Desert Magazine 1972 April

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APRIL 1972 50c

* j^^^Jm
A LAND THAT'S erent:
Skeptical? We don't blame you.

We've all heard it before: the superlative clcdms

that somehow don't hold up. For this reason we're go-
ing to stick to facts — facts more exciting than the
most grandiose, glowing descriptions.
Here's why Escalante Country is DIFFERENT: You
will find a wide variety of scenery and activity. Within
minutes from Escalante you can climb to tall-timbered,
lake-studded mountains; penetrate the deep labyrinth
of canyons; descend to desert levels and view newly-
formed Lake Powell.
Activities? To name a few: all-year hunting of moun-
tain lion and predators; all-year fishing on Lake Pow-
ell; seasonal deer and bird hunting as well as lake and
stream fishing.
An infinite choice of objects and scenes for the photog-
rapher and artist. Numerous petrified forests, fossil
Witch in Circle Cliffs, 60 miles east of Escalante. beds, dinosaur graveyards for the rockhound
and pebblepup. Wilderness trails for hikers and
^j^J equestrians.
Tfi So, what else is DIFFERENT? Here, we think, is
the most important difference of all: Escalante
Country is Unspoiled — no smog, no chemicals
in our water, no parking meters, no traffic
L lights. First class and friendly accommodations.

Standing Log (petrified). Circle Cliffs. Sunset Valley, 15 miles from Escalante.

Interested in further details? Write ESCALANTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Escalante, LJtah


GEORGE BRAGA, Art Director

ENID C. HOWARD. Utah Associate Editor
GLENN VARGAS. Lapidary Editor
K. I.. BOYNTON, Naturalist
Volume 35, Number 4 APRIL, 1972
JACK DEL AN BY. Staff Writer









Storm clouds above South-
ern California's M o i a v p MYSTERIOUS YAQUI INDIAN RITUALS Bernice Johnston
Desert accentuate the bril-
liant California poppies in GHOSTLY KILNS OF COCHRAN Arnold Tilden
Antelope Valley. See page
22 in this issue for a trip
through the area and a view
of the wildflowers. Photo DEPARTMENTS
by David Muench. Santa
Barbara, California.




DESERT LIFE Hans Baerwald

RAMBLING ON ROCKS Glenn and Martha Vargas

NEW PRODUCTS Items of Interest


ELTA SHIVELY, Executive Secretary MARVEL BARRETT. Circulation Manager

EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea St., Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Area Code
714 346-8144. Listed in Standard Rate and Data. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, Canada and Mexico; 1 year, $5.00; 2 years,
$9.50; 3 years $13.00. Other foreign subscribers add $1.00 U.S. currency for each year. See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow
five weeks for change of address and send both new and old addresses with zip codes. DESERT Alagazine is published monthly. Second
class postage paid at Palm Desert, California and at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Contents copyrighted 1972
by DESERT Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all contents musi be secured in writing. Unsolicited manuscripts and photo-
graphs WILL NOT BE RETURNED unless accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
T'S THAT time of the year again when
P.D.Q A Peek romance is in the air and young men's
fancy turns to love. Humorous rhymes
such as:

in the
THE MOST VERSATILE UNIT Spring is here, the grass is riz;
ON THE MARKET TODAY! I wonder where the birdies iz?
are on a lot of lips. Well, the birds .are on
the wing and the wildflowers are in bloom
3 ' P.D.Q.
FLAT LAPPING Publisher's in Antelope Valley and with that in mind
our Field Trip Editor, Mary Frances
Strong, has compiled a comprehensive
Poke article on the Antelope Valley, describing
its historical background, present-day rec-
reational areas, and an in-depth treat-
ment of the wildflowers, which, when the weather conditions are right, present an awe-
inspiring scene to motivate both professional and amateur photographers. This year, at
press time, the wildflower bloom appears favorable, with a good fall of snow in Decem-
ber and with a little additional moisture should produce a better-than-average crop.

Our good friend, Jack Hesemeyer, long-time supervisor of the Anza-Borrego

Desert State Park, has been transferred to Sacramento. His successor is Maurice "Bud"
Getty, who at one time was the Anza-Borrego Park naturalist.
Anza-Borrego comes in for a little tongue-in-cheek treatment from artist-
This picture shows the P.D.Q.. turned cross-ways
on the P.DQ. shaft and how you can use the L3 lap author George Kehew, whose article on pages 18 and 19 could well augur the state of
disks, if you don't cart- to use them in the 4" lap pan.
You can use the grinding disks (No. 42) on these or the things to come what with vandalism on the increase and desert areas becoming more
3" diamond cabbing disks (No. 56) or perhaps you
would like the L3-D diamond lap disks that fit hori- popular with each passing year.
zontal on the shaft also.

No. 56 3M Diamond Coated Cabbing Disks For We were very sad to hear of the untimely death of Bern ice Johnston whose
3" P.D.Q. 1-3 Lap Discs. article Mysterious Yatfiti Indian Rituals appears on page 26. Mrs. Johnston was associ-
Medium diamond 4.40 Ea.
Extra fine diamond . 3.50 Ea. ated with the Arizona State Museum and was considered an authority on Indians of
The 3" disks are especially cut to use with Item
No. 40 and No. 41 Model L3 Lap Disks. 75% of the lap- the West. She will be missed by her many friends and admirers.
ping done by the average cutter can be done on a 3"
less expensive disk. ''You will never believe it until
you try them."
Motor speed control 'recommended on P.D.Q. to Due to a shortage of "First Notice" forms we have been forced to send out
control proper R.P.M. of 3", 3M disks. From 1250 to
1750 R.P.M. is best for 3 inch. This revolutionary new renewal notices on "Second Notice" forms causing thousands of subscribers to think
development from 3M gives superior grinding and fin-
ishing of all typos of gem stones! that they were losing their memory as they received the second and didn't remember
No. 58 3" FELT ever seeing the first notice. The error has been rectified and our apologies to all those
For use on L3 lap disk fjr polishing 50c Ea who were confused.
No. 59 3" LEATHER
For use on L3 lap disk 50c Ea.
For padding on 3L lap disks 50c Ea.


"Put and Take" is the successful means to fasten
leather or sanding clolh tc a disk or drum and have it
stay PUT yet you can lake one off and replace it with-
out trouble.
No. 78 4 oz. Can Allen "PUT & TAKE 60c Ea
When you want to fasten sponge rubber or cork
backing to a flat head or drum so it will stay . . . use
No. 79 4 oz. can Allen "TUFF SET" ..


60c Ea.

For polishing flats. Pressure sensitive backed for quick

application 25c Ea.
Postage charges not included


On Hwy. 160 in southwest Colorado, 18 miles
east of Durango or 1 % miles west of Bayfield.
Mailing Address:
Bayfield D, Colorado 81122
Phone: 303-884-2632 Order from
LOTTIE M. SHIPLEY DESERT MAGAZINE, Palm Desert, California 92260
As indicated in the subtitle of the book, and Indians he learned to love and respect.

The Illustrated History of an American First published in 1893, and now avail-
Dream, the author not only describes the able in paperback, the book is a combina-
violent and dramatic history of the frus- tion of his adventures and his observa-
trating search, but analyzes and dissects tions relative to the Indian cultures which

by Jack Pepper
the underlying reasons which caused hun-
dreds of thousands of men from all walks
of life to leave their homes in search of
gold. Only a handful found the Golden
are enlightening today in view of the
white man's guilty complex relative to
what his predecessor once called "Red-
Fleece. His description of the hardships, Lummis later returned to Los Angeles
All books reviewed are available through frustrations and fanatical determination and was the organizer and founder of the
Desert Magazine Book Shop
of these men who refused to give up the Southwest Museum, one of many civic,
search—moving from one discovery to historical and archeological projects which
another—is vibrant and moving. exist today as a result of his determination
GOLD In addition to the excellent writing, to explore life. Even after blindness over-
AND SILVER the book is profusely illustrated with rare took him, he compiled a book of his
IN THE old pictures plus four-color photographs poems which were published just before
WEST of the mining camps as they appear today. his death in 1910.
This book is highly recommended for The reprint of Land of Poco Tiempo is
those who want to put together the fas- exactly as the first edition with a new
cinating jigsaw puzzle of the search for foreward by Paul A. F. Walter, New
T. H. Wat kins
gold and silver in the West. Mexico historian and author. Paperback,
There have been many excellent books Large format, heavy slick paper, hard- 236 pages, $2.45.
written about the search for gold and sil- cover, 287 pages, Si 7.50.
Books reviewed may be ordered
ver in California, Nevada and Arizona,
from the DESERT Magazine Book
all of which highlighted the colorful past Order Department, Palm Desert,
f A N D OF \\:
in each individual state or territory. California 92260. Please include
This is the first volume, to this re- POCO TIEMPO V 50c for handling. California resi-
viewer's knowledge, where an author has dents must add 5% sales tax.
By 5 tOi.0
attempted - - and succeeded • - in present-
Charles F,
ing the entire saga of the search for valu-
JMm mis
able ore throughout the entire W^est.
After reading this book, I felt I finally A Llarvard graduate and newspaper-
had put together the entire jigsaw puzzle, man, Charles Lummis in 188'i walked
whereas before there were many missing 3.507 miles in 143 days from Cincinnati,
pieces which resulted in voids in the over- Ohio to Los Angeles where he assumed
all picture. the duties as city editor of the Los Angeles
The main parts of the mining puzzle are limes.
the Mother Lode in California, the Com- The dramatic account of his experiences
stock in Nevada and the various mines, during the hike in which he was accom-
such as the Vulture, in Arizona. The voids panied only by his dog (who later turned FOR THE ORIGINAL IN GIFTS
are the Appalachian Gold Fields on the mad and attacked Lummis) is told in his Made by the Original Americans
east coast, Mexico mainland, Baja, Ore- Tramp Across the Continent first publish- Shop at
gon, British Columbia, Alaska and other ed in 1892. (It has since been republished
fields about which little has been written. and is available through Desert Magazine
Indian Shop
Starting with the conquest of what is Book Shop.)
Featuring the Finest in Silver,
now Mexico by Cortes which began in For three years Lummis worked night
Turquoise Jewelry, Kachinas,
1519 and Coronado's later search for the and day as editor of the Times. As a re- Pottery, Baskets, Indian Art
"Seven Cities of Cibola", the author takes sult he suffered a stroke and brain clot and Beautiful Rugs
you on an adventure throughout the West which paralyzed his left side. He went to Indian owned and operated
which ends with the advent of today's New Mexico as an invalid and within a Phone (714) 325-2612
technological mining corporations. few years he completely regained his Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily
Author of four other successful books, health (to test it he later climbed a except Sunday

including The Grand Colorado and The 19,000-foot volcano in Peru) and during 245 South Indian Avenue
Story of a River and its Canyons. Watkins this time explored New Mexico, living Palm Springs, Calif.
Also in Escondido . , .
is not only a learned historian and re- with the Indians.
searcher, but a writer who has the ability Land of Poco Tiempo {Poco Tiempo
to make the reader feel he is actually par- is Spanish for "pretty soon") is not only ESCONDIDO MALL
his experiences in New Mexico, but also 1331 -C E. VALLEY PARKWAY
ticipating and living in this colorful area
of the old West. his Thoreau-like observations of the land
The Trail to Druid
by Enid C. Howard
ner walked the distance in nine hours views from each ridge that must be cross-
OT TOO many visitors to Canyon- From campground B at Squaw Flats ed, and it is wise to follow cairns so there
N lands National Park in southeast-
ern Utah are aware of the well planned
the long trail gets off to a good start by
winding up a narrow canyon, then ascends
will be no need to back track.
The trail will cross wide meadows lush
and marked trails for hikers that pene- a slickrock shelf where we used the steps with desert grasses, ascend and descend
trate into the heart of this newest of our cut into the steep wall of sandstone and narrow crevasses. In one of the fissures a
national parks. grasped a steel cable handrail to arrive at gnarled, shaggy cedar tree has grown very
One of the most rewarding of these the top of the first ridge. The trail has tall and slender as it reached for life giv-
foot trails offers two points-of-departure been planned to give the hiker the best ing sunshine within its narrow prison
trail heads, and ends at impressive Druid with an hour at the Arch to lunch and walls. Another steep crevice contains a
Arch in Elephant Canyon. Druid Arch is take pictures. Some visitors might want neat flight of log steps constructed by
not accessible by jeep, so those who to carry a light overnight pack and ex- the park rangers. The cairns—our silent
would visit this unusual Canyonlands perience Canyonlands under the stars. guides—led us over wide rolling shelves
treasure must walk through deep and There is a shorter trail to Druid out of dark iron-red sandstone, under ledges
silent corridors, to stand bedazzled and of Chesler Park that requires five hours and down the sides of slickrock knobby
amazed at the very size of Druid. to complete the six mile round trip. It is domes, up and down steps of crossbedded
The trail that begins at Squaw Flats is necesary to jeep into the Chesler Park formations. We crossed three canyons and
wonderfully scenic, with a variety of ter- area to the Joint Crevasse Trail head, hike four ridges so there was a bit of easy
rain to please the most avid hikers. It the Joint Trail into Chesler, (45 minutes) climbing involved before reaching Ele-
might be a bit too long for the novice to then across the Park to the campground phant Canyon.
complete the round trip of 13 miles in on the east side where a directional sign Always along the path we paused to
one day, as it requires a minimum of ten starts the hiker on his way. The two trails absorb the vistas that unfolded below and
hours hiking, even though the trail is an meet in the bottom of Elephant Canyon. in the distance as we topped each succes-
easy one. Summertime daylight hours al- Both trails are marked by large stone sive ridge. This trail penetrates into the
low plenty of time to do the trip without cairns that are easy to follow, directional very heart of the Needles Country of the
hurry. This writer and her hiking part- signs and signs that direct to water. National Park. It is incredibly beautiful.

