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OCTOBER, 1975 75c

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Weekends Palm Desert, California
WJLLJAM KNYVETT, Publisher-Editor

GEORGE BRACA, Art Director

F A. BARNES, Utah Associate Editor
GLENN VARGAS, Lapidary Editor
K. L. BOYNTON, Naturalist

MARVEL BARRETT, Circulation Manager

Volume 38, Number 10 OCTOBER 1975




WESTERN ART - DACOSTA 12 Artist of the Month



THE COVER: GOLD SLUICING 20 Mary Frances Strong

"Shorty's Tall Tale," an
original oil painting by
Andy Dagosta, Clendale, DUST AND DESOLATION 32 Dave Howard
California. See article on
page 12.
A WINDOW TO THE PAST 36 Charles D. Hale



1976 BOOK CATALOG 21 Books for Desert Readers


RAMBLING ON ROCKS 42 Glenn and Martha Vargas

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 47 Readers'Comments

CALENDAR OF EVENTS 47 Club Activities

EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-425 Highway 111, Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Area Code 714 346-8144.
Listed in Standard Rate and Data. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, Canada and Mexico; 1 year, $6.00; 2 years, $11.00; 3 years, $16.00. Other
foreign subscribers add $1.00 U. S. currency for each year. See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow five weeks for change of address and send
both new and old addresses with zip codes. DESERT Magazine is published monthly. Second class postage paid at Palm Desert, California and at addi-
tional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Contents copyrighted 1975 by DESERT Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all contents must
be secured in writing. Manuscripts and photographs will not De returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Desert/Octnher 1975
ffi HIS MONTH Desert is pleased to jn-

A Peek j troduce Andy Dagosta,in a second of

• a series on artists who belong to the
American Indian and Cowboy Artists

in the Society. Andy's colorful cover painting,

"Shorty's Tall Tale," won him honor-
able mention at last year's Death Valley

Invitational Show which is a special fea-
ture of the '49er Encampment held each
November. Andy works in several medi-
ums and a select group of watercolors,

Poke acrylics and oils, including the cover

painting, are on display in our Book
Shop, along with other fine paintings of

the West.
October also heralds the Eighth Annual National Prospectors and Treasure
Hunters Convention being held this year in Pioneertown, California on October 4th
and 5th. This fun-filled weekend is the result of a lot of hard work by the members of
the Prospector's Club of Southern California. Metal detector contests (in four differ-
ent classes), gold panning for young and old, dry washing contest plus the latest in
prospecting and treasure hunting equipment make this a great time for the whole
family in an old western town setting. Make it a must on your calendar and we'll
Complete look forward to seeing you there.
'66, '67, '68 The Orange County Chapter Associated Blazers of California has chosen the
70, 7 1 , 72, 73
Volumes restoration of the Marshal South adobe on Ghost Mountain (see Desert, May '75) as
a conservation project. The plan is to clean up the area, repair the roof, place a com-
memorative marker and put the house in a state of "arrested decay." This will take
many man-hours and considerable expenditure. The above non-profit four-wheel-
drive group is providing all the labor, but they are soliciting donations to cover the
cost of materials.
For those interested in contributing to this worthwhile cause, address all dona-
tions and queries to:
c/o Jack Masheeco
5643 Lakia Drive
Cypress, California 90630
Marshall South was a major contributor to Desert Magazine in the early '40s,
and had a huge following. We are delighted about the enthusiasm for this project
and will keep the readers informed on its progress, with a feature article scheduled
on its completion.
Received a note from our friend, Nell
Murbarger, author of "Ghosts of the
Lowest Photo Print Prices Glory Trail," Ghosts of the Adobe
Highest Quality Walls," and others, that she has donat-
"Rain Barrel" KODACOLOR FILM ed her entire collection of materials to
the Nevada State Historical Society in
1959 to 1965 Standard 12 J urn bo Prints .1.93
Reno. Included in the 94 cases of
Standard 12 Jumbo Prints and
New Roll of KODACOLOR 2.84 material was a complete set of Desert
Kodacolor Neg. Standard reprints. .14 Magazines from Volume 1, Number 1, to
For ghost town enthusiasts, as well as
Prices are Comparably low.
No gimmicks. western history scholars, the Murbarger
No lies. Collection represents an invaluable
More than 50 years of con- source of information, according to His-
tinuous photo service guar-
antees your quality and our torical Society sources.


O. Box 370, Yuma, Arizona 85364 or
O. Box 2830, San Diego, Calif. 92112

Desert/October 1975
The Breathtaking Beauty of the Outdoor West
You and your friends will treasure these fine quality 5 " x 7 " cards.
Featuring colorful reproductions of paintings by America's foremost
western and outdoor artists. Greetings thoughtfully matched to designs.
We can imprint your name inside in red, also your address on the bright
white envelopes. FAST, IMMEDIATE shipment now 'til Christmas.
1 1 5 8 "May the Great Spirit watch over you, etc."
1154 Gift of Love- May the gilt of Love be yours at
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verse ain't clever. But Merry Christmas same as ever! blessed with health and happiness ... may 1976 oveitlow with health, happiness, etc. trail and Good Prospects... Merry Christmas

1203 Yucca Candles- May the Peace and Happiness 1145 "A prayer this Christmas...leave no little one 1 2 2 1 "Season's Greetings"— Happy Holidays and 1238 God's Candlesticks- May you have the Spirit
of the Christmas Season abide with you.. all the Year alone."- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Best Wishes for the Coming Year of Christmas which is Peace... Hope... Love

1147 Mother's Pride It's Christmas again! May 1123 "May...the rainbow always touch your 1351 Take Time to See 24 line nature p o e m - May 1115 "And a Merry Christmas to you, too."
yours be a |oyful one and your New Year happy! shoulder"- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year the Peace and Joy of Christmas be with you, etc. - Wishing you the special joy that Christmas brings
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1033 A Cowboy's Christmas- ...good prospects ain't 1119 Snowy Joshua Legend of Joshua inside.- May l
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I Cit)

Rush free
sample and


catalog LEAN IN' TREE
F YOU drive out Northern Arizona
way, out where the land gets a little
! wider, where civilization still hasn't
spoiled the terrain, you'll come to an
area filled with surprises. Rolling hill-
sides, picturesque ranches and island
forests surrounded by colorful deserts
are all a part of the view. And here and
there a stray cow and her calf will look
up, stare a moment, and then continue


Desert/October 1975
Left: The Camp Verde Cavalry
returns every year during the
annual Camp Verde Day
celebration held every October.
A barbecue, Indian and can can
dancing, a rodeo and a
melodrama performance are
also included in the public
celebration at the fort.

munching on the fresh grass. It's all a

part of the scene today.
A hundred years ago it wasn't much
different. Many of the trails (although
now dirt roads or paved highways) were
still there. The trees were there as were
the ranches and settlers. The area, how-
ever, had a few extras —renegade In-
dians, meandering bandits and blue uni-
formed cavalrymen.
Few early settlements were complete
without a military fort nearby. And
Northern Arizona, or to be more specific,
that area north of the Gila and Salt
Rivers, sported nearly a dozen forts.
They had such names as Fort Defiance,
Fort Canby, Fort Mojave and Fort
McDowell. And they played a most im-
portant part in the winning of the West.
Today, however, most of these forts have
all but disappeared. In their place are
only the outlines of where buildings once
stood. In front stands a lonely historical
Four of the early forts, however, still
stand. And each and every one have a

great deal to offer the visitor today. Two

of the old forts, Pipe Spring and Camp
Verde, are both remarkably preserved.
The first is a national monument, the
second a state historical park. The other
two forts have many of their original
buildings, but their sites have been con-
Above: Old verted toother uses. One, Fort Whipple,
barracks buildings is now a Veterans' Administration Hos-
at Fort Whipple pital. The other, Fort Apache, is now a
are now used as boarding school for Indian children.
domiciliaries at the PIPE SPRING
Veterans Pipe Spring lies in a section of land
Administration that Arizona never really wanted and
Hospital. Left: Two tried unsuccessfully to give to the State
young Indian girls of Utah. And although Pipe Spring is a
file by as young fort—it was never attacked.
braves [left] It is located in the Arizona Strip, that
engage in a section of land north of the Grand Can-
ceremonial dance. yon, 15 miles southwest of Fredonia,
The occasion was Arizona. Now administered by the De-
the annual partment of the Interior as a national
Fort Verde Day monument, guide service is provided
celebration. daily at the fort from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Desert/October 1975 7
Many of the old buildings, however, still
Besides visiting the old barracks
buildings (now used as domiciliaries)
one can walk about the grounds and ab-
sorb much of the history of the post. Of
special interest is officers row, where
military brass once lived, now the homes
of doctors and hospital officials.
Historic Early in January, 1865, nine men left
grinding Prescott on horseback seeking a suitable
wheels remain farming area in the Verde Valley. Re-
outside turning to Prescott to outfit their project,
they added 10 other settlers to their
the main
party and made their journey again, this
walls at
time to establish a settlement where
Pipe Spring,
Clear Creek joins the Verde River. But
the best
life was not easy and the settlers were
continually harassed by raiding bands of
of the
Apache Indians. To help the settlers, a
old forts in
detail of 16 men was sent from Fort
The settlement grew and prospered,
The main attraction is a well-preserved the rest of the city's view. Built to pro- but the Indian raids continued despite
Mormon fort complete with interior furn- tect Prescott and the Arizona Territory help from the cavalry. So to provide
ishings and exterior wagons and ma- from raiding Indians, it has withstood more protection a permanent fort was es-
terials. time and change to continue today in a tablished in the area under the command
The discoverers of Pipe Spring were a new vein as a Veterans Administration of Captain H. S. Washburn. But the orig-
group of Mormon missionaries to the In- hospital. inal site wasn't suitable and the build-
dians. Led by Jacob Hamblin, they But in the 1800s, it was a tired old In- ings were never completed. So the fort
camped at the spring in the autumn of dian that occupied the fort's time. And moved in the spring of 1871 to its present
1858 while en route to the lands of the that Indian's name was Geronimo, the location and the name changed from
Hopi Indians. Tradition says that the last of the feared Indian leaders. Geron- Camp Lincoln to Camp Verde.
place derived its name from a shooting imo was a frequent visitor to what is now In its heyday two troops of cavalry and
incident that occurred at this time. Wil- Yavapai County. And today, in the Syca- two companies of infantry inhabited the
liam "Cunlock B i l l " Hamblin shot the more Canyon Wilderness area near fort. And their main target was Apache
bottom out of a smoking pipe to demon- Clarkdale, one of the Indian leader's fa- Indian bands under the command of
strate his markmanship, hence the name vorite hideouts can still be visited. their famed leader Geronimo. Much of
Pipe Spring. It was General George Crook, an early the fighting was in the hills and moun-
In 1870, President Brigham Young of day commander at Fort Whipple, who tains around the valley. It wasn't until
the Churcy of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day played a major part in the Indian's cap- Geronimo's surrender in 1885 that hos-
Saints (Mormon) decided to establish a ture. And no sooner had Geronimo been tilities ceased and peace came to the val-
ranch for the raising of cattle and pro- placed in the protective custody of the ley. And so with no further need of the
duction of dairy products for the nearby U.S. Cavalry than government officials army, Camp Verde was abandoned on
settlements. Anson Perry Winsor was in Washington declared the old Fort April 25, 1891.
appointed to superintend the ranch and Whiple and others like it in the Arizona Today, much of the original fort re-
build a fort at Pipe Spring to protect the Territory had served their usefulness. mains just as it looked in earlier days,
families and other workers. Never at- Many were abandoned as a result. and visitors can tramp around the par-
tacked, it served as a ranchhouse until The fort was initially set up in Chino ade grounds, visit the officers' quarters
1923 when it became a national monu- Valley, a few miles to the north, on De- and the main bunkhouse which is now a
ment. Today, the fort still protects a cember 23, 1863 and then moved to its museum. Operated as an Arizona State
clear running spring and provides the present location in May, 1864. Its first Historical Park, the fort is open seven
visitor with a good picture of the life and commander was Major Edward B. days a week. The old fort is located in the
culture of the times. Willis. The post served the Arizona Ter- town of Camp Verde, 63 miles southeast
FORTWHIPPLE ritory through some of its most gallant of Prescott off the Black Canyon Freeway
Near the edge of downtown Prescott, years. It was was reactivated during the north of Cordes Junction.
Arizona, just over the hill from Yavapai Spanish-American War and World War Among exhibited items are a hat worn
College, nestles Fort Whipple, a grassy, I. This was followed with the transforma- by the famous Apache chief, Geronimo,
shaded place curtained off by hills from tion from a fort to a veterans hospital. military uniforms worn by the cavalry-
8 Desert/ October 1975
men who chased the Indian warrior and a
military medical chest containing the
original bottles. A homespun American
Southern California's
flag which dates back 100 years is also
among the items exhibited as are spurs
Four Wheel Drive
left behind 200 to 400 years ago by Span- Headquarters
ish Conquistadores.
Visitors to Fort Apache will find many Number 1 in the U.S.A. for Eight Years
of the original buildings that were used
in the fort's heyday 1870-1890 when the
post served an important position during
the Indian wars. Still standing are one of
Service Sales
the four original barracks,, the adjut-
and Department
ant's office, officers row, guardhouse,
Parts Open
commissary, quartermaster warehouse
7a.m. to 10p.m. Seven
and cavalry stables.
Monday thru Days
The old fort is located north of Globe
Friday A Week
near the present-day town of Fort
Apache. The fort is now used by the
Bureau of Indian Affairs as headquarters 45 Service Stalls — One of the Biggest in America
of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation Complete Body Shop and Huge Parts Department
and by the Theodore Roosevelt Indian
School. It was named Fort Apache as a For the Best Deal, and Service You Deserve
token of friendship to Cochise. The See America's Largest Toyota Dealer
famed Apache chief visited the fort for Just Two Minutes from the San Bernardino Freeway
several weeks in the 1870s. The post had
earlier been called Camp Ord, Camp
Mogollon and Camp Thomas. Abandon-
LONGO TOYOTA 10501 Valley Blvd., El Monte, California
ed as a military post in 1924, it was then [213)442-1011 [213]686-1000
turned over to the Indian Service to be
used as a school.
In its early days, renegade groups
under Ceronimo, Nachez and others GIVE DtitAL
were pursued by troops from Fort
Apache. Both Indian scouts from the fort Subscriptions as Gifts
and cavalry troopers tracked the hostiles
through canyons and arroyos. Numerous
confrontations caused a great deal of
bloodshed on both sides. On several oc- " . . . a distant, snowy mountain . . . rising beautifully conspicuous in the
midst of an extensive tract of low, or moderately elevated land . . ."
casions the fort was ambushed by In-
Lt. William R. Broughton, 1792
dians, cavalry patrols massacred anc
couriers and civilians shot down in their
travels to and from the fort. During one
of the confrontations, the New York
Times carried a three column account
that read much like the battle at Little
Portrait of a Magnificent Mountain
Big Horn five years before. by Don and Roberta Lowe
In recent years, Fort Apache has been Legends, myths and history in t e x t . . . breathtaking beauty in a
the subject of several novels and motion gorgeous array of exciting full color photographs.
pictures as well as a popular TV series
Novelists and screen writers portray the 119 page , 111/2 x 141/4, color and black and
early days at Fort Apache with vividness white "photographs, cloth, boxed $25.00
and emotion. But none of it matches the NOVEMBER 1 PLEASE WRITE FOR COLOR BROCHURE
experience of visiting there today. For
here you can stroll over the old parade
ground, walk through the old buildings The CAXTON PRINTERS, Ltd.
and view the surrounding country tha Box 700
for the most part hasn't changed since Caldwell, Idaho 83605
the days of Cochise and Ceronimo.
Desert/October 1975

Bodie, California
LOCATION: Bodie is located 13 miles east ing" for a rabbit, for dinner. He winged his prey, but
of Highway 395, near the Nevada border, 21 miles the animal was not cooperative. The wounded rabbit
southeast of Bridgeport, California. went down its hole. Bodey, not to be denied, dug for
his dinner, and he came up with much more than a
meal. The ground was rich with gold.
BRIEF HISTORY: Winter can be harsh on For more than a decade the small mining
the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. camp named in Bodey's honor languished in the
The sentiment "Goodbye, God, I'm going to Bodie" shadow of Aurora, center of the richer Esmaralda
says it all. In those mountains north of California's mining district, a few miles to the east. But, another
Mono Lake, the frigid winds boil down from the High twist of fate was to cause a boom at Bodie.
Sierra and the snow piles deep on the barren The ore at Bodie was low grade. Produc-
highlands. tion was modest. Among the mines operating on a
If the winter of 1860 was an exception, it shoestring was the Standard. Its owners did not even
was because it was colder than most. It was in have enough money for proper shoring. One morn-
March of that year that Bill Bodey died. He froze to ing, in 1874, when workers arrived, they discovered
death, buried deep in a snow drift, just a few miles a cave-in. Bonanza! A rich chamber of ore was ex-
from the site of the gold discovery that would make posed. The word flashed across California and
his incorrectly spelled name famous for two Nevada, and the gold rush was on!
generations. Four years later, in 1878, another fabulous
Legend tells us that Bodey's gold discovery strike was made at another mine. A rich vein of gold
was, like many, the result of pure chance. The story and silver was discovered on the property of the
says that, in July of 1859, Bodey was out "prospect- Bodie Mining Company.

