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Iam||y Code

AugusL 3, 1988- effecLlvlLy

8efore, Lhe Law on Marrlage was lncorporaLed ln Lhe
new Clvll Code.

Art 1.

Marrlage ls a speclal conLracL of permanenL unlon,


Spec|a| Contract
ermanent un|on. lL ls noL a llcense LhaL ls renewable
every year.
It's a ||fet|me comm|tment between a man and a
woman, enLered lnLo ln accordance wlLh law. lor Lhe
purpose of esLabllshlng con[ugal and famlly llfe.
CannoL be under sLlpulaLlon excepL for marrlage
seLLlemenLs where properLy reglme ls mandaLory.

Marrlage ls a sLaLus and conLracL.


ersona| rlghLs, duLles and obllgaLlons. ersonal affalr
beLween Lhe parLy. ersonal obllgaLlon.
Lnta||s property re|at|ons.


LxLlngulshed from ordlnary conLracLs because lL ls a
conLracL deemed by law as a speclal klnd of conLracL.
And lL belng a speclal klnd of conLracL lles on Lhe facL
LhaL ordlnary conLracL ls prlvaLe affalr. Crdlnary
conLracL follows a llberallLy of conLracLs.

Ceneral rule ls LhaL ordlnary conLracL ls a prlvaLe maLLer
where parLles can sLlpulaLe. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
Marrlage as a speclal conLracL, Lhe parLles are noL free
Lo sLlpulaLe. 1he naLure, consequence and lncldence of
marrlage can never be sub[ecL of sLlpulaLlons of Lhe
parLles buL are governed by law.

Lx. 1haL ls why lf Lwo conLracLlng parLles, Lhe husband
and wlfe may agree LhaL Lhey are free Lo llve wlLh
anoLher, Lhey separaLe now. And Lhen conLracL a
subsequenL marrlage, ln Lhelr charge of blgamy Lhey
cannoL lnvoke Lhe agreemenL wlLh Lhe oLher spouse
because marrlage, lLs naLure, lncldence and
consequence can never be Lhe sub[ecL of sLlpulaLlon.
1haL ls why one can be prosecuLed of blgamy even lf
you enLer lnLo an agreemenL wlLh Lhe oLher.

Slmllarly, lf Lhe husband and Lhe wlfe agreed durlng Lhe
exlsLence of Lhe marrlage LhaL Lhey wlll noL supporL
each oLher- Lo each hls own. no wlfe Lo supporL, no
obllgaLlon Lo do. lf Lhe oLher goes Lo courL lnvoklng LhaL
Lhe oLher spouse fallure Lo supporL and do hls
obllgaLlons, one cannoL lnvoke Lhe agreemenL. 1here ls
noLhlng LhaL prevenLs LhaL parLy Lo enLer lnLo such an
agreemenL buL Lhe polnL ls, Lhls ls noL an agreemenL
LhaL can be lnvoke ln courL because Lhls goes agalnsL
Lhe very essence of marrlage. SupporL belng one of Lhe
essenLlal obllgaLlons lmposed Lo Lhe conLracLlng parLles,
lL cannoL be bargalned away, lL cannoL be sub[ecL of

Swapplng parLners, - cannoL be lnvoke because lL ls ln
conLracL wlLh Lhe very essence of marrlage LhaL ls Lo
observe fldellLy, loyalLy wlLh Lhe oLher.

Any agreemenL LhaL may be enLered by Lhe parLles
durlng Lhe marrlage cannoL be sancLloned by Lhe courL
lf Lhe agreemenLs are ln conLrasL wlLh Lhe very essence
of marrlage. 1he only agreemenL spouses can enLer lnLo
LhaL ls recognlsed by Lhe courL ls Lhe agreemenL
perLalnlng Lo Lhe properLy relaLlons conLalned ln
Marrlage seLLlemenLs because lL now goes lnLo Lhe
properLy relaLlons noL Lhe personal rlghLs and duLles
beLween Lhe parLles.

Marrlage seLLlemenLs agreemenL on whaL parLlcular
properLy reglme may govern Lhelr properLy relaLlons.

Abso|ute commun|ty: expouses the |dea that what |s
m|ne |s ours what |s yours |s ours.
Lxc|us|ve, Comp|ete Separat|on of property reg|me:
parLles exerclse ownershlp over Lhelr excluslve
properLles Lo each hls own. 1hls can be valldly
sLlpulaLed upon by Lhe parLles because lL ls allowed by

8uL oLher Lhan properLy relaLlons, no oLher agreemenL
may be enLered lnLo by Lhe parLles regardlng Lhelr

valld Marrlage:

resupposes Lwo essenLlal requlslLes and Lhree formal

Lssent|a| kequ|s|tes:
Art. 2:

1. Legal CapaclLy
2. ConsenL

Iorma| kequ|s|tes:

1. AuLhorlLy of Lhe Solemnlzlng Cfflcer
2. valld Marrlage Llcense
3. valld Marrlage Ceremony.


Lega| Capac|ty:


When |s one cons|dered |ega||y capac|tated to enter
|nto marr|age?
Art. S: spec|f|c matters fa|||ng under |ega| capac|ty.

1. Sex
- Legal CapaclLy means LhaL Lhe parLles Lo Lhe
marrlage musL be male and female conslsLenL wlLh
ArLlcle 1 whlch deflnes marrlage as a permanenL unlon
beLween a man and a woman.

1wo gender recogn|se |n our [ur|sd|ct|on. Ma|e and
Iema|e. 8ut when |s a man a man and when |s a
woman a woman?

ex. S||ver|o V
- 1he supreme courL rule as Lo when Lhe sex of an
lndlvldual ls deLermlned.


8ommel, was born as a man buL he underwenL a sex
asslgnmenL surgery clalmlng LhaL he ls a female Lrapped
(lmprlsoned) ln a man's body. Pe underwenL Lhe sald
surgery and submlLLed hlmself Lo hormonal LreaLmenL,
breasL augmenLaLlon and so on and so forLh Lo
Lransform hlmself lnLo a woman. And so Lo compleLe hls
happlness he flled an acLlon ln courL Lo correcL hls blrLh
records, praylng Lo change hls name from 8ommel Lo
Melly and hls gender from Male Lo lemale.

Issue: WheLher or noL 8ommel Sllverlo ls enLlLled Lo
rellef LhaL ls Lhe change of hls name and hls gender.


When our famlly code deflnes marrlage as a unlon
beLween a man and a woman obvlously, lL refers Lo only
Lwo klnds of sex LhaL of a male and a female. A female
sex ls a sex LhaL produces ovum and a male sex, ls a sex
LhaL produces spermaLozoa Lo ferLlllse Lhe ovum. 1here
ls noLhlng ln beLween LhaL ls Lhe only klnd of sex. 1here
are only Lwo classlflcaLlon of gender. 1he gender
classlflcaLlon ls deLermlned aL blrLh, how lL ls
deLermlned? 1hls ls deLermlned vlsually by Lhe blrLh
aLLendanL referrlng Lo Lhe docLor or Lo Lhe mldwlfe who
asslsLed ln Lhe dellvery of Lhe chlld and Lhe mosL
common facLor ln deLermlnlng whlch sex classlflcaLlon
Lhe chlld belongs ls Lhe valldaLlon of Lhe genlLalla. lL ls
Lhe mosL concluslve facLor Lo conslder ln Lhe

lL ls deLermlned aL blrLh, and once a deLermlnaLlon ls
deLermlned aL blrLh Lhls gender classlflcaLlon becomes
lmmuLable and lL cannoL be changed even by surglcal
lnLervenLlon. So Lhe Supreme courL sald, we don'L have
any law. Whlle we symphaLlze wlLh Lhe ordeal of
Sllverlo, Lhe mlsery belng a woman lmprlsoned ln a
man's body, we can only commensuraLe over Lhe
mlsery buL Lhere ls slmply no law LhaL allows us Lo granL
hlm Lhe rellef he prays for. 1haL ls Lhe rullng of Lhe
supreme courL.

8uL Lhe Supreme CourL denylng 8ommel of Lhe rellef he
wanL, Lhey gave hlm some hope. 1he supreme courL
sald, Lhe remedy of 8ommel ls noL Lhrough Lhls courL lL
ls Lhrough congress lmplylng LhaL lf congress passes a
law LhaL allows change of sex Lhrough sex reasslgnmenL
surgery Lhen why noL, so leglslaLlon ls 8ommel's remedy
hls rellef can be obLaln ln Lhe house of congress and noL
ln Lhe courL because of Lhe absence of a law auLhorlzlng
a change of gender by means surglcal lnLervenLlon.

8ut the pr|nc|p|e that sex |s determ|ned at b|rth does
not app|y |f the person concerned |s endowed w|th a
so ca||ed |ntersex anatomy. Pappens ln 1 every 10,000
or 18, 000, Lhere ls an lndlvldual endowed wlLh an
lnLersex anaLomy.

ex. Ienn|fer Cagandahan


!ennlfer Cagandahan was deLermlned as female, as a
maLLer of facL hls cerLlflcaLe of llve blrLh deplcLed her as
female, so obvlously, Lhe blrLh aLLendanL deLermlned
her Lo be a female. 8uL as Lhe years wore on, !ennlfer
slowly acqulred more male characLerlsLlc and on Lhe
conLrary her female characLerlsLlc slowly dlmlnlshed
LhaL she had no breasL and she had no mensLrual
developmenL. As she grew older, her physlcal
characLerlsLlc developed lnLo more of a male, or so
when she reached Lhe age of ma[orlLy, already capable
of decldlng for hlmself, he or she flled a peLlLlon wlLh
Lhe courL for Lhe correcLlon of the entr|es |n ||ve b|rth
report spec|f|ca||y the correct|on of h|s f|rst name from
Ienn|fer to Ieff and the correct|on of her gender from
fema|e to ma|e. Un||ke S||ver|o, Cagandahan was

ne|d: 1he SC sald LhaL ln so far as lndlvlduals or persons
endowed wlLh lnLersex anaLomy, any gender
classlflcaLlon made aL blrLh ls never permanenL and lL ls
lnconcluslve whaL deLermlnes gender classlflcaLlon for
Lhls klnd of lndlvlduals depends from Lhe cholce of Lhe
person concerned when LhaL person comes wlLh a good
reason lf he Lhlnks of whaL hls or her gender.

*th|s on|y app||es to persons w|th |ntersex anatomy.
th|s |s a d|sorder.

Cender ls deLermlned aL blrLh under general rule.
LxcepLlon Lhere ls when lndlvldual concerned posses an
lnLeresL anaLomy ln whlch case, lLs Lhe cholce of Lhe
person concerned. 1haL cholce musL be supporLed wlLh
good reason.

**Ienn|fer deve|oped more ma|e character|st|c than
fema|e character|st|cs. Suff|c|ent b|o|og|ca| support.
Shou|d be w|th good reason.

WhaL ls Lhe sex of Lhe lndlvldual prlor Lo Lhe cholce?
8ecause Lhe cholce ls made when Lhe lndlvldual reach
Lhe age of ma[orlLy, Lhe Llme Lhey are endowed wlLh Lhe
capaclLy Lo acL. Cender of Lhe sex of Lhe lndlvldual ls
only Lemporary and noL permanenL sub[ecL Lo Lhe
cholce once lL ls made by Lhe person concerned.

Supreme CourL granLed Lhe peLlLlon of !ennlfer
Cagandahan. Pe ls now known as !eff Cagandahan.

2. Age. At |east they must be 18 years o|d.

3. Iree from |ega| |mped|ments
>when Lhe law speaks of legal capaclLy, lL does noL only
refer Lo sex and age requlremenL buL lL refers Lo Lhe
absence of any legal lmpedlmenL. Meanlng, Lhe parLy
musL noL be only male and female, noL only aL leasL 18
years old Lhey musL also be free from legal

What are these |ega| |mped|ments?

Legal lmpedlmenL by reason of relaLlonshlp. 1he parLles
should noL be parenL and chlldren, broLhers and slsLers
because Lhey have legal lmpedlmenL by reason of
lncesLuous relaLlonshlp, LhaL ls why under ArLlcle 37,
any marrlage beLween parenL and chlldren, broLhers
slsLers ls vold for belng lncesLuous. An lncesLuous
marrlage lacks Lhe requlremenL of legal capaclLy
because Lhere ls legal lmpedlmenL.

CLher legal lmpedlmenL can be lmposed by law lLself,
meanlng Lhe law lLself makes lL a legal lmpedlmenL.
LnumeraLed ln ArLlcle 38, marrlages declared vold by
reason of publlc pollcy and Lhese are vold marrlage
because Lhe law lLself declares Lhem Lo be agalnsL
publlc pollcy. lf Lhe marrlage happens Lo fall under Lhls
arLlcle, Lhls marrlage ls vold because Lhere ls absence of
legal capaclLy. Absence of legal capaclLy because Lhere
ls presence of legal lmpedlmenL.

Art|c|e 40, when a subsequenL marrlage has been
enLered lnLo when Lhe prevlous marrlage have noL been
legally dlssolved and no courL order obLaln declarlng Lhe
flrsL marrlage as vold, Lhe subsequenL marrlage ls vold,
blgamous because Lhe parLles who falled Lo obLaln
[udlclal declaraLlon of nulllLy of marrlage ls noL legal
capaclLaLed because of legal lmpedlmenL.

Art. S3, Lhe marrlage declared vold under ArLlcle 33,
Lhls conLemplaLes of a slLuaLlon where parLles
prevlously marrled and Lhls marrlage declared vold by
Lhe courL buL a declslon of a courL declarlng a marrlage
ls vold and Lhe declslon on Lhe llquldaLlon, parLlLlon and
dellvery of presumpLlve leglLemes, reglsLry of properLy
and LhaL Lhe parLy conLracLs a subsequenL marrlage
wlLhouL complylng wlLh sald requlremenLs under ArLlcle
33, LhaL subsequenL marrlage ls vold. 1hls ls vold
because of legal lmpedlmenL, Lhe requlremenL lmposed
by law.


**consenL freely glven. 1he absenL of consenL renders
Lhe marrlage vold because Lhls ls an absence of an
essenLlal requlslLe of marrlage.

Absence of consent |s not the same as v|t|ated

V|t|ated Consent Consent
renders Lhe marrlage only
lf absenL, marrlage ls vold
1here ls consenL buL
consenL ls defecLlve
consenL. 8ecause lL was
glven under a prlce of
ulfferenL from a LoLal
absence of Absence of
consenL Lhere ls really no
consenL llke force
lnLlmldaLlon eLc.
ex. Marrlage was
solemnlsed ln [esL
llke a sLage play. noL valld
because Lhe parLles dld
noL mean Lo
be bound by Lhe acL.
Marrlage was solemnlsed
when Lhere
ls mlsLake ln Lhe ldenLlLy
of Lhe oLher.
ex. ?ou are mlsLaken LhaL
Lhe man you
marrled ls edro and lL
Lurned ouL lL
was Lhe ldenLlcal Lwln of
Lhere ls LoLally absence of
because ln so far as you're
you never commlLLed
yourself Lo Lhe oLher
LhaL ls why under ArLlcle
33, lL ls vold.

If the party entered |nto a contract of marr|age for a
purpose other than estab||shment of a con[uga| and
fam||y ||fe.

ex. Marr|age for conven|ence.

Is there absent of Consent? Is |t vo|d for |ack of
consent. 1h|s |s answered |n the case of:

ex. kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes V. A|b|os.


A marrlage beLween an amerlcan husband and a llllplno
wlfe. AfLer Lhe celebraLlon of Lhe marrlage, Lhey
lmmedlaLely parLed ways and Lhe wlfe, Lhe lllplna flled
an acLlon Lo declare her marrlage vold on Lhe grounds
LhaL Lhelr marrlage was celebraLed ln [esL declarlng LhaL
Lhe purpose of Lhe marrlage was noL really Lo esLabllsh
a con[ugal and famlly llfe buL only for convenlence
parLlcularly Lhey agreed LhaL Lhe wlfe would pay Lhe
husband $2000 ln exchange for Lhe husband helplng Lhe
wlfe Lo obLaln amerlcan clLlzenshlp.

lssue: WheLher or noL Lhe marrlage ls noL purposely
lnLended Lo enLer lnLo for Lhe purposes oLher Lhan Lhe
esLabllshmenL of non oLher Lhan con[ugal and famlly llfe
can be declared vold for lack of marlLal consenL.


no. Whlle Lhe marrlage admlLLedly was for purposes
oLher Lhan Lhe esLabllshmenL of con[ugal and famlly llfe,
Lhere was obvlously consenL Lo Lhe marrlage.1he SC
sald, moLlve ls lrrelevanL for Lhe deLermlnaLlon of
absence or presence of consenL, Lhe conLracLlng parLles
could have moLlves of Lhelr own, buL lL does noL negaLe
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe parLles acLually consenLed Lo Lhe
marrlage lrregardless of Lhelr real purpose. 1he Lhlng ls
Lhey purposely enLered lnLo Lhe marrlage.

1he parLles purposely enLered lnLo Lhe marrlage so LhaL
Lhe wlfe can acqulre Amerlcan clLlzenshlp, for Lhe
amerlcan clLlzenshlp Lo be acqulred by Lhe wlfe, Lhe
marrlage has Lo be valld because clLlzenshlp ls [usL an
effecL of a valld marrlage. lf Lhe marrlage ls noL valld,
Lhen clLlzenshlp wlll noL resulL as a legal consequence of
Lhe marrlage. So when Lhe parLles enLered lnLo Lhe
marrlage lL obvlously conLemplaLed of a valld marrlage
so LhaL Lhe expecLed resulL of acqulrlng Amerlcan
clLlzenshlp can be achleved.

8ecause lL ls lncongruenL Lo suppose LhaL Lhey wanLed
Lhe wlfe Lo acqulre amerlcan clLlzenshlp on one hand
and on Lhe oLher hand, lnLended a vold one. lL cannoL
be. 1he SC sald LhaL by Lhelr lnLenLlon, by Lhe very
purpose of acqulrlng Amerlcan clLlzenshlp of Lhe wlfe,
Lhe parLles musL have lnLended LhaL Lhelr marrlage
should have been valld ln Lhe flrsL place. 1haL ls Lhe
loglcal reasonlng of Lhe Supreme courL ln rullng LhaL Lhe
marrlage even lf enLered lnLo for purposes oLher Lhan
esLabllshmenL of a con[ugal famlly llfe remaln Lo be
valld because Lhere ls muLual consenL freely glven by
Lhe parLles regardless of Lhelr moLlve.


>>absence of any forma| or essent|a| requ|s|tes
renders the marr|age vo|d but a defect |n essent|a|
renders the marr|age vo|dab|e.

Marrlage voldable because of a defecL of essenLlal
requlslLes: Lhose menLloned under ArL 33
1. where Lhe marrlage when one or boLh of Lhe
conLracLlng parLles ls are beLween ages 18-21 buL no
parenLal consenL. (uefecL ln Lhe legal capaclLy noL LoLal

2. Cne of Lhe conLracLlng parLles ls lnsane aL Lhe Llme of
marrlage celebraLlon (defecL ln Lhe consenL noL LoLal
absence of consenL, consenL ls vlLlaLed)

oLher grounds uefecL ln Lhe consenL requlremenL or Lhe
legal capaclLy requlremenL. 1hese are [usL voldable
marrlages because Lhe requlslLes Lhere are only
defecLlve as opposed Lo LoLal absence.

ln so far as lormal requlslLes or any of Lhem, vClu buL
lrregularlLy of any formal requlslLes wlll noL effecL Lhe
valldlLy of marrlage buL Lhe person responslble of Lhe
lrregularlLy maybe sub[ecLed Lo crlmlnal, clvll or
admlnlsLraLlve llablllLy.

Defect refers to essent|a|.
Irregu|ar|ty refers on|y to forma| requ|s|tes.


Art. 7 enumerates persons who are author|sed by |aw
to author|se marr|age.

1. Any |ncumbent members of the [ud|c|ary
-refers to the [udges of the |ower courts and [ust|ces of
the h|gher courts.

**Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe members of Lhe [udlclary ls only
llmlLed Lo Lhe courLs [urlsdlcLlon so LhaL Lhe [udge of
cebu clLy can'L solemnlse marrlage ln bohol because Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon ls llmlLed, because Lhe power of Lhe [udge ls
llmlLed Lo hls [urlsdlcLlon.

CourLs are creaLed by law, and Lhe law Lhe creaLes a
parLlcular law deflnes Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of a
parLlcular sala. 8uL lf Lhe lncumbenL member of Lhe
[udlclary lf Lhe [usLlce, a member of Lhe AppeallaLe
courL, Lhe Supreme courL, courL of Lax appeals Lhe
!usLlces of Lhe Sandlgan 8ayan, Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe
courL ls all over Lhe counLry and Lherefore Lhe [usLlce of
Lhe supreme courL lf you wanL a !usLlce Lo solemnlse
your marrlage you can have your marrlage solemnlsed
everywhere ln Lhe counLry because Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe courL (SC) ls all over Lhe hlllpplnes.

WhaL happens lf Lhe lower courL solemnlses marrlage
ouLslde of hls LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon.

ex. Aranes V Ccc|ano and other cases

-1he SC conslsLenLly ruled LhaL Lhe marrlage solemnlsed
by Lhe !udge ouLslde of hls LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon ls a
valld marrlage buL Lhe [udge who solemnlsed lL ls
admlnlsLraLlvely llable. 1hls ls only an lrregularlLy ln Lhe
formal requlslLes referrlng Lo Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe
solemnlslng offlcer.

2. Any r|est, Imam, kabb|, M|n|ster of any church or
re||g|ous sect author|sed |n wr|t|ng by h|s]her re||g|ous
sect or church reg|stered w|th the c|v|| reg|strar
genera| under the scope of the wr|tten author|ty g|ven
to h|m by h|s]her re||g|ous sect or church and one of
the contract|ng part|es actua||y be|ong to h|s church.

An lmam can only solemnlsed marrlage beLween parLles
who belong Lo hls/her rellglous secL. A proLesLanL
pasLor cannoL solemnlse marrlage beLween couples LhaL
are roman caLhollc because Lhe law provldes LhaL aL
leasL one of Lhe conLracLlng parLles should belong Lo
hls/her church or rellglous secL.

