar cursors to the time
reference points.
Fourth, read the results here.
Figure 4-11: Measurement of Channel Delay
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-35
Performance Tests
f. Check against limits: CHECK that the cursor readout on screen is
<250 ps.
3. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the cabl e f rom the generator output
at the input connect ors of the channel s.
4-36 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Time Base System These procedures check t hose characteristics that relate t o the Main and
Checks Del ayed ti me base system and are listed as checked under Warranted
Characteristics in Secti on 1, Specifications.
Check Accuracy for Long-Term Sample Rate, Delay Time,
and Delta Time Measurements
Equipment Required: One ti me-mark generator (Item 13) and one, 50 Q,
preci si on coaxial cabl e (Item 5).
Prerequisites: See page 4-13.
Figure 4-12: Initial Test Hookup
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Hook up the test-signal source: Connect, t hrough a 50 Q preci si on
coaxial cabl e, the ti me-mark output of a ti me-mark generator t o
CH 1. Set the output of the generator for 10 ms markers.
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP Press the mai n-menu button Recall
Factory Setup. Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Facto-
ry Init.
c. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Set the vertical SCALE to 500 mV.
Press VERTI CAL MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Coupling. Press the si de-menu button Q to t oggl e it to the 50 fi
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Use the vertical POSI TI ON knob to center the test si gnal on
Set the hori zontal SCALE of the Main ti me base t o 1 ms.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4- 37
Performance Tests
Press TRI GGER MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Mode & Holdoff. Press the si de-menu button Normal.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Press HORI ZONTAL MENU. Press the mai n-menu button Re-
cord Length; then press the si de-menu button 1000 sampl es in
20 divs.
Press the mai n-menu button Trigger Position. Press the side-
menu button Pretrigger. Press the si de-menu button Set to
Confirm Main and Delayed time bases are within limits for accuracies:
a. Display the test signal:
Adj ust the horizontal POSI TI ON so the tri gger T is al i gned t o the
center vertical grati cul e line.
Press the mai n-menu button Time Base. Press the si de-menu
buttons Delayed Only and Delayed Runs After Main.
b. Measure the test signal:
Set the hori zontal SCALE of the D (delayed) ti me base t o
250 ns.
Use the keypad t o set del ayed ti me t o 10 ms. (Press 10, then
SHIFT, then m fol l owed by ENTER.)
First, align the trigger T to
the center graticule line.
Second, the horizontal
modes are set.
Third, the horizontal scale for
D time base is set and a
10 ms delay is entered.
Fourth, the waveforms rising edge is
checked to be within 4.0 horizontal
divisions on the center horizontal
graticule line.
Figure 4-13: Measurement of Accuracy Long-Term and Delay Time
4-38 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
c. Check long-term sample rate and delay time accuracies against
limits: CHECK that the rising edge of the marker crosses the center
horizontal grati cul e line at a poi nt wi thi n 4. 0 divisions of center
graticule (see Figure 4-13).
d. Check delta-time accuracy against limits:
Press the si de-menu button Main Only. Set horizontal SCALE to
2.5 ns.
Set the output of the generator for 20 ns markers.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU. Press the mai n-me-
nu button Mode; then press the si de-menu button Average 16.
Press the mai n-menu button High-Low Setup; t hen press the
si de-menu button Min-Max.
Press the mai n-menu button Select Measrmnt for Chi.
Press the si de-menu button - mo r e - , until PERI OD appears in
the si de menu. Press PERIOD.
CHECK that the readout for CH 1 Per is wi thi n 19.760 ns t o
20.240 ns.
3. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the cabl e f rom the generator output
at the input connector of CH1 .
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-39
Performance Tests
Trigger System
These procedures check t hose characteristics that relate t o the Main and
Del ayed tri gger systems and are listed as checked under Warranted Charac-
teristics in Secti on 1, Specifications.
Check Accuracy (Time) for Pulse-Glitch or Pulse-Width
Equipment Required: One medi um-f requency leveled sine wave generator
(Item 11), one 10X attenuator (Item 1), and one, 50 Q, preci si on coaxial
cabl e (Item 5).
Prerequisites: See page 4-13.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the instrument:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
b. Modify the default setup:
Press the mai n-menu button Coupling; t hen press the side-
menu fi button t o select 50 fi coupl i ng.
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 10 ns.
Sine Wave
C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3
C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 V OM
o O O a a a
j = o O =
ir .
Ii 1
C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 C3
C3 C3 C3 C3 C3 V OM
o O O a a a
j = o O =
Q o o o o a o a
> e <q
50 O Coaxial Cable
10X Attenuator
Figure 4-14: Initial Test Hookup
c. Hook up the test-signal source: Connect, t hrough a 50 Q preci si on
coaxial cable, fol l owed by a 10X attenuator, the output of a medi um-
f requency leveled sine wave generator (Item 11) t o CH 1.
4-40 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
2. Confirm the trigger system is within time-accuracy limits for pulse-glitch
or pulse-width triggering (Horizontal Scale < 1 JS):
a. Display the test signal: Set the output of the sine wave generator for
a 100 MHz, five-division sine wave on screen. Press SET LEVEL TO
b. Set the trigger mode: Press TRI GGER MENU. Now press the main-
menu button Mode & Holdoff; then press the si de-menu button
c. Set upper and lower limits that ensure triggering:
Press the mai n-menu button Type; then repeatedl y press the
same button until Pulse is hi ghl i ghted in the menu that pops up.
Press the mai n-menu button Class; then repeatedl y press the
same button until Width is hi ghl i ghted in the menu that pops up.
Press the mai n-menu button Trig When; then press the side-
menu button Within Limits.
Press the si de-menu button Upper Limit. Use the keyboard t o
set the upper limit to 10 ns: press 10; then SHIFT; then n; then
Press the si de-menu button Lower Limit. Use the keypad to set
the lower limit t o 2 ns.
d. Check against limits:
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Whi l e doi ng the fol l owi ng subparts, moni tor the di spl ay (it will
stop acqui ri ng) and the front-panel light TRI G (it will extinguish)
t o determi ne when tri ggeri ng is lost.
Use the general purpose knob t o increase the Lower Limit
readout until tri ggeri ng is lost.
CHECK that the Lower Limit readout, after the osci l l oscope
loses tri ggeri ng, is wi thi n 2.5 ns t o 7.5 ns, inclusive.
Use the keypad to return the Lower Limit to 2 ns and reestab-
lish tri ggeri ng.
Press the si de-menu button Upper Limit; then use the general
purpose knob t o sl owl y decrease the Upper Limit readout until
tri ggeri ng is lost.
CHECK that the Upper Limit readout, after the osci l l oscope
loses tri ggeri ng, is wi thi n 2.5 ns t o 7.5 ns, inclusive.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-41
Performance Tests
First, set the upper and lower
limits so the test waveform
triggers within limits.
Second, increase a limit (here, the
lower limit) until triggering stops.
Figure 4-15: Measurement of Time Accuracy for Pulse and Glitch Triggering
3. Confirm the trigger system is within time-accuracy limits for pulse-glitch
or pulse-width triggering (horizontal scale >1 /us):
a. Set upper and lower limits that ensure triggering at 250 kHz:
Press the si de-menu button Upper Limit. Use the keyboard to
set the upper limit t o 4 |is.
Press the si de-menu button Lower Limit. Use the keypad t o set
the lower limit to 500 ns.
b. Display the test signal:
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 5 |is.
Set the output of the sine wave generator for a 250 kHz, five-divi-
si on sine wave on screen. Set the vertical SCALE t o 20 mV (the
wavef orm will overdrive the di spl ay).
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
c. Check against limits: Do the fol l owi ng subparts in the order listed.
Use the general purpose knob t o increase Lower Limit readout
until tri ggeri ng is lost.
CHECK that the Lower Limit readout, after the osci l l oscope
loses tri ggeri ng, is wi thi n 1 |is t o 3 |is, inclusive.
Use the keypad to return the Lower Limit to 500 ns and rees-
tabl i sh tri ggeri ng.
4-42 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Press the si de-menu button Upper Limit; then use the general
purpose knob to sl owl y decrease the Upper Limit readout until
tri ggeri ng is lost.
CHECK that the Upper Limit readout, after the osci l l oscope
loses tri ggeri ng, is wi thi n 1 ps t o 3 ps, inclusive.
4. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the cabl e f rom the generator output
at the input connector of CH1 .
Check Accuracy, Trigger-Level or Threshold, DC Coupled
Equipment Required: One DC calibration generator (Item 9), one BNC T
connector (Item 7), and two, 50 Q, preci si on coaxial cabl es (Item 5).
Prerequisites: The osci l l oscope must meet the prerequisites listed under
Performance Tests, on page 4-13.
Dual Banana to
BNC Adapter
50 fl Coaxial Cables
BNC T Connector
Figure 4-16: Initial Test Hookup
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Hook up the test-signal source:
Set the output of the DC cal i brati on generator t o 0 volts.
Connect the output of the DC cal i brati on generator t hrough a
dual -banana connector f ol l owed by a 50 Q preci si on coaxial
cabl e t o one si de of a BNC T connector.
Connect the Sense output of the generator, t hrough a second
dual -banana connector f ol l owed by a 50 Q preci si on coaxial
cable, to other side of the BNC T connector. Now connect the
BNC T connector to CH 1.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-43
Performance Tests
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall Setup.
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
2. Confirm Main trigger system is within limits for Trigger-level/Threshold
a. Display the test signal:
Press VERTI CAL MENU, t hen press the mai n-menu button
Use the keypad to set vertical posi ti on t o - 3 di vi si ons (press
- 3 , then ENTER, on the keypad.) The baseline level will move
down three divisions.
Press the mai n-menu button Offset.
Use the keypad to set vertical offset to +10 volts. The baseline
level will move off screen.
Set the standard output of the DC calibration generator t o
+ 10 volts. The DC test level will appear on screen.
b. Measure the test signal:
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Read the measurement results f rom the readout bel ow the label
Level in the main menu; not the tri gger readout in the graticule
c. Check against limits:
CHECK that the Level readout in the main menu is wi thi n
9.863 V t o 10.137 V, inclusive. See Figure 4-17.
Press the mai n-menu button Slope; t hen press the si de-menu
button for negative sl ope. (See icon at left.) Repeat subst ep b.
CHECK that the Level readout in the main menu is wi thi n
9.863 V t o 10.137 V, inclusive.
3. Confirm Delayed trigger system is within limits for Trigger-level/Threshold
a. Select the Delayed time base:
Press the mai n-menu button Time Base.
Press the si de-menu buttons Delayed Only and Delayed Trig-
Set D (delayed) horizontal SCALE to 500 ps.
4-44 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
First set vertical offset to maximum
and vertical position to - 3
divisions. Note the ground
reference indicator is bounded on
screen (baseline is off-screen).
Second, set input equal to
the offset to return the DC
level to the screen.
Third, push SET LEVEL TO 50%
and check the results in the
main menu under "Level."
Q | | C 3 | | Q (>
Figure 4-17: Measurement of Trigger-Level Accuracy
b. Select the Delayed trigger system:
Press SHIFT; t hen press the front-panel DELAYED TRI G button.
Press the mai n-menu button Level.
c. Measure the test signal: Press the side-menu button SET TO 50%.
Read the measurement results in the side menu bel ow the label
d. Check against limits: Do the fol l owi ng subparts in the order listed.
CHECK that the Level readout in the si de menu is wi thi n 9.863 V
to 10.137 V, inclusive.
Press the mai n-menu button Slope; t hen press the si de-menu
button for negative sl ope. (See icon at left.) Press the mai n-me-
nu button Level. Repeat subst ep c.
CHECK that the Level readout in the si de menu is wi thi n 9.863 V
to 10.137 V, inclusive.
Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
a. Select the Delayed time base:
Set D (delayed) horizontal SCALE t o 10 ps.
Press the mai n-menu button Time Base.
Press the si de-menu buttons Main Only.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-45
Performance Tests
Set M (main) horizontal SCALE t o 10 |is.
b. Repeat steps 2 (substeps b and c only) and 3 (exclude the horizontal
SCALE change in substep 3a.)
5. Disconnect the hookup:
a. First set the output of the DC calibration generator to 0 volts.
b. Di sconnect the cabl e f rom the generator output at the input connec-
tor of CH1 .
Sensitivity, Edge Trigger, DC Coupled
Equipment Required: One medi um-f requency leveled sine wave generator
(Item 11), one hi gh-frequency leveled sine wave generator (Item 12), t wo
preci si on 50 Q coaxial cabl es (Item 5), and one 10X attenuator (Item 1) one
BNC T connector (Item 7), and one 5X attenuator (Item 2).
Prerequisites: See page 4-13.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
b. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Set the hori zontal SCALE for the M (main) ti me base t o 25 ns.
Press HORI ZONTAL MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Time Base.
Press the si de-menu button Delayed Only; then press the
si de-menu button Delayed Triggerable.
Set the hori zontal SCALE for the D (delayed) ti me base t o 25 ns;
then press the si de-menu button Main Only.
Press TRI GGER MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Mode & Holdoff. Press the si de-menu button Normal.
Press VERTI CAL MENU; t hen press the mai n-menu button
Coupling. Press the si de-menu button fi select the 50 Q setting.
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU. Press the main-
menu button Mode; t hen press the si de-menu button Average
c. Hook up the test-signal source:
Connect the si gnal output of a medi um-f requency sine wave
generator t o a BNC T connector. See Figure 4-18.
4-46 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Connect one output of the T connector t o CH 1 t hrough a 50 Q
preci si on coaxial cable. See Figure 4-18.
Connect the other output of the T connector t hrough a second
50 Q preci si on coaxial cabl e t o the AUX TRI G I NPUT at the rear
panel. See Figure 4-18.
on Rear Pane!
Sine Wave
s - S o -
CZJ CZ) CZ) CZ) <ZZ) ff
C3 C3 C3 CD C3
<= O O O
C3 C3 C3 C3 Q O O
I, a o a
a a 9 9
,J 1
II 1
CZJ CZ) CZ) CZ) <ZZ) ff
C3 C3 C3 CD C3
<= O O O
C3 C3 C3 C3 Q O O
I, a o a
a a 9 9
^ o o o o a a o
' Of
Figure 4-18: Initial Test Hookup
2. Confirm Main and De!ayed trigger systems are within sensitivity !imits
(50 MHz):
a. Disp!ay the test signa!:
Set the generator f requency to 50 MHz.
Press the mai n-menu button High-Low Setup; t hen press the
si de-menu button Min-Max.
Press the mai n-menu button Select Measrmnt for Chi.
Press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until Amplitude appears
in the si de menu (its icon is shown at the left). Press the side-
menu button Amplitude.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Set the test si gnal ampl i t ude for about three and a half divisions
on screen. Now fine adj ust the generator output until the CH 1
Amplitude readout indicates the ampl i t ude is 350 mV. (Readout
may fl uctuate around 350 mV.)
Di sconnect the 50 Q preci si on coaxial cabl e at CH 1 and recon-
nect it t o CH 1 t hrough a 10X attenuator.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-47
Performance Tests
b. Check the Main trigger system for stable triggering at limits:
Read the fol l owi ng definition: A stable tri gger is one that is
consi stent; that is, one that results in a uniform, regular di spl ay
tri ggered on the sel ected sl ope (positive or negative). This
di spl ay shoul d not have its tri gger poi nt swi tchi ng between
opposi te sl opes, nor shoul d it "roll" across the screen. At hori-
zontal scal e settings of 2 ms/di vi si on and faster, TRI G' D will
remain constantl y lit. It will flash for slower settings.
Press TRI GGER MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%. CHECK that a stable tri gger is
obtai ned for the test wavef orm on both the positive and negative
sl opes. (Use the si de menu to swi tch between tri gger sl opes;
use the TRI GGER LEVEL knob to stabilize the tri gger if re-
Leave the Main tri gger system tri ggered on the positive sl ope of
the wavef orm before conti nui ng t o the next step.
First, set a signal with an
amplitude at the minimum
trigger sensitivity.
Second, check for a stable
trigger at both the positive
and negative slope settings.
Figure 4-19: Measurement of Trigger Sensitivity
c. Check Delayed trigger system for stable triggering at limits: Do the
fol l owi ng subparts in the order listed.
Press HORI ZONTAL MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Time Base. Press the si de-menu button Delayed Only; then
press Delayed Triggerable in the same menu.
4-48 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Press SHIFT; then press DELAYED TRIG. Press the mai n-menu
button Level.
Press the si de-menu button SET TO 50%. CHECK that a stable
tri gger is obtai ned for the test wavef orm for both the positive and
negative sl opes of the waveform. (Use the TRI GGER LEVEL
knob t o stabilize the Main tri gger if requi red. Use the general
purpose knob to stabilize the Del ayed tri gger if required.) Press
the mai n-menu button Slope; t hen use the side menu t o swi tch
between tri gger sl opes.
Leave the Del ayed tri gger system tri ggered on the positive sl ope
of the wavef orm before cont i nui ng t o the next step. Al so, return
to the mai n ti me base: Press HORI ZONTAL MENU; then press
the mai n-menu button Time Base. Press the si de-menu button
Main Only.
3. Confirm the AUX Trigger input:
a. Display the test signal:
Remove the 10X attenuator and reconnect the cabl e to CH 1.
Set the test si gnal ampl i t ude for about 2.5 divisions on screen.
Now fine adj ust the generator out put until the CH 1 Amplitude
readout indicates the ampl i t ude is 250 mV. (Readout may fluctu-
ate around 250 mV.)
b. Check AUX trigger source for stable triggering at limits: Do the
fol l owi ng in the order listed.
Use the definition for stabl e tri gger f rom step 2.
Press TRI GGER MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until the si de-menu label
Auxiliary appears; then press Auxiliary.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%. CHECK that a stable tri gger is
obtai ned for the test waveform on both the positive and negative
sl opes. Press the mai n-menu button Slope; t hen use the side
menu to swi tch between tri gger sl opes. Use the general pur-
pose knob t o stabilize the tri gger if requi red.
Leave the Main tri gger system tri ggered on the positive sl ope of
the wavef orm before proceedi ng t o the next check.
Press the mai n-menu button Source; t hen press the si de-menu
button - mo r e - until CH 1 appears. Press CH 1.
4. Confirm that the Main and Delayed trigger systems are within sensitivity
limits (500 MHz):
a. Hook up the test-signal source: Di sconnect the hookup installed in
step 1. Connect, t hrough its leveling head, the si gnal output of a
hi gh-frequency leveled sine wave generator to CH 1.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-49
Performance Tests
b. Set the Main and Delayed Horizontal Scales:
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 500 ps for the M (Main) ti me base.
Press HORI ZONTAL MENU. Now press the mai n-menu button
Time base; then press the si de-menu button Delayed Trigger-
Press the si de-menu button Delayed Only.
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 500 ps for the D (Delayed) ti me
base. Press the si de-menu button Main Only.
c. Display the test signal:
Set the generator f requency t o 500 MHz.
Set the test si gnal ampl i t ude for about five divisions on screen.
Now fine adj ust the generator out put until the CH 1 Amplitude
readout indicates the ampl i t ude is 500 mV. (Readout may fluctu-
ate around 500 mV.)
Di sconnect the leveling head at CH 1 and reconnect it to CH 1
t hrough a 5X attenuator.
d. Repeat step 2, subst eps b and c only, si nce onl y the 500 MHz
f requency is t o be checked here.
5. Confirm that the Main and Delayed trigger systems couple trigger signals
from all channels: Doi ng the procedure Check Analog Bandwidth, whi ch
begi ns on page 4-29, checks coupl i ng. If you have not done that proce-
dure, do so after fi ni shi ng this procedure. See the fol l owi ng note.
Steps 1 through 4 confirmed trigger sensitivity for the Main and
Delayed triggering systems using the CH 1 input. Doing the proce-
dure Check Anal og Bandwi dt h ensures that trigger signals are
coupled from all four channels.
6. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the cabl e f rom the channel last
4- 50 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Output Signal The procedure that fol l ows checks those characteristics of the out put sig-
al s that are listed as checked under Warranted Characteristics in Secti on 1,
Specifications. The osci l l oscope outputs these si gnal s at its front and rear
Check Outputs AUX1 (for TDS 620A) or CH 3 (for TDS
640A or 644A), Main and Delayed Trigger
Equipment Required: Two 50 Q preci si on cabl es (Item 5), and one calibra-
ti on generator (Item 9).
