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* augury:

/':gjr/ n. Syn. omen; prophecy
sign of something coming; art or practice of foretelling events by signs or omens
He interpreted the departure of the birds as an augury of evil.

* august:
/:'gst/ a. Syn. impressive; majestic; grand
@ impressive; majestic; inspiring awe or admiration
Visiting the palace at Versailles, she was impressed by the august surroundings in which she
found herself.

* auspicious:
/:'sps/ a. Syn. propitious
attended by favorable circumstances; marked by success; prosperous
With favorable weather conditions, it was an auspicious moment to set sail.

* austere:
/'st(r)/ a.
strict or severe in discipline; severely simple and unornamented
The headmaster's austere demeanor tended to scare off the more timid students, who never
visited his study willingly.

* avarice:
/'vrs/ n.
greediness for wealth; insatiable desire of gain
King Midas is a perfect example of avarice, for he was so greedy that he wished everything he
touched would turn to gold.

* aver:
/'vr(r)/ v. Syn. affirm
@ declare to be true; affirm
The witnesses aver that he was holding a gun.

* axiom:
/'ksm/ n.
@ self-evident truth requiring no proof
Before a student can begin to think along the lines of Euclidean geometry, he must accept
certain principle or axiom.

* baleful:
/'belfl/ a. Syn. deadly; ominous
portending evil; harmful in intent or effect.
The fortune teller made baleful predictions of terrible things to come.

* banal:
/b'nrl/;/'benl/ a. Syn. dull; commonplace; trite
obvious and dull; commonplace; lacking originality
The writer made his comic sketch seem banal.

* bane:
/ben/ n. Syn. curse
@ something causes misery or death; curse; fatal injury or ruin
Lucy's little brother was the bane of her existence: his attempts to make her life miserable
worked so well that she could have poisoned him.

* bedizen:
/b'dz()n/ v.
ornament something in showy, tasteless, or gaudy finery
We usually bedizen witch doctors in all their gaudiest costumes.

* belie:
/b'la/ v. Syn. contradict
contradict; give a false impression
His coarse, hard-bitten exterior does belie his inner sensitivity.

* benign:
/b'nan/ a. Syn. kindly; favorable
@ kindly; favorable; not malignant
Though her benign smile and gentle bearing made Miss Marple seem a sweet little old lady, in
reality she was a tough-minded lady.

* bent:
/bnt/ a.
determined to do or have
We are bent on going to the theater no matter how heavy the snow is.

* blithe:
/bla/ a. Syn. gay; joyous; heedless
gay; joyous; carefree and lighthearted
Shelley called the skylark a "blithe spirit" because of its happy song.

* boisterous:
/'bstrs/ a. Syn. violent; rough; noisy
@ rough and stormy; loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline
The unruly crowd became even more boisterous when he tried to quiet them.

* bolster:
/'bolst(r)/ v. Syn. support; reinforce
support or prop up with or as if with a long narrow pillow or cushion
The debaters amassed file boxes full of evidence to bolster their arguments.

* bombastic:
/bm'bstk/ a. Syn. pompous
pompous; using inflated language; high-sounding but with little meaning
The biggest military power on Earth was acting belligerent and its president was indulging in
bombastic nationalistic grandstanding.

* burgeon:
/'brd()n/ v. Syn. thrive; mushroom
grow forth; send out buds; grow or develop rapidly
In the spring, the plants that burgeon are a promise of the beauty to come.

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