Mr. Aneesh Puthiyadath

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Jithesh Veleeparambu
Ref. LTHE/GCC/HR/311044 February 11th, 2014
Mr. Aneesh Puthiyadath
Engineer (HSE
!S "#. 311044
&ear Sir,
Your posting at KSA
'ith referen(e t) the tran*fer )r+er ref. n) LTHE/GCC/HR/T#/311044 +ate+ February 11th 2014 , ,e are
-.ea*e+ t) inf)r/ y)u that it ha* been +e(i+e+ t) -)*t y)u at $S%, fr)/ +ate )f re-)rting. &uring the
-eri)+ )f y)ur -)*ting, y)u ,i.. re-)rt t) Mr. Joseph Amalraj- Project Manager - Construction Midyan
Project KSA f)r y)ur further a**ign/ent. %* -er C)/-any0* -).i(y, y)u ,i.. be entit.e+ t) the f)..),ing
benefit* f)r y)ur -)*ting at $S%.
!. "esidence Visa
Tran*fer e1-en*e* an+ Re*i+en(e 2i*a f)r *e.f ,i.. be arrange+ by the ()/-any.
#. Salary and Allo$ances as per Cadre %S#
3)u ,i.. be -ai+ ()/-en*ati)n 4 benefit* +uring thi* -)*ting a* /enti)ne+ be.),5
i. &asic Salary5 6S& 1700 -er /)nth.
ii. Special Allo$ance5 6S& 300 -er /)nth.
iii. Midyan Allo$ance5 6S& 478 -er /)nth -ayab.e )n.y ,hen -)*te+ at /i+yan -r)9e(t *ite an+
n)t -ayab.e ,hen -)*te+ e.*e,here.
i:. 'elephone Allo$ance5 6S& 78 -er /)nth, a* -er ()/-any -).i(y (f)r )ffi(ia. an+
-er*)na. (a..*.
:. Air Passage Allo$ance5 6S& 100 -er /)nth (*e-arate %ir ti(;et ,i.. n)t be -r):i+e+ ,hi.e .ea:e.
:i. Accommodation5 <a(he.)r %(()//)+ati)n (T,in Sharing -r):i+e+ by ()/-any.
:ii. 'ransport5 Tran*-)rtati)n -r):i+e+ by ()/-any
:iii. %nnua. <)nu* / !erf)r/an(e Lin;e+ Re,ar+ (!LR5 !ai+ annua..y a* +e(.are+ by ()/-any
(ba*e+ )n in+i:i+ua. 4 C)/-any -erf)r/an(e. Thi* ,i.. be in the range )f /a1 6S& 3000
an+ /in ()u.+ be =er) f)r ea(h finan(ia. year (%-ri. t) >ar(h an+ i* -ai+ in the f)..),ing ?u.y.
%ny -ay/ent )f the -erf)r/an(e b)nu* ,)u.+ be /a+e )n )r after
?u.y ea(h year an+ i*
()n+iti)na. u-)n the E/-.)yee being an a(ti:e e/-.)yee )f the ()/-any at the -r)-)*e+
+ate )f -ay/ent.
!age ! )f #
Mr. Jithesh Veleeparambu
(. Medical )*penses+,acilities
3)u *ha.. get the /e+i(a. fa(i.ity an+ a((i+enta. in*uran(e a* -er .)(a. .a,* an+ ()/-any ru.e*.
-. 'ransportation o. &aggage
Tran*-)rt e1-en*e* )f y)ur <aggage fr)/ the (urrent .)(ati)n t) the ne, -.a(e )f -)*ting ,i.. be
rei/bur*e+ at a(tua. u- t) the -er/i**ib.e .i/it* by the air.ine*.

