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Write the sentences there are missing in active voice or passive voice and find their

correct tense or form

Watches are mended here.
They are mending my watch
My watch was mended yesterday
They were mending my watch when I arrived
My watch will be be mended tomorrow
They have mended my watch
My watch had been mended by six oclock
They will have mended my watch by Tuesday
My watch can be mended
They must have mended my watch
I insisted on them mending my watch
My watch shold be mended immediately
Future imple
!ast !erfect
!resent imple
!ast "ontinuous
!resent Infinitive
#ing form
!erfect Infinitive
Modals $ be $ pp
!resent "ontinuous
!resent !erfect
Future !erfect
!ast imple
Write the sentences there are missing in active voice or passive voice and find their
correct tense or form
Watches are mended here.
They are mending my watch
My watch was mended yesterday
They were mending my watch when I arrived
My watch will be be mended tomorrow
They have mended my watch
My watch had been mended by six oclock
They will have mended my watch by Tuesday
My watch can be mended
They must have mended my watch
I insisted on them mending my watch
My watch shold be mended immediately
Future imple
!ast !erfect
!resent imple
!ast "ontinuous
!resent Infinitive
#ing form
!erfect Infinitive
Modals $ be $ pp
!resent "ontinuous
!resent !erfect
Future !erfect
!ast imple
Read !he sen!en"es and de"ide I# !he$ are A"!ive %A& or Passive %P&'
(' )))))) Reader*s +iges! was #onded in (,--'
-' )))))) I! was #onded b$ +e.i!! .alla"e and /ila A"heson .alla"e'
%. )))))) Millions o# 0eo0le read i!'
1' )))))) I! is !ransla!ed in!o man$ o!hers langages'
2' )))))) A large3!$0e edi!ion is also 0rin!ed'
4' )))))) I! is re"orded'
5' )))))) Proo#readers are hired !o "orre"! mis!a6es'
7' )))))) The$ loo6 #or mis!a6es in s0elling and grammar'
,' )))))) Reader*s +iges! is sold a! newss!ands'
(8' )))))) I! is 0blished on"e a mon!h'
((' )))))) Man$ readers sbs"ribe !o Reader*s +iges!'
(-' )))))) I bogh! a "o0$ las! wee6'
(9' )))))) One o# !he ar!i"les was wri!!en b$ a #amos s"ien!is!'
(1' )))))) I! was !ransla!ed #rom S0anish in!o English'