Examples of old wagons,

ore cars, and mining machinery
are among the objects that can be found
along the streets in the townsite of Bodie.
The town is being maintained
as a State Historic Park
in what is called
a state of "arrested decay."

Photographs by Edward Neal.

Desert/October 1975
Bodie's old Methodist Church
was built in 1878
at the peak of the town's boom.
The only Protestant church
ever erected in Bodie,
it is the only church
still standing among the dozens
of historic buildings
being protected by
the State of California.

Production boomed, and the population of of the old business district was destroyed and a town
Bodie soared. The community that a few years before once described as " a sea of sin, lashed by the tem-
had been a sleepy little mining camp with a few hun- pests of lust and passion," went finally to its last
dred residents became a city with a population of resting place and became another ghost of the
more than 10,000. More than $10 million was ex- American west.
tracted from the Bodie hills between 1874 and 1881.
Mining towns seem to boom and bust. BODIE TODAY: The 13 miles of dirt road
Bodie was no exception. The boom was quick and it from Highway 395 are rough, and the trip takes
was fantastic. The decline, orchestrated with mini- nearly an hour. The journey is worth the effort,
booms during a 30 year period, was slow and pain- though. Bodie is a classic among ghost towns. A
ful. In Bodie, a wooden town, the major pain was in- State Historic Park since 1962, Bodie is maintained
flicted by fire. Both the population and the mine pro- by the few rangers who live in the community in what
duction dropped, except during short periods of is called a state of "arrested decay." Dozens of
prosperity, during the three decades from Bodie's buildings remain in various stages of disrepair pro-
peak until the start of its final decline in 1910. Fire tected against vandals by the rangers. Self-guiding
though, was deadly. In July of 1892 there was a dis- tour books make the history of Bodie come alive for
astrous conflagration. And, in June of 1932, fire visitors, but commercialism has been avoided. Bodie
again struck. This time it was the final blow to a is a protected ghost, but it is a true ghost . . . the
nearly abandoned city of the past. More than half must ghost for every true ghost towner.
Desert/October 1975

Desert/October 1975
• I OU WON'T see Andy Dagosta's art-
cf istry in the Sistine Chapel. Or the
4 Louvre, although it might well be
should they have an exhibit of fine art on
the American Old West. At least if his le-
gion of fans, who have enshrined his
paintings on their walls, have anything
to say about it.
Although his techniques and style dif-
fer from that of the famous Florentine,
Andy, too, is a meticulous craftsman of
romantic realism. Before his brushes
touch the canvas there are days, weeks,
even longer, of patient and painstaking
research for the authenticity that identi-
fies a "Dagosta western."
If the picture is that of a boots 'n sad-
dle cavalryman, you know that the uni-
form is authentic, right down to the ker-
chief, the equipment, the sweat-stained
hat. If it is a desperado with rifle in
hand, waiting in ambush, you can bet
that the rifle model belonged to the
scene and the time. The borderland can-
tina that he pictures may not be any
specific one, but you will recognize it
from countless counterparts right down
to the aged, weather-beaten adobe, the
unpainted and heat-cracked door, the
very air of refuge from storm and lone-
Not only do Andy's paintings with-
stand the close scrutiny of Western buffs
who tend to rate an artist by his western
expertise as well as artistry, they reflect
a feeling, a flair that comes only with a
love of the land and its history.
Although the plains of Nebraska may
now seem more midwest than one time
frontier, it was back in his hometown of
Omaha that the roots of Andy's fondness
for the West took hold. But shortly after
graduation from Omaha Tech, he wound

Photos by Frederick L Richards

"Gonna Rain Like Hell"

From the collection of
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haupt,
Los Angeles
Desert/October 1975
'/ik From the collection of
Mr. & Mrs. Jack
San Marino, California
up with the 12th Air Force in Italy. Even- he opened his well-known commercial interests and dedication to sharing their
tually, as with so many CIs, he settled in art studio in Pasadena, California, in fascination for The Old West.
California, which was about as far West 1948.
But like western trails themselves, the
as he could get!
But advertising art, however satisfy- Westerners led to still another branch-
There is a suspicion, especially when ing and profitable, is not the stuff of ing. That of the Death Valley '49ers, who
viewing his paintings, that he might which dreams are made. It wasn't long hold their famed annual Encampments
have been more "at home" riding the before he was roaming the desert and at Furnace Creek, nestled below Coffin
range of a cattle ranch, or in some small those ever-beckoning mountains shim- Peak in the Funeral Mountains, each
outpost where towns are few and far be- mering in the distance. Fall. In company with fellow western art-
tween and where history comes alive There is also a special camaraderie ists such as Lloyd Mitchell, Bill Bender,
along dim and dusty trails. But a man that develops among those wanderers of Bob Wagoner and a host of other noted
must make a living, and art was Andy's such enchanting lands and historic painters and watercolorists, Andy be-
means. After a year at Hollywood Art places. Inevitably, Andy joined The came an exhibitor in the Open Show of
Center, burnishing off rusty army years, Westerners, a group bonded by common the art show that highlights the Encamp-
ments. An art show, to be noted, that is
one of the finest nationally acclaimed ex-
hibits of its kind. And, in 1970, he
walked off with 1st Place!
He repeated the achievement in 1972.
Two years later, in the special Invitation-
al Show he won Honorable Mention, no
small feat in the stiff competition.
More than the actual awards, there is
particular pride in these for the balloting
is done by the thousands attending the
Encampments. These are also people
who know the West, who are exposed to
much Western art, and they know what
they like. They liked the Dagosta flair for
recapturing our western heritage with
familiarity and authenticity.

"773's Unscheduled Stop"

14 Desert/ October 1975
But you don't have to go to Death
Valley to see Andy's paintings. They
have been and are being exhibited at
such fine galleries and exhibits as the
Cattlemens Convention in Las Vegas,
the California Fine Arts Gallery of Pasa-
dena, the Paul Metcalf Gallery in Pasa-
dena, the San Gabriel Art Association's
Art Festival, the Favell Museum in
Oregon, the Peterson Gallery in Beverly
Hills and the Chriswood Gallery in
Temecula. And if you are a fine book
fancier, you'll find Andy's art gracing
one of the famous Westerner Brand
Books, that of 1975 and already a collec-
tor's item.
Behind most successful men, helping
to provide their inspiration, you will find
a loyal and understanding family. Andy

"Cavalry Scout'

"Coffee, Sowbelly, and Beans"

From the collection of Favell Museum, Salem, Oregon
Andy Dagosta

is no exception. His wife, Vernice, often

shares his western wanderings. He also
has two collegian daughters, Karen and
Dianne. A third daughter, Debbie, who
like Diane was an AAU major champion-
ship swimmer, now works for the county
road department.
Glendale, California, where the Da-
gostas have their home, may not be the
frontier that Andy so vividly portrays,
but it is a close enough jumping-off point
to the scenes you will savor so in his
paintings. And, of course, it is handy to
the Westerner meetings, the Death Val-
ley Encampments, and the fine galleries
who so proudly display the artistry of
Andy Dagosta —a Michelangelo on
horseback •
Desert/October 1975 15
ALONG is unknown. Some shallow grinding
holes and an occasional potsherd add
further interest to the site.
For many years the Painted Rocks lay
along the mainstream of history — and

prehistory — in the Southwest. The knoll
was on the western rim of the ancient
Hokokam (pronounced "Ho-ho-KAM")
domain. The modern Pimas and Papagos
may be descended, in part, from this
gifted race of canal builders, whose
name means "that which has vanished."
That tireless missionary-explorer, Padre

ROM ITS SOURCE in the timbered graphs painted on the surface, but petro-
heights of New Mexico to its conflu- glyphs cut into the rock. Thousands of Eusebio Kino, passed the glyphs in 1700
ence with the Colorado near Yuma, markings cover a small blackish hillock while on a horseback journey from
Arizona, the Gila River penetrates the on the edge of Dendora Valley near the Sonora to the Colorado River. He was
very heart of the Southwest. Gila Cliff Painted Rock Mountains. A few familiar then 56 years old and averaged 40 miles
Dwellings, the San Carlos Apache reser- shapes stand out, evidently portraying per day on the expedition. In 1775 Juan
vation and the Casa Grande ruins are men, horses, bighorn sheep, lizards and Bautista de Anza led 240 California-
some of the better-known places of snakes, but the significance of these bound settlers and large herds of live-
interest along or near its course; the San glyphs and of the myriad abstract forms stock down the banks of the lower Gila;
Simon, San Pedro, Santa Cruz, Hassay-
ampa, and Salt are among its tributaries. by
From prehistoric times down through the DICK
days of Kino, Anza, American mountain BLOOMQUIST
men, and the Butterfield Overland Mail,
human activity has flowed along this
storied stream.
One of the Gila's lesser-known at-
tractions is located in western Maricopa
County, Arizona, not far from Gila Bend.
Here, about three miles from the river,
are the Painted Rocks, aboriginal glyphs
now protected as a state historic park.
The paved Painted Rock Road breaks
north from Interstate Highway 8 some 14
miles west of Gila Bend. For 11 miles it
works its way toward, and through, the
low Painted Rock Mountains. Then a Right: "Painted"
side road forks to the left, leading to the Rocks is really a
petroglyphs a fraction of a mile away; misnomer, since
the main road continues on for another the markings are
five miles to Painted Rock Dam on the not pictographs
Gila, an earth-fill barrier completed by painted on the
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in surface, but
1959. Because of dam building along the petroglyphs cut
Cila and its tributaries, and the needs of into the rock.
Arizona's expanding industry, agricul- Opposite Page:
ture, and population, the river is normal- Strange symbols,
ly dry near Painted Rocks today. labyrinthine
"Painted" Rocks is really a mis- designs at
nomer, since the symbols are not picto- Painted Rocks.
16 Desert/ October 1975


they became the first colonists to reach children. On the south side of the river,
California by an overland route. and some eight to 10 miles west of
The first half of the nineteenth cen- Painted Rocks, Apaches attacked the
tury saw American mountain men trap- party, killing the parents and four of the
ping beaver along the river. With the children.
outbreak of the Mexican War in 1846 and Fifteen-year-old Lorenzo Oatman was
the discovery of gold in California in left for dead, and his two young sisters,
1848, soldiers, settlers, and forty-niners Olive (about 14 years old) and Mary Ann
began moving west past Painted Rocks. (7 years old), were taken captive. Lor-
General Kearny, Kit Carson, and the enzo recovered and reached civilization,
Army of the West came through in '46, then tried without success to find the
followed later that year by the wagons of girls, who before long were traded by the
the Mormon Battalion. The Mormons Apaches to the Mohaves. Mary Ann died
tried to float part of their supplies down among the Mohaves, but Olive survived.
the lower Cila, but the two wagon bodies Finally, in 1856, she was brought in to
they had fashioned into a boat frequently Fort Yuma by a friendly Yuma Indian
ran aground on sand bars in the shallow and reunited with her brother.
channel. By lightening the load, how- In the late 1850's and early '60's the
ever, the desert sailors eventually did coaches of the Butterfield Overland Mail
reach the river's mouth. rolled past Painted Rocks, but the onset
The land north of the Cila, in what is of the Civil War soon ended the career of
now Arizona, passed from Mexico to the this celebrated stage line.
United States in 1848, but the territory The coming of the railroad and the
south of the river, including the Painted building of U.S. Highway 80 and Inter-
Rocks, did not become American soil state 8 caused history to bypass the old
until the Gadsden Purchase of 1853. One Gila trail and its Painted Rocks.-Now,
year before the Purchase, a lone covered however, with the creation of the state
wagon was working its way westward park and the nearby dam, travel is on the
along the Gila. In the emigrant family increase once again in this rewarding
were Boyce Oatman, his wife, and seven corner of the Southwest. •

One incident involving a close friend

and a black widow is a typical case in
many ways. While looking under boards
around an old mine, my friend placed his
hand on top of a large female spider. The
black widow inflicted two tiny, red
wounds on his finger. Initially, he hardly
realized he had been struck. Then 20
minutes later the pain became very in-
tense and he vomited several times. He
was taken to the hospital where they
formally diagnosed the cause—a black
M HE BLACK WIDOW spider is found in contact with the silken threads. Their widow bite. He remained in the hospital
fl everywhere in the Southwest deserts venom, powerful as it is, works well of- overnight, and his condition improved.
4 —everywhere, from mesquite-held fensively in subduing struggling insects. After three days, his recovery was com-
sand dunes to pinyon-covered moun- But defensively it is used only as a last plete. This was only the first of three
tains. She's abundant, too, with hun- resort, when other escape maneuvers bites this individual received in the fol-
dreds of tiny spiderlings emerging fail. Black widows seldom, if ever, leave lowing four years! Each time the symp-
several times each year from the oval their web to go hustling about after dark toms were the same.
egg cases. That such a common spider looking for trouble.
It has been estimated by Dr. Willis J.
may very well possess the most potent Nevertheless, newspaper accounts oc- Gertsch that four percent of those bites
venom of any desert animal leaves one casionally do tell of persons being bitten reported result in death. This should not
shuddering at the possibilities of an en- by this half-inch arachnid. When the cause alarm as the majority of cases go
counter. black widow strikes, the incident can unreported. Each person reacts in a dif-
Have no fear. Your chances of being become serious as nearly 10 persons ferent manner and there are probably
struck by lightning are much greater each decade die from its effects. Many thousands of incidents which are never
than dying from the bite of a black more are hospitalized with intense, lo- even noticed by the recipient. In addition
widow. Odds are you'll never get bit in calized pain, vomiting, and stomach there is great variability in the toxicity
the first place. Black widows are a cow- cramps. Children and the elderly are es- displayed by these spiders. Researchers
ardly lot, retreating into some crevice or pecially susceptible. A five-year-old Keegan, Hedden and Wittemore found
corner at the slightest sign of danger. child once died within 24 hours after the venom of Latrodectus mactans (the
They're sensitive to harsh treatment of being bitten. The elderly may suffer ad- common black widow of the Southwest
their webs and know the difference be- ditional complications due to heart trou- deserts) to be 10 times more potent in
tween man and insect when either comes ble and decreased resistance. November than in April.
Black widows prefer dark environ-
ments well protected from wind and
rain. Abandoned rodent holes, mine
shafts, wood piles, and rock crevices ar
favored hiding places. Outhouses were
once common homes for the widows as
these buildings had all the necessary re-
quirements—darkness, protection from
the elements, and lots of flies on which
the spiders fed. There are many cases on
record where unsuspecting persons were
bitten while using such infested facil-
ities. Tender body parts would be
pressed against the spider with a result-
ant bite. Males were especially prone to Opposite Page:
such incidents. The red hourglass
In the Southwest, black widows are pattern on the
typically glossy black with a conspicuous underside of the
red hourglass pattern on the underside female black
of their abdomen. The male spider, widow is her
which unlike the female is not danger- trademark.
ous, is much smaller than his mate and Above: The
colored light brown with much white female black
flecking. The sexes are so different it is widow allegedly
difficult to believe they are the same has the most
species. potent venom of
The black widow gets her name from any poisonous
the alleged attack on her mate immedi- desert animal.
ately after mating. Her mate killed, she Right: A black
is pronounced a widow—a black widow. widow is being
Whether she actually becomes a widow attacked and
depends entirely upon the male. The tiny devoured by a
male spider must leave her web as care-
Continued on Page 46
large Praying
fl OLD! MAN'S obsession with it
i y has never waned since our by
l l prehistoric ancestors picked up
a golden nugget in a primeval MARY FRANCES STRONG
streambed. Down through the
ages, the search for golden
treasure has caused empires to rise
and fall, figured in the discovery of
continents and brought about the photos by
California Gold Rush—the greatest Jerry Strong
mass-migration for gold in history.
Even today, gold fever smolders in the ground than has ever been lesser amounts, a sluice box does
in the hearts of many. Claims are taken out." the job. In desert areas—a portable
still held in nearly every gold area Gold hunting as a hobby has drywasher is the answer.
by owners who are sure they will rapidly increased over the last two Fortunate are the weekend
strike it rich someday. Few do, but decades. This is largely due to the prospectors who live on or near
hope never dies for the gold development of small but practical California's Great Deserts.
seeker. Numerous city-bound folks tools with which to search for Separated from the wide coastal
look forward to weekends and golden treasure. Highly efficient basin by towering mountain
vacations when they can head for metal detectors save hours in ranges, the desert land affords
the backcountry to search for the locating likely deposits. Also opportunities for drywashing while
"golden fleece'' of their dreams. available are portable gold dredges nearby mountains provide suitable
There always seems to be a for "underwater gold hunting;" streams for a sluice box. Many
resurgence of interest in gold several types of drywashers for people spend their weekends
whenever our nation's economy desert use; and a very small but working known gold fields. If they
undergoes periods of very good or effective sluice box. All or any part persist, and many of them do, their
very bad times. During the former, of this equipment can be easily reward will be a vial of flakes and
there is more opportunity to pursue transported in the family car. perhaps a nugget or two.
one's pleasures. During the latter, Dredging for gold requires rivers A serious energy crisis confronts
it becomes a means of adding to or streams with copious amounts of our nation. Along with everything
the family funds. More than likely, water. California's Mother Lode else we use for daily living, the
"new" strikes will continue to be Country is typical of regions where price of gasoline is steadily rising. It
made, since geologists have long this method of recovery proves is time we bring our "travel
Stated, "There is still far more gold successful. Requiring water, but in sights" closer home. Nearly every





