Cannes Lions 2014 - Creative Brief

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Roger Hatchual Academy 2014


Statoil is a technology focused oil- and gas company with more than 20.000 employees
and operations in more than 30 countries. Building on 40 years of experience from oil
and gas production on the Norwegian continental shelf, Statoil is committed to
accommodating the worlds energy needs in a responsible and sustainable manner,
applying technology and creating innovative solutions.

We have come a long way since we first started operating on the Norwegian continental
shelf (NCS) in 1972. Now our journey continues. In the years ahead, Statoil is
transforming itself to become a truly global company, competing internationally.

We support the heroes of tomorrow

Statoil`s sponsorship programme is named; We support the heroes of tomorrow and we
collaborate with partners within three distinct pillars; sports and culture in general and
STEM in particular. The objective of the programme is to inspire children and youth to
fulfil their potential and pursue their dreams.

The importance of STEM

Statoil has a special commitment to education in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) as part of our sponsorship strategy. We provide investments and
support for several educational initiatives as part of our long-term commitment to
recruiting for the society in general and our industry in particular.

Strengthening skills and interest in STEM will help increase the general understanding
of the energy business and other STEM intensive areas. It is also important to
communicate the need for innovation and technology development in order to recruit
new talents to STEM.

Statoils projects are intended to inspire pupils and students and enable a fascination for
STEM to drive learning experiences. Moreover to mitigate loss of skills and increase the
attractiveness of STEM related careers which Statoil, other companies and organizations
and the public sector that require a potent STEM work force are dependent of in the



Get youth around the world to think that STEM is cool (and ultimately inspire them
to go for STEM as their education and profession). In short we want to create
enthusiasm and engagement around STEM.

Target group

Curious young minds age 14-18


Lack of knowledge about STEM and the perception that STEM is boring

STEM = geeky and boring

STEM is perceived as masculine education and profession (and also a bit geeky)

Girls dont think STEM is for them as they think its difficult, boring and geeky.

Its a gap between developing versus industrialised countries.

Developing countries are interested in STEM because they see this as a way to grow
and prosper. Industrial countries are not that interested in STEM because they take
welfare, technology and innovative products for granted.

Lack of credible and forceful role models

Role models determine youth choices to a large extent. A young person does not
aspire to a specific role as before, for instance professional footballer or ballerina.
Rather, they look to specific individuals for inspiration regardless of their

Key insights

Ideas are the driving force of human progress. From the discovery of the wheel to
the Tesla. Ideas are mankinds contribution to our planets and human beings
development. Great ideas can move the world in better and more sustainable
direction (climate, poverty, illiteracy etc.)

Role of communication

Inspire youth people around the world to think that STEM is for them. We want to
leave a positive impression about STEM.

Tone of voice

Cool, magical, fun and innovative
Appeal to girls, without being too feminine

Lasting impression

To create a better and more sustainable future, we need more STEM professional. I
want to be a part of this better future.


Engagement is more important than channels.
I.e. we want ideas that will create engagement and enthusiasm.

Our expectations

We want you to use all your learnings, inspiration and motivation from Cannes
Lions and Roger Hatchual Academy and come up with ground-breaking ideas that
will meet this brief.

The ideas will be presented for a panel of jury with representatives from Cannes
Lions, Statoil and Statoil`s creative, media and PR-agencies.

The best ideas will hopefully see the light of day.

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