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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music IV

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Identify nationalism in music which flourished in urope and the contri!utions of
"ilipino composers for our country.
#. $in% and listen to nationalistic son%s
&. Appreciate the importance of nationalism in music
II. Subject Matter
A. Input' (ontent
Lesson ): *ationalism in Music
+. ,eference
MAP- for a +etter .ou
pa%es /01/2
(. Instructional Materials
PowerPoint Presentation
L(D Pro3ector' Laptop
Visual Aids' Pictures
(D player
4uitar or 5ey!oard
D. Values infused
Appreciate *ationalistic $on%s
III. Procedure
6eacher7s Acti8ity Pupil7s Acti8ity
A. Preparation

1. Greetings
4ood mornin% class9
-ow7s your day9
2. Prayer
:ho7s in char%e to lead today7s prayer9
:ell then, let us stand and !ow our heads in
6han; you <<<<<<<<<<<<.
Please remain standin%.
Good Morning Sir!
Its good Sir!
A student raises his/her hand and leads the
3. Checing o! cleanliness and orderliness
o! the roo".
+efore you sit, ;indly chec; your
surroundin%s for some pieces of paper and
trash and arran%e your chairs properly.
6han; you. .ou may all sit.
#. Attendance
May I as; the class secretary to report today7s
Very %ood= I7m happy you are all here.
6han; you. .ou may sit.
Alri%ht, !efore we discuss anythin% a!out the
new lesson for today, let us ha8e a little
re8iew a!out our past lesson.
$. %e&ie'
Last meetin% we ha8e tal;ed a!out Pro%ram
Music isn7t it9
*ow, let us ha8e an exercise !efore I7ll hear
some of your thou%hts re%ardin% our past
(lass let us read the direction in unison>
Column A Column B
Miguel de Cer&antes
(ector )erlio*
Progra" Music
%ichard Strauss
Peter +chaio&sy
Any!ody, who can %i8e me a summary of
what you had learned re%ardin% the past
Class secretary, +odays class attendance is
-------. consists o! ----/oys and
----- girls.
0es Sir!
1irection, )y dra'ing a line. connect the
'ords in colu"n A 'hich is closely related to
another set o! 'ords in colu"n ).
Column A Column B
Miguel de Cer&antes
(ector )erlio*
Progra" Music
%ichard Strauss
Peter +chaio&sy
2+here are !e' 'ho raise their hands3
Student 1, As !ar as I can re"e"/er.
progra" "usic is a narrati&e instru"ental
"usic lined to a scene. idea. poe". or story.
Don ?uixote
,omeo and
Don Auan

Don ?uixote
,omeo and
Don Auan
Anyone else9
-ow a!out the four main forms of Brchestral
Pro%ram Music9 Any!ody9
At all times, these musical forms are used in a
particular play, scene or a story. :ithout
these, a scene or story lac;s emotions and
feelin%s. 6herefore, these musical forms are
8ery important for it !rin%s life to a story.
Alri%ht, so what are those musical forms9
Very 4ood (lass=
It7s nice to hear that you78e had a %ood recall
of what you ha8e learned re%ardin% our past
Do you ha8e any @uestions or some sort of
Alri%ht, if there7s none, let us mo8e on.
B. Procedure
1. Moti8ation
+ut !efore we proceed, let us play a %ame
Do you ;now the %ame show C$in%in% +ee9D
Alri%ht let us play this %ame !ut first, let us
di8ide the class into fi8e .
I will %i8e you &E seconds to prepare>.
(an we !e%in now9 B; listen.
"or me to reco%niFe you, I will now %i8e to
you the sounds of !uFFers which you will
2A student raise his hand3
Student 2, In addition to 'hat ---------
had said. progra" "usic is a progra"
pre!ace added to a piece o! instru"ental
"usic to direct the listeners attention to the
poetical idea o! the play. It uses di!!erent
inds o! sounds /y using hu"an &oice.
2the students started to recall 'hat are those3
2a student raised her hand3 Sir!
+he !our "ain !or"s o! 4rchestral Progra"
Music are the Progra" Sy"phony. Concert
4&erture. Sy"phonic Poe". and Incidental
5one Sir!