Shaped like part of the walls

of an ancient temple
resembling the ruins of
England's prehistoric
megalithic Stonehenge,
Druid Arch is ^GQ feet high
and appeared ''unbelievably
massive" to the author as
she rounded a bend and saw
I lie arch silhouetted against
the Utah sky. The hike
through this section of
Canyonlands National Park
(right) traverses numerous
streams beds. Photos
by the author.
Vein broil walks through a
narrow crevasse, one of the many
unusual geological formations
encountered during the hike
to Druid Arch.

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Pans, Dry Washorii, E>ooks on Treasures and
Lost Mines . and other ilems of fun for
the entire family. Fnr information |ust write
to or call: The rewards of walking the quiet can- kangaroo rats, lizards and rabbits- the
yons are often intangible ones: clear skies signs of their nocturnal travels. The showy
COM P TON -clean blue or puffy with cotton ball blue flight of pinon and bush jays, or the
clouds. The song of the canyon wren as incense aroma of the canyons. The feel-
he rides his descending notes to the sand ing of happiness for all living things that
1405 South Long Beach Blvd. stream floor of the canyon. Tracks of surround us as we walked with the sun
Ph. 632-9096 Compton, Calif. 90221
warm on our shoulders.
When we readied Elephant Canyon
Tours in the cairns followed the stream bed most
Ganyonlands National Park of the last two miles, but there were
places where the path led up the side of
the canyon because of deep water holes
that blocked our way. As we progressed,
the walls became increasingly higher and
Tours near vertical, splendidly weathered and lum-
Canyonlands National Park inous.
• ARCHES NATIONAL MONUMENT We rounded a bend and Druid Arch
• ONION CREEK • HURRAH PASS stood high above on its pedestal— a first
• MOUNTAIN LOOP • SAND FLATS thought -that it is unbelievably massive.
It is, for it stands three hundred and sixty
RATES feet high! Its shape is rather like part of
8 Hours $15 per person the walls of an ancient temple with col-
4 Hours $10 per person
umns supporting portions of a roof.
Special Tours $20 per person Walking Rods in Canyonlands
Minimum: 2 Fores — 12 ond under Vj Fare
It has been likened to the ruins of
All our tr:ps are designed especially for Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, south cen-
• mi phof°9raPhers' but " o n e v i e w is

worth a thousand pictures tral Wiltshire, England. Perhaps those

who named Druid Arch thought of the
Moab Rock Shoo. 137 N. Main. Moab, Utah 84532
Nightly, 8 p.m.
order of priests or teachers or religion in
Phone (801) 253-5121 for Reservations
ancient Gaul, Britain and Ireland who
Elephant Canyon has
deep water boles and brilliantly
colored sandstone formations
making it appear like a


were called Druids, and placed them at natural rock gardens in hidden coves. Its
the Stonehenge location. sandy stream beds that trail silver ribbons
There is a trail that turns left up a of water after a summer shower or its pal-
talus slope to a ledge which brought us ette of color that changes with each hour
almost on a level with the lower base of of sunlight. Yes, all these the hiker will Over 500 Rental Dealers
. . . for addresses, write "SCOTSMAN"
the arch- this ledge should be treated remember, and they will call him back .Q P. 0. Box 2114, Gardena, Calif. 90247
with respect as a careless misstep would
send one down the steep wall. There is
a good view of the Arch from this vantage NORTH AMERICAN RIVER EXPEDITIONS, INC
point, and it created a different perspec-
tive of the perpendicular lines of the sur- RIVER FLOAT TRIPS
A map of the Park Foot Trails and jeep LICENSED — BONDED — INSURED
roads may be obtained at the Ranger Sta-
tion in Squaw Flats where visitors must DAILY FROM MOAB:
register. State how long you expect to be • 2-Day Trip Through Westwater Canyon
gone, in which area you will hike, and in- • 4-Day Trip to Beautiful Canyonlands
quire as to the water situation in the can- National Park Through Magnificent
yons as it will vary with the season. Water Cataract Canyon.

is the most precious element in the semi- • 5-Day Trip Through Desolation Canyon.
arid (anyonlands Country and park rang-
ers ask that hikers refrain from using the
small water basins to swim in or wash
clothing as other hikers will need the
water for drinking. Offices located at
Hiking Canyonlands National Park foot INCA INN MOTEL
trails will be a new delight for the first 570 N. MAIN, MOAB, UTAH 84532
time visitors to this land of contrasts, with CALL 801-253-3511
Write for brochure
its "slickrock" dunes that hold exquisite
HE SIDE-BLOTCHED lizard is one of clan motto: "Live alone and like it."

Tiny, the smaller lizards dwelling in the

desert lands of the Southwest, being only
about two and one-half inches long, not
counting his tail. Let it be here recorded,
Yes, Utas are anti-social. Each one of
these little lizards, fellows and gals alike,
sets up a private territory. Those claimed
by males are about .1 I acre in size, those

But however, that Uta stansburiana is one of

the toughest. He stands for no nonsense
from others of his own kind, nor is he
daunted by the might of the great desert.
of females much smaller, .03 acre. Boun-
dary lines are policed with vigor. From
March to mid-August, intruders of the
same sex get the bum's rush, the ladies

His species is abundant in a variety of being as adept at tossing female inter-
adverse desert conditions, each local pop- lopers out of their domains as the gentle-
ulation adapting neatly to the different men are at expelling male intruders.
soil, vegetation and altitude conditions Scientists view with interest this strong
in their particular area. They dress in dif- territorial behavior, particularly since it
by K. L. Boynton
ferent patterns that seem best to fit the turns out upon further investigation that
backround scenery, and they regulate their there's a loophole in the apparently iron-
behavior to make the most of bad con- clad Uta scheme. While the large terri-
ditions around them. They all carry the tories of the gentlemen never overlap, it
tribal badge—a distinctive dark spot on just may happen that a goodly portion of
each side just back of the arm—the dark- a smaller territory claimed by a lady liv-
blotch from whence spots their common ing next door so to speak lies within the
name. And, they all subscribe to the Uta domain of a male. Naturally enough, who
Although one of the
smaller desert dwellers,
I he Side-blotched lizard is
tough and can survive
under the most adverse
conditions. They are ,
loners'' as far as other
lizards are concerned.
Averaging only about
four inches long, the
gender have different ;•
markings. The male
(opposite page) is dotted v
whereas the female and S
her hatchling (right) •••'.
have murks down
their backs. • •

would be so ungallant as to point out to males diminishes immediately. rays of the sun. Being a lizard he is a
;>. lady that her property survey was in What emerges from all this territorial member of the cold blooded brotherhood,
error? And so it seems that under such system is first of all a spacing out of the unable to manufacture enough heat with-
conditions, ,1 more neighborly attitude local population that makes the most of in his body for much activity. Turning
between these two is apt to exist. the grocery supply in a sparse environ- this way and that to expose the greatest
In fact, the chances are exceedingly ment, a real advantage both for the indi- part of his body to the sun, he warms up
good that encounters between the resident vidual lizard and the species. But then fairly quickly since he is so small. Now
male going about his daily business and something else is also achieved, largely he's ready for the day's work, which con-
the lad)' dwelling partially within his ter- due to the loopnole: a kind of monogam- sists mainly of eating as the opportunity
ritory will become increasingly frequent. ous situation since the same two lizards offers, basking in the sun, resting in the
This is a matter with plenty of social con- tend to pair during the breeding season shade, moving from plant to plant, and
sequence, since females are receptive to to produce the customary three batches of patrolling his boundary lines.
overtures only at certain times. Further- young per season. Utas are not active foragers, nor need
more, what with the local lad's constant Uta's day begins shortly after sunrise. the)' be. Staying around sheltering plants
patrolling of his lines, the chance that Pushing out of the sand where he's been as is so characteristic of (hem, they find
this lady will meet other non-resident buried all night, he basks in the warming a good food suppl) at hand, since insects
also hang about plants. Black ants, beetles, as the}' are, are caught handily by both

PROSPECTING grasshoppers, caterpillars are snapped up

quickly. One female was observed to tuck
sparrow hawks and shrikes.
Utas are subject to predation 2-1 hours

TREASURE HUNTING away 25 to 30 ants merely as a snack while

resting under a yucca during the heat of
the day. Utas are particularly fond of leaf-
a day. Snakes of various sorts—rattlers,
coachwhips, glossy snakes—are quick to
catch them. There are also the larger leo-
hoppers, and eat so many of these that in pard lizards around who, highly predatory
Nevada they are considered of prime eco- and very fast on their feet, account for
nomic importance in controlling these in- many a Uta demise among both the adults
sects on beets. and the hatchlings. Mortality is high, but
In moving about Utas travel quickly, Utas stay in business. Each female lays
legging it from one sheltering plant to about I 2 eggs during the season, and at
the next. Tinkle found that the average least 20 percent of the hatchlings make it
running speed was about 6 mph which successfully to maturity, which is reached
could be sustained long enough to cross about four months after hatching.
the short spaces between shelters. And in The youngsters are less than one inch
this matter, the particular location of the long when they first emerge from the
population makes a big difference in how shell and live on the yolk still clinging to
Utas make out. Texas Utas living in vege- them for the first few days. Growth is
tation areas where low mesquite, yuccas slow at first, then steps up in speed, the
sandsage, broomweed plants grow rather young shedding their skin frequently as
closely together, are seldom caught by they increase in size.
birds, since they are not actually out in the Growth of the tail is very important
open very long when going between since this appendage is of big use in es-
SEND FOR plants. Alexander and Whitford in their caping predators. Like many lizards, Utas

FREE CATALOG study showed that it was a quite different

story for Utas dwelling in New Mexico
have fracture points in their tails at which
the tail is easily broken. The portion of
on creosote flats where wide spaces occur the tail beyond the break parts company
11483 Vanowen St., North Hollywood, CA 91605 between plants. Here the lizards are forced with the body, and many a lizard owes
(213) 764-6114 - - (213) 877-7240 to be out in the open more and, speedy his life to leaving part of his tail behind.
Fast regeneration of the lost part is im-
portant, for a lizard needs his tail not
For Sale-$49,500 only for future escape tactics but also for
balance, fat storage, fighting and mating.
About a week after a break occurs, a cal-
lous forms at the spot, and after this re-
growth becomes rapid until the lost por-
tion of the tail is replaced. Regeneration
is quickest if the break occurs near the
base; slowest if just the tip end is lost.
Besides producing three batches of
young, Utas have another reproductive
advantage a special form of delayed

Palm Springs - Las Palmas Area Palm Desert

A fine family home in a fine location. The price includes carpets,
drapes, refrigerator, washer, dryer and 1 bedroom with an outside
entrance! To say nothing of a breakfast room, dining room and
laundry room as well! Air conditioning can be added at nominal
cost to the buyer Drive by and see property at 1577 Via Norte.

Call or wr^e:
Paradise Lodge, Rt. 2, Bishop, California 93514

fertilization. Anatomist Cuellar, checking the heat of the day conserves body mois-
into this, found that sperm from a mating ture and keeps the lizards cooler. On earth
is stored in the female's body and remains as early as 10 million years ago, Utas have THINGS Y O U ' V E BEEN LOOKING FOR
active at least 81 days. This is about the A N D SOME Y O U ' V E NEVER SEEN!
learned how to adjust behaviorly for maxi-
time needed for the development of two mum comfort under exceedingly bad con- FLOTATION TIRES
clutches of eggs. A clutch is made up of ditions. As a species, however, they are WHEELS
four eggs, and each clutch is formed se- short-lived; the average length of a nor- UNIQUE
parately in the ovaries and kid. About 50 OFF-ROAD
mal life span of an individual being only
days after the first clutch, the second is about two years. CAMPING
ready. Thus the stored sperm, still active, Ironically, this short life may be a key to
can fertilize the second clutch, if need be. the future survival of the species in these
This could well be a ::actor in maintaining days when man is so busy spoiling things
Uta numbers, for while the males slow
down productively about the middle of
in the world about him. Studies are going
on now in the areas around Jackass Flats,
SOUTH C A T ! f A l If ClRlclA

July, the females can go right on and lay Nevada at the U.S. Atomic Energy Com-
another clutch even considerably later, mission's Test Site, that point in this dir-
fertilized by this single mating. ection. The whole terrain here has been
• '