Desert Magazine Book Shop

lustrates the great difference between the high Laughlin. "LaTules," an acknowledged queen INTERESTING PLANTS OF BAJA CALIFOR-
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est and a flood that ravaged the country. The WILY WOMEN OF THE WEST by Grace Er- Thestory of the Lost Dutchman Mine is in a class
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THE LIFE OF THE DESERT by Ann and Myron ROCKS AND MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA vada's 17 counties, Paher has documented 575
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story of Butch Cassidy, actually Robert Leroy be written. The author's mastery of primitive years. One of the first good writers to reveal the
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Paperback, 48 pages, 9x12 format, $1.95. Southwest. Hardcover, illustrated, 175 pages,
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second of Mitchell.'s books on lost mines which
NEW MEXICO PLACE NAMES edited by T. M. was out-of-print for many years. Many of these
Pearce. Lists and gives a concise history of the appeared in DESERT Magazine years ago and
places, towns, former sites, mountains, mesas, these issues are no longer available. New read-
rivers, etc., in New Mexico, including those set- ers will want to read these. Contains the original
tled by the early Spaniards. Good for treasure map first published with the book and one pin-
hunters, bottle collectors and history buffs. Pa- pointing the areas of lost mines. Mitchell's per-
BACK ROADS OF CALIFORNIA by Earl Thol- sonal research and investigation has gone into
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the traveler is invited to get off the freeways and painter of desert wildflowers has combined his
W. H. Storms, H. W. Penniman and M. E. Ditt- four-color sketches and black and white
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state. Hardcover, large format, unusually beau- photographs to describe in detail so the layman
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EARLY AMERICAN WEST by Vardis Fisher handbook for the desert camper. Valuable infor- 39 photographs, 316 pages, $5.95.
mation on weather conditions, desert vehicles,
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pared than Vardis Fisher to write of the gold mation on desert wildlife, mines, ghost towns, HOPI SILVER, The History and Hallmarks of
rushes and mining camps of the West. He brings and desert hobbies. Paperback, illustrated, 10 Hopi Silversmithing by Margaret Wright. Years
together all the men and women, all the fascinat- maps, 134 pages, $3.95. of research have made this book a historically
ing ingredients, all the violent contrasts which descriptive piece on the Hopi silversmiths. Illus-
go to make up one of the most enthralling chap- LOAFING ALONG DEATH VALLEY TRAILS by trated with many photographs of silverwork, and
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photographs. Large format, hardcover, boxed, newspaper man and a ghost writer for early hallmarks beginning in 1890 and continued
466 pages, highly recommended. $17.95. movie stars, politicians and industrialists. He through 1971, naming the silversmith, the clan,
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SELDOM SEEN SLIM by Tom Murray. Profiles Valley and there wrote his on-the-spot story that silverwork is still being made. Paperback, 100
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jackass prospectors" who lived and died as they deserts of California and Nevada. Hardcover,
looked for gold and silver in Death Valley. Slick old photos, 187 pages, $4.25.
paperback, exclusive photos of the old-timers, FLOWERS OF THE CANYON COUNTRY by
65 pages, $3.00. Stanley L. Welsh, text; and Bill Ratcliffe, photo-
SOUTHWEST INDIAN CRAFT ARTS by Clara graphs. Brigharn Young University Press. Two
Lee Tanner. One of the best books on the sub- professionals have united their talents to present
GHOST TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS OF ject, covering all phases of the culture of the In- an informative, scholarly and artistic promotion
CALIFORNIA by Remi Nadeau. An excellent dians of the Southwest. Authentic in every way. of the beauty found in flowers and plants of vast
book on California ghost towns. We recommend Color and black and white illustrations, line regions of the Southwest. Paperback, 51 pages,
it highly. Paperback, $3.75. drawings. Hardcover, 205 pages, $15.00. $3.95.


comparatively small and little known tribe, the Hart. Over200 photos and maps. Exciting pictor- ley. The history of California's Coachella Valley
Cahuilla Indians played an important part in the ial history of the military posts that opened the is told by the author who knew many of the old-
early settlement of Southern California. Today, West. Hardcover, beautifully illustrated, origin- timers and listened to their stories, sometimes
the Cahuilla Indians are active in social and civic ally published at $12.50. New Edition $3.95. humorous, but always telling of their struggle
affairs in Riverside County and own valuable and fortitude in developing one of the most for-
property in and around Palm Springs. This re- midable deserts in this country. Hardcover, 245
vised edition is an authentic and complete CORONADO'S CHILDREN by J. Frank Doby.
Originally published in 1930, this book about lost pages, $5.95.
history of these native Americans. Hardcover,
illustrated, 185 pages, $7.50. mines and buried treasures of the West is a
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Dobie was not only an adventurer, but a scholar Identification], by Harold S. Colton. Kachina
GUIDEBOOK TO THE COLORADO DESERT and a powerful writer. A combination of legends dolls are neither toys nor idols, but aids to teach-
OF CALIFORNIA by Choral Pepper. Editor of and factual background. Hardcover, 376 pages, ing religion and tradition. This is a definitive
Desert Magazine for six years, the author has $3.95. work on the subject, describing the meaning, the
used her research knowledge and first-hand ex- making and the principal features of 266 varieties
perience to compile this detailed and informative of Kachina dolls. Line drawings of each variety,
guide to the Colorado Desert. Trips also include BURIED TREASURE & LOST MINES, by Frank plus color and b/w photos make it a complete
historical background. Slick paperback, illustrat- Fish. One of the original treasure hunters pro- guide to learn more of the richness of American
ed, 128 pages, $2.95. vides data on 93 lost bonanzas, many of which he Indian culture. Paperback, 150 pages, $3.45.
personally searched for. He died under myster-
ious circumstances in 1968 after leading an ad-
venturous life. Illustrated with photos and maps.
Paperback, 68 pages, $2.00.


DESERT,CALIFORNIA by G. C. and Jeanette
Wheeler. A well-researched description of the
59 species of ants found in Deep Canyon, adja-
cent to the Coachella Valley. Photographs of
specimens, nests and typical habitat and draw-
ings showing many species are accompanied by
readable text and tables. 162 pages, handbook
size, hardcover, $8.95; paperback $3.95.


THE WEST by Muriel Sweet. A description with
artist drawings of edible (and those not to touch)
plants along with how Indians and pioneers used
THE BAJA BOOK, A Complete Map-Guide to them. Paperback, 64 pages, $1.95.
Today's Baja California by Tom Miller and El- AMERICAN INDIAN FOOD AND LORE by Car-
mar Baxter. Waiting until the new transpenin- CALIFORNIA GEM TRAILS by Darold J. Henry olyn Neithammer. The original Indian plants
sular highway opened, the authors have pooled This completely revised fourth edition is the used for foods, medicinal purposes, shelter,
their knowledge to give every minute detail on most authoritative guide for collectors of rocks, clothing, etc., are described in detail in this fas-
gas stations, campgrounds, beaches, trailer gemstones, minerals and fossils. Profusely illus- cinating book. Common and scientific names,
parks, road conditions, boating, surfing, flying, trated with maps and contains excellent descrip- plus descriptions of each plant and unusual
fishing, beachcombing, in addition to a Baja tive text. Paperback, $3.00. recipes. Large format, profusely illus., 191
Roadlog which has been broken into convenient pages, $4.95.
two-mile segments. A tremendous package for
every kind of recreationist. Paperback, 178 Arts of GEM TRAILS OF ARIZONA by Bessie W. Simp-
pages, illus., maps, $7.95. son. This field guide is prepared for the hobbiest
Deer am n and almost every location is accessible by car or
RUFUS, by Rutherford Montgomery. From one pickup accompanied by maps to show sandy
of America's best-loved children's nature writ- roads, steep rocky hills, etc., as cautions. Laws
ers comes the story of Rufus, a fierce and proud regarding collecting on Federal and Indian land
bobcat struggling against nature and man. As outlined. Paperback, 88 pages, illus., $3.50.
Rufus grows and matures, his exciting adven-
tures make fascinating reading for adults and SPEAKING OF INDIANS by Bernice Johnston.
children alike. Hardcover, 137 pages, $4.95. An authority on the Indians of the Southwest,
the author has presented a concise well-written
TREASURE HUNTER'S MANUAL H7 by Karl book on the customs, history, crafts, ceremonies
von Mueller. Treasure, or treasure trove, many FROSTY, A Raccoon to Remember by Harriett and what the American Indian has contributed to
consist of anything having a cash or convertible E. Weaver. The only uniformed woman on Cali- the white man's civilization. A MUST for both
value; money in all forms, bullion, jewelry, fornia's State Park Ranger crews for 20 years, students and travelers touring the Indian Coun-
guns, gems, heirlooms, genuine antiques, rare Harriett Weaver shares her hilarious and try. Heavy paperback, illus., $2.50.
letters and documents, rare books and much, heart-warming experiences of being a "mother"
much more. This complete manual covers every to an orphaned baby raccoon. A delightful book TURQUOISE, The Gem of the Centuries by
facet of treasure hunting. Paperback, 293 pages, for all ages. Illustrated with line-drawings by Oscar T. Branson. The most complete and lav-
illustrated, $6.95. Jennifer O. Dewey, hard cover, 156 pages, $5.95 ishly illustrated all color book on turquoise.
Identifies 43 localities, treated and stabilized
GHOST TOWNS OF THE WEST by Lambert material, gives brief history of the gem and de-
Florin. This popular hard-back series is now tails the individual techniques of the Southwest
available in paperback volumes. Rearranged DEAD MEN DO TELL TALES by Lake Erie
Schaefer. A sequel to BURIED TREASURE & Indian Tribes. Heavy paperback, large format,
state by state, lavishly illustrated, handy to take 68 pages, $7.95.
along while traveling. Please state which volume LOST MINES by Frank Fish, the author knew
when ordering: Arizona-$2.95; California-$3.95; Fish for many years and claims he was murdered. THE WEEKEND TREASURE HUNTER by A.
Colorado/Utah-$2.95; Nevada-$2.95; Oregon- Her book adds other information on alleged lost H. Ryan. A companion book to his Weekend
$2.95 bonanzas, plus reasons why she thinks Fish did Gold Miner, this volume is also concise and
not die a natural death as stated by the authori- packed with information on what to look for and
CAMPING AND CLIMBING IN BAJA by John ties. Paperback, illus., 80 pages, $3.00. what to do with your treasure after you have
Robinson. Contains excellent maps and photos. found it. Subjects range from Beach Combing to
A guidebook to the Sierra San Pedro Martir and WILDLIFE OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERTS by Sunken Treasures, Paperback, 76 pages, $1.95.
the Sierra Juarez of Upper Baja Calif. Much of Jim Cornett. Written for the layman and serious
this land is unexplored and unmapped still. Car students alike, this is an excellent book on all of EXPLORING DEATH VALLEY by Ruth Kirk.
routes to famous ranches and camping spots in the common animals of the Southwest deserts. A Good photos and maps with time estimates from
palm-studded canyons with trout streams tempt must for desert explorers, it presents a brief life place to place and geology, natural history and
weekend tourists who aren't up to hiking. Paper- history of everything from ants to burros. Paper- human interest information included. Paper-
back, 96 pages, $2.95. back, 80 pages, $2.99. back, $2.25.


NEW MEXICO, photographs by David Muench, A NATURALIST'S DEATH VALLEY by Dr. Ed- FANTASIES OF GOLD by E. B. Sayles. During
text by Tony Hillerman, depicting New Mexico's mund C. Jaeger. In this revised third edition, his search for archeological finds for more than
many and varied contrasts in a unique blend that Dr. Jaeger covers and uncovers some of the 30 years, the author was exposed to the rumors
is her mysterious beauty—and a grandeur that is mysteries of this once humid, and now arid and legends of lost gold and treasures. After his
our natural heritage. Hardcover, large format, trough. He tells of the Indians of Death Valley, retirement as curator of the Arizona State Mu-
188 pages, $25.00. the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, seum, he classified and delved into these still
fishes, insects, trees, wild flowers and fossils. unsolved mysteries. An interesting and informa-
MEXICO Guide by Cliff Cross. All new, revised Paperback, 66 pages, $1.50. tive book on lost bonanzas and legends, many of
edition with excellent information of trailer which have never been published. Hardcover,
parks, hotels, camping space; tips on border UTAH GEM TRAILS by Bessie W. Simpson. well illustrated, 135 pages, $6.50.
crossing, shopping, fishing, hunting, etc., as well The casual rockhound or collector interested in
as the history, culture, and geography. 210 maps, collecting petrified wood, fossils, agate and crys- TIMBERLINE ANCIENTS with photos by David
675 photos, 195 paqes, $4.95. tals will find this guide most helpful. The book Muench and text by Darwin Lambert. Bristle-
does not give permission to collect in areas writ- cone pines are the oldest living trees on earth.
H ELLDORADO by William Breakenridge. One of ten about, but simply describes and maps the Photographer David Muench brings them to life
the most famous law enforcement officers of the areas. Paperback, illustrated, maps, $3.50. in all their fascinating forms, and Lambert's
Old West describes his life and gives first-hand prose is like poetry. One of the most beautiful
accounts of the famous outlaws and lawmen he pictorials ever published. An ideal gift. Large
knew. First published in 1928 and long out-of- 1Tx14 format, hardcover, heavy slick paper, 128
print, now available. Hardcover, illus., 1883 map 4-color photographs, 125 pages, $22.00.
of Arizona Territory. 225 pages, $7.50.
SUCCESSFUL COIN HUNTING by Charles L. Patricia Moorten and Rex Nevins. Compiled for
Garrett. An informative study of coin hunting, better understanding and appreciation of plants
this js a complete guide on where to search, indigenous to the desert region, including pro-
metal de.tec(or selection and use, digging tools
and accessories, how to dig arid the care and per design for desert gardens, container plants,
handling of coins. A classic book in the field. 181 pool areas and complete landscaping. Paper-
pages, paperback, $5.00. back, illustrated, 113 pages, $3.00.

