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HRIS can be a pliable solution to many worrying problems

In this age of technological advancement access to knowledge and information has become easy.
Right information at the right time with correct usage and applicability ensures success.
Business complexities and the nature of todays economic activities necessitate the supply of right
information. his information if pooled prevents delays and improves efficiency.
raditionally! HR has been considered an unavoidable expense and not as an investment. "n
efficient HR system though is a prere#uisite for an organisations progress.
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is an information pool that caters to the
regular necessities of employees. The objective of HRIS is to develop and manage the
information necessary for the functioning of HR besides simplifying wor. !ith HRIS"
organisations can enhance their performance with minimal investment. It can also be used
as a tool that anticipates and calculates the costs incurred and those that can be averted.
%xample& Sally! an employee at "B' 'ompany re#uests for leave. (oan! the manager is not aware
of Sallys leave balance! but approves and forwards it to HR. wo days later her application is
re)ected! as she has no leave to her credit.
his could have been avoided! had (oan the access to Sallys leave record. HRIS in "B' would
have made this possible.
HRIS *rere#uisites
%valuation is fundamental to HRIS. It provides a clear picture of the working pattern and
re#uirements of various departments of the organisation. he process highlights the lacunae.
Implementing HRIS
'onstruct the re#uired HRIS
'ollating and linking data with other systems
'onversion of data
"n effective pro)ect team is crucial for implementing a HRIS. HR managers participation and
active involvement are imperative for effective and efficient implementation of the system.
HRIS enables better reporting of costs! skills and re#uirements and provides complete employee
data. he information helps the management in executing HR policies and trimming costs
efficiently. Hence! it forms the central nervous system of the organisation.
he impact
HRIS brings about significant changes in an organisations outlook. he advantages&
Strategic focus
%ffective tool for recruitment and selection
'ontrol on employee benefits
'ollating of compliance efforts
'ost effective
Strategic +ocus& HR professionals assignments involve a lot of paperwork. 'onse#uently! the
attention on other core )obs decreases. HRIS comes to the rescue of HR professionals. It enables
HR to focus on issues like
%stimating staffing re#uirements
Benefits liability
HRIS relies on a common database and allows data sharing. It has in,built reporting tools and
analyses! which aid decision,support and enhance the value of HR.
Recruitment and selection& HRIS includes tools for scanning and matching resumes compatible
with the organisations re#uirement. It reduces the costs of advertising in newspapers and
maga-ines. "n effective HRIS further helps in managing and retaining the best employees.
%mployee Benefits
%mpower,he tool
%mployee self,service is the key to empowering employees. It enables employees to access their
personnel records and manage them. hey may add or amend information like change of address
or enroll themselves in training courses or apply for leave. Information is regularly updated
thereby improving services and in turn reducing HR workload.
.anaging 'ompensation& HRIS manages compensational benefits like health coverage! retirement
benefits and other perks and incentives. oday! most organisations outsource the management of
these benefits. HRIS helps keeping a track of these agencies.
'ompliance& HRIS simplifies the collation of compliance information like /orkers
'ompensation. +urther! it tracks! monitors and reports the compliance measures.
*ayroll& HRIS helps control payrolls and tax payments. he records are automatically compiled.
he system tracks tax payments and regular changes in deductions of employees.
Return 0n Investment 1R0I2& HRIS has many long,term productivity and cost reducing
advantages. he cost of installing! licensing software and training are all worthwhile since HRIS
yields a measurable R0I. R0I is calculated using
ime saved in self,service
ime saved in automated functions
Reduction in costs for payrolls
ime taken in filling of a vacancy
Hence! HRIS results in reduced workload and tracking employee work and responsibility. It also
helps in #uick HR decisions! forwarding of information and communication.
3laxo Smith4line 'onsumer Healthcare 13S4'H2 the renowned manufacturer of popular
consumer products encountered various problems due to&
5ack of automation in HR processes
Hindrance in communication
5ack in interaction
he solution lay in HRIS. 3S4'H opted for a comprehensive and totally integrated HRIS. It
covered performance management! training and development! compensation! manpower planning!
recruitment and other functions of HR. he 3S4'H HRIS has a built ,in feedback system.
Routine workflow is fully mechanised. 3S4'H also established an intranet& his enabled online
meeting rooms! leave management! and travel management. hus the issues of communication
and interaction were resolved.
he results were&
Reduced paper,work
"utomated HR processes
Improved planning
'oncentration on analysis and decision making
Increased productivity
he benefit of mechanisation at 3laxo enhanced the productivity of both employees and the HR.
0racle reported that with HRIS it saved 67million in employment )ob advertising and 678 million
in recruiting.
he remedy
9se of HRIS promises substantial profits to organisations. HRIS is easy to learn and apply. It
stimulates change and produces proactive organisational environment. %mployee productivity is
enhanced with improved administration and employee satisfaction. Hence! an organised workflow
is optimised.

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