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OCTOBER, 1974 75c

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Desert Magazine Book Shop

Box 1318, Palm Desert, California 92260

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•R.'.n • ' • * • • • • • • GUIDEBOOK

WILLIAM KNYVETT, Publisher-Editor

GEORGE BRACA, Art Director
ENID C. HOWARD, Associate Editor
F. A. BARNES, Utah Associate Editor MAGAZINE
GLENN VARGAS, Lapidary Editor
K. L. BOYNTON, Naturalist
MARVEL BARRETT, Circulation Manager Volume 37, Number 10 OCTOBER 1974





NEVADA'S GORGE COUNTRY 16 Mary Frances Strong



Colorful Navajo grand-
mother in her Monument
Valley home. ESCALANTE COUNTRY 36 E.C.Howard



DESERT LIFE 15 HansBaerwald

1975 BOOK CATA LOG 21 Books for Desert Readers

RAMBLING ON ROCKS 42 Glenn and Martha Vargas

LETTERS TOTHE EDITOR 47 Readers'Comments

CALENDAR OF EVENTS 47 Club Activities

EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea St., Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Area Code 714 346-8144.
Listed in Standard Rate and Data. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, Canada and Mexico; 1 year, $6.00; 2 years, $11.00; 3 years, $16.00. Other
foreign subscribers add $1.00 U. S. currency for each year. See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow five weeks for change of address and
send both new and old addresses with zip codes. DESERT Magazine is published monthly. Second class postage paid at Palm Desert, California and
at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Contents copyrighted 1974 by DESERT Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all
contents must be secured in writing. Manuscripts and photographs will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Desert/October 7974
SPECIAL Publishers
MARIETY IS THE spice of life, and
VOLUMES 1 / that is what the October issue is all New Mexico is a country where edges
meet —formed by the Western rim of the
y about! Varying from our usual style, Great Plains, the windy ridges of the
George Leetch brings you the first in- Rockies and the strangeness of the Son-
stallment of a two-part article on hiking oran Desert. It is a vertical country, where
one looks down from cold fir-spruce for-
along an old Spanish mission trail in Baja ests into hot valleys of yucca, cactus anc
California. This was no casual stroll and desert flowers a mile below.
its successful completion required the Traditions and cultures are as variable
as the landscape. Here is the Dinetah, the
use of an airplane, a boat and a camper,
Holy Land of the Navajos made safe from
in addition to some well-toned muscles. monsters by the Hero Twins and guardec
Complete Our naturalist, K. L. Boynton, enlight- by the four Sacred Mountains. Here, too,
are the pueblos of the Keresan, Tanoan
'70 '71 '72 ens us about the fast and flashy ring-tail and Zunian people who had built a peace-
VOLUMES cat in his feature entitled, "Desert Acro- ful democratic society while Europe blec
through the Dark Ages and who still cal
bat." Mary Frances Strong examines
the clouds with their ritual dances. Anc
Nevada's Gorge Country and their here remain the old Hispanic mountain
strange land formations. villages which mark the last frontier of the
Spanish Empire.
Over in Utah, Fran Barnes extolls at
In this collection of landscapes by Davic
length on the wonders of Dead Horse Muench and illuminating words by Tony
Point and how it was named. This is a Hillerman, New Mexico's many and var-
ied contrasts unfold in a unique blend thai
beautiful part of the mighty Colorado
is her mysterious beauty —and a grandeur
River scenery that is overlooked (no pun that is our natural heritage.
1973 intended) by the majority of tourists and Hardcover, large format, 188 pages,
VOLUME $22.00 until January 1, 1975, then $25.00.
visitors. It's a " m u s t " for desert lovers!
Enid Howard has a colorful account of 25c handling charge
Escalante Country, with its alpine mea- California residents add 6% sales tax
dows, towering canyons, luring back-
country areas, and a paradise for rock- . Magazine Book Shop
hounds and camera buffs. In fact, you Box 1318, Palm Desert, California 92260
name it, and Escalante Country has it!
The rockhounds get a bonus this Lowest Photo Print Prices
month with a feature by Jack Pepper on
Highest Quality
"Rain Barrel" Quartzsite, Arizona, a little spot on the
Assorted issues map that is making a big impression with DEVELOPED & PRINTED
1959 to 1965 the rock and gem folk. Standard 12 Jumbo Prints 1.93
To be really different, we've inserted Standard 12 Jumbo Prints and
our 1975 Book Catalog which, hopefully, New Roll of KODACOLOR 2.84
Kodacolor Neg. Standard reprints 14
will make your shopping by mail easier.
This catalog can be removed and saved & ENVELOPES. All Photo
for future use by those of you who do not Prices are Comparably low.
save your magazines. No gimmicks.
No lies.
Finally, Diane Thomas has a tale of a More than 50 years of con-
Mail all orders to: DEPT. T
murdered friar in New Mexico who, for tinuous photo service guar-
DESERT Magazine antees your quality and our
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 some strange reason, will not stay buried
and he keeps rising to the surface. It
Personal check or money order must
might not be a real ghost story, but it MARKET BASKET PHOTO C O .
accompany your order. P. O. Box 370, Yurna, Arizona 85364 or
Be sure to include your zip code. sure is a classic example of "you can't P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, Calif. 92112
keep a good man down."
Desert/October 1974

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1908 "As a child loves" — May the Peace and Joy 1845 Christmas Eve C a l l e r s - M e r r y Christmas
of Christmas he with you, e t c . - V . Miller and Happy New Year-Thomas

Send an honest-to-goodness "Western Merry Christmas" with
these beautiful cards. They feature the finest in western art
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THE SEA OF CORTEZ was over a mile would be the last we would see of roads in California's Anza-Borrego Desert
below us, a vast puddle of shimmering for many miles as our plane took us south State Park and my wife, J ean and I head-
blue in the first light of the morning sun. along the east coast of Lower California. ed our Jeep Wagoneer south into Mexi-
1 hrough the windows of the airplane we Our destination was a small cluster of co's rugged, 1,000-mile-long peninsula.
could make out the hazy shoreline of palm trees and green foliage in the beau- The new paved road, which would stretch
mainland Mexico's Sonoran coast. Clos- tiful and remote Bahia Agua Verde, some from California's international border
er, to our right, the great granite Picacho 600 miles down the gulf shore of the arid, down to "lands end" at Cabo San Lucas,
del Diablo, Baja California's loftiest sun-baked peninsula. Before our trip was was just a bit over 100 miles short of com-
peak, thrust up 10,000 feet above sea over, it would involve not only the use of pletion. We were anxious to prowl into
level. San Felipe appeared ahead and we an airplane, but also car, boat and finally, some of Baja's hidden corners before the
could see the tiny forms of Mexican fish- the real point of our venture, to hike with final link was finished.
ermen aboard the fleet of shrimp boats backpack along an ancient Spanish mis- During the past 30 years, I had logged
which floated at anchor in the bight of the sion trail. As I gazed down on the sere, many miles over the "Forgotten Penin-
crescent-shaped bay. brown hills and rocky promontories which sula" in my various four-wheel-drive ve-
Within what seemed only minutes, the flowed under our plane like an endless hicles. Most of these miles were driven
Islas Encantadas hove into view and we belt, my thoughts went back to the events when the trans-peninsular highway was
marked where the dusty scratch of road which led to our present adventure. only a dream and old-timers scoffed at the
turned inland at Bahia San Luis Conzaga It had really started in June of '73. I possibility that a paved road would ever
and twisted into the rugged interior. That was on vacation from my job as a ranger traverse the length of Baja California's

An aerial

the old
trail and
its remoteness
and told
us the
' * / , . - ' . • • • " • • •
would not
easy one.
• • • > • •

wildnrss. Now that dream was almost a beauty. working on the new highway,normally
realii s and I considered the probable con- One day we were exploring a bay south earned his living by fishing. He was af-
sequence with mixed emotions. of Loreto known as Ensenada Blanca. We fable and a storehouse of information
Foi the June trip, Jean and I set our were having lunch on the white sand near about the country. As we visited, I ques-
sight1, on the region around Loreto. This the water's edge when an outboard tioned him about a possible route along
is a nost appealing area and provides a motor-driven skiff appeared from across the coast to the south. He assured me that
jumping-off place into some of Baja's the bay and landed on the beach. A slen- there was indeed a foot path, although he
most '.pectacular country. Bold, craggy der young Mexican stepped out of the had never traveled it. The trail was an old
mountains, long, curving beaches and boat and greeted us. This was our intro- mission route which went through the
deep blue bays guarded by bird-covered duction to Romeo and, in a way, he shap- mountains and along the shore to an iso-
islands give this territory a special prehis- ed our destiny. lated village of palm-thatched houses at
toric < |uality. It is easy to imagine that you We talked for awhile in Spanish of var- Bahia Agua Verde. Our friend didn't
are I he first to gaze on its unspoiled ious things. Romeo, although presently know the distance, but believed that the
Desen October 1974 7
hike could be accomplished in two or
three days. He warned, however, that he
had heard of no fresh water along the
Although we were sorely tempted to in-
vestigate this unknown path, Jean and I
knew our limitations. A trip of this sort
would take careful planning. There would
be another time and we vowed to return
and walk the trail from start to finish.

A revolutionary new design
attaches to front and rear
slot. For all G.I. cans and
all 6" high rear panels.
All steel construction and
electric welded.
Type E Only
INQUIRIES Send for FREE Brochure Showing
INVITED. Other Models to Fit Any Vehicle.
1141 Wiltsey Rd. S.E., Salem, OR 97302,
We left Loreto the following morning were the mountains which had to be
and drove up the Baja peninsula in an crossed? Would we have to carry all of our
The New, Powerful easy three days. What a difference it was
from previous trips before the paved
water? How much food to take? These
and many other questions occurred to us.
highway when the best time I could aver- It was while discussing the dilemma
age was a jolting 10 miles per hour. with our friends, Marvin and Aletha
It was good to be home once more, but Patchen, of Ramona, California that a sol-
uppermost in our minds was the lure of ution to the problem was presented. Both

2 inch the ancient foot path to Agua Verde. Our

reference books on Lower California of-
of them are aficionados of Baja California
and were full of enthusiasm when they

Gold Dredge, Model 100 fered only vague, tantalizing clues to this
seldom-used route. Almost 300 years
learned of our half-formulated plans.
Marvin, who is owner-publisher of the
— weighs less than 30 lbs., and ago, it had served to connect a chain of popular aviation magazine Aero, and is
has many outstanding advant- missions from Loreto to La Paz. The also a pilot, proposed that we take a re-
ages over conventional models. segment of the trail which stirred our in- connaissance flight to survey the Ligui-
— A specially designed high terest started at the crumbling ruins of Agua Verde region. This would allow us
pressure pump mounted on a gas the Ligui Mission, 20 miles south of Lore- to assess the route, determine its condi-
stingy 2 Cycle 1.6 h.p. 0 & R to. We read that the mission was founded tion and possibly arrange for a boat to
engine that delivers 70 psi when by the Jesuit Fathers in 1705. Sixteen take us to the start of the trail. This sug-
restricted to 1/4" orfice. Comes
years later, after a series of devastating gestion met with our instant approval.
equipped with a take apart
attacks by the fierce Pericu Indians, the So, within just a month of the trip to
enclosed impeller.
mission was abandoned. From Ligui, the Baja California, we returned by air. We
— A new type jet that accepts
trail followed the coast 23 miles to the flew past Loreto and finally located the
the suction hose internally and
becomes larger in I.D. rather fishing village of Agua Verde. old mission trail as it twisted and turned
than restricts. The sketchy background of history through the mountains and along the
For further information write: which we managed to uncover only whet- beaches south of Ensenada Blanca. What
OREGON GOLD DREDGE ted our interest and made us all the more a thrill it was to look down on the route
Mohawk Star Route 1A determined to make the walk. There where, within a few weeks, we would be
Springfield, Oregon 97477 were, however, matters of a more practi- walking with packs on our backs. In some
Phone (503) 747-6069 cal nature to be dealt with. How high of the rougher sections, Marvin brought

Desert/October 1974
rfieo'o mission Iran voyago to Agua Verde and the start of the
was b.\ rely visible
from i he air,
snaking its way
Now, as I stared down at the Baja Pen-
insula which was rapidly slipping by us,
FREE 1974
across the rugged terrain. the excitement of the trip came to me
once more. The roar of the plane's motor 156 Page
the pl.ine down to a lower elevation so
that we could take photographs and
sketch a map. It took only a little imagina-
made conversation difficult in the close
confines of the cabin, but I knew that the
other passengers shared my feelings.
tion to visualize the early t uilders of this This was destined to be a unique adven- DETECTORS—BOOKS—MAPS
historic route; the stone-ade Indians who ture that we would remember the rest of General Electronic Detection Co.
made I he first footprint, th ?n the Spanish our lives. • 16238 Lakewood Blvd.
Bellflower, California 90706
Padres marching into t h ; New World Conclusion Next Month
with their Christian crusjde.
Now that we had actual N seen the trail,
our enthusiasm soared, jrhere was an
aura "I mystery about the region which
intrigued us. The trail wa: waiting. Now
it was up to us to accept the challenge.
Our E^.ija backpack was sodn to begin and
we fl'W home from Loretp impatient to
take our first step on the 'oad to adven-
Thi' next few weeks ware busy ones, ' G E T THAT LIMITED BOATS AVAILABLE—43'
with most our spare timej spent getting OLD GANG MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW
read\ for the trip. The Pitchens would
supply the airplane, a si>-place Cessna
with .1 cargo storage pod. Dr. Thaddeus
Hite Marina (nc. Call Collect Or Write:
Jones, a seasoned Baja t - aveler, would [714] 466-5316, P. 0 . Box 218 La Mesa, Calif. 92041
take .i short respite from his Laguna
Beach medical practice arid go along as "Our Concern for You is Your Guarantee'
co-pilot. The sixth member of our party, United
Paula Davis, would join us in Loreto.
Paula has a lovely home tliere which she Campgrounds of Moab
calls < asa Casi, or " H o u s | Almost." It is
a charming sanctuary which reflects her Location: Facilities:
warm and pleasant personality. Paula • One mile north of Moab, and Vi mile Level, Shaded Sites STANDARD OF
National Parks 88 Tent and Trailer Spaces UNITED
agreed to make the arrangements with EXCELLENCE
• Between Arches and Canyonlands Full Hookups
some local fishermen total e us by boat to National Parks Swimming Pool
the start of the Agua Veide-Ligui trail. • Near Dead Horse Point State Park Hot Showers
Storeand Laundry
She would do this, she admonished me, MiniatureGolf
only on the condition that she be allowed For Campground brochure
to ao ompany us. Paula was welcomed and Reservations, write or call: Offices for Canyonlands by Night
with open arms.
UNITED CAMPGROUNDS OF MOAB p.o.B o x 3 7 O D , Moab, utah 84532 801259-7660
The game plan for our vt nture was con-
cludei I after much discuss on. The Patch-
ens would fly from Ramorja to our Borre-
go desert home and Thald would drive
from I aguna Beach on the same day. The for
five o| us would take ofn the following Fall and Winter Trips
morning for Baja California. After touch- to Death Valley
ing down at the Mexicali a rport for flight
papei•'. and tourist entry documents, we
wouM again be airborne for four more
hours until we landed at the airstrip in
DESERT Write for our brochure describing
our 7-day camping tours.
Loreto There we would b ; met by Paula
in hei pickup camper whi :h would carry
us to l:nsenada Blanca. At that point, if
our pi.ins worked out, we would rendez-
vous with the fishing launch for the sea INC. Box1404D,
Palm Desert, California92260