OWYHEE TRAILS by Mike Hanley and Ellis HOW AND WHERE TO PAN GOLD by Wayne
Lucia. The authors have teamed to present the DESERT, The American Southwest by Ruth Winters. Convenient paperback handbook with
boisterous past and intriguing present of this still Kirk. Combining her knowledge of the physical information on staking claims, panning and re-
wild corner of the West sometimes called the characteristics of the land, and man's relation to covering placer gold. Maps and drawings. $2.50.
I-O-N, where Idaho, Oregon and Nevadacome to- the desert from the prehistoric past to the prob-
gether. Hardcover, 225 pages, $7.95. able future, with her photographer's eye and her
enthusiasm for a strange and beautiful country,
the result of Ruth Kirk's work is an extraordinar-
ily perceptive account of the living desert. High-
ly recommended. Hardcover, beautifully illus-
trated, 334 pages, $10.00.


Holm. How to make a sourdough starter and
many dozens of sourdough recipes, plus amusing
anecdotes by the authors of the popular Old Fash-
ioned Dutch Oven Cookbook. A new experience
in culinary adventures. Paperback, 136 slick
pages, illustrated, $3.95.


A reprint of the famous writer and historian of his Norman D. Weis. The ghost-town country of the
30,000 MILES IN MEXICO by Nell Murbarger. Pacific Northwest including trips to many little-
Joyous adventures of a trip by pick-up camper adventures among the Indians of New Mexico.
Lummis was one of the foremost writers of the known areas, is explored in this first-hand fact-
made by two women from Tijuana to Guatemala. ual and interesting book. Excellent photo-
Folksy and entertaining, as well as instructive to West. Paperback, 236 pages, $2.45.
graphy. Best book to date on ghost towns of the
others who might make the trip. Hardcover, 309
pages, $6.00. COLORFUL DESERT WILDFLOWERS by Grace Northwest. Maps, hardcover, heavy slick paper
and Onas Ward. Segregated into categories of 319 pages, $7.95.
LAS VEGAS [As It Began—As It Grew] by Stan- red, blue, white and yellow for easier identifica-
ley W. Paher. Here is the first general history of tion, there are 190 four-color photos of flowers A FIELD GUIDE TO THE GEMS AND MINER-
early Las Vegas ever to be published. The author found in the Mojave, Colorado and Western Ari- ALS OF MEXICO by Paul Willard Johnson. Tips
was born and raised there in what, to many is zona deserts, all of which also have common and on food, maps and information, driving and trail-
considered a town synonymous with lavish gam- scientific names plus descriptions. Heavy, slick ering in Mexico, Border regulations, wrapping
bling and unabashed night life. Newcomers to paperback, $4.50. specimens of gems and minerals and all about
the area, and even natives themselves, will be your proposed mining venture are covered. Pa-
surprised by the facts they did not know about JEEP TRAILS TO COLORADO GHOST TOWNS perback, many good maps and illustrations, 96
their town. Western Americana book lovers will by Robert L. Brown. An illustrated, detailed, in- pages, $2.00.
appreciate the usefulness of this book. You don't formal history of life in the mining camps deep in
have to gamble on this one! Hardcover, large the almost inaccessible mountain fastness of the HAPPY WANDERER TRIPS by Slim Barnard.
format, loaded with historical photos, 180 pages, Colorado Rockies. 58 towns are included as exam- Well-known TV stars, Henrietta and Slim Bar-
$10.95. ples of the vigorous struggle for existence in the nard have put together a selection of their trips
mining camps of the West. 239 pages, illustrated, throughout the West from their Happy Wander-
NEW BAJA HANDBOOK for the Off-Pavement end sheet map, hardcover, $7.95. er travel shows. Books have excellent maps, his-
Motorist in Lower California by James T. Crow. tory, cost of lodging, meals, etc. Perfect for fam-
Discover the real Baja that lies beyond the edge ilies planning weekends. Both books are large
of the paved road, the unspoiled, out-of-the-way RELICS OF THE WHITEMAN by Marvin and format, heavy paperback, 150 pages each and
places unknown to the credit-card tourist. The Helen Davis. A logical companion to Relics of the $2.95 each. Volume One covers California and
author, drawing from his extensive travels in Redman, this book brings out a marked differ- Volume Two Arizona, Nevada and Mexico.
these parts, tells where to go, what to take ence by showing in its illustrations just how "sud- WHEN ORDERING STATE WHICH VOLUME.
along, the common sense of getting ready. Illus-
trated, paperback, 95 pages, $3.95. denly modern" the early West became after the
arrival of the white man. The difference in arti- LOST MINES OF DEATH VALLEY by Harold
facts typifies the historical background in each Weight. This is a new approach to the enigma of
THE GUNFIGHTERS, paintings and text by Lea case. The same authors tell how and where to col- Death Valley Scotty's life and legends and gives
F. McCarty.Contains 20 four-color reproductions lect relics of these early days, tools needed, and additional insight into the Lost Gunsight and
of some of the most famous gunfighters of the how to display and sell valuable pieces. Breyfogle bonanzas, plus other Death Valley
West, together with a brief history of each. Paperback, well illustrated in color and b/w, 63 mysteries. Paperback, historic photographs,
Large format, beautifully illustrated, $3.00. pages, $3.95. reference material, 86 pages, $2.50.


ren A. Beck and Ynez D. Haase. Extensive docu- WEST compiled by Charles Shelton. Early days ine Siva Saubel. Temalpakh means "from the
mentation and pertinent detail make this atlas a photo collection dating from 1860s to 1910 shows earth," in Cahuilla, and covers the many uses of
valuable aid to the student, scholar and every- prospectors, miners, cowboys, desperados and plants used for food, medicine, rituals and those
one intersted in the Golden State. 101 excellent ordinary people. 195 photos, hardcover, fine gift used in the manufacturing of baskets, sandals,
maps present information on the major faults, item, $12.50. hunting tools; and plants used for dwellings.
early Spanish explorations, Mexican land Makes for a better understanding of environ-
grants, route to gold fields, the Butterfield and HOW TO COLLECT ANTIQUE BOTTLES by mental and cultural relationships. Well illustrat-
Pony Express routes, CCC camps, World War II John C. Tibbits. A fascinating insight of early ed, 225 pages, hardcover, $10.00; paperback,
Installations, etc. Hardcover, extensive index, America as seen through the eyes of the medi- $6.50. „__
highly recommended, $9.95. cine companies and their advertising almanacs.
Excellent book for avid bottle collectors and
those just starting. Also includes chapters on
collecting, locations and care of bottles. Heavy,
slick paperback, well illus., 118 pages, $4.00.

DESERT EDITOR by J. Wilson McKenney.

This is the story of Randall Henderson, founder
of DESERT Magazine, who fulfilled a dream and
who greatly enriched the lives of the people who
love the West. Hardcover, illustrated with 188
pages, $7.95.

THE GOLD HEX by Ken Marquiss. A single

LET'S GO PROSPECTING by Edward Arthur. man's endeavors, Ken has compiled 20 of his NAVAJO SILVER by Arthur Woodward. A
Facts and how-to-do-it on prospecting are pre- treaure hunts in book form. His failure to hit the summary of the history of silversmithing by the
sented by the author who has spent 30 years "jackpot" does not mean he is treasureless. Navajo tribe, Woodward presents a comprehen-
searching for gems and minerals in California. From gold panning to hardrock, from dredging sive view of the four major influences on Navajo
For those who think there are no more valuables to electronic metal detecting, he enjoyed a life- design, showing how the silversmiths adapted
left in California, they will find a new field in this time of "doing his thing." Slick paperback, il- the art forms of European settlers and Indians in
informative book. Included marketing data, lustrated with photos and maps, 146 pages, the eastern United States, as well as those of the
maps, potential buyers for discoveries. Large $3.50. Spanish and Mexican colonists of the Southwest.
8x10 format, illustrated, heavy paperback, 84 Paperback, well illustrated, 100 pages, $4.95.
John W. Robinson. Easy one-day and more rug- Anza-Borrego State Park. Text by Diana
WESTERN GEM HUNTERS ATLAS by Cy John- ged hiking trips into the historic mountains. The Lindsay, Edited by Richard Pourade. The largest
son and Son. A helpful book of detailed maps 100 hiking trails are described in detail and illus- state park in the United States, this book
showing gem and mineral locations, from Cali- trated so you will not get lost. Heavy paperback, presents a concise and cogent history of the
fornia to the Dakotas and British Columbia to 257 pages, $4.95. things which have made this desert unique. The
Texas. Markings note private claims, gem claims author details the geologic beginning and traces
(fee charged) and rock and gem locations. Also the history from Juan Bautista de Anza and
suggested reading for more detail on areas in- early-day settlers, through to the existence
cluded and other rich areas not included in this today of the huge park. Hardcover, 144 pages,
publication. Paperback, maps galore, collector's beautifully illustrated, $9.50.
library, 79 pages, $3.00.
UTAH by David Muench, text by Hartt Wixom. ger. One of the most complete works ever pub-
The impressions captured here by David lished on flora of the Southwestern deserts.
Muench's camera and Hartt Wixom's pen bring Easily understood by amateur botanists and
to life a most beautiful under-one-cover profile of travelers as it is informative to the professional.
the fascinating state of Utah. Large 11 x14 format, 322 pages, well illustratged, $2.95.
hardcover, 188 pages, $25.00.
THE ROSE & THE ROBE by Ted DeGrazia.
WHERE TO FIND GOLD IN SOUTHERN CALI- Text and sketches tell of the travels of Fray Juni-
THE ROCKS BEGIN TO SPEAK by LaVan Mar- pero Serra in California, 1769.-1784. Tremendous
FORNIA by James Klein. Pinpoints areas tineau. The author tells how his interest in rock
around the Los Angeles basin such as San Ga- history and art appeal. Large format, 25 four-
writing led to years of study and how he has color illustrations by DeGrazia. Hardcover,
briel Canyon, Lytle Creek and Orange County. learned that many—especially the complex pe-
Tips on how to find gold, equipment needed and $11.75.
troglyphs—are historical accounts of actual
how to stake a claim are included as well as the events. Hardcover, well illustrated, glossary THE NORTH AMERICAN DESERTS by Ed-
lost treasure tales of each area. Paperback, illus- bibliography, 210 pages, $8.95. mund C. Jaeger. A long-time authority on all
trated, 95 pages, $4.95. phases of desert areas and life, Dr. Jaeger's
GHOST TOWNS OF THE COLORADO ROCK- book on the North American Deserts should be
The Land IES by Robert L. Brown. Written by the author carried where ever you travel. It not only de-
oflittieRain of Jeep Trails to Colorado Ghost Towns, this scribes each of the individual desert areas, but
book deals with ghost towns accessible by pas- has illustrated sections on desert insects, rep-
senger car. Gives directions and maps for find- tiles, birds, mammals and plants. 315 pages,
ing towns along with historical backgrounds. illustrated photographs, line drawings and
Hardcover, 401 pages, $7.95. maps. Hardcover, $6.95.


James Klein is a sequel to Where to Find Gold in
Southern California. Author Klein includes lost
RETRACING THE BUTTERFIELD OVERLAND treasure tales and gem locations as he tells
TRAIL THROUGH ARIZONA by Gerald T. An- where to find gold in the Rosmond-Mohave area,
hert. This book was written to mark the physical the El Paso Mountains, Randsburg and Barstow
route and station locations in the most hazardous areas, and many more. Paperback, 112 pages,
segment of the Butterfield Trail—Arizona. The $4.95.
author's original intent was merely to find,
follow and map the Trail, however, the long and 1200 BOTTLES PRICED by John C. Tibbitts.
difficult task resulted in putting this vital infor- Updated edition of one of the best of the bottle
mation in a book which makes it easy for others books. $4.95.
to follow, or to provide a delightful armchair GHOST TOWN BOTTLE PRICE GUIDE by Wes
journey over this dramatic route. Profusely illus- GOLD GAMBLE by Roberta Starry. Lavishly il- and Ruby Bressie. A new and revised edition of
trated with maps and photos, this book is a lustrated with old photos, the text recounts the their popular bottle book, first published in
visual hand-tool to the explorer; an exciting seg- vivid memories of the gold mining boom in Cali- 1964. New section on Oriental relics, plus up-to-
ment of Americana to the scholar and historian. fornia's Rand Mining District. Large format, ex- date values of bottles. Slick, paperback, illus-
Large format, hardcover, $9.75. cellent index, 167 pages, $4.25. trated, 124 pages, $3.95


BLUE GOLD, The Turquoise Story by M. G. 100 DESERT WILDFLOWERS by Natt Dodge. DESERT GEM TRAILS by Mary Frances Strong
Broman. Information on the identification, his- Each flower is illustrated with a 4-color photo- DESERT Magazine's Field Trip Editor's popular
tory and mining of turquoise, as well as an intro- graph and described in detail, where found, field guide for rockhounds. The "bible" for both
duction to the lapidary and silversmithing tech- blooming period, etc. Habitats from sea level to amateur and veteran rockhounds and back coun-
niques used in making turquoise jewelry. This 4,000 feet. Slick paperback, 64 pages, $2.00. try explorers, and covers the gems and minerals
book is intended for the general reader who is of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. Heavy pa-
interested in knowing more about the origin of 100 ROADSIDE WILDFLOWERS by Natt Dodge perback, 80 pages, $2.00.
turquoise as well as the interesting facets of buy- A companion book and with the same format as
ing, collecting and assembling of turquoise 100 Desert Wildflowers. this book lists 100
pieces. Paperback, color and b/w photos, $4.95. flowers found from 4,000 to 7,000-foot levels.
Also has 4-color photographs. Slick paperback,
GOLD RUSH COUNTRY by the Editors of Sunset 64 pages, $2.00.
Books. A revised and up-dated practical guide to
California's Mother Lode country. Divided into A FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN REPTILES
geographical areas for easy weekend trips, the AND AMPHIBIANS by Robert C. Stebbins. A
8x11 heavy paperback new edition is profusely il- Peterson Field Guide. 207 species, 569 illustra-
lustrated with photos and maps. Special features tions, 185 in full color, 192 maps. The best book
and anecdotes of historical and present day of this type. Hardcover, $6.95.
activities. Four-color cover, 96 pages. $2.95.
GOLD FEVER by Helen E. Wilson. Exciting and
j true story of a couple prospecting against for-
midable odds during the Nevada Gold Strike in
K ichiii'J l J ' i | l s Jarbridge. Fabulously illustrated with early-day
photos. 140 pages, softbound, $5.00. TU RQUOIS by Joseph E. Pogue. [Memoirs of the
National Academy of Sciences]. First printed in
1915, Turquois has in its third printing (1973)
DESERT PLANTS AND PEOPLE by Sam Hicks. been updated in many ways. Among them are
Tells how primitive desert dwellers find susten- listed currently-operated Turquois mines, more
ance, shelter, beverages and healing medicines color plates. The book is full of incredible results
in nature. Hardcover, $6.95. of research and an in-depth study of this fascina-
ting mineral of superficial origin. Hardcover, 175
pages, beautifully illustrated, $15.00.
ANASAZI: Ancient People of the Rock, photo- nut!
graphs by David Muench, text by Donald G. SOUTHERN IDAHO GHOST TOWNS by Wayne
Pike. This outstanding, moving publication Sparling. 84 ghost towns are described, along
gives the reader the unique opportunity to see with the history and highlights of .each. The
and understand the Anasazi civilization that author has visited these sites by pickup, 4WD
existed some 2,000 years ago. Blending with and by foot. 95 photographs accompany the text,
David Muench's suberb photography, historian and maps detail the location of the camps. An
Donald Pike provides a fascinating text. Hard- excellent reference to add to the libraries of
cover, profusely illustrated with color and black those fascinated by Western history. Paperback,
and white photos, 192 pages, $18.95. 135 pages, $3.95.

nor Jordan Houston. A fascinating and unusual andSOUTHWESTERN GHOST TOWN ATLAS son. Two of the West's greatest color photo-
recount of famous Death Valley Scotty's adven- by Robert Neil Johnson. These atlases are excel- graphers have presented their finest works to cre-
tures as told to the author while she and her lent do-it-yourself guides to lead you back to atethe vibrationsof the oceans, lakes, mountains
ranger husband were Scotty's nearest neighbors scenes and places of the early West. Some pho- and deserts of California. Their photographic
in 1948. Some of these escapades have never tos and many detailed maps with legends and presentations, combined with the moving text of
been told before. Illustrated, 116 pages, $1.75. bright, detailed descriptions of what you will David Toll, makes this a classic in Western Amer-
see; also mileage and highway designations. icana. Large11x14format, hardcover, 186 pages,
Heavy paperback, each contains 48 pages, each $25.00.
MINES OF DEATH VALLEY by L. Burr Belden. $2.00.
About fabulous bonanzas, prospectors and lost
mines. Paperback, $1.95.
THE CALIFORNIA DESERTS by Edmund C. THE SALTON SEAYesterday and Today by
Mildred de Stanley. Includes geological history,
THE OREGON DESERT by E. R. Jackman and Jaeger. Revised 4th edition is a standard guide
photographs and maps, early exploration and
R. A. Long. Filled with both facts and anecdotes, to Mohave and Colorado deserts with new chap-
development of the area up to the present.
this is the only book on the little but fascinating ters on desert conservation an aborigines. Hard-
Paperback, 125 pages, $1.50.
deserts of Oregon. Anyone who reads this book cover, $4.95.
will want to visit the areas—or wish they could.
Hardcover, illustrated, 407 pages, $8.95.


