Dragon Race Exp

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Page 1
Class Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon
Tier HD
Base Attack
Fast Category
1 Free Free Free 1HD [Free] Hatchling Free
2 160 160 2000 4HD [14000] !r"ling 1000
# $40 $40 #000 %HD [2&000] 'er! (o)ng 1$00
4 12&0 12&0 4000 10HD [42000] (o)ng 2000
$ 2$00 2$00 $000 1#HD [$6000] *)venile 2$00
6 4#20 4#20 6000 16HD [%0000] (o)ng +,)lt #000
% 6&60 6&60 %000 1-HD [&4000] +,)lt #$00
& 10240 10240 &000 20HD [-&000] .at)re +,)lt 4000
- 14$&0 14$&0 -000 4$00
10 20000 20000 10000 $000
11 26620 26620 11000 $$00
12 #4$60 #4$60 12000 6000
1# 4#-40 4#-40 1#000 6$00
14 $4&&0 $4&&0 14000 %000
1$ 6%$00 6%$00 1$000 %$00
16 &1-20 &1-20 16000 &000
1% -&260 -&260 1%000 &$00
1& 116640 116640 1&000 -000
1- 1#%1&0 1#%1&0 1-000 -$00
20 160000 160000 20000 10000
Page 2
Feats Stats
Times Bought
1 Free Stat / 14 1000
2 #000 1401$ 4000
# 4$00 1601% -000
4 6000 1&01- 16000
$ %$00 20021 2$000
6 -000 2202# #6000
% 10$00 2402$ 4-000
& 12000 2602% 64000
- 1#$00 2&02- -1000
10 1$000 #01 100000
+,,itional 2ses
.)lti3lass 3ost 4on)s 3ost Ti"es 4o)ght
1 %000 Trait $00
2 Pstg 5nl! 21000 Hero Point $00
# 21000 1Hp 6"axHD7 1000
4 #$000
$ $6000
6 -1000
Dragon 8n9o
Page #
Silver Dragon
Age Category HD Breath Weapon Special Abilities
Hatchling 1 Alter Form
Wyrmling 5 2d8 Cold Cone Change Shape, Cold Subtype, Immune to Acid, Paralysis Breath
Very Young 8 4d8 Cold Cone
Young 11 6d8 Cold Cone Graceful Flight
Juvenile 13 8d8 Cold Cone
Young Adult 15 10d8 Cold Cone DR 5/Magic, Spell Resistance
Adult 17 12d8 Cold Cone
Mature Adult 19 14d8 ColdCone DR 10/Magic
Sky Dragon
Age Category HD Breath Weapon Special Abilities
Hatchling 1 Alter Form
Wyrmling 5 2d8 20ft Electricity Cone Borne aloft, immunity to electricity
Very Young 8 4d8 30ft Electricity Cone 3lo), sight
Young 11 6d8 40ft Electricity Cone
Juvenile 13 8d8 40ft Electricity Cone
Young Adult 15 10d8 40ft Electricity Cone DR 5/magic, spell resistance
Adult 17 12d8 50ft Electricity Cone Gust of wind
Mature Adult 19 14d8 50ft Electricity Cone D: 10;"agic
Cloud Walking, Detect Evil
Fog Vision, Feather Fall
Frightful Presence, Fog Cloud
Alter Form (Su): A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Change Shape (Su): A silver dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form three times per day as if using polymorph.
Paralyzing Breath (Su): Instead of a cone of cold, a silver dragon can breathe a cone of paralyzing gas. Creatures within the cone must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.
Cloudwalking (Su): A very young or older silver dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground.
Graceful Flight (Ex): A young or older silver dragons aerial maneuverability is one step better than normal. Already shown on chart
Fog Vision (Ex): A juvenile or older silver dragon can see perfectly well in fog and clouds.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A silver dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Very youngdetect evil; Juvenilefeather fall; Adultfog cloud. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Spell Resistance (Su): is equal the 8 + the Dragons HD
Frightful Presence (Ex): A dragons frightful presence has a range equal to 30 feet the dragons age category.
Spells: A silver dragon knows and casts spells from the cleric list or the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
Dragon Senses (Ex): Dragons have have darkvision 120 ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
Immunities (Ex): Every dragon is immune to sleep and paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
HD: d12
BAB: Fast
Saves: All Good
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. Class skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Base Speed: 40
Change shape, detect evil
Feather fall, frightful presence
Alter Form (Su): A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Flight (Su): Imperial dragons are wingless and their fight is a supernatural ability. Thus they retain their fight in humanoid form.
Borne Aloft (Su): Old or younger sky dragons fy with good maneuverability while all older sky dragons have perfect.
Cloud Sight (Su): A very young or older sky dragons sight is not impeded by clouds or fog, or by spells that create areas of fog.
Dragon 8n9o
Page 4
Red Dragon
Age Category HD Breath Weapon Special Abilities
Hatchling 1 Alter Form
Wyrmling 5 2d10 Fire Cone Fire Subtype
Very Young 8 4d10 Fire Cone Smoke Vision
Young 11 6d10 Fire Cone Detect Magic
Juvenile 13 8d10 Fire Cone
Young Adult 15 10d10 Fire Cone DR 5/magic, spell resistance
Adult 17 12d10 Fire Cone
Mature Adult 19 14d10 Fire Cone DR 10/magic
Time Dragon
Age Category HD Breath Weapon Special Abilities
Change Shape (Su): A silver dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form three times per day as if using polymorph.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A sky dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Youngdetect evil; Juvenilefeather fall; AdultGust of Wind. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Spell Resistance (Su): is equal the 8 + the Dragons HD
Frightful Presence (Ex): A dragons frightful presence has a range equal to 30 feet the dragons age category.
Spells: A sky dragon knows and casts spells from the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
Dragon Senses (Ex): Dragons have have darkvision 120 ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
Immunities (Ex): Every dragon is immune to sleep and paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
HD: d12
BAB: Fast
Saves: All Good
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. Class skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Base Speed: 40
Frightful presence, pyrotechnics
Fire Aura, suggestion
Alter Form (Su): A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Fire Subtype: A creature with the fire subtype has immunity to fire an !ulnerability to col"
Smoke Vision (Su): A !ery young re ragon can see perfectly in smoky conitions #such as those create by pyrotechnics$"
Fire Aura (Su): An adult red dragon is surrounded by an aura of intense heat. All creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 points of fire damage at the beginning of the dragons turn. An old dragons aura extends to 10 feet. An ancient dragons damage increases to 2d6.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A red dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Youngdetect magic; Juvenilepyrotechnics; Adultsuggestion. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Spell Resistance (Su): is equal the 8 + the Dragons HD
Frightful Presence (Ex): A dragons frightful presence has a range equal to 30 feet the dragons age category.
Spells: A Red dragon knows and casts spells from the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
Dragon Senses (Ex): Dragons have have darkvision 120 ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
Immunities (Ex): Every dragon is immune to sleep and paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
HD: d12
BAB: Fast
Saves: All Good
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. Class skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Base Speed: 40
Dragon 8n9o
Page $
Age Category HD Breath Weapon Special Abilities
Hatchling 1 Alter Form, Immortal, No Breath, See in Darkness
Wyrmling 5 2d10 Electric Cone %mmune to col, rea the threas
Very Young 8 4d10 Electric Cone Detect magic #constant$, Star Flight
Young 11 6d10 Electric Cone
Juvenile 13 8d10 Electric Cone Alien presence
Young Adult 15 10d10 Electric Cone DR 5/obsidian, spell resistance
Adult 17 12d10 Electric Cone Clairaudience/clairvoyance
Mature Adult 19 14d10 Electric Cone DR 10/obsiian
Share memory !
See in Darkness (Ex)" Outer dragons can see perfectly in darkness, even that created by deeper darkness.
No Breath (Ex)" Outer dragons dont need to breathe and are immune to inhaled poisons, su#ocation, and drowning. $ee the universal monster rules for more information.