Late afternoon is the period of most exposed to low levels of gamma radiation,
activity among Utas, the lizards moving and the investigations are aimed at find-
about considerably, feeding and patrolling ing out what has happened to the vegeta-
their boundaries. Most social contacts are tion and wildlife because of it. It has been
made at this time, since everybody is discovered already, for instance, that fe-
abroad and challenges, bluffing, fighting male leopard lizards are sterile after three
take place now, and indeed wooing, too. years exposure. In this area, therefore, leo-
In late evening the lizards bask again in pard lizards are on their way out. Here in
the sinking rays of the sun, and as the air this spot, because of radiation, this par-
cools down, seem to become quite nervous, ticular species is finished.
moving about almost contantly although But the side-blotched Uta clan appar-
only for a distance of a foot or so at a ently survive the radiation without notice-
time, finally when the air temperature is able ill effects, the females still being
down to about 77 degrees, the lizards re- found to be fertile. This is due to their
tire. Pushing their snouts into the sand much shorter life span. During the two
and shoving with their hind legs, they years each female Uta lives, she receives
bury their entire bodies. By sunset every- far less radiation than the dose accumulat- WREST SERVICE C*F/SHIN6, H/K/NG, B/O TRESS,
body's gone to bed. ed by the female leopard lizards during SCE/V/C, 80 CAMPS,
Actually one reason why these lizards their longer life span of eight or nine
get along so well in their deadly desert years.
surroundings is that as lizards go they are So in the last analysis, the little Utas
rather sedentary, spending so much time may have the last laugh on their arch ene-
sitting, either basking in the sun or rest- mies the leopard lizards, and incidentally,
ing in the shade. Hence their energy bud- on man himself. •
get is low. Food is handy, so no big effort
is required to get something to eat. About LEICREEK C.G.
52O0' BLfA
the only time spurts of energy are needed IV£tV
are in racing from plant to plant, or in the „ SETT/MGS

late afternoon activity session of boundary

patrols. Long periods of inactivity during

•a m m
A revolutionary new design
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OPEN 7 DAYS secures all G.I. cans to your ONE PINE PARK
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LONE PINE, CALIF. \r J 1 4 1 Wiltsey Rd. S.E., Salem, OR 97302^ Box 552, Lone Pine, California 93545
by Jack Delaney

WELCOMING PARTY of a million them for close-up viewing of the unique The few other hotels in the village and
A diminutive, but ferocious, flying
insects awaits you upon your arrival at
specimens of wildlife relaxing in their
own world.
at the beach, some with a number of trail-
er spaces, are not considered to be first
San Bias, Mexico- -especially around sun- A portion of our trip was made by bus; class. We enjoyed good food in the Bu-
down ! This is the warning you'll hear, and we learned that first class buses in canero dining room and the prices were
and read, when you plan a trip to this Mexico are truly first class. They feature reasonable. A typical breakfast costs 24
tropical paradise. two drivers who take turns driving; a pesos (SI.92) for two, and it always
Yet, during an enjoyable stay in the vil- rest room; drapes on the windows; music starts with a local banana compliments
lage and a thrilling jungle river cruise, by radio and hi-fi; an ice-chest stocked of the house! Dinners run around 50
we were not invaded by these little flying with cokes (free to first class passengers) ; pesos ($4.00) for two, and featured
beasts. Possibly the answer is they prac- meal stops; reserved seats, and low fares. dishes include venison, cluck, turtle, steak,
tice their skin-game along the beach ex- We rode from Mazatlan to Tepic for ap- lobster, shrimp and oysters all products
clusively; or that they prefer the humid proximately 50 pesos ($4.00) for two. of the area.
summer season for "doing their sting!" The bus from Tepic to San Bias, also first San Bias was an important Spanish port
San Bias, in the state of Nayarit, is on class, cost only 15 pesos ($1.20) for two. during the I 6th and 1 7th centuries, with
the west coast of Mexico about 180 miles Our choice of living quarters in San a population of 30,000. It was visited by
south of Mazatlan. Should you want to Bias was the Bucanero Hotel because we missionaries Father Kino and funipero
drive the approximate 1,000 miles from had heard that it was probably the best. Serra. Also, the pirate, Sir Francis Drake,
the United States border to this tropical We were greeted by a Senor Martinez, made an appearance or two. Today, it is
community, you II find paved roads all who led the way to the hotel and booked a quaint fishing village consisting of 1 5
the way. fust follow Mexican Highway us for a jungle excursion the next morn- or 20 business places encircling its plaza,
1 5 through many interesting cities and ing. He quoted us a price of 60 pesos a cathedral, a few hotels and eating places
towns, to the San Bias turnoff at Km 941 ($4.80) for two, which we thought was and several blocks of native homes. There
(about 20 miles north of Tepic). Turn reasonable for a two hour cruise. are many picturesque palm-thatched
right at the clearly marked junction and The Bucanero is located a block from houses scattered within a radius of several
drive through 21 miles of lush, green the village plaza. It has a pretty patio, miles around the town.
vegetation to the village. swimming pool and beautiful tropical The major attraction here is the jungle
Here, you'll have an opportunity to gardens. The rate for a twin-bed room for river cruise in an outboard motorboat.
thrill to the real thing, after having seen two is 50 pesos ($4.00) per night—and What appears to be an impenetrable thick-
artificial rides at Disneyland and other is worth it! There is no hot water at any et of tropical vegetation is pentrated by
amusement parks in the United States. time; no glass in the windows (only a skilled pilot, bringing you in close
Dress casually, and be sure to bring your screens); no insulation between rooms; touch with a mass of mango, papaya, and
camera and a supply of color film. If you no heating or air conditioning; but the mangrove trees; coconut palms; banana
own binoculars or field glasses, bring rooms are clean. trees; bamboo and reeds.
The landing and refreshment can be arranged, and the rates charged are
stand at the headwaters of the not out of line.
San Bias lagoon looks like a When you reach the point where you
tropical paradise. are becoming bored with your routine
and wish you were out in the jungle, away
from the daily grind- -keep San Bias in
In addition to the fabulous jungle river mind. You'll find something different
cruises, this region offers an opportunity and refreshing here. But regardless of
for water sports along a fine ocean beach. what you read in the first paragraph of
Also, bird-watchers will be interested to this article, be sure to bring some insect
learn that thousands of water birds live repellent along. It is always possible that
on the offshore islands. Peter C. Alden your arrival might coincide with a safari
of the Tucson Audubon Society, recently of the little flying monsters, and that
reported 299 different species of birds you might happen to have the kind of skin
observed. Boat excursions to these islands they love to touch!


Much of it is covered v/ith ferns and

wild orchids, with native lilies growing
everywhere. You'll see parakeet nests
hanging from the Irees and many exotic
birds flying or resting—with their eyes
on you! The cruise leads to a picturesque
landing, with a refreshment stand, at the
headwaters of the lagoon.
We enjoyed every mile of the trip, sit-
ting at the bow of the boat, with Senor
Martinez at the controls. He cut off the
motor whenever I raised my camera for a
picture (a courtesy 1 appreciated), and
even called our attention to a particularly
attractive picture material along the way.

8 Jumbo Priivs (rectangular)
12 Jumbo Prints (square)
12 Jumbo Prints and
New Roll of Kodccolor except 126 $2.98
1 2 Jumbo Prints < nd There's a camper for everyone's need at Alaskan.
New Roll of Kodacolor film, 126 $3.07 Sold and installed only at Alaskan Camper factories at factory prices. Write today to the factory
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No gimmicks Glenoaks Blvd., Sun Valley, Dept.D-4
Mo lies (San Fernando Valley) PENNACAMP Div. of
California 91352. Dept.D-4 G. R. GRUBBS MFG., INC., Lanheim, Inc., 401 West
4 7 years of continuous d/b/a Alaskan Camper Sates,
Factory Outlet: ALASKAN End Avenue, Manheim,
service guarantees your 9042 Longpoint Rd., Houston, Penn. 17545, Dept.D-4
quality. Interstate 80 (half way between Texas 77055, Dept.D^t MOBILE LIVING
P. O. Box 370, Yunna, Arizona 85364 or Box 332, Suisun City, Calif. 1100 Denver Ave., Fort Lupton, 5539-6th Street S.E.
94585, Dept.D-4 Colorado 80621, Dept.D-4 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
P. O. Box 2830 San Diego, Calif. 92112 Dept.D-4

I'o enter lam his
friends, "Lucky"
Baldwin built the
Queen Anne
Cottage. The
marble steps and
ornaments made it
I he last word in
elegance in Las
Angeles during the
turn of the century.

F EW OF the hundreds of thousands of

motorists who drive to the Santa
Anita rack track in Arcadia, California.
walnuts, peaches, apricots, olives, pears,
plums, cherries, persimmons and apples;
the corn and alfalfa; the barley and oats.
are aware that within a few hundred Then, too, there was the expansive water
yards of them is one of the most beauti- system, which conveyed spring water
ful spots in all of Southern California. from huge reservoirs to every part of the
Hidden for years from the public, this homesite. Baldwin so loved the sound of
beautiful arboretum of trees, shrubs and running water that he built several roun-
flowers is open daily to visitors. It is the tains among the trees, adjacent to the
heart of the home and grounds of the buildings.
fabulous E. J. Lucky" Baldwin and his Thirty-six years after Baldwin's death —
Rancho Santa Anita. March of 1947 -the deed to his old home,
And, as a crazy quilt always has one the outbuilding and the surrounding es-
patch brighter, odder, lovelier, and more tate was turned over by Rancho Santa
romantically interesting than the rest, so Anita, Inc., to the Chairman of the Los
this 1 00-acre estate is the most outstand- Angeles Count) Board of Supervisors.
ing of all of Baldwin's holdings. The property had been bought in partner-
Here, giant oaks and bubbling springs ship by the State of California and the
set the stage originally, but Baldwin spent County of Los Angeles for the purpose of
money lavishly to aid nature in providing turning the grounds into a public arbore-
a more perfect paradise. He dug wells, en- tum and botanic garden.
larged reservoirs and improved the irri- Dr. Samuel Ayres, fr., Chairman of the
gation system. He planted orchards, vine- Arboretum Committee of the Horticultur-

yards and fields of various crops. He made al Institute, in speaking at the presenta-
an eucalypti-bordered lake out of the tion about future plans for the project,
marshy cienega—planting the first eu- compared them with those of the Kew
calyptus trees in California. Gardens in London and the New York
When Baldwin died in 1909, he was Botanical Gardens.
lord and master of an estate, the value of Here," said Ayres, "will eventually
by R. Daniel Clark which he but little dreamed. Even then flourish the most exotic flowers and trees
the horticultural aspects of Rancho Santa in the world. We have the opportunity in
Anita were tremendous. These included Southern California, and particularly in
the finest orchards of citrus fruits, grapes. the arboretum, to grow things which can-
Cine of the many
features of the
Santa Anita
Arboretum is the
Aquatic Garden
with its terraced
pooh. The
contains, some of
the most exotic
I lowers and trees in
the world and.
although little
known, is open to
the public.

not be grown elsewhere (parts of Florida to be educational. No one ever thinks of a in elegance. Inside was even more ele-
excluded) except under glass." In conclu- public park as an educational center, but gance, for here was the paneled bath-
sion, he stated that all the garden clubs, that is precisely what an arboretum is— room with its enclosed bathtub of lead,
the horticultural societies and the bird an outdoor museum of plant life, about its funny commode, and the enclosed lava-
organizations in California were interest- which is organized a program for the ad- tory. This building, also known as the
ed in the development of this arboretum. vancement and diffusion of knowledge. Old Casino, still supports its ornate bell-
The horticultural aspects of the arbore- Those who realize the civic and eco- tower.
tum are impressive. Palms at Rancho San- nomic importance of arboriculture, silvi- Spacious verandas surround the ground
ta Anita are the tallest in California, one turc and scientific forestry have always floor and overlook vistas ol sylvan beau-
being 108-feet high. A redwood found recognized the great advantages of an ar- ty. Roulette and card games were played
here is also the tallest in the south. In oulture and scientific forestry have always here by Baldwin and his friends- not
addition, rare trees of all kinds prevail. there is no question but what this Southern commercially but for their own amuse-
For instance, there is the Ginkgo — or California arboretum has made a tremen- ment. The old safe that guarded Bald-
Maidenhair Tree It is the sacred tree of dous contribution to the understanding win's fortune is still in one of the rooms
China and is the oldest tree in the world's and appreciation of horticulture to all and still locked!
history. There arc seven of these beautiful classes of people. To the student it has A stone's throw from the Queen Anne
trees at the arboretum. scientific appeal; to the lay gardener it Cottage is the old Coach Barn. One can-
In thinking of this example of Califor- shows the use of plant materials, and to not enter its doors without feeling the
nia's scenic attractions, one must keep in those who have never worked with plants, clock being turned back to an earlier and
mind the great fundamental distinction it is often the stimulation for starting a more leisurely daw Heavily and carefully
between a botanic garden or arboretum garden of their own. built, this building will stand for genera-
and a park. A pi blic park is intended to In addition to the botanical features of tions. W i t h i n , much as it was in the '90s.
serve hygienic, esthetic and recreational the arboretum, there are several interest- T h e old carriage stalls are still as service-
needs. And in planning a park the main ing buildings within the grounds which able as the\' were 7^ years ago, and are still
consideration is beauty. No attention need were used in Baldwin's time. For instance tipped with their ornate iron work. Inset
be paid to the botanical affinities of the he restored the old adobe that had been in the design is the date and maker's
trees and shrubs and herbaceous plants. first built by Hugo Reid in 1839, and name: " 1 8 7 9 San Francisco, Savage and
Of course beauty is equally essential in added a wing himself in 1879. Son."
an arboretum, but there is the added han- In order that he might properly enter- It is their antiquated charm combined
dicap of botanical complications. Also, in tain his friends, Baldwin built the lovely with the priceless collection of flora
a public park plants are sometimes label- Queen Anne Cottage which also looks out about them which brings thousands of
ed; in a botanical garden they must be, for upon the lake. Its marble steps and "gin- people to see and enjoy the magnificence
it is the primary purpose of the plantations gerbread" ornaments were the last word that is here. •
WHEN PROVIDENCE placed the Anza-Borrego Desert so close to the metropolitan areas
of Southern California, she certainly was partial to the desert lover. Unwittingly, in these
new begotten days, this proximity is proving to be the desert's undoing. With the easy and
swift accessibility offered by freeways, weekending armies of unsympathetic land trampers
armed with combustion engines are waging all out war on desert fauna, flora and mineral.
It would be imprudent to suggest that modern man wean himself from his spark
plug pacifier. Deaf ears listen not to the mass media warning of recreation land plunder.
The one possible way to save what hasn't yet been ravished is to create a suitable environ-
ment conducive to the appetite of the times. Such an environment is the "Week End Desert."
This synthetic, indestructible desert park would confine the spoilers while giving them every
opportunity to rip and roar about in their multi-wheeled terrain munchers, four-wheeled
flora crunchers, mini and monster rut makers, and all their other anti-ecology blitzers.
• The "Week End Desert" starts with a simple credit card. It ends with the guaranteed
'satisfaction of having spent a profitable weekend ravaging Mother Earth without that fair
dame receiving one blight.