Randall Henderson. The beautiful palm canyons
and isolated areas of Baja California are describ-
ed by the late Randall Henderson, founder of
DESERT Magazine. Although these are his per-
sonal adventures many years ago, little has
Using topographic maps as basic underlays, are
Compiled by Varna Enterprises, 38"x25" and
scaled. Southern California on one side and
Northern California on the other. Contains de-
changed and his vivid writing is alive today as it two excellently detailed maps for back country tailed location of place names, many ol which
was when he first saw the oases. Paperback, explorers of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. are not on regular maps. $3.50
illus., 72 pages, $1.95. Maps show highways, gravel roads, jeep trails,
plus historic routes and sites, old wells, which MAP OF PIONEER TRAILS
are not on modern-day maps, plus ghost towns,
LOST MINES AND HIDDEN TREASURES by Indian sites, etc. Mojave Desert Overview Compiled by Varna Enterprises, this is their new
Leland Lovelace. Authoritative and exact ac- covers from U.S. 395 at Little Lake to Boulder large map on pioneer trails blazed from 1541
City, Nevada, to Parker Dam to Victorville. Colo- through 1867 in the western United States. Su-
counts give locations and fascinating data about perimposed in red on black and white, 37"x45".
a lost lake of gold in California, buried Aztec in- rado Desert Overview covers from the Mexican
border to Joshua Tree National Monument to $4.00
gots in Arizona, kegs of coins, and all sorts of ex-
citing booty for treasure seekers. Hardcover, Banning to the Arizona side of the Colorado Riv-
er. Be certain to state which map when ordering. ROADMAP TO CALIFORNIA'S LOST MINES
$5.95. $3.00 Each AND BURIED TREASURES
Compiled by Varna Enterprises, 38"x25" and
50 YEARS IN DEATH VALLEY by Harry P. ANZA-BORREGO DESERT STATE PARK scaled. Southern California on one side and
Gower. First hand account of the dramatic TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS Northern California on the other. Contains de-
mining years by a man who spent his life in the A set of 7 maps covering the Arza-Borrego Des- tailed location of place names, many of which
mysterious valley. Describes the famous charac- ert State Park, 8'/?"x11" format, bound. $5.50 are not on regular maps. $4.00
ters of Death Valley. Paperback, illustrated, 145
pages, $2.95.


B Y R O A D S OF B A J A , by Walt Wheelock. In THE NEVADA DESERT by Sessions S. Wheeler. BIG RED: A WILD STALLION by Rutherford
addition to describing the many highways now Provides information on Nevada's state parks, Montgomery. There was a time when there were
being paved, this veteran Baja explorer also tells historical monuments, recreational areas and many wild horse herds on our western ranges.
of back country roads leading to Indian ruins, suggestions for safe, comfortable travel in the re- These herds, jealously guarded by the stallion
missions and abandoned mines. Paperback, mote sections of western America. Paperback, that had won them, met with real trouble when
illus., $1.95. illus., 168 pages, $2.95. the hunters found they could get good prices for
them from meat processors. Big Red tells how
one stallion successfully defends his herd from
BOTTLE COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK by John both animal and human enemies. Illustrated,
T. Yount. Contains a listing of 1850 bottles and hardcover, 163 pages, $4.95.
their market value (including the prized Jim
Beams), where to sell and buy, identifications, TRA11S .(*,
etc. Although contains few illustrations, it has ANGEIES
more listings than any other bottle book. Paper-
back, 89 pages, $3.95.


T. Crow and Cameron Warren. Packed into this
volume is material gathered from actual exper-
ience and presented in a detailed manner so it
can easily be followed and understood. Highly
recommended for anyone interested in back
country driving. Paper, illus., 96 pages, $3.95.
WEATHER IN THE WEST by Bette Roda An- EARTHQUAKE COUNTRY by Robert lacopi.
derson, is a layman's book covering the funda- Published by Sunset Books, this well illustrated
mentls of weather. Contains incomparable color book separates fact from fiction and shows
and black and white photos. An unusual and val- where faults are located, what to do in the event
uable library addition. Hardcover, large format, of an earthquake, past history and what to ex-
223 pages, copiously illustrated, $18.95. pect in the future. Large format, slick paper-
back, 160 pages, $2.95.
of Mexico by Donald J. Borror and Richard E. THE LAND OF LITTLE RAIN by Mary Austin.
White. This is the most comprehensive, authori- This book, first published in 1903, is an acknow-
tative and up-to-date guide to North America in- ledged classif of southwestern literature. The
sects ever published. It covers 579 families of in- author discovered the charm and interest of the
HOSTEEN CROTCHETTY by Jimmy Swinner- timeless and colorful world of the yucca, the coy-
ton. This delightful book by famed desert paint- sects and has more than 1300 line drawings and
142 color plates. Hardcover, 372 pages, glos- ote, the buzzard, the roadrunner. She recounts,
er, cartoonist and story teller, Jimmy Swinner- with insight and sensitivity, the lure of gold, the
ton, is an interpretation of a centuries-old Hopi sary, references, $5.95.
stagecoach towns, the Indian campoodies . . . all
legend. The fable, told to Swinnerton more than the activities of broad valleys and spacious hills.
50 years ago by an Indian story-teller, involves SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA by the Sunset Edi-
Old Man Hosteen, the Owl People, and how they tors. A new revision offering a wide variety of Illus., paperback 171 pages, $2.45.
were outwitted by the pueblo children, aided by experiences to both the tourist and resident-
the Termite People. Beautiful 4/color illustra- parks, beaches, fairs, resorts, wilderness, plus NEW MEXICO GEM TRAILS by Bessie W.
tions throughout. Hardcover, large format, 48 cities. General area maps plus useful travel in- Simpson. Gield guide for rockhounds with 40
pages, $7.50. formation cover areas from Fresno to the Mexi- maps and 65 locations. 88 pages, profusely illu-
can border. Many illustrations, paperback, large strated, $3.50.
format. 160 pages, $2.95.
FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN BIRDS by Roger ARIZONA by David Muench. The finest pictorial
Tory Peterson. The standard book for field iden- presentation of the Grand Canyon State ever pub-
tification sponsored by the National Audubon lished. One of the outstanding color photo-
Society. 2nd Edition, enlarged, 658 pictures graphers of the world, Muench has selected 160
of his 4-color photographs which are augmented
in full color. Hardcover, 6.96. MAINE by comprehensive text of David Toll. Hardcover,
11x14 format, 200 heavy slick pages, $25.00.
BALLARAT, Compiled by Paul Hubbard, Doris
Bray and George Pipkin. Ballarat, now a ghost TRAILS OF THE ANGELES, 100 Hikes in the
town in the Panamint Valley, was once a flour- San Gabriels, by John W. Robinson. This is the
ishing headquarters during the late 1880s and most complete guide ever written to hiking and
1900s for the prospectors who searched for silver backpacking in California's San Gabriel Moun-
and gold in that desolate area of California. The tains. Hikes vary from easy one-hour strolls to
authors tell of the lives and relate anecdotes of all-day and overnight rambles. Tours of the Mt.
the famous old-timers. First published in 1965, Lowe Railway and Echo Mountain ruins. The
this reprinted edition is an asset to any library. author has walked, recorded and researched all
Paperback, illustrated, 98 pages, $3.00. trips, and has graded them as "easy," "moder-
ate" or "strenuous." Excellent trail map. 256
TO HELL ON WHEELS by Alan H. Siebert. A pages, paperback, $4.95.
must for every desert traveler, this is not just
another survival book, it is a manual of mobility
for the recreational vehicle driver who is looking
for something more than the organized camp-
ground. Highly recommended for both the
newcomer and old-timers. Paperback, 64 pages,
well illustrated, $2.95.

NAVAJO RUGS, Past, Present and Future by Gil-

bert S. Maxwell. Concerns the history, legends
and descriptions of Navajo rugs. Full color pho-
GHOSTS OF THE GLORY TRAIL by Nell Mur- tos. Paperback, $3.00.
barger. A pioneer of the ghost town explorers and
writers, Miss Murbarger's followers will be glad
to know this book is once again in print. First pub- CAMELS AND SURVEYORS IN DEATH MINING CAMPS AND GHOST TOWNS, A His-
lished in 1956, it is now in its seventh edition. The VALLEY by Arthur Woodward. A diary-like ac- tory of Mining in Arizona by Frank Love. Drama-
fast-moving chronicle is a result of personal inter- counting of the day-by-day experiences of an ex- tic history of the mineral frontier as it affected one
views of old-timers who are no longer here to tell pedition for a survey of the boundary between section of the vast American West, the Lower
their tales. Hardcover, illustrated, 291 pages, California and the Territory of Nevada. Colorado Region. Illustrated, hardcover, 192
$7.00. Paperback, 73 pages, $2.00. pages, $7.95.


- •

Left: The gold-bearing ter-

race [on left] in San Francis-
quito Canyon is a popular
place for gold hunting. There
is a great deal of private
property in this area and
hobbyists must take care to
avoid trespassing. Right: A
portable drywasher can be
used in desert areas or along
streams. This modern-day
prospector is Victor January
of Canoga Park. Below: Even
the "small fry" can enjoy
gold panning. Several match-
head-sized nuggets were re-
covered by these youngsters.

outdoor hobby can be practiced at

• . / . ... €' \ \ -i , * * \ ,1
locales within 100 to 200 miles of
the densely populated Southern
California Basin. A fun-filled
weekend can be enjoyed by the * f
' •"••' l • .'-.:••• '.. 1

whole family on a tank or two of ;

'/*•!• •
• ;
fS %» % m
" |

gasoline. This holds true for the

gold seeker too!
Living on the northern slopes of
the San Gabriel Mountains, we are
1 * «*^
within close proximity to several
placer gold deposits. However, *
outside of a little gold panning, we
haven't exploited our local areas. I r " 'illP
guess the old saying, "The grass is 0
always greener on the other side of
the fence,'' holds true. We always
seem to head for distant horizons. Fj
A good metal detector and gold 1 Jr .1" ia
pan have been our gold hunting
tools. This is mainly because there
isn't any space left to carry
| -
additional gear when we travel.
What with camera equipment, managed to obtain a little vial of
mineralight, rock hunting tools, color. Initially, we have only spent
several pets and their a couple of hours at a location.
paraphernalia—our camper shell However, as soon as time permits,
and trailer are weighted down. We we plan to do some serious sluicing
have to move several items in order in several areas which seemed
to reach any object we may need. promising.
Jerry now carefully scrutinizes and California's first gold discovery
generally says " N O " to any new was made in the southern part of
item I deem absolutely essential. the state seven years before the
It was with considerable Great Gold Rush of 1849. It was a
trepidation that I announced we small placer deposit located in the
would be taking along a sluice box mountains separating the coastal
on our fall trip. ' 'Where in the devil basin from the Mojave Desert.
are we going to put it?" my better Aptly named Placerita Canyon,
half roared. When shown the these low-grade deposits were
small, compact box, the roar worked for many years by Mexican
reduced to a grumbling, "Well, laborers from Sonoran placer
O.K., I guess." We were headed for regions. Only six to eight thousand
the High Sierras and I planned to dollars in gold was mined
sluice while Jerry fished. annually—mainly fine grain and
Unfortunately, rain, then snow were small nuggets.
encountered in Owens Valley. The Placer gold was also discovered
next day, the locale we had in San Francisquito, Castaicand
planned to visit had two feet of Santa Felicia Canyons in the early
white stuff on the ground! 1840s. Very primitive mining
Above: The "Forty Niner" Early this spring, Jerry methods were used, yet over
sluice box consists of nine parts. suggested we try a little sluicing at $100,000 in gold was recovered
It is easily stored our local gold fields. By this time, during the first two years. All of
and can be set up in a he had taken the box out and these deposits have been worked
very few minutes. assembled it remarking, "By golly, intermittently down through the
Below: Placer alluvium has been this is a compact little unit. We will years. However, most of the land is
placed in the top section of the have to see how well it works." now private property and the
sluice box. Water is bucketed into Work it did. Weighing only six hobbyist must obtain permission to
the top to carry the fines through the pounds, the two-story sluice box work the ground.
grizzly and over the riffles to called "The Fortyniner" is a sturdy, A historical marker
a padded screen where any easily assembled, hard working commemorates the gold discovery
coarse or fine gold is caught. piece of equipment. We visited in Placerita Canyon—now a Los
several nearby locales and while Angeles County Park. Gold
we didn't strike it rich, we panning is permitted but no other

Right: After a quantity

of alluvium has been
washed through the
sluice box, the material
caught behind the riffles and
on the padded screen is
panned to recover the gold.
equipment is allowed, not even a and sluicing along a beautiful
shovel. The best ground is one mile
up the canyon from the picnic
grounds. You can hike, or return to
stretch of water. Gold can be found
by anyone willing to work for it.
' 'Work'' is the keyword here, as it
FREE 1975
the canyon road and drive a mile
east to a gate (called Middle Gate).
is necessary to hike up a steep trail
to the gold-bearing terraces. Then, 156 Page
Park here and walk down to the
stream. The best time to pan is
after high water recedes following
after filling a bucket or two, they
must be hauled down to the river
for processing. It is worth all the
a storm. The Park's new museum effort when a tiny nugget or a vial DETECTORS-BOOKS-MAPS
opened last May and you may wish of golden flakes is the end result. General Electronic Detection Co.
to stop in when visiting this area. All the areas mentioned above 16238Lakewood Blvd.
The hours are 9 A.M. to5P.M. are shown on the U.S. Forest Bellflower. California 90706

daily. Service Map "The Angelus

There is open ground in San National Forest," obtainable free RIVERSIDE COUNTY'S LARGEST
Francisquito Canyon about four from any District Ranger Station. 4-WHEELDRIVE HEADQUARTERS
miles north of the junction of This map shows land status and Accessories for All Makes
Bouquet and San Francisquito will aid considerably in avoiding
Roads. Obtain the map mentioned
below and be sure you are not
trespassing on private property.
trespass on private property.
These are only a few of the many
locales to visit when gold hunting.
n Jeep
Placer mining along the East Nearly every desert canyon will 7590 Cypress [at Van Buren]
Fork of the San Gabriel River produce a few colors in a P. 0 . Box 4277
began in the 1880s and drywasher. Goler Gulch (Desert, Riverside, California 92504
Telephone [714] 785-1330
considerable gold has been Sept. 1974), Summit Diggings
recovered. All of this land was (Nov. 1970), Bonanza Gulch in Last
removed from mining entry in Chance Canyon and the Randsburg
1928. Even so, a small gold rush Plain are only four of the numerous ZIP CODE YOUR MAIL
ensured during the Great locales where "gold flakes" can be FOR FASTER SERVICE
Depression of the '30s. Many added to your collection. The
people were able to find enough Mojaveand Colorado Desert
gold to keep their families in regions contain more areas than WELCOME TO
"bacon and beans." can be mentioned here. A little
Today, a one-mile strip
extending from Hunter's Camp
research at your local library will
give you many other leads. Brown's
Williams east to the bridge is open
for recreational gold mining. On
weekends, many people come to
search for the elusive treasure.
Gold hunting is a hobby which
can be pursued at reasonable
expense. Good, easily portable
equipment is available at sensible
Downtown Baker, California
This is a dandy locale for panning cost. Also, you can build your own,
if you are handy at such things. Desert Outfitters Since 1926
Prospecting for gold grows on
you. After the first success you will
be hooked. My better half always
says, '' I can take it or leave it," but
I notice a special gleam lights up
his face when gold talk enters the
"Better plan to head for the
Sierras earlier this year so we can
give that little sluice box a real
workout," he advised me recently.
I can see it was a mistake to think I GATEWAY TO
would be sluicing while Jerry DEATH VALLEY
fished. I will probably be lucky to
even get a turn! Yes, the old gold Overnight Accommodations for
bug is alive and well at "The Motor Homes
Stronghold." Lookout High Travel Trailers
Sierras—here we come gold Campers
sluicing! •
nncart/flrtnhsr 1076
. : •

Above: Doorless safe in foreground

may have belonged to one of
the three banks once possessed
by Rawhide. Stone building was a store
of some sort. Mine tunnel
enters hill at right.
Left: Old mine headframe stands
amidst its tailings,
framed in window of a
now well-ventilated building.