2student !elt e6cited3
0es Sir! 2"ost o! the" raised their hands3
2the students !elt e6cited and started to group
2the class groups the"sel&es. there are !i&e
0es Sir!
2the class prepares the"sel&es !or the
imitate. Let us only presume that these are the
sounds produced !y these musical
,epeat the sound after me.
"or %roup G1, the sound of 8iolin>
"or %roup G#, the sound of a trian%le..
"or %roup G&, the sound of the drum>
"or %roup G0, the sound of the flute..
"or %roup G/, the sound of the %uitar..
Let us now !e%in. 6his is a 8ery simple %ame.
I will sin% son%s with incomplete lyrics, after
me, you will %oin% to fill in the missin% lyrics
!y sin%in%.
Do you understand class9
Are you ready9
G1 son% H Akoy Isan Pinoy
A;o7y isan% Pinoy sa puso7t diwa, pinoy na
isinilan% sa atin% !ansa. A;o7y hindi sanay sa
wi;an% m%a !anya%a, <<<< <<<<<< <<
<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<.
G# son% H Isan la!i" Isan #ipi
Aanhin ;o pa dito sa mundo, an% m%a matan%
na;i;ita7y di totoo, may n%itin% luha an%
li;uran at pa%layan% tanon% ay ;ailan, !a;it di
natin isa!o% an% pa%mamahal. $undan mo
<<< <<<<<< <<< <<<<<<, <<<<<<< <<<
<<<<<< <<< <<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<
<<<<<<<<<, <<<<< <<<<< <<<< <<<<<<
<<<<< <<<<< <<<<< <<< <<<<<< <<<<<.
G& son% H Ako ay Pilipino
A;o ay Pilipino an% du%o7y Maharli;a
Li;as sa a;in% puso adhi;ain% ;ay%anda
$a Pilipinas na a;in% !ayan <<<<< <<
<<<<<< << <<<<<<<<<<<<<, <<<<<
<<<<<<<<< << <<<<<<<<<<<< <<<
Very 4ood class= 4ood luc; to your sin%in%
0es Sir!
0es Sir!
20es Sir! the students shouts in unison3
Aoy Pinoy na "ayroong sariling 'ia
$undan mo n% tanaw an% !uhay. "undo ay
punan "o ng sayat ga'ing "aulay. iisa
lang ang ating lahi. iisa lang ang ating lipi.
/ait di pag"a"ahal ang iaalay "o.
panguna'ang tunay ang siyang nais o. ang
pagda"ay sa ap'ay nandyan sa palad "o
lantay na perlas ng silanganan. 'ariy
natipon na aya"anan ng Mayapal
B; class, can you %i8e me a one word or
simple description a!out the son%s we ha8e
sun% earlier9 :hat do these son%s imply or
xcellent Idea=
Very 4ood= All your ideas are correct=
*ow, who can identify the title of our lesson
for today9 Did you ;now already our new
lesson for today9
xactly= Very 4ood=
C. Presentation of the Lesson
.es, our lesson for today is nationalism
*ationalism in Music.
+ut to %i8e us more ideas and thou%hts a!out
our new lesson, let us watch a short 8ideo
I 6his 8ideo clip used the son% C+ayan
5oD, which was played as the !ac;%round
music in the D$A ,e8olution on the year
In addition to the son%s we 3ust sun% a while
a%o, this 8ideo also displays nationalism,
patriotism or lo8e and support of people
towards his country and fellowmen. A 8ideo
that shows the %reat fi%ht of "ilipino people
for freedom.
:hile watchin% the 8ideo clip and hearin% the
son%, what words came to your mind9
Very 4ood= Another9
Bther ideas9
Very rich ideas= xcellent=
2a student raised her hand3
Sir. the songs sho's lo&e !or the language
2a student raised his hand3
Sir. the 'ord Patriotis" descri/es the songs.
2silence...the students thin !or the /est
Sir yes Sir. our lesson is all a/out
2the students started to raise their hands one
/y one3
Sir. Patriotis"
Sir it is a/out sacri!ice !or others and
longing !or !reedo".