LffecL lf parLles do noL belong Lo Lhe solemnlslng
offlcer's church or rellglous secL?

lL ls only an lrregularlLy.

**Note that Incumbent members of the [ud|c|ary,
pr|est, |mam, rabb| and m|n|sters can so|emn|se any
k|nd of marr|age mean|ng norma|, ord|nary marr|ages
and marr|ages |n art|cu|o mort|s because the|r
Author|t|es are genera|.

3. Ch|ef Capta|n or A|rp|ane ||ot, Lhelr auLhorlLy Lo
solemnlse marrlage ls llmlLed only Lo marrlages ln
arlLlculo morLls unllke LhaL of Lhe auLhorlLy of prlesL,
lmam, rabbl, mlnlsLer.

1. LlmlLed Lo ArLlculo MorLls.
2. arLles here are elLher passengers of Lhe
vessel/alrplane or crew members, noL any marrlage can
be solemnlse buL only marrlage beLween Lhese parLles.
3. Marrlage may be solemnlse, noL only when Lhe shlp ls
aL sea or Lhe alrplane ls ln fllghL buL also durlng sLop
overs or porLs of call.

If the p||ot |s |nvo|ved |n the Art|cu|o Mort|s.

ILC1 - can so|emn|se marr|age.

-ArLlcle 7 speclflcally speaks of chlef plloL buL lf you look
aL ArLlcle 31, lL only says lloL. lL's common pracLlce LhaL
alrplanes have Lwo plloLs. So lL would appear LhaL lf Lhe
chlef plloL ls Lhe one belng marrled ln arLlculo morLls
Lhen Lhe second plloL may solemnlsed because ln ArLlcle
31, lL only sLaLes plloL and noL chlef plloL.

Polds Lrue also Lo MlllLary commanders ln Lhe zone of
mlllLary operaLlons. Pls or her auLhorlLy ls only llmlLed
Lo marrlage ln arlLuclo morLls. ArLlcle 7 ls speclflc as Lo
Lhe llmlLs of Lhelr auLhorlLy.

4. M|||tary Commanders. - marr|age |n art|cu|o mort|s.

1. Marr|ages so|emn|se w|th|n the zone of m|||tary
2. art|es can be e|ther c|v|||ans or members of the
Armed Iorces.
> reason for Lhls provlslon ln allowlng a unlL
commander, who musL be a commlssloned offlcer Lo
solemnlse marrlage ls because of Lhe adverse hosLlle
condlLlon of Lhe place. lL ls lmposslble or Loo rlsky for
Lhe parLles Lo go somewhere else and comply Lhe
requlremenL of marrlage.

S. Consu| genera|, v|ce consu| under Art|c|e 10

-Note that th|s |s on|y ||m|ted to marr|age between
I|||p|no and I|||p|no so|emn|sed abroad. If between
I|||p|no and Iore|gner cannot be so|emn|sed because
that |s a m|x marr|age. Cn|y marr|age between
I|||p|nos maybe so|emn|sed by the V|ce Consu|, Consu|
Genera| or the consu|ar off|c|a|s.

6. Mun|c|pa| or C|ty Mayor noL under Lhe lamlly code
buL under Lhe Local CovernmenL Code parLlcularly Sec
444 aragraph 18.
**auLhorlzed Lo solemnlse marrlage

WheLher he may solemnlse marrlage ouLslde of hls clLy
beLween parLles noL decldlng ln hls clLy or munlclpallLy.
1here ls no case declded on Lhe maLLer. lL has never
been Lhe Loplc of desplLe before Lhe courL. 8uL
llLeraLure on Lhe maLLer suggesL LhaL Lhe law does noL
dlsLlngulsh alLhough lL ls ldeal and loglcal Lo suggesL
LhaL Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe ClLy or Munlclpal mayor ls only
llmlLed Lo marrlages solemnlsed wlLhln Lhelr own local
governmenL unlLs or perhaps Lhelr consLlLuenLs. 1he law
does noL make any dlsLlncLlon of quallflcaLlon. So Lhere
ls no legal basls Lo llmlL Lhe auLhorlLy of ClLy or
Munlclpal mayor Lo solemnlse marrlages beLween Lhelr
own LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon wlLhln Lhelr respecLlve
governmenL unlL.

no resLrlcLlon. When Lhe law does noL dlsLlngulsh we
may also noL dlsLlngulsh. lL would appear LhaL Lhe
Mayor's power ls general and noL llmlLed.

**V|o|at|on w||| not render Marr|age vo|d.

Absence of auLhorlLy of solemnlslng offlcer renders a
marrlage vold, Lhe excepLlon ls when one of Lhe parLles
belleved ln good falLh LhaL Lhe solemnlslng offlcer has
such auLhorlLy Lo solemnlse marrlage. So Cood falLh ln
Lhe parL of Lhe conLracLlng parLles wlll render Lhe
marrlage valld even lf Lhe Lhe solemnlslng offlcer has
acLually no auLhorlLy Lo solemnlse marrlage.

1ake noLe LhaL Lhe confllcL here refers only Lo MlsLake
of lacL. Lhls ls only, Lhls holds Lrue only when Lhe
mlsLake on Lhe parL of Lhe conLracLlng parLles or one of
Lhe conLracLlng parLles perLalns Lo a mlsLake of facL, noL
of law. lf Lhe mlsLake perLalns Lo law, lL should noL be an
excuse. So lf Lhe conLracLlng parLles belleved LhaL Lhe
[udge ls sLlll an lncumbenL member of Lhe [udlclary
when ln LruLh and ln facL Lhe [udge ls already reLlred
and Lherefore no longer auLhorlsed Lo solemnlsed
marrlage Lhls ls a mlsLake of facL unaware LhaL a [udge
has already reLlred. 1hls wlll render Lhe marrlage valld,
buL Lhe [udge wlll be llable, clvllly, crlmlnally and
admlnlsLraLlvely llable.

8uL lf Lhe parLy or one of Lhem belleved LhaL a senaLor ls
auLhorlsed Lo solemnlsed marrlage, when no law
auLhorlses Lhe senaLor Lo solemnlse marrlage Lhls
mlsLake concerns a maLLer of law and Lhereof lL should
noL be an excuse. Lveryone ls presumed Lo know LhaL
law and Lhe law ls LhaL a senaLor ls noL auLhorlsed Lo
solemnlse a marrlage.

Who sha|| |ssue the marr|age ||cense?

1he marrlage llcense ls lssued by Lhe local clvll reglsLrar
of Lhe place where any or boLh of Lhe conLracLlng
parLles reslde. noL any oLher place. noL any oLher local
clvll reglsLrar. 8uL a marrlage llcense lssued by a wrong
clvll reglsLrar wlll noL render Lhe marrlage vold lL ls only
an lrregularlLy ln Lhe lssuance of Lhe marrlage llcense
buL noL LanLamounL Lo absence of marrlage llcense.

rocedures for the |ssuance:

1. arLles are requlred Lo apply separaLely. 1he
appllcaLlon ls under oaLh, sworn appllcaLlon. AppllcaLlon
prepared by Lhe prospecLlve husband, prospecLlve wlfe,
separaLely flled.
2. lL shall conLaln Lhe personal deLalls of Lhe parLles

a. fullname
b. lace of blrLh
c. age and Lhe daLe of blrLh
d. clvll sLaLus
e. lf Lhere ls an exlsLence of a prevlous marrlage,
lL should lndlcaLe how, when and where Lhe prevlous
marrlage was dlssolved.
f. ClLlzenshlp
g. presenL resldence
h. full name , resldence, clLlzenshlp of Lhe faLher
and moLher, guardlan

**shou|d |nd|cate |n the app||cat|on for marr|age

3. upon Lhe compleLlon of Lhe marrlage appllcaLlon, Lhe
local clvll reglsLrar shall requlre Lhe appllcanL Lo furnlsh
a copy of hls or her blrLh cerLlflcaLe, ln Lhe absence of
Lhe orlglnal Lhen Lhe cerLlfled Lrue copy, buL ln Lhe
absence of Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe, lf blrLh cerLlflcaLe
cannoL be produced Lhen Lhe Local Clvll 8eglsLrar wlll
requlre Lhe appllcanL Lo submlL a bapLlsmal cerLlflcaLe,
orlglnal lf Lhere ls no orlglnal Lhen cerLlfled Lrue copy.

8ut |f the b|rth cert|f|cate nor the bapt|sma| cert|f|cate
can be produced, the opt|on |s the app||cant shou|d
subm|t h|s commun|ty cedu|a res|dence cert|f|cate or
aff|dav|t of w|tnesses that w||| attest to the age, the
qua||f|cat|on of the contract|ng part|es |n the absence
of |ega| |mped|ments. 1he nearest of k|n |s preferred
other than any other w|tnesses.

Note: the requ|rement of b|rth cert|f|cate or bapt|sma|
cert|f|cate may be d|spensed w|th when any of the
fo||ow|ng c|rcumstances |s present:

1. 1he parenLs of Lhe conLracLlng parLles personally
appeared before Lhe Local Clvll reglsLrar and aLLesL Lo
Lhe facL of Lhe age, Lhe quallflcaLlon of Lhe parLy or Lhe
appllcanL. lf Lhls ls noL posslble, Lhe parLles appearlng
before Lhe local clvll reglsLrar by mere looklng aL Lhe
faces of Lhe appllcanLs ls convlnced LhaL Lhe appllcanL ls
already of age.

2. lf Lhe appllcanL ls prevlously marrled, he or she shall
submlL Lhe deaLh cerLlflcaLe of hls/her former spouse or
a copy of Lhe dlvorce decree of Lhe declslon of Lhe courL
annulllng Lhe prevlous marrlage of declarlng Lhe
prevlous marrlage vold.

What happens |f the app||cant |s a fore|gner?

1he requlremenL of submlLLlng Lhe deaLh cerLlflcaLe and
Lhe dlvorce decree or a declslon of Lhe courL annulllng
Lhe marrlage, Lhls applles only Lo llllplno ClLlzens
because lf Lhe appllcanL ls a forelgner and lf LhaL
lorelgner ls prevlously marrled, Lhe prevlous marrlage
dlssolved by dlvorce for example whaL ls requlred ls noL
a copy of Lhe dlvorce buL a cerLlflcaLe of legal capaclLy
lssued by hls or her consular offlclals under ArLlcle 21 of
Lhe lamlly Code.

ex. kesho V kesho

Where Lhe SC sald LhaL Lhe requlremenL under ArLlcle
13 of Lhe lam Code referrlng Lo an lnsLance where Lhe
appllcanL ls prevlously marrlage applles only Lo llllplno
clLlzen. noL Lo forelgner. Sub[ecL of course Lo

lf an appllcanL ls a forelgner he or she should submlL a
cerLlflcaLe of legal capaclLy Lo be lssued by hls/her own
consular offlclal conslsLenL wlLh Lhe naLlonallLy Lheory
because Lhe legal capaclLy of Lhe lorelgn naLlonal ls
deLermlned by hls own law. And Lo deLermlne Lhe legal
capaclLy of LhaL lorelgn lndlvldual vls a vls hls own law
ls Lhrough hls own governmenL. 1hls consular offlclals
represenL hls governmenL LhaL ls why for purposes of
marrlage, Lhe documenL LhaL needs Lo be submlL ls Lhe
cerLlflcaLe of legal capaclLy.

If State|ess ersons:

CannoL pass cerLlflcaLe of legal capaclLy. under ArL 21, lf
appllcanL ls sLaLeless or a refugee lnsLead of a cerLlflcaLe
of legal capaclLy he needs Lo submlL an affldavlL
lndlcaLlng Lhe clrcumsLances of hls legal capaclLy Lo

Legal capaclLy ls a maLLer of law, how ls Lhe LC8
supposed Lo deLermlne lf Lhe SLaLeless ls legally
capaclLaLed Lo marry? under whose law?

noLe LhaL whlle an lndlvldual, why lL ls posslble for an
lndlvldual Lo have no counLry, buL lL ls lmposslble for an
lndlvldual Lo have a domlclle because LhaL lndlvldual
musL be ln some place. uomlclle refers Lo Lhe acLual
place of llvlng, Lhe place where one sLays. 1here are Lwo
klnds of domlclle:

1. ermanent
2. 1emporary

**MusL have a Lemporary domlclle, and Lhe venue ls
Lhe hll when he applled for marrlage llcense so LhaL
LhaL affldavlL of legal capaclLy musL sLaLe LhaL Lhe
clrcumsLances consLlLuLlng hls legal capaclLy under
hlllpplne Law. So Lhe clrcumsLances musL be:

1. AL leasL 18,
2. Man or woman eLc.

8apLlsmal cerLlflcaLe.

1. lf Lhe parLles are beLween ages 18-21, meanlng 18
and 20.arenLal consenL should be aLLached Lo Lhe
appllcaLlon for marrlage llcense. Absence of parenLal
consenL consLlLuLes a defecL ln an essenLlal requlslLe
and Lherefore renders Lhe marrlage voldable.

2. lf boLh or one of Lhe conLracLlng parLles are or ls
beLween Lhe ages 21 and 23, on Lop of Lhe blrLh
cerLlflcaLe or Lhe bapLlsmal cerLlflcaLe he should also
submlL Lhe parenLal advlce or lf Lhe a parenLal advlce ls
adverse, Lhls wlll only resulL ln Lhe delay ln Lhe lssuance
of Marrlage llcense, a delay of noL more Lhan 90 days
commuLed from Lhe Llme of Lhe compleLlon of Lhe
appllcaLlon because Lhe appllcaLlon for marrlage llcense
has Lo be publlshed for 10 consecuLlve days for from Lhe
10Lh day appllcaLlon, Lhe marrlage llcense may noL be
lssued noL earller Lhan 90 days Lherefrom. Any marrlage
llcense lssued earller Lhan Lhe 90 day perlod wlll noL
render Lhe marrlage vold or voldable, Lhe marrlage
remalns valld buL Lhe local clvll reglsLrar who lssued Lhe
marrlage llcense may be llable.

3. lf parLles or one of Lhem are or ls beLween 18 and 23,
on Lop of Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe or Lhe bapLlsmal
cerLlflcaLe he or she shall also submlL a cerLlflcaLe of
marrlage counselllng lssued by Lhe prlesL or any
marrlage counsellor accredlLed by Lhe approprlaLe
governmenL agency. lallure Lo comply wlLh Lhls
requlremenL wlll resulL ln Lhe suspenslon of Lhe
lssuance of Lhe marrlage llcense Lhe suspenslon shall be
for a perlod of 90 days from Lhe compleLlon of Lhe
parLles appllcaLlon of Lhe marrlage llcense buL
suspenslon wlll noL render Lhe marrlage vold because
Lhls ls a mere lrregularlLy ln Lhe lssuance of Lhe marrlage

Marr|age ||cense sha|| be va||d for 120 days and |t may
be used anywhere |n the h|||pp|nes.

ex. 1he Marrlage llcense lssued by Lhe local clvll
reglsLrar of Cebu may be solemnlsed ln 8aLanes or !olo.
valldlLy of marrlage llcense ls all over Lhe counLry.

lf noL used ln 120 days, auLomaLlcally explred.

When all requlremenLs are submlLLed Lhe local clvll
reglsLrar posL a noLlce ln Lhe bulleLln board locaLed ln a
consplcuous place of Lhe offlce of Lhe local clvll reglsLrar
lndlcaLlng Lhere ln Lhe names and Lhe resldence of Lhe
appllcanLs and requesLlng all persons who have
knowledge on any legal lmpedlmenL Lo lnform Lhe local
clvll reglsLrar abouL lL.

What happens |f a |ega| |mped|ment |s known?

>> noLe LhaL Lhe duLy of Lhe local clvl reglsLrar Lo lssue
marrlage llcense. uesplLe knowledge of any legal
lmpedlmenL, may noL refuse Lo lssue Lhe marrlage
llcense so he ls obllged by law Lo lssue Lhe marrlage
llcense. 1he only excepLlon ls when Lhe courL orders Lhe
local clvll reglsLrar agalnsL lL. 1hls case may be lnlLlaLed
by Lhe Local Clvll reglsLrar hlmself or any oLher
lnLeresLed parLy.

lf Lhe LC8 wlshes Lo refuse Lhe lssuance of Lhe Marrlage
Llcense because of legal lmpedlmenL, he needs Lo go Lo
courL and flle an ln[uncLlon dlrecLlng ln[uncLlon agalnsL
hlm orderlng hlm noL Lo lssue Lhe marrlage llcense
because of Lhe exlsLlng legal lmpedlmenL. All adverse
parLy may do lL. ln Lhe absence of any courL order
en[olnlng Lhe local clvll reglsLrar from lssulng Lhe
marrlage llcense, Lhe local clvll reglsLrar have no cholce
buL Lo lssue Lhe marrlage llcense.

**Do not confuse th|s when the app||cant fa||s to
comp|y w|th the documentary requ|rement. 8efore Lhe
marrlage can be lssued, Lhe appllcanL has Lo submlL
speclflc documenLs. lf falls Lo pass requlremenL. 1hls ls
dlfferenL from legal lmpedlmenL, Lhls ls a slLuaLlon of
non compllance from Lhe documenLary requlremenL
and Lherefore Lhe local clvll reglsLrar wlll noL be
compelled Lo lssue wlLhouL Lhe requlremenL. 1hls ls noL
a case of refusal Lo lssue, because Lechnlcally wlLhouL
Lhe requlred documenLs, Lhe appllcaLlon has noL yeL
been sufflclenLly provlded. So Lhe LC8 can legally argue
LhaL Lhey are noL denylng Lhe marrlage llcense, Lhey are
walLlng for Lhe appllcanL Lo submlL all Lhe requlred

Legal lmpedlmenL ls a dlfferenL Lhlng because legally
lmpedlmenL conLemplaLes of a slLuaLlon where Lhe
documenLs are already ln buL Lhe LC8 refuses Lo lssue
Lhe llcense. 1hls cannoL be done by Lhe local clvll
reglsLrar because under Lhe law, knowledge of any legal
lmpedlmenL ls noL a ground for Lhe LC8 Lo noL lssue a
marrlage llcense.

Cert|f|cate of No Marr|age

>> 1o avold lssulng a marrlage llcense Lo someone who
ls already marrled. lf you are already marrled Lhen
deflnlLely you cannoL comply wlLh Lhe cedula
requlremenL. 1he LC8 for Lhe fallure Lo comply wlLh Lhe
requlremenL may noL be compelled Lo lssue Lhe
marrlage llcense because of noncompllance.

1hls amounLs Lo legal lmpedlmenL, lf Lhe appllcanL
happens Lo be lndeed marrled Lo anoLher Lherefore he
cannoL submlL cedula, Lhls mlghL be an lssue of wheLher
or noL, Lhls ls a slmp|e non comp||ance of documentary
requ|rement or a case of ex|stence of |ega|

Aga|n, know|edge of any |ega| |mped|ment cannot
prevent the Loca| C|v|| keg|strar from |ssu|ng the
marr|age ||cense.


1. Marr|age |n Art|cu|o Mort|s
-noLe LhaL marrlage ln Arlculo MorLls remalns
valld even lf Lhe dylng parLy evenLually survlves.
-ln lleu of Lhe marrlage llcense whaL ls requlred ls
LhaL Lhe solemnlslng offlcer ls requlred Lo execuLe an
affldavlL aLLesLlng Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe marrlage was
solemnlsed under ArLlculo MorLls and LhaL he Look
sLeps Lo ascerLaln Lhe ages, Lhe quallflcaLlons of Lhe
conLracLlon gparLles and LhaL he found no legal
lmpedlmenL Lo Lhe marrlage.

lnsLead of Lhe marrlage llcense, whaL ls requlred ls Lhe
affldavlL of Lhe Solemnlzlng offlcer.

2. lf one or boLh of Lhe conLracLlng parLles ls are
resldlng ln a faraway place where Lhere ls no means of
LransporLaLlon Lo enable hlm or her Lo personally
appear before Lhe offlce of Lhe Local clvll 8eglsLrar.
- requlres an affldavlL lnsLead of Marrlage llcense
sLaLlng LhaL Lhe parLles are resldlng ln LhaL parLlcular
barangay LhaL Lhere ls no means of LransporLaLlon for
Lhem Lo personally appear before Lhe Local clvll

3. Marrlage beLween musllms or oLher eLhnlc culLural
communlLy. no marrlage llcense ls requlred provlded
Lhe marrlage ls solemnlsed wlLh Lhelr cusLoms, rlghLs or

4. ln case of raLlflcaLlon of MarlLal CohablLaLlon where
Lhe parLles have been llvlng as husband and wlfe for a
perlod of aL leasL 3 years. And none of Lhem ls sufferlng
from any legal lmpedlmenL from marrylng each oLher,
under ArL 34.

ln lleu of Lhe marrlage llcense, for Lhe conLracLlng
parLles Lo execuLe an affldavlL of cohablLaLlon lndlcaLlon
Lhereln LhaL Lhey have been llvlng as husband and wlfe
for a perlod of aL leasL 3 years and LhaL Lhey have no
legal lmpedlmenL Lo marry each oLher.

What happens |f fa|s|f|ed the aff|dav|t of cohab|tat|on?

ex. Dayot V Dayot

1he SC sald LhaL a falslfled affldavlL of cohablLaLlon, (lL
Lurned ouL LhaL Lhe parLles were cohablLlng for less Lhan
3 years buL falsely clalmed LhaL Lhey were llvlng
LogeLher for more Lhan 3 years. 1he SC sald LhaL a
falslfled affldavlL of cohablLaLlon ls no affldavlL aL all and
Lherefore slnce Lhe affldavlL ls requlred ln lleu of Lhe
marrlage llcense Lhls amounLs Lo absence of a marrlage
llcense, Lherefore Lhe marrlage ls vold.

