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19/9/2014 Homework 1 1/4
Current Score : 17 / 18 Due : Saturday, September 20 2014 11:59 PM CDT
1. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.001.
The speed of a nerve impulse in the human body is about 100 m/s. If you accidentally stub you toe in the dark, estimate the
time it takes the nerve impulse to travel to your brain. (Assume that you are approximately 1.60 m tall and that the nerve
impulse travels at uniform speed.)
0.016 s

2. 2/2 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.003.
A person travels by car from one city to another with different constant speeds between pairs of cities. She drives for 25.0 min
at 60.0 km/h, 5.0 min at 75.0 km/h, and 35.0 min at 30.0 km/h and spends 60.0 min eating lunch and buying gas.
(a) Determine the average speed for the trip.
23.4 km/h
(b) Determine the distance between the initial and final cities along the route.
48.75 km

3. 3/3 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.020.
A particle starts from rest and accelerates as shown in the figure below.
(a) Determine the particle's speed at and at
20 m/s
5 m/s
(b) Determine the distance traveled in the first 20.0 s. (Enter your answer to one decimal place.)
263 m

Homework 1 (Homework)
abdullah alageel
PHYS 237, section 3, Fall 2014
Instructor: Jonathan Jerke
t = 10.0 s t = 20.0 s.
t = 10.0 s
t = 20.0 s
19/9/2014 Homework 1 2/4
4. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.021.
A 50.0-g Super Ball traveling at 29.5 m/s bounces off a brick wall and rebounds at 17.5 m/s. A high-speed camera records this
event. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 4.75 ms, what is the magnitude of the average acceleration of the ball during this
time interval?
9.78*10**3 m/s

5. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.022.
The average person passes out at an acceleration of 7g (that is, seven times the gravitational acceleration on Earth). Suppose a
car is designed to accelerate at this rate. How much time would be required for the car to accelerate from rest to 59.3 miles per
hour? (The car would need rocket boosters!)
0.38 s

6. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.023.WI.
A certain car is capable of accelerating at a rate of 0.65 m/s
. How long does it take for this car to go from a speed of 45 mi/h to
a speed of 55 mi/h?
6.87 s

7. 4/4 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.045.
A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 31.0 m/s.
(a) How high does it rise?
48.98 m
(b) How long does it take to reach its highest point?
3.16 s
(c) How long does the ball take to hit the ground after it reaches its highest point?
3.16 s
(d) What is its velocity when it returns to the level from which it started?
30.99 m/s

19/9/2014 Homework 1 3/4
8. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.046.
A ball is thrown directly downward with an initial speed of 7.70 m/s, from a height of 30.5 m. After what time interval does it
strike the ground?
1.82 s

9. 2/2 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.047.
A certain freely falling object, released from rest, requires 1.60 s to travel the last 20.0 m before it hits the ground.
(a) Find the velocity of the object when it is 20.0 m above the ground. (Indicate the direction with the sign of your
answer. Let the positive direction be upward.)
-4.65 m/s
(b) Find the total distance the object travels during the fall.
21.10 m

19/9/2014 Homework 1 4/4
10.1/2 points | Previous AnswersSerCP10 2.P.026.
A car traveling at a constant speed of 34.0 m/s passes a trooper hidden behind a billboard. One second after the speeding car
passes the billboard, the trooper sets off in chase with a constant acceleration of 3.30 m/s
. How long does it take the trooper to
overtake the speeding car? Solve this problem by a graphical method. On the same graph, plot position versus time for the car
and the trooper.

From the intersection of the two curves, read the time at which the trooper overtakes the car.
22.65 s

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