I PHOTOGRAPHER BY profession, I town, and expecting the near equivalent the little town of Schurz, on Nevada
eg occasionally take off on dust-choked of a Hollywood movie set, far too often route 95, at the north end of Walker
I I safaris through the West, seeking upon arrival I find practically nothing left Lake. My information had indicated that
out the remnants of the gold and silver of substance. Rawhide is a case in point. the turn-off I was looking for was at the
rushes of the late 1800s and early 1900s. In the various pieces of literature I sifted north edge of town. In actuality, it was
It's a literal race against time to preserve through, there were several photos of an east turn, three miles north of town.
the last tottering remains of the boom quite photogenic groups of old false- Local inquiry produced three different
towns and mining camps on film before fronted wooden buildings. Unfortunate- sets of instructions, and I had embarked
the elements, fires and vandals erase ly, the photos weren't dated, and some on and completed a grand tour of the
them from the land completely and there authors get their information second- local sagebrush before extracting the
is nothing left to photograph. hand. At any rate, I decided to track it correct route from a railroad track crew.
As it is, after researching a particular down, come what may. I proceeded to Having found the right turn-off, it's a
' <mn KSS S "


•y!» I
Jat; ft

• •••« a m if M )«*

• III!
• lilt c:is
• • • ••
•\~—**i&^ .» „. :
: • • " • • :

Right: Sunlight plays •••I
through holes in metal roof
of the Rawhide jail.
Vandals have removed cell doors,
but old mattress springs and,
in right cell, wrist manacles,
still remain intact.


long, lonely 26 miles (each way) across you simply couldn't live with the sight of had driven 26 miles to see. But after
the flats to Rawhide. Make sure there's dusty white sidewalls on the family seeing the road disappear over a far
air in your spare; it's a long walk to the limousine. Only when you actually enter horizon, and a search with binoculars re-
nearest petrol emporium. The road isn't the town does the road get rough, due vealed no further evidence of a town, I
bad at all, although washboard in several mainly to the flash floods that over the had no choice but to admit that I had ar-
spots during the last few miles. There years have roared through Stingaree rived. The thought occured to me that it
are a few modern mining operations Gulch, which forms the main street. was a shame that lynchings were out of
going on in the vicinity, so the road oc- There is so much less left than the old style now, because I would liked to have
casionally feels the leveling influence of photos had led me to expect, that I drove considered conducting one, with the
a road grader. I negotiated it unevent- a couple of miles past the townsite, re- author of a certain guidebook as the
fully with a 14-year-old-Thunderbird, so fusing to believe that the few scattered lynch-ee. However, I was determined to
you shouldn't have any problems unless structures beside the road were what I salvage something from the long drive,
Desert/October 1975 33



California residents add 6% sales tax

25c handling charge



P.O. BOX 1318, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 October 1975 so I got out and started exploring, in
hopes of discovering something missed
Co ahead, cut up your magazine. Check this box • and we will replace it.
on my first pass through.
If any town ever spawned the title

FISH! FISH! FISH! "middle of nowhere," then Rawhide,

Nevada must have been it. The desola-
tion of the setting is complete. Not a
single tree in sight. Barely a few blades
Get your share at Hall's Crossing of dry grass retain a tenacious toehold in
the sand and gravel. Not even the pre-
HALLS'S CROSSING MARINA OFFERS: Gas and oil, live bait and lures, fishing gear, boat repair
facilities, cold beer, ICE, groceries, slips and buoys for rent. Overnight accommodations that ponderance of the ever-present sage-
sleep two to eight persons. Write or call for reservations. At the general store: fresh milk, eggs, brush is in evidence. All around, every-
butter, frozen meat, cold cuts and canned items for camping or picnicking. Take a boat trip to
Rainbow Bridge in one day. 2, 3 and 4-day tours to various parts of the lake, camping and where you look, are mound upon mound
sleeping under the stars. Ferry service for travelers with light vehicles. All types of pleasure of tailings from the multitude of mines
craft for rent, from 14-ft. to houseboats. Airstrip is 4000 feet with tiedown facilities available.
that were the town's reason for existence


Write Lake Powell Ferry Service, Blanding, Utah or call 801-684-2261
in the early 1900's. The mines produced
both gold and silver, and the veins were
rather shallow, making it easy to get at.
Some of the best ore was assayed at
$26,000 to the ton. At the peak of its
boom, about 1909, the town played host
to a population of 5,000. There were

GORDON'S three banks (open 'til midnight), 12

hotels, one each of school, drug store,
4P<»III A >liiu h rnl steam laundry, clothing store, lumber
company, post office, jail, and theater,
1741 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach, Calif.
28 restaurants, 38 saloons, and, fighting
an uphill battle, four churches.
Open Monday thru Friday, 9:30 to 6 Saturday, 9:30 lo 5
Headquarters for: Telephone and telegraph lines kept
• Lapidary Supplies • Jewelry Making • Rockhound Supplies Rawhide in contact with the outside
• Silver & Gold Casting Machines • Cut Stones • Rough Rock world. A disastrous fire later leveled
Write for FREE ALL NEW GEM SHOPPER nine blocks of the business district.
Much of it was rebuilt, but the economy
never regained its momentum. By then
Desert/October 1975
It would be
hard to
imagine a
more bleak or
townsite than
that of
Treeless and
arid, except
when waters
of flash floods A FIELD GUIDE
roar down To the Common and
Stingaree Interesting
Jeanette Coyle
[actually the
and Norman C. Roberts
front] and off
to right of The first botanical field guide to the woody
plants of peninsular Baja Ca. Over 250
metal-roofed plants are described along with 189 color
adobe photos. Descriptions include past and pres-
ent uses of the plants by aborigines and
building at people in Baja today. Scientific, Spanish,
left. and common names are given. Choice of
durable coated paperback or clothbound
hardcover. 224 pages, 6 x 9 inches.
mining in Nevada had peaked out and safeguard the miners' gold dust and To order: Natural History Publishing Co.,
was on the decline. Like many gold and nuggets. P.O. Box 962, La Jolla, Ca. 92037. Hard-
cover: $11.00/Paperback: $8.50. (Califor-
silver boom towns of the old west, Raw- The most substantial building left at nia residents please add 6% sales tax.)
hide was pumped-up bigger than life by first doesn't seem very interesting. It is a
extravagant promotional efforts, and practically featureless square, con-
lacked the solid economic base necessary structed of granite blocks, with a corru-
for a more than fleeting existence. As gated metal roof. The foundation has
miners and businessmen moved on, been threatened from time to time by MILLER'S
seeking greener pastures, ghosts moved flood waters rampaging down Stingaree TECOPA HOT SPRINGS
in and Rawhide was no more. Gulch, but it is still quite solid. Upon formerly Lyle's
After wandering around for a while, closer inspection, though, this character-
less gray square turns out to be by far
Housekeeping Cottages
your eyes begin to pick out things un-
noticed before. Miners' "dug-outs," the most rewarding artifact left in Raw- Trailer Court
fashioned into the sides of the hills and hide. As you step inside, through the
"Nature's Fountain of Health"
faced with stone the same color as the sagging wooden door, you are greeted
sand and gravel, are camouflaged well by the sight of two heavy strap-iron jail P. O. Box 36
from the casual eye. This was the least cells. Mattress springs still lie on the Tecopa, California 92389

expensive form of habitation for a pros- floors, and one cell is still complete with
pector still waiting to make a strike. It wrist manacles. Over in a corner stands a

also had the benefit of being well in- pot-bellied stove, the inmates only de-
sulated against the searing heat of fense against the rugged Rawhide HACKWORTH
summer and the biting cold winds of winters. REALTY
winter. Sunlight plays through holes in the THE KEY TO YOUR NEEDS
Headframes of many mine shafts be- roof, and birds nest in the rafters. Van-
gin to materialize in the surrounding dals have managed to cart off the doors
hills, outlined against the stark blue sky, to the cells, but the rest is intact. After
standing guard over the glory-holes that the general let-down of the rest of the 2 Offices to Serve You
once drew men from far and wide. Here town, this find is a relief, and somehow
and there a few modest frame structures seems to make it all worthwhile again. Pine Grove Sutter Creek
still stand, having been spared the On the long drive back to the highway, P.O. Box 97 37 Main Street
209-296-7464 209-267-5600
ravages of fire and flood that finished I enjoyed the total solitude of the area,
their former neighbors, but final collapse wishing there was some way to bottle it
is not far off. A doorless safe or two lie and take some back to the noisy world Tom Hackwortti, Realtor
rusting in the open, no longer needed to Res: 209-296-7275
that most of us have to endure. •
Desert/October 1975

N NORTH-CENTRAL New Mexico, a several hundred feet into the sky on
pleasant hour's drive from historic either side. It was in this canyon that the
! Santa Fe, lies Bandelier National original inhabitants carved their homes
Monument. Within the confines of this into the sides of the cliffs and construct-
beautiful park can be found some of the ed community dwellings on the canyon
most colorful and fascinating artifacts of floor.
the Keres-speaking Pueblo Indians who Called Pueblos because of their habit
inhabited crude cave dwellings carved of living in closely-clustered communi-
by into the sheer cliff walls some 700 years ties resembling the pueblos, or villages,
CHARLES D. HALE ago. of Spain, these simple people maintain-
Located in the picturesque Jernes ed a compact form of social organization.
(HAY-mes) Mountains, the park consists The manner in which the Pueblos con-
of 29,600 acres in which have been pre- structed their homes and living quarters
served several centuries of Indian cul- is evidence of their fondness for intimate
ture and history. The major feature of social contact. The ruins that have been
the park is the long narrow canyon, preserved in the parksite provide a
formed by towering cliff walls that rise glimpse of the community life of the Pue-
blos centuries ago.
Archeological evidence suggests that
the Pajarito Plateau, in which Bandelier
National Monument is located, was first
settled during the 12th century A.D. The
area probably reached its population
peak sometime between the 14th and
16th centuries. The evidence is not
clear, but it appears that a series of mis-
fortunes—crop failure, disease, attacks
from warring neighbors —forced the
original inhabitants to seek a more favor-
able location in which to live. By the lat-
ter part of the 16th century, only a
handful of the original inhabitants re-
Left: Tyuoni was mained in the area.
once a large pueblo. Today the descendants of these peace-
Opposite Page: ful farming people reside in the Cochiti
Cave kiva in Frijoles (KOH-chee-tee) Pueblo, located on the
Canyon. Color photo west bank of the Rio Grande River, mid-
by Robert F. Campbell, way between Santa Fe and Albuquer-
Concord, California. que. Despite the effect of modern con-
36 Desert/October 1975

Left: Kiva
which was
used primarily
for religious
exploring the
cave rooms
carved into
sheer cliff

veniences, these people still enjoy a The early Pueblos who lived in Bande- after whom the park is named, an inten-
simple style of living, much as their an- lier left behind them a veritable treasure sive study of the Pajarito Plateau and the
cestors did before them. Renowned as chest of artifacts and remnants from Frijoles Canyon area was initiated in
outstanding artists, craftsmen, and pot- which the story of their life has been 1880. Today, the scenic grandeur of the
ters, these descendants of the original carefully constructed. Thanks largely to landscape, combined with the historic
Bandelier settlers continue to cling to the work of a distinguished Swiss-Amer- significance of the canyon, make the trip
many of the ways of their ancestors. ican anthropologist, Adolphe Bandelier, to Bandelier an unforgettable exper-
Among the main points of interest to
Enjoy Our be found in the park are the following:
New Modern Motel Big Kiva [KEE-va] — This under-
Kitchenettes ground structure was used by the Pue-
New Camper Park blos primarily for religious purposes.
Complete Utilities Kivas also served as training centers for
Relax in Our boys and young men, and were
Hot Mineral Baths occasionally used for healing and curing
Hydro Therapy Massage rites.
Tyuonyi [Tyoo-OWN-yee] — Once a

Tecopa HotSprings Resort

Old West Hospitality Crisp Clean Air Warm Winter Sunshine
large pueblo or village, the Tyuonyi was
three stories high in some places, con-
tained about 400 rooms, and housed as
many as 100 persons. Although small by
Phone 714-852-4373 present standards, the rooms were quite
Tecopa, California
comfortable and adequate for the people
at that time, who had few furnishings or
Tours in or near personal possessions. A model of the

Canyonlands National Park I Tyuonyi is on display in the Visitor's

Center of the park and provides an idea
•ISLAND IN THE SKY 'WASHERWOMAN of how the structure actually looked
•ARCHES NATIONAL PARK when occupied by the Pueblos.
•ONION CREEK "HURRAH PASS Cave Rooms — These man-made
caves were carved in the sheer cliff walls
8 Hours $15.00 per person by the Indians and were used as living
4 Hours $10.00 per person quarters. The ceilings have been black-
Special Tours $20.00 per person
Unfolded. Framable 16" x 22" Stereographic Maps
ened with smoke from fires which were
of Canyonlands & Arches National Parks,
$1.25 each Postpaid.
used for cooking, warmth and lighting.
The canyon wall is pockmarked with
LIN OTTINGER'S TOURS scores of these cave dwellings.
Moab Rock Shop, 137 N. Main, Moab, Utah 84532
Phone [801] 259-7312 for Reservations
Walking Rocks in Canyonlands Viga Holes — Above many of the cave
38 Desert/October 197S
dwellings can be seen a series of round Nearby, historic Sante Fe, with its
holes, called viga holes. These man- tree-shaded patios, brick-paved plaza,
made holes were cut into the cliff walls to and Palace of the Kings, awaits the visi- FUN t PROFIT
support roof beams. The pattern of tor. Here, amid the old-world charm that METAL DETECTORS
these holes indicate that the structures characterizes the Land of Enchantment,
were four stories high in some places, al- can be found additional reminders of the From $59.95 to $299.50
though most consisted of only three Spanish and Mexican influences that For the Prospector & Treasure Hunters.
We have Gold Pans, Books, Topo Maps,
levels. shaped the history of the state. Truly, Dredges, and many other Related Supplies.
Mortar & Pestle — Vi Pt. size Cast
Petroglyphs — These are pictures that Bandelier National Monument and the Iron — Postpaid $6.50.
were cut into the cliff walls by the In- surrounding attractions provide an ex-
cellent vantage point from which to gain
dians, either as artwork, or as a written 9322 California Avt., South Gat«, Calif.
a glimpse of our nation's history. • Phon. (213) 569-1041 90280
record of their lives. These pictures,
whose exact meanings have not been de-
termined, represent humans, birds, ani-
mals, and other symbols of nature. 1975
In order to help the visitor to better ap- HARVEST MOON SPECIAL
preciate the historic significance of the
park, the National Park Service main-
tains an excellent museum and Visitor
Center where displays and slide exhibits
provide a general orientation and inter-
OCT. 5 - NOV. 30
pretation of the area. A self-guided walk- Get a Group Together Sleeps 9 - Linen Included 3 Days $270.00
ing tour through the principal ruins takes Great Bass Fishing 4 Days $320.00
43' Twin Engine Houseboat
about an hour and is a must for those Free Fishing Skiff/9.5hp motor 7 Days $490.00
who are not discouraged by winding Completely Equipped
trails and rugged terrain. For Reservations or Free Brochure call:
Guided tours are conducted by the Na-
tional Park Service six times daily, June
through August. To make the tours even
or Write: P.O. Box 218,
La Mesa, California 92041 Hite Marina Inc.
more exciting, a limited number of cave
dwellings are open to the public for a
first-hand glimpse of what life must have
been like during the days of the ancient
Pueblos. An exploration of the nooks and
crannies of the caves is a delight to
adults and children alike. However, safe- % ton, heavy duty throughout, 4-speed transmission, power
ty must be stressed at all times, and visi- steering, power brakes, double air conditioning. Equipped for ex-
tors should be alert not to deface or des- tended back country operations, 30,000 miles. Best offer over
troy the cavesites. $5,000.00. Available with CB radio, winch, choice of wheels, tires.
A number of enchanting picnic areas Contact
are located throughout the canyon,
amid the lush green vegetation that
flourishes on either side of El Rito de los
Frijoles (The Little River of the Beans). Box 1404, Palm Desert, California 92260 714-346-6927
Here, in the cool shade of broadleafed
aspen and cottonwood trees, amid the
pungent fragrance of the spiny juniper, In the Heart of the Mother Lode visit
and surrounded by colorful splotches of the Most Picturesque of Them All
forget-me-nots, sedges, and alpine lark-
spur, the visitor may relax and bask in
the warm summer sun and refreshing
mountain air.
off Highway 88 in Amador County
For the outdoor enthusiast, a number
of scenic and restful campgrounds, rang- The Jug & Rose Launs General Store
ing from primitive to modern facilities, Muriel Thebaut Larry & Aloha Laun

are located within an easy drive of Ban- California Traveler A Stitch in Time
delier. Juniper Campground, with nearly Book Publisher Fred S. Cook Handmade Gifts Diana Mitchell
100 trailer and tent sites, is located
within the park itself. A $2.00 camping The Bandstand Little Shamrock Lapidary
fee is required. Muriel Thebaut Hank Varley