1. Charge card gate, restricted to motorized blitzers and dedicated spoilers.
2. Water hole for general polluting.
3. Knock down, pop up, indestructible plastic flora.
4. Family hiker manikins for maniacal drivers.
5. Bottomless pit for terrain rooters.
6. Pop up armor-plated fauna cutouts for playing safari.
7. Target range for indiscriminate plunkers.
8. Whittle table for park cut-ups.
9. Historic synthetic ruins for playing "ruin your heritage."
10. Doodle boulders for extroverted exhibitionists.
11. Plasma-fed elephant tree for axe, sword or pen knife.
12. Stuffed furries for sportsmen to ride down and squash.
13. Fireproof fan palms for fire nuts.
\ . . - •

- ,-¥. '


by Walter forcf

w-w probably /usl as surprised as the author when he wandered into the nocturnal shutterbug contraption.

ANY DESERT denizens forage for
M their food at night and those we
rarely see. The only signs of their pres-
came tangled with the thread and tipped
my camera over into the sand.
The replacement for the thread-con-
bulb had an effective duration of only
1/200 of a second, yet during that brief
interval the Dipodomys was able to sense
ence arc tracks across the sand dunes and trolled shutter was a beam of infrared a possible danger, then nearly complete a
burrows in which they spend their day- light. A bit of food was placed in an area turn to get back to his underground home.
light hours. However, in spite of their before the camera and a flashlight with a The original light-beam controlled cam-
elusiveness, we can record their images red filter over its lens was located to shine- era provided fun and excitement on man}'
on film and even have them assist in across the area and into a photocell. When desert safaris, even though it required fre-
the picture-taking operations. an animal walked through the light beam quent checking during an evening to see
To engage in this intriguing phase of the photocell actuated a relay which trip- if the shutter had been tripped. The cam-
nature photography, we need a camera ped the camera shutter and photoflash. era was usually set up some distance from
with an electronic flash, tripod, a means The first photo taken with the light- camp and when it was located in rough
of tripping our camera shutter and an ex- beam controlled shutter was in front of a terrain, finding it in the dark often creat-
tra supply of patience. The easiest setup small burrow one night on the Mojave ed problems. Recently. I rebuilt the con-
for tripping the shutter is a piece of Desert. When developed the negative- trol unit to eliminate that annoyance.
thread strung across an animal's path showed a blurred image of a kangaroo Now, I can relax in camp until an ex-
with one end attached to the shutter re- rat. This little animal rates high on the posure has been made. Two seconds after
lease. And while that method is simple to desert kit fox's bill of fare and the re- the camera shutter has been triggered, a
arrange, it can't be recommended for 100 markable speed that he uses in trying to light which may be seen Lip to 500 feet
percent reliability. I used it successfully escape this natural enemy was dramatically away signals that a customer has entered
many times until one of my subjects be- shown in the photograph. The flashlight my outdoor studio, posed for his picture.

and departed. At the same time a switch

automatically cuts off battery power to
all controls but the signal light, to pre-
vent possible damage to them if an ani-
mal happens to nudge the light source
out of line. This would have the same ef-
fect as if the light beam were broken dur-
ing an exposure operation, except that the
flow of current through the relays would
be continuous with probable damage from
1 made the test of the improved camera
shutter control in my back yard. Twelve
years ago the area was surrounded with
chaparral from which small animals would
come nightly to get the scraps of food I
had placed out for them. With the devel-
' . . • { • " . - • - • . * - . ' • , > . • • • •
opment of the neighborhood during the
intervening years, the number of their
visits gradually dwindled up to about three ^ V ^ ' ^ - " ' * ••••• • • . • " ; . •

years ago when they stopped altogether.

An exciting phase of subject-controlled
nature photography is that you never know
what you have captured on film until the
negative has been developed. When I set Breaking the photocell (louer right, of picture) light beam, a tarantula (above) is
up the remodeled equipment for its first photographed as he leaves his hole. Rock over the tarantula's hole prevented author
test, I hoped that one of my old animal from obtaining actual confrontation of tarantula and scorpion—or ivas it just a
friendly visit?
friends might retain, but instead the de-
veloped negative revealed a black alley
V *
cat-—a battle-scarred veteran that appar-
ently was just pa.sirg through.
1 set up my camera equipment for the
first field test reiently in the Anza-Bor-
rego State Park near what looked like a
kangaroo rat's burrow. Since the terrain
was rough I plai ed a flat rock over the
opening so that it would break the light
beam if moved i pward. Soon after dark
the signal light indicated an exposure had
been made. The lext day, after consider-
ing how far 1 hid traveled to make the
first field test. I returned to the same spot-
to take an "insurance" shot.
When the negatives were developed the
first one taken revealed not the Dipodo-
iii)J I expected but a large hairy tarantula.
The second negative was equally surpris-
ing, but disappointing. It showed how
close I came to getting a one-in-a-thousand
picture. The negative showed a leg of the
tarantula reaching out of the burrow and
a small scorpion just a few inches away.
It disclosed also my mistake in covering
the opening with a flat stone. Without it
the camera shutte" would not have operat-
ed until the tarantula had climbed above
the ground, then the perplexing question
whether the subjects were on a collision
course or just going their separate ways
would have beer answered. •

by Mary Frances Strong
Photos by Jerry Strong


winter storms man- It is a time of rebirth even on the ca-

age to surmount mountain bar-
riers and drop adequate moisture on
pricious and foreboding desert. Thrashers
sing from the Joshua trees, Gambel quail
California's desert region, one of Nature's have paired up and a new season is un-
miracles will be revealed—the birth of derway.
wildflowers. Tremendous fields of California pop-
The somber, beige-colored land soon pies, lupine, coreopsis, desert dandelion,
takes on a velvet-green hue and, by late alkali goldfields and gilia; and smaller
February, flowers will begin to carpet the stands of owl's clover, candelaria, phacel-
area with a kaleidoscope of color often ia and thistle sage, plus many other vari-
lasting well into May. eties give a succession of colorful per-


braved the unknown desert and brought
about its development. The western tour
will take you to outstanding fields of flow-
ers and the more important historical
Let's begin by leaving State Highway
14 at the Rosamond Boulevard offramp,
12 miles north of Lancaster. Turn left,
then continue west for three miles to the
Mojave-Tropico Road. Turn right and al-
most immediately you will have a good
view of a sizeable mining operation in the
Rosamond Hills.
This is the Tropico Gold Mine which
now encompasses a half-dozen of the orig-
inal mines including the famed Lida.
Discovered in 1896 by Ezra Hamilton,
the Lida started the Rosamond Hills min-
ing boom that lasted for over a half
In recent years, the Tropico has become
a tourist attraction. Mine tours are con-
ducted all year except Monday and Tues-
day of each week. Si.00 for adults, 75c
Mrs. Grace Oliver, owner of Antelope Valley Museum, displays Indian basket. for children, 5 to I I years, is charged. The
tour is interesting and one you will enjoy
formances. The show is about to begin and tours cover the western and eastern sec- if you haven't been inside an "honest-to-
it shouldn't be missed. Now is the time for tions providing more than a full weekend gosh" gold mine.
a trip to the Antelope Valley to enjoy of activities for spring visitors. Our route now continues north along
spring's splendor the Mojave-Tropico Road, cutting through
While large masses of wildflowers will the Rosamond Hills where wildflowers
be found throughout the desert region, The earliest wildflowers begin bloom- should be in bloom.
the Antelope Valley, on the Western Mo- ing in Western Antelope Valley and by Just before the summit is reached, you
jave, seems to be particularly favored. The mid-March they surround and decorate will see shallow open cuts and pits along
wildflower areas are easily reached via many early-day historical sites. It is as if both sides of the road. This is the site of
paved roads which also lead through the spring is the time to recall and honor the the "Great Uranium Strike" of the 1950-
historical past of the Valley. Two main freighter, miners and pioneers who have 56 era. Several claims were filed and a
sizeable area posted "No Trespassing."
Uranium fever reached a high pitch and
gun-carrying claim owners patrolled their
property. But -as is so often the case—-
the ore didn't live up to expectations.
Immediately over the summit, on the
COLOR TV north side, dirt tracks lead west to Gem
Hill a popular rock collecting area.
Good specimens of petrified wood, agate,
THERAPY POOL opal and agate nodules may be found.

Mileages not accumulative
0.0 Rosamond Blvd. and Mojave-Tropico
Road. Drive north.
4.6 Turn left onto dirt tracks.
805-948-2691 .5 Keep ahead. Dirt tracks on left lead
up to collecting area 1.
.5 Turn left.
13321 NORTH SIERRA HIGHWAY LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA A End of road. Nodules occur on hilJ to
the west. Hike over the summit south
of the parking area to the collecting
area. It is a short hike.

Solcdad Mountain, a large volcanic core
of silicious lava, looms skyward as our
route continues north to Backus Road.
During March, it s covered with wooly
coreopsis. Little dirt roads lead back into
the mountain's inner recesses inviting clos-
er inspection and the opportunity to take
some fine color photographs.
A particularly interesting flower area
lies in the southv est corner of Soledad
Mountain. Cross Backus Road and go
north a few hundred feet to a dirt road
leading off to the right. The wide variety
of wildflowers found in this area gives a
garden effect with blossoms of lilac, yel-
low, white, blue and orange intermingled.
Camera buffs ma) lind a new flower to
add to their color slide collection.
Traveling west on Backus Road, inter-
mittent wildflowers will be seen with the
next large masses on the Middle Buttes.
California poppies and wooly coreopsis Stables and corral at Willow Springs were a stage stop in the 1870s.
predominate and, again, many dirt roads them without invading private property. the fields and around several photogenic
lead to and through :he fields of flowers. A historical marker has been erected at stone ruins.
Continue west to the Tehachapi--Wil- the now dry spring site. Turn right at Highway 138 (Avenue
low Springs Road a.nd turn left. Drive Continuing south the Tehachapi-Wil- D) and note the dry-farming along the
south four miles to Hamilton Road, turn low Springs Road becomes 90th Street highway which has been developed in a
right and then left onto Manley Road. A West, after crossing Rosamond Boule- very interesting manner gram fields al-
mile further south von will enter Willow vard. Wildflowers will be blooming in
continued on page 31
Springs—perhaps (he most notable his-
toric site m the Antelope Valley.
Long known and used by the Indians,
White elephants Gate Donation: 25c
Willow Springs served them as an import-
ant camp and burial ground. The first
white man to cross the great Mojave Des-
ert, Padre Fray Francisco Garces, camped Pets
at the spring in 1776. The year 1827 Art
found the famed mountain man Jedediah
Smith stopping at the spring. Other fam-
ous visitors include [ohn Fremont and
Kit Carson in I S<S 1 and the Jayhawkers
party who rested here in 1849 after their
ordeal in Death Valley.
By I860, Willow Springs had become 13TH SEMI-ANNUAL
an important stage: stop serving travelers
en route to the San Joacpin and Owens
F'.zra Hamilton purchased W i l l o w
Springs and I 60 acres in 1911 with part
of his earnings iron the Lida Mine. His
plans included the development of the SUNDAY Largest in California!
springs into a desert showplace—and this
he did. He built a public hall, bath house,
hotel, blacksmith shop, stables, school and MAY 21 9:00 am to 6:00p.m.
many cottages- all from native stone. For
many years people patronized the springs
for reasons of health and vacation. For 8'xlO' sellers spaces mail $5.00 per space to:
Today, the buildings are in fair repair Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, 44943 10th St. West,
and are private!)' owned. Visitors can Lancaster, California 93534— Phone (805) 948-4518
readily view and photograph many of Sponsored by Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Convention Bureau

From left to right: ceremonial dancer
with deer headdress: masked Chapayekas carry
Judas in effigy; Judas' effigy is burned thus defeating
the evil sources so all participants arc
rededicated to Jesus.