Desert October 1974

mice, rabbits, lizards, birds, insects,
snakes, fruits, berries, prickly pears,
microlamp "grain of wheat" lamp plus
four disc batteries inserted in a plastic
spiders, centipedes. His menu naturally medical bracelet that fitted neatly around
varies with what is at hand, depending the ringtail's neck. Letting the animals go
both on the particular region where he again, he watched to see what would hap-
AMID THE CLIFFS and canyons of the resides and upon the season. Zoologist pen. The lamps could be seen up to one-
rocky arid lands of the great Southwest, Walter Taylor, checking up on the gro- quarter-mile away with binoculars, and in
from southern Oregon to Baja's tip, re- cery list of ringtails in Texas, found that the dark they appeared to flow and bob
sides that finest of desert acrobats—the during the autumn insects made up more rapidly over the landscape of boulders
ringtailed cat. Quick and agile, this little than one-third. Plant material came and talus slopes —and, straight up the
fellow is skilled in mountain climbing next at about a quarter, mammals next, rough face of a forty-foot vertical sand-
techniques and, from the tip of his sharp then birds, mainly small sparrow types. stone cliff, and straight down again.
nose to the end of his handsome black and Wintertimes, the ringtails shifted over to This was too much for Trapp, and so he
white striped tail, he is well equipped for the mammals more, with insects next. set about finding how in the world ring-
such up and down living. Springtimes saw the insects take first tails do the impossible. After a lot of hard
Ringtailed he is, indeed, its white place in the diet again, with rabbits and anatomical study and with the help of
bands going completely around it, the other small mammals second Insects several ringtail boarders he supported,
black ones only partially so, but a cat he is made up half the food supply in summer, and who, frolicing about the furniture and
not. In reality he is a backhanded cousin supplemented with fruits and berries, doors of his apartment, kindly showed
of the raccoons, but different from these mammals being way down the line. Birds him first hand what they could do, he had
heavier and more stolid citizens in many were eaten all season, but even in the pro- the answers.
ways. Slender and lithe, the ringtail tein-important winter, made up not more It seems that key to the impossible is
weighs in at only about two to three than a quarter of the menu. the fact that the ringtail's hind feet can
pounds, raccoons up to 49. His head is A hearty eater, the ringtail is no pig, rotate 180 degrees, so that when he de-
small and delicately-shaped, his ears nor does he kill for the sport of it. What he scends a steep or vertical surface head-
large, his eyes big, his fur soft. His much captures is eaten promptly and since he is first, they point straight backwards.
longer tail matches his head and body in no believer in maintaining a larder, he Their hairless pads are then flat on the
length. Fast of foot, he could outrun, out- never takes more than is needed for a surface. Foot strength and pad friction
climb and undoubtedly outthink his meal. So, much of his activity each night are often enough, but the sharp curved
cousins, all of this being no mean accom- is centered about getting something to nails are also there ready to be extended
plishment since raccoons are pretty good eat. Naturally enough, such foraging re- and applied if necessary. Sure of his
at all this, too. What with his alert, sharp- quires a lot of high class sniffing, peering foothold in this headfirst position, he can
nosed, whiskered face, bushy tail and and big-eared listening. In the ringtail's run down swiftly or even walk slowly if it
speedy ways, he seems to fit his scientific rough terrain, it also requires scrambling pleases him, instead of having to back
name Bassariscus astutus — clever little up and down and around rocks and bould- down the way a domestic cat descends a
fox —more closely. And yet, shy and rath- ers, sometimes pell mell in pursuit of a tree.
ertimid, he has none of a fox's brashness fleeing mouse hotfooting it home to avoid This, of course, is handy, not only for
or cunning. being a menu item. rocky terrain going, but for tree climbing
Being strictly a night operator, the Biologist Gene Trapp, catching glimp- and since much good fruit and many a
ringtail starts his day at nightfall. Yawn- ses of some of this ringtail-racing around tasty insect are to be had aloft, the ring-
ing and stretching, he emerges from his the strictly up and down scenery of Zion tail can gallop up one tree, search for
cool retreat deep in a rocky crevice or hole National Pcirk, wished to verify that what dainties, descend quickly headforemost
in a tree, and proceeds with the business he thought he saw in the growing dark- and be up another with no loss of foraging
at hand: namely seeing about breakfast. ness couldn't possibly be. So he caught time. The hindfoot rotation also permits a
Now a ringtail is not a fussy eater, being some of these fellows and fitted them kind of grasping motion, as one female
fond of many delicacies such as rats, with light-bearing collars consisting of a demonstrated in Trapp's home when she
10 Desert/October 7974
shashayed upside down slothlike along a
taut horizontal cord, holding on to the
cord with the flexed toes of all four feet.
Noi is this rotating-hind-foot-headfirst
bit the only adaptation ringtails have for
living as they do. They, too, know about
"chimney stemming," the mountaineer
trick oi climbing or descending a crevice
between two vertical walls where there
are n<i good holds. Pressing all four feet
on one wall and their backs against the
other lor example, they can work their
way safely up or down.
Changing their minds on a narrow
ledge is as nothing to them, it being a
simplr matter to reverse direction in eith-
er of I wo ways: they may swing their for-
quartrrs up, putting their abdomen flat
againsl the wall, and then making a semi-
circle i limbing motion drop their front
end down again, this time aimed in the
opposite direction. Or, they may brace
their Iront feet, and looking out, swing
their hindquarters up, and with their tails
hanging down their back, move around in
a serin -circle until their hind feet drop
down again and they are faced in the op- The ringtail cat. Photo by George W. Bradt.
posite direction.
Foi speedy going, it seems that they Three or four youngsters is par for a litter. shapeless and fleshy, their chubby feet
know how to apply the old ricochet prin- Zoologist William Richardson's observ- and toes weak Even their faces look half-
ciple Headed for a point high overhead, ing a ringtail blessed event in his labora- done, their muzzles so blunt, and their
for instance, they get to running, hit a tory learned much about their advent and toothless mouths, while big and broad, do
verti< al wall to the side, and pushing hard growth. It seems that while papa has not quite accommodate their tongues
against it not only rebound upwards, but been tolerated in and about the home nest which curl up at the side edges Altogeth-
gain momentum. This technique could be during the period-in-waiting, some three er, not enticing. But they apparently suit
used in handle crevices too wide or steep or four days before the actual arrival he is the ringtail mother, for sitting hunched
or ton •.mooth to climb or chimney stem, invited out of the premises by his spouse, up with her front legs propping up her
or in I he case of the need for a rapid es- now suddenly grown exceedingly snap- body, she helps direct them to the lunch
cape up or down, provide a fine way for pish. counter, at which, fortunately, four
frusti.iting changes of direction at high Squeaks announce the eventual arrival places are set. Fresh out as they are, the
speei I Useful, too, it seems, to coy ladies of the young, who, it must be said, don't youngsters are quick to find the food
at courting time. look like much to human eyes. Thinly cov- source and thanks to this and other good
Family raising takes place around the ered with whitish fuzz, their bodies are and constant maternal care, are off to a
Tucson area and in Texas in April, May pudgy, with only the pigmented skin of good start. Papa's banishment ends in a
and early June, probably a little later in their stubby tails foretelling its stripes. day or two, and he is apparently invited
the mure northern ranges of the ringtail. Their eyes are closed, their small ears Continued on Page 40
Desert/ < htober 1974 11
The church
at the Pueblo of Isleta.
Photo by Ed Cooper.


GHOST STORIES of theOld West usually his religion by example, blending it with
turn out to be the result of an imagination Indian lore, always careful not to offend
fired by too many pulls on the whisky jug, the Pueblos by trying to force them to his
but one story has been attested to by an way of thinking. His simple humane con-
archbishop, a cardinal and a governor. tact with the Pueblos made a deep im-
About the time the Spanish soldiers pression on them, and over the years, he
were getting a toehold in the Southwest, was admitted to even the most sacred
somewhere along in 1735, a Franciscan rites in the underground kivas. He had
friar made his way to the Pueblo country truly become their brother.
through hostile Indians to the east of New The Pueblos added their knowledge to
Mexico. By the time he reached Laguna his, and Friar Juan learned all he could
Pueblo, west of Santa Fe, he was foot- about their language, their symbols, their
sore, feverish and on the verge of starva- rituals, their medical skills. The Indians
tion. The friendly Pueblo Indians gave no longer thought of him as their white mined, but perhaps the Spaniards believ-
him shelter, food and the services of their brother, but considered him one of their ed the Indians were guarding such a
medicine man. own tribe. And the gentle friar was con- cache.
Brother Juan Padilla was halfway a tent to remain at Laguna Pueblo. While the tribal chieftain had never
prisoner, but.his understanding of the Friar Juan had lived among the Pue- had any doubts as to Friar J uan's loyalty,
Indian beliefs enabled him to gain the re- blos for 20 years when a runner brought a few members of the sprawling Pueblo
spect of the Pueblos. He had had training news that a Spanish army was forming in tribe felt he had learned too much of the
in basic medicine in his priory and in the Mexico, set on invading the Southwest in Indian ways and secrets, and they wanted
following years, he administered to the a last-ditch effort to find hidden gold. to be sure none of their private knowledge
physical as well as spiritual needs of his Whether there was ever a fabulous gold would be passed on to members of a race
rescuers. He was a gentle friar, teaching horde in New Mexico has not been deter- hostile to all Indians.
12 Desert/October 1974
liged and made a written report, a copy
of winch is in the archives in New Mexico.
The document was witnessed by several
friars of the Pueblo. In it, he confirmed
the litelike appearance of the dead padre
saying they placed a new robe on the form
s i n e the old one had disintegrated, and
that I he body was supple enough to dress
easily and cross the arms afterwards. The
body had been put into a cottonwood box
when reburied in 1776, with the old blue
habil untouched. The Chaplain also made
menhon of the decomposed bodies of
people buried after the 1776 reburial,
with bones remaining although the padre
was intact.
When Friar Juan turned up again in
189:>, the Isletans sent for a priest, the
Governor and the Archbishop of Santa
Fe. I he Archbishop had a distinguished
house guest —a Cardinal visiting from
Ron ic, and he came along to take a look at
the p.idre who wouldn't stay buried. The
two i hurchmen testified they saw a body
appearing freshly dead.
This time the burial ceremony was a bit
more complete. The body was placed in a
heavy oak coffin, along with a copy of the
document. The lid was nailed down firm-
ly, ind prayers for the dead were said.
The < offin was then reburied in front of
the .iltar and the entire floor covered with
two inch planks.
Apparently this satisfied the restless
padic for, according to the present Gov-
erniu of Isleta Pueblo, Alvino Lucero, the
friar has remained sleeping this century.
But no one knows whether he will show
up In 1976 or not
Is it fact or legend? The story of the
resi Irss friar is well-known to New Mexi-
can. Some claim the recurring floods
brought the body up. But every 20 years
or SII-' Some claim the condition of the soil
under the church is such that a form of
mummification took place. But leaving
him llexible? And where is the original
document, copy of which was found in the
coffin in 1895? Perhaps in 1976 the ques-
tion', will be answered. •

A very young roundtail ground squirrel surveys the world his first day out.
'/1 /October 1974 15
Nevada's Gorge Country

Photos by Jerry Strong

IN EASTERN Lincoln County, where pin-

yon pine and juniper forests mingle, the
boundary between Nevada and Utah is
not discernible. Colorful pink, red, coral,
beige, brown and white "canyonland for-
mations," usually associated with Utah,
have spilled across the state line and com-
bined with the broad basins and narrow-
ribbed mountains which are Nevada's
Lying almost parallel with the bound-
ary 10 miles east, is a great rent in the
earth's crust. Beginning in the White
Rock Mountains, it extends south for
nearly 150 miles to a junction with the
Virgin River. Along a 50-mile segment of

Kershaw-Ryan State Park is nestled by

pink, beige, orange and brown canyon
walls and the campground is pleasantly
sheltered by trees. Photo by M. Hum-
phreys. Courtesy Nevada State Parks.
76 Desert/October 7974
Opposite page:
It doesn't require
imagination in
on ler to recognize
' lee Pee Rocks"
in the
C lover Mountains
This is the
smaller of two
unw.ual formations.
"The Choir Group"
formation at
i .ithedral Gorge
is beginning
to "meltaway."
At certain
limes of the day,
it i Irarly resembles
singers in
a choir loft.

this vast erosional channel, between Pan- walls 50 or more feet high. In places,hips Brigham Young to order missionary
aca and Elgin Siding, four outstanding brush the wall son both sides; and, as you groups to search for possible retreats,
geological formations are exposed. They bend backwards in order to see a scrap of should war develop
offei scenic beauty and exploration par sky overhead, the walls seem to be lean- A group, known as the "White Moun-
excellence. Toss in some old mining ing in on you. "Walking inside" is a thril- tain Boys," spent many months in Mea-
camps, ghost towns and historical settle- ling experience, but not advisable for dow Valley developing an intricate irriga-
ments, and you have Nevada's Gorgeous anyone who suffers from claustrophobia. tion system which utilized a warm arte-
Gorge Country. Cathedral Gorge Campground is beau- sian spring at its northern end. Crops
d i h e d r a l Gorge and Kershaw-Ryan tiful. Laid out on a base of pink gravel were planted and other improvements
Stale Parks are the two attractions receiv- among a grove of Russian olive trees, it is made before they were called home when
ing 97 percent of the visitors' attention. kept immaculately clean. Each unit gives the threat of war diminished.
Only a few people venture into Rainbow privacy with ample room for car and It wasn't until May, 1864, that the first
Canyon. The unusual "Tee Pee Rocks" trailer. A spacious rest room facility of- settlers, the Francis Lee Family, arrived
appear to be known only to some of the fers hot showers (free). There is a heater in Meadow Valley. Finding the earlier ir-
loc;il folks and a few hunters. This is mag- for cold weather use, since the camp- rigation system was still in good condi-
nify ent country and it will challenge the ground is open the year around. Camping tion, they quickly planted crops, then set
reci i-ationist who enjoys exploring on his fee is $2.00 per night. about building temporary quarters of sod
own We arrived at Cathedral Gorge in late and pickets Full scale colonization had
Cue of Nevada's most well-known October and elected to use the attractive begun and, within two months, 18
parks, Cathedral Gorge is a long, narrow campground for our base of operations. families were living in the Panaca L.D.S.
valley where run-off from infrequent rain While we explored many regions in all Ward.
and snow storms cuts deeply into fine directions, it was the "Gorge Country" From the beginning, there was trouble
silts and clays to form a fantastic pink la- that commanded our attention first. with the Indians, but it was not caused by
byrinth. The Queens Chair, Choir Group, A stone's throw southeast of Cathedral reasons generally credited to such prob-
Moon Caves, Cave Canyon and Cathedral Gorge is the little community of lems. At first, the Paiutes were friendly
Ca< es are a few of the many outstanding Panaca —the first permanent settlement and were treated kindly by the Mormons.
formations to be seen. in southeastern Nevada. Problems be- As a result, the Indians began to take ad-
A walk into Cathedral Caves discloses tween the government and the Mormons vantage of the settlers —stealing horses,
very narrow passages with perpendicular at Salt Lake City in 1858 had prompted cattle and pilfering. When they became
Des'-i I /October 7974 V
its pioneer quaintness, its pioneer good-
ness; a town which has been kind to child-
ren and mindful of old folks; a town which
has been the birthplace of many and the
lifelong residence of a few; a town which
children have always loved and adults
never quite forgotten." We need more
communities like Panaca —where small
town friendliness and caring for one an-
other is still a way of life.
Heading south from Panaca, Highway
93 wanders along the western side of
Meadow Valley. In about five miles, the
Valley narrows as the rugged bulwark of
the Chief and Cedar Ranges press close to
one another. Colorful canyons beckon on
both sides of the road and glimpses of old
mining ventures are seen. Unexpectedly,
the road curves abruptly east around the
The large hotel-station at Caliente remains, though it no longer houses overnight
base of a mountain and enters the old
guests. The northern end [left] is now used as the City Hall.
railroad town of Caliente.
increasingly hostile a small detachment power, could not collect the amounts due. Known as Culverwill, before the rail-
of 20 men, under Captain J. Pearce (Mor- Reportedly, the settlers ran the Assessor road was completed in 1905, Caliente is
mon B.ttalion), was sent to protect the off at gun point. located at the junction of Meadow Valley
settlers. An adobe and log fort was erect- A long and bitter fight ensued with Wash and Clover Creek Canyon. In the
ed and the families moved inside during cases reachirg the Supreme Court. An early days, it was an important crossroad
the fall of 1864. 1870 survey disclosed Panaca to be in Lin- where trails into Utah, as well as northern
When the militia left, so did more than coln County, Nevada. This news nearly and southern Nevada, met. Construction
half of the settlers. Only six families re- dealt a death blow to the community. of the Salt Lake and Pioche Lines turned
mained at the fort. A townsite was sur- Many of the "saints" found living out- Caliente into a bustling railroad town
veyed in the spring of 1866 and the famil- side of Utah untenable and more than half complete with 12'yard tracks, machine
ies moved from the fort to town lots. New of the population had left by 1871 shops, eight-stall turntable and a fine
people began arriving and the little com- Panaca survived and this year celebrat- hotel-station. The latter is readily visible
munity began to grow. ed its 110th birthday. Today, as you drive from the highway today.
Though William Hamblin, of St. through the little town, broad, tree-lined Immediately south* of Caliente is Ker-
(.eorge, had located the Panacre Lode streets show the thoughtful planning of a shaw-Ryan State Park. The access road
(i ich silver deposits) in the Pioche Range hundred years ago. A modern cement- passes through high, massive eroded
in 1863, Indian hostilities and Brigham block building houses the post office and cliffs interspersed with rhyolite flows.
Young's disapproval of mining had pre- fire station. Across the street, the 106- Their pink, beige, orange and brown col-
vented its development. Hostilities were year-old "Panaca Mercantile" building oring complement the simmering green
under control in 1868 when Charles H. (now a marked historical site) still serves leaves of trees in the campground.
Hoffman and F L A . Pioche purchased the community as a general store. Each gorge has its own distinctive per-
the Mormon claims and formed the Mea- A short distance north, Panaca Hot sonality. Kershaw-Ryan is the "quiet
dow Valley Mining Company. The subse- Springs continues to furnish irrigation one" —lying secluded in a canyon among
quent mining boom brightened Panaca's water and provide a fine swimming hole towering cliffs. Facilities include spring
future. Population rose to over 500 and in summer. We ate our lunch at the water, stoves, modern comfort station,
businesses included a thriving lumber Springs, sharing the shade of a cotton- hot showers and group shelters. You will
mill, grist mill and farm products —all wood tree with a beautiful mare. From find trails to wander and side canyons to
eagerly sought by the growing mining this point we could follow the path of explore. Generally, Kershaw-Ryan is
camp 10 miles north. Meadow Valley as it rambled south. open the year around. However, in the
In 1866, an Act of Congress had added Horses idly grazed in still green pastures fall of 1973, the Park Ranger had been
" a strip of land measuring one degree in rimmed with yellow blossoms of rabbit transferred and the Park closed for the
width between the 37th and 42nd paral- brush. Idyllic in setting, it was easy to see winter.
lel" to the eastern edge of Nevada. The why Panaca had survived in a remote and A half-mile beyond the State Park road
new boundary had not been surveyed. hostile region. (west on Highway 93), a sign proclaims
Mormon settlers, believing Panaca was I was reminded of a statement in the "Beautiful Rainbow Canyon —16 miles
in Utah Territory, paid their taxes to book, "ACentury in Meadow Valley," by south." An old blacktop road leads down
Washington County, Utah. Lincoln Coun- the Panaca Centennial Book Committee. Meadow Valley Wash, eventually chang-
ty, Nevada assessed the Meadow Valley They described Panaca as "a town which ing to a graded road as it snakes between
residents but, due to the lack of man- for a century has kept its pioneer names, the Clover and Delamar Mountains.