Sir it sho's nationalis".
Sir. its /ecause. the people sho's great lo&e
!or the country.
"or the last couple of wee;s, we ha8e !een
tal;in% a!out the ,omantic Period of Music
which !e%an from a!out 1)#E H 12EE. Isn7t it9
*ow, let us %o !ac; a%ain and identify the
reasons why nationalism in music !ecame the
primary theme of ,omantic Music ra. Let us
%o o8er with urope !ut we will focus more
a!out the nationalism of music in the
Anyone who can read from the class the
de8elopment of nationalism in urope9
2a photo slide a/out the di!!erent e&ents
happened during the %o"antic Period 'hich
a!!ect the social. econo"ic and cultural order
o! that ti"e3
2Another student 'ill /e called to read the
!ollo'ing e&ents3
2pictures o! 'hat happened during the
dictatorship o! (itler3
2pictures o! 'hat happened during the
Spanish %egi"e and 7dsa %e&olution3
Meanin% to say, an indi8idual7s expression of
his sentiments of the social, cultural, and
economic e8ents of the period reflected his
music. A cultural mo8ement that stressed
emotion, indi8iduality in style and self1
expression of the composers in the ,omantic
Any student who can read this information
2A student 'ill no' start to read3
In $urope there was a momentous pro%ress
in science li;e the disco8eries of many types
of machinery that affected the economic,
social, and cultural order of the time,
different wars and other pro!lems that ave
rise to nationalism. 6he music reflected the
social, cultural, and economic conditions
durin% that time. Bthers also desired to
escape from the harsh realities of the difficult
economic conditions throu%h their music that
characteriFed fantasy, su!3ecti8ity, and lo8e
of nature.
6hese are some of the e8ents which affected
the life of the composers.
In urope
Many ;inds of wars, dictatorship of
4erman mpire
In the Philippines
$panish ,e%ime
D$A re8olution
a!out composers in ,omantic Period9
2+he pictures o! the nationalistic co"posers
o! 7urope is sho'n and their "usic is played
one /y one3
6hese composers not only focused their son%s
in showin% lo8e towards a woman, !ut also
produce son%s which ha8e nationalistic sense.
-ere in the Philippines" nationalism in music
also de8eloped in ,omantic Period
:ho want to read this9
2so"e protest songs include Patriotic Maria
Clara Song and )ayan :o3
2listening o! the song Maria Clara Song3
2the pictures o! the 9ilipino Co"posers are
pro;ected on the screen3
*ow, who is (onstancio de 4uFman9
2the Music o! Constancio de Gu*"an and
<ulio 5apil is played in /et'een readings3
-ow a!out the short !io%raphy of Aulio
*a;pil, who can read9
Durin% the Philippine ,e8olution, Aulio
ser8ed as a commander for re8olutionary
troops in the northern Philippines under
Andres +onifacio.
Many composers from urope, li;e d8ard
4rie% of *orway, Peter 6chai;o8s;y,
4iuseppe Verdi of Italy and "rederic (hopin
of Poland, fostered their national @ualities in
their music li;e d8ard 4rie% composition
used *orway7s le%ends.
2a student raised his hand3
Protest son%s are son%s created !y artists or
!y anonymous mem!ers of social
mo8ements to call attention to issues or
sufferin%s under $panish ,e%ime.
(omposers li;e (onstancio de 4uFman and
Aulio *a;pil are the famous nationalistic
composers in the Philippines durin% the
,omantic Period.
2a student raised his hand and read the
Constancio de Gu*"an 'as the co"poser o!
=)ayan :o> 'hich 'as played at the
/acground o! 71SA re&olution in 1?@A. (is
other !a"ous co"postition to "ention a !e'
are Maala8ala Mo :aya. Ang +angi :ong
Pag8i/ig and )a/ali :arin.