Desert/October 1975 39
Noic . .
Good things
are happening at . . .

ff Stay at the historic

This lovely 50-year-old hotel is

being rejuvenated. 20 rooms
opening October, 1975. All car-
peted. All beautifully furnished.
You, your family or your group
can make the Amargosa Hotel
your headquarters while in the
Death Valley area.
You can now dine in the restor-
ed DINING ROOM in the Hotel. ,
A separate banquet facility is^
available for groups.
Telephone Death Valley Junc-
tion ft\ for information or reser-
vations. ,,
• i*

Don't miss seeing Marta Becket

at her famous AMARGOSA,.
OPERA HOUSE. You've read,
about this beautiful and unique
attraction in Desert and Nation-
al Geographic. Make a visit to • ' ' ' 4 •• * ' . . . * • • :

the Amargosa Opera House a

must while you're in this area. HE FORGET-ME-NOT, of the genus ed, through bulldozing, reflected some
See Marta Becket's fabulous Cryptantha, is a common plant found need of Cryptantha. Careful attention to
murals inside the Opera House.
at a wide variety of elevations from roadsides seems to support this observa-
Performances on Friday, Satur-
day and Monday evenings at below sea-level in Death Valley to over tion as many species in this genus
8:15; doors open at 7:45. 8,000 feet in Utah. abound along the shoulders of desert
Telephone Death Valley Junc- Other plants are also called forget-me- highways.
tion #8 for reservations. Tours nots (Myosotis), and I will discuss these Popcorn flower, which members of
at a later date. It seems important to this genus are often called, is a member
stress that common names can be con- of the plant family known to botanists as
fusing as the same designation is often Boraginaceae, but lets junk this mon-
I The AMARGOSA GENERAL given to plants or animals that are very strous creation for the time being. Bor-
STORE, Death Valley Junction dissimilar. Such is the case with the for- age Family is much more pronounceable
Service Station and AMAR-1
get-me-nots which can be one of several and refers to the same grouping. Bor-
GOSA POTTERY are open.
Space is available for develop- different genera. age, bugloss, heliotrope, and coldenia
ment. Watch this space each Our subject this month generally are just a few flowers also found in this
month for more news as the re- tends to be small and slender with plant family, one of which may help you
! storation of Death Valley Junc- many greenish stems arising from a put Cryptantha into proper perspective.
5 tion continues. branched root crown. Normally annual, Apparently this plant group has not
the forget-me-not remains under two been used as a source of food by man.
feet tall with many species such as the Ants and small rodents frequently dine
lor further information about Sulphur-throated Forget-me not, Cryp- upon the seeds, but the stems and leaves
DEATH VALLEY JUNCTION tantha flavoculata, often only four inches are usually left to wilt under the intense
please write:
high at its tallest. summer sun.
Death Valley Junction. Inc.
P.O.Box 675 This spring our yard was covered with Spring is the season to look for these
Death Valley Junction, hundreds of this herb which blooms for multi-flowered annuals. Dry, disturbed
California 92328 one or two months. Oddly, there were far areas seem favored by the erect herbs
more plants within the perimeters of our where competition is lessened and the
property than outside it. Perhaps the fact forget-me-nots may often dominate
that the plot we live on had been disturb- along our desert trails. •
Desert/October 1975
" A Lonely Desert W a s h " . Photo by George Service

Share the desert

with your friends all year.
Send them a Ghristnjas gift subscription
a deep vessel, somewhat fesemWing a
tumbler. Most are about four inches tall

Rambling with the opening about two inches

across. The sides taper down to where
the bottom is about one inch inside, and

on rounded so that a ball of about one inch

in diameter would nicely fit into it.
The crucible, with the sample, is put
into a small furnace and brought to a

Hocks very high temperature. Any metals pre-

sent, such as gold, silver, copper, etc.,
will easily melt. The remainder of the
powdered sample usually melts also.
by This remainder is mostly quartz, as this
GLENN and mineral makes up about 50 percent of
MARTHA VARGAS the earth's crust. There are many other
materials there also, and most of them
melt and help to color the molten rock.
IMPOSTORS OF Those that do not melt will either float on
GEM MATERIALS: the molten sample or may sink to the
Green Crucible Buttons bottom, but they will not mix with the
molten metal.

OR OUR next few columns, we will
9330 Corbin Avenue discuss some of the many things that The metal portion of the assay is much
Northridge, CA 91324
• Send me your FREE 1976 Catalog
may be used to imitate gems. Some heavier than the molten rock, and settles
• Enclosed is $7.95. Send me your of these are simple materials made by to the bottom of the crucible as a small
240 page "Dredging For Gold,"
the book that tells everything man, others are more elaborate. Some ball. After cooling, the small mass of
about underwater gold-dredging.
are other minerals, perhaps being good glass-like molten rock is broken away,
Name _
enough to be a gem in their own right. freeing the ball of metal. The metal is
To introduce the series, we would like weighed, and the assayer can now tell
City State Zip
to recount some of our experiences with the percentage of metal in the sample.
a material that very few would suspect of The small mass of previously molten

Charles being a gem impostor, and thus very few

know of it. The impostor is a small blob
of glass-like material that is a byproduct
rock is the crucible button and usually
resembles a small ball. Nearly always it
is coated with a light-colored layer of oxi-

Brown of mining operations. We know of it as a

crucible button.
dized or unmelted material. Behind
every assay office there is a pile of

Co. 'Where Death Valley Begins"

To correctly describe a crucible
button, we must describe one of the ac-
tivities of mining. During the operation
broken crucibles and these crucible but-
tons. Some mines, and we suspect one in
particular, must have thousands of these
of a mine, the operator wishes to know at buttons.
Shoshone, California all times the value of the ore he is remov- Our first experience with crucible but-
ing. For this information, he employs a tons took place over 30 years ago. We
chemist that is known as an assayer. did not know of crucible buttons at the
COMPLETE MARKET The assayer, or his assistant, goes at time and were offered a number of
ICE regular intervals into the mine and col- these, being told they were tektites. Tek-
lects small samples of rock at various tites are also a glass-like material that
LIQUOR-BAR-CAFE points where ore is being removed. At has moved through outer space. We dis-
MOTEL these points, he drives a nail with an at- cused them in our August, 1972 column.
AND tached number that matches the number A clear, green type comes only from a
placed on the sample. (This last state- single location in Czechoslavakia. These
SERVICE STATION ment is not part of our story, but this were green and we were delighted to get
numbering is important to the operator if them.
TRAILER PARK he wishes to find the location of any par- We cut into some faceted gems, but
ticular sample.)
CAMPING FACILITIES soon decided that there was something
These samples are taken to the assay wrong. They were very brittle and would
SWIMMING office and carefully pulverized into a not take a good polish. After the gem
very fine powder. After a thorough mix- was finished, it soon altered on the sur-
Complete Services ing, a portion of the powder is carefully face and became frosty. Why this hap-
for Local Residents weighed, and then placed into a clay pens we are not certain, but it probably
and Travelers bowl known as a crucible. This is usually is an oxidation of some of the material
42 Desert/October 1975
tkit u/ic nat em$tetely molten &{ the Out Such things as the shape, the lighl-
time of the assay. colored coating, and the internal swirl
After some investigation and search, lines and bubbles. We will admit that the
we determined the true nature of our shape could remotely have been possible
"tektites," but we never have been able for peridot, and on occasions it does have
to learn the location of the mine that pro- a yellowish to reddish coating. It never
duces the green ones. Whoever is " m i n - has swirl marks or bubbles, but our in-
ing" these keeps it a very dark secret. formant insisted that we were looking
They are never stated to have come from through the piece and mistaking the
a mine, let alone an assay office. Some other side for bubbles and swirl marks.
are " f o u n d " in small pockets in out of Questioning the man as to how he
the way places, or as fine examples pick- knew for certain that it was peridot drew
some interesting answers. First, the
piece did not belong to him. It had been
given to him to cut into a gem, thus he
was quoting the owner's information.
We were told that a refractive index had I lummingbird Feeder
been taken, and it was that of peridot. In
order to determine the refractive index • BEE PROOF • NOTHING TO RUST
of any material, it must have a perfectly
flat polished surface. We did not see any 5 0
ONLY $ 3 *•*•« TkkO-HKMiHt
f | , flat surface, thus we concluded that no Send check or money order to palm Desert. California 92260
refractive index was ever taken. We Ctlif. Res. tdd 6% M ' M fix

were given names of well-known indivi-

duals and institutions that had identified
it. Our experience with quotations of ex-
perts has been very disconcerting; many
times, the experts have never seen the
article, and we were sure this was the "TROLLY CAR" WAS
case here. INVENTED,
Button [left] and crucible.
Experiences such as these sadden us
Covington manufactured hand & foot powered grinders
ed up at random at a gem location. We for always someone is being misled. As a for Gem Coral & Sea Shells - never losing their
leadership. They now offer a selection of over 200
have seen them offered for sale on many result, this person will usually spend modern pieces of Lapidary Equipment & Accessories.

occasions, and a large number have been money and/or time on something that is
brought to us for identification. They Deluxe Gem Tumbler
probably worthless.
Rugged, compact for pros
have masqueraded as other gem mater- Very recently, one of our students & beginners. Mod. 250D,
ials, as well as tektites. Quite commonly visited a gem show where he observed Sh.Wt.18lbs.
they have been called obsidian, which is the workings of the mineral and gem
not very different from a tektite. How- identification booth. The person that was 8" & 10" Koolerant Kontrolled
ever, we have never seen green obsidian operating the booth was well trained, but T r i m Saws Heavy duty
throughout Complete with Power
and do not believe it exists. We shall dis- as events showed, had never seen a Feed & Cut-Out. Switch & Motor.
Mod.157d.10'. •
cuss "green obsidian" stories in our crucible button. Sh. W t . 45 lbs.
next column. One was brought in for identification,
Diamond Drill,
A very logical gem material for cruci- being hopefully represented as green
Carver & Buffer
ble buttons to imitate is the popular gem opal. We had never heard of it imitating Special design saves dia-
peridot. This has evidently happened on opal before! It was identified as a tektite, mond drills. Ideal for Tur-
quoise & other valuable
a number of occasions. One of our most which we can readily understand under stones. Mod. 605D. Sh. Wt.
interesting experiences with crucible the circumstances. Our student sensed 10 lbs $54.90
buttons concerned its being called something wrong, but could not be sure.
peridot. Later, he described the incident to us. 'COVINGTON .
I Box 35, Dept. D., Redlands, CA 92373
At a gem show in the fairly recent During his description of the material, J Please
Plpase accept
acnpnt my
mv order
nrriflr for the
thn following
follnwinn i1
past, we were introduced to a man in which was perfect, we went to our supply nd ship at once:
order that he might show us the very of crucible buttons and showed him one. I Enclosed is my:
Gem Tumbler
Trim Saw

"unusual" piece of gem material that he He recognized it immediately. Money Order

had. As soon as it was handed to us we It took us 30 years, but our exper- Name
knew what it was. If it had been a peri- iences with crucible buttons has come I Address.
dot, it certainly would have been very
excellent. No amount of talking on our
full circle back to tektite. Now if we could
only learn where these nice green ones I City
part could sway the man in his belief that come from, our education should be | State Zip.
he had anything but peridot. We pointed complete. • • Be sure to enclose postage. Calif. Buyers Add Tax. I
mm ™ MM wmm «M —» —m m~ J
Desert/October 1975 43
JEWELRY, GEM and mineral how-to-do craft GEM SHOP WEST. Mineral specimens, custom GOVERNMENT LANDS! From $7.50 ACRE!
books, field guides with maps. Free book list. jewelry, gem identification, slabbing. 72-042 Vacationing, Farming, Investment! Exclusive
Gembooks, Box808DM, Mentone, Calif. 92359. Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, California 92270. "Government Land Buyer's Guide" . . . plus
Phone 346-2812. "Land Opportunity Review" listing lands
throughout U.S. Send $2.00. Surplus Lands, Box
LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological 6588-RJ, Washington, D.C. 20009.
history of the southern California desert, with JEWELRY
photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50
postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., Box 67, Bell- CUSTOM-MADE JEWELRY, all types, rock GOVERNMENT LANDS DIGEST . . . A monthly
flower, Calif. 90706. review of Government Real Estate offerings
slabs. Write: Freda M. Francisco, 11335 East
Lambert, El Monte, Calif. 91732. throughout the U.S.A. . . . Send $2.00 for 3
month trial subscription. Digest, Box 25561-DM,
"GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to Seattle, Washington 98125.
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun, $5.50 year.
Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Box 687DM,
Mentone, Calif. 92359. • MAPS FIVE LEVEL ACRES. Two houses, trees, water,
power. Four miles Edwards Air Force Base.
$17,500. $1500 down. $150.00 month. Leo
BACK ISSUE MAGAZINES, Desert, Arizona MAPS, OLD STATE, RAILROAD, COUNTY Larson, 44217 Third St. E., Lancaster, California
Highways, Holiday, 200 more titles. 1890-1974. Maps 70-110 Years old. SASE, Northern Map, 93534.
Self-addressed, stamped envelope. Everybody's Dept DM, Eagle River, Wise. 54521.
Bookshop, 317 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles,
Calif. 90014. MAPS-MAPS-MAPS, authentic 1784 to 1884
Survey Maps of every state and Canadian Pro- • ROCKHOUNDS
"LOST MINES AND TREASURES OF THE vinces showing Gold and Silver mines being
SOUTHWEST" by Jimmie Busher. 200 stories. mined then with some geological claims. Maps DIG YOUR OWN! List of over 110 nationwide
200 maps. Every treasure hunter needs this fan- of each state $9.95. Southern California Distri- fee areas open to amateurs. Addresses, fees,
tastic new book! Wonderful gift. $5. Treasure buting, 10077 Arrow Highway, Cucamonga, telephone numbers, minerals found, other infor-
Book Guides, Box 368, Mesilla Park, New California 91730. mation supplied in this constantly updated list.
Mexico 88047. Satisfaction guaranteed. $2.00 postpaid.
Kindler, P. O. Box 12328D, Philadelphia, PA
"1976" CATALOG of Survival/Military Books/ MINING
Manuals. 50c. Guerrilla Warfare, Special Forces
— "Survival" long storage foods, list 50c. Ken ASSAYS, COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. REACH A SELECTIVE audience with a Classi-
Hale (DM-50), McDonald, Ohio 44437. Highest quality spectographic. Only $6.00 per fied Ad in The Trading Post section of Desert
sample. Reed Engineering, Suite C, 1140 No. Magazine for as little as $5 monthly.
Lemon St., Orange, Calif. 92667.
Francisco to Salt Lake City). For those who de- • TRAVEL
sire a better understanding of the forces behind 100,000 SHARES in defunct gold mining com-
the landscape. Text and pictures are correlated pany issued in your name. Original engraved
to full color maps for locality identification. Text stock certificate. History included. Impressive 4WD-"JEEP" Scenic Adventure Trips. Death
planned for easy understanding by the layman. conversation piece. Money back guarantee. Valley region, all desert areas. Paul H. Thomp-
81/2" by 1 1 " , 46 pages, many color photos. $2.00 each. Order three for friends and receive son Enterprises, Box 20, Darwin, Calif. 93522.
Informative and useful. First of a planned series real placer gold display. Kimco, Box 469, Yreka, 714-876-5469.
by the American Geological Institute. Plan now California 96097.
to acquire a set. $3.00 plus 5% handling. Varna
Enterprises, Dept. A, 6441 Varna Avenue, Van PICTORIAL TRAVEL GUIDE to the canyonlands
Nuys, California 91404. "THOSE WORTHLESS" OLD STOCKS you've of southeastern Utah, with photos, maps and
got tucked away are quite often very valuable. text by DESERT Utah Associate Editor, F. A.
We trace all old companies. L'Ensign Ford, 910 Barnes, 48 pages, $2.50 postpaid. Canyon Coun-
BURIED TREASURE! An unrivaled collection of Park Avenue, Laurel, MD. 20810. try Publications, P. O. Box 963D, Moab, Utah
"Where To Look" and "How To Search" books. 84532.
$2.00. Treasure, Box 1377-D, LaCrosse, Wise.
FREE 156 page catalog on detectors, books and
S, 1883-84-85 O mint $10.00 each. Catalogue
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238
50c. Schultz, Box 746, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110
PRECISION LAPIDARY Abrasive Compounds Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. 90706.
for tumbling, polishing and grinding. Send for
free catalogue and price list. MDC Industries, WILL YOU GAMBLE $4.00 to save $200? Build
400 West Glenwood Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. • REAL ESTATE one of several detectors from our 20-page book
19140. Dealer Inquiries Invited. "Build Transistor Treasure Detectors." Easily
APX. 25 LEVEL ACRES SE of Desert Center. fjllowed instructions, $4.00. Trionics, Box 164D,
Por N y2 NEV4 Sec. 7; T 9 S; R 18 E; SBB&M. Brewer, Maine 04412.
• GEMS Imp. Cnty Pels 005-810-03-01 & 005-810-08-01
Six hundred dollars as defined by congress. HOW TO PLACE YOUR AD
SHAMROCK ROCK,SHOP, 593 West La Ca- Sunyrieh, Wright & Sunyrich, P.O.Box 323, Mail your copy and first-insertion remittance
dena Dr., Riverside, California 92501. Parallel to Grass Valley, California 95945. to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine, Palm
Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956. Come in Desert, Calif. 92260. Classified rates are 25c
and browse; jewelry mountings, chains, sup- per word, $5.00 minimum per insertion.
plies, minerals, slabs, rough material, equip- HOW TO BUILD a Fortune in Real Estate. Infor- Deadline for Classified Ads is 10th of second
ment, black lights, metal detectors, maps, rock mative Booklet with inside information $2.00. month preceding cover date.
and bottle books. United Sales, P.O.Box 768, Ontario, Calif. 91761

