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TAHUN 2014
P!"#$%& D'%(&"
Name : I Putu Bandem Arista Putra
Address : Sanitasi Street, Number 14,Blok B, Sidakarya-South
Phone Number : 0!"#$%&$&"
'mail : bandem(arista)*mail(+om
,ender : -ale
Date o. Birth : Pupuan, No/ember &4
0i*h : 1% +m
1ei*ht : %0 k*
-arital Status : Sin*le
Nationality : Indonesia
2eli*ion : 0indu
0obby : Photo*raphy
3ob Pre.eren+e : 0ealth 4aboratory Personnel
E)*+%'(#$ I$,#!-%'(#$
P!(#) E)*+%'(#$ S'%. S+/##& I)$'('0
&001 - &00" 'lementary S+hool SDN 1 Sibetan
&00" - &010 3unior 0i*h S+hool S-PN 1 Bebandem
&010 - &01# Senior 0i*h S+hool S-AN 1 Bebandem
&01# - no5 6ni/ersity Poltekkes Denpasar-0ealth Analyst
L%$.*%. P!#,(+($+0
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R%)($. 2!('($. S3%4($. L("'$($.
1 Balinese 7ery *ood ,ood 7ery *ood ,ood
& Indonesian 7ery *ood ,ood 7ery *ood 7ery *ood
# 'n*lish ,ood ,ood ,ood ,ood
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N*-1! A33&(+%'(#$ A1(&('0
1 -s( 1ord 7ery *ood
& -s('8+el ,ood
# -s(A++es ,ood
4 -s( Po5er Point 7ery *ood
! Adobe Photoshop 7ery *ood
% 9orel Dra5 ,ood
Denpasar, 3uly &
, &014
I P*'* B%$)- A!("'% P*'!%
3uly 4
, &014
-r( ,ede 3aya
:uantum 9lini+al 4aboratory
Sesetan 2oad, number &0, Denpasar, Indonesia
Dear -r( ,ede 3aya,
I *et this in.ormation on the 5ebsite o. :uantum +lini+al laboratories, in laboratories that you
are lookin* .or employee health analysts( I applied .or the position o. -edi+al 4aboratory
Personnel :uantum no5 a/ailable in the 9lini+al 4aboratory(
I ha/e a Diploma in 0ealth Analyst III +lini+al s+ien+es and my pro*ram +entered on
9hemi+al, Biolo*i+al, +lini+al and so.t skills( I also take additional +ourses that in+lude
hematolo*y( I ha/e +ompleted the ;inal '8amination 4aboratory polyte+hni+ sta..
+ompeten+e in Denpasar, and I am li+ensed to pra+ti+e(
I ha/e e8perien+e 5orkin* in a hospital laboratory in <aran*asem, 5here I run a number o.
di..erent tests to +he+k .or blood and other body .luids .rom patients to determine ele+trolytes
and +holesterol le/els and to determine 5hether they are other health problems that in+rease
their +on+erns(
I ha/e the interpersonal skills to help +reate a *ood 5orkin* en/ironment amon* employees( I
+an 5ork 5ell in the laboratory( I ha/e spoken and 5ritten skills are e8+ellent 5ith the ability
to keep detailed re+ords o. all a+ti/ities that o++ur in the laboratory( I ha/e the ability to
mana*e my time 5isely and I al5ays pay attention to detail( I al5ays obey the rules,
re*ulations and la5s related to this pro.ession(
I am lookin* .or a position 5here I +an utili=e my skills .or patients and broaden my +areer( I
belie/e the >ob .or your lab is the per.e+t opportunity to do that, and I belie/e that I ha/e a lot
to you .a+ilities(
1ith this +o/er letter, I *a/e my 9urri+ulum 7itae and +onta+t me( ?ou +an +all me and I look
.or5ard to meetin* 5ith you soon to dis+uss this position and my belie. in *reater detail(
@hank you .or lookin* at my letter(
I Putu Bandem Arista Putra
F#! T/ H%&'/ B$,('" #, G!$ B%$"
,reen beans are the staple +rops that ha/e a s+ienti.i+ name 7i*na radiata( ,reen bean
plants typi+ally ha/e a hei*ht o. less than about # .eet tall 5ith bran+hin* stems and has a