Prerequisites: See page 4-13. Al so, the Digitizing Osci l l oscope must have
passed Check DC Gain and Voltage Measurement Accuracy on page 4-23.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
To Main
Trigger Out
o o

a o o a
a a
9 9
50 n Coaxial Cables
Figure 4-20: Initial Test Hookup
a. Hookup test-signal source 1:
TDS 620A: Connect the standard ampl i t ude output of a calibra-
ti on generator t hrough a 50 Q preci si on coaxial cabl e to AUX 1.
TDS 640A or 644A: Connect the standard ampl i t ude output of a
calibration generator t hrough a 50 Q preci si on coaxial cabl e to
CH 3.
Set the output of the cal i brati on generator to 0.500 V.
b. Hook up test-signal source 2: Connect the Main Trigger Out at the
rear panel t o CH 2 t hrough a 50 Q preci si on cabl e.
c. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-51
Performance Tests
d. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Press AUTOSET. Set the horizontal SCALE t o 250 ps.
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode; then press the si de-menu
button Average.
Select 64 averages.
2. Confirm Main and Delayed Trigger outputs are within limits for logic
a. Display the test signal:
Press WAVEFORM OFF t o turn off CH 1.
Press CH 2 t o di spl ay that channel .
Set the vertical SCALE to 1 V.
Use the vertical POSI TI ON knob to center the di spl ay on
b. Measure logic levels:
Press MEASURE; t hen press the mai n-menu button Select
Measurement for Ch2.
,lX- Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until High and
Low appear in the side menu (their i cons are shown at the left).
T UT Press both si de-menu buttons High and Low.
First, turn on the
High and Low.
Second, read the
results here.
Figure 4-21: Measurement of Main Trigger Out Limits
4-52 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
c. Check Main Trigger output against limits:
CHECK that the Ch2 High readout is > 2.5 volts and that the
Ch2 Low readout is <0. 7 volts.
Press VERTI CAL MENU; then press the mai n-menu button
Coupling. Now press the si de-menu button fi t o t oggl e it to the
50 Q setting.
CHECK that the Ch2 High readout is > 1.0 volt and that the Ch2
Low readout <0. 25vol t s.
d. Check Delayed Trigger output against limits:
Move the preci si on 50 Q cabl e f rom the Main Trigger Output
BNC t o the Delayed Trigger Output BNC.
CHECK that the Ch2 High readout is > 1.0 volt and that the Ch2
Low readout <0. 25vol t s.
Press the si de-menu button fi to select the 1 MQ setting.
CHECK that the Ch2 High readout is > 2.5 vol ts and that the
Ch2 Low readout is <0. 7 volts.
3. Confirm AUX 1 (for TDS 620A) or CH 3 (for TDS 640A and 644A) output is
within limits for gain:
a. Measure gain:
TDS 620A: Move the preci si on 50 Q cabl e f rom the rear-panel
TDS 640A or TDS 644A: Move the preci si on 50 Q cabl e f rom the
rear-panel DELAYED TRI GGER OUTPUT BNC t o the rear-panel
Press the mai n-menu button Source.
TDS 620A: Press the si de-menu button Ax1.
TDS 640A or 644A: Press the si de-menu button Ch3.
Set vertical SCALE t o 20 mV.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Press MEASURE; t hen press the mai n-menu button Select
Measrmnt for Ch2.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until Pk-Pk
appears in the si de menu (its icon is shown at the left). Press the
si de-menu button Pk-Pk.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-53
Performance Tests
b. Check against limits:
CHECK that the readout Ch2 Pk-Pk is between 80 mV and
120 mV, inclusive.
Press VERTI CAL MENU; then press the si de-menu button fi t o
t oggl e to the 50 Q setting.
CHECK that the readout Ch2 Pk-Pk is between 40 mV and
60 mV, inclusive.
4. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the cabl es f rom the channel inputs
and the rear panel outputs.
Check Probe Compensator Output
Equipment Required: One femal e BNC to clip adapter (Item 3), t wo dual-
banana connect ors (Item 6), one BNC T connector (Item 7), t wo 50 Q preci-
si on cabl es (Item 5), and one DC cal i brati on generator (Item 9).
Prerequisites: See page 4-13. Al so, the Digitizing Osci l l oscope must have
passed Check Accuracy Long-Term Sample Rate, Delay Time, and Delta
Time Measurement on page 4-37.
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Hook up test-signal:
Connect one of the 50 Q cabl es t o CH1 . See Figure 4-22.
Connect the other end of the cabl e j ust installed to the femal e
BNC t o clips adapter. See Figure 4-22.
Connect the red-coded clip on the adapter j ust installed to the
PROBE COMPENSATI ON SI GNAL on the front panel; connect
the bl ack-code clip t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON GND. See
Figure 4-22.
= TL ZL ^ Black Lead
^ o o o o a a o Q
50 Q Coaxial Cable
Female BNC to
Clip Adapter
Figure 4-22: Initial Test Hookup
4-54 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP!
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
c. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 250 |is.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Use the vertical POSI TI ON knob t o center the di spl ay on
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode; then press the si de-menu
button Average.
Select 128 averages.
2. Confirm that the Probe Compensator signal is within limits for frequency:
a. Measure the frequency of the probe compensation signal:
Press MEASURE; t hen press the mai n-menu button Select
Measrmnt for Chi.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until Frequen-
cy appears in the si de menu (its icon is shown at the left). Press
the si de-menu button Frequency.
b. Check against limits: CHECK that the CH 1 Freq readout is wi thi n
950 Hz t o 1.050 kHz, inclusive. See Figure 4-23.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-55
Performance Tests
Figure 4-23: Measurement of Probe Compensator Frequency
c. Save the probe compensation signal in reference memory:
Press SAVE/RECALL WAVEFORM; then press the mai n-menu
button Save Wfm Ch 1.
Press the si de-menu button To Ref 1 t o save the probe compen-
sation si gnal in reference 1.
Di sconnect the cabl e f rom CH 1 and the clips f rom the probe
compensat i on terminals.
Press MORE; then press the mai n-menu button Ref 1 t o dis-
pl ayed the stored si gnal .
Press CH 1.
d. Hook up the DC standard source:
Set the out put of a DC cal i brati on generator to 0 volts.
Connect the out put of a DC calibration generator t hrough a
dual -banana connect or f ol l owed by a 50 O preci si on coaxial
cabl e t o one si de of a BNC T connector. See Figure 4-24.
Connect the Sense output of the generator t hrough a second
dual -banana connect or f ol l owed by a 50 O preci si on coaxial
cabl e t o the other si de of the BNC T connector. Now connect the
BNC T connector t o CH 1. See Figure 4-24.
4-56 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Figure 4-24: Subsequent Test Hookup
e. Measure amplitude of the probe compensation signal:
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU. Press the si de-menu
button AVERAGE t hen enter 16 usi ng the keypad or the general
purpose knob.
Adj ust the output of the DC calibration generator until it preci sel y
overlaps the t op (upper) level of the stored probe compensat i on
signal. (This val ue will be near 500 mV.)
Record the setti ng of the DC generator.
Adj ust the output of the DC calibration generator until it preci sel y
overlaps the base (lower) level of the stored probe compensa-
ti on signal. (This val ue will be near zero volts.)
Record the setti ng of the DC generator.
f. Press CLEAR MENU t o remove the menus f rom the display. See
Figure 4-25.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4- 57
Performance Tests
c d a a a
Figure 4-25: Measurement of Probe Compensator Amplitude
g. Check against limits:
Subtract the val ue j ust obtai ned (base level) f rom that obtai ned
previously (top level).
CHECK that the di fference obtai ned is wi thi n 495 mV to 505 mV,
3. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the cabl e f rom CH 1.
4-58 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Option 05 Video
Trigger Checks
Equipment Required: PAL si gnal source (Item 15), 60 Hz. sine wave gener-
ator (Item 16), pul se generator (Item 17), 75 Q Cabl e (Item 18), 75 Q termi -
nator (Item 19), 50 Q cabl e (Item 5), 50 Q termi nator (Item 4).
Check Video Trigger
Prerequisites: See page 4-13. These prerequisites i ncl ude runni ng the
si gnal path compensat i on routine.
1. Setup di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope t o factory defaults by compl et i ng the fol l ow-
ing steps:
a. Press save/recall SETUP
b. Press the mai n-menu Recall Factory Setup.
c. Press the si de-menu OK Confirm Factory Init.
d. Wait for the Cl ock Icon t o leave the screen.
e. CONFIRM the di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope is setup as shown below.
Channel : CH1
Volt/div: 100 mV
Horizontal scale: 500 ps/div
2. Setup di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope for TV tri ggers by compl et i ng the fol l owi ng
b. Press the mai n-menu Type pop-up until you select Video.
c. Press the mai n-menu Standard pop-up until you select 625/PAL.
d. Press the mai n-menu Line.
e. Use the keypad to set the line number t o 7 (press 7, then ENTER).
g. Press the mai n-menu Bandwidth.
h. Select 100 MHz f rom the side menu.
Press the mai n-menu Fine Scale.
Use the keypad t o set the fine scale t o 282mV (press 282, SHIFT,
m, t hen ENTER).
l. Press the mai n-menu Horiz Scale.
m. Use the keypad t o set the horizontal scale t o 250 ns (press 250,
SHIFT, n, t hen ENTER).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-59
Performance Tests
Check Jitter vs. Signal Ampl i t ude
a. Setup equi pment for Jitter Test (see Figure 4-26).
Connect one of the rear panel composi t e outputs marked
COMPST on the TSG121 t hrough a 75 Q cabl e and a 75 Q
termi nator t o the osci l l oscope' s CH1 input.
Press the PAL si gnal source' s 100% FIELD control (the fourth
TSG121 front-panel button f rom the left).
PAL Signal
























































^ o o o o o o o
75 O Cable
75 O
Figure 4-26: Jitter Test Hookup
b. CHECK that the osci l l oscope lights up its front panel TRI G' D LED
and it di spl ays the wavef orm on screen (see Figure 4-27).
Figure 4-27: Jitter Test Displayed Waveform
4- 60 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED is lit and the wavef orm is dis-
pl ayed on screen.
c. Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
d. Press the mai n-menu Mode.
e. Select the si de-menu Average. It shoul d be al ready set t o 16.
f. Press the mai n-menu Create Limit Test Template.
g. Press the si de-menu V Limit.
h. Use the keypad to set V Limit t o 100 mdi v (press 100, SHIFT, m,
then ENTER)
i. Press the si de-menu OK Store Template.
j. Press MORE.
k. Press the mai n-menu Ref1.
l. Press CH1.
m. Press SHIFT; t hen press ACQUI RE MENU.
n. Press the mai n-menu Limit Test Setup.
o. Toggle the si de-menu Limit Test t o ON.
p. Toggle the si de-menu Ring Bell if Condition Met t o ON.
q. Press the mai n-menu Mode.
r. Press the mai n-menu Envelope.
s. Use the keypad t o set envel ope t o use 100 acqui si ti ons (press 100,
then ENTER).
t. Press the mai n-menu Stop After button.
u. Press the si de-menu Single Acquisition Sequence.
v. Confi rm that the osci l l oscope successful l y makes 100 acqui si ti ons. If
not successful , the osci l l oscope bell will ring. When the wor d Run in
the t op left corner of the di spl ay changes t o STOP the test is com-
plete (see Figure 4-28).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-61
Performance Tests
STOP shows the
test is complete
( > ( ) ( ) ( > ( > c_J
Figure 4-28: Jitter Test When Compl eted
w. Press the mai n-menu Limit Test Setup,
x. Toggle the si de-menu Ring Bell if Condition Met t o OFF.
y. Toggle the si de-menu Limit Test t o OFF.
4. Check Tri ggered Si gnal Range.
Setup osci l l oscope for Tri ggered Signal Test.
a. Press MORE.
d. Use the keypad to set horizontal scale (/div) t o 50 ps (press 50,
SHIFT, p, then ENTER).
e. Press SHIFT; t hen press ACQUI RE MENU.
f. Press the mai n-menu Stop After.
g. Press the si de-menu RUN/ STOP button only.
h. Press the mai n-menu Mode.
i. Press the si de-menu Sample.
j. Press RUN/ STOP
l. Use the keypad to set fine scale t o 300 mV (press 300, SHIFT, m,
then ENTER).
4-62 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
m. CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED stays lit and that the wavef orm on
screen is stable. Stable means the wavef orm does not move hori-
zontally or vertically. Al so, CONFIRM that the wavef orm on the
screen has one positive pulse and a number of negative pulses (see
Figure 4-29).
Positive puise
Negative puises
< >
Figure 4-29: Triggered Signal Range Test 300 mV
n. Use the keypad to set the fine scal e to 75 mV (press 75, SHIFT, m,
then ENTER).
o. CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED stays lit and that the wavef orm on
screen is stable. Stable means the wavef orm does not move hori-
zontally or vertically. Al so, CONFIRM that the wavef orm on the
screen has one positive pulse and a number of negative pul ses (see
Figure 4-30).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-63
Performance Tests
Positive puise
Negative puises
Figure 4-30: Triggered Signal Range Test 75 mV
p. Di sconnect all test equi pment (TSG121) f rom the di gi ti zi ng oscillo-
5. Check 60 Hz Rejection.
a. Setup osci l l oscope for 60 Hz Rejection Test.
Use the keypad t o set the Chi Fine Scale t o 282 mV (press 282,
SHI FT m, then ENTER).
Press CH2.
Use the keypad set the fine scal e to 2 V (press 2, then ENTER).
Use the keypad to set the horizontal scale (/div) t o 5 ms (press
5, SHIFT, m, then ENTER).
b. Setup 60 Hz si gnal generator (SG 502).
Connect the output of the SG 502 t o the CH2 input t hrough a
50 Q cabl e (see Figure 4-31).
4-64 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
SG 502
I CD o O O
a a a
] = o o =
CD CD 9 9
i r i
Ii 1
I CD o O O
a a a
] = o o =
CD CD 9 9
^ o o o o a o a
50 O Cable
Figure 4-31: 60 Hz Rejection Test Hookup
Adj ust the SG 502 for three vertical div of 60 Hz si gnal (see
Figure 4-32). The si gnal will not be tri ggered. That is, it will run
Figure 4-32: 60 Hz Rejection Test Setup Signal
c. Check 60 Hz rejection.
Use the keypad to set the horizontal scal e (/div) t o 50 ps (press
50, SHIFT, p, t hen ENTER).
Reconnect the output of the si gnal generator (SG 502). Connect
the PAL si gnal source' s composi t e si gnal connect or (labelled
COMPST on the TSG 121) t o a 75 Q cabl e and a 75 Q termi na-
tor. Connect both si gnal s t o the CH1 input t hrough a BNC T (see
Figure 4-33).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-65
Performance Tests
If needed, press the mai n-menu Fine Scale.
Use the keypad to set fine scale t o 500 mV (press 500, SHIFT,
m, t hen ENTER).
Connect another composi t e si gnal connector f rom the PAL
si gnal source (labelled COMPST on the TSG 121) t hrough a 75
Q cabl e and a 75 Q termi nator t o the CH2 input (see Figure
Figure 4-33: Subsequent 60 Hz Rejection Test Hookup
CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED stays lit and that the wavef orm
on screen is stable ie that the wavef orm does not move horizon-
tally or vertically. Al so, confi rm that the wavef orm on the screen
has one positive pul se and a number of negative pulses (see
Figure 4-34).
4-66 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Figure 4-34: 60 Hz Rejection Test Result
Di sconnect all test equi pment f rom the di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope.
6. Check Line Count Accuracy.
a. Setup osci l l oscope for Line Count Accuracy Test.
Press CH1.
Press the mai n-menu Record Length.
Press the si de-menu 2000 points in 40divs.
Press the mai n-menu Horiz Scale (/div).
Use the keypad to set the horizontal scal e t o 250 ns (press 250,
SHIFT, n, then ENTER).
b. Check Line Count Accuracy.
Connect a composi t e output si gnal f rom the rear of the PAL
si gnal source (labelled COMPST on the TSG 121) t o the CH1
input t hrough a 75 Q cabl e and a 75 Q termi nator (see Fig-
ure 4-35).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4- 67
Performance Tests
PAL Signal
o o o
3 = 0 O =
o o o
3 = 0 O =
^ O C D O O G D C D Q J T
I f
75 O Cable
75 O
Figure 4-35: Line Count Accuracy Test Hookup
Press the mai n-menu Trigger Position.
Press the si de-menu t o Set to 20%.
Press the mai n-menu t o Horiz Pos.
Press the si de-menu t o Set to 10%.
Use the HORI ZONTAL POSI TI ON knob t o move the falling
edge of the sync pulse t o t wo divisions to the left of center
screen (see Figure 4-36).
Figure 4-36: Line Count Accuracy Test Setup Waveform
Press the mai n-menu Function.
4-68 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
Press the si de-menu V Bars.
Usi ng the General Purpose knob, place the left cursor directly
over the tri gger "T" icon.
Turn the General Purpose knob t o adj ust the right cursor for a
cursor del ta readi ng of 6.780us.
Use the HORI ZONTAL POSI TI ON knob t o posi ti on the right
cursor t o center screen.
Verify that the cursor is posi ti oned on a positive sl ope of the
burst si gnal (see Figure 4-37).
Figure 4-37: Line Count Accuracy Correct Result Waveform
Di sconnect all test equi pment (TSG 121) f rom the di gi ti zi ng
osci l l oscope.
Turn off cursors by pressi ng CURSOR, then the mai n-menu
Function button, and, finally, Off f rom the si de menu.
7. Check the Sync Duty Cycle.
a. Setup di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope for Sync Duty Cycl e Test.
Press the Standard pop-up t o select FlexFmt. (Trigger Type
shoul d al ready be set to Video)
Press the mai n-menu Setup.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-69
Performance Tests
Press the si de-menu Field Rate.
Use the keypad to set the field rate to 60.05 Hz (press 60.05,
then ENTER).
Press the si de-menu Lines.
Use the keypad t o set the field rate to 793 lines (press 793, then
Press the si de-menu Fields.
Use the keypad t o set the number of fields t o 1 (press 1, then
Press the si de-menu Sync Width.
Use the keypad to set the wi dt h t o 400 ns (press 400, SHIFT, n,
then ENTER).
Press the si de-menu - mo r e - 1 of 2. Then press V1 Start
Use the keypad to sets V1 start ti me to 10.10 ps (press 10.10,
SHIFT, p, t hen ENTER).
Press the si de-menu V1 Stop Time.
Use the keypad t o sets V1 stop ti me to 10.50 ps (press 10.50,
SHIFT, p, t hen ENTER).
Press the mai n-menu Type pop-up t o select Edge.
Press the mai n-menu Record Length.
Select the si de-menu 1000 points in 20div.
Turn the HORI ZONTAL POSI TI ON knob t o posi ti on the tri gger
'T' t wo divisions t o the left of the center screen.
If needed, press the mai n-menu Select Measrmnt.
Press the si de-menu Negative Width.
Press the si de-menu Period.
b. Setup the pulse generator (PG502) for Sync Duty Cycl e Test
Set PULSE DURATI ON t o 50 ns.
Set PERI OD t o 10 ps.
Set OUTPUT (VOLTS) t o - 1 for LOW LEVEL and +1 for HI GH
Depress the COMPLEMENT button.
Be sure BACK TERM is depressed (in).
4- 70 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
c. Check Sync Duty Cycl e
Connect the pulse generator (PG502) t hrough a 50 Q cabl e and
a 50 Q termi nator to the osci l l oscope' s CH1 input (see Fig-
ure 4-38).
PG 502
o o o
j U U o
a D a
CD CD 9 9
ir i
Ii 1
o o o
j U U o
a D a
CD CD 9 9
^ o o o o o o q i f
50 O Cable
50 O
Figure 4-38: PG502 Setup for Sync Duty Cycle Test
Turn the pul se generator' s OUTPUT (VOLTS) control until the
si gnal on the osci l l oscope shows a one di vi si on negative goi ng
pulse (see Figure 4-39).
