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Defnition of Logic

At the end of the session, the student will able to:
Defne Logic in its proper perspective.
Demonstrate valid thoughts about logic.
Apply correct thinking and reasoning.
LOGIKE According to eno it denotes a treatise on matters
pertaining to thought.
Real meaning of Logic
Logic is the organon according to Aristotle because it is the universal
rational instrument for the ac!uisition of philosophical knowledge.
Logic is the science of correct reasoning or inferential thinking.
Logic could be defned more precisely as the study of the methods and
principles used to distinguish good from bad reasoning "argument#.
$hen we reason about any matter, we produce arguments to support
our conclusions. %ur arguments include reasons that we think &ustify
our beliefs.
'owever not all thinking are inferential or good reasoning, for e(ample:
)magining or thinking of names, number, things, etc.
*drift along+ as in daydreaming
,editating or re-ecting, etc.
Logic is formal and systematic study of correct thinking or reasoning.
Formal . refers to how an argument is being formed or
organi/ed. Argument, which is the building block of Logic, is
composed of two elements: ,atter and 0orm.
0orm is the structure of an argument.
,atter is its content.
Systematic . because Logic is a science. )t standardi/es
knowledge of the principles governing correct thinking.
Correct Thinking . because argument is the e(pression of
thinking, and thinking can be considered correct depending on
how an argument is being formed.
hat are the bene!ts of st"#ying logic$
1rovide with the skill and power of good reasoning.
1rovide tools in the form of laws and methods, which he can apply to
have a valid or sound argument.
Ability to think clearly, systematically and critically.
2elf.confdence when arguing with somebody.
3apacity to correct wrong arguments and avoid it.
4eing broad.minded, sensible, reasonable, and practical in dealing and
establishing relationships with people.
5he person who has studied logic could immediately spot the fallacy in
another person6s argument.
hat is the im%ortance of Logic$
Logic is a tool used in every step to ascertain philosophical
conclusions. 5hus, logic, in its general sense, is applied when we solve
mathematical problems, make and conclude e(periment, assess our
situation, etc.
)ntroduction to Logic 1age 7
,ore than that, logic is the most needed when deeper principles are
articulated in 1hilosophy.
Logic processes and unifes all the systems that man is capable of:
knowledge, skills, strength, power, cooperation, values, needs,
aspiration, etc.
hat are the main %roblems of Logic$
5he distinction between correct and incorrect reasoning.
%r to determine precisely the correct reasoning.
8rgo, logic is concerned with the correctness of the completed process
of reasoning.
hat are the &aterial an# Formal Object of Logic$
&aterial Object ' refers to concepts and conceptual structures,
namely: terms, proposition, syllogisms, informal fallacies, symbols(
Formal Object ) refers to inferential functions of concept and
propositions or logical relations of propositions, namely the rules of
eduction and truth tables and validity.
Logic as Science an# as *rt
Logic as science
)t answers the +kno,) ,hat- of correct reasoning.
Logic is a science in the sense that it is a systematic study of the
principles of good arguments and avoiding bad one.
Logic as art
)t provides the +kno,) ho,- to arrive at correct reasoning, and later
makes with it. 2t. 5homas says that it is the act by which reason may
proceed with order, ease and without error.
.ivision of the St"#y of Logic: Division of the sub&ect matter in
accordance to the acts of the mind.
&ental *ct &ental /ro#"ct E0ternal Sign Logical Iss"e
Apprehension )dea 5erms 1redictability
9udgment 8nunciation 1roposition 1redication
:easoning Argument 2yllogisms, ;on.
)ntroduction to Logic 1age <

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