Desert/October 7974
Should you desire, it is possible to follow
this mute for 80 miles and join Highway
91 just west of Glendale. Rainbow Can-
yon, while colorful and scenic, is also a
"naiural textbook" of geological forma-
tion:. It is my hope that this region will
become a Geological State Park offering
self-r.uided trails and markers of explana-
R lad, railroad and stream parallel one
anoilier as they wander down Meadow
Valley Wash. At several points, the creek
has ponded and large groves of cotton-
wooils flourish. Trees also mark the sites
of ac I ive and abandoned ranches. Readily
seen from the car are rainbow-colored
mountains, a "petrified sand dune" high
on a mountainside and several very large
cave, in brick-red sandstone clifs. There
are no campgrounds, but plenty of places
to pull off and stay awhile.
When planning to visit a region, we
look ihrough our file of very old maps.
The\ often show points of interest no
longer included on modern ones. Seeing
"Tec Pee Rocks" indicated on an "oldie"
of Nevada's Gorge Country, we guessed
thev would probably be an interesting
rod lormation and elected to try our luck
finding them.
It had turned cold the previous evening
and morning brought a mackerel sky. It
wasn't going to be a good day for photo-
graiihs, but we decided to take our
chain es. J ust north of Caliente, we turn-
ed east at the Hot Springs road sign, fol-
lowed the paved road a short distance,
then kept right on the dirt road into
Clo* er Canyon.
Alier about two miles of travel, the
roai I deteriorated and became muddy and
samly in places. We engaged our 4WD
anc lound it prevented any difficulties as
we i i ossed and recrossed Clover Creek.
Jusi nver four miles from the highway, a Lincoln County
sign pointing south indicated "Pine Val-
ley I iam —Ella Mountain & East Pass." mountain! quite aware that not " a l l " of Nevada can
Dec iding this must be the route we were We enjoyed our lunch while watching be a State Park, but hopefully, steps will
looking for, we opened the gates, crossed the ever-changing light on the unusual be taken to include this outstanding for-
the i.iilroad tracks and followed a back- formations. Two exposures were noted mation in its Park System.
couniry road heading into the Clover and their resemblance to "tepees," es- Nevada's Gorgeous Gorge Country has
Mountains. A light rain had begun to fall pecially from a distance, was incredible. many hidden treasures, such as Tee Pee
and I he pungent fragrance of sage, pin- The rain stopped, but it was still very Rocks, that are little known and seldom
yor pine and juniper filled the air. We cloudy. Jerry set up his cameras and was seen by visitors. The exhilaration felt
curved around some low hills, then turn- ready when a momentary break in the when exploring and seeing Nature's
ed .uutheast. Four-wheel-drive became clouds came, sometime later. handiwork is far more intoxicating than
a necessity as we rounded another hill Examining Tee Pee Rocks, we specul- wine. Spending time in this land of mag-
and entered a loose-bottomed wash. ated they were originally sizable sand nificent colors and formations will send, fantastic to behold, a village of dunes, covered by igneous flows, then you home with a soul full of beauty and a
gianl Indian tepees stood on the side of a uplifted and exposed by erosion. We are desire to return again. •
Desen October 7974 19
THE STATE OF UTAH offers its visitors Entry fees of $1.00 are charged at de- This well-developed scenic attraction has
and residents a wide variety of state veloped state parks, recreation areas and no counterpart anywhere, and is so out-
p.irks, recreation areas and historical some historical sites during the travel standing that an enthusiastic out-of-state
monuments. These range in size from season. Additional fees are sometimes visitor was recently heard to remark:
less than an acre for certain historical charged for camping or the use of marine " W e sure didnt know Utah had scenery
buildings, to almost 22,000 acres. Many or other special facilities. Annual permits like THIS! Why, this beats even the
provide access to lakes of various sizes, are available for $10 which provide entry Grand Canyon!"
and include launch ramps and other mar- to all Utah park system areas, plus reduc- What prompted this remark? And why
ine facilities. Most offer developed camp- ed fees for the use of certain facilities. such a strange name as "Dead Horse
giounds and picnic sites, some of these Those 62 years of age or older may pur- Point?"
excellent by any standard. A few are still chase these annual permits for half price. Well, picture a gigantic, slightly-tilted
undeveloped, but offer primitive scenic One of the oldest and most popular plateau edged with sheer cliffs hundreds
beauty or historical interest to those who parks in the state system is Dead Horse of feet high. Visualize one tip of this ele-
visit them. Point State Park in southeastern Utah. vated plateau narrowing to just a few
Desert/October 7974




Desert Magazine Book Shop

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BIRDS OF THE SOUTHWESTERN DESERTS of the conquistadores to the 20th Century. Many
by Qusse Thomas Smith. Thirty-one of the most rare photos never published before. Large 9x12
commnnly sighted birds of the Southwest are de- format, hardcover, 288 pages, originally pub-
scribei! and illustrated in 4-color artist drawings. lished at $10.00, now only $4.95. TALES THE WESTERN TOMBSTONES TELL
Heavy paperback, 68 pages, $3.95. by Lambert Florin. The famous and infamous
come back to life in this great photo history in-
NEVADA LOST MINES AND HIDDEN TREAS- cluding missionary, mule driver, bad guy and
blacksmith —what tales their tombstones tell.
SURI S, compiled by Dave Basso. The Second-
Edit! is updated with photographs and a new
BACK Large format, 192 pages, originally published at
$12.95, now only $3.95.
look. 1'ortions of U.S. Geological Survey topo-
grap in; maps are provided to give the reader an
idea "I the general locale in which the specific LOST MINES & BURIED TREASURES ALONG
story || centered. Paperback, 71 pages, $2.50. THE OLD FRONTIER by John D. Mitchell. The
second of Mitchell's books on lost mines which
NEW MEXICO PLACE NAMES edited by T. M. was out-of-print for many years. Many of these
Pear'n. Lists and gives a concise history of the appeared in DESERT Magazine years ago and
place11;, towns, former sites, mountains, mesas, these issues are no longer available. New read-
rivers, etc., in New Mexico, including those set- ers will want to read these. Contains the original
tled I>v the early Spaniards. Good for treasure map first published with the book and one pin-
huntsrt, bottle collectors and history buffs. Pa- pointing the areas of lost mines. Mitchell's per-
BACK ROADS OF CALIFORNIA by Earl Thol- sonal research and investigation has gone into
perb'ii.k, 187 pages with more than 5000 names, lander and the Editors of Sunset Books. Early
$2.49 the book. Hardcover, 240 pages $7.50.
stagecoach routes, missions, remote canyons,
old prospector cabins, mines, cemeteries, etc.,
are visited as the author travels and sketches the MOCKEL'S DESERT FLOWER NOTEBOOK by
OLD MINES AND GHOST CAMPS OF CALI- Henry and Beverly Mockel. The well-known
FORNIA, compiled by A. Ekman, I. H. Parker, California Backroads. Through maps and notes,
painter of desert wildflowers has combined his
W. H Storms, H. W. Penniman and M. E. Ditt- the traveler is invited to get off the freeways and four-color sketches and black and white
mar. A lot of informative reading takes you see the rural and country lanes throughout the photographs to describe in detail so the layman
coun'y by county through the vast mining areas state. Hardcover, large format, unusually beau- can easily identify wildflowers, both large and
of thi Mother Lode and adjoining rich proper- tiful illustrations, 207 pages, $10.95. small. Microscopic detail makes this an out-
ties. I'.iperback, photos, 144 pages, $3.50. standing book for identification. Special com-
DESERT VACATIONS ARE FUN by Robert pressed fiber cover which will not st iin. 54 full-
FACI IING FOR AMATEURS by Glenn and Needham. A complete, factual and interesting color illustrations with 72 life-size drawings and
Marth.i Vargas. All aspect of the craft are cover- handbook for the desert camper. Valuable infor- 39 photographs, 316 pages, $5.95.
ed in this book from selecting, buying, orienting mation on weather conditions, desert vehicles,
beforr cutting, methods of obtaining the largest campsites, food and water requirements. Infor-
mation on desert wildlife, mines, ghost towns, HOPI SILVER, The History and Hallmarks of
and most perfect stone from the rough material, Hopi Silversmithing by Margaret Wright. Years
to thi' ways of using the many different faceting and desert hobbies. Paperback, illustrated, 10
maps, 134 pages, $3.95. of research have made this book a historically
machines on the market. Glenn Vargas is Lapi- descriptive piece on the Hopi silversmiths. Illus-
dary Instructor, College of the Desert, Palm trated with many photographs of silverwork, and
Desei I, Calif., and a columnist for Desert. Hard- LOAFING ALONG DEATH VALLEY TRAILS by
William caruthers. Author Caruthers was a more than a dozen pages devoted to the various
covei , many illustrations, tables, formulas, 330 hallmarks beginning in 1890 and continued
page., $15.00. newspaper man and a ghost writer for early
movie stars, politicians and industrialists. He through 1971, naming the silversmith, the clan,
"slowed down" long enough to move to Death the village, dates worked and whether or not the
SELDOM SEEN SLIM by Tom Murray. Profiles Valley and there wrote his on-the-spot story that silverwork is still being made. Paperback, 100
and vignettes of the colorful "single blanket will take you through the quest for gold on the pages, $4.95.
jack;i-. ; prospectors" who lived and died as they deserts of California and Nevada. Hardcover,
looki'il for gold and silver in Death Valley. Slick old photos, 187 pages, $4.25.
papeihack, exclusive photos of the old-timers, FLOWERS OF THE CANYON COUNTRY by
65 p.Kjes, $3.00. Stanley L. Welsh, text; and Bill Ratcliffe, photo-
SOUTHWEST INDIAN CRAFT ARTS by Clara graphs. Brigham Young University Press. Two
Lee Tanner. One of the best books on the sub- professionals have united their talents to present
GHOST TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS OF ject, covering all phases of the culture of the In- an informative, scholarly and artistic promotion
CAL ORNIA by Remi Nadeau. The only good, dians of the Southwest. Authentic in every way. of the beauty found in flowers and plants of vast
hardcover book on the California ghost towns. Color and black and white illustrations, line regions of the Southwest. Paperback, 51 pages,
We iccommend it highly. $7.50. drawings. Hardcover, 205 pages, $15.00. $2.95.


es on the Pacific side of Lower California are de- Hart. Over 200 photos and maps. Exciting pictor- This compact little book can easily be 'carried
scribed by the veteran Baja explorer. Unlike ial history of the military posts that opened the while hiking or riding and combines detailed map
California beaches, they are still relatively free West. Hardcover, beautifully illustrated, origin- drawings with pictures. In addition to gem and
of crowds. Paperback, iIIus., 72 pages, $1.95. ally published at $12.50. New Edition $3.95. mineral names with their specific locations, there
are other leads to nearby ghost towns, camp-
RHYOLITE by Harold Weight. Tales of Shorty grounds and recreation areas. Paperback, illus.,
CORONADO'S CHILDREN by J. Frank Doby. $2.95.
Harris, Ernest Cross, Bob Montgomery, M. M. Originally published in 1930, this book about lost
Beaty and the men and women who established mines and buried treasures of the West is a
the famous mining town near Death Valley. Pa- classic and is as vital today as when first written. HOPI KACHINA DOLLS [With a Key to Their
perback, historic photos, 40 pages, $1.00. Dobie was not only an adventurer, but a scholar Identification], by Harold S. Colton. Kachina
and a powerful writer. A combination of legends dolls are neither toys nor idols, but aids to teach-
BAJA CALIFORNIA by Choral Pepper. Packed and factual background. Hardcover, 376 pages, ing religion and tradition. This is a definitive
in this comparatively small book is a world of $3.95. work on the subject, describing the meaning, the
facts about the land, the insects, vegetation, the making and the principal features of 266 varieties
seashore, the missionaries, vanished missions, of Kachina dolls. Line drawings of each variety,
lost treasures and strange stories, tall and true, BURIED TREASURE & LOST MINES, by Frank plus color and b/w photos make it a complete
of Baja California. Fascinating reading. Paper- Fish. One of the original treasure hunters pro- guide to learn more of the richness of American
back, 126 pages, $1.95. vides data on 93 lost bonanzas, many of which he Indian culture. Paperback, 150 pages, $3.45.
personally searched for. He died under myster-
ious circumstances in 1968 after leading an ad-
venturous life. Illustrated with photos and maps.
Paperback, 6£ pages, $2.00.

MY CANYONLANDS by Kent Frost. A vivid

account of the early exploration of Utah's Can-
yonlands by the author who spent his entire life
exploring America's new national park and who
presently runs a guide service through the
scenic country. Hardcover, artist illustrations,
160 pages, $6 95.
THE WEST by Muriel Sweet. A description with
artist drawings of edible (and those not to touch)
plants along with how Indians and pioneers used
them. Paperback, 64 pages, $1.50.
THE BAJA BOOK, A Complete Map-Guide to
Today's Baja California by Tom Miller and El-
mar Baxter. Waiting until the new transpenin- POISONOUS DWELLERS OF THE West by Natt
Dodge. Anyone walking through the back country AMERICAN INDIAN FOOD AND LORE by Car-
sular highway opened, the authors have pooled olyn Neithammer. The original Indian plants
Iheir knowledge to give every minute detail on should haveard study this book, especially famil-
ies with children. Illustrates and describes which used for foods, medicinal purposes, shelter,
gas stations, campgrounds, beaches, trailer clothing, etc., are described in detail in this fas-
parks, road conditions, boating, surfing, flying, dwellers are poisonous and which are not. Slick
paperback, 40 pages, 75 cents. cinating book. Common and scientific names,
lishing, beachcombing, in addition to a Baja plus descriptions of each plant and unusual
Roadlog which has been broken into convenient recipes. Large format, profusely illus., 191
two-mile segments. A tremendous package for pages, $4.95.
every kind of recreationist. Paperback, 178
pages, illus., maps, $7.95.
son. This field guide is prepared for the hobbiest
THE CAHUILLA INDIANS by Lucile Hooper. and almost every location is accessible by car or
Compared to the large tribes of the West, the pickup accompanied by maps to show sandy
Oahuillas, although being comparatively small, roads, steep rocky hills, etc., as cautions. Laws
play an important part in the history of Southern
California. Customs, living habits, the cultures regarding collecting on Federal and Indian land
of this tribe are better appreciated by the au-
Ihor's insight. First published in 1920, and again
Frosty outlined. Paperback, 88 pages, illus., $3.00.

in print. Paperback, large format, bibliography, SPEAKING OF INDIANS by Bernice Johnston.

65 pages, $2.50. An authority on the Indians of the Southwest,
the author has presented a concise well-written
TREES OF THE WEST [Identified at a Glance] book on the customs, history, crafts, ceremonies
by Matilda Rogers, Photographs by Wynn Ham- FROSTY, A Raccoon to Remember by Harriett and what the American Indian has contributed to
mer. Miss Rogers has written graphic descrip- E. Weaver. The only uniformed woman on Cali- the white man's civilization. A MUST for both
tions of all of the trees generally found in the fornia's State Park Ranger crews for 20 years, students and travelers touring the Indian Coun-
Western area of the United States. Mr. Hammer Harriet! Weaver shares her hilarious and try. Heavy paperback, illus., $2.50.
has photographed them when in their prime. heart-warming experiences of being a "mother"
The result is a handbook that everyone can un- to an orphaned baby raccoon. A delightful book THE WEEKEND GOLD MINER by A. H. Ryan.
derstand and enjoy. Paperback, illustrated, 126 for all ages. Illustrated with line-drawings by An electronic physicist "bitten by the gold
pages, $1.95. Jennifer O. Dewey, hard cover, 156 pages, $5.95 bug," the author has written a concise and
informative book for amateur prospectors telling
OLD ARIZONA TREASURES by Jesse Rascoe. where and how gold is found and how it is separ-
DEAD MEN DO TELL TALES by Lake Erie ated and tested, all based on his own practical
Containing many anecdotes not previously cov- Schaefer. A sequel to BURIED TREASURE &
ered in Arizona histories, this book covers experience. Paperback, 40 pages, $1.50.
LOST MINES by Frank Fish, the author knew
haciendas, stage stops, stage routes, mining Fish for many years and claims he was murdered.
Damps, abandoned forts, missions and other his- THE WEEKEND TREASURE HUNTER by A.
Her book adds other information on alleged lost H. Ryan. A companion book to his Weekend
torical landmarks. Paperback, 210 pages, $3.00. bonanzas, plus reasons why she thinks Fish did Gold Miner, this volume is also concise and
not die a natural death as stated by the authori- packed with information on what to look for and
CAMPING AND CLIMBING IN BAJA by John ties. Paperback, illus., 80 pages, $3.00. what to do with your treasure after you have
Robinson. Contains excellent maps and photos. found it. Subjects range from Beach Combing to
A guidebook to the Sierra San Pedro Martir and ROCKS AND MINERALS, A golden Nature Sunken Treasures, Paperback, 76 pages, $1.95!
the Sierra Juarez of Upper Baja Calif. Much of Guide. More than an aid to identifying rocks and
this land is unexplored and unmapped still. Car minerals, this book will also help the reader un- EXPLORING DEATH VALLEY by Ruth Kirk.
routes to famous ranches and camping spots in derstand the importance of rocks and minerals in Good photos and maps with time estimates from
palm-studded canyons with trout streams tempt our daily lives Tells where to look for rocks and place to place and geology, natural history and
weekend tourists who aren't up to hiking. Paper- minerals. Compact paperback, profusely illus., human interest information included. Paper-
back, 96 pages, $2.95. $1.25. back, $2.25.