Alter Form (Su): A Time Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Time Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Time Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Immortal (Ex): &ime ragons age, but on't ie from ol age"
Read the Threads (Su): A time dragon gains a racial bonus on initiative checks e%ual to its age category. In addition, a time dragon is immune to the staggered condition.
Alien Presence (Su): A creature that fails its saving throw against a time dragons alien presence is staggered for &d' rounds (or stunned if it has ) *it +ice or fewer,. This has a range e%ual to -. feet / the dragons age category.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A time dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. YoungShare Memory; AdultClairaudience/clairvoyance. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Spell Resistance (Su): is equal the 8 + the Dragons HD
Spells: A Time dragon knows and casts spells from the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
Dragon Senses (Ex): Dragons have have darkvision 120 ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
Immunities (Ex): Every dragon is immune to sleep and paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
Starfight (Su)" In outer space, an outer dragon can survive in the void and fy at incredible speed. Travel times vary, but a trip within a single solar system should take -d0. hours, and a trip beyond should take -d0. days or more if the dragon knows the way to its destination. An outer dragon can carry one rider of one si1e category smaller than itself, four passengers two si1es smaller, eight passengers three si1es smaller, or 2' passengers four or more si1es smaller. 3assengers are protected from the void of outer space.
HD: d12
BAB: Fast
Saves: All Good
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. Class skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Base Speed: 50
Dragon 8n9o
Page 6
Silver Dragon
Casting Ability Size Natural Armor Fly Speed*
Natural Attacks*
Bite 2Claw 2Wing Tailslap Crush
Small +3 150ft Average 1d4
Small +6 150ft Average 1d6 1d4
Medium +9 150ft Average 1d8 1d6 1d4
1 Large +12 200ft Average 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
3 Large +15 200ft Average 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
5 Large +18 200ft Average 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
7 Huge +21 200ft Average 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
9 Huge +24 200ft Average 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
*lost in alternate forms.
Sky Dragon
Casting Ability Size Natural Armor Fly Speed*
Natural Attacks*
Bite 2Claw Gore Tailslap Crush
Small +3 150ft Average 1d4
Small +6 150ft Good 1d6 1d4
Medium +9 150ft Good 1d8 1d6 1d4
1 Large +12 200ft Good 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
3 Large +15 200ft Good 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
5 Large +18 200ft Good 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
7 Huge +21 200ft Good 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
9 Huge +24 200ft Good 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
*lost in alternate forms.
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
A silver dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form three times per day as if using polymorph.
Instead of a cone of cold, a silver dragon can breathe a cone of paralyzing gas. Creatures within the cone must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.
A very young or older silver dragon can tread on clouds or fog as though on solid ground.
A young or older silver dragons aerial maneuverability is one step better than normal. Already shown on chart
A silver dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Very youngdetect evil; Juvenilefeather fall; Adultfog cloud. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
A dragons frightful presence has a range equal to 30 feet the dragons age category.
A silver dragon knows and casts spells from the cleric list or the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Imperial dragons are wingless and their fight is a supernatural ability. Thus they retain their fight in humanoid form.
Old or younger sky dragons fy with good maneuverability while all older sky dragons have perfect.
A very young or older sky dragons sight is not impeded by clouds or fog, or by spells that create areas of fog.
Dragon 8n9o
Page %
Red Dragon
Casting Ability Size Natural Armor Fly Speed*
Natural Attacks*
Bite 2Claw 2Wing Tailslap Crush
Small +3 150ft Average 1d4
Small +6 150ft Average 1d6 1d4
Medium +9 150ft Average 1d8 1d6 1d4
1 Large +12 200ft Poor 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
3 Large +15 200ft Poor 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
5 Large +18 200ft Poor 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
7 Huge +21 200ft Poor 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
9 Huge +24 200ft Poor 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
*lost in alternate forms.
Time Dragon
Casting Ability Size Natural Armor Fly Speed*
Natural Attacks*
A silver dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form three times per day as if using polymorph.
A sky dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Youngdetect evil; Juvenilefeather fall; AdultGust of Wind. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
A dragons frightful presence has a range equal to 30 feet the dragons age category.
A sky dragon knows and casts spells from the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
of intense heat. All creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 points of fire damage at the beginning of the dragons turn. An old dragons aura extends to 10 feet. An ancient dragons damage increases to 2d6.
A red dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Youngdetect magic; Juvenilepyrotechnics; Adultsuggestion. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
A dragons frightful presence has a range equal to 30 feet the dragons age category.
A Red dragon knows and casts spells from the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Dragon 8n9o
Page &
Casting Ability Size Natural Armor Fly Speed* Bite 2Claw 2Wing Tailslap Crush
Small +2 150ft Average 1d4
Small +4 150ft Average 1d6 1d4
Medium +7 150ft Average 1d8 1d6 1d4
1 Large +10 200ft Poor 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
3 Large +13 200ft Poor 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
5 Large +16 200ft Poor 2d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
7 Huge +19 200ft Poor 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
9 Huge +22 200ft Poor 2d8 2d6 1d8 2d6 2d8
*lost in alternate forms.
deeper darkness.
" Outer dragons dont need to breathe and are immune to inhaled poisons, su#ocation, and drowning. $ee the universal monster rules for more information.
A Time Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Time Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Time Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
A time dragon gains a racial bonus on initiative checks e%ual to its age category. In addition, a time dragon is immune to the staggered condition.
A creature that fails its saving throw against a time dragons alien presence is staggered for &d' rounds (or stunned if it has ) *it +ice or fewer,. This has a range e%ual to -. feet / the dragons age category.
A time dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. YoungShare Memory; AdultClairaudience/clairvoyance. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
A Time dragon knows and casts spells from the sorcerer/wizard list as a sorcerer of the level indicated in its specific description. Its caster level depends on its age, as shown for each type.
ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light.
paralysis. In addition, a dragon is immune to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.
" In outer space, an outer dragon can survive in the void and fy at incredible speed. Travel times vary, but a trip within a single solar system should take -d0. hours, and a trip beyond should take -d0. days or more if the dragon knows the way to its destination. An outer dragon can carry one rider of one si1e category smaller than itself, four passengers two si1es smaller, eight passengers three si1es smaller, or 2' passengers four or more si1es smaller. 3assengers are protected from the void of outer space.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Dragon 8n9o
Page -
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Instead of a cone of cold, a silver dragon can breathe a cone of paralyzing gas. Creatures within the cone must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.
A silver dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Very youngdetect evil; Juvenilefeather fall; Adultfog cloud. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Dragon 8n9o
Page 10
A sky dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Youngdetect evil; Juvenilefeather fall; AdultGust of Wind. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
of intense heat. All creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 points of fire damage at the beginning of the dragons turn. An old dragons aura extends to 10 feet. An ancient dragons damage increases to 2d6.
A red dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Youngdetect magic; Juvenilepyrotechnics; Adultsuggestion. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Dragon 8n9o
Page 11
A Time Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Time Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Time Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
A creature that fails its saving throw against a time dragons alien presence is staggered for &d' rounds (or stunned if it has ) *it +ice or fewer,. This has a range e%ual to -. feet / the dragons age category.
A time dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. YoungShare Memory; AdultClairaudience/clairvoyance. A dragons caster level for its spelllike abilities is equal to its total Hit Dice.
" In outer space, an outer dragon can survive in the void and fy at incredible speed. Travel times vary, but a trip within a single solar system should take -d0. hours, and a trip beyond should take -d0. days or more if the dragon knows the way to its destination. An outer dragon can carry one rider of one si1e category smaller than itself, four passengers two si1es smaller, eight passengers three si1es smaller, or 2' passengers four or more si1es smaller. 3assengers are protected from the void of outer space.
Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Dragon 8n9o
Page 12
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Dragon 8n9o
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A Silver Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Silver Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Silver Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
Dragon 8n9o
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A Time Dragon can assume the appearance of a specific single humanoid form of the same sex. The Time Dragon always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. Alter Form is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as polymorph, except that the Time Dragon does not adjust her ability scores.
" In outer space, an outer dragon can survive in the void and fy at incredible speed. Travel times vary, but a trip within a single solar system should take -d0. hours, and a trip beyond should take -d0. days or more if the dragon knows the way to its destination. An outer dragon can carry one rider of one si1e category smaller than itself, four passengers two si1es smaller, eight passengers three si1es smaller, or 2' passengers four or more si1es smaller. 3assengers are protected from the void of outer space.
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" In outer space, an outer dragon can survive in the void and fy at incredible speed. Travel times vary, but a trip within a single solar system should take -d0. hours, and a trip beyond should take -d0. days or more if the dragon knows the way to its destination. An outer dragon can carry one rider of one si1e category smaller than itself, four passengers two si1es smaller, eight passengers three si1es smaller, or 2' passengers four or more si1es smaller. 3assengers are protected from the void of outer space.
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" In outer space, an outer dragon can survive in the void and fy at incredible speed. Travel times vary, but a trip within a single solar system should take -d0. hours, and a trip beyond should take -d0. days or more if the dragon knows the way to its destination. An outer dragon can carry one rider of one si1e category smaller than itself, four passengers two si1es smaller, eight passengers three si1es smaller, or 2' passengers four or more si1es smaller. 3assengers are protected from the void of outer space.
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Stats <! +ge
Page 444
+ge 3ategor! Stats
Strength Dexterit! 3onstit)tion 8ntelligence is,o" 3haris"a
Hatchling 4ase 4ase 4ase 4ase 4ase 4ase
!r"ling 4ase 4ase 4ase 4ase 4ase 4ase
'er! (o)ng 4ase 14 4ase 02 4ase 12 4ase 12 4ase 12 4ase 12
(o)ng '( 14 Sa"e as '( '( 12 '( 12 '( 12 '( 12
*)venile ( 12 Sa"e as ( ( 12 (12 ( 12 ( 12
(o)ng +,)lt * 12 * 02 Sa"e as * Sa"e as * Sa"e as * Sa"e +s *
+,)lt (+ 12 Sa"e as (+ (+ 12 (+ 12 (+ 12 (+ 12
.at)re +,)lt + 12 Sa"e as + Sa"e as + Sa"e as + Sa"e as + Sa"e as +
Page 44$
Slot 8te" >a"e ? 3harges;2ses
2n@= +<ilites
Page 446
Name Cost
+rcane +r"or Aor, 12000xp
4acksBing +ttack 12000xp
4roB 3)t &000xp
4loo, 3asting &000xp
3hannel 4rightl! 20000xp
3ohort Fa"iliar 10000xp
3o"<at 'igilance 10000xp
8"prove, 4loo, 3asting 6000xp
Spell Aike +<ilit! $000xp per spell level
Extra Spell Aike +<ilit! C o9 spell like a<ilities cost
S)pernat)ral +<ilit! 4 ti"es the original cost o9 !o)r spell like a<ilit!
Denie, #0000xp
Ele"ental +ttackD 10000xp
E"poBere, +ttackD &000xp
Enlarge +ttackD &000xp
EscheB Foci 10000xp
EscheB Eest)res 10000xp
EscheB 8ncantations 10000xp
Exten,e, +ttackD &000xp
Extra Aives 1$000xp
Extra .eta +ttack D 12000xp
Healing Factor 1$000xp
Heighten +ttackD &000xp
Hex .aven &000xp
.aster o9 .agic 8te"s 10000xp
.axi"iFe +ttackD &000xp
.ega0.agic Spell 1$000xp
.eta>at)ral 10000xp
Penetrating +ttackD 10000xp
Per9ect 4loBD 20000xp
G)icken +ttackD 10000xp
Silent +ttackD 10000xp
Spell Shi9ting 20000xp
i,en +ttack 10000xp
4l)e .agic $0000xp
Extra 4l)e .agic 2$000xp
2n@= +<ilites
Page 44%
+rcane +r"or TrainingH+rcane ar"or .aster!H .e,i)" +r"or Pro9icienc!H caster level 11th=
4ase attack <on)s 16=
3aster Aevel $
+<ilit! to channel energ!H 8"prove, 3hannelH Selective 3hanneling=
8"prove, Fa"iliarH Aea,ershipH a<ilit! to ac@)ire a 9a"iliar=
+lertness or 3o"<at 3asting=
4loo, 3astingH 3aster level -
Spell Aike +<ilit!
Spell Aike +<ilit!
EsceB .aterials
Still Spell
Silent Spell
+n! .eta +ttack 2ni@)e a<ilit!
Hex 3lass Feat)re
2se .agic Device as a 3lass Skill
TBo .eta +ttack 2ni@)e +<ilities
TBo or .ore .eta"agic Feats
.axi"iFe +ttack
+ccess to 3ast Spells
4l)e .agic
2n@= +<ilites
Page 44&
(o) ignore arcane spell 9ail)re=
Three ti"es per ,a!H as a 9ree actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attackH an, "iss !o)r target 6<)t s)ccess9)ll! hit the targetIs to)ch +37H !o) "a! i""e,iatel! reroll the attack as an attack against another target= This attack co)nts as the sa"e attack 9or p)rposes o9 a<ilities that onl! Bork on a single attack rollH an, the neB target ")st <e one !o) co)l, have attacke, instea, o9 !o)r original target=
5nce per ro)n, as a 9re
hen ever !o) cast a spell !o) "a! choose to expen, $ hp to increase !o)r caster level <! oneH !o) "a! expen, "ore hit points on this a<ilit! <)t onl! in ")ltiples o9 $= Each $ hp spent increases the caster level <! another 1=
hen !o) channel energ!H !o) "a! si")ltaneo)sl! heal all creat)res !o) can heal Bith the a<ilit!H an, har" all creat)res !o) co)l, har" Bith the a<ilit!= For exa"pleH Jasha is a 16th level cleric that channels positive energ! Bith +lign"ent 3hannel 6evil7H 3hannel 4rightl!H 8"prove, 3hannelH an, Selective 3hanneling= hen she channel energ!H she can heal living creat)res an, har" )n,ea, an, evil o)tsi,ers 6)sing the sa"e channeling ,ice 9or <oth7H or heal living creat)res an, evil o)tsi,ers an, har" )n,ea,=
(o)r cohort 69ro" the Aea,ership 9eat7 <eco"es !o)r 9a"iliar= 8tIs align"ent ,oes not changeH <)t it is ,evote,l! lo!al an, o<e,ient to !o)H regar,less o9 an! ,i99erence in align"ent= 3ohort 9a"iliars otherBise )se the r)les 9or reg)lar 9a"iliarsH Bith tBo exceptionsK i9 the creat)reIs t!pe is so"ething other than ani"alH its t!pe ,oes not changeL an, cohort 9a"iliars ,o not gain the a<ilit! to speak Bith other creat)res o9 their kin, 6altho)gh "an! o9 the" alrea,! have the a<ilit! to co"")nicate7= (o)r lea,ership score ,oes not take a penalt! 9ro" having a 9a"iliar i9 it is a cohort 9a"iliar=
5nce per ro)n,H as a 9r
hen )sing !o)r <loo, casting a<ilit! !o) "a! choose to instea, spen, 10 Hp to appl! a "eta"agic 9eat on the 9l!= This cost goes )p <! 10 hp 9or ever! level the "eta"agic 9eat Bo)l, increase the spells level=
(o) gain a single spell
(o) gain an a,,itional )
(o)r spell like a<ilit!