2a student raised his hand3
<ulio 5apil 'as /orn on May 22.1@AB. (e
is no'n as the re&olutionary "usician and
co"poser. (e co"posed a national anthe"
!or the :atipunan at the reCuest o! Andres
)oni!acio. +he +agalog title 'as "arangal
na 1alit ng :atagalugan 2(i"no 5acional
in Spanish3. (e "arried Gregoria de <esus.
Andres )oni!acios 'ido'.
Many of AulioKs compositions durin% this time
were inspired directly !y the ,e8olution.
6hese composers contri!uted not only their
talents in composin% !ut also their li8es. 6hey
had sacrificed themsel8es 3ust for the !enefit
of many and for the country.
$hould we appreciate our own music9
$o let us lo8e and appreciate our own music
!ecause it preser8es our culture and history
and also reco%niFe those people who
contri!ute for our freedom.
Alri%ht do you still ha8e ideas you7d li;e to
add L share to us re%ardin% our lesson9
If there is none, let us first sin% the son%
C+ayan 5oD !efore we end our discussion.
Let us dedicate this to the people who !rou%ht
freedom to this land and let us sin% it !y heart.

$ince C+ayan 5oMis one of the protest son% in
times of war, wherein "ilipinos use this as
instrument to express their feelin%s a!out the
country, what can you say a!out the son%9
Very %ood= *ice sharin%=
Are you still there9
A%ain, let us ha8e another acti8ity.
Let us ha8e another %ame.
F. Application
Are you familiar with the 6V %ame show
GAM7 : 5 )D
*ow, let us ha8e a uni@ue 8ersion of this
%ame. I will act as the host and each of you
will act as the contestant>
0es Sir!
5one Sir!
2the 'hole class 'ill sing the song together
'ith the teacher playing the ey/oard3
2a student ans'ered3
Sir. I !eel &ery proud as a 9ilipino and as a
citi*en li&ing here in the Philippines and I
lie to sing these inds o! songs o&er and
o&er again.
.es $ir= 2s"iling3
2the students prepare the"sel&es and !ind
the acti&ity a"using3
+ut !efore we start, a%ain, call on the
attention of all the mem!ers of your %roup.
Alri%ht, so let7s us start=
4ame 5*+9
:elcome to our daily 6V show, 4AM
"irst I would li;e to introduce myself, I am
Mr. 4erard, your host.
*ow, let us test your !uFFers, %roup 19 -ow
a!out #9 &9 09 /9 J9
Alri%ht, listen, this %ame is 8ery simple.
(hoose only the ri%ht letter or correct answer
to the @uestions pro8ided.
After each @uestion, you may call my
attention !y your !uFFers.
6he first !uFF that I will hear will !e the first
to answer the @uestion, !ut if they didn7t
answer it correctly, the other %roup can steal
for a chance.
*ow, let us test your !uFFers. 4roup 19 -ow
a!out #9 &9 09 /9 J9
Let us !e%in>
9or Cuestion nu"/er 1..2E3.E
1. 6he followin% are "ilipino nationalistic
composers except for one.
A. (onstancio de 4uFman
+. Aulio *a;pil
(. "rederic (hopin
D. Antonio Molina
#. -e is the composer of +ayan 5o, a son%
which was played at the !ac;%round of D$A
A. "elipe Padilla de Leon
Ga"e na!!! 2the class i"itates the action o!
the original sho' /y raising the hands3
Ga"e na!!!
2the students prepares the"sel&es to listen3
2in e&ery Cuestions. the students 'ill produce
the sound o! their /u**ers3
C. 9rederic Chopin
). (onstancio de 4uFman
+. (onstancio de 4uFman
(. Antonio Molina
D. Aulio *a;pil
&. A national hero who re@uested Aulio *a;pil
to compose a national anthem for the
A. Andres +onifacio
+. Auan Luna
(. Aose ,iFal
D. milio Aacinto
0. -e is ;nown as the re8olutionary musician
and composer.
A. (onstancio de 4uFman
+. Aulio *a;pil
(. "elipe Padilla de Leon
D. Antonio Molina
/. 6he followin% are famous nationalistic
composer in urope except for 1.
A. "rederic (hopin
+. Peter 6chai;o8s;y
(. 4iuseppe Verdi
D. Antonio Molina
J. 6he followin% are some of the famous
compositions of (onstancio de 4uFman
except for one.