/. 'ra0el to other countries
Tran*-)rt e1-en*e* )f y)ur <aggage fr)/ the (urrent .)(ati)n t) the ne, -.a(e )f -)*ting ,i.. be
rei/bur*e+ at a(tua. u- t) the -er/i**ib.e .i/it* by the air.ine*. 3)u ,i.. be rei/bur*e+ the
e1-en*e* f)r a++iti)na. baggage u- t) a /a1i/u/ )f 20 ;g* f)r (arrying y)ur .uggage.
1. 2ours o. 3or4 5 Paid 2olidays
3)u ,i.. )b*er:e the ,)r;ing h)ur* an+ h).i+ay* n)r/a..y )b*er:e+ by )ur E*tab.i*h/ent at y)ur
-.a(e )f -)*ting.
6. 7ea0e Policy
Lea:e a--.i(ab.e ,)u.+ be a* -er the ru.e* )f the C)/-any an+ *tatut)ry ()n+iti)n* at
the -.a(e )f -)*ting. 3)u ,i.. be e.igib.e f)r 30 (a.en+ar +ay*0 -ai+ .ea:e -er annu/, f)r ea(h year
)f *er:i(e. (E.igib.e 18 +ay* .ea:e f)r e:ery *i1 /)nth*
8. 9ther &usiness e*penses
%.. )ther bu*ine** e1-en*e*, *ub9e(t t) -ri)r *an(ti)n by y)ur *u-eri)r*, *ha.. be rei/bur*e+ at
a(tua.*, *u--)rte+ by +u.y auth)ri=e+ 2)u(her*.
:. 9ther 'erms 5 Conditions
a Thi* .etter i* *u--.e/enta. t) an+ *ha.. be rea+ in ()n9un(ti)n ,ith the ter/* an+
()n+iti)n* )f y)ur e/-.)y/ent ,ith L4T Gr)u- )f C)/-anie*, a* -er y)ur .etter )f
a--)int/ent ,ith a/en+/ent* there)f, *a:e f)r the ter/* an+ ()n+iti)n* *-e(ifi(a..y
()ntaine+ in thi* .etter.
b @n a(()r+an(e ,ith the *tan+ar+ -ra(ti(e )f the ()/-any, y)u are reAuire+ t) treat y)ur
()/-en*ati)n *tru(ture an+ the ter/* )f e/-.)y/ent a* ()nfi+entia..
( @t ,i.. be y)ur -er*)na. re*-)n*ibi.ity t) )b*er:e *tri(t.y a.. regu.ati)n*, .a,* (in(.u+ing
f)reign e1(hange regu.ati)n* an+ )ther -re:a.ent ru.e* in the ()untry )f y)ur -)*ting, 3)u ,i..
a.*) abi+e by a.. the ru.e*, regu.ati)n* in ()nne(ti)n ,ith thi* a**ign/ent.
+ &uring the ()ur*e )f thi* -)*ting, y)u *ha.. n)t engage in )r be ()n(erne+ ,ith )r be
intere*te+ in any bu*ine** )r -r)fe**i)n )ther than that )f the ()/-any ,ith)ut the
;n),.e+ge an+ the ,ritten ()n*ent )f the >anage/ent )f the ()/-any.
e The ()/-any ,i.. be free at it* *).e +i*(reti)n t) re(a.. y)u fr)/ thi* -)*ting at any ti/e
+uring the -eri)+ )f -)*ting )r e1ten+ the -eri)+ )f -)*ting a* a--r)-riate.
%.. )ther ter/* an+ ()n+iti)n* )f y)ur e/-.)y/ent ,i.. re/ain the *a/e, a* -er )ur .etter )f a--)int/ent.
")t,ith*tan+ing anything *tate+ ab):e, the C)/-any *ha.. ha:e the *).e +i*(reti)n t) a.ter, a/en+ any )f
the ab):e )r )ther ter/* )f y)ur *er:i(e a* an+ ,hen reAuire+ an+ y)u *ha.. be g):erne+ by *u(h ru.e*
an+ regu.ati)n* a* /ay be -ut in f)r(e )r a* /ay be a--.i(ab.e t) y)u.
!.ea*e *ign an+ return t) u* the +u-.i(ate ()-y )f thi* .etter
3)ur* faithfu..y,
f)r 7A"S); 5 '9<&"9 7=M=')%
(Hy+r)(arb)n @nternati)na.
". Satish Kumar
Hea+ B HR (GCC
@ a((e-t the ter/* an+ C)n+iti)n*
Sign an+ +ate
!age # )f #

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