taste for further contact with Yaquis. and missionaries. They had made the de-
VERY YEAR at Easter, a tribe of Ameri-
E can Indians fights a battle with an
enemy. There is no bloodshed and no
In the following years the Spanish sub-
jugated all of the tribes to the south of
the Yaquis and with those tribes, Jesuits
cision alone and in their own time. Possi-
bly they had investigated the conditions
in other tribes and liked what they s a w -
lives are lost. As the enemies advance were hard at work. So successful were the agricultural help and acceptable teaching.
they are repelled by a bombardment of missionaries among the people that the Not all of the young Yaquis were in
confetti, flower petals and din. Yaqui Mayos, linguistically related neighbors of agreement but the elders had made the
Indians have fought this yearly battle for the Yaquis in the north, asked for and got decision and it was honored.
about four centuries. missionaries to work in their villages, too. The missionaries moved in and for 60
Yaquis who live in Arizona are refu- Spanish relations with this tribe and those years there was peace and prosperity. Ya-
gees from Mexico and so are in a situa- to the south were excellent. quis from all of the approximately <S()
tion quite different from that of indig- But the Yaqui door remained closed. scattered rancherias were gathered to-
enous United States tribes. The first In an effort to bring the tribe to its knees, gether by the Jesuits in eight villages,
important Yaqui encounter with Euro- physically and religiously, more and big- each with a church. Yaquis had always
peans was in 1533. Spanish soldiers ger armies were sent against them. None been agriculturists and the Jesuits helped
under Diego de Guzman were on their were successful. The Yaquis didn't fight them improve with new tools and tech-
way north to capture Indian slaves. When beyond their borders but they held their niques, new products and livestock. The
he tangled with the Yaquis, this ferocious- ground. tribe became so prosperous that they were
ly defensive tribe numbering approxi- Then suddenly, to the surprise to every- able to export some of their produce.
mately 30,000 caused Guzman to lose all body, the Yaquis asked for a peace treaty Then in 1684, rich silver mines were
by Bernice Johnston
Exclusive Photos by
Charles and Lucile Herbert.

discovered in the irea bringing an influx expelled from Mexico. threat in Mexico as late as 1927. But the
of miners, prospectors and their like who From 1810 to 1820 as the Spanish Mexicans were not successful in forcing
caused friction and made life unpleasant. fought each other in their War of Inde- their land and political systems on the
On their heels came settlers, land grab- pendence the Yaquis watched from the Yaquis even as late as the 1960s.
bers and the typical frontier encroach- sidelines, never considering themselves Those Indians who sought refuge in
ment on the rights of those already there. part of it. But at the end of the conflict, the United States at the end of the cen-
Settlers envied the Indians their rich they found they were considered to be tury settled from Nogales to Phoenix,
lands and resented the prosperity that Mexicans, too, and therefore, taxable. Arizona wherever they could find work
had been broughl about for the Indians This caused new and constant harass- on ranches, in fields or mines. Their
under the Jesuits. The fire of envy grew ment. In 1825, the Yaquis again revolt- largest village, Pascua, was established
hot and the pot of turmoil began to boil. ed and drove all of the white settlers on what was then the outskirts of Tuc-
The situation became so unbearable that from their borders. The new Mexican son. It was eventually smothered under
in 1740 the Yaquis and Mayos revolted. armed forces were no match for them. the dirty skirts of the city that soon sur-
When it was all over, the Indians count- But it was the beginning of the end. rounded it. Another old village, Barrio
ed 3,000 dead and the Spanish 1,000. They were to defend their rights off and F.ibre, is located in the armpit of Inter-
Many of the Indians were scattered be- on for another 100 years. Many were state 19, south of Tucson. Other villages
yond their territory, population waned, killed, others captured and deported to are at Marana, Scottsdale and Guadalupe,
agriculture was neglected and prosperity Yucatan and other places, some hid out Arizona. Of the eight original villages in
declined. The Jesuits tried to recover and in the hills, and others fled to the United Mexico, one is deserted entirely and the
save the situation but in 1 767 they were States. Yaquis were considered a military bulk of the population is concentrated in
three of the others. One of the mysteries concerning the
Being refugees, Yaquis do not qualify Yaquis is their combined pagan-Christian
for the assistance available to other United Lenten and Easter ceremonies. In pre-
States Indians. Their situation is still quite Spanish times their religion was one of
WINKING desperate. They came as displaced farm- constant conflict between good and evil
WATER ers and tried to compete in a wage econ- and the bringing about of the victory of
omy with little formal education and a good. This had to do mostly with animal
meager knowledge of English, speaking spirits of the hunt. In order to obtain meat
AQUASPRING(R) Purifier-Distiller produces water
s nature intended— leaving behind chlorine, mostly Spanish, although many of them the Yaquis had to impress the animal's
alts, iron, sulfates, all impurities and bad tastes. could read and write. Most are still at the spirit with the need and convince it that
iosts pennies per gallon.
very bottom of the pay scale. it should give itself up, allow itself to be
AQUASPRING(R) water is delic ous. Beverages,
food, everything tastes better. Once you taste In 1962, some Pascua residents and killed. Dances, ceremonies and songs held
the difference you'll never want to drink ordi-
nary water again.
other interested citizens petitioned the before the hunt were to bring this about.
Compact, plugs in like a toasier, no plumbing United States government for land on When the performance was good enough,
hook-ups whatever. Take it wherever you go. which to build a new village. They were the animal allowed itself to be taken.
Write now for free information. given a location near the Papago Indian Such a survival from these times is the
UNITED VITO-WAY Reservation south of Tucson. It was up to Deer Dancer. Those who perform this
P.O. Box 1028 1930 E. Pacific, Dept. D-4 them to obtain money, materials and labor dance are considered dance masters. It is
Albany, Oregon 97321 Teh (503) 926-3581 to build a new village. This has gone slow- the ultimate in performance. Older dan-
ly. Not all of the villagers chose to move cers teach young men from childhood. To
FIND BURIED for various real and sentimental reasons
and so the old village of Pascua hasn't
become successful in the dance, a young

TREASURE changed too much except to lose about

man must hunt the deer. He needs to be
familiar with the actions ol the hunted
Locates buried gold, fifty families. animal. When a good Deer Dancer per-
silver, coins,
jewelry, old The Yaquis in the old village of Barrio forms, he is not an imitator of a deer, he
•weapons. Works
through earth, Libre have an equally unsuitable site with IS the deer. He is alert, listens, stands
water, wood. the world's traffic roaring over their motionless, moves swiftly and with agility
!i powerful models
heads. For a long time they saved and -he defends himself. An observer of the
New Relco detectors
send electronic beam worked for a new church. Their rickety- dance catches this animal lever, its fear,
far into earth to seek old adobe Church of the Conception was its cunning. If the dancer is good, it can
out treasures lost or hidden through-
out the centuries. Signals when ob- almost unsafe. So behind it they began to be very exciting. No other animal dances
ject is detected. Most powerful made. build, as they could buy blocks, another are done now but some of the songs are
Write f o r free
sure booklet.
catalog and fascinating trea- church dedicated to St. Martin de Porres. still remembered and sung.
RELCO, Dept. Q - 2 8 7 , BOX 10839, Houston, Tex. 77018
Last year they put the roof on but they still It has always been something of a mys-
fall short of completion. In all of the vil- tery, too, why the Yaquis found the
lages, religion holds priority over any Christian teaching so acceptable as to in-
other situation and churches come first. corporate it into their own religion. But
remembering that the Yaquis are basically
9 5
Reward for Earlydiners 2
a peaceful people with a high sense of the
good-evil polarity, the idea of a God who
was peaceful and merciful and who tri-
umphed over death, must have been fairly
Top Sirloin or Prime Rib COMPLETE DINNER easy to accept. It is harder to understand
the remarkable tolerance of the mission-
5:00 to 7:00 P.M. — SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!
aries who permitted it. In any case, there-
developed a series of ceremonies commem-
Tommy Brooks orating the passion, death and resurrection
of Christ that is as complex as the famed
and The Loving Kind pageant of Oberammergau. For about: four
centuries this yearly observance has been
performed in the same way by all Yaquis
everywhere. Other linguistically-related
Serving The World's Finest Beef Mexican Indians have celebrated it in a
similar manner.

Flowers are very important in Yaqui
ceremonies and have been from ancient
times. The word sewa, flower, applied to
blooms, acts, heavenly rewards, etc. In
their Christian interpretation, flowers are
67-501 Highway 111, Palm Springs, California (714) 328-1101 weapons to be used against evil; they are
Christ's blood drops transformed, and hats; Pilates in long black capes; and
blessings bestowed Flowers are and have masked men, Chapayekas, who are the
always been their most important religious common soldiers. T h e s e last have a
symbols. "saint", Judas, in effigy.
People who take part in certain roles of On the side of the good are the defend-
this pageant do so for having made a ers of the church: the leaders or Maestros;
manda or a vow. This is a promise of per- women; children; Matachin dancers (boys
formance in return for a favor granted, a and men dressed in regalia of the Virgin
blessing received or other reason. Their or "soldiers of the Virgin"); Pascola
training is intense and long and when dancers, called "old men of the fiesta" ESCALANTE
they must perform, it takes precedence and their musicians; the Deer Dancer and
over school, job or my other obligation. his singers. SCENIC TOURS
Employers find this hard to live with and The Gloria is sung and the attack be- used to be taken like this! We've
it often works great: hardship on the Yaqui gins. Fariseos storm the church. Then all made some improvements since then.
who may get fired or suffer pay loss as a Our four-wheel-drive vehicles will vo
Heaven breaks loose in defense. Church
where Old Sam and Sal couldn't!
result. Be that as it may, he leaves anyway bells and hand bells ring; the deer, Mata-
to perform. chinis and Pascolas dance; there is tooting
To an outsider these Lenten and Easter of the flutes; beating of drums; clatter of
services seem very confusing and to most, rattles. Flowers are thrown and there is a
they are an incomprehensible mixture of shower of confetti. Angels dart about
excitement and comedy. It is helpful to brandishing switches and girls wave flags.
have an idea of what's going to happen There is motion, commotion, color and
before one witnesses the pageant. To this clamor.
end, a film was made in the 1920s and is After three such attacks and defeats, the
shown yearly by the Arizona State Mu- Fariseos throw their masks and regalia at
seum the week before Easter. It is open the feet of their Judas saint and the whole
to the public at no charge. Two excellent thing is consumed in a tremendous bon-
books have been published about the Ya- fire. The performers of the bad roles, now-
qui ceremonies. One is Faith, Flowers, and rid of all evil, are taken into the church Metate Arch, in Devil's Garden,
Fiestas and the other is Easter at Pascua. where they are rededicated to Jesus. An 18 miles southeast of Jiscalante.
With these assists one can get a preview of all-night fiesta celebrates the victory.
what will transpire. The events are not On Easter morning leaders gather the All tours start at the
entertainment for visitors. They are re- performers together to commend and
ligious obligations Respectful visitors are thank them for the discharge of their obli- MOQUI MOTEL
welcomed to the ceremonies but photo- gations and to bid farewell for another
graphy is absolutely- forbidden. On only a year. Christ is risen. Good has triumphed. Escalante, Utah 84726
few occasions have Yaquis permitted pro- Easter is over. 801-826-4210
fessionals to record the ceremonies al- Seldom have there been known more
though at other times individual per- ferocious warriors than the Yaquis and
formers may pose seldom have there been more peaceful A Rock Shop and Trailer Court are
Ash Wednesday signals the beginning Indians. All they have ever wanted was to on the premises. Frequent patio
be left alone. They were not left alone
parties and slide shows are held
of this series of ceremonies and they con-
for your enjoyment. We've tours
tinue each Friday through Lent. The cli- and today they are scattered far and wide, for everyone: the Shutterbug. the
max, and to most visitors the most im- living with legends, with a nostalgic tie Rock Hound, the Sportsman. Let
pressive part, is on Holy Saturday at the to their original eight villages in Mexico, us tell you more about this won-
singing of the Gloria. For weeks women with material poverty—but with rich and derful wilderness country and our
many different tours, including
have been decor; ting the church, the strong religious traditions.
the famous Hole in the Rock.
statues, etc., and naking paper flowers. Those who fled through the back door
On Saturday, friends of the Indians bring of the United States over half a century
real flowers from .heir gardens and from ago have tried to carve a slot for them-
the florists and these are stockpiled with selves. As farmers turned wage earners it
the paper ones and confetti at the church. was hard. Two generations later it is still
'This is the ammunition that will be direct- hard. Friends of the Indians, various or-
ed against the enemies of the church and ganizations and other assistances have not ESCALANTE SCENIC TOURS
it will overcome them. been enough to provide for most of their Escalante, Utah 84726
Around noon, good and evil forces line necessities much less to raise their stand-
up—the good in front of the church and ards very high or even build the churches Name

the evil beyond a nark at a distance. The that are so necessary to their way of life.
enemy are the persecutors of Jesus, the Through it all their religion, almost alone,
Fariseos (Pharisees). They are officers in has sustained them. City State Zip

Tehachopi 'Mojave


Middle 5(Soledad
^ n t e l o p e ""Valley
Western Tour Eastern Tour
•u< Museum^/ - ^ S ^ ^
Tours [ Exceptional Wildflowers
Good Wildflowers