Issue of 34 |s whether or not, mar|ta| cohab|tat|on
shou|d be free from any |ega| |mped|ment or |s |t
enough that the part|es are free from any |ega|
|mped|ment at the t|me of the ce|ebrat|on of the

ex. N|na| V 8adayog

A cerLaln eplLo nlnal was marrled Lo hls wlfe buL on
Lhe falLhful day, eplLo shoL hls wlfe Lo deaLh, one year
and 8 monLhs afLer Lhe deaLh of hls wlfe, eplLo
marrled norma 8adayog Lhen eplLo dled llvlng
chlldren. 1he chlldren flled an acLlon Lo declare Lhe
marrlage beLween eplLo and norma vold by reason of
absence of a marrlage llcense because lL Lurned ouL LhaL
lnsLead of Lhe marrlage llcense, eplLo and norma
execuLed an affldavlL of cohablLaLlon clalmlng LhaL Lhey
have been llvlng LogeLher as husband and wlfe for a
perlod of aL leasL 3 years wlLhouL any legal lmpedlmenL
Lo marry each oLher whlch ls noL Lrue, because lL Lurned
ouL LhaL durlng Lhe cohablLaLlon, Lhelr alleged
cohablLaLlon, aL leasL durlng Lhe subsLanLlve porLlon of
Lhelr alleged cohablLaLlon, Lhe wlfe of eplLo was sLlll

noLe LhaL marrlage of eplLo and norma Look place one
year 8 monLhs from deaLh, so counL Lhe 3 year perlod
backward wlLhln Lhe 3 year perlod of cohablLaLlon,
eplLo was sufferlng from a legal lmpedlmenL he ls sLlll
marrled Lo hls flrsL wlfe because Lhe flrsL marrlage was
only dlssolve upon Lhe marrlage of Lhe 1sL wlfe. ln oLher
words Lhe earller perlod of cohablLaLlon was noL free
from any legal lmpedlmenL.

1he SC ruled, LhaL for Lhls rule Lo apply lL ls noL requlred
LhaL Lhe 3 year cohablLaLlon should be free from any
legal lmpedlmenL, lL ls enough LhaL legal lmpedlmenL ls
absenL aL Lhe Llme of celebraLlon of Lhe marrlage buL
Lhe supreme courL ruled LhaL Lhe 3 year cohablL lon
should be characLerlsed by excluslvlLy and conLlnulLy
meanlng LhaL Lhe parLy musL be llvlng under a perfecL
unlon, llke husband and wlfe buL Lhe relaLlonshlp ls
oLherwlse lmperfecL because of Lhe absence of

**th|s case was dec|ded under the prov|s|on of the
new c|v|| code.


ex. 8or[a-Manzano V Iudge Sanchez

-1hls ls an admlnlsLraLlve case flled agalnsL !udge
Sanchez for solemnlslng persons who were already
prevlously marrled. So Lhe flrsL wlfe of Lhe husband,
flled an admlnlsLraLlve complalnL agalnsL !udge Sanchez,
clalmlng LhaL !udge Sanchez knew LhaL Lhe parLles were
sufferlng from legal lmpedlmenLs aL Lhe Llme he
solemnlsed Lhelr marrlage because ln Lhe appllcaLlon
for marrlage, ln Lhelr marrlage conLracL Lhey boLh
admlLLed LhaL Lhey are separaLed from Lhelr spouses.

1he SC |n th|s case enumerated the requ|s|tes for
art|c|e 34 to app|y. Ior 34 to app|y, or the so ca||ed
rat|f|cat|on of mar|ta| cohab|tat|on the fo||ow|ng
requ|s|tes must be present:

1. arLles musL be llvlng LogeLher as husband and wlfe
for a perlod of aL leasL 3 years.
2. no legal lmpedlmenL
3. Lhe facL of absence of legal lmpedlmenL musL be
presenL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe solemnlsaLlon of Lhe marrlage
4. arLles musL execuLe an affldavlL of cohablLaLlon
3. Solemnlzlng offlcer musL execuLe an affldavlL LhaL Lhe
marrlage was solemnlsed under ArLlcle 34 and LhaL he
Look sLeps Lo deLermlne Lhe age and Lhe quallflcaLlon of
Lhe conLracLlng parLles as absence of legal lmpedlmenL.

Manzano vs. Sanchez
SC enumeraLed Lhe requlslLes of ArL. 34 , LhaL Lhe facL
of absence of Lhe legal lmpedlmenL musL be presenL aL
Lhe solemnlzaLlon of Lhe marrlage. lL ls noL necessary
LhaL Lhe legal lmpedlmenL exlsLed prlor Lo Lhe marrlage.
lL ls enough LhaL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe solemnlzaLlon of Lhe
marrlage Lhe spouses should have no legal lmpedlmenL.
As Lhe case aL bar, LhaL lssue has never been ralsed.
ueclded under Lhe provlslons of Lhe new lamlly Code.
Cff|ce of the Court Adm|n|strator vs. Iudge Anata||o et
llve [udges ln Cebu are accused ln Lhe so called
marrlage scam" so varlous admlnlsLraLlve cases are
flled. And !udge AnaLallo necesarlo ls one of Lhe [udges
accused of gross lgnorance of law" because some of
Lhese [udges solemnlzed marrlages under ArL. 34 where
marrlages were solemnlzed wlLhouL Lhe requlslLes
marrlage llcense buL ln lleu Lhereof, Lhe parLles
execuLed affldavlL of cohablLaLlon. now durlng Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon, lL was esLabllshed LhaL Lhese parLles aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe solemnlzaLlon of marrlage and aL Lhe
Llme Lhey execuLed Lhe affldavlL Look cohablLaLlon,
Lhese parLles were [usL 19-22 years old and yeL ln Lhe
affldavlL of cohablLaLlon, Lhey clalm under oaLh LhaL
Lhey'd been llvlng LogeLher for a perlod for aL leasL 3
years so counLlng back age 19 backwards, lL would
appear LhaL aL Lhe Llme Lhey sLarLed cohablLlng wlLh
each oLher, Lhe parLles or one of Lhem was sLlll under
18 and Lherefore sufferlng from legal lmpedlmenL whlch
ls ln absence of or lack of legal capaclLy Lhe age
requlremenL. 1he SC sald LhaL Lhese [udges are gullLy of
C8CSS lCnC8AnCL Cl 1PL LAW" because for ArL. 34
Lo apply., Lhe cohablLaLlon of Lhe parLles musL be
characLerlzed by excluslvlLy and conLlnulLy. Cbvlously,
Lhe SC ln Lhls case of CCA vs. !udge AnaLallo necesarlo
eL al. apply Lhe docLrlne lald down ln Lhe nlnal vs.
8adayog case. So as lL ls now, forgeL abouL Manzano vs.
Sanchez , Lhe 3 year cohablLaLlon should be
characLerlzed by excluslvlLy and conLlnulLy , meanlng
none of Lhe parLles ls sufferlng from any legal
lmpedlmenL all LhroughouL Lhe perlod of 3 years or
more oLherwlse any affldavlL whlch falsely clalms LhaL
Lhey'd been llvlng LogeLher as husband and wlfe
wlLhouL legal lmpedlmenL musL be deemed a falslfled
affldavlL and under Lhe rullng lald down ln Lhe case
Dayot vs. Dayot - a falslfled affldavlL of cohablLaLlon ls
LanLamounL Lo no affldavlL aL all and Lherefore Lhe
marrlage musL be solemnlzed wlLhouL Lhe requlred
marrlage llcense and Lherefore should be vold under
ArL. 4 of Lhe lamlly Code.
Lxcept|ons to the marr|age ||cense requ|rement :
1. Marrlage ls noL requlred Lo marrlages
solemnlzed among Musllms or eLhnlc groups
2. Marrlage under ArLlculo MorLls done under
exLreme urgency
3. Marrlage where one or boLh of Lhe conLracLlng
parLles are resldenL of far-flung area where
Lhere ls abscense or lack of adequaLe
communlcaLlon of Lhe parLles Lo personally
appear before Lhe local clvll reglsLrar
4. Marrlage under raLlflcaLlon of marlLal
Marr|age Ceremony (3
Iorma| kequ|s|te of Marr|age)
under ArL. 6 of Lhe lamlly Code, Lhere ls no prescrlbed
form of Lhe marrlage ceremony, whaL ls essenLlal Lhere
ls LhaL Lhe parLles musL personally appear before Lhe
solemnlzlng offlcer - LhaL's Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lhere,
personal appearance before Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer"
LhaL ls why marrlage by proxy ln Lhe hlllpplnes ls vold
belng Lhe abscense of a valld marrlage ceremony
because our lamlly Code expressly provldes LhaL Lhe
parLles musL personally appear before Lhe solemnlzlng
offlcer and declare LhaL Lhey Lake each oLher as
husband and wlfe, Lhls personal declaraLlon LhaL Lhey
Lake each oLher as husband and wlfe musL be conLalned
ln Lhe so called marrlage conLracL whlch musL be
slgned by Lhe parLles Lhe wlLnesses Lhe sponsors and
Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer. lamlly code requlres LhaL Lhe
marrlage ceremony musL be wlLnessed by aL leasL 2
wlLnesses who musL be of legal age buL any lrregularlLy
ln Lhls requlremenL does noL affecL Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
marrlage so lf Lhe wlLnesses of Lhe solemnlzaLlon of Lhe
marrlage are noL of legal age- Lhe common oplnlon of
wrlLers ls LhaL - lL ls only a mere lrregularlLy of Lhe
formal requlremenL of Lhe marrlage ceremony - Lhe
marrlage remalns valld - Lhe essenLlal elemenLs are Lhe
1. 1he personal presence before Lhe solemnlzlng
2. 1he personal declaraLlon LhaL Lhey Lake each
oLher as husband and wlfe
Any marrlage wlLhouL Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer ls
vold because of Lhe absence of Lhe solemnlzlng
offlcer and second - musL have a valld marrlage
ceremony . [usL as ln Lhe case of ?ao kee vs.
Conzales - where Lhe marrlage was declared
vold by Lhe SC because of Lhe absence of
solemnlzlng offlcer - Lhe same rullng lald down
ln Lhe case people vs. Luclo Morlgo - where Lhe
parLles only slgned Lhe marrlage conLracL ln Lhe
abscense of Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer so boLh
elemenLs or requlremenLs were absenL , no
solemnlzlng offlce auLhorlze Lo solemnlze Lhe
marrlage and second, no valld marrlage
1he marrlage conLracL lLself ls noL a requlslLe for
a valld marrlage, Lhls remlnds of Lhe Lhlnklng
LhaL lf Lhere ls no marrlage conLracL - Lhe
documenL of Lhe parLles ls noL slgned along
wlLh Lhe wlLnesses - Lhe marrlage ls vold. 1he
marrlage so long as Lhe ceremony Look place-
Lhe personal declaraLlon of Lhe parLles and Lhe
presence of Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer Lhen Lhere
ls a valld marrlage ceremony even ln Lhe
absence of a marrlage conLracL because Lhe
marrlage conLracL only serves as supplemenLary
evldence of Lhe facL of Lhe marrlage ceremony
buL lL does noL mean LhaL Lhe marrlage
ceremony could only be proved by Lhe marrlage
conLracL lLself because Lhe marrlage ceremony
can be proved by oLher forms of evldence
oLher Lhan Lhe marrlage conLracL llke Lhe
LesLlmony of Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer, LesLlmony
of Lhe parLles and Lhe wlLnesses, mere absence
of Lhe marrlage conLracL / cerLlflcaLe does noL
render Lhe marrlage vold because Lhe marrlage
cerLlflcaLe ls noL a formal requlslLe of a valld
marrlage. uo noL equaLe marrlage cerLlflcaLe/
conLracL wlLh marrlage ceremony. Marrlage
cerLlflcaLe only serves as an evldence of Lhe
marrlage ceremony.
What |s the venue of a va||d marr|age
Marrlage ceremony cannoL [usL be solemnlzed
anywhere. 1he law descrlbes speclflc venue for
a valld marrlage ceremony.
WhaL are Lhe venues prescrlbed by Lhe famlly
1. lf lL ls solemnlzed of an lncumbenL member
of Lhe [udlclary - Lhe marrlage ceremony
should Lake place elLher ln Lhe chambers of
Lhe [udge or ln Lhe courL
2. lf lL ls solemnlzed by lmam, rabbl, and prlesL
or rellglous auLhorlLles - maybe solemnlzed
ln Lhe church , Lemple or chapel
1here are except|ons to the ru|e of venue:
(lnsLances where Lhe marrlage ceremony
only may be solemnlzed oLher Lhan
1. ln marrlage under arLlculo morLls - Lhls
marrlage could be solemnlzed
anywhere where Lhe parLles are
2. Marrlage where one or boLh of Lhe
conLracLlng parLles ls a resldenL of a far-
flung area where no means of
3. lf Lhe parLles requesL ln wrlLlng address
Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer LhaL Lhe
marrlage be solemnlzed elsewhere
lndlcaLed ln a sworn sLaLemenL Lhe
preferable place llke ln Lhe house or
*Marrlage solemnlzed ln vlolaLlon on Lhe rule of venue
does noL render Lhe marrlage vold because Lhls ls only
an lrregularlLy ln Lhe marrlage ceremony. lL does noL
amounL Lo an absence of a marrlage ceremony. 1he
marrlage ceremony lndeed acLually Look place only Lhe
venue ls noL ln accordance. So wrong venue only a mere
lrregularlLy ln Lhe solemnlzaLlon of Lhe marrlage.
Art|c|e 26 :Conf||ct of ku|es on Marr|age
As a general rule, lex locl celebraclones and by
excepLlon naLlonallLy Lheory.
All Marrlages solemnlzed abroad and valld
Lhere as such shall also be valld ln Lhe hlls.,
excepLlons : ArL. 33 (1) (4)(3)(6), 36,37 and 38
lf Lhe marrlage ls valld ln Lhe place lL ls
celebraLed should also be consldered valld ln
Lhe hlls.
lf lL ls valld ln Pong kong where Lhe marrlage ls
celebraLed Lhen lL ls also valld ln Lhe hlls. LxcepLlons
are Lhose menLloned enurameraLed ln arL.26. 1hls rule ,
conLemplaLes 4 dlsLlncL slLuaLlons governed by dlfferenL
rules :
Spec|f|c s|tuat|ons governed by Art. 26:
aragraph 1
1. A marrlage beLween forelgners abroad - ex. 2
lndlans and marrlage was solemnlzed ln Chlna -
under ArL.26 , lf Lhls 2 lndlans marrled ln Chlna
where lL ls celebraLed Lhen lL should be
consldered valld ln Lhe hlls. 8y Lex Locl
2. 8oLh forelgners and Lhe marrlage ls solemnlzed
ln Lhe hlls. - under ArL.26 - Lex Locl
Celebraclones applles. Should follow Lhe rules ln
Lhe hlls. 8uL so far as Lhe capaclLy of Lhe
conLracLlng parLles Lhelr legal capaclLy musL be
governed by Lhelr own respecLlve naLlonal laws
so lf boLh lndlans wlsh Lo marry ln Lhe hlls and
Lhe marrlage was solemnlzed ln Lhe hlls.- Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe marrlage should be governed by
Lhe hlls and should comply wlLh laws of
marrlage ln Lhe phlls. LxcepL legal capaclLy Lo
conLracL marrlage should be deLermlned by
Lhelr own naLlonal law so LhaL lf ln lndla - 13 yrs
old has Lhe capaclLy Lo marry Lhey can valldly
marry ln Lhe hlls. 8ecause capaclLy Lo conLracL
marrlage ls governed by naLlonallLy Lheory
conslsLenL Lo ArL. 13 of Lhe Clvll Code.
3. llllplnos marrlage beLween llllplnos abroad -
ex. 2 llllplnos happened Lo meeL ln Chlna - Lhey
can have Lhelr marrlage solemnlzed ln Chlna -
as a rule Lhey can have 2 opLlons :
a. 1hey may marry ln accordance Lo Chlnese
b. 1hey may conLracL marrlage before a hll.
Consular Cfflclals - ArL.10 of Lhe lamlly
Code auLhorlzes Lhe consul-general and
vlce-consul Lo solemnlze marrlage beL.
llllplnos abroad. (follows hlllpplne law
where Lhe consular offlce ls an exLenslon of
hlllpplne LerrlLory)
*1he local clvll reglsLrar and solemnlzlng
offlcer ls now belng assumed and exerclsed
by Lhe Consular Cfflclal.
lf Lhey choose LhaL Lhelr marrlage be solemnlzed ln a
forelgn counLry and lL ls celebraLed Lo LhaL counLry Lhen
lL should follow LhaL lL be recognlzed ln Lhe hlls.
LxcepLlons provlded under arL. 26. So even lf ln Chlna -
Lhe marrylng age ls 13 - LhaL marrlage cannoL be
consldered valld ln Lhe hlls. 8ecause lL ls covered ln Lhe
excepLlon under ArL. 26 . Should be conslsLenL Lo Lhe
naLlonallLy 1heory - Lhey are governed by Lhe
hlllpplne laws perLalnlng Lo legal capaclLy.
4. llllplno and a forelgner marrlage solemnlzed ln
Lhe hlls. (common marrlage ). 1he valldlLy of
Lhe marrlage ls Lex Locl Celebraclones. 1helr
marrlage should follow law of hll. Marrlage buL
ln so far as Lhe forelgner ls concern, hls legal
capaclLy Lo conLracL marrlage ls governed by
hls/ her naLlonal law conslsLenL wlLh ArL. 21.
3. A marrlage beLween a llllplno and a forelgner
solemnlzed abroad ls Lhe mosL conLroverslal
scenarlo. CfLen source of many debaLes and
unLll now unseLLled. 1he rule ls , lf Lhe marrlage
ls valld abroad Lhen Lex Locl Celebraclones LhaL
marrlage ls consldered valld ln Lhe hlllpplnes.
1he problem now lles ln Lhe excepLlon, because
conslsLenL wlLh naLlonallLy Lheory - only Lhe
llllplno ls governed by Lhe rule so lf Lhe
marrlage ls beLween a Chlnese naLlonal 13
years old and a llllplno naLlonal 17 years old
solemnlzed ln Chlna and ln Chlna 13 ls Lhe age
of ma[orlLy, lL would appear LhaL Lhe marrlage
ln so far as Lhe Chlna law ls concern ls valld. 8uL
slnce llllplno ls governed by naLlonallLy Lheory
he falls under Lhe excepLlon of ArL. 26, 33 par.1
of Lhe lamlly Code because he ls under Lhe age
of 18 and ln so far as Lhe hll. ls concern , Lhe
marrlage ls vold. So we have now a marrlage
valld lnsofar as Lhe forelgner ls concern buL vold
ln so far as Lhe llllplno ls concern buL LhaL's a
legal lmposslblllLy because Lhe marrlage ls
lndlvlslble. 1he marrlage can only be valld or
lnvalld noL hybrld, parLly valld parLly vold.
Slnce under ArL.26 - LhaL falls under LhaL
excepLlon, Lhe enLlre marrlage should be
consldered vold ln so far as Plls. ls concern
because Lhls ls agalnsL publlc pollcy. CLher vlew,
our pollcy ln marrlage upholds Lhe valldlLy of
marrlage.Marrlage ls an lnvlolable soclal
lnsLlLuLlon, conslsLenL of Lhe pollcy of upholdlng
valldlLy of marrlage, some advocaLes Lake Lhe
possesslon LhaL ln Lhls slLuaLlon Lhe marrlage
should be consldered valld becoz Lex Locl
Celebraclones - lf valld abroad even lf noL valld
ln hlls. should be consldered valld. ( oplnlon of
some promlnenL wrlLers llke !usLlce Ldgardo
aras). As of now , Lhere ls no speclflc case
whlch addresses Lhls quesLlon and no rullng
rendered by Lhe SC wlLh declslon.
aragraph 2
-was [usL lnserLed noL parL of Lhe orlglnal
- Lhls provlslon was purposely adopLed Lo address Lhe
problem posL by Lhe prevlous rullngs of Lhe courL ln Lhe
cases of van uorn vs. !arllla subsequenL case of llapll
and Lhe resL. Where Lhe SC recognlzed Lhe valldlLy of
dlvorce ln so far as Lhe forelgner ls concern conslsLenL
wlLh Lhe naLlonallLy Lheory buL noL as Lhe llllplno
spouse ls concern conslsLenL wlLh Lhe pollcy LhaL Lhls
allows or prohlblLs.
A marrlage beLween a forelgner and a llllplno valldly
celebraLed and a dlvorce decree was subsequenLly
valldly obLalned abroad capaclLaLlng Lhe forelgner
spouse Lo remarry LhaL dlvorce decree also capaclLaLes
Lhe llllplno spouse Lo remarry. 8y express provlslon of
par.2 of ArLlcle 26, ls respecLed Lo a slLuaLlon where Lhe
one who obLalned Lhe dlvorce decress ls Lhe forelgn
spouse, lL does noL apply where Lhe one who apply Lhe
dlvorce decree of ls a llllplno spouse due Lo publlc
pollcy slLuaLlon.
Ior th|s to app|y, |t |s necessary that the d|vorce decree
abroad must be va||d and must capac|tate the fore|gn
spouse to remarry.
2 k|nds of D|vorce Decree
1. AbsoluLe ulvorce
2. 8elaLlve ulvorce
*1he dlvorce conLemplaLed under ArL.26 ls
absoluLe dlvorce. lL ls expllclL LhaL Lhe dlvorce
decree musL capaclLaLe Lhe allen spouse Lo
remarry because lf Lhe dlvorce decree obLalned
abroad by Lhe allen spouse ls relaLlve dlvorce
whlch does noL capaclLaLe hlm/her Lo remarry ,
Lhe llllplno spouse ls noL also capaclLaLed Lo
1he llllplno spouse cannoL [usL apply for a
marrlage llcense [usL because Lhe allen spouse
has already obLalned Lhe dlvorce decree, he/she
needs.Lhe Lask ls so daunLlng.. he needs Lo go
Lo courL and for LhaL purpose hlres a lawyer ,
pays Lhe fees and sLands Lhe rlsk of hls peLlLlon
belng lf he/she could esLabllsh Lo Lhe courL Lhe
requlremenL prescrlbed by Lhe rule before Lhe
llllplno spouse can remarry. 1hls was Lhe rullng
ln Lhe 8epubllc vs. Clprlano Cbecldo -
ar.2 ArL.26
- LlLerally provldes Lhe marrlage should be
beLween a forelgner and a llllplno so
llLerally means a mlxed marrlage . 1he
clLlzenshlp of Lhe forelgner ls reckoned noL
as of Lhe Llme of Lhe marrlage buL as of Lhe
Llme Lhe dlvorce decree was obLalned so
LhaL even lf aL Lhe Llme of Lhe marrlage or
solemnlzaLlon of Lhe marrlage , Lhe parLles
were boLh llllplnos and was solemnlzed ln
Lhe hlls. SubsequenLly, one of Lhem
acqulred forelgn clLlzenshlp, for example
one of Lhem became a naLurallzed
Amerlcan clLlzen and whlle already a
forelgner, he/she obLalned a dlvorce decree
abroad, ArL. 26 par.2 sLlll applles Lo
slLuaLlon where marrlage ls boLh llllplnos
buL one of Lhem became a naLurallzed a
forelgn clLlzen and whlle already a forelgn
clLlzen obLalned a dlvorce decree abroad.
1hls was Lhe rullng lald down under
8epubllc vs. Clprlano Cbrecldo.
As l sald earller, Lhe effecL of paragraph Lwo ln so far as
Lhe llllplno ls concerned ls auLomaLlc because LhaL
llllplno spouse sLlll needs Lo go Lo courL Lo obLaln
preclsely Lhe legal capaclLy Lo remarry. 1he peLlLlon or
Lhe approprlaLe acLlon Lo be flled ln Lhls case, ln so far
as Lhe llllplno spouse ls concerned ls under 8ules 63 of
Lhe 8ules of CourL oLherwlse known as Lhe peLlLlon for
declaraLory rellef, lL ls Lhe peLlLlon where one seeks Lo
esLabllsh Lhe hls sLaLus, hls rlghL, under any law,
ordlnance or any lnsLrumenL. lL ls Lhe approprlaLe acLlon
LhaL Lhe llllplno spouse have Lo flle ln order LhaL he or
she may conLracL a subsequenL marrlage as a resulL of
Lhe decree obLaln by a forelgn spouse.
What are the matters that the I|||p|no spouse needs to
estab||sh |n th|s pet|t|on for dec|aratory re||ef?
In Cbrec|do's case, the SC ru|ed that |n the pet|t|on for
dec|aratory re||ef, the I|||p|no spouse must estab||sh,
the fo||ow|ng:
1. 1he I|||p|no spouse must estab||sh the d|vorce
decree as a fact.
-musL prove ln courL ln Lhe peLlLlon for
declaraLory rellef LhaL lndeed Lhe dlvorce
decree was obLalned.