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) can ,eci,e to not <e a99ecte, <! a single attackH co"<at "ane)verH spellH or e99ect= +ll its e99ects on !o) are i""e,iatel! negate,= This ,ecision ")st <e "a,e as soon as !o) are aBare o9 the e99ect !o) Bish to negate= 5nl! a single )se o9 the e99ect is negate, 00 i9 !o) prevent an ancient re, ,ragon 9ro" grappling !o)H that ,oes not prevent it 9ro" "aking a neB grapple check on its next attack= (o) "a! )se this tBice per ,a! at &th levelH an, one "ore ti"e per ,a! 9or ever! a,,itional & levels !o) gainH to a "axi")" o9 six ti"es per ,a! at 40th level=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attack that ,eals aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"ageH !o) "a! ,eclare it to <e an ele"ental attack= 89 a creat)re is hit <! an ele"ental attackH it takes aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age at the start o9 its next t)rn= This ,a"age is e@)al to the aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age ,ealt <! the ele"ental attack Bhen it 9irst hits=
TBo ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e an e"poBere, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= +n e"poBere, attack increases the ,a"age it ,oes <! $0M=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attack to <e an enlarge, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack is Bith a range, BeaponH the range incre"ent o9 the attack ,o)<les= 89 the attack is Bith a "elee BeaponH !o) "a! throB it as a range, throBn Beapon 6not taking the nor"al penalt! 9or throBing a "elee Beapon7 Bith a range incre"ent o9 #0 9eet=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the 9oc)s or ,ivine 9oc)s co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the so"atic co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"= (o) e99ectivel! treat all the spells !o) cast as i9 the! ha, <een cast )sing the Still Spell "eta"agic 9eatH <)t the spellIs level ,oes not changeH an, no extra ti"e is re@)ire, to cast it=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the ver<al co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"= (o) e99ectivel! treat all the spells !o) cast as i9 the! ha, <een cast )sing the Silent Spell "eta"agic 9eatH <)t the spellIs level ,oes not changeH an, no extra ti"e is re@)ire, to cast it=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e an exten,e, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack hitsH the target s)99ers <lee, ,a"age at the <eginning o9 its next ro)n,= For this <lee,H roll the exten,e, attackIs ,a"age againH )sing the sa"e "o,i9iers as the original attack=
(o)r character can co"e
(o) gain a,,itional )ses o9 "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit!= (o) gain tBo a,,itional )ses per ,a!H pl)s one a,,itional )se 9or ever! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= This ,oes not alloB !o) to )se "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have not takenH onl! to get extra )ses 9or "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= (o) "a! spen, these extra )ses on an! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) haveH as long as !o) ,o not excee, 2 1 6total "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities7 per ,a! in a,,itional )ses o9 all !o)r "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities= .eta0+ttack )ni@)e a<ilities are those "arke, Bith a D=
(o) gain 9ast healing e@)al to 1;# !o)r HD 6"ini")" 9ast healing 17=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a heightene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= The attack ignores a n)"<er o9 points o9 D: an,;or har,ness e@)al to !o)r <ase attack <on)s=
(o)r hexes Bhich state the! can onl! a99ect a speci9ic target once per ,a!H can instea, a99ect the sa"e target a n)"<er o9 ti"es per ,a! e@)al to !o)r 8nt <on)s=
(o) can )se an! "agic ite"H even i9 !o) Bo)l, not nor"all! <e a<le to ,o so=
5nce per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a "axi"iFe, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + "axi"iFe, attack ,eals "axi")" ,a"age=
Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) can )se "etanat)ral points to appl! "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB 6or have access to thro)gh a ro,7 to !o)r spelllike an, s)pernat)ral a<ilities= (o) have a n)"<er o9 "etanat)ral points per ,a! e@)al to # 1 !o)r 8ntH isH or 3ha <on)s= For ever! spell level higher than a spellIs nor"al level a "eta"agic 9eat )sesH it takes one "etanat)ral point to appl! it to a spelllike or s)pernat)ral a<ilit!= (o) cannot )se "ore "etanat)ral points 9or a single )se o9 an a<ilit! than 1;# !o)r hit ,ice=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a!H as a sBi9t actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attackH !o) "a! ,eclare it to <e a penetrating attack= + penetrating attack ignores 10 points o9 har,ness or D: on its target 6even D: Bith no t!pe7=
5nce per ,a! !o) can choose to "ake a single attack a per9ect strike= :ather than "ake an attack rollH !o) hit an! +3 e@)al to 20 1 !o)r attack <on)s or less= The attack a)to"aticall! threatens a critical= The attack hits even i9 the target has a ,e9ense that Bo)l, nor"all! ca)se the attack to <e ine99ect)al or have a chance to <e "istargete,H s)ch as "irror i"ageH ,isplace"entH conceal"entH invisi<ilit!H etherealnessH or 9eats that alloB an attack to <e <locke, or ,o,ge,= The attack <!passes an! D: or other ,e9ense o9 the 9oeH <)t can <e heale,H recovere,H or regenerate, nor"all!=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a @)ickene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + @)ickene, attack is a sBi9t action= Targets Bithin #0 9eet o9 !o) are 9lat9oote, against a @)ickene, attack= 89 it is a range, attackH it ,oes not provoke an attack o9 opport)nit!=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a silent attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + silent attack ,oes not en, an! Stealth !o) are )singH ,oes not co)nt as an attack 9or the invisi<ilit! spellH an, cannot <e trace, <ack to !o) Bith a Perception check=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a Bi,ene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + Bi,ene, attack alloBs !o) to co"pare !o)r attack roll to the +3 o9 ever! 9oe in an! 9o)r spaces 6each a,Nacent to at least one other o9 the 9o)r spacesH an, all Bithin 1 space o9 an area !o) threaten7= Each 9oe Bhose +3 is excee,e, <! !o)r attack roll takes ,a"age 9ro" the attack=
hen !o) kill an opponent Bith a spell like a<ilit! or s)pernat)ral a<ilit! !o) "a! learn that a<ilit!H !o) "a! onl! have one a<ilit! learne, this Ba! at a ti"e= 89 !o) learn a neB a<ilit! the previo)s a<ilit! is lost=
(o) "an learn one a,,it
2n@= +<ilites
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(o) ignore arcane spell 9ail)re=
Three ti"es per ,a!H as a 9ree actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attackH an, "iss !o)r target 6<)t s)ccess9)ll! hit the targetIs to)ch +37H !o) "a! i""e,iatel! reroll the attack as an attack against another target= This attack co)nts as the sa"e attack 9or p)rposes o9 a<ilities that onl! Bork on a single attack rollH an, the neB target ")st <e one !o) co)l, have attacke, instea, o9 !o)r original target=
3haracters Bith 8"prove, 2nar"e, Strike an, 8"prove, Erapple "a! also take this 9eatH calling it E!e Eo)geH an, )sing it Bhen the! hit a 9oe Bith an )nar"e, attack=
hen ever !o) cast a spell !o) "a! choose to expen, $ hp to increase !o)r caster level <! oneH !o) "a! expen, "ore hit points on this a<ilit! <)t onl! in ")ltiples o9 $= Each $ hp spent increases the caster level <! another 1=
hen !o) channel energ!H !o) "a! si")ltaneo)sl! heal all creat)res !o) can heal Bith the a<ilit!H an, har" all creat)res !o) co)l, har" Bith the a<ilit!= For exa"pleH Jasha is a 16th level cleric that channels positive energ! Bith +lign"ent 3hannel 6evil7H 3hannel 4rightl!H 8"prove, 3hannelH an, Selective 3hanneling= hen she channel energ!H she can heal living creat)res an, har" )n,ea, an, evil o)tsi,ers 6)sing the sa"e channeling ,ice 9or <oth7H or heal living creat)res an, evil o)tsi,ers an, har" )n,ea,=
(o)r cohort 69ro" the Aea,ership 9eat7 <eco"es !o)r 9a"iliar= 8tIs align"ent ,oes not changeH <)t it is ,evote,l! lo!al an, o<e,ient to !o)H regar,less o9 an! ,i99erence in align"ent= 3ohort 9a"iliars otherBise )se the r)les 9or reg)lar 9a"iliarsH Bith tBo exceptionsK i9 the creat)reIs t!pe is so"ething other than ani"alH its t!pe ,oes not changeL an, cohort 9a"iliars ,o not gain the a<ilit! to speak Bith other creat)res o9 their kin, 6altho)gh "an! o9 the" alrea,! have the a<ilit! to co"")nicate7= (o)r lea,ership score ,oes not take a penalt! 9ro" having a 9a"iliar i9 it is a cohort 9a"iliar=
This a<ilit! "a! <e taken "ore than once= Each a,,itional ti"e !o) take itH a,, one to the n)"<er o9 ti"es !o) can stan, 9ro" prone 6or Bhatever7 Bitho)t having an orc sta< !o) 9or it=
hen )sing !o)r <loo, casting a<ilit! !o) "a! choose to instea, spen, 10 Hp to appl! a "eta"agic 9eat on the 9l!= This cost goes )p <! 10 hp 9or ever! level the "eta"agic 9eat Bo)l, increase the spells level=
This can <e taken ")ltiple ti"esH each ti"e !o) take it !o) gain another spell as a spell like a<ilit!=
This can <e taken ")ltiple ti"es each ti"e !o) gain an a,,itional )se o9 !o)r spell like a<ilit!=
This can <e taken ")ltiple ti"es each ti"e it applies to a ,i99erent spell like a<ilit!
