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Sierra Leone declares a public emergency over

Ebola and orders troops to quarantine infected
areas as doctors say the virus is 'absolutely
out of control'
Doctors Without Borders says West Africa not ready to handle Ebola
Airports and airlines placed on high alert to prevent disease reaching UK
Anyone who slips through will be held in highly secure hospital units
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond declares outbreak 'a very serious threat'
Some experts predict 30,000 people could become infected in west Africa
By Lizzie Parry and Emma Glanfield and Mario Ledwith
Published: 21:17 GMT, 30 July 2014 | Updated: 03:27 GMT, 1 August 2014
Sierra Leone today declared a public health emergency to tackle the worst-ever outbreak of Ebola and will
call in security forces to quarantine areas of the deadly virus.
President Ernest Bai Koroma said the measures resembled a tough anti-Ebola package announced by
neighbouring Liberia last night.
Koroma also announced he was cancelling a visit to Washington for a U.S.-Africa summit next week
because of the crisis.
The move came as world's premier health charity issued a grave warning about the likely spread of the
deadly Ebola virus - an epidemic it fears 'can only get worse'.
Doctors Without Borders (aka Mdecins Sans Frontires [MSF]) says the threat of the disease spreading
beyond western Africa, where it was first detected in Guinea in February, is frighteningly real and said it was
'absolutely out of control'.
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Ebola outbreak forces Sierra Leone to declare public emergency and tr...
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Crisis: A Mdecins Sans Frontires medic treats a suspected Ebola patient in Kailahun,
Sierra Leone, where a public health emergency has been declared in an effort to stop the
spread of the disease
On high alert: The president of Sierra Leone said the police and military would restrict
movements to and from epicentres and provide support to health workers to do their
work unhindered
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The latest outbreak of Ebola is the most severe since the disease was discovered in 1976.
So far the disease has spread from a village in Guinea to Sierra Leone, Liberia and
The UN World Health Organization (WHO) said that 1,201 Ebola cases had been reported in Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Of the 672 deaths, the highest number was in Guinea with 319, followed by Sierra Leone with 224 and
Liberia with 129, it added.
In a speech last night, Koroma said the measures would initially last between 60 and 90 days.
He said: 'I hereby proclaim a State of Public Emergency to enable us take a more robust approach to deal
with the Ebola outbreak.
'All epicentres of the disease will be quarantined.'
Koroma said that the police and the military would restrict movements to and from epicenters and would
provide support to health officers and NGOs to do their work unhindered, following a number of attacks on
healthworkers by local communities.
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Growing threat: President Ernest Bai Koroma said the measures in Sierra Leone
resembled a tough anti-Ebola package announced by neighbouring Liberia
Grim task: Health workers carry the body of an Ebola virus victim in Kenema, Sierra
Leone, where 224 people have been killed by disease
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Fearing for their lives: Patients wait in a Red Cross ambulance outside a treatment centre
in Sierra Leone
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Medical personnel at the Doctors Without Borders facility in Kailahun, Sierra Leone,
where leading Ebola doctor Sheik Humarr Khan died
He said that house-to-house searches would be implemented to trace Ebola victims and quarantine them.
He also said that new protocols had been established for passengers arriving and departing Lungi
International Airport outside Freetown, but he did not provide further details.
Meanwhile, British airports and airlines were placed on high alert to prevent the virus reaching this country.
Passengers thought to have the virus will be barred from boarding flights heading to the UK and will be
held at immigration if they appear ill on arrival.
They will then be quarantined in highly secure isolation units, such as those at the Royal Free Hospital in
North London.
But because it takes up to three weeks for symptoms to appear, there are fears some victims will slip
through the net.
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Doctors have been told to look out for symptoms of the disease and travellers returning from West Africa
are urged to seek immediate medical help if they develop flu-like symptoms.
Experts predict 30,000 people could become infected by the incurable illness, which starts with flu-like
symptoms before evolving to cause catastrophic internal bleeding, in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
It was the death of a U.S. citizen in the Nigerian capital of Lagos on Friday, that has prompted fears the
disease could be on the brink of spreading to the West.
