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Ethical Theories
Ethical Theories
Ethical Decision Making In CSD
CD 7115
John F. Morris, Ph.D.
Rockhurst University
Prominent Ethical Theories
Cultural Relativism
right and wrong are determined by
the customs/rules of ones society
ethical norms are derived from
social practices
Duty Ethics
right and wrong are determined
according to duty - not what you
do, but why you do it
ethical norms are deontological -
based on duty
Prominent Ethical Theories
right and wrong are determined by
the course of action that will bring
the most personal pleasure and
avoid the most pain
ethical norms are totally
Prominent Ethical Theories
right and wrong are determined by
the individuals subjective, emotive
response to a situation - how one
ethical norms are totally subjective
Prominent Ethical Theories
right and wrong are determined by
religious belief or faith in GOD
ethical norms are based upon divine
Prominent Ethical Theories
right and wrong are determined by
the law
ethical norms are based solely on
the legal system and the courts
Prominent Ethical Theories
Personalism/Reasoned Analysis
right and wrong are determined
rationally by examining the action
under consideration to see if it
contributes to human fulfillment
ethical norms are derived from an
understanding of the human person
Prominent Ethical Theories
right and wrong are determined
according to that course of action
that produces the greatest benefit
for the greatest number of people
ethical norms are determined by
the consequences of an action
Prominent Ethical Theories
Virtue Ethics
right and wrong are determined
according to acting in certain ways
considered to be good or virtuous
morality consists in forming good
habits of character - that is, in
developing the virtues
Prominent Ethical Theories
Which theory is best
for reaching
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
Cultural Relativism
since everything is relative, we
cannot blame past cultures for the
horrible things they have done
also, how do you determine when
something has become socially
plus, with so many various
sub-cultures, there is no consensus
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
Duty Ethics
how does one decide what to do
when there are conflicting duties?
all this theory says is act on duty,
therefore you have no clear way of
choosing which duty to follow
if people are following different
duties, then there is no consensus
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
we all have incompatible interests:
the dieter and the doughnut; or,
the alcoholic and the drink; how do
you decide which interest to satisfy?
since each individual is out for her
or his own self, there is no consensus
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
first, why follow feelings over
reason, since feelings are often
vague and confusing?
you cannot recapture the feeling
one acted upon once it has passed
since feelings are private and
subjective, there is no consensus
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
everyone does not follow the same
religion or creed there are even
variations within the same faith
divine revelation is a private
experience that cannot be publicly
since faith is subjective, there can
be no consensus
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
laws should be based on a reasoned
understanding of right & wrong
thus, law should be based on ethics,
not vice-versa
and, since there is no global set of
laws that all people acknowledge,
there is no consensus
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
focuses only upon consequences
disregards the act that is done
thus, any action can be called good
as long as there are good
this allows some people to be hurt
and used for the greater good and
so there is no consensus
Problems with the
Prominent Ethical Theories
Virtue Ethics
virtues vary from culture to culture,
so the same problems of cultural
relativism arise
since virtues are culturally biased,
there is no consensus
is the only
ethical theory
that even attempts
to achieve

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