A. Maran%al na Dalit n% 5ata%alu%an
+. Maalaala Mo 5aya
(. An% 6an%i 5on% Pa%1i!i%
D. +a!ali; 5a ,in
N. 6o which historical e8ent in the Philippines
do the son% C+ayan 5oD was played as a
!ac;%round music.
A. Martial Law Declaration
+. D$A 1
(. PlaFa Miranda +om!in%
D. D$A #
A. Andres +onifacio
).<ulio 5apil
1. Antonio Molina
A.Marangal na dalit ng :atagalugan
). 71SA 1
). A *orwe%ian composer who composed the
son% $unshine $on%.
A. "rederic (hopin
+. 4iuseppe Verdi
(. Peter 6chia;o8s;y
D. d8ard 4rie%
2. A uropean composer who used le%ends
and musical dialects in his compositions.
A. d8ard 4rie%
+. 4iuseppe Verdi
(. "rederic (hopin
D. Peter 6chai;o8s;y
1E. *ationalism in music arose and de8eloped
in this period.
A. (lassical Period
+. ,omantic Period
(. ,enaissance Period
D. +aro@ue Period
Very 4ood class=
.ou %ot it all correct=
-a8e you en3oyed it class9
E. Generalization
Li;e we sun% and discussed a while a%o a!out
nationalistic music, Is music important in
de8elopin% nationalism9
-ow important is it9
Any ideas9
I %uess there is none.
Very 4ood= .ou ha8e learned a lot from our
lesson today, am I ri%ht9
I%. $valuation
5o'. let "e see i! you clearly understand our
lesson !or today. Get F length'ise paper and
1. 7d&ard Grieg
A. 7d&ard Grieg
). %o"antic Period
. d
". d
0es Sir!
0es Sir!
)y using "usic. one can e6press his/her
!eelings. ideas. and e&en ones "oods and
senti"ents a/out a particular situation or
20es Sir!!3
lets ha&e a Cui*
Identi!y the na"e o! the co"posers. the title
o! the songs. and nationalis" acts that
contri/uted in pro"oting patriotis" in /oth
7urope and in Philippines.
1ra' i! it is nationalis" act.
i! it is a title o! a song. and i! it is
a/out a person or "usician.
<<<<<<<< 1. Antonio Molina is one of the
famous nationalistic composers in the
<<<<<<<< #. 6he son% +ayan 5o was played
as a !ac;%round music durin% the D$A
<<<<<<<< &. Lupan% -iniran% is the title of
the *ational Anthem of the Philippines.
<<<<<<<< 0. Aulio *a;pil was ;nown as a
re8olutionary composer and musician durin%
his time.
<<<<<<<< /. (onstancio de 4uFman wrote
many son%s that depicts nationalism.
<<<<<<<< J. 6o !uy your own %oods is to
lo8e your country
<<<<<<<< N. d8ard 4rie% used *orway7s
le%ends and musical dialects in his
<<<<<<<< ). $unshine son% is one of the
composition of d8ard 4rie% which has
nationalistic sense.
<<<<<<<< 2. Maalala Mo 5aya is a famous
composition of (onstancio de 4uFman
<<<<<<<< 1E. Practicin% our music as a
lifestyle will help us to preser8e our culture
<<<<<<<< 1.
<<<<<<<< #.
<<<<<<<< &.
<<<<<<<< 0.
<<<<<<<< /.
<<<<<<<< J.
<<<<<<<< N.
<<<<<<<< ).
<<<<<<<< 2.
<<<<<<<< 1E
%. Assinment
(lass eyes on the presentation.
Let us watch a short 8ideo clip, a dance
interpretation a!out a son% with nationalistic
(lass for your assi%nment...
,esearch for other nationalistic son%s and !e
ready to sin% it in class, interpret the son%s
either throu%h dancin% dependin% on its
Any @uestions re%ardin% your assi%nment9
6hen let7s call it a day= 4ood!ye class=
5one. sir/"aa".
Good/ye and than you Sir!

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