BA.IA [California, Mexico] by Cliff Cross. Up- A NATURALIST'S DEATH VALLEY by Dr. Ed- FANTASIES OF GOLD by E. D. Saytes. During
dat"il to include the new transpeninsula high- mund C. Jaeger. In this revised third edition, his search for archeological finds for more than
wa\, the author has outlined in detail all of the Dr. Jaeger covers and uncovers some of the 30 years, the author was exposed to the rumors
services, precautions, outstanding sights and mysteries of this once humid, and now arid and legends of lost gold and treasures. After his
thing! to do in Baja. Maps and photos galore, trough. He tells of the Indians of Death Valley, retirement as curator of the Arizona State Mu-
with large format. 170 pages, $4.95. the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, seum, he classified and delved into these still
fishes, insects, trees, wild flowers and fossils. unsolved mysteries. An interesting and informa-
ME XICO Guide by Cliff Cross. All new, revised Paperback, 66 pages, $1.50. tive book on lost bonanzas and legends, many of
edition with excellent information of trailer which have never been published. Hardcover,
park:;, hotels, camping space; tips on border UTAH GEM TRAILS by Bessie W. Simpson. well illustrated, 135 pages, $6.50.
cro:;:;mg, shopping, fishing, hunting, etc., as well The casual rockhound or collector interested in
as the history, culture, and geography. 210 maps, collecting petrified wood, fossils, agate and crys- TIMBERLINE ANCIENTS with photos by David
675 photos, 195 pages, $4.95. tals will find this guide most helpful. The book Muench and text by Darwin Lambert. Bristle-
does not give permission to collect in areas writ- cone pines are the oldest living trees on earth.
HEI LDORADO by William Breakenridge. One of ten about, but simply describes and maps the Photographer David Muench brings them to life
the most famous law enforcement officers of the areas. Paperback, illustrated, maps, $3.50. in all their fascinating forms, and Lambert's
Old West describes his life and gives first-hand prose is like poetry. One of the most beautiful
ace Mints of the famous outlaws and lawmen he pictorials ever published. An ideal gift. Large
knew First published in 1928 and long out-of- 11x14 format, hardcover, heavy slick paper, 128
print, now available. Hardcover, illus., 1883 map 4-color photographs, 125 pages, $22.00.
of <\iizona Territory. 225 pages, $7.50.
TRAVEL GUIDE TO ARIZONA by Editors of by Colin Fletcher. An odyssey of a man who
Sunlit Books. New, revised edition with beauti- lived simply and in solitude for two months as
ful photographs, descriptive material, history he hiked through the Grand Canyon. Combining
and up-to-date maps make this an excellent tour his physical prowess with Thoreau-like observa-
guMi' to both the northern and southern sections tions, the author has written a book of great
of Aiizona. Large Sunset format, paperback, magnitude. Hardcover, illustrated, 239 pages,
$2.98 $6.95.
OWYHEE TRAILS by Mike Hanley and Ellis HOW AND WHERE TO PAN GOLD by Wayne
Lucia. The authors have teamed to present the DESERT, The American Southwest by Ruth
Kirk. Combining her knowledge of the physical Winters. Convenient paperback handbook with
boiiilnrous past and intriguing present of this still information on staking claims, panning and re-
wild corner of the West sometimes called the characteristics of the land, and man's relation to
the desert from the prehistoric past to the prob- covering placer gold. Maps and drawings. $2.00.
I-O- N, where Idaho, Oregon and Nevada come to-
gether. Hardcover, 225 pages, $7.95. able future, with her photographer's eye and her
enthusiasm for a strange and beautiful country,
the result of Ruth Kirk's work is an extraordinar-
ily perceptive account of the living desert. High-
ly recommended. Hardcover, beautifully illus-
trated, 334 pages, $10.00.


Holm. How to make a sourdough starter and
many dozens of sourdough recipes, plus amusing
anecdotes by the authors of the popular Old Fash-
ioned Dutch Oven Cookbook. A new experience
in culinary adventures. Paperback, 136 slick
pages, illustrated, $3.95.


A reprint of the famous writer and historian of his Norman D. Weis. The ghost-town country of the
30,DUO MILES IN MEXICO by Nell Murbarger. Pacific Northwest including trips to many little-
Joyous adventures of a trip by pick-up camper adventures among the Indians of New Mexico.
Lummis was one of the foremost writers of the known areas, is explored in this first-hand fact-
ma> In by two women from Tijuana to Guatemala. ual and interesting book. Excellent photo-
Folksy and entertaining, as well as instructive to West. Paperback. 236 pages, $2.45. graphy. Best book to date on ghost towns of the
other; who might make the trip. Hardcover, 309 Northwest. Maps, hardcover, heavy slick paper
and Onas Ward. Segregated into categories of 319 pages, $7.95.
red, blue, white and yellow for easier identifica-
LA!. VEGAS [As It Began —As It Grew] by Stan- tion, there are 190 four-color photos of flowers A FIELD GUIDE TO THE GEMS AND MINER-
ley W. Paher. Here is the first general history of found in the Mojave, Colorado and Western Ari- ALS OF MEXICO by Paul Willard Johnson. Tips
early Las Vegas ever to be published. The author zona deserts, all of which also have common and on food, maps and information, driving and trail-
was horn and raised there in what, to many is scientific names plus descriptions. Heavy, slick ering in Mexico, Border regulations, wrapping
con :nlered a town synonymous with lavish gam- paperback, $4.50. specimens of gems and minerals and all about
bling and unabashed night life. Newcomers to your proposed mining venture are covered. Pa-
the .itea. and even natives themselves, will be perback, many good maps and illustrations, 96
suriwised by the facts they did not know about JEEP TRAILS TO COLORADO GHOST TOWNS
by Robert L. Brown. An illustrated, detailed, in- pages, $2.00.
theli town. Western Americana book lovers will
formal history of life in the mining camps deep in
appieciate the usefulness of this book. You don't the almost inaccessible mountain fastness of the HAPPY WANDERER TRIPS by Slim Barnard.
have to gamble on this one! Hardcover, large Colorado Rockies. 58 towns are included as exam- Well-known TV stars, Henrietta and Slim Bar-
forniiit, loaded with historical photos, 180 pages, ples of the vigorous struggle for existence in the nard have put together a selection of their trips
$1C 96. mining camps of the West. 239 pages, illustrated, throughout the West from their Happy Wander-
end sheet map, hardcover, $7.95. er travel shows. Books have excellent maps, his-
A I IGHT-HEARTED LOOK AT THE DESERT tory, cost of lodging, meals, etc. Perfect for fam-
by chuck Waggin. A delightfully written and il- ilies planning weekends. Both books are large
lustrated book on desert animals which will be RELICS OF THE WHITEMAN by Marvin and format, heavy paperback, 150 pages each and
appniciated by both children and adults. The Helen Davis. A logical companion to Relics of the $2.95 each. Volume One covers California and
skelihes are excellent and, although factual, Redman, this book brings out a marked differ- Volume Two Arizona, Nevada and Mexico.
desn iptions make the animals seem like human ence by showing in its illustrations just how "sud- WHEN ORDERING STATE WHICH VOLUME.
beiniis. Large format, heavy quality paper, 94 denly modern" the early West became after the
pagts, $1.95. arrival of the white man. The difference in arti- LOST MINES OF DEATH VALLEY by Harold
facts typifies the historical background in each Weight. This is a new approach to the enigma of
BO I I'LE RUSH U.S.A. by Lynn Blumenstein. An case. The same authors tell how and where to col- Death Valley Scotty's life and legends and gives
excellent book for identifying old bottles with lect relics of these early days, tools needed, and additional insight into the Lost Gunsight and
phc legraphs of over 700 items and current price how to display and sell valuable pieces. Breyfogle bonanzas, plus other Death Valley
list liackground bottle information. 184 pages, Paperback, well illustrated in color and b/w, 63 mysteries. Paperback, historic photographs,
papeiback, $4,25. pages, $3.95. reference material, 86 pages, $2.50.


MINES OF JULIAN by Helen Ellsberg. The PHOTO ALBUM OF YESTERDAY'S SOUTH- TEMALPAKH by Lowell John Bean and Kather-
towns of Julian and Banner located above the WEST compiled by Charles Shelton. Early days ine Siva Saubel. Temalpakh means "from the
Anza-Borrego State Park in San Diego County, photo collection ciating from 1860s to 1910 shows earth," in Cahuilla, and covers the many uses of
are little known for their mining history. It did prospectors, miners, cowboys, desperados and plants used for food, medicine, rituals and those
happen, though, some 20 years after the Mother ordinary people. 195 photos, hardcover, fine gift used in the manufacturing of baskets, sandals,
Lode rush. The author's remarkable ability to item, $12.50. hunting tools; and plants used for dwellings.
glean this information from old-timers and dig- Makes for a better understanding of environ-
ging into newspapers and old records makes this HOW TO COLLECT ANTIQUE BOTTLES by mental and cultural relationships. Well illustrat-
a skillfully blended story. Paperback, historic John C. Tibbits. A fascinating insight of early ed, 225 pages, hardcover, $10.00; paperback,
photographs, reference material, 68 pages, America as seen through the eyes of the medi- $6.50.
$1.95. cine companies and their advertising almanacs.
Excellent book lor avid bottle collectors and
U ' < Ga Prespu those just starting. Also includes chapters on
collecting, locations and care of bottles. Heavy,
slick paperback, well illus., 118 pages, $4.00.

DESERT EDITOR by J. Wilson McKenney.

This is the story of Randall Henderson, founder
of DESERT Magazine, who fulfilled a dream and
who greatly enriched the lives of the people who
love the West. Hardcover, illustrated with 188
pages, $7.95.
THE GOLD HEX by Ken Marquiss. A single
LET'S GO PROSPECTING by Edward Arthur. man's endeavors, Ken has compiled 20 of his NAVAJO SILVER by Arthur Woodward. A
Facts and how-to-do-it on prospecting are pre- treaure hunts in book form. His failure to hit the summary of the history of silversmithing by the
sented by the author who has spent 30 years "jackpot" does not mean he is treasureless. Navajo tribe, Woodward presents a comprehen-
searching for gems and minerals in California. From gold panning to hardrock, from dredging sive view of the four major influences on Navajo
For those who think there are no more valuables to electronic metal detecting, he enjoyed a life- design, showing how the silversmiths adapted
left in California, they will find a new field in this time of "doing his thing." Slick paperback, il- the art forms of European settlers and Indians in
informative book. Included marketing data, lustrated with photos and maps, 146 pages, the eastern United States, as well as those of the
maps, potential buyers for discoveries. Large $3.50. Spanish and Mexican colonists of the Southwest.
8x10 format, illustrated, heavy paperback, 84 Paperback, well illustrated, 100 pages, $4.95.
John W. Robinson. Easy one-day and more rug- Anza-Borrego State Park. Text by Diana
WESTERN GEM HUNTERS ATLAS by Cy John- ged hiking trips into the historic mountains. The Lindsay, Edited by Richard Pomade. The largest
son and Son. A helpful book of detailed maps 100 hiking trails are described in detail and illus- state park in the United States, this book
showing gem and mineral locations, from Cali- trated so you will not get lost. Heavy paperback, presents a concise and cogent history of the
fornia to the Dakotas and British Columbia to 257 pages, $4.95. things which have made this desert unique. The
Texas. Markings note private claims, gem claims author details the geologic beginning and traces
(fee charged) and rock and gem locations. Also the history from Juan Bautista de Anza and
suggested reading for more detail on areas in- early-day settlers, through to the existence
cluded and other rich areas not included in this today of the huge park. Hardcover, 144 pages,
publication. Paperback, maps galore, collector's beautifully illustrated, $9.50.
library, 79 pages, $3.00.
UTAH by David Muench, text by Hartt Wixom. chell. A guide to the large network of back coun-
The impressions captured here by David try roads leading to old mining camps, stamp
Muench's camera and Hartt Wixom's pen bring millsand other little-known areas of Death Valley
to life a most beautiful under-one-cover profile of National Monument. Paperback, Illus., 36 pages,
the fascinating stateof Utah. Large11x14 format, $1.00.
hardcover, 188 pages, $25.00.
TREASURE HUNTER'S GUIDE TO THE LAW Frederick H. Pough. Authoritative guide to iden-
by Clair Martin Christensen. Answers all of the tification of rocks and minerals. Experts recom-
questions relative to the legal aspect of finding THE ROCKS BEGIN TO SPEAK by LaVan Mar- mend this for all amateurs as one of the best. 3rd
treasure trove. Subjects include Antiquities Act, tineau. The author tells how his interest in rock edition with many new color illustrations. Hard-
Mining Claims, Gold Regulations, Trespass and writing led to years of study and how he has cover, $6.95.
Salvage, Claim Recordings, Tax Aspect and learned that many —especially the complex pe-
many others. Concise and factual. Paperback, 46 troglyphs—are historical accounts of actual THE NORTH AMERICAN DESERTS by Ed-
pages, $2.75. events. Hardcover, well illustrated, glossary mund C. Jaeger. A long-time authority on all
bibliography, 210 pages, $8.95. phases of desert areas and life, Dr. Jaeger's
book on the North American Deserts should be
GHOST TOWNS OF THE.COLORADO ROCK- carried where ever you travel. It not only de-
IES by Robert L. Brown. Written by the author scribes each of the individual desert areas, but
of Jeep Trails to Colorado Ghost Towns, this has illustrated sections on desert insects, rep-
book deals with ghost towns accessible by pas- tiles, birds, mammals and plants. 315 pages,
senger car. Gives directions and maps for find- illustrated photographs, line drawings and
ing towns along with historical backgrounds. maps. Hardcover, $6.95
Hardcover, 401 pages, $7.95.

100 HIKING TRAILS by Don and Roberta Lowe.

There are two separate books: one on trails in
JOURNEY OF THE FLAME by Walter Nordhoff. Northern California and the other in Southern
The most exciting tale of early Baja and Alta California. Both have 100 trips (both easy and
California ever written. Recounts lost treasure rugged) described in detail. Both books are 225
legends and its accurate historical account pre- pages, heavy paperback, $5.95 each. When or-
sented in fictional style. Hardcover, $4.95. dering, state NORTHERN or SOUTHERN Hik-
ing Trails.
Tulls how primitive desert dwellers find susten- 1200 BOTTLES PRICED by John C. Tibbitts.
ance, shelter, beverages and healing medicines Updated edition of one of the best of the bottle
in nature. Hardcover, $5.95. books. $4.95. GHOST TOWN BOTTLE PRICE GUIDE by Wes
and Ruby Bressie. A new and revised edition of
LOST DESERT BONANZAS by Eugene Conrotto CALIFORNIA DESERT WILDFLOWERS by their popular bottle book, first published in
Brief resumes of lost mine articles printed in back Philip Munz. Illustrated with colored photos and 1964. New section on Oriental relics, plus up-to-
issues of DESERT Magazine, by a former editor. descriptive text by one of the desert's finest date values of bottles. Slick, paperback, illus-
Hardcover, 278 pages, $7.50. botanists. Paperback, $2.95. trated, 124 pages, $2.95.


Excellent guide to Joshua Tree National Monu- Each flower is illustrated with a 4-color photo- nig. To really enjoy a trip through California's
ment in Southern Califoria. Paperback, $1.00. graph and described in detail, where found, Mother Lode Country one should have a know-
blooming period, etc. Habitats from sea level to ledge of the historical background and a guide to
FLOMA OF BAJA NORTE by Tina Kasbeer. The 4,000 feet. Slick paperback, 64 pages, $2.00. places to see. This travel and historical guide
auth>i is a botanist who spends all her free time gives this information in a concise and interest-
in B ija and writes in detail of the endemic plants 100 ROADSIDE WILDFLOWERS by Natt Dodge ing manner. Paperback, illustrated, 72 pages,
of thi> country. Describes the use of certain plants A companion book and with the same format as $1.95.
for rnndicinal purposes by the Indians and resi- 100 Desert Wildflowers, this book lists 100
dents Paperback, illus., 36 pages, $1.00. flowers found from 4,000 to 7,000-foot levels.
Also has 4-color photographs. Slick paperback,
GOL I) RUSH COUNTRY by the Editors of Sunset 64 pages, $2.00.
BooKs A revised and up-dated practical guide to
Caliloi nia's Mother Lode country. Divided into A FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN REPTILES
geocir iphical areas for easy weekend trips, the AND AMPHIBIANS by Robert C. Stebbins. A
8x11 heavy paperback new edition is profusely il- Peterson Field guide. 207 species, 569 illustra-
lustrated with photos and maps. Special features tions, 185 in full color, 192 maps. The best book
and .mecdotes of historical and present day of this type. Hardcover, $5.95.
activities. Four-color cover, 96 pages. $2.95.
HANK AND HORACE by Richard Lillard and
Mary Hood. How and why the tall-tale of Horace
Greeley's ride with Hank Monk over the Sierra
in 1859 became nationally significant in the
folklore of the West is carefully documented TURQUOIS by Joseph E. Pogue. (Memoirs of the
with scholarly precision, historic perspective and National Academy of Sciences]. First printed in
earth-wise humor by the authors. Paperback, il- 1915, Turquois has in its third printing (1973)
lustrated, $5.95. been updated in many ways. Among them are
listed currently-operated Turquois mines, more
color plates. The book is full of incredible results
of research and an in-depth study of this fascina-
ting mineral of superficial origin. Hardcover, 175
pages, beautifully illustrated, $15.00.
DEM RT GEM TRAILS by Mary Frances Strong
DEM RT Magazine's Field Trip Editor has revis- SOUTHERN IDAHO GHOSTTOWNS by Wayne
ed and brought up to date her popular field Sparling. 84 ghost towns are described, along
guide tor rockhounds. She has deleted areas with the history and highlights of each. The
whi li are now closed to the public and added author has visited these sites by pickup, 4WD
new ,ireas not covered before. The maps have and by foot. 95 photographs accompany the text,
alsc heen updated. This is the "bible" for both and maps detail the location of the camps. An
amateur and veteran rockhounds and back coun- excellent reference to add to the libraries of
try "xplorers. Heavy paperback, 80 pages and those fascinated by Western history. Paperback,
still the same price, $2.00. 135 pages. $3.95.
nor Jordan Houston. A fascinating and unusual andSOUTHWESTERN GHOST TOWN ATLAS CALIFORNIA by David Muench and Ray Atke-
recount of famous Death Valley Scotty's adven- by Robert Neil Johnson. These atlases are excel- son. Two of the West's greatest color photo-
tures as told to the author while she and her lent do-it-yourself guides to lead you back to graphers have presented their finest works to cre-
rancici husband were Scotty's nearest neighbors scenes and places of the early West. Some pho- atethevibrationsof the oceans, lakes, mountains
in 1'M8. Some of these escapades have never tos and many detailed maps with legends and and deserts of California. Their photographic
been lold before. Illustrated, 116 pages, $1.75. bright, detailed descriptions of what you will presentations, combined with the moving text of
see; also mileage and highway designations. David Toll, makes this a classic in Western Amer-
Heavy paperback, each contains 48 pages, each icana. Large 11 x14 format, hardcover, 186 pages,
MINKS OF DEATH VALLEY by L. Burr Belden. $2.00. $25.00.
Aboiil fabulous bonanzas, prospectors and lost
mini':,. Paperback, $1.95.
GREENWATER by Harold Weight. Called the THE SALTON SEA Yesterday and Today by
"monumental swindle of the century" this is the Mildred de Stanley. Includes geological history,
THE OREGON DESERT by E. R. Jackman and story of the 1906 stampede to the Black Moun- photographs and maps, early exploration and
R. A Long. Filled with both facts and anecdotes, tains and how $30,000,000 disappeared. Paper- development of the area up to the present.
this r. the only book on the little but fascinating back, historic photos, 34 pages. $1.00. Paperback, 125 pages. $1.00.
desei is of Oregon. Anyone who reads this book
will want to visit the areas—or wish they could.
Hardcover, illustrated, 407 pages, $8.95.