.lo5er shaped like a *reenish yello5( ,reen beans themsel/es ha/e *reen seed +oats
5ith 5hite beans( ,reen beans +an stren*then bones( ,reen beans +ontain phosphorus and
+al+ium that are bene.i+ial in the *ro5th and stren*thenin* bones( In addition, mun* bean
protein +ontent is /ery hi*h Aabout &4BC(
,reen beans are /ery *ood .or heart health( 6nsaturated .at +ontent in *reen beans
sa.e .or +onsumption and heart health bene.its( Be+ause the .at is unsaturated .at, .or those
5ho ha/e problems 5ith 5ei*ht do not ha/e to 5orry about eatin* *reen beans(
Bene.its o. *reen beans ne8t is to help the absorption o. protein, pre/ents +an+er, berries, to
impro/e the per.orman+e o. ner/e( @his is be+ause the *reen beans +ontain /itamin B1 and
/itamin B& enou*h(
Besides *ood .or your health and pre/ent illness o. some sort( Bene.its o. *reen beans
are also /ery *ood .or pre*nant 5omen( ,reen beans +ontain .oli+ a+id 5hi+h is important .or
pre*nant 5omen( Pre*nant 5omen +an eat *reen beans early in pre*nan+y or be.ore
pre*nan+y( '..i+a+y o. .oli+ a+id +ontained in /ery *ood .or neurolo*i+al de/elopment in
in.ants in the 5omb(
Bene.its o. *reen beans that +ontain .oli+ a+id +an also a/oid the o++urren+e o. in.ant
heart de.e+ts, +le.t lip, and a /ariety o. other disabilities( In addition ;oli+ a+id +an also
impro/e babyDs intelli*en+e(
F#! T/ H%&'/ B$,('" #, G!$ B%$"
,reen beans themsel/es ha/e *reen seed +oats 5ith 5hite beans( ,reen beans +an
stren*then bones( ,reen beans +ontain phosphorus and +al+ium that are bene.i+ial in the
*ro5th and stren*thenin* bones( ,reen beans are /ery *ood .or heart health( 6nsaturated .at
+ontent in *reen beans sa.e .or +onsumption and heart health bene.its(
Bene.its o. *reen beans ne8t is to help the absorption o. protein, pre/ents +an+er,
berries, to impro/e the per.orman+e o. ner/e( @his is be+ause the *reen beans +ontain /itamin
B1 and /itamin B& enou*h( Besides *ood .or your health and pre/ent illness o. some sort(
Bene.its o. *reen beans are also /ery *ood .or pre*nant 5omen( ,reen beans +ontain .oli+
a+id 5hi+h is important .or pre*nant 5omen( '..i+a+y o. .oli+ a+id +ontained in /ery *ood .or
neurolo*i+al de/elopment in in.ants in the 5omb(
2abies is a =oonoti+ disease Aa disease that is transmitted to humans .rom animalsC
that is +aused by a /irus( @he disease a..e+ts domesti+ and 5ild animals, and is spread to
people throu*h +lose +onta+t 5ith in.e+tious material, usually sali/a, /ia bites or s+rat+hes(
2abies is present on all +ontinents 5ith the e8+eption o. Antarti+a, but more than $!B
o. human deaths o++ur in Asia and A.ri+a( En+e symptoms o. the disease de/elop, rabies is
nearly al5ays .atal(
2abies is a ne*le+ted disease o. poor and /ulnerable populations 5hose deaths are
rarely reported( It o++urs mainly in remote rural +ommunities 5here measures to pre/ent do*
to human transmission ha/e not been implemented( 6nder-reportin* o. rabies also pre/ents
mobili=ation o. resour+es .rom the international +ommunity .or the elimination o. human
do*-mediated rabies( <ey .a+ts:
1( 2abies o++urs in more than 1!0 +ountries and territories(
&( -ore than !! 000 people die o. rabies e/ery year mostly in Asia and A.ri+a(
#( 40B o. people 5ho are bitten by suspe+t rabid animals are +hildren under 1! years o.