Read !he sen!en"es and de"ide I# !he$ are A"!ive %A& or Passive %P&'
(' )))))) Reader*s +iges! was #onded in (,--'
-' )))))) I! was #onded b$ +e.i!! .alla"e and /ila A"heson .alla"e'
9' )))))) Millions o# 0eo0le read i!'
1' )))))) I! is !ransla!ed in!o man$ o!hers langages'
2' )))))) A large3!$0e edi!ion is also 0rin!ed'
4' )))))) I! is re"orded'
5' )))))) Proo#readers are hired !o "orre"! mis!a6es'
7' )))))) The$ loo6 #or mis!a6es in s0elling and grammar'
,' )))))) Reader*s +iges! is sold a! newss!ands'
(8' )))))) I! is 0blished on"e a mon!h'
((' )))))) Man$ readers sbs"ribe !o Reader*s +iges!'
(-' )))))) I bogh! a "o0$ las! wee6'
(9' )))))) One o# !he ar!i"les was wri!!en b$ a #amos s"ien!is!'
(1' )))))) I! was !ransla!ed #rom S0anish in!o English'
/is!en and "om0le!e' :ill :ones is wri!ing an ar!i"le abo! Bolivia' ;se !he 0assive
#orm o# !he verbs in 0aren!hesis and shor! answers !o "om0le!e her answer wi!h
Bolivian "l!ral a!!a"h<'
:ones= Im writing an article about &olivia' and Id like to check my information.
A!!a"h<= "ertainly. (ow can I help you)
:ones= First' Id like to find out about the early history of &olivia. )))))))))))))))) the
area first )))))))))))))))) by the Inca)
-' %inhabi!&
A!!a"h<= )))))))))))))))). There was a great civili*ation on the shores of +ake Titicaca
long before the Inca flourished. That civili*ation )))))))))))))))) probably
)))))))))))))))) by ancestors of the ,ymara' who still live in &olivia.
2' %"rea!e&
Thats fascinating. "hanging the topic' though' let me ask about the agriculture of
your country. I know potatoes are an important crop in the mountains.
)))))))))))))))) corn )))))))))))))))) in the ,ndes as well)
4' 5' %grow&
A!!a"h<= ))))))))))))))))' The climate is too cold and dry. &ut -uinoa is. .uinoa is a
traditional grain that grows well in the mountains.
:ones= .uinoa) (ow )))))))))))))))) that ))))))))))))))))' with a k)
,' (8' %s0ell&
A!!a"h<= /o' with a q 0- 0 u 0 i 0 n 0 o 0 a.
:ones= 12. Thanks. /ow' I know our readers will want to read about llamas. (ow
)))))))))))))))) they )))))))))))))))) )
((' (-'%se&
A!!a"h<= They have many uses# fur' meat' transportation. &ut only in the highlands.
:ones= 3eally) Why )))))))))))))))) they )))))))))))))))) there and not in the
(9' (1'%raise&
A!!a"h<= Theyre suited to the mountain climate and terrain. They dont do well in the
:ones= I see. I understand that tin is an important resource. Where ))))))))))))))))
it ))))))))))))))))) (2'
A!!a"h<= The richest deposits are in the ,ndes.
:ones= +ets talk about some other resources. (ow about the eastern part of the country#
the 1riente. What crops )))))))))))))))) there)
(5' %grow&
A!!a"h<= The most important crop is rice. We also raise cattle there.
:ones= ,re there any other natural resources in the lowlands)
A!!a"h<= 4es. 1il. !etroleum )))))))))))))))) there.
(7' %#ind&
:ones= 12' lets talk about languages for a moment. I know that panish is the official
language of &olivia. &ut )))))))))))))))) any other languages
)))))))))))))))) ) (,'
-8' %s0ea6&
A!!a"h<= )))))))))))))))). ,ctually ' more people speak /ative ,merican languages
that panish#specially .uechua and ,ymara.
:ones= Ive heard that naturalists love to visit &olivia. )))))))))))))))) condors still
)))))))))))))))) in the mountains> --'
-9' %see&
A!!a"h<= )))))))))))))))). They live in the highest regions. ,nd in the rain forests there
are a lot of fascinating animals#parrots' boa constrictors' 5aguar#many' many
:ones= Well' thank you very much. 4ouve been really helpful. &y the way' Im planning to
visit +a !a* next month. Ive heard that &olivian textiles are very beautiful.
A!!a"h<= 4es' thats true. They )))))))))))))))) still )))))))))))))))) by hand. ,nd
-2' -4' %ma6e&
be sure to listen to some traditional music' too.
.ri!e !he "orre"! 0assive #orm o# !he verbs in bra"6e!s'
a. You (give) instructions when you arrive.
b. I suddenly realized I (watch).
c. When we got back to the car, we found that it (vandalize).
d. Caren (interview) for the !ob right now.
e. "he van #yck $ainting (sell) at auction ne%t year.
f. I (teach) &rench by 'alco (ith at university.
g. I) sorry it)s so noisy. *ur new kitchen (fit).
h. "he school (o$en) by the +rince ne%t "uesday.
i. ($anish (s$eak) in ,atin -erica.
j. "en thousand of these cars (ake) in &rance every year.
.ri!e !he "orre"! 0assive #orm o# !he verbs in bra"6e!s'
a. You (give) instructions when you arrive.
b. I suddenly realized I (watch).
c. When we got back to the car, we found that it (vandalize).
d. Caren (interview) for the !ob right now.
e. "he van #yck $ainting (sell) at auction ne%t year.
f. I (teach) &rench by 'alco (ith at university.
g. I) sorry it)s so noisy. *ur new kitchen (fit).
h. "he school (o$en) by the +rince ne%t "uesday.
i. ($anish (s$eak) in ,atin -erica.
j. "en thousand of these cars (ake) in &rance every year.

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