Randall Henderson. The beautiful palm canyons
and isolated areas of Baja California are describ-
ed By the late Randall Henderson, founder of
DEM RT Magazine. Although these are his per-
sonal adventures many years ago, little has
Using topographic maps as basic underlays, are
Compiled by Varna Enterprises, 38"x25" and
scaled. Southern California on one side and
Northern California on the other. Contains de-
changed and his vivid writing is alive today as it two excellently detailed maps for back country tailed location of place names, many of which
was when he first saw the oases. Paperback, explorers of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts are not on regular maps. $3.50
illul . 72 pages, $1.95. Maps show highways, gravel roads, jeep trails,
plus historic routes and sites, old wells, which MAP OF PIONEER TRAILS
are not on modern-day maps, plus ghost towns, Compiled by Varna Enterprises, this is their new
GOI I) RUSH ALBUM, Editor in Chief Joseph Indian sites, etc. Mojave Desert Overview
Heniy Jackson. 352authentic first-hand pictures large map on pioneer trails blazed from 1541
covers from U.S. 395 at Little Lake to Boulder through 1867 in the western United States. Su-
with text. Thecompletestory of the most exciting City, Nevada, to Parker Dam to Victorville. Colo- perimposed in red on black and white, 37"x45".
treasure-hunt in history when some 200,000 per- rado Desert Overview covers from the Mexican
son i sought gold in California. Originally pub- border to Joshua Tree National Monument to
lished at $10.00. New, complete edition only Banning to the Arizona side of the Colorado Riv-
$3.98 er. Be certain to state which map when ordering. ROADMAP TO CALIFORNIA'S LOST MINES
50 YEARS IN DEATH VALLEY by Harry P. Compiled by Varna Enterprises, 38"x25" and
ANZA-BORREGO DESERT STATE PARK scaled. Southern California on one side and
Gov . First hand account of the dramatic TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS Northern California on the other. Contains de-
mining years by a man who spent his life in the A set o( 7 maps covering the Anza-Borrego Des- tailed location of place names, many of which
my: irrious valley. Describes the famous charac- ert State Park, 8V?"x 11 " format, bound. $5.50 are not on regular maps. $4.00
ters nl Death Valley. Paperback, illustrated, 145
pages, $2.95.


addition to describing the many highways now Provides information on Nevada's state parks, John C. Tibbitts. This is the third and final book
being paved, this veteran Baja explorer also tells monuments, recreational areas and
historical moniments, and on insulators by veteran bottlecollector John Tib-
ol back country roads leading to Indian ruins, suggestions for safe, comfortable travel in the re- bitts. This third book has a revised price list and
missions and abandoned mines. Paperback, mote sections cf western America. Paperback, index to insulators described in the previous two
illus., $1.95. illus., 168 pages, $2.95. volumes. However, each volume describes insul-
ators not shown in the other books, so for a com-
plete roundup of all insulators, all three volumes
BOTTLE COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK by John are needed. Books are paperback, averaging 120
T. Yount. Contains a listing of 1850 bottles and pages, illus., $3.00 EACH. Please state WHICH
their market value (including the prized Jim VOLUME when ordering.
Beams), where to sell and buy, identifications,
etc. Although contains few illustrations, it has
more listings than any other bottle book. Paper- f ARTHQUAKI |
back, 89 pages, $3.95.


T. Crow and Cameron Warren. Packed into this
volume is material gathered from actual exper-
ience and presented in a detailed manner so it
can easily be followed and understood. Highly
recommended for anyone interested in back
country driving. Paper, illus., 96 pages, $3.95.
GOLDROCK Facts and Folktales by Iva L. Gei- EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY by Robert lacopi.
singer. The au hor describes this site on the Published by Sunset Books, this well illustrated
California Desert giving brief, but interesting re- book separates fact from fiction and shows
counts of the facts and legends of the ghost where faults are located, what to do in the event
' nines and personalities of the Gold- of an earthquake, past history and what to ex-
rock area. Paperback, 65 pages, illus., $2.25. pect in the future. Large format, slick paper-
back, 160 pages, $2.95.
A FIELD GUIDfl TO INSECTS of America North
of Mexico by Donald J. Borror and Richard E. INYO MONO JEEP TRAILS by Roger Mitchell.
White. This is the most comprehensive, authori- Author of DEATH VALLEY JEEPTRAILS, veter-
tative and up-to date guide to North America in- an explorer Mitchell takes you on 18 different
sects ever published. It covers 579 families of in- 4WD trips into the Sierra Nevada Mountains,
THE CALIFORNIA MISSIONS by the Editors of sects and has more than 1300 line drawings and where he explores ghost towns, Indian territory
Sunset Books. A beautifully written history of 142 color plate;. Hardcover, 372 pages, glos- and scenic canyons and mountain passes. Paper-
California's 21 missions. One can feel, as he sary, reference:, $5.95. back, $1.00.
reads, the ferver of the padres as they gathered LOST LEGENDS OF THE WEST by Brad Wil-
materials to build their churches, and an insight OVERLAND STAGE TO CALIFORNIA AND
liams and Chor )l Pepper. The authors examine THE PONY EXPRESS by Frank A. Root. A first-
into history develops as the authors tell in simple the "lore, legeids, characters and myths that
prose what was goingoninthe world at the same hand account of a mail agent who lived and fought
grew out of the Old West." Included among the with the men who settled the West. First publish-
time. 300 pages, complete with artful sketches more than 20 "bst legends" are such intriguing
and photographs, and paintings in color, hard- ed in 1901. Heavy stock and hi
subjectsas lost bones, lost ladies, lost towns, and artist illustrations, two 1800 maps, 645 pages,
cover, large format, $12.75. lost diamonds. Hlardcover, illustrated, 192 pages, this is a book for history buffs. $17.50.
Tory Peterson. The standard book for field iden- ARIZONA by David Muench. The finest pictorial
tification sponsored by the National Audubon TO HELL presentation of the Grand Canyon State ever pub-
Society. 2nd edition, enlarged with new section ON WHEELS lished. One of the outstanding color photo-
on Hawaiian birds. 658 in full color. Hardcover, THE DESERT MOBILITY I graphers of the world, Muench has selected 160
$5.95. of his 4-color photographs which are augmented
by comprehensive text of David Toll. Hardcover,
BALLARAT, Compiled by Paul Hubbard, Doris 11x14 format, 200 heavy slick pages, $25.00.
Bray and George Pipkin. Ballarat, now a ghost
town in the Panamint Valley, was once a flour- ROUGH RIDING by Dick Cepek & Walt Wheel-
ishing headquarters during the late 1880s and ock. Two veteran drivers have completed an ex-
1900s for the prospectors who searched for silver cellent book on how to drive and survive in the
and gold in that desolate area of California. The back country. Although based on driving in Baja
authors tell of the lives and relate anecdotes of California, the information is applicable to all
the famous old-timers. First published in 1965, areas of the West. This dollar could easily save
this reprinted edition is an asset to any library. you many dollars. Paperback, $1.00.
Paperback, illustrated, 98 pages, $3.00.

TO HELL ON WHEELS by Alan H. Siebert. A

must for every desert traveler, this is not just
another survival book, it is a manual of mobility
for the recreational vehicle driver who is looking
for somethin
ground. Highlly recommended for both the
newcomer and pld-timers. Paperback, 64 pages,
well illustrated, $2.95.

NAVAJO RUG! , Past, Present and Future by Gil-

bert S. Maxwell. Concerns the history, legends
and descriptions of Navajo rugs. Full color pho-
GHOSTS OF THE GLORY TRAIL by Nell Mur- tos. Paperback, $3.00.
barger. A pioneer of the ghost town explorers and
writers, Miss Murbarger's followers will be glad
to know this book is once again in print. First pub- CAMELS AND SURVEYORS IN DEATH MINING CAMPS AND GHOST TOWNS, A His-
lished in 1956. it is now in its seventh edition. The VALLEY by Arthur Woodward. A diary-like ac- tory of Mining in Arizona by Frank Love. Drama-
fast-moving chronicle is a result of personal inter- counting of the day-by-day experiences of an ex- tic history of the mineral frontier as it affected one
views of old-timers who are no longer here to tell pedition for a survey of the boundary between section of the vast American West, the Lower
their tales. Hardcover, illustrated, 291 pages, California and the Territory of Nevada. Colorado Region. Illustrated, hardcover, 192
$7.00. Paperback, 73 pages, $2.00. pages, $7.95.


The western rim of horsemen halt their sweating, dusty The afternoon is spent cutting prime
Dead Horse Point mounts and two jump off to close and se- mustangs from the captive herd. A few
is nut entirely walled, cure the barbed wire gate. They all then are "broken" on the spot for riding. Still
so v.itors should exercise caution. settle into the shade of nearby rocks and others are chosen and cut out of the herd
Then'is a sheer drop trees for a well-earned break and a bite to for later breaking or sale.
of seme 500 feet on all sides eat. Rounding up wild horses on this high The busy day ends, and the weary cow-
of tin jutting point. and dry mesaland is hot and tiring work, boys head for a line camp with their new-
but horses are needed. ly-acquired horses. The remaining wild
yard wide, with sheer drops on either Ever since they were first introduced to mustange —the culls and a couple of in-
side of this "neck," then widening to a the North American continent by Spanish tractable stallions —are left behind, their
flat-lopped peninsula some 40 acres in explorers, herds of wild horses have pro- heads drooping with exhaustion from the
size liferated across the western plains and ordeal of the roundup out on the sheer-
Then place this slender, lofty peninsula less barren desertlands until they consti- walled point.
with Its sheer sandstone walls on a steep- tute an invaluable resource to the pioneer And the cowboys, whether by over-
ly tapering base of crumbled, red-hued settlers who are striving to wrest a living sight or intention will never be known,
rocl< still more hundreds of feet thick. Be- from this beautiful but forbidding land. leave the gate closed, thus isolating the
nealh these massive talus slopes visual-
ize a l>road terrace of dark red sand flats, The tip of Dead Horse Point is very impressive when seen from the air. The shade
shading into blue-gray strata of ancient, pavilion is easily spotted from a plane because of its size and color, but the rock wall
fossil rich seabottom limestone at the around the rim of the point blends with the terrain and is hardly noticeable.
brink of still more vertical cliffs that drop
five md six hundred feet to the green-
bordered, sediment-brown waters of the
Coloiddo River.
Then picture this entire knife-thin
poini of rock and its terraced base sur-
rouin led on all sides by an immense and
extremely colorful mazeof deep and com-
ple> ( anyons that cut into geological stra-
ta penetrate far into the Paleozoic era
and are some 300 million years old. And
bey Hid this magnificent maze, visualize
still more elevated mesalands and two
distinct mountain ranges, with the entire
seem canopied by a deep blue sky flecked
with puffy, flat-bottomed clouds. Here,
indeed, is a scene to rival Grand Canyon.

But the name? Why such a grim name
for .iich an outstandingly beautiful and
uniipie geological feature?
To understand this, pan back through
tim.'io the late 1800s, and focus in on the
"n<•( k" of this slender peninsula of land
thai is about a half mile back from its tip.
Then watch the action as a small bank of
covlioys herds a bunch of fractious wild
mu .i,ings past the neck and out onto the
As the frightened mustangs plunge
through a wide gate in the wire fence that
is sii etched across the narrow neck, the
Desr.i i October 1974



remaining horses from any source of

water—except the Colorado River some
1900 feet below.
Of course, these pitiful roundup surviv-
ors died, most of them slowly from thirst
Above: The sheer size
and exhaustion, but a few quickly as they
of Dead Horse Point
plunged, thirst-crazed, from the cliffs of
can only be
Dead Horse Point in a frantic attempt to
appreciated from afar.
reach the water they could see and smell
This view of the
so far below.
jutting peninsula,
So, in a way, Dead Horse Point is a
in the left center,
monument to man's sometime careless-
is from nearby
ness about the welfare of the other lives
Island in the Sky,
lhat share this planet with him.
a part of
Today, that fence across the neck just
Canyonlands National
back from the tip of Dead Horse Point is
Park. The snowcapped
long since gone. Instead, a paved road
La Sal Mountains
lakes visitors out to the developed tip for
are in the distance.
breathtaking views down into and across
Right: Dead Horse
the 360-degree panorama that has at-
Point State Park
tracted so many people over recent years.
offers an
And today, visitors are protected from the
excellent campground
sheer cliff edges by low rock walls around
with water, electricity,
the point and at other popular rim over-
shade, tables, stoves
and a tent slab
Dead Horse Point State Park offers pri- at each site.
marily a panoramic viewpoint of unsur- All the water
passable beauty and complexity, plus an used in the park
echoing of early human history. But these is hauled from
have proven so popular that annual visita- thetownofMoab.
tion t .-ached 68,300 in 1973. Of these, al-
most 8,000 stayed overnight in the excel-
lent i .impground that is just over a mile
from I he tip of the point.
At one time, not too long ago, it was a
long day's trip out to Dead Horse Point
from nearby Moab, Utah. Then, it was
nece .Nary to drive some 17 miles north of
Moali, take a long and tedious, rough and
dust\ dirt road to the west, then south to
the si <-nic outlook. The return trip traced
the same route.
Now, however, the popular overlook is
less lhan 33 miles from Moab, an easy
hour s drive, and the road is paved all the
way. \nd there is a still shorter way back
to Mn.ib for those who have four-wheel-
drive vehicles. Six miles back from the tip
of Di',\d Horse Point, a dirt road that
beco nes a steep, rough 4WD trail heads
east ihrough pinyon-juniper woodland,
then down picturesque Long Canyon to
the Colorado River. Here, a paved road
goes upriver to Moab.
Th<< route to Dead Horse Point State
Park horn the east or west is via Interstate
70 (U s. 6 & 50), then south on U.S. 163
from ( rescent I unction, which is some 52
mile;, west of the Utah-Colorado border.

Below Dead Horse Point, the Colorado River bends in a gigantic gooseneck. Directly
below the point, yet still hundreds of feet above the river, a four-wheel-drive trail
heads for nearby Canyonlands National Park.

From the south, southwest or southeast, on the paved fork, is the entrance station
U.S. 163 goes to Moab. The turnoff to to Dead Horse Point State Park.
Dead Horse Point, and the northern part Just beyond the entrance station, the
of Canyonlands National Park, is 11 miles park visitor center offers a museum with
north of Moab, or 21 miles south of Cres- geological and archeological displays, an
cent Junction. information desk, restrooms and a first
The paved road to Dead Horse Point glimpse of the scenic beauty that is visi-
first enters a scenic, rock-walled canyon, ble in its full grandeurfrom farther out on
then climbs steeply onto the tilted mesa- the point. Here, too, a paved walkway
land. This elevated, cliff-bound plateau with protective wall can be taken around
once had herds of deer and wild horses the promontory in front of the visitor
grazing its broad, grassy meadows, but center.
today only an occasional white-faced As the road continues toward the point,
Hereford can be seen. Dirt side roads and a spur enters the Kayenta Campground,
trails lead to other scenic areas, to a full-developed camp with paved road
abandoned oil well drill sites or old cor- and pull-outs, 21 sites, restrooms and a
rals. Few of these side roads are passable trailer hold-tank dump station, all set
for any distance to family cars, but offer among luxuriant pinyon and juniper
good exploring for four-wheel-drive ve- trees. Each site has water, a paved slab,
hicles. fireplace, table and lockable storage cab-
Just beyond The Knoll, a rocky high inet beneath a shade-pavilion. The pavil-
point on the plateau that the road is cross- ion is electrically lighted and has an elec-
ing, the paved road angles left toward trical outlet for visitor use. Each site also
Dead Horse Point, and a dirt road contin- has a prepared tent pad.
ues straight toward the Island in the Sky J ust before the road reaches the very
district of Canyonlands National Park. tip of Dead Horse Point, it passes the old
J ust over six miles beyond this junction,
Continued on Page 46

Above: This unusual double arch is on the gravel road

from Quartzsite to Bouse. Eileen Workman stands
under one of the arches. Above right: Rockhounds
collecting jasper and fire agate.
TEN YEARS AGO, Quartzsite was a
small wayside station on old U.S.
Highway 60 where motorists from Phoe-
nix had to slow down and sometimes stop-
ped for gasoline as they headed for the
Colorado River and California, 25 miles
At that time, the population of the Ari-
zona community was about 50 people,
consisting of a sprinkling of retired resi-
While hiking dents, a few merchants and some miners
toward the and prospectors
double arch, Today, motorists intent only on getting
the author was from one city to another, speed past the
surprised to see town whose main street lies at the bottom
three of the of the Quartzsite off-ramp on Interstate
largest desert 10. And in the past 10years, only 450 new
bighorn residents have moved to the area, making
sheep a total permanent population of 500.
he has ever However, Quartzsite is NOT stagnating,
encountered. but is one of the most prosperous small
They were communities in Arizona.
surprisingly The actual population of Quartzsite to-
unafraidand day averages 5,000 people, with the
kept stopping lowest residency during the summer
and looking back. months of J uly and August. And, during
Above: Not all tailgaters are amateurs. Professional
' 'tailgaters'' have huge vans in which they live and carry their
wares, going from one exhibition to another. Since they have
little "overhead," one can often find good bargains.


the week-long 8th Annual Quartzsite Pow

Wow, the town was inundated with
60,0i)() visitors from throughout the
United States, Canada and Mexico.
I .isked an old-time prospector, who
was sitting in front of the general store,
whal was the secret of the success of
Quiuizsite. As he started to answer my
quesi ion, a motor home, whose value I es-
timated at a minimum of $20,000, stop-
ped and a middle-aged couple got out and
entried the store to buy supplies.
"Secret? It ain't no secret," the old-
tjmei replied, as he stopped whittling a
piece of ironwood and lit his pipe. I've
been looking for gold and silver in these
hills, for most of my life. Found just
enoir.h to keep me going and in good
" I lut the real gold bonanza for us folks
has l>een here for hundreds of years.
Cues most of us just took it for granted
and didn't see the value of the color. That A veteran
is, we didn't until it was discovered by the rockhound
city people." inspects a
The "real gold bonanza" is a combina- piece of onyx.
Dese>i October 1974
Most families have campers and either
•jt. tow dune buggies or carry trail bikes.
Many come in four-wheel-drive vehicles.