You may need to adjust the trigger level control to obtain a stable
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-71
Performance Tests

Figure 4-39: Sync Duty Cycle Test: One-Div Neg Pulse Waveform
Turn the pul se generator' s PULSE DURATI ON vari abl e control
to adj ust the negative pul se so the osci l l oscope' s CH1 - Width
measurement di spl ays 400ns + / - 1 0 ns.
Turn the HORI ZONTAL SCALE knob t o set the osci l l oscope
ti me base t o 5ps/div.
Turn the pulse generator' s PERIOD variable control t o adj ust the
peri od until the osci l l oscope CH1 Period measurement reads
21.000ps - 2 5 / + 5 0 ns (see Figure 4-40). Read note shown
The pulse duration and period adjustments are critical in making
this measurement. If the pulse duration and/or the duty cycle are
not stable, the FLEXFMT function may not function. You must take
care when making these adjustments.
4-72 Performance Verification
Performance Tests
( ) ( > ( ) ( > ( > c_J
Figure 4-40: Sync Duty Cycle Test: Critically Adjusted Pulse
Press the mai n-menu Type pop-up until you select Video.
If the TRI G' D LED is not lit, check that the CH1 - Width and
CH1 Period measurements are adj usted correctl y (see note
above). CONFIRM that the setup is correct and the osci l l oscope
will trigger.
CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED is lit and the wavef orm is stable.
Di sconnect the si gnal source f rom CH1, wait a few seconds,
then reconnect the si gnal .
CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED is lit and the wavef orm is stable.
Press Sync Polarity.
Press Pos Sync.
Push the pul se generator' s COMPLEMENT button out.
CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED is lit and the wavef orm is stable.
Di sconnect the si gnal source f rom CH1, wait a few seconds,
then reconnect the si gnal .
CONFIRM that the TRI G' D LED is lit and the wavef orm is stable.
Di sconnect all test equi pment (TSG 121) f rom the di gi ti zi ng
osci l l oscope.
Press save/recall SETUP press the mai n-menu button Recall
Factory Setup, and the si de-menu OK Confirm Factory Init.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 4-73
Performance Tests
4- 74 Performance Verification
Adjustment Procedures
This secti on contai ns i nformati on needed to adj ust TDS 620A, 640A, &
644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes.
Descr i pt i on The Adjustment Procedures are di vi ded into six subsec-
General i nformati on about adj usti ng the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digi-
tizing Osci l l oscopes.
A list of equi pment requi red to perform the adj ustments.
The written procedures for installing and usi ng the TDS 620A, 640A, &
644A Adjustment Software.
The TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Adjustment Software i ncl uded wi th this
manual . The material f ound in the subsecti ons listed above shoul d be
read before usi ng the adj ustment software.
A wri tten procedure for manual l y adj usti ng the P6139A probe.
A wri tten procedure for manual l y adj usti ng the di spl ay assembl y.
Pur pose This procedure is used t o return the di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope t o
conf ormance wi th its Warranted Characteristics as listed in Secti on 1, Speci-
fication. It can al so be used t o opti mi ze the performance of the osci l l oscope.
Adj ust ment I nt erval A s a general rule, these adj ustments shoul d be
done every 2000 hours of operati on or once a year if the osci l l oscope is
used infrequently.
Requirements for Before you do this procedure, you need to address the fol l owi ng require-
m e n t s
This procedure is onl y t o be performed by trai ned service techni ci ans.
Warm-Up Period
This osci l l oscope requires a 20 mi nute warm-up ti me in a 20 C t o 30 C
envi ronment before it is adj usted. Adj ust ment s done before the operati ng
temperature has stabilized may cause errors in performance.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-1
Adjustment Procedures
Except when adj usti ng the di spl ay assembl y, the cabi net is not removed.
Instead, you enabl e the internal adj ustment constants of the osci l l oscope t o
be written. Two smal l holes in the chassi s al l ow service personnel t o insert a
tool and push a swi tch t o enabl e or di sabl e the wri ti ng of new adj ustment
constants t o non-volatile RAM.
The procedure that fol l ows will tell you how and when t o enabl e and di sabl e
the wri ti ng of adj ustment constants. Be sure t o di sabl e the swi tch when you
have fi ni shed adj usti ng the osci l l oscope.
The fol l owi ng comput er and peripherals are requi red to adj ust this oscillo-
Comput er An IBM PC or a strict compat i bl e is requi red. The system
must al so be equi pped as fol l ows:
Eight MHz cl ock speed or faster.
DOS 3.2 or higher.
640K Resident RAM wi th 580 K Available RAM.
A hard drive.
A hi gh-densi ty f l oppy drive: 3.5 inch (1.44 M) or 5.25 inch (1.2 M).
A GPIB board National Instruments GPIB-PCII, GPIB-PCIIA or
GPIB-PCII/IIA. (A PC-GPIB Package that i ncl udes the PCII/IIA is avail-
abl e Tektronix part number 118- 8688- 00) .
Sui tabl e keyboard and monitor.
Optional Peripherals
Installation of a math coprocessor in your system is strongl y recommended
to decrease the ti me requi red t o adj ust the osci l l oscope.
Test Equipment
The equi pment list, starti ng on page 5-5, lists all test equi pment requi red t o
adj ust this osci l l oscope.
The fol l owi ng t opi cs cover what is requi red of you when adj usti ng the oscil-
l oscope and what is done by the software. Al so, the performance of individu-
al adj ustments is di scussed.
5-2 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Performing the Adjustments
When usi ng the adj ust ment software, you will not be requi red t o manual l y
adj ust any circuits. As you run the calibration tests, the software adj usts the
circuits usi ng external standards you provi de in response t o prompt s on the
comput er screen. Your role, then, is t o provi de those test si gnal s and t o
prompt the comput er to conti nue.
Since the di spl ay-assembl y and P6139A probe adj ustment require manual
adj ustment of circuit component s, t hey are not part of the adj ustment soft-
ware. Written procedures for these adj ustments start on page 5-6.
If you are usi ng the P6139A probe, do the manual adj ustment procedures
f ound at the end of this secti on.
Complete Adjustment
A compl et e adj ustment is the performance of all adj ustments on the
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Adjustment Software, in sequence, plus the P6139A
probe adj ustment (if you are usi ng the P6139A probe).
Throughout this secti on, "compl et e adj ustment" is used as j ust defi ned.
Individual Adjustments
The adj ust ment software contai ns three classes of adj ustments as shown in
Table 5-1. Each class contai ns one or more i ndi vi dual cal i brati on tests
(CATS) and an internal compensat i on routine (SPC). The TDS 620A, 640A,
& 644A Adjustment Software provi des you wi th instructions for runni ng each
of the tests.
All these software-based adj ustments are made internally by the adj ustment
software, and all adj ustments can be done wi thout removal of the oscillo-
scope cabi net.
Signal Path Compensation (SPC) This internal routine is not an
adj ustment. It is a temperature compensat i on routine that compensat es for
the current operati ng temperature to opti mi ze osci l l oscope performance.
Tabl e5-1: Calibration Tests
Class of Adjustment CATS Tests
Vol tage Reference CVR CAL
Frequency Response SPC
Pulse Trigger SPC
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-3
Adjustment Procedures
Partial Adjustment
The adj ust ment software will al l ow you t o make i ndi vi dual adj ustments.
However, usually all adj ustments are made unless you are adj usti ng circuits
in the course of t roubl eshoot i ng the osci l l oscope. Read the i nformati on
under Complete Adjustment, Adjustment After Repair, and Adjustment De-
pendencies before doi ng an individual adj ustment.
Adjustment After Repair
After the removal and repl acement of a modul e due t o electrical failure, you
must either do a compl et e adj ustment or no adj ustment is requi red, depend-
ing on the modul e repl aced. See Table 5-2.
Table 5-2: Adjustments Required for Module Replaced
Modul e Replaced Adjustment Required
Acqui si ti on Board Compl et e Adj ust ment
Attenuator Board Compl et e Adj ust ment
Front Panel Assembl y None Requi red
Low Vol tage Power Suppl y Compl et e Adj ust ment
Processor Board Compl et e Adj ust ment
Display Assembl y Display Adj ust ment Onl y
1 If a firmware upgrade is done, a complete adjustment is required.
Adjustment Dependencies
Some adj ustments depend on successful prior compl et i on of other adj ust-
ments. For exampl e, all the CATS tests associ ated wi th the Voltage Refer-
ence Adj ust ment class must be passed before any other adj ustments can
be successful l y compl et ed. The fol l owi ng tabl e lists the adj ustments and
their dependenci es.
Table 5-3: Adjustments and Dependenci es
Class of Adjustment Prior Completion Requirements
Vol tage Reference Adj ust ment None
Frequency Response Adj ust ment Voltage Reference (SPC and all tests)
Pulse Trigger Adj ust ment Voltage Reference (SPC and all tests)
P6139A Probe Adj ust ment Voltage Reference and Frequency
Response (SPC and all tests)
Display Adj ust ment None
5-4 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Equipment Required The t
e s
t equi pment requi red t o adj ust the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitiz-
ing Osci l l oscopes is listed here.
Table 5-4: Test Equipment, Fixtures, and Supplies
Item Number and
Mi ni mum Requirements Example Purpose
1. Adapter, BNC-Femal e-
to-BNC-Femal e
Tektronix part number
Tektronix part number
Probe Adj ust ment
2. Adapter, Probe Tip t o
BNC, 50 Q termi nati on
Tektronix part number
Tektronix part number
Probe Adj ust ment
3. Adj ust ment Tool Less than 1/8 inch di ame-
ter and over 2 inches l ong
Tektronix part number
Software-based Adj ust-
ments (used as a probe)
and Manual Adj ust ment s
4. Attenuator, 10X
(Two required)
Ratio: 10X; i mpedance
50 Q; connectors: femal e
BNC input, male BNC
Tektronix part number
Software-based Adj ust-
5. Attenuator, 2X Ratio: 2X; i mpedance
50 Q; connectors: femal e
BNC input, male BNC
Tektronix part number
Software-based Adj ust-
6. Cabl e GPIB IEEE Std 488. 1- 1987/
IEEE Std 488. 2- 1987
Tektronix part number
Software-based Adj ust-
7. Coupler, Dual-Input Tektronix part number
Software-based Adj ust-
8. Cabl e, Precision
50 Q, 36 in, male to male
BNC connectors
Tektronix part number
Software-based Adj ust-
9. Connector, Dual-
Female BNC to dual
Tektronix part number
Software-based Adj ust-
10. Generator, Calibration Hi gh Ampl i t ude pulse wi th
vari abl e ampl i t ude of at
least 60 V.
Tektronix PG 506A
brati on Generator
Probe Adj ust ment
11. Generator, DC Variable ampl i t ude t o Data Precision 8200 Software-based Adj ust-
Cal i brati on 104V; accuracy t o 0.1% ments
12. Generator, Leveled
Sine Wave, Medi um-
200 kHz t o 250 MHz;
Variable ampl i t ude f rom
5 mV t o 4 V
p - p
into 50 Q;
flatness < 3 %; harmoni c
content: 2
n d
harmoni c
down - 3 0 dB f rom
fundamental ; all others
down - 4 0 dB
Tektronix SG 503
Leveled Sine
Wave Generator
Software-based Adj ust-
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-5
Adjustment Procedures
Table 5-4: Test Equipment, Fixtures, and Supplies (Cont.)
Item Number and
Mi ni mum Requirements Example Purpose
13. Generator, Leveled
Sine Wave, High-
250 MHz t o 500 MHz;
Variable ampl i t ude f rom
0.5 V to 4 V
p - p
into 50 O;
6 MHz reference;
harmoni c content: 2
n d
harmoni c down - 2 5 dB
f rom fundamental ; all
others down - 4 0 dB
Tektronix SG 504
eled Sine Wave Generator
wi th its leveling head or a
Tektronix SG 5030
grammabl e Leveled Sine
Wave Generator wi th its
leveling head
Software-based Adj ust-
14. Magnifier, 6X Standard Tool Bri ghtness and Focus
Adj ust ment
15. Photometer 0.1 to 200 Footl amberts Tektronix J16 Photometer
wi th J6503 Lumi nance
Contrast Adj ust ment
16. Probe, 10X A P6139A Probe Tektronix P6139A Probe Adj ust ment
17. Pulser, Tunnel Di ode Tektronix part number
Tektronix part number
Probe Adj ust ment
1 Requires a TM 500 or TM5000 Series Power Module Mainframe.
The fol l owi ng instructions will gui de you t hrough installing the software on
your system, setti ng up the osci l l oscope for adj ustment, and starti ng the
adj ustment of the osci l l oscope by the software.
Hardware Installation
1. Install the proper GPIB card (see System on page 5-2): Use the manual
accompanyi ng your GPIB card t o install and confi gure that card.
2. Configure the GPIB card:
a. This software is desi gned t o be compat i bl e wi th cards confi gured for
PCII and PCIIA operati on. The fol l owi ng tabl e lists the default card
b. If these settings conflict wi th your hardware setup, see your GPIB
card manual for alternate settings.
c. If you have more than one GPIB card installed, this adj ustment
software assumes the first card (referenced 0). See your GPIB card
manual for i nformati on on how t o determi ne whi ch card is your "0"
5-6 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Table 5-5: GPI B Board Configuration
Board Settings GPI B-PCI I GPI B-PCI I A
Base I/O Address (hex) 2B8 2E1
Interrupt Line 7 7
DMA Channel 1 1
1 Systems using the combination card (GPIB-PCII/IIA) can be configured as either a GPIB-
Software Installation
ALWAYS use this installation procedure when installing this software
on a new computer. This installation program uses parameters you
suppl y (see step 2, subst ep a) t o create a cust om start-up file on
your hard di sk directory. After installation, you will be i nstructed t o
run this start-up batch file whenever you do software-based adj ust-
ments, so it can confi gure your comput er properl y before it runs the
adj ustment program. Do not si mpl y copy the software files f rom one
comput er t o another, si nce the start-up batch file you copy may not
match the comput er you copy it to.
1. Create a working disk: Usi ng the proper DOS commands, copy the
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Adjustment Software di sk t o a worki ng disk.
2. Install the software to hard disk:
a. Install your worki ng disk in a f l oppy drive and t ype install. You will be
asked t o speci fy the hard di sk on whi ch t o install the adj ust ment
software. You will al so be prompt ed t o speci fy several GPIB-card
confi gurati on parameters.
b. The adj ustment software will be installed in a di rectory cal l ed on
your hard drive.
3. Store your installation disk: Remove your installation disk and store in a
secure place.
Software-Based Adjustments
Equipment Required: All items that are listed for "Software-based Adj ust-
ments" under "Purpose" in Table 5-4 starting on page 5-5.
1. Hook up the oscilloscope:
a. Connect the GPIB cabl e (Item 6) t o the GPIB port at the comput er
rear panel. (When mul ti pl e GPIB cards are installed, connect to the
GPIBO card.)
b. Connect the GPIB cabl e (Item 6) t o the GPIB port at the osci l l oscope
rear panel.
c. Power on the osci l l oscope.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5- 7
Adjustment Procedures
2. Set up the oscilloscope:
a. Press SHIFT; t hen press UTILITY.
b. Repeatedl y press the mai n-menu button System until I/O is high-
lighted in the pop-up menu.
c. Press the si de-menu button TALK/LISTEN.
d. Use the keypad t o set any address between 0 and 29.
3. Enable the adjustment constants to be written:
a. Locate the t wo smal l access holes on the right side of the oscillo-
scope cabi net near the front.
b. Insert the adj ustment tool (Item 3) in the hole nearest the front of the
osci l l oscope about 1/2 inch t o engage the rocker swi tch.
c. Push t o rock the swi tch t o its unprotected (enabled) position.
d. Type ADJ644A.
e. Follow the i nstructi ons as prompt ed on your comput er screen.
4. Let the oscilloscope warm up: Al l ow a 20 mi nute warm-up peri od before
you begi n step 5.
Figure 5-1: Accessing the Protection Switch
5-8 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
5. Start the adjustment software:
a. Change drives t o your hard drive.
b. Change directories t o TDS644A.ADJ.
6. When adjustment has been completed:
Be sure to disable the NVRAM Protection switch as instructed
below to protect the adjustment constants against alteration.
a. Locate the t wo smal l access holes on the right side of the oscillo-
scope cabi net near the front. (See Figure 5-1.)
b. Insert the adj ustment tool (Item 3) in the hole nearest the rear of the
osci l l oscope about 1/2 inch t o engage the rocker swi tch.
c. Push t o rock the swi tch t o its protected (disabled) posi ti on.
d. To do a compl et e adj ustment as defi ned on page 5-3, you must
also do the procedure Compensate the Probe on page 5-10, if you
are usi ng the P6139A probe.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-9
Adjustment Procedures
Probe Adjustment for
the P6139A Probe
It is not necessary t o do this procedure t o perform a compl et e
adj ustment unless you are usi ng the P6139A probe.
This probe adj ust ment is di vi ded into three parts: Compensate the Probe,
Measure the Probe Bandwidth, and Adjust the Probe High Frequency
Response. If probe bandwi dt h is wi thi n requi red limits, you will be i nstructed
to not do the hi gh f requency response adj ustment.
Compensate the Probe
Equipment Required: One P6139A probe (Item 16).
1. Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
Figure 5-2: Hookup for Probe Compensation
a. Hook up test-signal source: Install the probe t o CH1 . Connect the
probe ti p t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON SI GNAL on the front panel;
connect the probe ground t o PROBE COMPENSATI ON GND.
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
c. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Press AUTOSET. Set the horizontal SCALE t o 250 ps.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50% as requi red to tri gger the signal.
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode. Then press the si de-menu
button Average 16.
5-10 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Figure 5-3: Performing Probe Compensati on
2. Compensate the Probe:
a. Locate the probe compensat i on hole in the si de of the probe body.
b. Usi ng the probe compensat i on tool , adj ust the probe for best
square wave compensat i on (flat as possi bl e across its top).
Probe compensated correctly
Probe over-compensated
Probe under-compensated
Figure 5-4: Proper and Improper Probe Compensation
3. Disconnect the hookup: Di sconnect the probe f rom the probe
compensat or terminals; leave probe installed on CH 1 and leave the
osci l l oscope control setup as is for doi ng the next part of probe
adj ustment.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-11
Adjustment Procedures
Measure Probe Bandwidth
Equipment Required: One hi gh-frequency sine wave generator wi th its
leveling head (Item 13), one BNC-femal e-to-femal e BNC adapter (Item 1),
one BNC-to-probe ti p adapter (Item 2), and one P6139A 10X probe
(Item 16).
1. Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
Figure 5-5: Exposing the Inner Probe Tip
a. Expose the Inner Probe Tip: Follow the i nstructi ons in Figure 5-5.
Sine Wave
ir i
CD Q Q a Q
<=> o O O o o o
<= o a CD
I a
0 O
CD CD 9 9
^ o o o o o o o
Leveling Head
BNC Adapter
, BNC-to Probe
Tip Adapter
= f c O =
Figure 5-6: Initial Test Hookup
5-12 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
b. Hook up test-signal source:
Connect the output of a hi gh-frequency sine wave generator,
t hrough its leveling head, t o a femal e-to-femal e adapter.
Connect the femal e-to-femal e adapter t o a BNC-to-probe ti p
Plug the probe ti p f rom the probe on CH 1 into the BNC-
t o-probe ti p adapter.
c. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP!
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
d. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Set the vertical SCALE to 500 mV.
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 100 ns.
Push SET LEVEL TO 50% as requi red t o tri gger the si gnal .
Press SHIFT. Then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode. Then press the si de-menu
button Average 16.
Press the mai n-menu button Hi-Low Setup. Then press the
si de-menu button Min-Max.
Press the mai n-menu button Select Measrmnt for Chi.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until Pk-Pk
appears in the si de menu. Press the si de-menu button Pk-Pk.
2. Confirm that the Probe Compensator signal is within limits for bandwidth:
a. Display and measure the test signal:
Monitor the CH 1 Pk-Pk readout whi l e you set the output of the
generator for a 3.0 V (6 division), 6 MHz reference si gnal .
Set the hori zontal SCALE to 1 ns and set the f requency of the
generator t o 500 MHz.