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) can ,eci,e to not <e a99ecte, <! a single attackH co"<at "ane)verH spellH or e99ect= +ll its e99ects on !o) are i""e,iatel! negate,= This ,ecision ")st <e "a,e as soon as !o) are aBare o9 the e99ect !o) Bish to negate= 5nl! a single )se o9 the e99ect is negate, 00 i9 !o) prevent an ancient re, ,ragon 9ro" grappling !o)H that ,oes not prevent it 9ro" "aking a neB grapple check on its next attack= (o) "a! )se this tBice per ,a! at &th levelH an, one "ore ti"e per ,a! 9or ever! a,,itional & levels !o) gainH to a "axi")" o9 six ti"es per ,a! at 40th level=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attack that ,eals aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"ageH !o) "a! ,eclare it to <e an ele"ental attack= 89 a creat)re is hit <! an ele"ental attackH it takes aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age at the start o9 its next t)rn= This ,a"age is e@)al to the aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age ,ealt <! the ele"ental attack Bhen it 9irst hits=
TBo ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e an e"poBere, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= +n e"poBere, attack increases the ,a"age it ,oes <! $0M=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attack to <e an enlarge, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack is Bith a range, BeaponH the range incre"ent o9 the attack ,o)<les= 89 the attack is Bith a "elee BeaponH !o) "a! throB it as a range, throBn Beapon 6not taking the nor"al penalt! 9or throBing a "elee Beapon7 Bith a range incre"ent o9 #0 9eet=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the 9oc)s or ,ivine 9oc)s co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the so"atic co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"= (o) e99ectivel! treat all the spells !o) cast as i9 the! ha, <een cast )sing the Still Spell "eta"agic 9eatH <)t the spellIs level ,oes not changeH an, no extra ti"e is re@)ire, to cast it=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the ver<al co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"= (o) e99ectivel! treat all the spells !o) cast as i9 the! ha, <een cast )sing the Silent Spell "eta"agic 9eatH <)t the spellIs level ,oes not changeH an, no extra ti"e is re@)ire, to cast it=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e an exten,e, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack hitsH the target s)99ers <lee, ,a"age at the <eginning o9 its next ro)n,= For this <lee,H roll the exten,e, attackIs ,a"age againH )sing the sa"e "o,i9iers as the original attack=
This 9eat can <e taken "ore than once= Each ti"e !o) take itH the n)"<er o9 ti"es !o)r character "a! 9reel! ret)rn 9ro" the ,ea, increases <! three=
(o) gain a,,itional )ses o9 "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit!= (o) gain tBo a,,itional )ses per ,a!H pl)s one a,,itional )se 9or ever! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= This ,oes not alloB !o) to )se "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have not takenH onl! to get extra )ses 9or "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= (o) "a! spen, these extra )ses on an! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) haveH as long as !o) ,o not excee, 2 1 6total "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities7 per ,a! in a,,itional )ses o9 all !o)r "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities= .eta0+ttack )ni@)e a<ilities are those "arke, Bith a D=
(o) gain 9ast healing e@)al to 1;# !o)r HD 6"ini")" 9ast healing 17=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a heightene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= The attack ignores a n)"<er o9 points o9 D: an,;or har,ness e@)al to !o)r <ase attack <on)s=
(o)r hexes Bhich state the! can onl! a99ect a speci9ic target once per ,a!H can instea, a99ect the sa"e target a n)"<er o9 ti"es per ,a! e@)al to !o)r 8nt <on)s=
(o) can )se an! "agic ite"H even i9 !o) Bo)l, not nor"all! <e a<le to ,o so=
5nce per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a "axi"iFe, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + "axi"iFe, attack ,eals "axi")" ,a"age=
Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) can )se "etanat)ral points to appl! "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB 6or have access to thro)gh a ro,7 to !o)r spelllike an, s)pernat)ral a<ilities= (o) have a n)"<er o9 "etanat)ral points per ,a! e@)al to # 1 !o)r 8ntH isH or 3ha <on)s= For ever! spell level higher than a spellIs nor"al level a "eta"agic 9eat )sesH it takes one "etanat)ral point to appl! it to a spelllike or s)pernat)ral a<ilit!= (o) cannot )se "ore "etanat)ral points 9or a single )se o9 an a<ilit! than 1;# !o)r hit ,ice=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a!H as a sBi9t actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attackH !o) "a! ,eclare it to <e a penetrating attack= + penetrating attack ignores 10 points o9 har,ness or D: on its target 6even D: Bith no t!pe7=
5nce per ,a! !o) can choose to "ake a single attack a per9ect strike= :ather than "ake an attack rollH !o) hit an! +3 e@)al to 20 1 !o)r attack <on)s or less= The attack a)to"aticall! threatens a critical= The attack hits even i9 the target has a ,e9ense that Bo)l, nor"all! ca)se the attack to <e ine99ect)al or have a chance to <e "istargete,H s)ch as "irror i"ageH ,isplace"entH conceal"entH invisi<ilit!H etherealnessH or 9eats that alloB an attack to <e <locke, or ,o,ge,= The attack <!passes an! D: or other ,e9ense o9 the 9oeH <)t can <e heale,H recovere,H or regenerate, nor"all!=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a @)ickene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + @)ickene, attack is a sBi9t action= Targets Bithin #0 9eet o9 !o) are 9lat9oote, against a @)ickene, attack= 89 it is a range, attackH it ,oes not provoke an attack o9 opport)nit!=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a silent attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + silent attack ,oes not en, an! Stealth !o) are )singH ,oes not co)nt as an attack 9or the invisi<ilit! spellH an, cannot <e trace, <ack to !o) Bith a Perception check=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a Bi,ene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + Bi,ene, attack alloBs !o) to co"pare !o)r attack roll to the +3 o9 ever! 9oe in an! 9o)r spaces 6each a,Nacent to at least one other o9 the 9o)r spacesH an, all Bithin 1 space o9 an area !o) threaten7= Each 9oe Bhose +3 is excee,e, <! !o)r attack roll takes ,a"age 9ro" the attack=
hen !o) kill an opponent Bith a spell like a<ilit! or s)pernat)ral a<ilit! !o) "a! learn that a<ilit!H !o) "a! onl! have one a<ilit! learne, this Ba! at a ti"e= 89 !o) learn a neB a<ilit! the previo)s a<ilit! is lost=
This a<ilit! "a! <e taken "ore than once= Each ti"e !o) take this a<ilit! !o) can learn one "ore s)pernat)ral or spell0like a<ilit! 9ro" a slain 9oe=
2n@= +<ilites
Page 4$0
Three ti"es per ,a!H as a 9ree actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attackH an, "iss !o)r target 6<)t s)ccess9)ll! hit the targetIs to)ch +37H !o) "a! i""e,iatel! reroll the attack as an attack against another target= This attack co)nts as the sa"e attack 9or p)rposes o9 a<ilities that onl! Bork on a single attack rollH an, the neB target ")st <e one !o) co)l, have attacke, instea, o9 !o)r original target=