An increasing number of young couples

come by passenger car with small tents
and sleeping bags. This brings up anoth-
er unique attraction: you have a choice of
where and how you want to camp.
W i t h i n the immediate vicinity of
Quartzsite, there are trailer parks and
mobile home sites which provide com-
plete services and hookups for visitors.
All of the parks have shower and laundry
facilities and many have clubhouses,
community centers and recreational
areas for horseshoes, shuffleboard and
playgrounds for children. Prices for ac-
commodations depend upon amount of
services offered.
Many of the semi-permanent residents
set up their equipment for lapidary work
or wood carving next to their mobile
homes or trailers When not working on
their projects, they exchange ideas, trade
their finished products, or head for the
back country to find new material for
working. Noise is kept at a minimum and
riding of trail bikes within the parks is
However, you are not restricted to stay-
Many of the exhibitors at the Pow Wow sold Indian jewelry. Cost of authentic Indian ing within the parks. If you really want to
jewelry has tripled in the past two years. get away from civilization, there are
thousands of acres surrounding Quartz-
tion of an abundance of semi-precious husband explained. " W e were on site which (with the exception of posted
rocks, ideal weather most of the year, vacation and in a passenger car and visit- mining claims and a few ranches where
wide open and mostly unrestricted des- ed some friends in Los Angeles. They privacy must NOT be violated) are admin-
erts and mountains, historic sites and were rockhounds and insisted we accom- istered by the Bureau of Land Manage-
ghost towns within a hundred-mile-rad- pany them for a weekend trip here. I ment and are open to the public at no
ius, and the nearby Colorado River. didn't know a rock from a piece of ce- charge.
Quartzsite is also located just off an inter- ment, but after two days we were hooked. I timed my visit during the second week
state freeway system where Phoenix can "So, when I retired last year we sold of February so I could attend the 8th An-
be reached in less than two hours and San our home, bought this motor home and nual Quartzsite Pow Wow. I spent the
Diego and Los Angeles in six hours. headed west. Best investment I ever first day-and-a-half at the Pow Wow and
These ingredients have gradually been made." the following days rockhounding, explor-
discovered during the past 10years by re- I asked why they came to this isolated ing abandoned mines and visiting historic
fugees from harsh winter climates and area, rather than staying at more lavish sites and ghost towns in the area.
who, like migratory birds, flock south so places in Southern California. Eight years ago, the residents of
they can enjoy the warm sun. They min- " W e came out here to get away from Quartzsite formed the Quartzsite Im-
gle with retired, but active, couples from crowds and to roam where and when we provement Association, a non-profit or-
the east who headquarter nine months of pleased. Folks in Arizona are friendly, ganization to sponsor the first Rock and
the year at Quartzsite and during the there's no smog and little restrictions Hobby Show. The first year, there were
summer travel through the northern with lots of wide open land. We've been 27 tailgaters. This year, there were 457
states. rockhounding the past week, but now tailgatersoutside, plus dozens of exhibit-
Carrying two boxes of supplies, the we're headed for the Colorado River to ors in the main community building
couple from the motor home emerged fish. Heard there may be gold in the which was built from proceeds from
from the general store. I asked them if it streams, so I bought a gold pan. Never previous Pow Wows.
was their first trip to the area. They said it used one before, but I'll give it a t r y . " Vern Reese, operator of a trailer park,
was their second. During the weekends, Quartzsite is and one of the original sponsors, says it is
" W e first came out five years ago when also a haven for families from the metro- one of the largest rock and hobby shows
I was still in business in Michigan," the politan areas of Southern California. in the West and that spaces are booked
34 Dp<icrt/nrtnhpr 7974
monlhs in advance prior to the February
E>hibits ranged from Indian jewelry
displays inside the main building where a
silver and turquoise Navajo squash blos-
som necklace sold for $2,500, to tailgaters
at the outside area where you could pur-
chase semi-precious stones for anywhere
from $r>.00to$100.00, and where rocks of
all kinds were for sale for 25 cents and up.
Specimens from the Southwest, Africa,
the F .if East, Mexico, South America and
Chin.i were on display, either for sale or
trade One exhibitor was selling gold
nuggels from Alaska and the Mother
Lode Country, while next to him you
could buy nostalgic political campaign
buttons. Wood carvings, beads, tinted
glass, gold pans, metal detectors, an-
tique"., original paintings, prints, ceram-
ics, tumblers, lapidary equipment, and
objects and artifacts ad infinitum were
beinp, displayed, sold and traded. rockhounds have added another
hobby to their recreation schedule—the
collei ling and polishing of ironwood. The
hardy desert ironwood tree (Olneya Teso-
ta) is found in washes in the Colorado
Desei i, Sonora, Lower California and Ari-
zona m <*-
Indians once used the slivers of iron- Bob Crabbe holds a roughly-cut piece of ironwood in his right hand, and a finished
wood lor arrows and the seeds were a product in his left hand. The hardy wood glistens under a hand-rubbed finish.
source of food. Prospectors found the
wood excellent for campfires and during two historic sites in the immediate vicin- station on the road from Ehrenberg on the
the months from May through August, ity of the town. One was the adobe ruins Colorado River to Prescott.
when the purple flowers and flat seed of old Fort Tyson and the other the monu- A small boom developed in 1897 when
pods appear, their burros had a feast. ment to Hadji Ali —otherwise known as mining flourished for a short time. Dur-
All hough the ironwood tree is extreme- " H i Jolly." ing its heyday, there were three stores,
ly haul and lives for hundreds of years, it Many articles and books have been two saloons and a post office. When the
evenlually falls prey to the parasitic mis- written about Lieutenant Edward Fitz- mining activity ceased, Tyson Wells be-
tletoe which attaches itself to the tree gerald Beale who, in 1857, convinced came a ghost town until mining was once
limbs and actually strangles it to death. then Secretary of War Jefferson Davis again resumed and the post office re-
As the ironwood is being strangled, it at- that camels would make perfect beasts of opened. Postal regulations prohibited the
tempt, to "breathe" by twisting and burden to cross the deserts of the West. re-use of a former name, so the new name
turnini; — thus creating the unusual and Beale went to North Africa and brought was called Quartzsite.
beauiitul designs of the wood. back a score of the dromedaries and According to Arizona Place Names, an
Ironwood buffs have a cardinal rule. hired Hadji Ali as the chief camel boss. authoritative book published by the Uni-
They do NOT disturb or saw either the Since Hadji Ali was too much of a tongue versity of Arizona Press, a Martha Sum-
liveoi dead trees. Rather, they collect the twister, the camel boss was called Hi merhayes (whose marital status and oc-
dead branches and roots which can be Jolly. cupation was not revealed) visited the
found around the trees. The camels loved mules, but the mules area in 1875 and described the place as
Some ironwood artists combine small and the mule skinners hated the camels being the most melancholy and uninvit-
piece, of the wood to form woodscapes so the experiment ended in failure. The ing that she had seen, saying that it
and animals, while others take one limb camels were set loose to roam the desert, "reeks of everything unclean, morally
or rot11 and, by cutting, shaping, polish- and Hi Jolly became a gold prospector. and physically . . . "
ing and buffing, create free forms or re- Quartzsite is on the site of old Fort It's a sure bet that the prosperous mer-
plica:, of desert animals and birds. (See Tyson, which was a privately-built bas- chants and happy residents of Quartzsite
Desett, February, 1970.) tion in 1856 as a protection against In- and its thousands of visitors are not plan-
I spent my last day delving into the dians. Since there were wells in the area, ning to erect a monument for (Miss,
histoi\ of Quartzsite and photographing it soon became a watering stop and stage Mrs., Ms.?) Martha Summerhayes. •
Desert I >ctober 7974 35
Lovely Calf Creek Falls,
2-3/4 miles from campground,
drops over a cliff
to fall in a misty
spray 500 feet below.


WHEN MORMON pioneers entered ficent beyond imagination and unique in

what was then known as "Potato Valley" its land forms.
in 1875, it was because Church Elders The town is situated on the south slope
had chosen that location for colonizing in of land which rises to meet the great for-
South Central Utah. The land appeared ested peaks of Dixie National Forest, the
suitable for agriculture, with good water largest National Forest in Utah, with ele-
flowing from the high mountains to the vations from 6,000 to 10,577 feet.
north of the proposed settlement. Four outstanding geologic features en-
The small colony of settlers thought it compass this area; Aquarius Plateau on
proper to name their " t o w n " Escalante, the approximate north boundary of Dixie
after Father Escalante, who had passed National Forest, The Kaiparowits Plateau
that way almost 100 years before in 1776. which residents call "their 50 mile moun-
They had little time, nor the inclination tain," on the west rim of Escalante River
to explore the entire region, beyond what basin, a colossal formation, The Water-
land was necessary to pasture their cattle pocket Fold on the east, and finally, the
and cultivate their fields. The land proved Canyon of the Colorado River on the
to be productive, and although life for south, which is now Lake Powell.
them was filled with hardship and Nestled within this rough outline are
privation in the beginning, the small set- superbly forested mountains, plunging
tlement prospered. canyons, rippling waterfalls, cool, clear
As Escalante grew larger, the people, streams and lakes. In the low country are
needing more land, explored the sur- canyons with soaring walls, gold-dusted
rounding country and became aware that by the sun, that hide arches and natural
they were in the center of a vast area, bridges, and locations where pre-Colum-
colossal in size, startling in color, magni- bian man left petroglyphs and the re-
Desert/ October 1974 37
mains of his dwellings. such as the one not too far from town
In the canyons and along high cliffs are which is scheduled for development as a
weird formations that are a photograph- state park. Of course, the Antiquities Act
Metal-Mineral Detectors er's delight, as is the high country when is enforced here as it is everywhere. A
fall frost turns the aspen gold, and leaves limited amount of petrified wood can be
BOOKS TOOLS ASSAY KIT of oak, cottonwood and maple trees flaunt had at the Wolverine Collecting Area
SLUICE BOXES MINERAL LIGHTS orange and russett hues in a mad display, (See B.L.M. map.)
LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT before swirling winds carry them away to
Send 25c for catalog to:
Jeeping is your thing? Some roads are
spill over the land like turned-over paint signed as suitable only for 4WD vehicles,
6286 BEACH BLVD. pots. and they are just that, for deep sand and
BUENA PARK, CALIF. 90620 Escalante economy is based largely on rock slides prevail on those back roads.
[714] 521-6321
livestock, lumber operation and tourism. Local ranchers or the Bureau of Land
COE PROSPECTOR SUPPLY The town retains much of its rustic charm Management have no objection to your
A N A H E I M , CALIF. 92804 in the old, brick buildings erected in the exploring the back country if — you stay
[714]995-1703 late 1800s and early 1900s, trimmed with on established routes, leave a clean
carved wood around the eaves, porches camp, carry out your trash, (or any you
and windows. Some have been restored may find), respect private property
whether it is posted or not, and remember
ARJZONA Cook Book and are lived in, side by side with new
modern homes. About 800 people make the rule of the range about gates. Close
By Aland them after you if you find them closed,
up the population of this new-old village.
Mildred Fischer
North-south U.S. Highway 89, then east leave open if you find them open.
Includes sourdough
and Indian fried bread via Utah State Highwy 12 through Bryce The following five scenic tours, using
rei ipes, as well as Canyon National Park will take you into Escalante as a base for exploring, are
other mouth-watering
favorites Unique col- the heart of Escalante Country. possible by passenger car for a do-it-
lection of hard-to-find When summer temperatures prevail yourself trip, but by no means do they be-
Western cooking. Pa-
perback, 142 pages. on the Escalante desert, national forest gin to cover the variety of activities and
S3.00 locations are cool and entice local resi- scenic locations in Escalante Country.
Calii. residents
idd6% sales tax Please include 25c dents and vacationing visitors to use the Calf Creek Recreation Area — Take
for postage & handling. developed campgrounds in a woodland road east from Escalante to Boulder. This
Magazine Book Shop setting. Forty-seven lakes and streams is an extremely scenic and photogenic
P. O Box 1318, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 offer excellent fishing, boating, swim- drive as it passes through a pink and
ming and picnicking. Scenic drives to the white world of sandstone cliffs, canyons,
top of the mountain ranges display a pan- ledges and across the upper Escalante

MOAB orama of magnificent canyons and tim-

ber-rich slopes.
River to the BLM campgrounds at the
Calf Creek Recreation site. There are a
Nothing there that interests you? How limited number of spaces suitable for
about hiking? Choose your place; red- campers, tenting or small trailers. Be-
rock and slick-rock country, deep canyons cause of the narrow confines of the can-
or alpine meadows. Mountain climbing is yon, large trailers might have difficulty
not for everyone, but there are some chal- getting in and out. A large parking area at
lenging situations throughout Escalante the entrance may be used while hiking
Country. the falls trail.
Located 5 miles South of Moab, on U.S. 163
For brochure, write: Petrified forests? There are locations The trailhead to beautiful Lower Calf
P. O. Box 147-D, Moab, Utah 84532 where you may look, but not collect wood, Creek Falls is located about center of
campground, a 2-3/4-mile hike up canyon
on a good trail. Deep, perpendicular walls
enclose this hushed world where the
POPUIAR sound of running water follows one up the
canyon until you hear the thunder of the

ARCHAEOIOGY falls, long before you see it.

North from Boulder—Dixie National
Forest Road to Crover—Visit the Anasazi
Popular Archaeology is a magazine that Indian Village State Park in Boulder. It is
brings you the Mystery and Excitement of
on the main highway and is an extremely
the Search and Excavation. The archaeology
that is covered in each issue is on a world- interesting site where an entire ancient
wide basis with special emphasis on the village is in the process of restoration.
prehistory and history of the United States. A graded road winds up the mountains
Subscription is $9.50 per year. to 9200-foot elevation. Ponderosa pine,
Order from: P.O. Box 4 2 1 1 , Arlington, V A 22204 spruce and other evergreens mix with as-
pen midway on the slopes until, at the

Desert/October 7974
extreme high point, only aspens remain cleft and think what it would be like to
in dense stands surrounded by alpine drive a team of horses and wagon down Clyde Forsythe's Famous . . .
me.ulowns. that steep pass.
A viewpoint at the summit unrolls a
magnificent panorama of land, now ris-
ing, now falling, across Capitol Reef Na-
Deer Creek Recreation Area—Long
Canyon—Velvet Hills—Circle Cliffs —
Take dirt road east out of Boulder about
High Quality
tion. 11 Park and the Waterpocket Fold,
until your eyes finally sweep up the sides
of the Henry Mountain range 75 miles
eight miles to Deer Creek Recreation
Area. All-year clear water stream, shad-
ed cottonwood campsites surrounded by
colorful cliffs. A spacious BLM no fee
Gold Strike
Three National Forest campgrounds
are located near the road for easy access.
Oak Creek, Pleasant Creek and Single-
tree, all with improved facilities, are
area. The road continues through Long
Canyon for 10 miles, spectacular scenery
is created by vertical walls along the
canyon. Two natural arches on the south
Four Mining Camp Scenes
aming towering pines. National Forest rim, one near the entrance, the other
camps are fee use areas, and maintained midway on a small side canyon. When All In 4-Color
in .1 clean and sanitary condition. you reach the Long Canyon Overlook, you
Each 1 4 " x l 7 " with white margins
F!oad North out of Escalante—Posy will see the Velvet Hills below. I am sure
you will want to spend some time taking on high quality paper suitable for
Lake —Hell's Backbone—Good, graded
pictures, rock collecting and wandering framing.
diri i oad climbs the western side of Dixie
National Forest. Pinyon-juniper ecosys- through this colorful landscape. It is an Send your name,
tem on lower elevations, ponderosa entirely fascinating place. mailing address, ZIP CODE and
pines, blue spruce, mountain ash, maple The Circle Cliffs are the haunts of pro-
and gambel oak are established around
waterways and lakes that abound in this
are i Some good fishing lakes and
Streams are accessible by 4WD only.
fessional photographers, prospectors and
non-professional rockhounds. The verti^
cal red sandstone cliffs almost surround a
great circular vlley of about 500 square
Only • 1 0 0