Now how do you prove the ex|stence of a
d|vorce decree?

lL should be proved under our rules ln evldence.
under 8ule 132 SecLlon 124, Lhe dlvorce decree
whlch ls a documenL keep ouLslde of Lhe
hlllpplnes may be proved by a copy of Lhe
dlvorce decree. CerLlfled copy. A copy aLLesLed
by Lhe legal cusLodlan of Lhe dlvorce decree ls a
falLhful reproducLlon of Lhe orlglnal ln Lhelr
cusLody, a cerLlflcaLlon lssued by Lhe consular
offlclal of Lhe hlllpplnes sLaLloned ln Lhe
counLry where Lhe dlvorce decree as obLaln,
LhaL Lhe legal cusLodlan who aLLesLed Lhe copy
ls lndeed Lhe cusLodlan of Lhe sald documenL.

1he consular cerLlflcaLlon = red rlbbon,
auLhenLlcaLed forelgn documenL.

*?ou geL Lhls flle on Lhe hlllpplne consular
offlce slLuaLed ln Lhe counLry where Lhe dlvorce
decree was obLalned.
2. roof that the d|vorce decree was va||d|y
lL can be esLabllshed by provlng, or by
demonsLraLlng conformlLy Lo Lhe law allowlng
Lhe dlvorce decree.
Note: prove the fore|gn |aw under wh|ch the
d|vorce decree was obta|ned.
8efer Lo rules of evldence. lL may be proved by
offlclal publlcaLlon of LhaL forelgn law or by
cerLlfled Lrue copy of Lhe forelgn law, aLLesLed
by Lhe legal cusLodlan accompanled by Lhe
cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe hlllpplne consular offlclal ln
Lhe counLry where Lhe decree was obLalned.

3. 1he I|||p|no spouse must prove that the
d|vorce decree obta|n capac|tates the a||en
spouse to remarry.
-lf Lhe allen spouse ls noL capaclLaLed
Lo remarry, Lhe llllplno spouse cannoL remarry.
1ake note that the pet|t|on for dec|aratory re||ef under
Art|c|e 26 second paragraph |s a remedy ava||ab|e on|y
to the I|||p|no spouse |f the |atter wants to remarry.
1he quest|on |s what about the a||en spouse |s the one
who wants to remarry |n the h||? 8ecause now |s now
capac|tated to remarry as a resu|t of the d|vorce
Is the pet|t|on of dec|aratory re||ef equa||y ava||ab|e to
the a||en spouse who w|shes to remarry |n the h||?
NC. 1he second paragraph of ArLlcle 26 whlch allows
Lhe llllplno spouse Lo remarry ls only avallable Lo Lhe
llllplno spouse, Lhe allen spouse who obLaln Lhe dlvorce
decree cannoL lnvoke Lhe second paragraph of ArL. 26.
If you are the a||en spouse and you w|sh to remarry |n
the h|| after you obta|n a d|vorce decree abroad,
what do you do? What |s the remedy ava||ab|e to you?
Lx. Corpuz V 1|ro|
CllberL Corpuz, used Lo be a naLural born llllplno clLlzen
buL subsequenLly, he became a Canadlan naLlonal
Lhrough naLlonallzaLlon. Some Llme laLer when he
reLurned Lo Lhe hlllpplne and meL ualsy, fell ln love
and Lhey goL marrled, by reason of work, CllberL wenL
back Lo Canada for awhlle, and reLurned Lo vlslL
ualsylyn buL he dld noL lnform Lhe laLLer because he
wanLed Lo surprlse her. And so when he reLurned
someone was lndeed surprlsed buL was noL ualsylyn buL
CllberL. Pe dlscovered LhaL hls wlfe was already playlng
wlLh anoLher Leam. So hurL, he's devasLaLed. CllberL
reLurned Lo Canada where he obLalned a dlvorce decree
agalnsL ualsylyn, plcklng up Lhe pleces, he reLurned Lo
Lhe hll and found anoLher love of hls llfe. So he wanLed
Lo remarry ln Lhe hll.
now he consulLed some professlonal, and he was
advlsed Lo have a copy of Lhe dlvorce decree LhaL he
obLalned ln Canada reglsLered ln Lhe Local Clvll
reglsLrar, or oLherwlse annoLaLed. AnnoLaLed on Lhe
cerLlflcaLe of marrlage, beLween CllberL and ualsylyn.
now, Lrue enough Lhe Local Clvll 8eglsLry agreed Lo
annoLaLe Lhe dlvorce decree on Lhe cerLlflcaLe of
marrlage beLween CllberL and ualsylyn buL noneLheless
he was advlsed LhaL unLll and unless he flled a case ln
courL Lo have Lhe dlvorce decree recognlzed he remalns
Lo be marrled Lo ualsylyn. ln so far as hlllpplne laws
are concerned. So Laklng cue from LhaL advlse. CllberL
hlred a lawyer and flled for a peLlLlon for recognlLlon of
a forelgn dlvorce before hlllpplne courLs lnvoklng Lhe
second paragraph of ArLlcle 26.
1he peLlLlon was denled by Lhe CourL on Lhe ground
LhaL Lhe 2
par cannoL be avalled of by CllberL because
Lhe sald par applles only Lo Lhe llllplno spouse buL noL
Lhe Allen spouse. So Lhe lssue Lhere was wheLher or noL
Lhe peLlLlon LhaL CllberL flled for recognlLlon of a
forelgn dlvorce before CllberL may be allowed Lo
1he SC made a deflnlLlve flndlng LhaL a forelgner who
obLalned a dlvorce decree agalnsL a llllplno spouse
cannoL avall of Lhe second par of ArL 26. 8ecause CllberL
Lhere argued LhaL Lhls peLlLlon was akln Lo a peLlLlon for
declaraLory rellef. 1he SC sald LhaL CllberL, belng a
forelgner may noL avall of Lhls remedy. 1herefore ln so
far as ArL 26 ls concerned, Lhls ls noL a proper remedy.
Powever, Lhe SC sald, Lhe facL LhaL CllberL may noL avall
of Lhe 2
par of ArL 26 does noL necessarlly mean LhaL
he has no rlghL aL all Lo have Lhelr dlvorce decree LhaL
he obLalned abroad recognlze ln Lhe hll.

noLe LhaL ln Lhe peLlLlon for declaraLory rellef, ls an
acLlon Lo have a dlvorce decree recognlzed before Lhe
hll courL. 8uL Lhls remedy ls sLrlcLly only avallable Lo
Lhe llllplno spouse.
1he SC sald LhaL whlle he may noL avall of Lhe peLlLlon
for declaraLory rellef pursuanL Lo ArL 26 2
par he
however ls a proper parLy Lo have Lhe dlvorce decree he
obLalned abroad recognlzed ln Lhe hll courL. 1he SC
sald LhaL Lhe rlghL of CllberL, whlle noL under Lhe sald
ArL may be anchored on 8ule 39 SecLlon 48 of Lhe rules
of courL. SecLlon 48, provldes for a rule on Lhe effecLs of
a forelgn [udgemenL.
noLe LhaL a dlvorce decree obLalned abroad ls
[udgemenL of a forelgn courL and under 8ule 39 SecLlon
48 LhaL lf a forelgn [udgemenL rendered by a forelgn
courL lnvolvlng a [udgemenL lnvolvlng persons or
speclflc persons. 1haL forelgn [udgemenL ls presumpLlve
evldence of a rlghL beLween Lhe parLles so belng lL ln
Lhls provlslon, LhaL provlslon ls presumpLlve evldence of
Lhe rlghL of CllberL LhaL he ls now capaclLaLed Lo
remarry by vlrLue of Lhe dlvorce decree.
1he SC wenL farLher Lo say LhaL however, lL should be
emphaslzed LhaL for purposes of remarrlage, a peLlLlon
for recognlLlon of Lhe forelgn dlvorce ls noL enough. noL
enough because for purposes of remarrlage, CllberL
needs Lo effecL a change ln Lhe marrlage conLracL of hlm
and ualsylyn. Meanlng, Lhe forelgn dlvorce decree
should be annoLaLed ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe of marrlage
beLween hlm and ualsy Lo show LhaL as a resulL of Lhe
dlvorce decree, Lhelr marrlage has already been
dlssolved. WlLhouL Lhe annoLaLlon for all lnLenLs and
purposes, Lhe marrlage sLlll remalns. 1he SC sald LhaL
for purposes annoLaLlng Lhe dlvorce decree LhaL CllberL
obLalned abroad, a peLlLlon for Lhe enforcemenL of a
forelgn decree ls noL enough. 1he proper remedy ls a
peLlLlon for correcLlon or cancellaLlon of enLrles ln Lhe
clvll reglsLer pursuanL Lo 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL.
In short: |f the fore|gn spouse who obta|ned a d|vorce
decree aga|nst the I|||p|no spouse, w|shes to remarry
|n the h||, the proper remedy |s not 63, not pet|t|on
for dec|aratory re||ef but a pet|t|on for correct|on or
cance||at|on of the entry |n the |oca| c|v|| reg|ster,
part|cu|ar entry on concern|ng the marr|age. In that
pet|t|on, the pet|t|oner, the a||en spouse shou|d prove
the ex|stence of the d|vorce decree and |ts conform|ty
to the |aw a||ow|ng the d|vorce decree.
ln Lhls case, CllberL falled Lo aLLach or prove Lhe
Canadlan Law on dlvorce. And so Lhe courL ruled Lhe
proceedlng should be conducLed so LhaL lL should be
esLabllshed Lhe facL of Lhe dlvorce and lLs conformlLy Lo
Lhe law on ulvorce ln Canada.
ln Lhls acLlon for speclal proceedlngs for cancellaLlon of
enLrles, Lhe forelgn dlvorce decree obLalned should also
be recognlzed by hll courL and as soon as Lhls ls
recognlzed by Lhe hll courL, Lhe recognlLlon made by
Lhe hll courL would now be Lhe basls for courL order
dlrecLlng Lhe clvll reglsLrar Lo effecL Lhe correspondlng
change or correcLlon ln Lhe enLrles avallable ln Lhe local
clvll reglsLry parLlcularly enLry concernlng Lhe marrlage.
Note, for fore|gn [udgements to be b|nd|ng and
enforceab|e, |t shou|d f|rst be recogn|zed by the h||
1he acLlons of Lhe Local Clvll 8eglsLrar of aslg ClLy dld
noL have legal basls (annoLaLlon of Lhe forelgn dlvorce
decree on Lhe marrlage cerL) wlLhouL Lhe courL order.
1he pract|ce before the ru||ng |s that |f the fore|gn
spouse w|shes to remarry |n the h||. ne [ust have to
annotate a copy of the d|vorce decree on the|r
marr|age contract and that wou|d be enough for them
to app|y for a marr|age ||cense anew and contract a
subsequent marr|age and because of the
Memorandum C|rcu|ar |ssued by the NSC, wh|ch was
prec|p|tated by the ku||ng of kepub||c v Cbrec|do, a||
[udgements rendered by fore|gn courts, |nc|ud|ng
d|vorce decrees may not be enforced |n the h|| un|ess
recogn|zed before h|| courts. And the proper remedy
for recogn|t|on |s a spec|a| proceed|ng under ru|e 108.
et|t|on for cance||at|on or correct|on of entr|es.
Iu[|k| V. Mab|nay
lnvolves a mlx marrlage beLween a !apanese guy named
lu[lkl and a llllplna. 1he marrlage dld noL slL well wlLh
Lhe parenLs of Lhe !apanese so evenLually Lhelr
relaLlonshlp wenL sour and lu[lkl wenL back Lo !apan
leavlng Mablnay ln Lhe hll. Alone and loney, Mablnay
meL anoLher !ap named Malcara. WlLhouL Lhelr flrsL
marrlage belng dlssolved, Mablnay conLracLed a
subsequenL marrlage Lo Malcara. And afLer Lhe
marrlage, Mablnay was broughL by Malcara Lo !apan.
laLe dld noL work well for Mablnay because lL Lurned
ouL LhaL she's belng sub[ecLed Lo physlcal abuse by
Malcara and so whlle ln !apan, Mablnay Lrled Lo look for
lu[lkl and by sLroke of luck, Mablnay, evenLually meL
and found lulkl and sooner, Lhe Lwo reklndled Lhelr love
lu[lkl now ls now confronLed by Lhe facL LhaL hls wlfe ls
also marrled wlLh anoLher !ap and so Lo sLralghLen ouL
Lhe marlLal record of hls wlfe, lu[lkl asslsLed Mablnay ln
flllng a peLlLlon for declaraLlon of nulllLy of marrlage
beLween Mablnay and Malcara before Lhe !ap courL.
AfLer due proceedlngs, Lhe !ap courL declared Lhe
marrlage beLween Malcara and Mablnay vold by reason
of blgamy.
AfLer Lhe !ap courL, lssued Lhe sald declaraLlon of nulllLy
of marrlage beLween Malcara and Mablnay lu[lkl
reLurned Lo hll and flled an acLlon for Lhe enforcemenL
or recognlLlon of Lhe [udgemenL rendered by Lhe !ap
courL declarlng Lhe marrlage beLween Mablnay Malcara
vold for belng blgamous. unforLunaLely, Lhe peLlLlon
was dlsmlssed by Lhe reglonal Lrlal courL of Lhe hll on
Lhe grounds LhaL lu[lkl ls noL Lhe proper parLy Lo lnlLlaLe
Lhe acLlon lnvolvlng Lhe SC clrcular prescrlblng Lhe rules
on Lhe declaraLlon of nulllLy and annulmenL of marrlage.
under Lhls clrcular, only Lhe husband or Lhe wlfe may
flle peLlLlon. now Lhe 81C was of Lhe oplnlon LhaL,
elLher Malcara or Mablnay can flle Lhe peLlLlon of nulllLy
of marrlage for belng blgamous.
1he SC dlsagreed wlLh Lhe 81C, Lhe SC reversed Lhe
declslon of Lhe 81C. llrsLly, Lhe rule LhaL only Lhe
husband or Lhe wlfe may flle a peLlLlon for declaraLlon
of nulllLy of marrlage or annulmenL of marrlage applles
only lf Lhe peLlLlon ls for Lhe declaraLlon of Lhe nulllLy of
marrlage or peLlLlon for Lhe annulmenL of a voldable
marrlage buL whaL lu[lkl flled before Lhe hll courL ls
noL LhaL klnd of acLlon. WhaL Lhe former flled was an
acLlon for recognlLlon of a forelgn [udgemenL, Lhe
[udgemenL rendered by Lhe !ap courL declarlng Lhe
marrlage vold for belng blgamous. lu[lkl dld noL ask Lhe
81C Lo nulllfy Lhe marrlage beLween Malcara and
Mablnay, lu[lkl merely prayed LhaL Lhe Lhe [udgemenL
renderd by Lhe !ap courL Lo be recognlzed ln Lhe hll.
1he SC sald LhaL LhaL rule on Lhe declaraLlon of nulllLy of
marrlage or annulmenL does noL apply.
When Lhe marrlage ls blgamous, because one of Lhe
spouses conLracLed a subsequenL marrlage whlle Lhe
flrsL marrlage ls sLlll subslsLlng. arLles Lo Lhe
subsequenL blgamous marrlage are noL expecLed Lo flle
Lhe peLlLlon Lo declare Lhelr marrlage vold because Lhey
are Lhe parLles beneflLed ouL of LhaL blgamous marrlage
because Lhey are Lhe parLles Lo LhaL marrlage. So
normally Lhe parLy aggrleved ls Lhe parLy ln Lhe flrsL
marrlage. 8ecause Lhe S8M pre[udlces Lhe rlghLs and
lnLeresL already accrued ln Lhe flrsL marrlage llke
properLy rlghLs. So normally, Lhe proper parLy ls Lhe
spouse ln Lhe 1
1he SC sald, lu[lkl belng Lhe flrsL husband Lhe proper
parLles Lo quesLlon Lhe valldlLy of Lhe subsequenL
marrlage beLween hls wlfe and Malcara and 2
, even lf
we are Lo assume LhaL Lhe rule (Supreme CourL Clrcular
governlng Lhe nulllLy of marrlage) sLaLes LhaL only Lhe
husband or wlfe may flle Lhe peLlLlon, Lhe wlfe or Lhe
husband conLemplaLed by Lhe rule ls Lhe wlfe or Lhe
husband ln Lhe flrsL marrlage because Lhe SubsequenL
Marrlage belng vold, Lhe parLles Lo Lhe SubsequenL
marrlage whlch ls a 8lgamous Marrlage cannoL be
consldered as husband and wlfe because Lhe marrlage
ls vold for belng blgamous. So when Lhe rule speaks of
Lhe husband or Lhe wlfe, lL refers Lo Lhe husband or Lhe
wlfe ln Lhe flrsL marrlage.
1he parLles ln Lhe subsequenL marrlage cannoL be
consldered husband and wlfe because Lhere ls no
marrlage Lo speak of belng vold for blgamous.
1he proper remedy for a forelgn [udgemenL Lo be
recognlzed ln Lhe hll ls a speclal proceedlng under 8ule
108 of Lhe 8ules of courL peLlLlon for correcLlon or
cancellaLlon of enLrles ln Lhe Clvll 8eglsLry.
1he declslon rendered by Lhe !ap courL declarlng Lhe
marrlage beLween Malcara and Mablnay vold for belng
blgamous may be annoLaLed on Lhe cerLlflcaLe of Lhe
marrlage beLween Malcara and Mablnay. LffecLlng Lhe
change reflecLlng LhaL facL LhaL Lhe marrlage ls already
dlssolved by reason of Lhe [udgemenL rendered by Lhe
!ap courL and whlch [udgemenL ls duly recognlze ls duly
recognlzed by a compeLenL courL ln Lhe hll.
1. Vo|d for |ack or absence of Lssent|a| or Iorma|
kequ|s|tes. 1hese marr|ages are those
ment|oned |n Art|c|e 3S of the Iam Code:
a. one or boLh conLracLlng parLles are below
b. lack of auLhorlLy on Lhe parL of Lhe
solemnlzlng offlcer excepL lf one or boLh of
Lhe parLles belleved ln good falLh LhaL Lhe
solemnlzlng offlcer has such auLhorlLy.

Note: Art. 7 enumerates the off|cers or
persons who are author|ze to so|emn|ze
marr|age and |n add|t|on, but under Art|c|e
3S par 2 |f both or one of the conLracLlng
parLles honesLly belleved ln good falLh LhaL
Lhe solemnlzlng offlcer has such auLhorlLy,
Lhe marrlage remalns valld. 8uL LhaL
marrlage should perLaln Lo mlsLake of lacL
and noL of Law.

lf Lhe mlsLake perLalns Lo a mlsLake of Law
LhaL may noL be consldered under Lhe
excepLlon provlded for of ArL 33.