hen !o) channel energ!H !o) "a! si")ltaneo)sl! heal all creat)res !o) can heal Bith the a<ilit!H an, har" all creat)res !o) co)l, har" Bith the a<ilit!= For exa"pleH Jasha is a 16th level cleric that channels positive energ! Bith +lign"ent 3hannel 6evil7H 3hannel 4rightl!H 8"prove, 3hannelH an, Selective 3hanneling= hen she channel energ!H she can heal living creat)res an, har" )n,ea, an, evil o)tsi,ers 6)sing the sa"e channeling ,ice 9or <oth7H or heal living creat)res an, evil o)tsi,ers an, har" )n,ea,=
(o)r cohort 69ro" the Aea,ership 9eat7 <eco"es !o)r 9a"iliar= 8tIs align"ent ,oes not changeH <)t it is ,evote,l! lo!al an, o<e,ient to !o)H regar,less o9 an! ,i99erence in align"ent= 3ohort 9a"iliars otherBise )se the r)les 9or reg)lar 9a"iliarsH Bith tBo exceptionsK i9 the creat)reIs t!pe is so"ething other than ani"alH its t!pe ,oes not changeL an, cohort 9a"iliars ,o not gain the a<ilit! to speak Bith other creat)res o9 their kin, 6altho)gh "an! o9 the" alrea,! have the a<ilit! to co"")nicate7= (o)r lea,ership score ,oes not take a penalt! 9ro" having a 9a"iliar i9 it is a cohort 9a"iliar=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) can ,eci,e to not <e a99ecte, <! a single attackH co"<at "ane)verH spellH or e99ect= +ll its e99ects on !o) are i""e,iatel! negate,= This ,ecision ")st <e "a,e as soon as !o) are aBare o9 the e99ect !o) Bish to negate= 5nl! a single )se o9 the e99ect is negate, 00 i9 !o) prevent an ancient re, ,ragon 9ro" grappling !o)H that ,oes not prevent it 9ro" "aking a neB grapple check on its next attack= (o) "a! )se this tBice per ,a! at &th levelH an, one "ore ti"e per ,a! 9or ever! a,,itional & levels !o) gainH to a "axi")" o9 six ti"es per ,a! at 40th level=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attack that ,eals aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"ageH !o) "a! ,eclare it to <e an ele"ental attack= 89 a creat)re is hit <! an ele"ental attackH it takes aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age at the start o9 its next t)rn= This ,a"age is e@)al to the aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age ,ealt <! the ele"ental attack Bhen it 9irst hits=
TBo ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e an e"poBere, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= +n e"poBere, attack increases the ,a"age it ,oes <! $0M=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attack to <e an enlarge, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack is Bith a range, BeaponH the range incre"ent o9 the attack ,o)<les= 89 the attack is Bith a "elee BeaponH !o) "a! throB it as a range, throBn Beapon 6not taking the nor"al penalt! 9or throBing a "elee Beapon7 Bith a range incre"ent o9 #0 9eet=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the so"atic co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"= (o) e99ectivel! treat all the spells !o) cast as i9 the! ha, <een cast )sing the Still Spell "eta"agic 9eatH <)t the spellIs level ,oes not changeH an, no extra ti"e is re@)ire, to cast it=
(o) ,o not nee, to 9)l9ill the ver<al co"ponents o9 spells in or,er to cast the"= (o) e99ectivel! treat all the spells !o) cast as i9 the! ha, <een cast )sing the Silent Spell "eta"agic 9eatH <)t the spellIs level ,oes not changeH an, no extra ti"e is re@)ire, to cast it=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e an exten,e, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack hitsH the target s)99ers <lee, ,a"age at the <eginning o9 its next ro)n,= For this <lee,H roll the exten,e, attackIs ,a"age againH )sing the sa"e "o,i9iers as the original attack=
(o) gain a,,itional )ses o9 "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit!= (o) gain tBo a,,itional )ses per ,a!H pl)s one a,,itional )se 9or ever! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= This ,oes not alloB !o) to )se "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have not takenH onl! to get extra )ses 9or "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= (o) "a! spen, these extra )ses on an! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) haveH as long as !o) ,o not excee, 2 1 6total "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities7 per ,a! in a,,itional )ses o9 all !o)r "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities= .eta0+ttack )ni@)e a<ilities are those "arke, Bith a D=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a heightene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= The attack ignores a n)"<er o9 points o9 D: an,;or har,ness e@)al to !o)r <ase attack <on)s=
Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) can )se "etanat)ral points to appl! "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB 6or have access to thro)gh a ro,7 to !o)r spelllike an, s)pernat)ral a<ilities= (o) have a n)"<er o9 "etanat)ral points per ,a! e@)al to # 1 !o)r 8ntH isH or 3ha <on)s= For ever! spell level higher than a spellIs nor"al level a "eta"agic 9eat )sesH it takes one "etanat)ral point to appl! it to a spelllike or s)pernat)ral a<ilit!= (o) cannot )se "ore "etanat)ral points 9or a single )se o9 an a<ilit! than 1;# !o)r hit ,ice=
5nce per ,a! !o) can choose to "ake a single attack a per9ect strike= :ather than "ake an attack rollH !o) hit an! +3 e@)al to 20 1 !o)r attack <on)s or less= The attack a)to"aticall! threatens a critical= The attack hits even i9 the target has a ,e9ense that Bo)l, nor"all! ca)se the attack to <e ine99ect)al or have a chance to <e "istargete,H s)ch as "irror i"ageH ,isplace"entH conceal"entH invisi<ilit!H etherealnessH or 9eats that alloB an attack to <e <locke, or ,o,ge,= The attack <!passes an! D: or other ,e9ense o9 the 9oeH <)t can <e heale,H recovere,H or regenerate, nor"all!=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a @)ickene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + @)ickene, attack is a sBi9t action= Targets Bithin #0 9eet o9 !o) are 9lat9oote, against a @)ickene, attack= 89 it is a range, attackH it ,oes not provoke an attack o9 opport)nit!=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a silent attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + silent attack ,oes not en, an! Stealth !o) are )singH ,oes not co)nt as an attack 9or the invisi<ilit! spellH an, cannot <e trace, <ack to !o) Bith a Perception check=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a Bi,ene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + Bi,ene, attack alloBs !o) to co"pare !o)r attack roll to the +3 o9 ever! 9oe in an! 9o)r spaces 6each a,Nacent to at least one other o9 the 9o)r spacesH an, all Bithin 1 space o9 an area !o) threaten7= Each 9oe Bhose +3 is excee,e, <! !o)r attack roll takes ,a"age 9ro" the attack=
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Three ti"es per ,a!H as a 9ree actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attackH an, "iss !o)r target 6<)t s)ccess9)ll! hit the targetIs to)ch +37H !o) "a! i""e,iatel! reroll the attack as an attack against another target= This attack co)nts as the sa"e attack 9or p)rposes o9 a<ilities that onl! Bork on a single attack rollH an, the neB target ")st <e one !o) co)l, have attacke, instea, o9 !o)r original target=
hen !o) channel energ!H !o) "a! si")ltaneo)sl! heal all creat)res !o) can heal Bith the a<ilit!H an, har" all creat)res !o) co)l, har" Bith the a<ilit!= For exa"pleH Jasha is a 16th level cleric that channels positive energ! Bith +lign"ent 3hannel 6evil7H 3hannel 4rightl!H 8"prove, 3hannelH an, Selective 3hanneling= hen she channel energ!H she can heal living creat)res an, har" )n,ea, an, evil o)tsi,ers 6)sing the sa"e channeling ,ice 9or <oth7H or heal living creat)res an, evil o)tsi,ers an, har" )n,ea,=