Read the measurement results at the CH 1 Pk-Pk readout on
b. Check against limits: CHECK that the CH 1 Pk-Pk readout is greater
than or equal t o 2.1 V.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-13
Adjustment Procedures
3. Disconnect the hookup:
a. Unpl ug the probe f rom BNC-to-probe ti p adapter.
b. If subst ep 2b was passed, the probe adj ustment is fi ni shed. Reverse
the instructions in Figure 5-5, page 5-12, to reinstall the retractable
hook probe tip.
c. If subst ep 2b was not passed, leave the probe ti p exposed. Remove
the probe f rom CH 1 and go on t o the next procedure Adjust the
Probe High Frequency Response.
Adjust the Probe High Frequency Response
Do not perform this procedure until you have first compl et ed the procedures
Compensate the Probe and Measure Probe Bandwidth on pages 5-10 and
5-12, respectively.
Do not perform this procedure if you have successful l y compl et ed Measure
Probe Bandwidth. Probe adj ustment is compl et e.
Equipment Required: One calibration generator (Item 10), one 50 Q preci-
si on cabl e (Item 8), one tunnel di ode pulser (Item 17), one femal e-to-femal e
adapter (Item 1), one BNC t o probe adapter (Item 2), one 10X attenuator
(Item 4), and one P6139A 10X probe (Item 16).
1. Install the test hookup and preset the oscilloscope controls:
a. Access Inner Probe Tip and Adjustment Ports:
The probe ti p shoul d be exposed f rom the procedure Measure
Probe Bandwidth. If not, fol l ow the i nstructi ons in Figure 5-5 t o
expose the probe tip.
Follow the instructions in Figure 5-7 t o remove the probe body
Use a small standard screw driver
to pry between the cover and
metal cord connector to pop off
Figure 5-7: Exposing the Probe Body
5-14 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Precision Cable
I CD o O O
(=>(=> CD a
I a a
= o O
CD CD 9 9
ir i
I CD o O O
(=>(=> CD a
I a a
= o O
CD CD 9 9
^ o o o a o o o
10X attenuator
Figure 5-8: Initial Test Hookup
b. Hook up test-signal source:
Connect the hi gh-ampl i tude output of a cal i brati on generator,
t hrough a 50 Q preci si on cabl e t o the input of a tunnel di ode
Connect the output of the tunnel di ode pulser t hrough a 10X
attenuator t o CH1.
Set the tri ggeri ng level of the tunnel di ode pulser to mi ni mum.
c. Initialize the oscilloscope:
Press save/recall SETUP!
Press the mai n-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
Press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
d. Modify the initialized front-panel control settings:
Set vertical SCALE t o 5 mV.
Push SET LEVEL TO 50% as requi red t o tri gger the si gnal .
Press VERTI CAL MENU. Then press the mai n-menu button
Coupling. Press the si de-menu button Q to t oggl e to 50 Q
coupl i ng.
2. Adjust the Probe:
a. Display and store the reference signal:
Set the hi gh-ampl i tude out put of the generator t o > 60 V at the
input to the tunnel diode pulser
Set the Period (repetition rate) t o 10 kHz.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-15
Adjustment Procedures
Advance the tri ggeri ng level of the tunnel di ode pulser until a five
to six division square wave appears on screen. Do not advance
the knob any further than requi red t o achi eve stable ampl i tude.
Use the vertical POSI TI ON t o center the di spl ayed wavef orm on
Press SHIFT; then press ACQUI RE MENU.
Press the mai n-menu button Mode. Then press the si de-menu
button Average 16.
Push SET LEVEL TO 50% as requi red t o tri gger the si gnal .
Advance the hori zontal SCALE t o 5 ns.
Press the mai n-menu button Trigger Position; press the side-
menu button Set to 20%.
Press the mai n-menu button Save Waveform. Then press the
si de-menu button To Ref 1.
Press MORE. Then push the mai n-menu button Ref 1.
b. Display the test signal:
Di sconnect the tunnel di ode pulser at CH 1 and remove the 10X
Connect the output of the tunnel di ode pulser t hrough a BNC-fe-
mal e-to-BNC-femal e adapter t o a BNC-to-probe ti p adapter.
Install the probe on CH 1.
Plug the probe ti p f rom the probe into the BNC-to-probe ti p
Press VERTI CAL MENU; then press CH 1.
Press the mai n-menu button Coupling. Then press the side-
menu button Q t o t oggl e t o 1 MO coupl i ng.
Push SET LEVEL TO 50% as requi red t o tri gger the si gnal .
Adj ust the tri ggeri ng level of the tunnel di ode pulser until a five
t o six division square wave appears on screen. Do not advance
the knob any further than requi red to achi eve stable ampl i tude.
c. Make the adjustments:
Locate the vari ous adj ustments in Figure 5-9.
Manual l y adj ust the front-corner response of the probe t o best
match the response of the Ref 1 waveform. Note that it is more
i mportant t o match the response duri ng the first 5 ns than
duri ng the entire first 20 ns the adj ustments affect.
5-16 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Figure 5-9: Locations of P6139A Probe Adjustments
See Figure 5-10 t o see what areas on the front corner that the
vari ous adj ustments affect.
d. Recheck Probe Bandwidth:
Redo the procedure Adjust Probe High Frequency Response
to check if probe now meets its bandwi dt h requi rement.
If the bandwi dt h requi rement is met, adj ustment is compl et e.
Skip t o step 3.
If the bandwi dt h requi rement is not met, redo this procedure,
i ncreasi ng front corner overshoot slightly relative t o the stored
Repeat this step (d) until the bandwi dt h requi rement is met.
^ 20 ns
10 ns
5 ns
r ~
# First, adjust R1 for best overall match.
I Second, adjust R2 and C1 for best match between
1 front corners.
J Third, repeat the first two steps as needed due to
interaction between adjustments.
Figure 5-10: Adjustments versus Front-Corner Response
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-17
Adjustment Procedures
3. Disconnect the hookup: Unpl ug the probe f rom the BNC-to-probe ti p
adapter. Reverse the instructions in Figure 5-5, page 5-12, t o reinstall the
retractable probe tip.
Display Assembly / W S 't is not necessary t o do this procedure t o perform a compl et e
Adjustment fc^M adj ustment. Onl y use this procedure t o adj ust the di spl ay assembl y
if it has been repai red or if bri ghtness and contrast have become
Brightness and Contrast Adjustment
(TDS 620A and 640A - Monochrome - Only)
Equipment Required: One 6X magnifier (' tem 14) and one J16 Photometer
wi th a J6503 Lumi nance Probe (' tem 15).
1. Access the inside of the oscilloscope: See Removal and Installation
Procedures in Secti on 6 to remove the cabi net.
2. Adjust the display brightness:
a. Display the Composite test pattern:
Leave the osci l l oscope powered off.
Set the D' P swi tch, l ocated near the front of the A11 DRAM Proces-
sor/Display, as fol l ows:
Switch No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Open X X
Closed X X X X X X
Power on the osci l l oscope.
Repeatedl y press the mai n-menu button System until Diag/Err
is hi ghl i ghted in the pop-up menu.
Repeatedl y press the mai n-menu button Area until Display is
hi ghl i ghted in the pop-up menu.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until Compos-
ite appears in the side menu. Push Composite.
Press the mai n-menu button EXECUTE. Then the si de-menu
button Ok Confirm Run Test.
b. Make the brightness adjustment:
5-18 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Locate R569 (BRIGHTNESS). It is one of t wo adj ustments on the
left side of the i nstrument l ocated j ust ahead of the fan. It is the
adj ustment nearest the fan.
Observe the l umi nance patches usi ng a 6X magnifier.
Adj ust R569 (BRIGHTNESS) until the background raster lines in
the 5% l umi nance patch (see Figure 5-12) j ust disappear, whi l e
the lines in the 10% l umi nance patch are j ust visible, when both
are vi ewed t hrough the magnifier.
10% Patch
5% Patch
( g
111 =1 1


1 1

Figure 5-11: TDS 620A/ 640A Five and Ten Percent Luminance Patches
3. Adjust the display contrast:
a. Display the White Field test pattern:
Press the center mai n-menu button to di spl ay the mai n menu.
Press the mai n-menu button Tests.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until White
Field appears in the si de menu. Push White Field.
Press the mai n-menu button EXECUTE. Then the si de-menu
button Ok Confirm Run Test.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-19
Adjustment Procedures
b. Make the contrast adjustment:
Locate R572. It is one of t wo adj ustments on the left si de of the
i nstrument l ocated j ust ahead of the fan. It is the adj ustment
nearest the front of the osci l l oscope.
Monitor the l umi nance at center screen usi ng a J16 photometer
and a l umi nance probe.
Adj ust R572 (CONTRAST) for a readi ng of 50 foot lamberts if the
gray di spl ay shi el d is installed; adj ust for 110 foot l amberts if the
shi el d is mi ssi ng.
4. Restore the oscilloscope to normal operation:
a. Restore the di p swi tch t o the setti ngs that fol l ow:
Switch No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Closed X X X X X X X X
b. Power off the osci l l oscope.
c. See Removal and Installation Procedures in Secti on 6 t o reinstall the
cabi net and other modul es removed in step 1.
5-20 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Rotation, Brightness, and Contrast Adjustment
(TDS 644A - Color - Only)
Equipment Required: One 6X magnifier (Item 14) and one J16 Photometer
wi th a J6503 Lumi nance Probe (Item 15).
1. /Access the inside of the oscilloscope: See Removal and Installation
Procedures in Secti on 6 to remove the cabi net.
2. Adjust the display rotation:
a. Display the Composite test pattern:
Leave the osci l l oscope powered off.
Set the DIP swi tch, l ocated near the front of the A11 DRAM Proces-
sor/Display, as fol l ows:
Switch No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Open X X
Closed X X X X X X
Power on the osci l l oscope.
Press SHIFT; then press UTILITY.
Repeatedl y press the mai n-menu button System until Diag/Err
is hi ghl i ghted in the pop-up menu.
Repeatedl y press the mai n-menu button Area until Display is
hi ghl i ghted in the pop-up menu.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until Compos-
ite appears in the side menu. Push Composite.
Press the mai n-menu button EXECUTE; then press the side-
menu button Ok Confirm Run Test.
b. Adj ust R401 (TRACE ROTATION) t o mi ni mi ze the di spl ay' s tilt. Use
the frame around the di spl ay as a reference. R401 is the second
adj ustment f rom the fan.
3. Adjust the display brightness
Locate R403 (BRIGHTNESS). It is one of the adj ustments on the
left side of the i nstrument l ocated j ust ahead of the fan. It is the
fourth adj ustment f rom the fan.
Observe the l umi nance patches usi ng a 6X magnifier.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-21
Adjustment Procedures
Adj ust R403 (BRIGHTNESS) until the background raster lines in
the 5% l umi nance patch (see Figure 5-12) j ust disappear, whi l e
the lines in the 10% l umi nance patch are j ust visible, when both
are vi ewed t hrough the magnifier.
Figure 5-12: TDS 644A Five and Ten Percent Luminance Patches
4. Adjust the display contrast:
a. Display the White Field test pattern:
Press the center mai n-menu button t o di spl ay the mai n-menu.
Press the mai n-menu button Tests.
Repeatedl y press the si de-menu button - mo r e - until White
Field appears in the si de menu. Push White Field.
Press the mai n-menu button EXECUTE; then press the side-
menu button Ok Confirm Run Test.
b. Make the contrast adjustment:
Locate R404. It is one of the adj ustments on the left si de of the
i nstrument l ocated j ust ahead of the fan. It is the fifth adj ustment
f rom the fan.
Monitor the l umi nance at center screen usi ng a J16 photometer
and a l umi nance probe.
5-22 Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Adj ust R404 (CONTRAST) for a readi ng of 40 foot l amberts.
The adjustments for contrast and brightness interact with each
5. Restore the oscilloscope to normal operation:
a. Restore the di p swi tch t o the setti ngs that fol l ow:
Switch No. 1 2 3 4 5
Closed X X X X X X X X
b. Power off the osci l l oscope.
c. See Removal and Installation Procedures in Secti on 6 t o reinstall the
cabi net and other modul es removed in step 1.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-23
Adjustment Procedures
5-24 Adjustment Procedures
Maintenance Information
This secti on contai ns the i nformati on needed t o do peri odi c and corrective
mai ntenance on the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes.The
fol l owi ng subsecti ons are i ncl uded:
Mai nt enance I nf or mat i on Introducti on plus general i nformati on on
preventi ng damage t o internal modul es when doi ng mai ntenance.
I nspect i on and Cl eani ng Informati on and procedures for inspect-
ing the osci l l oscope and cl eani ng its external and internal modul es.
Removal and Installation Procedures Procedures for the remov-
al of defective modul es and repl acement of new or repai red modul es.
Al so i ncl uded is a procedure for di sassembl y of the osci l l oscope for
cl eani ng.
Tr oubl eshoot i ng Informati on for isolating failed modul es. Incl uded
are i nstructi ons for operati ng the osci l l oscope' s internal di agnosti c
routines and t roubl eshoot i ng trees. Most of the trees make use of these
internal di agnosti c routines t o speed fault isolation t o a modul e.
Procedures Not In The fol l owi ng secti ons contai n i nformati on/procedures related t o mainte-
This Section
n a n c e
Secti on 2, Operating Information, covers i nstructi ons useful when operat-
ing the osci l l oscope in order to t roubl eshoot it. It al so details the service
strategy and lists opti ons for obtai ni ng mai ntenance service and for
repl aci ng failed modul es.
Secti on 3, Theory of Operation, contai ns a circuit descri pti on at the
modul e, or bl ock, level.
Secti on 4, Performance Verification, contai ns procedures that may be
useful in isolating probl ems t o modul es by testi ng osci l l oscope perform-
Secti on 5, Adjustment Procedures, addresses after repair adj ustment
and the interval between peri odi c adj ustments. It contai ns a procedure
for adj usti ng the internal circuits of the osci l l oscope.
Secti on 9, Diagrams, contai ns a bl ock di agram usi ng individual modul es
as bl ocks and an i nterconnecti on di agram showi ng connect i ons be-
tween the modul es.
Secti on 10, Mechanical Parts List, lists all field repl aceabl e modul es by
part number.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-6
Maintenance Information
Preventing ESD
Static discharge can damage any semiconductor component in this
When performi ng any service whi ch requires internal access t o the oscillo-
scope, adhere to the fol l owi ng precauti ons t o avoi d damagi ng internal
modul es and their component s due t o electrostatic di scharge (ESD).
1. Mi ni mi ze handl i ng of static-sensitive modul es.
2. Transport and store static-sensitive modul es in their static protected
contai ners or on a metal rail. Label any package that contai ns
static-sensitive modul es.
3. Di scharge the static vol tage f rom your body by weari ng a grounded
antistatic wri st strap whi l e handl i ng these modul es. Do service of
static-sensitive modul es onl y at a static-free work station.
4. Nothi ng capabl e of generati ng or hol di ng a static charge shoul d be
al l owed on the work station surface.
5. Handl e circuit boards by the edges when possi bl e.
6. Do not slide the modul es over any surface.
7. Avoi d handl i ng modul es in areas that have a floor or work-surface cover-
ing capabl e of generati ng a static charge.
Susceptibility to ESD
Table 6-1 lists the relative suscepti bi l i ty of vari ous classes of semi conduc-
tors. Static vol tages of 1 kV t o 30 kV are common in unprotected environ-
6-2 Maintenance
Maintenance Information
Table 6-1: Relative Susceptibility to Static-Discharge Damage
Semiconductor Classes Relative
MOS or CMOS mi croci rcui ts or di screte circuits, or lin- 1
ear mi croci rcui ts wi th MOS inputs (most sensitive)
Schottky si gnal di odes 3
Schottky TTL 4
Hi gh-frequency bipolar transistors 5
Linear mi croci rcui ts 7
Low-power Schottky TTL 8
TTL (least sensitive) 9
1 Voltage equivalent for levels (voltage discharged from a 100pF capacitor through resis-
tance of 100 ohms):
1 = 100 to 500 V 6 = 600 to 800 V
2 = 200 to 500 V 7 = 400 to 1000 V (est.)
3 = 250 V 8 = 900 V
4 = 500 V 9 = 1200 V
5 = 400 to 600 V
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-3
Maintenance Information
6-4 Maintenance
Inspection and Cleaning
Inspection and Cleaning descri bes how t o i nspect for dirt and damage on,
and how t o clean the exterior and interior of the TDS 620A, 640A, &
644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes. Inspecti on and cl eani ng are done as preven-
tive mai ntenance. Preventive mai ntenance, when done regularly, may pre-
vent osci l l oscope mal functi on and enhance its reliability.
Preventive mai ntenance consi sts of visually i nspecti ng and cl eani ng the
osci l l oscope and usi ng general care when operati ng it.
How often to do mai ntenance depends on the severity of the envi ronment in
whi ch the osci l l oscope is used. A proper ti me t o perform preventive mainte-
nance is j ust before osci l l oscope adj ustment.
General Care The cabi net helps keep dust out of the osci l l oscope and shoul d normal l y be
in pl ace when operati ng the osci l l oscope. The osci l l oscope' s front cover
protects the front panel and di spl ay f rom dust and damage. Install it when
stori ng or transporti ng the osci l l oscope.
Inspection and Inspect and clean the osci l l oscope as often as operati ng condi ti ons require.
Cleaning Procedures The col l ecti on of dirt on component s inside can cause t hem t o overheat and
breakdown. (Dirt acts as an insulating blanket, preventi ng efficient heat
dissipation.) Dirt al so provi des an electrical conduct i on path that coul d cause
an osci l l oscope failure, especi al l y under hi gh-humi di ty condi ti ons.
Avoid the use of chemical cleaning agents which might damage the
plastics used in this oscilloscope. Use only deionized water when
cleaning the menu buttons or front-panel buttons. Use a 75%
isopropyl alcohol solution as a cleaner and rinse with deionized
water Before using any other type of cleaner, consult your Tektronix
Service Center or representative.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-5
Inspection and Cleaning
Inspection Exterior
Inspect the outsi de of the osci l l oscope for damage, wear, and mi ssi ng parts,
usi ng Table 6-2 as a gui de. Osci l l oscopes that appear to have been dr opped
or otherwi se abused shoul d be checked t horoughl y t o verify correct opera-
ti on and performance. Immedi atel y repair defects that coul d cause personal
injury or lead t o further damage to the osci l l oscope.
Table 6-2: External Inspection Check List
Item Inspect For Repair Action
Cabi net, front panel,
and cover
Cracks, scratches, deformati ons, dam-
aged hardware or gaskets.
Replace defective modul e.
Front-panel knobs Missing, damaged, or l oose knobs. Repair or replace mi ssi ng or defective
Connect ors Broken shells, cracked insulation, and
def ormed contacts. Dirt in connectors.
Replace defective modul es. Clear or wash
out dirt.
Carryi ng handl e, bail,
cabi net feet.
Correct operati on. Replace defective modul e.
Accessori es Mi ssi ng items or parts of items, bent pins,
broken or frayed cabl es, and damaged
Replace damaged or mi ssi ng items,
frayed cabl es, and defective modul es.
Cleaning Procedure Exterior
To prevent getting moisture inside the oscilloscope during external
cleaning, use only enough liquid to dampen the cloth or applicator.
Remove loose dust on the outsi de of the osci l l oscope wi th a lint free
Remove remai ni ng dirt wi th a lint free cl oth dampened in a general pur-
pose detergent-and-water sol uti on. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Cl ean the light filter protecti ng the moni tor screen wi th a lint-free cl oth
dampened wi th either i sopropyl al cohol or, preferably, a gentle, general
purpose detergent-and-water sol uti on.
6-6 Maintenance
Inspection and Cleaning
Inspection Interior
To access the inside of the osci l l oscope for i nspecti on and cl eani ng, refer t o
the Removal and Installation Procedures in this secti on.
Inspect the internal porti ons of the osci l l oscope for damage and wear, usi ng
Table 6-3 as a gui de. Defects f ound shoul d be repai red immediately.
If any electrical modul e is repl aced, check Table 5-2 in Secti on 5 t o see if it is
necessary t o adj ust the osci l l oscope.
To prevent damage from electrical arcing, ensure that circuit
boards and components are dry before applying power to the oscil-
Table 6-3: Internal Inspection Check List
Item Inspect For Repair Action
Circuit boards Loose, broken, or corroded sol der con-
necti ons. Burned circuit boards. Burned,
broken, or cracked circuit-run plating.