2. Marr|age contracted w|thout va||d marr|age
||cense w|th the exempt|on of those
enumerated |n Art|c|es 27- 34. Chapter 2 of th|s
3. 8|gamous Marr|age
-Lhere ls legal lmpedlmenL Lo marry.
4. M|stake |n |dent|ty
S. Vo|d by reason of Art. S3
Art|c|e 36: sycho|og|ca| Incapac|ty
lf boLh or one of Lhe conLracLlng parLles suffers from
sychologlcal lncapaclLy Lo perform hls or her marlLal
ulvorce ln dlsgulse. seudo dlvorce.
noLe LhaL ArL 36 does noL speclflcally deflne Lhe acLs
consecuLlng sychologlcal lncapaclLy. AnyLhlng LhaL
lncapaclLaLes a parLy Lo Lhe marrlage from performlng
hls or her essenLlal marlLal obllgaLlon LhaL can be
consldered sychologlcal lncapaclLy.
Pas Lo be dlsLlngulshed from hyslcal lncapaclLy and
from MenLal lncapaclLy.
lncapaclLy or
lnablllLy Lo
8efers Lo Lhe
mosL serlous
lnvolvlng ones
lnablllLy Lo
undersLand Lhe
meanlng and
slgnlflcance of
Cround for
annulmenL of
marrlage under
ArL 43
Cround for
nulllLy of a vold
Crounds for a

Cne who ls sufferlng from sychologlcal lncapaclLy ls
noL aware of Lhe slgnlflcance and meanlng of marrlage
or even lf he ls aware and Lhe obllgaLlons and
responslblllLles LhaL come wlLh lL, he ls [usL Loo
lncapaclLaLed Lo assume Lhem.
What are spec|f|c types of ersona||ty D|sorder under
th|s Art?
Cne can only go by !urlsprudence because sychologlcal
lncapaclLy ls noL deflned by Lhe law. ueclslon ls on a
case Lo case basls.
Lx. Ch| M|ng 1so| V CA
Marrlage beLween Lwo llllplnos buL afLer Lhe marrlage
Lhe husband purposely refused Lo consummaLe lL. 1he
husband lnvenLed all klnds and all sorLs of excuses so he
could refuse sleeplng wlLh Lhe wlfe. Colng wlLh frlends
when Lhey wenL Lo 8agulo Lo have Lhelr honeymoon,
lnsLead of spendlng Lhelr Llme LogeLher alone, Lhey
broughL wlLh Lhem Lhelr famllles so noLhlng happened.
So Lhe wlfe remalned deprlved. ueprlved of lnLlmacy.
1he SC sald LhaL Lhls ls a manlfesLaLlon of a
psychologlcal lncapaclLy because obvlously Lhe husband
does noL undersLand LhaL lnLlmacy ls one of Lhe
essenLlal aspecLs of marrlage lL ls Lhelr way ln
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe mysLery of creaLlon. So obvlously he
dld noL undersLand Lhe meanlng and slgnlflcance of
marrlage. sychologlcal lncapaclLy.

sycho|og|ca| Incapac|ty
sychologlcal lncapaclLy ls nelLher menLal lncapaclLy
annulmenL, nelLher ls lL physlcal lncapaclLy because Lhls
ls only a ground for annulmenL of a voldable marrlage.
sychology lncapaclLy refers Lo Lhe mosL serlous
personallLy dlsorder, Lhose who suffer ln an uLLer
lnsenslLlvlLy Lo glve meanlng and slgnlflcance Lo
marrlage. So one who ls suffers from psychologlcal
lncapaclLy ls elLher unaware of Lhe concomlLanL marlLal
obllgaLlons, love, respecL, supporL and Lhe obllgaLlons
concomlLanL Lo or a personal gullLy of psychologlcal
lncapaclLy could be aware of Lhe concomlLanL marlLal
obllgaLlons buL slnce he or she ls [usL cannoL assume hls
duLles because of hls or her personallLy dlsorder. So lL
goes lnLo Lhe psychologlcal sLrucLure or psychologlcal
make up of an lndlvldual.

1he law does noL deflne psychologlcal lncapaclLy, buL .
ls LhaL belng deLermlned ln a case Lo case basls.
ueLermlned on Lhe pecullarlLy of Lhe case. So
sychologlcal lncapaclLy ls only Lhe analysls of Lhls case
so for Lhls purpose .. [urlsprudence. Whlch Lhe supreme
courL acLual cases LhaL consldered an acL or conducL an
lndlcaLlon of psychologlcal lncapaclLy or noL so we wlll
go Lo [urlsprudence and examlnaLlon of [urlsprudence
wlll Lell us LhaL Lhe followlng are manlfesLaLlons,
physlcal manlfesLaLlons of psychologlcal lncapaclLy.

Cne ln Lhe case of Chl Mlng 1sol, Lhe senseless
proLecLed refusal Lo have sexual lnLercourse wlLh Lhe
spouse ls psychologlcal lncapaclLy because physlcal
lnLlmacy ls one of Lhe essenLlal obllgaLlons of marrlage.
Accordlng Lo Lhe Sc, Lhls ls Lhe spouses' way of
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe mysLery of creaLlon. So one who
does noL perform ls elLher unaware LhaL Lhls ls an
obllgaLlon or Lhey maybe aware LhaL Lhls ls an
obllgaLlon buL ls slmply ls lncapaclLaLed Lo perform hls
obllgaLlon because of hls defecLed personallLy sLaLus.

lmaglne ln Chl Mlng 1sol for 3 monLhs Lhe spouses
never had sexual lnLercourse and Lhls ls noL because of
lmpoLency because lL was found ouL LhaL he was noL
lmpoLenL buL because of evldence Lhe husband ls really
noL lnLeresLed ln havlng sexual lnLercourse wlLh Lhe
wlfe Lo Lhe polnL LhaL he even preLended Lo be drunk,
he purposely avolded any lnLlmaLe momenLs wlLh Lhe
oLher so lndlcaLlve of psychologlcal lncapaclLy.

ln Lhe case of 1e v 1e, Lhe Supreme CourL sald LhaL a
person who ls sufferlng from Lhe so called dependenL
personallLy dlsorder ls also gullLy of psychologlcal
lncapaclLy ls manlfesLed by Lhe one who lacks self
confldence, self respecL, lacks self worLh, someone who
ls lnLoleranL Lo Lhe commenLs or crlLlclsm of oLhers,
someone who llves under consLanL fear of belng
re[ecLed or belng abandoned. Someone who cannoL
declded for hls own wlLhouL Lhe afflrmaLlon of oLhers.
Someone who allow Lo be domlnaLed by oLhers so
Lhese are Lhe speclflc manlfesLaLlons or behavloural
manlfesLaLlon of someone sufferlng from Lhe so called
dependenL personallLy dlsorder whlch Lhe supreme
courL lnLends Lo effecL psychologlcal lncapaclLy.

ln 1e, Lwo couple or husband and wlfe, Lhey meeL ln
!apan, Lhey elope on March Lhey, Lhey marrled on May,
Lhey separaLed ln !une. lL was found LhaL Lhe husband ls
sufferlng from dependenL personallLy he could noL
make a declslon of hls own, he allowed hlmself Lo be
donaLed wlLh Lhe wlfe. SC sald LhaL Lhe husband ls gullLy
of psychologlcal lncapaclLy , parLlcularly dependenL
personallLy dlsorder.
1e vs. 1e
SC ruled for someone sufferlng from narclsslsLlc/anLl-
soclal behavlor ls equally gullLy of psychologlcal
lncapaclLy, anLl-soclal or narclsslsLlc personallLy /
dlsorder ls manlfesLed by someone who ls so
aggresslve, domlneerlng, someone who domlnaLes/
LoleranL for Lhe faulLs and weakness of oLhers, someone
who dlsrespecLs oLhers, someone who only Lhlnks of
hlmself/ someone who wanLs Lo be served llke klng or
queen ls an lndlcaLlve of defecLlve personallLy dlsorder.
1hls ls a form of a psychologlcal lncapaclLy. 1he wlfe
also domlneerlng and she manlpulaLed Lhe husband
everyLlme Lhey would flghL, she would always LhreaLen
Lhe husband LhaL she wlll commlL sulclde for her Lo geL
whaL she wanLs. SC sald An1l-SCClAL nA8ClSSlS1lC
L8SCnALl1? ulSC8uL8 - lL's a klnd of psychologlcal
na|||| vs. na||||
SC sald LhaL person who ls so lmmaLure or lrresponslble
ls gullLy of psychologlcal lncapaclLy. ln Lhls case, Lhe
husband enLered lnLo marrlage Lhlnklng LhaL lL was [usL
a [oke and when he evenLually reallze LhaL marrlage
lmposes some serlous personal obllgaLlons - he backed
off. So he flled a declaraLlon of nulllLy of marrlage based
on psychologlcal lncapaclLy. 1he SC sald , yes you are
gullLy of psychologlcal lncapaclLy - knowlng you are
lrresponslble and couldn'L perform Lhe baslc essenLlal
marlLal obllgaLlon.

Anton|o vs. keyes
1hls lnvolved a wlfe who ls affllcLed and found Lo be a
paLhologlcal llar". She lled and concealed from her
husband Lhe facL LhaL she prevlously gave blrLh of a
chlld from anoLher man. She lled Lo her husband LhaL
she allegedly raped or abuse by her broLher-ln-law
when Lhe LruLh and ln facL Lhere was no lncldenL LhaL
had happened. She lled LhaL she ls a graduaLe of
psychology when ln LruLh and ln facL she ls noL. She lled
Lo her husband abouL belng a person of greaLer means
Lo Lhe polnL LhaL she falslfled her paysllp LhaL she's
earnlng LhaL much. She lled LhaL she ls a LalenL slnger
when ln LruLh and ln facL she ls noL. She lled almosL all
abouL her llfe. So SC sald , paLhologlcal lylng ls a
manlfesLaLlon of psychologlcal lncapaclLy becoz one of
Lhe essenLlal marlLal obllgaLlon of marrlage ls open
honesL communlcaLlon. So how can one who ls a
paLhologlcal llar assume Lhe obllgaLlon of open honesL
spousal communlcaLlon.

Camacho-keyes vs. keyes
1he husband was found Lo have a dependenL
personallLy dlsorder. 1hls was manlfesLed by a serles of
fallures ln hls buslness. Pe venLured lnLo 7 buslnesses
buL all Lhese buslnesses downed Lo draln. 1he husband
couldn'L make declslons on hls own buL he relled on Lhe
declslons of hls famlly. Pe lacks concern for hls wlfe and
Lo hls famlly. Pe's always ouL of Lhe famlly. Cne Llme,
when Lhe wlfe was Lo undergo a ma[or medlcal
procedure and when Lhe wlfe requesLed hlm Lo
accompany Lo Lhe operaLlng room - Lhe husband never
cared and [usL kepL readlng Lhe newspaper. 1he SC sald,
LoLal lndlfference on Lhe parL of Lhe husband , lack of
concern for Lhe wlfe ls lndlcaLlve of uependenL
ersonallLy ulsorder. 1herefore , ground for declaraLlon
of nulllLy of marrlage under sychologlcal lncapaclLy.

kepub||c vs. Mo||na
1he SC lald down Lhe guldellnes ln Lhe appllcaLlon and
lnLerpreLaLlon of sychologlcal lncapaclLy. 1here are
seven grounds.
noLe : 3 guldellnes
ln handllng cases of sychologlcal lncapaclLy - bear ln
mlnd Lhe your ulLlmaLe ob[ecLlve ls Lo esLabllsh LhaL Lhe
person you seek Lo be ad[udged llable or gulllLy ls
lncapaclLaLed Lo perform hls/her marlLal obllgaLlon and
Lhls lncapaclLy resulLed lnLo Lhe so called personallLy
dlsorder". lor Lhe dlsorder Lo be consldered as
psychologlcal lncapaclLy as a ground Lo declare Lhe
marrlage vold under ArL. 26
1. Iur|d|ca| Antecedence - whlch means LhaL Lhe
personallLy dlsorder musL exlsL aL Lhe very leasL
aL Lhe Llme of Lhe solemnlzaLlon of marrlage
alLhough lL manlfesLs afLer Lhe solemnlzaLlon of
marrlage. ( noLe: lf Lhe dlsorder occurred afLer
Lhe solemnlzaLlon of marrlage - lL cannoL be
consldered psychologlcal lncapaclLy under arL.
36 , because for ArL. 36 Lo apply - Lhe
personallLy dlsorder /psychologlcal lncapaclLy
musL exlsL aL Lhe momenL Lhe marrlage ls
solemnlzed or even before. Seemlngly means
LhaL Lhe psychologlcal lncapaclLy ls rooLed ln
Lhe hlsLory of parLles. lL ls necessary Lo esLabllsh
when Lhe psychologlcal lncapaclLy sLarLed Lo
form parL ln Lhe psychologlcal makeup of Lhe
person and usually psychologlcal lncapaclLy ls a
form of dlsorder sLarLed from Lhe lndlvldual's
chlldhood. So normally , lf Lhe chlldhood ls
dysfuncLlonal or born Lo a dysfuncLlonal famlly ,
chances are, LhaL chlld wlll grow up affllcLed
wlLh psychologlcal lncapaclLy - so chances are
he cannoL also perform Lhe essenLlal marlLal
obllgaLlons when Lhe Llme Lhey are also
marrled. AlLhough lL ls noL requlred lL ls also
advlsable Lo engage Lhe ald of psychologlsL or
psychlaLrlsLs because laymen cannoL LesLlfy Lhls
Lo Lhe courL LhaL Lhls klnd of personallLy exlsLed
prlorL Lo Lhe marrlage buL only experLs Lralned
ln Lhe fleld of psychology. Can convlncly LesLlfy
Lo Lhe courL before Lhe courL LhaL Lhls klnd of
lllness ls anLedaLed. noL requlred buL very
2. Ser|ous]Incurab|e - Lhere ls no known cure Lo
Lhls klnd of lllness or even lf Lhere ls a known
cure - Lhe known cure ls beyond Lhe means of
Lhe person concerned.
Note: Wh||e psycho|og|ca| |ncapac|ty shou|d
be |ncurab|e, the |ncurab|||ty of the |||ness |s
e|ther abso|ute or re|at|ve.
Abso|ute - lf Lhe person ls affllcLed wlLh
psychologlcal lncapaclLy cannoL perform marlLal
obllgaLlon regardless of Lhe parLner. So
whoever he/she ls marrled Lo - LhaL person
always ls unable Lo perform hls/her marlLal
obllgaLlon because Lhe lncurablllLy of Lhls lllness
ls absoluLe .
ke|at|ve - Lhe psychologlcal lncapaclLy of an
lndlvldual ls only lncurable when you speak Lo a
speclflc parLner. lL ls posslble LhaL Lhe
psychologlcal lncapaclLy of a husband ls Lo hls
wlfe. Pe could be Lhe besL husband ln Lhe world
lf parLnered wlLh someone else because
relaLlonshlp ln marrlage Lake Lwo Lo Lango. ?ou
are [usL as good as your spouse. lor purposes of
ArL. 36 - lL can sLlll be a ground for nulllLy of Lhe
marrlage even lf lL ls relaLlve.
Cn Lhls premlse, Lhe person who ls declared
psychologlcally lncapaclLaLed can sLlll remarry,
because lL ls posslble LhaL wlLh anoLher parLner
, he/she may be able Lo perform hls marlLal
lallure noL Lo geL an erecLlon, would be basls
for psychologlcal lncapaclLy buL should esLabllsh
for Lhls purpose - lf lmpoLency per se - ls a
ground for annulmenL buL noL psychologlcal
lncapaclLy. lf esLabllshed LhaL lmpoLency ls [usL
Lhe effecLs of a cerLaln psychologlcal defecL ln a
person, Lhen maybe presenLed Lo Lhe courL -
LhaL Lhere ls someLhlng ln a person ln hls
psychologlcal makeup, LhaL makes hlm unable
Lo geL an erecLlon. 8uL should esLabllsh Lhe
connecLlon beLween Lhe lnablllLy Lo Lhe effecL.
8uL as lL ls , Lhe mere facL LhaL Lhe husband
couldn'L geL an erecLlon ls noL a ground of
psychologlcal lncapaclLy.8ecause psychologlcal
lncapaclLy ls worse Lhan lmpoLency. lmaglne,
Lhe lnablllLy Lo undersLand Lhe meanlng of
marrlage. = LhaL's worsL!

3. Grav|ty - could brlng abouL Lhe lncapaclLy Lo
perform Lhe marlLal obllgaLlon. lL musL be
dlsLlngulshed from refusal Lo perform. Mere
refusal Lo perform or neglecL Lo perform/
dlfflculLy ln Lhe performance ls noL
psychologlcal lncapaclLy. lL could be be serlous
personallLy dlsorder whlch could brlng abouL
Lhe lncapaclLy. Lven lf LhaL lndlvldual wlshes Lo
perform and he slmply cannoL perform becoz of
LhaL lllness.
noLe: 1he lncapaclLy musL refer Lo Lhe lncapaclLy Lo
perfrom marlLal obllgaLlon noL [usL any obllgaLlon. lL ls
posslble LhaL your spouse ls a brllllanL lawyer or a
brllllanL performer unyeL he/she could sLlll be declared
wlLh psychologlcal lncapaclLy because lnsofar as marlLal
obllgaLlon ls concerned - he ls unable Lo perform lL.
1he lncapaclLy musL relaLe Lo Lhe essenLlal marlLal
obllgaLlons whlch ls love, respecL, fldellLy and so forLh.
And obllgaLlons concommlLLanL Lo parenLhood. lL
should be llmlLed only Lo Lhls klnd of obllgaLlon and noL
any oLher obllgaLlons.
lL ls Loo broad Lo almosL caLer oLher grounds buL llmlLed
Lo Lhe 3 CharacLerlsLlsLlcs.
CuesLlon :
Can alcohollsm, drug addlcLlon, homosexuallLy and
lesblanlsm be ground for psychologlcal lncapaclLy?
1he answer ls ?LS. Lesblanlsm, homosexuallLy, drug
addlcLlon, alcohollsm per se never a ground for
psychologlcal lncapaclLy buL elLher annulmenL or legal
separaLlon. 8ecoz ln legal separaLlon, you [usL have Lo
esLabllsh and proof LhaL Lhe spouse ls homosexual ,
lesblan , drug addlcL and so on. Cnce Lhese facLs are
esLabllshed Lhen lL can now be annulled or by courL
order. 8uL lf Lhese grounds are used as grounds for
sychologlcal lncapaclLy, lL ls noL enough Lo esLabllsh
Lhese facLs alone. ?ou need Lo esLabllsh LhaL becoz of
Lhls, are [usL manlfesLaLlons of Lhe personallLy defecL
and becoz of Lhese personallLy defecLs - Lhe lnablllLy Lo
perform. er se - can never a ground buL lf esLabllshed
Lhe 3 characLerlsLlcs and Lhe end resulL of Lhe capaclLy
Lo perform = lL can be a ground for psychologlcal
Art|c|e 37 ( Vo|d Marr|age of be|ng Incestuous )
2 lorms :
a. A marrlage beLween ascendanLs and
descendanLs ( a relaLlve ln Lhe dlrecL llne ) as
h|gh as above and as |ow as be|ow.
nAnAnAnAnAnA kD
b. A marrlage beLween broLhers and slsLers
wheLher full or half - blood

Art|c|e 38 ( Lnumerates Vo|d Marr|age by reason of
ub||c o||cy)
1. A marrlage beLween collaLeral blood relaLlves
wheLher leglLlmaLe or llleglLlmaLe , up Lo Lhe
fourLh clvll degree
2. 8eLween sLep-parenLs and sLep-chlldren
3. 8eLween parenLs-ln-law and chlldren-ln-law
4. 8eLween Lhe adopLlng parenL and Lhe adopLed
LxcepLlon : lf Lhe adopLed chlld has a chlld of hls
own - he / she can marry Lhe adopLed parenL
becoz Lhe prohlblLlon does noL exLend Lo Lhe
chlld of Lhe adopLed chlld. AdopLlon ls merely
personal Lhe adopLlng parenL and Lhe adopLed
chlld. So Lhe adopLlng parenL cannoL conslder
Lhe chlld of hls adopLed chlld as hls grandchlld.
lL cannoL be lncesLuous.
3. 8eLween Lhe survlvlng spouse of Lhe adopLlng
parenL and Lhe adopLed chlld,
6. 8eLween Lhe survlvlng spouse of Lhe adopLed
1he prohlblLlon applles only lf Lhe adopLlng parenL or
adopLed chlld ls dlssolved by deaLh, noL lf Lhe marrlage
ls dlssolved by courL order oLher Lhan deaLh. 1haL ls
why, ArL. 38 ls speclflc for survlvlng spouse of Lhe
adopLlng parenL or Lhe adopLed chlld. lf Lhe marrlage ls
dlssolved by courL order , annulmenL or nulllLy of
marrlage - Lhe ex-wlfe of Lhe adopLlng parenL can
valldly marry Lhe adopLed chlld slnce she ls noL a
survlvlng parenL of Lhe adopLlng parenL. lL can only be
consldered survlvlng lf Lhe spouse ls dead.
7. 8eLween an adopLed chlld and a leglLlmaLe chlld
of Lhe adopLer
8. 8eLween adopLed chlldren of Lhe same adopLer,
1hey are broLher or slsLers as regards Lo Lhe adopLlng
9. 8eLween parLles where one , wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon
Lo marry Lhe oLher, kllled LhaL oLher person's
spouse , or , hls or her own spouse.
! SLepbroLhers and sLepslsLers are noL
prohlblLed. ( lf noL menLloned Lhen Lhey are
! SLep-parenL and sLepchlld
Art|c|e 40 - Governs the s|tuat|on where a person
marr|ed contracts a subsequent marr|age but the 1

