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Matt Holly Unleashed 1

I dedicate this book to my Mum, Dad,

Rhett, Grandad, Nana, Nanny and my


None of this would be possible without you.


Hi. I’m Matt Holly. You may see my out the

front of wrestling DVD covers, on the

headlines of all the magazines, or You people would know me as

‘The Ultimate Fighter’ or ‘Triple H junior’.

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Let me tell you something. You cannot just

walk in to TNA or WWE like people think.

Becoming a wrestler is much more

complex. I have trained since I was 12, day

in and day out. The right foods are

essential. Before a show, my tag partner,

HBK, aka Luke O’Meara, always fuels me

with a bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese. This

gives me the energy to go. As some of you

may know, you have to travel often. This

results in jet lag. I am probably lacking 12

hours sleep since my last flight.

Also, I had a lot of trouble with my pigeon

toed feet. I send a clear message out to all

families or kids who are pigeon-toed. If you

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have it checked early like me, you can fix

your feet!

The sacrifices you make are huge. But I

always see my girlfriend, Ashley Massaro.

We live in Greenwich, Connecticut. I have

no children, but I own a dog named Buffy.

She loves to travel.

Anyway, this book outlines my life, success

and my family.

I hope you find out a lot more about me

through this book. Enjoy.

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An Outline

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Everybody has a story. You do, I do. We are

all exciting people. But my story starts in a

City named Perth. Perth is located in

Western Australia. Yes, Australia. Luke and

I are the only two wrestlers to ever make it

big-time from Australia. Well, Luke is

originally from New Zealand.

I was born in St John of God hospital,

Subiaco. My mums name is Janene Holly.

She is from Queensland. I love her so, so

much. She is the best, also equal to my dad.

His name is Geoffrey David Holly, born in

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Perth. I love him so, so much. My most

precious person is my brother, Rhett. I will

talk about him later.

My dad lives in Greenbay, Wisconsin with

Anni. I see him often. He never misses a big

PPV (Pay Per View, Main Event). Dad used

to think wrestling was nothing but fake

acting. But know, you can’t take it away

from him.

As for my mum, she has been to every Raw

since I started. She loves it. Her favourite is

Shawn Michaels senior.

My brother, Rhett, is an up and coming

talent. He has wrestled in OVW (Ohio Valley

Wrestling) for 6 months now, is almost

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ready to make his debut. He is brilliant. He

fights as the hell. He wears Red and Black

tights to the ring and has an awesome

mask. Go the Hell!

The 8th of November, 2007

The 8th of November, 2007, was one of my

favourite days. WWE came to Brisbane. We

had tickets. We wore our favourite shirts,

and drove for an hour to Brisbane. The only

results I remember were:

Jeff Hardy won the Brisbane Cup

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Orton defeated Jeff Hardy

Triple H defeated Umaga in a no

Disqualification match.

It was the best night. We loved it, especially

when Triple H finished off Umaga with a

pedigree. But It was not the first time I had

seen WWE live. I went to Brisbane in March,

2006, to see Smackdown.

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Growing Up

My brother and I were not allowed to

wrestle. Somebody always ended up hurt.

This was when I was 12, and he was 8.

But we loved watching it. My all-time

favourites were DX, Y2J and Jeff Hardy.

I always imitated them. One day, Luke

invited me over to watch the 2007

Summerslam. I was wrapped. I couldn’t

really afford to buy a PPV, and he was

watching it- WOW! I went home from school

that day with him.

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Luke O’Meara will always be best friends.

We have been since grade 4. Luke is a black

belt in karate. I love watching it. He has a

lethal kick, now used in WWE as the Sweet

Chin Music.

Luke and I both attended St Andrews

Anglican College, QLD, until we were 12. We

then were home schooled by Ken Kennedy

until we were 16.

Jobs for Wine 17th

January 2008

We decided we were going to train to be

professional wrestlers. We started out

having a dream goal, and we achieved it.

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Luke and I have always been on camera. We

have made movies, wrote plays and have

been in a number of YouTube videos. We

were sitting at Luke’s house on the 17th of

January, 2008. We both wrote a letter to

Mr. McMahon. “Matt, I’m sick and tired of

sitting around. Let’s make an impact. We’ll

film a video of our best moves on my

trampoline, and send it to Vince McMahon

with a bottle of wine,” Luke said to me.

So we washed cars, did jobs and unpacked

the dishwasher, until we could afford a

bottle of wine.

We sent our package away, and waited…

and waited… until the winter in 2008 came,

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we had a letter addressed to the DX

Juniors. We opened it up…

Dear Matt and Luke 17th

January, 2008

Dear Matt Holly and Luke O’Meara,

Thank-you very much for the bottle of

wine. It tasted beautiful.