MSF director Bart Janssens told the newspaper Libre Belgique that the world has 'never known such an
MSF director Bart Janssens says the ebola virus is likely to spread out of control
MSF struggling against Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone
'This epidemic is unprecedented, absolutely out of control and the situation can only get worse, because it
is still spreading, above all in Liberia and Sierra Leone, in some very important hotspots,' he said.
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'We are extremely worried by the turn of events, particularly in these two countries where there is a lack of
visibility on the epidemic.
'If the situation does not improve fairly quickly, there is a real risk of new countries being affected.
'That is certainly not ruled out, but it is difficult to predict, because we have never known such an epidemic.'
The death toll for this, the worst outbreak recorded since the Ebola virus was discovered in 1976, stands at
672, while more than 1,200 people have been infected.
A woman quarantined at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong has tested negative for the disease,
despite returning from a trip to Kenya with Ebola-like symptoms.
Meanwhile two suspected patients in the UK have also tested negative.
Nigerian health officials are in the process of trying to trace 30,000 people, believed to be
at risk of contracting the highly-infectious virus, following the death of Patrick Sawyer in
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Outbreak: Samaritan's Purse medical staff spray disinfectant on a person who died from
Ebola in Foya, Liberia
Ebola (above) has already killed 672 people in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria
and infected more than 1,200 since it was first diagnosed in February. Symptoms include
sudden fever, vomiting and headaches
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, who chaired a meeting of the Governments Cobra emergency
committee on the outbreak yesterday, said Ebola was a very serious threat.
But he sought to calm fears, saying it most unlikely that Ebola could spread within the UK because of
frankly different standards of infection control here.
He said the logical approach was to tackle the outbreak at its source in West Africa, adding: We do not, at
the moment, think this is an issue that affects the UK directly.
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the NHS was looking at its capability and taking precautionary
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measures but he was very confident it will be able to cope if the disease arrived in the UK. In other
The Foreign Office said it had not advised against travel to affected areas, but it was monitoring the
situation closely.
Experts said the survival of anyone who catches the disease was in the lap of the gods.
Public Health England said the outbreak was clearly not yet under control and was the most acute
health emergency facing Britain.
A charity warned that the outbreak was speeding up rather than slowing down and the EU pledged
1.6million to stopping it spreading.
There was speculation the RAF will be called to repatriate any infected Britons from West Africa.
Stopping virus in its tracks: British airports like Gatwick (above) and airlines have been
placed on high alert to prevent the virus reaching this country
A Nigerian actor has sparked outrage after posting an image of himself wearing an Ebola mask while sitting
in a first class airport lounge as he flees Liberia.
'Nollywood' star Jim Iyke posted a message on his Instagram page saying he had cut short a business trip
to Monrovia in Liberia - where at least 600 people have already died from the disease.
The image of Iyke sitting on green leather-clad seats in the airport's luxury first class lounge while wearing
an expensive designer watch and sunglasses was accompanied with the caption: 'Not ashamed to admit
this scares the Jesus outta me #Ebola.'
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Nigerian actor Jim Iyke posted this picture on his Instagram account, revealing he had
cut short a business trip to Liberia over fears the Ebola virus is spreading in the West
African country
The contrast between Iyke's image of first class luxury is in stark contrast to the thousands of terrified
Liberians who are living in fear of contracting the deadly disease.
However, much of the anger about his image stemmed from fear among Nigerian citizens that Iyke
appeared to be travelling back to the country without having been tested to see if he was infected.
Twitter user @Avariberry posted a message reading: 'Jim Iyke or Not... he gotta be screened.
Meanwhile @IcallDibbz_ said: 'Please ooo, James Ikechukwu, aka Jim Iyke, should be quarantined.'
Others picked up on the fact Iyke had an expensive face mask to protect himself, but was wearing a short-
sleeved T-shirt.
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Health campaigners have petitioned U.S. authorities, calling for the Food and Drug
Administration to fast-track their approval of a new Ebola drug, which could be the first
cure for the disease
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Professor Peter Piot, the director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, said the virus, although deadly, is 'in theory easy to contain'
British Airways flies daily to Lagos and also has regular flights to Freetown in Sierra Leone and Monrovia in
Staff at all airlines have the discretion to deny boarding. A BA spokesman said: The safety and security of
our customers and crew is always our top priority.
We will fully comply with the guidance provided by local health authorities and continue to monitor the
situation closely.