44 Desert/ October 1975

BURIED TREASURE — Locate up to quarter
mile away with ultra-sensitive Directional Loca-
tor. Send for free, informative pamphlet. Re-
search Products, Box 13441-BUC, Tampa, Fla.
Just a Reminder...
That it's time to start thinking about your
Christmas Gift L i s t . . . we know it's early,
but the days do slip by.
TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free
24-page booklet. GeoFinder Co., Box 37, Lake-
wood, Calif. 90714.

POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold,

silver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee.
May we Suggest...
Terms, free information. Underground Explora- A Gift Subscription to DESERT Magazine
tions, Dept. 3A Box 793, Menlo Park, Calif.
94025. with a hand-signed gift card—this way you will
be remembered every month throughout the year.
REACH A SELECTIVE audience with a Classi-
fied Ad in The Trading Post section of Desert And, to shop really early, use the subscription
Magazine for as little as $5 monthly. form below. BE SURE TO STATE IF IT IS A
Or perhaps a selection from our listing
PROFESSIONAL ART BY MAIL-Theonly one of of Western Americana books from our latest
its kind you have been looking for. Courses ap- catalog included in this issue. For your
proved by California Dept. of Education. Send
for Free Brochure. Roy Keister College of Fine convenience, a handy mail order form appears on Page 34.
Arts, 19 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050.

DESERT ROADS Got You Confused? Mark 'em

with our fluorescent "Trail Markers". Wan En-
terprises, Box 1696, Thousand Oaks, Calif.
91360. $2.75 per Pkg. P.Paid.
P. O. Box 1318, Palm Desert, California 92260
October 1975


JULIAN EPITAPH—weekly publication from old
mountain gold mining town. History, humor, NAME
small town news. Unique gift item. Yearly
$10.00. Box 764, Julian, California 92036. ADDRESS ZIP CODE

SELL YOUR PHOTOS. Report tells how and

where. Color Slide markets. Only $1.00. BME n SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO:
Enterprises, Box 818-TP, Banning, Calif. 92220.
on natural leather pendant. Permanent colors. ADDRESS
Adjustable cord length. Allow two weeks for de-
livery. $6.90 includes gift-box and postage. No
C.O.D.s. McDonald, 536 W. Fredricks St., Bar-
stow, California 92311.
Sign Gift Card: "From
COIN INVESTMENTS For Retirement and
Profits! Complete Information included in our NAME
Detailed Publication! $2.00 Postpaid. Coins, Box
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Write Spencer Namon Company, Box 515-D9,
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SELL YOUR PHOTOS—Make money with your NAME

camera. Report tells how and where. Only $2.00
from Smyth-Bermuda of California 92I20


Be sure to include old address Two Years $11.00 • ALSO SEND DESERT'S 12-ISSUE
as well as the new
$4.50 (Includes tax and postage)
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AND BOTH ZIP CODES! (Or Three One Years) Date Binder(s) with Year(s) • Undated

Desert/October 1975 45
THE BLACK WIDOW helplessly tied up and ready (but not wil-
Continued from Page 19 ling) to receive the fatal nip from the
Display your INSULATORS in many different-
attractive-functional ways. Send ony $1.75 widow's fangs or chelicera as they are
for plan No. 1-TABLE TOP INSULATOR LAMP. fully as he came. Any misstep could cost called by scientists. She then backs off,
Large complete easy to follow plan and
photo . Plus a listing of our many other unique
him his life. waiting for the venom to take effect.
INSULATOR DISPLAY PLANS - KITS and price As the male approaches the silken When movement has ceased she returns
list of our large INSULATOR COLLECTION. threads of his prospective bride, he to suck out the fluid content of the
( 50 * refundable with second order) gently tugs them. This seems a special lifeless animal.
insulator king signal which lets the female know a The body moisture of the widow's vic-
groom is coming aboard. Mating is brief, tims provides sufficient water for her
P.O. Box 17416 San Diego, CA 92117
the male fertilizing the female, then fol- survival in the dryness of her desert
lows his treacherous tightrope walk to home. When times are tough, there not
safety. If he isn't too taken with the being any insects about, she will retire
whole affair, he'll make it off the web. deeper into her home and fast for several
Occasionally, however, he makes a mis- weeks or even months if necessary.
step, alarming the female who hastily During this period, her health deterior-
gobbles him up. Some honeymoon! ates, the abdomen shrinking consider-
The female subsequently deposits ably, but she is still able to capture food
from 300-500 eggs wrapped in a silken should things pick up. A summer cloud-
STOP THAT cocoon. The cocoon forms a protective burst or the onset of spring usually
THIEF WITH covering around the eggs, preventing brings relief.
IOCKSTRAP predation upon the maturing young. The All forms of wildlife have enemies and
A revolutionary new design silk used in cocoon making is amazingly the black widow is no exception. Modern
attaches to front and rear strong, having a tensile strength greater man, of course, does not hesitate in rid-
slot. For all G.I. cans and
all 6 " high rear panels. than steel. The youngsters emerge in ding his dwelling of this dangerous spi-
All steel construction and about 30 days, striking out on their own der. However, primitive man saw the
electric welded.
Type E Only immediately. They look nothing like black widow as a useful object. Dr. C.
their parents, often being brightly color- Hart Merriman, chief of the U. S. Biolog-
INQUIRIES S" 11 * f o r FREE Brochure Showing
ed and marked. They are poisonous, but ical Survey from 1885-1910, discovered
INVITF.D. Other Models to Fit Any Vehicle^ because of their small size and even that certain southwestern Indian tribes
S 1141 Wiltsey Rd. S.E., Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 ^ T smaller fangs, are of no danger at this used the venom of the black widow to
point in their lives. It is at this time when poison arrow tips. The spiders would be
the spiders move about looking for a collected, then mashed together, the ar-
DR. K. D. REYNOLDS suitable home. They are so small they row being rubbed in the messy concoc-
CHIROPRACTOR have little difficulty in squeezing under tion. Needless to say, it worked.
doorways or crawling through insect
Southwestern Indians making poison-
Five Years at Miller's screens. In most instances black widows
ed arrows are certainly not the only pre-
Tecopa Hot Springs enter homes when they are small, matur-
dators of the black widow. She must con-
ing in about six months to larger adult
tend with a host of lizard species that
General Practice size.
would like nothing better than to add a
The Natural Way The black widow web is certainly noth- relatively large, juicy spider to their
ing for any self-respecting spider to be menu. Most notable of the lizard pre-
Tecopa, California
proud. It's a messy, low-to-the-ground dators are the large alligator lizards
affair, one thread going off in one direc- (Gerrhonotus sp.) which especially relish
tion and a second leading off in another. the widows. Biologist Sherman Minton
TREASURE HUNTERS The widow isn't picky, however, and be- has found some evidence to suggest that
— PROSPECTORS — sides, the cross-hatched structure works. lizards may be immune to the venom's
Metal-Mineral Detectors Insects always litter the webbing, all of effects.
DREDGES which are neatly bound up, waiting their The praying mantis will also consume
DRY WASHERS MAPS turn to be drained of their body fluids. her if she's not careful. Apparently, the
BOOKS TOOLS ASSAY KIT Even though the female spider posses- mantis is protected from her deadly bite
LAPIDARY EQUIPMENT ses a highly neurotoxic venom, most ef- by his thick exoskeleton.
Send 25c for catalog to: fective in subduing prey, she prefers to All in all, it seems our lady friend has
AURORA tie up her victims before giving the lethal few redeeming qualities. She does
6286 BEACH BLVD. dose. When a meal becomes tangled in consume about 2000 pesky insects in her
the lines, she quickly begins throwing brief life, but then so do many other less
(714] 521-6321
loops of thread around and around the dangerous spiders. When it comes down
9264KATELLA struggling morsel. Tiny "combs" at the to it, she really hasn't many friends. In
ANAHEIM, CALIF. 92804 end of her fourth pair of legs facilitates fact, she's about as unpopular as a girl
[714]995-1703 this flinging of thread. The insect is soon can get! •
46 Desert/October 1975
i have often wondered what it might have

Letters Calendar
been used for. One suggestion has been that
it is a "salute" cannon. Maybe one of your
readers can tell more about it.

to the Desert Willow . . .

Palm Desert, California.

Letters requesting answers must
include stamped self-addressed envelope
We enjoyed your article of the desert
willow being a catalpa, as we have always
called it a desert willow. Enclosed is a picture
of our tree which blooms constantly from May
through September. This tree has beans just
as the catalpa trees do. SEPTEMBER 28-OCTOBER 20, Saddeback
Western Art Gallery presents an exhibit of

Murals Explained . . . . American Wildlife paintings by Care Barks,

ene Diekhoner, Penny Edwards, Beebee
Hopper, Gene Knight, Martha M. Nelson,
I have just received the September issue
. . . • !

Nancy Turner Rea and Donna Day Western-

and read the letter from Frank W. Ellis con- •. • ,*. a*
* •' * «• » y man. Santa Ana Freeway and First St., Santa
cerning the "murals" in Chloride Canyon.
Ana, Calif., 92701.
My wife and I are history buffs and we were
. i • • /i,
traveling through Arizona on one of our his- * s OCTOBER 3-5, Fourth Annual "Rough Run"
tory tours. We stopped in Chloride for some • '** . m. in Afton Canyon, sponsored by the Pasadena
photos, and in order to identify the buildings # *v * Free Wheelers. Registration, $7.50 donation.
and sites we inquired about them at a little 1>* For details write: Jerry Wendt, 326 E. Colo-
bar. The proprietor was very helpful and in rado, Arcadia, Calif. 91006.
the course of our conversation, told us of the
"murals." Then, in true western hospitality, OCTOBER 4 & 5, Bisbee Mineral Show,
he piled us in his pickup and took us to the * *- sponsored by the Bisbee Gem & Mineral
site. The "murals" are truly remarkable. The Club, National Guard Armory, Bisbee, Ari-
color transparencies I took can verify this. 2
zona. Exceptional displays, special programs.
The story the proprietor told us was that
w ' •
OCTOBER 7-19, 22nd Annual Show of the
the Curator of the Museum in Flagstaff came
Fresno Gem & Mineral Society, Inc., held in
out there and painted the pictures as a hobby.
conduction with the Fresno District Fair,

Some of the paintings were abstract, some
had an Indian motif, and one large mural
pictured the "Destruction of Chloride!" All
r Kings Canyon Rd., Fresno, Calif. Chairman:
Montie Wheat, 1565 No. Pacific Avenue,
Fresno, Calif. 93728.
The murals have been there for several One side note of interest. We have a turtle OCTOBER 10-12, 3rd Annual Tucson Lapi-
years. Our trip was in 1969. that lives in a low juniper at the foot of the dary and Gem Show, sponsored by the Old
FOREST M. BROWN, tree where it finds the blossoms wonderful Pueblo Lapidary Club, Inc., Tucson Commun-
Sacramento, California. food. ity Center Exhibition Hall, 350 South Church
J. D. SHARP, M.D., St., Tucson, Arizona. Dealers. Chairman:
Twentynine Palms, California. Marion Poulson, P. O. Box 2163, Tucson,
Arizona 85702.
Query for Old Gun Buffs . . .
Enclosed is a picture of what appears to be Enjoyed August C o v e r . . . OCTOBER 11 & 12, Annual Meeting of the
a small cannon I found in the desert 15 years World-of-Rockhounds Association, at camp-
I was very interested to find Quanah site located about 2 miles east of Clay Mine
ago, south of Desert Hot Springs, California.
Parker's picture on the August, 1975 Desert Road near Boron, California. Displays, even-
It is six inches long with a half-inch bore. It
Magazine. ing campfire, entertainment, field trips. Con-
appears very old and is a rough casted iron.
A friend of mine, Grace M. Jackson (Mrs. tact: Mrs. Carol Mahr, 27419 Fawnskin
Clyde J ackson), has written a book on Quanah Drive, Palos Verdes, California.
Parker's mother, Cynthia Ann Parker. The
book is titled, "Cynthia Ann Parker", and is OCTOBER 18 & 19, 26th Annual Gem Show
published by Naylor Press of San Antonio, presented by the Whittier Gem & Mineral
Texas. Society, Palm Park, 5703 S. Palm Avenue,
It contains the life story of Cynthia Ann, Whittier, California 90608.
her early childhood, her capture, her life with OCTOBER 19, Cactus and Succulent Show
the Comanche, her return to civilization and sponsored by the Sunset Succulent Society,
death. There are pictures of Quanah, his Marine Park Center, 1406 Marine St., Santa
children and three wives, and other pictures Monica, California. Admission free. Call
of him including one where he is standing Shirley Coss, 213-822-7081.
beside his mother's picture, the only picture
ever made of her. OCTOBER 25 & 26, 7th Annual Fall Photo-
I enjoyed this book very much, and with the history Fair featuring antique and classic
fall cover in color of Quanah Parker, it will cameras, sponsored by the Western Photo-
mean even more to me. graphic Collectors Assoc, Pasadena City
NANCY LEE CARMICHAEL, College, 1570 Colorado Blvd., Pasadena,
Fullerton, California. Calif. Admission $1.50, students $1.00.
Desert/ October 1975 47



14"x17" with white margins, on Send your name, address, zip code
high quality paper stock. No letter-
ing or folds. The artist's personal
account of how each phase of the
series came to be painted is litho- I W r (POSTAGE AND TAX PAID)
graphed on the back of each one. DESERT Magazine,
Ready for framing. Great for the den P.O. Box 1318, Palm Desert,
or game room! California 92260

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