Phocelia Wildlife

, Fairmont
Wildflower Center
A.V. Fairgrounds
155 E. AVE I

Lancaster olButte Valley

g|Wildflower Sanctuary

Uoshua Tree
I State Park
AV w
>cenic Drive Indian ^
Museum i-

Valley El


Legend tmr
Paved Dirt Vista Viewpoint
Resi Area Llano jTheodore
del Rio 'Poyne Wild-
fe Exceptional Wildflowers S- Campground liifs; Sonet.
c _
i Rock Collecting w Fishinq Pearb!ossorr

Historical Sites
IS May be occupied 'tCrystaloir

K Ruins If frsnces Volyermo

• No buildings remain 1 \tronq
sand-blasted every thing in its path. Win-
ter brought more of the same except the For over a
continued from page 25
winds were freezing cold. Nearly all of the
quarter century serving
ternating with sections of land heavily settlers moved to more gentle climes.
covered by native vegetation, Joshua trees, Today, nothing remains of Manzana your Real Estate needs in
junipers, buckwheat and RamonaSage pre- except a few old almond trees that some- Antelope Valley!
dominate with all but the junipers pro- how manage to bring forth a few blos-
viding beautiful b ossoms. A ground cover soms in spring. A dead orchard or two
of small wildflowers will result from late plays host to brilliant fields of golden
spring rain. poppies and royal-purple owl's clover. 38461 N. Sierra Hwy., Palmdale, Calif.
Approximately four miles west of 90th Neenach hasn't faired much better, al- Telephone (805) 947-0151
Street, lies Fairmont and Antelope Buttes. though the old schoolhouse still stands.
Spring will generally find them almost From Neenach our route back-tracks a
smothered with bright yellow alkali gold- couple of miles to Lancaster Road (old
fields. Numerous dirt roads give access Highway 138) and turns right. The pop-
for closer photography.
Large herds ol antelope once roamed
py tour now begins! (An alternate route
N-2 can be followed through Pine Can-
through the Valley and the last sighted yon along the San Andreas Fault to Palm-
was a group of 1 >' on Fairmont Butte in dale. This is a beautiful drive in spring
MR. SAGACITY . . . is a small, smart bear.
1925. Their demise was inevitable when and many wildflowers will be seen. You He's tamed and proudly ranging on a fine
the settlement of the Valley began. Fences, may want to take this route another day.) chain. Sterling silver or gold-dipped. $5.25,
hunters and the railroad, the tracks of lust after Lancaster Road crosses the including tax.

which they wouldn't cross, severely cur- Feather River Canal, a dead orchard will MR. SAGACITY
Box 8 2 4 7 , Long Beach, Calif. 9 0 8 0 8
tailed their range and consequently re- be seen on the left. It should be carpeted
duced their numbers. However, historians with poppies and owl's clover. I can
agree that the great blizzards of 1882-85,
when the entire Valley was covered with
several feet of snow, hastened their end.
guarantee it is a photographer's paradise
when in full bloom.
In the vicinity of 170th Street will be
The antelope w e e trapped in the drifts numerous fields of yellow poppies. This
where many hundreds starved to death. area is strip-farmed and the poppies come 140 PAGE
Our tour ol Western Antelope Valley up in the sections lying fallow.
now brings us to the sites of the three orig- Old Fairmont will loom into view on a CATALOG
inal settlements -Manzana, Neenach and sharp curve at I 60th Street. A bar (a sec- OF DETECTORS-BOOKS-MAPS
Fairmont. It also leads us through the out- tion of which is said to be one of the old
standing displays of poppies for which the buildings) and gas pump occupy the site.
16238 Lakeweed Blvd.
Valley has become famous. Fairmont may have been the "metropolis" Bellflawer, California 90706
Development of the Valley began in
1887. The Manzana Colony was the most
ambitious planned, as acreage extending
for nearly six miles along the hills was
settled. Large aln ond and fruit orchards IN THE HEART OF'
were planted, as were several large vine- SMOG-FREE
yards of raisin grapes. No expense nor
labor was spared to make Manzana a per-
manent settlement. I'ine farm homes were
built and water n: Kings Canyon was
tapped to supply their irrigation system. 121 beautiful units, the finest in Hi-Desert dining
Neenach and Fairmont were mainly set- Exciting cocktails from our lounge
tled by dry-grain larmers. Two swimming pools, plus one for the kids,
The settlements enjoyed success until Sauna bath and steam room, playground
1895 when a three-year drought began. Direct dial telephones, color TV
Dry-fanners couldn't raise crops, Man- For the family—Poolside units with two double beds or
zana's source of water dried up and the suites to accommodate up to six persons
orchards and vineyards died. Wooed and
won by the capricious desert, who had
Vor Reservations
shown only her pleasant face, most of
(805) 942-8401
the settlers were unprepared when she Delicious food,
quickly served in
44219 North Sierra Highway our coffee shop
displayed her harsh side. Hot winds lifted
Lancaster, California 93534
the top soil from cultivated fields and

large fields of brilliant red-orange pop-
pies will be seen alongside the road.
Our tour ends at Lancaster. You will
want to visit the Wildflower Center in
the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds. Ably-
manned by volunteers, they have free
maps and some very interesting exhibits.
The Center is open from March 25th
through April 30th, Thursday through
Sunday, 10 A.M. to A P.M. Admission
is free.
Joshua Tree State Park is an excellent
point to begin a tour of Eastern Antelope
V a l l e y . Overnight camping facilities
(Si.50 per night) are available among
fine stands of Joshua trees. They should
be in bloom by March. The blossoms are
large and beautiful but quickly fade and
produce a sizeable seed pod. The pod not
only insures their survival but provides
an important source of food for many of
the birds and small mammals living in
Built into the native rock, this kiln was used by the Llano Socialist Colony, this habitat.
A few miles north and east of the State
of the I 880s, as on the corner stood the patches of owl's clover on the low hills Park lie the Butte Valley Wildflower and
Justice of the Peace office, grocery store, lmediately adjacent to the road. This is the Phalcelia Wildlife Sanctuaries. The
blacksmith shop and postoffice. one of the few locations where these beau- drive between them will take you through
A dirt road leads south from Fairmont tiful flowers are found in profusion. acres of colorful wildflowers.
for two miles through fields of wildflow- Munz Road is a section of the old stage The Antelope Valley Indian Museum is
ers to Fairmont Reservoir. It is worthy of route from Elizabeth Lake to Willow a short distance southwest of the State
a side trip. Springs, and my 1871 map shows a stage Park. A visit to this fine, private museum
"Flowers, flowers everywhere" aptly station near the owl's clover location. will give you a better understanding of
describes the next four miles to Munz Nothing remains today. the desert's "first dwellers." (See DES-
Road. It you are interested in taking some Returning to Lancaster Road, our route ERT, June '68, for more details.) The
unusual flower photos, turn right. In leads through fields of poppies and lu- museum is open only on Saturday and Sun-
about a mile there will be several large pine. Traveling east from 110th Street, day from September through June. Ad-
mission is $1.00 for adults and 50c for
children 6 to 12 years.
Mrs. Grace Oliver, curator, told me
the surrounding area (known as Wilsona
TVdU Valley) is covered with verbena in late-
spring. In fact, this entire region begin-
ning at 90th Street and running east for
many miles, has a wide and varied bloom
of flowers.
Where every room overllook
the beautiful Indian W From the museum, it is a short drive via
Country Club Golf Cours 1 50th Street to Avenue O, then west to
Banquet and the Alpine Wildlife Sanctuary—located
Convention between two branches of Big Rock Wash.
Facilities Quiet observers will be rewarded with
DINING — DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT glimpses of the "natives" inhabiting this
life zone round-tailed and antelope
ground squirrels, packrats, white-footed
SPt CIAL GOLF PACKAGES — BEAUTIFUL ROOMS mice, jackrabbits, lizards, snakes and a
number of birds, to name but a few.
SPECIAL FAMILY RATE Call 714-345-2581 for Reservations Our tour continues by going east on
or write INDIAN WELLS HOTEL, Avenue O to I 70th Street, then right. The
Indian Wells, California 92260 road leads up through Lovejoy Buttes and
the new development—Lake Los Angeles- By April, Ramona Sage, golden prince's
The Buttes have been the setting for many plume and scarlet buglers should be in
western movies and the TV series "Gun- bloom along this route.
smoke." Driving south to Highway 138, Turn left on Longview Road and climb
scattered fields cf wildflowers will be the alluvial slope to Tumbleweed Road. Lancaster, California INN
seen along both si;k:s of the road. A left turn will take you to Devil's 60 Miles No. of L.A. on Hwy. 14
in the High Desert
Two miles ease cm Highway 138 is Punchbowl County Park (3 miles) an un-
Llano del Rio, now called Llano. It con- usual geological formation. (See DES- Famous for Olde English Prime Rib
Sunday Buffets
sists of a cafe, ba\ gas station and post- ERT, December, '69 for more details.) Entertainment and Dancing
office. The Llano Colony began in 1895 Returning to Longview Road, turn left Deluxe Rooms Heated Pool
24-Hour Coffee Shop
but was deserted two years later. Though and enjoy one of the most spectacular
fiV\) 805-948-4651 (flcstern
land had been cleared and several hundred drives in the Antelope Valley—the Juni- A Lee Hotel HOTELS

acres of fruit trees planted, the colonists per Hills Loop. At the base of the higher
were unable to get clear title to their land. peaks, the road turns right and becomes
The second settlement of Llano del Juniper Hills Road.
Rio fared little better, though the prob- Ramona Sage, Haplopappus and Fre-
lems were not the same. Approximately montia will be blooming by late April, fol-
one mile east of 165th Street, several in- lowed by False Mallow and Blue Mantle
teresting ruins remain on the north side in May. As you drive along this high al-
of the highway. The huge stone fire- luvial fan (1800' el.) the Western Mo-
places are the remnants of the Llano hotel jave Desert will be spread out 2,000 feet
—part of an extensive Socialist Colony below—six thousand square miles of it!
numbering over 900 people, that started Drive slowly and enjoy a view which is HOLDS 3 LBS. OF GEM MATERIAL

in 1914. The lack of water and "politics" not duplicated elsewhere in the world.
brought an end to :he "impossible dream" The beautiful Ramona Sage (purple) FOR ONLY $11
in 1918. and the brilliant-yellow Haplapappus will PLUS POSTAGE

A mile south o ; the old hotel are the have turned this area—known as Juniper ooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ruins of the milking sheds and a silo. Hills—into a wild flower garden. Mari-
They are quite photogenic. posa lilies and a myriad of small flowers
Return to 165th Street and head south will carpet the ground under pinyon pines, 1971-72 CATALOG 8
toward the foothills. A glider school and junipers, Joshua trees and scrub oaks.
landing strip will be passed and the hill- Follow the paved road which will eventu- A MUST FOR NEW ROCKHOUNDS §
side development Crystalaire Country ally become 106th Street and you will be $1.00, REFUNDABLE O
Club -will be seer on the right. returned to Highway 138. WITH ANY $7.50 ORDFR. o
The road begins to curve and enters a Yes, spring is the time to visit the des- FREE! FREE! %
very narrow, wash-out canyon. Ramona ert. Dressed in a colorful patchwork of For DESERT Magazine Readers x
Sage is the spring bloomer here. At the wildflowers, it will not appear to be a 3O000O0OO00OO0OO00000O000
southern end of the canyon, on the left, desert at all. It will woo you with a rain-
is the stone limekiln and building used bow of colors and caress you with soft and
by the Llano Colony. It, too, is photogenic gentle breezes. But, the old Mojave Des-
and worthy of a stop. Watch carefully as ert, always capricious and ever bold, will 1741 CHERRY AVE
it is easy to miss. show another face when spring is gone. •
P.O. BOX 40730
Our route now curves through a val-
ley, skirts orchards and joins Valyermo
Road at Big Rock Creek. Cross the bridge
and follow Big Rock Canyon down to the
Ranger Station. Just beyond is Valyermo
Ranch, lying astride the San Andreas TROPICO GOLD MINE
Fault. The ranch was developed in the
1890s and early in this century was pur- & MILL TOURS, INC.
chased by Dr. ami Mrs. Levi Noble of Go underground on guided tours, see 900-foot shaft
New York. Dr. Noble was a geologist
Open stopes — glory hole — gold ore in veins
with the U.S. Geological Survey. In the
years to follow he gained world-wide Visit Southern California's largest gold mill
fame for his studies of the San Andreas Milling process explained — Browse through early-days
Fault. collection of mining relics and antiques in Gold Camp
About one mile from the Valyermo 5 miles west of Rosamond, California 93560
post office, turn left onto Pallet Creek Off Rosamond Blvd.
Road and follow it: to Longview Road. Phone (805) 256-2648 or 256-2179
by Arnold Tilden

kilns and the decaying

ruins of a railroad station are all that
remain of two once prosperous towns
which served the Belle Air Mining Dis-
trict, an area of several hundred square
miles on the right bank of the Gila River
between Florence and Kelvin, Arizona.
tt is one of only six places in the West
where the charcoal kilns of the 1800s are
still standing. In an almost perfect state
of preservation, the "beehives" are 72
feet in circumference and 32 feet high.
At one time one of the kilns was used as
a living quarters.
Only in California's Death Valley, in
Nevada near Ely, at Frisco in Utah and
two places near Boise, Idaho can similar
kilns be found.
The Arizona kilns are not well known
or highly publicized, and for good rea-
son. The direct route to the kilns is a
jeep trail that has few equals on the three _
continents on which the author has had • . -