Virgin Atlantic said its staff had been trained to spot symptoms, which range from flu-like fever and malaise
initially, to vomiting, diarrhoea and, eventually, bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
It was unclear last night to what extent the UK would follow the practice of some countries and track down
and quarantine all passengers on a plane used by a suspected sufferer.
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'Precautionary measures': Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is 'very confident' the NHS will
be able to cope if Ebola arrived in the UK
But the tone of the latest official guidance suggested only those known to be in close physical proximity
five rows of seats surrounding the suspect will be contacted for checks.
Dr Brian McCloskey, director of global health at Public Health England, insisted that airline passengers had
little to fear, as direct contact with bodily fluids is needed for the disease to spread.
But he admitted that it is not impossible that someone who is infected could arrive in the UK before
developing any symptoms.
Heathrow Airport said it had a medical team on constant duty with the power to detain, isolate or send to
hospital people with suspicious symptoms.
Dr Derek Gatherer, a Lancaster University expert on disease spread, said: There is no treatment nothing
you can do yourself. Its in the lap of the gods if youre lucky to be one of the few who survive.
Dr Ben Neuman, a Reading University virologist, said Ebola will come here eventually but predicted it will
be caught and shut down by border staff.
The Foreign Office sought to play down the likelihood of an outbreak in the UK, saying the Government is
confident the UK has experienced people who are ready to deal with anything if it were to arrive here.
It comes after Dr Derek Gatherer of the University of Lancaster declared the panic sparked by Mr Sawyer's
death is 'justified' says, claiming the virus is as infectious as flu.
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He warned each person infected with the disease could spread the virus to at least two other people.
'Anyone on the same plane could have become infected because Ebola is easy to catch,' he said.
'It can be passed on through vomiting, diarrhoea or even from simply saliva or sweat - as well as being
sexually transmitted.
'That is why there is such alarm over Mr Sawyer because he became ill on the flight so anyone else sharing
the plane could have been infected by his vomit or other bodily fluids.'
Professor Peter Piot, the director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the scientist
who discoverd the Ebola virus in 1976, in Zaire, said the disease, although aggressive is 'in theory easy to
He told CNN: 'Well its spectacular because once you get it, at least with this strain of Ebola, youve got like
a 90 per cent chance of dying.
'Thats spectacular by any standard one of the most lethal viruses that exist.
'On the other hand, you need really close contact to become infected.
'So just being on the bus with someone with Ebola, thats not a problem.
'Its also not iatrogenic [ph] so its not transmitted through, you know, droplets and so on. So it is really
something that in theory is easy to contain.'
Meanwhile, a Nigerian actor Jim Iyke has sparked outrage, posting a picture of himself wearing an Ebola
mask while sitting in a first class airport lounge as he fled Liberia.
The 'Nollywood' star posted a message on his Instagram page saying he had cut short a business trip to
Monrovia in Liberia - where at least 600 people have already died from the disease.
It comes as health campaigners today called for U.S. authorities to speed up their approval of a new drug
hoped to be the first cure for the deadly Ebola virus.
They are calling on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States to fast-track their
authorisation of the TKM-Ebola drug.
The petition, created on, states: 'One of the most promising is TKM-Ebola manufactured by
Tekmira Pharmaceuticals.
'This drug has been shown to be highly effective in killing the virus in primates and Phase 1 clinical trials to
assess its safety in humans were started earlier this year.'
In July the FDA put clinical trials on hold, despite the face 14 research participants had already safely
tolerated the drug, campaigners said.
Those responsible for the petition added: 'Given that at least one patient has transferred the disease from
Liberia to Nigeria by air travel, the possibility of a global pandemic becomes increasingly likely.
'In view of this its imperative that the development of these drugs be fast-tracked by the FDA and the first
step should be releasing the hold on TKM-Ebola.
'There is a precedent for fast tracking anti-Ebola drugs in emergency cases as happened last year when a
researcher was exposed to the virus and received an experimental vaccine.'
Mr Sawyer was put in isolation at the First Consultants Hospital in Obalende, one of the most crowded
parts of the city, home to around 21 million people.