Remove failed modul e and replace wi th a
fresh modul e.
Resistors Burned, cracked, broken, blistered condi -
ti on.
Repl ace failed modul e and repl ace wi th a
fresh modul e.
Solder connect i ons Col d sol der or rosin j oi nts. Resolder j oi nt and cl ean wi th i sopropyl
al cohol .
Capaci tors Damaged or l eaki ng cases. Corroded
sol der on leads or terminals.
Remove damaged modul e and replace
wi th a fresh modul e f rom the factory.
Semi conduct ors Loosel y inserted in sockets. Distorted
Firmly seat l oose semi conduct ors. Re-
move devi ces that have di storted pins.
Carefully strai ghten pins (as requi red to fit
the socket), usi ng l ong-nose pliers, and
reinsert firmly. Ensure that strai ghteni ng
acti on does not crack pins, causi ng t hem
t o break off.
Wi ri ng and cabl es Loose pl ugs or connectors. Burned, bro-
ken, or frayed wi ri ng.
Firmly seat connectors. Repair or replace
modul es wi th defective wi res or cabl es.
Chassi s Dents, deformati ons, and damaged hard-
Strai ghten, repair, or replace defective
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-7
Inspection and Cleaning
Cleaning Procedure Interior
If, after doi ng steps 1 and 2, a modul e is clean upon i nspecti on, ski p
the remai ni ng steps.
1. Bl ow off dust wi th dry, l ow-pressure, dei oni zed air (approxi matel y 9 psi).
2. Remove any remai ni ng dust wi th a lint free cl oth dampened in i sopropyl
al cohol (75% solution) and rinse wi th warm dei oni zed water. (A
cotton-ti pped appl i cator is useful for cl eani ng in narrow spaces and on
circuit boards.)
3. If steps 1 and 2 do not remove all the dust or dirt, the osci l l oscope may
be spray washed usi ng a sol uti on of 75% i sopropyl al cohol by doi ng
steps 4 t hrough 8.
4. Gain access t o the parts t o be cl eaned by removi ng easily accessi bl e
shi el ds and panels (see "Removal and Installation Procedures").
5. Spray wash dirty parts wi th the i sopropyl al cohol and wait 60 seconds
for the maj ori ty of the al cohol t o evaporate.
6. Use hot (120 Ft o 140 F) dei oni zed water to t horoughl y rinse t hem.
7. Dry all parts wi th l ow-pressure, dei oni zed air.
8. Dry all component s and assembl i es in an oven or dryi ng compart ment
usi ng l ow-temperature (125 Ft o 150 F) ci rcul ati ng air.
There is no peri odi c l ubri cati on requi red for this osci l l oscope.
8-6 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
This subsecti on contai ns procedures for removal and installation of all
mechani cal and electrical modul es. Any electrical or mechani cal modul e,
assembl y, or part listed in Secti on 10 of this manual is a modul e.
Please Read
Before doing this or any other procedure in this manual, read the
Safety Summary found at the beginning of this manual. Also, to
prevent possible injury to service personnel or damage to this
oscilloscope's components, read Before Servi ci ng and Suppl yi ng
Operati ng Power in Section 2, and Preventing ESD in this section.
This subsecti on contai ns the fol l owi ng:
This preparatory i nformati on that you need to properl y do the
procedures that follow.
List of tool s requi red t o remove all modul es.
Three modul e locator di agrams for fi ndi ng the External Modul es (see
Figure 6-1), Outer-Chassis Modul es (see Figure 6-2), and Inner-Chassis
Modul es (see Figure 6-4) in this osci l l oscope.
Procedures for removal and reinstallation of the electrical and
mechani cal modul es.
A di sassembl y procedure for removal of all the major modul es f rom the
osci l l oscope at one ti me and for reassembl y of t hose modul es into the
osci l l oscope. Such a compl et e di sassembl y is normal l y onl y done when
compl etel y cl eani ng the osci l l oscope. (Instructions for doi ng the actual
cl eani ng are f ound under Inspection and Cleaning at the begi nni ng of
this section.)
Before doing any procedure in this subsection, disconnect the
power cord from the line voltage source. Failure to do so could
cause serious injury or death.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 5-9
Removal and Installation Procedures
List of Modules
Secti on 10 lists all modul es.
General Instructions


First read over the Summary of Procedures that fol l ows t o under-
stand how the procedures are grouped. Then read Equipment
Required for a list of the tool s needed t o remove and install modul es
in this osci l l oscope.
If you are di sassembl i ng this osci l l oscope for cl eani ng, go to the
procedure Disassembly for Cleaning on page 6-60.
If you are removi ng a modul e for service, begi n by doi ng the proce-
dure Access Procedure (page 6-16). By fol l owi ng the i nstructi ons in
that procedure, you remove the modul e t o be servi ced whi l e remov-
ing the mi ni mum number of addi ti onal modul es.
Summary of Procedures
The procedures are descri bed in the order in whi ch they appear in this
secti on. In addi ti on, you can look up any procedure for removal and reinstal-
lation of any modul e in the Table of Contents of this manual .
The Access Procedure on page 6-16 first directs you t o any proce-
dur e^) (if any) that are requi red t o access the modul e t o be servi ced,
t hen it directs you t o the procedure t o remove that modul e.
Procedures for External Modules on page 6-16 are procedures for re-
movi ng modul es the removal of whi ch do not require internal access t o
the osci l l oscope.
Procedures for Outer-Chassis Modules on page 6-31 are procedures for
removi ng modul es the removal of whi ch require access internal t o the
i nstrument but external to the chassis.
Procedures for Inner-Chassis Modules on page 6-52 are procedures for
removi ng modul es the removal of whi ch require access internal t o the
i nstrument and internal t o the chassis.
Disassembly for Cleaning on page 6-60 is a procedure, based on the
removal procedures j ust descri bed, that removes all modul es for clean-
ing. Instructions for cl eani ng are f ound in Inspection and Cleaning,
whi ch begi ns this section.
Read the cleaning procedure before disassembling the
oscilloscope for cleaning.
6-10 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Equi pment Requi r ed Most modul es in this osci l l oscope can be re-
moved wi th a screwdri ver handl e mount ed wi th a size T-15, Torx screwdri v-
er tip. Use this tool whenever a procedure step instructs you to remove or
install a screw unless a different size screwdriver is specified in that step. All
equi pment requi red t o remove and reinstall each modul e is listed in the first
step of its procedure.
Table 6-4: Tools Required for Modul e Removal
Name Description Tektronix
Part Number
1 Screwdri ver handl e Accept s Torx-driver bits 003-0301-00
2 T-15 Torx ti p Torx-driver bit for T-15 size
screw heads
3 T-20 Torx ti p Torx-driver bit for T-20 size
screw heads
4 T-20 Torx ti p Speci al Tool: Narrow Torx-
driver bit for T-20 size screw
heads (Fan removal only)
5 Flat-bladed
screwdri ver
Screwdri ver for removi ng
st andard-headed screws
6 Needl e-Nose Pliers Standard tool
7 Nutdriver, 14 inch Standard tool
8 Retaining Ring Pli-
Standard tool ; 118 inch
mi ni mum t hrow
9 Angle-Tip Tweezers Standard tool
10 Pliers Standard tool
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-11
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-1: External Modul es
6-12 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-2: Outer-Chassis Modules
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-13
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-3: Inner-Chassis Modules - TDS 620A or 640A with A20 Display Assembly
6-14 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Access Procedure Begi n wi th this procedure when you have identified a modul e to be removed
for service and have read General Instructions f ound earlier in this secti on.
1. Locate module to be removed:
a. Find the modul e to be removed in the modul e locator di agrams,
Figures 6-1 t hrough 6-4.
b. Once the modul e is f ound, note f rom the title of the figure whether
the modul e is an external, outer-chassis mount ed, or inner-chassis
mount ed part.
2. If the module is externally mounted, no internal access is required;
remove the module: Find and do the procedure whose title matches the
name of the modul e to be removed under Procedures for External Mod-
ules (page 6-17).
3. If the module is an outer- or inner-chassis module, access the inside of
the instrument:
a. First do the procedure Line Fuse and Line Cord; then do the proce-
dure Rear Cover and Cabinet. Both are f ound under Procedures for
External Modules i mmedi atel y fol l owi ng this procedure.
b. After compl et i ng those procedures, return to this procedure and
conti nue wi th step 4.
4. If the module is an outer-chassis module, remove it:
a. If removi ng the attenuator or di spl ay-frame assembl y, first do the
procedure Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator
Panel, f ound under Procedures for External Modules (page 6-17).
b. Find and do the procedure whose title matches the name of the
modul e t o be removed under Procedures for Outer-Chassis Mod-
ules, on page 6-31.
5. If the module is an inner-chassis module, access the inner-chassis:
a. If removi ng the di spl ay tube, display-driver board, or the front sub-
panel, first do the procedure Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons,
and Attenuator Panel, f ound under Procedures for External Modules.
Al so remove the di spl ay-frame assembl y f ound under Procedures for
External Modules, on page 6-17.
b. Also, if removi ng the front subpanel , do A12 Front-Panel Assembly
and A15 Attenuator Assembly also f ound under Procedures for
External Modules.
c. Do, in the order listed, the three procedures A14 D1 Bus and Ana-
log-Power and Digital-Power Cables, A11 Processor/Display Board
and Top Cover f ound under Procedures for Outer-Chassis Modules,
page 6-31.
d. Find and do the procedure whose title matches the name of the
modul e t o be removed under Procedures for Inner-Chassis Modules,
page 6-52.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
6. Reinstall all modules removed: Read the instructions f ound at the end of
the procedure that removes the modul e t o be servi ced they will gui de
you in reinstalling all modul es removed.
Procedures for
External Modules
Do the /Access Procedure (page 6-16) before doi ng any procedure in this
col l ecti on.
The fol l owi ng procedures are f ound here and are listed in order presented.
Front-Panel Knobs
Line Fuse and Line Cord
EMI Gaskets
Rear Cover and Cabinet
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
A12 Front-Panel Assembly
Display Frame
Cabinet Modules
Front-Panel Knobs
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have an
angl ed-ti p tweezers (Item 9) handy. Find the knob(s) t o be removed on
the front panel.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the knob(s): Grasp any knob you wi sh to remove and pull it
straight out f rom the front panel slightly t o create some cl earance
between the base of the knob and the front panel. Insert the tweezers
between the knob and front panel and use t hem t o remove the knob.
4. Reinstallation: To reinstall, al i gn knob t o shaft and push it in until it
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
When reinstalling the
knobs, note there are
three sizes. Be sure to
reinstall the proper size
knob in the proper
Figure 6-5: Knob Removal
Line Fuse and Line Cord
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have a
fl at-bl aded screwdri ver (Item 5) handy. Locate the line fuse and line cord
in the locator di agram External Modules, Figure 6-1.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its rear is faci ng you. If you are servi ci ng the line
fuse, do the next step; if you are servi ci ng the line cord, ski p to step 4.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
3. Remove line fuse: Find the fuse cap on the rear panel. (See Figure 6-6.)
Now, remove the fuse cap by turni ng it counter cl ockwi se usi ng a
fl at-bl aded screwdriver, and remove the line fuse. Reverse procedure t o
4. Remove line cord: Find the line cord on the rear cover. (See Figure 6-6.)
Now, remove the line-cord retaining cl amp by first unpl uggi ng the line
cord f rom its receptacl e. Next, grasp both the line cord and the retaining
cl amp and rotate it 90 degrees counter-cl ockwi se. Pull the line cord and
cl amp away t o compl et e the removal. Reverse procedure to reinstall.
5. Reinstallation: Do in reverse steps 3 and 4 t o reinstall the line cord and
t hen the line fuse.
Figure 6-6: Line Fuse and Line Cord Removal
EMI Gaskets
See Rear Cover and Cabinet procedure on page 6-20.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Rear Cover and Cabinet
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-20 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 3).
b. Make sure the osci l l oscope' s front cover is installed; if it's not, install
it by snappi ng its edges over the tri m ring.
c. Locate the rear cover and cabi net in the locator di agram External
Modules, Figure 6-1.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its face is down wi th its
front cover on the work surface and its bot t om faci ng you.
3. Disconnect the line cord: Unpl ug the line cord f rom its receptacl e at the
rear cover.
4. Remove rear cover: Remove the four screws securi ng the rear cover to
the osci l l oscope. Lift off the rear cover.
5. Remove the cabinet:
a. At the rear of the cabinet, grasp its left and right edges.
b. Pull upward t o slide the cabi net off the osci l l oscope. Take care not t o
bi nd or snag the cabi net on the osci l l oscope' s internal cabl i ng as
you remove it.
DO NOT do steps 6 t hrough 8 t o remove the EMI gasket(s) unless
they must be repl aced due to damage. If you are not repl aci ng
those gaskets, ski p t o step 9.
When reinstalling EMI gaskets and/or the osci l l oscope cabi net,
carefully fol l ow the instructions given. Unless they are performed
properly, the osci l l oscope may not meet its emi ssi ons requi rements
6. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a pair of needl e-nose pliers (Item 6).
b. Locate the modul es to be removed in the locator di agram External
Modules, Figure 6-1.
7. Remove the EMI gaskets:
a. Look for the poi nt where the ends of the gasket t ouch in the channel
at the rear edge of the cabinet.
b. Use a pair of needl e-nose pliers to pry up one of the ends.
c. Grasp the EMI gasket, and gentl y pull it out of the its channel .
d. Repeat subst eps a t hrough c to remove the gasket f rom its channel
on the front casting.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
8. Reinstallation of EMI gaskets: Press each EMI gasket back into its
groove at the rear edge of the cabi net or front casting. Make sure the
ends of the gasket t ouch, but do not overlap, when installing. (Cut off
excess l ength if requi red t o prevent overlap.)
9. Reinstallation of cabinet and rear cover:
a. Do in reverse order steps 3 and 4 t o reinstall the cabi net.
b. Take care not t o bi nd or snag the cabi net on internal cabl i ng; re-
dress cabl es an necessary.
c. When sl i di ng the cabinet, be sure that the front edge of the cabi net
aligns wi th the groove contai ni ng the EMI shi el d on the front casti ng.
d. Be sure that the ri dge around the rear chassi s slides into the groove
contai ni ng a second EMI cabl e on the rear of the cabi net.
e. When reinstalling the four screws at the rear panel, ti ghten t hem t o
16f oot -l bs torque.
f. See the procedure Line Fuse and Line Cord to reinstall the line cord,
whi ch compl et es the osci l l oscope reassembly.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-7: Rear Cover and Cabinet Removal
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: No tool s are
needed. Locate the modul es t o be removed in the locator di agram
External Modules, Figure 6-1.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its rear is down on the
work surface and its bot t om is faci ng you.
3. Remove the front cover: Grasp the front cover by its left and right edges
and snap it off of the front subpanel . (When reinstalling, al i gn and snap
back on.)
Trim Ring: when removing the trim
ring, grasp its back edge and
vigorously flex it upward before
pulling it forward.
Figure 6-8: Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel Removal
(Front Cover not Shown)
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
DO NOT t ouch the carbon contact points on the menu buttons
installed in the tri m ring. Al so, do not t ouch the contacts on the flex
circuit exposed when you remove the tri m ring.
4. Remove the trim ring: Grasp the tri m ring by its t op edge and pry it up
and lift it f orward to snap it off of the front subpanel . If servi ci ng the
menu buttons, lift t hem out of the trim ring. (When reinstalling, reinsert
the menu buttons, al i gn the trim ring to the front subpanel and press it
back on.)
5. Remove the attenuator panel: Gently pry, usi ng your fingers, the
snap-off/snap-on attenuator panel away f rom the front subpanel t o
remove it. (When reinstalling, use your hands t o press it back on.)
6. Reinstallation: Do in reverse steps 3 - 5 t o reinstall the attenuator panel,
menu buttons, tri m ring, and the front cover, fol l owi ng the reinstallation
i nstructi ons f ound in each step.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
A12 Front-Panel Assembly
This procedure includes removal and reinstallation instructions for
the front panel and front panel buttons. Unless either of those
modules are being serviced, do not do step 4, "Further disassem-
bly of front-panel assembly."
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2).
b. Locate the modul es t o be removed in the locator di agram External
Modules, Figure 6-1.
c. Do the procedure Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenu-
ator Panel, steps 1 - 5 , i mmedi atel y precedi ng this procedure.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the front-panel assembly:
a. Lift the front-panel assembl y out of the front subpanel until you can
reach the i nterconnect cabl e connect i ng it t o the processor/di spl ay
b. Di sconnect that cabl e at J2 of the processor/di spl ay board. Di scon-
nect the fl ex-board connector at P3 of the front-panel assembl y. (The
flex board is part of the di spl ay-frame assembly.)
c. Finally, lift the front-panel assembl y out of the front subpanel t o
compl et e the removal.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-9: A12 Front-Panel Assembly Removal
4. Further disassembly of front-panel assembly: If the front panel or the
front-panel buttons are t o be servi ced, do the fol l owi ng substeps:
a. Remove the front-panel control knobs f rom the front-panel assembl y
usi ng the met hod descri bed in Front-Panel Knobs on page 6-17.
b. Remove the eight screws mount i ng the front-panel board t o the front
c. Now hand di sassembl e the front-panel assembl y component s usi ng
Figure 6-10 as a gui de. Reverse procedure to reassembl e, usi ng the
same Figure 6-10 as a gui de.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-10: Disassembly of Front-Panel Assembly
5. Reinstallation: If the front-panel assembl y was further di sassembl ed in
step 4, then reverse subst eps 4 a - 4 c t o reassembl e, usi ng Figure 6-10
as a gui de. Then do step 3, reversing the procedure outl i ned in each
subst ep. Last, reinstall the tri m ring and, if desi red, the front cover,
referring t o the procedure Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and
Attenuator Panel (page 6-23).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Display-Frame Assembly
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have handy a
screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx (Items 1 and 2). Locate the modul es
to be removed in the locator di agram Outer-Chassis Modules,
Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the display-frame assembly:
a. Do the procedure Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenu-
ator Panel (page 6-23) t o remove the front cover and tri m ring.
b. Lift the front-panel assembl y out of the front subpanel until you can
reach J2 on the front-panel assembl y. Di sconnect the flex cabl e
comi ng f rom the di spl ay-frame assembl y at J39 of the front-panel
assembl y.
c. Do the procedure Floppy Disk (page 6-48) to remove the f l oppy di sk
d. Remove the three screws securi ng the di spl ay-frame assembl y to
the front subpanel and remove that assembl y.
4. Reinstallation:
a. Do, in reverse order, subst eps 3 b - 3 d , reversing each step to rein-
stall the di spl ay-frame assembl y. Then see the procedure Front
Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel (page 6-23) to
compl et e reassembl y of the osci l l oscope.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Cabinet Modules
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have handy a
pair of needl e-nose pliers (Item 6). Locate the modul es to be removed in
the locator di agram External Modules (see Figure 6-1).
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so the left si de is down on
the work surface and its handl e is faci ng upwards.
3. Remove the handle:
a. Insert the ti ps of a pair on needl e-nose pliers (Item 6) into the hole of
either handl e cap. Push and hol d to depress the handl e release.
b. Whi l e hol di ng the handl e released, pull it out of the slot in the handl e
cap. Repeat procedure t o remove the handl e f rom the other handl e
c. Reverse procedure t o reinstall.
4. Remove the handle caps:
a. Insert the retaining ring pliers (Item 8) into the openi ng created in
the handl e cap when you removed the handl e.
b. Whi l e usi ng the pliers to expand the handl e cap outward, grasp it
and snap it off.
c. Repeat procedure t o remove the remai ni ng cap as needed; push
the cap(s) back on t o reinstall.
5. Remove the flip stand: Grasp the flip stand by both si des near where it
j oi ns each flip stand foot. Now compress the flip stand until the flip stand
ends clear the flip stand feet t o compl et e the removal.
6. Remove the flip stand foot (or feet):
a. Do Rear Cover and Cabinet procedure (page 6-20) t o gai n access t o
inside of the cabi net.
b. Worki ng f rom inside the cabi net, push the t wo retainers t o release
the flip stand foot you wi sh t o remove and lift it away f rom the out-
side of the cabi net.
c. Repeat procedure t o remove as many of the remai ni ng feet as
needed; insert the t wo retainers back in their slots in the cabi net and
snap into pl ace any flip stand foot removed.