Posy Lake turnoff is signed and swings miles, the east wall being a part of the TO:
left off main road, an excellent spot for a Waterpocket Fold. Roads into this valley REPRINT DEPARTMENT
lun h picnic or just relaxing a bit, even are dirt, but can be traveled, with care, in DESERT MAGAZINE
some fishing. Not a large lake, but a small passenger cars. With your BLM map, it is PALM DESERT, CALIF. 92260
jewel surrounded by aspens and conifers easy to find your way around, as main
thai reflect in the blue water. junctions are signed.
Esicktrack two miles to main road and
on lo Hell's Backbone bridge above
This would be a good trip to undertake
when you must leave Escalante Country,
Dealh Hoi low Canyon. The bridge is built for the Burr Trail down through the Wa-
over .i narrow sliver of rock and connects terpocket Fold connects with a road south LOCATE IT FROM \ V
two mountains. Mule skinners, who to Bullfrog Basin, or north through A LONG DISTANCE \
packed ore and supplies up out of the Notom to Highway 24 at Capitol Reef Na- With my sensitive J
ma:.s of sharp pinnacles over narrow tional Park. 1 DIRECTIONAL LOCATOR
trails in pioneer days, coined the names Yes, Escalante Country unfolds scenic Send for my FRF.F. INFORMATIVE
to describe their feelings about the place. wonders in every direction, vast, excit- BROCHURE and read about this
Eilue Spruce campground, just before ing and colorful Once you experience remarkable device
rea< lung Hell's Backbone, is a Forest this unique land, you will return! • P.O. Box 13441BU Tampa, Fla. 33611
Service facility with Pine Creek running
through it. Fishing, fire-grills and tables
are available. Good rock collecting area.
Hi>le-in-the~Rock — April, May, early
June, late September, October, Novem-
ber ,ind sometimes all of December are
ideal to explore the desert country south
of E scalante to Hole-in-the-Rock. Grad-
1741 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, Calif
ed, r.ood-surface dirt road south out of
Phone (213) 591-8956
Escalante, 62 miles to road's end at his-
Open Monday thru Friday, 9:30 lo 6 Saturday, 9:30 to 5
torii cleft down the wall of the Colorado
Headquarters for:
Rivei Canyon. Pioneers blasted out a pas-
Lapidary Supplies • Jewelry Making • Rockhound Supplies
sage ihrough the narrow opening to lower
Silver & Gold.Casting Machines • Cut Stones • Rough Rock
theii wagons for the river crossing. Here
you may view the waters of Lake Powell
from ihe rims, or climb down through the

Oestii October 1974

Fully haired in a juvenile coat at 35 days,
RIVERSIDE COUNTY'S LARGEST he has all the dark grey and black mark-
4-WHEELDRIVE HEADQUARTERS ings in the right places. His face, while
Continued from Page 71
Accessories for All Makes not yet alertly pointed like an adults, has
become longer, and he's getting his

vi Jeep back to do his share in the upbringing

If moving is in order, Mrs. Ringtail
upper and lower canine teeth and some
incisors. A few days later, he's an old
hand at walking well, and taking aboard a
JOHNSON'S seizes a youngster's shoulder in her lot of solid food, cactus fruit being a big
SALES and SERVICE mouth, or sometimes his whole head, or favorite.
1st and Market, Riverside, California grips him firmly by the belly, and away From now on it's a matter of
Telephone 714 684-9020 they go, J r. completely relaxed, traveling sharpening up, muscle-wise and wit-
ringtail-style. Left to himself, he's not wise. Foraging with their mother, ringtail
much good at getting around at first, de- youngsters learn what's good to eat and
pending mostly on his front legs to drag where to find it, and being ringtails catch
FOR GIFTS, PERSONAL M A R OR PROFIT! his too-young body along. But as the days onto climbing techniques quickly. All
200 PAGE go by, and his strength begins to come, they need then is practice, and being
', SHOWS HOW! he's better and better at it. Besides, he's young and full of fun and with littermates
EASY TO DO, NO SPECIAL SKILLS beginning to look more like a member of ditto, much tearing and racing about the
Zarn Big Money in your spare time. the clan all the time, his big ears are up rough terrain takes place. It's a wild
Sell your creations for 2 to 5 times
'hat you paid for them. This finally, and he can twitch and droop scramble up and over the rocky slopes,
FREE CATALOG contains everything
you need . , . send for hobby-crafts biggest and best them. hairbrained leaps and toenail scrabbling
catalog; Contains over 10,000 items . , . loaded with
pictures — everything you need to get started at once. Along about his 29th day, his auditory at landing, the chased turning suddenly
canals open and what with being able to to become the chaser —all to end in a roll-
hear what is going around him now, he ing, snarling mock fight, also part of the
begins to smarten up considerably. The practice training. At about four months of
31st to 34th day is the biggest one, for age, they look much like mini-adults, with
then it is that his eyes open, and after that afull set of teeth and all. Ringtails at last,
Subscriptions as Gifts his development proceeds at full speed. they even have the clan's particular
odor—a sweet, musky smell, compli-
ments of an amber-colored fluid issued

WATTS INDIAN TRADING upon occasion from the anal glands.

Like most nocturnal animals, the ring-
Company tail is equipped with long facial vibrissae
or stiff whiskers which rest in pockets
lined with nerve endings. The slightest
touch on a whisker causes the ringtail to
Locations at — move away, and their value in night-con-
ducted activities is apparent. So, too, are
Highway 163, Vz mile the ringtail's great nocturnal eyes, so bjg
south of Moab, Utah as to provide space for a large retina area
rich in rod cells which, working in the
31808 Camino Capistrano, weakest of light, enable the ringtail to go
San Juan Capistrano, California about his business seeing quite well long
after the world looks dark to others. Nor
is his nose long for nothing, for inside are
long nasal passages whose surfaces are
FISH! FIISH! FISH! loaded with cells specialized in scent
news receiving. With all this fine night
TROUT, BASS AND CATFISH equipment, and since his taste in food is
Get your share at Hall's Crossing so unlimited, the ringtail is fairly certain
of always dining well.
HALLS'S CROSSING MARINA OFFERS: Gas and oil, live bait and lures, fishing gear, boat repaii
facilities, cold beer, ICE, groceries, slips and buoys for rent. Overnight accommodations thot There's plenty of time, then, in the cool
sleep two to eight persons. Write or call for reservations. At the general store: fresh milk, eggs,
butter, frozen meat, cold cuts and canned items for camping or picnicking. Take a boat trip to
of the desert night, to investigate that
Rainbow Bridge in one day. 2, 3 and 4-day tours to various parts of the lake, camping and sound or scent that catches his attention,
sleeping under the stars. Ferry service for travelers with light vehicles. All types of pleasure
craft for rent, from 14-ft. to houseboats. Airstrip is 4000 feet with tiedown facilities available.
or to gallop up a rough vertical cliff, chim-
ney stem down a crevice, or making a


Write Lake Powell Ferry Service, Blanding Utah or call Moab Mobile Operator, ask for Unit 56
racing turn on a narrow ledge, just for the
fun of it.
After all, he's a real champion desert
acrobat. •
40 Desert/October 7974
Angel Arch In Canyonlands National Park


eeupon on page
Fun and Profit the discrepancies, orthoclase has been


ALL NEW Rambling the 6 hardness indicator for more than
100 years, and no doubt will continue to
be used for a long time to come.
The similarity of orthoclase to other
Metal feldspars, especially microcline, makes a
MODEL 7MB * 2 4 9 50
Detectors good story, First, we would like to look at

the derivation of the names. Feldspar is a
OTHERS FROM $124.50 I Rentals group name, which evidently at one time
with was the only one in use. The present
Option by thinking as to its origin is that it is from
GROUND C0NOI1 I to Buy German. The word spath indicates some-
Glenn and thing that can be easily split. The word
Martha Vargas feld is the word for field. Thus, feldspath
in German means a stone that can be easi-
Guarantee ly split, that is found in the fields. It has
PROSPECTING AND HIKING EQUIPMENT Number 6 in Hardness since been altered to the English form
BOOKS — TOPO MAPS feldspar. Recent research, however, indi-
cates that possibly the word has a Scan-
Write for IT IS UNFORTUNATE that orthoclase
feldspar was chosen as the number 6 dinavian origin.
FREE CATALOG hardness indicator. In a later column, we Until it was noticed that the feldspars
shall discuss it (and others) from the were a group of minerals, there were few,
standpoint of being somewhat erroneous, if any, other names in use. Today, we
but the factor that dismays most amateur know a large number of types of feld-

ACOBSEN mineralogists is that it is very similar to

other feldspars that have different hard-
spars, but it is sad thatthe names given to
each do little to separate them. Each
nesses. In fact, it is very nearly impossi- name is descriptive in some degree,but
ble to discuss orthoclase without discus- some names can describe other types as
9322 California Ave.,
South Gate, California 90280 sing microcline feldspar. Regardless of well. Orthoclase is an example of this.
The name is from Latin, ortho— meaning
straight, and c/ase — meaning cleavage
(or splitting). The name then literally

Goforjaf means that it splits in straight or parallel

lines. Other feldspars do this also.
Orthoclase is very similar to microcline

N G feldspar; in fact, it takes laboratory ex-

amination to separate them in most
cases. The name microcline is also from

No. 10 Latin, micro — very little, and dine— in-

clined. To show the meaning of this, we
AVAILABLE FROM must compare the two in crystalline form.
Orthoclase forms crystals in the

monoclinic system in which two of the
crystal axial directions (faces for our pur-
poses) meet at 90 degrees (right angles)
to each other. The third direction lies at
an angle other than 90 degrees. (The
name monoclinic means, again Latin,
mono — one, clinic— inclined.) In the case
Featuring the latest in: of microcline, the two directions that lie at
90 degrees in orthoclase, lie at an angle
other than 90 degrees, thus all angles are
oblique, and now we have a crystal that is
INDIAN JEWELRY SILVER AND SILVERSMITH SUPPLIES a member of the triclinic (three inclined)
ALL KINDS OF FINDINGS At first thought, a crystal that has all
faces meeting at other than 90 degrees
—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL— could easily be separated from one that
has two which meet at 90 degrees. The
catch here is that we have not stated how
42 Desert/October 1974
degrees they are apart. When we
tell V11" that, for microcline, two faces
made from feldspar. The body of the
fixture is made for a powder of one consis-
meet at 89Vi degrees, it now becomes al-
most ridiculous. The name microcline
tency, the glaze may be made from a
more finely divided powder, or a slightly TREASURE HUNTING
certainly fits the situation, but does noth- different type of feldspar.
ing foi the person with the specimen in As mentioned above, the mineral col-
his h.nid. lector prizes feldspar specimens. The
To cet back to our original statement crystals of both orthoclase and microcline
aboui orthoclase being an unfortunate being nearly identical, form identical
choicr, to add to what is discussed above, types of twins. One type of twin, called a
we find that microcline has a hardness of carlsbad twin, is named for Carlsbad,
6V2. Now the mineral collector has two Czechoslavakia. This is two crystals
minei. 11s that look exactly alike, and each attached side-by-side, or intergrown into
has ;i different hardness! each other. A second type twin, named
Miiny mineralogists have insisted that bavenoffor Baveno, Italy), is two crystals
the two are really one mineral with some so intergrown that they are almost per-
variations. If this could be proven, it fectly square in outline. A third type, not
wouM certainly assist the student, but the as common as the other two, is the mane-
laboratory seems to place them farther bach twin (named for an individual). This
and Luther apart. For example, ortho- is two crystals attached by their sides so
clase < hanges to a third type of feldspar that there is a deep notch between them.
when heated to a high temperature. Mi- The notch is the result of faces that meet
crocline remains unchanged up to and be- at less than 90 degrees.
yond its melting point. Neither of these two minerals are of SEND FOR FREE
Th'' two minerals, being so similar,
have imilar modes of occurrence. Both
great interest to the gem cutter, with the
possible exception of moonstone, which 1974 CATALOG
are found in lavas and other igneous is a form of orthoclase. Moonstone is the
rocks Both are found in rocks that have result of an intergrowth of another feld- 11483 Vanowen St., North Hollywood, CA 91605
been It.iked (metamorphosed), as well as spar in orthoclase, in which the second (213) 764-6114 — (213) 877-7240

other •.imilar occurrences. mineral reflects light deep from within a

Thi" only formation of note, when only nearly transparent material. These are
one ol the two appears, is in the beautiful gems, but the hardness rules
gem hearing pegmatite dikes. Here, or- against wearing them on a daily basis.
thocl-ise does not appear. Some of the The finest moonstone comes from Cey-
crystiils found in these dikes are large, up lon. India produces a type that is similar. Gem Tumbler
to a foot across, and extremely perfect. Most feldspars appear in glassy clear Rugged, compact for pros
Some of them are studded with other pieces that may be faceted, but optical and beginners. Mod. 25OD
minei .1 Is such as tourmaline, beryls, etc., Deluxe Tumbler $53.4Q
properties that produce brilliance are
that Mmtinued to grow after the micro- low. They are usually colorless. There is
cline 1 rystals reached their full size. 8" & 10" Koolerant Kontrolled
one exception to this colorless situation in
Trim SaWS Heavy duty
Thesi' make marvelous specimens. An- a material that comes from a single throughout. Complete with
other pegmatite occurrence of microcline locality in Madagascar. This is a fine lem- Power Feed and Cut-Out
is the- blue to blue-green type known as on-yellow color, and makes striking, but Switch & Motor.

amazniistone. It is thought that this was not very brilliant gems.

Mod. 157D-10 1 ' $244.00
name-i I for the Amazon River, but no one Diamond Drill, Carver
There are other feldspars worthy of dis-
has ever found it in that region of South & Buffer
cussion, but space is limited, thus we will Special design saves diamond drills
Amei ii a. setthem asideforafuturecolumn. • Ready to g o —
Mqst of the occurrences of orthoclase less drills.
Mod. 605D
are in lava. In some cases, if thecooling of
the lava was very slow, huge cyrstals
were lormed, locked in the lava mass. s s s s ORDER BLANK so large, that it, a single crystal, BREAKFAST Covington Engineering Corp.
ANYTIME! P.O. Box 35D, Rtdlands, CA 92373
became a quarry.
OPEN 7 DAYS All Items Shipped Freight Collect For
The most important use for feldspar, Better Service. Amt. Enclosed
both tirthoclase and microcline, is the D GEM TUMBLER D TRIM SAW
making of porcelain. A fine powder, when D DRILL D FREE CATALOG
melted, fuses into a glassy material. Fine Name
china dishes are made of very pure feld- Address
spar, usually orthoclase. Most of our City State
modei n bathroom fixtures are a porcelain Zip