UK confident it can contain Ebola if neccessary
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A number of patients have been discharged from Ebola treatment centres in Guinea after
successfully beating the Ebola virus, says Mdecins Sans Frontires
Hong Kong prepares for possible Ebola outbreak
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Ebola outbreak forces Sierra Leone to declare public emergency and tr...
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U.S. citizen Patrick Sawyer, pictured with his daughter Ava, died on Friday in the
Nigerian capital of Lagos having become infected with the Ebola virus. His death
prompted fears of a global pandemic after he flew from Liberia to Nigeria
Decontee Sawyer, the wife of Liberian government official Patrick Sawyer, said she
shudders to think how easily her husband could have returned to the U.S. carrying the
He took two flights to reach Lagos, from Monrovia to Lome and then onto the Nigerian capital.
So far 59 people who came into contact with Mr Sawyer have been identified by Nigerian health officials,
and are under surveillance.
But health officials have said they are looking at contacting 30,000 people who could be at risk of
contracting the disease.
Professor Sunday Omilabu, from Lagos University Teaching Hospital, said health officials are in the
process of tracing all those people who are thought to have been in contact with Mr Sawyer.
He said: 'We've been making contacts. We now have information about the (flight) manifest.
'We have information about who and who were around.
'So, as I'm talking, our teams are in the facility, where they've trained the staff, and then they (are) now
asking questions about those that were closely in contact with the patient.'
Public health adviser, Yewande Adeshina, added: 'We're actually looking at contacting over 30,000 people
in this very scenario.
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'Because any and everybody that has contacted this person is going to be treated as a suspect.'
State Department says no significant risk of Ebola in U.S.
Tragic: US citizen Patrick Sawyer (pictured with his wife Decontee) died after contracting
Ebola in West Africa
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The meeting came as the European Union today allocated an extra two million euros to help fight the Ebola
outbreak, bringing total funding to 3.9 million euros.
EU Humanitarian Aid Commissioner, Kristalina Georgieva, said: 'The level of contamination on the ground
is extremely worrying and we need to scale up our action before many more lives are lost.'
The European Union has deployed experts on the ground to help victims and try to prevent contagion but
Georgieva called for a 'sustained effort from the international community to help West Africa deal with this
British airlines are on alert for cases of the deadly virus, after tests revealed a man died in Nigeria from the
disease, having been allowed to board an international flight from Liberia.
Fears: Medical staff at Charing Cross Hospital in London became concerned a man in his
twenties had caught the virus this week. However, his symptoms were later put down to
another bug and Ebola was ruled out
Nigeria tracing over 30,000 potentially exposed to Ebola
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The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has met global health officials on implementing
measures to halt the spread of the disease, as the pan-African ASKY airlines suspended all flights to and
from the capitals of Liberia and Sierra Leone.
British Airways said it was maintaining its flights to west Africa but would monitor the situation closely.
A British man has also been tested for the Ebola virus, putting doctors on red alert that it could be on its
way to the UK.
A spokesman for Hong Kong's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, said the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) will
be notified if it is confirmed the patient is suffering from the Ebola virus.
In Nigeria health officials said today, they are in the process of tracing 30,000 people at risk of contracting
the disease after coming into contact with a Liberian man who died on Friday.
Meanwhile, the British man was taken to hospital in Birmingham after complaining of feeling feverish on a
flight back to the Midlands from West Africa.
He had been travelling from Benin, Nigeria via Paris, France when he became unwell on Monday.
British airlines are on alert for cases of the deadly virus, after tests revealed a man died in Nigeria from the
disease, having been allowed to board an international flight from Liberia.
Patrick Sawyer, a consultant for Liberias Finance Ministry, had been in Liberia for the funeral of his sister,
who also died from the disease, and was on his way back to his home in the US.
The 40-year-old arrived in Lagos, Nigeria, on July 20 and had suffered from vomiting and diarrhoea on two
flights. He was put in isolation in hospital and died on Friday.
Nigeria has closed the Lagos hospital where Mr Sawyer was treated and put its airports and ports on 'red
ASKY airlines, the carrier which flew Mr Sawyer, suspended flights to the capitals of Liberia and Sierra
Leone yesterday.
In Britain, the Department of Transport said UK airlines are 'monitoring the situation'.
Virgin Atlantic told the Daily Express their staff have been trained to spot the signs and symptoms of the
virulent disease, which has claimed the lives of 672 people in West Africa since February.
