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Job Description of Sr.

QC Engineer- Mechanical/ Piping and Valves

Senior QC Engineer Mechanical/ Piping and Valves
The Senior QC Engineer shall be responsible for acting as the focal point for discipline
inspection and testing activities on behalf of the Oman project during the construction phase
of the works and for providing inspection and testing oversight to the COMP!"#s project
management team$ The Senior QC Engineer shall show willingness to step up into other roles
and assume other responsibilities when re%uested in order to cover an& shortages in site
team resources and e'hibit a courteous and professional attitude towards COMP!" and
OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P showing enthusiasm and dedication$ The Senior QC
Engineer should preferabl& hold an Omani ,riving license$
The responsibilities of the Senior QC Engineer shall include but not be limited to-
.$ ssisting the site %ualit& lead in developing/maintaining policies0 control and
implementation of the construction %ualit& control program including preservation$
1$ ,ispla&ing a strong commitment to and demonstrated abilit& in promoting high (SSE
values and developing the same commitment in contractor and sub2contractor teams in a
construction environment$
3$ 4orking with construction team to ensure smooth transition from construction to
commissioning of all s&stems within his area of e'pertise$
5$ Engaging with COMP!" e'perts to ensure adoption of best practise and transfer of
lessons learnt to and from projects$ The Senior QC Engineer shall also make
recommendations for %ualit& improvements$
6$ Participating in discipline incident investigations0 including root cause anal&sis with
recommending actionable and sustainable learning#s
7$ Participating in the endorsement of OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P#s QC personnel
re%uired for site$
8$ Supervising the activities of all QC inspection personnel$
9$ Providing formal orientation to QC inspection / %ualit& personnel to ac%uaint them with the
pertinent portions of the %ualit& plan0 Construction Master Qualit& Programme :CMQP;0
relevant procedures and re%uired reporting formats$
<$ Monitoring and review the performance of OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P#s
PE)SO!!E= undergoing trade training0 and ensure that the competenc& assessment
process is rigorousl& implemented$
.>$ Monitoring the performance of special process control activities including %ualification of
..$ ?ssuing %ualit& alerts to COMP!" whenever serious risk0 %ualit& issues are found
.1$ Providing timel& responses to the OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P#S site %ualit& %ueries /
e'pedite %uer& response from OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P$
.3$ Ensuring that OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P maintain records of calibration of
e%uipment used in production of work activities$
.5$ ssisting the site %ualit& lead in audits of contractor/fabricators# compliance with
procedures and specifications$ Conduct or schedule reviews of the QC activities and
records$ (ighlight serious and high risk findings to COMP!"$
.6$ =iaising with COMP!"#s other functional groups :,eliver&0 @ield Engineering0
Construction and Commissioning; to ensure the implementation of the Construction
Qualit& Management Programme :CMPQ;$
.7$ ,eveloping and maintaining an electronic QC surveillance schedule0 to identif& the status
of inspection and reporting activities and act as the focal point for inspection re%uests
.8$ )eviewing and approving OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P#s ?TPs0 Q/QC plan0
construction %ualit& programmes0 procedures/documentation/records and method
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Job Description of Sr. QC Engineer- Mechanical/ Piping and Valves
.9$ Coordinating the re%uired inspection0 testing0 reporting and project verification
re%uirements to show compliance with project and COMP!" %ualit& re%uirements$
Conduct regular field visits to observe the inspection and testing activities across relevant
disciplines and report status to the site %ualit& lead$
.<$ ?nterfacing with OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P PE)SO!!E= and other disciplines in
the resolution of !C)s0 deviations0 specification revisions and site instructions$
1>$ Coordinating the job completion0 closeout of QC activities b& assuring assembl& of all
records for permanent retention$ Coordination/verification of inspection check sheets from
a %ualit& viewpoint during the MC phase of the works$ )eview of contractor#s construction
dossiers and mechanical completion files for completeness and compliance with
contractual re%uirements
1.$ 4orking closel& with COMP!" and OT(E) CO!T)CTO) *)O+P personnel to
ensure overall schedule and %ualit& of QC work$ Monitoring OT(E) CO!T)CTO)
*)O+P performance and the implementation of %ualit& control program$
11$ ttending site meetings ensuring COMP!" %ualit& re%uirements are full& discussed$
Preparing0 reviewing and distributing dail&0 weekl& and monthl& reports on the status of
various %ualit& activities including agreed AP?#s0 !C) status and audit/review findings$
Qualifications and Eperience
The Senior QC Engineer shall-
.$ Be a graduate engineer in relevant discipline$ E'perience of having worked in a Middle
East project is desirable$ lternative %ualifications with relevant e'perience ma& be
accepted at the discretion of the Compan&$ ?n addition-
!or Mechanical / Piping and Valves"
Possess CS4?P 3$1$1 for welding inspection or e%uivalent and Certified to S!T / E! 583
/ E! ?SO <8.1-1>.1 PC! level ?? in )adiographic ?nterpretation for respective materials
and a good understanding of PT0 MT and +T techni%ues$ ,etailed knowledge of SME
Code for Pressure Piping B3.$3 / B3.$9 and related !S? and P? e%uipment standards$
Practical knowledge of SME welding standards and welding procedural adherence
re%uirements including for duple' / super duple' stainless steels$ bilit& and e'perience in
witness of pressure testing0 flanged joint operations$ bilit& and e'perience in acceptance
of Mechanical Completion Certification / check sheets$ bilit& to punch out sub2s&stems
and recognise compliance with design documents$ bilit& to accept e%uipment alignments0
valve testing/calibration0 rotating e%uipment / packaged e%uipment inspection and testing$
1$ (ave a minimum of .6 &ears of relevant %ualit& management e'perience in oil and gas
projects covering design / engineering0 procurement0 construction0 inspection/testing and
commissioning phases$ (e shall have a minimum of 1 &ears management e'perience in
establishment0 operation and maintenance of a %ualit& management s&stem in
accordance with applicable international standard with the capabilit& of developing and
implementing %ualit& s&stem0 %ualit& plans0 work procedures and inspection plans$
3$ (ave supervisor& skills and abilit& / hands on e'perience to carr& out inspections to
support the %ualit& team
5$ (ave technical knowledge of inspection and e'posed to multi discipline works of oil and
gas construction field$ Shall have e'perience in accepting mechanical completion
6$ Be familiar with relevant codes used in oil and gas industries$
7$ Preferabl& hold an internal auditor %ualification and e'perience of having carried out audits
8$ Preferabl& be familiar with practices and verification processes to support such as CClean
Build# and CTechnical ?ntegrit&#$
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Job Description of Sr. QC Engineer- Mechanical/ Piping and Valves
9$ Be competent in communicating in English language0 abilit& to produce written reports0
proficient in computer in MS word0 MS e'cel0 MS PowerPoint0 P,@$
<$ (ave the abilit& to read and understand engineering drawings0 specifications0 standards
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