I watched your video, and I must say I’m

very impressed. If you are serious about

this, call me on 61 63 382747436. When

we come on tour in Brisbane in October,

2008, come with us back to America. I will

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pay OVW for you two to wrestle before

coming to the WWE.

We will fly you to America in our WWE

private jet, along with all the other


Please ring me a.s.a.p.


Vincent Kennedy McMahon

Chairman of the WWE

We were shocked. We grabbed Luke’s phone

straight away.


The phone began ringing.

“Hello?” Vince said into the phone.

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“Hi Vince! It’s Matt and Luke from

Australia. We sent you that video,

remember?” We shouted so loud the

neighbours could hear.

“Hey guys! What do you think?”

Long story short, we accepted his offer, and

he gave us free diamond seats to Brisbane.

He was then going to take us back to

America from there.


We started to seriously stress out. We

couldn’t stuff up.

I rang my mum straight away.

“WE GOT IN! WE GOT IN!” I yelled.

“Well done, honey!”

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“We are flying to the USA on the 29th of

October. McMahon has given us tickets to

the No Mercy Tour, and he is escorting us

to his private jet,” I yelled in to the ear


Mum promised me that she and dad would

NOT miss my first show.

Leaving the School

26th October 2008

My teacher, Mrs Shorten, was shocked

about our sudden leave. She was so happy

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for me. Mrs Shorten was my best in school

teacher ever. She was very creative. But we

had a lot of fun. It was great.

I promised to fly her to America when we

win the tag team championship.

And that was St Andrews.

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The Best Surprise Ever!

26th October 2008

When I got into the car home that day, my

mum was very happy. She said Vince

phoned and offered for mine and Luke’s

parents to come and live in a house in

America. Mum and dad accepted, and so did


Mum moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She

loves it there. So does dad and Anni, as I

mentioned before, love Greenbay. Below is a

map of Wisconsin.

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Finally, the house show in Brisbane had

arrived. Luke and I were getting ready to

go. At the moment, DX were against Team

Extreme tonight. Luke and I were wearing

our DX shirts, and were crotch-chopping

random people. We were walking through

the entertainment centre, when a muscle

built hand was placed on our shoulders. It

was Vince. “Boys, I’m Vince McMahon. Oh,

are you two really Matt and Luke?” Vince


“Yeah, my name is Matt, and his name is

Luke. How did you know?” I asked,

sounding very surprised.

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“I saw your video. So, how are you? Did you

know I was escorting you to your seats?”

Vince asked.

“No, it was an awesome surprise,” Luke


“C’mon, come down to ringside.

Luke and I humbly followed Vince down a

long strip of screaming fans that parted in a

way that blocked off gate 17, the gate we

entered in.

We were seated by Vince.

“Now remember, boys. After the show, you

meet me behind the curtain, OK?” Vince


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“Of course, we are very responsible people,”

Luke confirmed in an almost cynical tone.

Tony Chimel’s voice echoed through-out

the Brisbane Entertainment Centre

“Ladies and gentleman, the following show

is the 11th Raw Australian House Show.

Then, the music of The Hardy’s blasted the

Brisbane Entertainment centre. The got a

massive welcoming. Well, almost as big as

DX’s grand entrance.

DX ended up winning, when Shawn got the

music to Jeff, and Hunter got the pedigree

on Matt. It was a double pin. Great show.


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29th October 2008

Anybody who has seen the entertainment

centre would know it’s big. Really big.

Guess what? Me and Luke got lost. We

ended up near the drink stand.

“Excuse me sir, but do you know where the

backstage area is?” I asked him.

“Yeah, but its blocked off by bouncers. Only

officials can enter. Just climb over the

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security barrier at ringside. Just don’t get

seen; you’ll be in trouble,” the man told us.

“Thankyou,” Luke said to him.

We were at ringside. Luke climbed over, me

to follow. We were walking next to the ring.

We touched the sleek, elegant canvas. It

has had some brutal beatings over the


We made our way up the ramp toward the

curtain. It brushed our skin as we entered

the locker room to find a giant man with

yellow teeth towering above us.

“Whatta’ you boys think your doin’ ere’?

Snitsky asked. Gene Snitsky was in a

current feud with Cody Rhodes.

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Snitsky was an offensive lineman for the

University of Missouri Tigers football team.