the pleasure of criving. It is a very good

mountain trail leading through a magni-
ficent Box Canyon following the Martinez
Wash toward the area of the original Sil-
ver Belle mine. As the trail leaves the can-
yon, it continues its climb over a mountain
ridge and then descends to the right bank
of the river. The last five miles is very
poor but it can be covered in about two
hours of hard and steady driving.
The Silver Belle and Columbia, con-
nected by a 200-foot tunnel, were the
original mines in the area with ore suffi- A four-wheel-drive safari into an
ciently promising to lead the Pinal Con- isolated area in southern Ari-
solidated Mining Company to establish zona goes through deserts and
a town, build a water-jacket furnace of mountain passes such as Box
20 tons capacity and construct "five large Canyon (right) and eventually
kilns for the burning of charcoal," near ends at the "ghostly kilns." En
a mountain called North Butte on the route the author found abandon-
right bank of the Grila. It is only logical ed mines and once thriving
that the miners should call their town towns. There are only six places
Butte when it was founded late in Decem- in the West where the "bee-
ber, 1881. By 1883, it had become suffi- hives" are still standing.
ciently important to have its own post
office, but this importance lasted only three
years when the post office was closed.
While the mines were operating, they
produced relatively rich ore. A contem-
porary report, published in 1883, states
that over 5,000 tons of ore, which yielded
over $160,000 in silver, had already been
taken from the mines. The ore was hauled
to Butte, some eight miles south of the
mines, where it was reduced into base bul-
lion, which later was sent to San Francisco
for final processing.
The previously mentioned jeep road
which leads to the kilns follows the same
alignment from Martinez Canyon to the
Gila that was used in 1881. Improvements
and repairs have been somewhat spas-
modic- -the last known being made in
1886 just before the mines, the furnace,
the kilns and the town all closed down.
Today it is only for the very hardy in
four-wheel-drive vehicles, and even some
ol these prove reluctant.
A much easier road, one open to any
type of vehicle, is the regular county road
from Florence to Kelvin. This is a well-
graded gravel road through a beautiful,
unspoiled desert area, and sufficiently wide
for two large trucks to pass with ease. It
runs from U.S. 80-89, east past the Ari-
zona State Prison some 18 miles to The

Rocks, a unique outcropping that makes
an excellent landmark. Here in The Rocks,
a road from the north will be seen which,
if followed 12.4 miles to its terminus,
leads to Cochran. Cochran may be termed
the successor town to Butte, but on the
south side of the river. The Santa Fe Rail-
road built a spur from Phoenix through
Florence to the Gila Valley mining area in
the early 1900s, and the canyon of the
Gila in which the kilns of Butte were lo-
cated, was the only available route.
Since Butte was no longer an active
town and was on the wrong side of the
river anyway, a new town, Cochran, was
founded to serve as a railroad station and
water stop, a post office, and a supply cen-
ter for the ranches and small mines in the
area. In 1807, the Santa Fe sold its spur
to the Southern Pacific, which still oper-
ates the route to serve the large copper
mining area in the valley of the San Pedro
River, a tributary of the Gila.
For modern prospectors with trailers,
The Rocks makes an excellent camp-
ground completely primitive but with
magnificent scenery. Trailers should be
left at this point. Those with campers,
jeeps, cycles or ordinary passenger cars
may continue on toward Cochran on a
good desert road but one that is narrow,
hilly with sharp drops and frequent dips,
and decidedly twisty as it approaches the
river. It is not regularly maintained, but is
usually in fair condition. A large flat area
a hundred yards or so from the abandoned
railroad station at Cochran makes an ex-
cellent campground for those who wish to tion needs and the reported quicksands in
Rent a spend some time in the area. There are no the area make fording the stream a some-
Houseboat on supplies nor facilities available although what risky operation.
the river might offer adequate bathing The easiest route is to cross on foot.
Lake Powell, Utah facilities in warm weather. Certainly wading the Gila in the warm
Arriving at the river on the south bank, desert sun should be a pleasant exper-
it is necessary to cross to the north bank ience. The ford cannot be mistaken due to
and walk about a half mile to the kilns a row of large boulders which have been
and slag dump. The bridge, which once placed across the river to mark it. These
spanned the river at this point, was wash- offer hand holds in case of need, but if one
ed away last year. Venturesome four- is careful he probably would not get wet
wheel-drive pilots may risk the ford at this much above the knees. Nevertheless, care-
CRUISE-SWIM-EXPLORE point but this is not recommended and should be taken and no one should at-
certainly should not be tried unless vehi- tempt to wade across if he is alone.
At Exciting cles are traveling in pairs. The fluctuation A trip to the kilns could be made com-
of the water level due to varying irriga- fortably any time of the year except for
BULLFROG June, July, August and September, which
would be quite warm. The starting point
Rent a fully equipped 6,8, or 9 sleeper, 34 to Authorized may be either Florence on U.S. 80, or Kel-
43-foot houseboat for family and friends. vin on Arizona State 177, utilizing the
Bullfrog Resort is located on Lake Powell,
Utah, in the cerrer of a 190-mile lake of
JEEP county road which connects the two towns.
spectacular scenery. Accessible by paved air
strip or super highways. Get a group to-
Sales and Service For those with an extra day, or even an
gether and share expenses for a low-cost LARGEST SUPPLY OF afternoon, to spend in this area, a trip
luxury vacation. No experience is necessary.
through the "Box" in Martinez Canyon
Make reservations now while boats are avail-
able. Smaller power boats aiso available on Looking for a Jeep—Try us! can be very rewarding.
hour to weekly rentals. The start must be from Florence fol-
Send for FREE Brochure FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CENTER lowing the farm road on the north bank
Write Bullfrog Resort and Marina, Dept. D Dept. DM 1625 S. Harbor Blvd. of the river just north of the railroad. The
HANKSVILLE, UTAH 84734 OR PHONE Fullerton, California
BULLFROG BASIN 2233 THROUGH road follows the river and the railroad
MOAB, UTAH OPERATOR eastward to the diversion dam. A short
distance beyond the diversion dam the
road branches, one branch continuing to

LAKE POWELL follow the railroad while the other turns

north, crosses the railroad and starts up
the Martinez Wash which, after a few

MAP miles, enters Martinez Canyon.

It is possible to continue through Mar-
and its tinez Canyon, including the "Box" in an
ordinary car, although a part of the road
fascinating in the "Box" is rather rough. No pickup

CANYONS campers or trailers can make the ''Box."

After passing the "Box" one comes to a
road junction. The left fork (to the west")
EVERYTHING leads to U.S. 60, the right fork continues
YOU WANT TO KNOW on through canyon and mountain until
you reach the kilns. THIS IS A JEEP
ABOUT ROAD ONLY. At the junction indicated
CAMPING FISHING above, it is possible to turn around and
HIKING return to Florence. A reverse trip through
MARINAS BUOYS the "Box" is as rewarding as the original.
Don't rush! Relax and enjoy your trip,
for the "Box" and the Kilns will be there
World's Seventh Natural Wonder
a long time. |~J


? / ejlQ1dgU
P.O. Box 955D Writ* For FREE Catelog .
Page, Arizona, 86040 SOtCO DIPT DA2D TfNNEN^N.J. 07763
APRIL 7-9, WORLD OF GEMS AND MIN- Calif. Free admission and parking. Complete
ERALS sponsored by Paradise Gem & Mineral show plus special demonstrations. Write Cliff

Calendar of Club, Veterans Memorial Hall, Paradise, Calif.

Complete show. Write Frank Fehely, P. O. Box
359, Paradise, Calif. 95969.
Blunt. P. O. Box 494, Yucaipa, Calif. 92399.

APRIL 22 & 23, S O U T H W E S T ROCK

WRANGLER'S Gem & Mineral Show, Nation-

Western Events APRIL 8 & 9, SECOND ANNliAL HOBBY

AND GEM SHOW. Bliss, Idaho. Complete
al Guard Armory, 2100 W. 154th St., Gardena,
Calif. Free admission and parking. Complete
APRIL 22 & 23, GALAXY OF GEMS sponsor-
MARCH 2 5 & 26, A WEEKEND IN GEM- APRIL 8 & 9. NORWALK ROCKHOUND'S ed by Oxnard Gem and Mineral Society, Com-
LAND sponsored by the Northrop Recreation Gem and Mineral Show. Masonic Hall, 12345 munity Center, 800 Hobson Way. Oxnard,
Gem and Mineral Club, Northrop Recreation Rosecrans Ave., Norwalk, Calif. Complete Calif. Free admission, parking and camping.
Club House, 1232'.' South Crenshaw Blvd., show. Free admission and parking. Write Mrs.
Hawthorne, Calif. Free parking and admission. Dan Harlow, 13000 Crossdale, Norwalk, Calif. APRIL 29 & 30, GEM & MINERAL EXHIBIT
Write Bill Nary, 17210 Spinning Ave., Tor- 90650. sponsored by the Arrowhead Mineralogical So-
rance, Calif. 90504. APRIL 8 & 9, WESTERN BONANZA GEM & ciety, St. Joseph's Youth Center, Fontana, Calif.
MINERAL SHOW sponsored by the Woodland Free admission and parking.
MARCH 25 & 26, NINTH ANNUAL BOT- Hills Rock Chippers, Arthur E. Wright School,
TLE SHOW & WORKSHOP, sponsored by
1029 Las Virgenes Road, Calabasas, Calif. Free.
Bishop Belles and Beaux Bottle Club, Tri-
County Fairgrounds, Bishop, Calif. Write APRIL 15 & 16, COMMUNITY FLOWER
P. O. Box 1475 Bishop, Calif. 93514. SHOW sponsored by the Riverside Commun-
ity Flower Show Association, Riverside Mem-
orial Auditorium, 7th & Lemon Streets, River-
creation Hall, Shoshone, Calif. Visitors and
side, Calif. Adults, $1.00. Garden tour and
entrants welcome. Write1 P. O. Box 69, Tecopa,
Calif. 92389.

MINERAL Joint Sh( w, Fallbrook High School, South P Streets, Bakersfield, Calif. Complete
Fallbrook, Calif. Free admission & parking. Show. Write Clyde Ebbs, 3126 N. Inyo St.,
Write P. O. Box 62. Fallbrook, Calif. 92028. Bakersfield, Calif. 93305.

APRIL 2, RED ROCK CANYON Easter Sun- APRIL 15 & 16, NATURE'S JEWELS spon- A Hv killer attacks his victim in this
rise Services, 25 miles north of Mojave, Calif, sored by the Yucaipa Gem & Mineral Society, spectacular photograph which Hans
on Highway 14. Since 1908. Starts at 5:45 A.M. Community Center, 1st & B Streets, Yucaipa, Baerwald shot with a telephoto lens.
At this point, the magma may take
Rambling either of two paths. It may move into a
large weak area, but still deep under the
surface, perhaps forcing the upper layer
of rocks into a large mountain range.
Such a mass of material may be many
miles across, and presumably many miles

deep. It may stop enlarging at any point,
either because it cannot overcome the

CATALOG pressure from above, or the pressure be-

neath may have been relieved.
After many years perhaps as much
by as a million or more it cools into a
rock, the most common of which is gran-
EXCELSIOR - PRECISION ite. This large block ot rock is now

DREDGES and Martha Vargas known as a batholith. The word is again

DRY WASHERS from the Greek, balhos-deep and lilhos-
MAPS stone. Many of the world's great moun-
SLUICE BOXES IGNEOUS ROCKS: tain ranges are batholithic in origin, the
ROCK TUMBLERS They Were Once Molten Sierra Nevada of California is one of
N MANY occasions, individuals have them.
O asked if a certain black rock were
once molten. Many of these had been
Granite is a nearly white rock that
contains small particles of black minerals.
RELATED EOUIPMENT melted, but some were not. The ques- It is known as an intrusive igneous rock,
tion is usually the result of the thought a rock that lias intruded into other rocks.


that any rock that had been melted must
now be black, undoubtedly making an
Granite has manv relatives, based upon
the minerals each contains; some of them
association with charred wood. Some may be very dark, but as a whole, most of
black rocks have never been molten. It is the intrusive igneous rocks .ire light in
Phone (714] 521-6321
true that one of our most common lavas, color.
basalt, is usually black, but most other As the second path for the magma, if
lavas are red, brown or even gray. But it can overcome the pressure above, and
now we are ahead of our story. find a crack that will allow it to reach
Igneous rocks (the word from Latin the surface, it will create a volcano. The
for fire) are the result of the deep-seated magma now spills out as lava. When it
heat near the center of the earth. Geolo- cools it becomes what is called an extru-
some of this super-heated rock can expand sive igneous rock, one that has extruded
not molten, but nevertheless is very hot. onto the surface. The truest: definition of
The pressure at great depths is so high lava is a material that flowed, at least in

For the REST of your me!

