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com Explore California 1

12 Explore California 0800 1234 5678
Duration: 2 Weeks
Cost per person: $5000 (based
upon double oupan!"
Departure Dates: #ar$ %0&
'une %5& (epte)ber 2*+
Inluded: ,ll )eals and
Not inluded: Tra.el
insurane& tra.el to and /ro)
departure it!+
Who can say what relaxation is for anyone
else? We here at Explore California try and
create wonderful options for everyone
where you can choose your own adventure or
relaxation technique. So whether you are into
active repose or passive therapy, weve got
options for you. We love assages, facials,
wine wraps and other indulgent spa treatents.
!ut unless youre a "ollywood cele#rity, these
are luxury ites, not part of your regular wor$
wee$. When you need pampering, dont waste
your valua#le tie and oney #y going to an
unprofessional or inexperienced therapist.
Weve tested the latest treatents, et with
the practitioners and visited the newest
retreats to find the #est spas in California.
Peaceful, serene valleys. Majestic mountain retreats. Pristine
beachfront vistas. Glamorous urban roof gardens. Secluded
desert sanctuaries. owever you define blissful luxury, !alifornia
offers a perfect getaway to renew your mind, body, and spirit.
"rea# free of the stresses of daily life at one of the many world$
class resorts that call !alifornia home. %ind your own perfect
balance of activity, rest, and pampering surrounded by the wild
beauty of nature, or a &uiet oasis hidden within one of
!alifornia's uni&ue cities. (t's all here, in the state that
practically invented the laid$bac# lifestyle.
Cali/ornia is $o)e to t$e so)e o/ t$e 0orld1s )ost e)inent spa resorts+
)range !ounty )asis
%estled along the stunning coastline of
&ceanside, San 'uan Spa is an intiate seaside
retreat that reflects the culture and heritage of
Southern California. (his unique retreat offers a
peaceful sanctuary to help you re)connect with
nature and yourself through serene
surroundings and therapeutic treatents. &ur
#reathta$ing indoor* outdoor oceanfront facilities
coplete with floor)to)ceiling windows to fully
capture the +,-)degree vistas, feature soothing
treatents and expert guidance to help instill a
sense of well)#eing and ore #alanced living. With
lush landscaping and pristine white sand #eaches,
this is a retreat unli$e any other offering elegant
accoodations, a #eachfront spa, three spar$ling
swiing pools and regional, distinctive dining.
.ro its gracious craftsan)style architecture to the
rugged coastline views to a ultitude of services
and aenities, this world)class resort offers a
asterful ix of nature, art and luxury.
*osemite *oga +etreat
Experience the ultiate %orthern California spa
resort. /a$u0a Spa offers assage therapy and a
full enu of spa treatents fro nine varieties
of facials to therapeutic paraffin treatents, and
en0yatic sea ud pac$s. (he lodges large
outdoor pool and year)round indoor pool are perfect
for wor$ing out or 1ust splashing around during
your spa vacation.
California Calm
California Cal
(he word
assage coes
fro the sae
word in .rench,
which literally
eans friction
of $neading.2 3
reference fro
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docuents daily
assage with
olive oil and
yrrh as a part
of the #eauty
regien of the
wives of
8elax with a stone
assage, foot ru#, or a
%apa 9alley 9alidation
/ou are worth it. 3nd at our %apa 9alley
resort, we prove it to you. 3 vineyard oasis
ideally located #etween the %apa and
Sonoa 9alleys with gravel paths that
crunch underneath your feet, private
gardens where you can en1oy a glass of
Californias finest wines, suptuous hotel
accoodations, exceptional dining
coprised of the regions #est artisanal
ingredients, outdoor showers that can #e
en1oyed under a #lan$et of stars, crisp
white linens and decadent spa treatents
inspired #y local ingredients ensure a
eora#le experience that will last a
lifetie. :pon entering your cottage
youll notice the vast aount of natural
light that washes over the !ra0ilian cherry
wood floors fro a series of large windows
and .rench doors leading to a private patio
and garden. (ea$ patio furniture and gas)
fired heaters a$e these outdoor private
spaces perfect for entertaining, even on
cool fall nights. (he spacious #athroo is

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