Snitsky wrestled in Ohio Valley Wrestling as

"Mean Gene" Mondo, the kayfabe brother of

Mike Mondo. He signed with Allentown, PA

based World Xtreme Wrestling under the

name "Mean Gene" Snisky (a name inspired

by "Mean Gene" Okerlund) and won the tag-

team championship along with his partner

Robb Harper as the Twin Tackles. When he

entered singles competition, he won the

wXw Heavyweight Championship.


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“Oh, sorry Mr Snitsky. My name is Luke

and this is Matt,” Luke confirmed.

“Sorry kids. The names Eugene. You can

call me Eugene, Gene or Snitsky. Vince has

spoken of you heaps. The whole locker

room watched your move-set video. It was

great,” Eugene said.

“Thanks. What do we do here?” I asked,

still in the process of shaking Gene’s hand.

“Oh, quick. Whiz into that room to meet

Torrie. She’s of ring kit designer. She will

explain your story line and ask you what

you normally wear,” Eugene pointed out.

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We walked into the room to find Torrie.

“Hey guys, the name’s Torrie. I’m going to

figure out your move set. Now, you guys

will debut on Heat in three months. Now,

what do you wear Matt, DX tights?” Torrie


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“We both do, actually. We wear the DX

shirts too in out entrance.”

Those who do not know, wrestlers make a

grand entrance.

“You guys are happy with the ‘Are You

Ready’ DX entrance? Torrie asked us.

“Yes!” Luke screamed loud enough for the

whole locker room to hear.

“Well, Vince asked me to ask you if you

wanted to join DX in a four way tag team

and continue this story line until 2009. If

you do, you will be in several rivalries,

including against Rated RKO an later on

Snitsky and Umaga. Do you accept?”

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“Of course we do!” I yelled out.

We were then handed our new uniform, and

we were escorted out of the room.

The Great Wait (Literally)

Well, those who don’t know, it is a long wait

until 3:30 AM, and we need to pack the

equipment up.

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So, we were stuck in a locker room full of

7ft wrestlers. And let me tell you, after that

show, they stunk. Real bad.

So, we had just walked out of the costume

office when we came across a large corridor

with cream white wall.

Suddenly, we were interrupted by a

screaming man yelling foul language.

“What you mean I got it wrong? Jeff was

before me. I moved the ladder when Hunter

and Shawn went for the clothesline,” the

man yelled quite loud.

“I saw ya, Matt! Jeff and Hunter were

signalling the leg drop, you fool! If you

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can’t read the signs, find another job, like

TNA or something like that.”

You could clearly tell the

We heard a door opened, as Matt walked

towards us. He was 18ft away, but he

stopped dead in his tracks.

“Who are you guys?” he asked us.

“My name is Matt, and this is Luke. We are

starting in this business soon,” I replied

hastily, kind of nervously.

“Oh, I’m Matt too,” he said.

“Do you know where Vince is?” Luke asked


“Yeah, follow through that door. He’s


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So we followed through that door; and were

shocked. Standing inside that door was the

current Intercontinental Champ, Jeff


“Hey guys, you after Vince?” Jeff asked.

Jeff was pretty tall, much taller than he

looked on TV.

“Yeah, I’m Matt, I said, introducing my


“We all know who you guys are, so don’t

bother. Oh, Vince is around the back. Just

go through that door.” He pointed to an

old, rusty door. We spoke o Vince.

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Now, on Sunday we have a big surprise for

you. Get some sleep and You’ll find out in

the morning.

Chapter 2

Make an

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Three years of training in OVW went by. My

finisher was the Pedigree, and Luke’s was

the Sweet chin music, and the

Heartbreaker. The heartbreaker was a

modified power bomb, slamming the

opponents back in an X shape. I developed

a new move called The Cerebral Drop. It

was a spin out Samoan Drop that lands with

their arms and legs out in an X, kind of the

same as Luke’s. I developed a nickname

from some of the boys, such as Forgetful.

Every stop of the tours, I always lose

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something within the mess of my hotel

room. I will explain how hard we worked…


My First Training day was on the 25th

August, 2012. It was a cold winter day as I

felt a body lift me out of bed. I was still ½

asleep when I felt a motor running under

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my car seat. I woke to a massive bump

when my unknown driver had hit a bump.

“This used to be the way to Los Angeles,

but they took out the bloody bridge!”

I obviously knew Ric Flairs voice a mile off.

He sometimes gets lost. He is now 69 and is

still very healthy.

“You’re so stupid Ric. There had never been

a road here. You always say you know

where to go, but you always get us lost. You

suck, Ric.”

Judging by that voice, I instantly knew it

was Hunter.

“Shut, up… I never killed the teddy”

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Now that voice was Luke on the floor, sleep


“Luke, wake up!” I yelled.

“Where are we?” he cried.