7. Reinstallation: If any flip stand feet were removed, reinstall as di rected in
step 6c; then see Rear Cover and Cabinet procedure (page 6-20) t o
reinstall the rear cover and cabi net. Do in reverse order steps 3 and 5,
reversing each step, t o reinstall the flip stand, t hen the handl e caps (if
removed), then the handl e.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-11: Cabinet Modul es Removal
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Procedures for
You shoul d have compl et ed the Access Procedure before doi ng any proce-
dure in this col l ecti on. The procedures f ound here, listed in order presented,
A15 Attenuator Assembly
A14D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
A23 SerPar Board
A29 Video Trigger Board
A11 Processor/Display Board
Top Cover and Board Brackets
Rear-Panel Cables
A10 Acquisition Board
Rear Chassis
A15 Attenuator Assembly
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2).
b. Locate the modul es to be removed in the locator di agram Outer-
Chassis Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its t op is down on the
work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the Attenuator Assembly:
a. Unpl ug each of the four i nterconnect cabl es that connect the at-
tenuators t o the Acqui si ti on board f rom its j ack on the Acqui si ti on
board. See Figure 6-32.
b. Unpl ug the ri bbon i nterconnect cabl e that pl ugs in f rom the at-
tenuator at J1153. See Figure 6-32.
c. Now, remove the four screws the heads of whi ch you exposed when
you removed the attenuator panel.
d. Compl et e the removal by lifting the attenuator assembl y out of the
front subpanel . Reverse the procedure t o reinstall. Be careful t o pl ug
each cabl e into its correct j ack Figure 6-32 shows the correct
4. Reinstallation: Do in reverse order subst eps 3 a - 3 d , reversing the
removal i nstructi ons in each subst ep t o reinstall the assembl y. Then see
the fol l owi ng procedures, in the order listed, t o compl et e reassembl y of
the osci l l oscope.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-17)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
Figure 6-12: Attenuator Interconnect Cable Routing and Jack Locations
1. Assemble equipment and locate module to be removed: Have handy a
screwdri ver wi th a size T-20 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 3). Locate the fan in
the locator di agram Outer-Chassis Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its left side is faci ng you.
3. Disconnect the fan from processor/display board: Unpl ug the fan' s
power cabl e f rom J20.
4. Remove the fan: Remove the t wo screws securi ng the fan t o the mai n
chassi s and lift the fan away f rom the chassis.
5. Reinstallation: Do in reverse order subst eps 3 and 4, reversing the
removal i nstructi ons in each subst ep t o reinstall the assembl y. See the
procedure Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20) to compl et e reassembl y
of the osci l l oscope.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have handy a
screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2). Find the modul es
to be removed in the locator di agram Outer-Chassis Modules,
Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its left side is down on
the work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the D1 bus: Grasp the D1 bus and pull it up f rom the
osci l l oscope t o unpl ug it f rom its t wo pl ug-i n connectors. (J28 is the
connector on the processor/di spl ay board; J100 is on the acqui si ti on
board.) Reverse these removal instructions t o reinstall.
4. Remove the analog-power and digital-power interconnect cables:
a. Unpl ug the anal og-power cabl e at J26 on the di spl ay processor
board, at J5 on the l ow-vol tage power suppl y, and at J700 on the
acqui si ti on board.
b. Unpl ug the di gi tal -power cabl e at J27 on the di spl ay processor
board, at J6 on the l ow-vol tage power suppl y, and at J101 on the
acqui si ti on board.
Figure 6-13: A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables Removal
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
5. Reinstallation:
a. Do in reverse order steps 3 and 4, reversing the procedure outl i ned
in each step t o reinstall the assembl y.
b. When installing the D1 bus be sure t o orient it so the si ngl e connec-
tor at the bot t om of the bus pl ugs into the acqui si ti on board.
c. See the fol l owi ng procedures, in the order listed, t o compl et e reas-
sembl y of the osci l l oscope.
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
A23 SerPar Board RS232/Centronics Hardcopy Interface
1. Remove circuit board assembly:
a. Usi ng a screwdri ver wi th size T-20 Torx tip, remove the t wo screws
(number 4 in Figure 6-14) securi ng the rear plate of the circuit board
assembl y.
b. Di sconnect the cabl e connector (number 2) f rom the processor-di s-
play circuit board connector (number 1).
c. Pull out the A23 SerPar Board assembl y (number 3).
Figure 6-14: Remove Circuit Board Assembly From Oscilloscope
2. Remove circuit board from assembly:
a. Usi ng a
i 6 inch nutdriver, remove the four l ock connect ors (number
3 in Figure 6-15) securi ng the circuit board to the rear plate.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
b. Separate the circuit board wi th attached cabl e (number 1), f rom the
rear plate wi th attached brackets (number 2).
Figure 6-15: Remove Circuit Board From Assembly
3. Replace circuit board:
Equipment Required: One screwdri ver wi th a size T-20 Torx ti p and one
inch nutdriver.
a. Replace the failed circuit board wi th a repl acement A23 SerPar
Board ordered f rom the factory (see Replaceable Parts List for
detai l ed orderi ng information). Do in reverse order steps a and b of
the Circuit Board Removal From Assembly procedure on the pre-
vi ous page.
b. Reinstall the A23 SerPar Board assembl y in the osci l l oscope. Do in
reverse order steps a and b of the Remove circuit board from as-
sembly procedure shown above.
c. Then see the fol l owi ng procedures, in the order listed, t o compl et e
reassembl y of the osci l l oscope:
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23).
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20).
d. To ensure the A23 SerPar Board is worki ng correctly, perform the
power-up short di agnosti cs procedure descri bed on page 6-63.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
A29 Video Trigger Board
Additional modules Removed: D1 bus and anal og-and di gi tal -power cabl es.
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-20 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2).
b. Locate the modul es to be removed in the locator di agram Outer-
Chassis Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
c. Do the procedures A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power
Cables and A23 SerPar Board that precede this procedure to re-
move t hose items. It is not necessary t o pull the A23 board assem-
bly out entirely nor is it necessary t o remove the cabl e connector
f rom the A23 SerPar board t o the A11 Processor/Di spl ay board
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Disconnect the fan from processor/display board: Unpl ug the fan' s
power cabl e f rom J20.
4. Remove the processor/display board: Figure 6-16 shows the A29 Vi deo
Trigger board (opti on 05) installed. Use Figure 6-19 as a gui de whi l e
doi ng the fol l owi ng substeps:
a. Worki ng f rom the rear panel, remove the t wo screws mount i ng the
support bracket in the rear panel. Then lift it out f rom the rear panel.
b. Di sconnect the t wo power cabl e connect ors (the anal og-power and
di gi tal -power i nterconnect cables) f rom the vi deo board connector
and f rom the processor-di spl ay circuit board connector (see number
2 on Figure 6-18).
c. Remove (or pull loose) the A27 Connector board (see number 3 on
Figure 6-18).
d. Unpl ug the coax vi deo cabl e that connect s the vi deo board t o the
acqui si ti on boards (see Figure 6-17).
e. Slide back and lift up the Vi deo Trigger circuit board (see Fig-
ure 6-18).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
6-38 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-17: Proper Routing of the Video Cable
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-18: Circuit Board Removal
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
5. Reinstallation:
a. Do, in reverse order, steps a t hrough e. Reverse the removal instruc-
ti ons of each step t o reinstall the A29 Vi deo Trigger Board.
Be sure to arrange the coax cable around the post as shown in
Figures 6-16 and 6-17. Failure to do this may impair performance.
Also, when plugging in the digital bus boards, 1 and 3 in Figure
6-18, make sure that they remain plugged in on both ends.
b. See the procedures A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Pow-
er Cables (page 6-33), A23 SerPar Board (page 6-35) and Rear
Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20) t o compl et e reassembl y of the
osci l l oscope.
c. To ensure the Vi deo Trigger is worki ng correctly, perform the Diag-
nostics procedure on page 6-63.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
A11 Processor/Display Board
Additional modules Removed: D1 bus and anal og-and di gi tal -power cabl es.
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-20 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2).
b. Locate the modul es to be removed in the locator di agram Outer-
Chassis Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
c. Do the procedure A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power
Cables that precedes this procedure t o remove t hose i nterconnect
cabl es.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its rear is faci ng you.
3. Disconnect the fan from processor/display board: Unpl ug the fan' s
power cabl e f rom J20.
4. Remove the processor/display board: Use Figure 6-19 as a gui de whi l e
doi ng the fol l owi ng substeps:
a. Worki ng f rom the rear panel, remove the t wo screws mount i ng the
support bracket in the rear panel. Then lift it out f rom the rear panel.
b. Unpl ug the i nterconnect cabl e f rom the GPIB connector on the rear
cover at J35 of the processor/di spl ay board. Di sconnect the bus
cabl e at J5. Unpl ug J62 vi deo si gnal connector, J51 Moni tor VGA
connector, J37 RS232/Centroni cs connector, and J38 f l oppy driver
c. Grasp the board by its right and left si des and pull it t owards the
rear of the osci l l oscope. This will di sconnect the processor/di spl ay
board f rom the eight board mount s securi ng the board above the
t op cover.
d. Lift the board up away f rom the osci l l oscope chassi s t o compl et e the
5. Reinstallation:
a. Do, in reverse order, steps 3 t hrough 4 reversing the removal in-
structi ons of each step t o reinstall the processor/di spl ay board.
b. See the procedures A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Pow-
er Cables (page 6-33), A23 SerPar Board (page 6-35) and Rear
Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20) t o compl et e reassembl y of the
osci l l oscope.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Second, slide the A11 DRAM
Processor/Display board to
the rear to release if from the
board mounts; then lift up to
complete removal.
First, unplug the
cables at J38 and J35.
Fi gur e 6- 19: A1 1 Pr oc e s s or / Di s pl a y Re mo v a l
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Servi ce Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Top Cover and Board Brackets
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2)
and, if removi ng any board mount, a fl at-bl aded screwdri ver (Item 5).
b. Locate the modul es to be removed in the locator di agram Outer-
Chassis Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
c. Do the procedures A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power
Cables (page 6-33) and A11 Processor/Display Board (page 6-42) to
remove those modul es.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the top cover: Remove the 12 screws securi ng the t op cover to
the main chassis, then slide it back until its front edge clears the
retainers in the front subpanel . Lift the t op cover away t o compl et e
4. Remove the board mount(s): From the t op si de of the t op cover, use the
fl at-bl aded screwdri ver t o pry up the retainer lug until it clears the slot in
the front cover. Whi l e hol di ng the lug clear of the slot, push the mount
t owards the rear until it releases. (When reinstalling, be sure t o al i gn the
l ug properl y and be sure it snaps into its slot.)
Figure 6-20: Board Bracket Removal
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
5. Reinstallation:
a. Do in reverse order steps 3 and 4, reversing the procedure outl i ned
in each step t o reinstall the assembl y. Then see the fol l owi ng proce-
dures, in the order listed, t o compl et e reassembl y of the oscillo-
A11 Processor/Display Board (page 6-42)
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
(page 6-33)
A23 SerPar Board (page 6-35)
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
Rear-Panel Cables
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have handy a
1/4 inch nut driver (Item 7).
2. If removing the GPIB cable, do the following substeps:
a. Unpl ug the GPIB cabl e f rom its j ack (J35) of the processor/di spl ay
b. Worki ng f rom the rear panel and usi ng the )4 inch nut driver, un-
screw the t wo hex-headed mount i ng posts that secure the cabl e to
the rear chassis.
c. Worki ng f rom inside the osci l l oscope, lift the cabl e out of the rear
3. If removing any cable connected to the rear panel BNC connectors, do
the following:
a. Do the procedure A10 Acquisition Board, on page 6-46.
b. Usi ng a pair of needle nose pliers, reach between the main chassi s
and the rear chassi s and unpl ug the cabl e t o be removed.
c. For the cabl es CH 3 OUT or AUX TRIGGER IN, di sconnect the cabl e
f rom its cabl e cl amp on the mai n chassis
d. Note the cabl e' s col or code for later reinstallation; then lift it away
f rom the osci l l oscope t o remove it.
4. Reinstallation: Reverse subst eps in step 2 and 3 to reinstall any cabl es
removed. See A10 Acquisition Board t o reinstall the acqui si ti on board if it
was removed.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
A10 Acquisition Board
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2).
b. Locate the modul es t o be removed, i ncl udi ng those listed under
Additional Modules Removed in the locator di agram Outer-Chassis
Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
c. Do the procedure A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power
Cables (page 6-33) to remove the D1 bus and the i nterconnect
cabl es.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its t op is down on the
work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the Acquisition Board: Use Figure 6-21 as a gui de.
a. Unpl ug each of the four i nterconnect cabl es that connect the at-
tenuators t o the acqui si ti on board f rom its j ack on the Acqui si ti on
b. Unpl ug the ri bbon i nterconnect cabl e that pl ugs in f rom the at-
tenuator at J1153.
c. Di sconnect the cabl es f rom CH 3 OUT (at J1201), AUX TRIG IN (at
J1550), MAIN TRIG OUT (at J1000), DELAYED TRIG OUT (at J1001).
d. Remove the t wo screws used to secure the noise reducti on shi el d t o
the rear chassis.
e. Remove the eight screws that mount the acqui si ti on board t o the
main chassi s and lift the board away f rom the mai n chassis t o
compl et e removal.
6-46 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-21: A10 Acquisition Board Removal
4. Reinstallation: Do, in reverse order, subst eps 3a reversing each step t o
reinstall the acquisition board. Then see the fol l owi ng procedures, in the
order listed, t o compl et e reassembl y of the osci l l oscope:
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
(page 6-33).
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23).
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Floppy Disk
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a smal l Phillips head.
b. Locate the modul es t o be removed, i ncl udi ng those listed under
Additional Modules Removed in the locator di agram Outer-Chassis
Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its t op is down on the
work surface and its front is faci ng you.
3. Remove the Floppy Disk: Use Figure 6-22 as a gui de.
a. Unpl ug the J38 f l oppy driver connector (ri bbon i nterconnect cable)
that connect the di sk drive t o the A11 Processor/Di spl ay board.
b. You can either remove the di sk drive by itself or the drive wi th its
hol di ng bracket. To remove the drive and the bracket ski p t o step c.
To remove the drive by itself, unscrew the 2 retaining Phillips screws
on the si des of the di sk. Then pull out the di sk.
c. To remove the di sk drive and the bracket together, remove the t wo
T15 t orque screws hol di ng the bracket to the chassis. Then remove
the di sk and the brackets as a unit.
6-48 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures

Figure 6-22: Floppy Disk Removal
4. Reinstallation: Do, in reverse order, subst eps 3c then 3a or 3b then 3a t o
reinstall the floppy disk. Then see the fol l owi ng procedures, in the order
listed, t o compl et e reassembl y of the osci l l oscope:
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23).
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20).
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Rear Chassis
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2)
and a T-20 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2).
b. Locate the modul es t o be removed, i ncl udi ng those listed under
Additional Modules Removed in the locator di agram Outer-Chassis
Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
c. Install the front cover if it's not al ready installed.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its rear is faci ng you.
3. Remove the rear chassis: Use Figure 6-23 as a gui de when doi ng the
fol l owi ng substeps:
a. Unpl ug the GPIB i nterconnect cabl e at J32 of the processor/di spl ay
b. Remove the 6 screws securi ng the rear chassi s t o the main chassi s
and the t wo screws securi ng it t o the l ow-vol tage power-suppl y
c. Lift the rear chassi s up slightly t o access the cabl es connect ed t o it.
Di sconnect those cabl es f rom CH 3 OUT (at J1201), AUX TRIG IN (at
J1550), MAIN TRIG OUT (at J1000), DELAYED TRIG OUT (at J1001),
all f ound on the acqui si ti on board.
4. Reinstallation: Do, in reverse order, subst eps 3 a - 3 b , reversing each
step t o reinstall the rear chassis. Then see the fol l owi ng procedures, in
the order listed, to compl et e reassembl y of the osci l l oscope.
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables (page 6-33)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
6-50 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Procedures for
Y o u
shoul d have compl et ed the Access Procedure (page 6-16) before doi ng
Inner-Chassis any of the procedures for the Inner-Chassis modul es. The procedures are
__ . . presented in the fol l owi ng order:
A16 Low Voltage Power Supply
A20 or A30 Display Assembly and Supply Fuse
Front Subpanel
Main Chassis
A16 Low Voltage Power Supply
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have handy a
screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2). Locate the
modul es t o be removed in the locator di agram Inner-Chassis Modules,
Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its rear is faci ng you.
3. Remove the low-voltage power Supply:
a. Worki ng f rom the rear of the osci l l oscope, remove the t wo screws
securi ng the l ow-vol tage power suppl y t o the rear chassis. See
Figure 6-24.
b. Now, worki ng f rom the t op of the osci l l oscope, remove the seven
screws, i ndi cated in Figure 6-14, that mount the suppl y t o the mai n
c. Grasp the suppl y at the points i ndi cated in the same fi gure and lift
the board up out of the osci l l oscope to compl et e removal.
4. Reinstallation: Do, in reverse order, subst eps 3a t hrough 3c reversing
each step t o reinstall the l ow-vol tage power suppl y. Then see the
fol l owi ng procedures t o compl et e the reassembl y:
Top Cover and Board Brackets (page 6-44)
A11 Processor/Display Board (page 6-42)
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables (page 6-33)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-24: A16 Low Voltage Power Supply Removal
A20 or A30 Display Assembly and Supply Fuse
The display and the display-driver board are a single module and
must be removed and replaced as such. They are listed as a single
module in the Repl aceabl e Parts List.
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed: Have handy a
screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2). Locate the
modul es to be removed in the locator di agram Inner-Chassis Modules,
Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its bot t om is down on
the work surface and its rear is faci ng you.
3. Remove the high-voltage fuse: If you are servi ci ng this fuse, remove the
fuse f rom its fuse holder. Reverse the procedure to reinstall.
Display tube handling: Use care when handling a display tube. If
you break a display tube it may implode, scattering glass fragments
with high velocity and possibly injuring you. Wear protective
clothing, including safety glasses (preferably a full-face shield).
Avoiding striking the display tube with or against any object.
Display tube storage: Store the display tube face down in a
protected location, placing it on a soft, nonabrasive surface to
prevent scratching the face plate.
4. Remove the display tube:
a. Take the precauti ons outl i ned in the warni ng above. Reference
Figure 6-25 (A30 - TDS 644A) or Figure 6-26 (A20 - TDS 620A and
640A) whi l e doi ng the fol l owi ng substeps.
b. For the TDS 644A: Unpl ug the di spl ay t ube connect or f rom the back
of the di spl ay t ube and the di spl ay t ube yoke connector f rom the
di spl ay circuit board (J170, J305 and J570). Loosen the screw on
the vi deo board that hol ds the CRT sockets. Then pull back on the
vi deo board slightly. This separates the board f rom the socket.
For the TDS 620A and 640A: Unpl ug the di spl ay t ube connector
f rom the back of the di spl ay t ube and the di spl ay t ube yoke connec-
tor f rom the di spl ay circuit board (J340).
c. Remove the t wo screws that secure the band ci rcl i ng the front of
di spl ay t ube t o the front subpanel . Carefully gui de di spl ay t ube
forward t o partially remove it f rom the front subpanel and to access
the anode lead connect ed t o the di spl ay tube.
High-voltage is present on the anode lead. Before unplugging the
anode in the following substep, you must discharge it: ground a
flat-bladed screwdriver (Item 5) with an insulated handle to the
chassis through a suitable grounding strap. Next, probe under the
insulating cap of the anode lead and touch the lead's metal
conductor to discharge. Repeat. After unplugging the anode in
substep d, touch its metal conductor to the chassis for a few
minutes to further ensure discharge.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
d. Di scharge the anode lead as descri bed in the i mmedi atel y proceed-
ing WARNING, unpl ug it f rom the di spl ay tube, and di scharge that
lead (again see WARNING).
e. Be sure you have read the WARNING on di spl ay t ube handl i ng and
storage f ound at the start of this di spl ay t ube removal procedure.