marr|age |s vo|d or vo|dab|e
lf you are already marrled and you belleve LhaL your
marrlage ls vold or voldable, whaL do you do lnorder Lo
conLracL a subsequenL marrlage?
under ArL. 40, before you can conLracL a valld
subsequenL marrlage, you need Lo flle a peLlLlon ln
courL Lo declare prevlous marrlage vold or annulled
before you can conLracL a subsequenL marrlage. 1hls ls
premlse on Lhe facL/Lheory LhaL only courLs may declare
a sLaLus of a marrlage wheLher lL ls vold or voldable or
valld. So lL ls noL for Lhe parLles Lo [udge Lhe valldlLy or
Lhe lnvalldlLy of marrlage only courL can. 1haL ls why
wlLhouL Lhe courL order, marrlage ls presumed valld
unLll Lhe courL declares vold or annulled. So purpose of
ArL. 40- Lhere ls no more dlsLlncLlon beLween a vold and
voldable marrlage - Lhe common dlsLlncLlon ls LhaL -
Lhe vold marrlage ls vold from Lhe very beglnnlng and
no courL order ls necessary Lo declare lL vold - a
voldable marrlage ls valld unLll annulled buL for Lhls ArL.
40 - a vold marrlage llke a voldable marrlage ls
presumed deemed valld unLll ordered by Lhe courL as
vold. 1haL's Lhe flrsL reason why Lhere ls a need Lo
secure a courL [udgemenL declarlng Lhe 1
marrlage ls
vold becoz lL ls noL for Lhe parLles Lo [udge lf lL vold.
2. 8eason of Lhe declaraLlon LhaL Lhe 1
marrlage ls vold
- ellmlnaLes as Lo Lhe sLaLus of Lhe second marrlage
becoz wlLhouL Lhe courL order declarlng Lhe 1
ls vold , Lhe lssue of wheLher/noL Lhe 1
marrlage ls vold
hangs ln Lhe alr becoz lL ls only presumed by Lhe parLles
concerned. Pe may be wrong. A parLy esp. he ls noL
relaLed ln law - how can he expecLed Lo know LhaL Lhe
marrlage ls vold so lnorder Lo seLLle and lf Lhe sLaLus of
Lhe 1
marrlage ls noL seLLled, naLurally Lhe sLaLus of
Lhe 2
marrlage ls ln llmbo becoz Lhe 2
marrlage can
only be valld lf Lhe 1
marrlage ls seLLled buL wlLhouL
Lhe courL order. So lnorder Lo seLLle once and for all and
ellmlnaLe any doubL as Lo Lhe valldlLy of Lhe subsequenL
marrlage. ArL. 40 requlres LhaL a courL order musL be
obLalned Lo declare Lhe prevlous vold before a
subsequenL marrlage be engaged.
lor purposes of remarrlage , ArLlcle 40 provldes LhaL
Lhere should be a courL order declarlng Lhe marrlage
vold oLherwlse Lhe subsequenL marrlage ls vold. 8uL
Lhe quesLlon ls? ls lL blgamous?
Can a person who conLracLed LhaL subsequenL marrlage
be llable crlmlnally by blgamay when Lhe 1
marrlage ls
vold buL no order was lssued declarlng Lhe 1
1hls has been Lhe sub[ecL of fllpflopplng declslon of Lhe
SC over Lhe years. Cne Llme Lhe SC sald blgamous , and
Lhen noL blgamous. buL recenLly pursuanL Lo recenL
[urlsprudence sLarLlng from Mercado vs. 1an , Abunado
vs. eople , Seraflco , anLone vs. 8eronllla , !arlllo vs.
, Caplll vs. and Lhe mosL recenL one vs. Lduardo
CdLuhan. 1he SC has been conslsLenL ln holdlng LhaL
Lhe person who conLracLs a subsequenL marrlage
wlLhouL obLalnlng flrsL a courL declaraLlon of Lhe nulllLy
of Lhe prevlous marrlage ls llable crlmlnally of blgamy.
1hls ls premlse on Lhe Lheory LhaL wlLhouL Lhe courL
declaraLlon, Lhe flrsL marrlage ls presumed / deemed
valld and subslsLlng. So lL makes LhaL person llable for
blgamy LhaL ls already seLLled by Lhe [urlsprudence.
lorgeL abouL eople vs. Luclo Morlgo - Morlgo who ls
from 8ohol - was prosecuLed for blgamy becoz he
enLered lnLo 2 marrlages wlLhouL obLalnlng a courL
declaraLlon of nulllLy of Lhe prevlous marrlage. Pe was
prosecuLed of blgamy by hls flrsL wlfe. 1he SC ruled ln
favor of Morlgo - lL was esLabllshed LhaL marrlage was
vold becoz Morlgo and Lhe wlfe are only made Lo slgn
Lhe marrlage conLracL buL Lhere was no solemnlzlng
offlcer. So Lhe SC sald, Lhere was no marrlage aL all
because one of Lhe formal requlsLlLes of marrlage ls a
valld marrlage ceremony and a valld marrlage ceremony
presupposes Lhe presence of a solemnlzlng offlcer.
Solemnlznlng offlcer - one of Lhe formal requlslLes -
was also lacklng and Lherefore Lhe marrlage ls vold.
1hus , Morlgo was acqulLLed buL slnce Lhen several
cases came ouL and ln Lhese case , Lhe SC ls conslsLenL
regardless for Lhe grounds of nulllLy of Lhe prev.
marrlage lf Lhere ls no decree declarlng lL vold - lL
would always resulL Lo blgamy. ln Lhe recenL case of
eople vs. CdLuhan - Lhls ls even worse Lhan Morlgo -
CdLuhan goL marrled Lhe flrsL Llme wlLhouL obLalnlng a
courL order declarlng marrlage vold and Lhen
conLracLed subsequenL marrlage buL may be
anLlclpaLlng LhaL he'll be prosecuLed by blgamy - he
flled a peLlLlon ln courL declarlng sald marrlage vold for
lack of marrlage llcense and Lhen Lhe courL declared Lhe
marrlage as vold.
1he blgamy case was flled agalnsL CdLuhan and he
argued LhaL he cannoL be held llable by blgamy because
aL Lhe Llme Lhe blgamy was flled - Lhe 1
marrlage was
already declared by Lhe courL as vold buL he was
rebuffed by Lhe SC and lnsLead sald LhaL , LhaL ls noL an
argumenL Lo exoneraLe hlmself for hls crlmlnal llablllLy
of blgamy because blgamy punlshed Lhe acL of
conLracLlng subsequenL marrlage wlLhouL obLalnlng
declaraLlon of nulllLy from Lhe prev. marrlage. 8y mere
enLerlng lnLo Lhe subsequenL marrlage , Lhe crlme of
blgamy was already consummaLed. lL does noL maLLer
lf subsequenLly Lhe 1
marrlage was declared vold whaL
ls lmporLanL ls LhaL , aL Lhe Llme Lhe subsequenL
marrlage was conLracLed , Lhe flrsL marrlage was noL yeL
declared vold. 1he SC sald LhaL Lhe klnd of blgamy ls
deemed consummaLed Lhe momenL Lhe subsequenL
marrlage ls enLered lnLo. 1he subsequenL declaraLlon of
nulllLy of Lhe prev. marrlage ls noL defense on Lhe
charge of blgamy.
CuesLlon :
WhaL happens lf Lhe prev. marrlage ls valld and Lhe
spouse conLracLs a subsequenL marrlage buL Lhe
subsequenL marrlage ls vold?
1he flrsL marrlage ls valld and Lherefore you cannoL
apply ArL. 40 becoz lLs valld. 8uL desplLe Lhe exlsLence
of a valld marrlage, you conLracLed Lo a subsequenL
marrlage buL Lhe subsequenL marrlage ls vold may be
lack of marrlage llcense. Wlll LhaL resulL Lo prosecuLlon
noLe. : under ArL. 349 and varlous declslons of SC -
1PL8L A8L vA8lCuS 8LCulSl1LS lC8 8lCAM?
1. 1he person musL be legally marrled.
2. 1haL person conLracLlng a subsequenL marrlage
wlLhouL Lhe flrsL marrlage havlng been
3. 1he subsequenL marrlage musL have Lhe
essenLlal requlslLes for valldlLy.
8lgamy presupposes LhaL Lhe 2
marrlage musL
also be valld becoz lL musL have Lhe essenLlal
requlslLes for valldlLy. lf Lhe secondary
marrlage ls noL valld Lhen Lhere can be no
blgamy - buL Lhe SC saw lL Lhe oLher way .
eop|e vs. 1enebro
V|ctor|a Iar|||o vs.
Cap||| vs. , 1PL SC sald LhaL even lf lL ls Lhe
second marrlage or subsequenL marrlage ls
vold. 8lgamy ls sLlll commlLLed because blgamy
punlshes Lhe acL of enLerlng lnLo a subsequenL
marrlage durlng Lhe exlsLence of a prev.
marrlage. 1he facL LhaL Lhere was no courL
order declarlng Lhe prev. marrlage vold and Lhe
person conLracLed Lhe subsequenL marrlage -
LhaL ls already blgamy - lL does noL maLLer lf Lhe
subsequenL marrlage ls vold
1he SC sald LhaL ln Caplll vs. , lL ls noL an
argumenL LhaL Lhe 2
marrlage ls vold becoz
preclsely LhaL 2
marrlage ls vold slnce
blgamous. under ArL. 33 nCC - a blgamous
marrlage ls vold. lL ls noL correcL Lo argue LhaL lf
Lhe subsequenL marrlage ls vold - Lhen lL ls noL
blgamy becoz by Lhe very naLure and necesslLy
lL musL be a vold marrlage so regardless of vold
or voldable on any ground wheLher
psychologlcal lncapaclLy and Lhe llke , Lhe Lhlng
ls , lL ls already vold by belng blgamous. And
Lherefore, llablllLy for blgamy can sLlll be
lncurred. lLs clear LhaL, wheLher lL ls Lhe 1
marrlage LhaL ls vold, lL does noL maLLer -
blgamy ls commlLLed. - (1haL ls Lhe prevalllng
rullng )
Art. 41

41 conLemplaLes of a slLuaLlon where a person who ls
already marrled conLracLs a subsequenL marrlage buL
unllke ArL. 40 where Lhe prevlous marrlage ls vold. ln
ArLlcle 41, Lhe prevlous marrlage ls valld or voldable.
8uL Lhe spouse or elLher ln Lhe subslsLlng marrlage may
conLracL a subsequenL marrlage lf Lhe spouse ls mlsslng
for a perlod of 4 years under normal condlLlons or 2
years where Lhere ls danger of deaLh.

Art 40 Art 41
revlous marrlage ls vold revlous Marrlage ls valld
or voldable
8efers Lo SubsequenL
8efers Lo SubsequenL
8equlres LhaL a courL
order musL be obLalned Lo
declare a prevlous
marrlage vold.
8equlres a declaraLlon of
presumpLlve deaLh
ueclaraLlon of Lhe
prevlous vold before a
subsequenL marrlage be
May conLracL marrlage lf
Lhe spouse ls mlsslng for a
perlod of 4 years under
normal condlLlons or 2
years where Lhere ls
danger of deaLh.

1hls ls anoLher lnsLance where conLracLlng a subsequenL
marrlage durlng Lhe subslsLence of anoLher marrlage ls
allowed ln case of Lhe dlsappearance of Lhe flrsL spouse.

ln Lhe case spouse dlsappears for a perlod of 4 years or
2 years and you wanL Lo remarry whaL do you do?
under ArLlcle 41, you flle an acLlon ln courL for Lhe
announclng your spouse as presumpLlvely dead. ln LhaL
declaraLlon for peLlLlon of presumpLlve deaLh, Lhe
peLlLloner, needs Lo esLabllsh Lhe facL LhaL Lhe spouse ls
mlsslng and LhaL dlllgenL efforL was lnserLed Lo
ascerLaln Lhe whereabouLs of Lhe mlsslng spouse.

WlLhouL esLabllshlng dlllgenL efforL, Lhe courL ls llkely Lo
dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon for declaraLlon of presumpLlve
deaLh. Now, how do you estab||sh d|||gent efforts?

Cne way ls Lo glve evldence LhaL Lhe parLy, LhaL Lhe
lnLeresLed parLy have caused Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe
dlsappearance of Lhe mlsslng spouse, elLher Lhrough
radlo or newspaper. lf lL Lhrough Lhe radlo, Lhen one
can geL a cerLlflcaLlon Lhrough Lhe radlo, you can geL
someone from Lhe radlo sLaLlon Lo LesLlfy LhaL aL one
Llme a publlc announcemenL was made concernlng Lhe
dlsappearance of Lhe dlsappearlng lndlvldual or you can
geL Lhe newspaper cllpplng Lo esLabllsh LhaL efforLs
have been lnserLed Lo a cerLaln Lhe whereabouLs of Lhe
mlsslng spouse.

WlLhouL evldence of dlllgenL efforL Lhe peLlLlon for Lhe
declaraLlon of presumpLlve deaLh may be denled by Lhe
courL. Suppose LhaL courL granLs Lhe peLlLlon, Lhe
presenL spouse may noL conLracL a subsequenL
marrlage buL Lhe conLracLlng of Lhe subsequenL
marrlage ls only a voldable conLracL, lL ls a voldable
marrlage. lL ls valld buL LhaL marrlage ls under LhreaL of
belng LermlnaLed by Lhe reappearance of Lhe mlsslng
spouse. As soon as Lhe order of Lhe courL declarlng Lhe
presumpLlve deaLh ls lssued, Lhe mlsslng spouse ls
consldered for all legal lnLenLs and purposes as dead
and Lherefore Lhe prevlous marrlage ls dlssolved and
Lherefore Lhe properLles sLlll exlsLlng ln LhaL marrlage ls
llquldaLed. under 8ule 103 of Lhe lamlly code,
procedure of Lhe llquldaLlon of properLy reglme ln case
of dlssoluLlon of marrlage by reason of deaLh of elLher

1he subsequenL marrlage may be auLomaLlcally
LermlnaLed noL by Lhe mere reappearance buL by Lhe
recordlng of Lhe affldavlL of reappearance elLher by Lhe
mlsslng spouse hlmself or herself or aL Lhe lnsLance of
any lnLeresLed parLy. Note that |t |s the record|ng of the
aff|dav|t of the reappearance that automat|ca||y
term|nates the subsequent marr|age and Lhe LorLs be
revlewed marrlage whlch was already dlssolved by
reason of Lhe presumpLlve deaLh.

uon'L be mlsled wlLh whaL SLa. Marla sald LhaL Lhe mere
reappearance of Lhe mlsslng spouse renders funcLus
offlclo Lhe order of Lhe courL declarlng Lhe flrsL mlsslng
spouse as presumpLlvely dead. lL ls noL correcL. no less
Lhan Lhe SC sald LhaL unless Lhe mlsslng spouse or
unless Lhe affldavlL of reappearance ls recorded aL Lhe
approprlaLe Local Clvll 8eglsLrar elLher aL Lhe lnsLance of
Lhe reappearlng spouse or any lnLeresLed parLy Lhe
order declarlng Lhe mlsslng spouse presumpLlvely dead
remalns. It |s the on|y the record|ng of the aff|dav|t of
the reappearance that term|nates the subsequent
marr|age and restores the a|ready d|sso|ved prev|ous
marr|age and renders functus off|c|o, of no force and
effect the order of the court dec|ar|ng the presumpt|ve

ex. SSC V 1eres|ta Iarque VDA de 8a||on

1hls ls a sLory of a cerLaln ClemenLe de 8allon who was
marrled Lo Allce ulaz buL durlng Lhe exlsLence of Lhelr
marrlage, Allce ulaz dlsappeared for 13 years. And so
ClemenLe wenL Lo courL Lo flle a peLlLlon for
presumpLlve deaLh of Allce whlch was granLed by Lhe
courL. 1hereafLer ClemenLe marrled lellza and
subsequenLly marrled 1ereslLa. So ClemenLe conLracLed
3 marrlages all ln all. ClemenLe dled under Lhe care of
Lhe 3rd wlfe 1ereslLa, afLer Lhe deaLh of ClemenLe
naLurally 1ereslLa was granLed Lhe deaLh beneflLs as a
resulL of Lhe deaLh of ClemenLe, she was Lhe one Laklng
care of ClemenLe when he dled. And as usual ln any
clalm for money, Lhe oLher relaLlves of ClemenLe came
forward, one group of relaLlves conslsLlng of Lhe second
wlfe and Lhelr chlldren who also wanLs Lo dlp Lhelr
flngers lnLo Lhe esLaLes lefL by ClemenLe, anoLher group
was Lhe flrsL wlfe herself, Allce. Allce Lurned ouL Lo be
allve and Allce execuLed an affldavlL of reappearance
and recorded lL Lo Lhe Local clvll reglsLrar. So Lhere
were Lhree groups who were vylng for Lhe esLaLe of

1hls lssue was flrsL resolved by SSC. Pow dld lL ruled?
1he courL order declarlng Allce as presumpLlvely dead ls
noL valld because as lL Lurned ouL, Allce ls sLlll allve and
Lherefore Lhere was no basls Lo declare Allce as
presumpLlvely dead. So Lhe SSC ruled ln favour of Lhe
3rd wlfe. Aggrleved, Lhe parLles wenL all Lhe way up Lo
Lhe SC. And Lhe lssue Lhere ls who among Lhe clalmanLs
ls enLlLled Lo Lhe esLaLe lefL by ClemenLe 8allon?

1he SC sald, whlle Lhe SSC may have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
deLermlne Lhe lssue as Lo who ls enLlLled Lo clalm Lhe
beneflLs, Lhe courL how ever has no auLhorlLy Lo revlew,
supersede Lhe [udgemenL of Lhe 81C declarlng Allce as
presumpLlvely deaLh. lL ls slmply beyond Lhe auLhorlLy
of Lhe SSC because of course SSC ls noL an appellaLe
courL. lL has no appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe 81C. 1he
SC made a caLegorlcal rullng LhaL wlLhouL Lhe affldavlL
of reappearance recorded ln Lhe Local Clvll 8eglsLrar,
Lhe [udgemenL of 81C declarlng Lhe presumpLlve deaLh
remalns even lf Allce ls acLually presenL. So obvlously
Lhe mere physlcal presence of Lhe mlsslng now
reappearlng spouse ls noL enough Lo render funcLus
offlclo Lhe declslon of Lhe courL declarlng Lhe mlsslng
spouse as presumpLlvely dead. lL ls only Lhe recordlng
LhaL LermlnaLes Lhe subsequenL marrlage.

8uL who geLs Lo own lL? ln Lhe case, Allce proved Lo
have recorded Lhe affldavlL of reappearance. uoes lL
mean LhaL Lherefore 1ereslLa ls noL enLlLled Lo Lhe
beneflLs lefL by ClemenLe? 1he SC wenL on Lo say LhaL
whlle lL ls Lrue LhaL Allce acLually execuLed an affldavlL
of reappearance and noL recorded ln Lhe LC8, Lhe facL ls
LhaL Lhe marrlage beLween ClemenLe and 1ereslLa ls a
voldable marrlage and belng a voldable marrlage, lL can
only be aLLacked durlng Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe parLy. So as
when Allce caused Lhe recordlng of Lhe affldavlL of
reappearance, + recordlng on LC8, Lhe same dld noL
produce Lhe effecL of LermlnaLlng Lhe subsequenL
marrlage beLween ClemenLe and 1ereslLa because lL
was done afLer Lhe deaLh of ClemenLe and aL Lhe Llme
of Lhe deaLh of ClemenLe, 1ereslLa was deemed Lo be
Lhe lawful spouse. 1ereslLa goL Lo own Lhe beneflL.

ueclslon negaLes Lhe oplnlon of SLa. Marla.

Cnce subsequenL marrlage ls LermlnaLed by Lhe
recordlng of Lhe affldavlL of reappearance, Lhe effects
ment|oned |n 43 fo||ows.

Lffects of 1erm|nat|on of Subsequent Marr|age
pursuant to the record|ng of the appearance of the
m|ss|ng spouse. LDDkI

1. 1he chlldren of Lhe subsequenL marrlage concelved
prlor Lo Lhe LermlnaLlon of marrlage ls consldered
|eg|t|mate and Lhelr cusLody and supporL ln case of
dlspuLe shall be declded by Lhe courL ln a separaLe
2. 1he absoluLe communlLy of properLy or Lhe con[ugal
parLnershlp as Lhe case may be shall be d|sso|ved and
||qu|dated, buL lf Ller spouse conLracLed sald marrlage
ln bad falLh, hls or her con[ugal parLnershlp properLy
shall be forfelLed ln favour of Lhe common chlldren or, lf
Lhere are none, Lhe chlldren of Lhe gullLy spouse by a
prevlous marrlage or ln defaulL of chlldren, Lhe lnnocenL

*MenLlons of Lwo properLy reglmes. Abso|ute
commun|ty of property reglmes and commun|ty of
partnersh|p of ga|ns.

1he marrlage conLemplaLed under 41 and 42, Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhls wlll resulL Lo ArLlcle 43, Lhe properLy
whlch wlll rule ls Lhe AbsoluLe communlLy of properLy
or communlLy of parLnershlp of galns. lf LhaL ls Lhe klnd
of properLy reglme exlsLlng ln Lhe Llme of marrlage and
Lhls properLy reglme shall be llquldaLed under ArL 43,
Lhe procedure of Lhe llquldaLlon of properLles, AbsoluLe
or con[ugal ls LhaL prescrlbed under ArL 102 for absoluLe
communlLy of properLy and ArL 129 ln so far as con[ugal
properLy of galns. under Lhls poslLlon, Lhe famlly
dwelllng, Lhe house and loL, famlly dwelllng shall be
awarded or granLed Lo Lhe spouse of whom ma[orlLy of
Lhe common chlldren chose Lo sLay wlLh.

If propert|es cons|st of fam||y dwe|||ng, the fam||y
dwe|||ng, w||| go to the spouse w|th whom ma[or|ty of
the common ch||dren chose to say.

If property |s other than abso|ute commun|ty or
con[uga| partnersh|p of ga|ns, ||ke |n un|on w|thout
marr|age, or vo|d marr|ages, the property reg|mes that
governs your property re|at|on |s e|ther under Art. 147
or 148. So you can dec|are a marr|age vo|d due to |ack
of marr|age ||cense, the property reg|me |s ne|ther
abso|ute commun|ty or con[uga| partnersh|p and
therefore, the process of ||qu|dat|on |s not the one
prescr|bed |n the Art. 102 or 129 buL under 147 and
148 whlch speaks of a speclal klnd of co-ownershlp and
Lhe procedure of Lhe llquldaLlon ls Lhe one LhaL govern
llquldaLlon of properLy of under co-ownershlp. under
arL 496 of Lhe Clvll code, a co-owned properLy may be
parLlLloned extra [ud|c|a||y by agreemenL beLween Lhe
co-owners or Lhe [ud|c|a| act|on when Lhe parLles
cannoL declde, under Lhls procedure, Lhe con[ugal
dwelllng wlll have Lo be parLlLloned beLween parLles
regardless of Lhe cholce of Lhe common chlldren.

