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INBU 4951: Travel and Study Abroad in

International Business
in Antwerp, Belgiu
T!"## $##%S &N'(: )ay 1* + ,une *, -.15
This course (3 credits) will provide students with n opportunit! to stud! "usiness#
econo$ic# socil nd culturl r$i%ctions o& the Europen Econo$ic nd Monetr! 'nion(
This course is scheduled to include lectures "! pro&essors &ro$ the 'niversit! o& Antwerp s
well s corporte visits( In the pst# corporte visits included )*+ *n,# +hocolte -ctor!#
.i,e /istri"ution +enter s well s visits to the Europen Prli$ent nd +o$$ission in
Anticipted culturl tours include:
o *ru0es
o Ghent
o A$sterd$
o Pris
I"is 2otel
/ou"le occupnc!
Ech roo$ hs privte shower3toilet3"throo$
Air conditioned
/il! "re,&st "u4et

M! 56
7 8une 6

1tudents re responsi"le &or rrivin0 in Antwerp# *el0iu$ on their own9 pro0r$ ir&re is
.OT included in the :3#;<; pro0r$ cost(

In .ove$"er# students will "e provided with =i0ht in&or$tion 0uidelines(

:3#;<; (E>+?'/I.G AIR-ARE) @@ This price includes:
Tuition &or 3 cde$ic under0rdute credits 0rnted "! MrAuette 'niversit!
?od0in0 &or the durtion o& the trip
+ontinentl "re,&st "u4et t the hotel
One dditionl $el# usull! li0ht lunches ech d!
+osts o& d$ittnce to clss ctivities (e(0( # tours)
OT2ER +O1T1 .OT I.+?'/E/ I. A*OVE -EE1:
Interntionl ir&re (round :5#BCC to :5#DCC)
ReAuired M' interntionl helth insurnce (:3D)
At lest sopho$ore stndin0 nd enrolled in the +olle0e o& *usiness

B(; cu$ultive 0p9 IMPORTA.T .OTE: I& &ter the &ll se$ester# studentFs 0p &lls
"elow B(;# their ppliction will "e rescinded nd the student cnnot prticipte(

+nnot "e on cde$ic or universit! pro"tion t ti$e o& ppliction

Three cde$ic "usiness credits (I.*' G<;5)
Assistnt /en 8oe Terrin8oseph(TerrinH$rAuette(edu G5G(BII(65GB
A $ini$u$ o& BC students re needed &or pro0r$ to "e held9 %rst co$e# %rst serve(
A $Ji$u$ o& B; students will "e ccepted
5( Go to:
"usiness($rAuette(edu3deprt$ents3Antwerp@su$$er9 clic, ppl! now( Proceed to
co$plete the ppliction steps( Print K/eposit -or$ (needed with chec,)L(
B( *rin0 the three ite$s to 8o, Pilipovic in the Interntionl *usiness 1tudies OMce (/1 5C5):
( /eposit -or$ needed with chec,
"( :DCC nonre&und"le chec,# cshierFs chec, or $one! order
c( Grdution chec,list

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