Then pull the di spl ay t ube out t hrough the front subpanel t o com-
plete removal. Store as di rected in the previous WARNING mes-
Figure 6-25: Display Assembly Removal - TDS 644A
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-26: Display Assembl y Removal - TDS 620A and 640A
5. Remove the display supply board: Use Figure 6-27 as a gui de.
a. Remove the six screws that mount the display-driver board t o the
main chassis.
b. Grasp the di spl ay driver board. Work f rom the front and t op t o tilt the
board so its right edge is up and its left si de is down and lift it out of
the t op of the osci l l oscope' s mai n chassis.
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-27: Display Driver Board Removal
6. Reinstallation:
a. Do, in reverse order, subst eps 5a- 5b, reversing each step t o rein-
stall Display-Driver board.
b. Do, in reverse order, subst eps 4a- 4e, reversing each step t o rein-
stall the di spl ay t ube if removed.
c. See step 3 t o reinstall the suppl y fuse if it was removed.
d. See the fol l owi ng procedures, in order, t o compl et e reassembl y of
the osci l l oscope:
Top Cover and Board Brackets (top cover only) on page 6-44
A11 Processor/Display Board (page 6-42)
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
(page 6-33)
Display-Frame Assembly
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20) (compl etes reassembl y)
Front Subpanel
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2).
b. Do the procedure A20 orA30 Display Assembly and Supply Fuse
(page 6-53). Do not remove the display-driver board.
c. Locate the modul es to be removed in the locator di agram Inner-
Chassis Modules, Figure 6-2, page 6-13.
2. Orient the oscilloscope: Set the osci l l oscope so its rear is down on the
work surface and its bot t om is faci ng you.
3. Remove the front subpanel: Remove the six screws securi ng the front
subpanel t o the mai n chassis. (See Figure 6-28 for screw locations.) Lift
the front subpanel up away f rom the main chassi s to compl et e the
4. Reinstallation: Do the fol l owi ng subst eps t o reinstall the front subpanel
and reassembl e the remai nder of the osci l l oscope:
a. Al i gn the front subpanel t o the mai n chassis, taki ng care t o ensure
that the main chassi s slips into its al i gnment slot on the front sub-
panel (see magni fi ed view, Figure 6-28.) Then reinstall the six screws
removed in step 3.
b. See the procedure A20 orA30 Display Assembly and Supply Fuse
(page 6-53) to reinstall the di spl ay-frame assembl y and di spl ay tube.
c. See the fol l owi ng procedures, in the order listed, for i nstructi ons for
reinstalling the remai ni ng modul es.
A12 Front-Panel Assembly and A13 Firmface Board
Top Cover and Board Brackets (page 6-44)
A11 Processor/Display Board (page 6-42)
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
(page 6-33)
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
Figure 6-28: Front Subpanel Removal
Main Chassis
Additional Modules Removed: All.
1. Remove the main chassis: Since the removal of the mai n chassis
requires the removal of virtually all modul es, do the procedure
Disassembly for Cleaning that fol l ows. Whi l e doi ng Disassembly for
Cleaning, you will remove the front-panel assembl y. Ignore the
i nstructi ons t o di sassembl e that assembl y.
2. Reinstallation: See reinstallation i nstructi ons in Disassembly for
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
This procedure is for di sassembl y of the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing
Osci l l oscopes into its individual modul es so they can be cl eaned. For the
cl eani ng instructions, see Inspection and Cleaning, whi ch begi ns this
secti on.
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. Have handy a screwdri ver wi th a size T-15 Torx ti p (Items 1 and 2),
aT-20 Torx ti p (Item 3), a fl at-bl aded screwdri ver (Item 6-11), and a
pair of angl e-ti p tweezers (Item 6-11).
b. Familiarize yoursel f wi th the modul es illustrated in fi gures 6-1, 6-2,
and 6-4.
2. Remove external modules: Do in order the fol l owi ng procedures. They
are f ound under Procedures for External Modules whi ch starts on page
a. Line Fuse and Line Cord (page 6-18)
b. Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
c. Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23)
d. Front Subpanel (page 6-58) and Display-Frame Assembly
3. Remove the outer-chassis modules: Do in order the fol l owi ng
procedures. They are f ound under Procedures for Outer-Chassis
Modules whi ch start on page 6-31.
a. Fan (page 6-32)
b. A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables (page 6-33)
c. A23 SerPar Board (page 6-35)
d. A29 Video Trigger Board - with option 05 (page 6-37)
e. A11 Processor/Display Board (page 6-42)
f. Top Cover and Board Brackets (page 6-44)
g. A15 Attenuator Assembly
h. A10 Acquisition Board (page 6-46)
4. Remove the inner-chassis modules: Do in order the fol l owi ng proce-
dures. They are f ound under Procedures for Inner-Chassis Modules
whi ch start on page 6-52.
a. A16 Low Voltage Power Supply (page 6-52)
b. A20 orA30 Display Assembly and Supply Fuse (page 6-53)
5. Disassemble the chassis:
a. Set the assembl y so its bot t om is down on the work surface and its
front is faci ng you.
Disassembly for
6-188 Maintenance
Removal and Installation Procedures
b. Remove the six screws securi ng the front subpanel t o the mai n
chassis. (See Figure 6-28 for screw location.)
c. Lift the front subpanel up away f rom the mai n chassis.
d. Now remove the five screws securi ng the rear chassi s to the main
chassis and separate the t wo chassis. (See Figure 6-23 for screw
6. Reassembly: Do the fol l owi ng substeps:
a. Reassemble the chassis: Al i gn the rear chassis t o the mai n chassi s
and reinstall the five screws removed in step 5; al i gn the front sub-
panel t o the mai n chassi s and reinstall the six screws removed in
step 5.
The following substeps refer you to procedures for installing each
module removed. When reinstalling the modules, ignore any in-
structions that require connecting a cable or bus to an module that
you have not yet installed. The necessary connections will be made
when you install the missing module later
b. Reinstall the inner-chassis modules: Do in the order listed the fol l ow-
ing procedures. When doi ng these procedures, do their steps in
reverse order. These procedures are f ound under Procedures for
Inner-Chassis Modules whi ch start on page 6-52.
A20 or A30 Display Assembly and Supply Fuse (page 6-53)
A16 Low Voltage Power Supply (page 6-52)
c. Reinstall the outer-chassis modules: Do in the order listed the fol l ow-
ing procedures. When doi ng these procedures, do their steps in
reverse order. These procedures are f ound under Procedures for
Outer-Chassis Modules whi ch start on page 6-31.
A15 Attenuator Assembly (page 6-31)
Top Cover and Board Brackets (page 6-44)
A11 Processor/Display Board (page 6-42)
A23 SerPar Board (page 6-35)
A29 Video Trigger Board - with option 05 (page 6-37)
A14 D1 Bus and Analog-Power and Digital-Power Cables
(page 6-33)
Fan (page 6-33)
A10 Acquisition Board (page 6-46)
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-67
Removal and Installation Procedures
d. Reinstall external modules: Do in the order listed the fol l owi ng proce-
dures. When doi ng these procedures, do the steps in reverse order.
These procedures are f ound under Procedures for External Modules
whi ch starts on page 6-17.
Front Subpanel (page 6-58)
Display-Frame Assembly (page 6-53)
Front Cover, Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Attenuator Panel
(page 6-23)
Rear Cover and Cabinet (page 6-20)
Line Fuse and Line Cord (page 6-18)
6-188 Maintenance
This subsect i on contai ns i nformati on and procedures desi gned t o help you
isolate faulty modul es in the osci l l oscope. If a modul e needs to be repl aced,
fol l ow the Removal and Installation Procedures l ocated in this secti on.
D i a g n o s t i c s The osci l l oscope has t wo levels of internal di agnosti cs that f ocus on verify-
ing, adj usti ng, and if need be, isolating faulty modul es.
Both levels of internal di agnosti cs report any bad modul es and/or interfaces.
If a bad modul e and/or interface is f ound, use the t roubl eshoot i ng proce-
dures in this secti on to determi ne whi ch modul e needs to be repl aced.
The t wo levels of di agnosti cs are the short confi dence set and the extended
set that tests the osci l l oscope circuitry i n-depth and takes more ti me. At
power-up, the osci l l oscope automati cal l y executes the short set. The ex-
t ended set is opti onal and is executed by usi ng the fol l owi ng procedure:
Prerequisites: Power on the osci l l oscope and al l ow a 20 mi nute warm-up
before doi ng this procedure.
1. Display the System diagnostics menu:
a. Press SHIFT; t hen press UTILITY.
b. Repeatedl y press the mai n-menu button System until Diag/Err is
hi ghl i ghted in the pop-up menu.
2. Run the System Diagnostics: Press the mai n-menu button Execute; then
press the si de-menu button OK Confirm Run Test.
( J ) 3. Wait: The internal di agnosti cs do an exhaustive verification of proper
osci l l oscope functi on. This verification will take about t wo mi nutes. When
fi ni shed, the osci l l oscope will di spl ay a report of any bad modul es
and/or interfaces.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-63
Firmware Updates 620A, 640A, & 644A Firmware updates are easy t o do. Si mpl y install
the Firmware di sks on your PC and fol l ow the i nstructi ons in the README
file l ocated on the first disk.
You must set the Protection switch to the unprotected position
before updating the Firmware. Figure 6-29 shows how to set the
switch. After loading the Firmware, be sure you set the switch back
to the protected position and cycle power
If you want t o order a Firmware update, see Optional Accessories, Mechani-
cal Parts List in Secti on 10 for the part number.
Figure 6-29: Accessing the Protection Switch
6-64 Maintenance
Troubl eshooti ng
Power off and remove the cover
using the Rear Cover and Cabinet
removal procedure. Check all the
cables coming out of the Low
Voltage Power Supply, and the
cabling between modules. Be sure
every cable is attached securely.
Perform the Module Isolation
troubleshooting procedure.
n e
. )
Fi gur e 6- 30: Pr i mar y Tr oubl e s hoot i ng Pr oc e dur e
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Servi ce Manual 6 - 6 5
Figure 6-30: Primary Troubleshooting Procedure (Cont.)
6-66 Maintenance
Troubl eshooti ng
This procedure assumes
that the oscilloscope is up
and running and you can
read the display.
The Acquisition tests
must have been the
only failure. Replace
the A10 Acquisition
Perform the
troubleshooting procedure.
Fi gur e 6- 31: Mo d u l e I sol at i on Tr oubl eshoot i ng Pr oc e dur e
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Servi ce Manual 6 - 6 7
Use this procedure to determine if an
oscilloscope problem is caused by the
Low Voltage Power Supply. Connect the
oscilloscope to the correct power source.
Turn on the principal power switch.
The oscilloscope may have
powered off because it
over-heated. Wait 5 minutes and
power on the oscilloscope.
Figure 6-32: A16 Low Voltage Power Supply Module Isolation Troubleshooting Procedure
6-68 Maintenance
Table 6-5: Normal Supply Voltages (Measured on J26 and J27 on the
A11 DRAM Processor/Display Module)
Supply Lower Limit Upper Limit
Ground ( J26or J27 pin 15)
+5. 1 VA (J27 pin 5) +5. 0 V +5. 2 V
+5. 1 VB (J27 pin 17) +5. 0 V +5. 2 V
+25 V (J27 pin 1) +23. 5 V +27. 5 V
+5 V (J26 pin 39) +4. 9 V +5. 1 V
- 5 . 1 V (J26 pin 17) - 4 . 9 V - 5 . 2 V
+ 15 V (J26 pin 11) + 14.7 V + 15.3 V
- 1 5 V (J26 pin 7) - 1 4 . 7 V - 15. 3 V
Table 6-6: No-Load Supply Voltages (Measured on J5 and J6 on the
A17 Main LV Power Supply Module)
Supply Lower Limit Upper Limit
Ground (J5 or J6 pin 15)
+5. 1 VA( J6 pin 5) +4. 95 V +5. 25 V
+5. 1 VB (J6 pin 17) +4. 95 V +5. 25 V
+25 V (J6 pin 1) +23. 5 V +27. 5 V
+5 V (J5 pin 39) +0. 59 V +0. 81 V
- 5 . 1 V (J5 pin 17) - 0 . 3 9 V - 0. 61 V
+ 15 V (J5 pin 11) + 1.05 V + 1.75 V
- 1 5 V (J5 pin 7) - 1. 05 V - 1. 75 V
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-69
6-70 Maintenance
Figure 6-34: Color (TDS 644A) Display Troubleshooting Procedure
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-71
J18 pin 1 (Horizontal Sync)
J18 pin 2 (Vertical Sync)
Figure 6-35: Horizontal and Vertical Sync Signals - Color Display
SI5B25. 0MS/S 835 Ac qs
! T- F }
White Level
J62 pin 1 (Video)
Black Levels
Blanking Levels
... ...
Figure 6-36: A Video Signal with White, Black, and Blanking Levels - Color Display
6-72 Maintenance
Figure 6-37: Monochrome (TDS 620A and 640A) Display Troubleshooting Procedure
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-73
J18 pin 1 (Horizontal Sync)
J18 pin 2 (Vertical Sync)
Figure 6-38: Horizontal and Vertical Sync Signals - Monochrome Display
White Level
J62 pin 1 (Video)
Black Levels
Blanking Levels
Figure 6-39: A Video Signal with White, Black, and Blanking Levels - Monochrome Display
6-74 Maintenance
Figure 6-40: Processor/Acquisition Troubleshooting Procedure
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-75
This procedure helps you
determine if the A11 DRAM
Processor/Display or the A12
Front Panel module is bad.
Connect the cable and then
perform the Primary
troubleshooting procedure.
On the A11 DRAM
module probe J26
pins 3 and 5 with
an ohm meter (see
Figure 6-43).
Power off and remove
the cable from J2 on the
module. Probe P2
pins 10 and 8 with an
ohm meter.
Power off the oscilloscope,
remove the cable from J2 of the
A11 DRAM Processor/Display
module (see Figure 6-43), and
power back on.
D o n e
. )
Replace the A11 DRAM
Figure 6-41: Processor/Front Panel Troubleshooting Procedure
6-76 Maintenance
J700 pins 10, 36,
16, and 8. Are1
pins +15V, +5V,
- 5. 1 V, and - 1 5 V.
Figure 6-42: Attenuator/Acquisition Troubleshooting Procedure
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-77
Only probe points specified in the procedures. You can cause catastrophic
damage if you attempt to probe other points.
Pin 100
Pin 3
Pin 4
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
^ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ^
(_) ooooooooooooooooooooooooo( _ )
Figure 6-43: A11 DRAM Processor/Display Modul e (View of Right Side)
6-78 Maintenance
Figure 6-44: A11 DRAM Processor/Display Modul e (View of Upper Left Corner)
o o o o o o o o o o o o o
L O O D L -
[ S -
Figure 6-45: A11 DRAM Processor/Display Module (View of Lower Left Corner)
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-79
Pin 5 Pin 7 Pin 9
Figure 6-46: A10 Acquisition Modul e (View of Lower Left Corner)
6-80 Maintenance
Options and Accessories
This secti on descri bes the vari ous opti ons as well as the standard and
opti onal accessori es that are available for the TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A
Digitizing Osci l l oscopes.
Options The fol l owi ng opti ons are available:
Options A1- A5: International Power Cords
Besides the standard North Ameri can, 110 V, 60 Hz power cord, Tektronix
shi ps any of five alternate power cord confi gurati ons wi th the osci l l oscope
when ordered by the customer.
Table 7-1: International Power Cords
Option Power Cord
A1 Universal European 220 V, 50 Hz
A2 UK 2 4 0 V, 50 Hz
A3 Austral i an 240 V, 50 Hz
A4 North Ameri can 240 V, 60 Hz
A5 Swi tzerl and 220 V, 50 Hz
Option 1K: K218 Scope Cart
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps the K218 Scope Cart. The cart can help you
transport the osci l l oscope around many lab envi ronments.
Service Assurance Options
The fol l owi ng opti ons add to the services available wi th the standard warran-
ty. (The standard warranty appears fol l owi ng the title page in this manual.)
Option R2: When Opt i on R2 is ordered, Tektronix provi des t wo years of
post-warranty repair protecti on.
Option C5: When Opti on C5 is ordered, Tektronix provi des five years of
cal i brati on services.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-7
Options and Accessories
Option 1F: File System (Standard on TDS 644A)
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps the Digitizing Osci l l oscopes wi th a f l oppy
disk drive and a variety of features for managi ng the f l oppy disk. Wi th the file
system you can save and recall setups, waveforms, and hardcopi es on a
f l oppy disk.
Option 1R: Rackmounted Digitizing Oscilloscope
Tektronix shi ps the Digitizing Osci l l oscopes, when ordered wi th Opti on 1R,
confi gured for installation in a 19 inch wi de i nstrument rack. Customers wi th
i nstruments not confi gured for rackmount i ng can order a rackmount kit
(016-1236-00 for field conversi ons).
Instructions for rackmount i ng the Digitizing Osci l l oscopes are shi pped wi th
the opti on 1R.
Option 13: RS-232/Centronics Hardcopy Interface
(Standard on TDS 644A)
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps the osci l l oscope equi pped wi th a RS-232
and a Centroni cs interface that can be used t o obtai n hardcopi es of the
osci l l oscope screen.
Option 2D: Delete Two Probes (TDS 620A only)
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps the i nstrument wi thout the t wo probes
normal l y i ncl uded as standard accessori es.
Option 4D: Delete Four Probes
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps the i nstrument wi thout the probes normal l y
i ncl uded as standard accessori es.
Option 05: Video Trigger
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps the i nstrument wi th tool s for investigating
events that occur when a vi deo si gnal generates a horizontal or vertical sync
pulse. It al l ows you to investigate a range of NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and hi gh
definition TV signals.
Option 2F: Advanced DSP Math
Wi th this opti on, the osci l l oscope can comput e and di spl ay three advanced
math waveforms: integral of a waveform, differential of a waveform, and an
FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) of a waveform.
7-2 Options
Options and Accessories
Option 23: Additional Probes (TDS 620A only)
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps t wo addi ti onal probes identical t o the t wo
standard-accessory P6205 probes normal l y shi pped wi th the i nstrument.
This provi des one probe for each front-panel input.
Option 24: Add Four Passive Probes
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps four passive 10X P6139A probes.
Option 95: Calibration Data Report
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps a cal i brati on data report wi th the
Option 96: Calibration Certificate
Wi th this opti on, Tektronix shi ps a Certificate of Cal i brati on. This certificate
states the i nstrument meets or exceeds all warranted speci fi cati ons and has
been cal i brated usi ng standards and i nstruments whose accuraci es are
traceabl e t o the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an accept ed
value of a natural physi cal constant, or a ratio-calibration techni que. The
calibration is in compl i ance wi th US MIL-STD-45662A. This opti on i ncl udes a
test data report for the osci l l oscope.
Standard The fol l owi ng standard accessori es are i ncl uded wi th the di gi ti zi ng oscillo-
Table 7-2: Standard Accessories
Accessory Part Number
User Manual 070-8715-XX
Programmer Manual 070-8709-XX
Reference 070-8711-XX
Performance Verification 070-8717-XX
Front Cover 200-3696-01
U.S. Power Cord 161-0230-01
Probes, TDS 640A (quantity four), 10X Passive; P6139A (single unit)
500 MHz
Probes, TDS 620A (quantity two), TDS 644A (quanti- P6205 (single unit)
ty four), 10X Active; 750 MHz
P6139A Probe Manual (TDS 640A) 063-0870-XX
P6205 Probe Manual (TDS 620A, TDS 644A) 070-8202-XX
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 7-3
Options and Accessories
Optional Accessories ^ou
c a n a
s 0
order the fol l owi ng opti onal accessori es:
Table 7-3: Optional Accessories
Accessory Part Number
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 070-8718-XX
Plotter (GPIB and Centroni cs Standard) HC100
Osci l l oscope Cart K218
Rack Mount Kit (for field conversi on) 016-1236-00
Osci l l oscope Camera C9
Osci l l oscope Camera Adapter 016-1154-00
Soft-Si ded Carryi ng Case 016-0909-01
Transit Case 016-1135-00
GPIB Cabl e (1 meter) 012-0991-01
GPIB Cabl e (2 meter) 012-0991-00
Accessory Probes
The fol l owi ng probes are recommended for use wi th your di gi ti zi ng oscillo-
P6101A 1X, 15 MHz, Passive probe.
P6156 10X, 3.5 GHz, Passive, low capaci tance, (low i mpedance Z
probe. Provides 100X, when ordered wi th Opti on 25.