“I’m not sure, but we are in a car with

Hunter and Flair.” I explained to him.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know. I just really woke up.”

“Shut up, Ric. Take us to the damn Staples


“That was Batista!” Luke cried.

“Yeah, and he sounds pretty pissed off at

either Ric or Hunter.”

Nice going, Ric. You’re creating an

X-cellent ride for us.”

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“Holy Jesus, that was Shawn Michaels!

Where are we going?” Luke said.

“I think Vince is taking us to Vengeance!”

Vengeance is a WWE PPV. An expected

91,000 WWE fans turn up every year for

this event. This time it is at Colorado


The Car Stopped…

We sat still in the now motionless car with

great dismay. Where would Vince intend to

take us? I thought that over several times.

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Hunter was expressing himself even more

toward Ric now.

The door opened. Ric was staring at us.

“You boys seen it too, didn’t you? You

know there used to be a bridge just over

there?” Ric whispered.

“I dunno, Ric. I suppose there is a chance,

seeming I’ve never been to the US before.

Where are we?” I asked him.

“Oh sorry boys, I forgot to tell you. We are

on the way to Colorado Springs. Your

parents are there waiting, as you will be

attending the RAW before Vengeance. If you

wish to come to Vengeance, please ask

Hunter and he’ll give you tickets.”

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Ric pulled out a piece of paper.

“Right, Matt, nick around the back of the

truck and see Hunter. As for you, Luke,

around the front of the car is Shawn. Now

be off with you.


I staggered around the side of the car, kind

of nervous. Luke always told me you may

see somebody many times, but you only

have one first impression.

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I crept around toward the back, and poked

an eye around it. No body there.

I turned to walk back to Ric, when I was

elevated far above the ground, into the air.

“Whata you think your doing, ya’ little

scoundrel? You just got lifted by Hunter!”

Oh my god, lifted by Hunter? What a day!

“Hey Hunter, my names Matt. Am I heavy

to lift?” I asked.

“No buddy, I’ve lifted much heavier. I lifted

you into the car this morning. Now, Vince

has properly told you he has a surprise to

tell you. In the WWE, everybody has a

trainer. I have been selected to be yours.

We will train with Shawn and Luke. That

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way we can teach you both the same

moves. You need to learn how to fake the

sledge hammer shot.”

Triple H (Hunter) is very well known for his

signature weapon of choice, the sledge


“You need to hold your hand over the metal

bit. You also need how to take a big fall and

how to land. Let’s go to Colorado and I will

explain more,” Hunter supposed.

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It’s a Long way to


Those who know the States of America well

you would know that It is a long way,

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especially from Greenbay, Wisconsin. We

are now sitting upright in the car, and a

droning noise echoed throughout the now-

recognised limousine. That buzzing sound

was the metal black wall that divided the

back compartment from the front was now

descending at speedy rate. At first Luke

pointed out he could see Hunters hair, and

I saw a glimpse of Shawn. At last, the wall

revealed an open space where the wall

stood just seconds ago.

“Hey boys, I’m Dave. Dave Batista.”

For those who do not know, Dave Batista is

the former World Heavy Weight Champion.

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His real life name is spelt Bautista, now in

wrestling spelt Batista.

“I’m Matt and this is Luke.

We shook every wrestler’s hand, and

continued talking for the rest of the


The Westin Tabor Center,

Denver, Colorado

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We stayed at the Wesin Tabor Center,, Denver,

Colorado. It was absolutely beautiful.

Below is a Map of Colorado, and the hotel is

marked below.




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Here is a photo of where we stayed:

As soon as I walked into the hotel with the

boys, I almost died. Sitting around the pool

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(above) was every superstar and Divas on

the roster.

A super star is the cool name for a male

wrestler, and a Diva is the fancy name for a

girl wrestler.

I was called over by Mark Henry.

He weighs 420 pounds and competed at the

1992, and came 10th in the Super

Heavyweight class.

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Mark Henry

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“I’m Mark. And this is Eddie. In wrestling he is

known as Umaga. Oh, and this is Nelson (Big Daddy


“Hey guys, how are ya?” Luke asked.

“Good. My board shorts are very tights!” Nelson

exclaimed. Big Daddy V looked nothing less than

disgusting in his purple boardies.

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Big Daddy and Umaga



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Big Daddy V jumped into the pool, creating

the worlds largest bomb dive. It splashed

litres of water out of the pool.

“Hee hee, just the way I like it.”

“Boys! Come over here!” Vince called out.

We made our way over to Vince, who was

standing with the Undertaker (Mark

Callaway), Hunter and Shawn.

