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Pranic healing: Heal yourself

Pranic healing activates your bodys self-repair mechanism, helping you cure yourself
with your own life-force
By: MEKHLA Muttoo | March 19, 2009 | Topics: Complementary therapies| Filed under: Articles
Charismatic men, world leaders, successful people
have one thing in common big auras. And hence
their words permeate more than that of an
ordinary man, the reason why they get things done
better than we do, it all lies in the energy
body/aura of the individual. It is therefore
important to scientifically analyse the workings of
energy in this day and age.
Luckily for us, one such system, GMCKS Pranic
Healing exists. Formulated by Grandmaster Choa
Kok Suia chemical engineer, successful
businessman, writer and a family man GMCKS
Pranic Healing took 25-30 years of research and
validation before it was presented to the public.
What is pranic healing?
Pranic healing is a powerful and effective no-touch
method of energy healing. It is based on the
fundamental principle that the body is a self-
repairing living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself.
Pranic healing is based on two laws: The law of self-recovery and the law of prana or life energy. It is
through these basic laws that rapid or miraculous healing occurs.
Law of self-recovery
In general, the body is capable of healing itself at a certain rate. If a person has a wound or burn, the
body will heal itself and recover within a few days to a week. In other words, even if you do not apply
antibiotic on the wound or burn, the body uses its own repair system to restore the skin. At the present
moment, there is no medicine available for the treatment of viral infection. But even if a person has
cough or cold due to viral infection, the body recovers generally in one or two weeks without
Law of life energy
For life to exist, the body must have prana, chi or life energy. The healing process can be accelerated by
increasing life energy on the affected part[s] and on the entire body.
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How does pranic healing work?
The healer is able to feel or scan the diseased energy in the body. After checking the area for
imbalance, the healer proceeds to clean the dirty energy and then energises the affected area. It is akin
to cleaning a dirty vessel and then filling it with clean water.
Beginners are taught about the composition and laws of the energy body or aura. It covers the number
of chakras/energy centres and their uses, the technique of scanning, cleansing and energising affected
area and many more techniques.
Once we are able to feel and interact with this energy, we can heal, change the energy of a place, room,
office, send energy to people, places or things. Since energy is everywhere, there is no limit to how we
can use it.
It also includes character building, pranayama, twin hearts meditation, law of karma with techniques
to heal oneself and others from a distance.
How safe is it?
Pranic healing is completely safe for the healer. The guidelines taught are very comprehensive. At no
point does the healer following the pranic healing guidelines, run the risk of an adverse effect on
his/her body. Keep in mind that the healer does not use his/her own energy to heal patients.
Knowledge of basic pranic healing enables one to use it day in and day out for areas,
relationships, effective money management. It is not restricted to healing patients. Everything that
exists has energy. Once you learn the A, B, Cs of energy a whole new perspective of life opens up.
What is twin hearts meditation?
One of the important aspects of pranic healing is
the twin heart meditation, which serves as a
soothing balm for troubled times.
Only 21-minutes long [this guided meditation is a
form of world service], the practitioner becomes
an instrument of peace. The reason why this
meditation is called Twin hearts is because it
mainly utilises our heart and crown chakras. The
heart chakra is the centre for compassion, joy,
affection, consideration, mercy, and other higher
refined emotions. The crown chakra [also called
the spiritual heart] located on the top of the head
and is the entry point to higher spiritual
consciousness. By following the guidelines of
meditation, both these chakras are activated
creating an immense amount of energy which
disintegrates flushing out all negative emotions
form the body.
Benefits of pranic healing
In cases of fever, parents can bring down the temperature of their children in just a few hours
Coughs and colds can be alleviated in a day
Major illnesses such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be partially or substantially
relieved in a few sessions.
Other benefits include:
Improved health and increased stamina
Inner peace and happiness
Better memory and concentration
Explaining death to kids
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Rapid spiritual growth
Reduced stress
Attain the ability to attract good luck and become more prosperous
Better interpersonal skillsv
Greater self-esteem.
Pranic psychotherapy deals with emotional and mental problems of patients and effectively tackles
drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, depression, stress, worry, traumas, phobias. With medical
studies suggesting that up to 80 per cent of ailments are traced to emotional and psychological
problems, this course is a powerful tool to combat all forms of emotional anguish.
What we call miraculous healing is nothing more than increasing the rate of self-recovery of the body.
There is nothing supernatural or paranormal about pranic healing. It is simply based on natural laws
that most people are not aware of.
Daily energy dose tips
Rest and recuperate under a big, healthy tree, preferably a pine tree, to absorb excess prana
from it and the ground. If possible, embrace the tree. This has beneficial effects.
Take a warm bath with salt. It has an self-healing effect on the energy body.
Physical exercise plays a vital role in self-healing and maintaining your health. Warm-up
exercises, dancing, sports, hatha yoga, martial arts or Tai chi promote circulation of prana in
the body, and facilitate the drawing in fresh prana and the expelling of used or diseased
Drink energised waterwater that has been exposed to the sun.
Expose your body to the morning sun for about five to ten minutes and simultaneously do
visualisation and/or pranic breathing to draw in solar pranic energy. This should not be done
more than once a week. If you do it every day for about a year, it may have an adverse effect
on the body and may result in cancer.
Take ginseng to increase the synthetic chi or prana within the human body. Unlike other kinds
of food, ginseng contains synthetic chi which is concretised pranic energy.
Use light sandalwood incense to clean your room.
Play a CD containing Om chants to heal and cleanse your home.
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Mekhla Muttoo is a pranic healing instructor, a model, and an anchor. She works as a
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communications officer for a Mumbai-based multi-brand store.
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7 Responses to Pranic healing: Heal yourself
September 4, 2014 - 4:24 pm
Pranic healing is very very useful to everyone.
Sanjay Vadagbalkar
July 1, 2014 - 4:13 pm
Can diabetes be treated by Pranic Healing
September 19, 2013 - 7:43 pm
Does pranic healing relieve mind and gives positive energy and from mental tension to peace of mind
Keshav Gurung
August 18, 2013 - 5:04 am
Is faith of the one being healed required? Suppose the one being healed does not believe in the possibilities of pranic
healing, can he or she still be healed?
- a Beginner.
January 4, 2011 - 4:21 pm
i liked this a lot.i have been suffering from a chronic uti since 1 month and no medicine seems to be curing my problem.
so im planing to try out pranic healing. hope this works.
August 20, 2010 - 9:48 pm
I m suffering from headache daily, Can you help me to recover from this????
jose rodriguez
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Duane Bama Okaloosa-Walton College
Pranic Healing can be used to cure diabetes so that we would no longer have diabetes. Hope it's
true. I found one online that cure all diseases with Pranic healing and they do work. Let's hope we
get the message out to all those who suffers those terrible diseases that there is hope and cure for
diabetes and pranic healing is the answer.
Reply Like July 11 at 12:59am
Doyel Kar Calcutta, India
love the fact that human consciousness has increased so much today, to offer healing within.
Hopefully in few years, we will not need antibiotics.
Reply Like November 20, 2012 at 6:13am
Doyel Kar Calcutta, India
love the fact that human consciousness is so pure these days, to be able to heal, self and others.
Hopefully in few years, we will not need antibiotics.
Reply Like November 20, 2012 at 6:14am
Pranic healing: Heal yourself - Complete Wellbeing | Complete...
4 of 5 9/20/14 12:44 AM
June 19, 2010 - 7:25 am
A friend of mine spoke to me few days ago about the benefits of pranic healing, he showed me how to heal myself by
using my hands and i think its working my back and feet feel much better, I wish I could learn more about this ancient
way of healing yourself.
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