that even though hot, the rocks cannot ex- a semi-liquid form, onto the surface.
pand into a molten state. If a weak spot There are other extrusive materials as
Enjoy Nature's best . . . relaxing hot develops in the crust of the earth then well as lava. For instance, if a volcano
mineral waters, lovely vistas, desert soce of this super-heated rock can expand erupts violently, it blows out some of the
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mostatically controlled hot mineral weak area. The molten material is now finely powdered lava. This ash may fall
pools, for every desire in luxury and
price. Visit once, you'll return . . . for known as magma, a Greek word meaning into huge layers and become a rock. Dur-
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form of steam is being released, and other only a few thousand years!) and the con- over 1,100 degrees centegrade have been
vaporized minerals are also escaping. stituents, usually quartz, feldspar, mica recorded) and it spills out on recently
Many minerals such r.s sulphur and some and hornblende, crystallized at nearly the laid down lava, the rate of cooling could
of its compounds, anc chlorine and chlor- same time. Almost none of them had suf- be fairly slow. It instead, it were not very
ine compounds an.- spilled into the air. ficient time to grow into recognizable cry- hot, and flowed out onto cold rock, cool-
These certainly are extrusive materials, stals. At the same time, however, each ing would be much more rapid. Some-
and even though it may be difficult to mineral is distinct and can easily be seen lavas contain easily recognized crystals
recognize them after the eruption is over, with the unaided eye. There are excep- that good geologists or mineralogists can
they may become part of rocks. tions to the above cooling rate, and at classify. Other lavas are so homogeneous
How do intrusiv;- and extrusive igneous times small pockets of slow cooling, such that no crystals are to be seen except un-
rocks compare? In some respects they may as pegmatites, allow large crystals to grow. der high magnification. The ultimate in
be similar, but in most they are very dif- We discussed pegmatites in our May, fast cooling results in what is known as
ferent. W e must assume that, in many 1 971 column. obsidian, or volcanic glass. Obsidian has
cases at least, exair.pies of each came from In general, the slower the rate of cool- a smooth glassy look, but even it contains
the same magma. In other cases, the mag- ing, the larger the size of the individual small crystals that give it some interesting
mas producing eai li were greatly differ- mineral crystals making up the mass of characteristics. W e shall discuss these in
ent. Basically, it depends upon what min- the rock. The inverse is obvious; rapid a future column.
erals made up th< material that became cooling allows only very small, or virtu-
molten. If the predominant minerals (or ally no crystals to form. It then follows FREE CATALOG
elements) were iron and magnesium, a that intrusive igneous rocks usually have
dark heavy rock i the result. If, on the fairly large, quite conspicuous even though
other hand, the minerals were mostly distorted crystals, while extrusive igneous
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6392-X,_Bakersfield,_Calif. 93306. • INDIAN GOODS
NATURE BOOKS — Animals, Trees, Minerals, APACHE INDIAN ARROWHEADS: Perfect, authen- HOMESITES WITH exquisite view of Twentynine
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tory. Free catalogs! Anthony's Scientific, Box $1.00; 25—$5.00. Epanco, DD1239, Apache $400.00 acre. William Simmons, 3335 North
154-M, Clinton, Maryland 20735. Junction, Arizona 85220. Flowing Wells Road, Tucson, Arizona 85705.
GUMMED NAME AND address labels: 1000— WILL OF ASSOCIATE JUSTICE of the Supreme
*fc Mail your copy and first-insertion remit- Court Edward Dougass White in which he
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Palm Desert, Ca ifornia 92260. Classified Calif. 93063. $1,00—stamp. WILLS-DM, 6723 Bissell Street,
rates are 25c oer word, $5 minimum Huitington_ Park, Calif. 90255.
per insertion. WANTED TO BUY: Military relics—Nazi and Im-
perial German, Italian and Japanese. Write: WILL YOU GAMBLE $4.00 to save $200? Build
DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 1OTH OF one or several detectors from our 20-page
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New Sporttailer
A new compact sports trailer has
Kol-BdJ I.lie
been developed by Koenig Iron
Works, Inc., manufacturers of truck
equipment and accessories. Called
New The Rol-Bar-Lite is a roll bai
mounted dome light that is dust
the Sportrailer, this rugged 2000#
GVW trailer features large areas of
space-saving storage for camping
gear, luggage, hunting equipment
and and weather protected and is of life-
time construction. Mounting bracket
is chrome plated and will not rust,
corrode or tarnish. Light has an
and food. The top of the trailer con-
tains a handy (V x 4' rack for extra
carrying large gear or game. Twin
interesting acrylic plastic lens and two 1 2-volt
bulbs. Light may be mounted with
self-tapping screws or bonded in
torsion bar lids insure easy, conven-
ient entry to stored items from
either side of the camping trailer.
The two strong lids lock and seal
products place. It fits all standard 13/-,-inch
outside diameter roll bars and
comes complete with separate switch
and under-dash bracket and all ne-
securely protecting contents from cessary screws etc., for installation.
water, dust or ether damage. Single unit, $7.95; double unit,
For detailed information contact Items appearing in this column
l l 1.95.
are not paid advertisements
Koenig Iron Works, Inc., Dept. Write Nielson Products Company,
DM, P.O. Box 7726, Houston, Tex- P. O. Box 23022, Dept. DM, San
as 77007. Diego, Calif. 92123.

• ^^*t*ii»fc-.-
This new winch consists of a steel
Distress Hasher wheel adapter that can be installed
on almost any 2 or 1-wheel-drive (iet Unstuck Fast
Anyone who becomes lost in the truck, car or jeep, one ton and un
outdoors can be more easily located der, and fits under the hub cap and Even been stuck hub deep in a pick
if they've taken the precaution of can be left on without affecting bal up and tried to get a jack under the
carrying a Save-Ur-Lif'r distress ance; and a lightweight, rustproof rear axle? Nearly impossible! With
flasher produced by Neo-Flasher portable drum which connects with this new patented wheel jack bracket
Electronics of North Hollywood, only one bolt tightened with a lug you raise the wheel from the outside
California. The socket-sized distress wrench. Also included in the kit is with either your screw or bumper
flasher, with its one million candle 100 feet of i/j-inch galvanized steel lack. Simply bolt the bracket to the
power strobe beacon, v/as originally aircraft cable equipped with hook wheel lug. Fits standard width 14",
developed to make location of and ferrule, a 12,000-pound capa- 15". 16" and l 6 ' / 2 " wheels, and
downed U.S. airmen easier. Recent- city snatch block and a 4 -foot length split rims l/7 and % ton pick-ups
ly, Neo-Flasher Electronics has of 6/0 special chain equipped with and passenger cars. Zinc plated and
made the Save-Ur-Lif'r available to 5/1 6 grab hooks on each end. Guar- with a load limit of 2,000 lbs. The
consumers in hopes that it will aid anteed for two years, the complete wheel jack bracket sells for $5.95
searching crews in finding lost out- McCain Hub Winch Kit is priced postpaid. (California residents add
doorsmen. at $79.95. 5% sales tax).
For information write to Neo-Flash- Write McCain Hub Winch Com- Order from Dick Cepek, Inc., Dept.
er Electronics, Dept. DM, 11975 pany, P. C. Box 908, Dept. DM, DM, 9201 California Ave., South
Sherman Rd , No. Hollywood, CA. Eugene, Oregon 97-101. date, California 90280.
For the Record . . .

small miner by the B.L.M. and California Divi-
sion of Forestry to substantiate this picture. I am still a little disturbed by your article
The only logical remedy is for the public "Can California's Deserts Survive" in the N o -
lands to be given to the state in which they vember 1971 issue. Not that I objecl to the
lay. This was part of the original contract un- article as I believe strongly in the basis of the
der which the states were created and was never subject.
ratified by Big Brother in Washington. The However, I would like to suggest thai at
lands should then be placed under the grass least one sentence could have been devoted to
root jurisdiction of each county board of super- the fad that among all those who are destroy-
visors for effective administration control ing our deserts, there are several groups that are
f will close by posing a question to you. Our very concerned and are working hard to edu-

national debt is now 412 billion dollars. This cate the average person as to the need for the
indebtedness is equated to 75 percent of our care of our deserl heritage.
total real property value and its improvements Among these groups are the California Asso-
within the United States. ciation of Four Wheel Drive Clubs. National
Letteri, requesting answers must include When this indebtedness (which is not owed Four Wheel Drive Association. M.O.R.E..
stamped self-addreused envelope. to ourselves) is foreclosed by the unknown C.O.R.V.A., C.O.RL. ami others: These groups.
international bankers to whom it is owed, ex- unfortunately, do not represent the majority, bui
actly who do you think will wind up owning they do represent many thousands ot concerned
this country, including the desert areas? individuals whom your article tended to include
Remembers Charleston . .. among the culprits.
Your article on Charleston in the January Aptos, California. CHARLES NEFF.
issue reminded me ol my own remembrances Sepulveda, Calif.
of stories heard aboul Charleston. Editor's Note: The purpose of the article in
In 1879, my grandfather, Charles Bunce Tar- Who's First? .. . the November issue was lo point out the serious
bell, left Upper New York for the West Coast Having the misfortune of being permanently- ptoble."i con[ront/ng all of us who enjoy /he
in search of a more i.ongenial climate for my disabled, I have the good fortune to enjoy lis- back country and present the B.L.M. Plan, not
grandmother who. doctors said, had consump- tening to tales and history from lots of old- to signal out ,in\ individual. DESERT Magazine
tion. timers. Sometime ago some of us met a young is an associate 'member oj the California Asso-
First he came to San Francisco, then down the Spanish lady who grew up in Tumacacori, Ari- ciation of 4WD Clubs and has been a sup-
coast to Los Angeles, then across to Arizona. zona. She told of lush vegetation, a running porter of the Association for many years. We
In Charleston he found the climate he desired, river, lost treasure and lots of stuff we found have constantly stated -iW'D and other bach
so he sent for my grandmother and her two hard to believe. country clubs not only police their own activi-
little boys. But since I have a brother in Tucson, I went ties but are always busy in clean-up campaign*.
My grandparents ran the hotel in Charles- down to see this area and have seen some of In outlining our policy in the January 1972
ton. I have the mohogany framed blue glass mir- the historic remains, etc. I also read a book issue tee Hated "Although most back country
ror that hung over the bar. Tumacacori's Yesterday by Earl Jackson that drivers respect our lands {especially those be-
My grandmother had a Chinese cook whose purports to be the history of the area based on longing to organized groupt which police their
dishes were tasteful and elegant. One day my an arm's length of historians and Catholic •members) /here are a minority ol reckless
grandmother discovered that, when the cook Church records. drivers who are unfortunately littering and de-
was going to serve pancakes in the morning he In reading your article on the Tucson-Nogal- stroying,." We also slated that we respect the
always made the batter She night before and es-Tombstone Four in the January issue, I noted views and rights oj all back country travelers—
then put it in a pot under his bed. In the morn- a discrepancy in a historical comment you made. but these "rights" do not include destruction.
ing he would spit on I'IL- griddle where each Air. Jackson describes the Jesuit missionary A i tee stated:
pancake would lie. She fired him on the spot! Father Kino as the first white man in the area
.-"It is impossible to please everyone and
The hotel guests complained loudly because and that was due to the request of the Indians.
every group especially when the basic phi-
they said he prepared he best food around. My You, however, state a Fray Marcos de Niza
losophy is "the greatest good lor the greatest
grandmother was firm: he had to go. was there a century earlier.
number." Bu! compromises can be .made and
Then the silver strike in Tombstone came up Where on earth did you come up with infor-
our deserts and mountains can be saved and
a bust when the mines Tilled with water. That mation like that which Mr. Jackson didn't with
used (or the enjoyment of all i( tee work to-
was the end of Charleston, the smeltering town all the information sources he had? In the past
gether and substitute name calling lor con-
for Tombstone's silvei your articles have always seemed factually
structive cooperation."
Grandfather moved to Tombstone and owned founded.
the mortuary and the icehouse. But that is AL WILLIAMS.
another story. Thanks for your article of times Upland, California. Active Reader.. .
past anc! times remembered. I'd tike to take this opportunity to express
Editors Note: Although I am certain Ail'. Jack-
DOROTHY WELCH ASHBY, son is a factual historian, we do not have a my pleasure with your magazine. I have been
I.a Habra. California. copy of his book in our reference library. 1 a reader for five years now and a subscriber
think Mr. Jackson was probably stating Father for the last three. Over the years your magazine
Kino wns the first white person to slay in the has been a source of information, pleasure and
For Local Control area. Fray Marcos de Niza and the controver- gossip about the desert that we all love. It
sial black slave, Estevanico. in 1538 traveled was through your magazine that I became aware
The letters in the Ja nui.ry issue regarding the
from Mexico City into what is now Arizona of the many desert areas of the West and gam-
preservation of the d< .sen further qualifies the
and along the San Pedro River and to the Indian ed a respect anil longing to experience them.
use of the word "sad as it was used recently
village of Hawikuh, just north of the conflu- I am presently working towards a degree in
in describing the totai condition of the U.S.A.
ence of the Little Colorado and Zuni Rivers. Natural Resources so I can take an active parl
But when you prescri be as a solution further
Estevanico was killed by Indians. As a result in managing and protecting the desert areas m
extension of Washing;ton bureaucracy then you
of Fray Niza's erroneous reports of golden particular for all forms of recreation and stud)'.
are falling into the I ap of overcoming effect
cities. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado later led Keep up the good work with Desert Magazine.
with more effect.
his ill-fated expedition in search of the "Seven DONALD C MARQUESS.
One has to look at She utter disregard of the
Cities of Cibola." San Luis Obispo. Calif.
1872 mining laws an .1 the persecution of the
Located within minutes of the new Lockheed $30 mil- Airport, you'll find Crystalaire Country Club Estates
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