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Triple H performing his iconic ring entrance pose on

the second rope following his 2007 comeback

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Me with Hunters belt

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My friend, Dave Batista

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“Here in the WWE,” Vince said, “There is a

lot of experienced wrestlers. Do not cross

them of challenge them In any way at all.

Stay away from Randy Orton. He is a lot

more vicious than he is in wrestling!”

“And stay away from Khali. And DON’T

insult him, because he knows a couple of

words in English,” Mark exclaimed,

laughing loudly.

“No, he’s a good bloke. But seriously kids,

stay away from Randy and who he’s

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hanging around with. He’s a shocking


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On The Way to Vengeance

We geared up for Vengeance when we heard

a knock at the hotel room door.

It was Randy.

“Hey, look who it is, the new kids on the

block. You know it took me 24 bloody years

to even train with the WWE. And you kids

just slot in, right. That Vince has no idea

who he’s hiring at the moment. You kids

ought to consider yourself lucky, you stu-”

BANG! I slammed the door right in his face.

“That will leave a mark!” Luke exclaimed.

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An hour later, Dave Batista picked us up.

“Are you already, kids? We have to pick up

your parents from the motel down the road.

Luke, you will ride with Ric Flair on his

scooter sidecar. Matt, you ride with Hunter

on the back of his 450 cc Dirt bike!”

“Sweet!” I said.

“Cool, but are sure Ric knows where to go?”

Luke asked.

“Look, you never know where Ric is going,

but just be patient,” Dave replied.

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Well, Vengeance was good. Training went

well, and Vince said we were to debut in

August, 5 years later.

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5 Years later…

We were to debut on Raw, against The

Highlanders, Robbie and Rory McAllister.

So many emotions pulsed through my body.

I was nervous, scared, excited and most of

all, thinking what the crowd would think of


I’m still pretty sure to this day that Luke

feeling almost the same as me.

“Good luck boys, on your first match.

Remember, this match, you are Matt and

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Luke. At the end, play along with the story


We had no idea what to do, but our music

was Fake It by Seether.

The lights dimmed. This the moment we’ve

all been waiting for. I looked stupid in my

long pink tights.

Hundreds of fans cheered, and hundreds

just stared. We did look kind of cool to the

crowd. Luke stayed humble, while I jumped

around giving high fives and dancing to the


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The match went quick. We got the double

pinfall, Luke buzz-kicking Rory and I

Samoan dropped Robbie.

“]Its funny now, watching that tape of our first

match, seen as though we are the number 1

superstars in the WWE.” Luke comments.

Suddenly, I grabbed the microphone.

“We are the future of the WWE. We are

going to conquer the McMahon era, and

become apart of Degeneration X!” I yelled.

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The Are You Ready song boomed over the

speakers of the Milwaukee Entertainment

Centre. Hunter and Shawn reunited as DX,

and made their way to the ring doing their

cool, uplifting entrance.

They joined us in the ring, and we did the

whole fan hype thing. But the highlight was

crotch chopping as fireworks spit the


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Well, we had 6 years with DX until Hunter

and Shawn retired but still came to every

match. We were now best friends outside

wrestling. As me and Luke continued to

wipe out every tag team, and held the

World Tag Team Championship. We decided

we were still DX but we would also manage

each other in singles matches.

Anyway, I was creating this “Heel vs. Baby

face” thing (Bad vs. Good) against Big

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Daddy V (the current WWE Champion. It

started while I was in a match against

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, a 2 on 1

handicap match. I won by the pedigree on

Lance, and a spine buster on Trevor. Then

Big Daddy came out. He hit me with chairs,

put me through tables and Samoan Dropped

me on a few occasions. But, I challenged

him at WrestleMania.

I was waiting behind the curtain, watching

Luke’s match against Gene Snitsky for the

Intercontinental Championship. He won by

the Super kick. It was a good match.

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Earlier that night, we were informed by the

current Raw general manager, Paul London,

that we were the last match on, the main

event. Big Daddy and I were delighted.

It was set to be a hardcore weapon match

(No DQ.)

I walked out, with Hunters music by

Moterhead. I did the full entrance as Triple

H Jr., and I did it really well. It was a good

match. I won by pedigree-ing him off a

ladder, through a table of barbed wire. I

cried, as I had won the WWE Championship,

and what a win it was.

The Story Of Matt Holly 66

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Matt Holly Unleashed 67

I was the champion on and off for 10 years,

but when the training centre MHWS (Matt

Holly Wrestling School) opened, I worked

their full time. The WWE’s new talent was

my brother, Rhett. What I life I had.

Pleased look out for my new DVD, to make

a champion.


The Story Of Matt Holly 67

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