4( Do*s are the sour+e o. the /ast ma>ority o. human rabies deaths(
!( 1ound +leansin* and immuni=ation 5ithin a .e5 hours a.ter +onta+t 5ith a suspe+t rabid
animal +an pre/ent the onset o. rabies and death(
%( '/ery year, more than 1! million people 5orld5ide re+ei/e a post-e8posure /a++ination
to pre/ent the diseaseF this is estimated to pre/ent hundreds o. thousands o. rabies
deaths annually(
People are usually in.e+ted .ollo5in* a deep bite or s+rat+h by an in.e+ted animal(
Do*s are the main host and transmitter o. rabies( @hey are the sour+e o. in.e+tion in all o. the
estimated !0 000 human rabies deaths annually in Asia and A.ri+a(
Bats are the sour+e o. most human rabies deaths in the Ameri+as( Bat rabies has also
re+ently emer*ed as a publi+ health threat in Australia and 1estern 'urope( 0uman deaths
.ollo5in* e8posure to .o8es, ra++oons, skunks, >a+kals, mon*ooses and other 5ild +arni/ore
host spe+ies are /ery rare(
@ransmission +an also o++ur 5hen in.e+tious material F usually sali/a F +omes into
dire+t +onta+t 5ith human mu+osa or .resh skin 5ounds( 0uman-to-human transmission by
bite is theoreti+ally possible but has ne/er been +on.irmed(
2arely, rabies may be +ontra+ted by inhalation o. /irus-+ontainin* aerosol or /ia
transplantation o. an in.e+ted or*an( In*estion o. ra5 meat or other tissues .rom animals
in.e+ted 5ith rabies is not a sour+e o. human in.e+tion(
1( A++ordin* to the te8t abo/e 5hat is the meanin* o. rabiesG
&( 0o5 many human deaths e/ery year in Asia and A.ri+a +aused by rabiesG
#( 0o5 to rabies transmissionG
4( A++ordin* to the te8t abo/e 5hat the animals as a sour+e o. rabiesG
!( 1hi+h are usually .ound measures to pre/ent do*s to humans has not been
16 A $*!" 7%$'" '# +/%$. /! $(./'8"/(,' 1+#- -#!$($.8"/(,'6 T/ /%) $*!"
)#"$9' %.!
Nurse : H'8+use me sir, 9an I ask you somethin*GI
0ead Nurse : HY": #, +#*!"6 1hatGI
Nurse : HI 5ant to +han*e my shi.t today, I 5ould like to take the mornin*
shi.t( 1hether beGI
0ead Nurse : HI;- "# "#!!0: 0#* +%$$#'6 I. you 5ant to +han*e your shi.t, you
ha/e to tell me yesterdayI(
Nurse : HEkay( @hank you sirI(
26 Y#*! -#'/! 7(&& +##4 +/(+4$ "#*36 Y#* 3!,! ,!()8!(+
-e : H-om, 5hat kind o. .ood the mother 5ould +ook todayGI
-other : HI think it 5ould +ook +hi+ken soup, be+ause your .ather asked me to
+ook +hi+ken soupI(
-e : HEh, mother( 9an you help meGI
-other : H1hat +an I do, kidGI
-e : HI 5ant .ried ri+e( ItDs been so lon* I ne/er eat .ried ri+e made in
mom, please make to meI(
-other : HI )# $#' '/($4 "#( I do not ha/e e**s and /e*etables to make .ried
-e : H9ome on -om, IDm *oin* to buy it, then please make it .or meI(
-other : HT/%';" 7/%' I '/#*./'( <indly *o to buy itI(
-e : HO4%0 M#-, 5ait a minute( IDll be ri*ht ba+kI(
-other : HBe +are.ul sonI(

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