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However, after undergoing a number of tests he was given the all-clear for the virus which has already killed
672 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and infected more than 1,200 since it was first diagnosed
in February.
In another scare, medical staff at Charing Cross Hospital in London became concerned a man in his
twenties had caught the virus this week.
But his symptoms were quickly confirmed as not being linked to the bug and doctors ruled out the need for
an Ebola test.
Fears over the ability to contain the spread of Ebola were augmented last night as it emerged the body of a
young stowaway was found hidden in on a U.S. military plane.
The Pentagon said the young boy, believed to be of African origin, was found near the wheel of a cargo
plane which landed in Germany.
The plane was on a routine mission in Africa, and had made stops in Senegal, Mali, Chad, Tunisia and the
Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily before arriving at Ramstein.
It is thought the boy climbed aboard in Mali, which borders Guinea - where the current Ebola outbreak
originated at the end of last year.
It comes as hospitals and medical centres across the UK remain on red alert for the virus, with doctors
being told to look out for symptoms of the disease which can go unnoticed for three weeks and kills 90 per
cent of victims.
The Department of Health confirmed protections have been put in place to deal with the deadly bug, should
it spread to Britain.
A spokesman said: We are well prepared to identity and deal with any potential cases of Ebola, although
there has never been a case in this country.
The Governments chief scientific advisor also issued a frank warning about the disease, which he said
could have a major impact on the UK.
Sir Mark Walport said: The UK is fortunate in its geographical position. Were an island. But we are living in
a completely interconnected world where disruptions in countries far away will have major impacts.
The most dangerous infections of humans have always been those which have emerged from other
species, he told the Daily Telegraph, referring to the virus originating in fruit bats and monkeys.
He said the Government was keeping a close eye on the outbreak and was prepared for the disease
spreading to Britain, but insisted any risk was very low.
He added: We have to think about risk and managing risk appropriately.
Public Health England has added to fears about the spread of the virus by saying it was clearly not under
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Virus: Symptoms of Ebola include high fever, bleeding, damage to the nervous system
and vomiting
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Outbreak: There is no vaccine or cure for Ebola, which is spread by contact with infected
blood or bodily fluids
The Government agencys global health director, Dr Brian McCloskey, said: It is the largest outbreak of this
disease to date, and its clear it is not under control.
We have alerted UK medical practitioners about the situation in West Africa and requested they remain
vigilant for unexplained illness in those who have visited the affected area.
The current outbreak started in Guinea in February and spread to neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone in
weeks. Symptoms include high fever, bleeding and damage to the nervous system.
There is no vaccine or cure. It is spread by contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids.
All outbreaks since 1976 when Ebola was first identified have been in Africa, with the previous highest
death toll being 280.
However, authorities around the world have been put on high alert in recent weeks after an American doctor
working in Liberia became infected and passed through an airport.
Nigerian health officials yesterday admitted they did not have a list of all the people who came into contact
Patrick Sawyer, prompting fears the outbreak could spread.
But the manifesto appears to have been disclosed as Professor Sunday Omilabu, from Lagos University
Teaching Hospital, said health officials are in the process of tracing all those people who are thought to
have been in contact with Mr Sawyer.
He said: 'We've been making contacts. We now have information about the (flight) manifest.
'We have information about who and who were around.
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'So, as I'm talking, our teams are in the facility, where they've trained the staff, and then they (are) now
asking questions about those that were closely in contact with the patient.'
Public health adviser, Yewande Adeshina, added: 'We're actually looking at contacting over 30,000 people
in this very scenario.
'Because any and everybody that has contacted this person is going to be treated as a suspect.'
Doctor demonstrates the dangers of working with ebola
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Spreading: The outbreak has hit Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and has now killed a man
in far more densely populated Nigeria. The outbreak is the deadliest ever of the terrifying
disease as the death toll crept past 670
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Mr Sawyer, a consultant for Liberias Finance Ministry, had been in Liberia for the funeral of his sister, who
also died from the disease, and was on his way back to his home in the US.
The 40-year-old arrived in Lagos, Nigeria, on July 20 and had suffered from vomiting and diarrhoea on two
flights. He was put in isolation in hospital and died on Friday.