(o)r cohort 69ro" the Aea,ership 9eat7 <eco"es !o)r 9a"iliar= 8tIs align"ent ,oes not changeH <)t it is ,evote,l! lo!al an, o<e,ient to !o)H regar,less o9 an! ,i99erence in align"ent= 3ohort 9a"iliars otherBise )se the r)les 9or reg)lar 9a"iliarsH Bith tBo exceptionsK i9 the creat)reIs t!pe is so"ething other than ani"alH its t!pe ,oes not changeL an, cohort 9a"iliars ,o not gain the a<ilit! to speak Bith other creat)res o9 their kin, 6altho)gh "an! o9 the" alrea,! have the a<ilit! to co"")nicate7= (o)r lea,ership score ,oes not take a penalt! 9ro" having a 9a"iliar i9 it is a cohort 9a"iliar=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) can ,eci,e to not <e a99ecte, <! a single attackH co"<at "ane)verH spellH or e99ect= +ll its e99ects on !o) are i""e,iatel! negate,= This ,ecision ")st <e "a,e as soon as !o) are aBare o9 the e99ect !o) Bish to negate= 5nl! a single )se o9 the e99ect is negate, 00 i9 !o) prevent an ancient re, ,ragon 9ro" grappling !o)H that ,oes not prevent it 9ro" "aking a neB grapple check on its next attack= (o) "a! )se this tBice per ,a! at &th levelH an, one "ore ti"e per ,a! 9or ever! a,,itional & levels !o) gainH to a "axi")" o9 six ti"es per ,a! at 40th level=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH Bhen !o) "ake a Beapon attackH )nar"e, attackH or nat)ral Beapon attack that ,eals aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"ageH !o) "a! ,eclare it to <e an ele"ental attack= 89 a creat)re is hit <! an ele"ental attackH it takes aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age at the start o9 its next t)rn= This ,a"age is e@)al to the aci,H col,H electricit!H 9ireH or sonic ,a"age ,ealt <! the ele"ental attack Bhen it 9irst hits=
Fo)r ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attack to <e an enlarge, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack is Bith a range, BeaponH the range incre"ent o9 the attack ,o)<les= 89 the attack is Bith a "elee BeaponH !o) "a! throB it as a range, throBn Beapon 6not taking the nor"al penalt! 9or throBing a "elee Beapon7 Bith a range incre"ent o9 #0 9eet=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e an exten,e, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= 89 the attack hitsH the target s)99ers <lee, ,a"age at the <eginning o9 its next ro)n,= For this <lee,H roll the exten,e, attackIs ,a"age againH )sing the sa"e "o,i9iers as the original attack=
(o) gain a,,itional )ses o9 "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit!= (o) gain tBo a,,itional )ses per ,a!H pl)s one a,,itional )se 9or ever! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= This ,oes not alloB !o) to )se "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have not takenH onl! to get extra )ses 9or "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= (o) "a! spen, these extra )ses on an! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) haveH as long as !o) ,o not excee, 2 1 6total "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities7 per ,a! in a,,itional )ses o9 all !o)r "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities= .eta0+ttack )ni@)e a<ilities are those "arke, Bith a D=
Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) can )se "etanat)ral points to appl! "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB 6or have access to thro)gh a ro,7 to !o)r spelllike an, s)pernat)ral a<ilities= (o) have a n)"<er o9 "etanat)ral points per ,a! e@)al to # 1 !o)r 8ntH isH or 3ha <on)s= For ever! spell level higher than a spellIs nor"al level a "eta"agic 9eat )sesH it takes one "etanat)ral point to appl! it to a spelllike or s)pernat)ral a<ilit!= (o) cannot )se "ore "etanat)ral points 9or a single )se o9 an a<ilit! than 1;# !o)r hit ,ice=
5nce per ,a! !o) can choose to "ake a single attack a per9ect strike= :ather than "ake an attack rollH !o) hit an! +3 e@)al to 20 1 !o)r attack <on)s or less= The attack a)to"aticall! threatens a critical= The attack hits even i9 the target has a ,e9ense that Bo)l, nor"all! ca)se the attack to <e ine99ect)al or have a chance to <e "istargete,H s)ch as "irror i"ageH ,isplace"entH conceal"entH invisi<ilit!H etherealnessH or 9eats that alloB an attack to <e <locke, or ,o,ge,= The attack <!passes an! D: or other ,e9ense o9 the 9oeH <)t can <e heale,H recovere,H or regenerate, nor"all!=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a @)ickene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + @)ickene, attack is a sBi9t action= Targets Bithin #0 9eet o9 !o) are 9lat9oote, against a @)ickene, attack= 89 it is a range, attackH it ,oes not provoke an attack o9 opport)nit!=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a Bi,ene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + Bi,ene, attack alloBs !o) to co"pare !o)r attack roll to the +3 o9 ever! 9oe in an! 9o)r spaces 6each a,Nacent to at least one other o9 the 9o)r spacesH an, all Bithin 1 space o9 an area !o) threaten7= Each 9oe Bhose +3 is excee,e, <! !o)r attack roll takes ,a"age 9ro" the attack=
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hen !o) channel energ!H !o) "a! si")ltaneo)sl! heal all creat)res !o) can heal Bith the a<ilit!H an, har" all creat)res !o) co)l, har" Bith the a<ilit!= For exa"pleH Jasha is a 16th level cleric that channels positive energ! Bith +lign"ent 3hannel 6evil7H 3hannel 4rightl!H 8"prove, 3hannelH an, Selective 3hanneling= hen she channel energ!H she can heal living creat)res an, har" )n,ea, an, evil o)tsi,ers 6)sing the sa"e channeling ,ice 9or <oth7H or heal living creat)res an, evil o)tsi,ers an, har" )n,ea,=
(o)r cohort 69ro" the Aea,ership 9eat7 <eco"es !o)r 9a"iliar= 8tIs align"ent ,oes not changeH <)t it is ,evote,l! lo!al an, o<e,ient to !o)H regar,less o9 an! ,i99erence in align"ent= 3ohort 9a"iliars otherBise )se the r)les 9or reg)lar 9a"iliarsH Bith tBo exceptionsK i9 the creat)reIs t!pe is so"ething other than ani"alH its t!pe ,oes not changeL an, cohort 9a"iliars ,o not gain the a<ilit! to speak Bith other creat)res o9 their kin, 6altho)gh "an! o9 the" alrea,! have the a<ilit! to co"")nicate7= (o)r lea,ership score ,oes not take a penalt! 9ro" having a 9a"iliar i9 it is a cohort 9a"iliar=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) can ,eci,e to not <e a99ecte, <! a single attackH co"<at "ane)verH spellH or e99ect= +ll its e99ects on !o) are i""e,iatel! negate,= This ,ecision ")st <e "a,e as soon as !o) are aBare o9 the e99ect !o) Bish to negate= 5nl! a single )se o9 the e99ect is negate, 00 i9 !o) prevent an ancient re, ,ragon 9ro" grappling !o)H that ,oes not prevent it 9ro" "aking a neB grapple check on its next attack= (o) "a! )se this tBice per ,a! at &th levelH an, one "ore ti"e per ,a! 9or ever! a,,itional & levels !o) gainH to a "axi")" o9 six ti"es per ,a! at 40th level=
(o) gain a,,itional )ses o9 "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit!= (o) gain tBo a,,itional )ses per ,a!H pl)s one a,,itional )se 9or ever! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= This ,oes not alloB !o) to )se "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have not takenH onl! to get extra )ses 9or "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= (o) "a! spen, these extra )ses on an! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) haveH as long as !o) ,o not excee, 2 1 6total "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities7 per ,a! in a,,itional )ses o9 all !o)r "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities= .eta0+ttack )ni@)e a<ilities are those "arke, Bith a D=
Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) can )se "etanat)ral points to appl! "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB 6or have access to thro)gh a ro,7 to !o)r spelllike an, s)pernat)ral a<ilities= (o) have a n)"<er o9 "etanat)ral points per ,a! e@)al to # 1 !o)r 8ntH isH or 3ha <on)s= For ever! spell level higher than a spellIs nor"al level a "eta"agic 9eat )sesH it takes one "etanat)ral point to appl! it to a spelllike or s)pernat)ral a<ilit!= (o) cannot )se "ore "etanat)ral points 9or a single )se o9 an a<ilit! than 1;# !o)r hit ,ice=
5nce per ,a! !o) can choose to "ake a single attack a per9ect strike= :ather than "ake an attack rollH !o) hit an! +3 e@)al to 20 1 !o)r attack <on)s or less= The attack a)to"aticall! threatens a critical= The attack hits even i9 the target has a ,e9ense that Bo)l, nor"all! ca)se the attack to <e ine99ect)al or have a chance to <e "istargete,H s)ch as "irror i"ageH ,isplace"entH conceal"entH invisi<ilit!H etherealnessH or 9eats that alloB an attack to <e <locke, or ,o,ge,= The attack <!passes an! D: or other ,e9ense o9 the 9oeH <)t can <e heale,H recovere,H or regenerate, nor"all!=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
Three ti"es per ,a! as a sBi9t actionH !o) "a! ,eclare one Beapon attackH nat)ral attackH or )nar"e, attack to <e a Bi,ene, attack= (o) ")st "ake this ,eclaration prior to "aking !o)r attack roll= + Bi,ene, attack alloBs !o) to co"pare !o)r attack roll to the +3 o9 ever! 9oe in an! 9o)r spaces 6each a,Nacent to at least one other o9 the 9o)r spacesH an, all Bithin 1 space o9 an area !o) threaten7= Each 9oe Bhose +3 is excee,e, <! !o)r attack roll takes ,a"age 9ro" the attack=
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(o)r cohort 69ro" the Aea,ership 9eat7 <eco"es !o)r 9a"iliar= 8tIs align"ent ,oes not changeH <)t it is ,evote,l! lo!al an, o<e,ient to !o)H regar,less o9 an! ,i99erence in align"ent= 3ohort 9a"iliars otherBise )se the r)les 9or reg)lar 9a"iliarsH Bith tBo exceptionsK i9 the creat)reIs t!pe is so"ething other than ani"alH its t!pe ,oes not changeL an, cohort 9a"iliars ,o not gain the a<ilit! to speak Bith other creat)res o9 their kin, 6altho)gh "an! o9 the" alrea,! have the a<ilit! to co"")nicate7= (o)r lea,ership score ,oes not take a penalt! 9ro" having a 9a"iliar i9 it is a cohort 9a"iliar=
5nce per ,a! as a 9ree actionH !o) can ,eci,e to not <e a99ecte, <! a single attackH co"<at "ane)verH spellH or e99ect= +ll its e99ects on !o) are i""e,iatel! negate,= This ,ecision ")st <e "a,e as soon as !o) are aBare o9 the e99ect !o) Bish to negate= 5nl! a single )se o9 the e99ect is negate, 00 i9 !o) prevent an ancient re, ,ragon 9ro" grappling !o)H that ,oes not prevent it 9ro" "aking a neB grapple check on its next attack= (o) "a! )se this tBice per ,a! at &th levelH an, one "ore ti"e per ,a! 9or ever! a,,itional & levels !o) gainH to a "axi")" o9 six ti"es per ,a! at 40th level=
(o) gain a,,itional )ses o9 "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit!= (o) gain tBo a,,itional )ses per ,a!H pl)s one a,,itional )se 9or ever! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= This ,oes not alloB !o) to )se "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have not takenH onl! to get extra )ses 9or "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) have= (o) "a! spen, these extra )ses on an! "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilit! !o) haveH as long as !o) ,o not excee, 2 1 6total "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities7 per ,a! in a,,itional )ses o9 all !o)r "eta0attack )ni@)e a<ilities= .eta0+ttack )ni@)e a<ilities are those "arke, Bith a D=
Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
5nce per ,a! !o) can choose to "ake a single attack a per9ect strike= :ather than "ake an attack rollH !o) hit an! +3 e@)al to 20 1 !o)r attack <on)s or less= The attack a)to"aticall! threatens a critical= The attack hits even i9 the target has a ,e9ense that Bo)l, nor"all! ca)se the attack to <e ine99ect)al or have a chance to <e "istargete,H s)ch as "irror i"ageH ,isplace"entH conceal"entH invisi<ilit!H etherealnessH or 9eats that alloB an attack to <e <locke, or ,o,ge,= The attack <!passes an! D: or other ,e9ense o9 the 9oeH <)t can <e heale,H recovere,H or regenerate, nor"all!=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
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Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
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Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
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Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
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Select one spell !o) can cast= 8ts level "a! not <e higher than hal9 the highest level spell !o) can cast= Select one or "ore "eta"agic 9eats !o) knoB= The total level a,N)st"ents o9 these "eta"agic 9eats cannot excee, the level o9 the spell !o) have selecte,= henever !o) cast the selecte, spellH !o) "a! choose to appl! the selecte, "eta"agic 9eats Bitho)t changing the spellIs level or casting ti"e= (o) cannot also a,, other "eta"agic 9eats Bhen !o) ,o this= For exa"pleH Davor :)net)sk is a 16th level hal90orc BiFar, Bho knoBs 9ire<all an, has the Enlarge Spell an, .axi"iFe Spell 9eats= He takes .ega0.agicH an, selects those tBo "eta"agic 9eats 6Bith a total level a,N)st"ent o9 14H hal9 the level o9 the highest level spell he can cast O &th7H an, 9ire<allH alloBing hi" to cast an Enlarge, .axi"iFe, 9ire<all as a #r, level spell= 89 he ,eci,e, to a,, another "eta"agic 9eat to the spellH he co)l, not also appl! the tBo 9eats he selecte, Bith .ega"agic Spell 9or 9ree 6tho)gh he co)l, a,, the" Bith the nor"al increase in the 9ire<allIs e99ective spell level7=
(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=
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(o) have access to pattern spells= (o) have a n)"<er o9 pattern spells e@)al to !o)r HDH to a "axi")" o9 tBo pattern spells per spell level= hen !o) select a spell as a pattern spell it ")st <e a spell o9 a class an, level !o) are a<le to castH an, the choice cannot nor"all! <e change,= (o) are alloBe, to sBap o)t one pattern spell 9or a neB choice at ever! even level= HoB pattern spells Bork ,epen,s on hoB !o) cast spells= 89 !o) are a preparation spellcaster 6s)ch as the clericH ,r)i,H an, BiFar,7H pattern spells are spells !o) can cast in place o9 a prepare, spell o9 the sa"e level or higherH in the sa"e Ba! a cleric can replace a prepare, spell 9or a c)re spell= (o)r pattern spells ")st <e selecte, 9ro" spells !o) co)l, prepare i9 !o) chose to 6nearl! an! class spell 9or clericsH <)t li"ite, to spells in !o)r spell<ook 9or BiFar,s7= 89 !o) are a spontaneo)s spellcaster 6s)ch as the <ar, an, sorcerer7H pattern spells are a,,itional spells knoBnH Bhich !o) can cast once per ,a! <! )sing a spell slot o9 the sa"e level or higher= 89 !o) ever gain one o9 !o)r pattern spells as a spell knoBnH !o) "a! replace it Bith a neB pattern spell o9 the sa"e level=

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