P6139A 10X, Passive probe.
P6009 Passive, hi gh vol tage probe, 100X, 1500 VDC + Peak AC.
P6015A Passive hi gh vol tage probe, 1000X, 20 kVDC + Peak AC
(40 kV peak for less than 100 ms).
P6204 Active, hi gh speed digital vol tage probe. FET. DC t o 1 GHz. DC
offset. 50 Q input. Use wi th 1103 TekProbe Power Suppl y for offset
control .
P6205 10X, 750 MHz, Active probe
P6046 Active, differential probe, 1X/10X, DC to 100 MHz, 50 Q input.
P6563AS Passive, SMD probe, 20X, 500 MHz
A6501 Buffer Amplifier (active fixtured), 1 GHz, 1 MQ, 10X.
P6501 Opti on 02: Mi croprobe wi th TekProbe power cabl e (active fix-
tured), 750 MHz, 1 MQ, 10X.
AM 503S DC/AC Current probe system, AC/DC. Uses A6302 Current
7-4 Options
Options and Accessories
AM 503S Opti on 03: DC/AC Current probe system, AC/DC. Uses A6303
Current Probe.
P6021 AC Current probe. 120 Hz t o 60 MHz.
P6022 AC Current probe. 935 kHz to 120 MHz.
CT-1 Current probe desi gned for permanent or semi -permanent
in-circuit installation. 25 kHz t o 1 GHz, 50 Q input.
CT-2 Current probe desi gned for permanent or semi -permanent
in-circuit installation. 1.2 kHz t o 200 MHz, 50 Q input.
CT-4 Current Transformer for use wi th the AM 503S (A6302) and
P6021. Peak pul se 1 kA. 0.5 Hz t o 20 MHz wi th AM 503S (A6302).
P6701A Opto-El ectroni c Converter, 500 to 950 nm, DC t o 850 MHz
1 V/mW.
P6703A Opto-El ectroni c Converter, 1100 t o 1700 nm, DC to 1 GHz
1 V/mW.
P6711 Opto-El ectroni c Converter, 500 t o 950 nm, DC to 250 MHz
5 V/mW.
P6713 Opto-El ectroni c Converter, 1100 t o 1700 nm, DC t o 300 MHz
5 V/mW.
TVC 501 Ti me-to-vol tage converter. Ti me delay, pul se wi dt h and peri od
Accessory Software
The fol l owi ng opti onal accessori es are Tektronix software product s recom-
mended for use wi th your di gi ti zi ng osci l l oscope:
Table 7-4: Accessory Software
Software Part Number
EZ-Test Program Generator S45F030
Wavewriter: AWG and wavef orm creati on S3FT400
TekTMS: Test management system S3FT001
LabWi ndows S3FG910
Warranty Information
Check for the full warranty statements for this product, the probes, and the
products listed above on the first page after the title page of each product
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 7-5
Options and Accessories
7-6 Options
Replaceable Electrical Parts List
The modul es that make up this i nstrument are often a combi nat i on of me-
chani cal and electrical subparts. Therefore, all repl aceabl e modul es are
listed in Secti on 10, Mechanical Parts List. Refer to that secti on for part
numbers when usi ng this manual .
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-8
Replaceable Electrical Parts List
8-2 Electrical Parts List
This contai ns the bl ock di agram and the i nterconnecti on di agram for the
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Digitizing Osci l l oscopes.
Graphi c symbol s and class desi gnati on letters are based on ANSI Standard
Y32.21975. Abbrevi ati ons are based on ANSI Y1. 1- 1972.
Logi c symbol ogy is based on ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 in terms of positive
logic. Logi c symbol s depi ct the l ogi c functi on performed and can differ f rom
the manufacturer' s data.
The tilde ( ~) precedi ng a si gnal name indicates that the si gnal performs its
i ntended functi on when in the low state.
Other standards used in the preparati on of di agrams by Tektronix. Inc are:
Tektronix Standard 0622476 Symbol s and Practices for Schemati c
ANSI Y14.1591971 Interconnecti on Di agrams
ANSI Y32.161975 Reference Desi gnati ons for El ectroni c Equi pment
MILHDBK630381A Military Standard Technical Manual Wri ti ng
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-9
Figure 9-1: Block Diagram
9-2 Diagrams
Figure 9-1: Block Diagram (Cont.)
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 9-3
J3 I P3
n n PD2
- 10 PINS
_ l 1
- 10 PINS
^ A 1 ^ F R O N ^ A N E L BOARD
f c H T |
i r
J1400 INPUT1
| " CH7| @
CH 4
9 a-
26 PINS - I -
J1100 INPUT4
P 7 12 PINS
T 2 I
12 PINS P 6
S 3 -
s a -
E G -
<I - 40 PINS
0 0>_

40 PINS 100 PINS
40 PINS 100 PINS
Figure 9-2: Interconnections
9-4 Diagrams
FAN ( j T j ]
J51 I
Q [ v ^
26 PINS J37 I P 3 7
T 3
< I 26 PINS J37 I
1 38
2 6 P I N S
- [ } g
A14 D1 BUS
9 -
1 1
; I RS232 |
J51 ^ 3 9 ^
J f
J285 2 J501
2 PINS - > 2 PINS
l l
J2 I I J39
100 PINS - p a 100 PINS
100 PINS
A 1 1
J 15( Tf
J t
- >
J 5 2
2 J505
2 p | N S
^ ^ - < * - 2 PINS
J85 4 J560
4 PINS - > >--< t " 4 pi ns
A 3 0
Figure 9-2: Interconnections (Cont.)
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 9-5
A20 CRT Driver for
Monochrome Models only
(TDS 620A and TDS 640A)
J5| I I I
16 PINS ; ^ ^
l _ r i _ J L J
(TDS 620A & 640A) |
" | 16 PINS
(TDS 620A & 640A |
Figure 9-2: Interconnections (Cont.)
9-6 Diagrams
Replaceable Parts List
This secti on contai ns a list of the modul es that are repl aceabl e for
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A' s. Use this list t o identify and order repl acement
Parts Ordering
Repl acement parts are available f rom or t hrough your local Tektronix, Inc.
service center or representative.
Changes t o Tektronix i nstruments are somet i mes made to accommodat e
i mproved component s as they become available and to give you the benefit
of the latest circuit i mprovements. Therefore, when orderi ng parts, it is
i mportant t o i ncl ude the fol l owi ng i nformati on in your order:
Part number
Instrument type or model number
Instrument serial number
Instrument modi fi cati on number, if appl i cabl e
If a part you order has been repl aced wi th a different or i mproved part, your
local Tektronix service center or representative will contact you concerni ng
any change in the part number.
Change i nformati on, if any, is l ocated at the rear of this manual .
Module Replacement
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A' s are servi ced by modul e repl acement so there are
three opti ons you shoul d consi der:
Modul e Exchange. In some cases you may exchange your modul e for
a remanufactured modul e. These modul es cost si gni fi cantl y less than
new modul es and meet the same factory speci fi cati ons. For more
i nformati on about the modul e exchange program, call 1 - 8 0 0 - T EK-
WIDE, ext. 6630.
Modul e Repair. You may shi p your modul e t o us for repair, after whi ch
we will return it to you.
New Modules. You may purchase new repl acement modul es in the
same way as other repl acement parts.
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 6-1
Replaceable Parts List
Using the The tabular i nformati on in the Repl aceabl e Parts List is arranged for qui ck
Replaceable Parts retrieval. Understandi ng the structure and features of the list will help you
Li t fi nd the all the i nformati on you need for orderi ng repl acement parts.
Item Names
In the Repl aceabl e Parts List, an Item Name is separated f rom the descri p-
ti on by a col on (:). Because of space limitations, an Item Name may some-
ti mes appear as i ncompl ete. For further Item Name identification, U.S.
Federal Catal ogi ng Handbook H6-1 can be used where possi bl e.
Indentation System
This parts list is i ndented t o show the rel ati onshi p between items. The
fol l owi ng exampl e is of the i ndentati on system used in the Descri pti on
col umn:
1 2 3 4 5 Name & Description
Assembly and/or Component
Attaching parts for Assembly and/or Component
Detail Part of Assembly and/or Component
Attaching parts for Detail Part
Parts of Detail Part
Attaching parts for Parts of Detail Part
Attachi ng parts al ways appear at the same i ndentati on as the item it
mounts, whi l e the detail parts are i ndented t o the right. Indented items are
part of, and i ncl uded wi th, the next higher i ndentati on. Attachi ng parts must
be purchased separately, unless otherwi se speci fi ed.
Abbrevi ati ons conf orm t o Ameri can National Standards Institute (ANSI)
standard Y1.1
10-2 Mechanical Parts List
Replaceable Parts List
Code Manufacturer Address City, State, Zip Code
00779 AMP INC
635 NW16TH
1775 NW216TH
1800 NW216TH AVE
5400 RTB PO BOX 1228
1800 NW 169TH PL SUITE B- 300
15/F #1, FU-SHI NG N. ROAD
1281- S NE25TH
PO BOX 1980
PO BOX 547
PO BOX 750
1800 NW216TH AVE
PO BOX 2963
PO BOX 500
PORTLAND OR 97209-2206
HILLSBORO OR 97124-6629
SOUTH BEND IN 46614-9696
VANCOUVER WA 98661-2999
LOS ANGELES CA 90039-2410
SALEM, NH 03079
EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344-3637
SANTA ROSA CA 95407-7350
RICHMOND IN 47375-0010
MENLO PARK CA 94025-1408
MONTEBELLO, CA 90640-6537
HILLSBORO OR 97124-6629
AUSTIN TX 78769-2963
DES PLAINES IL 60016-3049
BEAVERTON OR 97077-0001
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 10-3
Replaceable Parts List
Fig. &
Part No.
Serial No.
Effective Dscont Qty 12345 Name & Description
Code Mfr. Part No.
1 0 - 1 - 1 200- 3695- 03 1 REAR COVER ASSY:W/LABEL 80009 200369503
- 2 1 61 -0230- 01 1 CABLE ASSYPWR,:3,18 AWG,92 L,SVT,TAN
- 3 343- 1213- 00 1 CLAMPPWR CORD:POLYMIDE
- 4 200-
FEK031 1666
FEK 031.1663
- 5 159-
TYPE FST 034- 31
- 6 650- 2922- 00 1 CABINET ASSY:W/ATTACHING PARTS 80009 650292200
- 7 367- 0247- 01 1 HANDLE,CARRYING:11.54 L,W/CLIP 80009 367024701
- 9 348- 1110- 02 4 FOOT,CABINET: 80009 348111002
- 1 0 348- 1254- 01 4 PAD,FOOT:TEK BLACK,SANTOPRENE 80009 348125401
- 1 1 348- 0875- 00 1 FLIPSTAND,CAB.: TK0488 ORDER BY DESC
- 1 2 348- 1109- 01 GASKET,SHIELD:45.0 L 80009 348110901
- 1 3 200- 3696- 01 1 COVER,FRONT:PLASTIC
80009 200369601
- 1 4 101- 0142- 00 1 TRIM,DECORATIVE:FRONT TK1163 ORDER BY DESC
- 1 5 334-
334- 8571- 00
334- 8615- 00
334- 8616- 00
- 1 7 366- 2114- 00 KNOB:LARGE,DETENTED TK1163 ORDER BY DESC
- 1 8 366- 2111- 00 KNOB:SMALL,FLUTED TK1163 ORDER BY DESC
- 1 9 650-
(TDS620A/640A ONLY)
- 2 0 378- 0366- 00 1 FILTER,LT,CRT:6.75X5.50,DARK GRAY
(TDS620A/640A ONLY)
(TDS620A/640A ONLY)
TK1163 386- 6211- 02
- 2 2 386- 5954- 00 1 PANEL,INPUT:PLASTIC,ATTENUATOR 80009 386595400
- 2 3 614-
(A12, TDS640A/644A ONLY)
(A12, TDS620A ONLY)
- 2 4 366- 2170- 00 KNOB:DIMPLED GPK,1.7 DIA TK1163 ORDER BY DESC
10-4 Mechanical Parts List
Replaceable Parts List
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 10-5
Replaceable Parts List
Fig. &
Part No.
Serial No.
Effective Dscont Qty 12345 Name & Description
Code Mfr. Part No.
1 0 - 2 - 1 212 - 0189- 00 6 SCREW,MACHINE:8-32 X 0.500,PAN HEAD 0KB01 ORDER BY DESC
- 2 119 - 5044- 00 1 FAN,DC:TUBEAXIAL;20-28V,0.275A,5W 5Y921 JQ24F4V/031349
80009 671241300
- 4 441 - 1902- 01 1 CHASSIS,SCOPE:REAR 0J9P9 ORDER BY DESC
- 5 334 - 7966- 02 1 MARKER,IDENT:MKD W/CONN IDENT,REARBNC 07416 334- 7966- 02
- 6 131 - 1315- 01 CONN,RF JACK:BNC/PNL,50 OHM,FEMALE,STR 24931 28JR306-1
- 9 131 - 0890- 01 2 LOCK,CONNENCTOR:4-40 X 0.312L,HEX HD,STL
(TDS620A/640A QTY 2, TDS644A QTY 6)
00779 205818-2
- 1 0 348 - 1300- 00 2 SHLD,GSKT,ELEK:3.165 L,CLIP ON 30817 0098- 0564- 09-
- 1 1 211 - 0730- 00 6 SCR,ASSEM WSHR: 6-32 X 0.375,PNH,STL CD PL 0KB01 ORDER BY DESC
- 1 2 671 - 2846- 00 1 CIRCUIT BD ASSY:D1 BUS
80009 671284600
- 1 3 671
- 2862-
- 2903-


(A10, TDS640A/644A ONLY)
(A10, TDS620A ONLY)
- 1 4 119 - 4092- 02 1 ATTENUATOR:FOUR CHAN,1MOHM/50OHM
80009 119409202
- 1 5 343 - 0088- 00 2 CLAMPCABLE:0.062 DIA,PLASTIC 80009 343008800
- 1 6 407 - 3878- 00 6 BRACKET,CKT BD:PLASTIC TK1163 ORDER BY DESC
- 1 7 407 - 3877- 00 2 BRACKET,CKT BD:PLASTIC TK1163 ORDER BY DESC
- 1 8 441 - 1901- 01 1 CHASSIS,SCOPE:TOP 0J9P9 ORDER BY DESC
10-6 Mechanical Parts List
Replaceable Parts List

Figure 10-2: Outer-Chassis Modules
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 10-7
Replaceable Parts List
Fig. &
Tektronix Serial No.
Part No. Effective Dscont Qty 12345 Name & Description
Code Mfr. Part No.
1 0 - 3 - 1 640- 0071- 03
640- 0077- 06
348- 1300- 00
119- 4415- 01
441- 2017- 01
386- 5871- 01
(A20, TDS620A/640A ONLY)
(A30, TDS644A ONLY)
80009 640- 0071- 03
80009 640- 0077- 06
30817 0098- 0564- 09- 03
5Y400 386- 5871- 01
10-8 Mechanical Parts List
Replaceable Parts List
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 10-9
Replaceable Parts List
Fig. &
Index Tektronix
No. Part No.
Serial No.
Effective Dscont Qty 12345 Name & Description
Code Mfr. Part No.
1 0 - 4 - 1
- 2
- 3
174- 1525- 00
174- 2349- 00
174- 1524- 01
129- 1439- 00
346- 0266- 00
174- 1519- 00
174- 1728- 00
174- 2031- 00
174- 2975- 00
175- 2929- 00
175- 8029- 00
2 SPACER,POST:0.17 L, 4- 40 BRS,0.25 RND TK0588 ORDER BY DESC
(USE WITH 174- 1524- XX ONLY)
1 STRAPCABLE:PLASTIC 0KB05 346- 0266- 00
2 CABLE ASSYRF:50 OHM COAX,6.5L,W/BLUEJKT TK2338 174- 2031- 00
1 CABLE ASSYRF:50 OHM COAX,18.0 L, 9- 6 80009 175292900
1 CABLE ASSY,RF:50 OHM COAX,12.0 L, 9- 2 80009 175802900
10-10 Mechanical Parts List
Replaceable Parts List
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 10-11
Replaceable Parts List
Fig. &
Part No.
Serial No.
Effective Dscont Qty 12345 Name & Description
Code Mfr. Part No.
1 0 - 5 - 1 211- 0840- 00 2 SCREW,MACHINE:M2.6 X 0.45MM PITCH X 4.0 L 0KB01 .26C4MXPHY
- 2 211- 0730- 00 2 SCR,ASSEM WSHR: 6-32 X 0.375,PNH,STL CD PL 0KB01 ORDER BY DESC
- 3 174- 2964- 00 1 WIRE,ELECTRICAL:FLAT FLEX,JUMPER;26 COND 1DM20 1. 00MM- 26- 7- B
- 4 276- 0849- 00 1 CORE,EM:EMI SUPPRESS,RBN CA;RECTANG 1JJ96 BFS 33.5 X 8 X
- 5 407- 4230- 01 1 BRKT,DISK DRIVE:ALUMINUM 0J9P9 407- 4230- 01
- 6 337- 3935- 00 1 SHLD,DISK DRIVE 0JR05 337- 3935- 00
- 7 119- 5677- 01 1 DISK DRIVE:FLOPPY,3.5 INCH;1.44MB 50356 FD- 04HF- 2300
- 8 407- 4460- xx 1 SHIELD:FDD NOISE SHIELD,DISK DRIVE TOP 80009 407- 4460- xx
- 9 211- 0866- xx
105- 1081- xx
337- 3956- 00 1 SHIELD:DISK DRIVE HOLE,0.005 ST STL
(TDS620A/640A ONLY)
80009 337395600
(TDS620A/640A ONLY)
10-12 Mechanical Parts List
Replaceable Parts List
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 10-13
Replaceable Parts List
Fig. &
Part No.
Serial No.
Effective Dscont Qty 12345 Name & Description
Code Mfr. Part No.
1 0 - 6 - 1 161 - 0104- 05 1 CABLE ASSYPWR,:3,18 AWG,240V,98.0 L
- 2 1 61 - 0104- 06 1 CABLE ASSYPWR,:3 X 0.75MM SQ,220V,98.0 L
- 3 1 61 - 0104- 07 1 CABLE ASSYPWR,:3,1.0MM SQ,240 VOLT,2.5 M
- 4 161 - 0104- 08 1 CABLE ASSYPWR,:3,18 AWG,98 L,SVT,GREY/BLK
- 5 161 - 0167- 00 1 CABLE ASSYPWR,:3.0 X 0.75,6A,240V,2.5M L
343 - 0170- 00 1 RTNR,CA TO CA:U/W 0.25 OD CABLES
(OPTIONS A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)
(SEE FIGURE 10- 1- 3)
070 - 8709- 02 1 MANUAL,TECH:PROGRAM,TDS620A,TDS640A 80009 070870902
070 - 8711- 02 1 MANUAL,TECH:QUICK REF,TDS620A,TDS640A 80009 070871102
070 - 8715- 03 1 MANUAL,TECH:USER,TDS620A,TDS640A 80009 070871503
070 - 8716- 00 1 MANUAL,TECH:REFERENCE,TDS644A 80009 070871600
070 - 8717- 02 1 MANUAL,TECH:PERF VERIF,TDS620A,TDS640A
80009 070871702
(SEE FIGURE 10- 1- 14)
Figure 10-6: Accessories
10-14 Mechanical Parts List
Replaceable Parts List
Fig. &
Index Tektronix
No. Part No.
Serial No.
Effective Dscont Qty 12345 Name & Description
Code Mfr. Part No.
003- 1457- 01
012- 0991- 00
012- 0991- 01
012- 1250- 00
012- 1298- 00
012- 1388- 00
016- 0909- 01
016- 1135- 00
016- 1145- 00
016- 1236- 00
063- 1514- 01
063- 1516- 00
063- 1675- 00
063- 1689- 00
070- 8567- 01
070- 8582- 01
070- 8718- 03
070- 8748- 00
003- 1457- 01
CACC 3049
C294- 9
2622RW- 7T- 7B
80009 063151600
80009 063167500
80009 063168900
80009 070856701
80009 070858201
80009 070871803
80009 070874800
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A Service Manual 10-15
Replaceable Parts List
10-16 Mechanical Parts List

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