Desert 1 ictober 7974

GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: local- SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Cadena ASSAYS, COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed.
ities, mines, maps, directions, contacts. English- Drive, Riverside, California 92501. Parallel to Highest quality spectrographic. Only $6.00 per
Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 plus 20c postage. Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956. Come in sample. Reed Engineering, Suite C, 1140 N.
Gemac, Mentone, California 92359. and browse; jewelry mountings, chains, sup- Lemon St., Orange, California 92667.
plies, minerals, slabs, rough material, equip-
ment, black lights, metal detectors, maps, rock
LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological and bottle books.
history of the southern California desert, with OLDCOINS, STAMPS
photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50
postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., Box 67, Bell- GEM SHOP WEST. Mineral specimens, custom SILVER DOLLARS, UNCIRCULATED 1880-81
flower, California 90706. jewelry, gem identification, slabbing. 72-042 S, 1883-84-85 O mint $12.00 each. Catalogue
Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, California 92270. 50c. Shultz, Box 746, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110.
Phone 346-2812.
"GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun, $4.75 year.
Sample 35c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone, CAIif., PRACTICE GOLD PANNING!! Packet of black • REAL ESTATE
92359. sand and generous amount of newly mined natur-
al gold. $1.00. Also: Beautiful chunky natural
WILDERNESS LIVING! Nature, Medical, Survi- gold nuggets, $3.00, $5.00, $8.00, $10.00, GOVERNMENT LANDS! . . . From $7.50 ACRE!
val, Hunting, Firearms, Self Defense, Guerrilla $12.00, $15.00, $100.00, $200.00 sizes. Prospec- Vacationing, Farming Investment! Exclusive
Warfare. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraordin- tor Jack Ward. Box 380, Sandia Park, New Mexi- "Government Land Buyer's Guide" . . . plus
ary. Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, Route 3, Box co 87047. "Land Opportunity Review" listing lands
throughout U.S. Send $1.00. Surplus Lands, Box
517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. 6588-RJ, Washington, D.C. 20009.
"TREASURE HUNTING-Successful Tricks and GOVERNMENT LANDS—Low as $1.25 Acre!
Techniques" by Stephen Baron. This book pays Buy, lease or homestead. Free details! Lands Di-
for itself plus much more. Incl. map and treasure FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni,
Hopi jewelry and Kachina dolls, Navajo rugs, gest, Box 25561-DM, Seattle, Wash. 98125.
symbols. The "how" and "where" book. $2.50
postpaid. Carol Lynn Press, 10961 Palms Blvd., Chimayo blankets and vests, pottery and unique
Los Angeles, California 90034. gifts. Sorry, no catalogue. Open every day 10:00
to5:30. Buffalo Trading Post, 20115 Highway 18, THE BEAUTIFULCOYOTE Valley, Lots, Homes
Apple Valley, California 92307. and Acreage in the Unspoiled West Desert of Im-
perial County. Bell Realty, Imperial Hwy., Oco-
BEAT INFLATION! Learn: "How to Buy Real Es- tillo, California 92259.
tate" and "Howto Make Money in Real Estate."
600 informative pages. Both books only $4.95 ARROWHEADS — ARTIFACTS, Birdpoints,
postpaid! Glenn Smith Enterprises, Box 1513, Gamepoints, Darts $1.00 each, 3/$2.00 -
Dept. 69J, Akron, Ohio 44309. 12/$6.00. List available. Arrowhead's West, • SEEDS & PLANTS
P.O. Box 80, Barstow, Calif. 92311.
• BUSINESSOPPORTUNITIES Seeds (salviacolumbariae), sufficient for four 50-
BEADS, ALL KINDS, shapes, sizes. Old, new. foot rows. Complete instructions. Package $2.00.
Complete Catalog $1.00. Refundable with order. Harrison Doyle, P. O. Box 785, Vista, California
Beads & More, 4234 Craftsman Court, Scotts- 92083.
SMALL PRINTING PLANT FOR SALE. Includes dale, Arizona 85251.
Intertype with Quadder; 10x15 Heidelberg; Van-
dercook Proofpress; Assorted Hand Type;
Miscellaneous small equipment. Ideal one-man
operation, located in Palm Springs, California. • TRAVEL
Lease available. Write: Dept. P, Desert Maga-
zine, Box 1318, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260. EXPLORE BAJA California's isolated islands
SPECIAL MAPS! Map #1: "Roadmap To Lost and lagoons along the Pacific Coast or Sea of Cor-
Mines and Buried Treasures of California." tez. 7 Day Expeditions $378, everything includ-
MAKE 2 TO 3 TIMES your cost on hundreds of Folded only: $4.00. Map #2: "Roadmap to Pio- ed. B.E.E., Box 1484, Vista, California 92083.
products selling part or full time. Gift items, toys, neer-Towns, Ghost-Towns, and Mining Camps
novelties. $1.00 brings giant catalog postpaid, re- of California." Folded only: $3.50. Map #3:
fundable on first order. Norman Burton, Box "The Oregor Trail." Rolled only, you frame,
2959, Sherwood Station, Mesa, Arizona 85204. 4WD-"JEEP" Scenic Adventure Trips, Death
$2.00. Map**.: "Pioneer-Trails" . . . 1541-1867. Valley region, all desert areas, Paul H. Thomp-
Rolled: $4.25; Folded: $4.00 Add 10% for handl- son Enterprises, Box 20, Darwin, Calif. 93522.
ing and postage. State Sales Tax. Detailed infor-
mation available from: Varna Enterprises, P.O.
• DESERTSTATIONERY Box 2216, Dept. A, Van Nuys, Calif. 91404.
MOCKELS ORIGINAL Livingcolor Desert
Notes, 25.assorted, $3.65, add 35c for postage, TREASURE FINDER locates buried gold, silver,
also Calif, sales tax. Mockels Desert Flower OLD MAP K T. Reprints of old State and Rail-
road maps. 70-100 years old. All States. Self-ad- coins, treasures. Six powerful models. Instant
Notebook, $5.95, please add tax. Artist Henry R. financing available. Write or call for free cata-
Mockel, P. O. Box 726, Twentynine Palms, Cali- dressed stamped envelope for details. Specify
state. Northern Map Co., Dept. DM, Eagle log. Phone (713)-682-2728 day or night. Dealer
fornia 92277. inquiries invited. Relco, Dept. A-205, Box
River, Wise. 54521.
10839, Houston, Texas 77018.
REC-MAPS—New series Southern California to-
pographic maps, photoreduced and printed on Mail your copy and first-insertion remittance
PRECISION LAPIDARY Abrasive Compounds 8V4 by 11 facing sheets. Updated with new to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine, Palm
for tumbling, polishing and grinding. Send for roads, popular gem and mineral hunting loca- Desert, Calif. 92260. Classified rates are 25c
free catalogue and price list. MDC Industries, tions and ghost towns. Write R V Equipment, per word, $5.00 minimum per insertion.
400 West Glenwood Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. P.O. Box 1045D, Monrovia, California 91016. Deadline for Classified Ads is 10th of second
19140. Dealer Inquiries invited. Dealer inquiries invited. month preceding cover date.

POWEMI:UL METROTECH locators detect gold, WILL YOU GAMBLE $4.00 to save $200? Build MAKE MONEY playing poker. Expert reveals
silver, (joins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. one of several detectors from our 20-page book inside secrets. Become constant winner. Send
Terms Iree information. Underground Explora- "Build Transistor Treasure Detectors." Easily $1.00. Hubler Enterprises, 1441 Paso Real Sp
tions, ()cpt 3A, Box 793, Menlo Park, CA 94025. followed instructions. $4.00. Trionics, Box 164D. 175, Rowland Heights, California 91746.
Brewer, Maine 04412.
TREAM IRE-METAL and mineral locators. Free of its kind you have been looking for. Courses
24 pag" booklet. GeoFinder Co.. Box 37. Lake- SALES: WHITE'S Beachcomber, Coinmaster, approved by California Dept. of Education. Send
wood, California 90714. Goldmaster Metal Detectors. Repair: Efficient for Free Brochure. Roy Keister College of Fine
and enconomical service on all metal detectors Arts, 19 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050.
by factory trained technician. Send or bring to
BURIEM TREASURE —Locate up to quarter the Treasure Hut, 628 A Reed Avenue, Red
mile away with ultra-sensitive Directional Loca- Bluff, Calif. 96080. (916) 527-3895. FASCINATED WITH ASTROLOGY? Our Home
tor. Send for free, informative pamphlet. Re- Computer Astrology Kit puts what's in the stars
search Products, Box 13441-BUC, Tampa, Flor- in your home. Based upon same facts used by
ida 33i;11. world famous astrologers. $11.50 Ppd. Great
Gift! Aquarius, 351 Evonshire Ave., Santa Bar-
• MISCELLANEOUS bara, Calif. 93111. (Add 60c State tax in Calif.)
FIND lUJRIED TREASURE with revolutionary
patent"i analytical metal detector. Features INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP, INC., seeks
push bi Iton and automatic tuning, negligible FREE CATALOG of Gifts and Gadgets Galore.
ChristmasSpecial. Send 35c postage. Opportuni- families to share their homes and cultures with a
ground lickup, greatest range.Free catalogue. high school student from abroad. For further in-
Gardin" Electronics Co., Dept 51, 4729 N. 7th ties, 7658 So. 42 St., Omaha, Nebraska 68147.
formation write Box 1212, Sedona, Ariz. 86336.
Ave., P loenix, Arizona 85013.
FREE r>6 page catalog on detectors, books and righted Report reveals how to make big profits GUMMED NAME and Address Labels: 1000—
maps, iieneral Electronic Detection Co., 16238 part-time. Only $1.00. Sunflower-B, 241 So. Bed- $1, 3000—$2.25. Three-week delivery. C. Friday,
Lakewniid Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. 90706. ford, Chappaqua, New York 10514. 4705 Adam Rd., Simi Valley, Calif. 93063.


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ADDRESS Two Years $11.00

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Co ahead, cut up your magazine.

74-109 Larrea Street P. 0. Box 1318 Palm Desert, California 92260
Oct Check this box • and we replace it.
most extreme wide-angle camera lenses the river. This trip is spectacular in many
DEAD HORSE POINT cannot take in half of it. ways.
Continued from Page 31 In all directions, deep, colorful and Dead Horse Point can also be seen from
spectacular tributary canyons twist tor- nearby Island in the Sky from 4WD trails
campground which is now limited to day- tuously through colorful rock strata to ul- that are on the far side of the Colorado
use picnicking. And beyond the picnic timately join the Colorado. The predom- River and from Anticline Overlook,
grounds is the big shade-pavilion that inant color of all this canyon maze is the another spectacular rim viewpoint on the
stands on the very tip of the point. dark red of dried blood. plateau to the east. And on clear days,
From the pavilion, and the paved, Except for the faint 4WD trail at its Dead Horse Point can also be seen from
walled walkway that goes around the cliff base, only one man-made feature can be forest trails high in the La Sals, 25 miles
edge in both directions, is the view that seen from Dead Horse Point. To the east, to the east. This illustrates the sheer size
has made this state park famous. in the midst of sprawling redrock sand- of this jutting monolithic peninsula.
That view is almost indescribable, and flats, huge irregularly-shaped ponds can Strangely, the tragedy that gave Dead
is so broad and sweeping that even the be seen, covering thousands of acres in a Horse Point its name was not the last to
terraced array that virtually covers the mar the spectacular beauty of this famous
flats between the river cliffs and the base overlook. Despite all that has been done

At last an All New completely illustrated
of the high plateau. These are solar eva- to promote safe enjoyment of this cliff-
poration ponds where salt solutions bound park, the sheer numbers of visitors
pumped from deep mines are concentrat- have made tragedy inevitable. Unwary
tmanual of Desert Mobility. The Baja Boon- ed before further refinement. The mill pets have fallen to their deaths, as have
dockers Bible "TO HELL ON WHEELS".
$2.95 Postpaid by Alan H. Sicbcrt that processes the mineral slurry to re- several visitors over recent years. The
California residents add 6% Tax
BROWN BURRO PRESS, Box 2863 ( D M ) , Pasadena, Ca. 91105
move the valuable potash is out of sight cliff-rim wall is well designed and effec-
"The Largest Selection of Pendleton
farther up the Colorado River. tive, but cannot save young boys who
Sportswear This Side of Disneyland!" But, seeing the view from Dead Horse climb over it while chasing lizards.
Point is only part of the picture. Viewing Both state and national park officials
Bill Tosetti's the point, itself, from various angles, is who administer the parks in the canyon
the other part. This can be done from country of southeastern Utah do every-
Specialist land, air and water, and is spectacular thing practical to prevent such tragedies,
For Men & Women from all three. but despair of walling or fencing the hun-
Air tours, offered by nearby scenic tour dreds of miles of dangerous rims that can
FREE operators, can provide views of Dead be reached by park visitors. Truly, it is a
PENDLETON MAIL ORDER CATALOG Horse Point from almost any angle, in- problem with no solution, because it is
Since 1954 -17632 Chatsworth St.
cluding from below. Jet boat tours on the simply not possible to make wild, natural
Granada Hills, Calif.
[213)363-2192 Colorado, offered by two Moab river canyon-plateau terrain absolutely safe for
guides, show the Point best as the tower- everyone.
FIND BURIED TREASURE ing, slender peninsula that it is. Float-
tour passengers, on their way down the
Dead Horse Point—a grim name based
upon an unhappy event. Or at least ac-
Locates buried gold, silver, coins,
jewelry, old weapons. Works river toward Cataract Canyon, also see cording to the official story dramatized
through earth, vegetation,
water, wood, etc. the Point. Some even camp overnight on earlier in this article. But every tour guide
Write for free catalog and fasci- /%Xmr 1 9 9 5 sandbars directly below the jutting stone in the region has his own version of how
nating treasure booklet. //J^^^ in 10050
Financing available. / ^ ^ promontory. the park got its name. Some even have a
New Relco detec- Three Moab back-country tour guides variety of stories —take your pick. A few
5 powerful tors send electronic
models ^beam far into earth to also offer land tours that travel along the of these tales are serious, some are delib-
''seek out treasures lost or trail that skirts the base of Dead Horse erately outrageous and a few are so out-
hidden throughout the cen-
turies. Signals when object Point on a sloping terrace far below the landish they elicit only the groans associ-
is detected. Most powerful ated with the most ridiculous puns.
made. overlook, but still hundreds of feet above
RELCO, Dept D-318 Box 10839, Houston, Tex. 77018 But no matter which of the many tales
about the naming of this scenic viewpoint

ForAthe Birds? is true— if any— it makes little difference.

After all, what's in a name? It's the thing,
itself, that matters, and in this case the
Hummingbird thing is a magnificent, incomparable
' Postpaid
Feeder over-look that has so much to offer that
hundreds of thousands of people have
Send check or money order to: been to the remote park, some of them
many times.
IBtMAvL. MAGAZINE And more than a few have come away
• BEE PROOF vowing that even the famous Grand Can-
Palm Desert, California 92260 yon is no match for what they have seen
• ANT PROOF Calif. Res. add 6% sales tax
from Dead Horse Point. •
46 npiprt/Drtnhpr 1974
It's about timo tho use« of the desert rise up
and let it be known that they have worked hard
to clean up, fix up and use, but not abuse our
wonderful desert playground. If we don't,
others are going to convince government and
the general public that the desert is in need of
being put in a museum status!
We are enclosing a check and subscription
form and hope your magazine continues to tell
it how it is!

'.••.' ::
• • • . ; • • Wants An Index...
I just received my August issue of Desert

Magazine and remembered a problem I had

several months ago while planning a vacation. OCTOBER 1-13, 21st Annual Sunburst of
Re Lost Dutchman . . . Here's the problem: often, when planning a Gems sponsored by the Fresno Gem and
This is in answer to the man, and many vacation, we go back through our old copies of Mineral Society, Inc., to be held in conjunction
other, who are "puzzled about the Lost Desert and check to see if there are places with the Fresno District Fair, Industrial Build-
Dutchman." we've missed and to look for places we can go ing at the Fair Grounds, East Kings Canyon
The inconsistencies of the authors of all the and take our dune buggy along to use for local Road and Chance Avenue in Fresno, Calif.
books on that very famous, or infamous, mine transportation. We use it more like a J eep than Admission to Fair covers admission to show.
are cuised by lack of facts, or truth and no a dragster. We had difficulty locating articles Chairman: Judy Geringer, 3905 E. Dwight
resesn h. To this lack, the authors then add about the area we were going to visit. Eventu- Way, Fresno, Calif. 93702.
opinions, suppositions, assumptions, tall tales ally, we found them with a great deal of
searching. OCTOBER 5 & 6, Seventh Annual National
and lies. This not only confuses the authors,
Here's the solution. How about putting a Prospectors — Treasure Hunters Convention
but the readers as well.
state after the article's title and an index in the sponsored by the Prospectors Club of So.
Nonr of the authors are, or were grounded
December issue of the year's articles? At the Calif., Galileo Park out of California City,
in Ap/ona history or the mining history of Ari-
end of the year, an index might be the inside Calif. Competitive events for National Detec-
zona. I hus, except for a few facts, most of it is tor Championships, Gold Panning Champion-
pure 11 ipe. Of the over 350 items in my library cover in the back, or the page opposite the
ships, Dry-Washing Contest, Treasure
on th'' I )utchman, very few items are valid and Contents page.
Hunts, etc. Latest in prospecting and TH'ing
useful These items were gathered by me over Thanks for such an interesting magazine. 1
equipments will be displayed. Free admis-
40yen s ago. The nameof the game in the field sure hope you try some-sort of indexing for all
sion. $1.00 camping fee for weekend. Con-
of I051 mines and treasures is grass roots re- of us "research trippers." I hope you consider
tact: Sharon Holcomb, 3216 Sterling Rd.,
search lor facts and truth. From such, one has a four-wheel department, too!
Bakersfield, Calif. (805)871-2070.
a cham e to find the thing sought for, but it is JOHN LEONARD,
not a guaranteed chance. Anaheim, California.
OCTOBER 12 & 13, "Earth's Treasures"
Fo' over 40 years I have maintained the presented by the Nevada County Gem and
"Legend of the Peralta Mines" is a hoax and a Editor's Note: We are presently working on a
Mineral Society, National Guard Armory
rip-oi I I have also contended that there is no method of indexing the magazine each year, in
Building, Ridge Rd., and Nevada City High-
gold, or possibilities of gold in the Supersti- addition to indexing all past issues in a booklet
way, Nevada City, Calif. Admission free,
tions Now I am vindicated by an official seven- form. This will be a valuable asset to planners
dealers, demonstrations.
year .tudy by the US, Arizona, Arizona State and researchers like yourself.
Univrisity, plus a couple of independent
firms There 'aint' no gold in them thar hills! OCTOBER 12 & 13, "Desert Gem-O-Rama"
Then' is silver, copper, cinnabar and a number sponsored by the Searles Valley Gem and
of minor ores, but — no gold!
Finds Old Magazines... Mineral Society, Trona Recreation Hall,
Trona, Calif. Camping space available for
Now to the $64 question! I know from re- I ran across a couple of your old magazines
$1.00 fee. Dealers, field trips. Admission
search that Jacob Waltz (name on his citizen- in an old abandoned house on the Nevada des-
free. Contact Jenny Langner, Box 966, Trona,
ship p.ipers, and on many other documents) ert, and after reading them I was amazed at so Calif. 93462.
had a prospect' from which he took a small much interest in the desert country which is
amounl of gold —about $4,000 worth. That like home to me. There is so much hidden
said prospect' is not, nor ever was, in the OCTOBER 19 & 20, Fallbrook Gem and
beauty on the deserts that few ever stop to look
Supei '.litions. Mineral Society Show, Fallbrook High School
for and see.
cafeteria on South Mission, Fallbrook, Calif.
In uiswer to the last paragraph of Mr. Ber- One copy was dated May, 1957, the other
Dealers. Chairman: Chas. Weber, 714-728-
liner'1, letter, just be patient. The undersigned February, 1954. What I would like to know is
will n".olve the Dutchman in the not-too-dis- do you still publish this magazine, and what
tant fulure. It will take a documented story to are the new rates?. OCTOBER 19 & 20, L.A. County Bottle Show
do so MRS. BETTYCUSHMAN, & Sale presented by South Bay Antique Bottle
MILTON F.ROSE, P.E., Hoopa, California. Club and Los Angeles Historical Bottle Club,
Salome, Arizona. Hawthorne Memorial Center, 3901 El Segun-
Hot To Cool... do Blvd., Hawthorne, Calif. For information:
Users, No Abusers . . . P. O. Box 60672 Terminal Annex, Los Angel-
As I finished reading "Summer Desert Hik- es, Calif. 90060.
We wish to express our appreciation for the ing," I rose leisurely from my beach chair and
OCTOBER 19-20, Special Desert Meeting
articl'• on petroglyps in the California Desert walked serenely into the cooling embrace of
sponsored by the World-of-Rockhounds Asso-
by M F. Strong. As frequent users of the the ocean.
ciation, Clay Mine Road near Boron, Calif.
desei i we are truly fed up with being accused DOROTHY ALESON, Field trips. Contact Mrs. Carol Mahr, 27419
of defraying the desert. Oceanside, California. Fawnskin Dr., Palos Verdes, Calif. 90274.
Desei I October 7974 47

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