Co-ownersh|p Abso|ute Commun|ty
of roperty] Con[uga|
roperty of Ga|ns
unlon wlLhouL
marrlage, vold
conLemplaLed under
41 and 42
roperLy shall be
llquldaLed pursuanL Lo
ArLlcle 43 (have Lhe
rocedure for
llquldaLlon ls under
147 or 148
rocedure of
llquldaLlon ls under
102 and 129
Con[ugal dwelllng wlll
have Lo be parLlLloned
regardless of Lhe
cholce of Lhe common
1he famlly dwelllng
shall be awarded or
granLed Lo Lhe spouse
whom ma[orlLy of Lhe
common chlldren
chose Lo sLay.
rocess ls Lhrough
(agreemenL wlLhln
parLles) or Lhrough
[udlclal acLlon
(wlLhouL agreemenL)

ArL 44
-does noL have Lhe effecLs under 43.
Also conLemplaLes of a slLuaLlon of Lhe effecLs of Lhe
LermlnaLlon of Lhe subsequenL marrlage by Lhe
recordlng of Lhe affldavlL of reappearance. 8uL Lhey are
noL Lhe same effecLs menLloned ln 43.
Art 44 Art 43
ConLemplaLes of a
slLuaLlon of Lhe effecLs of
Lhe LermlnaLlon of
ConLemplaLes of a
slLuaLlon of Lhe effecLs of
Lhe LermlnaLlon of
subsequenL marrlage by
Lhe recordlng of Lhe
affldavlL of reappearance.
subsequenL marrlage by
Lhe recordlng of Lhe
affldavlL of reappearance.
1he parLles Lo Lhe
subsequenL marrlage
whlch ls LermlnaLed by Lhe
affldavlL of reappearance
acLed ln bad falLh. 8oth of
1he subsequenL marrlage
ls a marrlage where both
part|es where |n good
fa|th, or one of the part|es
acted |n bad fa|th.

Pow Lo deLermlne bad falLh and good falLh of parLles?
noLe LhaL bad falLh conslsL of Lhe knowledge LhaL Lhe
mlsslng spouse who ls know declared by Lhe courL as
presumpLlvely dead ls acLually allve. lf Lhe parLles knew
aL Lhe Llme of Lhelr marrlage LhaL Lhe mlsslng spouse ls
acLually allve and yeL conLlnued wlLh Lhe proceedlngs of
Lhe marrlage Lhen Lhey are deemed Lo have acLed ln
bad falLh.
noLe LhaL 8ad falLh ls deLermlned as of Lhe Llme of Lhe
solemnlzaLlon of Lhe subsequenL marrlage. 8oLh parLles
aL Lhe Llme of marrlage musL know LhaL Lhe mlsslng
spouse ls sLlll allve. CLherwlse, lf lL came afLer Lhe
solemnlzaLlon of marrlage Lhen 44 does noL apply and
Lhey are deemed Lo have acLed ln good falLh and
Lherefore effecLs are Lhose menLloned ln 43 lnsLead of
Marr|age va||d unt|| annu||ed.
Do not use annu|ment |f actua||y referr|ng to a vo|d
marr|age. ou cannot annu| a vo|d marr|age, you can
on|y ask for the dec|arat|on of nu|||ty of a vo|d
marr|age what you can have the court to annu| |s a
vo|dab|e marr|age. So |f marr|age |s vo|d, your act|on |s
act|on for the nu|||ty of a vo|d marr|age. If marr|age |s
vo|dab|e, your act|on |s act|on for annu|ment of a
vo|dab|e marr|age. Do not |nterchange. 1hey are two
d|fferent an|ma|s.
Vo|d Marr|age Vo|dab|e Marr|age
vold from Lhe very
valld unLll annulled.
CannoL be annulled you
can only flle for Lhe nulllLy
of a vold marrlage
Annulled because Lhey are
voldable marrlages.
AcLlon ls acLlon for Lhe
nulllLy of a vold marrlage
AcLlon ls acLlon for
annulmenL of a voldable
marrlage. uo noL
Crounds musL exlsL aL Lhe
very momenL of Lhe
solemnlzaLlon of Lhe
marrlage or lL sLarLed
before buL never
vold because of lack of
boLh LssenLlal or lormal
8equlslLes of marrlage
voldable because of
defecLs ln Lhe essenLlal
requlslLes of marrlage.

lf grounds exlsL afLer Lhe solemnlzaLlon of marrlage lL
cannoL be used as a ground for annulmenL. Maybe
under legal separaLlon buL never under ArL 43.
1. Lack of arenLal ConsenL
- before Lhe parLy reaches 21 or afLer Lhe
parLy reaches 21.
- AcLlon may noL prosper lf Lhe parLy who
falled Lo obLaln parenLal consenL freely
cohablLs wlLh Lhe oLher spouse upon
reachlng Lhe age of 21.
- lree cohablLaLlon, consLlLuLes a defecL Lo
Lhe marrlage and Lherefore, lL forecloses a
peLlLlon for acLlon of annulmenL.
noLe LhaL perspecLlve perlod under 47
presupposes acLlon for annulmenL can sLlll
be flled. 8uL under ArL 43, an acLlon for
annulmenL cannoL anymore be flled lf Lhere
ls free cohablLaLlon whlch a mounLs Lo
- lree cohablLaLlon = no annulmenL
2. unsound Mlnd (lnsanlLy)
-aL Lhe Llme of Lhe solemnlzaLlon of marrlage
3. lraud
-vlLlaLed consenL of Lhe parLy
-uefecL ln Lhe essenLlal requlslLe

ArL. 46 Lhere are only 4 klnds of
mlsrepresenLaLlon of decelL LhaL can be a
ground for annulmenL of voldable marrlage, no
oLher klnd of decelL or mlsrepresenLaLlon may
be a ground for annulmenL under Lhe law.

1. nondlsclosure of Lhe facL LhaL one have
been convlcLed by flnal [udgemenL lnvolvlng
moral LurplLude.
2. ConcealmenL by Lhe wlfe of Lhe facL LhaL aL
Lhe Llme of marrlage she was already
pregnanL by anoLher man.

noLe: 1he law ls speclflc LhaL Lhere ls lraud
under ArL 43 when Lhe wlfe ls pregnanL aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe marrlage by anoLher man
and Lhls facL ls concealed by Lhe wlfe from
Lhe oLher. So LhaL lf Lhe wlfe ls pregnanL
even before or glven blrLh Lo Lhe chlld years
before Lhe marrlage and Lhls facL ls
concealed by Lhe wlfe from Lhe husband aL
Lhe Llme of marrlage, Lhls does noL saLlsfy
Lhe courL, because Lhe law ls speclflc at the
t|me of marr|age, Lhe wlfe musL be
pregnanL by LhaL man, but th|s fact |s
3. ConcealmenL of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe spouse ls
affllcLed wlLh sexually LransmlLLed dlsease
regardless of lLs naLure exlLlng aL Lhe Llme
of marrlage.
S1u musL exlsL aL Lhe Llme of marrlage, and
Lhls facL ls concealed by Lhe one from Lhe
oLher so LhaL lf Le S1u exlsLed years before
Lhe marrlage and aL Lhe Llme of marrlage no
S1u exlsLed, even lf LhaL facL ls concealed
from Lhe oLher LhaL cannoL be consldered
fraud under ArL. 43 because Lhe law ls
speclflc. lL musL exlsL aL Lhe Llme of
4. ConcealmenL of urug addlcLlon, Alcohollsm,
Lesblanlsm, PomosexuallLy.
noLe LhaL Lhe express provlslon of ArL. 43 aL
Lhe Llme of marrlage. lf one was
homosexual before and for some mlracle he
ceased Lo be a homosexual, and aL Lhe Llme
of solemnlzaLlon he was no longer
homosexual buL he concealed Lhls facL from
Lhe oLher lL does noL fall under ArL. 43.
4. lorce and lnLlmldaLlon
-lnnocenL spouse has 3 years Lo flle Lhe acLlon
reckoned from Lhe dlsappearance of Lhe force,
lnLlmldaLlon. 8uL Lhe acLlon Lo flle can be
foreclosed by Lhe cohablLaLlon. lf afLer Lhe
dlsappearance of Lhe force and lnLlmldaLlon or
undue lnfluence Lhe vlcLlm conLlnues Lo freely
cohablL wlLh Lhe oLher, Lhere ls deemed Lo be
raLlflcaLlon so no acLlon for annulmenL can
3. hyslcal lncapaclLy Lo ConsummaLe Marrlage
-lmpoLency on Lhe parL of Lhe husband, or LhaL
condlLlon of Lhe wlfe who would suffer
excruclaLlng paln durlng lnLercourse. lncapaclLy
Lo consummaLe marrlage.

Note that the one who can f||e th|s act|on |s
the gu||ty spouse not the |nnocent.

6. Sexually 1ransmlLLed ulsease. Whlch musL be
serlous and lncurable.
- noLe: lf lL serlous and lncurable and
concealed, lL can elLher be under fraud or
number 6.
Lack of arenLal ConsenL:
Who can flle:
Grounds Who can f||e rescr|pt|on
arenLal ConsenL arenLs

broLhers, Lhe
person who has
Lhe legal charge
of Lhe parLy
arLy hlmself
AL any Llme Lhe
parLy reaches 21
8efore Lhe parLy
reaches Lhe age
of 21.

WlLhln 3 years
afLer reachlng
unsound Mlnd 1he lnsane
1he guardlan ,
relaLlve or
person havlng
legal charge of
Lhe lnsane
Sane Spouse
who have no
knowledge of
Lhe lnsanlLy
upon comlng Lo
reason or a lucld
8efore ueaLh of
LlLher parLy

AL any Llme
before deaLh of
elLher parLy

lorce and
Cffended spouse 3 years from
of Lhe cause
lraud Cffended
3 years from
dlscovery of Lhe
lncapaclLy Lo
CullLy Spouse 3 years from
Llme of
solemnlzaLlon of
S1u lnnocenL 3 years from
Llme of
solemnlzaLlon of

Art. 4S (Iraud) Ground 6
lf S1u ls noL serlous for lL
Lo be a ground of
annulmenL lL should be
concealed and musL be
exlsLlng aL Lhe Llme of
marrlage. 8ecause under
arLlcle 43 paragraph 3,
Lhe lssue ls regardless of
Lhe naLure, as long as lL ls
lL doesn'L need Lo be
concealed. WhaL makes
Lhe S1u a ground for
annulmenL under par 6 ls
belng serlous and
lncurable. lL can be a
ground even lf lL ls noL

Wlfe on her own rlghL may flle a peLlLlon for annulmenL
anyLlme before Lhe deaLh of elLher parLy. 8uL Lake noLe
LhaL whlle Lhe sane spouse who have no knowledge of
Lhe lnsanlLy ln Llme of Lhe marrlage may flle an acLlon
for annulmenL buL hls or her rlghL Lo flle an annulmenL
ls subordlnaLed Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe lnsane Lo raLlfy Lhe
marrlage so LhaL lf Lhe lnsane person comes Lo reason
and conLlnue Lo freely cohablL wlLh Lhe oLher, Lhe sane
spouse who has no knowledge of Lhe lnsanlLy aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe marrlage may no longer flle an acLlon for
annulmenL because Lhe marrlage was deemed raLlfled
by Lhe cohablLaLlon.
Note that under par 1,2,3,4 rat|f|cat|on |s poss|b|e by
free cohab|tat|on and rat|f|cat|on proposes act|on for
annu|ment but for S and 6, th|s |s not suscept|b|e for
rat|f|cat|on by free cohab|tat|on.
no problem lf hyslcal lncapaclLy ls a ground because
3years ls enough as a ground for Lhe offended parLy Lo
dlscover or Lake noLlce of Lhe physlcal lncapaclLy of Lhe
oLher. lL ls noLlceable lf your spouse or husband ls
sufferlng from lmpoLency, unbellevable lf she cannoL
deLermlne LhaL ground durlng Lhe perlod of 3 years. So
3 years perspecLlve perlod ls even long enough, because
LhaL ground ls readlly noLlceable. So also wlLh S1u,
serlous and lncurable lf LhaL S1u ls your common Lype
of S1u llke gonorrhea, syphllls. 1hese are Lhe S1u LhaL ls
easlly noLlced by Lhe spouse. 1hese are Lhelr pecullar
physlcal manlfesLaLlon.
1he characLerlsLlc of syphllls ls - so lL ls easlly
noLlceable. Conorrhea by pus.
1he 3 year prescrlpLlve perlod may come from Lhe day
of Lhe solemnlzaLlon of Lhe marrlage. - lLs falr enough.
1he problem wlLh Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod ls noL Laklng
lnLo accounL LhaL Lhe S1u cannoL easlly be deLecLed.
now, socleLy has evolved and so are lllnesses. We have
now some klnd of sexual Lransmlsslble dlseases LhaL are
noL easlly deLecLable llke Plv. 1hls lllness lncubaLes a
longer perlod. lL ls posslble LhaL you happned LhaL you
marry someone who ls already affllcLed wlLh S1u aL Lhe
Llme of marrlage buL Lhe lllness manlfesL lLself afLer 10
years. 1here's a problem by Lhen your acLlon Lo annul
Lhe marrlage wlll now prescrlbe. So Lhe sald provlslon
be nulllfled so LhaL Lhe lllness ls noL easlly noLlceable -
Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod should be counLed from Lhe
Cnce annulmenL ls declared by courL, under arL. 30 , Lhe
effecLs menLloned ln ArL. 43 ar.1 , 2, 3, 4,and 3 ls
slmllarly applled. 1he same effecLs lf Lhe marrlage ls
annulled under ArL. 43. - ArL. 43 applles so also lf Lhe
marrlage ls declared vold by reason of ArL. 40 - Lhe
same effecLs menLloned ln ArL.43 apply. 1he effecLs
menLloned ln ArL. 43 , applylng Lo Lhe followlng klnds of
1. SubsequenL marrlage LermlnaLed by Lhe
recordlng of reappearance - effecLs ArL. 43
2. voldable marrlage - effecLs of Lhe decree of
annulmenL ls ArL.43
3. Marrlage vold under ArL. 40 - (subsequenL
marrlage vold because of fallure Lo obLaln a
decree of [udlclal nulllLy of prev. marrlage) LhaL
subsequenL marrlage ls vold under ArL.40 -
effecLs ArL. 43
(8ased on Lhe expressed provlslon of ArL. 30 )
lL says LhaL Lhe effecLs menLloned under ArL. 43
speclflcally 2,3,4, and 3 apply ln case for a marrlage
declared vold under ArL. 40 or Lhe marrlage ls
annulled by vlrLue of ArL. 43. Cbvlously, lf Lhe
marrlage ls declared vold - Lhe effecLs of ArL. 43 do
noL apply. arLlcularly on Lhe llquldaLlon of Lhe
properLy reglme. 1he properLy reglme ls governed
by elLher ArL. 147 or 148 whlch menLlons only a
speclal klnd of ownershlp. 1he only klnd of vold
marrlage whlch produces Lhe effecLs of ArL. 43 ln
case lL ls declared vold ls a marrlage vold by reason
of ArL. 40 - Lhls ls so because ArL. 30 speclflcally
menLlons vold marrlage under ArL. 40 . So lf Lhe
marrlage ls vold on any oLher ground oLher Lhan
ArL. 40 - lorgeL abouL ArL. 43 becoz Lhe governlng
provlslons are elLher 147 or 148.
Car|o vs. Car|o
1he SC commlLLed a mlsLake ln Lhe case.
Carlno lnvolved 2 marrlages conLracLed by a cerLaln
pollceman who was so obsessed wlLh women named
Susan and he marrled Susan nlcdao and marrled Susan
?ee Lhe second Llme. So he was marrled Lo 2 Susans.
LvenLually, Lhls pollceman dled and so Lhe 2 Susans are
scrumbllng for Lhelr parL. Susan ?ee argued LhaL Susan
nlcdao ls noL enLlLled Lo clalm Lhe esLaLe lefL by Lhe
husband becoz Lhe flrsL marrlage of Lhe pollceman Lo
Susan nlcdao ls one of Lhe reason for lack of marrlage
llcense. 1he lssue ls who geLs Lo own Lhe properLy
owned by Mr. Carlno.
1he SC resolved Lhe case on Lhe followlng:
1. 1he lssue on wheLher Susan ?ee ls enLlLled Lo
geL Lhe properLy (Lhe second wlfe) . 1he SC sald
, lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhe 1
marrlage wlLh Susan
nlcdao ls vold for lack of marrlage llcense buL lL
ls also Lrue LhaL Mr. Carlno conLracLed a
subsequenL marrlage wlLh Susan ?ee wlLhouL
flrsL obLalnlng a declaraLlon of nulllLy of
marrlage on Lhe 1
marrlage wlLh nlcdao and
Lherefore under ArL. 40 - Lhe subsequenL
marrlage of Carlno and Susan ?ee ls equally vold
under ArL. 40. 8uL Lhe SC proceed Lo rule LhaL
slnce Lhe marrlage ls vold under ArL. 40 - Lhe
properLy reglme ls now governed by ArL. 147 or
148 whlch ls wrong! 8ecause 147 and 148
applles only Lo a marrlage vold based on Lhe
grounds of ArL. 40. 1he rullng whlch ls more
conslsLenL wlLh Lhe language of Lhe law and
should be Lhe one should prevall ls Lhe rullng ln
Lhe case valdes vs. 81C - Lhe SC made a
caLegorlcal declaraLlon LhaL for marrlages whlch
ls vold - Lhe properLy reglme ls LhaL - provlded
under 147 or 148 excepL marrlage vold by
reason of ArL. 40 whlch ls governed by ArL. 43
ar.2 - meanlng Lhe properLy reglme ln LhaL
manner ls elLher absoluLe communlLy or
con[ugal parLnershlp of galn. 1herefore Lhe
mode of llquldaLlon ls dlfferenL Lhan 147 and
148. 1hls was conflrmed ln Lhe laLer case ln
ulno vs. ulno.
D|o vs. D|o
lf Lhe marrlage ls declared vold by reason of ArL. 40,
LhaL's Lhe Llme ArL. 43 ar.2 applles. 8uL lf Lhe
marrlage ls declared on any oLher ground such as
psychologlcal lncapaclLy- Lhe properLy reglme ls LhaL
of 147 and 148.
noLe: Sec. 19 ar.1 on Lhe rules of declaraLlon on
nulllLy of marrlage and annulmenL of voldable
marrlage - 1PL8L lS A 8CvlSlCn 1PA1 S1A1LS -
before Lhe declslon of Lhe courL declarlng a
marrlage vold / declarlng a marrlage annulled. 1he
declslon should conLaln a provlslon whlch should
sLaLe LhaL Lhe decree for annulmenL or Lhe decree
of nulllLy can only be lssued afLer compllance wlLh
Lhe provlslons of ArL. 30 , 31 and 32. (Lalks abouL
Lhe manner of llquldaLlon of properLy reglme
exlslLlng ln LhaL marrlage. ArL. 30 makes reference
Lo ArLlcle 43. ArLlcle 31 - provldes on Lhe rule for
Lhe dellvery of presumpLlve leglLlmes. ArLlcle 32 -
provldes for Lhe rule LhaL Lhe [udgemenL declarlng
marrlage vold or annulled should be recorded wlLh
Lhe approprlaLe local clvll reglsLrar or reglsLrles of
properLles as well as Lhe llquldaLlon, parLlLlon and
dellvery of properLles of Lhe spouses. All Lhese
should be recorded ln Lhe approprlaLe local clvll
reglsLrar / or reglsLrles of properLles wlLhouL
compllance of ArL. 30, 31, and 32 - Lhe decree of
annulmenL or Lhe decree of nulllLy of a vold
marrlage may noL be lssued.
noLe: uo noL confuse wlLh [udgemenL of nulllLy or
[udgemenL of annulmenL wlLh decree of nulllLy or
decree of annulmenL. 1hese are Lwo dlfferenL
documenLs - Lhe [udgemenL ls Lhe declslon LhaL
declares Lhe marrlage vold lf lL ls vold or annulled lf
lL ls voldable. 8uL Lhls ls noL Lhe one whlch should
be enforced, Lhls ls noL Lhe one whlch should be
forwarded Lo Lhe Local Clvll 8eglsLrar or Lo Lhe
8eglsLrles of roperLles. AparL from Lhls declslon,
Lhe law requlres an lssuance of a decree. 1he
decree ls noL Lhe declslon , lL slmply conLalns Lhe
dlsposlLlve porLlon of Lhe declslon because Lhe
declslon could run as many pages. 8uL Lhere's only
one dlsposlLlve porLlon Lhe wherefore porLlon"
whlch sLaLes. Wherefore , Lhe marrlage beLween A
and 8 ls hereby declared vold by reason of
sychologlcal lncapaclLy of A or 8 or 8C1P.
(dlsposlLlve porLlon of Lhe declslon)
1he decree ls Lhe documenL separaLe from Lhe
declslon whlch conLalns Lhe merely coples Lhe
dlsposlLlve porLlon and Lhe decree can only be
lssued afLer compllance wlLh ArLlcle 30,31, and 32
wlLhouL complylng wlLh ArLlcle 30,31 and 32, no
decree can be lssued and Lherefore ,Lhe declslon
cannoL yeL be lmplemenLed and Lhus , Lhe parLles
may noL marry because whaL compleLes Lhe process
ls Lhe recordlng of Lhe decree of annulmenL or
decree of nulllLy ln Lhe approprlaLe local clvll
reglsLrar. ln ulno vs. ulno, Lhe SC sald, lf Lhe
marrlage ls declared vold by reason of oLher
grounds oLher Lhan ArL. 40 - you have Lo apply 147
or 148. 1he procedure ls llquldaLe Lhe properLles
under Lhe rules of co-ownershlp and Lhe rules of co-
ownershlp provldes parLlcularly ArL. 496 of Lhe clvll
code. 1he properLy under Lhe sLaLe of co-ownershlp
may be dlvlded or parLlLloned ln Lwo ways.
1. LxLra[udlclal parLlLlon - whlch can be done by
parLlLlon by Lhe parLles agreelng Lo Lhe parLlLlon
Lhemselves or lf Lhey cannoL agree wlLhln
Lhemselves by [udlclal acLlon Lhru an acLlon for
[udlclal parLlLlon.1hls ls Lhe only modes of
dlvlslon or llquldaLlon of a properLy under Co-
ownershlp pursuanL Lo 147 and 148 whlch ls a
speclal klnd of co-ownershlp. 1he procedure ln
ArL. 30,31, and 32 - do noL apply becoz lL
governs Lhe procedure ln Lhe llquldaLlon of Lhe
properLles whlch are under Lhe reglme of
absoluLe communlLy of properLy or con[ugal
parLnershlp of galns. lf Lhe marrlage ls declared
vold by Lhe courL, lL ls noL a precondlLloned LhaL
Lhe parLles can apply ArL.30,31, and 32 - becoz
Lhese provlslons ln Sec. 19 ar. 1 of Lhe rules do
noL apply. 1hls only applles lf Lhe marrlage ls
declared vold by reason of ArLlcle 40 or Lhe
marrlage ls annulled under ArL. 43 or Lhe
marrlage ls LermlnaLed by reason of recordlng
of Lhe affldavlL of reappearance. lf lL ls declared
vold by reason of psychologlcal lncapaclLy, Lhe
decree of nulllLy of marrlage can be
lmmedlaLely lssued wlLhouL walLlng for Lhe
llquldaLlon under 30,31, and 32. 1he decree
lLself can be lssued and Lhe parLlLlon of Lhe
properLy may follow. lL ls noL a prerequlslLe of
Lhe lssuance of nulllLy unllke lf Lhe marrlage ls
declared vold by reason of ArLlcle 40 where
30,31, and 32 ls prerequlslLe Lo Lhe lssuance of
a decree.
Lega| Separat|on
1he grounds are enumerated under Art|c|e SS.
unllke annulmenL, Lhe grounds for legal
separaLlon may exlsL before , durlng , or afLer
Lhe solemnlzaLlon of Lhe marrlage. lf S1u
occurred afLer Lhe solemnlzaLlon of Lhe
marrlage noL under annulmenL buL under legal
Lffects of Annu|ment:
under 63 and 64 , legal separaLlon produces
some legal effecLs.
ulfferenL from annulmenL and nulllLy of
Marrlage remalns lnLacL buL can llve separaLely.
1helr properLy reglme ls LermlnaLed and
llquldaLed even lf Lhe marrlage ls sLlll exlsLlng.
1he lnnocenL spouse ceases Lo be an helr of Lhe
noLe: 1he spouses are sLlll marrled Lo each
oLher (husband and wlfe) so when one of Lhem
dles Lhen Lhe oLher one becomes an helr of Lhe
oLher. !" $%&'& () * +(,, $%&- ).//&))(0- "0,,0+)1
LxcepLlon :
1he gullLy spouse ls dlsquallfled from lnherlLlng
from Lhe oLher by vlrLue of lnLesLaLe successlon.
lf Lhere ls a wlll execuLed by Lhe lnnocenL
spouse namlng Lhe gullLy spouse as an helr -
LhaL wlll ls revoke by operaLlon of law.
uonaLlon made by one ln favor of Lhe oLher one
valld buL lf Lhe done ls Lhe gullLy spouse , Lhe
donor may revoke Lhe donaLlon. 1he donaLlon ls
valld or revocable aL Lhe lnsLance of Lhe
lnnocenL spouse. lf Lhe donee happens Lo be
Lhe gullLy spouse. 1he revocaLlon should be
done by flllng an acLlon ln courL wlLhln 3 years
from Lhe flnallLy of Lhe decree legal separaLlon.
lnsofar as Lhe lnsurance pollcy obLalned by Lhe
lnnocenL spouse namlng Lhe gullLy spouse Lhe
as beneflclary of Lhe lnsurance company - lL ls
revocable. 8uL unllke donaLlon, Lhe revocaLlon
can be effecLed by noLlfylng Lhe lnsurance
company of Lhe revocaLlon or by noLlfylng Lhe
lnsurance company by Lhe change of
beneflclary. no need for a courL acLlon.
1here are grounds for Den|a| of et|t|on for
Lega| Separat|on :
4. Colluslon
3. MuLual CullL
6. rescrlpLlon