So far 59 people who came into contact with him have been identified and are under surveillance. But the
airlines have yet to release flight information naming passengers and crew members.
Dr David Heymann, head of the Centre on Global Health Security, said every person who had been on the
plane to Lagos with Mr Sawyer would need to be traced.
Sierra Leones top doctor fighting Ebola died yesterday after he contracted the virus just days ago. Sheik
Umar Khan was credited with treating more than 100 patients.
Liberia closed most of its border crossings on Sunday and Nigerias airports and borders have been on full
alert since Friday.
Nigeria confirms Ebola case in megacity of Lagos
What is Ebola virus disease?
Ebola is a severe, often fatal illness, with a death rate of up to 90 per cent.The illness affects humans as
well as primates, including monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees.
How do people become infected with the virus?
Ebola is transmitted through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of
infected animals.
In Africa infection in humans has happened as a result of contact with chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats,
monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead in the rainforest.
Once a person becomes infected, the virus can spread through contact with a sufferer's blood, urine, saliva,
stools and semen. A person can also become infected if broken skin comes into contact with a victim's
soiled clothing, bed linen or used needles.
Men who have recovered from the disease, can still spread the virus to their partner through their semen for
seven weeks after recovery.
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Who is most at risk?
Those at risk during an outbreak include:
health workers
family members or others in close contact with infected people
mourners with direct contact with the bodies of deceased victims
hunters in contact with dead animals
What are the typical signs and symptoms?
Sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. That is followed by
vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function and internal and external bleeding.
The incubation period is between two and 21 days. A person will become contagious once they start to
show symptoms.
When should you seek medical care?
If a person is in an area affected by the outbreak, or has been in contact with a person known or suspected
to have Ebola, they should seek medical help immediately.
What is the treatment?
Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. They need intravenous fluids to rehydrate them.
But there is currently no specific treatment for the disease. Some patients will recover with the appropriate
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Can Ebola be prevented?
Currently there is no licensed vaccine for Ebola. Several are being tested but are not available for clinical
Is it safe to travel to affected areas?
The World Health Organisation reviews the public health situation regularly, and recommends travel or trade
restrictions if necessary. The risk of infection for travellers is very low since person-to-person transmission
results from direct contact with bodily fluids of victims.
Source: World Health Organisation
Comments (339)
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nfn, Earth Galaxy, 2 weeks ago
Perhaps our Creator intends to wipe the earth clean and start a new beginning? Not a bad idea at all having seen so much
awfulness happening around the world.
thebricklayer, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
We are our own creators. It will unfold as we will it.
LiveFromLondon, London, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
This is the beginning of the end..Mother Earth needs a rest ; let's hope the next species makes a better fist of it than WE have...
thebricklayer, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
It seems stupidity is fitted as standard in all forms of conciousness so I wouldn't live in hope.
frenchy2010, newcastle, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
Well you eat bush meat you will expose yourself to these diseases
Ebola outbreak forces Sierra Leone to declare public emergency and tr...
30 of 32 17-08-2014 14:42
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null, 2 weeks ago
Need somebody in goverment to catch this maybe a few of them them they'll realise how serious this is! Until it effects the "Elite"
nothing will be done for the rest of us... Aslong as there safe thats our goverments policie.
thebricklayer, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
I wondered how long it would be before they declared they'd lost control.
MasEo, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
Hmmmmm..... Atom bombs?
thebricklayer, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
Unfortunately, it may well come to that kind of extreme action.
Enough-is-enough, Madrid, Spain, 2 weeks ago
Please just keep it in that part of the world!
Southdownlad, Sussex, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
They're just discussing this on the radio and how bush meat has freely been brought into the country for years ! You can't take
anything like that into Australia because they use sniffer-dogs. Our government's FIRST responsibility is to protect the public, a
duty which they fail abysamally on every level.
bruno, london, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
The Illuminati is here.
welshexport, Hastings, United Kingdom, 2 weeks ago
As if airlines will stop flying to these areas Money and profit are far more important than spreading this disease globally.
Ebola outbreak forces Sierra Leone to declare public emergency and tr...
31 of 32 17-08-2014 14:42
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Ebola outbreak forces Sierra Leone to declare public emergency and tr...
32 of 32 17-08-2014 14:42

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