Consent - Lakes place before Lhe ground for legal
separaLlon Look place. 1hls ls elLher express or lmplled.
lf you expressly Lold your husband Lo fool around and
you don'L care , your peLlLlon for legal separaLlon wlll be
denled by Lhe courL becoz you consenLed Lo your
husband from commlLLlng an acL consLlLuLlng for legal
separaLlon. Cr noL exress llke lmplled , you knew abouL
lL buL you dldn'L mlnd - LhaL's an lmplled consenL.
1akes place before Lhe acL ls commlLLed or Lakes place
whlch consLlLuLlon for legal separaLlon.

Condonat|on- Lakes place afLer Lhe acL consLlLuLlve of
Lhe ground Look place.

Lx. ?ou knew Lhe hunkypunky of your spouse and you
dldn'L do anyLhlng abouL lL, Lhen condonaLlon ls exlsLenL
may be expressed or lmplled.

An lmplled form of condonaLlon ls when you dlscover
LhaL your wlfe ls playlng wlLh anoLher Leam , sexual
lnfldellLy buL desplLe Lhls knowledge you welcome her
wlLh your arms and conLlnue Lo cohablL wlLh your wlfe
(lmplled condonaLlon Lhe acL commlLLed by afLer.)

! CorrupL agreemenL Lo commlL an acL
consLlLuLlve for Lhe ground . Slmllar Lo colluslon
- also an lnLense corrupL agreemenL.
D|st|nct|on between Conn|vance and Co||us|on
Connlvance - parLles are acLlvely parLlclpaLed ln Lhe acL
glvlng lles Lo Lhe ground for legal separaLlon.
Lx. 1he husband hlmself furnlshlng Lhe wlfe wlLh a man
and may be Lhe 3 of Lhem have Lhelr Lhree-some and
mlndblowlng , smashlng..
1haL's connlvance because Lhe husband parLlclpaLed ln
Lhe sexual lnfldellLy.
ConsenL - Lhe spouse who glve consenL dld noL
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe acL glvlng lles Lo Lhe ground for legal
Co||us|on - Lhe parLles agreed , a corrupL agreemenL
buL as dlsLlngulshed from connlvance , Lhe parLles
agreed Lo come up wlLh a ground for legal separaLlon.
nCrmally, Lhls ls demonsLraLed by Lhe acLs of Lhe parLles
ln maklng acL a ground for legal separaLlon.
Lx. labrlcaLlng a ground - ls colluslon
When Lhe husband would agree LhaL he ls a homosexual
when ln LruLh and ln facL = he ls noL ( LhaL ls colluslon -
could be a ground for Lhe denlal of peLlLlon for legal
rescr|pt|on - 3 years from occurrence of Lhe cause
Lx. WhaL happens lf Lhe spouse was already gay from
blrLh? AfLer marrlage.
Answer. Can sLlll flle a peLlLlon for legal separaLlon from
Lhe occurrence lL ls exlsLlng.
nomosexua||ty - ls a conLlnulng sLaLe of belng
uurlng Lhe marrlage, Lhe homosexual spouse ls
consldered homosexual . 1he ground ls occurrlng.
?ou can always argue LhaL lL ls from Lhe Llme Lhe
lnnocenL spouse came Lo know Lhe homosexuallLy.

Conv|ct|on - by flnal [udgemenL senLenclng Lhe spouse
Lo a penalLy more Lhan slx years.
Supposed Lhe convlcLlon Look place years2x before Lhe
marrlage, no acLlon for legal separaLlon can be flled.
1he pr|nc|p|e : 1he prospecLlve parLy should exerclse
due dlllgence ln dlscoverlng Lhe hldden defecLs of Lhe
prospecLlve spouse.
lf you exerclse due dlllgence before buylng vehlcle or
any properLy of LhaL maLLer Lhen no reason LhaL you
can'L exerclse due dlllgence. Many Llmes over lf you're
plannlng Lo commlL yourself for a llfe of mlsery and
noLe : If you want to be happy don't marry!!!!! (medyo
ku|es Govern|ng Dec|arat|on of Nu|||ty of Vo|d
Marr|age , Dec|arat|on of Annu|ment of Vo|dab|e
Marr|age , and ku|es Govern|ng Lega| Separat|on
1here are admlnlsLraLlve clrculars lssued by Lhe SC
speclflcally for Lhese klnds of proceedlngs. 1hey are
almosL ldenLlcal and a few dlsLlncLlons.
8efore a peLlLlon for annulmenL/nulllLy/legal separaLlon
shall proceed whlch ls necessary LhaL Lhe courL wlll
dlrecL Lhe prosecuLor Lo lnvesLlgaLe lf Lhere ls colluslon
beLween Lhe parLles.
1he prosecuLor wlll lnvesLlgaLe lf Lhe parLles are noL
maklng grounds for annulmenL or nulllLy or legal
separaLlon of marrlage. lf Lhe prosecuLor flnds LhaL
Lhere ls colluslon and Lhls flndlng ls conflrmed by Lhe
courL Lhen Lhe case would be dlsmlssed.
lf no colluslon ls esLabllshed Lhen Lhe case would
proceed for pre-Lrlal and Lrlal.
lL ls posslble LhaL Lhe defendanL upon recelpL of
summons elLher falls Lo flle an answers or refuses Lo flle
an answer or flles an answer buL Lenders no lssue
means LhaL he does noL deny Lhe allegaLlon ln Lhe
peLlLlon and lmplledly admlLs Lhe allegaLlon ln Lhe
Lx. 1he plalnLlff says LhaL Lhe husband ls psychologlcally
lncapaclLaLed and Lhe husband says, ?es l am
psychologlcally lncapaclLaLed. 1he answer Lenders no
normally, lf Lhe defendanL admlLs Lhe allegaLlon ln Lhe
peLlLlon or complalnL. - LhaL dlspenses Lhe requlremenL
of Lrlal becoz Lrlal ls only necessary lf Lhere are lssues
lnvolved and Lhere are only lssues when one alleges and
Lhe oLher denles. Llke when one says , Lhe defendanL
owes me 1 mllllon buL he defendanL denles and says l
don'L owe you anyLhlng - a facLual lssue - 1he
allegaLlon of Lhe plalnLlff ls denled by Lhe defendanL and
Lhls requlres Lrlal and Lhe courL wlll deLermlne as Lo
who of Lhem ls Lelllng Lhe LruLh. ( 8ules on Lvldence)
lf Lhe allegaLlon of Lhe plalnLlff ls admlLLed by Lhe
defendanL, or when Lhe defendanL does noL care Lo flle
an answer. - courL wlll no longer hold Lrlal because
Lhere ls no more facLual lssue. And Lherefore , Lhe courL
wlll hold [udgemenL on Lhe lssue and facLual basls.
lf Lhe defendanL doesn'L care Lo flle an answer Lhen Lhe
allegaLlons ln Lhe complalnL or peLlLlon ls deemed
unrebuLLed and Lherefore Lhe courL wlll now render
[udgemenL on Lhe basls of Lhe allegaLlon or complalnL
and deLermlne lf lL ls enough Lo susLaln Lhe [udgemenL.
ln any case, no Lrlal ls needed slnce Lhere ls no lssue aL
all. 1hls rule does noL apply on peLlLlons for legal
separaLlon because lf Lhe defendanL elLher refused or
falled Lo flle an answer , Lhey cannoL be declared by Lhe
courL. 1he courL sLlll has Lo go forward wlLh Lhe Lrlal or
Lhe defendanL ln an acLlon for nulllLy/annulmenL/legal
separaLlon admlLs Lhe allegaLlon ln Lhe peLlLlon- Lhe
courL cannoL render a [udgemenL on Lhe pleadlngs. 1he
courL ls sLlll requlred Lo go forward wlLh Lhe Lrlal and
requlre Lhe plalnLlff Lhe peLlLloner Lo prove Lhe grounds
relled upon ln Lhe peLlLlon. 1hls ls Lrue even lf Lhe
defendanL already admlLs Lhe LruLh of Lhe allegaLlon ln
Lhe peLlLlon. lL ls posslble LhaL desplLe Lhe admlsslon
made by Lhe defendanL LhaL lL ls Lrue LhaL ground ls
elLher annulmenL /nulllLy or legal separaLlon. 1he
peLlLlon can sLlll be dlsmlssed or denled by Lhe courL lf
Lhe plalnLlff ls noL able Lo prove Lhe allegaLlons ln Lhe
peLlLlon and desplLe Lhe allegaLlon of admlsslon made
by Lhe defendanL- LhaL ls how Lhe courL order proLecLs
Lhe sancLlLy of marrlage.
As a maLLer of facL, lf Lhe defendanL does noL appear
durlng Lhe Lrlal, Lhe courL ls mandaLed Lo dlrecL Lhe
prosecuLor Lo appear before Lhe Lrlal represenLlng Lhe
SLaLe Lo see Lo lL LhaL Lhe evldence presenLed by Lhe
peLlLloner ls noL fabrlcaLed or Lhe evldence are noL
Any declslons rendered by Lhe [udge and no prosecuLor
durlng Lhe Lrlal ls vold. lf Lhe defendanL does noL appear
and does noL parLlclpaLe, Lhen Lhe presence of Lhe
prosecuLor represenLlng Lhe SLaLe whlch ls
lndlspensable -
Absence of Lhe prosecuLor renders Lhe [udgemenL vold.
8uL ln Lhe slLuaLlon Lhe defendanL flles an answer and
acLlvely parLlclpaLe ln Lhe Lrlal becoz he opposes Lhe
peLlLlon -he denles Lhe allegaLlon and ob[ecLs Lo Lhe
peLlLlon - Lhe presence of Lhe prosecuLor ls no longer
necessary becoz vehemenL ob[ecLlon of Lhe defendanL
ls enough Lo safeguard and ensure LhaL Lhe evldence of
Lhe peLlLloner ls noL fabrlcaLed or suppressed.
noLe : 1he presence of Lhe prosecuLor ls only lnLended
Lo safeguard Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe evldence noL fabrlcaLed
and noL suppressed.
And Lhls purpose ls presumably served lf Lhe defendanL
conLesLs Lhe peLlLlon because lf Lhe defendanL conLesL
ln Lhe peLlLlon Lhen he should see Lo lL LhaL Lhe
evldence ls noL fabrlcaLed nor suppressed.
ln legal separaLlon, Lhere ls a cerLaln provlslon whlch
sLaLes LhaL upon flndlng for legal separaLlon Lhe
courL ls noL supposed Lo conducL Lrlal wlLhln 6 monLhs
from Lhe Llme of Lhe flllng of peLlLlon for legal
separaLlon. 1hls ls so called Lhe 6-monLh coollng off
perlod". - lL wlll noL move and Lhe purpose ls Lo glve Lhe
parLles Llme Lo reconclle. 8uL whaL ls sub[ecL for Lhe
coollng-off perlod ls only Lhe peLlLlon on Lhe merlLs. -
lssue on Lhe legal separaLlon (courL cannoL Louch lL
wlLhln Lhe 6-monLh coollng-off perlod. ) 8uL any oLher
lncldenLs llke supporL , ln[uncLlon - Lhe wlfe can always
ask for Lhe courL Lo lssue an ln[uncLlon Lo a man. lL can
be acLed by Lhe courL even ln Lhe 6-monLh coollng off
perlod. WhaL ls suspended ls maln case for Lhe peLlLlon
of legal separaLlon.
1he 6-monLh coollng-off perlod does noL apply Lo
annulmenL peLlLlon. lL ls pecullar only Lo legal
1he marlLal bond ls noL severed ln legal separaLlon. lL ls
lndeed remalned lnLacL. AlLhough Lhe sLaLus of Lhe
marrlage ls noL cerLaln. When Lhe law encourages Lhe
parLles Lo seLLle/reconclle , lL presupposes LhaL Lhe
maLLers LhaL Lhe parLles may agree or may compromlse
upon are maLLers oLher Lhan Lhe sLaLus ln marrlage.
Note : 1he sLaLus of marrlage can never be sub[ecL of
compromlse. lL can never be sub[ecL Lo speculaLlon
because under ArL.1 of lamlly Code - Lhe naLure,
lncldence and consequence of marrlage ls noL governed
and sub[ecL Lo sLlpulaLlon.
A peLlLlon for nulllLy or annulmenL for voldable
marrlage - Lhe marrlage bond ls under LhreaL of belng
dlssolved. And Lherefore , Lhe parLles are prohlblLed
from compromlslng Lhe sLaLus of LhaL marrlage because
Lhe sLaLus of Lhe marrlage ls beyond compromlse. 1he
grounds should be proved ln courL. lL cannoL be sub[ecL
Lo sLlpulaLlon. 1haL ls why coollng -off perlod whlch ls
lnLended for compromlses and reconclllaLlon does noL
apply for peLlLlons of nulllLy/annulmenL of voldable
Cne of Lhe dlsLlncLlon beL. nulllLy of marrlage and
voldable marrlage ls LhaL, ln nulllLy of marrlage - a
marrlage whlch was solemnlzed durlng Lhe effecLlvlLy of
Lhe lamlly Code AugusL 3, 1988 and onwards - and Lhe
peLlLlon flled on March 13, 2003 and onwards - Lhe rule
ls speclflc LhaL only Lhe husband or Lhe wlfe may flle a
lf Lhe marrlage was solemnlzed durlng Lhe effecLlvlLy of
Lhe lamlly Code - meanlng on or afLer AugusL 3, 1988
and Lhe peLlLlon for nulllLy/peLlLlon for annul menL of
voldable marrlage was flled before or durlng March
13,2003 or onwards ( only Lhe husband or Lhe wlfe may
flle a peLlLlon and a Lhlrd parLy may noL whlch means
LhaL a dlrecL acLlon Lo nulllfy a vold marrlage can only
be flled by Lhe husband or Lhe wlfe buL Lhls rule only
applles lf Lhe marrlage ls solemnlzed durlng Lhe
effecLlvlLy of Lhe lamlly Code and Lhe peLlLlon flled on
March 13,2003 .
8ecause lf Lhe marrlage was solemnlze before Lhe
effecLlvlLy of Lhe lamlly Code or even lf durlng Lhe
effecLlvlLy of Lhe lamlly Code buL Lhe peLlLlon for nulllLy
of vold marrlage was flled before Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhe
SC clrcular on Lhe rules governlng nulllLy of Lhe vold
marrlage - meanlng before March 13,2003 - any
lnLeresLed parLy may flle an acLlon Lo declare a marrlage
as vold. 1hls was Lhe rullng ln Carlos vs. Sandoval where
Lhe broLher of Lhe deceased flled an acLlon Lo nulllfy Lhe
marrlage of Lhe deceased husband becoz he wanLs Lo
clalm Lhe esLaLe of hls broLher and seeks Lo exclude Lhe
wlfe from Lhe share of Lhe esLaLe of hls broLher. Cne of
Lhe lssues ralsed was wheLher or noL Lhe broLher has
Lhe legal personallLy Lo quesLlon Lo flle an acLlon Lo
declare Lhe marrlage of hls deceased broLher vold. SC
ruled LhaL as lL ls now, under Lhe admlnlsLraLlve clrcular
lssued by Lhe SC on Lhe rules governlng acLlon/peLlLlon
for nulllLy of marrlage. lL ls preferred LhaL only Lhe
husband or Lhe wlfe may flle.
A marrlage whlch was solemnlzed before Lhe lamlly
Code, SC sald LhaL Lhls rule applles only lf Lhe marrlage
ls solemnlzed durlng Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhe lC and Lhe
peLlLlon was flled durlng Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls
AdmlnlsLraLlve Clrcular - meanlng march 13, 2003 and
onwards. lf before - any lnLeresLed parLy may flle.
1haL's Lhe case of nlnal -Lhe chlldren were allowed Lo
flle an acLlon Lo nulllfy Lhe marrlage of Lhelr faLher and
Lhe second wlfe buL noL now. 8uL Lhls rule llmlLlng Lhe
flllng of Lhe peLlLlon for declaraLlon of nulllLy Lo Lhe
husband/wlfe applles only lf Lhe acLlon ls a dlrecL acLlon
Lo nulllfy marrlage because lf Lhe sLaLus of Lhe vold
marrlage ls aLLacked collaLerally ln anoLher proceedlng
noL an acLlon Lo declare Lhe vold marrlage vold - any
lnLeresLed parLy may quesLlon Lhe valldlLy of LhaL
marrlage.- lf lL ls a collaLeral aLLack.
Lx. N|na| vs. N|na|
Pad Lhe case been flled under Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhe lC
or durlng Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls new rules - Lhe chlldren
may noL have flled Lhe peLlLlon for nulllLy of marrlage
coz lL's a dlrecL aLLack buL lL does noL mean LhaL Lhe
chlldren cannoL quesLlon Lhe marrlage of Lhelr faLher
and Lhe second wlfe. 1hey may do so sLlll under Lhe new
8ules buL Lhey could only do lL collaLerally. And Lhe
collaLeral acLlon conLemplaLed by Lhe rule now ls an
acLlon for Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased
spouse. Pad Lhls case been declded under leasL
premlse, Lhe chlldren should have flled a peLlLlon ln
courL for seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe of Lhelr faLher and ln
LhaL peLlLlon assalllng Lhe valldlLy of marrlage beLween
Lhelr faLher and norma 8adayog. ln Lhls case, Lhe courL
may declare LhaL Lhelr faLher and 2
wlfe marrlage ls
AnoLher acLlon where Lhe sLaLus of marrlage vold may
be collaLerally aLLacked ls an acLlon for supporL.
Supposed A marrled 8 wlLhouL marrlage llcense and
afLer Lhe marrlage Lhe husband abandoned and Lhe wlfe
flles an acLlon Lo courL Lo compel Lhe husband Lo
supporL her. 1he husband can always lnLerpose Lhe
defense LhaL he cannoL be compelled wlLh supporL
because Lhe marrlage ls vold for lack of marrlage
llcense. - LhaL can be done even lf lL ls noL an acLlon Lo
declare Lhe marrlage vold because Lhe acLlon here ls full
supporL . 8uL because Lhe lssue of Lhe valldlLy of
marrlage ls puL forward by Lhe parLy and by way of
defense - Lhe courL ln LhaL acLlon may lnqulre lnLo Lhe
sLaLus of Lhe marrlage and lf warranLeed by evldence -
declare LhaL Lhe marrlage ls lndeed vold. ( collaLeral

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